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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 466g�iii..6 6R 1 I- INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espic50X1-HUMue 18, -U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET - COUNTRY RIZEglati SUBJECT Jiig itteir0 Rtaitania 50X1-HUM DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REPORT DATE DISTR. 24 March 1958 NO. PAGES 2 REFERENCES RD SOURCE - SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 10 JAREIZirk, trmzeittero are lovated thragghout Rznania in the following �Moos 50X1-HUM Rawreoti bo 0. Stalin �, abiza do cTglOhltve@ to plmji fo pr*As�. go :WA Mare ho Satm Moe in Arad J,DJ � Deva � Timi@mo* no endow's, no Tann &merit �0 Pite@ti p0 PfloisAi ok Conatmts. to Roma u, Batooami � "U.toedornsi � if CM** auderlimed hsve na.re am eta jammorg ikaaresti9 for example9 haA 41amt 30 it t� GP] 0 110A, of the transmitters WS 250 Vitt� alm *mot mens 1 t* vatt jammer@ are in lisRo SECRET STATE ,t I X I ARMY I XI NAVY I X I AIR I X I FBI I I AEC I I USIA I x (Note: Washington distribution Indicated by "x"; Field distribution by "#".) INFORMATION,- REPORT _ INFORMATION REPORT -1-2 7 -Pcz� Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 �Nf 7,- Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 SECRET JtJ/V I -I IVIVI 2, One of the transmitters in Bucuresti is looated in Parma. Liberatii (formarly Para (arol) in Turm Tepee, on a hill, The canter i fenced and guarded. Tho oity itself is divided into distriets9 each with a center fer'monit-erivg Western tranamissions in Rnmanian, Hungarian arri German. The so centers control the activities of the jammers under - the general guidante of the Minisfavy of the Interi r, 3. The rdniatIVI of the Intericr hes a spacial departaant9 called the Military Security Csnter9 headed by Major (posSibly Lt. Colo) Come]. ColmboViei, strong cablamistio party mamber. His brother9 Vintila Golumbavici, is an-inspeetor of janaer transmitter d ie also a atreng orlmtated eammuniat and a parby Member. Thera is aetechnical dio loeeded on So s Panduri, where jammera are deigned and coniT structed. Ibis diwition is responsible to the Radio Direction Section of *be ItiviotaDy of the interior. 40 The jammer tranemitters trensmit a el'ie2 signal9 at intervals9 which is believed to be a navigablon aid for aireraft. Each tranamitter is given a, ember (lint& w not known for any transmitter). There is a tranwitter for each wave lengths, most of which operate in the 200.600 meter bad, although there is coverage of the 2542 meter band. lviosb* hmee receivers (98%) Can receive the 1000.2000 m. band9 the 200.600 m, band9 and the 2542 a, bend. The remining 2% can, receive the 16 and 19 meter band transmissions� 5. The jamming temszeltters were designed by Ing. Paul Popesclurialaiesti9 who works ,22 the direetor of the research department of the Ocv,operativa 30 Deeembriem in a building owned Whim, at Carol'Davila 899 Bucurestio PopescueMalaiesti is,aensidered the best electronics engineer in Runeglnia. The eireuit diagram _tor a transmitter is shown in attachment 1, The noise is frats a tapeL and varie from 25 cycles to 150 cycles. The 0.Ve cult shown uses a 65k7 at a VF011 about 120 m. wavelength9 2 doublers uaing 6 v6 and a 6;L6 and a RF amplifier using an 803 in the Output Hadalvtien is Cbtalnid from pushepull 807s driven by 6 V6 GT, The circlUt used ahown in attaehment 2. Power supplies are shown in attacbment 3. Conve4tiena1 equipment9 such as low or high voltage cutouts were not shawm. 50X1-HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 ".� 211. � " "qt�' - ' Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 , 6V6 (6(16) 13a% mooK.71,1000o.OP.Moi Proomommooroo.X.osomolioftom000.~14.1. e4V=11.46fVZ,Nr-V2 ^ F5'w�F 61.6 ("3) � � � PFC f 11:100 L s .004 50 w4F 100 IE-sw\A-4\- I.� *c) .00 RFC 100 100 1000 0 002.0. KesBti 1�.���,....�����������..� �4A.AAA0-- 3 K Ci I 00 ,tij vanable 5000/C.v : 7 - 50,44 zero Luc. trimmer 5-ootht (3 15,tpiF heave cotc. Sook/V Cif 100 Actir variahle 500 wv Cs : 100 AO variable 500 wr 10 0 ,L3gF Vaile (000wV C.T 2X IO04 F variable 3000 WV AN). T�2 To CUd 4I.hI O +2.10.V.stabiliza 0 + 300.vt + 600 V. + 500V Co 0 i� z000 - ziasvermod.iatofr opt - 80v. To NJ& Sure Li 113H33S. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 210 41111. MODULATOR. 120 W. � 615's GS17,6V6vri sort FtAtti 4%4 tiolup Swit4 0 0 0 +/So,' o +. 500Y to laoias L Ft01.11 Suttly AS,�����. ~. 41...4,..,..r.r.LQ*1.,��,.,����,�70.�������� To C10,1.1e4. SUly 1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 �,. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 SECRET Fuses 41.1 fkilek Staid% ) NW; 4.4 4�e/ 11�h!e/ 1 jit,),11 10.-0 DCG 4/z000 .( 8C64) CL 40H7 rale 41.1. �0 3,4F 3000 f sot< WOW 0�150* Ittr\O Fuses aot 1�Itte Swartz 411110 -I Fuse (s6LeJ Jo k 30w ruses hi esijbv swge) i...MM,.�������������*�*,.. 54 4 C on or) ��� 4110. I i Ct 10 HI 3cuel ---, 169F NE 161F eve ele 40..1 10 lat tcka 301( low Vet Mg i460 itsoe .01 4 3OI4 100.4 6116-> 300v Fi.it state, P. 414 wee,. 441.4 .- Creel Igilet f.r 0? i.f v Sof 's P late e4.14 � +000V Fee Ft.ta I. HE COelF To Hr. "Counter -0-0 90 000-0 00 0-0 -0-0 Wait 7-5771 11.41 12 4 fevyt t c re. Rags! 0 �C ; S *art %et .I , I . 'Power L he 0 � 0 4111.11..114........1�1!4������������414.... SECRET 0 1- - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900240003-8 15Lect, 131IOUs Out /to r. Ivelisr t 860V SO eaele HP. FILdlji.tt. 4110 I, (dor + 500 V $..vvrester Scree. G En Fioul 11 0 `" 1E4,14 0_0 C-1-0 G ft 50X1-HUM J