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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 1-HUM Mtt.t.t.vi CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT CONFIDENTIAL This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18. Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code. as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. 50X1 - _ COUNTRY' , SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED UaSR,(Gorkiy Oblast) Organization of Zavod No. 96, Igumnovo REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES 25 February 1954 50X1-HUM 36 50X1 50X1-HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. ? (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 50X1-HUM F. NN CONFIDENTIAL STATE x# ARMY ix# NAVY x# AIR FBI AEC 50X1 Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Hold Distribution By "*".1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 . 50X1 CORP/DENTIAL REPOR1 -HUM 50X1 COMM( USSR (Gorkiy Oblast) DATE DISTR.:2.574145 y -sumo OrgsniMatioti tOR"intk Piraeus,lities at NO. Of PAGES PLACE Savo& SO,. 96, Iguattoirci c t.flocr.. ?co NO: OF ENOLS. ACOUNND (Uatt) 11/1.0W) 50X1-HUM DATE SUPPLEMENT TO ACWIED 'REPORT NO. DATE OP INFORMATION t ? THIS. IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION . 50X1-HUM INTRODUCTION Place- orEmplorment 1. tivod No. 16, or Zevodstroy, Igumnovo (the latter designation was better ?kncnni to us from the headings, we observed from time to time .on working papers and official correspondence forms); is a ? chemical research, development and_ prciduc non plant: sub- ordinate to the Ministry for Chemical Industry in 'Moscow. ? This plant is. located in the Dzbrzhinsk industrial area, approximately 3-4 'kilometers east of Dzershinsk? (56-15 N, 43-24.13), in ?the -??? .? Gorkovekaya Oblast. To' my knowledge, Zavod 96 carried the Post- box (Podlitoviy Yastchik) number 16. This number was observed by me on official papers processed by the plant administration, and it appeared on several occasions in letters addressed tO the .4ermart: specialists from the ministry in-Moscow. The Germans never used this :number for their personal correspondence nor was this number ever assigned to them. -The- post'' office box fox' this number designation:was located at the bSanch toot office in Imusitovo CONFID:ENT-Val.. ? ei Is .4 ^or. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 (3) (4) 50X1 CONFIDENTIAL -3- Oil Cracking Plant This plant is supplemented by a number of auxiliary in- stallations, such .as the Linde refrigeration plant, storage tanks,'gadometers, etc. It-operates 24 hours per day on throe shifts daily. flee numbers 16 - 18 beloy./. .The oil cracking plant is, to my knowledge, an installation fOr processing nf fuels'with low boiling points. It contains a number of thermal cracking fur- naces and distilling Columns. The plant and its entire equipment Alio-; not present a modern appearance. An ex- tensive number 101 pumps can be seen in the proximity of the plant and the :numerous (approximately 20) distilling columns. Raw material (crude oil) ie pumped in by means of a piping system leading from,theletroleum refinery belon to the nei h 50X1 boring Zavod '9 plant ORA Tank nare:..eould be observed bringing materials, presumably fuel, to Zavod 96 from other plants in the Dzerzhinsk-arei. /t-was generally said that the output volume_pei sistem was 'supposedly much lower than that of the equivalent unit formerly in operation at Leuna. Finished products were transported out of the plant in tank cars (railroad). Dr._GERICKE (consultant for the oil cracking plant) often hinted:of production curtailments which !supposed- ly were due-to raw material (fuel) shortagesoas?well as the scarcity of hydrogen supplies. To,my.knowledge, hydrogen was notirproduced at Zavod 96 but delivered to the plant,from the Chemical plant Kalinin in cigar-shaped rubber containers (blimps) pulled by.motor and horselidrawn vehicleig-(dur- ing wintersmontherWeled). These cigar-shaped :blimps were suspended.in.the'air one to two meers:abotethe Thevehiclee. e Containers were approximately rtaiiiets in length and ,2 Meters in diameter-with a volume of.'"ap- proximately'25 Cubic meters. The Linde refrigeration unit A 7, whith was to 'my knowledge built in the middle' 1930's by the .German firm, LinderMunich?.presented,a favorable appearance technically speaking. ,Accor4iag to my observation.of,ite size,.thie ineltaliation hag a large refrigeration capacity. ChlOrine Electrolysis Plant - This is an individual.plant which operates daily 24 hours per day on a 'three-shift--basis. 2 CONFIDENTIAL 7- 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 6 ONFIDVNTIAL -4-. IRelite Plant This plait conflate of yarioos sub-sections inasmuch as it prodoceC not 'onW igelite bzt'also'i number of qther plas- tic Precincts. (6) ptatam Dilonartasit This is the lamet pretluotion dap/wisest at Zavod 96. It is,coMposernfleririitinsisllations 'described be- llow under*sbirs.(12) to (15). TheetPlants artinds- .P0A4004-operati4and are dirsaiid,and'supervised by a Soviet chief technical engineer:? (7) Ammonia Bulvhate Plant: ? This.plant ii, suppleientad by a nimbsr of auxiliary in- stallatiOnl-sich as Vaporization, duplex pumps, Store- . house .(8110, eta. .WoPsisies 24 ncnrupor Au, three shifts daily; (8) Anzio Acid Plant This 'plantAonsiito mrOxidation, crystallization), ab- sorption, and?other branahes, operated 24 hours per day. (9) Methylene Chloride Plant / 50X1 . This is an.inditidnallroperaied plant.; works .24 hours per'day.: (10) Bexamethvlene%Diamine Plant This is,an-indivIdual plant. I have no informatiot on ? this ino,tallation. . (11) Other' Plants at Zavod 96 -See exilanation shovej (12) tyolohexanol Plant' lk This slantjlelangs to the group of Isaias production in- stallatLane4s4e-14)aboys). (15).Cvolohexanone Plant 8ams AA (12) Above. 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 C'0 N?FIDEPTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 (14) Distilling This plant. such as-R2 liquids_ CONFIDENT/AL -5- Plant 4 50X1 50X1 also includes various auxiliary installations storage tanks for lactam basic /, and others. 50X1 Purification. (15) Lactam Production Plant Production of lactam end products. .(16) First Daily Shift To my knowledge, most of the plant's inetallatione oper- ? ated 24 hours per day, three shifts daily. These were 0600 to 1400 hours 1400 to22001 2200 to 0600. Each of ? the shifts was supervised by a Soviet chemist or engineer. (17) Second Shift Same as (16) above. (18) Third Shift . ,Same as (16) above. (19) Production Planning Section This section is charged with drawing up production plans for the various production plants and installations, quality and capacity standards, establishment of produc- tion quotas, and,other-i4ortant planning and operational phases. It coordinates closely with all major departments and operational sections of the plant. The plant director and chief engineer are largely responsible for the over- all planning operations. Annual production plans are drawn up and issued to the plant by the Ministry for Chem- ical Industry in Moscow. Important factors in till's plan- ning are probably the plant's productive capacity, annual reports from the plant administration, and requirements and workload of other similar plants of.the USSR. The ministry keeps close liaison with Zavod 96 through vari- ous representatives who can be seen inspecting the plant at periodic intervals. The Glavasot (Main Dapartment Witrogene) department in Moscow gee page 352 is ?to my knowledge largely responsible for the direction of Zavod 96. (20) Production Control Section and Statistics Major functions consist of supervision of plan fulfill- ment, evaluation and control of production norms; C.OBFIDENTIAL 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13 CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 50X1 CONFIDENTIAL -6- ? preparation of reports to the ministry, submitheion of reports to the plant director on non-fulfillment Of plan and production mont,. preparation of records and stat- istics for planning operations, and other important op- erational guidance tpotionth This section is also In charge of the plait's Stakhanovit.inUvemont, direction and egidantie Of the socialistic competitive spirit, prep- aration of .plan fulfillment data required by the finance ? section for the establishment and payment of premiums, bonuses, etc. -' - ? (21) Production-Opidance-Seotion Major funetienti iacihde inveetigation of' the:cense, Of non-fulfii1me0 of norms reasons for work stoppagee and shortigesiofcMaterials, assistance to production actions experiencing difficulties in plan fulfillment, adjustment of quarterly quotas by balancing overfulfillment in various prb8ia4ien,e0OtiopeliatE deficits of others, mobi- licing-availabXe 'manpower and materials. for thecomple- 'tion -Of plans -when :required, and many other advisory func- tions. This Section serves as an important link with the chief engineer' p',of floe . (22) Office of the Chief Mechanical Engineer This department Is in charge of all of the plant's mechanicarend_miilities sections and important for conservation,: control, and distribution of power ,for the plant4:mahageMent .of supply, repairs, and mainte- nance facilitieci (23) Mechanical. Supply' Section Storage arid' waidhouses for machines, mechanical replace- ments, repair and ' Maintenance equipment, tools ,: aid . Storage and issue of cleaning materials, auxiliary'ac- oessoriesr; transportation implements, such as bottles, barrels, packs, metal containers, etc. (24) Planning *and, Procurement Section Planning, procurement and expansion of mechanical equip- ment; replacement machines. (25) Utilities Section Management'of utilities', such as electric power, steam, gas, drinking, refrigeration, cistern waters, waste water, compressed air, nitrogen?, acetelyne, solid and liquid fuele, etc. - C.0-NFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 C 01IFIMIKATIiL ' 50X1 CO) 1.01t.U.L.ft.StaSeattle This Beata manages. repair .end general .overhauling' ? workehopa ou; aSsembly and production of mew instrument*, 'machines, .and mechanical fittings. Other )Sanohee- include . glass-blowing, foundry, blacksmith, and:other melhaiioal workshops, emergency repair.-and maiitenitioS MrSis.- (27). llmv MleSartmant? (KS) . Power-Mistiatition ',and Measuring lei Ulan . Magmuremewt-And ilietribution of power to various plant installations; eitablistmient of power consumption standlirds;_oottrol of energy availability, control of _power ntiliSktioa. quotas .and distribution in a000rdanoe with they' iMiiortanoe of each individual plant, etc. (24) Power 10Mer4tion OlotiOS Mater, pUrifisation; waste-water olarifioatiOn; gas con- ditioning; condensate cleaning; steam priseure' reduc- tion;' compressed air, vil,separationv transformation, of else:trio, power, etc. .(0) Power Maintenance and Rettair 'Section Power generation plants, transformer stations, maints- Mange and repair crews, etc. .(31) Power Miatribution Planning Seotion Planning of 4oser_diatribution An accordance with the ot.Or4il epSr4tiOMEiL:planliing? ? (30 Cenira1:3MhoratOri Disartiett This departWOLOOmPriess.all,Of the plant research 71- AWarperimentaflabOritoriei.::Wis mailer the direst ...sUPSOViiipatifithe? Chief' engineer. The ministry main. .tiinsolose:liaieSnywith?thie-dipartment,thronghlts mpa4alr4spreseatative,iirSeVARBEMEITi who, during . his frequent. visits to Via plant, aciaiin an advisory. antoonttplling oapaoitt000rdinatinertha ministry!' Plans and xsairements.with thopewof..2avo&46.:This de- partment is,Allio,responsible for the oontrol?and super- viniOn,of :the plant's OU, Otdel Tekhnioheskogo Ken-, .tralya (Technical Control Section), and its ?per/dicing fUSolionli, These in:lotions are perfermed'hy.the-dir' Pattlent1S enbaidisii rtsesret and CONFIDENTIAL ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 CONFIDENTIAL -8- 50X1 laboratories, which include the inspection, testing, and quality. control of incoming raw materials, as well as ap- proval and release of finished products. (33) Assearch and Development . . Central-pection for-research and development of such Arodgota as :chemical contact agents; lactam, polymeri- zation processes, and others. (34) Central Material Testing and Quality Control Raw materials testing, material quality control, devel- qpipg,of Apptlng methods and processes, control and security of all of the department laboratories. (35) Lao tarn Plant Laboratory This laboratory is located in the Lactam plant build- 50X1 .ing . Functions similar to those described under (33) above. (36) Chlorine Electrolysis Laboratory This laboratory is located in the Chlorine Electrolysis 50X1 plant building L [? Functions similar to those described under (33) above, but only for chlorine electrolysis products. (37) Methylane,Chloride Laboratory This laboratory is located in the Methylene Chloride plant building L Functions similar to those of (33) above, only for methylene chloride products. (38)..Igelite Laboratory This labsratnrir is Ionated in thw Jgelite plant build- ing 21 Functions similar to those of (33) above, only for igel te products. (39) Oil Cracking Laboratory This laboratory in located building 4 Functionh similar to cracking products. those in the Oil Cracking plant and (3) abovg. of (33) above, only for oil (40) Other Laboratories at Zavod 96 ,aiee'exPlanations under (2) and (11) abovg. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 50X1 CONFIDENTIAL -9- 090 Central Neasuring_Procoss Control ? nanning of Rogloorimg eflipment And instruments for the ? voicue 1.0tallatio4A 1.-44telOpilent of Measuring tech- niqueil .etaluatiOn dud soalyelo .of testing And-measure- ments; and others. It contains workshops for precision instruments' And low-voltage techniques testing and measuring.. ? Offiorof.the Chief Doydaintig - YON/SNEV This section ooneists of Mechanical and technological .branphes reeppneible foi the reparation and develop- meat of for%ainor projects and expansion, of in- stallatm oapacilies. (Major projects were worked on by the special brigade of thE Project Institute No. 3 in.Mosoo!). .4TY0:(78) beloil. TONISHEV served as assistant to the 'chief engineer, KRRULOV. (40 (43) irechinioS1 Branch (44) Technologioal. Branch (45). Patentilection Prodessing of..inventions, improvements, suggestions for better working. methods , etc suggestions and innova- tion!. are. prOosseed at this section and forwarded to the ministry- for study and evaluation. 1(40 Office. of the, NaAnower Director - FROMICSEY _FROMICNEV.alao serves, as deputy to the plant director and was considered the. administration's "strong are.. In ad- dition, to his department, he controls many other activi- ties.at. the "avail,, suoh as, workers productivity, Stakhano- vite movement, dietribution of Scarce materials, placement of_parsonnel,iitilisation and exploitation of manpower, etc. An influential and feared position at the plant. AAMAireF #120catiOM Reptiou Allocation and., placement of manpower; labor control and ? planning; wamestimates and management control; mobili- zation and shifting of manpower. (In 1949, approximately 100,administratiVe.personnel were shifted from office positions to various operational sections of the plant .because.of perSonnel decrease, and non-fulfillment of qupt4?. 40_ sq*e of the .ine tal la tiene ) . (40) ,Teohnicul Working Standards Section . , Establiehment ;ot quotas and working standards, control of Stakhanoviti ?motement; . establishment and control of the CONF:I:DENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 CONFIDENTIAL -10- 50X1 so-called "progressive working methods"; organization of production conferences at individual working sections; raise of workers' productivity; stimulation for better productionl'etc. (49) Transport Section. . . N . _Management of 7E41 and motor transportation facilities; .motor dispatch system; supervision of loading and unload- ing work; traffic control within the plant; investigation of transportation difficulties and shortages, etc. This section employs and supervises a number of male and fe- male labor crews. (50) Office of the Chief_Construction Engineer The person vested with this function serves at the same time as deputy to the plant director. Important position at ?the plant inasmuch as Zavod 96 is still in the process of expansion. The meaning of "Zavodstroy" (plant or ? factory construction) largely corresponds with the actual expansion trends in process at the plant. This office controls and supervises technical assignments performed by the seclaons listed under (51), (52), and (53) below. (51) Design and Computation Office Design, computation, and analysis of building construc- tions, structures, roads, drainage, etc.; plotting. and surveying techniques. (52) Construction Management _Supervision of construction projects; procurement of .materials; supervision of labor, etc. (.53-) !toad and.Drainage_Construction Section Maintenance of roads, sewage system; construction and repairs. (54) Office nf the Personnel Director - KAMENCHBV Chief of personnel and assistant to the plant director. KAMENCHEV in a very important and politically influen- tial-personality-at the plant and a-trusted represents- .tive of the ministry concerning state security matters. Political supervision of personnel and labor, especially the.technical intelligentsia; entrusted with judiciary and disciplinary authority. This office directs and supervises a number of administrative and security sec- tions. The personnel director is responsible directly to director. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 CONFIDENTIAL -11- 50X1 (55) Employment Office Interviews, registration, hiring, and release of personnel. (56) Pass Section ) 50X1 Processing of employment applications, preparation of pass photos, installation passes. (57) Personnel Files and Records This section performs important functions within the Soviet industrial and-economic system. It maintains up-to-date records on each individual employee which contain all per- tinent information concerning personal data, training (Professional and political development), rewards and pun- ishments, political reliability, military service, degrees of relationship to Soviet citizens under arrest or banish- ment, connections with persons outside the USSR, and many other positive and negative informative points. Personnel are evaluated, placed, promoted, and/or kept under sur- veillance in accordance with the information available in these records. Party and trade union functionaries are thus able to recruit or supervise individuals falling with- in their field of influence. (58) Apprentice Training Section Supervision of the plant's training media; control of the FZU activities. (The younger Soviet apprentices wear black uniforms.) (59) Social and Medical Insurance Office Administration of _the plant's dispensary; sanatoriums and wOrkers' rest centers; etc. Zavod 96 owns a few sana- toriums and rest centers which are located in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. The Komandirovka (duty assignment) to these centers is allotted to personnel in accordance with the established Soviet rest, recreation, and medical system. (6b) Plant Security Section Management of the plant's police detachment; planning and establishment.of the plant's security measures in Coordi- nation with the M.GB staff, etc., 2 I. 50X1 (61) .flan. Police Detachment Management of a guardhouse and orderly room; supervision of such functions as guard duty assignments-,, inspection of posts, pass control, arms training, etc. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 CONFIDENTIAL -12- 50X1 (62) Archives. Section Secret files and records, archives, safes, authentication of signatures on documents and working papers, etc. (63) Legal and.Disciplinary.Section Administers and pursues all matters requiring .legal and/or disciplinary action within the domain of the plant. It has authority to impose fines or imprisonment for a vari- ety of transgressions, including thefts, absenteeism, . breach of security, etc'. This section is known to have direct contacts with the MOB. (64) Safety Department This department is directly subordinate to the plant director who is, in accordance with Soviet laws, respon- sible for all accidents and damages ,occurring within his domain. This department, is responsible for the planning and establishment of safety and accident prevention measures; investigation of breakdowns, damages, accidents, sabotage, etc.; testing of installations, buildings, ma- chinery, and equipment, pertinent to the safety of plant functions. ? (65) Office of the Business Director The business director serves also as the plant's comp- troller. This office As largely responsible for .business and economic aspects of the plant operations. On its skillful control and management of the operational funds greatly depended the_payment of premiums, wages, etc. .(66) Finance Section. Bookkeeping, plan controls with regard to financial pos- sibilities, budget estimates, quarterly and annual audits, conservation and balancing of funds, etc. (67) Etatistics and 'Computation Section ? Statistical evaluation and analysis of all financial data, _price controls, control of accounts and investments, de- 'preciation of property and equipment, etc. (68) Sales Section Management of sales, deliveries, contracts, legal matters, CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13 CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 C ONIIDENTIAL -13- (69) Procurement Section 50X1 Procurement of materials, estimates for material re- quirements in accordance with established annual plans, etc. (70) Chief Cashier's Office Financial "strong arm" of the plant; controlling factor, in funds utilization and credits; authorized bank agent. (71) Accounts and Payroll Section (72) Cashier's Office Payment of wages, salaries, premiums, etc. (73) Plant Facilities Manager In charge of numerous plant facilities, installations, and personnel. (74) Facilities Administration Section (75) . . Administration of facilities and installations listed in the organizational chart under the same number 5ee Page 34J, First Secretary of the Partkom The Partkom through,its functionaries guides and governs the entire political and economic life of the plant. The Partkom is largely engaged in the furtherance of politi- cal propaganda, dispemination of directives and litera- ture? organization of political meetings, stimulation and encouragement Of workers for better production, etc. The position of,First Secretary of the Partkom is-the most important and authoritative at the plant. (76) Chairman of the Zavkom In my opinion, the Zavkom, a subsidiary of the Soviet State Trade Unions, does not represent the Soviet working class as such, but serves more the interests of the gov- ernment, and in this case, the plant director. The major .functions include 'encouragement of workers for better productivity, oalle, for. socialistic pledges for raise in production, organization of sporting events, Stakhanovite competitions, soliciting for State bonds, and others. TO my knowledge, considerable nutbers of Soviet workers be- , long to the trade unions. Apparently, the workers derive ? certain-advantages-frothmembership. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 (77) CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 _ (78) Special Brigade...0 Zavod 96 . . . . This brigade, consisting of a number of technological, design, and calculation offices., was known to us as temporarily attached to Zavod 96 in connection with the redevelopment .and reconstruction of the Leuna dis- mantled plants brought to the USSR in 1946. At the ? plant, therbrigade worked under the technical super- vision of the plant's chief engineer, KHRULOV. How- ever, the special brigade is directly subordinate to the Project Institute No. 3 in Moscow. This institute functions as a planning and design department of the Ministry for Chemical Industry. The largest group of the German specialists, then headed by Dipl. Ing. LOETZSCH (deceaeed), was placed to work at this brig- ade. Specifically, ihis brigade was primarily en- gaged in controlling and compiling plans and designs of projects prepared by the German specialists. These materials had to be translated, redrafted, and pre- . pare4, in accordance with the specific requirements of the Soviet reporting system, for shipment to the ' Projeot Institute No. 3. my second chart 5ee page 3g illustrates Ahe relation of the brigade to the organi- zational structure of Zavod 96, the parent ministry and and its respective departments, and also shows the placement of the German specialists within the plant installations. GERMAN PERSONNEL EMPLOYED AT ZAVOD 96 3. CONFIDENTIAL? 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 CONFIDENTIAL -15- 50X1 50X1-HUM Ynotions of the German Snecialists it. Upon arrival in the USSR the German specialists were as- signed the task of redesigning and reconstructing the vari- ous dismantled plants and installations brought to the USSR from three chemical centers in Germany. ghe dismantled Plants and machinery are listed below in Para. 72 During the period of our employment at the plant the German en- gineers arid designers were engaged in the preparation of new designs and plans involving machinery and installations documented at lass in.1946 and brought to Zavod 96. Al- hough based on the documented records, this work required ainumber of 'modifications and Adjustments to suit the Soviet specifications, requirements, and facilities. Because of the Soviet 'system of shifting the prepared materials from one. department to another where, seemingly after careful study, new chances, euggestiona, and added specification/I were made, the completion of the various projects 'under development at the plant could not be accomplished in less. than 1* to 2 years'. .5. In the beginning, the Soviets were primarily invereited in the developtent of two. major projects, namelyithe Lacteal and Adipic Acid processes. However, during the later years of our employment at the plant, many other processed and reconstruation phases were under development requiring close work and coordination of the various German groups. Pour Of the Lonna chemists, headed by Dr. LOEVENBERG, were engaged in the research and development of lacteal products, which also included oyclohexanol, cyclohexanones catalysts, and various polymerisation processes. Dr. BERNDT, one of' the four chemists, was primarily engaged in developing Chemical contact agents for such products as lacteal, methy- lene chloride and others'. These chemists worked during the entire stay at the plant in'the main laboratory together With, many of the'Soviet chemists employed at Zavod 96. In addition to their laboratory activities, the four German ohemiets'anted as consultants for the various reoonetrud- tion projects in process at the plant. 6. The largest group of the Leuna specialists, 17 ehgineers and designers, was assigned to a special brigade, known as "the Brigade" a% Zavod 96 the number (78), Para 2 abovs7. .COSFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 ) CONFIDENTIAL a?16- 50X1 The remaining specialists, the majority of whom belonged to the Bitterfeld group, were placed in various plants and in- stallations in accordance with their professional know- ledgeability. They worked on individual projects under the supervision of the chief engineer, KHRULOV. DISMANTLED GERMAN EQUIPMENT BROUGHT TO THE nu I have listed below a number of plants and installations which to the best of my recollection were dismantled and transported to the USSR from the following industrial areas in Germany: a. Leuna Werke Adipic Acid Plant, dismantled 100%, taken to Zaved 96. Ammonium Nitrate Plant, dismantled 50%, destination in the USSR unknown. (3) Ammonium Sulphate Plant, dismantled 50%, taken to Zavod 96. (4) ( 5) Distilling. Plant to Zavod 96.. Lectern Production Zavod 96. (6) Cyclohexanol.Dehydrogenator Plant, dismantled 75%, taken to Zavod"96. Cyclohexanone Plant, dismantled 75%, taken to Zavod 96. Nitric;.Acid Plant, dismantled 50%, destination in the USSR Unknown, Storage Tanks Installations, dismantled tio, taken to Zavod 96. Notes Various, installations belonging to the Organic De- partment South (SUED), Leuna, including' theBinkine Processing Plant, were dismantled to approximately 75% and shipped to an unknown destination in the USSR. b. Bitterfeld (1) Chlorine Electrolysis Plant, partly dismantled, taken . to Zavod 96. I.had no direct connection with this project. (lactam), dismantled 100%, taken Plant, dismantled 75%4 taken to (7) (8) (9) CONFID'ENT'IAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 CONFIDENTIAL -17- 50X1 (2) Methylene Chriam winnt nomnlAtelv dismantled. taken to Zavod 96. (3) Igelite (Plastics) Plant, partly dismantled, taken to Zavod 96. c. Rodleben Chemical Plant Adipic Acil Zavod 96. Ain't nrimm)a+mlb titnmAntlAti teken to d. Agfa Wolfen From correspondence between Dr. RUNIC and a Dr. SCHUSTER, (who, I believe, was located in Rubeshnoye in the ilkraine),'I learned that color film and color photo plants were transported from Agfa Wolfen prob- ably to this location in the Ukraine. To my know- ledge, personnel belonging to this plant were returned to GermenY.sometime in 1949/50. GERMAN PERSONNEL EMPLOYED AT THE CHEMICAL PLANT OKA 8. In the middle of 1948, the so-called ASINGER group, con- sisting of six German specialists from Leuna, arrived in bzershinsk and was assigned to the chemical plant OU (number unknown'). This plant, one of the six or seven chemical plants of the Dzerzhinsk area, adjoins Zavod 96 to the east. the OKA plant is known to mo as a research and production plant, but the nature of work performed by the German specialists employed there is unknown to me. However, it was known that a new research laboratory was established therm. in 1948 for the use of the newly.ar- rived group-.. This group, upon arrival in the USSR, was originally i51aced at the Karpov Institute in Moscow' and continued working :there until the time of tieinefer'tod' Dserzhinsk in 1.948'. The Harm, Institute is known to be a:sOientifie'researish and experimentationLinttitutO of .thl Ministry for ..dhealoai Industry in Moscow. -,Igho nines 'and biographic ddti-Of the'members of this group are listed in Para. 12 of thierrepori70 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 1 LIVING CONDITIONS OP THE GERMANS 9. During.the period-of emiiloyment at Zavod 96 the Gernin .speoialists:resiiied ih-Dzerzhinek in housing bloehe.be- looging,te the savoci. In these houses the German 'families and bachelor:speoinliete lived, in apartments intermingled with those of the Soviet residents. In general, the CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81:01030R000100370008-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 CONFIDENIIAL -18- 50X1 living standardi in this area can be cppsidered as primitive in comparison with Western standards. ftetneyeamt Patent Section 'Alt:trim of Me I 'Iv ;el frocn.aniera Office of the Plant 0 rector Kerne e'en W Chiet EnglItiNt. Orrice of Me ter taz kerhankal SePPIS Seaton ciOilier Plants Planes, Anatrenor Seethe, at wit tin Section ?treseep frfanegencot ? at erecting Plat aforine aeon: Plant fire Department gelita Pant Lectern Deportee.* 1. $fraiol Brigade L. De>ottalinet?,, LentrelLant Dapartnett eiReStare. Dere Imam> trat.lartroy arelat antra lacto?Roal_n Isimerbay fir Chloraect. Laboratory ? OftheintOS7401 PrectS1 COOttel ?a/0? 'pease Leberatary Oil aorta y Laboratory Soma *Orr ladaratarres, A sano;;;S:rnai 1.ortae, Prat Mant orren ? areal &bear onican ? Adip,e Acid Plant Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 Frhence Sect, en 011sitotefforan. briesSearon Sales Section 0,1hsztr (Witehylen? Moro Plant ? : tere: thnInno Deets. eiCe?reetlOth Office etonweets?Pe. roll Oaks C.ethieis Office HortentAtkom. Plant rtehitZtS Pteseger 0 Other Plants 1 letZthhtin .Therrag Sens liMet(latineek) netterreats Pfesmons Sneer eam ?????7 F_),, Lots Pant/Wm 50X1 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2 ORG/a1Z/T107IAL CaART, ZLVOB 96. (Placement of German Specialists, 1946 - 1951.) Director of Zavod 96. Kaganovich. Chief Engineer (Chemist) Khrulov. Oil Cracking Plantl---.-- Dr.Gericke. Chlorine Electrol. Plant Dr.Krasel Dr.Springemann Methylene Chloride Plant Drellennig I Igelite.Plant , Dr.I1off IDesign Section. *Yonishev. Ministry for Chemical Industry in Moscow. Main Department Mitre - gene.(Glavasot.) Project Institute No.) in Moscow. (Design & Planning) Main Research Department. Prof.Dr.Varshavakiy (Varanskiy) German Group.De- signers & Engineers Baessler Broach 'Giesecke Hacker Jahrmann Kroeger Lipus **Loetzsch Maurer Schimke Schlomka Tinz Troestrum Vahldiek Weise Wiedenbeek Wilfling Brigade at Zavod 96. Kuznetsov Kuzneteova Levin Olifer(Mrs.Levin) * * Raya Sharkel Valkov Valkova * Vilson Vilson,Mrs. 2 Draft swomen *** Asap: (Intern.) *** Bella " ) T3tig-aTh-e-v + Kolasheikov + Teelunov It Main Laboratory Zavod 96. Dr.Berndt ** Dr.Loewenberg Dr .Meier Dr.Striegler are ger Krasel,Werner + only 1546 to 1948 * Soviet in Charge ** German " " *** Last name unknown cn rn CI 13 rn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100370008-2