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Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP81-01035R0001000 CONFIDE NTIA CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP" INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Finland SUBJECT ORIGIN Grad Current Situation in Finland . 0 25X1A1t ~ '~ DATE: INFO. DIST. 8 August 11947 PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT In comparison with other countries in the Soviet sphere of influence, .eland is a free country. This is a "model" Stali.nprotectorate, The counntr is not occupied. There are neither secret nor open Soviet controllers in the adminis- tration? The Parliament was freely chown: the Contcnuniate have only one--fourth of the seats. There are no disappearances of the citizens, Only the. politi- cians who were responsible for the war have been arrested, and the. off`-.cers who were mixed up in the hidden-weapons affair. The condemned politician are in prison, but .;.that does not mean that they cannot continue their aptivi _ ^: es and partake in Finnish political life. Tanner the ems--leader of the Socis' ':ets is still the president of the cooperative Elanto on leave, and has been, -p until lately, receiving his salary. He is allowed to see his lawyer, and h-0 family. There is a, rumor that he is pulling some big political deals out of prison, and he is supposed to be one of the initiators of the last governmental ca nisi. The case against the officers is being conducted publicly, with all lal para- phernalia, 2, No socialization has been established. The nationalization of industry neces- sitates a change in the constitution, The Communists and Socialists have the majority in the goverment but they have not got a majority sufficient for a change of the conwstitution, which is two-thirds of the votes. This ii the reason TdW all social izatio plate will long lie in the Parliamentary- Commis, ons. A lot was written that Russia was against socialization because she was afraid that the Finnish industry would then be unable to live up to its reparation com- mitments. It is a fact that there was no intervention from Moscow, and there was no pressure either for socializationn. In general Russia does not meddle in internal Finnish ?~ zble s . , 3. During the last year the Finnish economic situation improved. Agricultural production wi11 become better, and should attain this year (1947) 80% if the prewar standards; (in 1946 it was 60%) Industrial production is alre A;.3:: nearly on a pre-war status. Its main work goes toward reparations for Russi~.r . By 1952 Finla d will have to deliver goods worth 300 million gold dollars. Prices for this have been calculated at 1938 levels, Only ones-third of this is key- Finnish production, which is timber, the rest ` to be products of th,,, ne~tal! industries. This will necessitate enlarging o that industry to a ve `y great extent. For delays in deliveries Finland pays t 5% penalty. Up until now Finland has paid 110 mil] Jon dollars. It is foreseen that in Septe mbr " of Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP81-01035R000100010017-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2OO1I&MRLDP81-O1O35ROOO1OOO1e thin year tie could xy mill be in arrears 3 million dollars, This small sum. is most important because it allows Russia' to meddle in internal Finnish prob- lems,, and opens the door to new economic demands. The thriftiness of the Finns, outside help, especially Swedish, have helped Finland to accomplish this. At the same time, e Torts; to the i Test are growing. 1 conomists say that this year this export mill grow to 300 million dollars, compared with 2140 minion achieved in 19146. This gill enable them to import up to 230 million dollars worth of goods, compared with 180 million in 1946, of which only 12 million need go to Russia. ''. The food situation has &1so improved greatly. There is no rationing of meat, fish or vegetables, none for eggs. In revbaurants, food is about like it was before the 'war. 6. One problem for anxiety is the low wages. The prices of food have risen 35 times prer levels, wages, on the other hand, only 6 times. The Government and the Parliament. e presen overnmen 5nas born of a coalition of three parties: Communist, Sooial ist, and Agrarian. The eremi er iq Pekkala, leader of a small Socialist group "Blocked" with the Communists (Social Unionists). He is known for his intemperance in the country, for his laziness and lack of ability. The Com? munieta have the Interior Ririistry and police. Seats in government were divided into one-third each; this has given the Communists more influence than thgtr would have if the P:srliamentary setup were deoisive (they have only one-fourth of the votes). The Agrarians are a class-peasant party, and are mostly concerned with prices for their products. They are slightly colored by reaction. The Socialists, until lately,, formed two groups: the Left,* pro-Communist., and the Fight, which is more actively anti-Comirniniat than the Agrarians. They are un+- der the influence of Tanner. A stabilization within that party has been achieved and the young hitgh(ist elements have gained influence. Al those in the Govern- ment bel.on, to both factions, the party is trying; to get rid of the Leftist ministers. Outside; of the t}ov