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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Bioelectrical Phenomena in the Cortex of the Larger (Cerebral) Hemispheres. A.I. Roitbe~k The conditioned reflex is a central physiological phenomenon in the normal work of the cortex of the larger hemispheres. (~*: Hereafter referred to as the cerebral cortex.) Proceeding~fram this ;, .the main gap. in the electxopby'siological study of the cerebral cortex can be formulated in approximately the Hollowing may; to study on the basis o~ bioelectrical expressions of activity of cortical neurons those~3nner nerve processes'xhieh are the basis of the coxiditioned- reflex activity,. (Footnote: thinks that... "the machanism~ of the conditioned reflex cannot be determined. in terms of neuron synapse, sad impulse! " (Adr--ion, 1938). The conditioned reflex. is a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 reflex to be realized through temcporary connection, i. e. this is a physiological phenomenon that has definite structural foundations, ':,and certainly the mechanism of conditioned reflexes can be disclosed by physiological methods of investigation (see Pavlov, 1932, 193t+3 Beritashvili, 1953)? ~ the other hand, in the opinion of Walter, this is only a question of technical refinements in order to be able to observe in the form of electrical discharges ideas that arise in the brain of man (Walter, 1952). Of course, this notion is not correct. Thinking cannot be expressed as adequately ideal in bioelectrical potentials of brain tissue and cannot be reduced to them.) Apparently the oscillographic method giving an opportunity for direct observation of the nerve processes moat-play an incomparably greater role than the method of extirpation and the method of electrical stimulation, even in case it is limited~by the use of bioelectrical phenomena as such in the objectives of investigation of the physiological. ftmctions of the cerebral cortex, the question of the 'essentiality of the nature of these potentials, i. e. Whether temporarily it is not to be regarded as the physico-chemical bases of these potentials, being put aside. Indicative of this are the large-scale discoveries made during the last 25 years, after thg Kell-known paper of Sanoilov (1930): in the Yield of the physiology of the spinal cord, as Well as the quick accumulation~of~cts on Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the electrophysiology of the cerebral cortex. Having set as ~Y purpose the use of the osaillographic method for study of conditioned-reflex activity, .I, resolved to carry out a whole elimina ~`~`'`'`~ P~' ry series of Investigations in conditions of p~teF~ -~~g~'iug experiments on narcotized and on normal animals and to study bioelectrical reactions of the cerebral cortex arising during Sts direct electrical stimulation and,.ar~ stimulation of the receptors or the corresponding nerves. These reactions have been insufficiently studied even in conditions of ingenious experiments, and on normal animals they have not been able to be recorded until very recently. As to the origin and phys~,ological iiaportance of these reactions, tjhere have been a number of hypotheses, often contradictory.. It-is- ;,necessary~o~~thi~nk that only after solving these problems will. it be possible to proceed to ~oscillographic~investigation of the condit3,cned- ' ' rePle~c activity of the cerebral cortex. The work presented is experimental, and little space is assigned ' ~-1J~~ ~,~ . to considerations not based,direotly on facts. No goal, has been-sct -~;~ to give a systemat3.c literate survey of all that has been done in the sphere of the electrophysiology of the cerebral cortex. Special attention has been allotted to clarification of certain complex, debatable questions. Although each cycle~of the investigations issued from the preceding and the separate parts of the work have logical Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 connection With one another, it is difficult for them to appear unified under a common designation. In Part I the results are ~IAJ~A .2 presented of $e~ted experiments on narcotized animals. In Part ~II (not in this book) the results will be presented of experiments on normal animals. I consider it a pleasant duty to express profound thanks to my instructor, Academy Member I.S. Beritashvili, for the interest which he showed in my Work and for. his valuable instruction and advice) and to Professors N.N. Dzidzishvili, A.B. Kogan, P. O. Makarov, S.P. Narikashvili, and S.N. Khechinashvili for the valuable critical comments made by them at reading the manuscript. Chapter I Certain .Data From the Flectrophysiology of'the Nervous System Which Will be Used During Analys3,e of the Bioelectrieal Reactions of the Cerebral Corte$ The School bf Physiology Leningrad. University, contrary to the prevalent principle of "x11 or' nothi " has ~ a NtJQ.~I%,sfJ n8 s Perar~ted~ various modifications by which the state of excitation can~be expressed (see IJkhtomskii, 1939-~+0). According to the concepts developed in this school, excitation does not obligatorily make off in the form Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of a nave from the region of its origin. In certain conditions it may keep to the place of origin for a acre or less long time in the form of a fiaed~ regional excitation, ready to flare up in the form of an eacitatiort vave~ (IIkhton~skii, 1927, 1932, 1939-~0). Yet Chagovets (1906) for purely theoretical reasons recognized the need Qjt;~~' of a preliminary regional potential for the arising of spreading excitation. Erlanger and Gasser in 1937 Mrote that the electrotonic potential is ~7`F~fi~ue electrical phenomenon which precedes (-at electrical #rrita~i-sn of a nerve) the current of spreading excitation?('--' ak"). The electrotonic potential that arises at electrical irritation of a nerve is connected, as supposed, Mith the capacitative properties of the fibers (Erlanger and Gasser, 1937 H~B~n: 1938)? The electrical potential quickly (after 50 microseconds) reaches a ma$imum and is exponentially extinguished. Ta its characteristics should be added that it grove in proportion to the intensity of the stimulating current, that ~.t reversal of the terminals of the stimulating current it changes~ita sign, that temperature changes ~ ~~ - bardly affect it, and finally that it r~diates `' Zeg~i~ithmi:e- ??decrement along the nerve fibers. The local patential of the nerve fiber Mss recorded in 19,38 by Hodgkin. He Mss unable to diacaver the local bioelectr3:ca1 potential in the nerve as a thole because of the very strong . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 polarization developed by all fibers and masking the local responses that arise in certain fibers-at subthreshold stimulation. He succeeded at this for isolated nerve fiber of crab. This fiber; xhich had a diameter of 25 microns xas deprived of-the myelin sheath that also had a positive side, since the polarization potential is expressed more highly and radiates considerably further in medullated fibers. The fiber was stretched xith txo pairs of forceps and placed on three electrodes: one stimulating and txo deflecting. At gradual intensification of the irritating stimuli (the cathode on the fiber) the folloxing phenomena xere observed. At very xeak stimulations only polarization arose. When the energy of the stimulation equaled approximately 0.5 of the threshold (for provocation of spreading excitation), then the potential changed its character: the regular exponential curve Xas co:aplicated by supplementary fluctuation; the potential being recorded was a combination of ca?helectrotonus and local potential. At subtraction of the polarization potential from this total potential, it is possible to determine the character of the local potential: ,it quickly increases (for a period of 0.27.mi11iseconds~~ then gradually .dies, lasting about 1.0 millisecond (Fig. l~ teatpage 6:. Local potential of nerve fiber. Bioeleetrical'potentials are recorded that arise in the nerve fiber {of crab) around the irritating electrode; stiniulnting is an electrical Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 impulse of short duration. Recordings A and B irritability energy of 1.5 conditional units; A is the stimulating cathode electrode; B is the stimulating anode electrode. Recordings C and D are an energy of 1.0; T and F are an energy of 1.0 over a certain time, tirith reducirion of the e$citability: E is the irritating cathode electrodes F is the anode. G and B are With an energy of irritability of 0.61. In the loxer iLustration recordings E and.F are presented in enlarged form; the cathode polarization potential is indicated by dotted The a is the curv? of the local potential, obtained after deduction of the polarization potential from the total effect at the cathode (Hogkin~ 1938).)- At intexu~ification of irritation the local. potential t~tas increased and became~someWhat more prolongrd, i. e. the amplitude of the local potential is graduated. in connection ` the change of energy of stimulation. When the amplitude of~the local potential reached 1~-20 millivolts (i. e. 0.3 of the current amplitude of the ezcitation)~ then 3,t overincreased into an ezcitation-cur_rent_, that Sias expressed in the arising of a tMO~phase'potential (CFO-60 millivolts); the ezcitation spread along the~fiber ands passing ' `fin ~4rr.~,. under: the i'irat deflecting electrode, reached the 'second (Fig. 1). Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 The peak at first has the same course as the local potential: the locs.l potential overincreasea into n current of spreading excitation usually then it reaches its suaani.t, i. e. the peak arises approximately ' 0.3 millisecond after the moment of stimulation. Thus, the latent period of the excitation current (spreading) is determined by the time that is necessary for the local potential to reach Sts ma$imvm. As for the latent period of the local potential in response to the electrical stimulation, it is extremely small and equals 50-80 micro- seconds (0.05-0.08 millisecond. The local potential spreads along the fiber for a distance of several millimeters. It spreads further than the polarization potential. $odgkin assumes that the mechanism of local-response spread (regional excitation) differs substantially from the spread of the polarization potential (the electrotonus). ? Satz xaa able to detect local potential in the fibers of whole sciatic nerve at?frog; its duration proved equal to 0.5-0.6 millisecond (Matz, 197) . Castillo and Stark, (1952) on isolated motor-nerve fiber of the sciatic nerve of frog recorded a local potential at subthreshold electrical stimulations of the i'iber. ~,e period. of the local potential of the' medullated fiber proved equal to Q. ~4?-0.7 millisecond; spreading excitation aroaq at attainment by the local potential of'an amplitude Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 equal to 1~~+ of the amplitude of the effective current. Excitability fl.uctuat3 ~s {"spontaneous") Were far greater than?in the demyelinated Fiber. According to their data, the local potential at electrical stimulation of-isolated fiber arises in the region o~ Ranvier?'s node and is recorded dust from Ranvier'a node and not from the~internodal section. Finally, local potentials ~rere detected in nQrelinated fibers of spinal-cord roots of cat (Roaenblueth and Ramos, 1951). At repeated subthreshold stimulations s~ith the intervals between the stimulations equal to 0.1-0.2 millisecond. the phenomene Were detected of the suaanation of local potentials; during certain conditions, tTith a certain intensity of stimulation, and after a certain number of repeated stimulations, the effective emission current arose. ? On tho basis of ~ study of the ,changes of egcitab''ility at different poihts of ?the'nerve after applicatS.on to the nerve of a 'subthreshold shock of stimulation it tras concluded that in nerve fibers of frog-the regional process of excitation spreads xith decrement to a distance of up to 9 ?n~n.? from the' place of stimulation (Zaracv, 1938;?lrudel'-OBipova, 1953)? ? According to the data of Fudel'-Oaipova (1953), the increased excitability in thy.nerve of -frog after appl3cntion~of subthreshold shock of stimulation lasts 1.5-~ milliseconds. Thus; from co~parison Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of the data of Ceati7lo and Stark and of Fudel'rOsipova~? it can be concluded that increased excitability after subthreshold shock of stimulation lasts longer than the local potential. After the phase ~,of increased excitability there is observed ashort-term phase (1.5-2.5 milliseconds) of reduced excitability; in addition, 8-10 milliseconds after return of the nerve. to the initial functional state a nex period. of increased excitation is observed, '.Lis period of increased excitability lasts ~-6 milliseconds i.e. it is more prolonged than. the first, but, in addition to that] the degree of excitability increase is considerably less. Tt should be noted that the sequence changes of excitability in the nerve that set,.in after the spreading excitation haves as known a definite r ,~ eZectric~-1 aar~ess3on in tho fcrm of sequence potentials (~'orontsov, 1826; danger and Gasser, 1937); it is. still irapos~sible at present to link the seq ace fluctuations of excitability, after regional excitation of a nerve,?likewise detected by Fudel'-Osipova, xith certain bioelectrical phenomena, since after the local potential `~~~ in the nerve fiber no sequence' potentials t~-ere recorded. ? Several hours after the vpers~tion of the fiber removal and after-lengthy eaperimentativn xith its it loses the capacity to give spreading excitation; only a local potential arises at the , time of any energies of stimulation, then the. Stimulation causes only the polarization?potential (Castillo and Stark, 1952). Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 also causes regional graduated excitation (Vorontsov, 1952) suitable to i?E; direct electrical stimulation of the parabiotic part If the excitation spreading along a nerve reaches the parabiotic party it provokes in it regional excitation and the local potential Slox potentiaYs. To sloK fluctuations of the bioelectrical ?2. Forms of Bioelectrical Potentials in the Central Nervous System potential belong fluctuations of duration over 10 mf.lliseconds. stimulation of the optic nerve and the positive or negative sign of the . electric reaction arising~in the optic tract of the cortex at axon. For instance, the components of the comple=~ long-term bio- on the basis of certain electrical phenomena of the activity of the For up to 40 years the slax fluctuations of the bioelectrical potential in the central nervous system has been explained usually separate components. have been treated from the point of vier of`the arrival of the ii~ulsea along the a?tons ~ in the 'deflecting part and the departure of the impulses along the axons from the area in question;. the bioeleatrical potential being recorded has been considered the different source of origin (O'Leary and Bishop, 1938)'. Attempts to various directions that have at each given point of the cortex a very resultant effective current of the mass of azon elements analyze the s1a~t biopotentiala~.deeming that they consiasted of azonic action ow~renta emitted from the region of their arising and subordinated Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 to the principle of "all or nothing", have cla~hed' insurmountable difficulties. _ At the present time it fan be considered demonstrated that the slag biopotentials do not consist of quick aazonic action currents but represent a special type of activity (Renshaw, Forbes and Morison, 1940; Li Choh=Luh and Jasper, 1953) and that slow fluctuations of the biopotential in the central nervous system are the aura-total expression of elementary local potentials. These elementary local potentials arise in the bodies and dendrites of the nerve cells in the region of the synapses under the action of the ia~iulses of excitation of the synaptie.terminals (Beritov, 1948, 1949; Bremer, 1949). 'Fhe local potential expresses a regional, local excitation that arises 3n the neuron element under a synapse. (Footnote: Eccles uses the terra "synaptic potential". HoKever, it should be recognized, indeed as Beritov, ghat'once this'potent3al does not express the excitation of the Synapse and expresses regional excitation~of the oell,_ then it is unfitting to?designnte it a synaptic potential: There lass remained for these potentials the desigaaation ~"local -potential", which throughout the present work.) Regional excitation and the local potential corresponding to it are charactea?istic only to central nerve elements as spreading excitation and the, current of action ~p~ak) corresponding to it for?the fibers of"the peripheral Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 nerves in xhich, as xe have seen the regional excitation arises only during certain conditions of experimental reaction. ?As'xas Raid, the local potential in the medullated.fibers lasts 0.5-0.7 millisecond and in the~denq+elinated 1-2 milliseconds. in the neurons of the spinal cord the local potentials have a considerably longer duration. From the gray muter of the spinal cord of cat .in the region of the posterior horn se ~ ( gment iambda7) ~:.~ by needle electrode there xere?deflected, in response to threshold stimulation of the t3.bial nerve, biopotentials the shortest duration of Which equaled 12 milliseconds (Beritov~ Bakuradze and Roitbak, 19~+$)?. From the anterior horn of the apineil cord of cat at stimula- tion of the corresponding motor nerve biopotentials xere deflectEd with a duratioh of 14 milliseconds (Brooks and Eccles, 19?~$). The greater length of the slox potentials, recorded from the posterior horn, is probably explained not by the fact that in the cells of the posterior horns the local potential lasts longer~th$n in the motor neurons, but by the fact that at stimulation of the tibial ?aerve a less synchronous discharge of impulses proceeds to the cells of ,the posterior horn t}ian to. the motor neurons in case of stimul.a- ~tion of the motor nerve containing fibers eimf.lar in conduction rate. This probably stipulated a certain tentatioe summation of local potentials in the cells of the posterior horns, xhich was expressed in the fact that slox potentials were recorded of somewhat greater duration. Mortover, Is~ccles used ?a more slender microelectrode, Which Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 also should play a definite role .in the re'sult?of the experiment. ,Recently there has been success in effecting~3.ntracellular introduction ofLthe,discharge microelectrgde into the motor neurons of the spinal cord"(Brock, Coombs, and Eccles, 1952}. In response to stimulation of the corresponding motor 'nerve from the motor neuron local potentials were. discharged with a duration of 10 milliseconds. Quick potentials. At the carrying off of from the central nerve formationri quick potentials are also recorded. The length of their sequence is from 4.5-1.0 millisecond, but, when,. they floes together, nare~ proloziged fluctuations can arise ~ the complea~character of which is discovered at quick survey. Quick potentials arise at excitation of the afferent fibers, their collaterals, and evidently the syrsaptic terminals during excitation of the axons of the intermediate and efferent neurons. They, also arise during the discharge of?the cells themselves (Ecclea~ 1953; L3: and JaspBr, 1953)-. ? .The ,frequency of the: quick-. potentiaas, i. e. of` the~?impulses ? of excitation in the axon of -the -pyramidal cell of the .cortex, can during strychnine poisoning r~ch..500-900 per second (Adrian=and Moruzzi, 1939)? ' Electrical potentials?_ariaing?~in the central nervoussystem ?duz~ing~ regional excitation ~and.~during :,spreading excitation of its Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 neuron3.c elements are not epiphenomena devoid of physiological signifi- cance, With regard.?to the current oP action attending the spreading excitation, this does not require special explanations if it is assumed that the excitation spread along the aerme fibers proceeds by means of the current of excitation and that the transmission of the ezcitati,on from one neuron to another neuron likexiae proceeds by means of the excitation currents of the ayne~ptie formations (see ~Athtomskii, 1939- ~+0; Beritov, 19+8; ,calea, 196, et al. ). (Footnote: For the question of the mechanism of transniasian of excitation, dust Holt not much can be added to What I~3.slavskii xrote more than 50 years ago: "Finally, it is difficult to deny the possibility of the development of any chemical irritant at the point of contact of the terminal nerve appaxattis With the matter subject to excitation, but at not having any factual data it is alBO difficult, if not even more difficult, . to prove it. ~e hypothesis of electrical action or discharge has for itself a more tangible backing" (l[islavskii, 1895)?) ~~ To local potentials is.noM ascribed an extraordinary role in the mechanism of the activity of theneuronic elements. ' .Of course,. if the very important physiological ~a[portance of the,biocurrent that arises during spreading excitation is recognized, then already a~ . priori it is necessary to xecognize the physiological importance of the biocurrent arising during'regiorial excitation. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 At observation of the bioeleatrical phenomena in the central nervous system We run into tiro phenomena stipulated by the local potentials in the neuronic elements. When a local.potential arises in the cel3.s, then an electrotonuc reaction arises, first in those fibers Which are aeons of the activated neurons and secondly in those fibers Which terminate With synapses at these neurons. The electrotonua spreads along the fibers With decrement and during certain conditions can be detected (from the roots of the spinal cord) at a distance of up to 10 mm. in the form of a negative bioelectr3cal potential. Thus, the local potentials of the nerve cells can stipulate the phenomenon of the.phyaiological electrotonua of the nerve ,elements. However, there Were also observed electrical phenomena of another character that did not attract tcs themselves special attention, namely at the arising of regional excitation in the cell from the aeon a ? ~po~itive potential xas registered; for example, at~stimulation of the optic nerve s negative potential Was discharged from the electrode. found in the outer geniculate body at the level of the. layer of cellular bodies; a positive, thin tine Was discharged from.the electrode found at the level of the axons of these cells (Bishop and O'Leary, 19!13). Perhaps these electrical phenomena Which We sti11 ?run into are phenomena essentially like secondary electrotonuc changes, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the peri-electrons '(sic; -should be peri-electrotoni?}?(Yvedenskii, 1920}, Footnote: According to the data of Aeritov and Roitbak (195}, in the electrotonic and peri-electrotonic spheres of the nerve trunk potentials of -opposite sign arise. For example, at comppletion of a descending current at the cathode a ?negative potential is registered , that gradually weakens at removing the deflecting electrode. from the cathode. Finally, at a certain distance it stops being registered. Tf too the electrode is removed still further, then at completion of the current a positive potential of considerable amplitude is registered, and this sphere of the peri-electrotonus extends for a considerable distance.) If this is so, then it is possible to?make the following conclusion: local potentials arising during regional. ~ ~ excitation of nerve ce11s can stipulate electrotonic and peri- electrotonic phenomena in neuron3.c elements. ? Ts there the possibility.of?referring certain components, of the biopotentials to~certain neuronic elements? The first connection betiteen the data of oscillography and the data of morphology was established When it was successfully discovered, on the .basis of oscillographic a~lysis, that nerve trunks of different d'~:~metlr produce ?at excitation bioaurrents of different length and ~r /~ that the spread. rate of these b'iocurrents (i.e. the excitations}. is different for fibers of different size. The quick-conduction fibers Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 proved to be fibers of larger diameter(the A-fiber), the s1oK-conduction fibers mere the thin C-fibers (Erlanger and Gasser, 1937). The establishment of a second such connection eras.possible as a result of investigations of the b3.oelectrical potentials of the spinal cord. 3. Some data of the Tlectrophysiolog~r of the Spinal Cord Ca~sl discovered theft the posterior-root fibers are connected the motor neurons of the corresponding side, first immediately through direct collaterals and secondly through intermediate neurons (Cabal, 1893a)* On this basis Belchterev concluded that, correspondingly, the spinal-cord reflexes can be accomplished in a txofold Bey: the nerve impulse can be transmitteQ directly to the motor cell of the .anterior horn or the nerve impulse 'be "transmitted ~to~ the intermediate neuron, Which in Sts turn directly or by means of another intermediate neuron transmits the impul;se~to the motor neuron (Bekhterev, 1898). At the beginning of this century it Was found that coordination of the reflexes is realized in; the posterior half of the spinal cordt? ithich ie very complexly organized, and that the cells. of the posterior horns in a number of properties, for instance in sensitivity to' strychnine, are distinguished from cells of the anterior horn (Beritov, 1910;~Bee also Pavlov, 1912-13), The fine morphology of cells of the anterior horn and of ce11s of the posterior_horn is different: the cells differ in size and shspe, as hell as fn distribution of synaptic terminals on them (Cholokashvili., 1953~~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 As a result of oscillographic investigations on cats, it ties found. that direct effect on the motor neurons is realized through the thickest (12-20 m~l.crons) and that the quick-conduction Yibers? connected frith the proprioceptors of the muscles, 3. e. direct posterior-root collaterals leading to the motor neurons, were shown to have their origin from the proprioceptive Fibers. 2~e intermediate neurons engage in the action under the influence of impulses from fibers connected frith the cutaneous receptors (Lloyd, 19~+3a, 19~3b). (Footnote: Razdol'skii in 1923+, on the basis of a comparison of- the physiological characteristics of the tendon and cutaneous reflexes from neurological data, came to the conclusion "that tendon reflexes are realized by tiro-neuron reflex arcs, and that cutaneous ('reflexes are realized) by the triple cutaneous and the po7tiyneural".) .During, the carrying off .of biopotentials from the anterior and posterior roots oP the spinal. cord gray-matter potenti$ls are disclosed.(Mislavskii, 189~~), fihich are electrotonically carried out along the root fibers (Barron and l~atthers; 193$). For observation .of these biopotentials it ties most beneficial to place the root on the discharge electrodes so that one discharge electrode ("active") was # the eye thr~a-itself, but did not affect it, and the second .~ was as far as possible from .the, brain: After Barron and Matthews this ,method. fwe-s need by? Bonnet and Bremer (1938-195p )., Beritov and Roitbak, (197-195(3), Yoronteov (19x1.9, 1951),, Scales {191i.6),..Roitbak (1950), Fuortes (195?)y,~cstiuk (1955), and others. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 From the anterior roots,, i. e. from the axons of the motor neurons slow electrotonic potentials are registered that have been stipulated by the local potentials of the motor neurons. Apparently the electrotonic reaction of each axon is the consequence and expression of the local potential, namely of the cell from Which it took its ? When the motor neurons are activated only?by escitati zr~ impulses from the direct posterior-root collaterals (for instance, at stimulation of the muscle nerve or at threshold stimulation of a mixed nerve or of a posterior root), then the fol7.owing electrical effect is registered from the anterior root: a certain time after the stimulation artefact a quiok potential arises, after.xhich a~ negative_slox potential folloxs. The initial quick~poteatial is the consequence of ?a relatively synchronous discharge?of afferent impulses and expresses the excitation.eurrents?of the presynaptic fibers and of the synaptic terminals of direct posterior-root collaterals in the anterior horn, being electrotonically carried along ?the anterior-root fibers (Beritov, 19.6,- l~}9). The? negative _ , slow potential expresses local potentials in motoneurons, arising ' belox the synapses of the?direct posterior-root collaterals. A~large cumber of synapssea ~re?on each motoneuron of the anterior horn. Af~te~ 100 of. them are counted one the boat' off' the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 motoneuron of the spinal cord of cat (Cholokashvili, 1953)? ~e~' average size is 1 micron (Haggar and Barr, 1950). Apparently not ,. devoid of physiological importance. is the fact that synapses are arranged on the surface of the motoneuroa in the form of separate foci that are in their nature "the synaptic fields" of the cell (Zurabashvili, 1947).. Excitation of one synapse is insufficient to arouse the cell and to be discharged to its axon. It is likexise assumed that insufficient for this is ezcitation of several synapses that remain far from one another (Larente de Nb, 1938). Excitation of a motoneuron and discharge to the axon proceed When afferent impulses come simultaneously to a Mhole group of synapses arranged on the body of the cell in a certain prozim3.ty to one another. Otherwise, only regional_eacitation arises in-the cell, With a local potential corresponding to it; as 'occurs in a nerve.fiber at subthreshold stimulation (Fig. 2,~tertpage l3: Local .potentials of motoneurons of the spinal cord of cat. _ A: A microelectrode is,.introc'iuced into the anterior.horx~ in the region of a group of motoneurons of the quadriceps muscle. A slow negative potential, 100 microvolts, 10 ntil.liseeonda (Brooks and Eccles, 1948), is registered in response to a shock of atimu3.ation applied to the quadriceps nerve. B: Potentials from the 8th anterior root in responds to a~"shock of stimulation to Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the 8th posterior root. The upper-curve is recorded on non- narcotixed animal. The second and third curves are recorded after giving'n~mbutal, 70 and 90 mg. (per kg. of weight), respectively. C (IPA: B looks like a beta in Russian; the 3d letter of the alphabet, ~ ~ ~~~ which Z here ,call C,. looks like a capital B): The same carryir.{~g off; non-narcotized animal; the gastrocnemius nerve is stimulated. The upper curve is the discharge of motoneurons, which arose 0.2 millisec. from the beginning of the development of the local potential. The lower curve is the affect of the same dti.mulation, but at the time of a state of inhibition of the motoneurons caused by the preceding stimulation: only a local potential arises (Eccles, 1946). For all illustrations stimulation artefact proceeds at first, then' r ? ~fluctua~ion .stipulated liy arrival of afferent impulses proceeds at first; after this fluctuation the local potential arises (in pure form or complicated by the excitation current of 'the inotoneurons) .. ) Thus, the arising of the discharge of the neuron assumes seizure by the excitation of a certain territory of the cell body, as for the arising of spreading excitation in a nerve fiber, seizure by regional excitation of a cextain length of the fiber is required (Rushton, 19373 Dfakarov, 1947.) ., . In experiments with intracellular discharge of potentials of the motoneurona it?was ascertained that the discharge of the m,otoneuron Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 proceeds at attainment of a critical amplitude of 10-7..2 millivolts (1~10- of the amplitude of the peak potential of the motoneuron) by the local potential. It was concluded that at excitation of a synaptic terminal a local potential? arises 1 millivolt in magnitude; thus for a discharge of the motoneuron to'have set ini simultaneous stimulation of a \T minimum of 10 ayu+aptic terminals is required (Eccles 1953)? A negative slow potential begins xithout an appreciable latent period after the initial quick f luctuation~ usual;Ly still in the descending limb of the latter (fox cat it begins 0.7 millisecond after the moment of the arising of a quick fluctuation). Hence, it is possible to conclude that the 1oca1 potential 'of the cell arises under the action of a biocurrent of the synaptic terminals with a negligible latent period,-as in the nerve fiber in response to its direct electrical stimulations i.e. with the latent period measured by fractions of a millisecond. This fact must serve as one of the, arguments in favor of the electrical theory of the transmission of an excitation from neuron to neuron. The discharge of the motoneuron proceeds at the attainment of a certain critical magnitude by the local.potential~ i,e. by regional' excitation. The delay in the conduction of the excitation is Stipulated by th3,s circumstance and is determined?by?the time (2 milliseconds and mAre) which passea?xhile the local potential that has arisen reaches Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 this critical magnitude (Eccles, 1946). Thus,~there is essentially the same phenomenon as in the nerve fiber, but different time relation- ships. As has been said; duration of the local potential in. the cells of the spinal cord of cat equals 10 milliseconds. A biopotential of greater length, of the order of 15 milliseconds (the rising phase lasts 2.5 milliseconds), is discharged Prom the anterior root. This is explained by the fact that at electrotonic "spread" of the cellular potentials the duration of the. potential is increased, its form is somaWhat distorted (Eccles 1946), and its angnitude is sharply reduced. When the motoneurons are stimulated, this is expressed oscillographically in this, that the slox potential is broken and a quick biocurrent of great amplitude arises (Fig. 2). The slox potential at the time of th,e disahar,~e of the motonau~-^ons can only ~~aken. 'u"`~is needs to be understood as an expression of'the fact that excitation of only part of the activated matoneurons has proceeded. In those xhich xere not stimulated, local?potentiala continue to develop and then to die. out. However, excitation of the motor axons can proceed? eTen xithout the corresponding cells having been discharged: the ?Pibere excited under the stimulating ix~.t'luence of currents stipulated by local cellular potentials. In this case the excitation impulses of the motor e=ons arise and.praceed an the background-of a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 slox potential (Beritov and aoitbe~lc, 1947b), The anterior-root aaonic excitation currents in this case too arise at attainment of a certain magnitude b9 the slaw potentials and disappear., in connection prolonged stimulation, `-hen the aloM potentials xeaken to a certain magnitude. Thus, the setting in of the anterior- root excitation currents depends strictly on the size of the slot potentials (Beritov and Roitbak, 1954). In the anterior roots of the cervical portion, from which the diaphragm nerve proceeds, in connection xith each respiratory cycle there arise a slow negative potential (electrotonic reaction) and a group of quick (potentials). The latter 'Mithout decrement spread along the fibers of the?diaphragm nerve, The s1oR negative potential arises according to the plisse of 3.nspiration and diminishes ?. :~ at?the time of the expiration phase. Quick .potentials arise mainly? on the ascending limb of the slox potential. They are lacking at time of the, expiration phase (.Gesell, Hunter, and ?I;illie, 1949). . Thus, under the influence of impulsatton (sic: ~impulss excitation?) from the respiratory center?there arises in the-?motoueurons essentially the same bioelectrical reaction as under the influence of the afferent impulses. Intensified respixatory navementa are associated xith intensified~slorr potentials snd intensified discharges?.of impulses and, contrari~riset at weakening of the respiraticn axing to previous Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 artificial hyperventilation, both components of the bioelectrical reaction Weaken. Thus intensity of discharges arising periodically in the diaphragm nerve under the influence of~the "impul.sation" of the 'respiratory center proves dependent to a certain extent on the' intensity of the slox negative potentials discharged Prom the corresponding anterior roots. It t+e.s Well knrnrn, even at the time of 8echenov, that if a subthreshold stimulation of certain intensity, i. e. a stimu]-ation which does not cause reflez contraction of muacles~ is applied to a sensory nerve, then it remains xithout effect on the reflex center. Tn experiments on cat, if xithin 10-1j mi1,13seconds after the .first subthreshold shock oY stimulation a second analogous stimulation is applied, -then 3t Dann cause a ~ reflex (flreed and crntoxkera, i932~} . ? ~.'he curve of .sui~tion~ is identical, in form and in time relationshipa,~ to the slob potentials discharged during these condit3.ons,of stimulation frost the anterior root (I,lo~d, 191l~6). (Footnotes According to Scales' ezperimante I(19~+6), the aunm~tion curve in regard to provocation of the discharge Qf the motoneurons continues 10 milliseeonds~ i~.e.,it continues'for as long..a time as the local potential 1,asts spontaneously .in the motoneuron (see also Soatiuk, 1953}.) Consequently, at applica- Lion to one and the dame sensory nerve of txo excitation discharges xith ths~ interval such t2m-t the second .discharge of impulses reaches Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the motoneurons in the period of the regional excitation beginning in them, response to the second discharge is facilitated. Thus, phenomena of facilitation and sum=oation. Zt has a direct relation- ship with the mechanism of the arising of excitation impulses. As in the nerve fiber too, local. potentials here are "forerunners" of spreading excitation current. Oecillographic investigations have revealed the accuracy of the theoretical conditions, according to Which there arises in the nerve cells regional excitation, Which can be finely graduated according to incoming impulses and Which can flare up in the form of an excitation wave (iAshtomskii, 1927;, 1932, 1939-~0}? On the other hand, the concept of the regional state of the central .excitation, created by Sherrington and~his regional excitation of motoneurons has a relationship with the sc}iool,~has received confirmation. As known, according to this concept the central state of~excitation"arising in the motoneuron under the influence of the discharge of the stimulating .afferent impulses grows over a .period of several sigmas '(3'!ts ? thousandths of a second.}~ reaches a maximums and, gradually xeakens further, rlasting generally about 20 sigmas. The discharge of the motoneuron~ proceeds then when the state of the central excitation reaches a' certain threshold magnitude; the ao-called. synaptic delay is the time Mhich,ia necessary for. the central state of excitation to have Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -28- reached this threshold magnitude {Creed and coxorkers, 1932). As we see, all phenomena Which are Pound issuing from the hypothetical idea of the central state oi' ezcitation are ezplained on the basis of this xhich rtes clarified by direct study of'the local potentials. A long (about 100 milliseconds) positive sequence potential is recorded after a slox anterior-root potential, even if it (the latter) is not con~licated by quick potentials or by supplementary negative fluctuations. At the time of this sequence potential a reduction is observed of the excitability of the corresponding motoneurons ~ (Brooks, Daftn~n and Fccles, 1950). Thud long., resultant positive potentials arise after regional excitation of neurons and are associated vita the reduction of their aacitation. .At intensification of the stimulation of the nerve from the anterior root double bioelectric effects are discharged (Fig. 3): after the ,negative potential (or, discharge) already considered, a second s1o~ negative potential (or discharge) follo~`s. (Legend to Fig; 3, teat~age~17: ~e biopotentials of motor neurone of the spinal cord of cat, tthieh.first arise under the influence of 3.mpulses, from the direct posterior-root collaterals and then under the influence of impulses i'raaL th,~ intermediate neurons. The potentials are recorded of the anterior root of the spinal cord of "decerebrattd cat, that arise in reecponee to separate stimulations of the cutaneous Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 nerve of the. corresponding side. A - xeak stinnalation. B -strong stimulation ~Brooka and Fuortes~ 19`j2).) These data xere confirmed by experiments xith intracellular discharge of potentials of the motor neuron: .a second ne~gntive fluctuation arose at a certain force of stimulation of~the sensory nerve. At'intensification of the stimulation the latent period of its arising Mss shortened (Eccles 1953}. The duration and amplitude of the second elox fluctuation xere very chsnged. It xea established. that the second fluctuation xas connected xith the activity of the intermediate neurons and expresses regional excitation of the nator neurons arising under the effect of impulses of excitation from aaona of intermediate neurons. Impulses from intermediate neurons fail to be registered from the anterior root because of their asynchronous admission. TYiis second negative fluctuation, Mhich can be complicated by especially poxerful and frequent biocurrents.of the anterior-root. fibers, is cha'ra.cterized by the 'fol3ox}.ng propertia"s: 1) it arises. only during good functional'stdte of the praparatiori; 2} it arises in connection xith intensification, as xe11 a~a in ,connection xith ' repetitions of the stimuli; it groxa at .repeated stimulations; 3) during prolonged, stimulation this Fluctuation primarily weakens, i. e. this effect is subject to quick eihaustion;; ~) this fluctuation and the discharges corresponding to it arb eztraord.inarily intensified Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 under the effect of strychnine, Whereas the first negative fluctuation is not significantly Intensified. All` these peculiarities are {~ The characteristic_to the iritermedlata neurons (Bez'i-tov, 198). quick ea~austion of the intermediate neurons as compared xith 'the motor perhaps is dependent on the fact that the fist are distinguished by their compara.tivel.y small size, i.e. they contain a relatively small, amount of protoplasm (lialon, 1932). There are facts indicative that nerve elements which contain a larger amount of the system being excited are exhausted later (Berltov, 1932)?) When the functional state of the spinal cord is poor and When any intensity and frequency ('up to 5a a second) of stimulation is used, only short-term aloW fluctuations are recorded, expressing regional excitation that arises undex the effect of impulses from direct osterior-root collaterals (Beritov and ~bitbak, lg~7b; Eccles, 19t+6)?? . p Tn the intermediate neurons at this under the influence 'of the afferent impulses there also arias only a regional excitation, local ? potentials Which can ~ defeated at discharge of potent~la from the . posterior roots. ? At discY~e-rge of pot?entlals from the posterior roots, tiro incidents are distinguished': disaharga from in't'act root and from the central end of sectioned root. In the first case at stimulation of .the corresponding nerve at first a quick bioelectrlcal-component Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 is registered,~connected xith the afferent impulses that proceed along the root in question; after it folloxs a slaw potenti+~l connected with activation of the gray matter of the posterior half of the cerebrum. Tlie initial quick component of the?bioelectrical reaction vas conf'iznned by a special study of Beritov and Roitbak (~,91{?7a) and then by Lloyd (1949). It proved very complex in character: to the biocurrenta of the at~erent impulses proceeding under a pair of discharging elect~odea is added a series of quick biopotentials; it vas found that the latter are carried out from ~~~ the ~e~rebrum?and discharge the ezcitation biocurrents of the collaterals of the afferent fibers and of their synaptic terminals (Beritov and Roitbak, 1947x). %? f~ It is known that the slaw potential discharged from the posterior root is an electrotonic reaction i-hich arises as the xesult of arrival in the spinal cord of .a discharge of afferent in~pulsest slox potentials identical in character being registered. both from the root along xhich these potentials reached the braiin and from adjacent roots. Since the xork bt' $ccles and Malcolm, (1946 and Beritov and Roitbak (1947-1950} it has been possible to consider moat probable that the slow posterior root potential arises because of activation of. the neurons at xhich.ths fibers of the stimulated root terminate. (In th,e opinion of certain investigators ? ?{Barron and MQ-tthexs, 1938; Lloyds 1949; and Yorontaov, 1955} slox Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of potentials, to the arising of an electrical current, and to electro~.tonus posterior-root potentials discharge the.e=citation of the presynaptic fibers and~or synaptic terminals. !'or~criticiam of this idea see Eccles (1950).) Activation of the neurons, the arising oaf regional excitation (of local potentials) in them, stipulates electrotonic reaction of the posterior-root fibers. When under the action of afferent impulses in the body or in the dendrite of a given neuron a local potential arises, this leads to the establishment of a variety the bra3n,'the slow potential, discharged from the root, expresses local potentials arising in the .intermediate neurons of the posterior half of root potentials are a composite expression of a groat number of local this and in that Which Was not in an active state. Thus, 81oW poeterior- electrotonic reaction arises both in. the fiber Mhich Was excited before in those fibers Which terminate With synapses at the neuron in question; potent3.sls namely of those elements at Which the fibers of the root in question terminate. Thus; tits can fudge indirectly about the.exaitation of the intermediate neurons and about the impulses proceeding from them, through the anterior-root effects (supplementary negative fluctuation, supplementary discharge). We coin 3udge concerning, regional excitation of intermediate neurons directly on the basis of poaterior~root slow potentials. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 figs. CFO-~2~ ,Through the works of Bexitov and Roitbak (19~s it is knoxn that, to 1~egin t~rith, from the anterior roots poWer~ul sterior slow potentials can be discharged and at this time from the Po there are 'virtually no bioelectrical reactions. It is possible to The azous observe this at stimulation of the humeral nerve in f`r'og. 1 of the intermediate neurons of the humAral region of the spina cord Which axe thereby being ezcited, termin~e-te in 'the lumbar region directly on elements of the anterior horns. In the second place, from the posterior roots slrnr potentials can be registered of very eat amplitude and leagth, and at this time from the anterior roots 6r only Weak, short-term Potentials can be registered arising under the effect o~ impulses from the direct posterior-root colt&'terale. stimulations a[the sensory nerve When This is observed during strong ~ional state of the preparation is poor. ,On the basis'of~ the funet these facts, ss Well as on the basis of lack o~ parallelism in.rega~d otentials of the posterior to the intensity and temporal course of the p roots it Was concluded that 'the souses' of their origin and anterior xere different. (yater Fuortes (1951) disclosed similar fact's and .. came to an analogous conclusion. H~rever~ these facts ind3.cate that cerebral biocurrentd do not spread diffusely along the spinal cord and that'Nithin the brain eleatrotonic d3.stributlon too of biocurrents along the fibers is possible only for relatively small distances: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -3~- This latter conclusion requires explanations. That electrotonic , distribution of the currents ti-ithin the brain is possible for short distances demonstrates the fact of the arising of an electrotonic reaction art the anterior and posterior roots: yell them the anterior- and the posterior-root fibers proceed a certain distance. ~Sthin the brain from th,e cells to the exit from the brain (or, contrarixise, from the entry into the brain to the place of termination at the cells). The faet~that the slox potentials discharged from the anterior root at stimulation of the humeral nerve are not registered from the posterior one shows that Within the brain along the direct posterior-root collaterals (Which terminate on the motor neurons) electrotonic spread of the potentials occurs t~ith such decrement that they do not reach the puce of entry Of the posterior-root fibers into the b'ra~?= 4s said poxerful~slow posterior-root potentials. do riot register from . the anterior roots. This shrnts that the eleotro:~onus cannot spread along the aaonB oi' the ,intermediate neurons ?because,? otherwise, it Mould be ..detected in the anterior roots (as the afferent impulse is detected that arrives at the motor neurons through direct collaterals Apparently a biopotential arising in the nerve cell cazi be detected ozil.y at a slight distance from it. Supportive of this concept too is the fact that the amplitude of the local potential of the motor .? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 neuron at intracellular discharge equals 10 millivolts and at extra- cellular discharge from.the nucleus of motor neurons 100 microvolts (Fig. 2,A), i. e. in a 100 times lesser tmgnitude. ~. Concerning Long Nonfluctuating Bioelectriaal.Potentials As far back as in early inveatigAtions of the bioelectrical phenomena of the central nervous system, carried out with the aid of a galvanometer, similar potentials were reported. Mislavskii (189, 1900, at the discharging of current from the posterior roots of the spinal cord of frog observed long nonfluctuating biocurrents during tetanic irritation of the sciatic nerve and at adequate stimulations of the skin. Delon and Lapitski3, recorded during discharge of currents from the spinal cord (1 electrode on the surface of the lumbar part, of the spinal cord, 2 on a crossHise section) the following phenomena: quick fluctuations fo7loXing the rhythm of stimulation of the sciatic nerve up to l00 per second, were placed on a background of a slow nonfluctuating potential, the amplitude of Which i.*as increased with increase of frequency of stimulation up to 7,00 a second and reached 1 millivolt (Delon and.Lapitakii, 1935). In Fig. ~,.D is. presented the oscillographic recording of a nonfluctuating biopotential, registered from the posterior root during tetanic stimulation of the sciatic nerve. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 (Legend to Tig. ~~ teztpage 20: bong nonfluctuating potentials generated by neurone of the posterior half of the spinal cord during tetanic stimulation of the sensory nerves. Curarized frog With sp~l cord revealed and circulation undisturbed. L2'C. potentials are dischn,r~ed from the 9~h~posterior root at a distance of 1 G:,,J ~~~~ ~~t mm. from the brain. Direct-current booster. Recording by atring~_ oscillograph. A -the trifaci l a nerve of the opposite side is stimulated; frequency of stimulation 10 per second. B -frequency of stimulation 100 per second. C -the sciatic nerve of the corresponding side is stimulated; frequency of stimulation 10 per second; the beginning and end of brief stimulation. D - ~equency of stimulation 100 per second; beginning and end of brief stimulation. Time marks for 10 milliseconds. (Roitbak, 1950).) During tetanic irritations of the sensory Nerves or of the ., posterior roots as Well as during adequate stimulations, for instance, of the musaie receptors a long nonfluctuating potential is registered from the anterior roots' (Barran and Matthe~rs, 1938). . In ~'ig. 5 aye presented recordings of the bioelectrical reaction of the ~anter3.or _ stimulation of the sciatic nerve. As assn, a nonfluctuating potential arises on the background of Which the 2'luctuatiows'are arranged- . according to the rhythm of the stimulation. At cessation of~stimuZ,ation Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the potential gradually Weakens, but even after 4 seconds does not reach the abscissa. It is certainly susta3.ned by'"impuleation" from the intermediate neurons. There is aftereffect too in~regard to quick fluctuations (Beritov, Kvavilashvili; and Roitbak, 1950). An analogous recording Was made by Fuortes (1951). Thus the central nerve elements at? arrival of frequent impulses of excitation to them generate long nonfluctuating potentials that certainly reflect the noniluctuating state of the regional excitation. (Legend to Fig. 5, teztpnge 21: Prolonged nonfluctuating potential generated by motoneurons of the spinal cord. Spinal strychninized preparation of frog. 10'C. Potentials are discharged . .c_~ from the 9th anterior root at a distance of 3 mm.. from the grain. slaw potentials. At a stinwlat3.on?frequency of 10-100 per second from the posterior roots of the apj.nal cord are reeoi-ded considerable Constant-current booster. Recording by string oscillograph. The sciatic nerve of the corresponding side is stimulated;-frequency of stimulation ~0 per Second. A -beginning of stimulation. B -end of stimulation and aftereffect. C -length of aftereffect 1 second after recording o~ B. .Recording of D Was made 3 seconds after"C (Beritov~ Svavilashvili and Roitbak, 1950).) At stimulation of'the branch of the trifaacial nerve 3n frog Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the potential acquires a nonfluctuating character (Fig. ~+, A and B). Thus, excitation imnulse.s comae from the cerebrum to the spinal inter- mediate neurons in the cord, because of xhich an electrotonic reaction arises in those fibers of the posterior root that form a synapse these neurons. Stimulation of the trifacial nerve usually does not cause considerable bioelectrical reaction of the anterior root even after strychnine poisoning of the spinal cord xhen stimulation of the peroneal nerve causes most intense convulsive anterior-root discharges (Roitbak, 1950). It would be possible to think that impulses proceeding along the descending courses at stimulation of the trifacial nerve are subthreshold for the intermediate neurons, for instance, because of the fact that the corresponding synapses are placed at a greater distance from one another. But then summation phenomena xould be.eapected at~a combination of stimulations. of the trigeminal nerve and of the peroneal nerve. On the contrary, it appears: if the peroneal nerve is stimulated on a background~of tetanic stimulation of the trigeminal nerve, causing a nonfluctuating posterior ,root potential, then the reflex from stimal.ation of the peroneal nerve proves del"eyed. Thus stimulation of the tritacial nerves causing a sla+~ potential in the character of a single bio- electrical reaction in the spinal cord: generated by the neurons oP the posterior half of the-"spinal cord, stipulates inhibition of the .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 reflex activity of the spinal cord (Roitbak, 1950 . ? The concept of the cauisal connection of the p~ntral inhibition rith the slox bioelegtrical p6tentiala has been expressecl?by a number oP physiologists (see,Beritov,_ l~?8). However, it is interesting that it is possible to reach this conclusion on the basis of the ~?~ obtained by Sechenov (1882) Sechenov in his outstanding investigation of electrical phenomena in the medulla oblongata ascertained that teianization of sensory nerves leads to inhibition of "spontaneous" discharges in the medulla, oblongata Rye folloring :from the phenomena described by him deserves special attention. Tetanic stimulation oP a nerve leads to "deviation of the magnet, so that it remains diverted to the negative side even during further _ ~~ tetania8tion", i. e. in the medulla oblo ~ a ~~? ? ngata~a nonfluctu~ting potential arises and inhibition thereby occurs of the "e pontaneous" discharges., ~In this Work of Sechenov, devoted~to the study of inhibition on the basis of galvanic phenomena, We first find indication of the connection be?txeen the inhibition and the 'nonfluctuating long bioelectrical potential, to xhich rione?of his comaentatora has tarried his attention. Tn eaperimcnts r'ith intracellular discharge oP biopotentials of motoneurons it t~s established that rhea inhibition of afferent` impulses comes, to a motctneuron, then a positive potential is re stared. 8~- Prom its body (Brock and c?'aorkers,. X952;. Eccles; Zg52, 1g53~. .(Footnote: See Roitbak, 1955, Kogtiuk, 1955,,? and. l~otanpi,-1955s on the question of .the electrical phenomena oP?the inhibition proceas.)~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Thus, during analysis of the bioelectrical potentials of the spinal cord it proved possible to eaple~in the~.r physiological importance and to ],ink certain components of these potentiate the activity of certain morphological formations. For instance, we sax 3 components of the anterior-root potentials successfully referred to the activity of the posterior-root collaterals, molar neurons, and intermediate neurons. It is an incomparably more complex matter than the inter- pretation of the bioelectrical potentials of the cerebral cortex at an attempt to refer these or other components of the bioelectrical reactions of the cortex to the activity of certain neuronic elements of the cortex, of that portion of the central nervous system xhich .., is most c~~plea in organization. Hoxever, only by proceeding in such a Way can the origin and importance be ezpldined of the bioelectriaal reactions of the .cortex and: likexise, can the electrographic method be'used for study of the physiological processes and phenomena of the cortex. bn the other hand.,. ~t~ solving 'thin problem, it also becomes possible to refer these very processes end phenomena to ,= certain morphological bases.and then, to use Pavlov's expression,` the dynamic. phenomena that break out in the Cortez can 1~e coordinated to the vary firbe~details of the construction of the apparatus (Pavlov, 1932). It is impossible not to agree xith Pavlov in this, 'that during a study of the oortical activity only those concepts xhich Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 are characterized as spatial concepts have likelihood of mastering the subject.{Pavlov, 1912, 191~~. Chapter IZ Bioelectrical Potentials Arising in the Cerebral Cortex During Direct Electrical Stimulation of its surface The cerebrum differs fxom the spinal cord by, among other things, the fact {and this has drain the attention already of the first investi- gators of the electrical phenomena of the central nervous system) that during the absence of special stimulations and during deliberate exclusion of ezternal atimulationa from the cerebrum and from the cerebral cortex, in particular, certain electrical fluctuations are discharged. E~.dently 'die so-ca11.e$ "spontaneous" electrical activity of the cerebrum, is a..consequence and an expression of the greater excitability of its nerve elements, in: comparison xith the spinal neurons. Apparently various negligible external and internal st3.mula- tions are capable of causing ezcitation of the neurons that compose the nerve centers of the cerebrum. This should particularly be referred to cortical neurons possessing highest excitability. We s'nall come back to'this question again.. As for the speeiall.y provoked bioeleet~ical reactions of the . ?- cerebral cortex, this question too comprises the main content of the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 present investigation. The folloiring are ,experimental possibilities ' for excitation of the cortical neurone by means of nerve impulses the source of Which can be determined. . a) Excitation of afferent systems of the cortex by ade uate q ' stimulations of the receptors or by electrical stimulation of the corresponding sensory neryea. b) Excitation of the system of calloaal fibers by electrical stimulation of the cez'tex of the opposite hemisphere or of the corpus calloaum itself. It should be noted that Dnnilevekii wss the first to observe bioelectrical reactions in the cortex at stimulation of the cortex of the opposite hemisphere (1891). ~Q/Yt ~.Q,.~``J~~ c) Excitation of the ayatem of 2'ibers ~in layer I of the cortex . by direct electrical stimulation of the surface of the cortex.' . ~ ?d') FinaLty, tt is possible "to send antidromically`eacita~tion impulses into the pyramidal, neurons of the cartes during stimulation of?the pyramidal tracts (Woolsey and Chang, 197). . The first tWO poea.ibilities'xere used during a study of electrical ? phenomena in the eortez even in the la$t century az~d at the.beg~ing of this century. With the development of an oacillographic technique quite a .large mamber of similar investigations apQoared (see Cha ter .p IV}~ In xorld literature until recently there ~+ere only ?2 ai"ticles relative to 'the bioelectrical reactiona~of the cerebral cortex that set Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 in at the time of c'lirect electrical stimulation of its surface. The ,first such investigation xas made by Adrian (1936). Some additional facts Were reported in Rosenblueth and Cennon's xork (192}~ In' 1950 I presented a paper at a "session of the Georgian Physiological Society on a method I had xorked out for~the set-up of such experiments and on the characteristics and. source of cortical bioelectrical potentials that arise at direct stimulation of the surface of the cortex (Roitbak~ 1950b). In 1951 Chang, having used a similar method ~~ ~~ (xhiah he described in~detail.and does not substantiate}, published I ~ \ a number of facts analogous to those on xhich I reported. Recently articles have appeared of Burns (1951) and of Bishop (Bishop and Clare 1953), testifying to the fact that this aub~ect had attracted the attexttion Certainly the method of stimulation of the cerebral cortex by- means of electrodes aet on its surface has many deficiencies. `First of all, it is quite far from natural conditions of Yts stimulation; then, at electrical stimulation of the eortical,surface, simultaneous excitation certainly occurs of many neuronal elements xhich are not eacited.simultaneously during nor~ml activity off' the cortex. Thus3 it is possible to think that the bioelectrical_xeactions thereby registered do not reflect normal activity of the cortical elements. However, it is demonstreited?that?this method gives mn opportunity for Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the clarification of certain questions of the physiology of the cerebral cortex.. There is nothing unezpected in this, because With the aid of the method of the electrical stinaalation me~ny important facts have been obtained Which have riot lost their significance (Fritsch and Hitzig~ 1870; Vvedenskii~ 1897; TAchtomakiiJ 1911, et al. ). By the-tray, to Pavlov belongs the idea~of stadying the action of direct electrical stimulation of the Qarious points of the surface of the cortex for effects of conditional stimulants (1926). A description tii.ll be given further on of the numerous experiments electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex and of the registration of the bioelectrical potentials thereby arising, beginning With comparatively simple experiments and ending ttith those quite complex in set-up and results. The e~gxriments rere.made on rats under nembutal narcosis (2j-1~0 mg. per kg. of freight). 3~e operation consisted of exposing the larger (cerebral) hemispheres of the brain; the data mater tree removed directly before beginning the experiments. ~e temperature of the surrounding air trss~ 30-33'x. electrodes. 'St(teel or silver. needles served as stimulating electrodes. lror discharge of the biopotentiala from the cortical surface silver ones served for electrodes, iror discha~rge~from the various laarera of the cortez in the first ezpeMmenta~ateel_needles, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Location. of electrodes'in experimentts Mith sinking of ,the electrodes Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 from txo points of the surface oi' the cortex Mas required a special electrode holder Mas used, xhich presented a plate of pleztglass 7 8 8 cm. in. size. Into the pleziglass plate X1.9 openings xere drilled xith thread (of screx). After fastening thin plate in the holder, acrexed to the frontal bone, the diBCharging and. stimulating electrodes xere screxed into the opanings found, over the points of the cortex involved. The electrodes xere inata]~led in the following May; to the .silver xire Tn experiments in xhieh eimultaneouB discharge of the biopotentials r ~., ~~ sealed xith lacquer to the tip, xere used. Zn subsequent experiments -discharge Mag effected xith thin electrodes made of ssa~-f`~'~ve%7d constantan (.a nickel-copper alloy)"? Mire, about 8b mierona in diameter. D sc ge electrodes xere fixed xith microaarexs to the cranium. ,~~~ a thickened part of the end crag aolfiered. a flexible isolated conducting xire on.xhich?are xound several loops of isolation tape; 7~e electrode xas inserted into a metallic tube xith thread (of screx), xhich xas screxed into the opening in the plexiglass. With the help, of the electrode holder described it was possible to arrange quickly and xith great accuracy several stimulating and discharge electrodes over the-surface of the brain. (Footnote: Recently Daxson (195~?b) published a deaeript3on of ,the electrode holder xith electrodes extremely similar to those designed by as (in 195p).) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 into the brain Mss determined by movement. of the microscre~r: Horeover~ in a number of experiments the.diacharge electrodes Were coupled so that the tap of the first came Mithin? 0.4-1.5 mm. of the end of the second. When at rotation of the microscreM this electrode vas found on the surface df the brain} the first entered into the brain to a precisely determined depth. In a number of cases histological investigation was made of~this part oP the cortex into which the electrodes Were driven. In preparations made by Niasl's method it was possible to find the track left by the electrode; (Footnote: HiBtological investigations Mere ode by S. Beritashvili.) Stimulation of the cortex was effected by bipolar, electrodes 1.5 mm. interpolar diata~nce. The irritating stimuli lasted 0.2 or 0.?5 millisecond. A stimulus that lasted 0.2 millisecond reached a height of 75y~ after 20 microsecond8 Bind the apes after 60 miero- `seconds. At frequency increase of the stimulation to 100 per second the amplitude of the stimuli was reduced 5~r and their character x'as not altered. ' The bipolar method of stimulation Mss selected as a result of the fol?7.owing. During unipolar +stimulation under the electrode located on the surface of 'the aortas there ie a thick field penetrating the corter:perpendicularly Math a com~ct.cone 'of electrical lines i3to Mhich the deep layers fall. .At?bipolar stimulation the field ,~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 is far more compe-ct in the region of the surface laycrs_ (Dosser de Earenri, 193~b), Thus, if the objective is to stimulate the elements of the deep layers, then it is more advantageous to choose unipolar stimulation (as xas done in the experiments of Dosser de Barenn and. Adrian). If the ob~eetive to be pursued is to stimulate surface layers as isolated as possible, then it is more advantageous to use gya bipolar stimvlation. In the conditions of nor experiments one minute stimulation of the surface 1,ayers by stimuli 0.2 millisecond in length at a voltage of 30 volts end a frequency of 70 Per second did not cause any appreciable irreversible morphological changes of the neuron elements of the stimulated portion of the cortex (S. Beritashvili, 1952)._ Discharge vas "ur~ipolar".? A thick needle inserted into the bone over the frontal air-sinue.served as indifferent electrode. As x111 be.demoustrated, such a method of discharge the difference of potentials that is registered is stipulated by the neuron elements placed in direct proximi.ty?to the "active" electrode (see Renshaw, Forbes .and [orison, 1910; Eornnt~ller and Schaeder,, 1938; Bishop, 1950}. The preparation kas grounded; the grounding of the preparation did not reflect appreciably on the character of the bioelectrical.efPecta using registered (eee Gardner and i~orin, 1953)? . Intensification and.-registration. The biopotentiala were Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 (la~f, intensified by boosters 4~ alternating current xith balanced entry,. i. e. very prolonged electrical fluctuations, if they arise in the cortex, could not be recorded and~or distorted (see Rogan, 1g~9; Beritov, Rvav3,lashvili and Roitbak, 1950). Recordings yere made ~~ with a tWO-ray cathode oscillograpli. A series of experiments xere made xith the use of a booster xith a very great time constant. A three-ray string oscillograph served for recording. A'description of the apparatus used, the schemes and charac- teristics of the boosters of the alternating and direct current, the deficiencies of the booster apparatus, the possible sources of errors, the capacity for photorecording and for the marking of time, the schemes of the relaxation stimuli, the general schemes of the layout of apparatuses, etc. -all these are given'in,detail in the published papers of Kvavilashvili (1g~5, 1950) and in Beritov, 2C'vavilashvili, and Roitbak's article (1950), so Z da not think it necessary to cite 'these data in the present Kork. ~? ? Scheme of stimulation and .d#sci~~e. With the usual .Layout, of the stimulating and, discharging electrodes on the cortex, stimulation by even the xeakest currents causes "driving in" (or "atopping.up") ~~L 6~.~ra.~t~ of stimulus the lamp is locked, i. e. the colossal voltage that. arises becaude of the, polarization of the rtisue; falls on the mantle (of the .lamp) . Polarization ? currents, that ,of one direction 'being Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 under one pale and that o~ the other being under the other pole, arise around the poles of the stimulating pair for a large territory. Their amplitude and length are so considerable that if the oscillograph too is not stopped up, then they cover up the biologics]. effect. One might think that on the cortical surface points could be found in xhich the catelectrotonus and anelectrotonus neutralize one another, as in the nerve there is a portion indifferent 3.n regard to the electrotonue betxeen the C and A direct current.. Actually this can be discovered from the start on brain treated xith formalin. On living brain the problem proved more difficult because of the conaplea and variable conditions of moisture, blood supply, and other conditions affzcting the c2~aracter of= tha shunting of the. current. When the'~discharge electrode lies on the cortex at an equal distance from each of the txo stimulating electrodes, then at sxitching on the stimulating current the booster usually is not and in response to the stimulating oertain electrical potentials are registered that change their character at boosting and increasing the frequency of the stimulation.and at~changing the direction'of?the stimulating current. In Fig. 6 are presented a seriea-of oscillogra,ms shoxing the xeaults of such experiments. The stimulation and discharge electrodes are placed on the aigmoid convolution; the distance from the discharge Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 electrode to each of the txo stimulating electrodes equals 1.?5 mm. With an intensity of stimulation of 2 volts and a frequency of 12 per second the following effect is registered (osc. A); after a'.quick variation of the ray, Which is c~nsed by the stimulating impulse itself, a slox potential.folloxs~ Which quickly reaches a maximum and then almost ezponentially dies out. At ~? volts (osc. B) the amplitude of the potential is increased; its character remains the same. This potential expresses iteel.f mainly by a polarization of the corte$. The discharge electrode in the case in question eras found under the dominant influence of the cathode, i. e. it recorded the catelectrotonus. The fact that this is mainly the polarization potential is demonstrated by the fact that at change of direction of the the potential, changes its direction (osc, BZ)s but With this the complete symmetry of the polarization potentials of~the opposite sign, so characteristic at polarization of the nerve fiber or of the nerve trunk, is Lacking. At boosting the stimulation to 8 volts (osc. C)'an additional ? an potential,Jalter+ed'polarization potential appears: superimposed on the catelectrotonus is a double fl.uctuation~ oxing to which the total length of th,e electrical potential is increased. At change?of direction of the stimulation current (osc; C1) the anelectrotonus which arises also is a ~oteni;ial, the direction of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 which is the same as Xith the catelectrotonus.~ Thus, the additional potential that appears at a certaia intensity of stimulation, super- imposed on the polarization potential, in distinction fxom the latter does not change its sign at. change of direction of the stimulating current. At increasing the frequency of the stimulation to 25 a second, the character of the potentials is changed by the course of the stimulation: the supplementary potential considered gradually Weakens and then disappears; the polarization potential is left in pure form {osc. D and D1). Thus, the additional potential is a bioelectrical reaction. It is po8sible to fudge its form, amplitude, and length if the polarization potential is deducted from the overall potential (biopotential polarization potential). The character of the latter (at a given 3ntensity~of?stimulation) can be ?concluded through. the potential which remains after prolonged stimulation of relatively high frequency ehen the biopotential ceases to be provoked, evidently from eahauation of the nerve elements. ' At increase of the distance between.the discharging and stimu~,ating electrodes the amplitude of the potentials being registered; both the polarization and the biopotential,.is reduced. For inatance,.in Fig. 6, E, potentials are shown discharged at 3.ntenae~stimulation at a distance of S mm, from the point stimulated (the discharging electrode in this Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 case was in the region of another (cerebral) convolution). (Tlegend to Fig.. 6, teatpage 28; (~; Here, as in the preceding paxagraph.s~ Z have used the Hnglish alphabetical sequence from A->~'for the illustration which thus read doxnxard from left to right; A, B; Bl, C; Cl, D; D1, E; and F.) polarization and local potentials which arise at electrical stimulation of the cortical surface. Cat No. 7, July ~, 19.9. Deep nembutal narcosis. Stimulating (Ag-AgCl) and discharging electrodes xere p7.aced on the surface of the gyros sigrnoideus post. Distance betxeen them equaled.l.~ mm. A is an intensity of 2-volt stimulation. B is of ~+~volts. Bl is of f+ volts and the other direction of the stimulating current. Cis of 8 volts.? Cl is of~8 volts and the other direction of the stimulating current. ? D is the beginning of frequent stimulation (25 per second), l6 volts. Dl is 1 minute after stimulation. E is the discharge electrode placed on the gyros suprasylvius at a distance of 8 mm. from the stimulating electrodes; the intensity of the stimulation is 16 volts. All these experiments xere made xithout the use of a compensator. Fare the polarization potentials balanced by means of a compensator. The biopotentials are discharged from a?point ~ min, distant from the stimula- tion electrodes; stimulation intensity 8 volts. Osci7.lation upxard deriotes~negati'vity under the active electrode. Foltage and time designated for these illustra,tiona : 1 millivolt and. 20 mi 71 iseconcl8. } Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 . The recording illustrations ahoxn are essentially like those which were given in works devoted to recording local potentials in length of the local potential in the nerve fibers. of layer I because their length is very great as compared with the brain the biopotentials do not have their origin in the nerve fibers incomparably more complca, but arising at direct stimulation of the HoMever, certainly the conditions of polarization in the brain are a'nervc fiber (Hodgkin, 1938) and in the nerve trunk (8atz, 19~.7~). As seen from the recordings presented and as other such electrical intermediate (neutral) point far from always coincides considerable residue of unbalanced, polarization potential.. The electrode. from place to place. Usually it fails to be rid of a in pure form xhen the "neutral" point is found by transposing the endeavors have shown, it is very d3f'f icult to record a biopotential with the geometric, and complete compensation has succeeded in being reached by mean$ of a compensator. 'In Fig. 7 is presented the scheme (F.ig. 7, teatpage 80: Sohime of'eaperiment set-up .for registration of stimulation and discharge used in the present~investigation.~ of bioelectr~cal potentials arising Yn'the neuron element8 of _the which xere discharged ht a'distance of ~ sea. Prom the stimulating In Fig. 6, F! are shoirn biopotentiel.a not altered. by polarizatioII, cortex at it's direct electrical stimulation. Ct. ~? (?our $t.) stimulator.) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ?electrodes. Stimulation and discharge xere?carried out according to the above-mentioned scheme. ? ? 1. Negative Potentials At stimulation of the surface of the cerebral cortex of deeply narcotized cat with electrical stimuli 0,2 millisecond in length and at a distance of several millimeters in circumference from the point of~stimulation~it is possible to register the bioelectrical potentials Comparatively intense stimulations must be used for their provocation: the threshold of provocation of a biopotential with the stimulation conditions in. question usually equals 3-~ volts. (Footnote: With the length of the irritating stimuli at 0.5 millisecond the threshold can a be lowered to 1 volt,) The threshold of stimulation of the sciatic nerve for provocation of the cortical-bioelectrical reaction is usually . less than 1 volt. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that the nerve is stimulated at an interpolar distance equal to several millimeters and the ?brain was stimulated at an iriterpolar distance of 1.5 r?n. Tn special experiments xith stimulation of the nerve-muscle preparatiozi of frog it was shown that' at~ reducing the interpolax distance b~1.Q~r~3 mm. the thresholds of stimulation are increased because of the shunting effect of the tissue fluid or of the physiological solution betxeen;the electrodes "(Beritov,,, 1930). It is necessary to think that high thresholds of provocation of the cortical bioelectrical reaction are connected with Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the shunting of~the stimulation current. ,On the other hand, there evidently also occurs a shunting of the answering biocurrent {Bishop and Clare, 1953). Technical difficulty in recording the biopotentials of the corte$ in answer to its direct stimulation, of which we spoke above, was aggravated by this circumstance, i. e. b9 the necessity of using intense atimuiations (up to 30 volts). The effect of a single stimulation. With deep narcosis one shock of stimulation or the first shock of rhythmical stimulation causes a negative slow fluctuation of the bioelectrical potential; after the negative fluctuation a xeak positive one may follow. Min3.mal length of a negative potential equals 10 milliseconds (Tig. 8, textpage.31; Bigelectrical potentials registered from the"cortical, surface near the point stimulated. Cat No.?lOj Odt. 2~?, 1g1?9. Nembutal. Discharge .and stiawlating el.ectrodea axe arranged on the surface. of the gyros supra$; the discharge electrode is found at a distance of 1.5 mm: from the atimulating.electrodea. The - ~W: intensity of the stimulation is 30 volts (the threshold $ volts The affect of the f3xst txo ahocks'? of stimulation a frequency of 16 ~b~~t'~,,(per)~.aecond (see Big. 12,, B). The Brat shock of stimulation causes a s3.mple negative potential xith a length of approaime~..tely,l0 milliseconds; the second ahocl~ causes a more complex effect: a series of additioneel negative fluctuations arise, designated Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 by arrows (2,3). Conditions: ?0.5 mfllivo],t, 5 milliseconds graphically indicated.). The potential quickly, after 2 milliseconds, reaches its peak and then fa]?1s. Tts amplitude depends on?the functional state of the settee and can reach 1-1.3 millivolts. During deep narcosis these potentials are xegiatered at a distance no greater than 5-8 mm., the amplitude of the potentials being registered gradually diminishing (rig. 11) at moving the discharging electrode away from the stimulating electrodes. The following circumstances show that these potentials are biological potentials stipulated by the aotivity of the cortical elements, and not the polarization ones. ].~ At shifting the direction of the stimulating current the character of the effect is not changed. 2) .7?uring deep narcosis potentials are? not registered from other convolutions (of the brain) even at a moat proaimsl distance from,the part being stimulated (Fig. 6). these tWO circumstances Were already indicated by Adrian (1936). 3) ~ey_oease to be provoked 15-6Q seconds after the heart has stopped. Chang (1'951) demonstrated that during anozia, Which ,was caused by the animal's having breathed pure nitrogen, they disappear after 1.5 minutes. ~)~At reducing the temperature of the cortex bales 28'C. and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 at increasing it above ~0'C, their amplitude is reduced; they cease to arise with the temperature belox 22'C. and above 50'C. (Chang, 1952). 5) They are intensified during local strychnine poisoning (a 0.1~, solution) of the cortex under the dischnxging electrode (Fig. 10, textpage 33: Changes of the bioeleatrica]. potentials provoked by stimulation of the cortex after local strychnine poisoning of the cortex under the discharge electrode, Cat No. 35, Nov, 13, 1950, Continuation of experiments carried out in preceding illustration. Stimulation and discharge electrodes Were changed to another area of the gyrus suprasilvius. Distance {between stimulating electrodes and discharging electrode = 6 mm. A is the effect of 30-volt stimulation, 10 per second before poisoning. After this, strychnine (0.5~ solution) Mss applied to~the brain under the discharge electrode; , the poison xas removed after 2 minutes. 8 is the effect of the same stimulation 3 minutes after the moment of poisoning, C is after 1.~? minutes, and. D is, after 20 minutes.' After this, strychnine (0.5~C, solution) Mss applied to the brain under the stimulation electrodes; the poison lay there for 2 minutes: T is the, effect of the same stimulation {30 volts, 10 per second) 3'minutes after poisoning. F is after 4.0 minutes. Conditions indicated in illustrations: 20 miilisecond:e', 0.6 millivolt. (TN:. As before, in translation the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 designations are interpreted Mith $ngliah alphabetical sequence; thus 'by 13.nes: A; B; C and D; E and F.)) 6) Bey often~eease?to be provoked during local poisoning of the cortex under the discharge electrode or under the stimulation electrodes by a concentrated solution of strychnine, and these disturbances are reversible (Fig. 9, textpage 32: Changes of bio- electrical potentials provoked by electrical stimulation of the cortex in consequence of local strychnine poisoning of the stimulated Dart of the cortex. Cat No. 35, Hov. 13, 1950. A and B are of the &yrua of the left hemisphere. Distance betxeen stimu- lation electrodes and discharge electrode is 6_mm. A is the .effect of stimulation With.a Frequency of 5 per second (30 volts) prior . to poisoning. After tag, a ball of cotton soaked in a saturated+ . _ solution of~?strychnine nitrate Was applied to'the brain under the? ? stimulating electrodes. The strychnine xas'removed after 1.5 minutes, the brain Was dried at this place and meshed Frith physiological solution, grid the stimulation electrodes Were placed at the previous site. ?B is the effect of the same stimulation 2 minutes after applica- tion of gtrychnine:to the cerebrum under the stimulation electrodes. The effects frets reduced 30 minutes after taking off the strychnine. C and E are. .of the gyros suprasylvius of the, right hemisphere. Distance betti-een the stimulation,electroded and the discharge electrode Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 is 6 non. Cis the effect of stimulation (30 volts, 5 per second) prior to poisoning; after this 'the area under the stimulation electrodes stas poisoned xith a 0.59, solution of strychnine; the strychnine Was removed after 3 minutes. D is the effect of the same stimulation 3.5 minutes after aPPli~tion of the strychnine to the brain under the stimulation electrodes. T is the effect of the name stimulation. 15 minutes after the recording of D. Indication of 0.3 millivolt for A, of Q.6 millivolt for C. ). In 'the ezpeximents of Beritov and Roitbak. (195ob~ on sp3:nal cord of frog it Was discovered that at relatively great concentration of strychnine (general or local poisoning) it is possible to?observe txo stages of its effect: at first, the posterior and anterior root potentials attenuates and only after several rdinutes do they begin. to intensify. Thus} Weakening. of the cortical negative potentials after strychnine poisoning should be ascribed to its parabiotic action on the neuron elements. Histological investigation of the part of the cortez subjected to poisoning by ? saturated solution of strychnine showed drastic morphological-changes of the cortical~neu~ons (3., 1950? In connection with xhat has been mentioned abode, it is possible to set forth the following fact obtained by Chung (1951).s -the negative_potential,ad~usted to be Provoked S nin. after a strip of paper?saturatsd With a 296 solution of cocaine rise placed on the cortex beti~een the atinulation and the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 2 minutes after poisoning of the .cortex under the discharge electrodes by a saturated solution of strychnine. t~rafstein, 1952: it ceased to be recorded after'~+.8 minutes. In ~ experiments the bioelectrieal potential ceased to be provoked discharge electrodes. In analogous experiments of Burns and With a frequency stimulation of 2550 per second the potentials considered quickly attenuate (see below). Effects similar 3n character arise at stimulation of any part of the dorso-lateral surface of the cortex, i.e. the character of the effect is not appreciably altered in areas of the cortex different according to functions. At powerful stimulations and at repeated stimulations addition- al .negative fluctuations can arise (Tig. 8), but this is not charac- teristic to'effects during deep narcosis and will be specially considered in a subsequent part of this chapter. At a distance of 1.5-2 bnn. between the stimulation electrodes and discharge electrodes the negative potential sets in 2-2.7 milliseconds after the moment of application,of stimulation. At removing, the discharge electrode, togethtr with ireduction of the amplitude of the potential the latent period of its arising is increased and its character changed: it reaohes the peak more sloKly. Increase of the .latent period cannot always be detected. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 because of the fact that the interval between the moment of stimulation and the moment of the arising of the biopotential 1s masked by an unbalanced residue of polarization potential (this took place in registration A, Fig. 11). (Legend to Fig. l.]., teatpage 34: Decrement spread of ne~tive potentials. A is cat Ido. 22, May 12, 1950. B3.o- currents are discharged simultaneous7.y from a point of the surface of the gyr. sigmoideua post. at a distance of 1.5 mn, from the stimulation electrodes (upper curve) and from a point at a distance of 3 mm. from the stimulation electrodes (lower curve). Intensity of stimulation 25 volts, frequency about 10 per second. B is cat No. 7, Ju7,y ~, 1949, Gyr. sigmoideus post. Distance between stimulation electrodes and discharge electrodes 2.5 mm.; the effect of one shock of stimulation {8 volts}~ Cie the. effect of a single stimulation shock.{8 volts) ._ after the discheu^ge electrode was shifted a distance of. 5 nnn. from the stimulation electrodes: D and E'are of cat No. 37, Jan. 7; 7.951: Slight narcosis (6 hours after nembutal? infection).' Stimulation electrodes P1 are placed at the posterior pole of the gyr.; at a distance of 5 and 71 mm. from them on the surface of this convolution are placed discharge electrodes El and E2; the second stimulation P2 pair are placed on the surface of the gyr. sigmoideus post, at a distance of 2 mm. from 7~. In Fig. !' is given the arrangement schema of etimula- tion and discharge electrodes. The biocurrents~are discharged Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 simultaneously from point E1 (upper curvy) and F~ (lrnrer curve). D is stimulation, carried out through Pl electrode, frequency 16 ?a second (25 volts). E is stimulation effected through R2 electrodes, frequency of atimulation?12 per second (25 volts). Indications for .A: 0.3 millivolts 20 mi113~econda.) Fn recordings B and,C in Fig. ll (right ? upper thirds left and right respectively) the effects are shotni of stimulation of the gyr. aigmoideus. In experiment B the discharge electrode tree 2.5 mm. from the pair of st3.mulating electrodes; the latent period of the arising of the biopotential equaled 3.3 milliseconds. In experiment C the distance bett~een the points of stimulation and of discharge equaled 5 mm.; the latent period of the arising of the biapotential equaled 8 milliseconds; If the rate of spread is calculated on the basis of the differences of latent periods and of th,e distances in experiments 8 and C} then the magnitude reached is approximately -0.?5 m. per second. Thum, if it' is assumed that ?the activity` is in any. tray spread from the point of ~atimulati.on to the point of discharge, then the rate?of this-spreads on the basis of the above-mentioned ezperiment~ is of the? order of 0.5 m. per second, t~.7:h. agrees ,frith Dome's data {199) in respect to the spread rate of potentials in the?? torte= of the cerebellum. Chang thus found that the spread rate of the negative potentials ccnsidered~in the cortex of cat equaled l m. per second, (1951); Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 According to Adrian and L'hang~ the negative bioelectrical potential discharged from the cortical surface'of cat at ~.ts.stimulation is not registered at a distance greater than. 5 mm. from the stimulation electrodes and is not registered from another convolution even'3.f the ? distance from the site of stimulation in very small.. ~e recordings presented in Fig. 11, D and E (lower 2~3 on the lefty upper and lower, respectively), contradict ~,.hese txo positions. The net-up of the experiments xas the folloxing: on the surface of the cortex of cat under relatively shallox narcosis xere placed 2 pairs of stimulating and 2 discharge electrodes (see F3.g. 11, F (lower 2~3 at the right); the first stimulating pair (Pl) and the first discharge electrode (El) are established on the posterior portion of the gyr. sigmoideus and the second. stimulating pair (P2) and the second discharge electrode (T~) are placed on the gyr. suprasylvius. The distance Pl E2 = 11 mm. At stimulation through electrode Pl (experiment D) and electrode P2 (experiment E) negative potentials are registered in both convolutions; their amplitude is leas at the more remote point. Thus, negative biopotentials at stimulation of the cortical surface can arise at a considerably greater distance from the place of ? stimulation than ~-as astimated. They ~y arise in another convolution. We have'thus been confronted with nex facts, Mhich ~ri.ll be considered in detail in th+e follaring pe~ragraphs , of this chapter. ~ . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 (Pl stimulation) and during spread from the gyr. sigmoideus into the gyr. suprasylvius'(P2 stimulation). Attention is attracted to the fact that the rate of spread in the case in question is greater than in experiments B and C and this can perhaps be connected Xith the during the spread from the ~y~c. suprasylviu8 into the gyr. sigmoideus As for the rat? of spread of activity in experiments D and E, Fig. 11, it is of the order of 0.85 m. per second and it is identical different depth of narcosis in these txo cases. According tv Burns' data (1951), in isolated part of non- narcotized cortex direct electrical stimulation of its surface Its rate of spread equals 2 m: per second. Thus, the rate of spread of activity here is even greater in eaperiments.With non-narcotized cortex. (Isolated from subcortex and from the rest of the cortex, ~ strip of gyry?suprasylvius off' cat, 20 mm. in length, was kept connected With the~rest of the cortex only by the blood vessels.?) The fact that at increase of distance between the stimulation causes the same negative potential as described for narcotized animals. electrodes and the discharge electrode the 1e.tent period of the bioelectrical reaction being registered is increased is demonstration that extremely local biopotentials arise at direct electrical. stimulation of the cortez. The latent period xould not be increased xith increase of the distance between the stimulating and the discharging Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 trocies'. limited practically to the region of spread of the stimulating elec- ?indirect provocation of. neuronic elements of the Cortez has been a distance o~ 2-3 mm. these loops of current could s}~oK such a stimulating effect on the neuron elensents'as xould lead to the arising of the potentials being considered. Tl~us,~the area of current does not occur, at least to ~-uch a degree, in order that at stimulating electrodes are applied, i. e. shunting of the and excitation namely of that point of the cortex to Which the , electrical potentials being~regigtered are stipulated by stimulation shoxs that xith the conditions of stimulation in question the bio- biopotential is increased at moving the discharge electrode axay Ukhtomskii, 1911). The fact that the latent period of the cortical proximate parts of the gray or xhite matter (Fvedenskii, 1897; stimulation of the tortes is due to shunting of currents to other its direct electrical stimulation room for doubt has alttays been left as to xhether or not one or another external effect to be observed at is limited practically to the, region of their arising. As kno~ra, during investigations of the cortex by the mathod of electrodes if the potentials arising are spread simply physically Frith decrement. Thus, the region of the discharge of these biopotential8 On the other hand, the fact considered (lengtYi of latent period Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 in connection xith the moving a~-ay o~ the discharge electrode) shows the accuracy of the oscillographic method being used. The discharge electrode shunts,preeisely the bicelectrieal activity of that part xith xhich it comes in contact. This is-a good argument against those electrophysiologista who think that the potentials discharged are alxays the expression of the sum total of a great number of potentials resultant from the bioelectrical activity of hardly the xhole of the cortex and that at excitation of any part of the cortex potentials, purely physical, can be discharged from remote parts of it, etc. Very persuasive positions have been exposed on the extraordinary local character of stimulation and discharge by experiments xith strychnine poisoning of the parts being stimulated and subject to- discharge which?were spoken of above. During local point possoning under stimulating or discharge electrode the bioelectrical effects that arise at stimulation can temporarily cease being registered. ? When this occurs es the result of poisoning under the stimulating electrodes (Fig. 9), this ahoxa the extremely local character of the stimulation: the loops of current do not stimulate parts?of the Cortez found at a distance of several n~il.limeters beyond the poisoned point. When this occurs as the result of poisoning under-the discharge electrode (Fig. ~10), this shoWS the eztreme~local character of the 'discharge of biopotentials: the discharge electrode does not discharge Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 biopotentials from a portion of the cortex found beyond the poisoned point, from parts in Khich biopotentials of greater am~pl3tude~arise than those arising .normally under the discharge electrode because they are found closer to the site of stimulation. The facts obtained oblige referring quite skeptically to the possibility of a diffuse and territorially spread phrysical influence of the biopotentials that arise during excitation of any complex of neuronic elements, for example to the possibility of the diffuse anelectrotonie influence of the potent3,als through tissue fluid on a great number of surrounding neuronic elements, as this was proposed earlier by Beritov (1937b, 19+8) and by Beritov and Roitbak (lg~8b), or to the possibility of the anelectrotonic or catelectrotonio effect of currents of the granular layers of the cortex as was considered probable by tJkhtomakii .(1939-0 ? The effect of rhythmical stimulations of the cortex during _ 'deep narcosis. (Legend to Fig. 12~ textpage 37'; Negative 'potentials caused by electrical stimulation of the ~ surface of the cortex different frequency of stimulation. Cat No. 10, October 24, 199. Nembutal. The discharge electrode and the stimulation electrode's ' are placed on the surface of the gyr. $uprasylvius; the discharge e]:eotrode is a distance of 1.5 mm. from the stimulating electrodes: Intensity of stimu3,a,tion 30 volts?(threshold 8 volts). A is a stimulation'frequenay o~ about 3 per second; B is 16 per second; the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 B1 are effects after 1 minute of atimule,tion. Cis frequency of stimulation of about 50 per second. C1 is after 30 seconds of _ stimulation. D is frequency of stimulation of 100 per second. E is the discharge electrode removed a distance of 2.5 mm. from the stimulating electrodes; frequency of stimulation at 15 per second is instantaneously s~itchecrto 100 per second; EL is after one minute of stimulation With a frequency of 100 per second, and change-over occurs to a frequency of 15 per second (Roitbak, 195~a). 20 milliseconds and 1 millivolt indicated.) During a stimulation frequency of 3 per second the subsequent shocks cause greater effects than the first (Fig. 12, A). With a stimulation frequency of 10-20 per second growth of effects occurs for the first 0.2-0.~ second oP stimulation (Fig. 12, B); furthermore, the effects are some- times complicated by additional t~taves arieing.~ At stimulation frequencies of 50-100 per second the effects progressively and quickly attenuate and in the course of the first 0.2-0..5 second tetan3.zation can dwindle to nothing (Fig. 12, C-~). ? When the functional state i$ poor} stimulation of the cortex provokes negative potentials of little amplitude, With a stimulation frequency of 10-20 per secamd~the character of effects in?the Course of stimulation is not changed, i. e, the phenomenon of Sra~-th?in amplitude of the potentials is lacking (Fig. 13, teztpage 38: Bio- that arise in response to stimulation of the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Cortez during deep narcosis. Cat No. ~, June 6, l9~?9. Deep narcosis after injection of a double dose of nembutal. Stimulation. and discharge electrodes in the gyr.?sigaaideus post.: distance .betfreen them 3 mm. Intensity of stimulation 30 volts. A is frequency of stimulation at 8 per Second. B is 15 per second. C is ~+0 per second, and C1 is after several seconds of stimulation. D is frequency of stimulation at 80 pex second. 20 milliseconds and 0.6 millivolt indicated.). At frequency of stimulation of 50 per second the effects quickly dxindle to; at a frequency of 100 per second only the feW first shocks cause appreciable bioelectrical potentials. In Fig. 1~+, At an experiment is set forth with cerebral stimulation at a frequenoy of 25 per second. At first the magnitude of the effects gro~rs, and after the fourth stimulation shock the effects progressively attenuate. '1.'he twentieth stimulation shock causes a three times Weaker potential than the second. In experimbent B the frequency of .stimulation is momentarily increased to 125 per second. After slight fluctuation caused by the first shock oP tetanic stimulation the subsequent shooks produce no effect., T:3 recording C after 2.7 seconds of tetanizatian at a rhythm_of 125 per second the frequency of stimulation is again Shifted to 25 per second",? thereby effects arise the Sams in a~plitude as prior to application Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of stimulation at 1~5 per second. Thus these 2.7 seconds of tetanization have influenced little the character of the effects of the infrequent stimulation.. In recording D after 3 seconds of stimulation at a rhythm of 25 per .second when the effects have considerably attenuated.a shift of frequency of stimulation to 125 per second, xas made, and. then, after a stimulation of several seconds at a rhythm of 125 per second the frequency was again changed to infrequent. The effects of infrequent stimulations after this intensified approximately four times, and these intensified effects lasted rather long. Thus, the impression is created that partial repose of the cortical elements being activated has occurred after a period of tetanization of the cortex. (Legend to Fig. 1~, tertpage 39; Bioelectrical potentials provoked during d.ifYerent conditions of stimulation of the cortical -surface. .Cat, No, 26; June 3, 1850. .Stimulating electrodes?and discharge electrode'are~placed'on the surface of the gyr. suprasylvius; distance betxeen the discharge electrode and the stimulating electrodes a 2.5 ~. Intensity of stimulation 30 volts. A-frequency of stimulation at 25 per second. B - a continuation of recording A; ,the frequency of stimula,tion?is momentarily sxitched from .25 per second to 125 per second. C - termination of 2.7-second ?tetanization at 125 per second and. change to a stimulation .frequency of 25 per second. ~D - after 3.seconds of stimylat3.on at a frequency of 25 per second a ah3ft 'is mace. to a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 frequency of 125 par second. B -after l5?seconds of tetanization at 125 per second the frequency of stimulation is chnnged?to 25 per second. F -the. effect of the application of 30-volt~atimulation at 20 per second after 1 minute of repose (Roitbak, 19511x). Indications of conditions on the illustrations 20 mi71'iseconda and 0.11. millivolt.) - Thus, xe rim into th:e follaxing phenomena. First, xe encounter ezhaustion when the relatively infrequent stimulations at prolonged stimulation begin to give gradually attenuating effects. ascondly, xe run into sharp attenuation or absence of effects xhen there is an increase of frequency of the stimulation to 50-100 per second. This is not an expression of ezhaustion, because at lengthening the interval of stimulation an effect arises im+nediately (see also Fig. 12, E), i. c. xe apparently run into phenomena of the w~orat-beet ("pes~simum-optimum") order-. In the third place, xe run into "repose" at the time of prolonged tetanic stimulations, but a1so,-as in the experiments flf Yved:enskii, the present repose is much more effective than "repose" at the time of the worst ("pesaimum") tetan3zation'~ (Fig. 14, F). . At consideration of these fadts~obtaine~. during direct electrical. stimulation of the cortical suri'+eice analogy intrudes xith the "pessimum-optimum" phenomene~ studied by YTedenskii in muscle-nerve prepaxation (18$6) .and in? spinal cord (19011?). Hoxever, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 xe later perceive that the correctness of such an analogy can be confirmed xith doubt. Patentiala, dfiacharg~ed from different layers of cortex at ~ , stimulation of its surface. BelaK are mentioned the results of experiments xith discharge of potentials from different ].ay~ers of cortex during electrical stimulation of its surface. In Fig. l5, A and B, are presented. electrical effects discharged from the surface of the Cortez at a distance of 2 mm. from the stimulating electrodes at different intensities of stimulation. At 12 volts (osc. A) negative potentials arose xith an amplitude of about 1 millfiv.; at 30 v. the amplitude of the potential exceeded 1.5 millfiv. and an additional negative fluctuation arose (osc. B). Then ,the discharge electrode xas sunk more deeply into the cortex; histological investigation showed that the end of the electrode xas in .layer V. 'In ~`ig. 15, C-E~ are presented the electrical effects discharged Prom layer V during different conditions of stimulation of the cortical surface (the position oP the stimulating eleotrodes xa~a not changed). At 6 volts tYze effects xere not provol~ed~ xhereas from the surface xith this threshold intensity of stimulation considerable negative potentials Mere discharged; at 12 v.~insignificant positive fluctuations xere discharged from the depths (osc. C)'; at 30 v. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 from layer Y considerable positive potentials xere discharged xith to the abscissa (osc, E); at cessation of stimulation a slaK txo- an angpl3tude of 0.75 millivolt (osc. D}. At tetanic stimulation xith a r}~ythm~pf 5? per second a long positive oscillation xas obtained, after xhich a negative arose and then the ray came back phase fluctuation also arose. Analysis of this curve shoxs that throughout the xhole tame of stimulation a long, oonatantly attenuat- ing~ positive potential occurred (see Roitbak, 1950x). After these eaperimcnts the electrode War placed on the surface in line xith the place of puncture. In response to.atimulmtion negative potentials again arose of somexhat lesser amplitude than those discharged prior to deep placement of the electrode (osc. F and G). This indicates that the ptmcture dcea not damage the cerebral :tissue to any considerable extent, as xas established by.e~periments on~apinal discharged from the. surface and fram the depths of the cortex at (Legend to Fig. 15; ts=tpage ~1: Bioelectrical potentials ne~tive fluctuation (osc, H) . , of 50 per second it is necessary to assume the arising of a long cord (Beritov and Roitbak, 1948x). A,t atimulstion xitb.a frequency stimulation of the cortical surface. Cat No. 16, 1~'eb. 11~ 1950. On the surface of the gyr. euprasTlvius sre placed !tiaulatin6 electrodes and at a distance of 2 mm. from them a discharge mieroelectrode. The provcoation threshold of the biopotentiala Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 is 6 ~. A is 12-v, intensity of stimulations and the beginning of stimulation is at a frequency oP 10 per second. B is intensity of stimulation of 30 v. Cis discharge electrode sunk by means of a microacreW to layer Y; intensity of stimulation 12 v,, frequency 10 per second. D is iritenaity of stimulation 30 v. E is beginning of brief tetanic stimulation during a frequency of S0 per second (30 v. ); T1 is end of stimulation. ? is microeleetrode raised and placed on the surface of the brainy intensity of stimulation 12 v.~ frequency 10 per second. G ie intensity of stimulation 30 v, His beginning of brief' tetanic stimulation at frequency of 50 per second; H1 is end of stimulation. Condition indicated on illustration at G is 1.2 millivolts.) (Legend to Fig, 16, textpage 42: Bioeleetrical potentials -discharged from the surface of the cortez, from the depths of the cortex, and from the Mhite matter at stimulation of the aur~ace of the cortex. A is. for cat ITo. 15, Feb, 8, 1980, Biopotentiala are discharged by microelectrocles from the surface of the brain (upper curve) end fxom a depth of 0.7 mm (layer curvo};.gyr, supxasylvius, its posterior pole.. Stiaulating electrodes are placed on the surface of the brain at a distance of 1.5 ms. from the microelectrodes. The intensity of atimulatica~rrss Q5 y,, the frequency 10 per secand. B D is far .cst loo. 27, June 7, -1950. Biopotentietls discharge Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 electrodes are found at a distance of 3 mm. from El; frequency of of the aortas. B is xith.E2 stork to a depth of 0.1-0,2 mm,; stimulating (loKer curves), Rye stimulating electrodes are placed on the aurface- from .the surface of the cortex by the very fine electrode El (upper eurvea) and'from the depths by the needle-shaped electrode E2 stimulation 1+0 per second (25 v, ), white matters a positive~potentisl is~registered' the negative potential. Prom the stake and from layier II (osc. B), from the surface and from the Mhita, mutter (oso, C and D). ' On the basis? of these. experiments it is possible-to make?lmportant factual conclusions: xhereas from the suMaee.of the Cortez a negative potential ?is regiatQred~ in the different layers of the corresponding point"of tie oortex potentials different in sign?are registered; in layers 'I ana, II there is a r negative potential; at somexhat greater depth (0.5 mm,) no certain potential can be registesr~ed~~or a. ~eak? positiva fluctuatiaa is registered; in layers Y sad. iti~, as, well, asunder. the cortex from the layers. of oorter, from the surface and from a~ depth of 0.5 mm. (oac. A), ezperinants simultaneous diaeharge of biopotentials from different C is t~ith E2 sunk down to the rhite matter; stimulating electrodes are found at a distance of 6 mm, from El; frequency of stimulation +40 per second. D is xith a Prequeaey of stimulation of lQ per second,) In Fig, 16 recordings are presented that ~rere obtained in Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 discharged from the surface being 3.n almost ~rror_imsge formr, ? The "inversion" of the sign of the. potential xhen the discharge electrode is sunk dat~n into the cortex occurs ar~yxhere close, to the surface of the cortex, xhiah,shoxs directly that the neuronic elements ,of the surface layers are the source of the neglative potential discharged f~^om the surface of the aortez. Adrian 0936) came to such a conclusion on the basis of the fact that after thermocoagulation of the surfle-ce layers of the Cortez the negative ,potential in this part ceased to be stimulated. Bishop and Alare (1953) in ezperiments Xith discharge of biopotentials of the cortex simultaneously froaa three levels from the surface layers, the .middle layers, and the t~hite rsatter~ found that at Stimulation of the surface of ,the Cortez of the upper 1/3 of ~ the corte$ a negative potential is produced and. at stimulation of the loxer 2/3 either no potential is produced or the?middle electrode is positive in respect to the xhite substance. ~ ? Thus, fram? the facts to be had it' folloxs that' the negative potential, discharged from the ~urfaee of the..cortez at direct atiaiu7.ation of , its ezpresses ezcitation of the neuronic elements of the surface layers o! the Cortez. r Hiatologid-1 information as layer ,I of the. cortex. At stimulation of tY~e Cortez by electrodes placed on tts aurPacc, the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 stimulating current should priasrily act on the nerve elements found. b on the surf~eice, i. e. on the elements of ].dyer I of the cortex. ? Intormtion on layer I of the aorta=, quite meager in ordinary teztbocake, can be found in the xorks of 1} Ca~e-1 (1893), 2)Bekhterev (1898,, 3} and ~+) Lorente de ~o (1933, 1943}, 5} Bliumenav_(1925), 6) O'Leary and Bishop (1938): 7) Zurabashvili (197, 1849), 8) Sarkieov and Poliakov (1948), and 9) Chang (1953). Presented beloM are data ozL the.atructure of layer I, on the derivation of the fibers of layer I, and on their distribution and terminations. 8or brevity, literary references are designated by the ~iguree corresponding to the above.-arentio~ied lint. At examination ~of cortical preparations ata~ined ~by the Caul method or by Golgi's method the foll.aring Mell ltnoaa,and; at the same time, iit~ortant fact is conspicuous: inlayer I of the cartes the predominant nerve fibere?are those that proceed on a?tangent xith? r the surface of the aortas; in layer II dendritic offshoots predominate xhiah arias from the pyramidal calla of the sub~soent layers. ? The~fibera of layer I. Part of these fibers are devoid of medullary membrane, others are n~el.iaated and form thick tufts2'3), . especially in the upper levels of the layer6). '!fie fibers arranged in the deepest pwrts of layer I and on the boundary frith layer II xere described by Belchterev as a rpeoiai layer .of fibers. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Among the fibers of layer I is s certain number of thick fibers proceeding for great d.istancee3~. To them apparently belong the axone of the horizontal cells of layer I, the length of which is eo cansid,erable that it is 3nspossible to trace them to the end, haMever large the section may be~~, even ehbuld it measure Several ? millimetereS~, and likewise aaane of cells with the anon proceeding 3~ . from the subjacent layers of the cortez Fibers of the outer part of the lager have ma3.nly a direction diametrical to the length of the convolution, Whereas the fibers described by Belshterev have a direction corresponding to the length of the cerebral convolutions. According to Bekhterev, the first serve as a connection for the tMO xLeighboring convolutions and the second a connection between the most diverse parts of one 2} and the same convo].utiori., often more or less remote from one another . I,orente de No finds that part of the thick fibers of layer S do not go beyond the limit of a given cyto-architectonic field, others 3~ . come from ad~aaent fields Bekhter4v came to the conclusion that "the first layer of the cortex genere~llq represents to the h3~hest degree conditions favorable 2~ . C1'I,eary and Bishop, ~0 y~sars at`ter BekYiterev, to associated. aetivityn considered it quite, probable that the fibers of Byer Z participate in the formation. of aesociatian cooties like certain courses. in the white matter.- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Origin of fibers of layer I. The fibers of layer I are chiofly szons or collaterals of different cortical neurone; moreover, collaterals proceed into layer I of certain afferent fibers. ~e follaxing kinds of fibers are Pound in layer I. t 1) The fine collaterals of the associative and collosal fibers. (This Was ascertained by Bekhterev, and this xas confirmed by the mast recent histological investigation~a~~9). 2) Collaterals of the aeons of the pyramidal cells of layers TI=VI2'3'6). In the higher u~mma~lB the horizontal dendrites of the recurrent collaterals of the cells of the deep layers form in layer I sturdlr tufts of myelinated fibars~'}. By the flay, Bekhterev thought the eo7.]mterala of"the cells or the subjacent layers the chief source of the layer of fibers discovered by him at the boundary of ~.ayers I and II. ~ " 3} Azons and collatemis of neurons xith a short azon of cortical layers"I-V13'6}. Concretely, in the forms~tion of layer I the follc~ing kinds of neurons ~-ith short azon participate:? a) ce11s xith ascending axon of layer II;~ b) cells tdth ascending , aion of lays+rs ,III and IP; c) cells of layers III and IP, similar to the pyramidal, xith ascending azon;.the azon produces colhtterals along the xey; d) wall cells xith round forms of layers III and ITT xith azon rising into layer~I, giving off eollaterals along the- trey; ej cells of globular form of layers III and,IP; the azon forms Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 a pl.eaus around the ce11~ and the?riaing dendrite produces in layer I several tangential fibers3); and f) cells oY layer V xith the aeon or Sts collaterals rising into layer 16). O'Leary and bishop indicate tWO rosin types of neurons With short axon in the granular layer (IV): neurons xi`.th rising axon and neurone xith descending aYOn; the axons of the first reach layer I. Bliumenau attaches great importance to the fact that, although cells xith rising aaon reach layer'I, they are contained in all layers of the eortea~ but there is an especially great number of them in layer TP. We shall come back again to this circumstance. Dendrites of layer I. In layer I the ramifications are completed of the top dendrites o! the pyramidal cells o! the subjacent layers. Aacoxding to Caul, the fibers o! layer I form a netxork in the meshes, of xhich the?tops of the dendrites terminate, studded., as ~~ekhterev`also confirms thins xith a great number of thornlike off- shoots to xh:ichs after 8uk~uzOVs 9arkiaov end Poliakav attach eatraordinsry importances assuming that they serve for contact xith_ the synaptic terminals (6arkisov and Poliakovs 1949; see also Chang, 1952)., The top dendrites st having attained layer Is or somewhat earliers split iota den,dritie branches, assuming a horizontal direction; the length o! the horizontal dendritic branches does. not eaceed 2 mm.9'~,: according to the data to be had. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Into Layer I enter the dendrites o! the tiny ce118 of layer II and-thee dendrites of th,e spindle-shaped cells of layers =IT and IP and ascending dendritic branches oi?certain neurona?xith short anon from layers III and IV, but likeviae the top dendrite's of the pyramidal neurons comprise the overwhelming mass of dendrites of layer I. Synaptic connections of tha system of fibers of layer I. It has been found that the thick long fibers_of layer 2, xhich are the rising axons of the cells of the aub~acent layers, produce a great number of collaterals that ramify not,~only in layer I but also in layer I13~ and that the collaterals of the axons of the cells of layer I (of Cabal's horizontal cells) enter not only into layer II but even into layer II16}. Nevertheless, Bekhterev concluded that the top dendrites "present to the highest degree favorable conditions for association" through contact the hranche~s.of the aaons?that penetrate here. Cd~al sax that the fibers>_of lsy~ar I, particularly the s=ans of the cells of layer I, terner3nate xith ramifications in the top dendrites of the pyramidal (cells). Bekhterev presents an illustration (1893, B. 213} in Mhich are Shawn the top dendrites and ;the terminations ~of the fibers of layer I on them. Zurabashvili found in preparations stainsd. for the synapses ( 'to Hof'f''s mpdified method Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 that there are numerous synaptic tui'ts to the top dendrites in layer II and~the whole layer is strewn Math preaynaptic fibers7~. According to Lorente de Ro, the top dendrites receive imPulaation chiefly from fibers of the layer T plezus and not of the layer TI. According to has data, the number of ryriapees for dendrites of the pyramidal cell in layer i is 1000 times greater than in layer T13~. 8ynapsee congrege-te chiefly in the ores of the bifurcation of the dendrites and in dendritec branches after bifurcation for dendritic offshoots of the motoneurons of spinal cord of cat; there are fexest of them in the part of the dendritic trunk imnedi;stely before its bifurcation7~. Zt is possible to think tb+at analogously for the top dendrites the greatest number of syna~ptie terminals of the fibers of layer .Z is in layer T in the region. of their bifurcation anti in their horizontal branches. ~ . On the basis of knaxn neurological data in regard to layer .I of the tortes, it is passible to ~me-ke the ~follaWing conclusions. . 1. In 1,ayer T there are medul].atsd and unmadullated fibers attaining great length. These fibers connect with ane another the adjacent convolutions, the different parts of a convolution, ad well ~as the,d~.fterent cortical fields. 2. Ttiabifurcations of the fibers of layer Z terminate prineipally in layers Y And IZ of the torte=. In layer I they form .numerous.aynaptie terminals in the top dendrites of the pyxamtcira,l Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 neurons. In layer Ix they participate in.i?he formation of a complex netxork of fibers terminating in the neuronic elements of layer II and, among them, in the trunks of the dendrites oi' the pyramidal ael].s. 3. At stimulation of the fibers of layer I activation occurs mnin7.y of the dendrites in layer I of the cortex. Thus, in the corte$ of the larger hemispheres (cerebral) there are anatomical reasons for the possibility of Hare or leas isolated activation of dendrites, a clarification of the function of xhich is the present problem of nettrophysiology. ~+. Since the fibers of 1,ayer I proceed mom the pyramidal neurons of all sub~aent layers of the eortea and from the cells xith axon ris3,ng from all $ub~aeent layers of 'the aortea, then, consequently, the top dendrites of the pyramids can be?activated from a vast number of sources; eaaitation of the neurons of any layer of the Cortez can be traneferrea through the system of the~fiberB of layer=T to.the, tops of the dendrites of the pyramidal net~ona. Origin of negative.biopotentials discharged from the cortical surface at direct electrical stim~,ilation of i:t:. , It can be considered established that the alo~- negative potential arising directly in response to electrical stimulation of the surface of the cortex e~cpresses mainly the state of eiaitation. of the dendrites ~ke- ~~es-~oi the cortical surface layers and is a "dendritec potential". Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Beritov came to this.conalusion in 19.1 on the basis of the data of Adrian (Beritov, 191). Chang (1951), Eccles (1951j, and. Bishop and Clare (1953) have arrived at the same view. The faets.obtained,in experiments with stimulation of the different layers of the cortex testify in favor of this, that the arising of negative potentials at stimulation of the surface of the cortex is connected With ezcitation of the elements of layer Y. Stimulation of the cortex vsa made by the "unipo],ar" method, by during of the middle and deep layers can be ezplaj.aed by the Yact`~hat stimulation thereby occurs of the collaterala and a$ons of f~bera of layer I ~.s found. The arising of the negative potentials from the surface of the cortex in resporiae to the stimulation a negative potential i-aa discharged. At ainlsing the electrode further, i. e. at stimulation of, the middle and deed layers of the cortex, fxom the, surface of the ,cortex xaa registered (at a given intensity of stimulation) a negative potential of far less?ampl3tude than at stimulation of the surface layer of the'eortez (Burns and Grafstein, 1852). R~us, th,e ?greateat activaition of the top dendrites oceure at ~tt3.n[ulation of the surface layer of the cortex in which the ayetem a depth of 0.1,0.E mm., then during a certain intensity of stimulation When the.stimu].stion electrode Was on the surface of the cortex or at imcpulses 0.5 millisecond in length, and by means of a glass microelectrode. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 that rise into layer I or of thrr corresponding ce11s oP these layers, i. e. by the fact that the system of Fibers of layer I is again thereby excited. Slox negative potentials are recorded even during deep riercosis- at aconsiderable distance Prop the part of the cortex stimulated,, the Latent period oP their arising being more prolonged in the more remote points than in the more prozinal. The following fact can serve as proof that the spread of these potentials through the cortex is connected with the spread of the ezcitation by the elements of layer I: after incision of the cortex betxeen the electrodes and the discharge electrode to a depth oY_0.13 ~., the negative potential ceases to be registered (Burma send Cirafstein, 1952}. In layer I there are, as said, ramifications of the top dendrites and of the system of the tangential fibers,- The?lerigth ' of the horizontal dendritic branches inlayer I does. not exceed 2 nun. (Chang, 1951); consequently, it is Pitting to thank that the spread of the negative slox potentials occurs by means of the Fibers of layer I. The rate of spread~of the slox potentials is determined, thus, by the rate of spread. o! this excitation along the fibers oP layer I. It is knoKn that the very fine fibers of the peripheral nerves aoaduct th,e a=citation nt a rate of the order of 0.7 meter per second, i. e. at a rate, Mh,ich approal.m~tes that xith Mhich? the activity in `the surface leiyers oP ttLe cortez is spread during deep narcosis. ~ , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 The rate of spread is considerably altered in connection xith change of temperature of the sorts=: at 29-32'C. it equals 2 m. per second, at 26' 0.7 m.~ per second, and: at 22' 0. ~ m. ' persecond (.Chang, 1952). Tccles in a survey article on the basis of literary data also ezpreases the opinion on it that activation of dendrites at stimulation of the surface of the cortex should proceed through the fibers of layer I (Eccles, 1951). However, Dom even earlier proposed a similar clarification to the spread of activity arising in the cerebellar cortex during electrical stimulation of its surface (Dox~ 199). At intensification of the electrical stimulation of the cortical surface increase of amplitude occurs of the negative potential being registered. 7~is iaust be explained by the fact that at increesin~ , the intensity of the. stimulation the number of fibers excited in layer T increases. As a result of this, in the area of discharge the number of synaptic terminals excited, under~Which excitation in the dendrites arises, 3a~increased. ~e amplitude of the dendritic potential is increased in connection Mith intans3fication of stimulation up to a certain, liffii.t~ neverthelasa.~ grarrth of amplitud,~ of the - -------- -- -.????~. ?.~.,.. .+J uwnuvr vi ay~ptilC tierasna ~s?., of ].aver I to 'the dendrites of the. discharge portion. Clarification, according to xhich activation of the,. dendrites ig Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 realized thraiagh the fibers of layer I, ran into difficulty, ~+hich consisted of this, that the quick (potential) rhich itself eapresaes the current of effect of the excited fibers of layer I (see recordings of the dendxitic potentials 3.n all the trorks published and in the above-mentioned oscillogranis) does not precede the slow dendritic potential. gtill in a number of cesea it proved possible to register the effects of direct stimulation of the surface of the cortex in trhich the quick potential of complex character, trhich consisted off' a group of asynchronous in[pulsea of anon origin (B'ig. 17), preceded the slag negative potential. This initial component is altered in connection the :change of direction of the stimulating current and in connection~tiith change of place of stimulation, 'i. e. at change of the conditions of stimulation of the surface of the cortex. At prolonged stimulation ~t a rhythm of 50 per second msny components ' ~ a of thin initial effect fall out. The fact that quick potentials tiers not usually registered before the slox is probably explained by the poor conditions for discharging quick fluctuations from the surface of the cortex. ' of ' At the disehi-rge :electrode at~y from the point stimulated the anq~litude of the dendritic potentials being registered is reduced, ~.. e. there is 'observed,. as it here, a log~e-rithmie decrement spread of~the activity. .~ecles explains this phenorenon by the manner Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of spread of fibers of layer I. This must be comprehended in the follaxing xay: for ezample, eaaitation f'~om the part stimulated comes to point A through 10`fibers of layer I. From col?7.?terals of these fibers the dendrites placed here are activated, part of these fibers terminating than and'thare. Impulses are admitted to point B through 6 fibers, to point C through 3, etc. The degree of decrement of the dendritec potential is proportional to the decrease of the fibers ezcited. As xe have seen, nat only the rate of spread, but also the degree of decrement and., consequently, the distance of spread depend on the depth of narcosis. During deep narcosis dendritic negative potentials are registered in cat at a distance of 5 mm. from the site af.stimulntion. In Bursa' ezperiments (1951) an isolated strip of non-narcotized xas registered at?a distance of 10 mm,; in the recordings presented as obtained on slightly x~rcotized animal it xas at a,distance of 11 imn. We,._have seen that during deep narcosis and generally at decline of the functional?atate of the Cortez first the activity begins to ?spread to an even lesser distance and, secondly, its rate of spread is reduced. ~.s is perhaps connected xith the e=Yect of the narcotic on elements responsible for th+e spread, ~,.e. the fibers of layer T. It can be thought that these fibers. are verb sensitive to the. action Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of the narcotics and fall into a parabiotic state. Furthermore it is possible to assume that the stimulation applied to them at this time causes excitation which spreads decrement along the fibers. and their collaterala; the attenuated biocu~rents of the torminals? closest to .the oollaterals~are still capable oY shoxing a stimulating action on the neuronic elements and of stipulating the arising of local potentials. Thus, electrophysiological and histological data permit concluding that electr3.ca1 stimulation applied to the surface of the corte$ leads primarily?to excitation of the fibers of layer I. The excitation, spreading along the fibers and their collaterals, reaches the synaptic endings that are located mainly on branches? of the top dendrites of the pyramidal neurons; the dendrites are activated and generate bioelectricsl potentials ~-hiGh are discharged fxom the surface of the cortex close to the point stimulated, it the form of negative potentials. - ? (Legend to Fig. 17, textpage ~+8; Quick potentials before slaw potentials. Cat.No. 32, July 10. 1950. The discharge electrode is placed on the .surface of the gyr.. ?sigmoideus: A -~ effects rcgistered.?when a point of the same convolution yas stimulated at a distance of ?l0 ~ from the discharge electrode. B -effects registered ghen a point of the, same convolution ~+as stimulated at a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 'distance of 8 mrn. from the disoharge electrode (intensity of stimulation in both oases 30 v. ).) Chsng proposes an entirely different eap7.anation for the arising and spread of the potentials being considered. The slrnt negative potential (discharged in his experiments at a distance of up to 5 mm. from the stimulating electrodes) ezpressea the dendritec potential itself, provoked by direct stipulation of the horisontal branches of the top dendrites. The negative potential is registered When the ezoitation impulses arrive through the branches of the dendrites from the site of their stipulation the discharge electrode. The spread rate of these potentials corresponds to the excitation spread rate ~in the dendrites (Chang, 1951)? 8oxever, as~saidt;the horizontal branches of the top dendrites have, a length no greater than 2 mm.;~in the experiments of Chang himself the potential teas defeated at a distance of-5 mm, from the site of stimulation and in?the case presented,in Fig. 11~ D and E, the potentials mere registered at a distance of 11 ma.~ a fact vhich it is by no means possible to eap1,~-in from Chang's comment: ' The position that the dendrites potentials 'arise at stimuLe~tion of the surtfe~ca of the sorts=~ grovaked by direct stimulation of the det~drites~ Chang supports by, the-. fcllo!~in8 facts : 1) ? in oomiection ~-ith intensification of the atimulatian of th+e cortsz the 'amplitude Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of the dendritie potential relatively quickly reaches a mazimal magnitude. Chang thinks that if its origin xas stipulated by transmise~ion of the ezeitation to the dendritic synapses, then the amplitude off' the potential.xould be increased xithin immeasurably greater 13mita. 2) Dendritic potentials are not appreciably changed under the effect of strychnine. This fact cannot, hrnrever, serve as proof of the fact that dendritic potentials arise during stimulation of the cortical surface xithout the agency of the synapses. It is xell knoxn that strychnine does not appreciably change the amplitude and character of local potentials of the motoneurona (arising through double neureanic axcs, i. e. directly under the influence of afferent impulses) as xell as of local potentials arising in the elements of layer IiT of the cortex under the effect of afferent impulses (see the strychnine acts on selectiw~ely in the sense of elevation of ezaitability: al~+ays connected xith excitation of the intermediate neurons, xhich ~of the surface of the cortex. ~e apasm4dic strychnine effect is same too in reapeat to dendritia potentials provoked by stimulation Chaptex IV). Under the influence of $tryahnine a certain increase occurs of the amplitude of these local potentials, but xe see the It~~s already been said that the aegA~tive potential is registered from the surface of the cortex and during point stimulation of the middle Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 sunk into the cortex. In the opinion of burns and Grafatein (1952) at a distance of several millimeters from the -stimulating~microelectrode and deep layers of the Cortez, the negative potential being registered -this fact shows that the negative potential ari~sea xithout participation of the fibers of layer I, that it is stipulated by excitation of?the horizontal branches of the top dendrites, i. e. they think that dur~8 stimulation in the depths of the cortex the top dendrites are excited and then the excitation spreads along their horizontal branches in i.~yer I of the cortex. HoMever, this fact is easily explained otherwise if it is taken into consideration that the fibers of layer I arise from the subjacent neurons, chiefly of the middle and deep layers of the cortoz. It is not remarkable that at stimulation of these elements negative potentials arise: excitation spreads along the ascending axons (.or eollaterals),~ then along their horizontal branches in layer I and stipulates the arising of 1oca1 potentials in?the top dendrites on Khich the fibers of layer I termina:te? synaptically. With the method of stimulation used and with YiarcoBia,?stimulation of the motor area of :the cortex did not lead to the arising of movement, Whereas from the surface of the motor area of the cortex around the part stimulated slow negative potentials of greeter amplitude xere registered. Thus, iri the dendrites of the pyrami.dsl~neurons excitation arose. The pyramidal neurons'as a whole.vere not excited. Ao diacharge~ of excitation into their a-zons occurred, i. e. into~the pyramidal courses. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -93- It is characteristic that when a ne?ative potential is diaeharged. from the surface of the cortex in ,response to stimulation of the Cortez, then in the name part of the cortex, from the mieroelectrode found at the level of the cellular bodies of the larger pyramidal neurons (at a depth of 1.3 mm.) quick dischaugss are sever registered (Burns and Grafatein, 1952). It is knaMn that if by thermocoagulation the upper three layers in field ~ die, then at stimulation of this part the same motor reactions are provoked as prior to destruction by layer; the threshold of electrical stimulation is not thereby altered. After destruction of ali lay+era of the Cortez, only very poxerful stimulations provoke a motor reaction because of direct stimulation of the xhite matter (Dosser de Barenne; 1933as 1930? Since the threshold of provocation of the motor reaction vae not change3 after thermocaagulation, then, aonaequently; during the ,given.conditiona of experiment reactions xere_ provoked laecause of direct stimulation of the cellules elements, of the deep }sayers. St is also kno~rn that the threshold of provocation 'of motor fieactians trhen there is stimulation of the motor vortex depends on 'the .method of stimulation (Dosser de Barenne, 193~+a): at unipolar stimulation it is lamer then at bipplar stimulation, at Mhich electrical, ' ~~~'.. lixses run mainly through the dendrites of the pyraaidal cells,. Hence, it is_possible to conclude that isolated stimulaticn of the ,dendrites does not lead to eze~.ts-tion of the ~correeponding cellular bodies. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -~- On the basis of the_data of Clare and Bishop (1954) it likexise . ~ is possible to conclude ttlat when the'top dendrites of the association pyramidal neurons undergo direct electrical stimulation (stimulating ' microeleetrodes at a depth of 0-0.3 m~a.), then discharge of excitation impulses into their axons does not occur; when the {cellular) bodies of the association pyramids (the microeleetrodes xere sunk into layer Iy} are stimulated directly, then diaoharges of impulses in their axons arise under the effect of the same stimulation. The facts obtaizied in experiments with simultaneous registration of biopatentiala from different layers testify that when excitation arises is the dendrites wader the effect of ia~ulses from the fibers of ].e~y~er T, the (.cellul,ar} bodies of the pyramidal neurons are not aroused by impulses into the axons; likewise, no local excitation arise~~ 4 in. them that Mould be expressed in registration of a characteristic negative potential from elements of the deep layers. Consequentlg,- excitation of dendrites of the pyramidal neuron does not lead toy excitation, spreading or regional, of the rem~sining parts of the neuron ('cellular body and axon). Thus, when excitation in~ulsei~ come to?the top dendrites of?the pyramidal neurons, the rsactioai is lisited by the arising of regional excitation of the. top dendrites. With itbak single stimulations of the cortex and ~-ith deep narcosis and strong atisulation,s a simple~bioelectrical reaction .arises, a negative biopotential~ the miaisal length of which is . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 equal to 10 milliseconds.. ~e minimal length of such a negative ypotential developed by the motoneurons and-by the intermediate neurons of the spinal cord of cat is the same.' On the basis of this it is possible to assume that the length of the elementary local potentials i.,e. of the regional?ezcitation, is approximately identical for the:varioua neurons of the central nervous aystem~ for instance for the neurons of the spinal cord and of the cerebral cortex. Footnote: fit direct electrical stimulation?of the optic covering of frog the negative potentials discharged from its surface likewise have a length of about 14 milliseconds (Roitbak~ 1952).) On the basis of experiments x3,th simultaneous discharge of biopotentiels from the various layers of the cortex it was concluded that the level at'Which alteration of the sign of the potential occurs lies some'Where close to the surfaces apparently at -the boundary of layers II and III: a negative potential expressing regional excitation of the dendrites is~registered only from layers I-II {Fig. 16). At deeper'placement of the discharge electrode in the cortex, they stop discharging e~ny considerable e~'fects or they cYLange their sign. Hence, it is.possible to conclude that xegional excitation {and?a local potential corresponding to?it) arising in , the top dendrite does not spread=doirrntards?through the dendrite for any 'considerable distance and th~-t it is virtually. limited to the ' place of its arising' under the excited. synaptic endings. If~ We Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Were persuaded earlier of this, that bioelectrical potentials are extremely local in respect to spreading along the surface'of the cortex and that the loops of stimulating current xith the stimulation method in question are not spread through the Cortez to such a degree as to cause excitation of` the nerve elements at a point of the Cortez laying in line xith it, then too it is possible to conclude in regard to the physical spread of the biocurrents and of the stimulating currents in the depths of the eortez: this issues from the possibility indicated of isolated activation of surface layers oY Cortez. Hoxever, finally, in natural conditions of activation oY the cortex isolated activation of the surface layers cannot proceed. As xe have seen, the main source of the fibers of layer T consists of the ascending axons of cells With short anon and the recurrent eollaterals of the pyramids. , Thus, the excitation of; the fibers .of layer I and the subsequent activation of the top dendrites (and other elements of"the surface layers)" presumes the preliminary excitation of the neurons of other layers of the cortex, particularly of the neurons of layer N, Which is the'main regional ending of the aff'exent f 3bera of the corr~sx. Thus, on the beBis of an analysis of the dendritec potentials the dendrites provoke in,_them regioml'nonspreading excitation; 2?) basic theoretical conclusions: 1) excitation i;gpul~es,arriving at of. the .pyramidal neurone. it is possible to melee the follo~ring txo Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 regional. excitation of the top dendrites does not lead to excitation of the corresponding pyramidal neurons. (Footnote: This conclusion Mss msde.on the basis of the results of pointed experiments Mith exposure of the cerebral cortex. Hence, as A.E. Kogan pointed out, the folloMing ob3ection is possible:? during exposure of the cortex the top dendrites fall into a psrabiotic state and, in response to the inrpulsea that come tv them, respond xith regional excitation., 8ormall.y they conduct excitation to the body of the cell.} These conclusions agree Mith the conclusions of Beritov concerning the activ3.ty of the dendrites, that Were made on the basis of an analysis of numerous facts from the histology and physiology of the central nervous system~(eee Beritov, 1941, 1948, 1949, 1953)? They da not agree Mith the prevalent concept, according to Mhich the dendrites conduct excitation to the body of the cell. and even are detectors "collecting" the straam of nerve impulses from different sources and transmitting them to the axon (Gesell; 3.940;?Poliakov~ 1953)? In virtue of the .fact 'that the pyramided neurons ?~-ere oriented vertical to the surface of the cortex, experiments ~` deep sinking o! the dischsrg+e microelectrode from the surface aP the cortex vertical to the Mhite matter permit concluciing~ona.thE.profile of the outer ' electrical fields Mhich arises`~at regions'! ezcitatioa~ of the dendrites: ..? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 points around the part excited, i.e. around the top dendrite, are negative, and the points around the cell. body~and axon are positive in respect to the remote "indifferent" point (Fig, 18, textpage~52: Potentials opposite in'sign, recorded from different parts of the pyramidal neuron at excitation of its top dendrite. P - stimulating electrodes on the surface of the cortex. 0-.01 - conditional level at ~~frhich the "inversion" of potential. occurs. The scheme floe con- structed on the basis of results of electrophysiological experiments.) Beritov thinks that d?nclrite~s do not conduct excitations because the fine, bare bifurcations of the dendrites develop an active process of little intensity, and this process up to the body of the cell is not in a condition to spread,' to the biocurrent that thereby arises {Beritov, 1948, 1949). Hoxever, it can be thought,, in addit~.on, that the neuroplasm of the dendrites is different in~its properties from the neuroplasm of the cellular bodies. For instance, the various staining properties of the cellular bodies and of the dendrites to be detected even frith Nisisl's method indicate this. ~~ Finally the fact that excitation of the dendrites during natural conditions of their-stimul:ation (i. e. under the effect of the excitation, impulses conducted tb them by the fibers) does not lead to excitation of the neuron is perhaps :ezplained _likefrise by the fact. that the presyriaptic.fibers-terminate differently on~the polies of the neurons and their dendrites {see ~belofr) .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Sherrington concluded that the axon type of excitation conduction is natural not?only to axons of nerve celZe but also to their bodies and their dendritic offshoots and?that the synapse by its unique structure is capable of changing'th3:s type o? excitation conduction. In regard to the dendrites, this conclusion was made by him on the basis that the dendrites may be nerve fibers having cerebral-spinal ganglia in the ~orm.of a neuron (Sherrington, 1906. However, as Malone rightly notes (1932), it is necessary to distinguish relationships in the central nervous system and in the posterior-root ganglia and it ie impossible even to assume that dendrites of the central nervous?system are sim3.lar in their properties to sensory-nerve fibers. Up 'to the present time the~idea~that dendrites of all neurons conduct excitation in a way similar to that by Khich the peripheral nerve fiber conducts i~t Kos prevalent, but facts obtained by oscillographic study of the central nervous system h~i3!e led recently to a change? of opinions on this +atatement by a number~of American physiologists: Chang thinks that at electrical stimulation of the?top,dendrites excitation spreads not only through their horizontal branches, but also through the dendritee trunk daWnvards to the body of the pyramidal neuron at the rate of 1-2 m. per second. ?Excitation of the dendrites, according to Chang, is normally transmitted to the body of the pyramid Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 and then to the Gaon. Hoxever, during narcosis the excitation of the dendrites does not provoke excitation and discharge of the corresponding pyramidal cell,'since blockade occurs of the excitation at the site of the transition of the body of the cell?into an axon. By this is explained the fact that the. shock of electrical stimulation applied to the surface of the motor area of the cortex, provoking a negative potential, does not provoke a motor reaction. Nevertheless, as xas pointed out, the local potential is registered only at the level of layers I and SI. Thus, there are no bases for considering that the excitation reaches the body of the pyramidal neuron and is blocked at the place of emergence of the axon. The difference in methods of activation of the pyramidal neuron,, through the cell body .or through the dendrites, according to Chang; consists of this, that because of the lox rate of excitation condu>vtion through the dendrites?the.latent period of excitation is in the second case considerably ~by. 3.5 t~ii113seconds, in has estimation) greater (Chang, 1951}. Hoxever,, later on and issuing from hiatolagical data on the presence-of tKO types of synaptic connections betxeen the cortical neurons ~ the axosomatic and the rszodendritic,. Chang came ? to several' other vl.exs. Tai his opinion, in connection xith th,e fact 'that presynaptic fibers terminate on the body of 'the pyramidal neuron, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 xith numerous thickly distributed synapses e~ccitation of these fibers usually causes the discharge of the pyramidal neuron in question;' presyaaptia fibers on the dendrites of a pyramidal neuron terminate with a moderate number of linearly distributed synapses, and excitation of these fibers usually does not lead to the discharge of the pyramidal neuron in question; the discharge can proceed with simultaneous ,,; excitation of a great number of paradendritic synapses (Chang, 1952}. At excitation of the body of the pyramidal neuron the excitation spreads, according to Chang, on the one hand, into an axon, and, on the other, upKard through the dendrites to the surface of the corte$ (Chang and Saada, 1950). Thie universally adopted point of viex, according to which the dendrites. conduct the excitations 3s also held by Lorente de 1Vo. On the basis of a study of the biopotentials of neurons of the nucleus of.a sublingual nerve at theSr antidromic excitatian, he came to the conclusion that the rate of spread of excitation in the nerve cell ('body of the cell + dendrites} 3s of +~,a? n,~r ~~ 2 m. roar second. Se thinks that the antidromic impulses spread along the dendritec bifurcations by?.the same principle as in the nerve~~'iber~ i.e. because the current of excitation subsequently stimulates portions of dendrite~a along the travel line. oi' the excitation.' I,iketirise, he cang3,ders "the question unsolved, ~thether imcpulses 'reach the very fine biftiircations of the dendrites (T,orente d.e Ida,. 197}. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Bishop and Clare (1953) on the basis of the data obtained in experiments with discharge of potentials from different layers of 'the cortex at stimulation of its surface formed the conclusion that dendrites of pyramidal neurons do not conduct excitations do~raward to the body of the cell, i:e. entirely the same .conclusion as was made by me on the basis of like experiments. HoWever~ on the other of the cortex, they reached the conclusion that dendrites of pyramidal neurons conduct excitation from the body of the cell upward to the hand, on the basis of experim~snts xith stimulation of the deep layers (i. e. to the body of the cell), but antidromically (i. e. from the body surface of the cortex. ~r~e still come back to paradoxical conclusions, according to which dendrites do not conduct excitation orthodromically of the cell). `~ (Legend to Fig. l~, textpage 54: ~ppressi~on of "spontaneous" electrical, activity during~~stimulation of the surface of the cortex. Recordings Aand B -cat No. 26, June,3, 1950. Relatively deep nembutal sleep. The stimulating electrodes and discharge electrode are placed on the surface of the gyr. suprasylvius. The discharge electrode is a distance of 2.5 mtg. from the stimulating electrodes. A _ ~ginn~,ng of tetanic stimulation (.frequency 50 per second, intensity 30 v. ). B -after 10 seconds of tetanization; end~of Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 'Recordings Cand D -cat No. 2~, May 20;.1950. Relatively deep nembutal sleep. The stimulating ,electrodes (P) are placed on the gyr. sigmoideus post.; potentials are discharged simultaneously from a point on the surface of the same convolution at a distance of 2 mm. from,P (E1, upper curses) and from the surface of gyr. suprasylvius 10 mm. distant from P (E2, loxer curves). D -beginning of short tetanic stimulation (50 per second, 25 v. ). D -end of stimulation. T -scheme of arrangement of electrodes (Roitbak, 1953x).) T.nh.ibition of "spontaneous" electrical activity. In the course of investigation xe xere repee~tedly confronted facts evidently related to the phenomenon of car?bical inhibition. At the time of stimulation?of the surface??of the cortex at a rhythm of ,50-100 per second, attenuation and even coiaplete oppression of "spontaneous" electrical activit~t (Fig. 19)?can occur; reduction of it occurs after 0.5-1 second throur~h cessation of stimulation. r~! ? :pppression of "spontaneous" electrical activity proceeds at those points of the cortex at xhich negative slox fluctuations occur 3n response to-st3anulation, i.e. during deep narcosis this occurs?in a small territory around the stimulating electrodes. At those points of the cortex there the stimulatsion in question does?not cause negative biopotentia~ls '"sponta,neoua" electrical activity is not ~~// altered (F,ig.-19, G and D)?. !Oppression of "spontaneous" electrical Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 activity at tq~ltanization of the surface of the cortex occurs too ~-hen, as a consequence of local etrychninization, this activity is sharply intensified (Fig. 20, textpage 55: Oppression of "spontaneous" electrical activity at stimulation of the surface of the cortex. Cat No. 12, Dec. 2, 199. Stimulating electrodes and discharge electrode on the surface of the gyr, auprasylvius;, distance between them 2 mm. 11 minutes after local poisoning of the brain under the discharge electrode with a O.l~i solution of strychnine. A -intensification of electrical activity (after poisoning) and beginning of tetanic st3anulation (50 per second, 25 v. ). B - immediate continuation of recording A. C - electrical activity 0.5 second after cessation of stimulation. For this period of 0.5 sec. the electrical activity remained depressed.). On the basis of the facts cited it is possible to assume that oppression of-"spontaneous" electrical activity during tetanization, of the surface of the cortex is causally connected with the negative slow poteritials~arising thereby, i.e, thatappreasion of "spontaneous" electrical activity is stipulated by ezcitation of the dendrites in the surface layers of the cor-tez. It would be possible to give this phenomenon another explanation by admitting that the "spontaneous" activity is -stipulated mainly by the act~.vity of the nerve elements of the surface layers of the cortex Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 and that the elements activated as a result of the tetanizing stimulation no longer produce rhythmical fluctuations of "spontaneous" activity. However, it is knoxn that after thermocoagulation of the upper two layers of the cortex "spontaneous" electrical activity of the part in question does not disappear but only attenuates somewhat (Dosser de Barenne and MacCulloch, 1935, 1936). Recently it xas established that during con~aratively xeak stimulations of the surface of the cortex at 50-100 a second a prolonged negative potential of a nonfluctuating character arises (Beritov and Roitbak, 1953)? 'i'he ar~Iitude of this potential is increased at increase of frequency of the stimulation and reaches 1 mill3.v. and more. The slox negative potential reaches a maximal amplitude 1-1.5 seconds after the beg3xming of tetanization~of the surface of the cortex and-lasts 3-~} seconds; gradually attenuating, (Fig. 21, tegtpage~56: Long potentials of nonfluctuating character that arise during electrical stimulation of the surface of th,e cortex. Cat under deep nembutal narcosis. On the surface of the gyr. suprasylvius the stimulating electrodes xerje~placed ~7 ; f Y~1,V' ' 1 ~1 v~~.}4,~ E(tR' and 3 and 10 mm. distant from ,the diaeharge electrodes. Hooste~r with ~?- a `gr-ea~r_ time constant. Le~ngth~ of 3~i~fteot#ng stimuli 0.5 millisecond. A -frequency of stimulation 9 per second. B~-- frequency of stimulation 50 per second. C - eficct of repeated stimulation after 10 seconds. Intensity of stimulation in ezperiments A - C 10 y. 'D - Intensity of Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 stimulation 5 v., frequency 100 per second. Deflection upward denotes negative character of discharge electrode very close to the point of stimulation (Beritov and, `~#oitbek, 1953). ). ? tilith the beginning of the development of the pegative potential the "spontaneous" electrical activity immediately attenuates or ceases and remains oppressed throughout all the time of the beginning of this potential. Thus, regional, fixed, nonfluctuating excitation of the system of dendrites in the surface layers of the cortex stipulates inhibition of activity of the neuronic elements of the cortex. On the other hand, during comparatively intense stimulations of the surface of the cortex at a rhythm of 50-100 per second a prolonged positive potential can arise that is attended by intensification of the "spontaneous" electrical. activity (Beritov and Roitbak, 1953). tahen from~the surface of the cortex a long negative biopotential is discharged, the inner layers of the cortex are polarized iii a positive gray (Fig. 15). It can be thought that activation of the dendritic plexus of 1:ayers I and II stipulates the-anelectrotonizat3on of the cellular bodies of the pyramidal neurons in the inner layers of -the cortex and by this very thing oppression of "spontaneous" electrical activity. The facts obtained at passage~of a~conatant current through the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Cortez can serve as argument for the correctness of this assumption (Burns, 19511). If to a sma11 part of the surface of the Cortez an anode aas applied, then with a current energy of about 100 microamperes excitation occurred of the cortical neurons. This phenomenon did not arise with a reverse direction of the current. In another series of experiments a microelectrode Was introduced into the cortex to a depth of 1.2 mm., i.e. into layers P-YI. When it was connected With a cathode of constant current, then an eaeitatian arose of the cortical l,; neurons. When it was connected With the anode, no excitation arose. Intense rhythmical stimulation of isolated non-narcotized strip of cortex aroused excitation of neurons of the deep layers of the pert stimulated, With prolonged aftereffect. If at this time to the surface of this part of the Cortez a cathode of constant current Was applied, then the aftereffect broke immediately. The same effect"Was obtained if the anode Was applied to the ~microelectrode introduced into layers Y-VI of this part of the Cortez. Thus, during negative polarization 'of the.aummit dendrites inhibition occurs of the activity .of the pyramidal neurone of .a g3.ven point of the cortex as a consequence of positive polarization of their cellular bodies: the catelectrotonus of the dendrites is.associe~ted With the ~anelectrotonus of the cellular bodies. ,Is it ia~ossible to compare this phenomenon With pericateleetro- tones, With the phenomenon of anodic reduction of the ezcitability in Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -108- the 'region of the neuron adjacent to the xegion of the eatelectrotonus? ? On the. basis of the facts dust cited it ie possible to conclude that during artificial polarization of the cortex when the cathode is on its surface there is created an electrical field the same in configurat3.on as in the case of natural ezcitation.of the top dendrites through tetanization of the fibers of layar I that bring about their excitation. ? Vorontsov (19+9) thinks that at ezcitation of the dendritec ramifications very xeak currents should arise that may shoK only an insignificant effect on the bodies of'neurona. Hoxever, he considered the results of excitations of the very fine ramifications of the dendrites. We too have seen that regional excitation of the top dendrites 'of the pyramidal neurons a positive potential of great amplitude, is registered from the bodies of?these neurons. In connection With What has been said above, the fblloking fact which We have already mentioned is of`interest. In experiments Stith registration of?biopotentials of the individual motoneuron through a microelectrode inserted therein it has been established . that'when exciting afferent impulses reach the zmotoneuron, then an ordim.ry local. potential (ueg~tive)_ arises in it, t~hich xe have already spoken of above. When inhibiting?afferent impulses arrive 'at the natoneuronj then~a poaitiv+e potential of the same length and form. as the nepettii-e local "potential is registered from the mAtoneuron Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 (Eccles, 1952, 1953)? Thus, the process of. regional excitation and the process of inhibition have an electrical display opposite in sign. Proceeding from the dendritic hypothesis o~ inhibition (Beritashvili, 1953~),?it ia,neaesaary to assume the~t inhibited impulses are impulses coming to the synaptic endings on dendrites-of the motoneuron. The body of it is .thereby polarissci. in a positive way, as xe astir in regard to the body of the pyramidal neuron during regional excitation of its dendrites {see Roitbak, 1955, fbr more detail). Contribution to the question of the lability of the dendrites. As known, the higher boundary rhythm of excitation is the standard of lability (functional liveliness). With characteristics of lability these bring a reaction xhich is most specific to the tissue in question (Ukhtomskii, 1939-~+0}. The lability of the nerves is determined by the higher.rhythm of the currents of effects since the excitation that is spread is most specific to their reactions. As xe have seen, regional ezcitation far the dendrites is a specific reaction,?and if the same principle is applied here, then the lability should be?` determined by the higher rhythm of the local potentials. `The higher rhythm, so determined for the .,dendr~.tes is equal at leap narcosis to 100-125 per second. The lability quicklydrops in the course of stimulation: the rhythm of stimulation (50-100 per second} is reproduced only at the ver~i?beginning of stimulation,-then Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the effects quickly attenuate and go daxn to nothing (Fig. 12). Thus, stimulation frequencies of 50-100 per second for the cortical surface can, as it,~Were, be noted as the Worst; the optimal xill be frequencies of 10-20 per second. on What principally are these terminations found?~ The nerve fibers, summed up during stimulation of the aur~ace of the cortea~ in the fibers of layer I, in their synaptic endings, or in the dendrites, cord it is in the intermediate neurons. But When this state is experiments of Seritov and Roitbak (1950x) on strychninized spinal in the motor neurons of the anterior horn. In the oscillographic In experiments on it ~-ith strychninized spinal cord (1904) it is In 9vedenskii's experiments Mith nerve-muscle preparation (1886) the trorst state `ran sunmrsd up in the nerve-muscle lamina.. the conductors, always possess greater. lability than their station of destination. This evidently is the general rule and the fibers of Layer I of the cortex, in spite of the fact that~the heater part there are also factual~inc'lice-tions that during prolonged several- of them are devoid of my~elixi,; hardly present an exception. .However, second atiaulntions of 'the surface of the cortex at a rhythm oi' S0- 100 per second the nerve fibers of layer I continua conducting excitation and transmit it through. the synapdea-to the neuronic Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Thus, it should 1? concluded that the phenomena of intensification and of attenuation of the bioelectrical potentials being considered during changes of frequency of stimulation of the cortical surface reflect the very processes occurring 3.n 'the dendritic offshoots of the pyramidal neurons. Certain: preceding discussions lose their significance 3f the original position is inaccurate, that the higher rhythm of the local potentials is the criterion of lability for the dendrites. Indeed can the rhythn of local potentials testify unreservedly to the functional liveliness of the dendrites or of the cellular bodies? As said, at application to the spinal sensory nerve of subthreshold (in the sense of provocation of the reflex discharge in the motor ?nerve) shock of~stimulation in the corresponding motoneurons of the spinal co%;d a regional excitation or~local potential develops and ? ,. after 10 milliseconds attenuates. Sf stimulations are applied with such calculation that From each subsequent shock of stimulation afferent impulses come to the motoneurons even to attaining the preceding local potential in its height, then the phenomenon is ? observed of suneuation of local. potentials: a nonfluetuating slox potential of greater amplitude arises, i. e. "the curve of the bioelectrieal potential no longer ref7.ects the rhythm of tha stimulation. Hrn(ever, -it is absurd to consider this the expression of the Horst state of the motoneurons, since dust the phenomenon of sunaw~tion of regional stimulation lies at the basis of the excitation, of the discharge of Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the neurons. The same refers also to the local potentials of?the nerve fibers. Dendritic potentials cease to arise through the rhythm of stimulation at irritability frequencies of ~0-100 per second, ..but it is incorrect~to consider these frequencies as the worst. A nonfluatuating potential thereby arises, the amplitude of which is higher than the amplitude of the elementary dendritic potentials that arise at individual shocks of stimulation. Sts amplitude is increased at increase of frequency of stimulation within the limits of 20-100 per second. This nonfluctuating dendritic potential is not an epiphenomenon, but is connected, as we see, with a process of inhibition. Certain high frequencies of stimulation at xhich?a~nonfluctuating potential arises less in intensity and length than during certain , lower frequencies can perhaps be considered as the "worst" frequencies in regard to local potentials. For instance, in the egger3.~ents of Delov and I~apitskii (1935)?the slox potential discharged from the surface of the spinal-cord of frog during stimulation of the sciatic' nerve at a stimulation frequency of 100 per second reached an amplitude , of 1 milliv. and. lasted for a long time during uninterrupted stimulation, At-a stimulation frequency of 200 per second the potential after a ?the slox nonfluctuatirig potential discharged front the surface o~ the small rise (0.3 milliv.) quickly dwindled to nothing. Or'; for instance, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 medulla oblongata of frog during stimulation of the sciatic nerve has at, a ~ stimulation frequency of 100 per second a lesser~Wamplitude than at a frequency of 10 per aec~; at a f~Tsquency of 100-per. eeeond during unintei-rupted~stimul,ation it quickly attenuates, ~rhereas at a frequency of 10 per second it preserves far a long time its initial aaSplitude {Roitbak, 1952}~ 2. Supplementary Negative Potentials During deep narcosis the bioelectrical patential$ that arise in response to direct electrical stimulation of the surface of the cortex are relatively siri~le and constant. They are altered from intensity: frequency, and duration of stimulation in a certain siurple dependency on these factors, ~rhich bras painted out in the first part of this chapter: Hrnrever~ at light narcosis in a xay _ liko that by Which motor reactions on the terminations are complicated and~beeome altered (but~not stereotypic as they are at deep narcosis ? .i~rom direct electrical stimulation of the motor area of the cortex ` {~khtomskii, 1911, the bioelectrical responses of the cortex are -complicated and become altered. at direct electrical stimulation ~of it. These complex bioelectrical effects xill be examined further on. Further back a detetiled e~nalysis eras given of those potentials simple in character xhich,express regional excitation of the ?top .. dendrites of the p3'z'arnids that sets in immediately under the effect Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of impulses from the fibers of layer T. The characteristic bioelectrieal reaction to stimulation of the cortical surface during deep narcosis is a negative biopotential of 10 milliseconds' duration. For instance, ~in xecordings A and B of Fag. 12 the first shock ~of stimulation causes this simple bioslectrical reaction, a negative potential lasting 10 milliseconds and reaching an amplitude of 0.75 milliv. Subsequent shocks with a stimulation frequency of 3 per second {recording A) and 16 per second {recording B} cause potentials of greater a~plitude (1.2 milliv,) and of greater duration {up to ~0 milliseconds). The increase of amplitude and duration of the.. negative slow potentials occurs because of the rise of additional negative fluctuations. In Fig. $ are indicated the first 2 effects of stimulation at a rhytshm of 16 per second. Additional fluctuations are indicated by arroxs. ' The first shock of stimulation causes~an elementary dondritic potential not complicated by supplementary fluctuations. The second shock provokes a more complex e~'fect: the elementary negative potential ,is complicated by two additional. negative Fluctuations. They arise on the descending part of the potential and-stipulate increase of the length of the effect. At a stimulation frequency of 1 per second and less the effects.reme~in simple: and in response to eingle?shocks of stimulation stereotypic responses arise. ' Su;pplem+entary fluctuations can be expressed not only in the fprm of "humps" on the 'background of the mein dendritic potential but Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 can be fluctuations of considerable amplitude sharply .separate from .the first negative potential. During certain conditions their amplitude can considerably exceed the amplitude of the initial negative potential. (Legend to Fig. 22, teatpage 60: Supplementary negative potentials. A, B~ and Q -cat Ho. 23, May 17, 1950. 6timulating electrodes and discharge electrode on the gyn. suprasylvius; 2.5 mm. between them. Stimulation frequencytabout l2 per. second. A - stimulation intensity of 5 v., B - 10 v., t3 - 30 v. D -cat No. 30, July 1, .1950. Stimulating electrodes are placed at the anterior pole of the gyn. suprasylvius; at a distance of ~ and 10 mm. from them in the same convolution are placed the discharge electrodes E1 and F~. The potentials are registered simultaneously from point El ('lower curve) and E~. Stimulation intensity 30 v., frequency 10 per second. E -cat No. 9, July 28; 19+9. Distance between stimulating. electrodes and discharge electroiia ~ mm. Intensity of stimulation 16~v., frequency about 13 per second. ?' -after one minute of stimulation, .El -effect of txiee.aa powerful stimulation 30 seconds after the heart has stopped. t~ -cat ao. 32, July l0i 1950. .Stimulating electrodes and discharge electrode are placed on the gyn. gigmoideus post. (P - ~ :.4 1mn.-~. Stimulation intensity 30 v.,.frequency 10 per second: Stimulation did not provoke motor reaction of the~animal.~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 These supplementary waves arise first in connection with intensification of the stimulation. (Fig. 22, A-C), secondly, as we~ have already seen, in connection with the inexease of frequency of the stimulation, asrl.finally in connection with repeated stimulations spina]. cord (Beritcjv and Roitbak, 1950b~).~)? During strychninization the latent period of a supplementary fluetuatiiin~ is reduced. (gig. 2~?) An analogous conclusion was made on the?Uasis of experiments on the intensification occurs of local potentials, i.e. of. regional excitation. effect of strychnine indicates that under the effect of strychnine certain intensii'ication~of the initial 'negative potential under the the initial rie~, potential increases very little (Footnote: A additional fluctuations are extremely intensified (Fig. 23), whereas a supplemeni'.ary negative potential. Under the effect of strychnine but already the?Eth shock and all subsequent ones ceased to provoke 2d, 3d; ~-th,'and 5th, shocks of stimulation caused double effects, ? the latent period of their arising is?reduced. During Prolonged stimulations the supplementary fluctuations attenuate in a greater measure than the initial negative potent3:a1. For instance, in one experiment, the beginning.of which is presented in Fig. 22, D, the (Fig. 22, .D). During stimulation at a rhythm of 10 per second these additional fluctuations can be intensified through the course of the stimulation (Fig. 22~ D and G). :Sn a number of cases in the course of the stimulation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 and it can unite kith the firsts as 'the result of ~rhich a .single prolonged potential arises. Duri7dg etimu7-at3on at ?a rhytbm pP 10 per second alternation of effects complicated by gigantic supplementary fluctuations can be observed xith sinXple~effects (Fig. 23~, i.e. ~ ? during repeated stimulations supplementary fluctuationst intensified ? under the effect of the strychnine can separate out (co~pa,re Chang, (Legends on teatpage 62, Fig. 23; Effect of strychnine on cortical bioelectrical effectrt caused by electrical stimulation of the cortex. Cat No. 28, dune 10~ 1.950. Nembutal. Stimula, electrodes (P} - on the gyr. supre,sylvius. The Potentials are discharged from the same convolution at a distance of ~ mm. from P (E1, upper curves) and from a point of the gyr. supre,sylvius of the oppos3.,te hemi~phere~ sy~imetrical to the point stimulated (E2, laver curves). St3,mulation frequaney 10 per second, intensity 30 v. A -prior to poisoning, Band C - 5 minutes after local poisoning with strychnine (l~i},' of point ~. D -effect of stimuYation, at s _ rhythm of 3 per Second after poisoning of point $1 Xith a saturated solution of strychnine. .' _ 93x.'24; Effect of strychnine on the bibpotentials of the cortex that xere provoked by its electrical stimulation. Cat~No., 12, Dec. 2, 1949, Nembutal. The stimulating electrodes and discharge eleatrode~ are ? placed on the gyros suprasylviue; the ~di.echarge electrode is found at a distance of ~2 ndn. ?from the stimulating electrodes. ' A - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the effect of a single stimulation (25 v.) prior to poisoning. B - 10 minutes after local poisoning of the cortex under the discharge electrode by O.l~i solution of strychnine. C - 15 minutes after poisoning (in experiment C - 3ntensif icat3.on is,reduced).~ During very light narcosis or in experiments on non-narcotized preparations the vezy first shock of stimulation produces comple= effeats~xith supplementary fluctuations ~Fgi. 25, textpage 63; Bioelectrical potentials registered on the surface of the cortex near the point stimulated in non-narcotized cat. Cat No. 31, July ~, 1950. The larger hemispheres (the cerebrum) are revealed, the spinal cord is intersected at the boundary of the medulla oblongata, artificial respiration. P-E1 distance = 3 mm., P-E2 : 7 mm. Stimulation intensity 30~v., frequency,IO per second. A is the beginning and B the end of brief stimulation (shortly after this recording the functional state of the eortez xorsened greatly).). The facts cited permit concluding that the supplementary negative potentials are stipulated. by the activity of the intermediate cortical neurons. This ind.icatest 1) Their disappearance during a xorsening of the functional_ state of the eortea.or their sensitivity, to narcosis. As Chang- " (1951) pointed out, during anoxia supplementary fluctuation disappears after 1 minute; the initial negative potential, as already?said, disappears after 1,5 minutes. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 2) Their quick attenuation during long ezhaustive stimulations. 3) Their intensification in. connection xi.tb. intensification and increase in frequency of the stimulation. ~) Their senstiv3.ty to strychnine. gistological information on layer II of the aortea. Axonal plexus of layer II. ~In layer II there is a complez plezus of anon terminations in xhihh the short axons of the cells of layer III the collaterals of the fibers of layer I, and the ascending axons of the cells of layer III participate (Lorente de No, 1933)? Types of cells of layer II. 1) Star cells (modified pyramids). These are cells of average size numerous dendritec offshoots proceeding in all directions and supplied with spines. The axon runs into tYie White matter, givin8 off 6--10 collaterals- into laye~s,,I, II, TII, V, and YI {Lorente de No, 19333 O'Leary and Bishop, 193a~. 2) Cells with horizontal aeon. They are di~t~Buished i`roni the preceding by their axon: .it has a horizontal direction and gives off a great number of short collaterals that spread into. layer Il.and terminate, according to Lorente de No, on the bodies of the star cells. 3) Cells w3,th ascending axon. They~are of a leaser size. Their dendrites apread.3nto layers I and II', but the azon, at having attained layer I, divides. into tWO tangential fibers, each of Which gives off callateral$~ (Lorente de 'fto, 1933) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ~) Cells. With dendrites proceeding With two tufts into layers I and III. The anon or its branch proceeds into layer III, terminating there around the ~ ~pyramide (0'I,sary and Bishap, 1938) ., In Fig. 26 layer II is schematically presented, its neuronic elements and their connections. (I,egend? to Fig. 26, teatpage.6~: Schematic depiction of the neurons of layer II of the cartes and of certain of their connections. 1, 2, and 3 are the main types of neurons o~ layer II of the cortex. 1 is a neuron With ascending aeon. 2 is a neuron With horizontal axon. 3 is a neuron With descending axon and collateral returning into layer I (star cell}, The scheme Was composed on the basis of certain histological data.) On the basis of certain histological information mentioned above about, ].aver II of the cortex it is possible to make the follox3ng conclusions:. ? 1. During?eacitation of the system of fibers of layer I excitation of the cells off' Layer II can occur, because in layer II there are numerous collaterals of'the fibers of layer I. -~ 2. During excitation~of the cells of layer II activation can occur of the top dendrites inlayer I, beee-use among the cells of layer II are cells xith anon ascending into layer?I, xhich.take on there a horizontal direction and give forth many aollaterals. In additions the ~aonis or tl~e star pyramids give forth coll.aterals into layers ?I and II, . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 3. During excitation of the ce11s of lnyer~II activation can occur of elements of the deep layers of the cortex, since the axons ~of the 'star pyramids give forth collaterale into layers III, Y, and VIA and certaiin cells xith short axon of layer IT terminate in the Pyramids of layer Ill:. , 4. During excitation of the horizontal cells activation should proceed of the entire complex of star pyramids ands tba2iks to the latter circumstance, intensified activation of the deep layers. Origin of supplementary negative fluctuations. There is no doubt that the supplementary ne~tive fluctuations in the effects that arise in response to stimulation of the surface of the cortex are .stipulated by excitation of the intraaortical neurons. Histological data give indication that they should be stipulated by the activity par excellence of the neurons of layer II of the cortex. The ._ of their arising in the simplest case can be connected xith excitation of the cells of layer II xith_axon ascending into, layer I (Fig. 26 - 1). During stimulation of the fibers of layer I impulses of excitation proceed first to the sy~ptic endings of the fibers of layer I for the top dendrites and, secondly, to tbe~cells of layer II with ascending azon~ the endings and collaterals of trhich form additional synaptic fields for the top dendr~ttes. As ~a result, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 inanediately in response to the stimulation, the first negative fluctuation arises, already designated by us the elementary dendritec potential, In the cells of layer II there also arises . a regional excitations and (When there is a good functional state of the neurons), when it reaches a certain size, these Neurons are discharged by impulses into their ascending axons, which stipulates additional "iacpulsation" to the top dendrites of layer T, the arising in them under the synaptic endings of the ascending axons of a regional excitation, and the arising of a supplemrentary nega- tive fluctuation in the effects being registered. During participation of ce11s with short axon that branch for n Short distance in the limits of a given layer (typical Golgi II ce11s~, cells which are extremely numerous in all layers of ' the cortex, an association and involvement in the reaction of the neW complexes of cells With ascending soon can occur, s~hich readily explains the fact of the arising of a series of supplementary fluctuations: Excitation of the neurons of layer II proceeds as a result of the spread (in connection With intena~?fice~tion of stimulat~.on~ or of the temporary (in connection with increase of frequency of stimulation) eumsation.o~ excitation. Frequency of 10 per aecond? is evidentl.,y, an, optimal frequency, of stimulaticni. for excitation of Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 these neurons governing 'the arising of additione~l negative potentials. - ~ - - During strychnine poisonings in consequence bf the elevation of excitability, a greater number of 3.ntraeortical neurons are dra~+n into reaction-and their activity is 'synchronized. A. result of this is that for the top dendrites of the pyramids there sets in at each stimulation an incomparably greater number of impulses from the intermediate neurons. Because of this intensification of a secondary negative fluctuation and the arising sometimes of a whole series of additional fluctuations occur. .At stimulation of the surface of the cortex (durixsg ezcitation of the fibers of layer I) not only neuronic elements of layers I and II can come into an active state but also the neuronic elements of the deeper-~]~ring layers as a result of the excitation} for ix~atance~, of the star pyramids of layer II (Fig. 26 - 3).~ This should lead. " A to the arising of neW bioelectrical phenomena, to a consideration of ~hich~We shall proceed in?ediately. . - - 3. Positioe Potentials ' At placement of the discharge electrode more deeply into the middle and deep layers of the cortez the sign of the potential provoked by stimulation of the surface of the cortex changes.- To this phenomenon teas given an eaplanation~ Which this Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -124- arising in the dendrites of the pyramidal neuron of a local potential ands consequently, of a difference of potentials between the dendrites and the other parts of a given neuron leads to positive polarization of the latter, 3.e. of the cell body and azon. It is possible to think that in vase of the arising of a regional ezcitation in the bodies of the pyramidal neurons a positi'v~e potential trill be registered from the surface of the Cortez (from their tap dendrites). (Legend to Fig. 27, teztpage 66: ~e arising of positive potentials 3.n connection with increase of frequency of stimulation of the surface of the corteu. Cat No. 27, June 7, 1950. Gyrus Distance between discharge electrode and stimulating electrodes ~ mm. Intensity of stimulation 30 v. A -frequency of stimulation 15 per second. B -frequency of stimulation ~0 per second. ) Adrian in his work8 with stimulation of the surface of the Cortez and registration of the bioelectrical reactions arising? established that during a?good functional state df the cortex shocks ? of stimulation, for instance at a rhythm of 10 per seconds provokes ?negative potentials at first, then the sign of the potentials changes,, i. e. positive fluctuations begin to arise, the a~plitude of~xhich. groKS?in the course of the stimulation,_ the potentials may become more camplez in connection frith the arising of additional positive fluctuations (Adrian,?193d).. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 This phenomenon ~aa observed too in ~ experiments. Conversion of negative potentials ta.positive in 'the course of the stimulation occurs the more quickly the pare frequent the stimulation up to a certain limit. At a stimulation frequency of 10 per second this" can proceed on~l.y after several seconds bf stimulation, as this xas in one of the experiments of Adrian. At a frequency oY ~0 per second this can proceed after 0.2 sec. (Fig. 27), but in one experiment this proceeded after three shocks of stimulation {Fig. 36, C). On non-xro,rcotized rabbit it is possible to observe hon-eeven at a frequency of Stimulation of .3 per second the effects after several seconds of stimulation change their sign. On ne~rcotized cats this change usually ,occurs only at a certe~in relatively greeter frequency of stimulation (20-50 per second). At lesser frequencies of ~,~ i stimulation this phenomenon does not arise however much the stimulation has ;been prolonged. For?_insfance, in the experiments certain recordings .of Whieh are-=presented in Fig.. 28 it i~as~ 'established that during several-minute stimulation at a rhythm of 1 per second the effect of its character did not change (~ose. A}. (Legend to Fig. 28, textPa6e 67: The arising of positive potentials in connection with increase of frequency of stimulation oP the suacface of the .cortex; Cat .Fo. 56, July 16, 1953. Rembutal. The stimulating electrodes and discharge electrode ere astablis2ud oai'the surface of the gyrus~auprasylviuS; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 distance between discharge eleetrode and stimulating electrodes 5 rmn. Intensity of stimulation 30 v. A -frequency of stimulation about 1 per?second, B - about 5 per second, C - about l0 per second. .D - about 25 per second; 0.5 second after the beginning of stimulation. T~ - 10 seconds after beginning of stimulation. Recording by SchleifP oscillo~ graph.} At a frequency of stimulation of 5-10 per second,, in spite of the fact that complea,double'i~egative potentials ar'dei, i.e in spite of the e;coitation of certain complaaes of intermediate cortical neurons, no change occurred of the sign of the biopotential; at prolonged stimulations progressive attenuation occurred of a supple- mentary fluctuation (ose. B and C). At a frequency of stimulation of 25 per second the negative potentials began quiokly and progressively to attenuate (ose. D}, and after several seconds of st3~mulation each shock provoked a quite positive potential (osc. E}. In certain preparations a powerful single stimulation can immediately provoke a positive potential of greater amplitude, arising after the artefact of Stimulation. It is interesting that in these cases at a frequency of stimulation of 10 per second only the_firat shock of stimulation provokes a positive potential;,the second and . all subsequent shocks of stimulation provoke negative potentials (Fig. 22, C). _ Positive potentials, considerable,in amplitude, can arise Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -127- after a supplementary negative potential (Fig. 28, A and.B). ? According to Chang, preceding a,aupplemcntary negative potential is a positive one, i.e. in response to stimulation a negative potential arises that passes over into a positive one, after which a second negative fluctuation follows. This actually can occur (see Fag. 15); but this is not the rule; supplementary negative fluctuations can arise without the preliminary first negative potential having changed to positive (see Fig. 22). Finally,~a positive fluctuation (Fig. 23, C) can precede the initial negative potential, which Chang (1.951) also points out. In the majority of cases after the negative potential a low positive deflection is observed of considerable length. It is d3,fficult to say whether it always expresses activation of the elements of the deep layers, since it i,s observed also during deep narcosis. ?Perhaps this is?the analogue of the subsequent positive potential'after regional excitation. Such resultant potentials arise, as al.~ady said, in the nibtoneurons. The following data regard. the 'positive potentials that arise at stimulation of the surface of the cortex. _ ~1. In experiments on isolated strip oP?cortex the following facts xere established.- When .the Cortez Mas not narcotized, then in response to a shock of stimulation applied to the surt'ace of the cortex.a brief negative potential arises (30 millisec'onds), after Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 which a positive potential folloxs that lasts 2-~? seconds; on its background fluctuations arise at a frequency of 60-75 per second. At lig}it narcosis these Pluctuation$ drop out and a long positive potential in pure form (Burns 1951). During deep narcosis ' the length of the positive potential is shortened to 0.1 second, i. e. in response to a single stimulation the txo-phase effect already described arises: after the negative potential a positive one arises oY less amplitude and greater length (.see, for instance, Fig. 8). At sinking the discharge electrode deeper into the cortex the positive potential discharged from the surface of the cortex changes its sign at a depth of 0.~? mm. 7~us, that the positive potential is connected xith the active state of the elements found. belox layer.Il of the eorteg is directly demonstrated (Burns, 1951). At the mLcro- electrode being sunk in deeper, the positive potential attenuates, then changes its sign, i.e. a negative .potential is registered. The latter reaches Sts greatest amplitude at a depth of .about 1.3 mm. It 3s characteristic that the amplitude of the negative potential at this depth exceeds the amcplitude of 'the positive potential discharged from the surface of the cortex (compare'recordinga a and d,?Fig. 29, textpage 69, the legend to xhich reads Bioelectrical potentials discharged by the microelectrode?from,different lsyers of the cortex at stimulation of its surface. Isolated strip of cortex of cat xi,th circulation preserved: The glass microelectrode Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -129- xas ~ mm. distant from the stimulating electrodes, and later on it Was sunk. more deeply into :the~corte~. The indifferent electrode was placed an a thermocoagulated part of the cortex. The surface of the cortex was stimulated With a single electrical stimulus. Booster frith a more fixed time. a - Microelectrode on the surface of the cortex; b - microelectrode is sunk to a depth of 0.59 mm.; c - at 0.72 mm. ; d - at 1.5 mm. ; e - at 2.03 nun. Deflection upward signifies the negative character (Burns and Grafstein, 1952}.)~ Thus, the main source of a positive potential discharged from the surface of the cortex at stimulation of the surface of the cortex consists of neuronic elements located at a depth of 1.3-1.5 ~~~ i. e. neuronic elements of cortical layers Y and VI. The fact that the threshold of provocation of the positive potential is least -at the position of the tip of the stimulating microelectrode at this depth, on the other hand, testifies to this, Zt~~is greatest when the `stimulating electrode is~found on the surface of the cortex (Burns and Grafetein, 1952). .~ 2. While stimulation of the motor region of the corte$ causes negative biopotentials, contraction of the corresponding ,muscles does ~~not set in. Movements arise only xhen stimulation of the cortex begins to cause positive potentials, contraction of the muscles -setting in then the positive potentials diecheirged?from the surface of the motor region of the cortex reach a certain definite.msgnitude. Thereby, the group of-impulses of excitation. in the muscle (?Adrian, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ? -130- X936} corresponds to each positive i` the cortex. At the time the Positive potential is discharged from the surface oi' the Cortez discharges of very quick impulses of larger amplitude are discharged from the depths of the Cortez by a microelectrode. These discharges are registered only xh,en the tip of the electrode is at a depth of 1.3-1.5 ~?, i.e. in the region of the main source of the positive potentials in the region where the bodies of the lar er pyramids of layer Y are round (Burns and arafstein, 152). g These discharges, as already said, never arose at the time of a ne~tive surface potential. Thus, the Positive potential registered from the surface of 'the Cortez is connected With ezcitation of the pyramidal neurons of the deep layers of the Cortez. 3? Positive response spreads Without decrement at a r.~ate of 0.6-0.15 m. .per second ~(Adrisn, 1936; Burnes 1951). During narcosis .it spreads for a distance of up to 7.5 mm.' On the basis of the spread trithout decrement, the conclusion is made that the spread of positive potentials is linkad. With transmission of excitation into the deep layers of the Cortez from neuron to neuron through the synapses (Adrian, 1936)? The spread of the positive potential 3s avoided by incision, of the Cortez to a depth of 1.25 min. (Burns = and Grafstein, 1952}. According to Burns, neurons of the deep layers for.,~.a netxork consisting of "self-excitation" nerve orbits. ' . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -131- The minimal length. of these nerve orbits 3n his opinion, equals 2 ama. . (Footnote: In a 1951 paper Burns gives a graphic depiction of this netxork." In the illustration of the Burns and a~afstein article ' (1952) the elements of the netxork are 'presented in the~form of ce11s xith "offshoots; Hos~rever,. the depiction given there of the connections of the neurons is senseless Prom the point of viex of generally knotitn neurological data: the offshoots of the neurons establish synaptic connections betxeen one another i.e. the axon of one neuron with the axons of other neurons the dendrites of one neuron with the dendrites of other neurons. Finally, in the 1955 xoxk Burns supports some of his theoretical ideas on the activity of the network of nerve elements of the cortex by model experiments smith "titration neurons" (:}.} Origin. of positive potentials arising during stimulation of the surface of the corte$. On the basis of a number of facts cited above it is possible to consider demonstrated tliat the positive fluctuations discharged from the surface of the cortex during stimulation of its surface are connected xith,ezcitation of the neuronic elements of the deep layers of the cortex., On the basis ' of eleatrophysiological and histological facts knorin at the present ' time it is possible to explain first the arising of positive. potentials during~eacitation of the elements of the deep layers and, secondly, it is possible to explain in Mhat We-y during stimulation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -132- of the surface of the cortex excitation of the elements of the deep layers arises: , During clarification of the arising of the positive potential discharged from the surface of the cortex it is possible to use the same reasoning as for clarification of the arising of a positive potential discharged from the depths of the cortex at activation of the surface layers of the cortex, i. e. it is necessary to think that iihen regional excitation, a negative potential, arises in the bodies of the pyramidal neurons, then the top dendrites of these pyramids must~be polarized in a positive fashion. This is q~served too and this is directly shown by,Burns's experiments. As already said, at sinking the discharge electrode into the cortex to a depth of 0.1+ zan. and lower, a negative potentialU_ is registered (the same electrode discharges a positive?potential when on the surface): Finally, it is knoKn that at direct stimulation of the neuronic elements~of the deep layers (by means of a needle electrode inserted. deep into the Cortez) from the surface~of the Cortex positive fluctuations of potential are discharged (Adrian _ 1936; Burns and. t~rafstein, 1952) . Thus, the positive potential discharged from the surface of the cortex expresses a positive polarization of the top dendrites of the pyramidal neuron>~, stipulated by regioinal excitation of the deeply situated parts of these neurons; probably of their cellular bodies for the most part. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -133- During very intense stimulations of the cortical surface the loops of electrical current can ahax a direct stimulating action on the neuronic elements. of the deep layers and. cause their excitation. Hoxever, during the conditions o~ stimulation xhich xere~used'in my experiments, as alreac'~y said, repeatedly, primarily the fibers of layer I Were excited. Excitation oi' layer I fibers can stipulate excitation of deep layers by neurons of layer I, on xhich collaterals of layer I fibers end. Since the descending axons of the (modified) star pyramids of layer II discharge collaterals into layers III, Y, and VI and certain neurons of layer IT have an axon terminating around the bodies of the pyramidal neurons of layer III., then consequently at excitation of these neurons activation of the deep layers should occur. Tf the neurons of layer II With horizontal,azon (Fig. 26 - 2) are eac3ted, the.collaterals of xhich terminate in many star pyramids of layer IT, then this can evidently ~leacl to ezcitation of a Whole coniplea .of the latter and to most intense "impulaation" into the deep layers of the Cortez. The~.folloxing facts obtained by Burns and Grafstein (1952) speak in favor of this that exeitation of the neurons of the deep layers and the arising of the positive potential can. proceed and occur as a result of the excitation of the fibers of layer I. i+Ihen the intensity of stimulation of the cortical surface~xas threshold Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 in the sense of the provocation of a positive potential at a certain distance from the region of stimulation, then surface-most. section' of the cortex around the stimulating electrodes, which stopped the spread of the negative potential,'inhibited the arising of the goaitiv~e potential too. During intense stimulations of the ,surface ' of the cortex the positive potential spread even after intersection (again the depth of the section, as already stated, did not reach 1.25 mm. ), but the latent period of its arising in a remote part after surface section of the cortex eras lengthened several times. Thus, excitation of the fibers of layer I can stipt;late the arising of a positive potential. By means of the fibers of layer I excitation of the deep elements of the cortex in a part remote From the region of stimulation can proceed more quickly than When the elements of this part are activated as a result of the successive spread of the,ezeitation through the neuronic elements of the'deep layers of. the cortex. ~ . Thus, Stith stimulations of the cortical surface moderate in intensity e~ccitation?oi; the elements of the deep layers occurs through the fibers of layer I that are first to be excited. ~ ' , According to Burns (?1x51}, the negative potential arising, immediately in response to stimulation is the reason Sor the arising of a positive potential. When the negative potential, reaches a?certain Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 excitation embrecesa other neurons c-~ the deep layers. Eccles (1951) through the axon o~ the pyramidal neuron and its collaterals,'the through a top dendxite~-ta the body of the?pyramidal neuron. Spreading bocomes the source of a~diecharge of impulses which spread downward critical magnitude, namely 30-35~ of its maximal amplitudes then it thinks this the most likely explanation off' the mechanism oi' the arising of positive potentials. Chang (1951) also thinks that the positive potential arises when the impulses of the top dendrites spread to other parts o~ the pyramidal neurons. Thus, with such integration the local potential oi' dendrites of the pyramids is considered as a source of the excitation of the pyramidal neuron. We, with this point o~ view,_run into the diametrically opposite .one which is developed in the present work and according to which regional excitation of the dendrites is not the source of the excitation ,_ oi' the corresponding neuron. ~ -_ Adrian came to the conclusion that the arising.of the positive potentials 'being considered is the result of the faot that 'the bodies of the pyramidal cells are excited and that their 'dendrites are at this time, in an inactive state (Adrian,,i938). However, it is impossible to allege that at_ electrical stimtiilation of the sux~ace of the corte$ elements of the deep layers, particularly of the~body of the pyramids, were selectively a=cited. 2t must. be thought that in this ea~ae too, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the activity of the deep layers is dominant, and it moat be thought that the potential being registered from the surface of the cortex is the result of a negative potential and a positive potential. At stimulation of the cortical surface, oxing to the spread of excitation through the system of fibers of lsyar I, the top dendrites of a certain xhen the positive potential ie registered from the surface, elements - of both deep and surface layered are round in an active state, however --r_ number of pyramidal neurons of the point of the corit~* being discharged .~: . come into the regional excitation. HoMever, at excitation of the fibers of layer I excitation can also occur of the deep layers through the star and other neurons of layer II. As a result of this, the deep- lying parts of the pyramidal neurons, of their bodies, can enter into a state of regional eaci+.,ation. If, for simplicity, one pyramid neuron is taken, then a regional?eacitation 3.n the summit dendrite arises ?' 3.n. it under the influence of iiupulses from the 'first source under a certain number of synaptic endings-of the fibers of layer I. If at thin tame ezcitation from a second sour~:e o~ a greater number of - synapses occurs for the?body of the neuron being considered, then a .more intensive regional excitation arises there and the negative dendritec potential rill be masked by a positive polarization of the dendrite, stipulateii by the negative potential of the body of the pyramidal, neuron. On thG' other hand, 'the negative,-potential too, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ? discharged from the surface of this cortez, should not arrays testify to the isolated activation of .the elements of the surface layers: regional excitation of the dendrites can mask regional ezcitation of the bodies of the corresponding neurons. Hence, logically it folloKa that, Frith more or less identical ezcitation of the surface and: deep layers, from the surface of th,e cortex as a result of an algebraic 'summation of potentials identical in intensity and opposite in sign there can generally be registered a certain electrical potential. .During deep nareoais the sign of the potential. discharged from the surface of the cortex can actually testify,to the activation of the surface layers (during stimulation of the surface of the cortex) or of the deep layers (at stimulation of the afferent fibers --see Chapter IV). This is connected xith the fact that during deep narcosis activitlr 3s limited by thole elements on'Nhxch i~pulses from the fibers of layer I that are stimulated or the afferent impulses act directly. ~In these elements regional excitation arises, and the reaction texmine~tes~in this. At light 'narcosis xhen the excitability of the neurons is relatively high subsequent exaltation of the neurons ocaurs,.as xell. as transmission of the ezcitation by numerous elements in the various layers of the cortez and, as ke see itiarther on~~in different paxts of the cortex. Certainly an analya3.s ot,the bioelectrical potentials being, registered from the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 surface of the ccrtex becomes in connection with this much more complex. ? In connection with what has been said above, certain recordings of bioelectrical.potent~.als wiU. be considered below, We have seen 'that at deep placement of the diechai~ge electrode below layer TI the negative potential arising iimnediately in response to stimulation changes its sign: the negative potential is recorded from the surface, the positive potential from the depths. As for the supplementary negative potential, as Chang (1,951.) ascertained its sign does not change at deeper placement of the electrode, '11ais is seen in recordings C and D of Fig, 15. A supplementary negative potential expresses regional excitation of the top dendrites arising under ?the effect of 3.mpulses from the neurons of layer II that are excited. However, as we have seen,,at excitation of the neurons of layer II a transfer of 3.mpulsea occurs to elements not only of the surface but also. of. the deep layers of the cortex, as a result of?which the discharge electrode found in the deep layers discharges a negative potential of the excited ~uronic.elements with Which it'comee in contact. Thus, under the influence of iaspulses from the fibers of layer 1;. an isolated activation arises of the elements. of the surface layers. At excitation of the intermed,i,ate neurons of .layer IT activation ,occurs of the elements both of the surface and of the deep lsyeri~ of the cortex.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ~ pig. 30 are presented recordings interesting 'to analyze. With a stimulation intensity of 36 v-. (threshold 3?v.) shocks of stimulation at a rhythm of?8 Per second caused double negative potentials that set in without an appreciable latent period (osc. A). At switching to a stimulation frequency of ~0 per second each shock of stimulation been to provoke a negative potential of considerably lesser amplitude than at infrequent stimulations. The second negative fluctuation Mss especially reduced. After several seconds of stimulation the effects attenuated still more. At switching to a frequency of stimulation of 8 per second the stimulation shocks began to provoke the same effects as prior to tetanizatinn {osc. B). With the intensity of the stimulation at 30 v. the stimulation shocks at a rhythm of 8 Per second caused effects considerably different from the effects off' stimulation at 16 v. {osc. C): insignificant negative deflection. axone even prior to its completion d m3.~.l,isecond.s after the mpment,of stimulation, and a pa~rerful negative potential set in with additional fluctuations in Sts descending part. Thus, the impression is created {if the initial 'first insignificant fluctua- tion is mistaken for an expression of polarization from the intense electrical stimulation) that at energetic stimulation an effect arises wi1;b. a greater latent period. _' However~~ there are no bases to cons3.der the initial deflection as a Whole an artefact. It is necessary to Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 consider it a highly attenu4ted negative potential, Nhich at 16 v. reached a considerably greater amplitude. It is possible to explain activation of the elenrnts of the deep layers tperhaps because of this phPnomenoii by the admission that energetic stimulation causes the~fact that the current directly ogciies not only the fibers of layer T but also 'the cells of 7.ayer TT). The positive potential arising at activation of the deep elements almost removes the negative potential xhich the elements of the surface layers develop. The results of experimentation x3th a change-over of the frequency of stimulation to ~+0 per second speak in favor of the accuracy of such a hypothesis. After 13 shocks of stimulation purely positive potentials of lox a~litude and length begun to arise. After sxitching again to infrequent stimulations the effects gradually became such as they xere prior to tetanization.~ Tt is possible to observe the. change-over from purely positive initial fluctuations to.3nsignificant negative initial fluctuations (osa. D, ~). {7,egei~7, to Fig. 30, teatpage 7~: Arising of~ positive potentials in connection xith intensification and increase of frequency of stimula- tion of the cortea.~ Cat No. 27; June 7; 1950. Rembutal. Stimulating eledtrodes and the discharge electrode are placed on the gyrus supraaylvius. Distance betti!een discharge electrode-and stimulating electrodest = 3 mm. A ~- intensity of~stimulation 16 v., frequency in Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -l~l- the beginning at 8 per'second, then 40 per second. B -end of one- second stimulation Mith Yrequency of ~0 per eecond and shift to a frequency of 8 per second. C -intensity of stimulation 30 v.; frequency in the beginning at _8 pcr eecond, then 40 per second. D - end of one-second stimulation a frequency of ~0 per second and a shift to a frequency of 8 per second. E -continuation of recording D. ) (Legend to Fig. 31, teatpage 7g: "Conversion" of positive potentials into negative in connection prolonged stimulation of the cortex. Cat No. 58, Aov. 21, 1953? Booster xith more constant tame. Stimulating and discharge electrodes are placed on the gyros suprasylvius. Bipolar discharge: one discharging electrode is found at a distance of 5 mm~, the second at a d~.stance of 15 imn. from the stimulating electrodes. The intensity o~ stimulation 30 v. Frequency of .stimulation about 5 per second._ A -beginning 'of stimulation. B - 0.7 second after A. C -effect of et3.mulation after prolonged stimulation of the brain.) . In vscillogram A of Fig. 31 is presented the effect of the beginning of stimulation of the surface of the cortex' at a rhythm, of 5 per second. After the' artefact 'of stimulation a negative potential. arose which vas quickly brazen and a positive deflection of greater amplitude developed. As 'a result of prolonged stimulation the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -l~?2- positive potentials ceased arising, and the stimulation began to ?cause only negative potentials {osc. C). It is characteristic that the latter now had greater amplitude than When the co>~lez positive potentials arose after them.. It is evident that activation o~ the deep layers of the eortez t~askmd the activation of the elements of the surface layers. Thus, We have encountered cotnplea bioelectrieal phenomena. Bach recording requires special analysis, and in the conclusions to Mhich the analysis leads there sometimes remains touch of the hypothetical. 11?. Contribution to the Question of the Spread oi' Activity Through the Cerebral Cortez BelaW a number ofl recordings Will be considered that Mere obtained ;in experiments with stimulation o~ the cortex and registration of the biopotentialB, Which Were made on aniimis under very light narcosis. These data compel. one to recognize that the position, thanks to Which the negative potentials that arise at direct stimulation o~ the Cortez spread xith decrement for troderate distances, is in need of mayor correctiv'is. .. {Legend to, Fig. 32, tertpage 76: Distribution o~ activity through the cerebral Cortez from the point stimulated. Cat No. 27, June 7, 195(3. RelatirGly shallot nembutal narcosis. Stimulating Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 electrodes (P) are placed on the anterior pole of the gyros suprasylvius. In egperimenta A-D the potentials are discharged simultaneously from point El {upper curves). at a distance of 3 mm. from P and from point E2 {loMer curves) at a distance of 13 gyn. from ?P. A - effect of stimulation during an intensity of stimuli ~of 16 v. and a frequency of 10 per second. B - aftereffect. C - beginning frequency of stimulation 10 per aecond.~ then the frequency changes to 50 per second. D - intensity of stimulation 30 v., frequency 10 per second. In experiment E the second discharge electrode E2 is placed on the posterior pole of the same gyros. Distance of P ~ E2 = 21 mm.; frequency of stimulation 10 per seconds intensity - 16 v.) The recordings of Fig. 32, A - D~ xere obtained in the following xay. On the gyros suprasylvius Were placed: the stimulating pair of electrodes {P) andJ at a distance of 3 and 13 mm, from them, the discharge electrodes (E1 and ~}. The threshold of provocation of the negative potential at point E1 equaled 3 v. Tn order for the negative potential to arise at E2 the intensity of stimulation necessary eras 10 v. With, 16 v. at point E2 considerable potentials arose but of ~+ times .lesser amplitude than at point E1 (osc. A~). , At point I+~ the negative potentials arose xith an insignificant period of latency. At point F,2 it eras a latent period of 10-11 milliseconds Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 xhich assumes a rate of spread of about 1.5 m, per second. , "Spontaneous" negative potentials arose at both points simultaneously (osc. B). Thus, as a result of the stimulation of one point of the gyrua suprasylvius activation occurs of the top dendrites of the pyramid neurons over a ride territory of this convolution. (Legend to Fig. 33, teZtpage 77: Spread of activity through the cerebral aortea from the point being stimulated. Cat Fo. 36, Jan. 2, 1957. The potentials are discharged simultaneously from-the middle part of the gyr. suprasylvius (E1, upper curves} and from the gyr. sigmoideus post. (T2, loKer curves). The first pair of stimulating electrodes (P1) is placed on the anterior pole of gyr. suprasylvius, the second pair (P2) on the posterior pole of this convolution (see schema).- The distance P2 E2~ 30 mm. A - "spontaneous" activity, Band C - stimulation through Pl. B - effect of the 20th shock at a frequency of 2 per second. and an intensity of 12 v. C - 4intenaity of stimulation 25 v.; at f3xst the effect of one shock, then a stimulation of a frequency of 10 per second is applied (attention is~draxn to the fact that a single stimulation xae applied at the time of the "spontaneous" slox f'~uctuation in gyr. supraeylvius). D - effect of stimulation through P2.) Attention is called to the-fact that xith a frequency of stimulation of 50 per second at a remote point potentials ceased to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 arise in response to shocks of stimulation and at the mpst proximal point for each shock of stimulation a negative potential arose , (osc. C),?i.e. the impression M+ns-areated that at a stimulation frequency of 50 per second transmission of excitation at point E2 ceased. At stimulation of the anterior and middle parts of the gyros suprasylvius negative potentials ariae~in the Posterior gytvs on the surface of the gyros suprasylvius? The first discharge 28, 1950. The stimulating esnd?2 discharging electrodes are placed the cerebral cortex from the Point stimulated. Cat Fo. 29, June (Legend to Fig. 3~, tsxtpage 78: Spread of activity through potentials in the gyros aignpideus (Fig. 33)? pole of the gyrua suprasglvius cannot lead to the arising of bio- sigmoideus. In the same prepare~tion stimulation of the posterior ' of stimulation. B - intensity of stimulation 20 v., frequency 10 _ A - intens'itg of stimulation 30 v:, frequency 10 per second, beginning simultaneously from points El (upper curves) and E2 (lower curves). _~., i, _..,.' ~.w.,,.., +~,. ai~ttnulgtinrL electrodes. ' The biopotentials dj,BC}]Arge electrode .(E1) is at.a distance of 3 mm., the second. (E2) at a distance of. stimul,e~tion 30 v. ~ ~'requeney 10 per? second; at t3.mde ?of exposure Experiment ,E xaa carried .out prior to euper3.menta A - D; intensity per second. C -frequency 20?per second. D - 100 per second. the?direction of the stimulating current tires changed {attention is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -1~6- called to the direction of the artefact of stimulation).) With verg light narcosis (Fig. 3~) the activity begins to spread from the point being stimulated not only to greater distances but also without appreciable decrement: the amplitude of the potentials at a remote point can be even greater than nearby (osc. A and B). Furthermore, coYaple$ effects arises the character of t~hich shows that, together irlth impulses from fibers of layer I bg direct activation of the top dendrites additional activation of them occurs from the intermediate cortical neurons, the various coasplexes of Which are included in the activity at a different tines. A small positive fluctuation precedes the negative potential at point F2. However, this i8 evidently an expression of polarization, since this fluctuation disappears at change of direction of the stimulating current, whereas the character of the negative potential is not changed (osc. F}. . . - 6gmetimes duet one shock of stimulation causes prolonged rhythmical aftereffect. In the .aftereffect the activity spreads through the Cortez for a greater distance. Zn the eaperiment~ the recordings of Which are presented in Fig. 35, `the shock of stimulation applied to the surface~of the anterior pole of the gyrue ~suprasylvius caused no bioelactricai reaction at point T2 (lg mm, from the place of 'stimulation), an.,energetic ttro~phase potential, (osc. B) having been provoked at point El (~ nae, from, the place of stimulation}. In Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -147- the aftereffect the .~actiVity gradually' took hold of th3.s remote ' point (ose;Band C). . (Legend to Fig: 35, teztpage 79s $prend of?activity through the cerebral cortex?froai the point stimulated. Cat No. 21, May.10~ 1950.- The stimulating pair of electrodes and 2 discharge electrodes ~rere placed on the surface o3' the gyrus suprasylvius. The first discharge electrode (El) t+ae at a distance of ~ mm. and the second (E2) xas at a distance of 10 rmt. from the stimulating electrodes. The biopotentials discharged simultaneously from point. El upper curves and point E2 (lower cuxwes}. - "spontaneous activity". B -effect of one shock of stimulation; intensity of it 30 v.; length of stimulating stimulus 0.5 millisecond. C -continuation of B recording.) It is possible to think that at'the point,of the cortex stimulated the cortical neurons excited by the stimulation'rhythmically? continued to be excited and evidently the number. of neurons excited gradually increased on the strength of summation. At stimulation of the cortical surface at a rhythm of 10 per second a reaction at a remote point can set in after prolonged stimulation and;?then xhen?the stimulation?is not stopped it " '' ~ ~, can continue to ?be intensified (~'ig: 36, A and B). Certainly the spreading?of the activity occur's"in tYiese conditions because of the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ezcitation of an entirely greater number of, cortical association neurons. It is characteristic that ~rhen in the experiment being considered pokerful negative potentials began to be registered from a remote point, then the effect at the nearast point became"more complex toot additional negative fluctuations appeared (oac. B). (Legend to Fig. 36, teztpnge 80: Spread of activity through the cerebral cortex from the point stipulated. Cat Igo. 29 {i. e. the same preparation as for ~'ig. 3~). The electrodes xere placed on the gyrus suprasylvius, but they xere all shifted frontward. P-El= ~- nnn;; P-F2= l~? mm. The potentials Mere discharged from point El (upper curves) and point T2 (loxer curves). A -intensity of stimulation 30 v., frequency 10 per second. B -after, l0 seconds of stimu7.,ation. C -frequency of stimulation xas' changed from LO t'o 50 per second:) . ? At increase of frequency of stimulation up to 50 per second (osc. C~ the transmission of eacitatian shafted to remote point E2, and at the proximal point E1 tYie potentials"right after the first shocks of frequent stimulation changed their sign, xhich assumes intena~e ezcitation of the elements of the deep layers of the Cortez. Attention is. attracted to the fact that Xhen, as a result csf prolonged stimulations at a"remote point of the Cortez slox negative biopotentials arises than there is no~-appreciable difference in the laTent periods of the arising of slots potentials at the proximal Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 (~, ~) and ~~te (1~F mm. ~ points. Thus, the spread of egei~ation can proceed at a very great x'a'te? Evidently at prolonged stimulation certain cortical neurons are excited, the axons of xhich proceed for greater distances and end mainly in the dendritic surface layers of the co~tea. The excitability of these neurons rises in such measure that, in response to stimulation, they are immediately excited and, if it is aBSUmed the axons of these neurons conduct the excitation at a higher rate, then it is possible to explain tha absence of appreciable differences in the latent periods of the arising of bioeleatrical effects at points E1 and E2. The bioelectrical potentials at stimulation of the gyros suprasylvius are registered, as already said, .in the gynrua sigmoideus. Fags. 33 and 37, A (~xpper curves) illustratt~ this. Hoxever, at stimulation~of the gyros suprasylvius considerable biopotentials;can be registered also from the gyros ectosylvius (Fig.. 37, A, lower curves). According to the morphological data of Bekhterav, this '' spread of excitation from the gyrus'auprasylvius to the gyros ?ectosylvius must proceed through the fibers in the upper part of Layer T, xhich serially connect the gyri lying parallel in a. line. A peculiar reaction is ob$erped at th~poaterior pole of the gyros suprasylvius at stimulation of the middle or anterior parts of this grtas . ' from the surface of the posterior part of this gyros Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 positive fluctuations of a bioeleetrieal potential are discharged ? 'the same gyros at a distance of ~? mm. from the point stimulated (upper electrodes on the gyros suprasylvius; potentials are discharged from frequency 10 per second. Al - courBe 1 second after A. B - stimulating stimulation, excitation occurs of tha fibers that terminate in the posterior part of the gyrus mainly in the deep layers of the cortex. (~gend to Fig. 37, teatpage 81: Spread of activity through the cerebral tortes from the point stimulated. Cat fto. 27, June 7, 1950. A - Stimulating electrodes are placed in the anterior part of the gyr. suprasylvius; the potentials are discharged from the ~a sigmaideus post. (uppex curve) and from the gyr. ectosylvius (loW6r curve}. 3,'he intensity of the stimulation xas 30 v., the (Fig. 32, ~; see also Fig. 38, C). Evidently, as a result of the ~.~ curve) 'and? ~fxom the point of the gyros suprasyl` ? of the opposite Intensity of stimulation 30 v., frequency 10 per se,chnd:} As Danil:evskii ascertained, stimulat3'on of any point of one hemisphere leads to the arising of a biopotential at a sy~nnetrical point of the opposite hemisphere. According to Chang's data (1x53), the part of ?the cortex activated in the opposite hemisphere is. no more than ~F mm . in area. In Fag. 37, B (loxer curves) are shotin hemisphere symmetrical to that?~hich?Xa.s stimulated (lo;aer curve). that stimulated. Reese characteristic?"callosal affects" (Cur-ti.s, the-effects in the opposite hemisphere at a point sym?etrical 'to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23: CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 . .. ~ - -~ A - on the gyr. ectasylvius, its anterior pole; B - on the gyr._ ectosylvius, its .posterior pole; C - on th~osterior Bole of th.e gyr. 190) are tiro-phase potentials similar to those that arise at peripheral stimulations, i. e. after the positive phase ,a negative folloxs. Fig. 38 shoxs that the negative phase cannot arise, and in such cases the "collosal effect" is expressed. only by a positive fluctuation. (Legend to 1E'ig. 38, textpage 82: Activity spread, from point stimulated, through the cerebral cortex. Cat No. 20,.Apri1 28,1950. In all the experiments onQ and the.aarde point of the anterior pole of the gyr. aupmeylvius is stimulated; the intensity of the stimulation is 25 v.; the duration of 'rhe irritating stimulus is 0.5 miLtisecond. The first discharge electrode (El) is placed on the gyr. suprasylvius at a distance of 7 mm. from the stimulating electrodes (P); 3n all ' oscillograms the lower curve consists of potentials from E1. 7~e second discharge electrode is placed on different parts of the'corte$: suprasylvius; D - on the gyr.. suprasylvius of the opposite hemisphere ,at a place symmetrical to the place of~stimulation; E.-'on the poaterfor~ pole of the gyr. supraaylvius of the opposite side; F - on the. posterior pole of the gyr. eetoay~.vius of the opposite side.) At relatively~light~narcosis considerable positive potentials ' arise in response'todecond discharge electrode E2?xas set up. F -scheme of placement o! eleetrodes. G - biopotentiels are discharged simultaneously from point Ex (upper curve} and?from point E2 (lower curve); 15 seconds from the start of tetania stimuli~tion at ~0 per second, 30 v. (Roitbak, 19530 ?) ? 'Fig. ~?2 ~illus;~rates this phenomenon. In this e~eperiment the stimulating electrodes and discharge electrode were placed on the gyros suprasylvius. The separate shocks of stimulation provoked a negative slow potential with an amplitude o! approzizmtely 0.3 miuiv. At the R moment indicated by the arrow, t~0 s{ 7 7 { secaa~ds alter application -oi' a single shock o! stimulation, the frequency o! stimulation ~s a7~changed for 40'per second (osc. A}. Altar the initial effect, the negative , potential, .each shock o! atimtilation began to produce a Weak-f50-60 ? micorov.)?positive fluctuation; alter several seconds of stimulation ?there positive fluctuations albrost dwindled to nothing. Then during prolonged tetanization there suddenly arose~alaw negative fluctuations. o! relatively great as~litude { 0, ~? nilliv.? } rl~rtha~ically following. one another. Which proceeded not? according ~to the r2~rthm o! stimulation but according to a !ar make infrequent .rby-tha~:~ et first 14 per ?~ second, then 12 per seconds and altGr?several'mort.aecoaada o! stimulation 10 ? -? o per. "second .(osc. 8-D). 'At cessation o! ~stiaulation:ths rhytl~ical electrical. -activitp'~ teas. brokenl_ i. e.. the , drising o~ ?it ~-as causally connected '`iith".cerebral ~itiiaulation. The' phenomenon described 'teas 1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 reproduced Further on the preparation in question scores'of times, Thus, it is possible to say o~ the~txb phases of tetanization of the sorter: .in the first quick abatement of effects end depression of the so-called "spontaneous" electrical activity are observed,'in the second a most.energ?tic rhythmical electrical' activity arises. Belo~r are indicated the conditions for the arising of a given rhythmical electrical activity and certain of its characteristics. 'l. The animal should be either xithout narcosis or under very light narcosis (active re`ilezes~to tactile stimulations, liberating movements). 2. The stimulating. shock should be of a certaiaa minival intensity; during a lesser intensity of stimulation the rhythmical= electrical activity does not arise although activation of the surface layers of the cortex can occur. ~ ~ ' 3. The frequency of stimulation should?be no lrnter than a certain limit: on'lightly narcotized animals?no,l~er than 25 per second; but on non-narcotized a~imeil.a rhythmical electricallactiv3ty can arise even at a frequency of stimulation of 3 per second. ~. The greater the intensity of stimulation and its frequency, the shorter the latent period of the arising of rhythmical electrical activity, 'which can become' equal to 2 sec., in al.l. S: ,During uninterrupted stimulation the rhythmical activity ? gradually abates and ceases a't approx'ti~tely 60 seconds' ?after the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 `moment of its arising. . ~6.'It 3s'possible to provoke rhythatcal electrical activity iii. any peirt" of the cortex; on the other hand, it can be provoked at a given point of the cortex: ~duritig ~ istimul.ation of various points of the cortex"and:~not:-pf~~any one certain point, 7, For-repeated obtaining of the phenomenon it is necessary to observe intervals Of 3 miII. or more bets~een the tetanic atimulationr~. 8. At interruption of stimulation that has provoked ri~ythmical electrical activity an aftereffect is often observed (~'ig. ~); the .electrical effects in the aftereffect are of an entirely different character. During repeated tetanizatioaa of the cortex `rith interval$ of 3-~+ miautes the aftereffects become even more and more prolonged. 9. El~ythmical electrical activlty~ if it arises in the orator area of'the cortex, can be attended?by~movenants arising long before they set in. The arising of ?the focus oY'rbrythmice~l. aativi,ty in other regions. of the cortex is' not attended by any motor or vegetative redctions. 10: A.~ phenomenon of a similar sort is not observ'ed~ in experiments on~spinal cord either dur3bg protracted direct electrical. stiaulationa of the gray matter or during protracted stimulations -of the ~ nerv~ea (8eritov and, Roitbak; 18;50) ~ - After the eiper3.iaent considered. (?ig, ~?2i osc. A~3) ion gyrua Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 suprasylvius the second discharge electrode E2 xas placed 10 imn. distant from 'the stimulating. electrod~ss; the ,discharge electrode both from ~ and E2 bioelectrical potentials xere~discharged (the electrodes). .During tetanic stimulation (~0 per second) at first T, eras left at t2be ?first place (6= mm. distant from the stimulating effects'fram E2 having been?altered so~exhat,;by..~polarization): at E, and E? dwindled a].moat to nothing. Then during prolonged After several seconds of,tetanization the electrical effects both being considered arises in a limited focus of ~the,cortez and.cnnaot Were=?diseharged (oac. a). Thus, the rhythatieal electrical activity familiar to us~ arose; front E2 at this tine no additional. effects rhgthaically follrnring one another, and the phenomenon,already stimulation from?~Rl slox negative fluctuations begun ~Cs::be discharged, spread through. the cortex even ~rithin the 1ir+;t~ of one convolution. Usual7.y rhythmical electrical activity is not registered at-e distance greater than 10 mgt. from the.stinwlating electrodes (on narcotized animis }.. ~ ' Rhythmical electrical activity arising'during,prolonged tetanization.of the cortez sari Bear a moat diverse character, but electrodes Sts character ruins constant and. tens of?tinte in succession for a? giv~cn preparation xith fisted. position, of the atiaulating and discharging it is possible 'to ;observe .oas.oatyd-the sanrc sterotypic ,reaction. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 (Legend to ~'ig. ~?3, textpage 107t~Rhythmical electrical ' activity arising at tetan3.zation of the cortical surface. Cat lfo. 55; July 7,,1953? The stimulating electrodes and the discharge electrode are placed on the surface of the gyros suprasylvius; distance betxeen them 6 inn. Intensity a~ stiwlation 30 v. A in the ,beginning frequency of stimulation about 5 per second;. at r~~: the end of~the oacillag~ram?frequency of stimulation about 1 per second. Each recording after i-ecord3ng.A is an immediate continuation E -end of-stimulation at 100 per second and - of the preceding. change-over to a frequency of atinulation of 5 per second: ?? The long fluctuation s at a rhythm of about 30 per minute are evidently governed by a respiratory pulaatian of the brain:} __ In, Fig. 43, where each recording is an immediate continuation of the preceding, the course of the development of~rbythmical electrical activity is seen. Tlie separate ahocks,of stimulation provoked a negative potential lasting about .10,m3,lliseconds (i.e. an. elementary dendritic potential arose}~ after xhich a long positive potential follotred. (osc. A-) . At axitching ~ to a stimulation.-frequency of 100 per aecoz~d. only ,the first ~-5. shocks provoked an affect , (negative potential); in the courae?of the folloxing three seconds r the stimulation renie;ined apparently?entirely inactive: only artefacts `recorded: (oec: ,B).,;~~]~ezt -rhythaical. electrical f stimulation kere _ o activity arose in the fart of ne$ative`~'fluctuations of potential. . -The. aarplitude of the fluctue,tiona iu. the course, of the next -6 seconds Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of tetanization constantly incrensed; the frequency of the rhythm gradually diminished in the courss of stimulation from 30 to?20 per The phenomenon considered arises also during stimulation of . the White matter of the corte=x i.e, during the action of the afferent impulses on the cortex (Fig. ~+6). Neverth~leas, even during ~etanization of the cortical surface activation of its neuronic elements proceeds by the "physiological route" and in~our experiment conditions by impulses of excitation of the fibers of the first layer of the cortex directly stimulated. A theoretical analysis permits concluding that the rhythmical activity is linked With the activity of other neuronic .elements than those Which are implicated during infrequent stimulations or at the beginning of tetanizstion. During infrequent and xeak stimulations' exoitation in the system of?fibers of layer I, evidently also?at participation of the neurone of layers :Y and II, extensively over- flats through the cerebral cortex, Everywhere stipulating "the arising of regional processes of excitation in the neuronic elements of the surface, layers o~ the .come=. This f3.nds; its electrical expression in the fact that during infrequent atimulationa of any point of the cortex from any other point ofathe surface of the hemiisphare negative fluctuations of potential era usually discharged. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Rhythmical electrical activity is stipulated. certainly by excitation of certain contpleaes of intracortical neurons, evidently not efferent but neurons xith'short atoms xhich are dust as numerous in the cortex. They must?be those completes of neurons on xhich impulses from the nerve elements f3:rst excited (by direct stimulation of the cortical surface} act to a subthreshold extent. During prolonged tetanization heightening of their excitability occurs and, xhen it reaches a certain critical magnitude, these neurons act that possess, as seen, an extraordinary capacity for awmnation. Besides an extraordinary capacity for summation, these cortical neurons, as it is possible to conclude on the basis of the data already stated are very susceptible to the effect of narcotics and are characterized by quick fatiguability. By using Aissl and Cabal's method for staining, xe.succeeded 'in catching the dine nor~hological changes of the neuronic elements of the cortex in the region of the focus of rhythmical electrical activity that is created by electrical stimulation of the cortical surface (Cholokashvili and~Roitbak, 1.955}? Changes are observed in the fibers of layer I (xhich,are restained and more intensively convoluted than in the normal),, in~,the top~deridrites of the pyramids (xhich are rough, ~ i. e. tba aoatour' is' ~~aiwoth than o~rdinarT} and in the bodies =02, the, neurons; =mainly a~`;cortical layers ~~zl $nd, TII Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 (between the nucleus and the protoplasm of the cell a clear boundary is torn, the I~is~l bodies protrude Morse more often tiny; vacuoles are encountered). These structural changes, not residual imprints of the pathological, axe evidently connected with the process of excitation of the corresponding elements, Thus, the histological data obtained fully agree titre the ideas developed on the mechanism of activation of the come= during stimulation of its surface. (legend to Fig. ~4, teztpage 109: Electrical activity of the cortex at the time of its tetanic stimulation and in the aftereffect. Cat No. 3$, Jan. g, 1951? 2 Paine of stimulating (P1 and P2) and 2 discharge electrodes (E1 and E~) are placed on the surface of the gyros suprasylvius. The biopotentials are discharged from paint .E1 (upper curves) and from point E2 (loXer curves). A -electrical activity 6 seconds after beginning of,stimulatiori through electrode P2 with a frequency oP 50 per second,. 25 v. {P250). B -aftereffect; section 1.5 seconds after cessation of P2 stimulation; C -after ~~ 3 seconds, D - af`Cer 11 seconds; E -scheme of location of electrodes With indication of distance betteen them .in mm. in ezperinrents A-D. F -scheme of location`of electrodes in eaperimenta G and H, G !- electrical activity.:. aeeonde af#,er the start of the combination. of ,. . ~, ,':. . Pl stimu].atioas ;a~%,ftha rate of~w50 per second {P~So, 25 v.) and P2 at a rhythm of 5Q per~~second (~P~~?- . ,.. 25 v. ~): H -the aftereffect subsequent . _'? 50" 1 " ~~ ~ 2 to cessation of- P. -~ :+ P ~ stimulation ~ (8oitbak~ 1953x) ? ) J Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Why is the rhythmical electrical activity limited to certain i'oci2 Why does'the'excitation spread not occur over the whole cerebral? cortez? ~ridently another process, limiting it, exists side by aide xith the excitation. Ezperirmnts, the recordings of ~thich are presented stimulation of the cortez it is fitting to think?of an active localization o?' ezcitation... in counterbalance to the action of the branchix.g currents. However, this~ective localization can be ac~omplish~ed only by a braking ?? action." By the xay, electrical effects during local strychnine poisoning of the cortez .~.s 7_imited strictly by the ple~ce of poisoning, and the process of inhibition tiraa the, 'reason indicated for this phencrnon of the cortex the rhythmical electrical activity that has arisen in. a certain part of the cortez does not spread to a region several mi113meters distant; hoxever, at csesation oi' the tetanization in the ai'tereffect the activity spreads to this other region also. Tlius, at time of tetanic stimmulation that has?provoked and maintained a focus of rhythmical activity a process occurred that limited the spread of this activity. Apparently this is a Making process. Ukhtomakii (~1926~ had already come to the conclusion that "during electrical in ~'ig. ~, give basis for such a conclusion. At time of tetanization ,~ (Beritov, 19~8~. Belox facts are-?presented that indicate the inhibition not only limits the focus of .r2~yttimical~ activity but also gimmes it no opportunity to dev+elop~to its 3'ull strength and.ens thia?activity Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 The foll:oxing experiments rere set up t~'ith a combination of stimulations of two points of the Cortez and with registration of the electrical potentials wising. - - The results of one such experiment are presented in Fig. ~5 (~teatpage 110: Bioelectrical phenomena at the focus of heightened excitability created in the cerebral cortex. Cat No. 2~-, try 20, 1950.- The first pair of stimulating electrodes (P1) is established at the posterior pole of the gyros suprasylvius, the second {p2) at the anterior pole; the discharge electrode (E) is located in the middle of the convolution. A -stimulation through electrodes P1 at a rhythm of 9 per sec. (P g) end addition of stimulation through electrodes P at a rhythm of 50 per sec, P2 - .. 2 ( 50); intensity of stimulation 30 v. -B - insediata continuation of A. C - continuation of :a combination of stimulations -Pl'9 + p250 12 seconds after the moment of addition of P2~. D -cessation of P250 - stimulation during uninterrup-tea stinculation by 'p19. g.._ 3 seconds after cessation of combination of Stimulations,,- ~' - after a further 15 _seconds. . Q - after a furt2yer 10 seconds,; cessation of P19 ' stimulation. -H -scheme~of location of electrodes (Roitbak, 1953x):). The following ~$ the set-up of- this axperlment. The first pair of - stimulating electrodes (Pl) ryas 'located at .the. rear pole of the gyros Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7, the second pair of stimulating electrodes (P2) jtas established on the anterior pole of this convolution, around .the sensory-motor region. The discharge electrode (8~) was located ml.ditay 'between the two stimulating pairs. Stimulation through Pl at a rhythm of 9 per sec. (P19) provoked at point F simple effect: in response to each shock of stimalatio~n a negative fluctuation arose of small a~plitude, on the d,escendiag limb of which there was a weakly ezpreased additional t~3:uctuation (Fig. 1+5, osc. A). bus the P1 stimulation by itself' caused activation of the dendritic plexus of the upper layers mainly under the effect of ingiulses from the stimulated fibers of layer I. During prolonged stimulation of the Pl point at a rhythm of 9 per ~eaond it ~s possible to observe progressive reduction of the amplitude of the biopotentiala, their character.not having altered: After 20 shocks 'of P19 stimulation a tetanic stimulation'we.s added through the P2 electrodes at .rhythm of 50 per second (P2~), In the first moments of tetanization each shack of P2~ caused d negative fluctuation. On the background of tb~.s effeat only Meek' Ply stimulation was found, reflection ins hardly to be. observed (osa. A). Such a picture was observed in_;,the~ crnase of several s~acmds of 2 y ,~` tetanization, at which tine ~progresaive abatement of the P- '~~~~~ireeta. . ~ ~ ._... occurredd(oec; B}. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 but also in ,attenuation or falling out, of the effects of stimulation not only in degressiou of the "ipontaneoua" electrical activity Thus in?the first seconds oY teiranization around the point of the cortex being stinnzlat~d inhibition develops which is expressed 5 Mhen the shocks of this stimulation readjusted to provoke their own of other regions of the cortex. 'Several seconds after `P2 0 tetanization, to nox: slox'negative potentials arise at Ply rhythm, at the rhythm the effect that arose differs froa those ~-hich tre, have considered. up direct effects energetic rhythnical. activity arose?(ose. C?). Hoxever, of combined stimulation: land) in xysponse to the shocks of this stimulation. The offects xhich aro~ta in rssponae to P1? stimulation at the 'of P`~ tetanization differed characteristically from the usual effects of P19 - at,?each shock of stimulation With a greater latent period. (about 20%~ieecands) a slox ni~,ative potential of larger amplitude ;+ _' R-~ ~ set in; direct effect$ of Pl9 stimulation; which xere provaked~by this stimulation, prior?~_to the combination of~stimulations, arose ncnr too, but their ampltud~_ i~oeis: 'reduced. In other Morris, the effects stipulated ..~ ~ , w by the activity oY the?eortical neurnnn Mere extraordinarily intensified. ~ .group of cortical asurons; at this tine the stimulation of another point stimulation (P2~) the excitability is eztrenely' a certain ~. .. L Thus, the sig~ni~icance of such,phenomena: as a result of tetanic Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of the cortez (Pl9) provokes their ezcitation. At cessation of (P2~) tetanization of the Pl9 effects begin to intensify (oac. D) and their growth occura?in the course of 0.5 . seconds: ovident7.y at the time of P2~ tetanizati'on th,e process of inhibition took place and?this inhibition had a prolonged ? aftereffect. At P2~ cessation the Pl9 effects changed in character -?, too; they beeaae mAre prolongedt double and triple effects appeared, and after the negative complez a considerable positive deviation arose (oac. E-G} . Infrequent atintulattons of the Pl point for a period of tens of seconds at cessation of the combination with the tetanic stimulation of the P2 point continued provoking the complex effects described. Eeut, these affects simplified abated and ceased to be provoked. The P19 again provoked its direct effects in the form of simple negative potentials that .set in with a negl'~~ible latent period but considerably lesser amplitude than at the beginning of the experiment prior to annexation of P2~; a ? teat of 30-60 seconds eras ~sutficient for these effects iro ?~be restored to thess initial magnitude. ? Thus, elevated excitability of s?certain con~lez of ne~ons. is prolonged a long tiae aiter?ceeaation of tetanic at3mulation.of the cortex and cau be demanatrated at stimulation of another?point of the cortex. located at :a considerable distance ~rom~ the point 'e. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 sub~e;ted to tetanization. (Footnote: Rosenblueth and. Cannon (192) cite in their xork an eacperiment (on monkey) the results of ~ihich amount to the-follo~-ing. Separate shocks of stimulation applied to the raptor area of the cortex for a back pex {foot) provoked,certa3n electrical effects in the motor area.for a front pax (hand). After repeated tetanic stimulations of the motor area of the facial muscles convulsive electrical activity arose that spread over a vast region of the cortex, including the motor area for a front pax. Separate shocks of stimulation provoked at the time of convulsive electrical activity and xithin a certain time after its cessation intensified electrical effects similar to the components of the convulsive. activity. Hoxever, Rosenblueth and Cannons not having attached any special importance to these facts, dad not subject them to analysis.) In Fag. ~5 it is seen that infrequent stimulations (P19) in consequence of union xith tetanic stimulation (P2~) begin to cause nex eomplez elects xhich, as compared xith.the initial eflects~of Pl9 stimulation, are completely aZtered,? such as xould occur if part ' of the cortex tWas 'poisoned ;by strychnine (fee Fig. ~45, ~ and Fib? 23~ B)? On the other.hand~ infrequent shocks o! stimulation of another, often . remote, part o! the cortez~ producing nex eFfacts and exciting neurons found in~a state o~ heightened?excitability, produca direct ellects.o! their oMn too. For insteEnee, in .F'ig., ~5i A, it is .seen that,.pridr to Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 the combining of stimulations Pl9 and P2~ in response to each shock of stimulation a negative potential ass registered, Which arose after an artefact of st3mul:dtioni i. e. impulses of excitation proceeding from point Pi act~.vated at the point o= discharge mainly the synaptic ending's to the top dendrites, but they also reached the. intracortical neurone_apperently oY 1ay~er II (see teztp. 65) sometimes caii~ing~excitatiori of a certain small number of thew, C .. Which tics expressed in the appearance of a small "hump" on the descending limb of the dendritec potential. When the focus of rhythmical electrical activity Was linked With the tetanization of point P2 in the discharge part of th,e cortex, then the shocks of stimulation of P19 began to produce larger slam potent5~ale,that set in With a latent period of about 20 milliseconds; but in the latent period of. these effects after an artefact. of stimulation the previous simple negative potentials arose (Fig. ~S,,C=G);~their ,amplitude Was apparently reduced~3n consequence~of the prolonged P2~ tetanization (co~gpare.Fig. 30, A and.B). Hence, it ie passible to make the~~olloxng conclusion. .Tn ?the presence of a ~ocus~of heightened.ezcitebility 3.mpulses of. excitation from extraneous sources are not deflected at this focus; ? . ~- inpulaes of ezc3:tation during secondary stimulations proceed ;there and by the same path~aya as Mhsn it .is not.a focua.oi' heightened Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 be tw-ea..a s"~, a~ P~,~ ~ - st~afiioa ~, e3sctra~~ at a x~ i~ Fl~uischargr el,ectrod~e {F} p?.aced CFzi t1xE .szsrfzce oY ;~ brain. th~st into the white attter mdter the cortex at .a distance o~ 10 ms. placed an s~-Face o~ gprua sugraaylvius, second pair (P2, microelect odes} fat Bo, 33s J~,Y 16, 19'j0. ~`irst pair of stian2ating electrodes (Pl} sotn`ce o~ heightened excitability created is the cerebral cortex, which these itgpulses proceed even prior to zhe creation of a focus of heightened excitability, but they could at that ti*~e show only a subthreshold eYfect on thew}: however, as before, they produce also that initial bicelectrical reaction which is characteristic to them in norffi1 conditions. (Legend to Fig. ~6, textpage 113: Bioelectrical phrnosae~sa at excitability. They thereby produce as intense bioelectrical reaction of elements which are found in a state o~ heightened, excitability (to el; at a ?r~t~[ of 'll ~~~}; the %hot~3ca cr: ~.~~~ ~ cry F2 ?,~ per ~ (~~} a~ adaitfae o~ satian i~on~h.l'~ are is~icated ?~ arrays, ~ - s~ .~ the coa~ination cz?' ate. ~~ of ~~ ~~:~ ~ -. i ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~dita`teci ~ ,L~ar} ~.i~ ~,~~,,,~~, ~,~ `~ ~,~. F~ ~` ~ s ~ - ~-.~ ~ ,~ ~~~ ( of ~~ ~'~,. + P`~, ~t3o~a 3~ ~ at`t~r the aa~t cd' t~ a~r~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -21~#- In Fig. f+6 the results are presented of a somewhat modified ozperiment. The first pair of~tstimulating electrodes (Pl) xaa plmeed on the surface oP the brain. At a distance of ~~ mm. from it on the surface oi' the brain the discharge electrode (E) xas located. TWO isolated micraelectrodes ses~rsd as second pair of stimulating electrodes. They mere sunk, deep into the t~hite matter under the cortex at a diatance.,of 6 ~. from the discharge electrode. Thus, the discharge electrode.~s betxeen the electrodes that stimulated the?surface of the brain and the electrodes that stimulated the xhite matter.(aee Fig. ~6, H). Stimulation through P1 xith a frequency of 10 per second (p110) produced negative fluctuations of the biopoten~ial With an anq~litude of about 0.75 milliv. (osc. C~ the. beginning}. At addition to P110 of a frequent tetanic stimulation through. P? at 5U per second ~~r,.). easipTete inhibition oecurredof the_effecte of Pi- g~3uulation (vac: C}. After 7 . seconds of a combination.of~,the stimulations an energetic rhythmical electrical activity~aroeie 'at ;the. rhythm of Pl (osc. D). ~ Thus, this ~stimulatiun ? "tied" its axn ~'r~tytY~i ~ onto the neuronic elements -of the focus of heightened;ieact ' 2 ground v~ the tetanic~P ~ stimulation began ta?yield?complea.e~fects of` a character completely different from those t~hich ~ere~ produced liy it prior to' uuaai-;off stimulationd~';zamely the P 10 began to produce' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -215- positive fluctuations of potential, solitary and double. Thus, prior to she combination of ,stimulations {P110 + PQ~) the Plla stimulation xas not markedly reflected on certain nerve elements located, as xe have a right to think, in the deep layers of the Cortez. As a result of the union xith the tetanic stimulation of P~~, the P110 stimvl.ation becomes capable of ezciting them not only at the time of P2~ tetanization, but also at a ties long after its cessation (osc. E - G). On the basis of the ezperiment considered With stinnalation of the v+hite matter it is possible to conclude that the focus of rhythmical electrical activity can be created by the action of afferent Impulses that come to the Cortez. ' If the P110 stimulation (stimulation of the surface of the`brain) stimulation of the xhite mutter 'was added at a rhythm of about l0 per second (P29 or P 11), then depression-of the P110 effeots ~-as observed: the negative fluctuations produced by stiaulation?aof the surface of the brain abated, their degree ofabatement having been determined by tIu time interval bet`teen shocks Pi and P2 (Fig. 46; osc. A and B); at cessation of P~ sti~wlatiaun the-?Pl effects gradually increased an~d._after a certain time reached ~the3r initial 'agnitude. ? Thus, xe eacountsr eztraordiaary alterability an~d.nun~eraus ` J phenomena. In the first place, stiaulati.on of a gi~nsn point of the Cortez can produce diTrerent ef=ecta~ depending on the phase of its ` action (2 phases of .tetanization. o!'- the -Cortez). Ia the second place,. the stimulation, of ' a gi~veri paint of the Cortez stipulates L~~- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 different sftects depending on the f'requsncy' of stimulation: For instance, in the case ~uat considered the stipulation through the P2 electrodes at a rhyth~a of 11 per second produced only depreaaion~ of the erfects of P1 stimulation; stimulation through. P2 at a rhythm of 50 per second in the second phase of tetainization stipulated complete~~inversion of the effects of P1 stimulation. (This important question tri 11 be. esamined again in a special tray.. (I,egend.tQ Fig: 47, teztpage 11~: Bioelectrical phenomena at focus of heightened excitability created in the cerebral Cortez. Cat ~o. 3~, Oct. 24;~=1950. Stisulating electrodes and discharge electrode are located on the surface of the gyrus suprasylvius. The first discharge. electrode (B~} is found at a distance of ~ mm, th,e second (S2) at a distance of 10 ~adt. Eros the 1~tiawlating electrodes. ~Bio- potentials -are disc2~arged simultaneously from the Tsl point (uP1xr curves) and from the Ts? point (loxer curves). A ~ beginning of stimulation at a rhythm of 12 per second; intensity oY stimulation 3Q v. B -continuation of ati~aulatioa at a rhytt~a of 1~ per second. and shift-over to a 'stimulation i'requericy,of 80 per second, C -after 3 sec. , , D -after 8 sec. , ~ -after lO sec. _, F - af'tisr ?~3 sec. oY tminterrup_ted tetanic stimulation. ~ - achese of srrange~oent, of stipulating and discharge electrodes (Boitbak, 1953a)~.^~)~. _ In the eperi3sents the recordings of rich are presented in Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Fig. ~7 the stimulating electrodes and 2 discharge electrodes~~~iare placed on the gyros auprasylviua; the first discharge electrode ( ) _ ~. at a distance of ~ mn~., the second (E2) at a distance of 10 nnu. from the stimulating electrodes (~sse BYg. ~?7, G). At Hirst atimu].ation M+ets applied at a frequency of 12 per second (osc. A). At po3.nt E 1 in rirsponse to each shock of stimulation double effects arose: after the first negative fluctuation (1 milliv.} that lasted about 10 milliseconds, even prior to Sts con~letion, a second set in (0:8 milliv.), about ~?0 milliseconds in length. At point E2 double negative fluctuations (0.19 and 0.3 milliv.) also arose; in the course of stimulation these effects intensified somexhat. At the frequency of stimulation to 80 per second (osc. 8) the effects in E1 and E2?as early as after the first shocks of tetanic'stimulation changed their sign aud'then quickly attenuated. 'After 3 seconds of tetanization additional fluctuations began to arises owing?to '~hich the curves acquired a.s+avy character (osc. .C).? After 8 seconds of ? tetanization at both ,points of the cortex a rhythmical electrical ' activity arose: from 7~ positive fluctuations of considerable amplitude ('up to 0.6 milliv.) xere discharged at a rhythm of about 25 per secon3; from Try negative .fl,uctuations { up ~o_ 0:35 milliv.) . ~-ere dia'charged at? the? same rhytl~a (;oac:~ .D). . On the 10th: second, of tetaniration the rhythmical acti.vit~ ;lost,,,its reguLsr character ,, (osc. E): On the 13th eecpnd.; at poi=it=~B~-'?e~ter regulicr intervals there { k ,~w Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 begfin to arit~e groups of 3~~ positive fluctvatioas; at~point T2 in respect to each such group a single ueg~itive fluctuation o~ potential of great length (osc. f) arose. 'Phase electrical effects set in at 2=3 t~.m~es a second, and such activity xas observed for a period. of a furthersl5 seconds of tetsniiation. ' Thus the rbythmical electrical nativity that arose as a result of tetanie stimulation of the cortez can be changed conaidsrab3.y in its character in the course of prolonged tetanisation: each given moment of tetanisation is distinguished from the preceding or the subsequent one in the sense of '~,ha composition of the complez of neurons 'being activated. It has already been $aid that stimulation of a given point of the Cortez can produce effects different in character depending on the frequency of stimulation. The ezperim~ent dust considered is a good .illustration of this.aapect. During stimulation of a given paint of th,e cortez~at'a rhythm of 12 per second at point ~1 preeffiinent activation of elements of the surface 3.ayers bf the cortex occur; certe~in com~plezea 'of neurons of the deep layers are thereby ezaited~ hrnro~er long this stimulation lasts. Hceteverl stimulation (of the sBae intensity) of the very-aaae point?oP the cortez.drnxs these nex neuronic .cougilezes`into reaction during an increase o! its Yrequency to k0-BJ per second. ~ ? . furthermore, during tetRnic~atisulation.of the Cortez rhythmical Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 activity arises xithin the Baits ~f a relatively large territory. Moreover at di=ferent points of 'this region rhythmical activity can have a di=Perent cbare-cter, Mhich assuares the participation in it of neuronic,eleaents-of a different sort of origin. ~ the given case (Fig. ~+7} local tetanic stiaulation of tha surface of the brain led to the arising of rhythmical eiiects even at point Sl~~ a distance of ~ mm. from the stimulating electrodes: and at point ~~ at 10 mm. from 'the part stimulated. Hoxever, at positives and at E2 nagative fluctuations of the electrical potential. arose, In other xords~ at the center of the focus of rhythmical activity ezcitation me~inly of 'the neurons of 'the deep l,ay+ers of the cortex occurred; at the periphery excitation af' elements of the surface layers predoai.nated (i. e. se-inly dendritic offshoots in layers T and. TI). (Footnote: Tf relationships of such sort prove regular] then inasmuch as activation. of the surface layers is connected xith depression of the "spontaneous" electrical activity, it xould be very tempting to ~-dmit that activation of the surface layers of the cortex along the periphery of the focus of this activity is the reason for restriction of the rhythmical activity. At that ?~ titre also it Mould, be, possible to cite these data as an electropbysiological dampnstraticm of the follc~ing positiaa oi' Pavlov "The point of concentration, af' stinaalatior~ to a care or less aztent i,-""`~~d J~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 by a process of inhibition" (Ae4vlov, 1932).)? At ezeuaix~ation of Fag. ~7 Me dMell~cl on the tact that as a result of several-second tetanization {$0 per second) of the cortex' at points ~ and ]f;2 complez rhythmical electrical activity arose. At the 30th second of tetanisatioa the frequency of stimulation xaa shitted to 12 per second (y`ig. 1!$, oac. A). (Legend to Fag. ~48, teztpnge 117: Continuation of the ezperia~ents the recordings of which mere presented in the prececl3ng illuatrati~on. A -niter 30 secanda of uninterrupted stimulation at s rhythm of 80 per second, the frequency of stimulation in changed momentarily to 12 per second. B -direct continuation of recording A. ~ -after 3 seconds, D - after 6 seaonda, E -after 9 seconds, F -after 15 seconds of . uninterrupted stimulation at a rhythm of 12 per ~eecond. After this the frequency ofstimulation tras again shifted to 80 per second. G - after 13'seavnds of tetanization the :Frequency of stimulation of 80 pcr second ~shitte? to 12~ per second.) Bight at the same rhythm of stiauldt3on there begran to arise at point ~ positive_fluctuations. (5o millibeconda) and at 'point a2 neyatiYe (80,millisecande) df electrical potential, the amplituck o= Which equaled,+0.9 and ._0,`65 leilliv. Thus, .after ~tetanization ini~equent e:timulationa of the same point of the~corte~c pTOduced at ?~ 'entirely distorted effects; eCs regards ;the a=fects" , oP~point ,=2,? then ?an ~eitraordiitiarJ intensification Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 occurred~~of a second negative fluatvation (co~are-Fig. ~7, A and Fig. ~, A) ? As seen from examination of ~`igs. ~7 and ~+8, infrequent stimula- tions bf a given point of the cortex that impart change to the tetanic stimulation and have'creaired a locus of r2~hmical electrical activity produce in this ~~,ocus effects the same in character as there were at the time or :tetanisation, i. e. infrequent shocks of stimulation excite the same complexes of neurons as stipulate by their activity the arising of rbrythm9.ca1 electrical activity, complexes which xere not excited by infrequent shocks of stimulation prior to tetnnization, Thus, elevated excitability of the neurons of our focus can be demonstrated both during stimulation of other points of the cortei (Fig.~4g~ and during stimulation of the came point of the corteaJ the stimulation of which is stipulated by the_arising of this focus. Finally, these phenomena are of one order. " Attention is again drawn to Fig. li$ because at cessation of tetanization the"effects of inf~equent?stimulations increased `during the first second,. reacYiing amplitudes of -0.9 and +1' miLliv. (osc. B). Progressive abatement of then beglen after 5 seconds, the dttenuation ~, . oi' the positive fluctuations (effects at 31) haling proceeded Wore a quicklT than the negative (the effects nt T2}, and_aiter 9 seaond~i~ from the auaent of cessation oP stimulation from lCl neg~e~ti've fluctuations Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Were again discharged, i. e. the effects acquired the usual character, and from B2 there xere again discharged n,eg~ative fluctuations considerably intensified as compared to the normal (osc. F). Shortly after this the frequency of'etimulation again xas changed over to 80 per second; as a result of several-second tetanization, Weak rhythmical. activity arose (osc. G); infrequent stinwL-tions, imparting frequent change, produced extremely attenuated effects ordinary in~character (compare Fig. ~+8, G, and 47, A). IIsuslly, as already said, repeated tetanic stimulations of the cortex do not cause rhythmical electrical activity if the interval between the stimulations is less than 3-~ minutes. Thus, in order to obtain the Phenomena considered by us, rhythm3.ca1 electrical activity of -certain elements. at tine of tetanization of the cortex and prcionged elevation of their eacitabil:ity at cessation of tetanization, the part of the cortex in quest'inn should be exhausted by previous. activity: Experiments similex in nature are' the recordings of Fig. ~+9 (~te~1~8e 119: Bioel.ectrical phenomena 'at a focus of heightened ezcita~ility created in the cerebral cortex. Cat xo. 30', July is 1950. The stimulating electrodes are thrust in under thy. cortex in the .region of the posterior pole~of the gyros suprasylvius; the~disch~+rge electrode is placed on the surface of this convolution at a distance o~ 10 nm. from the stimnzla4ting electrodes. A -effect of stimulation ~t ~a~,r2~ythm of 10 per second (~30 v..). B - 0.,8 sec. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 from the start of stimulation at a rhythm of 54 per second. C - 25 seconds from the start of atimtlation at a rhythm of 50~per second and shift to a t~equency of stimulation df ~10 per sec. D - 0; 3 sec. after C. T~ .is 1 minute after D. ~' -effect of stimulation at a rhythm of 10 per.sec. before poisoning, a -effect' of the same, stimulation 17 minutes after local strychnine poisoning {1+~ solution) of the~cortez wader the discharge electrode.). In these experiments the stimulating electrodes {microelectrodes~ Mere driven into the gyros suprasylvius to the tihite matter; the discharge electrode teas estabiishdd on the surface of the cortex at a distance of 8.~mm. from the stimule~tiag pair. Shocks of et3.mulation at inf5requent rhythm cauged'at the discharge point txo-phase fluctuations of small. amplitude; at~ first a positive, then a negative fluctuation arose (Fig. ~+9, onc..A).. Evidently activation of the cortex occurred by means of fibers that enttered from the white matter; as knoxn, afferent and ca116sa1 fibers terrii.zs~te mainly in cortical layers III and IP. At arrival in the cortex of a volley of eacitation?impulses along these Fibers first of all the elements of these layers are eze3,ted~ ~bieh is expressed in. the fact that at discharge from the surface of the correspoa~ding part of the cortex a positive fluctuation of potential ~.a regist:red, after ~hicht when tha functional state o~ the, cortex: is goody ~a negative fluctuation folloits: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ?With a shift over to frequent tetanic~stimulation (osc. B), at the rbythm of atimulatian small positive fluctuations began to arise. After several seconds of?tetanizstion acomplication of effect set in: at irregular rhythm sloe fluctuations of greater amplitude bean to nriBe (osc. C). With transition after this to infreq~ient stimulations, it leis observed that the latter began to cause intense complex bioelectrical effects (osc. D). These effects are not intensified initial effects (i. e. effects Mere caused before tetanization of the white m9-tter). On the contrary: the initial complex (+-) abates, but after it a considerable latent period first a positive, then a most intense ne`t additional potentials ceased to.axise, and each shock of ,negative potential arise. After many seconds of stimulation these stimulation caused an effect the same in character as at the very Intense.additione~l potentials, which arose after tetanization, beginning of the experiment, only highly attenuated. set in with a greater latent period,(of the order of 20 mil.liseconds)J t-hich indicates participation of cortical. neurons intermediate in their origin. If in the preceding case (~'ig. 118) the activity of the neX .elements as a trhole maa3ced the initial bioelectrical effect, since the new elearents? v*re e~ccite3 directly in response to 'stimulation, then Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 in the case in question the n~ex elements xere drain into the reaction after the end of the initial bioelectrical reaction that set is imosediately in response to stimulation. In the recordings dust cited~3t is likexise Been that the so- called "spontaneous" slots potentials that arise during tetanization are considerably smaller 3.n amplitude than the slow additional potentials arising in response to shocks of infrequent stimulation, incessantly changing; they are not only smaller, but they are also variable in amplitude and length. As kaolin, strychnine has a characteristic c.~-pacity for increasing the excitability of neuronic elements. Consequently, it Mould be possible to ezpect that during local strychnine poisoning of the Cortez phenomena, xould arise like those considered above, trhich mere treated as a consequence of heightened_ezeitability of. cortical neurons. Some t3.iae after the ezperiments described. ~xith tetanization of tY~e Cortez ,(Fig: ~?9, A-D), the area under ~ the discharge electrode ~s poisoned frith l~r ~atrychnine ? solution. Im~rdiately .befa~e poisoning, stimulation of 'the Mhite setter at a rhythm of 10. per' second produced the effecti~already described abo~v~e, consisting of a brief positive fluctuatiou,e, after ?i~hich.'a ne~ti~-~s tollo~ed~ of ~ss~ll. anXplituds, but greater ?length~ soietiaes. complicated, by' addi~ionnT. "humps" (oi~c:' ~'}? .After poieaning~,. the ;sale stia~uhation began to produce nex ,effects: ~ ~-e.tter- =ths,, initial'.firat: coiplez, attsauste3. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ~226- in at~l.itude.~ a positive .fluctuation arose ':. a ?~.eitent_ period of 20-25 mill'~secondsy after tihich a most energez~: ~twgative potential ~oiloMed (osc. (i)., Thus as a result oY strychninization of the? dircharge point of the eortez during st3,nulstioa eitscts arose like those which been to arise in response to this stisulation after tetanizetion of seversleseconds (.corrpsre osc. D end a}. A similarity is discovered also in such a detail as that in both, cases additional energetic potentials arias in response not to each shock of stimulation but to each. second or third shock, Since 3t .is arell,knoam that a heightening of the excitability ~of the intermediate neurana lies at the base of the change of bioelectrical effects under the action of the strychnine then. the facts cited can sirve es demoastratiori of the tkct that the phenomena , being considered; connected With prolongai tetanic~sti,mulation of the 'cortez~, go~anerxt heightening of the excitability in. the nex additional co~Iezes of the intracortical neurons, xhich usue~] are. not excited . in response to .infrequent chocks of stimulation. On tha basis iaf the facts dust considered ~ it .is possible to _ - ~ ~. conclude that the arising oi' cocgplez sfi'ects near in chmractar niter tetanisation is connectad~~at least-in the case in question, xith change o~ the state of the neurons. the region t'raa rhich those. etYects mere. recorded and not in the region. of the .ppplication of Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 stipulation, because the xhite as~tter ~s stimulated and, secondly, an essentially siailar result xas obtained at local strychnine~poisonfng. in the discharge region. As already acid, strychnine convulsive effects axe not limited strictly to the region. of `poisoning. As already said, during combine:tion of stimulation of txo points of the cortex {one point is stimulated,tetanically, the other xith relatively infrequent shocks) rhythmical electrical activity arises, rind the rhythm frequency is determined by the fre-quency of the second infrequent stimulation: thin stipulation "imposes" its rhythm on the neuronic elements of the focus o~ heightened excitability. (T.egenrl to ~'ig. 50, teztpage 121: Bioelectrical phenomena at the source o~ heightened excitability created cerebral cortex. Cat Ao..38, Jan'- 9,~1951?~ Tko.Pairs of stimulating'{Pl and P2) and 2 discharge {~ ans. T2} electrodes'xere placed on the surface of the gyros suprasylvi'ua (see scheme). The biopotentials are discharged - front point Tl (upper curves} and from. point F2 {loxer.curves). A - Stipulation through ;electrodes P1 at a rhythm of 10 per second (~'10} .and ann~ea-tion of~ stimulation through el~ctroder P~ at a rhythm.of 2 The intensity .of stimulation of Pl and F2 is ~50 'per second. _(P~~~): 1 . 25 v. B ~- length,, of combi.natiou of .stipulation P 10 + P~~ .9 seconds efter' moment . of~: anneaaeitioi~ of P2 ~ C ~- stippulation. through electrodess - z ~, . P2 at a rhythm, oP ~0:-per second (P2~): The 11th second -after beg3.nni~sg f, tetanization. ~ ~= end ~of tetaai~iitiori.-~ty P2~ and -of Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -228- stimulation by P110' moment o! application o! first-shock through electrodes Y1?ia indicated by arrow. R?- scheae?of arrangement of electrodes ? (Roitbak,, 1950.?) The set-up of the ezperimenta, the reer~rdings of are presented in Fig. 54, uas Wore cot~lez than thore described up to now: here reg~.stratioas were sods of the biopotentials of txo points o! the cortez during combination. of stimulations o! txo points of the Cortez (sig. 50, E). Stimulation of the anterior pole of the gyros supraaylvius at a frequency of 10 per second (p 10) causes at point B1 (5.5 met. frost P1) negative fluctuations of potential and at point S2 (r19.5 sn. lrom Pl, the posterior pile of the convolution) positive 3'luctuations o! potential.?'At the T combining o! the tetanic atimtlation of the aiddle part of the gyros suprasylvius xith a frequency of 50 per second (F`~0) the P110 stimulation becorea for a long time inactive, as it tirere (osc'. A). 3e~neral seconds alter .combining the stisialationa r2>3rthmi:cal electrical activity arises at point ~ and.=2. Front El positive fluctuations are registered and, Eros ~ negative fluctuations (?oac. B). Thus . xe a?ain are caulronted `-ith !acts indicative that at the periphery of a focus o! intense rhythmical activitT.o! the elements of the deep la~nslcs of the Cortez edsentisl; aictiwation of the occurs. The :-rhythm o:C; th+e ne~tive .lluetuations at ~ axed o!? the, positive at Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 El is determined by P1 stimulation: fluctuations arise in response to shocks of this stimulation; Eton time to time double effects ~(osc. B) arise to the shocks of ~l,stimulation. ? of the same neuronic elements as. are excited at the time of tetaniza~n. 5 of a different character (osc. C): at uninterrupted stimulation groups oY ~-~ positive fluctuations arise periodically separated from one another by 1~5 of a second pauses. At cessation of the tetanic stimulation that produced rhythm3,ca1 electrical activity there often occurs a mare or less prolonged after- effect. The bioWlectrical potentials at the time of the aftereffect are usually similar in character to the bioelectrical potentials at the time of tetanic stimulation (osc. D; see also Big. ~). It is possible to think that the aftereffect is stipulated by the activity P2 C stimulation,iri itself causes rhythmical electrical activity ? Tf at cessation of tetanization of a given point Qf the Gomez, at the time of the aftereffect a-relatively infrequent stimulation is applied to another point of the cortex, then the aftereffect can be broken and effects at the rhythm of the'stipulation applied.(osc.'D) begin to arise. (l~'ootnote: Aftereffects at .cessation of tetanization laated~ten seconds and had the same character as in the recordings' of ~'ig. ~~ xhich ~+ere ~~de on the: same prepexation.) Thus additional stimulation can "control:" the-activityof the neuronic elements at?~the focus of heightened excitability, determining the rhythm of~their excitation not .only its coab3nation tetanic=> stimulation Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 that created this focua~ but also at the time of the aftereffeet~ xhen the rhythm of the arising bioelectrical potentials is determines. by influences not alxays yielding to calculation. (yegens,`to l~ig. 51, tertpage ~: Bioelectrical phenomena at focus of heightened ezcitability created in the cerebral Cortez. lion-narcotized-rabbit. lLarch 10, 1951 Breathes through cannula in trachea. Through an opening in the bone and in the Jura mater 2 pairs of electrodes were Placed on the surface of the cortex: in the motor and optical regions. The biopotentials are discharged from the raptor regioh; stimulation is applied fo the optical region. The intensity of stimulation is 30 v. A -stimulation at a rhythm of 5 per second. $ - aftereffect at cessation of stimulation. C -repeated stimulation at a rY~y'ti"hm of 5 Per second, at the time of the aftereffect. immediate continuation of recording C. $ - e~~ffect after cess?tion of stimulation.) The phenomenon described is 'observed too in e~eriments on non- .narcotized anime~ls. Fig. 51 serves as illustration for this position in xhich are Presented recordings obtained in'ezperiments on non- narcotized tracheotodized Zebbit. Th+e discharge Ix-ir of electrodes xas set up on the'-rotor area of the cortezi the atinulatiag electrode on the optical axes. _ Bach shock of ~~t3au7-ation at d,rb3-~, pr 5 par seconRT produced in, the nator area a ?d,ffinits electrical effect ~ (osc. A Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -231- at this time no motor or vegetative reactions arose. At cessation of stimulation. a prolonged aftereffect Mss ,observed, i.n the ~ forn- of slox potentials at a regular rhythm .of about 7 per second (oac. B). Stimulation, xhen it vas applied at. the time of the aftereffect, brake it off: effects began to arise at the rhythm of stimulation (oac. C and D); at cessation of stimulation the aftereffect described above again occurred (oac. E). ' At combination of stimulations of tvo points of the cortea a more intense rhythmical electrical activity usually arises than at stimulation of one of these points. This also refers to cases xhon tetanic stimulation is applied to the first point 'but the second point is stimulated by comparatively infrequent electrical shocks '(Fig. j2, B and G). It is possible to think that during combination ?f P110 + P~50.a greater number of the neuronic elements of a given complex is implicated. in reaction than in the .case of isolated P25 .. ~ stimulation. '.Q~us, additional P1'10 stimulation not only stipulates the ezcifiation rhythm of neuranB of the dominant focu"s but also evidently increases the number of focal elements excited.? . If at combination of P110 + P2~ stimulations rhythmical electrical activityarises, then at cessation of P2~ stimulation the PliQ?atimulation ~?? continues to ezcite ueueilly,.for a period af, tans of ~second.s .the neuronic .;. ? elements of the focus-of"heightened ezcitability that hna arisen. If Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 at combination of P11O + P~5O stimulations it does not lead to the arising o! rhythmical electrical activity, then at cessation o! P25o ,atimuiation the P11O stimulation produces its ovn.ordinary elects as it did prior to union.xith the tetaniic stimulation. If at combination o! P11O + P250 a rhythtical electrical nctivity arises sad the combination o! stiaulation lasts tens of seconds before the disappearance o! rhythmical electrical acti~rity, then at cessation o! P stimulation the P11O sti~aalation produces its oxn usual 50 effects, only greatly attenuated in con~arison xith those Mhieh it proQOked prior to union o! the stimulations. Thus, infrequent ~'10 stimulation at combination~xith the tel''snic P25O stimulation does not produce ezcitation of a given complez of neurons so long as their ezeitability has not yet reached a certain critical magnitude at-xhich they are capable of being rhythmically ezcited under the .action of impulses .of any origin that arriv8 in the cortex. or i1' this high ezcitability o! theirs. has already fallen because of ezhauation. ~~ {Legend to Fig. 52,'textpage 12~: Biaelectrical phenomena at a focus of heightened e~eitability~created'in~cerebral?cortez: Oat Ko. 37, Jan. 7, 1951. The.lirst pair .of stimulatiog electrodes (Pl) xas placed on the-rear pole o! the gyrus,suprasylvius, the second. (P2} ~ on the anterior. ~ The ;dischsrge electrode {~) MSS .pl,aoed at+ the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 middle of the convolution. A -stimulation through Pl electrodes at a rhythm of 10 per second (P110) and combination of etimulatiori through electrodes P~ at a r2~ythm'of 3a PeT second (P~~). The intensity of stimulation ass 25 sr. B -continuation of combination of stimulations 10 seconds after moment of annexation of P 50. C - cessation of P2~? stimulation during uninterrupted P110 stimulation. several seconds after recording D. F -effect of P1 stimulation 10 seconds interruption in its action; stimulation star interrupted D -continuation of recording C. E -effect of P1 stimulation after P`C~ tetanization and beginning of P110 stimulation. Z ~- scheme of stimulation; 72th second from start of tetanization. H -end of after 20 seconds of interruption in its activity. G - P250 arrangement of electrodes-(l~oitbak~ 1953a}.} Zn preparation Ao. 37; as a result of tens of repeated, experiments ~(stith 5-minute inters-als betxeen eaper3.ments),' it seas possible to lie persue-ded that the infrequent P'10 stimulation, at interruption of P2__ tetanization, continued fora period of ~0-60' seconds to produce nev effects the same i.n character as those that xhen~..3t proceeded in "an, isolates stay st ces$ati'on of? F2~ t+as. broken fluctuations of biopotential {?ig. 52, D). .If P 10 stimulation arose at the time ,of tha,combination.of P110 + X50' positive' off ?.for? 10=15 seconds, then at ?repeated ~srtitching on this; ,etimulat3.on Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 ceased to provoke nex effects, Mhich,? it it Mere not ~?terrupted in its actian~ it Would continue to produce for 20-30 seconds more. In other ~tords, because of the change described in ?the. course of the ezperiment~ P~'10 stimulatioh last the capacity acquired by it as the result of comb{n~ xith tetanic stimulation,? the capacity. to ? neuronic elemeata of tlae deep layers of ~? coY`~=? The X1]:0 excite nox produced Sts usual effects,, ne6~ti~ fluctuations of potential, someMhat abated as compaxed xith those Mhich here provoked prior to a combination of stimulations (Fig. 52~ E). '1'hua~ infrequent stimulation of the cortex sustains a state of heightened excitability in the focus that had arisen during combination of this stimulation xith frequent i~etanic stimulation of another po~,nt of the cortex. On the above-mentioned 'basis it~is remarkable that 1Y + j t 1 310. at 3nterruptio~i infrequent etimoulntions.are applied to point P {P ) of tetanization of point P2 (P2~) which eentioued prior to the arising of a r?~lrthaii:al electrical activity mAizinr~l in intensity, then it is possible to obtain? those `phenomena tl~hich are observed as, the result of a combination of P, 10 + ~~ stiffiulations? ~ - . eZperi,nsnt 52, , H f the P110 stinioulation Mss applied for 284 nilliseconiis after cessation ?of .P2 tetanic, stimulation. The ~10 stimilation __.._ ;.~ .~..~ .ff'~cta~as commared xith those xhich ~it ceiused~, after ca'b3,nation xith ~~ stimul.,ntion; :the .first shock caused a negative Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 (compare Fig. 52,H and C) xas lacking in these effects or ra.s slightly . ezpressed. fluctuation; the last shocks caused positive fluctuations,~but these effects in an~litude and duration considerably yield to the ePfeets xhich P110 caused after eombination~xith P250 and,~to xhich attention should be turned in these .effects additional positive fluctuation suprasylvius 2 pairs of stimulating electrodes xere placed (P1 and. xhich xere presented in Fig. ~5. On the surface of the gyros No. 24, xay 20, 1950. Continuation of ezperiments the recordings of the focus of heightened a=citability created in cerebral.corte=. Cat (Legend to sig. 53,, teitpage 126: Bioelectrical phenomena in P ) and betvean them a diecharare electrode B free gahem~l_ A ..P1 gt3mulation and annemtion~of P ,~? stimulation. B -cessation of a mu 50 _ 9 + 50 ~ ?~' P2 Btimulattion alter 1~+ seconds of union of P1 P sti l ti C - 15 seconds after B; cessation of Pl9 stimulation.. D -end of 15-second ~ ~? stimulation and anne~oa,tinn of P1? stimulation. T - continuation. o! D'. F - several seconds after E, t~ -scheme of arrangement of electrodes.) of Fig. ~5, analysed_ in detail, As e: result of the -combination of 1 ~~ stimulationsyP 10 +-P25o, P110 nt interruption of P250 began to-caus.e The e:cperiaent, the recordings of xhich are ,presented in Fig. 53; A-C, is a repetition of the e~c,~eriment illustrated by the recordings Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 -~36- new complex effects. After 5 minutes an ezperiment was set up the recordings of xh3ch are presented in Fig. 53, D F. Zbtanic stimulation of a second point of the Cortez (P2~) was continued up to the arising of a rhythmicp~l electrical activity me~zimal in intensity; stimulation of the first point (P110} was begun 0.5 sec. after cessation of P2~ tetanization {Fig. 53, D}. In spite of the fact that this stimwlation was applied at the time of the aftereffect, it caused no ner complez effects (compare 53, ]7; E, F and 53, B and C}~ Thus, it is possible to conclude that the fact of union, of coincidence at the time of thsstimulation$ of two points of the corte$, has importance in the sense of determining the character of the bioelectrical effects which one of the stimulations being combined provokes after the .cessation of 'the other. Thus, the effect of direct electrical. stimulation of a given point of the cortex depends on the preceding history of stimulation in'a more complez sense than has. been admitted up to nrn-: the effect of stimulation depends not Qnly on the previous stimulation of point of'the Cortez and not only on the previous stiiialation of other~pointa of the Cortez ('Pvedenakii, 1897), but also'on the fact of $ previous coincidence 3.n time of stimulation. af- a given poizit of the Cortez by stimulation of ~ other point of the Cortez. Finally, in Fig. 54 arc preieentecl recordings of an eicperiment the set-up of 'which ?traei the tollaMing. Txo pairs of ~timiilating _ _: ~ , electrodes xere eetabli~hed, on the gyrus.aupraaylvius at,a distance Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/23 :CIA-RDP81-010438001900230005-7 of 11 mm. feast one another, and the discharge electrode xas betxeen then. Stiaulation?of point Pl at a rhyth~e o~?8 per second (P18) during a stimulation intensity of 4 v. did not cause appreciable bioelectrical effects at the point being discharged, E (ogc.~ A). At anueaation of the stimulation of goint~P2 at?a rhythm o! 100 per sec. (1'2i0 gradually intensifying rhythmical activity quickly arose at the rhythm o! Yl.atimulation-(oac. B). At cessation o! tetanisation the alternate slat fluctuation had a considerably-larger as~litude thaw at the time of tetanization (osc.~C). Furthermore,, the slat i'luctuations proceeded at a far more infrequent rhytha, but the effects that arose here connected Plg stimulation: each consplez effect use a grog of fluctuations at a rhythm of?about 50 per aecwod and the ala- fluctuation of potential arose ~.u reapozise to each second shock o! Pl$ stimulation (osc. C and .D} . -Alter several? seconds ?the effects xex'e simplified: at a given part being,discharged~ alight electz~ical effects which can each Pla shock caused a double positi~e~lluctuation (oac. E). Alter 1 ~ ~ ? several more seconds the.P 8 stipulation began-to cause such effects as prior to union o! atiaulatiotta (osc. ~'). - Thus,- infrequent stimulation o! paint Pl o! the c~ortez ct~uaed, be considered an? ezpression -ably ~o!- polari:ration; afterward at this ? ~ 2 ~ ~? point, as ? the result -.of P ~- . ~~~ va~.a