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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ?? - .; INFORMATION RE ?to ? P'")C,tf_SS1ti% CENTRA'i. INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the Nations! Detente :t the United awe* Iowa the W4444 ai Fie glairtasha Woe, TM. 18. U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794. the transmission o? re/elation of which In any manner to an tlitantkdat44 falliPall prAtitstsfitli 111 COUNTRY China SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. Fi.ACE & DATE ACQ. C -N -T.-I-A-L Shipping Regulations ?A:en,.Mainlan 1 ? r ? ? t Ports FLEkesIT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES 50X1-HUM ib Parch 1956 RD 50X1-HUM SOURCE EVALUA7iONS ARE pEFINinVE. AP'RAItALO C'ONTtNT IS TENTATIVE. "Regulations Covering Harbor Dues and Port Charge-" and 4'Regulation of Agency Servic of China Ocean Shipping Agency". Distribution of Attachments ORR (loans one 'month) C STATE x IARMY NAVY AIR x -Tr7 F.11 AF.4.. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 0 (Note: Washington diitribution indicated by l'X"; Field distribution by "#1.) I 1 GRE-E7 (xi L. INFORMATION REPORT 1.` ZA1 WAT 4.0.M(.1i MM. 50X1-HUM_ Vq: REPORT.. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1_ rft Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ?.1 \ ? \ 1 IAA; , ? ... ,I 3?' . . ' ?..; 4,, . ?, . ? r t.':?.:, ,... - .,4,..,i,,...!,-) . / ;*1i ?.1;, , .-- ,,?... il ? ?, vc4,,?16.c,,,t,!,, ,c4., . ,..---.., -.... ?: , c ?-??????? 1-, 1 t .,.....":;\?...,1, 4: ?? 7 .' i'... 3. ' i - .i'? r , Al. ? t> :-,....A, . A .-..: - ? ..-.-:.;'? V;., ? ? Wr ' ''''?', ? tO ' :1-.): .' ' - ""; . -1?1 ? , ri e t. ? ' -7...,...,,..1.1.--- .. ??....?..";. ,.1 ? ''. 1 ; 1. ?. / ,, . ;' -, ; '?:: ,?4:1:,:.4.% . .....r. Id, i -t?r, 6.,.. ? :, ? ..1.: z?-:---:--4-tt . , ' ...1,,3.);,,::' '. 1 -21 .7tr--.. 4.;?-: , . , . ' - ? ? . I t'l . , .4 -:....,,.... ?'i - . ... . ... r c ? ' :????,ir?Tpr'4:1 , ,c - ? ? ? , REGULATIONS GOVERAING riAREOUR DUES AND FORT CHARGES e4t Tiik; 11LLALLSTRI OF COMa1v10/1.1101%.5 January 1956 (For tiefererice OniSt) . ). \ .. , .-.. ? . e: .,, - . .;,??.:., I-..,,,,.?-7,..'4;?; , ..;,'?,.,';, , . ..,4;i'.., .i. ,:,,ikit, ' . . . ..,,,,1 . 1 --xf:1,,; ? i .i,.,.-,,,..- t..".,* 7 --;111....,0 ? ..........., . j:!t,:%.,2;..., ? .."..., .....e- ,. I J7N? t1;.4.4 ttrl 50X1-HUM tdr-, `J. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 7", - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 1.4 ? Lau&ding/unloading charges shall be daledted acCording to ?;,J . ?::1? A. Loc.:injunloading charges include unloading ship or freight car; 2) loadinr ship or freight car; charges collected for the following .t.;?? tirt, ?-?e?i". . ? ' Nvtas In cr.Lc; the marks are indistinct or the cargoes are stowed not in orde .a charge for 'rearranging the cargoes shall be collected on labour-hour 6) loading/unloading and/or handling dunnaging materials in warehouses or freight 7) du.nnagina, stacking, sealing, unstacking in ship's holds, or freight cars or ) reconditioning, repacking and remrirking of cargoes damaged during loading/ 9) trimming in ship's holds, levalling in freight car, and sealing of frei2tt car. B. Loading/unloading charus do not include charres for the followine sLrvices: shunting chr_rges collected by railway administrations; 2) Notes In case the railway and rolling stacks used arc owned by the harbour/ shunting charges are to be included in the loading/unloading chars. expenses for materials used for dunnaging, lashing or soaling purpos_s on 3).loading/unloading dunnaging.materials for ship; 4) breaking or shovelling cargoes that have been soliflified 5) stacking and trimming done at the special request of the 6) cleansing and/or disinfecting ship or freight car,. Loading/unloading work includos the following: ( Art. 8) melted; corio 1) spot delivery crrao or cargo to be discharged into waterfront wrcncuse compounds work begins with unloading cargo from vessel till the cargo is loaded into freight car/lighter/wooden boat upon delivery; I ' A 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 cargo to be discharged into warehouse or compound not alongside the wharf or -to warehouse or compound belonging to tne cargo owner: work begins with unloading cargo from vessd LL thec:,f6o is carried to the appointed warehouse or compound_. (In this case, consent from the narbour authority must be obtaiiied oil in bulk: work begins with unloading vessel till the oil to 1) spot delivery cargo or cargo to be carried from waterfront warehouse or compound: work begins with unloading freight car/lighter/wooden boat till the cargo to be carried from warehouse or compound not alongside the wharf or from warehouse or compound belonging to the cargo owner: work begins vvith carrying cargo outside the warehouse or compound till the cargo is loaded to the oil in bulk: oiork begins with pumping oil from the oil tank or the oil is loaded to the vessel. A. Charges for loading/unloading work that is not included in the table shall be collected accoraing to the "basic loading/unloading charges-P. of 50% of the original loading/unloading cnarge shall be collected in addition in case of loading/unloading highly dangerous cargo. C. A surcharge of 25% of the original loading/unloading charge shall be collected in addition in case of loading/unloading cargo in refrigerated cargo holds. 1i. A surcharge of 20% of the ortgimal loading/unloading charge shall be collected in adaition in case of loading cereals in bulk into oil tanicer. L. 50% of the original loading/unloading charge shall be collected in case of loading/unloading oil in bulk from vessel/oil reservoir with pumping equipment F. Charges for loading/unloading cargo from ship's side to ship's hold or vice versa shall be calcolated and collected according to the table "loading/unloading Charge; from Ship's Side to Ship's hold" attacned. -J! . ? ? ????,- 44 .} ^t-O?? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 fra,t ? r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ? 1.; ? . ?",;:i1"tte ; (134' tirt k ? 3) Chars for loading/unloading cargo from shipls.hold to warehouse or vice versa shall be collected at 70% of the basic loading/unloading charges. .,(irrespective of piece or bulk cargo) 5. Special cargoes that cannot be handled by harbour facilities should be loaded by cargo owner's own facilities, In case the work is done by the harbour at cargo owner's request, charges and expenses incurred shill be borne by the 6. With exception to cargoes that are to be charged according to special tca/e .and those whhch are movable on fixed rolling wheels, a ?surcharge shall be collected for handling heavy lift cargo at the following rate: (AA. 14) .4 '41 10 tons & more ? 1, 47-4 ,k ? ,;;;?,06?,,7",,Z1,444ii?.E4?14.... . ......... .... .. ? \ ' 14,1 . .. ? , '.1 .\- ???I'' . : 1 '? '. / ? 4 1.?,,_. ..... . ....$?-.14 .. . -k ..... 1 ' ? 1 t 41. ^ 11 I ,-- ? :1. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 . - . Declassified in 'Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ? ? ' (1,/ 41.1 4rtt? t. ? 4.? ... ???,.....,.....? 1....... NOW. .rolo .411.....6.........7m.....; .,..........4.04......r......................4 -????????????....? .41.4.....??????,?.? .........? .....t"-l.... .4. is ,...... , ---- ...4 .. .44 ... 1 Chinwangtao ........- - - _ a'. Dz.iren : Shanghai : - ---L-- .___--------._-._4._,_ Qt0 1"'"*... ..? 44. i ...a. ....1........Tm.......,..**/ ... ... ... .4. . 1 Basic loading/ 1 B.sic loading/ ia_sio loadind- i 4*--4.0),.... - - - - 1 unloading charge{ unloading oharcr, tuvar,ading ch,4 t 1 t. t .4 /47.4a)... ----- ....L?......---------- _ owe. ?.? I - -------_,_-_-,?------_----1 I a -I I 1 I l. oil in bulk -1.48 : 1.? __-----_,--__L t r2..cereals, salt, In bulk a 1.73 13. slack, 6enscrenned coal, sand t......_ t t t __4- - t 2.19 - .. r - 1 1 1 t 1,40 1 .........]:-..--4 I t 1 t 2.00 --i 4 I a 1 ?I 1.58 1 4 / -- -- - .t. 1I ,. 1 1 4. lump coal, coke, ore, minerals, lime I I 1 t bricks, tiles and stone for house building; 2.27 1 11C8.4 2.00 1 t ....1.....???.?00.4??????.....?*???????????? A 1 5. metals, metal manufactures & machinery, -1 (irrespctive kinds packing) 282 243 --J------- _____ 1 i 1 1 6. metal scrap in bulk t 1 1 3,60 _ _ . _ ,, 1 _ __-__ .... ____________--r , 1 I 1 --T 7: -Tinod, log 12.74i2.10 1 2.40 -t- +" 1 8. planks, bamboo, prod & bamboo manufactures: 1L85 1 t 1 t 1.80 t t t .1. 1 1 1 I i 9. cargo in bulk, unpackcd rirgo (except 1 those1 t t 1 E.10 1 t . otherwise drscribed) 1 I I t . .. 1- A 1 L L Ii G. carF-: in jars, earthen & porcelain ware, 1 : i t t t glass t 1 2.88 1 4.00 .1 11.2, cargo 1 2.80 t 1 i t i3. cargo in barrels 1 2.19. 1 2.20 t t --,- ___ 1- - iie I 14. carp- in baskets I 2.62 2.43 3.20 I I 1 I 15. cargo in '2.25 2.45 1 1 1 1 1 . - " 4 I 265 a ...,..................4,--------------......1...raava.?-...L....,?_____ ..........._.....-..--.......i.-....-..---?......-7 ! I 1 116. live -st-,ck mt'in cages 1,45 1L43 2.00 1 1 _I I 1 t 1-- , 9:7. vehicles, vessels1 t - empty. barrols, empty tins I194 light bulky cargo unscreened coal 2517- 1 1.055 ...... steel sections, pig iron 4 2.52 W I f I . .) h cereals in ba ES , r. T1 0 undhut kernels : 1 o 1 1 t (1) 1.33 1 f P4 J - -0.1 __------__11... 1 1 1.70 1 ' 4.) 1 e co---- ...... -- ----- ..... _. ........ -_____I____--.r.-----------,--T--------------------1 tll i fresh Vegetables t t i 1 1 t (t) -.:. -----4- -_ -4 0 -,-------------------L.. ....... 1 ... i... .. .,.., .. -.,,,,- I i took bean cake, fertilizers (i&bags)1 - ' t 1 I P4cu 1 ..- -____?-__T--_--_-__---_-- ..1 1 : 0 1t , . s t t?_ s st---1.--- s ..? t 1 1 s ni; groundnut unshelled in bags 0______I__-_ t a t ........ j_ ....... -------_- L I I ? s - a r I ill tobaccc f 1 i a M, I ? I . . a -....:----..----..- ?? r -...-' - -- , i?;+-:- ? -, ? , t-e-z? ' ,. ? ? ?,?-?.I . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ??,, ??????????+.. pbsic loadind! loading/unloading to !unloading ch. lighters alongside 1 r. 1 Tsingtao 4 1 r 1 from! Basic loadi 1 Basic loading/ 1 Basic loading/ 1 ship Junloading ch. : unloading ch. t unlDadint ch. t 1 t r ----4--,---------.-------i? L t T i 1 I II t - i a i 1 1 1 t 1 1.17 '4141 ........ 1?????????r? I ? 1.30 2.20 . .1 1. 00 1 t 19 li C II T 1 1 0 i I I il I 1 - - 4 -4 .....i...".......................................................00n4...o..* r1 t o.........????............ a 1?00 1 1 1.00 i . 1 $ 1 1 a 1 I L .........,.........1..........m,.....q.....M4 ..... .11.,.....emOtrt. ,1 1 1 0:90 1 1.30 I -- -- ?_ ----_? __ L._--..-----------_ IT ..... ?_--..... ..... ---1------- ... *?.4..----$ I i 1 4 . 1 I 1.90 ,r------v-----,-,i--,-_,-?_____-_-___-___--_---.7.-_-_--__ e,t t 1 '7-7-7-7?.- .. ???......?.11.-. , I 11. , I . .......... ?? ............m.?????????????????????????? was ...........r.............opm.4.4..1.0.1?1,...1........0.1....Waro...b........ ? ,Mreqy ? .? P?i", ? ik.Z:". e,3 ?,..? . th I J. ? I ill. ? 4, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 0?133... Az, ? # 1. ??.? : "?? '* - ? 1 - . VI V ... '3.1:- . " * a. _ 4% 471 .1?7 It: 1 / ,_ / , ".," ' -1.46- 'I'', ii ;$1,Z 1 ir ... ?? . ? 1 1/4???P ,4 '. ' ' - : .4 ? ? ???,, I i S. . i ' . i , .'"%.,/ ru / RP ??????44 , Yr -A I 1-')-- r ? ,. -? / .,, / - - /.44. tie) * 4 1 / 1,) I .! - I C., -4 i I / I ,. / .4.1 ON . ..i -.1 ./ 1 Iif .1 p 4 J. . .1, 1 ?1 I . / 1. r) I 1 / ' .4 ,11 .i.,) --... ei %? ".Ii Declassified in Peri.- 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 171' /AXIANG/UNLOADINGOIAR5E1 'FRU SHIPS SIDE TO SHIPi31.HOLD OR VIGT, VERSA 11, ? 0.691.21i 1 t--. -..........-.--........--4- ..-. ??????:????????... 44?4????????4?44 44 4????? 444 4;:;44.4 I I I i 13. slack, unscreened coal, sand 0.44 0.88a i t t 1 t4? lump coal, coke, ore, minerals, lime, a a a s 1 s t i bricks, tiles and stone for house building, 0.45 0.91 a ?1,59 a a I -1- I I a 15. mBtals, metal manufactures & machinery, (irrespective of kinds of packing) 7 6. metal scrap in bulk 7. wood, 1 ????rk ? r's 0.74 I 1.72 1 1 I 1 0.68 a 1,58 1 I I I a 0.84 1 1,96 ,?? 7 sqUAr: 411 144 44?4???????...... / 4444 444 44 I 1 109f, I I 112. cargo in cases - ,_ - .......L J --___--- I 1 113. cargo in barrels 1 0.66 a -_ a t 1 a i a 1.53 1 I 1 1 I f-- - ----..-.-..--.."-. -I -------.1 1 f14. cargo in baskets ' 79 . 0 i a a 0.79 1.83 a a 1 .4-- 1 ...-.... 444444444?.,444.. 11 1 0 i 15. cargo in bundles 1 0.66 1 0.68 I 1,56 i lk4!.144?44?44 smog.* 4.4 .??? 4 4 44 ... ....? 4 oes? .44 4 44 ??.??????11.? .4 ?0144Y., I 1 44 ???? ??????????? ???????? IL????4??? 4 441?????..4 ????.????? 44 4 4 444 ????? 44???????444 444 4*.??????? ?????????????????? I t 1 1 1 1 1 t 16 . live-stock not in cages \ a401 1 1 1 4 I -.T. T 17. vehicles, vessels i1.01 1 1P444/4/PP I I 4.................-........1 .4. 4 1 1 #.18. empty barrels, empty tins a i i 1, 0.41 .___ ---..........-- I I II 1 119. light bulky cargo ! 1.01 i .. . c=t====--- x-- ? 4. 4 4 ".. 444441444444444 ... 4""...11 a a -_. __====x--_, ....... . a a a a I a 1 1 r1 I ............... ????1111???1111144.411.1. 7.1 4444444444.4444444444444 cereals in bags, in bags salt in bags fresh vegetables F1.. 0.4444444??4?444?.1 tf!, . 1 . , ? .4;: - - I - - I ..r., ? e1 , --1 -I ??? ? ????? -Az 14, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 tqA.' PP 0.26 0.56 0.98 0.44 0.88 1.54 10.23 0.47 0.82 I 0.40 0.80 1.40 10.58 1.16 2.03; 0.19 L 0.34 0.66 1.19 0.24 0.48 0.84 0.39 0.78 1.37 10.60 1.20-2.10 0.19 r r- r -r r 1 , 0..37 0.74 1.29 0.46 0.92 1.01 0.28 0.56 0.96 0.40 0.60 1.40 10.70 1.40 2.45 , 0.26 1 ----- _________r --------------- r ----------------- - ------------ r 1 r r r r , 0.56 1.12 1.96 0.66 1.36 2.38 10.56 1.12 1.96 1 0.72 1.44 2.52 :0.84 1.66 2.94 0.40 i- r 4- ---t 0.63 0.63 1.47 0.72 10.56 0.56 1.30 0.72 0.72 1.06 .10.99 0.99 2.3110.42 L L _L L -IL 0.72 0.72 1.66 :0.41 0.41 0.95 1 0.54 0.54 1.26L 10.99 0.99 2.31: 0.33 _ ___-_____1_ 1 1 -_ ______ 1 1 i 1 1 0.69 0.69 1.61 10.57 0.57 1.33 10.63 0.63 1.47 i0.90 0.90 2.101! 0.35 4?) 1.33 10.75 --r 0.61 0.61 0.66 1.54 10,0 0.60 1.66 11.35 1.35 r0'30'63 1.47 10.45 0.45 1.05 0.60 0.00 1.54 IO.96O9b ^ r r 16. 10.43 0.43 1.00 0.54 0.54 1.26 -r---- 0.60 0.60 1.40 1 0.96 0.96 2.24 11.38 1.36 3.22: 0.39 0.39 0491' 10.06 0.6o 1.54 0.74 0.74 1.72 10.61 0.61 1.891 0.66 0.66 1.54 0.46 0.48 1.12 0.60 0.60 1.40 0.90 0.90 2.101 0.30 0.30 0.70' t r .r-t-, 17. 10,96 0.96 2.24 2.10 2.10 4.90 11.05 1.05 2.45 0.60 0.60 1.6611,65 1.65 3.65 11.05 1.05 2.45. -_ 18. 0.44 0.44 1.03 0.33 0,53 0.77 0.71 0.71 1.65 1 0.75 0.75 1.7511 0.60 0.60 1.40' ^ r ___ __A_____________, 19. 0.96 0.96 2.24 1.35 1.35 3.15 1.20 1.20 2.60 1.20 1.20 2.80 1 1.65 1.65 3.6511.05 1.05 2.45 ? -=._-_--_---....?,===-- 0.26 0.56 0.96 0.20 0.40 0.70 r- 0.20 0.40 0.70 0.26 0.56 0.96 0.28 0.56 0.96 I- 0.30 0.59 1.04 ---- 0.30 0.59 1.04 L- - 0.34 0.66 1.20 3 P5e; ^--------- ------- 0.31 0.62 1.09 10.60 1,20 2.10i ---- 0.31 0.62 1.09 1 0.60 1.20 2.101 0.54 0.54 1.26 11 ------------ Rt. 0.54 0.54 1.26 nr 0.45 0.45 1.05 L.c4,i 0,21 0.51 1.19 0.3y 0.39 0.91 0.57 0.57 1.33 r- HIWOM44 4E4.4 411.4mw am 0.40 omm .11.4?44 1.4' :1 : iiVErtariff?ITM:FTIEE. : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ANN i:' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ..:. ,....- '- i /-,? .....:? . :. .41;Y i 1 r p / E i utr p r /// 4" / Of ;.. .77* ,../. i t 1-' . / .4 Classification of Loading/unloading Cargoes Oil in bulk: including all kinds of begetable oil, lubricating oil, gasoline oil, diesel il and other kinds of ojls in:bulk, Salt and cereals .j.n bulk: iincluding all kinds of salt-, rice,, cereals, beanS r'ittk$ Lump coal, coke, ores, .minerals, lime, brick and tiles, stone for house Metals end machineries (irrespective of kind of package). Scrap metal in bulki including scrap iron, scrap stea, scrap tins, and including log., lumber, pitprop. bamboo, bamboo end wood manufpcturess including wood plank, square wood and other wood manufactures, bamboo, bamboo canes and manufactures thereof. Cargo in bulk, unpacked (except otherwise provided) a) Caro in Milk: including fertilizers, animal bones, fish, asphalt. b) Cargo unpacked: including.bean cakes, groundnut cakes, linseed cakes, ice, tvl in jar, earthen end porcelain ware, glass. wart a) Cargo in jars including cargoes contained in large or small jars. 0:Earthen and porcelain ware: including earthen ware, porcelain ware, urn. Glass ware: ificluLank, 6lass were, insulators,Jass.balls, etc. Crrro in including cargoes in gunny bags, cloth bags, paper bags, straw bags, grass bags - such as grains, native products, seeds, fertilizers, cement, sugar, salt, mail, mail packages etc, cargo in cases: including cargAes-in woltden cases, iron cases, big paper boxes, crates, househttld utensas, exhibition goods. Carg' in barrels: including cargoes in iron barrels, iron tins, wooden drums, cartons. C'rgo in baskets including cargoes in baskets. Carro in bundles incldTii vermicelli, cotton,yarn, cotton piece goods, raw cotton, bast fibre, gunny ba3, raw rubber, brooms, press-packed paper, paper in reels, end other cargoes in bundlqs. Live-stock not in cages: including cows; horses, camels, mules, donkeys, calves, goats- sheep, kids, pigsf oung pigs, etc. =till cages. . Vehicles, vessels: including various kinds of assembled cars, boats, such as motor car, motor cycle, bicycle, locomotives, tenders, tractors, ambulance fire-wagon, ,,motorboats, wood craft. Empty barrels, tins including empty iron barrels, emp,ty tins, empty bases, empty jars, qmp4p. baskets and empty crates. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R601_900050001-1 including waste cotton, sak cotton,.feathers, cocoons, cork, calamus, grass and other straw mats, str-u bags, grass bags? thermos flask containers (bamboo), scrap waste paper, and other cargoes with capacity of 4 cu. m. or over per each weight ton. 41: Loading/unloading charr*es shall be collected Pt special rate as prescribed by the port, or collected accordjng to the name of cargo if no special rate is given, or according to package if no cargo name is given. CPrro with c.lpacity of 4 c!.1. m. or over per -,ach weight tbn shall be charged Ls light bulky caro, except vehicles, vessels, and cargoes given special rate, Highly dangc,rous cargoes ipplude: "Explosive.-Cargoes (including dynamites)", "Poisonous CPrboes", "Cargoes capable of becoming explosive and combustible Mixture", Pnd "Corrosive Cargoes" PS prescribed in the "Rules for Handling Highly Dangerous eargoes" publishee by thE Vinistry of Comunicetions. AINIPAN 401141,0i V d - r3+" ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ..-??,? ? ' A ...e?i%"e, 43, A...L..... ? ???? ,??? ??-?????,? ? charge shall be collected accoroing to the following table and rules. (Art. 19) 441". I _?_ ?___?_?__ 1 1 I r- r- -4 t2 i t . t t t- - -? ______J______________________1 1 t 1 I 0;25 0.125 ? I I 1...... 1 10.43 0.215 I I 1 surcharge every 1- t 1 i the-A:4:1th day t0.20 0.10 1. 'S 132? i Ii. Stcrage charge far dangerous cargo in dangerous cargo depot shall be collt,cted at Jmp.0.1C Cargoes stored in hds shall be charged accordihg*to the rate fixed for warehouse. Cargoes stored in compound shall be charged according to the rata fixed for warehouse harbours dunnaging.and-covering materials are used for protecting cargo. gagen the dunnaging and covering materials. are- supplied by the cargo owner, (in such case, the cmsent of the harbour must beobtained) storage charge shall be collected according Z6 ??? g, E. with exception to cargoes that dre to be charged according to speaal scale, -storage on the fo.Llowing cargoes shall be'charged at doable the rate as prescribed in the above waste cotton, kapok, feather, cocoon, cork, straw mat, straw packing material, straw bag, ei? ocntainers (as barrels, case, baskets, ) thermos flask-container (bamboo), vermi6e121. other .cargo with cubic capacity exceeding four cubic meter per metric ton weight each. 3) In case-the cargo in storage is found to be incorrect in number or amount,' storage charge shall be c011ected accOrding to the original figure before the date of correction and according to-the corrected figure-from the date of correction. - F. Cargoes urAer one Bill Of Lading with total weight of 500 tons and over shall be given the following Hpriviledge time allowance":' 900 tons & over but legs than. 1500 tons 3 days' 6reordgu within-the'above time limit hall be charged at the "first a,. 4 ? . 't , ? ? ?.--?4 ???:-.T.";-?."' ? F, 14- ? 5,??? r-' 1, .1.?.1 , 17n41?Pe ? ? 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 -4 ? Declassified in Pat- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-I-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ? l? ? r?-? 1. Iielterage shall be collected according to the following table and rules: (Art. 27) ? between Tanku & Tientsin Tanku & Taku. Bar Tanku & Hsinkang Hsinho & Taku Bar other lighterage the dis- tance of which is less than 31 nautical miles 2.25 3.00 , 3.75 6.00 t.' between Hsinkang & ' Tientsin between Taku Bar & Tientsin between Whampoa & Sun Chu " ahampoa & first Bar ? If Sun Chu & First Bar - 0.81 1.22 1.62 2.03 ... .. .... ? Cs: East to Inclined Pag6da, west to Wu-you, 4outh to Macao Fort & Pagoda. 2. Lighterage from whampoa or bun Chu to Canton shall be charged at 120% of the rate for lightering between, Whampoa & Sun Chu, or Whampoa & First Bar, or A -T 1?1 ? I 1 Fort 1 1 :2inimum freight ton 1 2 t-----------------....---.......4 ........_~...-...,-........................-......----.4. 1 I Tientsin . - , L......... ) 100 i ! 1 shanghai 20 , r 1 Canton) Chefoo 50 1 t A. Lighterage shall be calculated according to the minimum freight ton in case the quantity of cargo to be lightered is less than the minimum freight ton. B. Lighterage on shut out cargoes, &Imaging& la.shing materials of ship and auxiliary implements 'for handling cargo shall be calculated according to the actual weight carried. C. In case the cargoes to be ligntered ate destined for different discharging places, lighterage on cargofor each discharging place shall be calculated separately according to the minimum ;i4a... ? D. In case the deadweight tonnage of a lighter is less than the minimum freight ton, shall be collected acnqrding to the deadweight tonnage of the lighter. Aft.;?:ttu: ?,. ? 1.1,?1?-?. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co. Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 3. In case work of loading/unloading lighters is not carried by harbour stevedo-es, work sheuld be_ - ? ???????:177i, 'Iyr,4?411 copl.eted within the prescribed tircie? limit. idemurra. ge at: Jrap.0.02 per hour per deadffeight . tonnage of lighter shall be' charged for time delayed. (Art. 29) A. Tigie limit: Time limit shall be computed according to -the following loading/unloading- rate: 1) loading/unloading oil in bulk at Tientsin: 100 tons per hour; 2) loading/unloading coal at Shanghai: 15 -tons per hour; 3) other -cargoes ,in general at all ports: -.45 -tons pet'. hour. B.- Time allowance for preparation is given as follOws: 1) Shanghai: ? loading: 4 hours unloading: 1(- hours ' 2) Canton: :Loa ding/unloading:- 9 hours each. ?3) -Other ports: 1 :hour. for.. loading or unloa.ding. C. Loading/unloading time shall be counted from the famed the lighter arrives. In case the lighter .arrIves earlier than the time fixed, tithe shall .be counted from the time fixed. R. In case the lighter- fails to arrive at the appbinted place due to ebb of the sea, time shall be counted from the moment the lighter arrives at the nearby place where loading/unloading can be earriecl. . In the event the applicant wishes to change the place for unloading after the lighter has arrived at the appointed place, time shall be counted from the moment the lighter arrives at the appointed place. Loading/unloading time shall be counted at each wharf and be added together if work is to be carriea at different wharves. (including time spent in shifting.) F. In case loading/unloading work is delayed due to rain, strong wind, heavy fog, heavy snow and other force majeure reasons, tie lost. in waiting shall not be counted. 4. Demu-rage charge shall be collected according to the rate "given in the above article for lighters delayed due to the fault of the cargo owner in the following two cases: (Art. 30) A. Jvhen a lighter is delayed from towing after the export cargo is .1caded into the lighter; B. when a lighter is'delayed from unloading after the a.ighter has arrived at the place for =loading cargo into-,,sea-going vessel and the time delayed is more than 2 hours. 5. In case tile applicant wishes to cancel his application for lighters or to alter the time for using lighters that have already -been approved, a fine shall be charged at Jmp.0.03 per ton _ ? of tonnage applied if the lighter is not dispatched, (but the fine should not, be more than Jelp. 10.-) and at 5C% of the lighterage payable if the ligh' tei. has been dispatched. (Art. 31) 6. In case the f-k04.7.ant fails to provide full quantity of cargo as applied after the lighter has ? arrived at the. loading .place, a fine of 50% of the lignterage payable for the 'ea.lance-shall be charged. In case the applicant fails to cancel his application in time and consequsently the lighter has no cargo to loact upon arrival, besides the fine charged at 50% of the lighterage payable, a demurrage charge snail be doilegtted ggeopoing to item, 3 (Art. 29) of this chdpter for tiqg .1Q0 in wgit14! Ort. 32) 4?Yg', wcZar2r11300=aniaras ;4?4?'''71:7(.7.,f4=Aa.:: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 I. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 A 3.:?????Ait,4 ; ? 244N 31 - 7. -iighterage on cargoes to be conveyed at Cantoni4tampoa shall be collected togethdr with loadLnd un14ading charges. Lighterage shall be collected oft. 11:11 ship load if the ship begins unloading or completes loading at Lafsami and the rate charged is s follows: fertilizers., rice, cereals: .14. 1.20. per-1.ton If the ship begins unloading ar completes loading at Second Bar, lighterage fertilizers, rice, cereals: Jinp. 0.60 per ton No lighterage shall be collected on cargoes conveyed by-lighters from the anchoang at tbe Alhami)oa -Rive or vice veiva. ,A4 ??, :03R4.?4.4=miv,trzwas. " r.) ? 27'1, 3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ? ?11 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 tt, ? 'i"70:5?,- ???,? ? $ ?7: Z?tr' ?:"57&?, 4 crains, oil seeds, compressed raw. cotton, compressed cotton yarn, compressed bast fibre, compressed gunny bags, compressed animals' hir fresh and dried vegetable, vegetable preserved in jars, ging14' fruit, apricbt kernel, dried prunes, live- stock,.planks, vegetable oil in iron barrels; sugar, salt, fertilizers, bean cakes, cottonseed cakes, cake dreg, tone meal, minerals, ores, marble, calcium sulfate, aluminum sulfate, sulfa'', carbolic aid in-barrels, sodium sulfide in iron drums, alunitel talc gawder, 31k.ali powder, gypsum, asbestos, stone powder, graphite, wax paraffin (straw bag), coal, asphalt, asphalt in bag, fire brick, metals, crude oil in iron druMs md its products, crude oil in tins and its products, solidified oil in case, rosin in cases or drums, menthol crystal in cases, various kinds of hides or loather, salted fish in cas,-,s, frozen in cases, canned preseryes in cases', dompressed pap6r pulp, paint materials, compressed fepther, bristles, compressed cotton piece goods, native pressed gunny bags, compressed tobacco leaves, fresh or dried fruits, dried potatoes in bag, sliced dried potatoes in bag, dates, copra, egg yolk, egg albumen, bamboo canes, wood logs, wood splints, brans, rice brans, charcoal, vegetable oil in bulk or in barrels, solidified oil in' bags or baskets, glass in case, empty iron ? drums,, various kinds of plywood, various kinds oT Papers (toilet paper and native made paper.excepted). sunflowersopds, native pressed bast fibre, *Coir yarn, rayon, raw silk, native pressed animals' hair, cotton yarn in straw bags, native cotton cloth, cotton racs, dried hot pepper, white meld seeds, walnut, walnut kernels, che'rcoall vermicelli, tea in case, cigarettes, crude oil in bulk and its products, earth-on and porcelain ware, glass ware, various kinds of rilachineries and, instruments, various Rinds of dried leather, izilat paper, native paper, bamboo pulp, empty containers (empty iron drums excepted), highly' dangerous cLr;-oes. Proundnut, native pressed raw cotton, tobacao leaves in mit bale, herbs, rattans, aniseed star, dried lungngans, magnesium carbonate, straw mats. native f4ressed taw cotton, native pressed feather, black fungus, tea in baskets, tobacco stalk's, carbon black, assembled motor car, thermos flask containers (bamboo). 4i s;?,? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 1, Lichterage at Shanghai port: a) for loadineUnloading coal and stones JIT 1.10 pier ton between .o-.'sung and S14...nzhai JP 1.40 per ton between the Mouth of Yangtze River and Sh-nghaia b) for loading planks by two lighters tied abreast: JMP 0.81 per ton between Woo-sung and ShanEhai JNP 1,05 per ton between the Mouth of Yangtze River and Shanghai' 2* LiEhterage at Sviatow for loading living pigs in cages shall be collected at the rate prescribed for the Ath Glass.cargoes4 3. Cipirgoes not mentioned in the at;ove cIassiXication shall be classed by comparing withcargoes of similar nature mettioned-in'the above classification, or be classed as Class 5 If 110%comparlson can: be =de. '414 At0.14 0-0 M_ .mmouncralIM11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2013/04/04 CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ? t 1.11arbour.dues levied on vessels entLtrinL or leLlving, and on cargoes carriea or outward), the harbours. (Art: 35) 2.11arbour dues on vessels shall be collected according to the fol_lowingi.'(Art. 36) . .A.-Ohinese -vessels: Ji?p.0.12 per nett register ton per each entrl or departure of v ? ? . B. Foreign vessels: Jmp.0.24?per'nett register'ton'per eech entry or departure of ves.selz ? ? . . darbour? dues on vessels flyinE, flags of cOuntrieS' that have concludeed .:Aia greezerits ?Atith.L.China - oncmutual berieYitiaI basisJ_shall-e c'o11:6'ctd acording to the.'iniefixed,:for ChineSe Vsse . 3. Barbour dues shall be -collected at half rate if the freight earned by' the vo.dsel is loss than fivefold of the harbour dues leviable and if the vessel is able to provide sufficient I. Vessels belonging to one of the following catagorieS shall be. exempt from harbour dues: vessels belonging to, comanaeered by, or chartered by Military or Public oecurity e'? not engaged in comMercial activity within the harbour. vessels not engaged in commercial -.activity on inward voyage shall be exempted from entry harbour 'dues; vessels not engaged in cOminercial activity on outward voyage. shall be exmpted from outward harbbur 'dues, Vessels within-the narbour (excluding tiags and ferry boats that berthed at B. th.ixese wood sailing boats -and Mot?or. Vessals?ilader. 50 IT exoldingif tags and ferry trottu that berthed at wharves of the harbccur). 5...4 fine eciaivalent to twofold of the harbour dues leviable shall be charged in addition in case. the payer purposely evades such payment.. ? I 'Z...." - I. ? EorNat 7112 arm. ?._rrimitcrata037, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2013/04/04 CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ? 41, ? `;'' ,?!. .Z ir cm, ` et ro ;>?:. ? . twom r1 1. Pilotage an vessels piloted by harbour pilot shall be collected according to vessel's NRT (in case of tug boat,. the tonnage taken into account shall be GaT), the minimum tonnage chargeable being 500 tons. (Art. 42) The rate of pilotage is as follows: from Taku Bar, Hsinkang ' to Hsinho Tangku ? 5 from Taku Bar, Hsinkang ' to Tientsin F40 :from Oanton/Hhampoa to Tower Hill 1 10,14 L L 0.14 i 1 1 1 from-Cantonikiampoa to Lafsami 1 1 ___ ----- -r - --_ - __--_-_-_-r--_---- _ 2. Pilotage on vessel under tow shall be calculated and collected according I 3. No charge shall be collected on pilot-tug. (Art. 44) 4. Tug hire shall be collected on tugs employed for the purpose 5. Application for altering the time of sailing should be made 4 hours before the time originally fixed, otherwise, a dharge at 26% of the'lpilotage shall be collected irrespective whether the pilot has, or has not, boarded the ship. 6. If a Pilot is made to wait more than one hour after the fixed time for sailing due to the fault of th:1 ship (detention Caused by force majeure excepted), a detention fee shall be charged at Jmp. 5.- per hour for hours spent in waiting. (including the first hour) Time spent in waiting less than one hour shall not be counted. 7. In case the Pilot is carried away by the skip aue to farce majeure, the ship should take care to disembark the kilot at the ne,rest port of call and pay for nis hotel and travelling fee. 0 . 4 oft =Tim ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ig,,,"vai.14?411' gl' ? 17 7,77i7i7 17, !; 1. Service .chai!ge- shall'be collected l'ram applicant for employing or for other -Services rendered by 'the harbodr. (Art. 53.) 2. Charges -fcr employing port vessels or cargo handling machines ha the following table:. (Art. 54) - 1:1 40Pmpwmmwdpmrrw.y.m....usms......m. 1 ; oil lighter t0.03 -_,....._-.-- 1 ; 1 , -- r-? ' .4_1.. --- r- ...........?....... floating crane ; per ten/hour (lifting ' 1 1 capacity of crane) "t 1.50 1 ...........................a.'..-..........,....,...4.....r.............4,a.................................L.......f..........,..................,.........4w.......:;.:................, - lifting crane .1 4 1 2.50 t -------:-.-- i...i....6..-.........L.-......____----..,.................... -........-4...,... . .1 -..).4...-- ......--....-.....,-. ? Note: A charge at 70% of the usual tug hire shall be collected for time lost in waiting, should the total time lost in waiting counted cumulatively exceeds one hour. Hire of tug,. lioiterpor 'cargo handling gear (including floating crane) shall be calculated from the time such tug, lighter?. or 6argo.handling gear leaves its mooring spot to the time the tug, lighter, or cargo handling gear returns to the same-mooring spot. In case such tug, lighter,. or cargo handling gear is. -not required to return to its original mooring spot, time- shall Cease to count When service is accomplished; Tug hire- 'hallbe collected Separately if towage is needed 1;z3vSti Time lost in waiting during employment Shall-not be counted if such waiting is caused by the fault of the harbour. Waiting time shall be counted as working time if the waiting is-caused by the fault of the applicant or by any ether reasons. (Art.' -55). In case the applicant wishes to cancel his application for tug, lighterl.or cargo handling gears: or to alter the time for using tug, lighter, or cargo. handling gear that has already been approved, the applicant' liable to pay one hour nire if the engine of the tug, lighter, or cargo handling gear has been fired, and to pay the hire according to the time spent if such tug, lighter, or cargo-handling gear has been dispatched; (Art. 56) ? Charges for cleansing ordinary cargo holds shall be calculated on labour hour basis. Charges for cleansing holds that have been stowed with dangerous cargo or oils shall be- calculated at double the-,rate on-labour hour basis. kateriala fleeced for cleansin6 shall be charged-separately. 6. Tallying .char shall be collected at Jmp.0.50 per ton of cargo ii port, required. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ig,,,"vai.14?411' gl' ? 17 7,77i7i7 17, !; 1. Service .chai!ge- shall'be collected l'ram applicant for employing or for other -Services rendered by 'the harbodr. (Art. 53.) 2. Charges -fcr employing port vessels or cargo handling machines ha the following table:. (Art. 54) - 1:1 40Pmpwmmwdpmrrw.y.m....usms......m. 1 ; oil lighter t0.03 -_,....._-.-- 1 ; 1 , -- r-? ' .4_1.. --- r- ...........?....... floating crane ; per ten/hour (lifting ' 1 1 capacity of crane) "t 1.50 1 ...........................a.'..-..........,....,...4.....r.............4,a.................................L.......f..........,..................,.........4w.......:;.:................, - lifting crane .1 4 1 2.50 t -------:-.-- i...i....6..-.........L.-......____----..,.................... -........-4...,... . .1 -..).4...-- ......--....-.....,-. ? Note: A charge at 70% of the usual tug hire shall be collected for time lost in waiting, should the total time lost in waiting counted cumulatively exceeds one hour. Hire of tug,. lioiterpor 'cargo handling gear (including floating crane) shall be calculated from the time such tug, lighter?. or 6argo.handling gear leaves its mooring spot to the time the tug, lighter, or cargo handling gear returns to the same-mooring spot. In case such tug, lighter,. or cargo handling gear is. -not required to return to its original mooring spot, time- shall Cease to count When service is accomplished; Tug hire- 'hallbe collected Separately if towage is needed 1;z3vSti Time lost in waiting during employment Shall-not be counted if such waiting is caused by the fault of the harbour. Waiting time shall be counted as working time if the waiting is-caused by the fault of the applicant or by any ether reasons. (Art.' -55). In case the applicant wishes to cancel his application for tug, lighterl.or cargo handling gears: or to alter the time for using tug, lighter, or cargo. handling gear that has already been approved, the applicant' liable to pay one hour nire if the engine of the tug, lighter, or cargo handling gear has been fired, and to pay the hire according to the time spent if such tug, lighter, or cargo-handling gear has been dispatched; (Art. 56) ? Charges for cleansing ordinary cargo holds shall be calculated on labour hour basis. Charges for cleansing holds that have been stowed with dangerous cargo or oils shall be- calculated at double the-,rate on-labour hour basis. kateriala fleeced for cleansin6 shall be charged-separately. 6. Tallying .char shall be collected at Jmp.0.50 per ton of cargo ii port, required. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ig,,,"vai.14?411' gl' ? 17 7,77i7i7 17, !; 1. Service .chai!ge- shall'be collected l'ram applicant for employing or for other -Services rendered by 'the harbodr. (Art. 53.) 2. Charges -fcr employing port vessels or cargo handling machines ha the following table:. (Art. 54) - 1:1 40Pmpwmmwdpmrrw.y.m....usms......m. 1 ; oil lighter t0.03 -_,....._-.-- 1 ; 1 , -- r-? ' .4_1.. --- r- ...........?....... floating crane ; per ten/hour (lifting ' 1 1 capacity of crane) "t 1.50 1 ...........................a.'..-..........,....,...4.....r.............4,a.................................L.......f..........,..................,.........4w.......:;.:................, - lifting crane .1 4 1 2.50 t -------:-.-- i...i....6..-.........L.-......____----..,.................... -........-4...,... . .1 -..).4...-- ......--....-.....,-. ? Note: A charge at 70% of the usual tug hire shall be collected for time lost in waiting, should the total time lost in waiting counted cumulatively exceeds one hour. Hire of tug,. lioiterpor 'cargo handling gear (including floating crane) shall be calculated from the time such tug, lighter?. or 6argo.handling gear leaves its mooring spot to the time the tug, lighter, or cargo handling gear returns to the same-mooring spot. In case such tug, lighter,. or cargo handling gear is. -not required to return to its original mooring spot, time- shall Cease to count When service is accomplished; Tug hire- 'hallbe collected Separately if towage is needed 1;z3vSti Time lost in waiting during employment Shall-not be counted if such waiting is caused by the fault of the harbour. Waiting time shall be counted as working time if the waiting is-caused by the fault of the applicant or by any ether reasons. (Art.' -55). In case the applicant wishes to cancel his application for tug, lighterl.or cargo handling gears: or to alter the time for using tug, lighter, or cargo. handling gear that has already been approved, the applicant' liable to pay one hour nire if the engine of the tug, lighter, or cargo handling gear has been fired, and to pay the hire according to the time spent if such tug, lighter, or cargo-handling gear has been dispatched; (Art. 56) ? Charges for cleansing ordinary cargo holds shall be calculated on labour hour basis. Charges for cleansing holds that have been stowed with dangerous cargo or oils shall be- calculated at double the-,rate on-labour hour basis. kateriala fleeced for cleansin6 shall be charged-separately. 6. Tallying .char shall be collected at Jmp.0.50 per ton of cargo ii port, required. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 r alr,4 -'4141A taf. _41 LY. 1141,--...; 4eaz Vi ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R001900050001-1 ; 3 " . ? T.7*.WPrt ?$;71,1-f.4" 14 - Head Office: 1, Pei Ping Ma Ssu, Chiao Tao Kow, Peking Telegraphic Address PENAVICO PEKING ?-?-? iil.,1,- lg. ,1N .? ,,...%?.,...t q 1 ? Vi. ri' -;1,11V, . ic "f1.7' 7 ,t,.. 4.,.1,--V-`,.- -- i_____T ,n , 41;4.. ? "*`?:?=..- I:- . -4,.... .., -.`t.r.),.....N.' x ?? .43 ,,..p__,_ -.r--,-- ". ,%,. Harbour Building, Chunshan Ward, Dairen 26, Kwangming Road, Chinwangtao No. 8 Wharf, Tangku Tientsin DAIREN CHIN- WANGTA0 TANGKU, TIENTSIN CHEFOO PLEASE NOTE ThIT Tf OURfiZICYkkIN ST4TED IS Tr& CLD JaP YUAN:, ? 61-10.ULD itEiRD 41.14) 1.00 F JP 1,010000 00 Oftriat TO ARAM AT LIE. FIGURE. KIR NEJ'V JP YUAN voliCh IS TriF..."Lkakii. CURNIANICY Ii6PUilLIG OF 1.--p 71- a . . -7 z. ? =-? -?:=1,-,z.:""? .t. - S. ? t y????? .?? ;