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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 6/ Memorandum TO : Chief, FOS FROM : Acting Chief, Publications Division SUBJECT: African Sourcelines DATE: 19 March 1969 1. The sourceline format for African radio and press materials repre- sent a departure from standard source line criteria by requiring the inclu- sion of the country as well as source city name. Normally inclusion of the country name is required only to avoid ambiguity, e.g. Santiago Chile, Santiago Cuba. 2. The present usage apparently was authorized at the request of State Department some time ago. An inquiry by L&Ft within the past week to State and OCI revealed that these components had little or nc interest in the formulation of African sourcelines, with or without the country name. 3. Under the circumstances, it is proposed that FOS advise the field, with copies to Publications Division and EAD, ?that effective immediately the country name will be omitted from all African sourcelines. 4. A suggestion that "Congo" be retained in the Kinshasa and Brazza- ville sourcelines as an exception to the rule was regarded by EAD as an unnecessary departure from the standard format, not analagous to the "Santiago" exception. 5. Therefore, Publications Division requests that FOS and Operations Group take appropriate action as required to implement the proposal outlined in paragraph 3 above. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE 1 S- /- 6 TO: FJ.,S ROOM NO. B LDING REMARKS: 17/ FROM: pliat lat-iv ..... ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 DAILY LOG NOTES, L & R Officer, l Marcli 1969 3. After checking with several analysts, Ruth Rodier/State said there. would e no objection to FBIS dropping calntry-name T7771)urcelines for broadcasts originating in subSaharan African countries. ? OCI analysts -- North and East Africa and 'South Africa -- also concurred. (CC: - State Liaison, CIA Liaison, Publications Division) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 50X1 50X1 50X1 1 7*: 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 ID BOTTOM I UNCLASSIFIED I I CONFIDENTIAL I I SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP STAT TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 2 Suhj: Africen sourcelires 3 STAT 4 5 STAT 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: If thiF is OK with Chief of OrerPt I don't know why we can't sinnly innlerent ('i am not aware of any particular rrc view this.) STAT ions i4. 0 ,1?;\0-4- b(-41''.fr?-? 5'STAT a FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER STAT FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE / -7 /3 i i Wel' A SSW TRH I I CONFIDENTIAL I SECRET De 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50 Yr 20 13/12/12: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 1 uniuuAnnirleo 1 1 LAYArIDENIIAL 1 1 SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 STAT 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION . COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks STAT ne will be happy to go along with this if you can arrange for a formalized change of policy on the Production side to eliminate African country names in the manner you suggest. This has been proposed before but always vetoed by the Director's office because State continued to requirt it. I would anticipate no difficulty in view of the change in State's position now, reinforced by OC I. STAT FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESs Awn pme-INF.NO DATE Chief, FOS 3/17/69 I TINCI A CCIVIETb I I I-I I NJ ii I its. NITTA 1 I CFCR VT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/1,2/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 17 Narch. 104? I suggest that we discontinue the rractice of including the country name in African sourcelines, excert for the sourcelires: Kinshasa Congo ..., and l'irazzaville Congo I had L & R check with State and OCI last -week. The results pre that neither one has any special interest in the retention of the country name ? in the sourceline. .110st items are run under the arrrorriate country section, in any case. theCongo sourcilines, esnecially if the itenks ruhlished under s different Congo Nection (see attached). The only sourcelines hat might cause sore confusion pre Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 0 V. 14 Mar 69 CENTRAL AFRICA Vi ,CONGO BRAZZAVILLE ) MPITA GROUP'S MOUZABAKANI CITED LE COURRIER DIAFRIQUE 1-2 Mar 59 pp. 1, 5 X ,* [Excerpts] The'National.douncil'of the Revolution .(CNR) iet'on 27 Februaiy under the chairmanship of Maj Marien Ngouabi, president of the CNR and chief- of state, and exclusively considered the present political situation of the country obviously dominated by the flight and the subsequent capture or former Major Mouzabakani, the flight of former Lieutenant Kiganga, and the discovery of two large counter- revolutionary networks. It stated that the so-called Mpita group in.Pointe-Noire was allied with that of Mouzabakani. The Mpita group was represented in Brazzaville by a police officer named Tchikaya. President Ngouabi had attacked the Members of this political grouping last week, accusing them of flirting with the capitalists and working Against the. economic development of the Congo, ECONOMIC SITUATION SEEN AS SATISFACTORY Paris INFORMATIONS W.OUTRE-MER 26 Feb 69 p 11 X [Text] A3 a. result of the development of lumbering production and,industrial activity, the econoMic situation Of the Congo Brazzaville is satisfactory. This is the main conclusion Which the members of the Congo committee of the Central Bank of the States of Equatorial Africa and. Cameroon (BCEAEC) reached during their recent meeting. ThOre is, nevertheless, a somber point the states commercial enterprise& 4re experiencing difficulties, which have an adverse effect on the budget. This state of affairs causes concern without, however, being alarming, The financial policy of the Congolese Government remains orthodox but it is to be feared that it may deteriorate in 1969. For political reasons, the government has had to promise to raise the salaries of the civil servants and the fulfillment of this promise will involve an appreciable increase in the state's expenditures. CONGO KINSHASA 1.10BUTU SPEAKS OF UEAC TO CHAD NERAL LE COURRIER D1AFRIQUE 7 Mar 69 pp 1,5 X [Excerpt] On 6 March, the President of the republic decorated Brig Gen Jacques Dounro, chief of the general staff of the Chadian Armed Forces, with the National Order of the Leopard. At the end of the ceremony, attended .by members of the government, general officers of the Congolese National Army (ANC), and the military staff of the Chadian general, Lt Gen Joseph-Desire Mobutu stated in his speech that the existence of the Union of Central African States (UEAC), which unites the Republic of Chad and the Congo, has caused relations between these two countries-to become very cordial, friendly, and fraternal, "It is for this reason," Mobutu continued, "that- you are able to see for yourself how your brothers-in-arms of the ANC, the ministers here present, as well as all the Congolese people are very happy to wish you welcome to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Tomorrow," the president added, "you will have the opportunity to visit the interior, and you will see how many of the people, men, women, and chlldren, think about our union. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/12/12: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 V. 14 Mar 69 V 2 CENTRAL AFRICA he name of President Tombalbaye has become synonymous with courage and wisdom." In conclusion, General Mobutu stated: 'Your presence in Kinshasa reinforces even more the bonds of friendship and ?fraternity which unite our two countries. It is for this reason that we are raising you to the rank of Commander in the National Order of the Leopard." PAPER PUBLISHES LIST OF NEW VICE MINISTERS Kinshasa Congo LE COURRRIER DIAFRIQUE 7 Mar 69 pp 1, 5 X [Excerpts] The new government, announced on 6 March at the end of an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers, includes the following 22 [as published] vice-ministers: Interior Foreign affairs for coordination Foreign affairs for foreign trade Planning and territorial development Scientific research Labor Social development Housing Budget Portfolio National economy and industry National economy and tourism National education in charge of secondary education National education in charge of primary education Agriculture Transportation and communications in charge of civil aviation Transportation and communications in charge of river transportation Transportation and communications in charge of rail transportation Public works Mines and real estate affairs KINSHASA GOVERNOR DEFINES MAYORST DUTIES Kinshasa Congo LE COURRIER DIAFRIQUE 6 Mar 69 p 3 X [Article from feature column "News of the Day in Review"] Denis Sakombi and G. Nakasila E. Loliki Cr. Kasasa Y. Bongoy E. Ndongala Raphael Bintou Ch. Bokonga Jacques Ngoie Gr. Buhendwa Ph. Tshibwabwa Fl. Ngoie-Tshilombo M. Bahizi J. Mabolia D. Iloo P. Lebughe M. Mandevo Em. Payitio G. Kisanga D. Kahuozi J. Bembo [Excerpts] On 5 March, Paul Nauwelaerts, governor of Kinshasa and regional president of the Popular Movement of the Revolution (MPR) for that city, presided over an important meeting of all the mayors of the capital. After having stated that one of the reasons for the meeting was to review certain problems concerning the mayors, Nauwelaerts advised in a grave tone, "Act like officials worthy of this name." Asking the mayors to double vigilance in banditry which is presently prevalent in one last time to put themselves in order end of this meeting, it was decided that sashes at [official] functions, and that their respective communes in order to combat the capital, the governor warned the mayors with the city's account department. At the henceforth mayors will be obliged to wear meetings must be held every Monday at City Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 V. 14 Mar 69 EAST AFRICA U 1 ETHIOPI!..:122) TWO RUSSIANS, THREE CZE H. TOLD TO LEAVE Addis Abab Ethiopia omestic Service in Amharic 1700 GMT 13 Mar 69 K/L [Text] The Fo ign Ministry announced this evening that two Russian nationals and three Czechoslo aks who have been found to constitute a danger to the national interests of Et iopia have been ordered to leave Ethiopia within 24 hours with immediate effec . The Foreign Ministry statement added that a third Russian national has been banned from entering Ethiopia. The three Russi ns and three Czechoslovaks have been engaging in activities which pose a threat ti the national interest of Ethiopia and, in particular, have been participating i recent disturbances sparked off by students. Therefore, the two Russians have b en ordered to leave the country within exactly 24 hours. The Russians ord red to leave within 24 hours are Mr. (Moboko), NOVOSTI correspondent in Addis Ababa, nd Mr (Makiv), a member of the TASS staff. The other Russian who is now outside Ethi pia and who has been banned from entering the country is the head of the permanent So iet exhibition in Ethiopia. The three Czecho lovaks ordered to leave Ethiopia within 24 hours are Mr. Josef Harton:,, charge d'affaire of the Czechoslovak Embassy, and [names indistinct] who are both officials of the CzechoSlovak. Etbassy-trads relations department. SECURITY REGULA ONS FOR STUDENT UNREST NOTED Addis Abab Ethiopia omestic Service in Amharic 1700 GMT 13 Mar 69 K/L [Text] Government statement: The whole of the Ethiopian population is aware of the recent steps taken by the government against a few university students who are guided by thoughts and a culture absolutely alien to the basic traditional culture of Ethiopia, and who violated the law and embarked on activities that could cause damage to lives and property. This situation arose at a time when the students were about to complete their school year and when examinations were approaching, and the Emperor, having at heart the education of the young Ethiopians and knowing the pressing need for education, made a nation-wide radio and television address on 7 March in which he ordered that all university and secondary students who were willing to schools should be allowed to resume their studies. After all this, a few university students instigated by foreign nationals failed to take advantage of the clemency accorded them and not only continued to waste their own time for study, but may be seen going so far as to indulge in acts dangerous to the unity of Ethiopia and to the peace and order of the people, preventing secondary and elementary school students from continuing their classes. This situation could not be watched with indifference. The security authorities have therefore been instructed to take the necessary action, in accordance with the new special peace enforcement regulations, against people who violate the law and peace of the nation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : IA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 V. 14 Mar ,69 T 3 NORTHERN AFRICA SOVIET MINISTER-Algiers, March 10, TASS--Aleksandr Sidorenko, the minister of geology of the USSR, who came here on an official visit, continues his tour of the country. The Soviet guest familiarized-himself with the progress of geological survey work done jointly by ,Soviet and Algerian specialists in Aures Department, inspected the mercury mines in 2smaili' iron ore deposits in olienza;.the'El-;Hajdar metallurgical pr'oject. Aleksandr Sidorenko today made a trip to the area of the Ahoggar Mountain Massiv, a unique treasure house or rare metals, which lies in the very south of the Algerian Sahara. ? The visit of the minister of geology of the USSR to Algeria, the newspaper AL-MOUjAHID writes today, mill undoubtedly help to strengthen Soviet-Algerian cooperation, [Text] (Moscow TASS International English 1555 GMT 10 Mar 69 :L) RUMANIAN DERRICKS--A contract was recently signed in Algiers between the Rumanian foreign trade enterprise Industrial-Export and the Algerian state enterprise SONOTRACH for delivery by Rumania of two derricks of the 3 DH 250 type and Rumanian technical ,assistance in start-up operations. According to? the agreement, 30 Algerians will be trained in Rumania. After execution of this contract, SONOTRACH will have 22 derricks, among them nine from Rumania (six of the 3 DH 250 type and three of the 2 50 type), four from the USSR (3 D 61 tYpe), and six from the USA (two of the Gardner Denver type and four of the Noil Well type,) [Text] (East Berlin;MARKT INFORMATIONEN 3 FebC69 p 4 X) ' LIBYA KING IDRIS RECEIVES .DENTIS MESSAGE Bayda Domestic Sftwice in Arabic 2100 GMT 13 Mar 69 M [Summary] The King today received, Dr Hasan Sabri al-Khuli who handed him a message from President Jamal Abd an-Nasir. The Libyan house speaker, prenier, chief of staff, and the UAR ambassador to Libya attended the reception. The King invited them for lunch, during which he awarded A1,Khu11 the grand sash of Muhammad as-? Svni3i. Premier Anis al-Qadhafi received Al-Khull in the afternoon. They discvssed their countries relations and the current Arab situation. MINISTER MS BLUE NILE PRO Omdurman Sudan OE-F0 Domestic Service in Arabic 1230 GMT 13 mar 69 K/L [Summary] Minister of Works and Justice ar-Rashid at-Tahir arrived in Khartoum this morning-from the Blue Nile Province at the end of his tour of inspection there. He told Radio Omdurman's reporter that he had visited over 500 villages and towns, and covered about 3,000 miles, This visit had enabled him to ascertain the requirements of the area and the problems of the citizens, and to find the necessary solutions. It had also, enabled him to explain the governments policy for the development of the regions in various spheres such as education, health, exploitation of the animal, mineral and agricultural resources, provision of water and electricity, construction of roads and: the building of bridges. The minister assured the citizens that all the demands submitted to him would be the object of the government's attention in. Khartoum. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : riA_RnPA1-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/12/12: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 V. 14 Mar 69 v U 5 EAST AFRICA YUGOSLAT;ETHIOPIAN RELATIONS--Addis Ababa, 7 Mar--Dimitrije ambassador to Addis Ababa, Met Ketema ifru, Ethiopia's foreign minister, here yesterday, They talked of things related to the course of arrangements for a consul- tative meeting of the nonalined countries and to matters of common interest to their two countries. [Text] (Belgrade TANYUG International English 1118 GMT 7 Mar 69 L) KENYA BRIEFS SOVIET DOCTORS--Nairobi--A new group of Soviet doctors has arrived here to work at the hospital in Kisumu built by the Soviet Union as gift to the government and people of Kenya. [Text] (Moscow TASS International English 0714 GMT 10 Mar 69 L) SOMALIA LOUDSPEAKER BANNED ALO ER FOR ELECTIONS Hargeisa Somalia omestic Service in Somali 1540 GMT 13 Mar 69 K/L [Summary] An announcement from the Gebile DC informs all political parties that the use of loudspeakers during their election campaigns is prohibited in all areas of the district along the border, without prior permission from the DC's office. The use of loudspeakers and the holding of rallies in other towns within the district, other than those on the border, are not affected ?bT s order. TAN712,// STUDENTS DEMAND EXPULSION OF U.S. TEACHERS 49 C (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Paris AFP in English 1903 9MT 13 Mar [Text] Dar es Salaam--About 100 la students at Dar es Salaam University staged a demonstration today calling for th9 expulsion of all United States teachers of the faculty. They also demanded canc lations of a proposed study course on Tanzanian military history and public fina ce on the ground that it could jeopardize the country's security. The placard-waving campus mill/ants made fresh demands for control of the faculty by Africans. The demonstration/climaxed a row that started 10 days ago overthe faculty's curriculum for next year. A number of U.S. liberal 1 ecurers were named on placards, which carried such slogans as Yankees go home, and ouths will defend Tanzania. NYERERE: EDUCATION OBLEM DUE TO POVERTY Dar es Sala Tanzania Domestic Service in 1600 GMT 13 Mar 69 K/L. [Text] While talking to Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) and government leaders in Mbeya today, President Nyerere called on parents to sympathise with about 400,000 Tanzania children whom the country could not sent to school because of poverty. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/12/12: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2 V. 14 Mar 69 U 4 EAST AFRICA The statement terms the act "blamable, inhuman, and cowardiCeand states that the Ethiopian Government has asked the West German Federal Government to throughly investigate the matter. HEARLD WARNS AGAINST FOREIGN INTERFERENCE Addis Ababa Ethiopia .Domestic ;Service in Amharic 1115 01'1'13 Mar 69 K/L (Summary] The English language ETHIOPIAN HERALD, in an editorial dealing .with interference by the big nations in. the internal affairs of small countries, says 43 is in fact nothing new. But it has now become more regrettable since this interference is not only directed against developing nations but is now al,so Wng extended to some advanced countries. Such interference is not newtc5?EthiopiaThe histbryof our'country is fullef)oUttideinterferencecandinvasiOns. After referring to the battle of Aduwa during EmperarjMenelelc's reignp and the 1935 Italian invasion, the editorial continues: "the aim of foreign interferenceis to separate one generation from another, or one province from another province." "At times foreign goVernments carry out their intrigues under cover of pretended assistance and sympathy. While the problem of developing countties is how to effect development, certain big powers Stir up conflict between these nations by proViding them 14th arms."' Pie paper explains that Ethiopia has always resolutely resisted outside interfergnoe, whether direct or indirect, and adds that, as a member of UN and the seat of the OAU, the strongly opposes any form of interference in the internal affairs of any country by another. It points out that some foreign governments are using students and other Ethiopians against the government. "We would like to warn those parties who want to divide Ethiopia that the fabric of our unity is strong and unbreakable. It is not today or since yesterday that Ethiopia has become aware that such intrigues are being started by foreigners. The hiring of people for money to engage in intrigues has been known since the start. Contacts at diplomatic level have been made on the subject with the parties concerned. It is clear, however, that these countries areAurning a deaf ear. This shows that Ethiopia's friendly relations with these countries are ") : being misinterpreted". The editorial refers to an unidentified foreign broadcasting station which exploited the recent student unrest for propaganda purposes, and says that Ethiopia, being a , nonalined country, firmly believes in noninterference in the internal affairs of other countries, arid expects in return that "her sovereignty and national unity shall be respected." The editorial -concludes: "It is our sincere hope that sister countries will understand this. Those who are involved in such evil intrigues must be paid back now. Steps must be taken now against those who engage in these intrigues against Ethiopia in contempt of her long resistance against foreign interference and invasions.-" BRIEFS SENEGALESE VISITOR--The Emperor today received the Senegalese delegation led by the president of the Chamber of Commerce which is on a 3-day visit to Ethiopia. 'Trade and communication links between Senegal and Ethiopia were discrissed. (Addis Ababa Ethiopia Domestic Amharic 1100 GMT 13 Mar 69 K/L) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100110060-2