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Document Creation Date: 
December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 14, 2000
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Publication Date: 
December 26, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81-00755R000100040026-2.pdf159.02 KB
Approved For Releemt DAM 1. This while he is tempo overseas station. in Washington, P. C. Finance Division and subject was employed Rttigitt755R0001000400N-li 28 Decedber 1950 V( Ives a eletm for payment of per dioito subject , in Waahington pending O.ftaneflt transfer to an determining fact is: whether subject was emOloyed or in Maine, This case has been considered by the the leneral Counsel, who have determined that the in Washington, D. C. and is not entitled to per 25X1A9a 2. The attached memoranda of 21 Decanber froia subject and 27 recember from Chief, VT Division, undertake to reopen the claim on the basis that subject was employed in Maine, The 'object states that he was offered a position by a Colonel Whose name he has since forgotten, but that ()nth* basie of the oral offer he came to Walhington, D. C. to work for the Rureau of Standards pending his eTtploykont by CTA. Taisting regulations which have continually been called to the attention of Staff members specifically prohibit any official of C/A from offerinl, orloyment with the A-ency? except decimated personnel of the Personnel TAvisions, Tf this claim is to be pressed for further consideration, this office should indicate at the Sane time what disetplinary action is being taken in the ease of the officer who directly violated reFulations in efferin- the eoeition involved. 3. It is difficult to understand how the subject placed sufficient reliance on an oral offer of emp)oyment to cause him to refuse other :,-ood offers of emolo;ment from c)rivate induetr7 and come to reshington "to work for Can when he doot: not even remenber the name of the officer miktml: the offer. For this reason it is recommended that the claim not be nressed arr. further. 4 . an 21 on cat memoran This case is brought to your t,orsonal attention because e of the type of case which 4r, discussed with us on er. The claim for per diaia has already been considered fully its by the Finance Division and ":-enera..1 Counsel, and yet the paned on the flimsy justification indicated by the attached Piu of Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP81-00755R000100040026-2 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/117 3 : IA-RDP81-00755R000100040026-2 S. Much of the gred and gunnece ary atninttrative can be stopped by the elimination f unjustified claim* am ,overnment which require extensive preparation by the Divisions of o. and repeated consideration on the part of the desimated administrat offloials or the Swaney* In accordance with. your surgestlon an ;1K: bulletin is beini prepared on this su.bjest for distrilation to all personnels 2 TI 25X1 A9a Approved For Release 2001/11/23 :CIA-RDP81-00755R000100040026-2 Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP81-00755R000100040026-2 MISSING PAGE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): G' Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP81-00755R000100040026-2