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Publication Date: 
August 30, 1976
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~-- ~ ~~~r Approved For Ruse 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-008~6R000100240~$~=1~~.~. 3 0 AUK 1976 25X1A MEMORANDUM I~GR: Director of Training PROM Chie Au it Staff, 0/IG SUBJECT Reports of Audit !25X1A 25X1A (a) 1 May 1975 - 31 May 1976 (b) _ Club, 1 June 1974 - 31 May 1976. 1. Attached is one copy each of subject reports. Please advise the Chief, Audit Staff of action taken on recommendations conta.ined'in the_ report. 2. We wish to express our appreciation to officials and staff for the cooperation extended. to the auditors. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Attachments: as stated Distribution: '''brig - D/OTR 1 - DDA ]. - 0/Comet/DCI 1 - D/Fin 1 - 0/IG z -~ Approved For Release 20p'I,/.~3~1Q4.; ~~~A-RDP81-008968000100240004-8 c 2 ^-~ nw :ti r .~.. p Approved For Rase 200~~~;~?f,pP81-Of~96R000100240004-8 25X1A For the Period 1 May 1975 - 31 May 1976 SUA~4ARY ANn SCOPE 1. Controls and procedures at_ are generally effective and assure the proper utilization and protection cif Organization resources. Recommendations primarily con- cern the improvement of GSI Sales Store operations and property administration. 2. Our findings resulted from a. review of Station controls, procedures and records. ZVe selectively examined expenditures to determine that documentation, approval and financial certification were in accordance with AQenc directives and regulations. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-008968000100240004-8 ~~ Approved For Reuse 2CCQ310~::; C,Iq:,RDP81-09~96R000100240004-8 _2_ AUDIT COMMENTS GSI Sales Store 4. The GSI Sales Store is using a cash register that does not (a) produce a customer sales tape, (b) provide a visual display of the amount of the sale, and (c) provide control over the entire function by more than one on/off key lack switch. Station officials are considering replacing this ca.s}i register. To strengthen cash control, we endorse the acquisition anal use of a cash register which will over- come the deficiencies described above. Recommendatian #1: Acquire a new cash regist re or the GSI Sales Store. 25X1A 5. The GSI Sales Store computes its Cost of Goods Sold in a manner which mixes inventory prices at retail with purchase prices at cost. This method results in a.n incorrect Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Profit on Sales. Accurate profit data is necessary for management to establish sales prices which will recover cost. Recommendation #2: Require GSI to value inventory at cost for the purpose of determining the correct Gross Profit on Sales. Property 6. The current Accountable Officer for Station non- expendable property was appointed on 25 August 1975. No evidence existed that property had been inventoried and Consolidated Memorandum Receipts (CMRs) verified when he assumed accountability. During the audit the annual confirmation of the property CMRs was in process. When this task is completed the Accountable Officer will be able to satisfy himself as to the physical existence and the condition of the property for which he is accountable. Recommendation #3: Complete the annual In ntory o~ Station property and updating of the CMR files. 7. The Deputy Chief of Supply recently assumed responsibility for the communications property issued an Station ChtR #40 and- CNiR #17 from the departing Communications Officer. The Communications Officer scheduled to arrive in September 1976 would be the logical person to assume this respalisibility because of the tech- nical Ilattlr e of the prope~?ty. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-008968000100240004-8 ~~ti~p 4... ..._.. . if .~ Approved For Ruse 2001/0~/0~ :~CIA:~DP81-0~96R000100240004-8 Reconunendation #4: Transfer respon- slbllity ~or~all. Station communications property to the newly assigned Communi- cations Officer. Motor Vehicles 8. Three motor vehicles (IAN 8131, MV 8378 and. TURF 8227) were authorized by Headquarters for disposal. and. were dropped from the Station TVA in. December 1975. These vehicles are sti11 on hand at the Station. Recommendation #k5: Physically dispose o es~~e vehicles or justify their re- instatement on the TVA. 9. Duplicate motor vehicle usage and maintenance records are kept by the Station. The Supply Office keeps one set of records and the Transportation Section keeps the other. Since the information recorded on these records originates within the Transportation Section, that Section should be given the sole responsibility for this record. keeping function. Supply and Transportation officials and the Chief of Logistics agree. Recommendation #6: Assign the respon- sibility of keeping the motor vehicle usage and maintenance records solely to the Transportation Section. . Approved For Release 2001V-0.3/b4~-=E~~4~?P81-008968000100240004-8 Approved For Ruse 20p,~k~~~~'f~QI~~RDP81-00~86R000100240004-8 25X1A For the Period 1 June 1974 - 31 May 1976 25X1A 25X1A 1. Th is a self- sustaining non-a ro riate -un actxvxty operated under authority of The Club wa.s organized in April 1955 to provide employees, students, and TDY guests with racial a.nd recreational activities. The Chief of Station, assisted by a seven member Club Advisory Committee, is responsible for Club management. Special Services personnel are responsible for the day-to-day supervision of Club activities. Salaries for Club. duties performed by Station personnel during regular duty hours are paid by the Club to the Station. SCOPE OF AUDIT 2. The audit consisted of a review of_ controls and procedures and such tests of the accounting records as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The inventory was verified on a test basis. SU1~~4ARY OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 3. Accumulated earnings at 31 May 1976 were $35,703. Detailed financial information may be found in the attached Exhibits A, B and C. AUDIT OBSERVATIONS 4. Records, controls and procedures generally are effective to assure proper custody and utilization of Club assets. Minor matters were resolved during the audit.. No recommendations resulted from the audit. ~~~~~~~L~~ - ~~~~. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-008968000100240004-8 Approved For Reuse 2001 ~~~ ff~~?P81-09$968000100240004-8 ~It~ ~~ ..a 6ts~ Exhibit A 25X1A 31 May 1976 ASSETS Cash on Hand and in Bank $14,961 Savings Certificates and Deposits 5,274 Accounts Receivable 273 Inventory 20,338 Fixed Assets, net o~ depreciation Total Assets $4~rggg LIABILITIES AND NE'T WORTH Accounts Payable $ 6,636 Taxes Payable 468 Due Recreation Program 2,091 Total Liabilities $ 9,195 Net Worth, Exhibit B 35,703 _ Total Liabilities and Net Wort3~ $44,898 pp ~~ F ~ RDP81-008968000100240004-8 A roved For Release ~~~~~:~,~- Approved For R?~ase 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-Oi~A~6R000100240004-8 Exhibit B 25X1A Statement of. Income and Net Worth For the Period 1 June 1.974 - 31 May 1976 Cost of Goods Sold: $185,365 Beginning Inventory, 31 A1ay 1974 $ 16,680 Add Purchases- 131,560 Goods Available for Sale ~ Less: Ending Inventory, 31 May 1976 (20L338) Cost of Goads Sold ~12~7 9T02 463 $ 57 Grass Profit Operating Expenses: Salaries and Payroll Taxes $ 33,963 , Miscellaneous Expenses 16,838 erating Expenses Total O 50,801 p ~ Net Income from Operations $ 6,662 ellaneous Income Mi 959 sc Net Income $ 7,621 1974 Ma 31 t Worth N 28082 y . , e 31 May 1976 (Exhi t Worth N bit A) $ 35,703 , e Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-008968000100240004-8 Approved For Rase 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-0(~96R000100240004-8 25X1A :- E k t STATEMENT OF CI-IANGES IN rINANCIAL POSITION For-the Twa Year Period Ended 31 May 1976 RESOURCES PROVIDED BY Income from Operations $ 6,662 Interest on Savings Certificate g5g Increase in Accounts and Taxes Payable 898 Depreciation (expense not rec{uiring outlay of working capital) 1,785 TOTAL RESOURCES PROVIDED $10,3].4 kESOURCES APPLIED TO Purchase of Ec{tzipment $ 3,373 Increase of TnventorY 3,658 Increase in Cash on Hand 1,804 Decrease in Recreational Program Payable 1,430 Increase in Accounts Receivable 4g TOTAL RESOURCES APPLIED $10,314 ~~is.i'1~~~~`~1~. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81-008968000100240004-8