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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 ? ? ItnEU-OtiV1/4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY' INFORMATION REPORT SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Organization of Zeiss, Jens. DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED 50X1-HUM REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 4 December 1953 17 50X1-HUM THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) SECRET 50X1-HUM STATE # X ARMY # X NAVY # X AIR # X FBI AEC ORR Ev X Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Field Distribution By "#".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23 CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 50X1-HUM $ECURMCPWPORMAT I ON REPORT COUNTRY s Germany.(Sov Zone) SUBJECT s Organization of Zeiss, Jena PLACE ACQUIRED s DATE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFORMATION s THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DATE DISTR, 3.6 0c.733 NO. OF PAGES 16 NO. CP ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 50X1-HUM SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1-HUM INTRODUCTION 1. In the early postwar period, the Carl Zeiss Optical Plant in Jena was almost completely dismantled on order of the Soviet authorities. It is estimated that 96 per cent of the equipment in the plant was sent to an unknown place' or places in the USSR.. Tinder the auspices of the East German Government the plant was gradually rebuilt and,hy 1948 was again producing optical andr other precision instruments. By 1953 the Zeiss plants in the Soviet. Zone (Jena9 Saalfeld, Weimar, and Dresden- Wok) had surpassed the pre-war Zeiss complex both in number of per- sonnel employed and in production output. Zeiss plants in the Soviet Zone now emplo approximately 179000 workers9 of which 15,000 are em- ployed in the Jena plant. Rebuilt as a state-owned or nationalized firm (VEB, Volkseigener Betrieb), the Zeiss plants were administered by a nationalized industry cartel (VVB-Optik) which in turn was responsible to the Ministry for Machine Construction (Ministerium fuer Maschinenbau)1 of the DDR. Internally, the structure of the Zeiss plant remained virtually unchanged except for 'the inevitable addition of the Planning Department, the office of the Labor Director; and the Plant Trade Union Office, all of which had political or semi-political functions. r SECRET. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 SECRET 2o Dating the period 1951 to 1952, however, organizational changes were ordered. Externally, the VVB-Optik was excluded, and the Zeiss, Jena, plant henceforth was directly responsible to the : Ministry for Machine Construction, in which KUNZE is charged with responsibility for production of cptical equipment. Internally, new departments were created and old ones subdivided. Production was not affected by these administrative changes; the apparent reason for the reorganization was the desire for uniformity among the nationalized plants in the-DDR. DEPARTMENTS AND BRANCHES OF ZEISS, JENA 30 a chart showing the, organization of Zeiss, Jena Lsee pagel3j and also a chart showing the organization of the Sales Division of Zeiss's Commercial Department, The abbreviations appearing on these charts are the official abbreviations used by the plant0 gee. pages14.and16 for the keys to these 4bbreviations? giving beth the expanded German designation and the English translationx7 Office of the Plant Director 4. Ir. SCHRADE is the Director of the plant and is responsible for the ' continuous smooth operation-of the entire enterprise and also for ? 'accomplishing the production gdals set by the government. ? Plant Directors 5. Subordinate to the Plant Director, but on a higher level than the eleven specialized departments of Zeiss, are three offices: the Labor Director, the Plant Trade Union Office, and the Plant Party Organization. The term "subordinate" does not in reality reflect with sufficient precision the stature of these three offices, as each has a direct responsibility to agencies outside Zeiss, They can be distinguished from the other departments directly subordinate to the plant director in that the latter are specialized adminis- trative or productive entities, while the three offices in.question generally deal with semi-political problems concerning the entire pleat, an additional office of this kind haS been or will shortly be created, which is to be headed by an official known as the Cultural Director (Kultur Direktor). 50X1-HUM 50X1 -H UM 50X1 -H UM 50X1 -H UM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Labor Director 6. The Labor Director is ROEHRDANZ. (He was conscripted as a specialist to the USSR during the period 1946-1952.) This office was created during 1952 in the wake of the reorganization mentioned above. The functions of this office is primarily concerned with questions of effective utilization of labor, and that it is responsible for the promotion of heroes of labor (Aktivisten) and (Aktivisten Brigaden) as well as the problem of accelerating production by means of the collective agreement (Kollektiv Vertrag). The activities of the Labor Director had not as yet affected the Commercial Department SECRET 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Plant Trade Union Office 7. SECRET -3- 50X1-HUM The chief of this office is KLOTZ.. There are approximately .ten persons employed here. The function of this office is to represent the interests of the employees vis-a-vis the management of the plant. For this purpose, every department, branch or section thereof, or other administrative unit of the plant elects one representative to the trade anion gffice for each 40 employees. This office is additionally charged with the social and cultural well-being of the employees., In this regard, the trade Union office makes use of the facilities that were available for plant employees prior to 1945, such as the club house with its reading rooms and libraries, and the plant's adult education program. It is true that the evening classes have been expanded during the last years as a result of a widely publicized campaign on the part of the trade Union so as to include at present between 3,000 and 5,000 students. On the whole, however, the social and cultural-activity of the Trade Union Office has been np more than a continuatio* of old practices and making use of long existing facilities. 8. In the economic sphere, the trade Union of Zeiss differs from trade unions in a free economy in that it does not so much re- present the interests of the labor force, but rather constitutes an organ of the government, which together with the plant management (in effect another government organ), strives toward fulfillment of the government's goal, namely the fulfillment of the planned pro- duction quotas. This condition is generally recognized among the plant's employees, that is, that the trade union does not represent . the interests of the workers when in conflict with the management. --The workers also recognize that although the trade union occasionally sponsors exposes of abuees Orworkeis by ihnagementi-thesi expoi?s like. motivated-solely by the desire2toadafeguard the planned production. This realization of the true role of the trade union office ie:docu- monied by the hesitation with which workextpay.their dues', .?condition whiich has forced the trade usioa newspapers'to engage- in;trequent cam- paigns against those iri-itirears, ylant'Party organization 50X1-HUM 9.. The head of this office is BLUME. Consequently, together with the trade -union and the plant director, it is concerned with the of the government-initiated production schedules. there have been conflicts between these three bodies. One such difference involved the handUn of the direntnrtA fund 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Specialized Departments 10. Since the reorganization in 1951-1952>the number of specialized departments has been eleven. It should be noted that each of the four production divisions (Telescope, Optical Equipment, Microscope, and Spectacles Production Division ) is equivalent in reality to a department because of relative importance in the plant. However, they have been grouped together under a single office, that of the Technical Director, constituting the eleventh department, ffh? eleven departments are discussed in the following paragraphs in the order in which they appear on the plant organizational diagram ex- cept that the Commercial Department is discussed last ara 50X1-HUM 21, ' SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 SECRET -4- Planning Department 11. Dipl. Ing. SCHREIBER held the post of chief I Detail 50X1-HUM of the activities of this office are it had a bub-office in every other department of Zeiss. Thus, for example, in the Sales Division of the Commercial Department there existed a.planning staff (KBV Ha). the page15:1/ This de- partment functions as the centralized office to which the other departments submit estimates as to production capacity for the coming year, and from which the other departments will receive the quota finally determined for production. Not only the entire plant's output is planned, but also the construction of new offices, laboratories, workshops, and social-facilities. Although that part of the planning dealing with the total output of Zeiss is actually the jurisdiction of the Production Department, thisdepartient is ultimately responsible to-the'Pl*nning 'Department. Development Department 12. Dipl. Ing. BISCHOFF, a pre-war employee of Zeiss and generally considered only a mediocre scientist, is the chief of this department, where about 5C0 persons are employed. The Development Department is charged with the application of discoveries made by the Research Department. It has been enlarged by the addition of pereonneland the creation of added development bureaus 50X1-HUM Production Department 13. Dipl. lug. SCHMITZ is the chief of this department which is respon- sible for seeing that the plant meets scheduled production goals. In addition, every order received from customers by the Commercial Department must be submitted to the Production Department, which in turn assigns production quotas to the individual _production divi- sions under the technical director 27he paragraph 29; In supervising production and assuring conformance to the production plan, the Production Department would appear to exercise a concurrent juris- diction with the Planning Department but the distinction is as follows: The Planning Department has an over-all responsibility for the execution of the planned production schedules for the entire plant. These plans do not pertain solely to output, but also include additional construction, investment, etc. The Production Department is the responsible body, becoming, therefore, an agent of the Planning Department, charged with the execution of the most important part of the plant i.e., production or output. Personnel Department 14. MACRE is the chief of the *Personnel Mepartment, in which about -15 persons work', plus representatives of this department dis- tributed throughout the other departments of the plant. In addition to the normal duties carried on by a personnel department, the Zeiss Personnel Department carries out semi-political or security functions. For example, it is charged with screening applicants in order to weed out possible enemies. It maintains a record of the political reliability of employees whicklpin the case of higher officialp)serves as a basis for approving or 'disapproving an assignment in a foreign country. Personal questimaires which are kept by this department deal with the political affiliation of employees. However, membership in political parties such as the Soviet Zone C.D.U. or L.D.P. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 SECRET -5- 50X1-HUM does not necessarily disqualify an applicant for work; on the contrary, it is looked upon as active participation in the political life of the DDR, and is thus preferred to non-participation. Inspection Department 15. The chief of the Inspection Department is. Ing. WOLFRAM. In addition to the personnel working in the department offices, inspectors from this department are assigned to control points throughout the production shops. Every article produced by Zeiss is checked by so-called "neutral inspectors" of the In- spection Department. These inspectors are not administratively or otherwice.affiliated with the production shops to which they are assigned to exercise their inspection functions. General Plant Department 16. The chief of this department is Dipl. Ing. WIEHL. Prior to the - 1951 reorganization, the General Plant Department was responsible for plant utilities, plant construction, and the maintenance work- shops (as didtinguished from the production workshops). As a result of the reorganization, however, the workshops were removed from the jurisdiction of this gapartment and a naw department, the Central Plant Department L see paragraph IV, was formed with the sole responsibility of supervision, operation, and upkeep of the maintenance workshops. Researcn Department 17. Dr. GOERLICH, a returnee from the USSR, is chief of this department, which employed 300 to 500 persons. The :Research Department is AlisAAAA_Anto a number of laboratories, of which the following aro' s 50X1-HUM a. Inorganic Microscopy b. Organic Microscopy Co Physical Measuring Instruments d. Ophthalmological Instruments e. Crystal Laboratory f. Chemical Laboratory g. Layer Laboratory (Schichten Laboratorium) h. Supersonic Laboratory (Chiefs Dr. SCHUSTER) The number of research laboratories as well as the number of per- sonnel assigned to the Research Department were increased as a result of the reorganization. Among those newly created are the .Supersonic Laboratory for the utilization of supersonics in the analysis of materials, and the Layer Laboratory in which polarization filters are being studied. . SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 SECRET -6- General Administration (Allgemeine Verwaltung) 10. It is a newly- created de artment t deals essentially with administrative matters. it is concerned with the control of duty travel by employees. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Central Plant Department 19. Dipl. Ing. TROSTNANN was chief of the Central Plant Department, ' which was created during 1951-1952 and employs about 2,000 ?. persons. It supervises the maintenance workshops of the Zeiss plant. These workshops are distinct from the production work- shops under the technical director in that they do not produce finished products but only the machine tools and other specialized equipment required by the production shops. 50X1-HUM removal of the maintenance shops from the jurisdiction of the General Plant pepartment BOragraph 12 to the Central plant Department The equipment of these workshops 50X1-HUM is similar to that available prior to the dismantling. The new equipment was obtained by purchase, construction; or can- nibalization from other plants that had also been dismantled. Today the capacity of these workshops as well as of the pro- duction shops is equaltyrgreater thanjthat in pre-dismantling days, especially since most of the machines are new and have de- preciated relatively little. This, however, does not mean that the output per machine is higher today. On the contrary, low quality raw material and decreased labor efficiency have resulted in an actual decrease in output per machine, Office of the Technical Director 20. Ing. Rudolf MUELLER holds the position of technical director and there are about 20 persons employed in this office. The depart- ment was created in the 1951-1952 reorganization to coordinate the production effort of the four production divisions listed below. Until that time, these four production divisions were equivalent to departments. (He was commonly known throughout the plant as ? "RUMUE".) a. Telescope Production Division Chief: Ing, SCHUBART Personnel: From 2,000-3,000 b, Optical ECUipment Production Diviaion Chief: SCHUBERT (He replaced Walter FISCHER, 50X1-HUM Personnel:. 39000 c. Microscope Production Division Chief: Ing. TIELE Personnel: 1,500 d.. Rpeotacles Production Division Chiefs. HAENDSCHE Personnel; 800 SEC R ar Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 SECRET -7- 50X1-HUM Articles produced by Zeiss, Jena, since 1948 are similar to the articles produced prior to 1939 except' that to the best of my knowledge no military articles have been produced with the-ex- rani-inn nf nn naninl unit nA.-111 pis Commercial Dapartment 21. Thr chief of this department was SANDMANN 50X1-HUM the office will be discontinued and the three divisions composing thedepartment will be elevated to the level of departments. The Commercial Department employed about 19200 persons distributed throughout the three divisions as shown below. a. Finance Division 50X1-HUM Dr. HUEBNER is the head of this division and 250-300, persons Work here. This division is responsible for the payment of salaries and for the keeping of all financial records of the Zeiss plant. 50X1-HUM Dr. HUEBNER, I represents the beat interests of the Zeiss plant and if the policy of the government and management are contrary to the interests of Zeiss, HUEBNER attempts with all means at his disposal to resist the state policy. One problem, for example, in which there were differences of policy dealt with inventory. The Richtsatztage (turn-over period) set by the government was 25 days. Thatis?25 days after completion, a.finished item must be sold, Every additional day, the governient felt, constituted an extreme burden for the plant. HUEBNER, on the other hand, maintained that the position of the ' government was unrealistic, that in some cases it was impossible to conform to the established turn-over period, and that a longer storage period was simply an added cost which the plant must finance. In other words, HUEBNER maintained that the plant in its own interests of decreasing the expense of holding a large inventory would naturally endeavor to keep the turn-over period to a minimum, but that it would be impossible to conform to any definite turn-Over period established by law. b. Materiel Division The chief of this division is RUEMM1ER. (Until March, 1953 this post was held by JAMB, ) This 50X1-HUM diVision employs 250-300 persons and is responsible for the procurement of raw materials required for production. Most material is obtained internally, but some goods are obtained from abroad. 4d SECRET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0. SECRET -8- c. Sales Division The chief of this division is FROMM ) This division employs 600 persons and has two principal re- sponsibilities: the distribution of Zeiss products to consumers, and the advertising of new developments and new products from the scientific departments of Zeiss. The Sales Division is divided geographically and by commodity as follows See page 15, which presents the organization of the Sales Division.2.7 (1) Geographic Sales Branches 50X1-HUM (c) Sales Distribution Branch, Soviet Bloc Chief: ROMMEL ( ROMMEL was a member of a trade delegation in China. During 50X1-HUM ROMMELls absence, this branch is headed by SPARKS.) (d) Sales Distribution Branch, East Germany Chief: Dr. BERG (2) Commodity Sales Branches (a) Precision and Optical Equipment Sales Branoh Chief: MADE This branch is subdivided into the following commodity sales sections: 1. Spectacles Sales Section 2. Ophthalmological Equipment Sales Section Photographic Equipment Sales Section As Motion Picture Projector Equip- ment Sales Section SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 SECRET -9- 50X1-HUM (b) Scientific and Technical Equipment Sales Branch Chief: SENIT This branch is subdivided into the following commodity sales sections: 1. Microscopes Sales Section 2. Optical Measuring Equipment Sales Section 1. Medical. Equipment Sales Section AL Special Products Sales Section .5, Measuring Equipment Sales Section L. Astronomical Equipment Sales Section is Miscellaneous Equipment Sales Section 8. Precision Measuring Equipment Sales' Section Each commodity Sales section is staffed by approximately 20 employees, so that the Precision and Optical Equipment Sales Branch has a total of about 100 employees, and the Scientific and Technical Equip ment Sales Branch employe a total of just under 200 perifins. (3) Other Branches of the Sales Division ? 0 (a) Advertising Branch Chief: Dr. BORNE ? About 25-30 persons work in the Adver- tising Section and in the Exhibit Hall. (b) Economic-Political Branch Chiefs Dr. BARBER This branch is engaged in fact-finding work to determine market trends. A special section known as the "Precision and Optical Equipment Sales Competition Section" is subordinate to the Economic- . Politioal Branch and is concerned with collecting literature about products of competing firms. This information is obtained from the representatives Of Zeiss in foreign countries who collect it and transmit printed prospeotuses of com- petitors to this section in Jena. This information?is public and does not con- stitute industrial espionage. SECRET.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23 CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005:0.A (c) SECRET -10- Sales Division Planning Staff This office studies the conformance of the Sales Division to the industrial Plan. It deals with and is subordinate to the Planning Department See para- graph 1/7? (d) Finished Products Storage Branch .chief: GRAICHE This branch employs about 60 persons and operates the storehouse in which finished products are stored before they are forwarded to consumers. (e) Shipping Branch This branch is responsible for the packing and shipping of finished pro- ducts to consumers. DETERIORATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENTS OF ZEISS. JENA 22. It is generally felt today that the pers)nnel of -the two scientific departments (Research and Development Departments) are second and third rate icientiets and technicians. This has had a deplorable effect on the production and sales of Zeiss in the recent years. In factisinde the reconstruction of Zeiss, and until the present, nothing basically new has been produced by the plant. Part of the explanation lies in the tremendous postwar consumer market. This led,, to the decision to begin as quickly as possible with the production of the old standard Zeiss products and not to go beyond the 1939 .level ofidevelopment. It was. hoped to benefit by the great pent-up demand, and then gradually to Modify the Zeiss products. During this period some articles were improved, but in ? no case were any basic innovations made which could be regarded an an advance in optical science. As construction began to proceed, however, it became evident that the argument had not been sound. For one thing, the reconstruction of Zeiss was taking too long and the demand was beginning to slack off considerably as the optical industry of the United States succeeded in oapturingend satisfying' the former Gorman'market for-optical equipment. Secondly, it became clear that other countries had developed their optical pro- ducts to a point that threatened to make Zeiss products, based on the 1939 level of development, obsolete. 23. The situation became critical in 1950. Up to that time it was still possible to use the argument of pent-up consumer demand to explain the failure of Zeiss to introduce new articles. By 1950, however, it was obvious that in the immediate future new articles would have to be offered in order to meet the competition. To overcome the' retrogression of the scientific departments, steps were taken to increase the staffs of the various existing laboratories and to increase the number of laboratories. Contact was made with in- stitutes and other industries in the DDR for an exchange of soientifio information and for loan of scientific consultants. Furthermore, a serious attempt was made to obtain accurate knowledge of the level SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part- -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 SECRET -11- 50X1-HUM of development in foreign countries. Of the newly employed' &dentists, much hope is based on such men as Professor SCHUSTER, :formerly of the University of Breslau, who joined Zeiss during 1948, and Dr. NABS, a specialist in the field of interferometry, who joined the measuring laboratory in 1951 from the Univeritiiv of Leipzig. 50X1-HUM 24. The latest hope of 'Zeiss is the return of leading specialists from the'USSR. the return of these scientists' has not yet resulted in any new developments. Moreover, ans50X1-HUM fits to Zeiss resulting from the return of these scientists is being offset to a very conaidArablp prtant by tha fl4nh+.4wf 010^ scientists The arrests of March 1953 also dealta heavy blow to Zeil59XJ -HUM progress, when many able men; some in leading positions' in the plant j 7, were suddenly and arbitrarily arrested by the government for various ecOnomic and political reasons which mostly boiled down to the fact that these men were not good Communists. 50X1-HUM 25. Zeiss realizes that increasing the number ofscientific and' technical personnel is only one of several ways to increase the efficiency of these departments. The plant also realizes that the regression has also been caused by the isolation of German scientists from, the remainder of the Western scientific world, their inability to attend international congresses, and their inability to exchange scientific information. The plant hopes that as a result of the "Rew,Couree" (new policy in the DDR resulting from the June uprisings),.these conditions will be changed and new impetus to scientific progress at Zeiss will, be giVen. There ate already indications that the "New Course" may mean the end of the scientific isolation Of the DDR. Dr. GORELICK, Chief of the Research Department, was recently in Sweden to attend the St. Eric's Fair in the company of the designer GRAETSCH. During September 1953 Dr. GOERLICH and Prof. SCHUSTER plan to Attend a scientific congress in Innsbruck. 50X SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23 CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 27. 50X1-HUM SECRET ?12- Comment: In January 1953, the newly formed Ministry of General Machine Construction took over the administration of VVB Optik. ? SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 SECRET -13- Ministry of Machine ConstrOction 2. DA - Chief: ROEHRDANZ . 1. WL Chief: SCHRADE 3. BOL Chief: KLOTZ 4. BPO Chief: Ingo BLUME 5. .P a HL 6. 161, Chief: . Chief: Dipl. Ing. SANDMANN SCHREIPER ? 10. EHL ? Chief: Dipl. Ing. ? BISHOFF 7. KLF Chief: Dr. HUEBNER 8. KLM Chief: RUEMM1ER Purc.asing Materiel Distribution 9. KLV*** Development Chief: Office - FROMM Detelopment Workehoss It 11. PtOd HL 12. PHL Chief: Dipl. Ing. BRAJOMML. 'SCHMITZ -7Thersonnel Direbtors of Individual Departments 1 14. tEL Chief: Dipl. Ing. WIRFL WHL Chief: Dr. GOERLICH v Laboratories I - General Administration Optical Calculations Office ORGANIZATIONAL DIAGRAM OF ZEISS. JNA 16. ZBL Chief: Dipl. Ing. TROSTMANN Maintenance Workshop: Machine Shop. Foundry9 etc. 13. Kon HL Chief: Ing. WOLFRAM Inspectors . at 'Control Points r 17. TD Chief: Ing. MUELLER (RUMUE) 18. FBL Chief: Ing. SCHUBART *** Ara organizational diagram of Sales Divisi.on9 see page'qj SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 19. OBL Chief: . SCHUBERT I. fhief: . MEL Ing. TIELEI 21. BBL Chief: HAENDSCHE Production II Workshops 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 - SECRET -14- Key to Numbered Abbreviations on Chart of Zeiss Organization* 50X1-H UM 1, WI Werkeleitung ? Office of Plant Director 2. DA Direktor fuer Arbeit ? Labor Director ? t5. BGL Betriebe Gewerkschaftsleitung Plant Trade Union Office 4. .BPO Betriebs Partei/Organization Plant Party Organization Pla HI Planungs Hauptleitung Planning Department .6. KHL KaufmaennIsche, Hauptleitung Commercial Department 27. KLF KaufmaennidcheIaitung - Finanzen Commercial Dept;9.Finance Division 8. KLM 'Kaufmaenniacha Leitung - 9. KLV Kaufmaennische! Leitung - 10. EHL Entwicklung Hauptleitung Tl. 'ProdWProduktion Hauptleitung 12. PHI._ Personal Hauptleitung 15, HL-Kontroll?Hauptleitung 14. 15. ABL WEL 16. ZBL. 17. 2D 18. FBL 19. OBL 20. MBL 21. BBL Material Commercial Dept., Materiel Division Vertrieb Commercial Dept., Sales Division Development Department Production Department Personnel Department Inspection Department Allgemeine Betriebsleitung General Plant Department Wissensohaftliohe Hauptleit,ung Research Department Zentrale Betriebsleitung Teohnischer Direktor Fernrohr Betriebsleitung Optik Betriebsleitung Mikro Betriebsleitung - Brillen Betriebsleitung - Central Plant Department Technical Director Telescope Production Division Optical Equipment Production Division Microscope Production Division Spectacles Production Division *.Rotes abbreviations are the official abbreviations used by the Plant.' ? SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 1 3. KBV Pla SECRET -15-. ? KLV ? KBV 14. VSA I Packing I. 'Shipping Section 'Section 5. FLVW Chief: GRAICBE 8. Werb I Chief: Dr. BORNE Exhibit Hall 10. Wipo Chief! Drc BARDrR 11. FOK 12. Disp DDR Chiefs Dr. BERG Operating Staff 13. Disp VD Chief: ROMMEL Operating St aft 16. FOV Chiefs SCHADE 19 Pho.V 1 20. Proki V Chief- NEUFFEI ORGANIZATIONAL DIAGRAM .02 SALES DIVISION OF ZEISS. JENA 21. MTV Chief: SBBYT Id 14. Disp WW Chief: STARKE Operating Staff Ic 15. Disp W \Operating Staff- 1 - ,Tracplating Section _25. Son V 26. Vg V Chief: REIFKOGEI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23 : CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0 .SECRET -16- 50X1-HUM 'Key to Abbreviations on Chart of Organization cf Sales Division of Zeiss* 1. KLV Kaufmaennische. Leitung - Vertrieb Commercial Department, Sales Div. 2. KIV Kaufmaennisches Buero - Vertrieb Sales DivisionAdministrative Staff 3. KBVPla Kaufmaennlsches Buero - Planung Sales Division Planning Staff 4. VSA Versandabteilung Shipping Branch 5. FLVW Fertigwarenlagerleitung Finished Products Storage Branch 6. FLV Fertigwarenlagerverwaltung Finished Products Storehouse 7. FL Fertigwarenlager Administrative Staff Storehouse for Finished Products 8. Werb Werbeleitung Advertising Branch 9. Wm% A Werbeabteilung Advertising Section 10. Wipo Wirtschafts-politische Abteilunc EconomicPolitical Branch 11. FOK Feinmechanik-optische Konkurrenz EET81868iptiltigi gaityppment 12. DispD Disponent - DDR Sales Distribution Branch, East Germany 13. Disp VD Disponent - Volks-Demokratien** Sales Distribution Branch, Soviet Bloc 14. Disp WW Disponent - Westdeutschee Sales Distribution Branch, West Waehrungsgebiet Germany 15. Disp W Disponent - West Sales Distribution Branch, West 16. FOV Feinmechanisch-Optischer Vertrieb Sales Branch, Precision and Optical Equipment 17. Opto V Brillenglaesser Vertrieb Sales Section, Spectacles 18. Oph V Ophtalmologim%a Geraete Vertrieb Sales Section, Ophthalmological Equipment 19. Pho V Photo Objektive Vertrieb Sales Section, Photographic Equip- ment 20. Proki V Projektions u. Kin? Geraete Sales Section, Motion Picture Vertrieb Projector Equipment 21. WTV Wiesenschaftlich-technischer Sales Branch, Scientific and Vertrieb Technical Equipment 22. Mi V Mikroskop Vertrieb Sales Section, noroscopes 23. Mess V Optische Messgeraete Vertrieb Sales Section, Optical Measuring Equipment 24. Med V Medizinische Geraete Vertrieb Sales Section, Medical Equipment 25. Son V Sondererzeugnisse Vertrieb .Sales Section, Special Produdte 26. Vg V Vermeseungsgeraete Vertrieb Sales Section, Measuring Equipment 27. Astro V Aetronomische Geraete Vertrieb Sales Section, Astronomical Equip- ment 28. Di V Divereer Vertrieb Sales Section, Miscellaneous Equip- ment 29. Fe V Feinmess-Geraete Vertrieb Sales Section, Precision Measuring Notes: * Abbreviations are the official 0* Including the USSR SECRET Equipment abbreviations used by the Plant Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/23: CIA-RDP81-01030R000100320005-0