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25.1 Approved For : CI,RE0.81-0072,0200010004000,3 Approved For 200..3 CI,RE0.81-0072,0200010004000,3 .25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED C.I.G. 12 April 1946 STATE review(s) completed. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP PROPOSED SURVEY OF JOINT INTELLIGENCE STUDY PUBLISHING BOARD (J.I.S.P.B.) Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence 1. By memorandum of.12 March 1946 to the Director of Central Intelligence (Enclosure "B"), Mr. McCormack suggested that the Joint Intelligance Study Publishing Board be brought under the Director of Central Intelligence for policy supervision, and that the Central Intelligence Group undertake a study of the program of Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies with a view to making recommendations for the future planning and direction of the program. 2. Paragraph 3 of N.I.A. Directive No. 1 provides a procedure by which the necessary directive can be published and carrLed out by unanimous approval of the Director of Central Intellience and the Intelligence Advisory Board, without action by the National Intelligence Authority. 3. The J,I.S.P.B. is a subordinate agency of the Joint Intel- ligence Committee. In view of this and the fact that the members of J.I.C. and the Intelligence Advisory Board are identical, the accompanying proposed directive (Enclosure "A") is referred to the Intelligence Advisory Board for concurrence or comment. If all members of the Board concur in the draft without substantial change, a meeting will not be necessary. 4. It is recommended that Enclosure "A" be approved and that each member of the Intelligence Advisory Board arrange for necessary implementation by his Department. SIDNEY W. SOUERS, Director. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED ENCLOSURE "A" DRAFT O.I.G. DIRECTIVE NO, PROPOSED SURVEY OF JOINT INTELLIGENCE STUDY PUBLISHING BOARD (J.I.S.P.B.) Memorandum by the Director of Central Intellig2LE2L with the Unanimous Concurrence of the Intelligence Advisory Board 1. At the suggestion of the Special Assistant to the Secre- tary of State in charge of Research and Intelligence, and in conformity with paragraph 3-b of the President's letter of 22 January 1946, the Central Intelligence Group will conduct a survey of the work of the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board, in order to make recommendations for its most effective contribution to a coordinated program of intelligence related to the national security. 2. The purpose and scope of the survey will be: a. To study the organization and function of the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board in relation to the coor- dination of the intelligence program in order to determine whether any change in the supervision and control of the J.I.S.P.B. is advisable and, if so, how the interests of the Joint Chiefs of Staff may be properly safeguarded. b. To study the function of JANIS (Joint Army-Navy Intel- ligence Studies) and its relationship to the coordinated intelligence program in order to determine: (1) How the planning and production of ahms should be conducted to provide for the most effective contribution to the national intelligence mission, and (2) What Governmental agencies should participate in the preparation of JANIS. c. To make recommendations on a and b above. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 1:17 rT/P ",TED t 25Xy _ --------It A I sxi Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED 3. The Central Planning Staff, C.I.G., will conduct the sur- vey. It will be authorized to call for personnel indicated A.11 paragraph 4 below, for consultation and to give such oral or written reports as may be required for the purposes of th.i.s survey. It will also coordinate with the Secretary, Joint In- telligence Committee, as required. 4. Each member of the Intelligence Advisory Board will des- ignate a representative to arrange details with the Intelligence Branch, Central Planning Staff, including the designation of personnel authorized to give information for the purposes of this survey. The designation of appropriate contact personnel in other Federal agencies will be arranged for as necessary. 5. The Central Planning Staff will submit its findings, con- elusions and recommendations to the Director of Central Intel- ligence, who will then submit appropriate recommendations to the National Intelligence Authority, after concurrence or com- ment by the Intelligence Advisory Board. Approved RESTRITTED For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED ENCLOSURE "B" SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY JD' STATE WASHINGTON March 12, 1945 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: Subject: Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board. 1. Various problems in connection with the Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies were discussed at a recent meeting of the Joint Intelligence Committee. It was apparent that the Army and Navy intelligence organizations may not be in a position to meet the requirements of the Joint Staff Planners, because of limitations of personnel, and that it may become necessary to review those requirements in. the light of overall intelligence requirements, in order to determine priorities. 2. These and other considerations suggest that the various JANIS problems should be reviewed by the Central Intelligence Group. 3, As the participants in J.I.S.P.B. now include agencies other than the Armed Services, its activities appear to fall within the scope of the National Intelligence Authority, and it is believed that coordination of its work would be more effec- tive if performed under the auspices of the Director of Central Intelligence. It is therefore recommended that the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board be brought under the Director of Central Intelligence for policy supervision; that the Director of Cen- tral Intelligence designate a director of the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board; and that the Central Intelligence Group undertake a study of the future of JANIS, with a view to making recommendations to the Director of Central Intelligence or to the National Intelligence Authority, as may be appropriate, for a schedule of JANIS papers, a prospectus of their content, de- termination of what agencies shall participate in the preparation of such papers and allocation of responsibility to such agencies. 5. Attached for information of your Planning Staff Ls a memorandum prepared by Lieut. Edward L. Ullman, Executive Sec- retary of J.I,S.P.B., entitled "The Future of JANIS".* * Available for reference in C.I.G. RESTRICTED / /'ALFRED McCORMACK Alfred McCormack ed For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 - 4 - Enclosure "B" , TrrAwc. ? Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 St.6 23 April 1946 " JANIS PRIORITY LIST A. To 1 July 1946 -European USSR Central China Argentina B. To 1 January 1949 Caucasus Region, U5SR , Iceland Northern Canada C. To 1 July 1947 Trans Ural USSR 'Southern Canada dt Newfoundland Egypt D. To 1 January 1948 Soviet Central Asia Northeastern Siberia Continental United States / In addition, partial JANIS covering the following chapters have been requested: 1. Brief 2. Military Geography Coast and Landing Beaches 5. Climate & Weather 6. Ports and Shipping 7. Transportation 9. Resources & Trade (omit agriculture, food, electric power) 12. Lefenses 14. Air Facilities Thase should cover, at the rate of approximately 6 per year, the following areas: Libya Cyprus Newfoundland Greenland Bear and Jan Mayen Islands Spitsbergen Archipelago 'Anglo44yptian Sudan Iran Syria Palestine and Trans-Jordan Iraq Greece Chile Paraguay Uruguay Southern Brasil Northeast Brasil Central Brasil Steri Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 MEMORANI5OrrW?q6kM2tRPPAIWN:Igt.EPRWMATRUMNOMMOZWITORITY: Subject: C.T.G 1. The subject paper is a. Approved without change b. Approved, subject to the minor amendments set out below C. Disapproved. Request meeting of I.A.B. to consider paper 2. Suggestions or amendments * . 3. My representative, whose designation is reouested in paragraph 4 of Enclosure HA" to C.I.G. is: }- W oniP/aJ (Name) (Phone No.) Return to: Room 4254 New War Dept. Bldg. /7i ccAc_, (Signature) * inclusion of suggestions or amendments may require security classification of this paper. Approved For Release 2003/09/03: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A 25X1A MEMORAM/Ye516WRe4Sas8E2MPAR:,ctFIT64.7-9272181ffM:122Klek3AUTHORITY: Subject: C.I.G. 1. The subject paper is a. Approved without change X b. Approved, subject to the minor amendment's set out below c. Disapproved Request meeting of I.A.B. to consider paper 2. Suggestions or amendments * 3. My representative, whose designation is requested in paragraph 4 of Enclosure ',A" to C.I.G. is: Colonel S. P. Poole (Name) Chief, Topographic Branch. G-2 (Address) RE 6700 - 5509 (Phone No.) Return to: Room 4254 New War Dept. Bldg. (Date) * inclusion of suggestions or amendments may require security clasoification of this paper. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY, NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY: Subject: C.I.G. 1. The subject paper is a. Approved without change b. Approved, subject to the minor amendments set out below c. Disapproved. Request meeting of I.A.B. to consider paper 2. Suggestions or amendments * 3. My representative, whose designation is requested, in paragraph 4 of Enclosure "A" to C.I.G. is: Lieut. Col, W. J. Piper, Jr., USW (Name) Room 3825, Navy Department (Address) REpublie 7400 - Ext. 62809 (Phone No.) Rear AdmIlla pgare Return to: Room 4254 ? New War Dept. Bldg. 18 Ap(ril 46 (Date) * Inclusion of suggestions or amendments may require ? security classification of this paper. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 MEMORANDUM FOR ...HE SECRETARY, NATIONAL INT....,JLIGENOE AUTHORITY: Subject: O.I.G. 1. The subject paper is a. Approved without change b. Approved, subject to the minor amendments set out below C. Disapproved. Request meeting 3f I.A.B. to consider paper 2. Suggestions or amendments * 3. My representative, whose designation is requested in paragraph 4 of Enclosure HA" to C.I.G. is: Colonel James H. Walsh .(Name) Room 31J-1.11, The Pentagon (Address) Republic 6700 - Ex 2073 (Phone No.) Return to: Room 4254 New War Dept. Bldg. * Inclusion of suggestions or amendments may require security classification of this paper. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 ? / 12 April 1946 MEMORANDUM FOR THE INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD: Subject: C.I.G. 1. It is requested that the individual members of the Intelligence Advisory Board return the attached memorandum to the Secretary by 1630, Thursday, 18 April 1946 , after making appropriate entry in the space provided. JAMES S. LAY, JR. Secretary, N.I.A. MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY, NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY: 25X1A Subject: C.I.G. ? 1. The subject paper is a. Approved without change b. Approved, subject to the minor ? amendments set out below c. Disapproved. Request meeting 25X1A of I.A.B. to consider paper 2. Suggestions or amendments * 3. My representative, whose designation is requested in paragraph 4 of Enclosure "A" to C.I.G. is: (Name) (Address) (Phone No.) (Signature) Date) Return to: Room 4254 New War Dept. Bldg. * inclusion of suggestions or amendments may require security classification of this paper. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED C.I.G. 12 April 1946 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP PROPOSED SURVEY OF JOINT INTELLIGENCE STUDY PUBLISHING BOARD (J.I.S.P.B.) Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence 1. By memorandum of 12 March 1946 to the Director of Central Intelligence (Enclosure "B"), Mr. McCormack suggested that the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board be brought under the Director of Central Intelligence for policy supervision, and that the Central Intelligence Group undertake a study of the program of Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies with a view to making recommendations for the future planning and direction of the program. 2. Paragraph 3 of N.I.A. Directive No. 1 provides a procedure by which the necessary directive can be published and ca:orIed out by unanimous approval of the Director of Central Intellisence and the Intelligence Advisory Board, without action by the National Intelligence Authority: 3. The J.I.S.P.B. is a subordinate agency of the Joint Intel- ligence Committee. In view of this and the fact that the members of J.I.C. and the Intelligence Advisory Board are identical, the accompanying proposed directive (Enclosure "A?) is referred to the Intelligence Advisory Board for concurrence or comment. If all members of the Board concur in the draft without substantial change, a meeting will not be necessary. 4. It is recommended that Enclosure "A" be approved and that each member of the Intelligence Advisory Board arrange for necessary implementation by his Department. SIDNEY W. SOUERS, Director. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED ENCLOSURE "A" DRAFT C.I.G. DIRECTIVE NO. PROPOSED SURVEY OF JOINT INTELLIGENCE STUDY PUBLISHING BOARD (J.I.S.P.B.) Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence, with the Unanimous Concurrence of the Intelliaence Advisory Board 1. At the suggestion of the Special Assistant to the Secre- tary of State in charge of Research and Intelligence, and in conformity with paragraph 3-b of the President,s letter of 22 January 1946, the Central Intelligence Group will conduct a survey of the work of the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board, in order to make recommendations for its most effective contribution to a coordinated program of intelligence related to the national security. . The purpose and scope of the survey will be: a. To study the organization and function of the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board in relation to the coor- dination of the intelligence program in order to determine whether any change in the supervision and control of the J.I.S.P.B. is advisable and, if po? how the interests of the ,Joint Chiefs of Staff may be properly safeguarded. b. To study the function of JANIS (Joint Army-Navy Intel- ligence Studies) and its relationship to the coordinated intelligence program in order to determine: (1) How the planning and production of JANIS should be conducted to provide for the most effective contribution to the national intelligence mission, and (2) What Governmental agencies should participate in the preparation of JANIS. c. To make recommendations on a and b above. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED A '71' PY r-- 25X1A zaw 'no is or m.....mrs.re71.,,. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED 3. The Central Planning Staff, C.I.G., will conduct the sur- vey. It will be authorized to call for personnel indicated J.n paragraph 4 below, for consultation and to give such oral or written reports as may be required for the purposes of thi.s survey. It will also coordinate with the Secretary, Joint In- telligence Committee, as required. 4. Each member of the Intelligence Advisory Board will des- ignate a representative to arrange details with the Intelligence Branch, Central Planning Staff, including the designation of Personnel authorized to give information for the purposes of this survey. The designation of appropriate contact personnel in other Federal agencies will be arranged for as necessary. 5. The Central Planning Staff will submit its findings, con- clusions and recommendations to the Director of Central Intel- ligence, who will then submit appropriate recommendations to the National Intelligence Authority, after concurrence or coril- ment by the Intelligence Advisory Board. med For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED ,-771. 11A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED ENCLOSURE "B" SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE WASHINGTON March 12, 1943 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: Subject: Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board. 1. Various problems in connection with the Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies were discussed ata recent meeting of the Joint Intelligence Committee. It was apparent that the Army and Navy intelligence organizations may not be in a position to meet the requirements of the Joint Staff Planners, because of limitations of personnel, and that it may become necessary to review those requirements in the light of overall intelligence requirements, in order to determine priorities. 2. These and other considerations suggest that the various JANIS problems should be reviewed by the Central Intelligence Group. 3. As the participants in J.I.S.P.B. now include agencies other than the Armed Services, its activities appear to fall within the scope of the National Intelligence Authority, and it is believed that coordination of its work would be more effec- tive if performed under the auspices of the Director of Central Intelligence. 4. It is therefore recommended that the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board be brought under the Director of Central Intelligence for policy supervision; that the Director of Cen- tral Intelligence designate a director of the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board; and that the Central Intelligence Group undertake a study of the future of JANIS, with a view to making recommendations to the Director of Central Intelligence or to the National Intelligence Authority, as may be appropriate, for a schedule of JANIS papers, a prospectus of their content, de- termination of what agencies shall participate in the preparation of such papers and allocation of responsibility to such agencies.. 5. Atached for information of your, Planning Staff is a memorandum prepared by Lieut. Edward L. Ullman, Executive Sec- retary of entitled "The Future of JANIS".* * Available for reference in C.I.G. /s/ ALFRED McCORMACK Alfred McCormack d For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 - 4 - Enclosure IB" jEtTRIRED Approved For Release 2011.? . ....-_728R000100040007-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP NEW WAR DEPARTMENT BUILDING 2Ist and VIRGINIA AVENUE, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 11 April 1946 LMORANDUM FOR: Secretary, NIA SUBJECT: Proposed Survey-of Joint Intelligence Studies Publishing Board (JISPB) 1. I have reexamined my memorandum to Admiral Souers, above subject, dated 10 April, in the light of comments at the council meeting this morning. 2. I am not going to changeramemorandum of 10 April. 3. Comments on the draft directive are as follows: a. With regard to the last sentence of paragraph 3, the Joint Intelligence Staff is considered a proper staff contact for the Central Planning Staff for purposes of informal coordination with JIC. However, on reconsideration it has been decided that it mould be more appropriate to designate the Secretary, JIC, as the contact point. b. With regard to paragraph 4, the objection which the operating agencies have to furnishing lists can be easily eliminated by the second recommendation below. 4. It is recommended that the draft CIG Directive be amended as follows: a. Change the last sentence of paragraph 3 to read: "It will also coordinate with the Secretary, JIC, as required." b. In the third line of paragraph 4 delete the words "and to furnish the CIG a list" and substitute the wor "including the designation." aptain, USN Acting Chief, Central Planning Staff Distribution: Secretary, NIA (original) Policy and Review Intelligence File - Planning Directive File - Proposed Survey of Jitettertutudies Publishing Board Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1 25X1A Approved For Release 2Ap/31444,/e9, ter:i st?:/. ;' 0728R000100040007-3 10 April 1946 hilitioRAN.pug net Rear Admiral Z-cicinfiy Souerap USIM SUBJECT: Proposed Survey of Joint Intelligence Studies Publishing, Board (AISPB) 1. By memorandum of 12 Uarch 1946 to the Virector of Central intelligence, Mr. McCormack recommended that the Joint Intelligence Studies Publishing Board be brought under tho Director of Central intelligence for policy supervision and that certain other related actions be taken by the Central intelligence Group in connection with determining the future or the program of Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies. 2, The Planning Staff has prepared a draft of proposed action by C. 1.0., consisting of a memorandum from the Director of Central Intelligence to the mtmbers of the Advisory boards forwarding a draft directive making provision for the necessary survey. 3. Reference to the Advisory Board is considered desirable becauve of the interest of J.C.S. in RSPB. The members of the Advisory Board are identical with those of J.I.C. Coordination with J. I. S, in the course of the survey is provided for in paragraph 3 of the draft directive? 4. Action Recommended: That the memorandum and draft directive be approved and dispatched to the Advisory Board. 25X1A Acting Chief, 'Contra Planning Stuff vrirlp Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 ?ter? 1741,etirr Approved For Release 2003/ 000100040007-3 TO: Mr, Alfred McCormack ,Lt. Oencral Hoyt S. Vandenberg, USA Rear Admiral Thomas 13. Inglis, USN Brig, General George C. McDonald, UN, SUDJECT: Survey of Joint intalivnco StuCy Publishing Voard (JISPB) 1 ir memorandum of 12 garch 1146 to the Director of Central Kr. McCormack suggeste1 that the Joint intelligence Study .Publishing 12card be brouht under the Director of Central Intelligence for policy supervision, and that the Central intelli8ence Group under- ? take a study of the program of Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies with a view to making recutrmendations for tho future planning and direction of the program, 2, Paragraph 3 of t Directive No. 1 providos a procedure by which the neocnary directive can be published and carried out by unanimous approval of the Director of Central Letellionco 'and -the Intelligence Advisory Board, without action by the National intelligence Authority. A I 4 ? 4 4 4 I 4 4 14 3, The JISPB is ox agency or the JontAicf In view of this 4m4perem4band the fact ?that the members of JIG and the intelligence Advisory Board are identical, the accompanying proposed directive (Enclosure A) is referred tothe Intelligence Advisory Board for concurrence or comment. If all members of the Board. concur in the draft without substantial change, a meeting will not be necessary.. 4. It is recommended thee Enclosure A be approved and that each Member of the Advisory Board arrange for necessary implementation by his Department. SIDNETW? ZOLTERS Director Bnel Draft .of Directive RESTHMT7 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 Approved For Release 2C 3/09/03 : CR-LOT-Hi Dun COO' 4618040007-3 1q,IOLO3ifftF; "A" C.I.C. DrInCTIN- OURVIT oi 0.114T f'0131:131tING BOARD (JI13113) komorandum-b the Director of Central intellionce,with the unanimous concurrence of tho intellicente Advisor, Board 1. it the suggestion of the SpeJlial Assi:5tant to the Secretary of State in charge of Research and Intelligence and in Conformity with paragraph. 3b of the President's letter of 22 January 19461 the Central Intelligence Group will conduct ? a ourvoy of the Tiork of the Joint. Intelligence Study Publishing Board, in order to make recommendations for itu most effective contribution to a coordinated program of intelli- gende rA.atod to the. national socuriV. 2. The purpose and scope of the 4mivey will het a. To 5tud7 thc orvnnization and function of the joint intelli- gence Study Nblishing Board in mlation to the coolination of the intelligence program in order to determine vhether any change in the supervision and control of the JISPB is advisable and, if so, how the . ? irg04.444 e4-rew interests of the',chi4' may be properly safeguarddd. b. To stwAr.the function of JANIS (Joint Army-liavy Intelligence Studies) and its relationship to the coordinated intelligence program in order to determines (I) How the planning and production of JANIS should be conducted to provide for the most effective contribution to the national intelligence mission, and (2) What Governmental agencies should participate in the preparation of JANIS. C. To make recommendations on a and b above. 34 The Central Planning Staff, c.I.o.p.vilA conduct the survey. It will:be authorized to call for personnel indicated in paragraph 4 ESTIUCTED Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 Approved For Release 7 0728R000100040007-3 below, for consultation and to give such oral or written reportS as may b(21)0Eru red for the purposes of this survey. It 411 also coori- 1A4 j C0444-44.4.4.:7214. dinate ulthA Joint Intalimnce t*m.ef as required. A 4, Each moMber of the Intelligcnce Advisory Board rill dooignate a representative to vranle z:letle. with the intellicenoc kranch, Central Planning AaffiA of p,:2roonlel authorized to 'give information for the. purposes of this sUrvey. The designation of appropriate contact personnel in other 14;dera1 ajencies will be arranged for as necessary. 5. The Central P/anning Staff will submit its findings, conclusions and recommendations to the nirocterOf Central Intelligence, who will then submit appropriate rocommondations to the National Intelligence ituthority, after concurrmce or coment by the Intelligence Advisory Board. RFSTFITTED ? Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 TOP SEC SECRET No. Enclosure: CONF PEST CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP CENTRAL PLANNING STAFF ROUTING SLIP Date / 40, 41/ From: To: Planning Chief Deputy Policy So Rev. Inf. Intoll. Security Support Steno Secy, NM Reports Staff Adm, Officer 411??????????????????????? ......?????????.??????? ??????????????????=????? For: Note Note and. Return Inf orraat ion Recommend routing or reference Necessary Action Comment Recommendation Prepare. CIG Action Review Suspense File ? Dispatch File Deadline: fMrliciYarrto Dee.e.4./ 7,1 p ? -ILO V*7 TOP SEC SECRET CONF arniz'Al REST Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/03: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 TOP SECRET SECRET CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED CE GROUP -----T . FROM ' OFFICE TO 1 1 Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director, CIG Assistant to the Director Secretary, NIA' Chief of Operational Services Chief, Central Planning Staff Chief, Central Reports Staff Administrative Officer ACTION DIRECT REPLY RECOMMENDATION COYMENT . SIGNATURE FILE INFORMATION NOTE RETURN MAIL PREPARATION OF REPLY Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/09/Bgai M00100040007-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP WASHINGTON, D. C. 10 April 1946 MEMORANDUM FOR: Rear Admiral Sidney W. Souers, USNR SUBJECT: Proposed Survey of Joint Intelligence Studies Publishing Board (JISPD) 1. By memorandum of 12 March 1946 to the Director of Central Intelligence, Mr. McCormack recommended that the Joint intelligence Studies Publishing Board be brought under the Director of Central Intelligence for policy supervision and that certain other related actions be taken by the Central intelligence Group in connection with determining the future of the program of Joint Army?Navy Intelligence Studies. 2. The Planning Staff has prepared a draft of proposed action by C.I.G., consisting of a memorandum from the Director of Central Intelligence to the members of the Advisory Board, forwarding a draft directive making provision for the necessary survey. 3. Reference to the Advisory Board is considered desirable because of the interest of J.C.S. in JISPB. The members of the Advisory Board are identical with those of J.I.C. Coordination with J. I. S. in the course of the survey is provided for in paragraph 3 of the draft directive. 4. Action Recommended: That the memorandum and draft directive be approved and dispatched to the Advisory Board. Acting Chief, Central Planning Staff FIESTRICTE Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/0 100040007-3 TO: Mr. Alfred McCormack Lt. General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, USA Rear Admiral Thomas B. Inglis, USN Brig. General George C. McDonald, USA SUBJECT: Survey of Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board (JISPB) 1. By memorandum of 12 March 19116 to the Director of Central Intelligence, Mr. McCormack suggested that the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board be brought under the Director of Central Intelligence for policy supervision, and that the Central Intelligence Group under- take a study of the program of Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies with a view to making recommendations for the future planning and direction of the program. 2. Paragraph 3 of N.I.A. Directive No. 1 provides a procedure by which the necessary directive can be published and carried out by unanimous approval of the Director of Central. Intelligence and the Intelligence Advisory .Board, without action by the National Intelligence Authority. 3, The JISPB is an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the JIC therefore has a special interest in it. In view of this interest and the fact that the members of JIC and the Intelligence Advisory Board are identical, the accompanying proposed directive (Enclosure A) is referred to the Intelligence Advisory Board for concurrence or comment. If all members of the Board concur in the draft without substantial change, a meeting will not be necessary. 4. It is recommended that Enclosure A be approved and that each member of the Advisory Board arrange for necessary implementation by his Department. End: Draft of Directive SIDNEY W. SOUERS Director EST:NOTED Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 4, Approved For Release 2003 Si . DRAFT ENCLOSURE C.I.G. DIRECTIVE NO. R000100040007-3 SURVEY OF JOINT INTaLIGENCE STUDY PUBLISHING BOARD (JISPB) Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence with the unanimous concurrence of the Intelligence Advisory Board .777,1707" 1. At the suggestion of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State in charge of Research and Intelligence and in conformity with paragraph 3b of the President's letter of 22 January 1946, the Central Intelligence Group will conduct a survey of the work of the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board, in order to make recommendations for its most effective contribution to a coordinated program of intelli- gence related to the national security. 2. The purpose and scope of the survey will be: a. To study the organization and function of the Joint Intelli- gence Study Publishing Board in relation to the coordination of the intelligence program in order to determine whether any change in the supervision and control of the JISPB is advisable and, if so, how the interests of the JCS may be properly safeguarded. b. To study the function of?JANIS (Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies) and its relationship to the coordinated intelligence program in order to determine: (1) How the planning and production of JANIS should be conducted to provide for the most effective contribution to the national intelligence .mission, and (2) What Governmental agencies should participate in the preparation of JANIS. c. To make recommendations on a and b above _ _ 3. The Central. Planning Staff, C.I.G., will conduct the survey.. It will be authorized to call for personnel indicated in paragraph 4 IIESTRiCTED Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 7,1 7 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA7RDP.8J-DSITTA8R000100040007-3 RESTRIC lc - 2 - below, for consultation and to give such oral or written reports as may be required for the purposes of this survey. It will also coor- dinate with Joint Intelligence Staff as required. 4. Each member of the Intelligence Advisory Board will designate a representative to arrange details with the Intelligence Branch, Central Planning Staff, and to furnish the C.I.G. a list of personnel authorized to give information for the purposes of this survey. The designation of appropriate contact personnel in other Federal agencies will be arranged for as necessary. 5. The Central Planning Staff will submit its findings, conclusions and recommendations to the Director of Central Intelligence, who will then submit appropriate recommendations to the National Intelligence Authority, after concurrence or comment by the Intelligence Advisory Board. RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED C.I.G. 11 April 1946 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP ,6,0 PROPOSED SURVEY OF JOINT INTELLIGENCE PUBLISHING BOARD (.1444a) Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence ineommumepsisiimmeimmesimmemput 1. By memorandum of 12 March 1946 to the Director of Central Intel- ligence (Enclosure "B"), Mr. McCormack suggested that the Joint Intelli- gence Study Publishing Board be brought under the Director of Central In- telligence for policy supervision, and that the Central Intelligence Group undertake a study of the program of Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Studies with a view to making recommendations for the future planning and direc- tion of the program. 2. Paragraph 3 of N.I.A. Directive No. 1 provides a procedure by which the necessary directive can be published and carried out by unani- mous approval of the Director of Central Intelligence and the Intelligence Advisory Board, without action by the National Intelligence Authority, 3. The .1"JM is a subordinate agency of the Joint Intelligence Committee. In view of this and the fact that the members of W.and the Intelligence Advisory Board are identical, the accompanying proposed directive (Enclosure "A") is referred to the Intelligence Advisory Board for concurrence or comment. If all members of the Board concur in the draft without substantial change, a meeting will not be necessary. 4. It is recommended that Enclosure "A" be approved and that each member of the Intelligence Advisory Board arrange for necessary implemen- tation by his Department. SIDNEY W. SOUERS Directors Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 ? CIA.z.BDP.84.047,48R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED ENCLOSURE "A" C.I.G. DIRECTIVE NO. PROPOSED SURVEY OF JOINT INTELLIGENCE STUDY PUBLISHING BOARD CJISPB) Ir Om.. Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence, with the Unanimous Concurrence of the Intelligence Advisory Board 1111111111111111111111ONNININI 1. At the suggestion of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State in charge of Research and Intelligence, and in conformity with par- agraph 3-b of the President's letter of 22 January 1946, the Central In- telligence Group will conduct a survey of the work of the Joint Intelli- gence Study Publishing Board in order to make recommendations for its most effective contribution to a coordinated program of intelligence re- lated to the national security. (0: 2. The purpoise and scope of the survey will be: a. To study the organization and function of the Joint Intel- ligence Study Publishing Board in relation to the coordination of the intelligence program in order to determine whether any change in the supervision and control of the Wpiis advisable and, if so, how the interests of the Joint Chiefs of Staff may be properly safeguarded. b. To study the function of JANIS (Joint Ary-Navy Intelli- gence Studies) and its relationship to the coordinated intelligence pro- gram in order to determine: (1) How the planning and production of JANIS should be conducted to provide for the most effective contribution to the national intelligence mission, and (2) What Governmental agencies should participate in the preparation of JANIS. c. To make recommendations on a and b above. 3. The Central Planning Staff, C.I.G., will conduct the survey. It will be authorized to call for personnel indicated in paragraph 4 below, for consultation and to give such oral or written reports as may be required for the purposes of this survey. It will also coordinate with the Secretary, Joint Intelligence Committee, as required. REST &Bed For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 Enclosure Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED 4. Each member of the Intelligence Advisory Board will designate a representative to arrange details with the Intelligence Branch, Central Planning Staff, including the designation of personnel authorized to give information for the purposes of this survey. The designation of appropri- ate contact personnel in other Federal agencies will be arranged for as necessary. 5. The Central Planning Staff will submit its findings, conclusions and recommendations to the Director of Central Intelligence who will then submit appropriate recommeniations to the National Intelligence Authority, after concurrence or comment by the Intelligence Advisory Board. , 25X1A REST oved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R00010004000Zz3 Ao A Enclosure AA Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 RESTRICTED 25X1A ENCLOSURE "B" S PR/AL tiiSS 1.14 Air 70 700 S ee. re E ";44M e F arArre witsiw fsimpki arch 12, 1946 AdIEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: Subject: Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board. `ill. Various problems in connection with the Joint Army-Navy Intel- ligence Studies were discussed at a recent meeting of the Joint Intelli- gence Committee. It was apparent that the Army and Navy intelligence organizations may not be in a position to meet the requirements of the Joint Staff Planners, because of limitations of personnel, and that it may become necessary to review those requirements in the light of over- all intelligence requirements, in order to determine priorities. dOC. These and other considerations suggest that the various JANIS problems should be reviewed by the Central Intelligence Group. *. As the participants in ,IIwk now include agencies other than the Armed Services, its activities appear to fall within the scope of the National Intelligence Authority, and it is believed that coordina- tion of its work would be more effective if .performed under the aus- pices of the Director of Central Intelligence. It is therefore recommended that the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board be brought under the Director of Central Intelligence for policy supervision; that the Director of Central Intelligence desig- nate a director of the Joint Intelligence Study Publishing Board; and that the Central Intelligence Group undertake a study of the future of JANIS, with a view to making recommendations to the Director of Central Intelligence or to the National Intelligence Authority, as may be appro- priate, for a schedule of JANIS papers, a prospectus of their content, determination of what agencies shall participate in the preparation of such papers and allocation of responsibility to such agencies. 110;. Attached for information of your Planning Staff is a memoran- dum prepared by Lieut. Edward L. Ullman, Executive Secretary of ,IIpg,Pc, entitled "The Future of JANISII. * 40#1014(FRED McCORMACK Alfred McCormack0011' ? * Available for reference in C.I.G. RESTRI proved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100040007-3 C.I.G. Enclosure 4111 410 1E14