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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 ec!;:Aif 3013511,C CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET 25X1 COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE AC Map of Swinoujscie Harbor REPORT DATE DISTR. 15 October 1956 NO. PAGES 1 REQUIREMENT NO. RD Ktt-tKtNL.,tJ 25X1 25X1 cnitarp FVAI MATIONS ARF DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. A map of Swinoujscie (Swinemuende) harbor with accompanying legend pinpointing Soviet and Polish installations SECRET 25X1 STATE X ARMY X NAVY X AIR X FS! AEC I(Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 01 0 25X1 SECRET Swinemuende Hutu ilandi A4 4%.!yiet Inst41ationst6 I- ________ Legend to Amme U. 21- .1 1 East mole la 2 x 35 mm AA guns and WOP observation post lb AA gun of approximately 50 mm lc Signal station 'ea I ? ganrahlilht alAtform 2 Barracks inatallatqaa la Battery. probably 3 x 150.= guns with searchlight 3 b Battery of 4 x 105 to 150 mm guns 3c AA gun emplacements 3d concrete platform (AAA emplacement ?) Vote: An additioral number of at least 3 searchlighte ard 3 or 4 radar sets on wooden subetruetures are in existence. 5 Subterranean hydrophone station with microphone cables loading toward the sea 6 Jetty under construction, dephins and wooden sheet piling, approximately 400 meters long 7 Pilot station and li4Ahouae with observation stand and guards 7a "eadquarters building for floating units Antanna mast (radiobeacon) 9 Osternothafen, a wooden pier of aparoximately 300 meters, sorting as speedboat and, oceasionally, as coastal minesweeping boat berth 10 AA suns of unidentified caliber 11 Torpedo depot 12 Administative building for vessels berthed in the harbor 13 "Destroyer area", a 900-meter concrete pier with water conduits and long-distance heating lines, berth for minesweeping boats, submachine chasers and, occasionally, destroyers and aubmarines 14 -;ort Starkenhorst, quarter; allar,redly also food and amMunition depot; near the fort a power plant for harbor installations and ships and, former eman destillation plant for boiler feed water with two boilers and 2 oil bankers in operation; pinpoint location unknowa 15 Food ration supply depot 16 Quarters, offices and athletic field 17 Navy school in temporary wo den buildings 18 Fitting-out plant consisting of workshop, small iron-casting house and copper smithos shop, oil depot aid coal dump 19 Ostswirehafen, berthfbr vessels earmarked for repair and target 'harbor 19a 31ant1ng concrete ramp; pinpoirt location unknown. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: 25X1 CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 POOR? ORIGINAL 11111111111?1111111111111111111111111111 alli11111111111111111111111111111111 S. Ile Blocked .01111.hemassft. 26 26a 27 28 SEClET Lend to Annex CA..; Yew approximately 31r)..m3ter long pier built in 1953; berth for Soviet naval vessels JoachiTsflaeche Shipyard harbor with a quay of aoproximatelyls000 meters S'Apyar0 with shops for the repair of small ships includink special machines ard motorss 2 floating cranes of 10 and 20 tors respectively small slip, turnery s locksmith's shops forces foundry electric workshops carperter shop with boat.. construction failili,tiesv en@ne and machine 'spare part depot; wiLCALUii=00; a"" .t ? PA.- lad% Janet LANI t 28a Old lijIthouse 2g Former Ger an ordnance office orobablv AtIll gAr4nr; ordnance office exospt for those parts uded for shipyard ppos 30 600-meter Kaiserbollwerk (bulwark); berth for Soviet vehicles ards abcording to an unconfirned renotts occasionally used as coal storing site which is equipped with three claw cranes 31 Old Engelsburg citadel 31a Ammunition depot 31b Shifted border of the blocAked area (?) 32 Radar set 33a to Gun emplacementsof alproximately 150 mm caliber except for 33c gun 33e which al)eared 'laviers with some of the guns allegedly ? emplaced in turrets. 33d Radio station (artillery.?) 33e AAA battery with guns of approximately 75 mm caliber with seare-117:ht and radar 34 Radar on a 4-meter hiekoncrete base 34a Radar on letice mast 35 Searchlight 36 Former, German coast artillery schools partially destroyed 37 Ouarters ? 38 Signal stations 39 'Barbed-wire entarglemant; as ?Blocked Area III& III. Blocked Area TM I* 4.410,..71 tvietonnintl irn^q1751V an far (surrounded by a.2., 5-m board fence) 46 Lntranoes with turnpike .10"trnlIAA by 46a Fence under eonstructidn 4? Headquarters for Blocked Area III 48 Administration and officers' club in the former Walfiech '!otel 49 Quarters 50 Naval detention barracks in the former Concordia House ?51 Headquarters in the former Duenenschloss "aus 52 Radio station 53 Offioers school building in the former "Haus An der Waterkant" Depot 55 MVD building and Soviet military court 56 Officers club in the former Ossig 3odega House 57 Post headquarters g) .Art. Sr.CRTT 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 Leqsnd to knnez Torpedo and mine depot in the former German mining depot Oil Piery a wooden jetty belonging to the torpedo and mine depot Loading pier situated approximately 1,000 meters south of the Oil Pier at the Aellin Fahrt and belongine to the terpedc and mine depot; sheet piling with con4rets. aouroximately 100 m long depth of wa*ter 10 meters, 2 serviceable luffing -eantry rrmtubc. buildings. T?ot- on 6 t2.9.6.41 In the rear area, numerous ImnIcers and subtIrransan depots comIrected by a rail system; the whole terrain was surrounded bj a wall and, partially, by a hill board fence, and was Tuarded by military patrols 65 Compensating installation between Klein-gellin and Lognitzerort 66 Storage building in the former Ruetters Plant 67 Ha-bor basin of the former naval airbase 68 Ship and engine spare pert depot in the former naval airbags hgtars 69 Fuel depot consisting of 6 to 8 former :woman fuel tanks which are interoonnected b-r subterranean pipe lines, three overground lines lead to moles which serve as jetties. 70. Barracks installation 71 Diving and salvage )ost workshops of which are located at the northern side of the harbor besin P- , titACA 76 hiahstadtn terrain, rartly in ?olish hands 77 Ship berth place 78 Power plant, not in operation '1.79 Serviceable above-ground former German bunker, aporoximetaly A mAtAra hiah :loblie AAA battery of 4 x,73-mm Tuns and solid quarters 81 Demagnetization plant for ships; pinpoint location unknown flima .1k,) Town Food ration supDly depot and quarters 85 Domfiot, House of Soviet Fleet in the former Preuseenhof Fotel ad Aarbor komcndatura 86 Officerst club 87 Food ration euivly depot Motor vehcle spars lart depot 89 Notor pool and quarters 90 Vaval hospital in the former municipal hospital 91 Radar station in the building of the former marine meteorological station 92 ?rison 93 Slaughterhouse under joint control of Soviets And Poles 94A Barraera InAtallatiot it forriar German Yary installations, and under Soviet (94a) and Polish (94b) administration, separated 94b by barb-d=wire fence. The Soviet part included the entrance on Faerber Strasse, troop Quarters, which. in l9536 housed SECRET 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 Sanitized Coov Aooroved for Release 2010/04/20 ? CIA RDP81 01043R000300040006 4 Legend to Annex 4 a 12 x 88-mm ka unit a..;lothing d pot a material depot for ship enuip1,1;2at and nhip supply. and three antennA mesta8, each approximately 35 mmthrs high? The Polish part is described in item Vo 109a0 Flexibln AAA 'ttr.ry w1.01 un s of approximately 75 mm with searchlight and radar Air-fib-36 which he,tt?1y 1-A;J&L undar conatruction since 7aid-19560 B. Polish MIlltayadop,paatiom 99 Coal harbor uith thu quay haling a length e approximately l200 meter's; allegedijr 2 forams in eNiutenoe 100 Wintrix harbor with a quay of aproxiNately 19200 meters and an undetermined number of cramo 101 3d6ne FlaechOp a newp vartiai t=crate pier at the east side 101a Now, oloping bunkline which ia eamarked for oawletion in late 195(':to 101b AAA bcttory of flexible gano of 9.1.1proximate1y 75 mm e temporarily oupA.ed by Fran cr,3153 101e AAA battery of 4 x 2Dgaz flexible guns 102 Parbor koNendatura in the former vaterwa7 officio 10, Barth of harbor police 104 Naval hospitaI 105 Faval headquarters inc1udin3 hendquarilers of naval base, radio telephone and telegraph station 106 Headquarters building (WO? ?) 107 Supply office (?) 108 '4uard quarters 109 Barracks installations; octIwtation unknown 109& Barracks insttllations occu?i-d bra7)roximeely 5 oamlanie,-. of Folith infantry and naval soldiern, See also items No 94a and 94 b 110 Bordarguard detail of aD)roximat,el.y 30 nen 111 Radio station whichi in the meanVne, may have been transferred to Karnits 112 AAA emplammont of 4 quns which m'e probably employed as special protection for the terrain of the Kvire Fish Combine 113 Komendatura of post p possibi7 also housing a WOP headquartere 114 Military post officers' clUb 116 Fuel depot with alleedly 10 subterranean tanks at least. 116a ouel depot under eonstruction which is said to have direct pipe lines to fuel depot under it 116 . 117 Ordnance depot of AAA and antitank guns located in the former Bahnha SwinamueAda.Bad 118 WOF guard south of the Ostswine River co Inkallattolp of the Merqhant Nnundj,inherx I; Feetern bonk, f ,the Swinm River 126 Harbor basin of Polish Odraport 2ish k;ombine with an eastern and southern sheet lining quay of arnroximately 4'10 meters and a water depth of 8 to 10 r-stars. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 SanitizedC Aoorovedf Release 2010/04/20 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 25X1 ,a1 =RFT Legend to Ann* 126a Preparing and packing hall 126b Cold storage house and ice plant 126c Office and storage house 126d Boilerhouse 1260 Main administration with.WOP observation tower 126f 11.191 pumping station . rota on 126 - 126f! Th a rinimbinft Al'aft innludas net factory with a yarn,meaving factory and a school for fishermno 127 Fish cutter relair shipyard of the Odraport Combine 014.s 4,..4,11.11t4^,1 t'lcf - r.nrthinsi_ nimmAihTv A basin with small floating dock 127b Floating dock of Odraport Combine, carrying eapacity approximately '4000 tons 128 Pier Kluess, approximately 200 meters long, probably also used b7 the fishery combine 129 Fish cutter shipyard colprising 4 side slipways and 2 hangars two more were el,legedly under construction 130 Eow fenced-in loading installation guarded from watchtower by wOp and including a 4mmetcr wide and 100 to 120-meter long new flonerete pier separated from the concrete shore quay by a waterway approximmtcly 12 meters wide and connected with the cplety trr two loading bridge each fitted with 1 luffing crane of 8 to 10 tons carrying capacity. Also in existenoe were 4 solid coal bunkers, a fransfoiller station, sheds and open-air storae sites. 131 Stattonary crane of 3 to 5 tons Odr;z Station railroad station 33 30at harbor 134a Ferry 135b Railway ferry 1350 SchAenfaehre railroad ferry with second landing nLace at Am Moewenhaken south of Odraport IL yallimbank of the Swine River 136 Hohenzol*n Ouart aolroximattlly 410 meters long; DID cranes 137 Tierth for Polish fish cutters at the southern tip of winter harbor Do IJIA2111U1221 138, Old Gnrman cemetery 139 Catholic Church 140 Catholic Church, formerly Lutheran Church 141 Old destroyed Protostant Church 142 Cemetery with chapel 143 Gasworks 145 Polish civilian hospital SECRET N.. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 25X1 anitizea uopy pprove or e ease SEMI Ahlbeeklr Chase Adolf Hitler Plats Bi33arck8tra3se (141;71-1=nr141"41!"1045mcitsa Re-named Streets DanzigerstrasscTi Eglebrechtstrasse FevIrberstrasse Friedenstrasso Gadebusehstrasse Gartenstrasse Grosser Markt Grosse Kirchenstrassa Haysestrasae Hind nburgstrasse Im Hafengrund Karlstrasse Kastaniensllee Koenigeallea Kleine Kaechenstrasse Lotsenstraase Lindenstrasse Maasetrla Moltkestrusse.. New Strasse Roonstrasse Steinbrueckstrasse Untarbollwark SECRET Lelerd to Annex Uliza Wojska Polskiego Wolnesci - (square) Uliza Bohaterov Stalinvmdu Ulisa Partisantow Uliza Gd Uiisa Choldu Proskiego Uliza Marczalka Roli (Arm) Siderskiego Uliza Fryderyka Chopina Uliza Jana Matajki Uliza Linanowskiege SlowAlmski (sc.uare) Uliza Granwaldska Uliza Wyspianskiego Uliza Granwaldska TOL% (Tbwarsystwo Universitetu Robotniczego) Ulize Wilkow Morskich Uliza Boleslawa Chrobrego Ulizm Jana_Z Kam Uliza Marymarsy Ulizm Marinarka or Ulizt Generala Karola Swierczewskiego Ulize Armii Czerwonej or Uliza Armil Ladowika Uliza Partisantow Uliza Ignacego Paderewskiego Uliza Piastowska or Uliza Swirtewskiego Uliza Gahriela Narutowicsa Uliza Mieczyslawa Niedzialkowskiego Uliza Wybrsese Wladislawa IV Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP81-01043R000300040006-4 25X1