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" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04 :CIA-RDP81-010368000200040047-8 U. S. Officials Only CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMAT~IN REPORT OOINrT'RY sotlbt Otilea lIN,NCT ~e>!ld~ta ?Llsr ~ Z. X111[ w[YMw7 NMIA IM? IM/MYATIN A 1 L N 7N[ YNIT[n [TAT[[, ?IfN IM TN[INANINn 0/ TI TL[ la. [[CTION? 7.1 AIM/ Ina. [/ III[ Y. ~. [N[. A[ AY[Nn[[. IT[ 7[ANwln[IN N [[Y[? THIS Is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DATE DISTR. ~7 ~' 1S1S4 25X1 N0. OF PAGES 3 SUPP. TO REPORT N0. Sbe' ieriet toroed li-tier slsta~ has oos~pletely ahsased sipee 1y48, u eel*ared MitU_ the tine letere. Ilhether the 'risener wonted or >tlNt, he resotred a labi ratiM et 800 brass d 'bread. !or wortini he reoeired a aleiai ratiolA,.~~iag opoa tsiti113.t1is the wort noels. , Ye was also paid for the work. Vie' 'pusher of prisosess is esti>.ated, D;r loth ~,ntorpants and also D! other ~*ed ~ iwsatls, at SO to 30 adllioru is the whoi? Soviet 1>soswls" ir>< the Soviet Oniod. ~ that s~ lean a aorohttiouar! orpaisatio~n galled "Is>~~ove Diele " . E"Lw~u!~s lire Zoslk") tas torned at the Uaivsrsity Q; lbseow. ,i'his 111up~, ~q>ptp, 'ta whiob the soeu.Qt teroww Soviet bnreanerats belon~d, was espeelalll~stror~ at the wniversitl. Ilse nave of eawp ilasates of this kind rlrrs later added to b, the snt3-Sentio seasnres whioh sent thossands of Jewisti intelleotnals to the Damps in~siytria. Snotber Destine!! dittereat irogp was Wade up of as~lers of the l~raisiaa resistanee, U. S. Officlal? Only 3~RBT YYn Y[ w ear ti. un within th. IJSA of ehe lnailigenee components of : [rr ii~[IMnw-~t /Iprei[[ bi[[e~d [bew, 1e y sot ~b b[ a[n~mieN~t owtNN OIiT tom/ tin [N[[io~. if mad[. t[ina ool)r a "C1A Souza". Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04 :CIA-RDP81-010368000200040047-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04 :CIA-RDP81-010368000200040047-8 of tiitoas tis~ra arez*e;8,000 at Yorkuta alone. The prisoners are coaseious that thaT are riot onlT the objects of political repression, but that thq are regardod bT the-govarngent is an~Lgortant ecogo~ic !actor and as ohaap labor powr tor' the e~,plaitation of 81b~riats enorgous resources. The raising of Llvins conditions among the prisoners,.also-has the purpose ot,.inareasing the oapacitias of tta penal cage isgates and obtaining larg:r results t portions'and~hi~r paT. ~ 1948 all originals were traasterred t la~pr cages to so-oalled "general cups". Phan it is ra~ubored box this elegant vas a speoial source for the spT sTstog in the cas~ps, gad bT its behavior a plate to the political pri;honers, its resaval lust ba regarded as an Sgportaat alleviation for the oaq iggatas. j:; 3. She head of the Yorkuta cage adginistration is now the MnD E~eneral Dereviard; jr ;yi,.:s~. '+.Cl. ,. 4. She Latest political intluance among the political prisoners has been ttu ~L:: ,t h~~,~u-opa . Dia~Q ~. ,~i}u) , ; ~ his organisation first of all m~i!'ies the iateliectuai laadership.o~'.tb~ trsnsportoes. It is intorestiag that the core o! this revolntionar~r govenent consists, not Qt old Coaganist prisoners, butt of the 7oungar Soviet generations students, "kogsoaols,s tad otticers of the ai'4? 'Pha Bost active elegant is coa-posed o~ the ttudests of the DaiversitT of Nosapx. T!u ~ gegbers of the IDL are anti-Sxali~,ata. SbeT hel,~~t- i~ fie .: ? wort evil.';::os the Soviet Urn.,i~.ts,. dovalo~uit is ilia' S~L?~#atept~,1~, 4t~;r. ~ ~turthf;. do~olopgant,.agd tratgpess pt, the..: i~osie~.:1~3+~waa~a.w ~, :... , stela s poihrt dioti~t l i , t~ ara p. , ~ stalgss rex+ga .ot satkluerl~ ,;,i,,,yg~ ?e~H3gglp,.. ~,h~ro?the. easunist, TartT gvt.npt tie. pegatthai,;?lo,alyl~MMt ~:.~l017 ~,.a~raa~ng..~~ produetion prog~a. It .Ss .oal7 t~i,rpelwtlSsal., .M~::< .;,. ~At11i os` sat i4aa~. -5~: ?oontrolligg, art Mailing laia4~ri~l ,~r,:.,~#,afe.:1 ~v~#~a ap at~gh, !Me a~estng s;~at.aitaat: ooatisre~ ., i,~..~~e no allQwag~ea;~tar ~slavia~s aop~tie eolyd,AMlas~;, , the ue..p:'a~nl:tu~e,, but thily . toraed the gain sxb.~eot,.ot ~ diswsis~?' tai, theoretloax itsbatoa ol., t4e iitellastuRl, seetian at,. the transpoatees :ate ~~. SlN Bost iatst~+a~lting :thing #a that tQolc place in the ,~ ergsulaati~ ~!'Og3 itsl3g~s dealt., than the ~ , leaders touni tbwt the . !~all~souirad ,lhssoatu~Mtt" Naiv proposed,,,to .l3~nlc,:ga.dlreat~,T xith. Lenin. Obro~h the. erittlaal /tall~a arori~, theg ~~deoid~d to vhaage the ease ot: the organisatiot-, itt '~t.~.t~all. eat .1993, trek : 3i~, to "aogvs," . She... r~rolut~ionarT : les~eataip is ~-~o~ta lilirred tlrtt, ate a~'~ta~a,best,.roflaota~ the txitura d*.vblo~rnt et Sov*t speitt:?: S'eitber. b1a aisle nor.. the ~artT, lout.. the iron assoc. istiotts, of prod~atrs oti the,: basin. of w laiws,trial eoonogy~ xonld be the :decisive taotor in tba !'attu~ xcoma~,a gild pall;bioal ;darxlo~t of tha:.Soviat piople,. She "'8aliwaraM toer~d anoMher .group of eagp ingates . Ia the.. xog~n+Ms name theT trove 1QOME: sat rtonsabki ~ nnns .j,, but in the,:gan~s ~ as .*beliov:is.",,,:Skekir sit~r?hf-d' ehsngo~_radiaallg stage 19~F8,. ?~Yp to that?tiaa.,.they 1ta='f.: c~aasaistsntly rliM~t.-br~ tho; camp adtiinist~ration,, ..but nox tl~ "Deliasers" no_lo~r .are. roduired ? 4 ,,. ,, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04 :CIA-RDP81-010368000200040047-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04 :CIA-RDP81-010368000200040047-8 to Nox1t owtaide the sap. Hecaus~ the Sovietstate is for tpp a. Nor1~. ?t 3ats8, try x~ttua~ tQ pirfor? any kind of labor. They Nero . a . resl . prot~,~ ttr ~ ? tutheri#p. , , .tiAally hoNever the ad?iafstr4t~on found a ~3'oaiae- `The ~eitavers ~ ~y ;in.thoir 1~trraohs !or their telloN s}sgbera, Tbey worlc..a tikl.rd,pt-..the ~t the *ther ..tiro-tkirds they spend in graying and . eopy~ _ the, s s "~l~er4 .:hare tlrouaands .ot secret ehsnnels thro ~ ~ ~ ~ lttt#ti~tlOg : tlMSe eopied-down ezee to of the ~ ~ yiieh ~ are skillrl i~ ~e ;iesi?t lion, sot oal aao the iosDels Sat .all .tde lsagoapa et ,. y ~ eaap liurato; but threlghAS,t . a].l . tdlelsa~ . grl~rd~~ ,taailiM also read these NritirJgs, 1n iferet. .!~ '~R11,ev~3~/M ~ ~~ >t"psaat prison . es~ps have nothing in oosa~on Nith previous ~li~ew seetd is the ~eviet ihiion. They area wall part of a great spontsaeous religion ?ove- ~t..;eM1eh ?has aris*n in the Soviet lion alase .the Mar. >~toN ,prisowor? of .4his " ~* a~4vi .in esap e0ntinuoa~ly. They, reject all oon;'es~iva~s and prgtn,~tioaa. 'SIN deap~l, for thM is the all-o~brapirK stress. 6? T~. Wtrai~ians fora t ! ano her a vial asap .drogp. ~~ uy eQr@ -~adero?irsi' or ~lovstaasi' ~ M ~T 1a';QMa. as irony is es o E IIebels ). Hoch ;int9~!aatita adrped that t1N ~eralatan pe ia;ly Nell org~sed. ?~, 800 9lcrainiaiu e,to to Yorla~ta traa yr 1953: they aarehed.into oaa~p staging their war songs, Iiiiediately p!'ter their arrival .they dss~anded the ~reaonl of 4 ~aa;l r of e3'lalnal ?ssa~ss, . Ia 4raganda tht Ulcrainiana had killed 160 of . tiese er3ai~#gls, in , the eearse o! a 81ibt. Lt'ter that the authorities no 1 tad er3aiaals toietl~r. Tieir solution Mas to ti ~r ~~twret to ~t.~;~tys L~4 aul distribute rhea to other ~ the.Wa~ais~ ~ ~t parts of tha Soviet ~tiea. ., 0R tie oth*r,,~ad, the itia~ainians are Mostl ~ .t y. peasant elas*~ y~~,~ Lttelleetra),,, Deetuse the onl ~ alt .at.,hll y Ny for thu to iprgv~ thp;r !~1b ,~ ~~r ~ il~l'aiaiaas fora out aar! than all the otheas ? erit'llat rich the a+sslbers of the InL, moose sotto is to ~~ ~ " "' dshreabs late ants is of a ditto 4~~ ~ ~ ~. , t o i i ~ p n on hoNever.. I~t , ~'M-;isaas tiaee their arrival at Yorkuta hake tieea a st ' "' ' ~ '" r'i r!' .w4. labor disc; lino. ~~~~,.? .alt slsee ties eves tihs p They ,th~ottled ill lilt ;~~r~., and guards have ben, for a cad ean> ;rorhiag }~raetiee, ~ .Ss , ,,. rrarlosi twat ,~il? tl~ ~crainian group (whp are aost,~y .Host 9lcraiassas I are in favor et iadopwdwee for the Okraine, their prograa a to ~ a e dworatie~orN, even probably in the do~iet sense. s ' e~ldtely Thq are . asi~tst a rRt~MSa to larp last o~erdiip sad eapita7,isat they talk about,,a elt-saldas soeietys tiq- ~T swat liberty sad equality !or their hosNland. The. 1Mders ?t. fly Way-tataas tie i~-t~ .plM-s~d td~ letrovsky, the- old aationa~ Oosswaist leader,.,711~a resastalel Dy tha Yrewlin. They said! 'dt last Ne have a rigtit ra ih tM t~lin? ~thoyh he is a Co~aunist, he 'is Meste~-ainded arsd uo tayorer of the ~rRa~ ~aiNas.' 8. ?=ber ]Nriats arrist ? regular rebellion ocourred at Yorknta and the 3ea~ers sit ~'~~ ~'~~:~: ,and the Okrai~lans uu3t~d in ~a ~~t~ srl~ase ot,; e~w ..'r4~ toy d~l~politioal.prisoners. They d~elared tbanelves realty to stay five years at Yorkuta as tree volunteers is order, sa this way, to a~ake pessiDle MN~ts ~et,~oaie rasures for the t'urther ezploitation of the .watural ,iysoar?es,. T~ ov! authorities tried at first to coAViraee the prisoners that their strike uas~ senseless. out they pros~ised various botteraonts, Nhioh in tact Mere. daily letter, rritirtg, vallaited rotes t of ~ sxt ~ a p paeksgea ? redus.tlon : 4t ~e~.]:. ~,~,a;/ t0 ; Awl ~Y, removal of tl~e barred t+indoNS of the caa~r l~arrae]u. ?~ so~illatory measures of the adsinistratloa vote ineffectual~hoNerer, all the awra,.ao as ~ prisoners stood cn the proalai~ed ohanges in the puniahs~t Dodo. Tin strike td~ish has steadily gainer strength until it reseabled open rebellion, tinally~tN,s ssppresaad iyae~ed arai~to ...not:aov~1953 Nhsn-th~-saap eossander,;QeQeral Derovianko, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04 :CIA-RDP81-010368000200040047-8