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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Q Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 G~~c~c~~~ a~t~c~.~. A.~~d~rr~* ~f Sci~r1~~~ for' I~~,~h~matic~~. P~~c es ~C~~Ta~S ~ PP.~JC~~S~~G ~~"F0~'L4Z'IGI~s p.A~T ~~.TI~~~.TICI'~Z ~f~1.CHI!~a ~,ibl.icatio~. of the ~ ~~echo~lc~va~i~n Acad~zt~r of Sciences Pxague ` 195 . STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 A ~ ~~O~rat~$ .. _,:.. K.Bezn, V.Cern~r, 1~Jex~narr Z.Korv~,~~ ~,.Kristou.~ek J.~~ta,rek, J.Oblons r O.I'okorna, Z.P?kox~r~* J~,ichl.,, ~'.1~~oboda~ I~iSneZerova, M.Sterbova, MValach~_ V.~lysi~ ? -~ ~, _.._ STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 In t~i.3.s volumes 1.ectt~res to the ~rork'ers of the` of ~Iathgmatical yes of the C~echo~lovakiari Academy of Sciences he~.d at the ~r~orking Conference iri ~e b9' science worker J.E.Pttrkyne in Oece~aber 195 aye published. The next volume ~~ contain wanks in the field of comjputers for prvices~ing data submitted ~' the ~TRODUCTIDN ab~c~`~e-ment~.oned Ioaboratc~ry. The acceptance of the works is the province cif the SG ~enc~ Council of the Ieaborator~ for I~ia ~.hematics,l Machines. The main purpose of the First ro~alume is tc~ s.cquaant a w-o de pub]..a.c with an aut~- la.;.xe of the. work. carx?~.ed on s,t the I,aborator~r for 1~athematical Nla.chines in the fie~.d ~f automatic comptzt3..,ngA The .text of the manual i~ the ~nar?k of the ;staff of the I-ab-~- c~x~tor3r. 'I`~ie results off` the orig3.na1 works were re~.~red, and the ~.ost iYr-.portant items selected for publ.~.cation. The forrmalat~..on of the central automatic calculation$ its cod?s~ the method of cr~structiara of the computation are the work of Antonin Svoboda. The adaptation of the codes in conforr~.t~r the constructive requirenfents off" the machines and the extension of the codes necessax~* for time-sav~..rl~; ax?e the w~~~?k of ~'aclav Cerr~yp The p1es off' the manual were prepared b~: Jan Oblonsky (The computing of cos x), Olga Pakorna (The Geometer ?f F'roblems~ its t3ptics } 9 Zdenek ~'okorn~ (The Computing Problems in Optics) ~ J~..ri Raichl (The C~~np~uting of Solutions of Dfferex~tia~. Ec~uatidns } ' ? The formulation of the multipl.f.cation perforations and their codes is the wox~ o:~ Antonixt S~'oboda. The in~'estigation and execution of the ~.ltip~:ication perforations axe the. a~or~ of the Aritma Research Znstittxted The methods of solving the problems described in the second part of the manual e~~d the appli?d s~bols (Operating ,Tables} are the work of Jindrich lark. STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 .... ~ ... T~-ie staff of the Labi~T'ato7"~r .for ~ath~m~atical's had to overcome mangy ~r~y~~.c c~.ifficu~.t~e,sd 'hanks are due to ate. who cohtx~ib~ted their active support, p:t~..rtic.ularly the Czechoslowak~.aM Acade~r of s+~~.e~sces, in whose framework the I.,abora- t~"- for Mathematical Mach3.zie~ has b+e~n s~cc~ssfull~ de~reloped, am the Mathematical ~9C1.~titute of the C~echoslo~v~lk~.a~i Acad `~ off' Sciences ~s cia i pe 11~ its Director, Acad- ~~~.cian E. Cec~iovi, mho has ~.ent his ~triselfish support to this development .fora num- b'~~ of dears. Thanks are also due to the re9earch workers of Aritma for willing and ~.~~roted co11_abaration. Thanks are also due to the staff of the ~aborator,~ for Mathematical Machines, a~~,~1 particularly to those memt~ers w~iose collaboration fa~cil.3stated the preparation of t~~~:s Manual.. Prof . Tyr. Hruska carried aut the critical scientific examination of th~a Special thanks are dtrte to th+~ ~'ragtxe printers, shop 05, their ~~ ~r i~.'~licko;ri, and especials,~ the~.r type setters? who composed even the most diff-- ci,~ ~t parts of the tent and tables unusually carefu~.I~r and iM the shortest tune. P~~gue, 31 December 152 Collective I.~~S STAT ii Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~~~TRQD~7CTIQI~~ TQ .~i:HC~D ~~ C~~'~.A'S~QN ~~" AU~C-ME1'~IC CALCU~AxZ01~ C~-.'AI~T~R Av~~~~~ catr~~rro~ .Ll~ ~A ~.JLIy M v y Calculation, logarithmic and other tables are the oldest aids to rapid numeri- ~~~~ calculation. ln. 1,ater gears compiuters ,were designed axed developed for coAZ lete~-- P ~~' automatic calcu~.ation. The employment of corapu.ters ~s today so widespread that everybody' has at least a clear idea of the~.r use. A computer has a keyboard far the digits and various operat:ionkeys far the solution of operations with dx,gts, 'hen op~~atin~ the calcula+.~i ng ~,ch~,.n,e, the o~ere.tcr reads from th? formu~.,a the numbers on w' he has to operate, gets thin ~~, the machine, carries out the necessary opexat~.on, roads off the results, and iiRR;~~rts it into the ~'he transfer of the rttimbers from the formula to the as~~c~hine and of th? result f`ro~t the machi.rie to the fox^mal,a is net as difficult ar~d tr~c~i.ous a fob a3 the e~ecutian of ar~.tha~ctical operat~.orrs with pencil on papErb Thy ca~cputer carrying out such grithmetical operations rapidly is desire.ble not on1,g b~;cause it accelerates the ~cr~ bv.t also because it faci~.itates and impro~res it by e~;~ luding errors. An automatic computer is a machine which carries aut auto~natica3.l.y a ~,arge num- be.L of ~.rithmeticaZ operations,, automatically manipzil~,tas the numbers on ~rhich it o~~rates, and automatically ad~u~lts itself. to the c~~er~;t~.tig procedure. It is incorrect to describe the computez~t~rithout the last of the mentioned ch~racteri sties. According to thiM incorrec#, descript~:~-ny the automatic computer i~ based on the simp~.e mechan3.~ation of the ~ror ? king procedure of the calculator ~~.j..r~g the calculating machine Such an automatic calculation would mean one' the acceleration of numerical calctz] carr~.ed out by the mathematician in the usual .STAY Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~s The work~.r~.g procedure ~rou~d be pined accord~ig to the old methods of nut~rer- ~a1. c~~.cuYat:ionj anal the solu,t~.orr ~~",e~ w~,~h tie ca~.culator uto~. W'` `- ~ ld consist o~i~:~r ~.n the caloul~t3oi~. of terms in ad~rance of thea.r feted positions ~. ~ plane?d d knc~m sequence. The first "atitomat~.c ca~.culatt~rs~t were the result of construct~.ons accord3,.ng to this naive description. This was a tie of cal.ctxlating mis,~hne, consisting of a co~inatioz~ of machines which the operator calculated formu~,as ?- e gadget which controlled the seq~zence of maiaipulations and operatioris with the z~umbex~s resembled ~ te~.egraph transm3.ttGr. A group off" openi~?g~ in perforated paper tape was scanned and the place of t~`aY1s8io1"~ of the ~unprint carried. the manipul.~.- t~,ori and operation .with the nuntlaers inside the calculator. 'The modern sutou~tic computer doe~l not proceed s~.~a~`ishly according to a pre- 1.~.mnaril~---prepared sequence of r~an~.l,,at3.rig and operating co~~~~.nds, which are call=~ ~d the instrzzct~- ons The autom~.tic calculator described in the fir st part of this selects while the instructions 3:n dependence or_ the results of tale operations end usu.a~.1.~r creates regularly new' instruct~_ons when old pl~axined in- sj,ructiozis are absent, The plan according to ~rhiCh the selection of instructions is carried out and the creation of nr~ instructions is called the ~.ristruction net- works We shal.~.. see that such s P~ differs substantially from the instruction sequence of the instruction-machines part scanning of the telewriter tape. The development of then numerical. method of calculati.~ig has been greatly in- f luenced b~ every advance in the art of means. ~~'hens ho~w~e~er, the ins ~~,uence of logarithmic tables acrd calculating ms,chines is compared with the nflu-~ ice of automatic calculators; it is seen .that the change in the method of nyamer- ~:ca1. calcul.a.tion was a revolution. Specifical.~, with the classical method it was sought to d?crease tie number of trumerical operations or to simplify them (e.g., rep],acing multiplication by addition ). `ihe extremely ?urge number of operations made this expedient impracticable. The modern method of automatic calculation STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 /yy Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 _. ' c.sregards the number of Qperatior~s; so that it can uti~.ize the calcu:~.ting methods .. ~~h~.c.~~.i are ixnpxacticab~.e from the viewpoint of the classical method (For ex~n~p~.e, . ~~ the functional va~.ue o~" a trigonometric Function. i~ fo~~d an the classical method ,, .. _ nth the help of a '~s,b1.e, while ~xith automatic cal.cul.ation and such value is easil~r rt~ advantage?ugl,~r ca~.cula.ted as the sum o:~ the members of the corresponding Po~'~ ho~z~.~nal) . In autorrtatic calculation, ~ large number of ope~~ations is not c~.3.sadvan- ~~g~~ous because its operating speed is considerable. W The application of autcnnatic computing to the solution of technical and re~- ~~~~ ~e~.r~ch problems has, ~iowever, pine fun.dar~ental trait should be stressed : ever solut~,an of a prabl.etn with automatic calculation represents a complex mathematical sez~iment carried out aecorciing to arbitrarily-establ..~.shed conditions. ~ varging these conditions anal compar ing the variation in the results it is often possible to f rld the ans~ters to other accompar~ir~g disagreements. 'rhe enployrnent of auton~tic calculation, of course, brings to ~..ight purer theor et-i cal questions, which i.n r~aazy cases sex~ve as the starting point for new research. in other fields of mathematicsw ~Tr~oz~vcz~zar~ To r~ ~~on a~ a~~-~~zo~ 1 ~ ~. h Calculat ~. an b~- Formals. s Ir forr~ulat~.n,g a worka~g procedure for autosatic computingg the start is wade with the classical calculating method b~ foxrnulas~. The ,working procedure begins ~:th the selection of a suitable numerical. method, the notation of the mathematical sessions, the ana~.,~rsi s and ~il~3nning of the operations; tre select yon of the s~~.rting values, and the preparation of the forz~.7.a~ If the sta .rung values ax~? a~i4anged to a index (~.n sequence); the cs.lculating is carried out w~:~,h the help of the single forr~.u~.a in the f ox7a of separate Tables . At a l,s.rge num- bc~~ of independent variables (Large number of x.r~dexes) a 'bound volume of Tables or a i~hole series of such volumes is re red. p ~ The formula with the plJari of operationsconstitutes a mode. of the selected STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 c.~u~.ating method. An example of a Classical s~~~~shoMm in Fi~.l.l. The ~~en in the headings of the cc~lu~arls These constitute the it7structio~. series. The operation procedure when warkang b~ formula begins by taking one, two ar pt:`:.i.1.a from the values of s given iri the first coltumrl accorc~iing to the expressions ~:~'~ co~.u~n, the values of gs are calculated in suceess~.on with the help of the ~or~ of the values written in the, with the operation in accord-~ ah~~e with the ~pr~ss~.ans .n the headings of the columns, and finallp noting the r~w~izlts in the corresponding places df the f'ormul~a. The columa~s are filled with va~.~icus values of the same varia', while the lanes contain the values of var3.oug v`~;x~iables are raperationall~r dependent on each other. The operations in working ~' formcuJ..e.s are usually carried out w^th the calcu-- ~.a,t^n.~ machine or the help of Tables:. The fox~la is usually arranged in c.c;:~.umns because the arrangement in line has great disadvan+.,~ge when using the ca ci~:.~ating machine and Tables. Qn the basis of the columns already filled, the un~- ~'~~~~.led columns are filled. At the filling of the same coluAm the operation remains unchanged for alb. of its places, the computer rema.irs set for the saffis type of oper- s.~.ion, the values vet regul~:riy, the setting of the values in the and their r. eg~.stration are regular. Thus it is little fatiguing, easil;,r superv3.sed, and there-- ~~~re reliable. The working procedure such as filling a formula by columns is suitable for d~~ces operating with perforated pirates. It is unsuited as the basis for. the plan cif operational sequence in automatic calculation, because i.t r~.kes impossibly high d~,~nands on the memorising capacity of the machine. 1~3. Instru.ctions ln. calculating by formula, the instructions constitute the directions far fill~- i?g further places in the formula. The instructions, therefore, contain the follow-~ i~~g information whence : from which place of the formua.e, to take the number to be operated on; STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 .. cu.rection : hc~r to oper~-te on the taken number; ~ _.. wh$r~ ~ ~~ Which place of the formax~.a to insert the result. ., _, r'or the working procedure by forim.xla shcywn , ~'ige 1.l a s?c~uence of o rations F pe ..:. ~ ~~" this type can be prescz~.bed. The number o~t~` ~~ of .. such a sequence will be_ ... ~ ~ ~-1 to the number of operations necessary fob ~'illin the g fox7nula (counting one -~ n;~eration for each place ~ . Bar sel:ect~ig su3tab1e symbols the in t ~ s ructions ~ for the . ~'~i~cail.a can be prepared. b?Jhi),e such ~.nstructions are never r !` p spared in practice, -- ~~ seems desirable far the pree~lnt purpose to explain thQ work' .~ ~; _....` a~ng procedur? at auto-- --- ~~,tic calculation. 1~, ~m Inst~ on S~rn~bols The address is the number clearly expresses the lace p of the f?rr~rtla. a new item of information is obta3.ned fro_m_ a previous item of information ~r:~thmetical operations are denoted by the usual symbols. If it is d? ' to ex~:~ress the value to be operated b~ a given address the simple symbol < > is used as defined in the precedi~~.g paragraph. '"'~t~ord~ is used for the content of the place. The number aesZgned to the address a is denoted by the symbol . The instruction assigned to the address b is denoted by the symbol . The equation x = means either o.f the foil twa ~ ~ n o'~g expressions . Y -the nu~.~ber assigned to the address at~,~ or 'tthe number assi ed to the _ ~ ~ address A -- x~ . ado developing character is attr~.buted to the equation. Thee tion ' q~ is s~.mpl,Y a ~~erifyixlg equal~i.ty. Operations: An operation here is every ful1~ defined workin rocedure g P bar ~~ address determines the place from which the number to be o r pe ated on is taken, an-d the place where the result of the operation is noted. The address denotes thy, place into which the instruction is written. If it is not r exp essly desired to s~.~.t? the content of a place, i. e., whether by number or inst ructir~n, the expression STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 p ??!1 (i i (1,t?184-UiD ~ 4 ?' t ?3 ~ ' 'l4 -6 , ~.:~~ 1~~ S Sl !1 Y.f i O..~K4l~3# {-:U41:i'3ti 1.~:a218 iii ~.~Il;iti#!~ ~~ 1 ~48.~ 1#i ~ ;~ 14fi,4'f 4,f ~.~~ ~~ i ii j :?.~)~i~3i _..,_ 0 i ~i _I,_ (1 ~_ ; a ~# ~ ~,,"?~Ii7 tti ~ ~~ 49 8.b~3 ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 1iU t';t) i~iii 1~{t~ 1),1 ({ 1:J f~. _' ~Ji ~ Zi~ ~ O,;?3{16 ! . -4.83ii 1 i t1:3 ' S3 I 11ti ti-} 4;-} ~ i (4 i1.~3Z:ifi ...-l1. i 14a1 ~ A.4 ~is~ ~c, i- (ili i ~{ti ti r iJ.31~?9 i ____ b7 I t i 1 ii:3 {).:~ E 6~ a~{ I "~) 4'''":i lit) ~i!i l (1:1 ?. , ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.#.}F~,33{, ~ .__.1}.31}i;+., ~ tl.,i 7U !llt i 111 ~i..lN J1'J I ----t1.(11ii1 fi ~ 1.11 ~ i 1!d fi.S --11'~{i.a(l ---!}.~'a4!i:3 , - ~11.-1-~~i'?!) ~ ll:,~-i:.i:~ 1 1'_'1 i-11 ~ itil f81 -1()i.t`>I1 --{l.!l,:>:~i:' --11.:~111)i~ ~ 1).x!1-~;i1 1_';i } 4;i lii;; 1 ~;i ,_, 4 . ~!i'1.;i11 ._.,{~I,~!}!1!~Niii ~l.i}i~~,.3 ~)..iiiii-1 # _ .~~ ___..- _1.1-1.__. _ _ i~i-l _._ . . - --lti~i i_ -- ? R'1l.:i1l - 1i.!i{iii:'!1 ii,lliiiia; 1).~1>j1{iii i - - ~ i .:-i1 1i.1)14~+;;~~ 11.31 i:i1i ~ 1.111)aii ~ i'?{i ~ 1-11i --{1.l+~iiili 1 i 1li ''~ ~ __ -- illi ~ 1-li 1). i -- :):3.a11 1 _'ti ~. 4.1.:tt) I _'!i 1.1!1 i Ii!} I `(!- - 3:~..~11 11.aii11~11 ~ {1.41#1.' 11.!1!1:1-11 ~; ~. i ~~ ~~ I (~..~ ~ ~') I _ !;i{,;iO ---il.!1:!~!111'? ~ --X1.1-t;i~R1 ~ i),~}:3~!!I 1-?i Itii ' 14 ~ + l {i?S i E31~i I `ili il..ili 1 , ;a i .ll (ail.) i .ti ti 1.111 :.':i:' _'i 111 _^'?I I i.i.ii:~it 1:3 ] .11~iii~~i _111 { 1-.if is;111 1:111 i:~il ~i ~i1 1511) '_'111 '~{-.:iii ,i.~d-111:,'1! I1,~'.i-}!)iii (1,!i-1!)i:' ~ il,.}-1111 i _':.' i .1i;~~ ~.' i 1_' _'iJ~ _'~'-i :'11:- :.':.':i _~iili :.':.'li 11. ~' i ~1!~1ii ) , 111,7!lii :'1); :.'u~ _':.'h 11.~'~11(i!i 1.111:1:~~ _....~1+1._ _~-~tl . (1,:3:1"1:3 1.111111; :.':;+-~ !.11111}1 STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 '~~~us, .for example is ?, + ,, d~riotes addition of the numbers assigned to addresses ~ and b saw < > ..~ denotes tie sine of the argument assigned to address p p * n ... denotes the addition of the number n to the number a9- signed to the address m; ~ + n ,., denotes the addition of rn to n; x ?.. d?notes the product of the numbers assigned to the ad- dresses ~ and ~ . Develo~~ent : The result of the t2tnporal development of the working procedure denoted by the ~ -~ ~ at which : the number x subst~.tuting the number assigned to ote d x -~. s en ... address a, ned to address 'ta" substituting i g . o . denotes the nu~.ber ass the nurr~er assigned to address '~b" ; ~ ~ ... denotes the number ass~.gned to address "c" substituting the number ~; x .~ ~ - , . , denotes the ntaimber x. substituting the number ~. + -~ ... denotes the additiion of the numbers assigned to ad- dresses a! b, substituting the number assigned to address c; n + ~ -~ n ... demotes the addition n + 2 substituting the number n; < ~ + -~ . s . denotes the addition of the number assigned to address a to the (same } number assigned to address s'a~t substi-- Luting for the nwnber ass~.gned to address "a" . The last expression illustrates the intermediary character of the working pro-- ce~ture , Qn the address +~an the number < a> is taken twice. The addition of + + = ~, of the fundamental octor~ry. The preparation bf the instructional networks ends the detailed and co~- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 J cab t?~odel 2 I ~ ~ ~. ric~r~e~~ r s U(10;3 1- UUt)4 Ent ranc ~ ~r~faz~a?,~or ~ (1(Nl(1011(1 (1 U I 11 V~~~iabl.~ 2`l: F~: 7 ~'"'f y-j8 ~ :~ C7 2"1 ~,1.~;?3 r c ~ Firs ~ F'a,~~ {ate r~;act~i :sot ~'ox~~: Page l STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 0013 OUI~ ' ----- {)O I ;~ t)0 I fi ~ ----- ()(} I ; ---- OU'~() __ __- 00?~" ! j' {)~1?? 1 --- --- - t7().~~# 4 I.> Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 .. 6 .. .. .. ~~_ete o.f r~iodel ?+~ form. According t.o the '~Address? and entrance lnfoxrma- t~.~~~ co.~u~rt~ there ~.~ then perforated. the .entrance watch. of perforated cards. ~: ` ?~~~.. In~tru~t~:anal ~i~twor~ for the Ca1c _ ~t ox~. ~;f ca.~ ~ 1n the follo~ting the preparation of the instructional network for calculating t~,~ ~ralue of ~ equals cos x will be described. "~~~+ction of the Method of Oalculation ~l~yed ~.,*~ the cs,~I.ct~~.atior~ ~-s the e~r.,x~en#:.ia~. sari e~ ~+~cause the value of argument x is unknown in adv~axzce, and the for the z~a.~ ri~~tude of x converges slowly, it is necessary before proceeding with this series to _-- ca~.culate the argument of the same functional value between a and rr/~. The itera- . -t3.~~ is calculated by addition of the expr~nential series, because this is the most __ ar~~rantageous method for the atttomat~.~ co~putex~. ~'he ca~_culat^on is terminated as --. s~t~oh as the next teen of the series is emaller than the given E . .... The ~~,ther~u~,tica7 formulat~.on and the of the instructional network in form are carried out on ~tMociel In form. shn~tn an Figs.3.3 and 3.~.a pn. t,ha -- .~fia ~St page of the form, in the tfAnalysist4 column; the arrangeanent of .the argument ~.s - -~;fo~~nul.ated in the specified limits For the sake f i ~ i . o s mp . city we shall start at A!~ _....,.,3..s point with the ab~a111te value of the argument. First we subtract 2r~ until we -;get a negative result. Then we reach ~~, located ~..n the interval - 2n to 0. To ___...`th;~~ ~N we then add rt/2 until we get s, positive resu~..t which will be v~l, located in ----,the range 0 to n/2. The second coi.umn of the ~'able~, entered after completion of the - ~- nAr~l.ysis~ column gives y = cos ~ for varo~is possible m values entered in the first -, ~,c~~.umrz of this Table. Since we wish in principle to calculate only according to the se~~es for the cosine, we put y = s X cos w. The values :for s and w for various m _ues are given in the remaining two columns o.f the mentioned. Table. On the second STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ..~ age of the fo7~rn (Fig.3.l~), in the eAnalysisn column, the method far calculating the 1,..,~~.m. of the expan~ntial series is, ~"~ah~'ula~e.d and the.. condition for 3.ta; is ~~ated. The drafting of the inetruct~.c~ihal network for the described arrangement of the with the sage memory a. Regardless of the sigm of the result (in this cafe it wi:Ll a:~~ays be positive) continue further according to instruction BB". After carrying ot:~t instruction AA, ~ x. I is set in memory ~-, which i9 entered in the "Vocab~ul.a,ry~' column. The next instruction AB is: "'Set the product of the numbers set in memo-- pl and pa in the memory b. Proceed further according to instruction ACt'. After execution of instruction AB, the constant 2n is set in memory b. With th~.s, ha~wever, we are prepared to calculate zn. For the calcus.a.tion, manory a is used _ w~~ere ~0 ~ ~ x ( has already been prepared. The calculation is -carried out according __~ tcs instruction AC: ~Frorr~ the content of ~e~ory a subtract the content of memory b, _._and replace the content of memory a by the result. At a positive result proceed ._.fux~ther according to instruction, at a negative result proceed further according to ~, . _ _._.. ~~struction AD". St is obvious that the execution of this instruction must be re- _.,.~t~_c-n is discontinued., because then the sought z~ is already set in the memory (and _'.retarded in the t'Vocabulary" column}, and the calculation is continued according to instruction AD. This instruction is carried o?+ for replacing the content of me~- - -~ ~or~ b (where the set constant 2 n is no longer needed by the new constant n/2. Thus --~we are prepared to calculate mused in memory a. At this point of the instructional network, simultaneously with the calculation of vm, the ramification of 4 possible STAT ~xgwment in general` fora is carried out in the remaining columns of the form in ~' and 3.l~. 'fie begin with the two clews :QO and aQl for setting the standard c:c~n$tantg 0 and 1 in the memories 0 and 1 and with the. clew :4,3 for setting the gi~r-- eh argument x in the ~nemAry a. 'We.proceed according to the first instruction AA; ~'~~ake the absolute value of the number set in the memory a and replace its c?ntent _peated until a positive result is obtained. At the first negative result the opera-- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!12111 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 i i.,'f ~ ~Ik'~~,~818 VO Cab~3S'~/ 0 = (~) ~. (Z) ~- ~ . coy tv ?t' = ~r~~...yly m, = 1', 2,3,E ?M ~ d fU 1 Bin v,~ i 1 }n - v,~ j ~'LV9 ~~ea ~~i '~f(~ `;~ ---8011 Cwe +~ ~~ ` ~'m ~ i cc~e v~ I t*,~ i~~ = Ca> ~ = C1~~) (~~) 2~~ = CbS z~ = Ca) ~ f ~ = ~6) ~'m = Ca) 8 = (C) uJ = (a) AA tQ3 !Q4 AB AG A: AE A.~ .AG Ax AI AJ AK AL A ~f I~IS~r''tiC~~On CQ> + ICS>I -~ Ca> A~3 7 V N ~ -r (p~) S) -~ (b) < 1 C AC A~ ~ `: ~ > a P ?a ~ b +C C Al A1~' -~ ~ a ) C > > I ~ (~) + (a} -~ ~~) Air A~r ~ r - C + Cb Ca BA i BA ) a) ) -> ~ #~'~.g.3 , ? _. ~~` ~.r~t .'ark ~~ ~.r~~tr~ctic~r~. ~ ~ ~~'~ :~ ~x~,:. ~a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!12111 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~1"'.c'~,~'615 u~ rr.+~ ~0 4I t~~ + j'~~~ + ~~ ~Q Cc1~IL~?r11"y t~+~~=~~ ~It}?fl_~-> ~n~tructa.on l~P' B~' BH t~s BK B B~ C~7 w Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 R~narks ``` STAT D Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ._ ., _ utin the sum of the e~nne~xtial series begins with instructionx BSA, wt>j-c Camp g e lacement of the content of. memory' a with the value w~. The i2ext ~:ffects the r p ' BC and BD rcyd.uce the setting of the irtiitial values u~ 9 s ~ and j ~.nstructions BB, P 'e d acid 2 t~ihere the are replaced. Instru.cti?ns BE; ~'a~r J = C 1n , ~ and BJ carry' out the calculation of. the further members of the series ~~' m , Bk~, . Bl /~ ? , la ' ven in the +1Anal~sis'~ column. The form also contains the ~;r~cord~.rxg to the for?r~u g~ ~ tiYx the constant e in memory p3 ? Th~.s constant is used by the c~ma~and .Q5 for set g . ? on ~, for veri.f~ing .whether the iteration uxiast be continued (accord~- next, ~.nstructz ` n BI, ar whether the is read- to proceed further with the Ong to ~.nstruct~.r~ . ? ch tre instruction CA is valid) . In instruction BL# the addi~- ccmputatzon (for why. ~~ s c~' series is carried out until the sure. is reached. Instruction ti on of the term ? tent of memory e by unity, after which the machine pr?ceeds with Increases the con further iteration,, beginning with instruction BE. Instruction CA effects the re?- ~acement of. the content of b with the calculated y, after which inst~.c~iar~ CB p intervenes, which stops the computation. ' ' nstructional netv~ork is prepared on the forms of ~` ~ 3.5, 3 ? b The detailed ~ _ st a e of the "Model 2~' form of ~`ig.3.5~ in the first two lines; and 3.7. On the fir p g ~-~~ d OOflI are entered, depicting the constants accord-rig to +~he t~"le A1~Tl0x"1eg ~~~ ari `~ t and . On the fv.rther fines of this page and nearly all of the sec- --._ cr~mmands .QO Qa- __._ ~, contain the in;gtru,ctions~ each of them always in two lines. The __ ot~d page (Flg?3? ~ bird e of the form ~Fig?3 ~'~~ gi.ves the contents of the constant and variable t, pag einories in the course of the calculation. In the ~-sLemarkst' column there is always z~ ? ondin .line the coordination of. the memory with the general ~d- _. g:~ven on the corresp g '._ d:~:~ess of the instructional network from the ++~~iodel 1" form. For example 2 t Ch , . er ap . e written .n the manner described in ._ The instruct~.ons ar . instruction on addresses ~2 and ~~ reads: rrTa~e absolute value of nuuxber the ' - r OlOU add to it the content of memax~y U000, and set result in memory -- Set s.rr rr~emo y' ~ .. e lacin revi.ous content); proceed further according to instructions O:.L00 (r p g P STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 .; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 , ~.. _. . ~~~ng with memory OC~'?!~" ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 lVr3$~': ~.ddr~~w -~~~ ~~r. uuc-E~ COS ~C p. I aot~ l Uf.-fa OOt7:; U~U~ ~ r~ V( o~~of~ j UU07 ut)~U UU 11. 0111 ~> I 1:3 ~ c- i C-c) tit)`~~? ,~' t}~}~~ ~ ~ C)l()l (i(?1 4 ~ t1~ Cli)C~~ ~~"~1` . f ..._......_.., .,_ - i w..._.._ , O 1(ln OOE~4 ~O(lt) r-~(-() f)(-0 -~~ouUr~ou r1 o r (110 Z UI)C)~i 1ti+" (111(1 ~1tir,-" t) I l 1 (:-1t1~ 1:1()()1; ,~:~lu 0 I UU rli~ 1~1~ t- I~ ~C1 u~c1~t r1C-1 ~ I~ U1 11 t)(11 j (iiy il) OIUi t,1C1Cii ~-1i:1(1 (-l Ut) U11~3U ~~' l)1~1 r-1-?r- 1-11)l- +'~tr. a.nce 1..~~.fn~~,at~.+.~!T . .-t ti I ____._ f 1)O'~3 ~ - - - _ I ~ C1().,~ ~ 1, i ~I~ l ra1- t-r-;-1 ,ti'.1t .~, ~. _-t li ; - ------- 00??7 i ~-t-3(r li!-31 .~ 1.11 ' _ ..-- - 1-1-;i:3 _. 111);3 lt.-l ' -- j _ ... li!-;;;i 1111;;1i f}' ft - - 1111;; C) l t) ~~ 1)U'S-~ ~~ t~c-(-r- 1-r)~_1 r-r-l- ~ 1} F ~)~~ Orii)f~1 rH-~;;~~ 1-t11.-~ ()10~ f1U'-~ ,x'.11 UUU(- 1-(1~~~ 1)1-~ E t-11-i1 f-tl;~fi i)lUt) r - ! ti l UI-.~ 11 ~~' t-nl-t- 1ir-~E- (1111)1 ~d T`~.c'3.~'J~. tW Paz2e-_:_~- ~~n~.r~C STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Case: I~iodel P a e~.2 I? Ivmarks i~,3.6 - record Part of I~str~uctional ~~~etwork ~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 address i if 1-~ ~ f' I !1{itifi ~ !' ! 111(1 i E,rit rangy O 7:'IY~t? ~. C?2"i IJ l Utt 1_H:ki'4 .~ Iultur 11t1it11 1i1N11i 11ilINl 11(11111 cos x Variable STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 INTR~OD~CTION ~, t ~> ~;'rkg procedure is the elimination of tie ims-giayg error ,Mrith the help of the ton..-~ ~.M,.~ t o tical a ate the moat important ,part, of .the 1;w41 in calculating ~ high- y p - y ~ ~-~;~~~t` para~aetere (dimehaiane). This gust be done by calculating the ray-path of the:. ~..~ x~e 1 gone of the formative parameters by a small ~~t? For ac~aple, in a pho- `~ ~ ~ ~ out the variation of -?~ ~r~ rind tine are saved. This suggested the ides b~` cgrrying :free pointa- of the iieage alrsad3- require tie calculation of 300 ray patha? ~0f course, by tor~u],a~ry ca~.culation r~.tb the help of Tables and the computer, ,' ~ _t ~~ , ~et~y of the optics]. syst~a, because its calculation is relatively ei~le. . With the help of the computer, however, it is vary `, ~' d~~r~cu~.t, bt~t ..+ ~~`~ ~;~I,i~~ wb pry the it~tructionel network, to which the devi.ea calculates ~~ .. .__. .: _. ~i'E$'~GdITION OF A CIId~D 0 a'~'ST~ W.~TH THE we conclude tine fr~tt p~-rt of this ~inual two concrete examples ~f the a~iplicati~n of the automatic computer..The first of the a~camples is i'rom the field of geometrical aptics. ~i~eh optical ayatee- ahd that of the optical eys-tem obtained from thin system by ~~a~~a twenty other aim~aar calculations+ ?Yt is riot sufficient here to calculate the; ~u~ that we must carry out besides the fundamental calcuhation of the ray path at cgphic obi ective the formative parat~et~ra are usually ire than t~renty. This s cu a h of one ray. At last five :rya must be c$1 a or sac p , t d f h oint of the image ~ ~ ,~'~acv3.ation o~ a rah path convergent Kith the optical. axis is not ~atheroat~.cally ,, th convey rit vrith the o t~.Cal iudsl. . ..~~- s~i~tructie-t~~ e~ tha irie-tructotwll h+~tworks for the .calcination o~ rah paths 5~ STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ... _ ~~Crgent and convergent with the optical~ax~.~ will be explained. It should be not, ~.~ .,~.~n:~t_ ~i.n t.h~s ...p.~t.~.on one pToCQ~de3d ~.r~ ~...~n,_.the laaa.i.a _ ~f decadic cor~id~ratiob~c for the pr~~ent capacity How~ev~r, t~rorks ~ t3 ~ , . . ne - . tin the economy of the in~ltruc _ .. _ _ _ ~' the e~p~t~~y theme ig bufficiemt ~om~ fob setting instr~.ction~ fc~r the talc ~~ discussion of ~u~h a ~upple~mentayry' working prr~cedure is beyond the scope o~ the ., ~ ~~n of the glum of t~~ ~qua,re~ ~f errors and inatriuctions for thee. ~r~ent work. 51 STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~?# 1 convex, .concave, and plans bt~unc~rie~ of a .focal plane. r,ach of tine ~. en rz areas has a certain constant ~~ {r~l.ati~,re re~`ractive index, i.e., the ratio of the f :.~ , _.. ~'~x"ractive in.d~xes in front mid behind the bounr~ar~ The ra ,s fu ' ~ :'~? ~ ) y rther zdentz~.ied ._ _ b~ its individual. d.irectiona~, vector end point. The rote A ., rs~ctzon of the given rah w :: the first boundary must be determined. In addition the new inc3~.vz.dual vector T e investigation of a ct~nte~ed optical, e~st~inl$ _a r~}aettvn., of t~,e .. ~c~lution .for the prable~ of the t~aY~s~.tion of ~ g~.ven ra throw h ` Y g the g~.ven optical ~~~stem.. This problem can b~ .~t~r~~tlatec~ z~aughly as fall.ows; . , Assu~.e a s~-stem .with ~ e~~tain nturiber m of s~phericdl areas ~w^th the~.r enters ~.h the axis xl. The Last of these areas is the focal ~ ~..ane. r~ 'the rema~.nin~ part of t~~e areas have the form of the eurfa~e o~ the r~d.~.vsduai lenses of the o tical s s- p ~' ~~? This part of the areas wild. be cawed the bQUndar ~. Fi ~ gore ~..1 shows e~les ga.v~.r~g the direction of the ra~r after refraction must be determ' ~.ned { the help bf the constant Nl. Th~.s refracted ray is then again determ~,.ned by the individual ci~..recti?nal vector a.nd the paint {intersection the fir , st ooundar~r) . Then the `intersection of the refracted ray withh the second bounds must be ' t"3r deter~u.ned, and .. then the new d~.rection of the ~3'', axed so forth, until. the focal plane ~.s rea.ched. .~ In, this case on1Y the intersection of the ray with this lane u~u _ p , st be deterrn~i.nea - -, ah.d the problem of the transit of the given ra~r ir_ the o ti 1 T_ p ca-: system is solved. -~-- This shows that with the sc~~.utzon the problem is prac~sieall reduce _. Y dtoafew ... r6petitions o.f the solu~ion of twio such geometrical problems". ., -; ~ ~ Pd~ ~.s a constant as lorg a,~ aa~.~, the wave,'~.ength of the light is considered. _ ~- The points wi1.1. b~e denoted the same as their half vector so that we l TI1a,~' sp ea}f of point x, ~ {x ? , x x ) ~ The variable . .. ~ ,~ ~ l i, 2~ ~ ~3 point {vector) will be denoted STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 , +~ . ~s~- ? ~n detail in paragra~ihs 4b--~,.1,~,.. ~~cownt according to the phys~a~. ~~~ise of the prob~,er~n~ These facts a~-~ coneid~red JA~+RSs,, van by the constant and act if the angl.~ off' the vectors n~ and a~_i. , ~t the solution of this g$a~etrical ....~... _ ..._ ...._. _._... _._...~.... _ .._ roblem s?me fact s must be., ~~.~~ ~-~~...;. Fig.1.~.2 -Transit o f ~ Rays at Hc~ur~dar~ a} For Ni < 1, b} For ~~ ~ 1 w ~ la. ~ 2. Transition o f a Ra Throu a S heri cal $aunda We the procedure of the calculation far the stage where the transition of a ~ rah, is ih~estig~ted in an area. It should first be noted that .this area is _.:.~ spherical. K~wn in this case are. t ~e st ra~.ght es tie area STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 - _ _.. ..~ C~i.culate the. Sntersectt~n n~`.. he ., .....fah. ~~ie ~~~3.c~. _~ur~ace ..~.,... ~~ Detex~aine the v~J,.ue~ of the parametez~ t Por ,the intersdctia>r~: ..~..~.. ? a a .~ ~ )r 1 ~~~.2~ ~~ ~8.~~ci2~.,e'>~ 1 4: _ ~~p ~ = ~g~r; ps: E~Y~. ~- .. _ ~~: ~~~ `~ ~~ t: iiN ~~3 , t 1'1 '~' ~7 r~~; ~~ . ~~7 +~ - ~ FX FJ Fly ~FI. FAQ' F~'~' F FP F~~ ~~~; Fg.1~, g Z718ti"?1Ctl0~I~ (h.~} -~- (ti~~4,~ -~ c ~F~~ (9:14 j ;l~ t; -a ;:h 14; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!12111 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~E[;l~I'~?~ I , ~ FB~ ~` ~~ ~ l1 G FD FD ~ FP' FF'~ FF ~i~~ FED FED, .FIB' Ftfj ' ~f~ ~~ I Fh, t FK? ~ F~ ~ .F'L per! ~~~~ Fw' F.'1'~ ~~ ~ F~~ PP ~'F~ FQ i~~ L ~ ~e#, as first ~~~- ~ t ion is . >~Z _ 5Q F'Kj FRS $ `; ~~a STi L'v~7,~ FT i F~l LTf.t tiTr;.: F~~' FQ~ STAT i ~ i a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!12!11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Analysis Pr~cedur~~ i or Plane ef~i ~"' xf_1 of-1,1 [bcpresaion Instn~ction ~tocabu~ ary . r~da~ E~perationa~. S~bol + - - ~'-~'- E~ -. (~1~) ~ ;=- .~~~~ ~ ~t~~ ti rll IB~~) -~ (~bt)) ~ ~l ~ .~l r t~ = h7` ~ ( ) CAB ~ ~ (h() '+~3 --- lhi`; ' H.=1 ~ ~ ~ N~~ .,12 aJ-t,l ~~+ ~~~x~-a s I ' U1-1,3 ~i-i,~ (rl~) lrt5) (n6) ,. xlt~ ~ x~-!, t ~- ~3-1,1 ~f [Expraaeion (1+.15}] Procedure for S~~her$; ?s =~ xt,~ : R~ [~resa~.on ~~.3}] ;r~i~ (rr(1) --> (Irl t) ~ r ,;IEfi Ifs` (n~) . (l~~) , (lit};; HD (~i7~~ -~- (h0~) -, (r~ ~ ICE ~ (ia.5) (h i~) -~. (ht)) H~' ~ art lU} -I- (h0) --~ (it 1(1 Jr~ ~ (ti2) -~- (0) -~. (~~2~) L:~ tt~~a = ~'/r IZ) ! LfJ Fg.4..1 Q Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!12!11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Remarks L.~ ~ ~11.~ ddress p2 ~e reached t~ instrac- j tion JA ~.n ~~execr~~ion of 1i~tr~ct#,on i L~3. I,t~ ~~C r. 11 ~~ i L L~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!12!11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~^ L1 :;~ ,~ ~. J' L~'1 ~t = ;~> ,~ ~ ~~~a> .`~?~ ~~: 14'G' ~'U ~4t ~~: N~ . . Nif ~d ~~a ~f~ sits. ~~~8 Fi~a~. l +~~ EJ ~_t _~.? Analydie~ Instruction ~~ez~~tivn~ ~oI I ~~~. ~- ~... (suj (h,i,~i .-~ Chi j ---.> I ~'~, U I `~3 . ? ~_____...__ _ r,i.,. F'I' ~r't T F.Y 012r 0126 I ~ 01..7 OI30 ~ _ _ _. _. 0131 ~ P r 013:3. ~ ~.__ -._U43~# 014 ,U4~1) 042N Ot ~.~. ~ti~Y~7 04`1 0122 04~~ 042 0124 S`14t 04 2 ?? 0130 0405 ()~34 0~ lg ~'~' 0421 13! !0 0~l1# 0420 1)1 ~;~ -~'~` r}460 O I ~'~ (}OUr.I 013? ~i ~' ~ 0420 U1~4 ti~~'7 U134 1 1' I ~.l ~ _ _.__ ..: ___ 013 _ . I___~_._I_. _ Alt~rln~ I~.~+~~aatnc, STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 l ?~ .. ~:; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Mo reel 2 ~#~ ~~~~ H.~~ HN ~ ~~~ . f l~F i ~. _. ~I..-~ ~.@ r, r~ .Lf .~ 0~->E 1 i (II~:j (11.4;1 U.1 ~~ (11.4; (11,~(l UI 1 0.1 g(1 U1~1 ol~> (1t$3 O I (~~ U 16Fi 016Ei Ol$i al ~(1 Olin pli5 01 i6 til ~ ; U171 ~ _.._--- -F ---- Ol"r~ i ~01i$ ~ _~r.. ~~'~~ ~ t~ptic~,1 ~~r~t ~rit~~~~ o.~~~ r~ i ~~.~ t~.~ ~~~r tl:~ SCI (1 [ ~~i l~~itl (1i`~1~ 11~15~1 ;`~ ('r~~~ ~~ ~~~~ r~~~~~ (~!~ X11 ~ 1 ~~ ~ i> 4l-~ X16 i1 ~ .~r:1 Y~' 111 .9 ~~~)):3 {1 ~ i)-t (11 ri -._. ... _ _ __ j._,__. Q1'i ~~if~ ~ ~ OXn~ ~ P ~' 1 00(x) ~)17~ U00~ Ci~31 it ~ 7~ ~5~ OQ(l~ (l1 ?~ ()t)1~t1 "0~3~ I~`?0~ ~~' ~i000 0~()0 O~t`1 82 r ig a t~ . l'' A1~~r~d ~~,~~~ tl()(~(1 (~~~`0 ()K(l~ e.~ ~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~~x~~ P~~e ~, STAT U~ fit) (~i ~~~ ~' 0~ t~ t1l ~-~ 1~4ff3 ~;~41 ~t f .r~ CIS 41 p~$`~ r-1~t1 ~~' ~2~i1 --~. w. ~`~~ ICI I~`~ ~',~-'a~! a~~u- ~-r ~~~~~ ~-~ ~~ r~ 0~18(l h ~ ~~~~ tW 31 ~ ~ `~~~ .~i O~~b ~f 7d O~d7 0~3`~ C12iN~ ~~ a4R~ ~:tt~t- ~7C1 0~~1~ ~17~1 -~j ? 2: 2 ~_ _~.., 5~~... Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Model 2 ~~ tD26~a , ~' r-~'P~:i 0?'' 2 .`rX ` __---- ~ n?>>3. U~lH ;~ .'~'G Ile'31~ ! \' /~ ~ - - ~1?~3; 0`'1K .... ~~_ U? 17 j t)~~0 ~. P ~'~ob~,e~rty l~pt~ic~1~ ~t+dra er~ ~rif'c~tion (1~ ~ C~' 1 ~ b46 0420 ~0~ 1 ~ -~ 041 . ~l2'~4 2 442 b~~~ 11` (~$2~ 42[E~ b4~n . 0~ 27 0~~(i ~4 0~~`1 t~~'2~ ~~t1 0~~2 Gx22 0~~~ Od~ZU 0?`2'4 ~q1 0~?t1 E}224 Mltll ~~21~'~22~ ~'V' 042 (f?~`2t~ ~~'~7 n~20 n~ 1 ~ -5'.'~! 04Q(~ 0?~0'~t1~21 el.! ~ 1 11?!411 ~~ Figs !~~ ~-8 ~1~t ~ . ~~- ...P$~ ._.~. _~ r~cl R:ea~rk~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~.i ,.,._.....i. ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 421 Ot4~' 024 0244 bw4~ 020 0247 020 0281 02152 02.53 ., 0 ~~4 4Zg~ 426? 02?8 ,~ P { 0?7 i p~~~i~ optii~~l s~t~. ~n~e~in~ ~ n~a r~ t ~~t ~lJ43l~ +~~~(~ ~` 0~2 ~ ~~~~ o~ t 04.1 ~12~4 ~.. 4~~~ t~~~4 u~~~r 0~~0 f~`~4$ '~~ 4148 ~2lSO ~' ~~ ~~/ 01~~5b ~l42~? b2~~ ~' b4 ~C~ 4 ~V' 0400 O~On ~40~ ~ ~dfi~ ~1~7~ 001 'I ' 041 0~1~ S` ~3.g~ l~,.~.~ alt erect ~~~.~c~~s-t~.~can Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 'r8ge b STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ? ? ~.,~ ...: S':~ .._. Model 2 1}311 ~ 1.' ~ ' 1)f10(1 t~:~ 1 ?~ (-:~ ~ ~ 11 ~~ (1313 I~ ~-- r:~ f-:~ 17:3 ! I' j 0348 i!(' ~ 44~C1 (-nr-- ,~~;!~ {);31 ~ 1-;323 ! ----------, _--~I U3'-f- T' fii'?17 ~ U:3`?i ~ k~, _.~_ O:i3:3 ~ P i 1-;;:3;i ~ I' s ._.___. _... , ,. _ 11;33ti ~ 1' i p~b~,,~n. aptca~, S~r~~ t1 ~:~~- i~1-3i~ ~~':t1 fl~~iC~ f-;~qH ~~' OU-1~ i1i~(1K 0~ (1;3 0~~?t1 (1~7~ ,~' Q~1(1~ 00{1(1 ()31 f3 ' ~ -----..____ ~ 1 1131.. ~ i ?'~'_ 1 ._.._~ , _ ei.; IIJJ 1 ~.~,~ca~?k~ STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ? Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ,., . Mo3~1 2 ,~~~~ ~Q~~ !~~; . !Qt9 ., !Q`~0 o4u3 0404 o~or 04~J6 040.7 !Q21 0410 !Ql3 ~ 041I !Q14 ~ 0412 !Q15 ~?0413 1 !Q10 } 0414 1 x415 ~_ ~ 0:~~~ 0417 0420 04 ~ 1 !Q$ !Q18 !Q~g 04 22 0423 04 24 042.7 0426 0427 0430 0431 0432 0433 0434 0435 0438 0437 ~'~dble~ns Optical. S~t~-n tit ~rii~ J~l.t erect t~'arns~tion h.0 -- 420 hl = 421_ ~5 4`~8 4.', i h10 = 43(1 hl 1 = 431 h 1.2 ~ 4 3'2 h 13 = 433 h14= 4:i4 ~ h ! .~ :- d3 Fig. 1.21 8+~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ? ? i ~~~ w_~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 n ~s ~lAdel ~ .~ ~r Addre~~l !~ U5iD1 .... .. ~~...~...~/5~4 i OiiO:i ! otio~ n?~3r15 ~nOR 0507 05l t~ ~~~~ X1612 OAS 13 0621 a,7~~ o:~~~~ u.7z.~ U52~r 0528 Qi?27 Y I ' x.3530_ ~ ._.P . Q:~~-11 Ent eri.x~ I.~.r~a t b>~ p ~~ s Op~i cad. Sy~~ eem Altered I.t~~'~a,~~ c~~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Page 10 Remarks STAT s~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~ L ~8 f o1l:owing i~o~.utions of concrhte ~r4bl.etas by means of the camput~r are ~e~ ~' l a ~_~ ~;~eted from .the fie~.d of cdnvdnt~.~onal. dif~'eret~tial.. egt~atior~s Z`here are two such __.~ oblern~+; ~~ ~.~.! 1. ~nve~tigatian on ~, ~rery y~.m~l~ exple of the fortau.lati?n of the in$truc- ~ 8 , ' t~.e~na~. nct~rk ,for the solut~.t~n of ~ differential egt~a-ton; ~~ { .. ........g ~ ' 1 l ~? _.~ ~~twor~ far another at~tc~mat~.c ca.~.culs.tion~. i w~ PrxrpQaeiy ~eleeted was a very simplQ, ~sxample in order to avoid difficulties in "~ ~..? "~sp~ the essent~.~.l ~.atter. The st~lut~on is ?btainec~ by a more ~. ~.scertain~terit of modf i~$tion~t enabling em~lo~riient of proposed instructions. ... NTH T AE~~`C^~IC CA~.~t1~A`TbR ., --=~- sat~.s.~~g the _~'~~rtir~g aarditior~~ ~- ~?~ -- ~- __ d x complicated --- ~ It is addit~.c~nally assumed that the sought integral .curve does not. approach any of SC~~ cite the singular points of this equation. ThiB equation is easily tr~.naformed iritc~ the .`~.`~ sy~~tems: STAT J~--.~ rn+thod which can be re~-di~.y applied to very eo~npliCat~d sy~tema of differential ~~F _..~ b~,uations. 3 `- _.~ t us e~ir~ the salut~.on of the equ~.tion ~~ 3 ~..~_.' v .._:~....:_..._ .. _ _.. . ~, ...,. __..:..::.....~_...._._ ...__. .. . SQ~UTI(~~I OF" CbI~VEN~1c~t~AL ~~~'~:~ZE~~T?IA~ ~t;~1Afi~0?~~ t~P" THE 2ND OR~3~ fCt) -~ fist -~-- f~~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 l~Y~'LICATI4~? 0~' TAE t~TNOD For the ~olut~.~n.r the. Ruri~e~~utta mt~l~o~~ ~s u~$d ~~cau~e_t requires .a..~~ry ~~ a~tt~ll nwnber a~' mam~arie~ for the m~~hfne. In view o~ the ~irnp~,ic~.ty of thi~r ca~a~ ~ ii it y t~ii~ c;xcu~aa~t~nee ~..~ rathar t~iimpc~rtant ~caretly l~~ o.~ the memory c~.pac . ~~ the. machine i~,ed~ ~: ~ei'ciency of me~norie~ manifae~te it~el.f ire. the uae ~ ~. _.,.. ~.~ Qf ~~rstem~ having a ver3p larg$ nt~m}~er ?~ dif`.f`drential equation. ~e select the cv~rr~s~~ond~.n~ increment h indepCndeht of the wari~.tion in t, _~~ ~ axed, bs~~, with the given initial condition9 vo; tea, to tdl~n?ted via `~ 21 _...: whr~ ~ ~,~ ~ _S,~~ka-Hruska, Theory and ~racticb of Numerical Caleul.atior. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 v~3 ``.~ ~tb `~-` k{~ ~ x~ .~ btu `~' lt2 ~ td~ -= do `~- h '~ ~~~ther i~~z~~~"'~.~. ~i~*t~ ~:>~` ~.~,e~ ~"~r~. ~ t~~-~z~, g,~~~~~ ~, ?~i-~-1y+t1 ._...' ~"db T 6~~tu -~-- Z~~~ ~`~' 'Gi2 + 1'f~~ - - l 1 Yi Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~- ~rheta .._ etwd~?k t ti l t th i rt ~ t . n vna ne r~zc e e rne~ pa ~~i s _~, ~ the name, it can be carried but with I~. is sufficient if ~e only concerned with the exchange of .the nuanbers v~ ,~, ~/ ` ,; .j. ~1 V S .~~,' ~,. ~~? y~ ~f vaA vaa~.i7 t.JOYi v v.a~ v.av r..~,v vas uav v.i.v..+.w w.. ... ~....~._ ~~. ~.. ... - J }s~ 1~~ 7 r~+ w111 then be possible to c~teblish th+~ further ope~rat~.~ns, name~.y~ the calc~zlaton :~ ~ - --~ a~' v ~ x ~ t ? t acCard~ to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Such e. network hawe~rer i+1Q~ i+1D' 1+10 g q~ ' ' ~ ~; r u~d contain a relatively lame nui~er a~ instrtxctior~9 r a~.nd he~ice would require a ~g~ number of memar~.ds for strstage of the intermediate re~iults k~ i, li ~: Thi h.creased demand on the ~rouldi o~ courser be a rc~tter of ndiff etenCe .t ; _N... Ue~.n,~ these values a~ the nei~t ~tar~ti,n~; cond-Ltidn~cr we ohta~i.n b~ th.e further ~tep~ . of the ~u.nge-~utta ~ae$~od the riew i.~teal points o.f the curve-. This ~xro?-. ~~dure i~ constantly repeated. Since the calculation off` the expte~~ians fnr kid, . ~~~ ~ ~itydification of the_ Hiu~ge-~~t~tt~_ ~e~t~dd Next let u~c try to reforr>rlv,l.ate the instructional network mart Cconamically. It i again requited to calcui.~ta equatior~a ~ 5 ~ ~.} , (5~, ~~ r ~ ~+3) r ~ 5 i 1~) v+rth tht ..t~.. this ver;~ simple s~stet~, but in the s~-1~ut~.on o~ ~ystema with a large num~ier of ~~ .~fe~'ential equations a defic3.Cnc~r a~ me?~~ties might Occuz?. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 nr~n t.h~ .in+~~ v~:ue~d ~ . Fc~ _..t~ie . ~tu~.r~ti~n _~i~ machi~:_..th3.~...i~...._.. Next Mre must c~lrr~r. a`ut the ~e~ ~ ~ 1~ ~~r tha calculgt~,?~ of the ~~rried out Frith the ixi,~tr~uction~ ~~' ~~~ T. V~~ cortte to inaiftruct3.on FA, ~:nct+~~,~cs the ~-dc~r~~s of . tie n~rtructdh ~~t 2~ ~s e~t~blshes the in~tr~xctian bar i -~~.~ riich, .the c~.lculatiorr i~r repe~~-ted As soh ~-~ this is reached for the .~:.` ~ecand time, the rch~e ~ p~rc~c~eding almng the path ~ ~ ~~ In -the group of in-~ _...~~ t~u.ctian~s beginn~.r~g TA ~ ~ 3 ~, thi* is C~Chan~ed ~'~~ m~ ~~~. ---j ~'~-r q ~ h Zn the ~ rau~ of ~ nrtructions b~gf nn~~ `with TC the ~ralue s eh~ige ~..~ ~~o t~ ~ . ti?+ ~- r~gardldsa o~ than v~ariabl~~~ It is th?refcsY?c neces~s.r~r ~tca canes 2 [~',~txf~} _;.. f (tit l~fl, ~ z.;,, __r.. is .:~.. ?~ ~ ,~~ :~ h b ~ :~ 3 l~~xt ire ca~r~ out the tab~l,ation t~rith int~ructit~n '~`E Mang the path ~ ~ ~, in ~+ ~~~srd~ess o~ the v~~riable it remain~l un ~ ~ c~xarng~d, be~,s,u~e `i2 ~ t0 + 2 Wig mist the~tfores r~plSat the calculation of t`(t} b ' _...._ ---~ sn~a cont~..nue~ ~~r-ti1 in the grout of i*~s~-*'~~.~tf~*~s u ---~ lrt the further calculJation ~ -. t. __. r~r~hnr~err ~ n ~ nr+_rt~.++-~ nt~ Tr'i n .er }1 f'~? n ---~ ~Y~nge the va.l.ue~- regardless of the ~" ni~~g TC 5 ~4 ., ~ .-.y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 .~ ,~ ~ 6 in tha group. off` ~.nstructions 'beg~n~ , ,. . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 'I'hd group pit ihstx~ct~c~ns,~ nth TG .t't~rnishes the com~~snds ~+~r perft~~- _.,.,~ .~...: ~tiri r thr~ n?mh~r~ vh. .. ;~ ~ ~ ~ t, ~d ~t the a t~~btail~te$, ~h~tti . ? ~t .._~. ~ the startr~.g val.~e~- ~'or the ~ie~ atep ~ the Rt~ge~Kittta. method.. thus the ~ ~ -..~~ ~,etual ~~.nduction ~ro~t to + 1 is t~bta~i.~ied. ?~'hs grcnz.p o~ instructions beginnirxg l ~ ...`.~ ~ra.zn ?1~, no~rocver, must 'sti11 correct the ~ddreas of the.. instru~~ian FA b~? ~rhich ,the 2 c~ -.~~ .~:~?irtructicah is $et for the . cc~nt3.nuati~n ~ such ~ ~~ that the machine cc-ntinues ?j' .vng the path ~ ~ ~.. when inm'trt~ction FA ~o~.ea. up aga3.~i~ 5~.racz the solution of the _~ ~- ~ euaticm is ~t inter~~-t to ur ~n the part~,cula~ Mange ~ ta, tom), included i.n this ~~ 'out ~.~ ~ ~tM,.~cti Qr ~ 1~~ tht ~i ~~' ,the di~`f eren~e tip ~- ~~~ s,scer- xge in we ors ~.nster+~st+~d, and it dtope: The ?le calcu~.atioh ~roeeedrig in the sti~ehine may ba bMie~'ly Mated the `~ `a~ the ~`o7~a~ equ~tiori~ ~:~..._' tinr~d. Aa .soon as it cvmea~ out positive; the ~ria~.chine hgs rea had the limit of the terra- q~ s-~~ ae~et~rdi~ru; t~- the ..#~sb~-d~~,~er~,..,_~.__.~ .STAY G (.~ ?~ Ba~ore each calculation, it is necesscar~r to replace in the corresponding me;a- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 d sr ~e+'~ ~ s .~...x~.d am... o~.._.the~ _.3~uct i?n~a~.. netxrork _ i~.~ .re. ~' ~es~rite~c~....,fri= F~.g?~.~..... The....p~r.~aoaed...i~_~_. .,~... ~~~ rtructioral network in ~ ~cnera~~. f~r~ is preaentec~ ~.n 5.3, 5. ~,, and,. ~. I.n this wad this tizn~ z~equired for calculating the ~am,e steps wou~.d ha~re bash, re~u~~u v~ a.rb~=~.t a -- Fina31~, it ~~~ be interesting ~o note that recently a special method hasr `',---- ~ ---b~~n estabZi~h~d for dff~reritial'cqu~to~~ .with the ajatc~atic com~ut~r#, 3'; .~ -'It is also based on the Runge-Kutta method, and tht calculat-ion requires an eQen n d ; +`! ~ ~ . ---~am~.l3er nul~bcr ?f nemories thaw: fir the Runge-Kutta method as it has been. employed ,~ ~i~ A ncess far the ate b ste into anon of difr"erential a uation~ in- an q _ _ _~' __ :~~tomatic digital ~o~np~ating mach3.n~ STAT for better or~.entatc~n it naay be ~~:tere~tii.r~g to Hots that the calcul_.ation of this equation in 50 steps tot~l~ ab+aut haY.~ an hour. A~ a~eady mentioned the, we used the Runge-Kutta method this case Qr.1y .for didactic ~'e3~oYlb~ If it had been the purpose i to o'bt~tir~ the aoluticr i n the aho_rtest ?f differentiation requ~itig a urger number of memorie>a Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 3% ~ t_.__.. ~~ `x~ __ , Q~ r i.o s; , X~~~rllj S;~ ~ K~~? 1 Fi~.5.2 -Developed Diagram 96 3 -ter ~ ~"~ i ~~~~~ rtlrllP~Tion or I ~esu~t~ tabut~t~'on, ~ vr~tctian ,~~~ . STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 :r.. .~. .r. ~, a. ~......~_. ~ _ ,L.,.. ~_ ~. _..~ ___~ .. ~. Anal;~eis c,ty -t o~ ~ F~~u ~' ~ ~u ~ ih tc,:u+a~~u+w=v~ x~y ~ ar. ~ tk ~- w c:> f..~ ~~~ r_' ~ jlaeabular~ ~ ~ Cd) e = 4~ ~ tr ~ CF 7~ ~e s (p ~) ne - CP ~> xe - (p l ) x~ -~ t 1' '',t 2 Ali i i ~ ~ a ~ ili ~ a erg! ts;~ fi e ~ b ~. b1b a d .~ r e~'n o ii b ~ ~ ili o ~ .~ ? a e a? a b e`e a b Y n b b 9~9 c~ a l e 1 f ~ ~ S d J ~~ 8 In 1+ tt! tl +~ +5 ttl!!7 I~. I~ ?J >~I t3 "^ ~ ~ 1 n ?' 4 ! 9 ! ~I ~ 9 .A R y tJ a 7I! w ~ 4 ~~ ;~,.:1 !.~ s~ '~~ Stl 59 60 QIIl~ b1 C?t.Eff 6c ~r ca ?tS17t9 ~+ ,x iy ri >?ti ~ 17~ rb chi 'r R i i ~i ~ y i a a !1 S ill S d 9 ? ! ? ?i? ? G ? t! I 11~~~1 it~1/ M b9sN by us as*o Fig.b.~ ~- in.~tructic~n ~~rd for ~~sr~'oratior, c~_~ ~radit~>_g ~~`d ~....:! ~~ thy: reat~t~ ~.?~to the. card cdnt~, tie second terms - eb } Addition of the r~uxr~b~r perforated into the 1e~din~ card Frith the ~~,~be~e :~ ~= ..~. .--s pe~?fvrated irta the cards (t~r,.til the nG~~ ~.ea~din~ card), and per:r`or~,t~an ~~~ a ~ A ~ +1 4~ A I ~S i ~1 ~ i I ? Y I :S ~ i ? 4 i t ? i i ~ ?1 ~ i K i ? ~ b ~ ? ~ S s .I9 ~ ~ .s ,s ~ 5 wlG ~ ~ ~ s. s. a ~i~ >f i # ! i ~ hl ~ t o 8 ): a c air ! 6 u c O tr ?~a C? v 6 s K ?fY ti G? it i i [Ii T i 7 Y 7 7 1 i! :' 7 l~ 7 2 T ~ 7~? 7 7 f 1' T 7 I y 'y y ~ 1 }~ T 7 t,}, ? a Y a?? C ely ee e? s b tliie r e ~ a a o aid b? u i ~I ~ d1a b;~ :'er~o~atc~r S . C3perati.?ns from hard t~ `'~`x+ailit~.g giver. Ca~d~ (; Leading Ga~.~?d FolY:owed by Cara. (k~i~ ? 6. S } ~ da} ~Iultiplic~.t~on oz number ~ri 1Gadir~g card b~ num~+er in add card, axed per ~ ,.,._,1 . W--~ fd~~tian Q~' result into- e~ren ~ard~ t ...._:l. db} Addition of nia~t~bex in. leading card with number iri odc~ card, and perform- icn pf result izato even card, Operations a'? ong Pack of Ca,rd~ ~ ~'~.g6.~) ea) StYCC~~sivc subtraction i9f v`alue~ ptr~'orated into the same f 1eZd 0f all w '~~ ~~.r.6ds oz ozZC yet, and pcrforat3.on of the ~.ntermediate r~su~.t~l 3.nto the individual S ~ _ Ca,~d~+~ STAT i 1 i 1 5 t 1 ! 1 I .' ~ 1 I 1 1 1.1 1 1 1' 1. ! I C l i! 1 1. +~ ! 1 ) i~l 1 1 1 1 1' I Q i' ti~ 4?: t I t 1! 2 >` ![ Y 2' t t! Y Y 4 P 2 2 I: 7 >i @! t tF ? 1) t t 1! r tb 24~ 1?K 'tt di fi rr '!U 31 !>P; 53' y1 :ti ~ ?1 ~~ YJ t i i 4 ! tt i i aii v i i i iii a i,3 i i ?e ~?'- t 1 l ?I~ o a ?. *.I* f i s y ?dl~l it +~ as ~y i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ~~~~~the 3..ntex~iedi~te'.,resultm...n~~b the. _individuai caard;~. All..of_ _ the~_...Qnu~e.r_atad . operatioru~ oc~~' aut~a.t.i~~-__~th. ~'~~~~---. #sa~_t~e....a~ combined nth the printing of the The opcratiom caf the tabn~..i~tor i~- ~i~. 6. ltd - ~'~sr f arato~- STAT serf Gyrator ---~ The perforator is an mach~.i7%s j wrhich pe~~o~atds the ~..nit~.e-1 5 ~:~ v~~~es, the irdc~, the constanta~ the per~'a~ration of thr leading c~"d, etc infra u'-?' tote pa~.rt~.cul~.r ro~.i't~i~ of t1~e ~d (at the processing d~ tie card>~ with the tabu - _. ~ .....~ .. _ ._ per.~aratcd iz~ta the ca~rdr and the subtraction ~~' the value pe~?for~,ted rota ~.i,tor, the card corms ar-e not d~.vclec~ titre ~.ndiv~.dua~. ~'eldr~) w~:th simiultaneau~r int of tMhe s:~ y .the inteiedia~t~ x+e~ru,, end tFhe~?r~,n~1, tot~.~s~. _i t~i~ perforating cards a The pack o~ cede to be' perforated with the information --~-~ a~c+~rding to the wr~.tten or printed data is placed into the faed magazine w~ah thr~ 5 r, _ _ .. _.. . Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ? ,n .~ _y.~ tht cha~r~.cter ~e~~, the ~ettirig ~arr~ts.~e off" thG per~' moves .from the i*ir _.. ___.... ,....... ,~,.._,.~....~....~.w..,_...~...~ ~_j Face of the cards upw~d an,d this cut corner to the left. By prea~s~.n~ the number ~~e .,.~__c~f' th.~ k+~~s~xd .the necer~;~a~r di ~,t Y ~ , ~ ~' ~ are .aet... ~.nn. the cc~rreapandir.~,~ . ~olu~mn.s....1. to 90. ~ cr~ntrast to the tt~riiter; where the ro~.~. with the PaA~r maVes duriri~ ~,.,~ tht typing of the letters acid d3.;~~.t~ end the +writing g obtaurd directl.~ bv.i~re~~~- C~.g.~~11 -- ~~~.a~~~.f"l~r .~ ~il~t tif' the yet ~,re ger~'aratcd ~.t~tc~ tht card; the card moves a~,t?ma~tica~l,y to ~.J the storage r~il,ga~ir~ea ar~d the mach3.~re ~eec~s Chet newt lat~vest ca.rd+ '~ht set vdlu~ss -~ r~smain intact, and the mach? ~e pe~f o~rs.~tce tie ~ar~c~~ ~t a rate of ~t~(J to 6CKXJ c~.rds ,~~' hour; ox+ .the yet ~ralues art autdrna.tica~~.;~ caneel~.ed and the ~iperator seta the i F - __... new ~rglue~ ~'or the ~a~ct Bards. C~ STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/12/11 :CIA-RDP81-010438001300040009-0 ver~.fica~tir~n of .the corr+~ctne~s ~:~ t~e p+~r~`a~ratir~g 3,e ~bt~f.ncd bar repeatira,~ c~ .:~ r~. ~: G1.asa~..t This ve~~.f icd perf?rate~d card then ~~nt~~, cnl~ o~ta~. which can es-si].~ be- --~ ~~~ ~e claseit~sr is ured fcrir car~~-ng t op~~atcns 1?rftY~ the c~arda~. ~~ pack ~~ ~ cf c~rd~ is pl.ace~. ~.n the ~esd i~iaga~3~ne the ~ ~ ad in tha pe~fo~-ators ~ ~ .~ Feeder feeds the ~a.~d~ bf .the Eck ones b~ the fr~r~ .'be~.ow to the rn~,chine at.. a rate .. ~~` ,CX34 eard~l per hour. 1~ach card st~p~s ~~r a m-o~m+~nt tzndex the fe~e3.~,r csi' the - ~ ~~ a~a~ wi~e~~i the ecl~m ~.~ determined ceord~g to which than card ~.~~ t~ be claas~ified ar1d. rrh~bre the ~ +~ar~ra d ,.~. ~i ~ Aec?rd .. t ~i.n a the i~'ort:~at~.on cvn g ~ P ~ ~~r-.-~ ~-ain~d ~.n the dcte:~ined cc~.umn~ csri~ of tab thirtaen~ ~rtar~aga c~partanent,~ opens fi~y{.:..~~.~.p1a~.~c3...~C.b~..hf_..:~...pex_~c~.~~t~.~.~_~._._...~.....~... I i 2 ~~.._ ~E'a~1s rtin roll rndv~+s the card to the ~ . ~ c ~ po g partmant into which it falls. ~ ~'an of these thix?tee~a eompa~tmente ~t~r,~p+~ tt~ the tin digits d to 9 } . The In this ~ra~D b~ e ~ ~pa~r~' tk~~~gt~ ~ ~aChr~e the pack of cards can be re- sued int? as ;~ batches ~-~ there are. diff~rer~t kinds o~ in~'or~ation ~.n one .~ ~,.~ ~~~ :. ~, far ep1G, a pack ~,~ t~ ~e~ reels=s3aed canai~eti.n~g t-f txo kinds e~ i~bt;r, for exsmpl.e, set lt~ and $~t ]:5 (r~3^i+~e~ nuae~x~ ind~.ces are c~e~~,gnated in ecl?- .w.,., f ~ ~--~-` die $~ and ~C3 } : then the te+~ler of t~ Le c~ Triage ie eat f~ cv-1'umn 90. 3'he card fah the digft ~, p+e~~'~ratad intc Bolt ta11r iritd edmp'a~tinent 1~, while the 1 i ~.~ _ . i~rds rfarated with the d ~.t 5 fall. ~ c p? ~; . o~partment ~. ' ~'he coining ~sf: cards _ it +era~r~d cult in ~xch a wag. that th+~ pack e ~it?;i~t V YrrnY `' ~~~tsd acEC~-ding t? the lo>~It index. ids are then again made. up into a _. t . Eck in such a wag that ..the l~e~ xd i~ taken t'riom cc~partmen.t ~, them f~apa cp~rtment 1~ thtiri ~~csan ~cSmpart~nt 2, e?tc. ~ uriti.l.:tinall~r fr~n +cc~p~tment '~,, ? ~~. ~_. c,~1.a_ssifier_.i,~,:.._of ~ourse._a~.~o _ used ._far ._porn~~~i~iz~-g.. other t~p+~~_. of__ chi=~s; Ml ~rhich~._ har~r+ever. ._ ~~ of nn 3,ntar~ . _ __ ,.. . __ _..I ~ ...w..__..... _ __ -. _ . .~ .... _ dt toy out P~"'~s+~r~~ ~~ ,~:r.v.'u:~lyil~ -'~;-,:;tea,-_'.- wi.a:.;-w,:~w.+:u.:...~:,:......:.:... ..,..: _...a+-_i1.S~i...""w era..$s...~..:.`L"i.1ii~...._.,ra i+: ...