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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? AIR TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCI. TRANSLATION TITLE (UNCLASSIFIED) THE TECHNOLOGY OF FORGING AND STAMPING FREE FORGING AND VOLUME STAMPING BY E. A. SATELI FROM SPRAVOCHNIK MASHINOSTROITELYA, V SHESTI TOMAKH VOL. 5, 1956 pp. 89-179 eit.iy_teA) STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 CHAPTER II THE TECHNOLOGY OF FORGING AND STAMPING FREE FORGING AND VOLUME STAMPING The Quality of Forged and Stamped Products The Effect of Forging upon the Macrostructure Hot mechanical treatment (forging a) b) Fip.1 - The Macrostructure of Steel a) Casting; b) Forging or rolling), of a cast ingot will deform and change its original structure ( by drawing out its crystallites in the direction of the flow of the metal. The result will be the formation of a so-called fibrous macrostrUcture -4 (; first in its central zone, and later, with the increase in the degree of forging*, it will be formed in its peripheral zone. In the central zone, the fibrous structure is formed when the degree of forging has a value of 2 - 3. At such rate of forging, the column-like dend- * The degree of forging is the ratio of the area of the original cross section of a cast ingot to the area of the cross section of the forging made from it. 173 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? rites in the peripheral zone will undergo little change in their original direction. When the degree of forging is raised to h - 6, the deformed dendrites of the peripheral zone are still Fir.2 present and they are not in the direction of the flow of A fibrous macrostructure the metal. Only when the degree of forging reaches the value of 10 and higher, forged steel will acquire a fibrous macrostructure along its entire cross section (Bib1.15). Therefore, when evaluating the mechanical properties of a forging, consideration should be.given to the direction, i.e., along and across the fibers of the sample under test. of forged (rolled) steel has a fairly stable forma- tion. It cannot be destroyed by heat treatment and the pressure following the heat treatment may possibly only change the straight-line direction of the fibers to curves, (Fip.2). The Effects of Forginp on the MecYanical Properties (Bib1.15) Hot forging will practically have no residual effect upon such properties as, strerpthar; (r fluidity frir and proportionality a- pts . It means, the above properties will remair the same for samples subjected to the same heat treatment resulting in the same microstructure, although forged at different degrees of forging. Forpinp of a cast ingot will produce a considerable residual effect on such properties as impact viscosity an, cross sectional shrinkage (narrowing) .q,, elonga- tion 6 and endurance 0_1. The following should be noted concerning the'above properties: increasing the degree of forging to 10 will notably improve these properties in longitudinal (along the fibers) samples and this improvement will remain stable. On the other hand, as a rule, the an 6,1v, and a-1 in transversal (across the fibers) samples 174 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? b- the grade or t*,c steel Ind the size or the piece (see lLter in text). :ot forginr of a steel which, Ls casting, contaiLs in its microstructure come!tite zet or 1Lrge cirbide grains, will favorably affect the (pant- of the finished product by destroying the net and erti by pulverizing the carbides. Cold forging will physically solidify (harden) the metal; heat treatment will relieve it (see Chapter XI). ic=r1 4'14 11,1; i; j Fig.3 a) Fig.h Fig.5 C) Preparatory Lethods and Their Effect on the Finishnd Product To obtain the best mechanical proper- ties, the following conditions are to be maintained: 1) a degree of forging best suited for the piece to be forged (see earlier in text); 2) the direction of the fibers should coincide with the direction of the maximum normal stresses to which the finished product will be subjected in performing its. duty. If this is impossible adjusting the mandrill, upsetting, or any other means should be used to diminish the discr6pency in the mechanical proper- ties along and across the fibers; 3) the direction of the fibers should be cobrdi- ' nated with the contours of the piece, the fibers should not cross each other; h) the axial zone of the ingot should not: be displaced or the surface of the forging; 5) tl-ermomechanical Conditions best for STAT ? 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 the forging should t.e observed (see later in text). ? The above requirements may not be strictly adhered to in oases where best me- ? _ ch3uical properties are rot essential and cost ard productivity are more importdnt. The field, dealing with the effect of technological processes in forging on the quality of the finished product, was ( ???? ? ? tackled and broadly covered by Prof.K.F. 1- --r- r: K.F.Orachev. Examples; 1. Figure 3a shows a bolt 0 -7- cut from a rod. The macrostructure of its head is unsatisfactory - the normal Fir.6 stresses are directed across the fibers. Also, the stem of the bolt is formed from the central zone of the rolled rod, a zone having qualities of a lower grade. The bolt in Fig.3b is made by having its stem drawn out. The direction of its fibers is more favorable. Making the bolt (Fig.3c) so that its head is pressed down from a rod of the same diameter as its stem, b) / produces the most favorable difection-of \ 1 , F , its fibers. 1 I Y A I -1) ? Fig .7 1) Axial zone of stock Example 2. The gear, shown in Fig.4a is cut out from a rod. The normal stresses in the teeth (1) will be directed unfav- orably - across the fibers. In a-gear, stamped out from a strip (Fig.0), the direction of the.fibers in relation to the direction of the normal stresses will vary for each tooth. Tooth (1) operates along the fibers, which is correct; while tooth (2) operates across the fibers, which is incorrect. A gear made by the upset method (Fig.4c) will have most favorable directions for its fibers. i;77 STAT neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? Example 3. The crankshaft in Fir.5a is forred without its wrist; the wrist and the webs are formed bY cutting out part I. The result is: the fibers are cut and the webs operate across the fibers. Tly havinr a crankshaft made by bendinr (Fir.5b) the directior of the fibers will correspord to the direction of the normal stresses. Example h. When a rirp, subject to internal pressures, is made by the method of drawinr out with a mandril, (Fir.Aa), its fibers will be parallel to the axis of the rirr, i.e., perpe-dicular to the directiors of the maximum stresses operatinr. tanrentiall-r. On the other hand, the same ri--, but with the use of a tube exparder durinr the forrirr ('-'ig.Ab), will lave fibers with a direction correspordinr to the operatioral conditions of the ring. Example 5. In a crankshaft forred from a plate after the split-cuttinr of the crankthrow (Fir.'7a) and by drawinr cp't the erds, the axial zone will pass through the middle of the webs, but ir the cr,t-kpin sections of the shaft the axial zone will be displaced ir relation to their axis and will appetr partiall- on the surface. This displacenet will not be produced ir sl aft forped by bendinr. TEC:rMIOnICAL FU"DA77,"1-2:1L3 I" D7SIrrI1'r 17013.r7D KD STAI:7D PRODUCTS r,eneral Informatior The techrolopical co-sideratiors required when designinr products to be produced b7- free forrirg ard hot stampirr differ sharply. The choice between free forrirg ard stamping sl.ould be based upon mam, factors, among which are: the possibilitr of .Lppl-Tinr (technicall'r) ore method or another, nd the'adwtniages of ore metl-od over tnother with due consideration to the quality of the product and the corfiruratior desired.'. ?or instance, free forritp m,ey be used in forginr pieces of ary weight, from the smallest to the largest, for example 200 t. The weirht limit for stampinp 0 is 1-2t, with the bulk of stampinrs weirtinr up to 100 kp. Free forginr is rood only for nieces with plain confirura+ions, or lavirr excessive parts to be removed STAT 178 ^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? mechanically in order to simplify the configuration. With stamping, a complicated confiruration is feasible. As far as quality and precise surface is concerned, these are low for Corrinr and high for stamping. When machining the piece, more will be taker off when the piece is a forging and less, when it is a stamping. The output forging is several times less than by stamping. As a rule, forging of single pieces, or of a few pieces, is more advantageous than stanpinr. On the other hand, for mass productior, stamping has by far greater advantages. For the average run in quartit-r, the selection is based upon the final cost of the finished product, thus, in many cases, despite the hirher cost of operation, the use of less material and less machinirg thereafter, make stamping cheaper. Even when the quantit7 amounts to a few dozens, stamping may prove to be cheaper than forrinr. Tec'rolorical Consideratiors in Desi- mi- Products Fabricated hr Free Forging The design of the stock to be fabricated by free forging should also be coordinnted with the technologist. This, to insure maximum mechanical properties, minimum wastage and ease of operation not only in the process of forging but also in the finishing operations thereafter. The most desirable forms for such products should be simple, symmetrical, struipht and smooth and should be hound by plane or c-rlindrical surfaces. The more the configuration of a forrinr is complicated, the higher the cost of its fabrica- tion. Certain portions of a forrinr may prove to be unforreable by the method of free forging. In cases of this kind, surplus material must be added to the stock in order to simplif- the configuration, with the subsequentremoval of the surplus material mechanically, or by torch. For example, the forging shown in Fir.8 cannot be produced by free forging -1/0kT 179 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 without the use of surplus material. The confiruratiop shown in 1'i1-.9 has to be Lhe for Ike desi-r. 4_17 I ri),Irg i 2, JF,? cicz, * 8 / .e -: ' ,..1 .. ..... 4, ... 11. i f .1--1--1 40 RI 1 1 40.- ---30'0-.4-Zal 5C0 --1-,Tc--...V -- 4...1 Fir.e - 4 - -14 it *. 150 .?IiJ Cones (Fig.10a) and tapered s!apes (Fig.10b), especiall:- when slopinr only slightly, should be avoided. Consideration should be riven to the difficulty of producinp by free forring " 01 b) =3- Fir.10 a) Correct; b) Undesirable 0 Fir .11 a) Correct; b) Undesirable portions formed by the intersectior of c7lirdrica1 surfaces (7ir.11a), or formed b- the intersectior of cylindrical with prismatic surfaces (Fir.11b). In the handbook of small pieces; one-sided 'projections (Fir.10b) are more de- sirable than two-sided (Fir.11b) projections. Ribs are to be avoided. In most cases, ribs cannot be made by the method of free ?forgi?!r ard the addin- of surplus material becomes necessary. ,So-called "ribs of rigidity" in for-in-s are rot permissible (Fir.12). Also to be avoided are "teats", plate-shape and other projections on the main STAT 18p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? body of ,! forging (Fig.13a), Ls well as projections inside fork-shaped corfigura- tio:,L; ( 'T.13b). f',erever the difference in cross-sectional areas is great, or where the config- uration is complicated, it becomes neces- sary to combine several pieces of a simp- a) Fig.12 a) Correct; b) Wrong Li 1_. ler design, or weld several pieces to- tether (Fir.14). Another thing to consider is the pos- sibility of getting a forging with a proper direction of the fibers. Technological Considerations in Designing Stamped Products General Information: The geometrical shape of the piece should be such as to make its removal from the form easy. The stamping dies consist of two parts (the ?L. _ ) , i9 Figs.13 and 1/L a) Correct; b) Wrong ^ - -:- 2250 a) upper and lower halves)-. As a rule, they are open. Before the upper and lower dies touch each other, the metal will flow out beyond the dies, thereby forming a ring-shaped burr around the line of separation of the dies .181 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? Stampirr presses (crank t7pe. for hot stampinr, screw-friction type, or hydraul- ic t-pe) have dies usually consistinr of two parts: the dies are either open-type, as in lamer presses, or closed type ??? /,,/; 5 Fig.15 - Formation of a 7';',1-r: a - rinF of stampirr; b - Intermediate phase; burr berins to form; c - 7.nd of stamp- inr; 1 - Upper die; 2 - Lower die; 3 - Stock;./: - Burr where a burr can be formed only at the end of the operation. The appearance of a burr is due to a clearance being present between the lower and, the enterinr into it, upper die. The lower die is known as matrix, counter die, die pot; the upper - as plunrer, punch- inr die, etc. (Fir.16). 'or complicated corfirurations, the matrixes are compounded from two or more p-arts (Fir.17). In a horizontal stamping press, the -2 die consists of three parts: two mat- rixes (stationary and movable) and a plunrer. The separation of the lower and upper dies is in two mutually perpendicular directions. If the stock is not to be stamped all arourd, the problem of the separa- tion of the .dies sholad-be"worked out b-r the designer, as it may involve such features as slope of the walls, radius of roundness, etc. In Table I are instructions dealing with desirn of forrings to be stamped - Closed Type Stamping Die 1 - aunrer; 2 - ratrix; 3 - Stock; - 4 - Ejector Fir:17 - Die with rovable ratrix 182 STAT - - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? Table 1 Selection of Correct Separation Su5faces (Bib1.8,36,7,1) 1. Make easy removal of the forging from the dies possible. Deep impressions in the body of the stamping can be obtained only in the direction of impact. All of the stamping's horizontal cross-sectional dimensions, above or below the 'parting line, should be less than thea cross-sectional dimension of this line. Correct , . Wrong 2. The separation should be effected in the plane of the two greatest dimensions of the product, i.e., so as to make the recesses in the die have the least depth and greatest width (to help in filling up the recesses) Desirable Undesirable ,W4 ?akimmik: 1!!!!!!!!! Remarks: In some cases, separation is possible without strict adherence to the requirements, e.g., a) if it saves metal, simplifies making of the stamping and cutting dies, or permits use of fewer preliminary passes in the die. b) if some surface (not to be stamped) should be flat and without a stamping slope. In line with requirement 2 IS allowed as an exception 183a STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? 3n line with requirement 2 but surface F Is not in line with requirement 2 has stamping slope fI 3. The separation of the dies should be so designed that the recesses in the upper and lower dies should have the same contour (it will make it easier to detect if any of the dies move) ? Correct 1 Wrong 4. The separation should be so designed that close contact with the surface is made only by the vertical walls (having a stamping slope), but not by sloping walls (it makes it easier to detect movements of the die) Correct Wrong ',/////.." ? \\N. ? 5. Inasmuch as possible, the 'design should be such,, that the separation takes place in a plane surface, and complicated surfaces are ,to be avoided (easier to make the die) Correct ? 183b Wrong STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? by open-type dies (forming rirg-shaped burrs) of hammers and presses. Other instruc? tions in Table 1, deal with the selection of the separation of the die surface. The side surfaces of the stock should be sloping (stamping slope) in the verti- cal direction, i.e., in the direction of the impact. This will insure an easy re- moval of the stamping from the dies. A true verticality of the walls may be secured by mechanical treatment of the piece after. Normal slope values for outer walls (that move away from the walls of the die) and for inner walls (which, during the cooling hug the protuberances in the re- cesses of the die) are shown in Table 2. a=a14-y Fir.18 - Method of Counterbalancing the Shearing Forces ta_ Formal stamping slope; a- Increased stamping slive a) Direction of the impact ID:, the hammer For certain pieces, whose axis is bent, larger slopes aredesirable, as this will allow the recessed portion of a die to have a location favoring the counter- balancing the shearing forces, which arise during the stamping operation (see Fig.18). Uith angles y > 70, the above method (see Fig.18) will greatly distort the stamping. _Therefore y should not exceed 70. All surface ends should be rounded and sharp angles to be avoided. Surfaces to be joined should be rounded, using as large a radius as practical. The purpose is to avoid the necessity of having to use a greater than normal surplus of material over the entire surface, which would be necessary to insure a correct STAT 184 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 k ? ? Table 2 Stampinr Slopes for Steel Stampirrs (ib1.8, 3A, 1) C) d) I a' 5 7 9 3 1-3 7 10 3 5 3-4,5 10 12 7 4,5-6,5 12 15 7 10 a) 6,5 15 15 13 12 f) a) Oyer; b) Up to; c) Stamping without ar e,4ector by 1-amrer,and mechanical presses; d) Stamping with an ejector by mecharical presses; e) Line of sep- aration; f) LeFerd: p -Slope of inner walls; a -Slope of outer wills 185 Table 3 Radii for Rounded 73rds of Surfaces (9ib1.3(,, 1) < 2 2_4J >4 < 2 2 - 41 >4 b) 15 1,5 1,1 2,0 4.0 5,0 8,0 15--25 1,5 2,0 2,.; 4,0 6,0 R.0 25--35 2,0 2,5 3,0 5.0 8,0 10,0 35-41 2,3 3,0 4,0 6,0 10,0 15,0 45-60 3,0 4.0 5,0 8,0 12,5 20,0 60 80 4,0 5,0 6,0 10,0 15,0 25,0 80--100 5,0 6,0 8,0 12,5 20,0 35,0 100-130 6,0 8,0 10,0 15,0 25,0 40,0 130 170 8,0 10,0 12,5 20,0 30,0 45,0 C) a) Line of sepqratiOn; b) Up to; c) Remarks: Radii R of the internal (erterinp) angles should be rreater than radii r of the external anrles ,(emerging), thereby avoidinr spoilage (of clamps) and helping the dies to remain firmly in place STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 MEV ? ? angle (Fir.19). 9esides this, the desirr.of a piece to be stamped ir open-tYpe dies, should be ir conformitv with the instructions river in Table h. a) ceritotAr at loritrii Cort.tour of. e4>?f-Trashed Fuca Fir.19 - The Relation between the Amount of Added Material to the Radius of Roundness: a - Optimum relationship: rd r - pn; h - Worst relationship: rd? r - pn; where, rd is the radius of rourdress of the finished piece; r is the radius of roundness of the forrirr; Pn is the normal amount of material to be added; P is the ircreased amount to be added Fig.20 Instructions for 'Designing Pieces to be Stamped in Horizontal Forging Machines Pieces with a great variety of shapes can be stamped in horizontal forging machines (Fig. 20a, b, c). For best results, however, the stamping of pieces having a regular form (Fig. 20a), or rotating bodies with projections and cavities Should be performed in a horizontal forging press. Such pieces can be fabricated by a horizontal forging press with more advantages than the hammer or press. In design- ing pieces to be fabricated in horizontal machines - follow instructions given in STAT Table 5. 186 ;. ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Talde Instructions for Desirvirr Pieces to be 'orred h" :tamers with Open-T7pe Dies 1. Desirr witl the object to obtain A mininium difference ir cross-sectional areas of differert portions spreld dim(' tle lerrth or the piece; avoid thin walls, 'Art ribs, fltrres, pro;:ectiors, teats, lour branches, and thin influxes in contact with the plane of neparation (ease of operation, less spoilare and savirr or material). a) Sharp difference in rross- sectional areas and small thickness of the shelf will hamper the work, will ircresse the wastare And will not fill the firure. b) A thin disc will cause a low firmness of the dies, due to rapid cooling and high deformation resistance. Repeated heatinrs become necessary to prevent the stpping beinr unfin- ished. Will increase the amount of rejects. Piece 1, due to presence of thin and tall ribs, carnot 1-se ohtaired 1)7 stamping without a subsequent mechan- ical treatment. The raw piece assumes shaPe 2. d) In shape 1, the flarre has a larpe diameter w'-ich hampers t:e stamping. Designinr accordirr to shape 2 will ircrease ti-e ease of operation 111 times. e) A lonr and thin branch brings a larre wastare of metal (75 or the weirht of the forring) ard dr increase in rejects due to 'irure being unfilled. Thu thir influx 1, in contact with the plane of separation, is subject to br7akare, to beirr torn-off and to cleavinr with the cold cuttinr-off the blirrs; also to being dragred=in inside the matrix with the hot cuttinr of the burrs. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? Table h (corttd) 2. Tr- to design with the ob.4ect to obtain symmetrical forms in the plane of sep- aratior and s:rnetrical slopes for the projecting walls (simplifies the making of the dies, eases the stamping operation and lowers the amount of rejects). a) 3hapc 2 is desirable; the hollowness is the same in the upper and lower dies; it can be turned ovpr during t:!e operatic): to remove the scale and for better formation of t-e shape. All this is not obtainable with shape 1, which is undesirable. b) The walls in shape 1 have different relation to the plane of separation. During the stamping it will cause the appearance of stresses tending to displace one die from another. This defect is absent in shape 2. 3. Try to design the configuration with the object of avoiding additional opera- tions such as twisting and bending. The design should strive to reduce the number of stage operations (ease of operation). a) Crankshaft (1) having eight throws cannot be so stamped, as to have its throws at an angle of 900. This is due to the poor configuration of the webs which prevents the setup of the separation. The throws are stamped ' in one plane and, by a special machine, are twisted thereafter by an additional operation. The eight- throw shaft (2), with a similar elliptical form of the webs, makes the separation of the dies possible and allows the stamping (in one oper- ation) of the shaft with the webs at an angle of 900 without twisting. 188 - STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ' Table A (eortid) b The piece shown at left end is stamped with its form developed, the bending is doneial'ter. The. piece a) sho...rn at t;e riFht end is c) stamped also ir developed a ga 150 ' .--151? ? _ _ . . Corm., Tht i this c.Lse, _ _ 'cording passes are rot b) I . - 1 -- . required, thereeore, the 40=0 stamping has a simple cor - fiFuratior. In the first case, the excess of metal is 87'. of the weirlt of a) After the Stampinr.; in the follow; second case it is 335. stamping; c) b) Lines After bending b)0 4 jJ .. of bending to . . /. When the minimm thickness o.' the walls after the drillingdrilling of holes is to be frlaranteed, tie lugs (teats) should be made oval in shape and in the direction of a possible displacement. . 75 . ___ 5. In each separate case, determine the advantage of fabricatinr the product from two or more parts to be welded together arter the stamping, and vice versa, the advantage of first welding or fastening by arl:i other means, several pieces to be stamped as one piece. a) Piece (1), as a single piece, is too . complicated to be stamped, requirirg excess material equal to :1, of the weight of the stampinr. The simoI piece (?).whel welded; is simpler to be stamped in parts (there are no branching) with an excess of material ' reduced to /L0'-% l'arkinrs o7 the possible. , M 1 ' I. , ArC w eldmq fl I "i I ? --Q - -- - 19112110 . ,---- ?120 ' . b) The stampirr of a ore-piece connecting rod is rot ills-r; it is hard to obtain a clean cut of the burrs in the ,fork . of the rod; also ar oval sliape. for the stem; and th3 excess material is 93. These defects can be eliminated . by welding witl- a reduction or excess material to W. . . , 170? ---1 __Is- . ----,4 _ . . 189 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Table 4 (cont!d) c) Two levers (1) and (2), to be fastened to a third piece, can be designed as one piece (3). Although the stamping will be more complicated, this method, by economizing about 1,kg of metal, is more advantageous d) The stamping of the lever as one piece io more economical than stamp- ing two parts to be welded together after. 6. Always look for the possibility and advantages of cutting by coining (cali- brating) as a substitute for the mechanical treatment of the surfaces after the stamping is finished. tn. %.213 EE ? a) Reduction of Working Time by Coining: 25.8 min b) Reduction of Working Time by Coining: 19.4 min c) Reduction of Working Time by Coining: 10.0 min 190 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 IN* ? Table 5 Instructions for Designing Products to be Stamped in a Horizontal Forging Machine (Bib1.4, 5, 8, 1) 1. The following stamping slopes must be used on each side for cylindrical portions which the upper die, if their length is more as a minimum: a) Yot less than 0.50 are to be shaped in the recess of than 0.5 of their diameter. __ , , ? ' b) Not less than shoulaers which in the deep recesses 0.5-1.5? are __ on a side for c) For walls of to be formed punched by of the matrix the limit is , oc.ar4J4 ; 171 1 deep impressions the upper die (plunger) 0.5 - 30 L I1 .-4;,/,',, 17 _ . -7-a'zL a=ar,-1.5* :La . 1 , 2. Transitions should be made with radii of not less than 1.5 - 2.0 mm of ) - , L. ?? ?1 --2 ? ? 1 / N',.. , . 3. When forming a piece having the shape of -a rod with a flange down) on the end or in the middle, the volume of the flange exceed the rod volume V2 of a riven diameter by a length ? 1 'f: . (by pressing Vi should not 1 = t104- 12)d. ? =- 4. , r r ' - r- - r r 1.13 1 kro-oe, loo-lvd 1 . . a) Correct b) Wrong . 1 q 191 1????11, ..-????? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ?-? Table 5 (conttd) 4. Avoid narrowing of the longitudinal cross section of the forging which con? stricts-the fluidity of the metal when meeting the plunger. -1 a) Correct b) Wrong 5. Avoid conical shapes for the removable parts and tail ends. a) Correct b) Wrong 6. Wall thickness of pieces with deep openings (open or aosed) should not be less than 0.15 times the external diameter of the piece. a) Correct -z!! b) Wrong Thermal Conditions for Forging and Hot Stamping . Forging and hot stamping should be effected at temperatures which ,will insure the recrystallization of the 'metal during the process. A complete recrystallization usually takes place at temperatures above (0.65-0.75)Tp1, where Tpl is the absolute temperature at beginning of the melting (Bib1.10). Forging and stamping accompanied 192 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? only by a partial recrystallization, in most cases, will bring a nonuniform structure, which works against the process of deformation. Complete recrystallization depends not only upon the temperature, but also upon the rate of deformatior. IncreasirE the rate of deformation hampers the recrystal- lization. The maxi= permissible warming temperature and the optimur temperature at the end of forrinE are set for different allcr-s differently. Heating to a higher temperature than necessary will he responsible for a coarse- grain structure or the forging. Also, heating to a temperature near the melting point brings an "overburn" which is responsible for the complete loss of plasticity and the product becomes an irrecoverable loss. Continuing the forging at temperatures below the optimum for the end stage of forging will bring hardening of soft metal and cracks in a hard metal. Ending the forging at temperatures above the optimum will make the grains grow. Temperature intervals for forging and stamping arc shown in Table F. The process of heating the raw piece is realized in forges, furnaces and by an electric current. The heating should provide; a) a temperature required by the raw piece at a uniform rate of warming-up, along the length and the cross section of the piece; b) the metal shorld remain as a single solid piece; c) minimum decarbonization of surface layer and minimum loss of metal in scale formation. The rate of Warming-up the raw piece to a given temperature depends upon the furnace temperature, method oC placing the raw piece at the bottom of the furnace (singly, in close contact, on a shelf, etc.), the size and configuration of the X piece and upon the ph?sical properties of the metal (heat conductivity a = cy where X is the heat conductivity, c is the heat capacity and y is the specific weight. . The basic factor, other conditions being equal, controlling the rate of warming- 193 ^ .11111. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? up the metal in the furnace is the temperature of the effective space of the furnace. However, the higher the difference between the temperatures of the effective space Table 6. Temperature Intervals for Forging and Hot Stamping (Bib1.2, 15) Alloy by Chemical Analysis in %, or by Trade Mark d Temperature in 0?C Beginning of Melting End of Melting ? Carbon Steel . ' Carbon up to 0.3 lf OP 0.3-0.5 ft 11 0.5-0.9 81 /I 0.9-1.5 1200-1150 1150-1100 1100-1050 1050-1000 ? - 800-850 800-850 800-850 800-850 Alloyed steel - Low alloyed steel Medium alloyed steel High alloy content 1100 1100-1150 1150 825-850 850-875 875-900 Aluminum alloys Ill AK2, A4(4, AK5, AK6 i"?470 . . , 470 490 350 380 400 . Magnesium alloys MA1, MA2 MOS MM 430 400 370 350 300 300 Copper alloys BT. AZI1 0-4; Dr. A211?Mts 16-3-1.5; Br. AZIA 10-4-4 LS 59750 ? 850 . . 700 600 . . ' Nickel alloys . . Monel Nickel 1180 1250 1000 (870?) . 1000 (870*) ? * Forging by means of light impacts of the furnace .and the surface of the raw piece, the higher will be the temperature gradient across the raw piece. This gradient increases with the decrease in the conductivity of the metal and with the increase of the cross?sectional area of the raw piece. 194 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ' ? ? ? ? The temperature gradiept is the source of thermal stresses. These stresses, especiall- i- the prescrce or residual stresses ir a cold raw piece, in the first period of heatitg (i.e., before passinr through i:e interval of structural conver- sion Aci - Ac3) can bring the disruption of the solid state of the metal and the appearance of macro and micro cracks. In small forgings made of structural steel with a diameter of 100 to 150 mm and heated rapidly, the above-mentioned effects are not observed. Such forgings may be placed in a furnace with an effective space temperature higher by 100 - 150?C than the required end temperature. Cold alloyed steel pieces of low heat conductivity, also large cold pieces and castings of all trade marks, for such metals, onl:,r a permissible rate of heating should be maintained. The furnace temperature, at the time of placing the raw pieces in the furnace, should be considerably lower than the temperature during the forging: for carbon-steel castinrs weighing 1 - 2 t 9000C, for steels with high alloy con- tent 500 - 600?C, for large castings of all trade marks, weighing , 60 m and over , 200?C. 7arther heating is accomplished by gradual raisinr the furnace temperature or b- shiftirr the raw pieces to zones of higher temperatures (methodical furnaces); the first period of heating should amount to 60-705 of the entire duration of the heating. The seCord heating period, i.e., from the critical to the temperature of the forging process, should be carried out with an high rate, to avoid intensive growth of the grains, decarbonization of the surface ard formatioh of scale. The duration of the heating of small steel pieces is Shown in Table 7. The duration of the heating of castings, and of pieces the dimensions of which are not shown in the table, can be found by the equation worked out by Dobroktov: t? = kD Vi 'where t is the full time duration of the heating per hour; D is the diameter Of the 195 .411. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 piece in m; k is a coefficient equal to 12.5 for carbon steel and for steel with low alloy content, and is equal to-- 25 for steel of high alloy content (Bib1.18). Table 7 The Rate of Heating of Structural Carbon Steel from 15 to 12000C (in min) (The Effective Space Temperature of the Furnace is 13000C) Diameter d, or Side of Square in mm Shape of the Haw Piece Round Square Methods of Placing of Raw Pieces in the Furnace At a Distance Equal to d [_ ---, At a Distance Equal to 0.5 d In Close Contact Singly At a Distance Equal to d At a Distance Equal to 0.5 d In Close *Contact ?, .-4 40 Z .r4 CI) 10 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 4.5 8.0 20 3.0 3.5 5.0 7.0 4.5 6.0 8.0 13.0 30 5.0 5.5 7.0 10.0 6.0 8.5 11.0 19.0 40 6.5 8.0 9.5 13.0 8.0 11.0 14.0 25.0 50 8.0 9.5 12.0 16.0 10.5 11.5 17.5 32.0 60 9.5 11.5 14.0 19.5 12.5 17.5 21.0 38.0 70 11.0 13.5 16.5 22.5 14.5 20.5 25.0 44.0 80 13.0 15.5 19.5 26.0 17.0 23.5 28.5 52.0 ( 90 15.0 18.0 23.5 31.0 . 1..5 27.0 33.5 , 62.0 100 18.0 21.5 27.0 36.0 23.0 32.5 40.0 72.0 - Remarks: 1. The time-rate of heating short pieces, as compared with values shown in the Table is: 0.98 when the length is 1 < 2d; 0.92 . with 1 < 1.5d; and 0.71 when 1 = d. 2. For instrument carbon steel with a medium alloy content, the time-rate of heating is increased by 25 - 50%. For structural and instrument steels with a high alloy content, the time-rate ? of heating is increased from 50 to 100% . When hot ingots are placed in the furnace, the Values of k as shown above, may be cut in two. Heating by electricity (induction method and contact) offers substantial ad- 196 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? vanta7es over heatinp in a furnace. These advantages are: a) hir:h rate of heating; b) easy control of the temperature; c) absence of scaling; d) possibility for arto- matization which allows the adjustment of the time for placing and re-oval of the pieces into and from t.e furnace; e) possibility of raising the initial forging tem- perature without of overheating; f) makes Cor better working conditions; g) ever present readiness to start operations. FOr heatin- b-J- the irduction method, currents of ury frequency may be used (usually in industry, or high frequency). The cost of electricity can be reduced to a minimum by coordinating the frequency with the diameter of the piece to be heated. The following frequencies are recommended: 8000 cycles for pieces having a diameter of 20-1L5 mn; 2500 cycles for pieces wit. 30-80 nm in diameter; 1000 cycles for pieces with 50-1h0 mm in diameter; 50 cycles when the diameter of the piece is 130 mm and longer. For heating of a large number of pieces, or in mass-production, it is best to use a metallic type induction heater and to heat several pieces in one time. The pieces to be laid out one after another along the axis of the induction coil. The number of pieces n to be placed at one time in the heater is: ? _ T where T is the heating time in minutes and t is the desirable rate of removing heatedpiecesfromt' the diameter of the inductor and Dz is the diameter of the piece, then, with the increafie in the ratio L1 the heater efficiency falls of sl-urply. It is therefore desirable to maintain the following ratios. For pieces with a diameter up to 50 mm the ratio should be Di < 1.6 - 1.8 Dz D. and ?2- < 1.2 - 1.h for piedes vThose diameter is over 50 mm (Bib1.11)'. Information Dz - oh duration of heating and the necessary power is given in Table 8. . heatinr by the contact method (due to the heat of ohmic resistance 197 1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 StAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? Table 8 Time Necessary for Induction Heater to Heat Raw Pieces to Final Forging Temperature Diameter of the Pieces in mm [ Assumed Consumption of Electrical energy in kw per 1 kg Technologically Mini- mum Permissible Time of Induction Heating, in fin Length of the Pieces in mm . I 80 100 125 160 200 250 320 I 400 500 _ 1 Heating Time in min per 1 Piece Frequency 8000 cycles, Power of Installation 100 kw - 20 0.5 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.1 0.13 0.16 0.2 - - - 30 0.49 0.1 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.29 0.36 0.45 0.58 - - 40 0.48 0.2 0.25 0.31 0.39 0.45 0.62 0.78 1 1.25 - SO 0.46 0.5 - 0.47 0.58 0.75 0.94 1.17 1.5 1.87 2.34 - - - Frequency 1000 - 2500 cycles, Power of Installation 100 kw i 60 0.49 1 - - - 1.04 1.3 1.47 2.09 2.58 3.24 80 0.47 2 - - - 1.78 2.25 2.8 3.55 4.5 5.6 100 0.45 3 - - 2.65 3.35 4.15 5.3 6.64 8.3 120 0.43 4 - - - 3.65 4.6 5.7 , 7.3 9.2 - 140 0.4 5.8 - - - - 5.8 7.3 9.3 - - Usual Industrial Frequency, Power of Installation 200 kw 160 0.48 6.2 - - - - - - .7.3 9.1 11.4 180 , 0.46 6.6 - - - - - 6.9 8.8 11 13.8 200 0.44 7 - - - - 6.5 8.2 10.3 13 - 250 0.41 9 _ _ - r . - 9.5 11.8 15.2 - - 300 0.38 11 - - - 10.1 12.6 15.8 - - - _ Remarks: 1. The values shown in the Table should be multiplied by 1.15 when heating alloyed . steels; by 1.2 - 1.3 for nonmagnetic steels; and by 1.25 for pieces with a square shape. 2. If the power of the installation is increased or decreased, the time shown in the Table is also increased or decreased proportionally - . 198 -.111?11111b Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? of the Corriur beini a part of the elecLrical circuit) is vex.; convenient for lour piece ADDSC profiles ,,re small. Installatio's of this uaLpre arc much simpler and Table 9 Secondary Voltage and Power Required for reatinr a Piece 100 mm Lonr by the Electric Contact Method (libl.11) Diameter of the piece in nun :!eating time t, in min 0.15 0.3 0.6 1.2 2.4 Secondary voltare v, in Volts 2.36 1.67 1.18 0.8h 0.59 Power P in kw 20 19.3 9.7 4.8 2.4 1.2 30 58 29 14.5 7.25 3.6 40 , 97 1$.5 2h 12.1 4.1 50 145 73 36.2 18.1 9.1 ')0 106 53.2 0A.A 13.3 The recpired secondarY voltare v2 and the power P for heatin- pieces with a diameter Dz ard lenrth E witl- a heatirr duration chosen as t, will be: v2 = vk; P = pK The length of the piece LI in mm. , Diameter of the piece Dz in mm 20 ? 30 40 50 60 Correctior factor K 2.h2 ' 2.70 2.9 - - 200 300 3-5. 3.84 . 4.1 ? 4.55 S _ , LOO 4.68 4.93 5.36 5.65 ? - 500 5.85 6.1 6.5 _6.85 7.25, . 600 7 7.15 ,7.f, 8.1 8.35 , - the capital irvestment is less than for the inductior type heaters. There should be s 199 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? Cl O1[ pressure between the clamps aid the surrace of the forging. The pressures shovld be as follows: 1000 kg/cm2 for pieces with a diameter of 20-30 mm; 3000 kg/cm2 for diameters of 30-50 mm; 5000 kg/cm2 for diameters of 50-70 mm. Information on heating time, power and secondary voltage and their relation to the size of the piece are shown in Table 9. After forging, the cooling conditions are just as important as the heating conditions. Too rapid dooling creates thermal stresses resulting in internal and exterraI cracks. The smaller the heat conductivity of the steel and the larger is the size of the raw piece, the slower is to be the rate of cooling. Technological Processes and Equipment The basic technological processes and the equipment used in forging are Elven in Table 10. Prof. A.P.Oavrilenko, was the first to give a detailed report on prob- Fig.21 Fig.22 lems connected with forging under pres- sure. There are three basic groups of processing methods: free forging, stamping and the finishing group. Free Forging. General information. Free forging is effected by hydraulic presses, by steam, pneumatic and spring- operated hammers. Heavy and very heavy forgings to be made from cast ingots are being forged exclusively by hydraulic presses with power over 800 t. Vedium-weight forgings, originally from rolled material (stripped ingots, forge-shop irgots, etc.) are made by steam hammers with falling parts weighing 1-3 m, and are also made by hydraulic presses with a power of 400-800 m, and seldom by STAT 200 neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? Table 10 Basic Technological Processes and Equipment. used in Forging and Stamping a.) b) 1) C) 13) e) ? i) K) m) II g) 11) F)) o) `1) ae) 2 3 1 2 3 ? ? ? 10 2 1 2 3 ? ? bb) 4 4 11 9 14 c c) 12 12 ? ota) 5 13 15 e e) 7 7 8 8 ? if) ? 2-5 99) 6 ? 16 I' 20 11 kk) U): 17 17 nn) ;8 00) ? /9 ? 19 19 21 P! ) d) q) s) t) u) 23 _ I _ 22 24 2.5 ? 28 29 30 26 .27 x) ' 5 a 9 200a 10 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? /44 /1 IJ /4 111 11 f 2J MIN gm, /7 15 27 74 25 .16 251 Jo a) Type of processes; b) Hammers; c) Presses; d) Forging machines; e) Steam air; f) Crank type; g) Forging; h) Stamping; i) Pneumatic; j) Friction; k) Spring lever; 1) Hydraulic; m) Screw friction; n) Hot stamping; o) Cutting; p) Ciankthrow; q) Horizontal forging; r) Vertical forging; s) Rotary forging; 0 horizontal bending machines; u) Forging rolls; v) SMith,stamping automatic; w) Hot milling cutters; x) Abrasive machines;, y) Forging,in particular; z) With shaped strikers; aa) With backing open dies; bb) Stamping in tightly held open dies; cc) Stamping by plungers in closed dies with one-piece matrixlin partic- ular; dd) By piercing; ee) By upsetting; ff) Stamping by plungers in movable matrixes; gg) Stamping by bending; hh) Drawing through a ring; ii) Fluting; jj) Cutting off burrs; kk) Cleaning away burrs; 11) Calibrating coining; mm) Voluminal; nn) Snrface; oo) Trueing; pp) Remarks: In Table 10, the numerals correspond with the'numbers of the sketches below and indicate how wide is the application of the machine for a given process. The sign (-) indicates limited or absence of application 200 b STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ple'malic lammers. ai forrirrs from rolled material (squire, round or strip) -tre made, in most cases, pleinatic hamrers ard occasionall'r, b., steam ard compressed-air hammers with falli'r parts weirilirr less than 1 ton. For very simple and ver:- small forpinrs humper-sprinr operated hammers are used sometimes. Two t:Tes of hydraulic presses are used:(a)Cour-column frame type (Fir.21) with 1 to h c:ainders, deperdinr upor the tonnare ard desirn of the press, (b)open front type shown in Fir.22. Specifications of a Cour-column press are riven in Table U. Table 11 Table 12 Specifications of Four-Column Hydraulic Guide for Selecting Hydraulic For,7ing Forrinr Presses Presses for Ingots of Various Weights (Taken from COST 72f'/1.-54) (Bibl.115) a) b) c) d) 500 810 1600 1180 800 1000 20110 I 1'0 I ni 12.50 2100 11190 211o0 16 hi 3200 2160 32 0 2.0o 4 00 3010 9. iu0 2510 5.1;0 '1750 e) a) C) b) C) d) 51 (1) 111 250 440 600 Mi) Imo 1200 151/0 I 2 3,5 . ,, 8 3 5,5 8 II 17 ill, , I 11 2 000 3 Tro 6 000 10 40o ? 34 311 811 160 28 55 120 240 a) Rated power in m; b) !'aximum length a) Power of press in m; b) Weirht of of stroke in mm; c) Ea:Kir= distance the inrot in m; c) Averape; d) nax- betweer the stand ard movable cross- mum piece in mm; d) Inner distance between colunrs in inn; e) Appro:dmate wei-ht in in 201 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ^ ? As to the type of the drive used, there are: purely hydraulic presses deriving the power from a pump and a hydraulic accumulator, and steam-hydraulic presses de- riving the power from a steam-hydraulic manifold. In this type of press, compressed air may be used instead of steam. The tonnage required for ingots of different weights is shown in Table 12. The relationship between the capacity of hydraulic forging presses and the complexity of the configuration is shown in Table 13, where the capacity is shown for forging without the use of a manipulator; the use of an manipulator increases the capacity 1.5 - 2.0 times (the less complex is the configu- ration - the larger is the capacity). Table 13 Complexity of the Configuration of a Forging and its Effect on the Capacity of Eydraulic Forging Presses (Bib1.45) (When a 2:anipulator is not Used) a) bi GOO 800 j 1000 1200 1500 2000 3000 270 320 370 430 480 570 680 II 510 GOO 700 790 890 114/0 1150 Ill 650 850 1040 1250 1410 1750 2100 I 930 1150 1400 1640 1920 2250 2630 1550 1830 2100 24o0 2710 125U ii Ill 111 f a) The complexity group; b) Capacity per hour, in kg, with the power of the press measured in m Forge Hammers. Two types of air and steam operated forge hammers are commonly used; these are: open-front single-side frame type (FiE.23) and two-sided frame -type which are divided into arch type-(Fig424)- and-br4dce-4.ype -(Fig.954v 202 STAT. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Y.? 1 1754:.23 - 0per-7ront Air ard Ste.ari Oper- ated For-e 7.anner T..121,10 lA - Arel.-T:Te Two-Sided Trame Air ard Ste;:..r. Operated Forge "arraer 1'ig.25 - Tiriclge-'11:Te., Two-Sided .7rane, Air ard Steam Operated Forge '.1arlr'.er Table 15 Specificatio-s of Air and Speciricatiors of Prennatic Torre Steam Operated 7orre -nrers ?arturers (Take] from COST 712-52) from (-70Tr' 1L73040) a) b) c) d) woo 1000 1800 410X2.30' 1500 1150 21(X) 470X260 2000 1260 2.300 520x290 3000 1450 ? 27(X) ? 590X330 4000 1600 3000 650X370 5000 1700 32/0 710X400 ' a) Woir'A of fallirr a) b) C) . d e) 75 210 300 145X65 2 656 150 190 350 200X85 4 0 *0 250 150 420 225X93 5 756 401 130 520 265X100 9 00(1 560 115 620 30/ x110 12 000 750 105 750 345)010 17 900 1000 800 390X150 parts ir b) Lenrth a) Weight of fallinr part in kr; b) Nun- of stroke of the ram in nm; c) Cle,Irance ber of strokes per min; c) Length of 1.)etweer, sides in nn; d) Size of striker "f17rirp-out" in mill; (1) Size of striker in nn 203 ir mr; 0) Weight of hammer.without its anvil-block in kr- STAT? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? Pneumatic forge hammers (Fig.26) are made with a single open front, without guides, and with the piston, rod and ram as one piece. Fir.26 - Pneumatic Forge Hammer Fig. 27 - Bumper-Spring Operated Hammer specifications for air and steam operated forge hammers are given in Table 14, and for pneumatic forge hammers in Table 15. 7xlmers operated by bumper springs are made in small sizes and their use is United. A hammer of this type, with the weight of the falling part equal to 30 kg, is s'-,own in Fig.27. Table 16 shows the relationship between the hammer capacity and the complexity of the forging configuration. The required weights of the falling parts of the forge hammer in relation to the ingot weights may be determined by using Table 17. Nanipulators. In free forging by hydraulic presses, the use of a manipulator is necessary. Its use increases the capacity by more than 1.5 times by the mechani- zation of the shifting movements of the forging. The lifting capacity of a manipu- lator, depending upon the power of the press is:(Bibl./.5): Power of the Press in m Lifting power of manipulator ._ in m 600 800 1000-1200 2 - 3 3 - 5 5 - 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? Power of the Press in m Lifting Power of the manipulator ir m . 1500 10 - 15 2000 15 - 20 2500-3000 30 - 50 5000-4000 75 - 100 Table 16 (uide to the Relationship between Capacities of Forge Hammers and Complexity of ConfiFuration in Forrinrs Nibl.45) a) b) 0.1 0,15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.75 1 2 :i I 5 3.5 4.5 13 17 26 37 83 111 151 II 6 7.5 9 15 25 38 6.5 97 160 210 2:0 III 7 9 12 19 30 45 PO 115 220 295 3FM IV 9 II 14 26 40 60 105 1.II 235 310 4N V 12 15 18 32 52 75 133 165 265 350 5(0 VI 11 19 25 42 68 98 155 321) 430 580 VII 20 25 32 50 75 105 170 225 370 5(X) 65) VIII 28 32 40 60 90 120 210 515 711 921) IX 83 ss 113 155 200 250 370 41;5 915 1210 1500 6-s -1 c___ EZ .. E;=)"'a 451:9 adiezi 0- ) 4w/ilia-alp. .;;;;, 9 &14=A 1111 ,3_ a0=-----4101 0=m2 1:-----.1 (*E-71-=-1 C? E 1 V'l----=::S I II 1.11 /7 , V eisionnum a) CoMplexitr group; b) Capacit7 per hour, ir kg, with weight of falling part in m Even with the use of , manipulator, the use of a bridge crane is also Lecess?lry. The over-all weig'.t of material ir free forgirg is determined from the follow.- equation: .4a STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 where ? Cris G. =G +G 4-G +0 is Pk pr ug ob is the overall weight of material; the weight of the forging; Gpr is the weight lost by the added part of the Table 17 Guide for Selecting Proper Weight of Falling Parts of Forge Hammers for Forgings of Various %eights (Bib1.45) Weight of Falling Parts in m Weight of Forging in kg Maximum Cross-Sectional Area of Raw Forging (Side of Square) in mm Shaped Forgings Average Weight Maximum Weight Maximum Weight for Smooth Rolls 0.1 0.5 2 10 50 0.15 1.5 4 15 60 0.2 2 6 25 70 0.3 3 10 45 85 0.4 6 18 60 200 0.5 8 25 100 115 0.75 12 40 140 135 1.0 20 70 250 160 2.0 60 180 500 225 3.0 100 320 ? 750 275 5.0 200 700 1500 350 .ingot; Gdn is the loss by the ingot; Gug is the loss by burning; Gob is the loss* by chipping. The loss in weight from the added surplus part of ingots, made from struc- tural carbon steel and cast from above, is usually 15-25% of the ingot weight. For structural alloy steel; 25 - 35%. Ingots cast without the use of a warming ekepiece will lose up to 35-40%. For instrument alloy steel, the surplus mater- ial may go up to 50%. The lost weight by the 'ingot Gan is assumed to be at 4-7% for carbon steels and 7-10% for alloyed steels. In per- centage of the over-all material, the loss by burning can go up to 2% of the material being heated for each heat, and to 1-i% for each preheat. The loss by chipping depends upon the complexity of the forging and also upon. the technological process used. For forgings having the same configuration, the smaller pieces will have a greater loss. The percentage of total loss due to burning and chipping for different forgings, forged by hammers from measured stock is as follows: STAT' 206 _ YID .0111P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? Forrinrs by rroup Loss in 5 of Weight of Forrinr. 7,nd flanges - round, ov111 flat, square, strips, cubic, blocked 1.5-2.5 Oper flarges, collars, ruts 2* _]nd :ears -10 74xparder rings, bushings, sI ells 2.5* Welded rirgb, bus'siurs, shells, couplinrs 3--5 Smooth shafts, rollers, square, straight, _Lnd hexa-oral blocks 5-7 Shafts and rollers with projectiors or flanges, ke7s, s=oes, trxrerses 7-10 Shafts, rollers with recesses on two sides, or with shoLlders, spirdles, rods, ,rokes 10-12 Levers for tigl-teninr nuts, forginrs of the connecting rod type, levers, compourded connecting rods 15-18 Cranks 18-25 Crankshafts, curved and two-shouldered levers 25-30 * Does not include losses due to waste of pnnched-out material. These loses have to be calculated and added additiorally. 'Then a backing ring is used, the volume Vv of the wasted punched-out mterial is: nd2 Vs ^- (0.70 4- 0.75) 4 h = (0.55 0:60) d2h When punching without the use of a backing ring, the volume or the punched-out miterial is: Vs (0.20 0.25) ad2 h = (0.15 0.20) d2h 4 When the punching is done with a hollow punch (when forging in a press), the volUme ltd2 V :t (1.1 4- 1.15) s s h 4 where d is the diameter of the punch; h is the height of the stock; ds is the dia- meter of the hole. 207 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 I I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 e ? ? ? The approxinate weight after deducting losses and waste of the cast-iron ingot suitable for forging is shown below: .vorging by Croup Remainder in % of Weight of Ingot Straight shafts and rods 60-70 Shafts with long wristpins ' 58-64 Shafts with short wristpins and shafts with flanges on both ends 54-60 Single throw crankshafts 50-58 niltithrow crankshafts 40-50- Plates and stri material 50-65 Cubic shapes 52-60 Rings and bandage 55-56 Discs 50-60 Drums, hollow cylinders 60-65 - Sizes of In.-ots to be Forged (Stock). When the forging is to be done by the method of upsetting, consideration should be given to the weight of the stock and its volume (Vis). The sizes are to be so selected that the height his does not exceed the diameterdis, or the side of the square, by more than 2.5 times (to avoid bends by. the upsetLing). Nevertheless, the height must be 1.25 times larger than the diameter (to make the chipping and the outting by shears easy). In other words, 1.25di6 < his < 2.5di5 Withthisrelationshipwehave:. dis =(0.8 - 1.0) VV. for round stock, and d. = is is = (0.75 - 0.90) VVi, for square pieces. The length or the stock is found by dividing the volume by its crqss-sectional area, in accordance with the precisely determined diameter, or the side of the square of the stock, corresponding exactly to the grade of the stock, as specified by COST. 208 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? The approximate weight after deducting losses and waste of the cast-iron ingot suitable for forging is shown below: , Forging by Croup Remainder in % of Weight of Ingot Straight shafts and rods 60-70 Shafts with long wristpins , 58-64 Shafts with short wristpins and shafts with flanges on both ends 54-60 Single throw crankshafts 50-58 :'ultithrow cranksafts 40-50 Plates and stri material 50-65 Cubic shapes 52-60 Rings and bandage 55-56 Discs 50-60 Drums, hollow cylinders 60-65 Sizes of InFots to be 7orred (Stock). When the forging is to be done by the method of upsetting, consideration should be given to the weight of the stock and its volume (vis). The sizes are to be so selected that the height his does not exceed the diameter dis, or the side of the square, by more than 2.5 times (to avoid bends by the upsetLing). Nevertheless, the height must be 1.25 times larger than the diameter (to make the chipping and the cutting by shears easy). In other words, 1.25di5 < h. < 2.5d. is- Is With this relationship we have: d. -1.0) VV. for round stock and d. is is is for square pieces. 3 = (0.75 - 0.90) VT Is The length of the stock is found by dividing the volume by its cross-sectional area, in accordance with the precisely determined diameter, or the side of the square of the stock, corresponding exactly to the grade of the stock, as specified by COST. 208 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? Pioi selectin- slock of rr...a !e.i.-11 to be for -ed under Lite :ammer, it is oeces- sAr:- s.o verif- rte to do it hechricall:- h- upsettin:-, usin,- the equation "as 0.25 'I where r is the length of stroke of the hImer. For forrinr of a cast inrot by up- settinr, the specifications of the inrot should be ir lire with the over-all weirht, which is to be calculated, as shown above. lihen forrinr b7 drawing-out: Corrins with round, square, or nearly round or square shapes of their cross section, should follow the followinr relationship: 1 re IS MaX where Fis is the cross-sectional area of the over-all stock- F is the area of the ' max maximum cross section of the forrinr; 7 is the derree of forrinr (see earlier in text). Dasic Operations of the Technolorical 7rocesses in Free Forrinr. These are: 1) Upsetting, 2) drawirr out, 3) purchinr, 4) cuttinr, 5) bendirr, 4)) twistinr and -) forge weldinr. Upsettinr. upsettirr, the heirht of the oriFinal stock is reduced at the expense of the increase ir t'le area of its cross section. Upsettnnr, wher done only for a portion of the stock is called partial upsettinr. Upsettinr is Used: a) to obtain forEinrs (or portiors of forrinrs) having rreater cross-sectional areas ard relative1.7 small 1-ei1hts (flanres, rears, discs) from stock whose cross-sectional area is smaller; b) as a preliminar- step before punchinr of hollow forrinEs (rings, drums); c) as a preliminar:,- operation aimed to destroy the dendrite structure of the castinr ard to improve the qualit7 of the stock having a transveral structure; d) to increase the deFree of forrinr for the subsequent drawing-out operatior. The upsetting of a c-Tlirdrical stock from a tailless castirr (pins, shanks, etc) is done: 1) under harmer, and 2) 1):- a press, when the next operation is punching 209 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? (see Fig.28). The upsetting of a stock having a tail (Fig.29) is done by a press, if drawing out is to follow. In such cases, backing plates are used, with the lower plate containing a hole under the tail. r The upsetting on plates with holes (backing rings) is peculiar in that res- pect, that simultaneously with the upset- ting process, metal will flow in the holes of the backing rings A and 13 (FiE.30). This method is used to obtain products of the type of end gears, flanges and discs with lugs or teats. It is also used in cases where the volume of the product is unusually large in relation to the diameters of the lugs and, for Some reason it is undesirable, or impossible to ex- FiE.28 Fig .29 tend the ends of the product (for example, if the height of the teats is very small). Partial upsetting in a ring (Fig.31) is used to obtain products of the type of end gears, flanges and disks with teats, or lugs. It is used in cases, when the diameter of.the lugs (Fig.31a), or if the end of the stock can be preliminary extended to the same extent (FiE.31b). Partial upsetting'in the counter-die (the lower die) is used to obtain flanges and heads on long rOds (FiE.32). The stock may have a diameter equal to the opening (to the diameter of the rod), or if it is 'possible to have the end of the stock ex.- tended to the same extent. A cavity, having the shape of the head, can be made in the upper portion of the lower die (a backing die, Fig.33). Upsetting by enlarging is used for decreasing the,heiEht and enlarging the diameter of a product alread:r upset when, due to the high resistance to deformation, STAT Fig.30 210 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? furter itpsettirr II-- direct strikes of the :.arirer (or 1-- pressrre of the press) over ertire srrface is impossible. Tbe erlarrini is effected means of a roller ?t? d 0) Fir-.32 Fir. 33 (?ir.34), or for rorrirrs larpe diameters, (for instarce, turbine disks), di- recti:? 1)5- means of strikers (Fir.35). L2_2 a)- Fir.3h a) Zrlar:-i:r roller a) Strikers; h) Prop ? b) The firishinr operitio after 'psettir,, is the rolliix alorp the diameter. It is "sed to eliminate the harrel-shape Lo inpart a c4indric.,1 form and a smooth s-rf.ace (Tir.34)a). This operation is male elsier 13- i:sirr an underla7er or squeezers (Fi-.3(h). Drawirr-O'A Oporatio:s (7.i.trusior). In drIwi-p-out operations, the lenrth of Lhe ori!Lal stock ircreases at fte expense or the reduction of its cross-sectional area (sha:ts, 6ra1;r:.t-bars, connectirp rods, etc). The tools used (Fir.37) are: a) flat-strikers, b) cUt-out strikers, c) seldom used rounded strikers, d) squeezers, e) rollers, f) knuckles, r) iiardrils, h) chucks, etc. The drawinp out is effected STAT 211 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? b- consecrtive screezirgs (by the squeezers) (Fig.38) while the stock is fed along . tl'e axis of the drawing-out direction. It is also accomplished by turning the stock around (edging). The varieties of ? recess tl,is process are: upp., / for tool a) Flattening (widening, enlarg- lase_ swallow inr), the increase in width of the lower 1 b) d) CS:r-%,01.40 g) original stock at the expense of its height. It is used to obtain forgings or portions of forging having a flat shape, of the type of flat thin plate. b) Drawing out on a mandril (Fig.39), which is increasing the length of a hollow forging at the expense of reducing the thickness of its walls (forging of gun-barrels, boiler-drums, turbine rotors, etc). The tools used are: cut-out strikers (or a cut-out lower atriker and a flat upper one), and mandrils with- Fig.37 - Tools used for Drawing-out slightly conical surfaces. c) Enlarging on a mandril, which is the simultaneous increase of the external and internal diameters of a hollow piece at the expense of the thickness of its walls (rings, shells, drums). The tools used are: a narrow long upper striker (preferably to be as long as the forging), a c:rlindrical mandril and supports under the mandril. The method (Fig.h0) is as follows: the internal surface of the stock rests on the mandril, which is supported at its ends, and the forging is carried out by rotating the stock while feeding it, with the long side of the striker being _ STAT Operations 212 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? ptrillol to C.ta txis or the !'orginr. (I) A combination or drawi,r out with a mandril ?Ind e'llr-ing on a mdndril. The ezlArgi.g will correct the barrel-:1' iped:'e3s of t'le stoch, which before that was upset and punched, and will increase the interral diameter to the required size; the drawing out with a ma,dril will redpce the wall thickness and will increase the dig. ILO Fig.k1 length to the recrired size, Ville calibrating on the mandril the inner surface of the forging at t.e same time. e) '411en tie forging is to be tapered or conical,the drawinr out is eCfected by wedge-like rollers (7ig.h1). Punching is used to obtain a thoror-h opening in the forging (piercing), or a ver:r deep impression ir the Cor,flin,-. When the punching is done b- hand, used are: punches .(rou:A, flat, square, or shaped) and forms with correspondinr , openings. When dere machine, the tools are: punch dies (solid with round or shaped cross sections, also hollow dies), ekepieces (solid and hollow), calibrating 213 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? mandrils, backirg pieces with openings (backing rings). Punching will distort the shape of the forged piece; the through punching (producing a hole) will produce loss or waste of material in the form of the punched-out pieces. (b) - Method of Punching without Fig./3 - Method of Punching by Using the use of a Backing Ring a Backing Ring (a)- Start of operation; (b)- End of (a)- Start of operation;(b)- End of 1st stage; c - Start of 2nd stage operation a) Striker; b) Punch die; c) 2nd eke- a) Striker; b) Punch die; c) Backing piece; d) 1st punch die; f) Surplus ring; d) A prop; f) Punched-out side of stock; g) 1st ekepiece piece The consecutive operations for punching from both sides without thg use of a backing ring is shown in Fig./1.2. The punching of one side with the use of a backing ring is shown in Fir.43. For large openings (over 500 mm), a hollow-punch die is used (see Fig.44). Cutting. is done to obtain several smaller pieces from a single large piece, to remove surpluses at the forging ends, to remove the added parts of the stock and of the forginr:, and to obtain shaped forpings (crankshafts with throws cut out, draught bars, forks, etc). Various methods of cutting out are shown in Fir.45. The tools used for cutting are shown in Fig.46. For operations by hand, a chisel (Fir.46a) is commonly used, also, ship hammers (Fig.46b). Tools used in machine cutting are: axes (Fig.46c - two sides; 46d - one sided), angular axes (Fig.A6e), semi-circular axes (Fil7.460 and several other shapes. In cutting, part STAT 21h. ???? 1 neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? of the metal is lost i" forms of chips. :3endinr is used to obtair. (directly, or ir combination with other operatiors) a) / b) ?.-fl r-- -) I) (b) 5y (C) Fig.44 - rethod of Purchinr with a . -ollow Punch Die (a)- 1st staFe;(b)- 2Ld stare;(c)- of operation a) Striker; b) 2rd ekepiece: c) 1st eke- piece; d) Puz.c die: e) 3rd ekepiece; f) Surplus side of stock; F) 7ackirg 411 rinr: h) A prop; i) Cle_r:l.rce 15-20 1; j) Pus: ed-out rod ? - Yethods of Cutting a) Cut asurder; b) Cut-off c) Cut-out products of 7,ario-s e t (arFles, brlIces, nooks, 1,rackets, etc). DerdirT distorts t:.e oriFi,a1 the cross sectiol, and decreases the area in tl.e zone of the bend ('ir.L7). Ir addition, herding may produce folds in the inner contour and cracks ir the orter. The probability of such defects is Freater when the. radius of the roundness is small ard the angle of the bend is large. To prevent distortions various tools are used: usnootEeners" in hard operations and rolls and strikers in maeire work. These are or no help for correcting unfilled forms (reduced area iv the zone of tle herd). To obtAr 1A-e desired area in the zone of the bend, it is made larger at this place before the operaLior. Several methods or bending are shown in 215 ? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Twisting is used to obtain forrinrs of a special shape (crankshafts with their throws in different plares, wall bolts, stands, spiral drills, etc). The tools used are: twisters (Fip.49), forks, plain (d) a) (Fir.50) and hinged (Fir.51). To avoid bending the wristpin during the twisting, 1717 4) v c) the following method is used: a) a strik- (b) (C) (e) Fig.4A - Tools Used in Cutting er is placed under the end of the shaft and the stock is drawn to it by a chain, (Fig.52), b) by a lunet (Fir.53). Blacksmith welding is mainly used in hand and machine forging of small a) ?lade; b) Face: c) Sharpening angle; pieces to be repaired. Soft steel con- taininr 0.15 - 0.255 of carbon is very rood for blacksmith weldirr, whereas steel containing more than 0.455 of carbon is rot good for it. The welding ability of a steel by this method is lowered by the d)The tail Fir.47 - Distortions by Bendiar ir.hP - ending rethods (a)- Of a round cross section;(b)- Of a a - 117 hammer; b - Py crane; c - With rectarrilar;(c)- Reduced area . lower die and rollinr; d - In the a) Reduction or area dies 1) Crane; 2) Rolling; 3) Upper die; 4) Lower die; 5) Die - 21A ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Fir.0 - Twister ,.50 - Rendirr with Plain r.'ork 7ip.51 - 9endinr with Finrod 7ork a) Top position; b) Direction of twisting roll; c) Yovement of lever d) lottom position Fir. 52 - Avoidirr gends Caused b'r eirhts presence of impurities. The basic methods or blacksmith weldint are; lap-weldinr (Fir.54), split- end wladinr (ir.55), butt-weldinr (Fir.56) and splint-weldinr (Fir.57) for thin strips. Latellr, besides Corrinp with hammers and hydraulic presses, there is a widely developed use of combined process of forrinp and stampinr with crank-type presses offered by A.V.Potekhin. The basis of this combined forrinp-stampinr process is the principle of dividinr the technolorically complicated method of preparirr the Corrinr irto separate simple operations, carried out in a definite consecutive order ir passes of forrinr attachments, or in dies installed in the crank-type presses. !Tamer Stampinr. Oeneral inforMation. 'Iammer stampinr is mainl- done with open dies and is accompanied with the formation or burrs alorr the line or separation. Latel-, however, there is a terdencv to use special closed hammer dies which make forrirr without burrs, makirr it possible to reduce the co-sumption of metal. In use are hacked dies and firmly STAT 21? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? secured dies. Stamping with backed dies is done by forging hammers and is used when a small quantity is to be fabricated. The firmly attached dies are used in special Fir.53 - Twisting bv Using a Lunet d) Fir.54 - Lap Welding a) Upset end; b) Forging the facing; c) Welding; d) Smoothening stamping hammers for mass production, or when handling large quantities. The final configuration can be imparted only to simple forgings to be made from bar stock (such as square, round pieces, and rarely - strips). In most cases, it is necessary to impart to the stock a shape verr near to the configura- tion Lf the finished forging. When handling small quantities, these prep- aratory operations can be effected by free forg- ing. In mass production, however, or when handlinE large quantities, they are effected with the aid of preparatory dies. For this purpose, all recesses and all changes in the shape of the stock can be effected by a single stamping block (cube) bv means of a so-called multipass design. It is the most widely- used method. Lately, however, with mass production in view, the practice is for a transition, or for a group of transitions, from ore device to anether. In this manner, the forging MdT be effected with two or more hammers, or on with a combination of sev- eral devices, such as a hammer and forging rollers, horizontal forging machine and a hammer, etc. Pir.55 - Welding of Split End Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Corsiderable simplificatior of the stampirr process, and at the same tire, an increuse ir procluctivit-r, or metal and improvement in the quality cur he -t c p.:riortic rail o' steel-, the cross section of - r'utt eldinr a - ''efore weldirr-; b - After weldirr; c - After smootherirr - Splint Weldinr a - ds ready for weldirr; h - Weldinr- alorr its is rot uriform (7ir.50. In mar: clses, t:c ,pplic_tior of the rollirr process for special profiles .59) offers alvart:,res. The stock is c- t, preferabli h- shears, into pieces, It car ')e for ore foriinr, or for two, i.e., ore Cor-in; to be followed by another 11.- ti:rninr the piece. It clx also he el't for several for-di-Fs (for,- in-s from 1 1-)10, ir this caso, fi:ishedL'or-i1:- is ("1:t b-r Lh.,1 "hrire" of tie lie (nP11.37), 1). Latel-, Ue use o: stock in form of "icaills" is widespread, as in tli:; Corn it JUVO3 netal due to the fact that 7ir.5PFir.59 there are no snithton,s to be used on Ar! portion 0r the stock. jtock, ir. the Corn or several rorginrs-to-bel is prepared for, ,-orrirrs of less than 300 nm long and weirhts of 1-ss thar 2.5 kr. Stock, in the form of "twins" is used for forrirrs up to 400 nm in length and 3 kr ins-rAiit. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? Larger forgings are forged singly (Bib1.1). Stampirg 'iammers. Stamping with firmly attached dies is done, in most cases, by steam ard air operated hammers in a two-column frame. These are double-acting Table 18 Table 19 Specificatiors Cor Steam ard Air Oper- Specifications for Friction-Tppe Pam- ated StampinF "amrers (from COST mers with Board (from COST 957-h1) 7021-5h) a) b) C) d) e) f) g) 0,63 1000 180 403 380 600 7,5 1 1200 220 500 450 660 11 1,6 120.) 260 550 600 800 ii , 12(X) 2(30 6(X) 700 900 13 2,5 1250 300 611) 700 910 21 3,15 1250 350 7(10 800 1 ()0 ) 25 4 1250 400 700 900 1100 31 5 1300 400 700 1000 1200 37 6,3 1300 400 751) 1000 120') 42 8 14(x) 450 f)04) 1100 13 )0 - 10 1400 450 10(X) 121)0 1400 - 12,5 1500 500 1100 1.100 1500 - 16 1500 500 1200 1500 1600 - a) b) C) d) e) 1) from to 500 WV 1400 HP 450 &V &V 750 WV 1450 220 500 *V 651) IWO WO !CV 720 550 450 700 1500 900 1500 260 No 600 600 a) Weight of falling part in m; a) Weight of falling part in kg; b) Length of stroke ir mm; c) Least b) Length of stroke in ram; c) Least height of dies without tails in mm; height of dies in mm; d) Distance be- d) Clearance between ruides in mm; tween guides ii-' mm; e) Size of.ram, e) Size of ram; from front to back, in mm; from frort to back in mm; f) Size of 0 Size of die holder, from front to back in mm; F) Weight of hammer, without anvil block in m die holder from front to back in mm hammers with an upper cylinder (FiF.A0). Also, by friction-type hammers with a board (Fig.61). Considerably less in use are steam and,air operated hammers with - _STAT 220 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ..??? lower c ard Prictiot?t.:ype hammers with belts or ropes. Lately, hammers with WO raMt3 are eXtellSiVel%' I1Sed for larre forrinr:3; the movement of the rams is opposite to e Leh other (Fir. ;2). 7ig.'0- Steam and Air Operated Fir.61- Friction-T.ype Fanner with r3oard Specificatiors for steam and air operated hammers are shown ir Table 18, and for friction-t-pe flammers - in Table 19. is a ruide, the followinr data may be used to determine the productivity of .stampinf hammers: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 221 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? Weight of falling part in mm 0.5 1 2 . 3 Productivity per hr in kg 120 250 550 750 Weight or falling part in in h 5 6 -- 9 Productivity per hr in kg 1200 1500 1800 _ 2500 The relationship between the weight of falling parts and the weight of forgings is shown in Table 20. Table 20 Orientation Data on the Relation between the Required Weight of the Falling Parts of the Hammer, the Area of the Groove for Burrs and the Weight of the Forging (Bib1.7) a) b) C) . .1-0,5 0,5-2 J 2-3 j 3-12 12-25 J 25-40 E00 1000 1500 2000 3003 7000-10 000 1,2-1 ,7 1.7-2A 2,4-4.2 4,2-5,3 5,3-11,2 a) Weight of forging in kr; b) Weight of falling parts of hammer in kg; c) Area of cross section of the groove for the burrs in cm2 Weight of Stock for Hammer Stamping. The weight of stock Gis is represented approximately by the following equation: Gis = Gpk + Cz + Our, where Gpk is the weight of the forging; Gz is the loss due to burrs; Gug is the loss due to burning during the heating. The lost weight due to burrs can approximately be found from the equation: z (0.5 - 0.8) y Sfz where y is the specific weight of the metal; S is the perimeter of the forging STAT 222 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 measured alorr the line of separatior of the dies; f, is the area of the cross sec- tior of the'rroove for the burrs. For forrinrs with complex confirarations, the value of the coefficient s:-ould 'ze lar-e. Values for the area f, are river in Table 20. The loss due to burrinr durirE the '1 ? heati, r,ur is assumed to equal 2:1 of ; ni I 1' ?-1,.--.. the forrinr weirht. ,I..._ ...,,, .,, N----,. , -e--=1. ?....._,, ...z.,k.?!_ by tors and to cuttinr of the stock arc Losses of metal due to handlinr .-7,-%-,--,Vo.A=L'... (-!e -/o I 1-:el://,1:r--- J1 N C., I F .. rt '1111\ - - - i not included in the r.- shown above. ' iv 1 1 1 ? 1 V , ' 11;11 , .. /... f II,ii I , 11,11, ../..../ IIIII , Re II ou ? 1,11 ..? 1.:1 11.11 i* *-. -.P. Ji -, ....4.-4;hwirr404.44.,_14..,... ?;444.444.... 4..... .....4.44 ...i.v.roi.i Sizes of Stock: a) 'or forrinr by upsettin-, the butt end, the lenrth and the cross sectio: of the stock Yave the same val'les as ir free forrinrs opera- tions (see earlier in text). b) The cross section of the stock F. is for all other shapes, where the cross- sectional areas of the portions of the stock do not differ much, may be found Fir.:2 - "Irmer without Anvil lock by usinr the followinE equation: (1 05 1,3) ilk Fis L? w'.-.ere 7. is the volume of the stock; Lpk is the lenrth of the forrinp. is ;:here, llonr the lerrth of the forrinr, cross-sectional areas of different portions differ sharpl:', some of these portions have to be drawn out. In such a case, for the pLrpose of orieLtation, the cross section of the stock may be assumed as eval to: 223 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? F= (0,7 ? 1) F max, where 7 is the maximum cross section of the forrinr, including the cross section MaX of the burrs, equal to 2.(0.5 - 0.8)fz. The second equation is used in cases when calculations show that the cross sec- tion of the stock calculated by using the first equation turns out to be: 1.5 S (Fig.155). The minimum width of the product is ..13 >, 1.5 S. In bent and drawn?out parts, the distances from the edges of the holes to the walls must satisfy the following conditions (Fig.156): 295 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized CopyApprovedforRelease2013/04/16 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R00190o1onnrn_?1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? x Rp + 0.5 S tv RN + 0.5 S t R +0.5S g 6 The minimum dimensions for nonferrous alloys when chopped out by a rubber die, and when S = 1.3 mm, should not be less than 150 mm. Table 39 Minimum Radii of a Contour Consisting of Straight and Curved Lines when Punched or Chopped by Ordinary Dies Operation Angle cc at the Joint of Lines in ? HATUMinapPer, Soft aeel Alloyed , Minimum Radius of Contour, in Fractions of S Chopping > 90 _ < 90 0.18 0.35 0.25 0.5 0.35 0.7 Punching > 90 _ '90 0 2 04 0.3 0.6 i , 0.45 0.9 Data for Designing Shape-Changing Operations. The mechanical properties of the material in the bending zone undergo a change. The nature of the change in the basic mechanical properties for Grade CT steel and with S = 28 mm and R = 25 mm may be seen in Fig.157. In .a cold bending operation, the zone of critical deformations for different ratios of ?g- is shown in Fig.158. A part subjected to cold bending first, and to heating after, will age considerably in the bending zone, which results in brittleness. Therefore, no welding should be done near the zone of cold bending. Both the cross section and the dimensions of the original stock undergo a change in the bending zone. The nature of the change is shown above in Fig.127. When using dies for shaping angles, braces, small and medium sized shelves, the precision depending on the thickness of the material may reach the following STAT 296 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? precision Values 01izd) S in mm ... up to 2 S 28; Fig.157 a) Originally; b) Outer fibers; c) Inner fibers from 2 to 4 above 4 ? 0.3 ? 0.4 Fig.158 31-ctz When bending a brace, wrinkles will appear in that portion, where the round- ness changes into a vertical line, also the thickness in that place will be Sl< S. The wrinkles and the decrease in thickness may be remedied only by additional oper- ations, which may increase the thickness to S1 S. The height H of the straight portion of the bent wall (shelf) should satisfy the condition H > 2 S. If a lower height is necessary, provision should be made for impressing a groove (see right side of Fig.159), or an allowance should be made (by means of surplus material) for the mechanical treatment after the stamping. When shaping the contour of a bent part, and if the axis of the bend is above the shelf (Fig.159, left side), local cut-outs should be provided. The dimensions of these cut-outs 'should be a r-t: S and b > S. ' If the axis of the bend is outside the limits of the shelf, (Fig.159), in this case no cut-outs are needed. 297 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? The thickness or the shelf S of an open brace having an angle g = 900, if necessary, may be less than the thickness of the base (ST < S); for steel; in this case, the decrease in wall thickness should not exceed 30%, i.e., ST > 0.7 S. Complex shapes, which are not practical for drawing operations, should be, ' inasmuch as possible, simplified, or separated into simple portions, to be 'joined later by stamping, welding or riveting, so as to obtain the required complex shape (see Fig.179, below). The volumes of hollow vessels should shape themselves with their dimensions, decreasing towards the bottom. The draftsman should indicate on the drawing which of the dimensions are re- quired - inner or outer. For complex parts it is necessary to work out a technological basis for the holes, external parts of the contour and other elements of the design. In a drawing-out operation, the wall thickness is actually not equal to the thickness of the original part. This thickness may be determined, approximately, from the curves of Fig.129. When drawing out a part having a large surface, heaps (hillcocks) may be formed. To avoid this, the flat surface may be made more rigid by means of long and intersecting ribs. Closed and symmetrical ribs are better. Butt welding should be widely used for ring-shaped parts, regardless of the cross section of the ring, whether it is simple or complex. In drawing out a rectangular-shaped vessel, the transition of the bottom to the side wall may be shaped without using a single large radius, instead of that, it may be done with a slope of 45? together with smaller radii for the transition STAT 44 Fig.159 - Location and Dimensions of the Cut Outs and of the Groove 298 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ; of this slope to the walls and to the bottom. If cracks are formed in the angles of a vessel being drawn out, parts of the angles of the flat original stock should be cut off. The radii of drawn-out parts should be in conformity with the equations quoted before. Decreasing the radii at the expense of a more complex process may be done within the following limits: Fig.160 Fig .161 a) Contour of the ? stock Radiu6 of the bottom R > 0.1 S Radius of the flange R > 0.2 S A further decrease of the radius to R = 0 is also possible, but the decis- ion is with the designer, as shown in Fig.160 (left - typical shaping of a thin material, right - of a thick mater- ial). The relation between the values are: 1)1 = 2 - 5 marq = 0.1 - 0.3 S; R> S (but not less than 1 mm); h > S but not less than 1 mm); b > 2 S (but not less than 2 R). In drawing out of parts with a warped cross section and with rounded and straight portions (Fig.161), the height h of the inner walls in the transition zone of two straight portions, should be such that > 0.6. The R - height H of the straight portions, is not limited in the outer wall, but in the - inner wall it is limited by the amount of metal-in the middle portion of the pro- duct. In a drawn-out product, the contour of the flange (especially if its outlines are complex) should be shaped by an equidistant curve. The width of the flange should be 'small, but not less than Ri4 + (3 - 5) S. Round bodies (medium and large), which are hard.for die drawing should be STAT. 299 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? pressed out on a lathe. As a result of compression, the deviations in dimensions for a diameter up to 500 mm will be in the order of 0.3 mm; with a diameter above 500 mm the deviation may be from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. When the depth of the product is large, the allowance may be increased by 0.2 - 0.3 mm. The building in of rigidity in thc'angles of a body being stamped is shown in Fig.162. When R has its maximum value, the elongation of the material, in the Fig .162 a) Section SS; b) Section BB concave or convex portions, should not exceed 1.2 - 1.4 E In drawing-out parts with edges of moderate heights, but also with unfavorable dimensions, folds will be formed on the edges. The formation of folds may be avoided by removing the excess material in the cut up (cutting-out triangles - Fig.16j). Ring-shaped hollow products, when designed may be shaped differently (Fig.164). From the standpoint of technology, the variation 1 is best. A ring made up of two halves (variation 4) is easily produced, but, in this case, the waste of metal will be great. Methods of Assembly. The design and ease of operation of assembled parts determine, to a great extent, the quality of performance and the cost of a machine. The stamping process has great possibilities in this direction. As a rule, stamp- ing is used for assemblies which are not to be taken apart. With its help iSTFAI s 300 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? obtained by different technological methods (sheet metal work, volume stamping, cutting, etc) may be assembled. Sketches of various assemblies are shown below, also shown are some of the methods applied in stamping. Figure 165 shows the.method of pro- ducing rectilineal and ring-shaped seams (locks) used for joining parts. For Some 71(11:-1 -17>2 of the joints (seams) point welding or 45C71.1._. riveting is used. One group of seams is concerned only with hermatically tight Fig.163 - 1 - The Con- tour of Flat Stock; 2 - Contour of the finished part; 3 - Metal portions to be removed Fig.164 joints, others combine it with strength and rigidity of the joint. Various joints used for joining sheet metal products are shown in Fig.166. The formation of the angle of a sheet metal box (obtained by bending - not by drawing out) is shown by sketches a, b, c. The sketch d is shown as an assembly of three stamped parts. The box shown by sketch e may be obtained by bending a cut-out sheet. _ Figure 167 shows a variety of sheet metal parts joined together. Shown are designs combining several flat parts, round bodies with flat parts and, finally, combining round bodies with,rbund bodies. Several methods of joining sheet metal parts are shown in Fig.168. For these methods, as a rule, are used bending, edging and shaping. Figures 169 and 170 show-examples of joining sheet metal parts with parts obtained by cutting. In the main, such parts have been formed by bending and shaping. In Fig.1710 a to c give an idea about designing of an assembly of bushings STAT, 301 k.6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 1) Partial spreading of the ring; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ???? ? ? ? (obtained by cutting) with sheetmetal parts. In sketches d and e, it is evident that for an assembly the material may be deformed not along the continuous contour, but only partially. Figure 172 shows examples of designing an assembly of rod-shaped material with sheet metal parts. WELDED STAMPED PARTS Welded stamped parts, resulting from the application of two processes - welding and stamping - have the following features: 1) Sheet metal stamping reduces the number of parts going into a welded stamped product (the method - bending); 2) Sheet metal stamping reduces the length of welding seams (the method - bending); 3) Technologically, welding raises the quality of sheet metal stampings. General The features of welded stamped parts and the problems to be solved when de- signing the parts are: 1. Imparting any complex shape (required by the designer)tO the parts,- or to the finished product, is, in majority of cases, easier to accomplish by welding ? of the component parts, the shape and dimensions of which may be relied upon to produce the required configuration. More often, these products are stampings (in sheet form or voluminal bodies), but they may also be from castings or from rolled material of certain grades. Welded stamped products may be a combination of component parts produced by different methods (stamping, casting and rolling). 2. The technology of welding and of heat treatment is so perfected that most of the grades of structural steel maybe welded with confidence. 304 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? 3. Welded stamped products are lirht in weight. This is effected by using quality material instead of castings and rolled metal having a higher fluidity and, also, by making the cross sections equal in strength. When changing from cast in- gots to welded stampings, a reduction in weight is accomplished averaging 20 - 30% ' when changed from steel, and much more, compared with cast iron. 4. Welded stamped parts will insure stability of operation, though the machine may be loaded to a maximum. To do this, the design of the parts should consider, above all, the requirements for rigidity. 5. The possibility to combine in one assembly raw and heat treated metals, and also to combine in one assembly several different metals. Such possibilities open a new field for designers and technicians. 6. Welded stamped products are not limited because of dimensions. 7. The stamped components of a welded stamped product make it possible to increase the strength by a favorable arrangement of the fibers which, as a rule, do not cross each other. 8. ''Welded stamped parts from thick sheets may have allowances in the form of excess material, if necessary, and may have the same tolerance (for precision) as have voluminal stampings. Technological Classification of Stamped and Welded Material. Stamped and welded products are, divided into the following groups: 1. Stamped-welded stock which is not subjected to cutting after the welding. 2. Stamped-welded stock which, after welding, has part of its surface, or its entire surface subjected to a cleaning operation by cutting. 3. Stamped-welded stock which after welding has part of its surface, or the entire surface subjected to both, a rough and a final cleaning operation by the method of cutting. Stocks of the first group, except in rare cases, should not be used if they are to be made into parts requiring great precision. 305 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 0 ? 3. Welded stamped products are light in weight. This is effected by using quality material instead of castings and rolled metal having a higher fluidity and, also, by making the cross sections equal in strength. When changing from cast in- gots to welded stampings, a reduction in weight is accomplished averaging 20 - 30% ' when changed from steel, and much more, compared with cast iron. 4. Welded stamped parts will insure stability of operation, though the machine may be loaded to a maximum. To do this, the design of the parts should consider, above all, the requirements for rigidity. 5. The possibilityto combine in one assembly raw and heat treated metals, and also to combine in one assembly several different metals. Such possibilities open a new field for designers and technicians. 6. Welded stamped products are not limited because of dimensions. 7. The stamped components of a welded stamped product make it possible to increase the strength by a favorable arrangement of the fibers which, as a rule, do not cross each other. 8. Welded stamped parts from thick sheets may have allowances in the form of excess material, if necessary, and may have the same tolerance (for precision) as have voluminal stampings. Technological Classification of Stamped and Welded Material. Stamped and welded Ooducts are divided into the following groups: 1. Stamped-welded stock which is not subjected to cutting after the welding. 2. Stamped-welded stock which, after welding, has part of its surface, or its entire surface subjected to a cleaning operation by cutting. 3. Stamped-welded stock which after welding has part of its surface, or the entire surface subjected to both,. a rough and a final cleaning operation by the method of cutting. Stocks of the first group, except in rare cases, should not be used if they are to be made into parts requiring great precision. 305 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 0 ? ? Technolopical Requirements for Stamped-Welded Parts. When designing such parts, the shape, dimensions and the materials of each component element and of the fin- ished product should be in conformity with the technological requirements for efficient stamping and welding. . Fig.173 a) Welded Fig.174- The technological requirements for stamping were described in the preceding pages. Requirements for welding are described in Chapter III. EXAMPLES OF STAMPED-WELDED PRODUCTS .Below is shown a variety of stamped-welded parts made up mostly from sheet metal. Figure 173 shows two variations of the same part - of a limiter. The sketch - to the left is from a stock which his undergone volume stamping, and had its surfaces treated by cutting all around. The sketch to the riglit is an example of the ad- vantage of combining stamping with welding. In thii case, cutting is limited to drilling and broaching the hole, meaning a lower cost. The stamped-welded plate in Fig.174 consists of three separate parts 1, 2, 3. The welding seams are not continuous. After the welding and annealing, only the butt ends and the holes of part -3 are treated by cutting. In Fig.175. are shown two variants of the same device - the movable part of a feeding mechanism. The device shown in Fig.175a was produced by volume stamping, .STAT 306 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 .i.e., all of its surfaces have undergone an all-around finishing operation by cut- ting. The stamped-welded variant is shown in Fig.175b. It consists of a body (1) and a supporting piece (2). The cut-up of these two parts and the places finished by cutting are shown in Fig.175c. The guiding projections a and the planes d, serving as bases for the pins and as sup- ! ! ports, are alike for both variants of the device. Figure 176 illustrates a practical and an intractable (from the standpoint of technolopy) design of the same device. 2 Variant a consists of part (1) having a closed deep impression (hard to finish by cutting), part (2), which is bent and Fig/175 of part (3), also hard to finish by cut- (1) Cut-up; (2) Excess material for ting. In variant b, parts (1) and (3) treating surface by cutting require no special effort for finishing; and a pin is used-to prevent the displacement of the part located in the recess of -portion (1). The joined parts in both variants are replacable. In Fig.177, to the left, is shown a cast support for a shaft which is arc- welded to the cheek of the sheet metal base. The sketch to the right shows the shaft support made from Welded sheets consisting of a bent sheet metal box (1), (for the purpose of rigidity) which is point-welded to the cheek of the base and to part (2), which in its turn is arc-welded to the cheek-of the base and to the rigid box., In this cape, the use of stamping-welding insures a better and stronger assembly and simplifies the production. PI:pure 178 shows'a stamped' welded and soldered head Of a gaeoline engine STAT 307 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? cylinder block. Standard sheets having a thickness of 3, 5, and 10 mm. done by hand, welding of parts has more advantages than producing the entire part . Fig.176 Fig.177 a) Shaft support; b) Drilled holes; c) Cheek of the base by casting. The advantages are shown below (for a head of a cylinder block): Index By casting the head _ By stamping and welding I. Saving in % Net weight Time consumed Cost, in rubles 8.15 kg 30.4 min 13.5 5.75 kg 22.5 min 10.3 29.5 26 23.7 ... - Figure 179 shows the design of an assembly subject to strenuous operations. In this assembly, considerable, stresses are transferred frail the tube to the cup. - To avoid the possibility of the cup becoming 'wrinkled, it has a belt consisting of ? two flanges welded to the bottom edge of the tube. To make the welding easier, the edge of the tube is bent somewhat. The cup is made of two halves, each of. which maybe produced by drawing it out not too deep. This enables the use of a material that must not fulfill all the requirements of a material used. for deep drawing. An example of the full, utilization of stamping-welding methods is the bed of STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 308 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 - SI ? ? ? a lathe. . . To design the bed, attention was paid to the requirements for the planes join- ing each other and to the loads to be ex- perienced by the bed. Technologically, the design of the bed is very simple and the bed itself is rigid and sturdy. a) 420C:ai ' b) The drawing of the lathe bed is shown in Fig.180. The bed is made up?of welded sheets, with all sheets of the same grade, namely steel Grade CT 2. The sheets joined longitudinally have a thickness of 3 mm. The transversely located baffles are 5 mm a) Section AA; b) View along B in, thickness. Because of the possibility of using sheets of only a few thicknesses and due to the practical shapes and dimensions, the coefficient of utilization of material may be raised by 20 - 30%, as compared with the coefficient of metal utilization by ordinary stamping without ? welding. . .The stamping-Welding method in- creased the rigidity of the bed. Because ttttttttttttt ,40?0%..00?4 :75--.5.?E!SM.17r of this, only three supports were found to be necessary. The feature of this design is the 'almost complete lack'of preparatory work to make the borders fit T F = 5 117- 8 Fig .l7 Fig.179 for welding.' Finally, the Mechanical treatment is reduced to a minimum by fabricating the front guide from rolled sheet with one profile and the back guide from rolled sheets STAT 309 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ' of a different profile. COLD UPSETTING OF PARTS BY AUTOMATIC PRESSES ? A great variety of small parts used for joining or to strengthen other parts ' may be produced by automatic presses designed for cold upsetting such as wheel Br t t A ? t I ,11 -7 -???? a) Fig.180 - A Stamped-Welded Lathe Bed a) Section along AA; b) Section. along BB spokes, cap nuts, several types of connecting pins, valve tappets and their adjusting bolts, small rollers-and balls, star-shaped devices for controlling brakes, special supports for containers used in the vegetable induitry, spokes for bicycles and motorcycles, caps and many others (Fig.181). Cold volume stamping arid upsetting will produce parts with a higher 'degree of precision and with better finished surfaces than is possible in hot stamping. On the other end, cold upset- ting requires a Sturdier and more powerful equipment. 310 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 As a rule, cold upsetting is effected without producing extruding edges (so? called: flash, fins or burrs). The production of the above?named parts by .the automatic presses using pres? sure on the unheated parts, instead of cutting out the shape, is resulting in great savings of metal, in a tenfold increase of productivity; and in improvements of such properties as firmness and hardness. [11 t 4e3'WI rl Fig.181 ? Samples of Parts Produced by Cold Upsetting in an Automatic Press In this cold process using pressure, the fibers do not cross each other, 'but are oriented along the contour. The maximum diameter of a rod which may be handled by this cold process in automatic presses is 25 mm. As to, the maximum length, it is not as yet possible to. make it higher than 2op mm for standard presses, but specially designed presses are able to handle lengths up to 400 mm. With semiautomatic and automatic stamping serving as a preliminary operation, it is possible to do the heading (upsetting) the heads), reducing and threading on pieees with a length up to 1800 min: 311 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? Metals Used in Cold Upsetting The metal used for cold upsetting of parts has, in most cases, a round cross section with a diameter from a few tenths of a mdllimeter up to 25 Mt with a toler- ance of 0.025 to 0.15 mm. In isolated cases, the material may have a larger diameter and be not only round but have a different shape, such as rectangular, square, trapezoidical or oval. Mostly used are: Grade 08 to 45 quality carbon steel and Grades Al2 to A35; Grades of alloy steels used are: 35G2, 20X, 40X, 40XH, 151, 25XHBA, 40XIA, 40XHM, 30XGCA, SHX9, 1X18H9T, T10A, Tl2A, and others; alloy nonferrous metals such as Duralumin D3P and DI; brass 1559, L62, 1.68; red copper; Monel metal, etc. The metal used for cold upsetting has a good plasticity if its hardness HB -after annealing is: HB = 120 - 207. For told upsetting, usually, in use are steels with relatively large grains corresponding mostly to grains No.3 and No.4 out of eight grade numbers. Grains of such size are in conformity with the plasticity of the steel required In upset operations. The relation between the chemical composition and the properties of steel is described in Table 40. For the Physical and mechanical properties of a calibrated wire, see Table 41. , A characteristic graph of a.test with calibrated wire, stretched and cold- drawn, is shown in Fig.182. . The metal for cold upsetting having a diameter up to 16 is delivered in bundles; metal of a larger diameter is delivered in lengths up to 6 1. The surface of the calibrated material must be smooth, shiny, without shells, cracks and .other similar defects. . The outside diameter of a bundle is Dout 100-750 .mm, while the inside diame- of the bundle, depending on the diameter STAT , 312 ? ,o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap?roved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 JO 18 20:j 29:Di ? ?,. 34 36__ 4 Table 40 The Influence of the Chemical Composition on the Plastic Properties of Steel in a Cold Upsetting Operation Chemical Element1 ? Improves Makes WOr se 1 Additional Information C + i Increasing C by 0.1% will increase Ov by 6-8 kg/mm2. Cold upsetting of carbon steel containing C> 0.2% requires anneal- ing to a structure of greatest plasticity .- grained perliti. _ Si ? A + In a steel containing 0.45-0.5% carbon, Ithe Si, if present, has very negative iresults on cold upsetting. The presence !of Si> 0.2% lowers to a great extent the iplasticity, causes a considerable heating. of the metal during the deformation, reduce the firmness of the dies and requires a greater force for upsetting. Mn + In carbon steel, the Mn content should not lexceed 0.65%. The presence of Mn is i dic- tated by the necessity the unfavorable effect of S Cr + The presence of Cr lowers the plasticity of high carbon steels. Increasing Cr by 0.1% in steel Grade 40 will increase av by 2.5 kg/mm2. For steels containing less than 0.3% carbon, the presence of Cr has no great effect. - . W ? + . ? ,The admixture of 0.15 - 0.2% improves the cold upsetting and increases aT and av, at the same time. . Mo, V + Improves the cold upset process and imp- proves al, and av Al .+ Steel, with 0.03 - 0.05% of Al added as a deoxidizer, has high plastic qualities and tends to become 4 grained pearlite., 313 STAT 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 (- I material, is G = 30 - 80 kg. Cold upsetting is -delivered in. annealed_or_normalized_condition* etched by a weak acid solution and neutra- Steel for a) b) 26 ? Fig.182 - Characteristic Graph of a 1 J ' Test Performed by Stretching Two Calibrated Cold-Drawn Wires 1 - Steel wire with a diameter of 5.1 ms, with (al. 64.8 keim2, HB = = 152); 2 - Brass wire, 5.1 MIR in diameter, G T -I-. 38.4 kg/2, HB = 126) ;deformation in upsetting; t is the time a) Load; b) Deformation ,lized by 1iie Milks ' METHODS FOR FORMING HEADS- The -upsettiiig7,of parts 1.t5ed for - fastehing' or forA gether 101:performed moSt - -,Other6iiartit br_..horisOn cold-uimettineautomatiC:presissi The forming ;41*heSdi, of%thiie: parts (heading) mak be effected In t ,?.- matrix, in the plunger and siaH1ltan.ouely_ _ in both halves ofAhildiS-(16 a;AS). The working speed of the plunger at the beginning of the upset is Twork = = 0.14 1.4 m/sec. The speed of &traria- Ition v't - 100 equals .1300-20000%/sec '.(see Table 42), where e is the rate of . period of deformation, in seconds. THE PRECISION AND CLEANLIti MSS OF STAMPED SURFACE ' Cold. volume stamping and upsetting b/y cold upsetting automatic -presses !lad by crankthrow (coining) presses will produce parts with a precision along -the axis equal to 0.03 - 0.05 asn. The precision in the plane perpendicular to the 'movement of theplun' ger de- eponds on the precision with which the; --dial- are made, how correctly is the plunger -, . , 1 314 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? _j positioned in relation to the matrix and on the ability of the die to withstand _ 1 ? . 20 ?-) ? - ? Table 41 The Values of 0T' o.. d arid NB of a Calibrated Wire in Cold Upsetting y Process (Data Furnished by Author) Diameter in mm aT 0 V kg/me av v kg/mm2 aT NB average , ay ? cry NB , Steel 6.2 37.3 41.1 : 0.91 ' 109 0.38 6.2 65.5 67 0.98 137 . 0.49 7 67.6 70 1 , 0.95 140 0.5 . 7 44.1 45.8 1 0.96 123 0.37 8.6 36.2 41.6 0.87 123 0.34 8.6 48.9 55 0.88 143 0.38 8.6 56 59.2 0.94 152 0.39 8.6 49 53.3 0.92 131 0.41 5.1 64.8 69.3 0.94 152 0.45 5.12 43.7 49.3 . 0.89 134 0.37 7 . 43.5 49.5 0.88 '134 0.37 v, Brass 5.1 _ 38.4 48.5 0.79 126 0.38 5.1 35.4 42.8 9.83 123 0 35 10.4 , 39.2 51.8 . 0.76 143 0.36 7 36.4 44.2 0 82 92 0.48 7 42.9 50.4 0 85 _ 107 0.47 Aluminum 7.9 23.05 1 34.1 0,68 _ .- , 4 ? To obtain a higher degree of precision, calibrating operations are used, such reducing and volume and surface coining (Table 43). Parts requiring threads of the 2nd and 3rd class of precision are usually made! by a cold upset combined with reducing and, threading. , .-315 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 0 1.) ? ". ? 34 36 3 A t: 4 ....... -- Table 42 ? Speed of Plunger at the Beginning of Deformation and Rate of Deformation Types of Automatic Presses Minimum and , Maximum Dimen-, sions of the Automats in mm - Assumed Value h D d . Angle of. Crank Position at the Beginning of Stamp- ing in Degrees Speed of P1::::r1cv is mtsec . Rate of rilOrr:-in %/sec ? . . Single-strike, cold ' With a single piece matrix . 0 3 - in . . 2 ? . 42-45 ' 0.25-0.4 , 4350-1800 With a separ- ating matrix - 0 4 5 - 60.7-0 8 , 9000.6000upsetting . I Two-strike cold upsetting With a single piece matrix 0 3 - 20 A I 3 . . 0.7-i . 6000.1300 . , With a Belli.- sting matrix ri 6 - 25 0.75-1 3 000-1300 Nail forming With a uni- versal type matrix 0 6 - 20 1 5 90 1.25-1 4 , 7800-2300 With hori- zontally positioned squeezing and cutting matrixes 01 2 - 4 5 , 0.5-0.9 20,000-12,000 , . Cutting (may possibly be used for repeated stamping oper- tions With a crank- lever drive for the slide block 0 10 - 20 , 1 . I - - 0 . n 5-0 65 ? . 1 . . Nut stamping , Multi- operational 012 . , I . , - . _ -20 . . ? " 0. 14 . . . : . - . . 5 5.3 I ?H SA - ----,--- :STA ? _7 ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 k 1 ing the deformation, by the properties of the deformed metal, by the shape and 1 t - , . . FORCE REQUIRED FOR.COLD UPSETTING__ The force required for cold upsetting is determined by the conditions affeotm- 3L' , C ? _ Fig.183 dimensions of the stampings and also by the dome ,of Precision and cleanliness of the surfaces. The, specific pressures required to effect the shaping of steel are assumed to - be as follows: Operation - Specific Pressure in kg/2 - Thmiet of heads (heading) of r s-x shape 317 150-160 STAT S') Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Calibrating coining Pressingout helm products Electro Upsetting ? - Reducing (squeesing,the rod) 1.47,4 :"A?z? Hot volume stamping Cold volume stamping Stamping with electric 42_ 4 46 ? for a cold upist of rOund parts with, or 'without burrs 4 ? ' 5 P .74,7 (1 + 0.05 7-f?--) F. kg , '5 2- - where a is a coefficient found in chart of Figs.184 and 185; of is :the irui re-t' T - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? upset head in mm; F is the projected area of the stamped-out head (including thi- burr) in The force required for upsetting of round bodies (without producing a burr) "lade of Grade 10-20 in MK steel is: ? 4 3 2 0 J 29 195 495 23 04 20 2,4 1.1 493 C) 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 d) Fig.184 - Chart Showing Values of Coefficient a in Swaging without a Burr a) Operating nest not filled; b) Nor- oral authors. nal swaging, nest fully filled; c) Cam- In Fig.187 two curves (a and b) are bine(' swaging, coining; d) Nueher of drawn as an example of relation between experiment P ? arD2, where coefficient = 0.5- 0.6; aT is the minimum value of the index of the lieit of fluidity of the material, as ,shown by GOST in kg/2; D is the diameter of the stamped part in CK. The value of the deforming force, when found for a new, complex and untested process, should be verified experimentally ;one testing machine or by a hydraulic Press. Values of the force required for the upsetting of different parts is shown in Table 44. The data was furnished by civ- the force required for upsetting and the sticks of the plunger S. The material upset is: a) semiround head with formation -I of a burr; b) hexagonal nut made from Grade 15 steel. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 0 6 6, ) 2i- fl ^ I , I -; ?51. Force Required for Cold UPsetting (Experimental Data) No. . Shape of Head Head and Rod Dimensions in mm Material i for , Parts Farce required, ia tons ? Remarks Source of Data d D h 1 Cylindrical, 3 2 4 8 0 8 iSteel 10 (gr > 18) 2 ' . : Data by Author ? 2 Semiround, with burr h = 0 22 as thick; a = 0-1 mm wide 4.43 , DF6 68 3 06 1 ;Steel 15 kg ;' 21) . T? 22 Work carried out an a DI=8 84 ? 3 Semiround 4 8 6 4 3 1 Aluminum 1 5 ' testing machine 4 Semiround 4 8 7 9 4 Steel 20 kg > 21) 7.3 5 Countersunk 6 11 , 2.9 Steel 15 27.8 By cold upset- Data by A.N.Gled- kikh 6 . Countersunk castellated 6 , 11 2 9 . I , Steel 15 29.7 ting in auto- attic press 7 Countersunk castellated 6 4 9 5 11 9 15 8 5 5 6 1 Steel 25 0 >25) ' T ? Steel 15 20 Tested on cold'upeet- ?"^ a-te- . ....c, .. attic and Data by anti-= 8 Countersunk 25 9 Semiround 9 5 16 7 5 6 Steel 15 30 vertical crank press 10 Harrel-shaped 10 16 2 7 Steel 35 25 Tasted on cold upsetting automatic press Data by V.A.Popow 11 . Hexagonal 10 16 2 ' 7 Steel 35 1 44 12 Semiround with square under head 10 21 34 4 8 Steel 35 (a >30) :T? 100 . . Side of =part In ma; height of square 4.8 ma 13 Semiround with square under- head 16 34 . ? , 8 6 Steel 35 , , , 200 Side of square- 16 mm; height %. Of square , 6.3 am )6, J1344a 1.)7 ''ull'ins- ' 7 14 Semiround with square under- head 19 05 40 4 ,. 9 4 I Steel 35 1 I .. 300 ? Side Of square 16 mm; height of square . 6.3 mm , 15 Hexagonal nut 10 - 22 9.5 _ Steel 15 kg I? T ? >21) t . , . 60 Tested.on-a hydraulic test- ingrmachine , Detain, , nether Remarks: Symbols in the Table are: d - diameter oi upset part of product; D - diameter of-1'0st head, round without burr, or of the circle circumscribed around the square or hexagomat shape; h - height of upset head or of praduct;,D1 - diameter of upset head with burr. 1 1 -1 _ i ? ^ ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 SELECTION OF THE NUMBER OF TRANSITORY OPERATIONS REQUIRED AND CALCULATIONS FOR CONICAL PLUNGERS Cold upsetting of parts maybe effected in 1, 2, 3 and more transitions (strikes). The number of strikes required depends on the configuration and dimen,- Ot A # Fig.185 - Chart Showing Values of Coefficient a in Swaging with Formation of a Burr hi. Thick and s Wide (Bib1,29) 0'; Ailmm 120 100 80 60 4c 0 - - ---; y12 ----J- a) 45 API 20- W Fig.186 - Chart Showing the True Resistance to Deformation (Data by L.A.Shofman) a) Steel sions (see Table 45). The number of transitions, or the relative acceptable length of the upset ' part d? is determined by the quality of the material and its diameter, i.e., it is a function of the firmness of the stela from its longitudinal bend. The maximum acceptable value of-9-- is shown in Table 46 (data by V.A.Popov shows these values are applicable in upsetting by automatic presses). A two-strike upsetting operation is the most widely used for a great variety of parts used for fastening or for joining other parts together. Products, if the length he) of their portion to be upset is less than 2.5 d, as an exception, are upset not with one, but two strikes, if: 3.21 STAT 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 _ 5 ! Pm 15 13,5 12 10,5 7,5 4,5 3 Pm 40 35 JO 25 20 15 tO 0 0 a) Fig.187 i-0-1-.74-iii?.;--i-plUnger stroke a) The ratio IL > 4.5 (ilt headhi. h _b)_Te head to be_upset_le to_hare . a shape and dimensions requiring specia.lAreatient (rivets with semielliptical heads used in ' cases where the joints mist be be reliebli); c) The head upset l? eximPla, cTlindr. 1:esl,164:dij;4 ? ? countersunk -ibiads. with i'? : underheads, squars. coun heads. When the part to col4-upiTt. of a now and untested design; the sole number of transitions required shOuld'be verified eiperimentally. Parts, especially complex: techno1og7 ically,mmarrequire four, and sometimes five transitory operations. InMany. cases, especially. in upsetting stool - , parts containing more than 0.2% Carbon; , an intermediate annealing-and.a repeat, A A A - upset shoul4 be effected: Parts upset with two or three strikes and parts which.have?Undergone annealing have their repeat upset in 'horizontal presses equipped with. bunker- 1 ' type loading devices. --STAT.322 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 0 ? ? - , "C, el A repeat or a secondary upset makes it possible to widen considerably the number of parts suitable for upsetting, including parts with inordinary configura- tions and dimensions. Table 45 NnAber of Transitions to be Selected in Upsetting Parts Having Stems krill tiOtaitOliessagS loillagr- kg - Sample List of Upset Parts _ I Remarks , ho D D d h? d 1 < 2.5 < 4.5 < 2 _ 2 188 Rivets, screws etc, with semirouncounter- e sun or semicounter- sunk heads 1. Upsetting in 2 und i is usually. done iu one matrix I (Fig 189a and b) 2 2.5 - 5 4.5-8.5 ' 2 2 2 6 189 " Stock for bolts, rivets screws, etc with cylindrical heaas, or heads with square anderheads 2. Preparatm fcconical) plunger 2 (Fig 189a) and intermediate (in 3- strike operation) mid finishing i(Fig 1B9b) are set consecutively before the strike 3 5-8 - 8.5-10 2.6 4 _ 1 Screws with crosshead cut, bolts hexagmal inside and outside and other complex parts 1 3. Plungers set on skis sliding in slide block vertically or in an arc 4 The diameter of the base of the cone (of a conical plunger) Dk is; (specifica- __lions of auto plant named after Stalin) (Fig.190). 24 a a D,?tg ?2? V + ? 2 tg n; ' _where dk is the diameter of the cylindrical hole of the conical plunger or the __smallest diameter of the stock; V is the volume of the deformed portion of the stock 4:_(from the piano of the larger base to the plane of the conets smaller base; n is the 'distance from the plane of the large base not reached by the conical plunger n ... a - b +1.5 111 5' ..!yshare_als_the distance cram the front butt end of the matrix to the plane of the STAT /23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? 0. n. ;large base; b is thedistance from the front butt end of the finishing plunger to 1 % . I ?the front butt end of the matrix.(this_may_be_taken_as _a a"...b 1 _JUL a _18.1 , :the plunger cone angle; The optimum angle of the cone for the first upset operationi __;is equal to 6? ? 15/, for the second upset, (with a 3-strike upset) is 12P ? 15/. b) Fig.188 - Method of Fig.189 - Method of Upsetting in One Op- Upsetting in TwoiSteps oration a - End of let sep a - Start of opera- (upsetting of head) tion; b - End of b - End of 2nd step operation Fig.190 - Longitudinal Section of a Conical Plunger 1 - Conical plunger; 2 - Thrust I pin; 3 - Matrix; 4 - Finishing plunger a)Aaanie of the base With a . 60 pk (1.2 - 1.3) dk;-mith a 12? pk - (1.5 - 1.7)d. Equations to determine Dk without calculating the volume V are given in HTable 47 (data by ZIS). UPSETTING OPERATIONS WITH MATRIXES I . The type of matrix to be chosen for !upsetting depends upon the length of the 5--i stem of the upset part, on the nature of the work and on the quality 111 Amk54:-.1.the-finished-product-(TableJ4).... 561______Sinitle-Pisae-Tyme_of Matrixes foi_UPsettinc.(Fig.191)...__A_wire_- required for 1 or_aLro4STAT.?.: ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 0 - is fed.periodicaly by rotating channeled rollers (2) through i l the holeof the cutting matrix (3) until the wire or the rod reaches thrust stop (4). The forward movement 5 ? Table 46 Acceptable Values of h? Diameter of Stock in mm Upset Material Steel 1}Grode 10 Brass Ji ItirioRrade 35 3-7 7.1-10.5 10.6-16.5 , 1.7 2.3 2.5 2 2.45 2.65 ? of the cutter (5) cuts off a piece which, by means of a special holding device (6) is transferred to the line of upsetting. Table 47 .1 4.???????? DK: -137-6tg ENS + 4-2 tg 4 a: with a .60 Dr -IV-0.314D% 4- giag ?0,1a D -11Y- 6 tgi Dsh 0,4AW d3N ?2tg -42L n; froth A> 111d ic H a. 6? Dia*. 0,314D2h + 0,4441K+ d _ 0,1 n * pia is the diameter of the base of the plunger cone in a 2?strike upsetting. a) Sketch of part; b) Equations When the plunger (7) is moving towards the matrix (8) the out?off piece is ' first rushed in the hole of the matrix until it is stopped by the stem of the AiAm- STAT 325 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? I 20 3 34__ 3, 3 Table 48 Selection of Type of Matrix for a Cold Upsetting Operation Matrix iype Stem Length Type of Work ior Matrix I Quslity of finished part firmka Single-piece type Separating type 1 < 8d 1 > 8d 1 Stamping and _up- setting; z. ucing the stem here, the mathx consists aniy pi :n:atrix proper< An eye /or the stem 1. Stamping and up[ Aetting; 2. Flattenaig, . making ep.impres. sums an 11121111ar work; 3. Mtemlbending' 4 Holds stook-iiglit to prevent part from.moylng , longituainally The ftted pert Es swot ; no u:as r the The passe in the matrix is cone- make the ejecting of the part easy. buzr may be fgrd tder the he at the place of the die separation. ? - ? ? Stem reducing,is.mot dome.= a-esparat4ag matrix. In,special automatic presses egmipped with sepia- ating-typeltrixas, it is Epait e to ypset rom, . gm r up to tug?a! ,Lon4E dm_ ...-k, reuuding ay pria4g= - ST 91 the by .,.., cutting . In this ca4e, the matrix is made with alsea and groove; . ced transversally. Universal ty (EitEir a. sing e-piece ora separ- ating type matrix may be placed in the bed 9f the matrix 1. Stamping and upl- letting: 2 Stem reducing (if the upsetting Was done in a single piece matrix The quality of the finished product depends on the tee of ix matr place in the d of the matrix Special automatic preases are 'leo good for Z-sided upsetting simultan- eously. During the upsetting, the separate parts of the matrix press each other To ease the ejection, the matrix parts move apart. The cutting and moving of the stock is done in automatic presses with single- piece matrixes. In this case, separ- ating matrixes for transverse defama- tion are not used 326 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 :tor (9). The upsetting of the head takes place with the further movement of the ,-plunger. As the plunger returns to its place, the upset piece is pushed out by the /. ? 1-1 ejector (9) from the matrix. ? _'1 Fig .191 a) Line of feeding; b) Line of upset- ting then carried by matrix parts (4 ' :to keep it tight in place. For and If the matrix is of the single- piece type, the length of the stamping stem is determined by the position of the ejector (9). Upsetting with Matrixes of the Separating Type (Fig.192). The wire or rod (1) is fed periodically by rotating channeled rollers(2) through the cutting matrix (3) and through the open matrix parts (4 and 5) until it reaches the turning stop (6). The matrix part (4) moving to the right cuts off a piece with its butt surface. The cut-off piece-is 5) to the upsetting line where it is squeesed this purpose, the clearance between the matrixes - --as from 0.02 to 0.2 mm. The projected portion is swaged by the plunger into a head --of required shape. Thereafter; matrixes (4 and 5), with the aid of relieving 4: ! ?Spring (7), return back to the feeding line. During their return, the matrix parts separate with the aid of roller (8) descending by means of a sloped plane (9) (or - wedge). The stamped part is ejected frOm the open matrixes by the material itself, - -At the next feeding cycle. The length of the separating-type matrix determines the length of the part to f, IF matrixes with a hexagonal cross section are also used. -jbe upset. More often, the matrixes of the separating type have a square'cross section; 327 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? 3 3 _ ? which Upsetting with a Universal (Calbinod) bre of Matrix:. Universal-type matrixes i 1 single-piece matrixes divided in-half,--are-ueed-far--cold-upeetting.----- I The principle is the same as in up- i setting with single-piece matrixes, the I are //7/ :1IX. III II if 47 Fig.192 a) Line of feeding; b) Line of Upsetting only difference being, that to ease the ejection, the pressure between the two halves is somewhat weaker. Upsetting of Semispherical Heads with Straight Notches. The upsetting is ;performed in a two-strike cold upsetting , automatic press with a single-piece mat- ' rix and is done in a two-step operation (Fig.193)? The plunger operating nest is made by deeply impressing it in a hydraulic or; screw-friction type of press. The curve in Fig.194 represents the 'force necessary for deeply impressing the nest in the plunger, made of UIOA steel. The force required to exert the -Pressure may be determined fraa the following equation: - _ Pty., T4F , lthere y m 3.5 - 3.75; al is the true resiiitance to the deformation of the instrumeni -steel in kg/.s2 (maybe determined approxiiately by using the curve in Fig.186, --iissuming the condition of maximum deformation); F is the projected area of the nest Lder pressure in na2. _ .J , The force required to axert pressure'necessary to shape the plunger nest for Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 or Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? upsetting semiround heads with straight notches is shown in Table 49. Stamping of Screws with Inside Hexagons. The material used is steel grade-10. The operation is as follows: First, the Fig.193 - Transition Steps in Upset- ting a Semiround Head with a Straight Notch ? 1 - Cutting off; 2 - 1st step of up. swtting; 3 - Final upsetting of head with notch ? upsetting of the head is performed on a two-strike cold upset automatic press with a single-piece matrix (Fig.195). Next, the upset pieces are annealed (t = = 880 - 900?C) and, thereafter, a repeat upset is performed in a crank-type or automatic press, whom the inside hexa- gonal and the final shaping of the head is accomplished with a single strike (Fig.196) The head sizes of screws (the second and third steps of the operation) and of plungers are shown in Tables 50 and 51, these being the specifications of the plant "Stankonormal". Stamping of Screws with Cross- Shaped Nests in the Head. The shaping of screws with cross-shaped nests in the head may be performed by the open and closed methods (Figs.197 and 198). Table 49 Force Required for Shaping the Nest Screw Diameter of Nest D in mm2 Required Force P in m M4 .6.5 11.2 - 14.5 M5 9.96 24.5 - 26.2 M8 12.94 35 - 44.2 , The shaping by the open method is performed by cold upsetting in a three- 329 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ??? ? ? strike automatic press, or in a two-strike automatic with a repeat operation in a single-strike automatic press. With the open method, the head is upset first and the shaping follows after. 2 4 1 Fig.195 Fig.194 Fig.196 a) Length of plunger stroke When a repeat operation is required, there should be an intermediate annealing before the part goes to the automatic press. The closed method of shaping is accomplished in two operations; the head is upset in two transitory operations, the nest is shaped simultaneously with the head during the second operation. With thA rlARAd mwEhnel 1,?4g4 a,.8 fewer strikes required, truer shape and 330 Declassified Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? Table 50 Sizes of Screw Heads and of Plunger Operating Nests (see Fips.195 and 196) b) d, D, It, It II a) - M8 M10 M12 M16 C) 7.04+ 0,04 9,84+?.?4 10.67 4-0.04 14.68+0.12 11.5 1 (1.1 5,6i0,2 + .1 17.5-0.1 23,5+0,2 7.6? 0.2 9.6?0.2 17?0,2 1.5 8 10 12,5 14.5 7.044 0,02 8.81+0,02 10,67+0,02 14.681.0,02 112 15 18 24 8?0.5 10-8-0,5 12?0.5 16 ? 0.5 5+1 6+1 8+1 10+1 8140 -0J 8+^ " 1044^ ? 19+?'3 ?4-0J a) Screw; b) Heads obtained by cold upset in automatic presses; c) Heads after final finishing operation; d) Size S (under key) Table 51 Dimensions of Plungers in mm a) D3 b) C) III R r hi , 1 I , r, Rs s si M8 M10 M12 M16 1 12_0.2 15-0,2 18_0.2 24_0.2 8-0,2 10+0.2 12.5+0.2 14.54-0.2 4 12 20 25 .1.5 1.5 6 7 0 11 10,8 12,9 14.4 16 7 5 4 3 6 8 8 10 6.3 13,3 10,3 12,3 6,2 1 8.2 1 10.2 12,2 a) Screw; b) Plunger used in the 2nd transitory operation; c) Plunger used inside hexagonal 331 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? ? sions are attained. The force required to exert the necessary pressure for shaping the nest of the p7, 7.5 3 I.5 0 Z0 I t.5 (&) b) Fig.197 ? dross Shaping by the Open Method the Nest of Already Upset Head. Curves to left: 1 ? Force required for upsetting the cylindrical head; 2 ? Force for shaping nest; 3 ? Ejecting force; (a) Length of plunger stroke head by the open method is: where A is coefficient equal to 5-6; F is the projected area of the cross?shaped nest in mm2; av is the true resistance to the deformation of the material in kg/mm2, corresponding to the threshold of strengthening (see Fig.186). Upsetting Hollow Rivets. Two methods are available for the upsetting of hol? low rivets. To upset by the first method, special automatic presses equipped with two matrixes, are used (Fig.199). 332 STAT r31( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? The head is upset in the first matrix (with one or two strikes).. Thereafter, the rivet is transferred by spring actuated pins to the axial line of the second Fig.198 ? Cross Shaping the Nest by the Closed Method Simultaneously with the Upsetting the Countersunk Head. Method by A.N.Gladkikh a) b) s.- _a ?FrY"Vorgi li '? 1111 "ILIM NW 3 Fig.199 a) Transition to the upsetting matrix; b) Transition to the punching matrix; c) Punching matrix ? matrix where the rivet stem (1) is acted upon by the punching die (3) to produce the initial hollowness. The punching die (3) also acts as an ejector. The final shaping of the hollow stem takes place when the rivet is pushed mit from the punching matrix. The removal of the rivet from the punching die is ? 5 4'j- Fig.200 ?1 effected by grippers when the upsetting ....,_.._ ) I die (2) returns to its original position. 1 The second method of upsetting hol? low rivets (Fig.200) i's essentially as follows: the cylindrical piece which is cut off from the wire is transferred to 2 "1 the line of upsetting by the first movement of the slide bar; there, the upsetting die (1) places the rivet on the punching die (2) to make it hollow; the upsetting of the head (formation of a cone) takes place with the further movement of the 333 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900100003-3 ? ? ? Table 52 Reducing Methods Reducing Methods Place to Install the Eye Purpose of heducing " Squeeze" Intensity Required f9r the Reducing F ? F e _ 0 100% Fn CI PUshing stock into tationary eye (straight method); a - before facets are trimmed; b - before upset; c - shape of eye hole** Moving the eye on the immovable stock (the reversed method) Matrix b) 1 Squeezing and calibra- ting for threading 9 Calibratiqg the smooth portion ol bolt stem 3. stem squeezing 0 ,., substitute for the I-- upsetting step); the stock is squeezed to the Kant wtere the head is to e shaped. Plunger 1. Squeezing the ends of long stock co prepare them for threading. 2. Squeezing and calibrating a portion of the stem in a complex combined operation. In a single-step operation, the "squeezed inten- sity is