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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 - 30 lemma 1$61 Odef, Field Operations 13teff, 11318 Revision of Wens Transmission Logce3rephe Blat t Va 698, dated 26 October 1960, subjeett Correepoodentsltispetehes 2* Our efftete to standerd,isei shorten, and home accuracy of lascenobs contleue srith the following instruetimee for revision of logrepephe for press transalesione. they should be adopted by your leaven es of /5 Rehm* IOU 2. The revised logegache iUmac, the felloatrg basic form (Crilltrat448 Cite) Vi(igagf) i (Iozteos8c) to (Gaegrophieel, Turget)? 3. Please cote that the *ode of trenseussient *tether Slane, Ifellectreiber, or raltoteletypeo is lOrbsrallyi GA of interest and be matted. le eases 'dams distinetica scey be necemetty for csaraUcesel purposes (e.g. inter.hozeau calms* of lege), the aode of transaisalea my bee stated In a subeleg. ileasplet (fiellsehreiber Trenesteston). 4 4. The geographical target are* win reflect the addressees given In the ininsmiselcu preamble. St an isdivideal Item bee ts epecial target, that feet should be reflected In the logegrepb. If eny preamble targets or enaltored transmissions arm DA adequately reflected In the f011owing szemplas, then the tarts of those pstmables should be sent to this, enes. 3. the special 59e for earrespos eitspetebes vill contlase In the tam outline in VA 696. note that the originating city there the dispatch is tile alser differ from thralls tbe nests dateline. The destinatica cite still Ite that of the ultimate addressee fee each dispateh* The locatiou at the isemodiate reeeivieg *WWI is lematerial. 6. A spatial legogreph Is avallehla tor trenmeteelone =turned frees we egency to enothere (Origivettng City) (Ageney) lu (aregesge) to (Receiving Agency) (Zperation). 7 7. As lased 'hereto* ?Uwe refers to geese services, larmemetion services, and peritonea*. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 r. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7_0, HFM/gaz tion: 'Distribu ? , ccs: Okinawa Hokkaido Mediterranean London ? East Coast ? West Coast Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 - - STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 .? 30 &teary 1561 Chief, Plaid Openatione Stets PM Revision of Press Tronestsalca Logogrepbe RCP Vs 658, dated 26 October 1960, subject: CorrespondenteDispatebee 1. (jr' efforto to standerlite, shorten, and lanprove accuracy of lagegrephs continue vith the following instructions for revision of loeognybs for press trensalseigms. They amid be adopted by year blareen es of 15 February 1961. 2. The revised lcscgrivbs will employ the following basic tom (Crisis:sting City) (Agency) in (Lemnage) to (Ceographical Target), 3. Please note that the node ot trennaltisions 'Mather Norse, Reilechrelbero or raitioteletices io generisily nob of interest and will be matted. In capes where a distinction goy be necessary for operational purpose* (e.g. Inter.bureau exchange of logo), the node of trensniesion grey be stated In is subsbm. tonep1422 (Rellechrelber Tranindasioo). h. The geogreiphieel target area will reflect the addressees eaVel% in the transited= cremble. Tr en Individual item hes a special target, that tact eboold be reflected In the logcgraph. If ergy pregnable targets of esad.tored transmissions are not adequetely reflected In tbe following ezemples, then the texts of those preambles elteald be east to this calicos 5. The ;special logogrepli for correspondent's dispatches will continue In the to cutline in RA 698. Bate thit the originating clty *there the dispatth le filed ao7 differ tram tbst In the item's dateline. The destination city win be that of the ultiaste addressee for each dispatch. Ilse Locationof tbe ismedlaie receiving station is ineaterial. 6. As epeeist lomemph L evatiable tor treceeissiont crosatiled tree one egemy to smothers (Originating City) (Agency) in (langunge) to (Receiving Agency) (location). 7 7. As used herein, ligeatcy" refers to press services, leforeation eerwices, aod periodicals. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 ,?/ ,Q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 STAT ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 , 4 EXAMPLES OF REVISED WEST COAST BUREAU'S PRESS Buenos Aires SECRETARIA DE PRENSA in Spanish to Argentine Ships Buenosairet SAPORITI in Spanish to Argentina Buenos Aires SAPOR1TI in Spanish to Argentine Ships Buenos Aires AFP in Spanish (Or French) to Latin America Rio de Janeiro TRANSPRESS in Portuguese to Brazil Rio de Janeiro MERIDIONAL it Portuguese to Brasil Rio de Janeiro MINISTERIO EXTERIORES in Portuguese to Bnb?i Rio de Janeiro RADIO PRESS in Portuguese to Brazil Santiago (Chile) AFP in Spanish to Latin America TAMA AFP in Spanish to Latin America Peking NCNA in English to Europe Peking NCNA in English to Europe and. Asia Taipei CNA in English to the Far East Thipei REUTERS in Englith to Far East Bogota APP. in Spanish to Latin America Hong Kong CNA in English to Far East Jakarta AMARA in English to subsdribers abroad Jakarta PIA in English to the Southwest Racine' Tbkyo Correspondent's Dispatch in English to Antara Jakarta Tokyo Correspondent's Dispatch in English to CNA Taipei _Tokyo PAHASIA in English to the Far East Tokyo Correspondent's Dispatch in English to REUTERS London Manila AFP in English to the Par East Manila CNA in Alglish to the Far East Manila REUTERS in English to the Pari East Manila AFP in English to Far East Ships Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 - es Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 Singapore Al??English to the Far East S1ngaore REUTERS in English to Asia and the Pacific Singapore REUTERS in English to Southeast Asia sinsapors REUTERS in English to REUTERS Melbourne Capetown SAM in English to ships Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 EXAMPLES OF REVISED LONDON BUREAU'S PRESS LCGOGRAPHS Tirana ASA in French to Europe Tirana ATA in ftglish to Europe Sofia BTA in English to Europe Sofia BTA in Russian to Europe Peking !CNA in English to Europe Prague CTK in Russian to Europe Prague CTK in English to the Far East Prague CT K in English to the. Middle East Hamburg DPA in German to West Germany Bonn INFORMATIONSFUNK in German to Europe Budapest MTI in French to Europe Budapest HUNGARIAN INFORMATION SERVICE in Hungarian to Diplomatic Missions TOkyo KYODO in English to Europe Warm/ PAP in English to &rope Bucharest MENSES in English to Europe Bucharest AGESTRES in English to NCNA Peking Bucharest ACIMPRES in English to the United States Geneva WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION in English to the World Belgrade TANYUG in English to Europe Moscow TASS in English to Europe Moscow TASS in Russian to Europe Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 EXAMPLES OF REVISED EAST COAST BUREAU'S MESS LOGOGEtAPHS Buenos Aires Correspondent's Dispatch in (Language) to (Agency) (Destination) Leopoldville Correspondent's Dispatch in (Language) to (Agency) (Destination) Havana PRENSA LATINA in'Opanish to Latin America Havana FRENSA ATINA in Spanish to Central and South America Havana mask LATINA in Spanish to Argentina Havana PRENSA LATINA in Spanish to Chile Havana Correspondent's Dispatch in (Language) to (Agency) (Destination) Quito AFP in Spanish to Latin America Parip AFP in French to Europe, Africa, and Near East Paris AFP in (Language) to Far East Paris AFP in (Language) to Latin America Bonn INFORMATIONSFUNK in German to South Africa Hambug DPA in French to Africa Rune ANSA in Italian to United States Rome ANSA in Italian to Latin America Bamako Correspondent's Dispatch in (Language) to (Agency) (Destination) Salisbury Correspondent's Dispatch in (Language) to (Agency) (Destination) !Geneva WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION in English to the world Pretoria SAM fh English to subscribers abroad London REMERS in English to North America London REUTERS in English to South America London REUTERS in English to West Africa London LIS in English to Par East Montevideo Correspondent s Dispatch in (Language) to (Agency) (Destination) Caracas RADIO PRENSA VENEZOLANA in Spanish to Venezuela Belgrade TANYUG in English to New York Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 - EXAMPLES OF REVISED BUREAU'S PRESS LOOOORAPHS Phncrtpenh Correspondent's Dieateh in igitsho h) to NONA Peking Peking NCH!' in Chinese to China Peking Naa in En lish to Asia Peking NCH& in English to Europe Hong Kong AFP in English to the lktr ka5t and Bouthea6t Asia &tbs. P"I'l in English to Tokyo Jakarta PIA in English to Southvest Pacific Pyongyang EDNA in English to the Fe. East V Hano in Pnglish to Asia and Europe Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 EXAlinalS OP REVIEW bIRDITEIVANEW: MINA MEM LOGOGRAMS Alma Ata KAZUO in Russian to Kazakhstan Moscow WS in Russian to USSR Kiev RA.TAU in Ukrainian to Ukraine Beirut ANA. in Arabic to the Near East Cairo MeNA in Arabic to the Near Bast Damascus Correspondent's Dispatch in ( to (Agency) t nation) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7j or MO in Russian Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP81-00770R000100030082-7