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CROSS rrmrx Jor~ 173 editor: Sucpenae: Approved For Release 2~~~~~~1~~~~~~i'600100150009-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP81-0.0728ROU0100150009-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 ~~~~~~~~ Socurily In(r;rm,rlion ~~. ~'~y ~-~53 I-4~:bis~'v+~~3~Gtd r~?l~s C~z~,e~:'y Cenc~ar~. ,SI~L~,~T1,~C~'; :t"'ropt7>~e~l M'ot~.c:e ~~tc~a AMU l~~.'TACt~~T~'S '~T~1'3`.~M~~~11GIe Ok' S~C?CU~T~1'r~ 1, '.~'k;e mu~,~ect Nti1;~ec:, tr~z~,o2~ wzx~ ~ubaaAtlred ~'or aulrl~exxl;,orx on ~ Ju~~ ~-`~j~, ]ia~s been returzzed 'b;; tk:e ltoi:~.r:~ Deputy T~ixec~:ax (11,~9.>iziatra- tion) w;xt? ~ th.c foll.ow~,n~ rr~au~:~~t: p`i: i3v >ot a~c~a t3.zat uu AE,etxoy I3ot:Lac ~s t2ze u~pa~c~j~r~~te ~d~uzn for Qomu~ut~3,csf,~n,~ these ~.rr~atx~`~ct:lona ~ :~`~~~.~ ~tar3.eb]. ~hou:lcl ~e ~.ncox~ox^x~~d ~.nto 'f:Le ~.~t~ncyg ~ Correupnrzc~.e*rlce l~:~nuu~.. T:e 'ti;~xetc~r a relrtz~:z3u~ ~:i:e tls~.~'t Notice 1iz c~~~ar thot you ma~~ ~.noarUox~,,la the mrltc~r~.ul ~.~t the Coxx~~goue~cuce ~1~,~lyoc~:~;, ~rL~.a~a ~.~ curx~ut: ~e~.z~ ~.Q~~loped by your oCf' ~c ui A~~>sta~uxL ~o tl7e I~e~u'~y 5.~3.rec~c~w (>:~tr~etion) At~C~a~~ 1'~a~a~;v~. rya. ,7~,~ ~. ;~ f~7D/A SF~RET Security Information Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 S~~RE~ Security tnfnrmstlon ~ Jay 1953 TRANSN1xBSxUN t)1~' DOCt1A~NTS 1. There 3.a subm3ttod herewith for approval and. authentication, 25X1A proposed Notice No. Which cAl].s attention to the proper use of staples on documents and envalapes. 2. This3 Notice was propnsed lay the Chiefs General, Serv9.ces and reflects the thought of an emp~,oyse au~;gestion wrhich was ttubml.tted to the incentive Awards Committee. MENI(?Tt/1NDUM rOR t Acting Deputy DirQetar {Administration) SUBJNCTs Prapoeed Nat~.ce No. AND Arl"SAC~N'TS 3. The Notice has not Ueen disseminated. far formal coordination tts such action does not appear to be necessary. Special Assisiant to the Deputy Directox {Administration} Attac~hn~cnt :proposed Notl.ce No. D DLM~mrf -~ SAJDD~A ~~~~~ Security lnform~licn Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 NOTICE 0 SEC1~wT Security information GENL1~tAL TRANSMISSION q~' DUCUMCNTS AND ,ATTACHM[:NTS CaHI~~-~'ONDENCE Jw.y 1953 1. The pxo;per assembly ar~d transmission of documentE and r.;ttr~ch~ient~a can effect the of tr.3 diz~ected or misplacededacumantsmuch irritation and mJ.nam3.zc. The si~ple ru1.c should be to asse~eible axzd traixsmlt documents :Eox the convenisnc~ of the rec~:ivcr e~rid user, 2. The paces of each bo,s3.c document should normally be t'e.stened together lzy thc: 'use of ~~~ siz~;~.e s~Luvle and rzat by paper clips. :~ssc:nt~?al attachments shouJ.d ~; be tabbed sa'-:i atts.ehec~. to 'the basic document by a single r~,dd:L-t?tonal. stap~.e. Staples ~~%';.ou].d .always be placed sa that the entire File can be rend without rema~r ~:;;, 't~y~ staples. Ttxc placement of staples in the upper left corner tril:a. ~ -~?' ~~i'.,~y be roost suitable. 3. Copies of documents attachef: ~ ~.. ; ,.:.~'.;~~vaa_ r~na re~ton~L?1.on by offices ;; ~~;,.~.,a ~:~.r,:;~r~ the ori~a.~.za1. documents. of record should. be assembled as un3.t ~ ~: " .~ ~zE~y should bes.r appropriate routir:.g or ~_ ~admittal slips and be fu.stened _ _behiua, the oxi~;inal by papex cl~.p 'to fac~.t:tt~,-te the~.r rciaovu].. ~. When documents are fors~rc~x?ded irz envelopes Vri~th coura.ez~ xeceipts attaaheda e4xc shoLtld be taken to ensure that the contents are not stapla~d to the envelope. 5. Envelopes should not be sealed Wr~ mst&pWkzexeutheacon ontslzof the approved slued seals available a.rz supp3.y envelope are b~'Yr scotch tape may be used. L. K. WHITE Arcting Deputy Directs (ministration) DTSTHT13Cd'It~Iv ~ .~1B ~C~T Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 ,. ? ,,,,. ~~? ~~ 1 c.t s; ray r ~trr ~' ~~??. A~ ~~~ ~'1 c'~ ~ ~~ lf3 C~hy 1.95.3 i~4?j~~il1R.~'ll'~T13I7i~'. ~'f.-kts Ghiaf cif Adzain~.str~.t~.on, Daput;~r D3.x~actor (Yl.s,ns) Gh~,ofx Coneraxl Serv?~.caez StJC~JFC~': RgQncy ReE;cz~.stions ~- G~~te~ary ~ Corrospardr~nae 25X1A Rf!;I~'FR ~'?IC~"5: (1) ,~;azno d~;d $ ~~.Ay 1.953 to the `~peci~.i Assist;~.ntp DD/A. frazn CrLE.Qfp Cc~nEarfL1_ "cervices; $ubjecta 91Re,~;~ulr.,tion 1 ~o:>respandence" C T.?~ Ro .~u"l.e,t~;t a para~;rECph 2 .~~?ncy klot~.ra 1. A rovie~ of t~zv fl:? or/;sn3.~ation of CAA indic~.tes that the Qf'FicQ of Cenora.l Serv~.c~as h~,s br~s~,c rcaspo>ss:ibil~. ty tar the pragrrsm. of raaords ru~r~.~;erlent itx the Agency includ3ng~ the developmrlnt o,nd ztza~.n-~ terzanQe of s. standard. ligency Qarrespondenca s,~sstozn, ~. To ful.,~~1.~, t~~i3 z~v 5ponsib~.l.ityg it wfl.l. obvious3y be nacasr~rary ,~,,, to ptzb~3sh ba ~~Aganc;,r ~~;ul.ationa and a Cc~rrespondazace I~andbvok~ It is also clear that ~s~te pr~.apaz.?~tt~.on of carz!?Q;~panr~enue 3s closely rel.a~tsd to the pr~apsruticr o.xzd farc~rr~xd:~ng a~' diepat~:hes to t~a~+ f~.c~ld (o, f~anct3.on of the Deputy D3,reator (F'lrzns) , 3. :~n of thew intQrrel.atianships~ it fs st~;fosted th~.t x-epre< santn.tives of rI/F2I/Da.~~3P end the G1'Sxca of Gc~naral Serv~.ces/DD.A be des~.~ x~ted to collaborate 3.n the planning of necessary T~iadr~uarters and I~"3.e1d Regule.t~.ono and in the inta~;ration of the zz2aterial. to ba drafted by each o# the interested parties. ~.. if tk;is ~.r~ ?~greeaUle, ~ waul.d like to az-rangQ rznd attQnd the ~.rr3tial canfc~renc4~s to ~.ssist 3.x~ the arrr~np;ament of zzzater3a.1. in a xr~,nnQr cans~.stent the concept of :~.e~ulations presently developed. peaia.. Aart .s? ~ t to the Deputy Director (Adm3.n., ) Enclosure .. 1 Reference (1) ec .~ Regulations Control Staff ~~~f~~'~ SA/DD~AsEDE:mes (~.$ May 53} s~~urity Information Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 ^7~~IrC ~ 1 Security Informa-ion 13 Mme' 1953 MG'~~tQ~ANDIJM I~t~R s Cb~.ef? Qe~uera3 St~.rvicae SUAJ~CTs Qax~rpspvndenav ~lytubr~lss 1. The ai,taohmd ~' conaarx~l.n~ ?the 9.r~clv~~.on in llgana~r Reg~tiane of ~ liet~,ng of cvrreapond?nce sysnbale $a fcu~rdad t'ar your inf'vrmstion. 2. ~ eacox~denc~s 'the 's~sri~a.I ~pprQVa]. of ~:hQ ]~.racta~ on 15 July 195 and 'Ehe ~ctuaeaond~a~.?n of DD/~' dmtad 9 Jar 1~3i it 3s au~gas~.ed t,~t a ~ot3~ 4f cux~arat oft"3.or~ symbols ba xn~ipar~d for incl.ueiom l,n tfu3 Agency Carreopondenc~a ~ndb~aok. p#oia~3. Aea3e'F~xnt to the ~aputy Dire~etox (~.dn;~.a. } Atfi~.c'.~mente e 1. s~erio dtd 9 fur: 53 to Ca~e~'~ ~ & Any fram CAO/DD/P; Subjects "Proposed Cl~nge in Des~.~one of .~ganc~r Camponent,~n ~. i~i~no dtd ~ J'an 52 to CA,O/DD/2~~ from Chie~`,~ C~ ~ NC; Subjects 'tP`rop?a?d Change 3n d?eigi~,tion~ of Agej~c~- Ccunpouents. 3? DDfE~ Pdot;~tee X40.0 C~asnera3.~ datod 2~ ~tovaaaber 52. 4. h~rw dtd 15 J`+xly 5~ to Chf,ef ~ 0 & M, frost ~IDD/A~ Sub~aat s ?~Prapased Ch~.nge its Des3gnc~t5~?~ of Agerac:y Componente~' 5 ? 1~-o cltd 3~ one 5~~ to ADllrA i"saa Ch~~#'~, 0 ~ ~~ ;fib j~tt "Px'dpoeetl Chance i~+ Dae3.gnstions of Agency 6. M~ec~ d#d ~ Juan 5Z to Cbief, 0 & M~ ~'rc~n and 9qb jeot s "~'ropaasd Chnag+aa in Ida os Agoncy UPtlces"; with 5 attaah~sntsn 00 - DD,/~. ~ 25X1A S'~~ ~ cRT SA~DDA:~:mes (l3 MaY x.953 ) S~~RE~' Security tnformafio~ 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 SECRET Securily Information 8 May 193 ML~IORANDUM i+OR: Special Assistant, Deputy Director (Administra~~ion) SUBJECT: Regulation Numbe~- Correspondence 1. Reference is made to your memorandum dated !~ May, same subject, and our discussions of Friday, 8 May. 20 It is our understanding that you will arras ge the necessary meetings to clarify certain questions we have raised with respect to the responsibility for the development, and maintenance of a standard Agency correspondence sys temp Zhe first question to be clarified is where the basic responsibility lies for developing and maintaining regulation both in Headquarters and in the Field for the preparation and dispatch of pouch material. 3. We are now in the process of preparing a detailed outline of the topics we propose to present in the -correspondence. Chief, General Services 0 ice SECRET Securily Information Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 ~ M~yr 1953 ~l+iE~,Al9Dt3M FQlts Chiel~ 4aaersl 8ervicea S'CIBJEQT: Category ~ Gorrespoadenae RET+'ERENtlE t CIA I~otioe No. 25X1A 1. Category ~ae been established in the Agency system o# Regulatory ?ssuanaes far rCar~.??spandenoe". Th4 referenced a~otioe indicates that responsibil3.ty for the development and maintenance of a standard Agency carresponclenae mystem hae- been ae$3gned to the Reeord~a Services 1'~iivisioa, Qeneral Services OPfiae. It is assumed, therefore, that yc~ office will be responsible for the preparation of the Correspondence section of Agency Regu]-atione. 2, It is r?queated that your office prepare a detailed sub- aut:Line of the vr~ric~us topit~s you propose to prey?nt in the aeri?s togc3ther with estimated compl?tion dates for each section and the names of the individual who t~.ll specifically be e,ssigned to prepare the material. In this aonneotion, your attention is called to the probabl? n9ed for ono or morn covert r?gulat~i.ona on sub3ecte such as "Preparation and Fox~warc'13,r~ of I~J.spatahes to the ~`l.eld". 3. We believe this staff can be of assistance in organising y~aur material for meadmcum conformity the revised system of regulatory material being developed. 0peoial Aseisteaia to the Deputy Ddreator (~-dmia. ) ~~me? (4 Hey- 1953) ec - Regulations Control Staff a"? t~curity InformaPior"s Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9 30 A~r~,l 1959 2~?NA.l~1Uk! FC~t Ctrie~p G~n~r~l ~rvioea a^~~~`z ~`I~e1d I3S.s~,pt~tc~ic~ 1? In acoorcla..r~~ ~ az {6 ~ ~~ 5 a (5 ~ o~? ~ 1~~1,~ior~ o# ~aaraPbs OFfic~ of ~3cn~ral 3c ~~ is r?c~uc~t,~sc~ ~l:lara.~ ~,~w re~u:]..ra.~,on '~~:s ~'?~re~ a. eo`xs,~r?~ ~~.:,~_;snondenae ~` tv b~ falZoWad ~ pt.~ic ~7r ~ ~t~.on anc~.d 1r~clt;de d d~~~~~ch of~o:rr~spau$.. s~ern~e ~a ~'xcld ims~.~,~.n,~o~o a.nd s~ssi~ rc~~~on:~,~~~~1~~y far '~hQ pouCh of a~.uh aor~gpc~z~c~mc@. 1~. I~ ~.$ ~~ther rc~~artos~d ~i~h~.~: ~Iao drs~"~ b~ aub?1-.1a~d~ ~f~r wark~.n~ 1ev~~. eo~,laborr~~;, ~o L ~::r~.~~'~t?u~cn3~ Ra~,7.a~,.oras ~azai~ra~. 3~zE'f ~t~f I,rir~ctar a '~,'' 3 Juna~ 1953. ^~ c ~ ~si~t~~ ~a ~Y te ~+c~~ta~y ~r6e wc~r ~~..~~ ~ 5+~/'~.I~.s~R'P:me~ ~3~ ~trril 3953' ~ ~ ~a~.ons Ca~a~fi,roZ ~~ai'~' Security lnformativr~' 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :CIA-RDP81-007288000100150009-9