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USSR (Moscow Oblast)/Germany
Soviet Zone)
Infrared Research in the USSR and in
East Germany
5 -February 1954
24 50X1-HUM
2. The following corrections in transliteration should be made:
Zeche = Tsekh, page 3 and elsewhere
Novitsky = Novitskiy, page 4 and elsewhere.
OSI Ev x
Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Field Distribution By "*"1
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/19 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100390007-1 ,(1.
USSR (Moscow Oblast)/Germany (Soyiet Zone)
Infrared Research in the 73SSR.and in Eagt
-Gert any
50X1 -HUM
DATE DISTR.# 74 iV.. S
1.. I heard that Generals DOBROVOLSKII and NIKOLAYEV gave orders at,Zeiss,
Jenalduring the summer of 1945 for the construction of samples of all
types of equipment produced by Zeiss during the war with particular
emthanis oh military devices. I also heard
of Soviet orders requiring drawings to be prepared of these doviceso
Specific Soviet requirements for.further developments were also given.
I recall that one of these specific requirements mentioned the "Juno"
device including a specific request for drawings. I understood at
that time that this was an automatic homing device forirookete. I heard
other names mentioned, such as Wasserfallp Kiel Geraet p. Krebs, Wants-
pea Geraet: This represents the only time in 1945/46 that I heard
infrared techniques mention0d. I did not hear of "Lichteprecher" requests
although I was familiar with this device from a demonstration of a
forerunner of the Lichtsprecher 80 at Zeiss in the late 19301e. I
recall that after the war it was extremely difficult to build any-
thing because there were no plans to,work from. Chiefly supervisors
were evacuated prior to Soviet occupation of the
plant, but the designerd and other personnel usually remained.
50X1:H UM
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? ? / ?
, ? ,
7..2 7
after the war I did not see any wartime
German infrared equipment, for example, IR viewers or Waermepeil Geraets
but rail seeing :large searchlight reflectors 1.20 meters in diameter.-
not know what they were uthed'for. They were moved later but 1:do
not know where. I do not. think GOERLICH had any direct influence in
selling infrated tO the Soviets, since the Soviets apparently knew the
value of infrared when they came to Jena. They gave orders to reproduce
all drafringe of wartime infrared equipment and to build sample equipment.
After it became impossible to retain Dresden as a laboratory site, some
of the more important Donnie were brought to Jena so that they would not
leave the Zeiss organization. The former scientific chief, Geheimrat
HARTING,, was very-active in this relqect. He tried to persUade.personnel
to return to Jena and concentrate on the re-establishment of Zeiss.
When GOERLICH came to Zeids, he started the photocell laboratory.
. .
I did not hear anything about lead eulphide at that time but assumed.
thet the,photoceil laboratory was concerned with the fabrication Of
standard'type vacuum photoCells. used for sound movies. I had never
entered the photocell laboratory and did not know whether or not it
had been started at the request of the Soviets. The following personnel
were associated at that time with Dr. GOERLICHs Dr. KROHS; Dr.
GAEKSWEIN; Laboratory Technician WOLF; Mr. HAUNSTEIN; and several
other laboratory assistants. HAUNSTEIN, after the departure of:
GOERLICH'and- his associates, remained and was still with the call
laboratory in 1952J At the same time Dr.
STRAUBEL took:over the crystal laboratory, formerly operated by '
Dr. MAMA, The .?
Soviets were of- course-interestedin everything that was going pn
at .Tena in 1945/46 end-looked also into both the photocell labora-
tory and the crystal laboratory, but I did not notice any greater
interest in these than the.others. I did not hear anything about
KRS-5-at that lime, but knew merely that there existed a crystal
laboratory and-that 'Dr. STRAUBEL was in charge of it. I did not learn
anything eboutifilteke or filter production. I do not believe many
things were sent to the 'USSR in the beginning, since nothing
remained there. -
4. The Soviets collected booksi drawings and parts in order to initiate
production. A small series production may have been started for'.
the Soyiets,but production really began in the summer of 1946 when
the move came. Some boxes of equipment may have been sent to the
USSR in the. first few weeks-after July 1945.[
Itis possible thet:mork was going on with near infrared
viewing deVices or components, but I have no information on this.
5.. The mechanice in the group were' put to work in December 1946 ih the
' existing Soviet division. At'this time the designers also- received
theitfirst tasks. /he largest portion of the designers were at that,
-timev.etill outside in a former recreation camp situated at Planernaya
and had also started to work there. There were few facilities; but
at least they could get their first tasks and start thinking about
them: 7The scientists, however, were kept waiting until their-equip-
ment arrived,: Their laboratory was eet up in the old territory with
the 'Material that had arrived frOM Jena.
part of the design' group, but in order to avoid having
to move I requested perthiseion from.the Works Administration
to stay- and was then associated with the shop for Aerial Photography
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- 3 -
in Zeche 13. This was not the same group in which GORRLICH was,
was already working when GORRLICH was still waiting for equipment.
GOERLICH was then in the old territory where his latoratory'wat
later set up. The design group was also supposed to go int4 the old
territory and when the material came from Jena in February anti .
March, 1947, a laboratory was set up to include a design ?Mee,.
Sometime laterl?possible in sumer, 1947, the main design officiaas
traneferred to Hrasnotorsk. Thus, after May, 194q, both scientists
and designers were together in the old territory while the,produc-
tiop"technical personnel, mechanics, etc., were set up in the new
territory in the Soviet division where they fitted best. The ,
scientific branch was jointly staffed with Soviet and German
scientists with the Soviet director-collaborator of the German
supervisor actually being in charge. There were no noticeable
facilities for infrared work in the existing new territory.
7. The UI' territory at the time of arrival of the German personnel
alreaWhad a Soviet optical division of about 200-300 people,,
whicOlis concerned with routine fabrication of lenses and Priems'in
conneatiOn with,Boeiet oamera,production. I an quite certain that
thericies no darktiphel in the new territory. I cannot remenber
very much about.theLOPticei Dieision in the new territory sinoma,
was there only odeasionally. The equipment was quite adequata'Per
the tontine requiiehinte ofliiihe and prism fabrication, utilizing
optioaliglass. WOrli'ens Conearned primarily with the fabricetiOd
of objbetives forythe,Soviet Lela.. Prisms and mirrors for other:
optibel devices ant. reflectors for office illuminationare.
madeChers. I neeeissiti.Osram:Laisps such as were used by the 'Germans
in infrared searChlights. I else never saw the preparation of'gritings.
The Vacaum Ilivision-darried.61-eeme mirror coatings. There was also
a smilltElectrical Division making electrical parts used in various
devieest Beginning in Apri1,19479 a laboratory was built in tBe
old portion of the camp with several divisions; including one tor
design, one for ierill photography, a photocell laboratory,
acteSbal laboratory, a Crystal laboratory, a measurement laboratory,
which-was divided into a.mechanical and optical branch, in iliotriOal
laboratory and a photographic laboratory. I believe that actually
two electrical laboratories, one staffed entirely by Germaneand the
other only by the Soviets existed. The two laboratories worked
closely together.
? ?
8. In 1949'the Germans had to move into a spegial division set up for
Germans' in the new territory which was called Zech* 36. They had
to start from scratch and build a new laboratory. This new laboratory
had edrystal laboratory, a photocell laboratory, an electrical
laboratory, a measurement laboratory, all of which had very-United
facilities. They remained in operation until about the spring of
1952...This I recall, all of Division 36 was then reorganized and
becate'a production division with Soviet personnel. I do not know
further details. A small research and development group remained,
but the'division as such had lost its character. The eleotrioel
division, for instance, became a production division for electric
motors. The Soviet laboratory did not increase ostensibly between
1949,40 1952, but I am certain that the staff had increased to
approx&mately 100 people. It.
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- 4 a
9. I LEeveral Soviets/ \apparently understood quite a
bit about infrared and obviously had been interested in it for some
time. During the summer of 1947 I had the feeling for the first. time
that infrared work was going on after the construction office had been
moved from Planernaya to Krasnogorsk into previously prepared.
facilities. Work on the construction of the "Juno" equipment was then
continued. The electrical.laboratpty was involved in the .electronic
aspects. Apparently the "Juno" equipment had not been completed or
even nearly completed prior to the move to the USSR. One :experimental
model, which was sufficiently well cqnstructed to serve as:.a proto-
type for a zero series, was finally completed in 1949 by Zeche,56
after the move from the old territory. In this connection Ate
photocell laboratory under Dr. GOERLICH furnished lead sulphide cells.
Dr, STRAUBEL was engaged during 1947-1949 in production of KRS75
crystals which is a vital window and lens material for the inter-
mediate and far infrared region. I have described below the
individual facilities pertaining to infrared.
Photocell Laboratory
. 10. I to,not recall any details regarding the layout of the photocell.
laboratory in the old territory but know that GOERLICH and-NOVITSKY,-
the Soviet Civilian Supervisor, occupied one room in which labora-
tory equipment was located and that another room was aisociated
with this room. I considered NOVITSKY an excellent man and
GOERLICH make favorable comments about him.
Crystal Laboratory
. 11. I recall the layout of the crystal laboratory very well reee9Page-16:7.
The following personnel were located there; Dr. STRAUBEL;Adr..LOTZ,
a laboratory technician; a Soviet engineer who was in chargeAut-who
had his own office somewhere else; a Soviet female laboratory. tech.
mician'and a Soviet mechanic. The Soviet engineer in charge.mas not
as able as NOVITSK4who headed the photocell laboratory but.,,was- more
competent than most other Soviet supervisors. The crystal's- which
. I saw grown were of cylindrical shape, conical at the bottom, -with'
an over-all length of approximately 120 mm. and a diameter of.70 mm.
-?1 I/0mm
reddish color
-701"1h..iiiiIlIII -
KRS-5 Crystal
They were of a distinctly reddish color. I heard that spedial
precautions had to be taken with the material as it was poisonous.
Personnel working there were actually examined for poisoning. The
longest crystal I ever saw was 20 cm. long with a diameter of about
40 Si, Three crystal growing ovens stood in the laboratory. 'I do
.not-recall having seen polishing machines. .I saw KRS-5 being-worked
on a lathe, but lens blanks may have been cut and polished somewhere
? else.- I am certain that there were no facilities to test lenses,
such as an optical bench, in STRAUBEL's laboratory. However, it is
quite possible that the associated measurement laboratory,,described
below, carried on lens testing. I do not recall having seen any
. other crystals.
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- 5 -
12. I cannot estimate the number of crystals grown there, but KRS-5
cryetals were grown in the summer of 1947 as soon as the ()tens
werelhstalled. Not all ovens were running continuously. Eton
one oven could not have been kept operating at all times .since
there was a shortage of raw material. For a time German stocks,which
came with the laboratory equipment from Zeiss in 1947 were available.
Later pperations had to stop,occasionally for lack of material.
One German mechanic came from Leningrad in the summer or spring of
1946 to help with the. KRS-5production. This mechanic had alreakly
learned earlier:how to make lenses and he trained the Soviets. , He
knew that all ovens were operating at full capacity whenever raw
material:was available until 1949,\
15. At one time I saw, about twelve biconvex lenses made from KRS-5
of about 5040,mm. diameter. I do not know the origin of ihese.,
lenses nor their actual use. I only knew generally that they. were
required 'for cerAain.infraredrdevices. I had the feeling, but '
cannot specify why, that these lenses were made specifically for
military eqpiyment0 I never saw a lens holder.
14. All Soviet laboratory technicians remained there as well as their
chieti'but LOTZ and STRAUBEL left with the other Germans. It:As-quite
pospible that more personnel joined the Soviets later and I-aesume
that work on crystals continued after the Germans had moved out.
STRAUBEL did very little work afterwards with the ovens
whiCh were placed at his disposal in the new territory. I believe
that STRAUBEL returned to the old laboratory several times: and ,
several times Soviets, either the chief or a laboratory technician,
from the old laboratory came up. I observed these visits only
during the first months after the move.
_ . -4
, -
Measurement Laboratory
15. This laboratory covered a rather large space of two rooms and a
dark room flee page 16 _7 and was well equipped with material.
froth the central test laboratory of Zeiss, Jena. I do not-recall
spedific equipment but noted that about ten Soviet laborateritech-
niciane worked in the laboratory with equipment including an Abbe
comparator, several collimators, microscopes, and several optical
benehds.. I recall that the equipment in the dark room included
monodhromatorsandaspectrograph. A Nernst glower was used,as.a
radiation pource. I do not recall any recording spectro meters.
Unfortunately I cannot elaborate on additional equipment located
there,' Soviet personnel was headed by KRIVOVYAS, who seemed to
have'headed all optical activities. German personnel included
Dipl. Ing. REINDL and laboratory technician HOFMANN.
16. In the second reom belonging to the measurement laboratory, beyond a
corki4er, were.about ten Soviet laboratory technicians making optical
meaetrements. The roomS contained a universal microscope, comparators,
and collimeters. In my opinion this is a likely place where KRS-5
lenses would have been checked. I never saw an image tube in the
measurement laboratory or anywhere else, shown a sketch
of an image tubej
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- 6 -
Electrical Laboratory
17. I do not recall details of the electrical laboratory except that the
chief of the laboratorywasa man namediNFRIMSEKAbbohad formerly been
in Jena with the Soviet mission there. I never entered this elec-
trical laboratory which the Soviets later obtained from the Germans.
Photocell Laboratory
18. The photocell laboratory was combined with the vacuum laboratory, in
one room. Dr. GOERLICH shared a room with other personnel, Par-
ticularly with Mr. FUCHS, who conducted work independently, with
an assistant, on interference filters, lens coatings, and prisms
coatings. In this room were two vacuum systems of approximati4
5CYcni: diameter, which served only FUCHS and BRAUNE. GOERLICH had
hit -bin vacuum system located next to the dark room. The Main room
contained a large work bench and in the rear of the room was'Br.
GOERLICH's desk, Dr. KROHts, Mr. HARTMANNts, Mr. WOLFes and.a Miss
HEYNEis (who later became Mrs. GOERLICH). A small darkrooth -ipproxi-
tately 1.5 m. wide and about 3 m. long was in one corner. I Aid not
know whatequipment was here, but I believe a black body May have
beewin this room. I saw an optical bench and other equipment there
but-cannot describe it further. I did not see a monochromator.?
Tharirwas no glass blowing facility in this room, but there was a.
sMall?oom down the corridor where the glass blowers worked.'
Ligaid air was brought in bottlesto GOERLICH, but I am not'dar-'
thiawhetherthe44qiia-iir-Wai-Used.for cooling the calls otfor
..,soOthir.pOrposeS: I knew that GOERLICH fabricated balls in,this
-rbbbri.bUt I Cannotidaetribe details. I did not see a lighOlhopper.
that Most of the facilities in GOERLICHis laboratory *ete
ethadingly'primitive; and in foot; GOERLICH fabricated4hotoodlIe
ciiiiy-fOrti /bort period,Of.timain the now laboratory.did,produOgon
then'ttPered off...47See page 10.
' :"-
Crystal:LabOtattorY ?
19. Tai ad mlaboratbry h tad iiens for'growing crystals. Rd;iiIiiiiHtery
little work wed carried' On here on KRS-5 after the movi i ficit-one
tiiiiim?as later taken away from Dr. STRAUBEL. A work bdach,WIA ikons
cOrner and Dr. STRAUBELle desk in another. In another corner of this
.laboratory was Dr. OUNDISCH, who worked in photochemistry and had
nothing to do with-STRAUBELls work. After 1949 STRAD/3EL worked at '
bliCkl'odies for lack of ,something else to do. I never saw KRS-5
crystals beilig cut on a lathabr.lenses made from them in the newi
laboratory Lace page 18 ; ?
20, In the Electrical Laboratory there were two work tables, a lathe, *to.
There were several desks for the following personnel' , Dr. BLUME,
HOETZEL, ERHARDT, EDER. I saw the "Juno" device standing there on
a table in 1949 after the.move from the old territory. The equip-
ment stood sideways: pointing towards the ceiling at an angle.
BUIE was in charge of a portion of this project and had" delegated
work on different electrical portions to mechanics and.A.aboratory
techniciaaa.' The Electrical Laboratory had to solve electrical '
problems lehich came up'in.connection with general design tools.
At one tiibitheti:built small motors for aerial cameras. The
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armatures were wound by hand on primitive machines. It was impossible
to get such motors from the outside. There was definitely not a large
output from.the German Elektor-labor since they had only the most
meager facilities. I saw in the electrical laboratory no infrared
devices except the demonstration model of "Juno."27see page 192
21. There was a small measurement laboratory which made examinations of
? construction;equipment, and it may be that tests of black bodies were
carried out. In this measurement laboratory was Mr. REINDL, who was
formerly Wthellede-labor. GOERLICH had to borrow some instruments
ant set up a small Measurement Laboratory of his own. Optical and
mechanical measurement were carried on there. GOERLICH also examined
monochromators which were built for him. . As far as I know no 'photo-
cell tests were made there. Testing of the black body, in my opinion,
.involved only cheeks for proper connections and for operation of the
heating 'and cooling system. These tents were made by STRAUBEL whose
crystal growing operations had come to a standstill, and he was then
given mechanical tasks on a month to month basis.
Black Bodies
22. ..I knew that slumber of black bodies had. been built initially for
laboratory purposen in 1949. One ofqhise Was for =KLIMA. I tfitve
? made :a drawing of the black body buili'...frihe laboratory Lsee.
_page:21 _T. This black body utilized a copper block, a heating coil
and water cooling through external connection. I do not know the
-temperature range of the black body nor the constancy of tenperature
that could be obtained. In front of the:Juin baffle of the black .
body was a disk of 20 cm. diameter with a number of circular apertures
of different sizes eccentrically located. The black body did not have
any, rotating-shutter directly associated with it, but one was mounted
on an optical bench as a separate device. I do not recall special
cell holders for the optical berSh'./ The black body itself was built
for mounting.on an optical bench'av I recall a thermocouple as well
as a thermometer for temperature measurements. Black bodies were
? first made for laboratory experiments by the mechanical' shop. Two or
three .different kinds were built. STRAUBEL carried out:the internal
construction and made some performance tests but was unable to make
measurements of their properties as a black body, as he worked then
in a small mechanical, shop. Difficulties were encountered in keep-
- .:Ang the-fittings-for the water cooling system tight., This caused
? much...concern since the units were not ready on time, and for this
reason the problem of the black bodies became generally known. :I do
..not recall/whether GOERLICHis black body was in his laboratory for
repair or for actual use at this location.
23..` 'seeing a black body in GOERLICHis laboratory after
I recall that-in the first half of 1950 a number of black
bodies (approximately a dozen) were ordered for field use. These
-black bodies did.nof have water cooling, were smaller than the first
? ones,/..and. were built in wooden boxes approximately 30 x 20 x 20. I
had the impression' that- they're for military use since they were
painted ih the. standard Soviet field 'color (gray olive green). One
? / could open a cover on?top. I 4o not know the operating temperature,
and did not see a thermoMeter inside. I think that they were made in
? two sizes according to Soviet designs given to the Germans. I do not
know where they were sent when completed.
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I- ?
- 8 -
Description of Cells
24. The photocell was a doubled walled glass cylinder, hollow on the
inside with three glass tips at one end, two of which served as
the feed-through of electrodes 47eSe page 202. The sensitive
surface was in the front of the structure. I do not recalls
special bubble window over the sensitive surface. I recall the
sensitive, surface as being uniformly bluish-gray in color with a
visible:nee structure and with two metal s trips leading from the
sensitiie-Surface-to? the rear. I am not certain whether their.
color Sae 'shiny or dark. I believe the sensitive sutface was approxi-
mately one centimeter square.
25. A sprAng,loaded plunger giSe page 202 fitted in the hollow Of the.
cill,-And retained pressure on dry Ice so that it would retain
contact 'With the sensitive Surface. Over the cell fitted a metal
housing See page 2gj that was somewhat wider on one end than on
the other and into which the cell could be fitted. The plUnger
was held?back by this housing. .This housing was Of aluminum, and
I knew that these cell housings were later painted black since I had
also seen the identical pieces painted black. I recall seeing a
mounting ring for these cells in which the cell housing was held by
means Of thied spiings. The final outside diameter of the cell with
housing was approximately 5.5 om, with the photocell, itself approxi-
mately 4:tm. in diameter. The total length of the cell structure was
?about 12;,cm." with the housing the total was slightly longer:
I saw these cells for the first time in 1949 after the move to the
nei territory. I saw several of them in GOERLICHos laboratOry but do
not know exactly where they were looated. I saw the unfiniehed glade
bulbs frequently in the glass blowing room and believe I also saw
completed.photocelle in the design office. In fact I' believe that
RITTER had either a photocell or the aluminum housing for it on his
desk. also believe that SCRUMP had a cell at one time or another .
I. recall that the quota for GOERLICH after 1949 was approximately 15
phOtooells Per month. Several times about 15 photocells, packed into
their .housing, were, delivered by GCERLICR to .the Soviets, with
GOgRLICR.pointing out that what he was carrying to'the Soviets was
more important than anything the other Germans were doing there.
The finished product already had black housings. The last time.I
saw photocells in GOERLICHIs laboratory was approximately in the
middle of-195P. From then on GOERLiCH did not do any further work.
bui marhave occasionally made individual cells. / recall quits
clearly' the terM lead ,Sulfide but do. not recall hearing the terme
lead 8.101114 orlead:telluride. ; never heard any discussions as
tol,whit military or saientifio use these cells might have. / had
in,impressien that these cells dould deteott warm objects but can-
not elaborate as to the reason for this belief. I details
okthe particular characteristics of these photooells. I recall
specifically having seen and heard of dry ice as well as liquid air
and low temperatUre-experiments in GOERLICHIs laboratory. / recall
that the spring loaded plunger was part of a cooling system for
cells. ''I never sal a button type photocell,
7 / never saw photocells with different
color Surfaces than those I have described, nor different type of
areas, nor different construction.
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50X1 ?
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26.. I cannot give a detailed description of test facilities for
photocells. I believe that I saw photocells in the measuring
laboratory, but I do not recall the exact circumstances. I did
not see a test.set up where a photocell was actually inside, but
I believe that the measuring laboratory would have been the only
place where complete tests on photocells could have been carried on.
Photocell Test Set
29.. A requirement which originated about 1950 and on which the
design office had been working involved a photocell test set in
desk form .where production type testing of lead sulphide photocells
could be done. I have made a sketch showing panel instruments,
switches and the cell holder position See page 222. This task
was ,giVen to designer JUNGE. The test stand was actually designed
but I do not know that it was ever built. I believe that the teat
set was undoubtedly for mass production, but I do not know whether
or not original intentions were to build several of theise test sets.
I do not recall whether the radiation source was a light", bulb or a
built-in black body. The test set was designed for the identical
photocells which GOERLICH had produced since JUNGE had a cell body
to take the dimensions of.
Juno or Kiel Geraet
The Germans in Zeohe 36 continued to work on the so-called Juno
Geraet and ,I believe that this was the first German model the Soviets
obtained See page 217. I am uncertain whether or not I had heard
the name Kiel. I do not know whether or not the Soviets might have
also built it somewhere else. I saw the device in the electrical
shop in 1949. The so-called "Juno Geraet", which I saw, was built
into a wooden frame for mounting and consisted of a main mounting
ring in the center of which was a mirror 15-20 cm. in diameter,
which was rotating in a tumbling type action. The equipment made a
grinding noise when operating. In front of the mirror was a black
cylinder containing a cooled Pbs photocell of the same type that I
saw in GOERLICH's laboratory. I recall particularly a circular frame
holding the photocell mounting cylinder by means of three black
springs. I do not recall seeing a tilting mechanism and believe
there was no hood over the mirror and photocell mOuntinA)but rather
that the photocell mounting may have been held to the main frame by
three rods since I recall seeing the mirror even from the aide. I
recall positively that an oscilloscope was used in testing this
device but do not recall the oscilloscope pattern. When I saw it,
BLUME was in charge of this device and tested it apparently for its
electrical operational functions (but not for its infrared sensi-
tivity ). A hinged cover with a hemispheric shape of approximately
50-60 cm. diameter which could be placed over the device was notice-
able. It had a multitude of individual windows in a metal frame-
work, 2:21ee page 232, and the windows were made of quartz or glass
forming segments of the hemiiphere. if whether 50X1-HUM
aerodynamically such a cover would be satisfactory for a rocket
(Juno being an infrared seeker head) and whether the transparent
glass segments would be strong enough to withstand the air pressure.
\there would of course be
a question as to the suitability of this cover for use in the nose of
a rocket as well as the size of the equipment:I:7 I never heard the
name of Kiel IV mentioned synonomoualy with the Juno device.
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- 10 -
31. When I saw -the device, it was pointed up but not in a-specific
direction and was half tilted. I did not notice people walking
in front of it and making movements with their handi simultaneously
observing,theeoscilloscope pattern. I do not know of any specific
problems-arising with electric motors in connection with this
device..):recall that RITTER had a small amplifiek on which he made
sevaral.--changes; but I do not recall -whether this waste complete
amplifier-or just part of one. I do not recall halting seen shock-
mounts on-thelamplifier (for aircraft installation).
32. The "Juno".-deVioe built intrasnogorsk was a Zero series model
(preproduction) from which other units could have been duplicated.
I thought that the equipment was well built and not just quiokly
put together. I can not state whether the equipment was built for
aircrafttinstallation. I did not see members of the Soviet Air
Force observe the device, but I did see people of the Soviet
electrical laboratory, who had walked up from the old territory,
come tcreee it. I do not recall seeing Soviet production people
looking at the device.
33. tknew that Dr. GOERLICH ;leaked for low noise vacuure'tubes and that
he 'selected tubes with specially low noise. GOERLICH worked
particularly on noise problems and he and Irmgard HEYNE actually
published -this information later in a newspaper. I do
not recall specific discussions about such tubes in connection with
the JunorGeraet. Dr. GOERLICH did not appear to take a special
interest in the device and did net appear to have collaborated
particularly in the actual construction or design of this eqpipmente
Apparently he rather concerned himself with producing photocells for
it. Illoubt that GOERLICH has sufficient understanding of the
mechanical' and electrical problems involved canoe he was primarily a
photocell expert.
34. inevervheard of any connection between "Juno" Geraet-and radar
techniquesi or that radar people worked with the "Juno" device.
Among the Zeiss people BLUE was the -only one who really knew some-
thing about infrared equipment design from the physicist point of
view. It is possible that the "Juno" instrument oould also have
been built somewhere else. I never saw mirrors similar to those
mountings used in the "Juno" nor did I see the dome-shaped cover,
or mount rings with the photocell built in, or other parts of the
"Juno" device in any other laboratory room, with the exception of
photocells or. photocell holders which one could identify with
additional-existing units of the same equipment.
35. At fire?-Soviet me chiefof the electrical laboratory, and later a
German,-i Mr. ERHARDT* BLUE worked only as project engineer, and
RITTER,,.who las subordinate to ERHARDT or BLUE, was designer in the
design office. I do not think that BLUE was completely in charge
of the "Juno" device: I believe that when the requitement came to
build the "Juno" device the work was divided between BLUME for the ,
electrioal-lierk and RITTER for the mechanical work. The electrical '
laboratory turned the model over finally to the Soviets. Guidance
and the final decision on the deeign of this equipment rested with
.the Soviets. The .chief of the electrical laboratory was BURDAWIN
who at one time was in Jena and who was quite well informed on
infrared. BURDASHKIN had a let of discUesions on the "Juno" device.
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-q -.11 - 50X1
36.. I do not reCall that any preproduction devices were
" Novosibirsk for further production, but I had the.impression that
aerial camera series production might have been carried on in
Novosibirsk. ,I believe that therefore it was possible that other
production wad also going on at Novosibirsk which might include
tha_PJunc,.." pt.thaaingle,model delivered, to the
-SevietsLin71949. I have. neither seen .nor heard of any further
production,of.this device. I cannot recall .why I received the
impression that "Juno" was made for rockets. I meter leard of
BUSCHBECK or his group. I do not believe that much value was
placed on "Juno" at first. I believe.that if this equipment was
built in-Kraenogorek, one would .have placed more effOtt on it
immediately. Suddenly this program was intensified toward,the end
of 1949 and the beginning of 1950. The Korean War was never
mentioned in connection with their 50X1-HUM
ever sent to
37. I saw infrared filters which I believe were definitely from old
German stock. I never saw production of such filters in the USSR. .
FUCHS made experimentswith interference filters on his own
initiative. I did not have the impression thathe had specific
requirements for filters. I do not know if GOERLICH had requested
special filters, but thought that it was possible he did. FUCHS
was interested in a method to absorb infrared to reduce heat radiation
.from lampe which might be damaging to a photographic negative. I
heard also that 'FUCHS had mathematicians to help him on this problem.
Radio and Television
38, I never-saw radar sets in the factory compound and do not know
whether or not there was any work going on in this field. I only
- know that Prof: HABAN, .who belonged to another working group in the
....Moecoir region, was later transferred to this factory and given a
? special-laboratory k- d in this neighborhood. There was no obvious
,ppnnection between 40ERLICH and HABAN and I do not know what BARAN
worked on. I never Irbard millimeter waves mentioned in connection
? with BASAL, who worked primarily alone without German personnel but
had Soviet female laboratory assistantn.
39... 'I-did not--notice any controlled aircraft tests. An antiaircraft
? searchlight battery was stationed in the neighborhood nearby, but
hot An the factory compound. I'have heard the name of Mannfried von
-ARDENNE,Amt do not know where he was located and an sure that
- GOEHLICH had no connection with him.
40. Shave 'never seen high voltage devices producing voltages of 20,000
vOlts'or so.. I never saw a slide projector IA connection with test
- instruments and did not sae an image tube.
41. I saw monochromators but not in direct connection with cell work.
2wo or three Monochromators were built by the mechanical shop and
were tested by the measurement laboratory. I thought they were for
infrared but do not know the type of prisms used. I do not rotten
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? ??
having seen prisms from
which were specifically
heard discussions about
about 1950 or beginning
test set was built.
Proximity Fuses
42;" .1 have never heard about
43. I have no information
Reference Facilities
KRS-5, but remember seeing monochromators
made for the infrared ipectrum9 or at least
infrared in connection with them between
of 19519 about the same time the photocell
work on proximity fuses, infrared or
on infrared sensitive phosphorus.
44. There was a rental library at the plant which had wartime
literature primarily. Most of the recent material was in iII?
Scientific and Technical Library in Moscow, where scientific
journals from all over the world,'
and many translation tnereor, were
45. There was no satisfactory stock of components anywhere. A shortage
existed for the Soviet laboratory as well as the German laboratory.
Armament production activities would probably obtain better'suppliea.'
Work on-eiperimental devices carried on here was primarily dependent
on German stooks or parts fabricated by the personnel themselves.
This shortage oontinued. It was impossible to even get such parts
as capacitors, etc. I do not know if the situation was better beyond
the Urals but had the impression that it was since the establishments
there had been operating already for sometime, otherwise / cannot
conceive how the Soviets could have built anything* I believe that
the laboratory was not put on a firm production schedule like other
plants and therefore had low priority in respect to components.
46.-1 I believe that as far as infrared was concerned no production of any
significance was being oarried on at Zavod 393 proper and that the
designs produced there as well as the components, such as photocells
and KRS-5 lenses, might have been shipped out to other distant
organizations for utilization in their particular programs. Since
there had been no particular rush about completion of the. "Juno"
devioelit may have also been built somewhere else and the photocells'
may have been sent there, ffhis conclusion would be
supported by the fact that the equipment development and fabrication
program known to us would not require the number of photocells which
apparently had been produced therej
47. Several visitors came from the Leningrad State Optical Institute
(Staatlichbe OptischesInstitut). Some of them had been already in
Jena-as a-part of the Soviet occupation forces. This-optical
institute also has a branch office in.Moscow. These people always
visited several divisions of Zorkiy,partioularly the, optical. corn- ,
puting office. I do not know who was particularly interested in
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49. I had the,impreseion that Dr. GOERLICH was quite eager to please
the Soviets and enjoyed some prominence there. He was well liked
by the Sbviets and treated well and respectfully by them. He felt
very secure about his position in Wip plant. He was a little
better supplied than other Germaner; for instance he could obtain
glass. and chemicals when the others could not. I am not sure
whether these items were from old Zeiss-Jena stocks or not. I did
not recall any bottlenecks in GOERLICHts work. \_
He:was respected by the Soviets as the most prominent scientist ii
the Krasnogorsk group. His German colleagues did not share this
opinion however. 00ERLICH was very conceited because he was on such
good terms with the Soviets. The Soviets permitted GCERLICH to act
a bit freer than the other ecientistsjfor instance, he could go to
Moscow without escort while other Germans could not. He also
enjoyed sale other special privileges granted by the Komendant and
the staff of the administrative office. When GOERLICH took his
monthly production of photocells to the Soviets he pointed out
many times that his work was particularly important. for the Soviets;
however he did not specifically state that he meant in a military
50. GOEPLICH had more visitors usually Soviets from the outside, than
any other German, Two visitors per month came on an average.
Sometimes NOVITSKY.oime with Another visitor. 50X1-HUM
any military' personnel visiting GOERLICH. The interest of the Soviet.;
in the photocell production is reflected in the visit of the
Minister of Armaments to STRAUHEL and GOERLIO at one time in 1947
after the laboratory., had been set up. GOERLICH was not particularly
interested in military technical problems but was assigned primarily
to photocell work. I had the impression that the application of his
work did not interest GOERLICH particularly. I do not know of any
GOERLICH interest in television nor did I hear of any work going on
with photomultipliers or supericonoscopes in GOERLICHts laboratory.
GOERLICH had no facilities for building equipment using photocells
or for testing such devices. I believe that if GOERLICH had con-
structed any significant devices and tested them, this would have
become known.
51. I believe that since GOERLICH had so many contacts with the Soviets,
he should have a fairly good idea what use the Soviets were making
of his photocells. However,I:hhve no concrete information to
support this. After the move in 1949, GOERLICH went only rarely
to the laboratory, but NOVITSKY came quite frequently. I did not
have the impression that GOERLICH made miny fundemental studies in
Moscow in view of the limited eqsipment in his laboratory. He
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therefore spent most of his time working on his book. As far as
correspondence was concerned, most scientists vere able to correspond
with East Germany, and GOERLICH was able to maintain
correspndence with ' covering both technical aspects
is well as matters concerning his stamp collection.
52. When GOERLICH returned to Jena there was a general reception for all-
returnees and influential people of the anti-Fascist group ( a political.
organization of earlier returnees). A Mr. WARE, who was a repre-
sentative of the Labor Office (Gewerkschaftsvorsitzendle), came
specially to Jena for this meeting. Besides GOERLICH, BRAUNE, and
MUELLER, there were several other members of the anti-Fascist group
at this reception. ?A few days later the announcement of the appoint-
ment of GOERLICH as Scientific Director of Zeiss Jena took place.
the USSR, was put in charge
cell laboratory took on
and photomultipliers. I
concluded there. 50X1-HUM
53. KROHS, who collaborated with GOERLICH in
of the cell laboratory. I. knew that the
the task-of'fabricating photocell layers
never heard of any work on lead selenide
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- 15 -
The German'tiel Geraet was originally designed as a bomber exhaust
&flat:nor61' night fighters. Zeiss, Jena, received orders for 50
Kiel deviciiiirin the anthem of 1944 from Dr. FLUMEYER of OKL.
Twenty to thirty of these were delivered to the German, lit Force.
Tests were made stReohlin and a squadron at Goslar was fitted. The
Main difference of Kiel I, II, III and IV was in the field of view.
After some minor modifications and the use of
more sensitive amulifiers, this identical Kiel IV is currently used
for passive detection of both air and ground
targets. It is used by the Air Force and the Signal Corps for
experimental purposes and can be considered a highly useful
. .
? 50X1-HUM
Diihription,of German Homing Missile Heads Utilizing Zeiss Optics.
a. Wasserfall is a lens mirror system, with a lead sulphide
? photocell. The field is divided into four quadrants each
of which is obscured by two revolving shutters to give a
pair of characteristic frequency interruptions. Each-shutter
wheel has two sets of Opokes speed at different frequencies
and each set travels over half the aperture. The oircumferences
of the' two wheels are at right angles where they pass over the
aperture. Thug the quadrant in which the target falls ie
defined by the frequency characteristics of the signal and
the mechanism responds accordingly by correcting the course of
the 'missile.
b. /Luse is a systera similar to Wasserfall but applies to .s. self.
steered boat and therefore has only one revolving shutter
creating a left-right coordinate system with characteristic
frequencies. Instead of mirrors,Linse has lenses of aperture
10.85 3.6 cm. Of the 50 which were delivered at the end
of 1944, 10 had lenses of lithium fluoride, 40 had lenses of
to. Juno is a system similar to Linse but with two-dimensional
control. One variant had two shutter disks and one lensj
another has two lenses placed at the ends of mutually
perpendicular radii of a single shutter disk.
d. Krebs ahd Sammler, are lens mirror systems, with similar
modulation schemes to Wasserfall.
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Work bench
rf? .....
Cry sto.1
U Laboratory
De5k of
Dr. Strau-be 1
Dark Room ?
1\tOrns'frg Icitaa-r
10 -Soviet technicians
work ing here
Meo-sureinent Laborator.9
(Equ.ipment nc( wits ABBE Componkor)