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CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY `~. This material contain information affecting the National Defense of the United states within the meaa1a of the Ispionage Lawn, Two 1e, U.B.O. Dow. 793 and 7a4, the transmission or r+relation of which in any manner to an unauthorised person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R00 COUNTRY Hungary DATE OF - INFO. PLACE & DATE AC Q. 50X1-HUM SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. ? APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS, TENTATIVE: continuous gas ? oma ograp y, written by Dr. Pal. Benedek, A. Laszlo, and L. _Szepesya and comprising a total of 137 pages. After an introductory c:".'.artez' (n :a'rgwian), the three first chapters are preaented in English, and t:.:a last u ree chapters in Hungarian. 2. The paper d~ e.l.s wit . the background, feasibility, and application of continuous gas c1c. omatography. It is believed that the chapters- given in English.are siff!.c:iGntl.y similar in subject matter to the rest of the.paper to let the analyst determine whether translation of the Hungarian parts is warranted. STATE X IARMY X INAVY I X AIR XFSI AEC OSI X 50X1-HUM' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 T !.P ' . ?'? -I ) c $e1eg,ok s_dazorvci6 4 4erVj ~ ad ecy~.~.. E. Tiasta gdzok adezorpci6s izoterm It K La it 1sve. zetdae ozerint am aldbbi egyenlet ir,a aft 1es ab A/ CA ,. 1D a ds b dllanddk. ahol CAaz I g adezorbons dltal adezorbedlt !Tel. ek ezdat, p frnyomde atmosz fdrdban .,r lyan, /l$hez hasonld/ izoterma egyenletet, aelyben a nyo?. mde valamilyen batvanyou szerepel 4 mdr mega iangmuir, majd k 13 b k - V o~ 4 u; 2 . 9. IL 6 Si Aavasolt erv +!ft C a ab A i?bp a adezorbdtumot zepes. A Ieletlt:ez G Inu - azonoe a rd, ztvev8 oentrumok esdmdUle A 00nt9~U* l(iiia -?+ eek. /A legegyszerUbb eeetbsn 1 Meg. 00 Ceata~amss-i , ' 4' e83 elemi adszorbdtuaot, as a Lengouir Alta1 evedetileg (A- a vagy Obb moleldtla egy vagy tObb aktiv Cent?sal egy t,1 . deaarbituso sfia S 1 3 >. A A/ isoterma egyenletet Roble do Corrig*1 a b> lwm !- egyensuly feltdteldb6i vesetik lee iwwsetdst1 Alta *. *s tf. va a kdetkez8: 4V. 6,0... Al adezorpeid k6misi 9rea1ooi6~s- * Idtst6dik lea S17 1~~ ou,:,~ lo~~ 11 ~n 1. a 4i~'l th ~~ti.bol 'ww-k~/+~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 g; alt eset. Ela 3 kbzelit68ben t6tele$s'. k tel, hogy as ad- szorpci6ban ezimmetrikuus dieszociboi6 tbrt6nik pl. 13/ A2 + 2 1 - 20. ahol .42 as adszorbe61and6 gt s, stet k6t atosos U01ekstlw I egy ektiv centrt of jelent AZ pedig egy elemt adazorb6tnmot. A1ta16noeitva a1858 aA+ql - q.~ a aho3. ? 4e q\ biosetriat egtealet e6yitthtt6* At - A molekula eay r4ase./a tovAbbiakban 02 bslrtt Alt trunk/ A termodinamitai egyensulyi M1=&6 $w: w pA ahol C a koncentrdciit $elenti. ' Fe3ezzUk ki CAl-t CA -als /5/ CA - q ??4 Az tfssses centrumok koncentr6oi63at L - C1+CAI /6/ /r/ ~, -~, , oh?b Mftlu. ti2i a kL 2 GQStiVw+~ . , A wo~bL!~ts? ..~ c~c!"orlvQrt clod~wl~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-04 aL ? nL ? LA HelyettesiteUk be /7/ egyenletbe CrA kitejezdsdt /3/.b61, majd CAIL CA?val /6/?b61, 6a rendeazUk CA-" /7/.et. yg "l a a y4 VeseesUk be a kdvotkez6 3e1O1Eseket: "FRI .1860 ezzekkel a jelaldsekkel Al ig irbot6s KO a C. -LA gA pA Ss az egyonlet teljoseu asaonoe as egyenletot /9/ /U/ a /2/ egyeniettelo Ha a mind a kit o1dalnak a reaiprok&t vesssUk 4s rendexx illetve 1og/ ? alakot nyerUnk. ? n log A/ t Pi VX41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 7 e fta9onl6 ulakU isoterma egyenletet kapunk akkor is; ha a nem asimmetrikus diessoeiaci6t t6telesUnk felopl.s aA + ql a All + Ali + .... + AQ1 /4.g/ do gibbon am esetben /io/ 40 /11/ usazeft gg6o nrm 6rv6nyes, bar ZA BA ha.`'on16 egyszerU kapasoiatban ?-an L-el, illet- ve Kival. A fenti elk6?ael6snel megfelelgen drtelmez etSUk bi.. s onnll tt3bbkomponeasU ,AzeIcgyOk adszorpci S jSt is. telr' k ?&:l, hod:' *-in? kdt komponens ad-zorpci63a szemL pontjv' '. ugya'v ?` I centrum jtin szamit6sba. Lehat Le aiaalr~ ' a~ adesorpcid$at a kdvetkez6 stdchiometriai Bingfill lettel tr3 let egyen aA + ql qAl /4/ e1862 bB + RY A termodinamikaii egtensulyi dllanddks CAIL EA W KB 0 Ch /is/ CA ill. 0B kt~e3eagse$ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 d Veaeestik be ism6t 63 /11/? vaiamint a ktvetkez8 3~1U3.4sek~t b 0 s r 1 460 K B r ce KB* = L mL LB MAFKI a185? /22/ All /24/ a rendezztak /21/-et CA?ras L H? F n5/ CA +HApA+gBpg CB kife3ez4ee basonld alaku CB i+K PAn+E , a B ` /26/ Az igy kapott parcialis izoterm mar nem do r$olhatdk egyw szorre, mint az egyedi izotermdk* viaeont as eVedi iooter- msk alap3bn megezerke9zthet6k* - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 YAF KI x1859 n beheiyettesitve /27/ fgY rendpshet~8 .7r egyenletek a-lap3 n a xA ? ]?a.n LB Ki /1?1wr -r. et ft a ?t melyet a relativ ill4]toaye os b ` ZUe3ezh loan definidlu1lk: sA ohoi as A indez az iilekonyabb kOWpenenst 3elentl. nleteV /S1,/?be belyettesitve is sende$Ye a* egyre /56/.?at or 0 L A ILA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Ussset4telit A 94st"'Li. Fe3eseuk ki as aassao.be~.lt .tlasseteteldnek ftiggven`gben: AZ eg..enietet eg?aserusitve 6s a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 ,i /32/.bGl az is 1dthat6o hogyha a aobban aasZorbefl6d6. kou"! ponene egyutthat6ja aeX}abb, mint a kevisbi adssorbedi'6d'6 /a ( n/, akkor a nyomds n6veked6s64e1 of 4rt4ke as&X .~r Mivel a do n 1?n6l nagyobb nem leheti /52/ a3apjdn as ski; beldthatd, hogy or as Usesset6tel1*1 v4gy tdl' osik, ho7 jobban adszorbadl6dd komponens kicsiny.paraiAlis nyasdsd nd1 nag obb 6rtdkeket vess fe1, sort as hduj~adoi a_ ekkor 1.n63 yobb. Ha a a n akkor es a tdnye*g y ? 0,5 alatt 1?n61 kisebb,, a felatt pedig 1-01 nagyobb? Ebben az esetben y s 0,5?n61 or : era a /tteg kell jegmo ni,hogy elegyadssorpci6ndl a kUsepe3 hint dit*1Lban as x a o,5-n61 16v6 irt6ke iscktdk tekintent/ of 6rt6k6nek fenti meghatdrozdehhos az isoteroa egyenlete? ?ket a Hoble..6a Corigan eikkdben leirt a6don kell dbrdsol? ni, ami fdradsdgos mnnka. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 9 - X t L q EJ~~j121 C (I~IQCv~ S L~Ovc dp~cl 1~lc`~kMC~O(dJa: q~nY`a\ 1j ~1vr=5az4~1~. Langmnir izotermak eset6n vagy Langmuir isotermgkat felt6? tolezve azonban or 6rt6ke klinnyen beostilhetK a tiesta gd*ok tzotermainak kezdoti linerris szakasz6n 16v6 irAnytangeneti- n k arbnya alap j din, mert mint a /12/-b6b lbthat , as toter ma irinytangense kiceiny pA eeetdn LAH~-t ad~8~ ?~, P' - Lig as elegyadozorpc16nill az adszorbedlt % xis Usszet6te16t cx -val fejezztik ki, addig a menayisdgi viazonyotat gltala- tun a Ui111ama dltal folyad6kok ad.ssorpoi6 j6ra feW.litott 68 s Gilliland 68 munkatarsai Altal gazokra 6s 1i4rle- tileg 6nyesnek taldlt 0~ a 1 a1863 oA ~eB /54/ egyenlettel irjuk lei ahol CAS illetve CB a tiesta kon- ponen ekb61 are elegy Ussznyomisin adszorbealt mennyieeg k /normfil m1/g/. Az iaoterma egyenlet alapjdn % Qo s LA HAP a A 1 + KAPA 6s ; pn 0i o= 1+K$ A5/ /26/ /35/ 4e /36/ alap36n /A5/ /36/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 10 /"S/a+/b-/n*go pIs +K8' p8 c +? Q13 = s p P A A A Qg 1 + Hw pA + Haetisata gasok ieoterm?it a Langmuir egyenlet Irja ia, akkor /52/ 3obtolaala valdban 1?e1 egyenl5, eUenkes8 east. ",en 1-ndl nag obb. Amint as azonban as egyenletbal latesik, as clt6rfa nem nag:. , 6a as as Ussonyom6s ndveked6e6Vel egy ? re cadkken. /54/ ti8szefUgg6s tohdt bsssnilhat6 it adasor? beilt ftzis mennyis4gfli vissonyainak loir?s6ra. /54/eat rendozvo "M x1865 C . aA+oB = L;eg ]cell b>sonban 3(.:gyesni, hogy es as de8sefUgg6$ kls6rle? ? ti adatok el n6rz6sere nem alkalaae, meVt nyi3Lviava1dan .? ` hibis kledrl pontok*a is Arv6nyss e6biny %?o$ hib i? kb. c w ? gp1ta ) 4y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 s ,d A i'olj tonos ttzemU gazkromatografia. IV. F:lytonos Uzemti kromatOgrafdl d9zlop ezaait&Sa bin6r elegy szettalaszt?s6ra. .f dr.Benedek Pal! SzepesY L4szl6 fA, _5z6pe Istvan. taasal. foglalkozott stein, ill. Esayon /3,4/. A folytonos akettt gaz* romatografia fizikai k6mi'i. 34val 6s a kromatogr&f'alo oszlop . szAmitacaval kapcso? latban rendkivtil kev4s utalds talilhat6 az i>rodalomban. Az irodalom szerint /1/ a sz6mitast a tobbko poneneut folyad6keok frakcionelt de9ztilldc163dnal alkalmazott n36mitishoz hasonloan kell v6gezni. Az ircdalonban megg talalhat6 ilyen szamitAs eradmenye, a szAmttdsi m6d- szert azonben nem isiertetik. A folytonos uzemit gaz?.. krom. _togr6firir6l tartot t eloa&,' a ok loran a veg~ ?szm6r- . ,nUki tewvezEEc kE'rd6: eit alig 6rintett6k, ti vit,2k son sem adtak/r6szletes vdlaszt a terveze'sre vorztkoz6 jk6r? desekre~2A kftz6tett eikkekb3l As eloaddsokb6l hi3n:zik. a sz6nscbosseg meghatu'rozE:3?inuk iomertet6se, holott uz a terv?z6s eg;,-ik fegfontosabb mozz rata. Az irod..lom a1.1c3t-'n azt a kovetkeztet st vonhat3u.r ..lei hogs. nincsen lciforrott mo'dszer, 'al. torsos Uzeuuti gaze kromatografal6 oszlop szimit4s6ra. Jelen ktiz1em6nyben k6't adazorptivumot tartalmazo' gaze.' leg, kromatogrgf.i~-s :3zZ!tv"1aszt:is.inuk ozimit6sarl less sz6. /I.kUzletn ny . vailtozat/. 11y-en termiszeti ezami. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 4 47 AZ I. k *zlem6n3ben rdsnttattunk a tot 3tonoe tisimU gazkromatograf6l6 oszlopban 6s a ttilttSt? deeztill616 kolqpnaban v6obemeno fol3amatok 6b szakaszanak lm6r~eg6s? Yromatografa16 os:lop rektifikal tebat am elm6leti tnny6rszam 6s am eln6leti t4ny6r ma- gaasagegyen6rt6k6nek /frTP/ meghatAroz sat foglalja oa- giban. Az. elvalasztas jellemzes6re a fo13tonos Uzemii gais? kromatograkromatogrtifianal to megadhat6 a miniwAlis re- fluxaran3, valamint a minimal.is tan; 6rsz6.m tel jes reflex eset6n. y-'n; eges elter6s a deszttll6eWna1 iiltalanosan _3 az alland6 ao- hasznslt ez?mit6si m6dszert&l /5/ az, 'hop 1aris an3?agforCRlom felt -tele, molt, a szmmit6st na837m6r- t6kben},egyszerusiten6, nem all fer.t, mart am aktiv sz6n 6Azfelvev6kepe9s6ge a gazbssZet4teltol 6s a hom6rs6klet- tol fugg3en valtozik. A rektif1kal6 sza'kaszra kidolgozott szamitrsi mud. szerilnk as anyagforgalmi eg:. enletek 6s a III. kt slea6ny- ben ismertetett elegyadszorpc16s i;sssefilgg6sek eg3t-tms alkalmazasan alapezik. Az adszorrci6s eg.Nensul: kife- jez6s6re as elvalaszt?si t6nyezo"t hasznLl4Uk Oa/Y Yb Az elegyadszorpci6 mew.nenlet ialkalmas, amea ~-'III* saerint lem6nyben levesetett./9/ egy as elegyb6l adszorbe< tisszes' mennyis'g: N0 b /2/ Na+~ a Nb + i -1/x' Az Q1m61eti t y6razar ezamitisa. or almat stacioner ktS- A kromatografA16 oszlop anyagf g ft31 . ritlm6nyek koabtt am 1, abra tUnteti Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 w. 3 w As egisz osslep anyaAxdrlegt: Al B 7B ? DYD + Yym /4/ B m D +M A tajlagos anyagadrleg a kUnnyebb kosponensre: Ltivel a/ 469eorberben as Usesee adesorbeait gez feissaba- duls yW ?~ z~, vagyie a deszarberbe 16p3 aktiv ssdneu ad- ezorbeilt gis b$szetdtele /xx/ megegyesik a fendktes'aft dsszetetelevel, es mivel a legfele8 "tanyerr6l? ttvoz6 gas egy rdszdt fejterm6kkdnt VesszUk el, maeik rdsze pedig a friss ssdnon tel3esen adozorbei16dik 6s refluxkdnt viss- 8aa3ut a felsa"spakaszba: yD = xD, vagyis a fejtermdk Uss- szetdtele // segegyezik a reflex /ZD/ tfsazetetelevel? a/ Ir3uk fel as anyagmorleget a beteplelee feletti vagyis a fels5 szakaszra: Gn?Pa-1+D IIivel a 3zdn az adott kbrtilmdnyek kosott telitve van, An .j kife3ezhet 3 a szeri tomegsebess igenek es fa3lagos elegyadszorpc16shkapacitas:nak ;mo1f / s orzatival. An-1 W.Nn-1 Az anaagmcnrleg teh~it: Gn=stn-1+D illetve,a kbnnyebb komponensre: Guyn - WNn-1 n-1 + DXD /8/ /6/ /7/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 / 3/-b61 y4 et ktfe 3czvo$ VNA yn s...~... -1 + illetve D zD `N 1 n ? :.. U 1+.. xn-1 D" xD s.'^'r D7-"mil *"Lr /7/ 40/ A /lo/ eg: er.let r. fe1s6 ezabusz munkavOna1.nak egyenlcte? b/ thaon16k6i ren folirht-to ez ink arm6rler a betip- 1:1 o alatti, vag; is az clsd szuk: 9zras +1 G + 41/ ji~ +1 a /6/ ogyonlethez P.asvill',nn lrife3ezhet6 a ^s6nooben- -cg faj1r;-os clc!-;...,?;,zor' C0n tri:^aCt?. ?7 ??Z: ,Lvali JA_ Az end i~~m~.?l ~r' r :~* t m+1 ? Gm + 60 dNm+1 m+1 M"m /12/ /14/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 A4/ ea;,-enletb6l y.-et kifejesve: m 11 11letve A5/ WN +l Ym +i: m+l VlNm+l~ zu A /16/ eg: enlet az n1c5 sraknnz rru,n7r..varal:-rr ogyen . let e. Ha as &11anci5 mol4rte anyagfor Talom felt6tele fa, nail 0 g a konati 11m+1 o NM... ? konat./, akkor a n??2 n /lo/ 6s ,/16/ egyenlet al,ip3an, :la Cabe Thiele gf'afikus m3dazer6vel megi:at4rozi at5 a 'div:~nt elvalasztdshos sz.=k- sige elmtllett tlr_ crok 3zamao i, folytonos tizemti gtizkroa-..tograffi16 osz1opb.ln amon- ban t tnce Llland5 mol,~ris an.?a forgalom. A ,2/ a yenlet? bon defini< deezes a6szorbealt -Aswern., is6P az adszorptl" vtm t'sszo C ? e1et G1 f. ktSvet*:( z6s'C6: Ptef vtlto::i's L Z oszlop ment Sn /1. III* kdzlec:'6u: 5.11bra/. Ez azt 3eler?? ti, hor-> a /lo/ 6s 4(/ eg: enlc tber_ definiti3.t munkavoral nam lerct er-_: ener. :: vu? tor.:s .VL . ^nt ~snhh ~~li it~ero8 tehdt fig3elembe kell venni Liz edrs(?i'b il~ :nolrz',?- v.atoztis5t. Kin,i%eb. re?elhetjecc=- c, l jsbol a mu+:'.avonalak fcnti og2enletci k::vct'-cz:k 'pcn ?,t, a/ A fcls u" odw asz ez.!mit:.s_hcz a /lo/ eg )e -:l( the ~ :: ? r6cb"'t c LeH._e.:u'4tesitvc? c N 6rta /2~ r~zef* r- z ? azer::s1t6eck uti::n. / ' -1/ Xn?1 + Zij +1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 . 6 .. A 67/ esyonl" egwaserusit4se cdljdb6l veaessUk be as 3e1316ete As egyeilet tehdt a ki$vetkeao"kdp en mddosul: ti x,] ZU-1 + A9/ Es e, y alulrdl konk{v hiperbola eg,, enlete, ael; as e. 9y 4n3ul Yi dtagratnm At i6 j t a y x = aD pontban metes, ass.zi?pt3tdja -,edig az y ten.ga11ye1 p6rhuzamos G s3 o e,iycttes. A' betaplelas felat tl r6szbfin a rez'? t.xar~n t a desztilla".. ei6hoz hason+uan defini4juk, az id,5egy aegbeu visszave? zetett ds a termekkdnt elvett miiak han,;adosuv--,? ALA Rf r3fluxa '&v-- e:, tz :iO kdzd t o /a /2, egtieniat ~ek .u? I'etbev te14vei/ az alabb? bs3zefiig--6s 11,1 f:nts /21/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 I 4 Aivel a a adezorbeilt menu:-,106g thin:; 6rr6l tdn; Arra v6].?? 0 deiintct6 aserint &lland6, iSo- tossikv Itt nail allund6e P! term izobir Ordlm6nye% kSsgtt ssint6n ~llsndd, igy Bask az r 13a13%et6tellel valtozik? b/ A betSplilis alatti, als6 szakaszra a /3.%/ WOO- lot a kbvetV?e33k6P2en m6dosu1? A /2/ egyenletbol N 6rte? Tr6t behcl?? ettesitve Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 A bet6p1614s alatti azakaszban a reflnzaruyt a deaztil? ldeidndl a k14VO16 ezukaszban alkalaasott "vieszaforra- 1+si arany??nak megfololo&en definialjuk, b oaztopba visa- szavezetett 69 a tormdkk6nt clvott m6lok hrnyadosaval? Ra a I s p,,~g r /25/ Az R a refiuxaran;,- itt is tan%trr61?tdu,6rra ,lltozik, R8 vjszon t Rf hos hasonl6an diland 6 ?I rt 6k. R 69 R$ kRa4tt a kavetl ,t luct ; otal proluot lit. lit* lit. '. Z 1v, 4 1,'.' .:J3,U 10,0 r Pilot plant aqupsr~e T'hv Ci*p conbinuoua ran of both experiments 18905 MAPHI a1879 1 14,9 17,1 14,6 lU,3 17_.4 20403 chromatography - llot rla't. rias iee!1-nel on the hasis t'te anove dascritc-i iz or'$ or' p-tui'w, of and of other 18boratoty meASUro^'ents. The pilot nlnnt ronresonted a morn than hunirodfoli increase in size, as re!'"rtre1 to the laooratory equioment. 'h'+ flor sheet of tno otlot plant In shown in Figure r The gas to be procoss' 1, thi-' cornposi`.1on of ahich -vas diiTer- ent in each rues according to the purpose of the exporir4ent, was mixed in a.gasomoter of 200 ou.m capacity from where it Was li~ _ .--- ----i?~- ..C 4L.,. wr...r+n+.. P n n?+n., hf~ tflIIjrm through a o'f`fer at canl.r-tl1R'1 nressure`y means of cornpressq t Tho fo-'' Re', ^r'.iro' thro>>.?h t:~o adsorption section actlvnto'i carbon movini downwards, whereby the total ,ruant `.y --' prstyl.arne enu oart of the carbon dioxide was adsorbod. The (ras leavinj? thu adsorption section which con- tainod no longer an'j anotylone,k was vithdrawvn as an ovo cad cA+ fM a product a top of the a'iaorption section and introdugod into the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 of tains 10 tubes. Below t`?9 cool r so^t'_on there is the adsorpt Os gtction, a tube of 1,2 m length and 25 cm diameter. Gas is ah~Cp'p1 '? 4 t:s1 thrOUj;h tbe -e 4kZ4a-X i t t ed at the nattom o; the adsorption sootion. =;itiidrawal of the product is also effected from inserted in order to avoid direct feeding to,, @rA v^?P? the carbon b?`7'The so-called rectification at withdrawal from, section below the feed point is a 3,5 in long tube of 20 am dia? mOter. The Dowtherm heated desorption section contains also 1" tubes'; its longth is 4,5 m. ~c: Ii? 4 sectios a the 1 The bottom of the colunm an the puVrose- is connected by a 100 MM d=ameter tube, athich serves aS \isotgs o f the aoivam-~ the gre of a bydrautie look for the systems of the . In order to ensure uniform ina this ? s movemen, there is it baffle inserted above the narroving.is leak aactiori e antral vulva, by means ofich the movement r.vftlOh the Movement ~ is th , hs'aOtlvat carbon can be .stopped when lilling u the systiq volume of the central. r5 from the gas 0 ds4 is. ithdra~m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 d Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 acetylene content of 6,5 per cent was as followal- Ii veatigation of 'too nicn_~___1_e, Aromotera in pile lant d 1MA KI a1884 mat capaoxtyx ok 4*4 .- ,At a pressure of 1,1 ata 20,5 au.iu( 1,3 " . ? 126.5 " " n 1, 5 " gas 1 on 2 2 5.? .p. ou.m. ' '/hr 1,85 1,98 1,9? 2,15 2924 R, 31 The highest fev quantity 'list *ioh acetylene-free overhead product could be obtained, i s oalled-T,.axtraum capacity corrospondinp vKi} L SqU4jI: Q4t capacity/Y+as nvo igatoci at throe different press Oaro3, under otherwise identical conditions. The out-bon o1roulat- ton' in the eq tnnQ - amo mteci to about-215 kg/hr during these ex- porimentn. The maximum capacity wbjch could be achieved at an to a given operating pressure. Data obtained inn capacity experiment series it 5 eta are Feed Ran ou.W*P94 /hr Per cunt S 3-. p. 2H,0 6,6 30,0 6,6 30,8 6,4 35v6 694 359,0 6v4 36, ?' 6,4 11' ?t 4-h.... k am n9 n? a-'etvle,A in, the carried out, at. C2H2 in gverhead product traces a Carbon;'O *WP V ou:7iiii V , It 6,6. Mf ~ U f4i break through 10O 10,*. ov"rhap.i prori'ict was detected with L Ilosvoyroarfnt. ~ 1L " Investigation covering e 4 e*t a/ the capacity, under otherwise identical conditions;3n-. ;'creases between certain limits closely linearly riith-oporat- I tonal pressure exerted. This: is a .natural consequence' of the fact, that in the' invaat- ca.~iovL~lgy iSc -i .r4, 4 ? ~~ 151l6vr , 1 capacity/heriforo; ~[ that Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 ^ it~ partial oresq ua. ly a linear funotior~ W bl Ul4 p, ,,, f 4 ".ft ac t ivu to : carbon, ae compurod with` the 4X Isotherm. value of correspondinE, ourtinl ?)ressure, waou,itQJ tv abt, 60 per cunt, i iependent of the exerted oressuro. This? pjiouo:venon is on the jae hn?i i loo to the fact that the carbon itr`the adsorption socbdon must retain beside the eh*tged acetyldnd }t4# _alsu the ncetylenH flouring upwards from the rectification section, and on the other hand, that carbon dioxide adsorption decreases the ae"tylenw adsorption capacity and the carbon capacity decreases also owing to rise in temperature tm nause4 by the heat of adsorption. Tliiosc two rules, which in spite of their theoretical explanas tions a~e only alap4rieal ones, may be used as preliminaries at the dimensioning of a continuous gas chromatography-equipment for the' processing of PO gas. heating the adequate acetylene desorption could be ensured by n6 to activate! c,rtin ak a ta.nperaturo of 2?1Q-280?C. At a pr"oiisui+e of 1,5 ata, total 3osorption coup not i0 broi}.A,k~t .bent even at X00?C grj''J~itd1 In orclo .1885 2/ Dosl)ration _ Desorption condition* ,Were thorou(~h1YAQe?tigated in t}io pilot plant. In the expgriinenta at pressuree of 1, 1 end'1,3 ao.ta, and acetylene ro?hal-'Od on ev rbon , ,? ; to complete ddsorption, steam was injected at tha botto of the j dm) fl z' >i'' ~ ,,''~;, V--__ _~:.~.. ~.., ? ~+.+i~t.+lmnnts_ the\lto Q 'temporature was 280?C. } t4ty nec 9sa~c9"for acniev~ng `~iQ8U 1-4lsiii i~vw~vv.. ., ~s . o k, : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 S Y, y~ G0 orbajt ~,ce~l~,? is ,,y~spl c. ly = In case of rJe by steam, rd it Is the stoa'n that,mast- tae removed from `the activated carbon In the hoating sao+t?ion. According to the adeorptio~d equilibrium of a + al%orbed atenit remains un the activated oarbOA oven at the aunvo temrnroturo. This ueoroases carbon actaivity on the one hand, and may?cause troubles in carbon transp?rt/n the to batty state, duo to low heat conductivity of activated'ea=bon,. emnora ?een i?, inure 4. This is not a spec is feature of t2i0 proaens, it . s outside-coo =ling tieing considers otLot ractertzes onlr euv p, lot, nlant~, ~abla owing to thR sTnttll diameter and 3nadenuao Zrisut`ition;ii; ;Q. r4P column of larger diameter, i.ho system incessantly ippraaehes ad".os' setting of the correct pressure conditions at the ] ler part of the $~?r~y01~!~1~`r Oete m, Under lpf' column and preventing downwards flow of the o?i~r e- :. these oimumstancea it could be ensured that he x&ttor.~oontent of the activated carbon reaching the adsorption section should not ex- ceed 1 per cent. Et &1886 Ti,' Temperature distribution 4--lie aistributiotn of the ohroma.to6rjjbhic column can be other hand. As can be seen from literature data, drying or aoti!a ? carbon is carried out in the cooler on top of the.column, bY-VKs9in? be part of the ovorhead gas. We thought 1* alvisable'to carry out the dehydration immediatelY below the desorption section, the activat?d carbon temperature being still higher there, and rglatively smaller Y ~as ynintittee necessary to reach more efficient desorption. e recirculated o*PAGV gas was passed.: through the flash Part of tt\h cos tube oetween tho?desorption section and the car-e*. lift 8oction, making posaiolt- beside the above mentioned dbhydrat vil both the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 I0 2 ? ting of --reaPIarncs can o m- ?am.~e:; by r?,,;uljtini, thereon ait gas pvontt ^n i thvou .h t:i4 hy?.fraulle loc'd. Local nreasuro Valttet nrov;,'lI' in at difforont 'iolPhts an.: ai 1,5 ;eta opar~~ t,)r.4t` >, ~,qs .rc) are shoaml in rjruro 8, ftnow74.ng at the vane tIxw the ly al oresau)o, the tempoaturo, and tho Ean composition, the t.tn trwmnpnrt of the ohroi?)atographf oolumn may be calculated. 5/ Concentration distribution t.i "rlL,r co determi:v? accurately concentration distribution, as samnplan' wara fader, at ava:y 0,5 m in x-)o :''octification and,the adsorption Sections. Soparato experiments were carried out at Jim v'ryint carbon veloci.tie3 to determine t'.io influence of the?oarbon io velocity and Vin roLlux rata r-eanuctivoly oz the concentration values taken dllitrtoutton. In Figure 5/ as x / at lifforent carbon veloai. i. ties, a.o, -itffoa~ent aootylono c'iar;as are given. It can be seen from the Figu~o, that tho minimum raft t fi cation height necessary for tha rosolittion of the acetylene -? car5t,n dioatio mixture anottlltg to 2.3 m. denendtni on the roflu?c rate. Figure 6/ shows the moss diagram of the process taking plat! in tha chr ographtc c- 1u cis p p" -".te I aec )ritlL-j to $.hankoy, ejLA 5; A.:tr. L-if) . ..:. i? v~ r, :,,s.t i ms. Attritinit of thL. uo- cs ru:?. and changes In its activity 4-4e_ Iqr ya4- iv)ro Cysto?n36ieall;; iuvooti.,uc-c,d in oar pilot plant. The i oQrL . v o- c:a??bo?) Just 1s forged' not in the moving bod,.but.. In tho r,,,,,s, -r the pneurmotic transportIrthe eat being allbjQOt to hipli -,ochenlCal stresses there. This was proved by the fact. that lice IiN ..s, under lion-teal circumstances but employing , se- of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 summary of omplay1.n8 f 14- WgS vestigated the Possibility contlAuous fie-in aseous mixture. chromf tography for "the reaoluti on n the gpr :l ~xi'1atio' ^f ret'.~anA. TAchntCal data Ofa aetnii guced be ,?nrti ?~uot:s lcb4r~}ot`Y v nt', ? Ant and -)f a pilot plant, Are. dta4Oeids Monti the o , ,ientity Of the GQP4` 91W# g 3iffor.~h`. 3i?non9iona 7h~ ~'-r-'1~ dtfi o ?~ ,' nLt riti~-~ leases v9ro Axnnrionco4. Under optimum eircum- nfle carbon cycl" is sta?~e9s, uttrtti~n loss h1 ring a log.- 2.5 por cent 'ITMtis -!Owns that ':'vier Qap?rimontsl aonlitions the recovery of 1 i v; aonzentratoi -acot7 'C'no is a:companied by. attrition of 2026 k r- ..,.., e_ . 6.5.7Per cent/. Specific nra3. ire ,--au?nstic transpor .. erhiph ~ndt t10 ne and, j3M c mont unlor mlrn fzv~uTM~haln a rt-xat ~ A 8rction of the activated carbon is of nrimw-r--3r'-snCe wit,, .. the pro 4e sus Lcace. to be need by i,.mroviPQ mechanical a4sess aCF;'h+kA atematicallT During the oxt;Ar3mAnts. car n eanplea were sl l7as dotermined by meaeurina tat;;" to control the activ2ty. Activity rlhich Was found to be constsAt. th ocetylene ret*U apc city, attri ui ,., r?? z -)ho hand. and Gh the othor frond in a large oQ P" Bj. Ke is well nerooptible and reproducible. a *rixture of acetylene ani inert as to passed through fixe:l\aarb.n bo1, after tho olanse of gaertain peria3 from Of beair.nin- of Urn oxportment /the so-called break through time/ acotylnno emerges from the carbon layer in the carrier gae,a&t co. otintr.,tton then. tncrealos and roae'"es the acetylene eonedul ration it the fnod pes. Thy results of such an experiment are shorn 11 ?igure E, tTiero break through times taken in carbon colurvis of 1 f ?Aro?1t ne{ ;htt+ at constant gas velocities are 'lotted as a functton of zone length. It can be seen. from th Firvre, that un to n cerratn carbon column height, exooeding so-callod worktnr Zono lo*if-th, th' correlation bocomos linear Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 ,yhic., ~aan~ t. 44t t e e-1vanc1n.- velocity of the conoontretion 4o-e01led working- ton?, is constant 15 qt--1n,_4 1-on soctt l'ir o r?~? n zone dons not change. T'n working and the 1 Any tnl ~f .`~ ro _ -- -- - z~ra 147?t't /T,~/~ t. a. the length whore the above linear coma 04.10" ."tin gill, rn..r therefore be asttmct?d from Figure 2. Tho u-'va-nel-I voloci t.y 7` the %-Mrl ne zone can also be d?tort-aiaod fv-: the Figure. Tr'? oorrelatio" between the bre6w4 through 'tim* a? the Qo a height being linear,, the l.ongth of the working Zone. !008 not. c`zang3 while the vrorki g cone is odlanc inb. Z+here'.3 e f L cm length- has b ny mosr_3 that iurin~ thcs su?no period a Zon 4i-.-W of saturated with acetylene. The &dsO?ption URP betnp,_knOwn from the adsorhti can' Of acotvlOne, if it is aesumi d . the a au rption from the gas stream takes place undor iaothoririal con i +. t i irls,. no '"l f r i cultt- nil l no experienced in calculating the, velocity advsnc irift/of the working zone in advan0e/1/. tinder therm rcuntancoa, if a gaseous mixture, the 60i,61+ rentratio?' of Co /cn.cm acetylone per c om tote]. mixture/, is introJucod at a velocity of cu.cmjmin. into an. adsorbent layer with a prose-section - of S sq. ! and 'the *o kil he ail S acotylen zone ham advanced L cr luring ~;minutoaa t~ nrin the SO TO time /CoVP'/ is equal to m o adsorbed ocei lend quantit *? they a~dtf: content /1/ Dubtnin, an i Tschmutoff.: Phystco?chbmical prine't i of antigas protection, Moscow 1939 /in Rua ian/ Ens filltnr the free space of thaw carlaa, be Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 I y~ 4v~Jov~~1?~+ ~geoc N 3 -- o~F1.QoMn~wQy~ `~ S~a~lc MCwoO~ Cs~~~;C a dC'??~-,.ti c4f%C'% %) ) bo .tA'.?l00t0d. t. >t t i' orose'lt. invosti('twt4o^.a this moan:+ an orror :...rti br~ lcatc13n0~0u.cm aisoroont) donotoa t`to l'tbr4%* oAln;v 1 nar cent. Thot?efo1'e /1/ Cov'~ = 4SL A '.he ti'orbo^t at an ejuilibrium concentration xx Co, P' s ivn U to velocity of the working zone from equation /l/ %vi11 De:-* are in -satisfactory ags'00' aeetyleno was dM tarminsd from Fitauro 3, which ropresents the 140therm8 of *Oat7" lone,, determined ey conventional method o.iSova hce:1A i~N'* 'lent. 'Phi, eff"+ -i.at4i static vancing tolooity of the working-iszone u L - C:-- V /2/ ~ - T 0 S If- TT'% n Justii'icetton of the aoovo disclosed calculation method in given in Table le A mixturo of 9,5 per ':oat acetylene and of 90,7 ~iftereat ear-at a oar cent hydrogen was messed through the adeorp velocities. The exporiraontcl and cabal ated values of the a&lvi. 3F' of aootV' c carbon omplayod. 0qQ4-3JUV&UA ? ' ' stati p. ~ u cm0 -,V9** ' 8 75 ou.cm( j, ou;~4 adbort~enti 46 17,5 n at c p t~ Rosults of nroek thrcughYoxperimonts at various aoety1In :t in Tahln :3` 1 - -a von 'A' a b 1 0 1 u11, u eu.cm/sq.am.min calculated measur in L/ cm/min 270,0 2,87 3,I0 600,0 6.38 6.95 Chem., 42, 1319 /1950/ GJ .g.Le:via,B.R.( illilan",e.Chortow,and :..P.Cadogan, Ind Loom . ^ge6' 5,2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 V/S 300 o?~.c:. r+~}.om.min p - ?60 mm Hg 6,5 - v, 4 3,04 2,94 3, 22 8, 7 0,3 3,14 3, 25 3054 9,3 8,? 3, 22 3,44 3,82 1200 10,2 3, 56 3262 4,08 18,7 14,? 3,82 4984 4 24 45_, 3 _26,2 5 19 57 , 3.88 The 3ifferenee between calculated and measured values may b' explained as follows. If break throughr'exptrinants on activated carbon bode o! different hoig`ite eoul:l be cvrrf.ed out ~un.dor tso- a-dLo X94 ~c c.t - thermal conditions, the -r.;; il-i ra n static &e- ' at a given acetylene concentration might be calculated from the measured ad ?? vanein'g velocity of the wnrkinr_ zone L /'t, -.e, a point of the isotherm of acetylene would be obtained, haeording to equation `3/ GoV LS --- The "Isotherr plots" of acetylene for geseous mixtures of varl'ew coneentrattons at a temperature nf.2000 have been taken by thin . method, And are?shovn in Figure 3 /broken line/. It can bi gathe ad from the FiCurd that with increasing partial prers~sure of aoetylenvX the :eviction between the twcijcurves also increases. This may be explained by the fact that during the dynamics exm periments zoo time is available to remove the beat of adsorption, as a result of ?rhiob the temperature of both the activated cart and the gar rises. Another c~nsequonce is that under dynamic o, ditions .the adsorbent cannot be saturated k up to the equilibr.. static activity /a3 4 as/, on'1 this explains the dovaiatlon be- t:ween calculated sn3 measured u values. each point of the dyn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 I "isotherm" oalculabed from the advancing velocity of the work- ing zone, belongs to different isotherms. The ratio of the calculated and measured values of the advancing velocity of the working zone thus Oepreeente the degree of saturation of the activated carbon under dynamic conditions. If there are two substances to be adsorbed in the gas introduced into the adsorber instead of or;e, these substances 1?h?ti in~luewce each otberaa adsorberbility, During thu resolution of ost'tial oxidation end gas, part of the carbon dioxide will also be adsorbed beside acetylene. The influence of the pre senoew of carbon dioxide on the adsorption of acetylene has been investigated in a special experimental series, the re Hatal?t4 sults_of which are given is Figure 3. Neepnng acetylene con- centration approximately constant in the experiments, carbon dioxide concentration in the feed gas has been, varied. T a b l e 3 v/S - 225 cu.oiq/sq.om.min, p - 760 mm 8g per sent pecent ~2N2(~pjom/min. Xed L fC: eaam m n ccm ou.om NP? /cu.om 8,7 - 8,3 2,36 2,44 3;08 ? 8,76 {2,3 8,3 2038 2,48 3,07 8,96 5,0 8,4 2,40 2, 51 3,15 8,27 8,48 7,9 2,15 2g St 3,50 It can be seen from the Table that the advancing velocity of the gas front as well as the difference between calculated:b and measuredn'values slightly increases with increasing cab. bon dioxide concentration. These findings agree with the r- ,:. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 sults )f in?, t ~'to-~^ dealt rwitt ii t ho literature, accord- in.- t-) ahic'i s na1lnr iuant itios of aoetylen? are retained in the case n' mixture adsorption than those adsorbed from pure acetylene. Only ,ualitstivo conclusions may however be drawn from F1.vure 3. This la due on the one ie to the fact that the aeetylen- con-ritratior~ is not constant, as a result of which also the value of u 1r chonge?a. Thq second reason is hk the inherent inaccuracy of break throughYexperiments. Acetylew ne adsorption is only sli fitly decreased by the presence of carbon dioxide a vi the veri? tion of u values is therefore the same order as the oxporimentyl error in break through ox- periments /5-10 ?er cent/. Table 3 shows however that the pw presence of carbon dioxide does not influence acetylene ad- sorption oonsidera)ly /for full pe:rticulars, see paper In/* k4c In t.ie course of eUT further experiments, the influence of the activated carbon humility on Leetylene adsorption was $ c I c ~dio.tti:w -?p'ck'1 inves~igatei. :hy of the activated carbon is a very important factor as regards di~~soiooning of the pro- cess. Under ?:a ufacturing conditions, t o'f carbon contains a certain iuan ity of huniiity, vhioti 1nXluenOes its activity ? to a consider l.e extent. Hitherto in oa exroririenta the activated carbon was not ~1ea ~'n the carbon in dried by an g it In vacuum, but by keepSta a desiccator at 150?c for 1 1/2 ire. The carbon dried in We way contains about 0,5 - 1,0 per cent water, which eorreapoida to the humidity prevailing under industrial VvedusAM-981b conddit- ions. The gas to be investigated was not dried, but ohargid- saturated with steam at room temperature, the end' gas of the 83y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 N- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 P cr) :' INUOUS GAS CH1?.OMAT0GhAP1Y III Inveetit;ai.ton of the adsorption equilibrift of acetylene- carbon dioxide mixture Dr. P. Bonedek Ln3 L. Szepesy dynamic analysis of mixture adsorption. Due to the thBroetioal.. inadequacy of the correlation deducted by him, this also supplied values deviating from experimental data. Besid4 tho above cited pepors, there are some other publications 'ith the) ievelopmAnt of continuous 'gas chromatography a continuous adsorption operation has been realised for the resolution of gaseous mixtures, Which is similar to fractio- nal diet'llation. As a consequence of this, it has become necessary to investigate adsorption equilibria of gaseous mixtures, Which have hardly been dealt with up to th' present time. Markham and Benton have tried to apply the Langmuir equation in the calculation of adsorption from mixtures /1/. The values obtained from this equation agree to the experi? mental data only in an exceedingly narrow range. ]h a recent work, BerinF? and Serpinskii /2/ have shown the theoretiopl cont'radictions of it on the basis of thermodynamic cons*der-- ations. Recently, Broughton /3/ has carried out the thermos endeavouring to describe mixture adsorption phenomena. / .Markham, A.F.Bonton: 3.Am.Ch0m.Soo.v 497 /1931/ V.V.Serpinskiis Zs.Ptz.H1m.,26,No.2,253/1952/ /2/ B.P.Bering, /3/ D.B.Broughton: Ind.$ng.Chem., 40, 1506 /1948/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Owing to influences amonv the components, the deduction of a correlction, on the basis of cfiioh the adsorption from a a mixture could relf9bly be calculated knowing only the too- therms of pure gases, is not very promising from a theoroti? No data have yet been published dealing with the adsorption e1uilibriam7of aoetylene?oarbon dioxide mixture. cal viewpoint. V Description of the laboratory adsorption apparatust? ve,?r :wtat~re~ Adsorption equilibriala in the apparatus shown in Figure 1. The 13 amt diameter glass tube p1saoed in an ttltrnthermostat and surrounded by a water, jjacket is able to contain 10 gr activated carbon. One side of the adso rber is connected with a buret of 500 ml capacity, and the other side with a 1000 ml buret, having 1 and 2 ml. graduations respectively. The burets as liquid tr ps? T ay(contain saturated ooaaon-salt solutio_b which has been shaken with the gaseous mixture to be investigated before starting the experiment, in order to saturate the Solution with gas. Duo to the vapour pressure of the liquid, the to- tal adsorbed quantity was somewhat smaller than t1e value found in our comparison teats with Bg as liquid trap. Ac? cording to exnerimental data of Lewis, 8# d, and co- workers /4/, the relative adsorption capacity of two com- ~onents re?erre--4a &-&e-thew'49 not changed im the presence of a third component. This has been confirmed by we gontrol /4/ w.K.Lewis P.R.4illtla d. B.Oh/tow, w.P.Cadogant Ind.Eng.Cnem., . 1319 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 c measurements and the carbon dioxide - acetylene equilibrium ? wa-Yafou.P. has not been influenced by the presence of *b8Mm6'In order to simplify the method, the above described liquid trap ~aa been used for our measurq#ent series. Adsorption measurements wor? carried out on activated carbon of Hungarian make, marked NUXIT A; the same quality was applied in the pilot plant also. Prior to the experiments, 0 the carbon was dried in a desiccator at 150 C for 1,5 hra in order to remove the a , and was then cooled, iso- latOd from air, and weighed into the apparatus. The latter is suitable for thb purpose of plotting both isotherms and - equilibrium curves. Carbon dioxide applied in the measurements was produced from dry ice, and had a purity of 98-99 per cent. Acetylene of an average purity of 95?96 per cent was taken from a flank. axat ted Carbon dioxide was nag, Mine in an Orsat apparatus by absorption in KOH of 33 per cent. Acetylene * analysis was also carried out in an Orsat apparatus, with basicmercuro- cyanide solution as absorption liquid. Pnalysis of carbon- dioxide - acetylene mi tureacannot be effected in an Orsat apparatus with aoouracy, as clap acetylene is absorbed in the Yotc3, hftw ti'4 rice ss1t4io b trtd~ Carbon dioxide was therefore determined as- ~tr~te parately in Part 9,f the s&Ml by means of sod* G Is #in o 'her where no acetylene is retained at all, and from at the sftple the total quantity o carbon dioxide + 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 4 ucntylon^ ~a? ?, in ' n Ors- t t pparatus. p.+.irwi \ 11'6 lfl-ttirtr thn I?^"'n 10 it of the 'irlel ani cooled activated carbon is weiphr,l into th^ adsorber ant the ultrathermostat is connected. By ,onns of rho ultrathermostot, the temperature of the ae- tiv,,teA carbon is ni,intainAl con tant during the experiments ? 0 with an accuracy of ; 00~' - 005 C. Acetylene or carbon dioxide +"'?~41 ?`i l c+-pacit~, and the is then we4ghe& into buret /1/ of 100 m volume is recorded. The apparatus is operated at Constant' atmospheric, pressure and the individual points of the'iao- k.P aS u re r_ therm rare obtained by mixinr the gas we4ghed in with hydrogen in different proportions, end the hydrogen - acetylene, or hydrogen -?carbon dioxide mixture is then passed through the adsorber. Hydrogen adsorption being negligible, it does not cause considerable inaceurday when plotting the isotherm. Before starting the gas flow, the adsorber is evacuated with a vacuum pump by setting the three way cook, in order to ii#itb" the adsorbed at?. At the same time the apparatus is controlled for leakages. If the apparatus i.,iVervioua to gas, the vacuum puma does not deliver air VOQ'W evaouatit-g the adsorbed air. The dead space of the apparatus must be known for the purpose of calculating the adsorbed gas volumes. Determination of the dead space is carried out by means of hydrogen gas 4yQq,SuYed which has been weighed into buret /2/. After evacuating the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 f of tae ? - ar'. ';? a?' VP metho1 ;oes not excee' 3-5 per roll, . , , pnPIA ; oa , ,w.,~tities. even in the rise range of smu11 - rt' 1 frA9surAr,. I ?tvan by t!?,r? leoreaee of of .,.;~ 1,3a, s am 1s . re^ r. 1 7 r.3r::on ' 1 ^At, the air3^be1 :.iroten ;nantities 'r o, ,,^;?1!,:1 1A. `~ 1 rFAS' iovlatto1 to the 1etermination '-etormtnat'on of t-1.'.v1jual points of the'isotherm is Af! ec'.a 1 as un9^rlr !ipon evar la+t1'1t' t'" .1 r from th^ alsorber, the oon- nectton of vacuum pump is clo'' l any- the two burets oponel towbr?'.s atsorbor. i3y lifting the level vessel of burnt /1/, i ar ?loal] traisforred into buret /2/, an! retarne! In') burnt /1/ ag.in. This gas Transfer back- war-in ?i'' : roreeu^9n I- eontinue'l as lon'? as the gas volume in thA `1:trot Loos nit rot constant. According to experiments, oftor 30 minutes, '.e. ?ppro tmatel7 10-15 transfer mania rul? tiona, th'- A ,ut1ibrtum Ions not change perceptibly. .cotylone, or carbon 1ioxije content of the remaining gas is -;etAr'1inI't in p"r cAnt, ??ni knowing the barometer pressure thA parti'l t rosauro o? thA gas can be ealculite4, which in this caso represents elutlibrium pressure. Snowing the iuantitios of both weithe'1 in teas Un.i remainder gas, the adsorbet sea ;uNntitT mr7 bo calculbted taking into account tnn leas spice, ani raiucei to normal pressure uni temper- ature. Tha "iaxt point of the Isotherm is taken from an soptyleno /carbon iioxiie/ - hydrogen mixture of different composition. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001600040006-0 Tha iso hi-r'-1'l for acetylene and carbon dioxide token at 20?C ore shown on ?i3ur? 2. lie1V4nuoat