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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 ; 50X1 -HUM INFORMATION REPORT 0-RMAT100 REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains info:oration affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws. Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner td an unauthorized person Is prohibited by ?-- 50X1 -HUM avniovm PROCESSING COPY: COUNTRY USSR (Moscow Oblast) REPOR1 SUBJECT Miscellaneous Information on the DATE DISTR. Serpulchov Area NO. PAGES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REQUIREMENT No 17 January 1958 1 RD 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. information on industries installations, and other locations in the Sernukhov area Attachments 50X1 -HUM 1. A rayon plan of Serpukhov 5 54-54, E 37-0/17, accompanied by a three- page key. Among the fifty-eight J.,cations indicated are industrial plants, electric power installations, rail, river, and highway transport facilities, government buildings, military and air installations, villages in the area, and miscellaneous sites of agricultural, cultural, and recreational significance, as well as a few of the physical features of the surrounding terrain. 2. A city plan of Serpulalov? supplied with a five-page key, showing 111 locations in the city of Serpukhov. 'Many of the installations which were indicated on the smaller-scale, less detailed rayon map described above have also been indicated on the more detailed city plan. Located are industrial plants, electric power installations, rail and river transport facilities, military and air installations, warehouses and storage facilities, and other miscellaneous locations. 3. A plan, accompanied by a three-page key, of an industrial plant known officially as Post Office Box No. 2, Seri:m.01ov, but also mentioned as the shipbuilding (sudostroitelnyy) plant. The rayon and city plans locate the plant on a small stream in the northeast sector of the city. The factory plan locates approximately sixty buildings and other sites of the shipbuilding plant and of another plant nearby, the Twenty Years of VLKSM, which produced surgical_cotton. Distribution of Attachments: Air: Loan ORR: Loan 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM STATE ARMY NAVY Al R FBI AEC ORR Ev (Note: Washinoton distribution indicated by "X"; Reid distribution by "#") INFORMAt ON REPO-RT N-EQ-R,MATrbN REPORT - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 _ - I k94-, T7. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 ????? 50X1-HUM. Key to SERPUKHOV Rayon Plan Date of Information: June 1955 First class highway Moscow-Simferopol. 2-0 TWO electrified lines of railway Moscow-Kursk (EL, ctrified tracks only from Moscow to Serpukhov). 3. High voltage electric power lines transmitting electric current from Kakhcvka GES to Moscow; iron towers are 20 meters high and are fixed on reinforced concrete bases). 4. A village. 5. Vozdvizhenka village. 6. Pioner camp park (belongs to Gosplan USSR). 7. Small railway stop "Avangard" (located 3 klm0 north of Serpukhov I RR station; express trains do not stop there). 8. Woolen yard goods factory. 9. Barracks of military technicalunit (searchlights). 10. Serpukhov freight RR stations known as Serpukhov II RR station. It adjoins the area of large warehouses IthiCh belongs to rayon, oblast and to military authorities) . 11. Ivanovskoye village. Plant of agricultural machinery (could be used for military purposes). 13. Kamenka village. Inhabitants are working i n the plants and factories of Serpukhov area. 14. Nefedova vildage. Inhabitants work in the plants and factories of Serpukhowarea. -15. Two orthodox churches (open). 16. Ruins of the ancient fort on the barrow. 17. Nogina settlement. 18. "Sudostroitelnyy" plants p/ya Nr. -2 ?(Post Office 'ox Nr. 2). 19. Factory "im.XX years ofVLKSM"p producing absorbent cotton for .? medic al use. % 20. Town water tower (approx. _ 0 meters hi 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 50X1-HUM 21. Serpukhov I (main) RR station. 22. Sport stadium; cemetery and "MOGES". (Moscow oblast hydra- electric station) 23. House of Soviets and nearby located plant "p/ya Nr.1" which is brother of the plant mentioned in thepara 16 of this legend. 24. Central part of the town with Lenin's place. 25. Permanent barracks of technical military unit (searchlights). 26. Burtuleno village. 27. Donki village (invalids colony and their workshops). 28. Knitted fabrics factory. 29. Small town "Luzhki" where is located administratior office of bison preserve area and some sanatoriums. 30. Dairy and cattle breeding sovkhoz. 31. Two mall islands on Oka river (both are inundated in the spring time). 32. Pushchino village in the vicinity of which is located floating landing on Oka shores). 33. Small village "Lini tsy". 34. Large meadow. luringWW II was used in summer as an airfield: 35. Oka river. Regular navigation from Serpukhov; upstream to Alexina and Yasnaya Polyana; and downstream to Volga river. 36. "Dolgoye" lake (actually a long marshy area, inundated in the spring by Oka. 37. "Lyutse" lake. 38. Sovkhaz "Bolshevik". 39. Brick-kiln and sinal 1 s settlement. )0. Iron RR bridge across a small dver.' 40/2 Iron RR bridge across the highway. 41. Iron, two line, RR bridge across Oka river. It was built by t1- Soviet government; is approximately one km. long and has 5 arch- shaped connected iron parts, supported by 4 concrete coffer-dams. It is permanentl y Guarded 4y para-military RR guards. ? In Qru+t7C1 nnnv Aoorove 50X1-HUM d for Release 2013/03/21 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 ? ? ? ? . . Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 . - ? 50X1-HUM 42. Very old, two story, iron;,highway bridge. The bower part is used by pedesterians, and the upper by vehicles only. 43. "Oka" RR station and some 15-20 holfses occupied by railway and water transport workers. Floating harbor "Serpukhov". At the end of autumn this floating harbor is taken somewhere up the river. 44. 45. Country road, usable only in summertime. In spring it is fully inundated. 4.60 Nara river used as the main sewer for Serpukhov town area. 47. Pratva river? 48. Summer airfield, belongs to air-club and is used for glider training also. 490 Air Force (officers) technical school. 50. "Monastyrskoye" lake. Around this lake are located a bout 25-30 villas ("Dacha-s") used only by highest ranking communists in Serpukhov, but mostly from Moscow. The entire area of this summer resort is surrounded by a.- barbed wire fence and is restricted for any fishermen, unauthorized visitors or simple Serpukhov citizens. 51. Permanent airfield, used also as the training place for thelocal Air Force.technical school students. 52 HVisakinichi" settlement. Main storage place for heating wood and lumber. 53. "Zanarskayall knitted fabrics factory. 54. "Mayskaya Dolina" sport stadium (used every year for "1st May" peop-le's festival. 55. Workers' settlenent of "Krasnyy Textilshchik" factory, continuously expanding. 56. 57. 58. "Krasnyy Texti lshchik11 factory. Skniga river (smaller than Nara river). High--v-oltage transmittion line on 10-meter high wooden poles from Kashiry electric power station to "MOGES" system() ?? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop; Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81.-01043R001700140011-2 virg pirrr LAME.0 -3- 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 ? - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 . . .ces ? " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 GR1384 6-53 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 ,t-r? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 , 50X1-HUM ? . 1\,? R EGFEE NOF..n" k.A.,hic,JL:0 Key to City plan of SERPUKHOV Date of Information: June 1955 1. First class highway Moscow-Simferopol. 2. Gravel road to the Vozdvizhenka village. 3. Military barracks of "45th base" of searchlight unit. Located in the southern edge of the mixed forest; surrounded by high barbed- wire fence. 4. Small grove. 5. Ivanovskoye village, included into town area. 6. Plant of "10 years of October revolution" (agricultural machinery; during WWII was producing rifle and mortar ammunition). 7. Cesspool with the culvert under the RR bed. 8. One-line railway siding to Serpukhov II RR station where rayon and town warehouses are located. Some of them are of oblast signi- ficance. Northwestern corner of that area is surrounded by 5- meter high wooden fence and is permanently guarded by MVD unit. There are two watch towers in the fence of that guarded area. 9. L iquid fuel rayon base composed of four large iron tanks painted silver; each approximately ten meters in diameter, and several smaller of the car tank type. The entire base area is surrounded by a wooden fence. 10. Nefedova village composed entirely of private houses. Prevailing number of residents employed in local plants and factories. 11. Coal and wDod storage place belonging to plant "P/Ya Nr. 2"0 (P.O. Box N.2) 12. Plant officially known as "plant, post office box Nr. 2". Some- times mentioned as "ship-building" (sudostroitelnyy). 13. Plant kindergarten (formerly residence of the plait owner). 14. Railway coal warehouse. 15. Central place of Nogina settlement. 16. Workers' club "im. Lenina" in Nogina settlement. 17. A pond - source of water supply for plant's hniipr 7Pnaoc0".?L3 trk37 REM 18. Workers' park. 50X1-HUM Hi-611 school Nr. 25 (SrOpyay.alp4kola). Q. npriacsified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 ; 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 sECR 50X1 -HUM 20. New nursery (belongs to Nogina se ement . 21 Factory "im.XX years of VLKSM", producing absorbent cotton for medical purposes. 22. Hospital (belongs to Nogina settlement). 23. Park (belongs to Nogina settlement). 24. Stadium (belongs to plant "P/Ya Nr.2"). 25. Officers! colony (composed of wooden finish houses). 26 Military technical unit (black shoulder straps) located in sever- al two-story stone houses. The central courtyard filled with searchlights loaded on lorries. 27. - Workers' fruit garden (belongs to plant "P/Ya Nr.2"). 28. (a) Cobblestone road to Donki village. 28. (b) Railway deloading platform. 29. Railway workers' club "im. Dzerzhinskogo". 30. New street under construction (supposed to be street). 31. Extension of Voroshilov street. 32. Town cemetery "Vsekh Svyatykh" (All Saints'). 33. -Cemetery's orthodox ch 34. Town stadium "Krasnoye urch (open). Znamya" (Red Banner) 0 part of Sovetskaya 35. Town water tower. 36. Town and rayon slaughter-house. -37. Main town market (every Sunday crowded with Muskovites who come to -buy fresh dairy products, vegetables and meat from Kolkhozniks). 38. Town printing house "Kommunist" (also prints rayon newspaper under same name). 39. People's court and rayon prosecutor's office (Courts of all -four "uchastok-s" in one house). 400 Electro-mechanical tekhnikum (Most of the graduated students are employed by the local plants "P/Ya Nr01 and Nr.2"). )-1-1* Plant "P/Ya Nr.1" (brother of plant "P/Ya Nr.2"). ."Dom Sovetov"; gorkom KPSS, itaykom rayispolkom, VLKSM and -"Kommunist" editor's offiee 4:111t4 50X1 -HUM npriaccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 SEC 43. Old part of Sovetskaya Ulitsa. 1, i:.?, 44. Ulitsa Voroshilova. 1,1 45. Vtoraya Moskovskaya Ulitsa. 46. Book shop: "Mogiz". 27. Rayon drugstore. 48. Former orthodox church, now a very primitive town laundry. Univermag. 50. Small sewing factory. 51. Telephoneand radio translation station. 5.2. Central bus and taxi-cab terminal. 53. Hotel "Dom Kolkhoznika"; main floor - cafeteria; first floor hotel for kolkhozniks only. 54. Main post office. 55. First Militia station (ZAGS located in same house). 56. Rayon prison (three-story brick building, surrounded by high store: wall). 50X1-HUM' 57. State bank. 58., Restaurant "Moskva". 59. Grocery store "Gastronom" and cafeteria. 600 Department store "Kruglyy" with tribunes for public demonstration at its northern wall. 61. MOGES (Moscow 01.1. Hydroelectric Station/belongs to Moscow electric pier system). 62. Air-club. 63. Kaluzhskaya Ulitsa. 64. Tcwn fire-fighting station. 65. 66. 67. Hospital "im. Semashko" traVirnr- 50th motor pool (buses and taxi-cabs mainly). Polyclinic - as the part of the hospital "im. Semashko". . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 50X1 -HUM - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 68. Town bath-house. 69. Main town militia. 70. Nepolnay Srednyaya shkola (Seven year school 71:6 Town theater. 72. Park of "Cultureand Rest". 73. Town movie theater. 74. Ulitsa Chekhova. 75. Pabrichnaya Ulitsa. 76. High school Nr. 24 (Srednyaya shkola). 77. Rayon voyenkomat. 50X1-HUM 78. Church (open; not orthodox). 79. 50th motor base (heavy trucks mainly). 80. Museum of Regional Studies. 81. Woolen yardage factory (heav5.-ly damaged by fire in 1950 and 1952; In 1955 fully reconstructed). 82. Food store. 83. Former market place. 84.. Small factory or workshop. 85. Former men's cloister - now a large town warehouse. 86. Road to the suburban forest. 87. Road to the lake "LyuLsell andto the stone crushing station. 88. Former "Christ the Saviour" church (orthodox). After WW 1, was used as warehouse for military clothing, Completely destroyed by German air bombing during WW II. 89. Lowland flooded every spring by Oka river inundation. 90. Nara river (In Serpukhov town area this river is from 10 to 15 meters wide). 91. Serpukhov First railway station (Main floor is divided into three halls: Northern section is a waiting hall; central the embarka- tion hall; and southern is a restaurant, at the entrance to which Is the RR militia statioag 50X1-HUM rga Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 Mr. 920 93. 94. 95. 96. 92. 98. 99. loo. 101. 102 ? 1030 104. 105 ? 106. 107. 108,, Two open orthodox churches 109. Large warehouses (building subordination. 110, Earth rampart? 1110 Ditches draining spring and surface of the central part inclination from NE toward Former women's cloister? Air Force technical school Club "im. Kaganovicha". gZanarskaya" factory of knitted fabrics. Workers' settlement of this factory. "Mayskaya Dolina" sport stadium. Sanitorium (TB). "Zanarskoye" cemetery (the church there is clased). "Zanarskiy" settlerent(since WW increasing). Old iron bridge,. Club "im.Voroshilova". Workers' settlement (belongs to Warehouses. 1z5 9Krasnyy Textilshchik" factory. 50X1-HUM II, its area is continuously in- "Krasnyy Textilshchik" factory). Barrow withruins cf an ancient fort. Railway employees' settlement (belongs to Serpukhov-II ( one It rayonnaya tt RR station)0 material and food supply) of rayon rain water toward Nara river (The of Serpukhov town has general SW)0 ? TOP 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 50X1-HUM the F1antXnown as P.O. Box o. 2, 6e1l'ulch?v " ES. e.e: rr fie pism. E kyr- I ifett, ' ? Date of Informations-, b. Apartment'houses for terkel,9 employed in-the factor", named nTwenty 7. Buildinc, where former1y*41.: leaving Were,eubmitteci-:te, a:..pornonal 1.2,3.1rt 15. aron. suspedsion g' t.5171, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part-Sanitized copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 ? ' ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 ???%. .44 50X1-HUM 21. ',7orkera bath house 21. Slag storac.i) space 22.? arehouse 3. 7-re ter high brick stack 211. Electric power substat4.9n. 25. I'lant Loilcr ccripart:aent 71nreheuse for deficit articles 2.7. equa.re 23. Inner .cobblestpne rad 29. .Zevice testintaitcrs 30 ? TIM to* 'b141ding Fiiet floor housee Branch No. '26 1DeViceS ? and the second floor', Branch No; ,50 (Secret) 31. a. Walkway between second floors of builangs ':50 and 32. L. S-In.ilarlay. between buildings 33 and 36 ? 32. T7r-.)-utor7 building., on th eastcrn end of which a tilitid=f1Cor is added. Branch 14044.'4544-771-14. le) ? 33. .Tho?retori bailding housing? the workarel "dining rbom and offices of ?-inventorsz,.onct. draftsnierdix 0 .. ? . ? ? - 1.' I,. . _ . a .. ? ?.. ^-5 ? 314 . PI:Int garden.;,,,,, ir? :, 35. Adxinistration b,uilding*, ? I ??? 1. ' 1 ?! ??? ? . ? ..: ' .. ? 36, Four-storj shigh part':e;Building ?nci. 37 . ? 5 on .tii*irst 'floor, ? f'. Ir ? ??? 7. Three-stoiY hnildind haiding.. on the. -first floor:the.tonndry and thermal uniti on the sedond floor, the:molding and painting 'bronchi. on the -third floor, nrinch o. 1L ft.dbmoteehnyym Branch, photo laboratory, and orohives. 38. Financial 1-.ranch, 1oriparity Cell, and ITLIclif offices . . ? 2. .. 39. ? 'Oeiriae .! . .., ,:. ? ? , . 40. 7,16rk ,., ?-:and. carce pdiinistratian buildIng , ..-,1:.? . , ? , . i, ,4 y,....,..!,? ,-...,.. ? ., P.1.:; ',..,"-.? ?rateff..4:1' ......% !,-% ,,,,... ; - , = ?-?., ? ?t='; '? ? ? ? .4 ??? 50X1-HUM -1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 - ;1? * r????? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 Two-stoi7 'brick ,building housing looden . , F feneert 1th p?u,e,1ine9 bnrbed iTixio tit the top . ? ? 11^, Energeney erj. . ? CobblesIone..r,ondAo the yillnce of. Nefedoyo Kin dergp rden . ? - ? ? 4. ? "? Ilarehouse; for-bp...ilding.tnaterl.als.: *?? '43; ? Wood 1Tor ng a. op ? " ' 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201-3/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001.700140011-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001700140011-2