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u s. ra+FStirtr rtr vp:;vrrvG ofstt[ ; r~,t o - 31 75 ! ~;. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700 ~':~!R~~lRlTE~LlGEN~E- ~~l~lF~R~M~TIC~N~?`REP~ORT~ COUNTRY OR! AREA .REPORT CONi.~RN9~; "' "e':-. - - ' OATE? OF INFORMAT ION USA ; ... _, ~ ' ' - ~ 193-1957 - SUM.17iRY (Give .~,. . fi`~ t P ,! F~=~ ?Rj +%T: i~ U S. GA4ERhMFN( Pt?fNTI4G OFFKt:1I54 O - 31 Nj~'~rj ' ... t ,~ `a ~ ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 ~F rFORM 1]2--PART 1 'APPROVED 1'JUNE 19;8 '~', - _ _ ~ ~ ,'.y . " ~ F. ig`. ~3 _ -_ The Kan' yon9kie River' (photo) ` ~?"~ ? ., ' ~ .' ~ _ ~ -~ .: y `'r.~ ''Fig `~' ~+ The' ~Bys trays ~ River ~" hot~o -= ~ . . - _ =`r -`-"~= ~_; ='~~- . d _ , _ ~~ ~~~`: AIR.INTELUGENCE" 1NF0Rrii11~ ~I~r`l :REP '`'._'- `'LIST = ~OF -INC~;OSURES . _ 'Fig:, ;1,?', :The,,;prec'ipic.e~in.Pos elova`Bay,~~'Severnyy~..Is~:.~^ x ? - "`. Novaya ~Zemlya..'(-photo~:' ?? .- ~ - _ ?~.Fig.. 6 - ~I~Iap 'of the.northeestern: coast of Severnyy Isl~arid~;-~.~~ 50X1-HUM':--- -' Fig~,.'..2' - ? The valley of ~Kari'?yonsk~e ;River ? Severnyy'_ Is ~~ '~~~ -. , ,. _ r ,- land t pnoio Fig:.-5'~..- ?TYie. coast= near- y _~Island,:?Severr~ ~Island_;.:(pYioto: ~.' ~y - - r }: O ? Fig:lO - Viaw? `of the. eastern, slope: of ~,Go `(Mountain) Ma-nsi=rier;;~~Yti?~ ~~ ?` ra? ~ _ . ~~-;;,; Fig?.. 8' - . Lithol:ogic ~m$p of : Beluzn'ya ~ Fiorcl,':Ma~tochkin Shar Stra . . ' 'Novaya. Zemlya? .._ .. ?a.-7 .. ._. ~ ? ? ~F3g.. g" , `View .of Lednik (Glacier) Yugra (photo) ? ? ? _ .and ~ednik~ Mansi with glacier .l8kes ~;~ dravring ),~ ` . . F_g :11,:, - Vegetation Map of `the Irlidigirka River Basin F ig:l~ -.Glaciers of the central, part of the S~untar-Khay2tal ~ Ridge. ~ r i ~ , (photo) , . _ Fg,.13 - No~ril's~ye Plateau. . :~?~- ~ ft. F'ig.l5. - A .A . Bor-zov's glacier .in the northern portion of the., ' ~ ? Suntar-Khayata Ridge ('photo}, r : ; ~ , ~ ROTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES 1YITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE'ACT, 50 U. S. C.-~ 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PR0IiIB17ED BY LAVV: IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WNOLE OR IN PART, BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES. EXCEPT' EtY'PERAtISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. - g_:: ]: 2 - ;Ma~iskoye~ ;~e~.;ogbr,-:l ye ~ (White,.'Upland. j-' ~.(.ph'?tYo) :` )`~:~'~ . ~~~~~/ ~/ V ~~~~ (C1:ASSIFICAT10ti) s*'h 5~ x 1C-6b670'1 l~Z U, G. GOVERNMENT ~ilhTlltC OYMf[E Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 itized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 - ? - .: ~~ .-1. ;~-; " ~ Gp/~! F / D E OJT / ~9 ,f,- ~ , - ~,, (cLass~FlUnor~: - , _ , AF FORM 112==PART- li APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 AIR .INTELLIGENCE` 'INFORMATI~N`~ REPORTr ' 50X1-HUM e iy~ l PAGE ~ ~ OF '` '?"" . ' PAGES ~ ~?- The Yugral Glacier is located on the eastern slope ,of the.. main watershed ridge of the Urals - (in Gora PJarodriaya ~?area) . ,' _ The.esrr, where the glacier is~found, presents a deep boQ~l surrotiiuded 'by a tight ring of high ~-and steep peaks formed by dark metamorphic-schists of the Proterozoic period._?The mouth of the ?.carr _opens into the IJaroda River ='~&?lley on the level of its bottom (1, 00.0 m above sea level) . - _ - The southern and northern walls of the carr are the highest (about 500 m}, while the western wall is 200 to 250 m lower, and, overlapping the carr of the opposite slope (where the source of the Lomes'-`Tozh Stream is located}, forms a narrow and ~agged..~ ? cresti.? A em~t1111ake, dammed by chaotically agglomerated large bou~debs lies at the mouth of the carr . { 5, p , ~ 163) _ ?? ? ~. ~~~ The-southeastern slope of the carr has steep rocky ledges,,sepa-.,,~ rated by cones of rock wasted _ t , f'~? ~_ `The,glacier has receded `considerably between 1930 and 19~47cf =-:CS., p?.~. -168 ) Mansi Glacier 1~18ng1 Glacier2 is located in a deep carr on the northeastern, slope. ?of +-Gora : Mansi~ner { 1, 775 m) . It occupies the rear, iii derpart, of ? the carr, over ~=hieh the characteristic "spire" of Gora Mansi=ner,_ formed by dark metamorphic schists, rises?in a more than 500-n = ~~,high wail. - -- ,, - ?.Eas~ward, the carr-uQrr-Drys so~wh~at and becomes elongated-re-,' '~ ~?sembling more a. short hanging trough, the bot"tom of which -is ~ ~ ? _ ,occupied by taro lakes lying apps o~iwate:.; on the same level,~o: '-The _ =-lakes are separated by low agglomeration of rocky bo~lders~:a~bout~_ - 5~0 in in` width . The upper lake, { 800 to ~~50 m long) adjoins directl the ?Mansi Glacier, and the altitude of i,ts level is 1,200? m,. :,'50X1-HUM (according to aneroid measurements).;b 5..~. Boch {in 1935) Mates, ~. ... II. SUBARCTIC URAL MOUNTA?IIdS AREA ~ - (Approx . 64.000' N toy 65? j0' N; 58?30'8. to ? 63?00'L ) '- ~ _ ~ ~ S . NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFE7ISE OF THE UNITED SPATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIOi~AGE ACT, 50 U. S. C.- 31 AND 3~ AS AMENDED. 17S TRANSMLSSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTEN75 1N ANY MANNER TO AI`I UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN 1YHOLE OR ~IN PART, BY'O1TiER THAN UNITED SPATES AIR FORCE AGF2ICIES, EXCEPT' 8Y PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. , .,~ C~dit/F i ~ E ~l rid ~, - ~~ Yugra Glacier ? ~ ~ ~~'. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 -' `,a~igle' of '?the s Lope 25 to 30? , ~ ? - j r. -. _ ,- trie~~sl.ope~~~-breaks ?atiruptly.into the valley of~.the right-, source of `the~Naroda River? The height of this ledge is~'about, 200 in; trie'~~ ' ='-Below) the second' lake, vrhich is smaller ~and~shallower ;(8:?to 10~~m '(5's.. ~P-.J-1:75) ,' ~ '_ -~ - ~,,? ?, .~~ ~ . - ~ ~ ~ - and-~ his party, .in:-19~.7, the depth of. _t.he upper' lake is much .?. _ tha?t ;the~':depth~..of botYi? Iakea is'.-from 5: to 8 -m;:, whil~_, the,`auth4r: ?~,~_~ of this' source, notes, that according' to observatiop~ ? made:, by him =equilibriurii'o4,'the.-jglaci'er'Was~agairi'~~ptisitive~~`-?~(5; ip:- 176).~wriile . y-...~ servaf3:oria-made.~in?:1~~F7-rave shown-tfiat in: 197 the iae-.a+-~?? " " `"observatiions~ of 19.5 indicated "that: tYie-~Ledriik~"Mansi 'wdg rece'dinb"o ? .. above;: the source .of the Ruchey (Stream) iAans i (which f ~. x8; ~ri' - .:,~,-,,,:L ,.~ TYie,;,vaaley, of, .the rigYit.?source of the Naroda River i$ direatil :d..------- ".the.~lake ), and is barred by a bank rising 80 to 85 m_ ab :~~~: + ter.. ?.1 in? rturn- a hanging- trough in relation to the main valley- of the:? Naroda- 'River (5;- P ~ 169 ).- - ~ ' - ~'. "~ ?~ - - . .? Thus ~vA,the trough= of . the Mans i Stream is a hanging trough in re - Fla~~'an -~to' the right _ source of the Naroda River, and the latter is ., ~. - ? ?'bottom ?of the main valley-. _, . - ~. _ ~lti::.cclaciers~ are-Mound in .tie Ural mountains _ hund'reds' of meters ' below 'trie c limatic-_"snow boundary line,, 'because. of- meteorological cpinclltions in the `area and ?on ,account of large accumulation of ~ ? sri`ow "there In tYie post-glaciation period, larger glaciers existed in ?Pripo7.yarnyy IIral in the valleys of the Khobe-yu; Naroda, Kobyla~ 3iu, Limbeko yu and Bolban-yu. Rivers o ' However, the now existing glaciers are not relics of another period, but are, despita tY~eir small size, "active" glaciers of contemporary origin. (5, p. 176-177} ~ - ROTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OFTHE_UNtTED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVEUITI0N OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIDITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT DE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIRFORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERtdISSION OF THE DIRECTOR?OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. (CLASSIFICATION) - tfl-b!+b70-t ~Y u. ~. covreNecar tnl~npa orrtt. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 . _ r. ? ? ; AE FORM ;111-PART II _ ' _ APPROVED t JUNE 1948 `~ ,. ?,., ~. ASR I1~~'El:LiGENCE [NFORMATIC)N= RE~~RT _ 5ox~-Nunn .` - . y _. .. s i _ .. III, EASTBRN SIBERIA ` ~.Byranga Mountains There are steep `slopes up to 500 m ~ 600 m above sea l:e'vel'on ' . the southern fringes -of the Byranga Mountains, called also ? ~ _ ? Byranga Plateau; this plateau dro s gently in the north toward ~??` the Acetic ocean. (6, vo I, p, 63~ . Novosibirskiye Islands _ Kotel'n Island, the largest of the Novosibirskiye o~trova . (Islands, has an elevation 320 m. (6, v, I,. p. 64 ) Benneta Island, located north Qf Novosibirskiye Islands, is 23 km long, and up' to x?50 m high, The island ~ has a form of a ` plateau about 300 m high. (6, v. I, p. 6~+, 65) Yeniseyskiy Ridge ? The Yeniseyskiy kryazh (Ridge) south of the Angara River is 300 m to x}50 m above aed le~,rel, and the bluffs over the Yeriisey ~?Ri"ver' -' are. 75 to 100 m high 'over that river. This ridge reaches 1,132 m height ~Yenashiminskiy Polkan) north of the Angara River., almost under 60 0~ tih~;*;~narthern=1~~la~titude~? : T-he,,Yenisey River , Valley widens to 100_'~k~i~?.:~a?f?~ re i~ece : ?v-`3~1~ '~'?~~a~`~podkamennaya ? _' ~~.~~r~ ,x.~. ;.; . e_ ~~. .- , : ~? ,.. ~ . r; ~ . - :: Tun uska 6 ? v I ? . ~ I:~~{?; , Srednesibirskoye Plateau The Srednesibirskoye Plateau (Ploskogor'ye) extends from the Yeniseyskiy Ridge in the west to the foothills of the Verkhoyanskiy Range in the east; it borders in the north on the Severo=Sibirskaya nizmennost' (which has an average height. of, 50 >u to 70 m above sea level) approximately along a line from the- Yenisey River at the Arctic Circle to the lowlands of the Olenek River; in the southeast the plateau approaches the Aldan River where tiles latter is_ xiide and whP~, the heights do not exceed 300 m; the southern fringe of the plateau in the 0lekma ,River area' runs approximately along the 59? of the northern latitv.~e (6, vo I, p. 11~F) The,`height of the watershed between the Lena and the'Vilyuy Rivers is about 500 m; the height of the watershed drops down toward the Lena River and east of it, between the Lena and the Aldan Rivers, ~it is 200 m to X00 m. (6, vo I, p. 115) Cliff banks on both sides of the Lena River with frequent lime- stone? columnar rocks called "stolby" extend from belox the mouth of the Vitim River down to Pokrovskoye village; the river?is 3 to ~# km wide in that area. In addition to the meadow terrace there ' ;ire tSVO terraces above the flood plain all? along the middle course of the Lena River; populated settlements are on these ~ terracesa At Pokrovskoye the river valley widens; at Yakutsk it MOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL UEFENSEOF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U. S. C.- 3! AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF iTS CANTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. 1T MAY NOT BE REPRODU(:ED IN WHOLE OR IN ~F'ART, BY OTHER THAfi UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECT,OR,OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. . ? r , PAGQ ~ ~ OF 17 .~PAG>;s (Apgrox , 55oN to 76?N; 80?E.' to 150?E ) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 ... AF. FORM 112-PART 11 APPROVED 1 JUNE ISlB' ' GONF~J,.~E'NT~AL AIR .INTELLIGENCE: INF~Rl~iATl~?~l, -REPORT., - .~ , =~ ' 50X1-HUM PAGE 8 OF 17 PAGES 1' is about 20 km wide, and the river is about .1Q kmwwide.and has ; many isl8.nds. Yakutsk stands on a terrace above' the (load plain, 1.08 m above sea level. ~ There the left tank rises about 100 m . abo116the terrace, and the right bank?is somewhat lower (6;_ v. I, P ) ? - ~.: 1'Yie elevations of the ISrednesibirskoye] plateau,~shoym on maps as.,ranges are in fact table mountains. ?The Tunguskiye mountains form the watershed between the Nizhnyaya Tunguska and the Vilyuy' Rivers; .the average height pf these mountains is X30 m in the south, and 730~m to $Od m in the north; their summits rise to, 900 m -- 1,050 mo On the upper Kureyka, Rotuy, and~Kheta Rivers, there are heights up to 1,500 m. The Noril'skoye Plateau, ?ocated in the upper Pyasina area in the ' northwestern part of tYw-Srednesibirskoye Plateau,-has an average height of 500 m to 600 m. above sea level; this plateau breaks Steeply' 1n the north over the tundra and over the' Yenisey River. ~ ? ' ,'A? deep valley with steep slopes ris?ing to 700-,tn of relative - _ ?. height rune toward Lama lake; the lake is 2 km:long, up to 7,5~km wide, and its deepest place is 208 m. ~ ~' .?The Vilyuyskiye table mountains are on the watershed between zhe:" Vilyuy and the Olenek Rivers; the Lyuchar-0ngo~ton massive consti-- -tutee the ?xatershed? for the' Khatanga, Olea2ek and the Vilyuy~?Rivez~s ' -east ~of~~ this IwatershedJ the ,hei-ght of the Vilyuyskiye mountains. does not exceed 600 m. ~ (6,' v: Y,_ p. 117) _ .. _The area between Yakutsk and the A_mba River is cut by very'many_- -shallo~r hollows and gorges in~all directions; 'and has a,very large number of small lakes o (6, v",, I, p . 119) ~ , .. . . .-. - :? Kanskoye~and Manskoye White Uplands A mountain chain forming a watershed between the Kan and Mena Rivers on one side and the Tuba River on the other, extends from ~~ the point where the Zapadn~ry and Vostochnyy S~yans meet, i.e`, 'in~ ;~ 'the area o~ the sources of .the Uda, Biryusa wind Kazyr ~ Rivers, ? ;, and.-where the height of the mountains is up to 3,000 m, to the '_ w~es ~~north-west, and consists. of a number of massives: the Kanskoye White Uplands (belogor~ye},.2.152. m high, on the upper ' Kan River, and the Manskoye White Uplands Fig, .12 ), west of '~the~ ~~'' top of -the Mena River at an average he igkit of 1, 500 m to 1, 550 gin;. with elevations tc 1,00 m. (6, vp II,' p. 39~.) ~~ ; .: , ~ -;}' Stolby ~RRI station is at the height of~about 700 m, at approxi? matel 56oN, and 93?& in the Yostochnyy Sayan foothills (6, w.:_ ?II, p. 39~} ' -~Titimsko~e Plateau ~Titimskoye Plateau extends northwest of Yablonovyy Range; it is 850 m to 1,50 m above sea level, u*ith heights, of 1,000 to I, 350 predominating. (6, v. II, p. $12) NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTINGTHE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WIT111N THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE AGT, 50 U S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENT'S IN ANY MANNER TO /1N UNAUTHORI~,ED PERSON lS PROHIBITED BY LAZY. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, DCCC?YT BY PERMISSION OFTHE DIRECTOR OF Lr~p~F /~CNT//4L. 36-6657U-1 Y"f u.:. eoveaxr~xr ~xlxtlxa ornca Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001700140003-1 _ , .; ;~ ... z ?'AF FORM'1~2-PARS' 11 _ .., (CUSy7~GT1aN) R*.~PROVED I~JUNE?1938 - _ .. -?~ ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~`; ~ __ -AIR INTELLIGENCE I~FORt~lAT60N R~I'~~ T .. _ .. The Oymlyakonskoye Plateau .. __._. . ~ t ?'the Oymyakonskoye Plateau extends between the Verkhoyanskiy? .and ?~?? - ?,"50X1_-HUM _: the ?Tas-Kyatabyt Ranges in the basin_of the upper' ~ndi ir~;'Ri~e~} ,~ ~~ 'Tf' ii R^~ rit atnorni~nT.~A ~w,+.. .~~..e?n~~:,, i... Z.T _ _`! __~ i1 -=- - - ~g _ .. .. _. ~~:, `ri?. 750 m high. ~T, ' 2,~edit.~, e, 30~ 135~~ +Pa. 571 i, 5vu m high..: The loweet? ,part ? of, ytYie ;plateau; ~ "-the ~Oymyakon$kaya,: , Depression, lt3ti3,ated along the~-~Indi~~.~k$. River, is about: 700 t~o~ ??' .. ?_ _ The Cherskogo ~e _ - ~ ' ;~ ~ ~ ?; ..~.,,. .; The Cherskogo Range is 2,000 m to 2,500 ra high in the?area ~ih~ere? , it is cut by the Indigirka River; the ,Chen Mountain rises 2,;685 ~o The Indigirka River valley ~.s Prom 1, 500 m to 2,.000 m below ;;the top of the summits in the highest part of the range, This '3~anger~ :" ? is .dismembered particularly in its southern end, i.e. in the- _- ?- Kolyma River basin?~rhere it is up to 250 km wide, and where it ' changes into ranges and groups, separated by valleys and highlands' (melkogor~ye} 1,000 m to 1,300 m high; here occur the highest '`'~' groups of mountains -~. 2,100' ? m ao 2, 500 ? m ~ high o The. Tomus-khay-a, or Garmychan, Range;, is located in the basins, of the ? Moms River, right tributary , of the Indfgir}sa and of the ~~ . _~ ~, ; Yasachnaya River,. le~ft`~~- tributary of the" Kolyma. The Q3rmychan ~~ ~ ~~? , extends west through the Moms River basin to the left ~Sa.nk of the Indigirka River where it ~?ins the Taskhayatakbiw~ l~afi~e'~ f~t~e~ted x~ri~ ~ ' : '? , the watershed area between the Indigirka and th'~ :3~a~`yRige~e' a]