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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Washington, D. O.
SUBJECT: Vouohered Petty Cash Procedure - Continental United States.
\ ift k
144Qtiteber 1949
Unnumbered memorandum, dated 20 December 1944 from Budget
and Finance Branch oovering "Vouohered Petty Cash Pro.
_ 4 ,
4-AA, yieref.t4i z, ?tei.t
?(1.( it 1;1,7
General Regulatjon-1 issued by the General Aeoeuntiing Offioe on
2 May 1945, relating to pe1ty purchases, authorizes cash payments for
official pety-purOhases. T ? Regulation appears to be sUffioiently clear
so that it-need not be suppleniented by additional detailedinforniation with
respect to the oontents thereofihowevei, from an Agenoy vierpoint, it is
ArOissary to prescribe oertain prooeptiral requireiients.
1 Author i zati On
. Expenditure by direct purchase shall be .made -under-the-kegulation.
only in oase of an emergency or when it is not feasibl.e? to effect procure-
ment through normal ohannels. Ne advanoe of petty cash funds will be made
to field offioesriaoh purchases must be financed from personal funds.
2. Desipation
The Chief orAkititeadiet't of each field office concerned shall
designate, in writing, one employee of his OlTioe to make petty purohases,
ihould the need arise. ? Onlr-one---empioye?-may-be-authorized-to-oarry-out
thia-runotionr-howeverr? a-ohange- -in -de signatiiiii' May -be-made- Whiff thir Chief
or_Aeting., Chief of, the field-offioe- deems-it-neoessarr. The designation
shall be prepared in triplioateirlLsigned copy should-be attached to the
first original youoher and memorandum copy thOreof submitted under suck
TgirgnatiOn, -the-remaining-oopy-to-be-retained
3 Preparation and Transmittal of Vouohers
The original voucher signed by the payee (with signature of Chief
or listing Chief of the field office in the opus marked "Immediate Super=
?rising Offioial") and memorandum copy thereof shall be forwarded witk, prop-
er attaohmentsithrough ohannele, to the Fiscal Division) for payment?atIthe,
---:alosurrot-the-minth-to-whioh-it-appliest The voucher should show the Payee' s
addriss as, "200 Central Building, 2430 E. Street,/ N.W., Washington 25,
D. C ? " CLO C. - tk?t, r? ? (4., 4. it - LC_
c4o 6)14 w,at4 A:4,4 ,/
, /
.1. 6.ka.(41
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4411111111.1110111114 RP osti., -MU 011111
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4., Regulations and Restrictions
maximum amount of $20.00 per transaction shall not be 6u:iodide
and the total monthly expenditure5shall not exceed $75.00. Bhould-an
-t.legrae-requestingAnetruotions-should-be direotedT through-headquarters-Ate
Ighw Services Divisionwhioh is authorized to approve exceptions to the limi-
tation, ?tA41.441 v;1, ,
it ./? yierY /
d?. ?
4,The Federal Supply SOhedule Index lista restrictions that exist in
connection with Federal procurement. Partioular attention is invited to the
Page 7 - Past Offioe Department - Envelopes
Page 7 7 Federal Prisons Induetrios, Inc.
Page 8 7 Government Printing Offioe
Page 107 Purchases of Blind Made Products
Page 22.. Source of Supply Symbols
Page 23- Index to Government Sources of Supply
AsAiwiLmwteit4-purohaiesrunder_the-petty-oash-propedure-shall- be
Regional-. Supply Centeri-Burea0-OrFederil-SUPpii-ind/or'the-ServiOWDivision,
Washingtoni-Di-CEven though an emergency does exist, items such as the
following Mated by normal souroi Of supply) cannot be prooured under the
petty Oish Procedure unless a:waiver is seoured in advance through the Serv-
ioes Division,Alit, or the Regional Supply tenter, Bureau of Federal Supp1y)0,\
for itemz/normally supplied through that Agency:
Government Printing Office
Standard forms, bound books, pressboard notebtoks,
stenographers notebooks, blank books, ruled cards,
stock tablets, blank paper, blotting paper, card-
board, newSboard, blue and all types of inks.
Blind MadeiProduots
Corn broom*, chair pads, rubberized fabric mats,
pillowoaseil, towels, mops and mop handles.
C.0(. Federal Prison Industries
Brooms (other than corn), brushes, canvas goods,
casting's, Wood specialties (suoh as desk trays),
gloves, wood block type mats, metal speoialties
and laundry service.
Bureau of,Federal Supply
Eleotrio lamps (bulbs), vacuum cleaners and repair
parts, offset duplicating supplies, paper drinking
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : ClAkEpfl#M0128R000100010050-8
oups and dispensers, machine tools, small machines
and aoccsaeries and parts, some periodicals and
lawbeoks, v-belting, floor oeverings, purohase and
rental of miorophotegraphio equipment, spark plugs,
heavy duty electric storage batteries, tires and
tubes, tire chains, gas and eil, fuel oil and kero-.
sone, filing equipment, storage and transfer eases,
erasers, copy holders, indexes, typewriter parts and
household and quarters furniture.
Pest Offioe Department (Sohedule 5)
Printed and plain envelopes.
5. Examples of items and/or services which are obtainable under the
petty cash procedure:
a. Payment of rental of Post Offioe BOZOS.
b. Payment in connection with unpacking, unorating and
local transportation of supplies and equipment received
in field offices.
o. Changing of combinations and repair of safes.
d. Screwdrivers, screws, string, wrapping paper, etc.,
under *1.00.
Mimeographing, photestating and duplioating servioes
in oases ef emergeney or where seourity is involved.
f. Electric cords, seokel.s, cash boxes, office signs.
g. Maps, directories, newspapers periedioals, special
h. Camera repairs and official photo supplies and film.
Keys and looks.
j. Stenographic services when properly justified.
k. Rental of safety deposit boxes (when approved by
the Physical Security Division, I&S)
1. Rental of conferenee room when properly justified.
n. Official rubber stamps.
a. Repairs to offiee maehines (except typewriters) and
eleotrieal equipment, etc. (when a showing is made
that the free servioe period has expired).
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
6. Allotments
c,Itt -1,4 64)
If there4xlits a need for establishing a petty sash purohase
preeedureo supply the Budget Btaff,arsugh
irisoatkly requirements, in order that
appropriate allotments and ebligatiens of funds maysbe established.
Director of Central Intelligence
Deputy Director
Management Officer
Budget Officer
Personnel Director
Chief, COPS
General Counsel, Legal Staff
Chief, Inspection and Security Staff
Chief, Administrative Staff
Chief, Fiscal Division
Chief, Services Division
Assistant Director, 00
Chief, Contact Division
Total Run ?100
Captain, USN
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 8
- 6
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : dA=160817-67278R000100010050-8
SUBJECT: Vouchered Petty 'Cash Procedure - Continental U. S.
RECIgSIMIL Unnumbered memorandum dated 20 December 1948 from Budget
and Finance Branch covering "Vouchered Petty Cash Procedure"
kaawt, / IL/
General Regulation 103, issued by the General Accounting Office on
2 May 1945 relating to petty purchases, authorizes cash payments for
official petty purchases. The Regulation appears to be sufficiently clear
so that it need not be supplemented by additional detailed information with
respect to the co tents thereof; however, from an Agoncy viewpoint, it i
necessary to prescribe certain procedural requirements.
1. Authorization
Expenditure by direct purchase shall be made under the xegulation
only in case of an emergency or when it is not feasible to effect procure-
ment through normal channels. No advance of petty cash funds will be made
to field offices, such purchases must be financed from personal funds.
2. Designation
The Chief, or Acting Chief of each field office concerned shall
designate, in writing, one employee of his office to make petty purchases,
should the need arise. Only one employee maybe authorized to carry out
this function; however, a change in designation may be made when the
Chief, or Acting Chief of the Field office deans it necessary. The
designation shall be prepared in triplicate; a signed copy should be
attached to the first original voucher and memorandum copy thereof
E&v. w
submitted under suchlAsigiNtion, the remaining copy to be retainedoia---
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2 -
3. Preparation & Transmittal of Vouchers
The original voucher Signed by the payee (with signatre of
Chief or Acting Chief of the Field office in the space marked 'Immediate
Supervising Official") and memorandum copy thereof shad. bp forwarded
with Proper attachmentsA to the libmigewt=e/444144for payment at the close of
the month to which it applies. The voucher should show the Payee's
address as: "200 Central Bldg., 2430 E. St. NOT., Washington 25, D.C."
4. Regulations & Restrictions
A maximum amount of Wftee?per transaction shall not be exceeded,
007 Should an
and the total monthly expenditure shall not exceed
emergency arise where an expenditure in excess of becomes necessary,
and other approved local procurement channels cannot be used, a teletype
or telegra4 requesting instructions should be directed through headquarterd
to the-Supply Division of the Servi000 Office which is authorized to approve
exceptions to the limitation.
The Federal Supply Schedule Index lists restrictions that exist
in connection with Federal procurement. Particular attention is invited
to the following:
Page 7 - Post Office Department - Envelopes
Page 7 - Federal Prisons Industries, Inc.
Page 8 - Government Printing Office
Page 10- Purchases of Blind Made Products
Page 22- Source of Supply Symbols
Page 23- Index to Government Sources of Supply
As indicated, purchases under the petty cash procedure shall be
made only in case of an emergency or when it is not feasible to secure
the desired item or Service through requisition to the local PBA office,
I %-f
the Regional Supply'Centbr ireau of Federal Supply and/or the Services
r?r swr 9,7
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RagadaW10010050-8
. 3
'Office, Washington, D. C. Even though an emergency does exist items such
as the following (listed by normal source of supply) cannot be procured
under the petty cash procedure unless a waiver is secured in advance
through the Services CIA or the Regional Supply Center, Bureau of
Federal Supply for items normally supplied through that Agency:
(a) Government Printing Office
Standard forms, bound books, pressboard notebooks, stenog-
raphers' notebooks, blank books, ruled cards, stock tablets,
blank paper, blotting paper, cardboard, nemsboard, blue and
all types of inks.
(b) Blind Made Products
Corn brooms, chair pads, rubberized fabric mats, pillowcases,
towels, mops and mop handles.
(c) Federal Prison Industries
Brooms (other than corn) brushes, camas goods, castings,
wood specialties (such as desk trays), gloves, wood block
type mats, metal specialties and laundry service.
(d) Bureau of Federal Supply
Electric lamps (bulbs), vacuum cleaners and repair parts,
offset duplicating supplies, paper drinking cups and
dispensers, machine tools, small machines and accessories
and parts, some periodicals and lawbooks, v-belting, floor
coverings, purchase and rental of microphotographic equip-
ment, spark plugs, heavy duty electric storage batteries,
tire ' -ftes4ire chains, gas and oil fuel oil and
kerosene, filing equipment, storage and transfer cases,
erasers, copy liolders, indexes,?typewriter parts and
household and quarteEs,Nr4Iurett
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : cbortepsobc2I
4 ?
) Post Office Dept. (Schedule 5
Printed and plain envelopes.
5. Examples of items and/Or services which are obtainable undor the
petty cash procedure
1. Payment of rental of Post Office Boxes.
2. Payment in connection with unpacking, uncrating and local
transportation of supplies and equipment received in Field
3. Changing of combinations and repair of safes.
4. Screwdrivers, screws, string, wrapping paper, etc., under
5. Mimeographing, photostating and duplicating services
in cases of emergency or where security is involved.
6. Electric cords, sockets, cash boxes, office signs.
7. Maps, directories, newspaper, periodicals, special
8. Camera repairs and official photo supplies and film.
9. Keys and locks.
10. Stenographic services when properly justified.
11. Rental of safety deposit boxes. (when approved by the
Physical Security Division, I&S)
12. Rental of conferonce room when properly justified.
13. Official rubber stamps.
14. Repairs to office machines (except typewriters) and
electrical equipment, etc. (when a shoving is made
that the-Irder8ervi9e period has expired)
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-FRESTR/Ki?000010050-8
5 -
If there exists a need for establishing a petty cash purchase
4 /4
procedure, the Field office concerned will supplyr the Budget
through applipriate channels, an estimate of monthly requirements in
order that appropriate allotments and obligations of funds may be
Captain, USN
a, 44.6lie'el 7S"
''ao :?;reA4-t- ,aja41%-/o
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
c .1
s?,..,e )
Approved Fr Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
STANDAIlD ronm No, 84
Management Officer
Deputy Budget Officer
Revision of vouchered petty cash procedure
DATE: 5 October 1949
1. There is attached a revision of the unnumbered memorandum
dated 20 December 1948 which proposes certain changes in the
vouchered petty cash procedure and integrates the Instruction in
the regular number of Administrative Instruction series of the
2. It will be noted that concurrence has been obtained from
the Contact Branch, Fiscal Division and the Services Officer.
A copy of the memorandum of 23 September 1949 from the Services
Officer is attached.
3. It will be appreciated if you will take the necessary action
to issue the Instruction in the appropriate series of numbers at
your earliest convenience.
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.provelqr Release 2001/08/ 2 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Budget Officer
Services Officer
DATE: 23 September 1949
SUBJECT: Attached Proposed Revision of Vouchered Petty Cash Procedure
Continental U. S.
1. It is recommended that the limitation on petty cash pur-
chases be increased for each purchase from $10.00 to either $15.00 or,
$20.00 and that total expenditure for any one month not exceed $75.00.
s suggested due to the fact that previous requests received from,
offices for petty each purchases amounted to approximately $15.00,,
r less, and it is felt that the cost involved in cabling and
forwarding telegrams can be saved by this slight increase in monetary
2. It
cured through
action taken b
be cleared thr
is suggested that the items listed which can be prod.
eau of Federal Supply be deleted and that any
personnel with respect to purchases of such items
e Bureau of Federal Supply. A statement to that
effect can be incorporated in said procedure.
Approved. For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
1 9 4 5
General Regulations No. 103
General Accounting Office
Office of the Comptroller General
of the United States
Washington 25, D. C., May 2, 1945.
1. In order to provide a uniform and economical method Of ef-
fecting payment for authorized petty purchases made by Federal of-
ficial:4 and employees dilly authorized to make such purchases for
official purposes, and to reduce the number of separate vouchers
now being prepared covering such purchases, the following procedure
and standard forms are hereby prescribed for general use throughout
the Government service:
Standard Form No. 1129 - Voucher For Petty Purchases
? (Original, printed on white
paper - size gi by 11
Standard Form No. 1129a - Same as above
(Memorandum copy, printed
on yellow paper).
? Standard Form No. 1129b - Voucher For Potty Purchases -
Continuation Sheet
(Original, printed on
white paper)
Standard Form No. 1129c - Same as above
(Memorandum copy, printed
on yellow paper)
2. The columnar headings of the forms have been so arranged as
to permit their use when foreign currency is involved, and when so
used the value of the purchases may be shown in United States dollars
in the aggregate for all purchases made at the same conversion rate,
thus making unnecessary the showing of the exchange rate for each pur-
chase. ,
3. All petty expenditures by an employee authorized to incur
such expenditures shall be listed on the reverse of the Standard Form
No. 11?9, and the continuation sheet if necessary. Each item listed
should be supported by an original bill or invoice of the dealer, or
by receipt on.Standard Form No...1012d4levised. Receipt For Cash-!Stib-
voucher, when cash purchases are for $1 or more (and lesser amounts
if receipts are convenient to secure)., or other form of payment
evidence. Receipts shall be consecutively numbered ap subvouchers,
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4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
2 -
and securely attnched at the specified place in the upper left corner
of the voucher form. When the required receipted bills or invoices
(subvouchers) are not attached, a statement of the circumstances which
rendered their procurement impracticable should be made on the voucher.
4. The original of the vouchAy, supported by receipts where ap-
plicable, shall be certified by the said employee to whom payment is
to be made and by the authorized certifying officer. If proper, such
vouchers will be transmitted to the disbursing officer and included
in his accounts.
5. All departments and establishments for which special forms
were prescribed by this office for use in connection with petty pur-
chases shall continue to use such forms until the present supply is
exhausted, provided, that after receipt of these regulations the fol-
lowing administrative certificate of approval shall be written, typed,
or otherwise placed on the face of each voucher submitted for payment:
"Pursuant to authority vested in me, I certify that
the account is correct and proper for payment."
6. In the interest of economy, the continuation Sheets of the
special forms now in stock for use in connection with petty purchases
Should be used in conjunction with the new standard voucher form until
the supply of such old forms also is exhausted.
7. Upon receipt of these regulations each department and estab-
lishment is requested to make requisition at once upon the Public
Printer for a supply of standard forms herein approved which it is
estimated will be required for its service. In so doing, it is under-
stood and agreed by said departments and establishments that they
thereby consent to the plan of combining all the requisitions submit-
ted and printing the total thereof in one edition to be delivered to
the respective departments and establishments, or placed in stock at
the Government Printing Office, subject to their order, or partly
delivered and partly placed in stock, as the case may be, and that
they authorize the Public Printer to prorate the cost of printing
and to render bill against each department and establishment for its
proportionate share on the' basis of the number of forms ordered by
Comptroller General
of the United States
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d, Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
? 11.
2 November 1949
Vauchered Petty Cash Procedure - Continental United States
General RegulatiOn'1161 General Accounting Office, 2 Flay 1945.
Unnumbered memorandum, dated 20 December 7.9480 from Budget
and Finance Branch covering "Vouchered Petty Cash Procedure".
Expenditure by direct purchase,shall bp made only in case Of
an emergency or Olen it is. not fea6.ib1e :to effec:b..pi-ocurement through
normal channels.. No advance of petty cash Punds)7ill be made to
offices. Such purchab6s,uUst be financedfrOrersonal funds.
.2. Desianation
The Chief of each
office concerned shall, desirnpte, in
vriting, one employee of his office to maka petkLpurchases, should the
need arise. The desicnation shall be prepared in y.iplicate and a signed
copy attached to the first originarvducher and memorandum cony thereof
submitted under such designation.i
3. Preparation and Transmittal of Volichers...
Theoriginal.voupheilt by the payee .(with signature of
Chief :or Acting Chief'of,'the face in the space marked "Immediate
Supervising Official") and memorandum copy thereof shall be for.
1-2ith proper attachments, through channels, to the Fiscal Division, Admin-
istrative Staff, for payment. The voucher should shov the payee's
address as: 11200 Central Building,. 2430 E- Stet N. 7;1 rashington
25, 1).M' All petty cash vouchers shall be processed for payment at
the close of the month dliring vhich'subMitted.
4. Regulations and Restrictions
a.' A' maximum amount of 20.00 Per transaction shall not be
exceeded, and the total monthly expenditures shall not exceed
75.00. The SOryices Division, Adirlinistrative Staff, is authorized
, to approve exceptions to the limitation, upon receipt, through
of a properly supported request.
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
- ,
b. The Federal Supply. Schedule'lIndex lists restrictions that
exist in connection with Federal procurement.. Particular attention
invited to the following:
Page 7 - Post Office Department - Envelopes
Page 7 - Federal Prisons Industries, Inc.
Page 8 - Government Printing Office ? ,
Page 10 - Purchases of Blind Hade Products :
Page 22 - Source of Supply Symbols
Page 23 Index to Government Sources of Supply
c. Even though an emergency does exist, items such as the ?
following (listedyrormal source of supply) cannot be procured
under the petty cash procedure unless a waiver is secured in advance
through the Services Division Administrative Staff or the Regional
Supply Center. Bureau of Federal Sup ly for items normally supplied
throutY,h that Agena:
(1) Government Printing Office
Standard forms, bound books, pressboard notebooks,
stenographers' notebooks, blank books, ruled card,
stock tablets, blank paper, blotting paper, card-
board, newsboard, blue and all types of inks.
(2) Blind Made Products
. ?
Corn brooms, chair pads, rubberized fabric mats,
pillowcases, towels, mops and mop handles.
(3) Federal Prison Industries
Drooras (other than corn), brushes, canvas goods,
castings, wood specialties (such as desk brays),
gloves, wood block type mats, metal specialties.
and laundry service.
( ) Bureau of Federal f.L.psly
? ?
Electric lamps (bulbs), vacuum cleaners and repair
parts, offset duplicating supplies, paper drinking
cups and dispensers, machine tools,'small'machines
and accessories and parts, some periodicals and
?? .lawbooks, v-belting, floor coverings, purchase and
. 'rental of microphotographic equipment, spark plugs,
- heavy duty electric storage batteries, 'tires and
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
? Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP8f-00728R000100010050-8
.R E'8' fRIC TED
tubes, tire chains, gasand,oil?uel oil and kerb-
sene).41ingequipMent,:jt*ge and transfer cases,
eraSersOPYhP1d6s1. indexes;Ytnoev,riter ;parte and
household anfl quarters furx4ture.
) Post ?fade' Department ($chodule..5)
Printed aria plain envelopes.
5. Examples of items and/or services which are obtainable under
Payment. of. rental of Post Office Boxes.
? b, Payment in connection with unpacking, uncrating and
local 'transportation of supplies and equipment reb,eived
in field offices.
c, Changing of combinations and repair of safes.
d, Screwdrivers, screws, string, wrapping paper, etc .1
under :1.00,
e. flimeographing, photostating and duplicating sbrvices
in cases of emergency.. or where security is involved: ?
f. Electric cords, sockets, cash boxes, office Signs.
g. lisps, directories, newspapers, periodicals special
. Camera repairs and official photo supplies and film.
i. Keys and locks.
j. Stenographic services when properly justified.
k. Rental of safety deposit boxes (when approved by the
Physical Security Division, '&3).
1. Rental of conference room when properly justified.
m. Official rubber stamps.
n. Repairs to office machines (except typewriters) and
electrical equipment, etc. (when a showing is made
that the free service period has expired).
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Approved For Release 2001108/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
If there exists a 11O.edfor Ostablishinga.petty cash purchase
procedure, the Assistant Director fol4_0peratiOs. will supply the Budget
Staff, an estimate of monthly. requirements, by office, in order STATINTI,
that appropriate al1otmentaandobligations of,funds-may be, established.
Director of Central Intelligence
Deputy Director
NanageMent Officer
Budget Officer
Personnel Director
Chief, COPS ?.
General Counsel, Legal Staff
Chief, Inspection and Security Staff - 7
Chief, Administrative Staff. - 1
Chief, Fiscal Division 8
Chief, Services Division - 6
Assistant Director, 00 - 1
ap ain, USN
Chief Contact Division
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 20
I s; I
II ;'111 III
(Formerly General Schedule of Supplies)
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Information relating to Government sources of supply:
Bureau of Federal Supply Schedule (formerly Procurement Division General
Schedule of Supplies):
General conditions 1
Performance and default of contractor 3
Placing orders with contractors 4
Bureau of Federal Supply Consolidated Purchasing Programs 4
Bureau of Federal Supply stock:
Information and instructions for ordering items 4
Circular letter B-18 (revised), reimbursements to the General Supply Fund?
field offices_ . 5
Post Office Department 7
Federal Prison Industries Inc., Department of Justice 7
Government Printing Office:
Instructions for purchasing 8
Form R-2390, Order for Standard Forms or Supplies 8
Standard Form No. 1, Printing and Binding Requisition 9
Committee on Purchases of Blind-Made Products 10
District of Columbia Government Industrial Products 11
War Assets Administration, Regulation 2 12
Information and suggestions relating to inspecting and testing 17
Standardization of purchase order forms:
Procurement Division circular letter 722 17
Purchase order form 19
Numbers and titles of classes for storage and issue represented in the index 20
Source of supply symbols 22
Index to Government sources of supply 23
NOTE.?Before ordering, or purchasing any articles or supplies from any of the above sources,
reference should be made to the applicable schedule, catalog, or list, which may be obtained
from the source of supply at the address indicated on page 23.
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
(Revised January 1, 1947)
Relating to Contracts Included in the Federal Supply Schedule (formerly General Schedule of Supplies)
1. BID OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE. Bids are solicited
on the basis that acceptance of the offer to furnish any or all
of the articles or services described therein shall constitute a
contract between the bidder and the United States Government
which will bind the bidder to furnish and deliver the articles
or services for which his offer is accepted.
2. BID GUARANTY NOT REQUIRED. Guaranty in sup-
port of bids will not be required.
3. SCOPE OF CONTRACT. Supplies will be ordered from
time to time in such quantities as may be needed. As it is
impossible to determine the precise quantities of different
kinds of articles and materials described in the Specifications
and Proposals for Supplies that will be required during the
contract term, each bidder whose bid is accepted will be obligated
to deliver all supplies of the kind contracted for, that may be
ordered during the contract term. The statements as to
money .value of previously reported annual purchases are given
for information only, and will not relieve the agencies and
activities (as noted in the specifications) of the .United States
and District of Columbia Governments, for the use of which
the contract is made, of the obligation to order from the con-
tractor all articles or Services covered by the contract that may,
in the judgment of the ordering officers be needed; and shall
not relieve the contractor of his obligation to fill all such orders'.
.name of a manufacturer' or of any .special brand or make, in
describing any item contained in the Specifications and Pro-
posals for Supplies, does not restrict bidders to that manufacture
or specific article, this means being used simply to indicate the
character or quality of the article desired; but the goods on
'Which proposals are submitted must be equal to those referred to.
On items for which there are definite specifications the insertion
of brand names will be understood to mean that the bid is for
furnishing the particular brand instead Of the material specified.
Such bids will not be considered unless accompanied by it
statement that the material Proposed to be furnished complies
with the specifications. Sainples must be furnished as required
in the accompanying specifications, and listed in duplicate,
on forms enclosed herewith, one copy to be retained by the
bidder, the other to be packed with the samples. Samples
accompanying. an accepted proposal will be retained by the
Bureau of Federal Supply during the life. of the contract. The
right is reserved to retain, for the ptirpos6 of testing, any samples
submitted with proposals, and no .allowance will be made for
such samples. Each .sample must be plainly marked with the
complete letter and number of the item or subitem to which it
relates, together with the name of the bidder. Should samples
for more than one Class of supplies be packed in a single case
or package, each class of samples must be Placed in a separate
compartment, or Wrapped together and distinctly marked with
the proper class number. , Cases or packages containing samples
must be plainly marked "Samples," with the name of the
bidder on the upper left-hand corner and addressed and forwarded
to the Bureau of Federal Supply. All charges fer transporta-
tion of. samples, including cartage, must be prepaid by the
bidder, and none will be received unless all charges thereen
? have been prepaid. Bids will be rejected unless samples
required in connection' .therewith are delivered 'to the Bureau
of Federal Supply prior to the time , set for opening of bids.
Proposals must not be enclosed with samples.
Copies of the Federal or Procurement Division specifications
*referred to herein are obtainable upon application to the Bureau
, of Federal Supply.. ? ? ,
5. UNIT. 'The unit. inserted 'oppOsite, each item indicates
the smallest , quantity Which a contractor will be required to
deliver upon a single order, except in cases where a minimum
order is stated. All weights are, understood to be net unless
otherwise stated. ?
6. DELIVERY.' Prices bid must cover delivery to the
ordering office in Washington, D. C., and contiguous area, as
provided below:
(A) Deliveries in the District of Columbia must be made,
at the expense of the contractor, within the doors of ? the
storeroom ("storeroom" is understood to mean that room
on the entrance floor of the building in Which supplies can be
deposited) designated in the order. Deliveries in Prince
Georges and Montgomery Counties in Maryland, and the
city of Alexandria and Arlington and Fairfax Counties . in
Virginia, shall be made at the contractor's expense as follows:
(1) Delivery to the door of the specified Government
activity by LOL freight or express, on articles for which
free store-door delivery is provided by regularly published
tariffs On file with the Interstate Commerce Commission
or State regulatory body; or, at the discretion of the con-
tractor, by parcel post on mailable articles, or by delivery
in the contractor's vehicles.
(2) Delivery to the freight station nearest destination
When. delivery is not covered under subparagraph (A) (1)
above. ? ? . ?
(13) Where field services ARE specifically covered by
advertisements and Proposals for the various classes of supplies,
contractors are obligated to honor all orders for such field
services for conveyance to destinations under the following
conditions, .,unless otherwise provided in the specifications:
(1) On shipments Weighing' less than 100 pounds 'where
transportation charges are not greater than to Washing-
ton, D. C., the contractor 110.11 pay transportation charges.
No freight adjustments are required.
? (2) On all shipments other than specified in subparagraph
(B) (1) above, the contractor shall deduct from his invoice
the transportation charges from his shipping point to
ashington,' D. C., plus transportation tax, if any, and
add the actual cost of transportation to destinations des-
ignated by ordering offices, plus transportation tax, if
any. Transportation charges will in all cases be .based
upon the .lowest ? regularly established, rates on file with
the Interstate . Commerce Commission, the United States
Maritime .Commission, or any State regulatory body,
Or' Published by the Post 'Office Department, and . must
be supported by paid , freight or express receipt ? Or by 4
statement of parcel post charges, including weight . of .the
shipment. ? ?
(3) Subparagraphs (B) (1) and (B) (2) aboVe, will not
apply when the contractor stipulates that. his Washington
delivered price is also applicable for .free. delivery to any
point within the continental limits Of the United States,
nor will they apply When the contractor Stipulates a price
f. o. b. factory in addition to the required delivered price
to Washington, D. C.
. (4) The contractor's shipping point for the pUrPose of
computing transportation charges will be the Shipping
point named in his bid. ? In the event alternate shipping
points are named by the' contractor , without qualification
as to destination areas to be served by each, freight charges
to Washington, D. C., to ? be deducted from .invoices' and
freight 'charges to destinations designated by Ordering
offices to be added to invoices will be computed from the
: shipping points involving the lowest transportation .charges
to Washington, D. ? C., and to designated destinations,
respectively. ?
(C) Where field services ARE NOT -specificpAly ..covered
by. advertisements and Proposals for the various. classifications
'of supplies, contractors may honor orders from the field services
. on' the same basis as where field services are specifically
covered. The contractor agrees that in the event such an order
is. not acceptable, he will return it to the ordering office within
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CHRP81-00728R000100010050-8
10 slays after receipt, and that failure to so return the order
will constitute acceptance thereof, whereupon all provisions
of the contract shall apply with respect to such order to the
same extent as though received from a field service specifically
covered by the contract.
7. TIME OF DELIVERY. The supplies described in the
Federal Supply Schedule shall be delivered within the time
sla led opposite each item or subilem in the !tempted proposals.
When no time of delivery is stated by the bidder, it Is under-
stood and agreed that deliveries are to be made within 10 days
after receipt of order.
8. PACKING. For demerit lc pa eking, unless otherwise
provided In the specifications, articles shall be delivered in
suitable trade packages' which shall remain the property of the
ordering office. When it Is provided that containers are to be
returned, it is understood that it shall be at the risk and expense
of the contracter.
Where export packing or other special packing is not otherwise
specifically provided for, such packing May be provided for
in orders for any article, any additional cost thereof to be payable
to the contractor. If the contractor, and the ordering aciivitv
cannot agree upon the adjustment to be made, the dispute shall
be determined in accordance with Article 12 of U. S. Standard
Form No. 32, Revised,
9. FORMAL CONTRACT. There shall be a formal contract.,
signed by each bidder whose proposal is accepted, and by the
contracting officer on behalf of the United States of America
and the Government of the District of Columbia, which formal
contract is to be considered as additional and further evidence
of the agreement made by the acceptance of the proposal.
Such formal contract shall be executed and returned by the
contractor within 10 days after receipt thereof. .
10. PATENTS. The contractor shall hold and save the
Government, its officers, agents, servants, and employees
harmless from liability of any nature or kind, including costs
and expenses for or on account of any patented or unpatented
invention, aikido, or appliance manufactured or used in the
performance of the contract, including their use by the Govern-
11. ROYALTIES ON PATENTS. The contractor shall
promptly furnish the Government with a statement showing
amounts charged in the contract price for royalties on patents
and listing all persons, partnerships, or corporations to whom
payments have been or will be made by the contractor or any
of its subcontractors (so far as contractor has belief or informa-
tion) as royalties in connection with the performance of this
contract. Such statement shall include addresses of such
.payees, amounts paid or payable to each, and shall give in reason-
able detail other pertinent facts in explanation of such charges
or payments including copies of agreements (if available to
contractor) under which such royalties are charged, paid, or
'Ile contractor shall incorporate in subcontracts in connection
with the performance of this contract the above paragraph
after inserting therein for the word "contractor" suitable words
to indicate the "subcontractor."
12. PRICE REDUCTIONS. It is understood and agreed
that the ordering office shall receive the benefit of any reduction
made to the general public on patented articles which are
covered in this proposal at regular commercial prices. Prompt
notice of such reduction Must be furnished.
13: CATALOG REQUIREMENT. When a bid is based on
the prices contained in a catalog or price list, three copies must
be forwarded with the proposal, and each must be clearly marked
to indicate the item numbers and pages bid upon. Reference
to a catalog or price list submitted with a previous year's proposal
will not be accepted. In case an award is made on an item for
which a catalog or price list is submitted, 200 copies, unless a
larger number of copies is specifically requested, identical in
every particular with those accompanying proposal, will be
:required immediately upon notice of award. It is understood
and agreed that, provided the bidder [contractor] fails to comply
with the requirements of this paragraph within 15 days, the same
may, be printed by the Government at the bidder's [contractor's]
expense. If terms of Sale appearing in any catalog or price list
on which a bid is based are in conflict with the terms of these
Specifications and Proposals for Supplies, the latter shall govern.
14. DISCOUNTS. When discounts are quoted, only a single
or flat rate will be considered; for example, instead of 50, 10, and
5 percent, the discount should be stated as 57% percent. Unless
otherwise stated, discounts apply on quantities of one subitem
or equivalent..
15. METHOD OF AWARD. The right is reserved to make
one award on each subitem or item, or on a group of subitems or
items, as may be in the best interests of the Government. Where
samples are required, the price and quality of maniple will be
takell into consideration in making award,
statement of any person shall In! allowed in any nutinier or degree,
to modify or otherwise affect, the tori ns of these conditions, the
s; ill catio ns, or the con (ricets,
bidders shall ii ot uSe 11\1411118 Its it hits is for adverliming.
18. TRANSMITTAL OF PROPOSAL. Proposals, afI or being
I repared and signed in accordalice with conditions herein given,
shall he placed In the special envelope provided, which shall be
properly sealed, marked on the upper left-hand corner with the
name and address of the bidder and class number, and sent by
mail, postage prepaid, or delivered personally, to the Treasury
Department, Bureau of Federal Supply, Seventh and D Streets
SW., Washington, D. C. As openings commence at 10 a. in.,
proposals, to receive consideration, must reach the Bureau not
later than that hour on the date of opening. An addressed en-
velope, which should he used for mailing, is enclosed herewith.
19. DOMESTIC ORIGIN. Unless otherwise specified by the
bidder, it is understood and agreed that only such umnanufac-
tured articles, materials, and supplies as have been mined or
produced in the United States, and only such manufactured
articles, materials, and supplies as have been manufactured in the
United States substantially all from articles, materials, or sup-
plies mined, produced, or manufactured, as the case may be, in
the United States shall be delivered pursuant to a contract
awarded as a result of this bid.
20. PRICES INCLUSIVE OF TAX. Prices bid herein include
any Federal tax heretofore imposed by the Congress which is
applicable to the material on this bid. If any sales tax, process-
ing tax, adjustment charge, or other taxes or charges are imposed
or changed by the Congress after the date set for the opening of
this bid, and made applicable directly upon the production, man-
ufacture, or sale of the supplies covered by this bid, and are paid
by the contractor on the articles or supplies herein contracted for,
then the prices named in this bid will be increased or decreased
accordingly, and any amount due the contractor as a result of
such change will be charged to the Government and entered on
vouchers (or invoices) as separate items.
21. BID REJECTIONS; DEFAULT. The right is reserved to
the contracting officer to reject any and all bids, to waive tech-
nical defects, and to accept or reject any part of any ty'd, if, in his
judgment, the interests of the Government shall req Are it; also
the right to declare any contractor in default if, in his opinion,
there has been at an time a failure to perform faithfully any of
the contract stipulations, or in case of a willful attempt to impose
upon the Government articles inferior to those required by the
contract; and any action taken by the contracting officer, in pur-
suance of this latter stipulation shall not affect or impair any
right or claim of the United States. to damages for breach of any
of the covenants of the contract by the contractor. It is under-
stood and agreed that when a contractor has been declared in
default by the contracting officer, thereafter during the remainder
of the contract period the several executive departments and
other establishments of the Government of the United States
may purchase the articles covered by the contract of the default-
ing contractor without furnishing said defaulting contractor
orders therefor, and that any excess in cost over the original
contract price shall be charged to said defaulting contractor and
his sureties.
22. INSPECTION AND TEST. Supplies shall be subject to
inspection in accordance with the provisions of article 4 of the
standard Government form of contract (U. S. Standard Form
No. 32, Revised), which reads as follows:
"ARTICLE 4. Inspection.?(a) All material and workmanship
shall he subject to inspection and test at all times and places and,
when practicable, during manufacture. In case any articles are
found to be defective in material or workmanship, or otherwise
not _in conformity with the specification requirements, the Gov-
ernment shall have the right to reject such articles, or require
their correction. Rejected articles and/or articles requiring
correction, shall be removed by and at the expense of the con-
tractor promptly after notice so to do. If the contractor fails
to promptly remove such articles and to proceed promptly with
the replacement and/or correction thereof, the Government may,
by contract or otherwise, replace and/or correct such articles
and charge to the contractor the excess cost occasioned the Gov-
ernment thereby, or the Government may terminate the right
of the contractor to proceed as provided in Article 5 (or in the
article entitled "Delays?Liquidated Damages," quoted in
paragraph 5 of the Directions, if it is substituted for Article 5)
of this contract, the contractor and surety being liable for any
damage to the same extent as provided in said Article 5 (or in
said substitute article) for terminations thereunder.
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP811-0R8R000100010050-8
'(b) If inspection and test, whether preliminary or final, is
made on the .preinises of the contractor .or subcontractor, the
contractor shall furnish, without additional charge, all reasonable
. facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient inspections
and tests required by the inspectors in the performance of their
duty. All inspections and tests by the COVC1111110111, shall be?
performed in such a manner as not to unduly delay the work.
Special and performance tests shall be as described in the spec!,
fictitious. ? The Government reserves the right to' charge to the
Contractor ? any additional cost of inspection and test when
articles are not ready at the time inspection Is requested by the
? con tractor. ?
"(c) Final inspection and acceptance of materials and finished
articles will be made after delivery, unless otherwise stated. If
final inspection is made at a point other than the premises of the
contractor or a subcontractor, it shall be at the expense of the
Government except for. the value of samples used In case of re-
jection. Final inspection shall be conclusive except as regards
latent defeets, fraud, or such gross mistakes as amount to fraud.
Final. Inspection and acceptance or rejection of the materials or
supplies shall be made as promptly as practicable, but failure to
inspect and?accept or reject materials or supplies shell not impose
liability on the Government for such materials or supplies as are
not in accordance: with the specifications. In the event public
necessity requires the use of materials or supplies not conforming
to the specifications, payment therefor shall be made at a.proper
reduction in. price."
contract awarded. pursuant to this proposal ?will, under the pro-
visions Of the Valsh-llealey Act, Public Act No, 840, 74th
Congress, as amended, ? be .subject to the representations and
stipulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor under the Act.
Copies of these representations and stipulations may be obtained
from the Bureau of Federal Supply or the Secretary of Labor,
24. ANTIDISCRIMINATION. The contractor' In perform-
ing the work required by this contract, shall not discriminate
against any employee or applicant for employment because of
race, creed, color, or national origin. The contractor shall in-
clude In all subcontracts a provision imposing a like obligation
on subcontractors.
25. ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS. ? In order to prevent con-
fusion and.delays in .thaking payment, no claim or claims for all
moneys due or to become due under this. contract shall be as-
signed by. the contractor; but it Shall be permissible for the con-
tractor to assign separately to a bank, trust company, or other
financing institution, including any Federal lending agency, in
accordance with the provisions of time Assignment of Claims Act
of 1040 (Public Act No, 811, 76th Congress), all moneys clue or
to become due under any particular purchase order amounting to
$1,000 or more, issued by any department or establishment
under the contract: Any such assignment shall be effective only
if ?and when the assignee thereof shall file written notice of the
assignment together with a trim copy of the instrument of as-
sigmnent with the officer issuing such purchase order, in addition
to complying with the filing requirements set. forth in paragraph.
4 of the proviso in said Act.
Relating to Contracts Included in the Federal Supply Schedule (formerly General Schedule of Supplies)
The following instructions and stiggestions are intended to
insure uniformity in the enforcement of the performance pro-
visions of Federal Supply Schedule contracts, and supersede
instructions contained in Treasury Department circulars No. 46,
March 13, 1917, and No. 3, March 29, 1930, revoked May 5,
1945, by the attached circulars:
I. RESPONSIBILITIES. While the Bureau of Federal Supply
awards and exercises general supervision over the contracts, it is
the responsibility of the departments and establishments whose
requirements are included in the contracts to place orders with
contractors, make payments and, in the first instance, determine
whether performance meets the contract terms. Silbject to
the provisions of the contracts and the conditions hereinafter
stated, ordering offices are accordingly free to deal directly with
contractors concerning compliance of performance with the
contract terms and may accept or reject supplies, make price
adjustments for defective supplies or seek replacements ter-
minate purchase orders, purchase from other sources and Charge
the contractor with any resulting excess costs.
2. DEFECTIVE SUPPLIES. Ordering offices may reject
defective supplies and seek replacements, or, in the event of
public necessity, may use the supplies and pay therefor at a
proper reduction in price, or may terminate the right of the
contractor to proceed further under the purchase order and place
the contractor in default, purchasing the supplies elsewhere
against his account.
3. DELAYS. Where the contractor fails to perform within
the time required, ordering offices may grant an extension of
time or terminate the right of the contractor to proceed further
under the purchase order' place the contractor in default, and
purchase elsewhere against his account. Should the contractor
file a notice that the delay in performance was due to an excusable
cause preventing assessment of excess costs under the provisions
of the contract, it should be promptly forwarded for considera-
tion to the Purchase Branch, Bureau of Federal Supply, Wash-
ington 25, D. C. In the absence of a ruling by the contracting
officer of the Bureau of Federal Supply, the Secretary of the
Treasury, on appeal, or their authorized representatives, pur-
suant to such notice that the delay is excusable, the ordering
office is free to charge against the coLtractor any excess costs
resulting from the default. When the n-alering office is aware
that such a notice has been filed, it may decide to postpone the
assessment of excess costs until a ruling is made in order to avoid
unnecessary accounting actions.
4. DISPUTES.. All disputes concerning questions of fact
arising under the contract which cannot satisfactorily be settled
between the ordering office and the contractor shall be deter-
mined by the contracting officer of the Branch of Federal Supply,
the Secretary of the Treasury, on appeal, or their authorized
5. DEFAULT?ORDERING OFFICE. Before placing a con-
tractor in default, it is suggested that ordering offices notify the
contractor in writing, in the purchase order or otherwise, that
Unless satisfactory performance occurs by a specified date) which
should allow a reasonable time for performance, his right to
proceed further under the purchase order will be considered
terminated and he will be held liable for any excess costs result-
ing from purchasing the supplies or services elsewhere. Where
excess costs are anticipated, the ordering office may likewise
decide to withhold sufficient funds duo the contractor as offset
security. Ordering offices shall endeavor to minimize excess
costs to be charged against the contractor and to collect, by
check or setoff, excess costs owed. Such collected funds are
usually for deposit into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
ing offices are notified by the Bureau of Federal Supply that it has
placed the contractor in default, ordering offices shall thereafter
refuse to accept further performance by the contractor or place
further purchase orders with him. Ordering offices shall there-
after purchase against the account of the contractor from replac-
ing Contractors designated by the Bureau of Federal: Supply or
in such other manner as directed by the Bureau of Federal Supply.
7. REPORTS. Ordering offices shall report to the Purchase
Branch; Bureau of Federal Supply, Washington 25, D. C., the
details concerning all material instances of .unsatisfactory 'per-
formance by contractors, whether or not properly adjusted and
settled. Ordering offices shall also report, as may be directed
by the Bureau of Federal Supply, all purchases made against. the
account of a contractor placed in default by the Bureau of Federal
JANUARY 1 1947.
Director, Bureau of Federal Supply.
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIPADEPx81-00728R000100010050-8
When a required commodity is listed In the Federal Supply
Schedule, the purchase order should be sent direct to the con-
tractor. The article description, the name and address of the
contractor, the contract number, and the special contract terms
are shown' in the Schedule. If a standard purchase order form
has been adopted by your agency (see Procurement Division
Circular Letter 722), that form should be used.
Before issuing an order to a Federal Supply Schedule contrac-
tor, it Is well to review the applicability of the Schedule to your
agency. This information appears on the first inside page of
each chedule.
In transcribing the commodity description to the purchase
Order, It Is not usually necessary to repeat every word as it
appears in the Schedule. In most cases it is sufficient to show
the item numb,er, a brief description to enable the contractor to
identify the commodity, and the prices and discount terms.
The Bureau of Federal Supply is authorized by law (41 Stat.
1341) to obtain estimates of the requirements of other agencies
of the Governinent for commonly used supplies, and to purchase
such requirements on a consolidated basis. These activities
are known as "consolidated purchasing programs." 'Details of
these consolidated ? purchasing programs, and the manner of
participation therein by the agencies_, ? aro stated from time to
time in circular letters issued by the Bureau of Federal Supply.
These circular letters and the classes of ? commodities affected
by each, are listed below. These commodities are also included
in this index under the source-of-supply symbol "IL"
? Circular Letter 480 of June 26, 1941; Supplement 1 of
? October 23, 1041; Supplement 2 of October 30, 1942; and
Supplement ' 3 of May 7, 1943.-Standard motor vehicle
identification tags and shields for Government-owned vehicles.
Circular Letter 13-19 of February 15, 1945.-Paper and
Circular Letter 13-20, Revised, of August 8, 1940.-Now
motor-propelled vehicles.
Circular Lotter 13-29 of November 30, 1945.-New electric
Circular Letter B-30 of November 30, 1945.-New domestic
mechanical refrigerators.
Circular Letter 13-43 of August 15, 1940, and Supplement 1
of October 3, 1940.-New household and quarters furniture.
1. Supply Centers of the Bureau of Federal Supply are
located at Now York, Washington, D. C., Cleveland, Chicago,
Atlanta Fort Worth, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco,
and Seattle. Branch Supply Centers are located in Boston and
Los Angeles. The service area map in the Stock Catalog shows
each area which generally can be served by freight more quickly
or more economically from the Supply Centers located within the
area than from any of the other Bureau of Federal Supply
Centers. The areas delineated also apply in general to parcel
post shipments, although the parcel post zoning system makes
It possible to deliver material to a consignee from more than
one Supply Center for the same delivery charge.
2. An agency may choose the Supply Center to which it will
submit its requisitions and need not follow the service area map,
which is presented principally as assistance to requisitioning
agencies. Requisitions will be filled by the Supply Center receiv-
ing them, regardless of the location of the consignee.
3. Each Supply Center stocks and issues supplies in common
or frequent use by Federal agencies located within its service
area. Because of varying demands of the Federal agencies in
the different service areas, all items are not carried in all Supply
4. A national catalog listing all the items carried in stock in
all Supply Centers has been issued. The catalog also shows
each stock number, description, and approximate price.
Changes and/or corrections to the catalog will be Covered by
catalog supplements. Prices quoted in a price list are f. o. b.
the Supply Center and are given for encumbrance purposes
only as they are subject to change without notice. Each Sup-
ply Center periodically issues price lists applicable to its own
5. As stated in Procurement Division 2 circular letter B-28
of November. 28, 1945, Supply. Centers of the Bureau of Federal
Supply distribute the available Federal surplus of items listed in
their stock catalog and supplements pursuant to the provisions
of War Assets Administration Regulation No. 2 (see pp. 12-16).
Compliance by an agency with the Surplus Property lid of 1944
is automatically accomplished-through the submission of requisi-
tions for these items to the nearest Supply Center. Unless the
agency requisition bears instructions to the contrary, it will be
filled, first, from new or unused surplus if available; second, from
used surplus if available; and third, from regular stock.
I Effective January 1, 1947, all references to the "Procurement Division" shall be
deemed to refer to the "Bureau of Federal Supply".
6. (a) There is given below the address to which requests
may be sent for copies of the catalog and for price lists of each
Supply Center of the Bureau of Federal Supply.
Supply Center: Addreas
Atlanta 44 Broad Street NW., Atlanta 3, Ga.
Chicago 226 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago
6, Ill.
Fourth Floor, 626 Huron Road, Cleve-
land 15, Ohio.
1621 Eighteenth Street, Denver 2,
903 Texas and Pacific Building, Fort
Worth 1, Tex.
819 East Ninteenth 'Street, Kansas
City 8, Mo.
50 Church Street, New York 7, N. Y.
15th Floor, Empire Building, 100
McAllister Street, San Francisco 2,
Room 300, O'Shea Building, 1524 Fifth
Avenue, Seattle 1, Wash.
Room 4130, Seventh and D Streets
SW., Washington 25, D. C.
55 Tremont Street, Boston 8, Mass.
Post Office Box 667, Wilmington, Calif.
(b) Page 1 of the catalog covers "Information and Guide to
the Use of the Catalog." Following the guide will permit each ?
Supply Center to furnish the best .service to ordering offices.
For convenience, instructions covering the preparation and sub-
mission of requisitions or orders for stock are given below.
(1) Pending an agency's adoption of an approved standard
purchase order?form as provided for in Procurement Division 2
circular letter No. 722 'dated May 29, 1943 (see pp. 17-18),
agencies ordering stock may , continue. to .use whatever supply
there is on hand of procurement Division requisition Form No.
7, Revised (Requisition for Procurement Division Stock), or
their own requisition forms. Additional copies of Procurement
Division requisition Form No. 7, Revised, Are no longer avail-
able from 'the Bureau of Federal Supply.
(2) Requisitions or orders are to be submitted in duplicate,
one copy of which will be used by the Supply Center as a pack-
ing slip and sent with the shipment to the consignee.
Fort Worth
Kansas City
New York_
San Francisco
? Ses4
Ti 01! .ion, D. C__
Branch Supply Center:
Los Angels '
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-pilMaR000100010050-8
(3) Each requisition or order must include the following
essential information:
(aa) The complete title and General Accounting Office
symbol numbers of appropriations to be charged.
(This should not be confused with agency symbol,
cost accounting, or budget objective classification
numbers, etc.).
(bb) The signature of an authorized ?nicer of the requi-
sitioning agency.
(cc) Explicit shipping instructions to assure delivery to
the proper destination. Shipment will be made by
the most economical mode of transportation unless
otherwise requested by the ordering office. If mail-
ing address of consignee is other than freight or ex-
press address shown on the requisition, please 'show
? mailing address to which bills of lading, notices cor-
respondence, etc., should be sent. This can be ac-
? complished by adding "Notify at
(Insert post office address)
(4) Do not forward Government bills of lading with requi-
sitions as the Bureau of Federal Supply will issue its own bills
of lading chargeable to the appropriation shown on the requi-
sition on the assumption that all costs are payable therefrom.
Whore transportation costs are chargeable to separate appro-
priations, the requisition must so indicate. .
(5) Prepare a separate requisition for each destination to
which you wish the Bureau of Federal Supply to ship supplies.
(6) In the preparation of requistions for stock items, always
use the exact stock numbers and then use sufficient portions
of the article descriptions to adequately identify the items.
This will avoid errors duo to discrepancies and ambiguities.
(7) List items in numerical and alphabetical order, with
double spacing between items.
(8) Give special attention to the listing on the requisition
of the "units" and the "number of units" wanted. The num-
ber of units ordered multiplied by the unit of issue should
equal the quantity of merchandise actually desired, for ex-
ample: Number
Quantity desired, 100 cards: of units Unite
? Correct entry 1 C
Wrong entry 100 C
Quantity desired, 12 pencils:
Correct entry 1 dozen
Wrong entry 12 dozen
In filling requisitions, slight changes in quantities ordered
may be made by the Supply Center to permit deliveries in
original containers unless the requisition specifically restricts
the quantities to be furnished.
(9) Show on the face of each requisition sent to a Supply
Center whichever one of the following instructions is appro-
Bill by 991 voucher to (name and address of field fiscal office)
Bill by transfer and counter warrant
The field fiscal office designated as to be billed by the 991
series of vouchers must be the one which certifies and actually
processes them for payment. For an explanation of the 991
voucher and transfer and counter warrant methods of billing,
refer to Bureau of Federal Supply circular letter B-18, sup-
plement 4, of September 20, 1945, a copy of which is shown
(10) Requisitions or orders for items carried in stock of a
Supply Center and correspondence pertaining to orders or
shipments are to be sent to the following address of each of
the specified centers:
Address to which requisitions and correspondence
ore to be sent
Supply Center:
New York 641 Washington Street, New York
14, N. Y.
Washington, D.C_ Stock Control Section, Room 4130,
Seventh and D Streets SW., Wash-
ington 25, D. C.
Cleveland Fourth Floor, 626 Huron Road,
Cleveland 15, Ohio.
Chicago 1750 Wrightwood Avenue, Chicago
14, Ill.
Atlanta Building B-3, Bell Bomber Plant,?
Post Office Box 354, Marietta, Ga.
Fort Worth 515 Pecan Street, Fort Worth 2, Tex.
Kansas City 819 East Nineteenth Street, Kansas
City 8, Mo.
Address to which requisitions and correspondence
Supply Center?Continued.are to be sent
Denver 1621 Eighteenth Street, Denver 2,
San Francisco 650 Fifth Street, San Francisco 7,
Seattle 240C0alliiinurth Avenue South, Seattle 4,
Branch Supply Center:
Boston 12 Farnsworth Street, Boston 10,
Los Angeles Post Office Box 007, Wilmington, Calif.
7. Perishable Items listed under class 56 of the catalogs
should be ordered 30 days in advance of requirements for use.
8. Articles ordered from a Supply Center but not available at
the time the requisition is filled will be back-ordered or canceled,
and information to that effect will be promptly furnished the
ordering agency either by notice on the packing slip which
accompanies items shipped or by other mailed notice. Every
effort 18 made by the Supply Center to maintain adequate stocks
of all items, but if back-ordering is necessary, the articles will be
furnished at the earliest possible date.
9. To aid the requisitioning office in checking material received
from a Supply Center, a packing slip will accompany each ship-
ment and the carton, box, or package containing the packing
slip will be identified by appropriate marking.
10. No return receipt is required by the Bureau of Federal
Supply for stock delivered from a Supply Center,
11. In cases where the requisitioning office desires to return
material ordered in error or for any other reason, return authori-
zation and shipping instructions must be requested and received
from the Supply Center involved prior to the return of the. mer-
To: Heads of Departments and Establishments.
From: Clifton E. Mack, Director of Procurement?' ?
Subject: Reimbursements to the General Supply Fund?Field
Authorization has been continued during the fiscal year 1947
for more expeditious payment by certain field offices for supplies
and services furnished by the Procurement Division?' The
Treasury Department Appropriation Act, 1947 (Pub. Law 518,
July 20, 1946) provides in this respect as follows:
That payments covering transactions between the Pro-
curement Division and field offices of other Government
agencies whose detailed appropriation or fund accounts are
maintained elsewhere than within the District of Columbia,
may be made on the basis of itemized vouchers or invoices
prepared by the Procurement Division and sent through the
appropriate field offices to the disbursing officers for the
agencies involved, who are hereby authorized to make pay-
ment based (1) upon certification of the Procurement
Division, which shall include the specific statement that the
vouchers are issued pursuant to and in conformity with
purchase orders or requisitions duly executed by the agency
billed, and (2) upon approval and certification of such
vouchers by the agency billed, which action shall be based
upon acceptance of the Procurement Division certification
as made, subject to later adjustment if necessary, the re-
,sponsibility of the certifying officer to be limited to the
availability of the funds to be charged. * * *
For accounting use in accomplishing the purposes of the
authorization' the Comptroller General has prescribed the follow-
ing Treasury Department, Procurement Division forms:
Form 991?Voucher for Supplies and Services (original dis-
bursement voucher, white).
Form 991a?Voucher for Supplies and Services (memoran-
dum disbursement voucher, yellow).
Form 991b?Voucher for Supplies and Services (memoran-
dum collections voucher, blue).
Form 991c?Voucher for Supplies and Services (memo-
dandum collections voucher, green).
Forms in the 991 series are similar in most respects to the
Standard Form 1080?Revised series of vouchers. However,
the 991 series makes provision for a "Differences" statement,
which appears to the right of the "Certificate of Billing Office"
3 Effective January 1, 1047, all references to the "Procurement Division" and
to the "Director of Procurement" shall be deemed to refer to the "Bureau of Federal
Supply" and to the "Director, Bureau of Federal Supply," respectively.
Approved 'For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CINIIIg81-00728R000100010050-8
space. Any agency billed on Form 001 is authorized to make
reductions for "Differences" for the following reasons only:
1. To correct errors in computation on invoices or Vouchers;
. 2. To eliminate an invoice which should be sent to a dif-
ferent office for payment;
3. To. eliminate an invoice because of Insufficient funds in
Its current allotment. ,
Invoices eliminated from a voucher for either of the last two
reasons shall be returned brae agency billed, with an eXplana-
tion,to the.Procuremont Division office originating the voucher.
Invoices returned for reason 3 will be resubmitted to the agency
for payment out of subsequent allotments. ?
The forms of the 001 series aro to be executed in a manner
? similar in most part to that outlined in General Accounting Office
General Regulations No. 98 of. October 7, 1943 (23 Comp. Gen.
908), which pertain to the Standard Form 1080?Revised series
?of vouchers. However, after verification of the mathematical
accuracy of the voucher,. the "Certificate of Offico Billed" is to
be completed on the basis of the certification of the Procurement
-Division, even before the supplies ? or services furnished have been
reported as received and accepted. This will expedite reimburse-
ment to the General Supply Fund of the Procurement Division
and will aid in maintaining an available balance in the fund at
all times to meet current obligations i thereby making it possible
to continuo such direct ? billings in lieu of payment by transfer.
and counter warrant. ? /n any case where prompt reimbursements
are not accomplished by direct billing, it may be necessary to utilize
the transfer and counter warrant method in lieu of the Form 991
? method.
use of these forms is primarily for the convenience of the
paying offices and permits Government agencies which havb field
offices whose detailed appropriation or fund accounts for these
offices aro maintainod elsewhere than within the District of
Columbia to make direct payment through a regional disbursing
office for supplies and services furnished to agency field offices
by ? the Procurement Division., thereby eliminating the neces-
sh of having funds available in Washington for payment by
transfer and counter warrant. As a result, the accounting for
funds under the control of field offices is simplified.. The use of
the 991 series of vouchers is not mandatory,. however, in cases ?
where agencies' accounts have been decentralized.
To effectuate this Simplification and to. prevent confusion in
both the requisitioning agency ?and in the Procurement Division
relative to the type of billing to be used and the identity of the
..field fiscal office to be billed by Form 991,? requisitioning offices
rmist show one of the following instructions, whichever is appro,
print?, on the face of each requisition or .purchase order sub-
mitted to the Procurement Division; ? . ?
13111 by 991 voucher to (name and address of field fiscal office)
? or
Bill by transfer and counter warrant.
Regardless of the typo of billing desired, the symbol and title ?
of the appropriation chargeable must be shown on each requisi-
tion and purchase order.
In ? order to avoid delay in payment by vouchers in the 991
series and the necessity for reversion .by the Procurement Divi- .
sion to Hid Ilse of transfer and counter warrants, the fiscal office
to be billed shall be the office certifying the vouchers and actually
processing the vouchers for -payment. In instances where no
fiscal office is specified or if the fiscal office is in the District of
? Columbia, tho. Procurement. Division will bill .the agency by
. transfer and counter 'warrant. ? ?
. Determination may be made subsequent to payment by Farm
991 that an agency is entitled to a refund from the Procurement
Division, as where material is returned to the Procurement
Division after. payment therefor has bi3en .effected. In such ?
? case the Procurement Division will deduct the amount due from
a Subsequent 'Form. 901 . billing the same appropriation and
limitation. ? 14 the absence of any subsequent billing against
which the amount due may be offset, ? the agency billed may
submit to the Procurement Division a Form 1080?Revised to
accomplish the necessary refund. In no case will the office billed
attempt to make an adjustthent for a refund due by using the
"Differences" section of Form 901.
Since administrative procedures of certain agencies require
the use of more Than one copy of Form 991a, the ?memorandum
disbursement voucher, it will be the policy of the Procurement
Division to furnish a. maximum of two extra copies of the form
at each billing, regardless of the number of copies the agency may
require for administrative purposes. The extra copies of Form
. 091a will not be accompanied by copies Of the billing invoice.
If an agency submits a requisition on .which billing by Form
991 is requested and partial delivery. thereon is made (the items
not delivered being back-ordered for subsequent delivery),
the Procurethent Division will not defer billing until the back-
ordered items have been shipped but will submit Form 991 .
covering the partial delivery. Agencies will therefore make
payments on Form 991 as issued covering partial deliveries, sub-
ject to deductions for "Differences" only in the three cases set
forth above.
Director of Procurement,
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
1. Printed envelopes for uso by the departments and independ-
ent establishments of the Government in the District of
Columbia and printed and plain envelopes for use by field offices,
shall be procured in accordance with the current Award of
Contracts for envelopes, schedule No. 5, prepared and issued
by the Purchasing Agent, Post Office Department, Washington
25, D. C. (See title 39, United States Code, see. 355.)
Whereas it is believed that the sizes and types of envelopes
listed in this schedule should meet the over-all requirements of
, any department or agency, requisitions for purchase of special
items not listed may be submitted' to the Purchasing Agent, Post
Office Department, Washington 25, D. C., for consideration.
2. Plain envelopes for delivery in the District of Columbia
shall be procured from the Government Printing Office, Wash-
ington 25, D. C., in accordance with its latest Stock Catalog
and Price List. (See title 44, United States Code, sec. 225.)
3. Purchase orders for envelopes are for issuance direct to the
contractors shown in the Award of Contracts for Envelopes on
the purchase order forms of the ordering agency.
"The Act of May 27, 1930 (18 U. S. C. 744, a-b), makes it
mandatory for all Federal departments, establishments, and
independent agencies to procure materials and supplies from the
Corporation whenever they are available. The Corporation
issues its own Schedule of Products to which reference should
be made for availability of materials, supplies, and services.
The Schedule also includes the substantive law aud rulings as
well as detailed instructions for ordering their products.
"The Federal Prison Industries, Inc:, was established under
the Act of June 23, 1934 (ch. 736, 48 Stat. 1211; 18 U. S. C. 744,
i-n), and Executive Order No. 6917 issued thereunder. The
duty of the Corporation is to provide employment for inmates
of Federal penal and correctional institutions in such diversified
forms as will reduce to a minimum competition with private
industry and free labor and to afford a maximum opportunity
to acquire a knowledge and skill in trades and occupations which
will provide the inmates opportunity of earning a livelihood
upon release." .
The above referred to act of May 27, 1930, and Executive
Order provide in part as follows:
Act of May 27, 1930r "The several Federal departments and
independent establishments and all other Government institu-
tions of the United States shall purchase, at not to exceed cur-
rent market prices, Such products of the industries herein.
authorized to be carried on as meet their requirements and as
may be available * * * (46 Stat. 392; 19 U. S. C. 744g;
M. L., 1939, sec. 1936)."
Executive Order No. 6917: "It is hereby ordered that a corpo-
ration of the District of Columbia be and is hereby created,
said corporation to be named as Federal Prison Industries,
Inc. * * * The principal office of said corporation shall be
in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, * * * The
heads of the several executive departments, independent estab-
lishments, and 'Government-owned and Government-controlled
corporations shall cooperate with the corporation in carrying
out its duties and shall purchase, at not to exceed current market.
prices, the products or services of said industries, to the extent
required or permitted by law."
1. The Schedule of Products issued by Federal Prison Indus-
tries, Inc., Department of Justice, Washington 25, D. C., indi-
cates in detail the articles available from the Corporation and for.
which specific clearances are required for purchase from other
sources. Articles in Classes 8, 9, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37, 38, 40, 41,
42, 45, 46, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 66, 69, 70, 72, and 103 are
available and the Schedule of Products should be consulted prior.
to purchase from other sources.
For identification of the types furnished, see notations in this
index and in the Schedule of Products issued by the Federal
Prison Industries, Inc., Department of Justice, Washington
25, D. C.
that all items manufactured by, and all services rendered by,.
Federal Prison Industries, Inc., be purchased from that agency
except where a general or special clearance for the purchase of
the items from commercial sources has been granted.
to be noted that it is no longer necessary to attach a copy of the
clearance to the contract or voucher. Whenever there is a.
clearance in effect, it is sufficient to make reference on either the
contract or the voucher to the clearance number.
4. PROCEDURE. In general, Purchase orders on the
Government agencies' own forms should be forwarded in dupli-
cate, with Government bills of lading, to Federal Prison Indus-
tries, Inc. Department of Justice, Washington 25, D. C. Requests
for special clearances should also be directed to Federal Prison
Industries, Inc., ? which, in an emergency, will grant telegraphic
clearance. .
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
INO printing, binding, and blank book work for
, Congress, the Executive office, the judiciary, and every executive
department, independent office, and establishment of the
Government shall, be done at the Government Printing Office,
except such classes of work as shall be deemed by the Joint
Committee on Printing_ to be urgent or necessary to have done
elsewhere than in the District of Columbia for the exclusive use
of any field service outside of said District" (U. S. Code of
Laws, title 44, sec. 111).' '
"The Public Printer is hereby authorized to procure, under
direction of the Joint Committee on Printing as provided for
In the Act appro ved January 12, 1895, and furnish, on requisi-
tion, paper and envelopes (not including envelopes printed in
the course of manufacture) in common use by two or more
departments, establishments, or services of the Government in
the District of Columbia, and reimbursement therefor shall be
made to the Public Printer from appropriations or funds avail-
able for such purpose; paper and envelopes so furnished by the
Public Printer shall net be procured in any other manner there-
after" (U. S. Code of Laws, p. 1945, sec. 225).
1. REGULATIONS. (a) Every Government purchasing
agency in the District of Columbia is requested to furnish
promptly to the Public Printer a copy or quarterly report of
every order for the purchase of paper and of envelopes not
printed in the course of manufacture which are procured from
sources other than the Government Printing Office. From the
orders and reports, the Public Printer will determine whether
such paper and envelopes are in common use by two or more
departments, establishments, or services of the Government in
the District of Columbia; if any item thereof can be fur-
nished by the Public Pen, er, it will be included in the next
printed catalog of the Government Printing Office.
(b) Paper andrenVelopes not covered by this printed catalog
must not be procured commercially for use in the District of
Columbia without prior authorization by the Public Printer.
UNITS AND PRICES. (a) The Government Printing Office
has adopted the 1,0004heet unit for all paper. Orders should
be placed on the, basis of 1,000 'sheets instead of the 500-sheet
ream basis. The size basis is the same, i. e. 25 by 38 inches
for printing papers; 17 by 22 inches for bonds; ledgers, writings,
and map papers; 24 by 36 inches for wrapping papers; and 19
by 24 inches for blotting papers.
(b) Tho substance on the 1,000-sheet unit basis is double that
for the 500-sheet ream.
(c) Price per 1,000 sheets are based on cutting to sizes not
less than 8 by 104 inches and banding or wrapping in paCkages
of not less than 500 cut pieces. Prices for cutting to sizes
smaller than 8 by 10i inches and for banding and wrapping in
packages of less than 500 cut pieces are quoted in the Blank
Paper and Envelope Catalog.
DERING. (a) Supplies listed in the Standard Forms and Mis-
cellaneous Supplies Catalog are usually carried in stock, and
will be delivered to the departments and independent Govern-
ment establishments and agencies located in the city of i 'Wash-
ington at the prices quoted n the catalog or supplemental price
list current at the time the order is filled. Cost of transporta-
tion and boxing for delivery outside of the city of Washington
, will be charged in addition to the prices quoted.
(b) Requests for supplies and standard forms to be supplied
from stock on open requisitions or orders should be made on
Government Printing Office Form R-2390 (see specimen below),
except when additional printing and binding operations are
necessary. If any printing and binding operations not provided
for in the printed description are required, a new printing and
binding requisition (Standard Form No. 1; see specimen on p.
9) must be submitted.
Order No.
Order for Standard Forms or Supplies
Please furnish the
with the following Standard Forms or supplies and charge to Open Jacket
(Required date or rate of delivery, Mo.)
Form R-2890
Deliver to
Printing Clerk
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81igar000100010050-8
? Min Mb ? II\ ? Elk ? ? Aft Mk MO AT& ? ? ft Alb II NM la Allik In ?
rKiniuriu An 112114111.111141?i Ectiqulb1111UPI
To the PUBLIC PRINTER?Please cause to be furnished the following work:
Jacket No. (Assigned at GPO)
Requisition flo.
' a r I epartment or s moment st Is merit Bureau or office)
Authorized by (Initials)
A TT OR Z D BY (Cite law)
QUANTITY (Unite of finished product)
FINISHED PRODUCT (Check ono) Other (Specify)
itngte gionot 11en k Forme
heels) Folders Bele Meg
THIS ORDER RIDES (Department) Requisition No, Jacket No.
Strap with Req. No.
BODY (Text)?Do not use
GPO property number
FIRST CHOICE (Grade, color, and basis eight)
SECOND CHOICE (if any) (0 ado, color, and basis weight)
UTHER (Specify)
TEXT TYPE (Point) (Face)
(Leaded ?mild)
Fol, it..
folios of manuscript copy, Estimated to make
(No. of cols.)
(Column width)
TYPE PAGE DEPTH Picas, plus bottom, center, or side folio
printed pages.
Donfl from type ? Make patterns.
Plates: 00n hand ? Make 0Mend
Setwise value
of characters
Space between
lines Does copy show
IVrArdge Yee No
Negatives: 00n hand 0Make 0Mend
Dios: 00n hand ? Make
Back or Left
Top Bottom
PICK UP: Plates Hogs. Illus, From Jacket No.,
Req. No.
arms ?Wax OLeader 0Offset 01034d.
0Rule OPinhole 00n folder
1:11R'OTy OfiliorZy rib
(Llnecuts) (Halftones)
1 I
Yes No Yes No
HOLD (weeks)
I ---,
OWIth Ink 0Without Ink
? Bindery ? Press 12With Ink afIcth"t
PRINT Head Head,
One side to t
o Foot
Pp. Only
Self rate
Numbering: Dress ? Bindery
Binding: 0
SIZE FLAT (Inchos)
TO (Inches)
OPunch ?Drill ?Fold ?Tip 0
Forinif arbVetr'sePt ads'
or Pamphlets
No. Openings
1 Positions
of Ink
NUMBERED (inclusive)
Color of Ink
if original, duplicate, etc.)
BINDERS, Specify kind
hole Pln-
Class fl- ,
UDec Olob ?OfFset 0
Material and Color
Cased Laced Vet"'
ogNErbd, WA
iiTio Ole'
WIRE STITCH (No. of stitches)
Back Strip
TITLE !mita-
Ink (Color)
Side rligiedd SEl
Back Gold ted
(Date) (Planner)
PADS (Tablets) or SETS (Sheets In Pad) (Sete In Pad) (Sheets
Gum- Wire Lo 1
med Stitch " I
In Sot)
(No, of holes)
1 cctounitterr to
Olf41.111? 1911 k.
Ifroot IN'. Cut-In ffelled
Tags (Tabs)
1 Cloth Leather Gothic Extended nserted Loose Muer
EDGE (Color)
GATHERED (Explain)
GUMMED (Explain) ?
I Page
Dept, WI hold
I Ga ley
proofs (days)
I Page
PACKAGING Other (specify)
Wrap OTie ?inrsIPTIe Cartons!iag(!ts Mt,'
Unit of Quantity of Finished Product In Package
B/L Fur-
nished by
Information pertaining to furnished material or additional information not covered above:
It Is cortIlled that this work Is authorized by law and necessary to the conduct of the In:sinew of the above-mentioned eovernment establishment and the
Illustrations ordered are necessary and relate entirely to the public business.
Standard Form No: 1?Revised Juno 1945
Budget Bureau No, 80-R005.
GPO 16-45047-2
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Under the act of Juno 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1106; U. S. C. title
41, sec. 46-48), "all brooms and mops and other suitable com-
modities" are required to be procured from non-profit-making
agencies for the blind in all cases whore such articles are available
and at the price determined by the Committee on Purchases
of Blind-Made Products to be the fair market prices for the article
or articles so procured.
The Schedule of Blind-Made Products is prepared under the
direction of the Committee on Purchases of Blind-Made Products
and issued by the Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Depart-
ment. Copies of this schedule may be obtained, upon request,
from the Editorial Section, Bureau of Federal Supply, 'Treasury
Department, Washington 25, D. C.
1. Prior to placing orders, departments and establishments
will forward requests for allocation in duplicate, addressed in
letter form to?
Committee on Purchase of Blind-Made Products,
Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury DepartMent,
Seventh and D Streets SW.,
Washington 25, D. C.
2. Requirements will be immediately allocated by the National
Industries for the Blind, and the ordering office will be notified
of the name and location of the agency or ngencies designated
to manufacture the material.
3. Purchase orders and bills Of lading should then be prepared,
indicating allocation number, arid forwarded directly to the
designated agency. If for any reason the purchase order cannot
be issued promptly upon receipt of the allocation to the agency
to which allocation was made, that agency should be advised
' when the order will be issued or that it has been canceled.
4. 'Unless otherwise directed by the Committee on Purchases
of Blind-Made Products, prices on any orders shall be those in
effect as of date of allocation.
5. It is important that copies of all purchase orders be sent to
the National Industries for the Blind, 15 West Sixteenth Street,
New York 11, N. Y.
6. Requests for allocation must give the place or places at
which delivery is required, in order that allocation may be made
to the most advantageously located, institutions.
7. Requests must clearly identify the articles desired by refer-
ence to the item numbers shown in the schedule, and such addi-
tional information as may be necessary to insure delivery of the
articles required,
8. The following certification is prescribed for use on in Voices
submitted to Government offices ordering products from the
Schedule of Blind-Made Products:
I certify that the above bill is.correct and just; that pay-
ment therefor has not been received; that all statutory
requirements as to American production and labor standards,
and all conditions of purchase applicable to the transactions
have been complied with; and that State or local taxes are
not included in the amounts billed.
9. Notice to ordering offices,?Prices shown are f. o. b. point of
manufacture for shipment on Government bill of lading. The
point of manufacture will be the location of that agency for the
blind to which an order is allocated. ,
10. In the event that specifications arc issued superseding
those specified in the schedule, commodities may be furnished
in accordance with the current specifications.
11. Prices for articles shown herein provide, for commercial
packing, which is acceptable to common carriers, and is in
accordance with the packing requirements listed in the applicable
specification. Special packing for export or other purposes will
be furnished at cost.
HERMAN FELDMAN, Chairman, representing the Department of
M. C. Mram, representing the American Foundation for the
CLIFTON E. MAcx., representing the Department of the Treasury
JAMES A. SyovErrs, representing the Department of the Navy
JAMES SCAMMAIIORN, representing the Department of Agriculture
H. B. McCoy. representing the Department of Commerce
E. E. Eismonny, representing the Department of the Interior
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
,OCTOBER 3, 1940,
That under the provisions of the District Appropriation Act
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, the Commissioners are
a uthorized D
to sell to the various epartments and Institutions
of the District of Columbia and to the Federal Government,
industrial products and Services of the Workhouse and Reforma-
tory, at fair market prices as determined by the Commissioners.
The various departments and institutions of the District of
Columbia are hereby directed to place their requisitions with
the Purchasing Officer in the regular Manner, drawn on the
Department of Corrections, for all products or services listed,
herein, provided such products or servides meet their require-
ments. Should the quantities specified exceed the amount
available, the Purchasing Officer is authorized to waive the fur-
nishing of such items by the Department of Correctic..s and
shall obtain same through the Procurement Division or other
regular channels.
Subject to ability to procure materials and also subject to
changes in basic commodity costs, the following prices are hereby
established, effective October 1, 1940.
I. INDUSTRIES OPERATED. Brick Plant; Broom, Brush
and Mattress Shop; Clothing and Shoe Repair Shop; Foundry;
I Effective January 1, 1047, all references to the "Procurement Division" shall be
deemed to refer to the "Bureau of Federal Supply." ?
Laundry; License Plate, Road and Street Sign Shop; Machine
Shop; Pattern Shop; Print Shop.
2. SUBMISSION OF ORDERS. It is unnecessary to secure
competitive bids on the articles manufactured by the Depart-
ment of Corrections. District Government Departments will
submit requisitions to the Purchasing Officer, D. C. Federal
Government Departments will forward orders to the Superin-
tendent of Industries, Department of Corrections, Lorton, Va.
Orders should stipulate delivery requirements and be accom-
panied by detailed drawings and specifications of type and kind
of goods desired. When the goods ordered cannot be furnished,
a release for commercial purchase shall be given immediately.
All orders for delivery outside of Washington, D. C., must be
accompanied by Government bills of lading to cover shipment.
Samples of articles manufactured by this Department are on
display at the Office of the Director, Department of Corrections,
Room 3145, New Municipal Center, Washington 1, D. C. .
3. PRICES AND DELIVERIES. The prices fixed herein are
set by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia and are
based on delivery to departments in Washington, D. C., unless
otherwise specified.
The products will be manufactured in strict accordance with
specifications of the procuring departments and independent
agencies. Reasonable time for delivery should be allowed, but,
on special request, deliveries will be expedited. If satisfactory
arrangement cannot be made to supply the requirements of any
agency, a release for purchase in the open market shall be
4. METHOD OF PAYMENT. Vouchers shall be submitted
monthly or as soon as delivery has been made, unless specific
arrangement is made to the contrary. Payment by depart-
ments other than D. C. should be made by regular Government
check payable to the Treasurer of the United States and for-
warded to the Department of Corrections, Lorton, Va.
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[Reg. 2]
War Assets Administration Regulation 2, August 19, 1946, as
amended through September 19, 1946 (11 F. R. 10035, 11136),
entitled "Disposal of Surplus Personal Property to Priority
Claimants," is hereby revised and amended as herein set forth.
Now matter is indicated by underscoring. Order 2, Juno 7,
1946 (11 F. R. 6455), Order 3, December 15, 1945 (10 F. R.
15217), Order 4, January 10, 1946 (11 F. R. 637), Order 5,
March 21,1946 (11 F. R 3301), Order 6, July 13, 1946 (11 F. R.
7774), and Order 7, August 14, 1946 (11 F. R. 9036), under this
part shall continue in full force and effect.
8302.1 Definitions.
8302.2 Scope.
8302.3 Applicability of regulations and directives of other
agencies, 'and disposals which may be exempted
from this part.
.8302.4 Set-asides for veterans.
8302.5 Order of priorities.
8302.6 Reservations for priority claimants.
8302.7 Information about available property.
8302.8 Issuance of certificates to veterans.
8302.9 Transfers and disposals to priority claimants.
8302.10 Transfers of surplus standard administrative and
maintenance property to the Treasury Department,
and acquisition of such property by Government
8302.11 Fair value. .
8302.12 Acquisition by priority claimants without exercising
8302.13 Records and reports.
8302.14 Regulations by, disposal agencies to be reported to
'War Assets Administrator.
Exhibit A Property to be set aside for veterans.
? ? Authority: ?? 8802.1 to 8802.14, . inclusive, issued under
Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended (68 Stat. 765, as
amended; 50 U. S. C. App. Sup. 1611); Public Law 181, 79th
Cong. (59 Stat. 588; 50 U. S. C. App. Sup. 1614a, 1614b); and
Executive Order 9689 (11 F. R. 1265).
? 8302.1 Definitions?(a) Terms defined in, act. Terms not
defined in paragraph (b) of this section which are defined in the
Surplus Property Act of 1944 shall in this part have the meaning
given to them in the act.
(b) Other terms. (1) [Deleted Aug. 19, 1946.1
(2) "Standard administrative and ? maintenance property"
means all property from time to time listed in stock catalogues
issued by the Procurement Division2 of the Treasury Depart-
ment. These catalogues normally include, among other items,
office supplies, furniture and equipment, and maintenance
operating supplies.
(3) "State and local governments" means any State, territory,
or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia,
and any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof.
(4) "Own" business or professional or agricultural enterprise
of a veteran means one of which more than fifty (50) per cent of
the envested capital thereof is beneficially, and not merely
nominally or formally, owned by a veteran or veterans, or one of
which more than fifty (50) per cent of the net income thereof
beneficially, and not merely nominally or formally, accrues to a
veteran or veterans. A veteran may be deemed to have his
"own business br professional or agricultural enterprise" for the
purpose of acquiring particular tools or equipment when he is
engaged by others as an employee or agent and is required by
his employment to have his own tools or equipment. '
(5) "Small business" when used herein means a veteran's own
small business and may include any commercial or industrial
enterprise or group of enterprises under common ownership or con-
trol, which does not at the date of purchase of surplus property
hereunder have more than five hundred (500) ethployees, or any such
enterprise which by reason of its relative size and position in its
I Effective January 1, 1947, all references to the "Procurement Division" shall be
deemed to refer to the "Bureau of Federal Supply."
Reg. 2
NOV. 27, 1946
industry is determined by War Assets Administration to be a small
business. The War. Assets Administration may in its discretion.
apply either or both criteria in determining whether or not the. vet-
eran's business is a small business.
(6) "Veteran" means any person in the active military or
'naval service of the United States during the present val., or any
person who served in the active military or naval service of the
United States on or after September 16, 1040; and prior to the
termination of the present war, and who has been discharged or
released therefrom under honorable conditions. ? Veterans ."re-
leased" from military or naval service shall include persons on
terminal leave or final furlough and those whose status has been
changed from "active" to "inactive..
? 8302.2 .Scope. - This part shall. apply only to disposals
made by disposal agencies within the continental 'United States,
its territories or possessions; Provided, That ? 8302.10 shall apply
only within the continental United States. This part shall not .
apply to any disposals of real property; nor to personal property
appurtenant to, or assigned for disposal in connection with, real
property, and disposed of pursuant to Parts 8805,8 8310,4 8316,8
or 8820.8
? 8302.3 Applicability of regulations and directives of: other
agencies, and disposals which may be exempted from this part. (a)
'Transfers to the National-Housing Administrator pursuant to the
provisions of section 502 (b). of the Lanham Act,7 as amended,
(Public Law 292, 79th. Cc-ingress, as amended) may be made
without regard for, any provisions of this part. . Transfers to the
Federal Works Adminiqrator pursuant to the provisions of
section 504 (a) of the Lanham Act, as amended, (Public Law 697,
79th Congress) may be .made without regard for any provisions
of this part except those provisions which govern set-asides for
veterans and priorities of Government agencies and. veterans.
(b) Except for disposals under paragraph (a) of this section,
disposals made hereunder shall be subject to applicable regula-
tions and directives issued under the authority of the Veterans'
Emergency Housing Act of 1946, or under the ?authority of any ?
law referred to in section 34 (b) of the Surplus Property Act of
1944 including those issued by the War Production Board,. the
Civilian . Production Administration, ? the Office of Price Ad-
ministration, and the Secretary of Agriculture, and shall be et-
emPted from the provisions of this part to the extent necessary
to comply with the provisions of such regulations and directives.
(c) Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
section, disposal agencies may dispose of surplus property at a
fair and reasonable price Without regard for any provisions Of ?
this part:
(1) Until peace is concluded to supply the needs of the armed
(2) When, upon a finding by the Secretary of Agriculture that
farm production is impaired or threatened to be impaired, the
Administrator shall, pursuant to the provisions of Part 8303,8
direct the disposal of trucks, machinery, or equipment (including
farm supplies) to farmers or farmers' cooperatives;
(3) When the property is of such nature or in such situation
that its immediate disposal is necessary to prevent its deteriora-
tion, spoilage, or serious loss or damage;
(4) When,
upon application to the War Assets Administrator
by a disposal agency, the Administrator shall find that it is im-
practicable or uneconomical for the disposal agency to be re-
quired te dispose of designated property according to the pro-
visions of this part;
(5) When the nature or condition of any surplus property
sold is such that it is not usable or safe for use by the consumer
in its_existing form without processing; reprocessing, recondition-
ing, or repackaging;
(6) When the cost (estimated if not known) of all substantially
similar items of such property in the possession of the disposal
agency at any one location at any one time does not exceed $300;
or when the cost (estimated if not known) of any group of identi-
cal items, normally constituting a single entry on War Assets
Reg. 5 (11 F. i. 12717).
'Reg. 10(11 F. R. 12017).
I Reg. 10 (11 F. R. 7427, 8361).
SPA Reg. 20 (11 F. R. 182, 661, 3302, 7431).
69 Stat. 674; 42 U. S. C. Sup. V. 1572.
I Reg. 3 (11 F. R. 11136).
NOTE.?See also preceding pages relating to Bureau of Federal Supply stock.
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Administration Form 1001 and in the -possession of the disposal
agency at any one location at any one time does not exceed $100.
? 8302.4 Set-asides for veterans. (a), Except as to the
amounts of any property necessary for the temporary use of
any disposal agency to carry out its responsibilities in disposing
of surplus property under the Surplus Property Act of 1944, each
disposal agency to which there is assigned for disposal any prop-
erty of the types set forth in Exhibit .A shall set aside all, or such
percentage as is designated in Exhibit A, of such property in its
possession for exclusive disposal to veterans for their own personal
use, or to enable them to establish or maintain their own small
business professional, or agricultural enterprises. Such prop-
erty shall be held for disposal at fair value, as provided in ? 8802.11,
to veterans holding certificates issued pursuant to ? 8302.8 for a
period of not less than fifteen (15) clays after public notice of its
availability for such disposal, or for such longer period as the
Administriaor may direct, and any balance remaining undis-
posed of thereafter may be made available for disposal in accord-
ance with the other provisions of this part.
(b) In disposing of property to veterans under this section
disposal agencies may establish the maximum and minimum
quantities which may be acquired by any one veteran at any
one time during a given period of time. When the supply of any
type of surplus property offered at any time will be insufficient
to fill the orders of the eligible veterans, equitable distribution
among such veterans may be accomplished (1) in accordance
with the date of a certification or registration, or (2) on such
other basis as shall be approved upon special application to the
Administrator; Provided, That in any method adopted there
shall be equitable distribution between veterans desiring to
acquire property for their own personal use and veterans
desiring to acquire it for business, professional, or agricultural use.
In giving public notice of availability of any property disposal
agencies shall specify the method by which distribution of such
property will be made among veterans.
? 8302.5 Order of priorities. Except as to property disposed
of under ? 8302.4, disposal agencies shall, subject to the provisions
of ? 8302.6, observe the following order of priorities:
(a) Transfers to Government agencies for their own Use shall
be given priority over disposal ? to all others.
(b) Disposals to veterans holding certificates to acquire
property to enable them to establish and maintain their own
small business, professional, or agricultural enterprises shall be
given priority over disposals to all others except as provided in
paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Purchases by Reconstruction Finance Corporation, as
successor to Smaller War Plants Corporation, for resale under
section 18 (c) of the Surplus Property Act of 1044 shall be given
priority over disposals to all others except as provided in para-
graphs (a) and (b) of this section.
(d) Disposals to State and local governments for their own use
shall be given priority over disposals to all others except as
provided in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section.
? 8302.6 .Reservations for priority claimants. (a) In giving
effect to the provisions of ? 8302.5, disposal agencies shall observe
the following requirements with respect to the periods of time
during which property will be offered to priority claimants:
(1) Government agencies shall in no case he given a period
in excess of twenty days after the date of public notice of avail-
ability of the property.
(2) Property. offered to veterans may not be disposed of to
others for a minimum period of fifteen (15) days after the date
of public notice to veterans.
(b) Each disposal agency, based upon experience and demon-
strated demand; may estimate the quantity of each item of
surplus property which- it is necessary to hold in reserve in order
to provide an adequate supply thereof to satisfy the probable
needs of priority claimants for such item. Such quantities shall
be reviewed and adjusted periodically by the disposal agency
in the light of the changing requirements of priority claimants
and the areas in which such requirements exist. There need be
no earmarking of specific property, but the quantities of surplus
property so estimated shall be reserved for exclusive disposal
to priority claimants subject to the periods specified in para-
graph (a). Any property in excess of such reserved quantities
may, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a), be dis-
posed of promptly to others.
(c) In order to assist the disposal agencies to reserve quantities
of surplus property, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph
(b); adequate to satisfy the needs of priority claimants including
Reconstruction Finance. Corporation as successor to Smaller
War Plants Corporation for resale under Section 18 (e) of the
Surplus Property Act of 1944, Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
tion may advise the disposal agencies, from time tolinie of the
quantities and kinds of surplus property which it needs or may
need for such purposes to the end that any reservations estab-
lished under paragraph (b) of this section may he adequate to
supply such anticipated needs.
? 8302.7 Information about available property?(n) Availability
of records of surplus property; Government requirements officers.
Disposal agencies shall establish procedures to insure that
designated representatives or procurement officers of Govern-
ment agencies and State and local governments shall have access
to the information on the property records of the disposal
agencies, and shall upon request from time to time inform such
representatives or procurement officers about surplus property
for which declarations have been received or ai anticipated.
Each disposal agency shall appoint in its centrel office and in
each regional office thereof a Government requirements officer
or officers, whose duties shall include (1) transmitting to Govern-
ment a information
and State and local governments
concerning surplus property which is or may become available i
for disposal; (2) assisting n programming sales or offerings in
such a manner as to afford Government agencies and State and
local governments an opportunity to purchase any *and all
kinds of property they desire; (3) ascertaining the probable
needs for all kinds of property of Government agencies and
State and local governments within the region served by each
regional office to the end that any reservations established
under ? 8302.6 (b) may be adequate to supply the probable
needs of Government agencies and State and local governments
within the region served by the office; (4) cooperating with such
advisory committees as the Administrator may appoint; and
(5) taking all other necessary or desirable steps to see that all
requirements of this part are complied with. It shall be the
responsibility of Government agencies, in order to avoid making
purchases through commercial channels, continuously to consult
the records of the disposal agencies and to determine whether
their requirements for all items of property can be satisfied out
of surplus property in the hands of the disposal agencies. .
(h) Notice of offering. Disposal agencies shall give uniform
and wide public notice of all offerings to priority claimants and
to the extent feasible shall adept other procedures which will
allow priority claimants to receive notice of what surplus prop-
erty is available or offered for,sale within the area in which the
offering is made. Government agencies and State and local gov-
ernments shall also have the right upon request to be put on
mailing lists for notices in all cases where such lists are used to
offer property for disposal, including mailing lists otherwise
reserved to special classes of buyers, unless the disposal agency
shell find that the giving of such notices to Government agencies
and State and local governments shall for any particular type of
property become impracticable, unduly expensive to, the Gov-
ernment, or unreasonably burdensome on the facilities of the
disposal agency. When paid advertising is used as the method
of offering, no other notice need be given to priority claimants.
Public notice to Government agencies may be omitted if actual notice
by mail is given to all of them.
? 8302.8 Issuance of certificates to veterans. (a) A veteran
desiring to acquire property set aside under ? 8302.4 or to exercise
his priority under ? 8302.6 shall apply to any certifying office of
War Assets Administration and shall furnish the Administration
with complete information regarding the' property desired. War
? Assets Administration will satisfy itself through reference to the
applicant's discharge pipers or to other satisfactory evidence that
the applicant is a veteran. It shall also satisfy itself that the prop-
erty applied for is to enable the veteran to establish or maintain his
own small business, professional, or agricultural enterprise, or in
the case of property set aside under ? 8302.4 that it is for the vet-
eran's own personal use or for his own man business, professional,
or agricultural enterprise. The War Assets Administration shall
require of the apvlicant a supporting statement Or affidavit. War
Assets Administration will issue an appropriate certificate to such
veteran stating that he is a veteran entitled to purchase the types and
quantities of the property described therein. No person shall be
certified as a veteran for property to be used in more than one small
business, professional or agricultural enterprise, but a veteran may
be certified for property set aside under ? 8302.4 for his own personal
use and may also be certified for other property for business, pro-
fessional, or agricultural use. ? ?
(b) Whenever a disposal agency within the continental United
States other than War Assets Administration receives an appli-
cation from a veteran desiring to acquire property hereunder
but not accompanied by a certificate, the application shall be
referred to War Assets Administration for certification, together
with lull information regarding the availability of the property
and the price, terms, and conditiOns of sale. War
In the territories and possessions where no office -of War
Assets Administration is established for the certification of
veterans, they may act hereunder by dealing directly with the
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?. ?.-- ?-- `..--?^- 4---
1pp10pria to disPoSid ngelleV, and III tui ell ease finCli disposal
agency shall to the extent, tensible perform the functions which
Would be performed by the War Assets Administration In the
continental United States under this section.
(d) Each veteran shall present the certificate when acquiring
property from a disposal agency, which shall rely upon the cer-
tificate that the holder Is a veteran entitled to acquire the proper-
ty described therein in accordance with the terms of the cer-
tificate. Veterans shall be entitled to acquire the quantity of
property for which they are certified, subject to such equitable
distribution among veterans as may be adopted by the disposal
agency pursuant to the provisions of ? 8302.4(b) or ? 8302.9(o),
before such property may be made available to lower priority
or nonpriority claimants. Special effort shall be made to insure
that property available to veterans may be inspected by them.
Surplus property may be offered for sale to veterans on credit
on terms and conditions established by the disposal agencies.
? 8302.0 Transfers and disposals to priority claimants. (a)
Subject to the provisions of ? 8302.10 in the case of Government
agencies, disposal agencies shall transfer or dispose of surplus
property to a priority claimant in quantities not smaller than the
smallest lot consistent with Commercial practice and at the fair
value of such property as provided in ? 8302.11. Disposal agen-
cies shall make such transfers of surplus property to a Govern-
ment agency with out reimbursement or transfer of funds when-
ever a transfer on such terms by the owning agency by which
such property was declared surplus would be authorized by any
law approved subsequent to Juno 21, 1944 to be made to the
agency desiring such property. The agency desiring such
property without reimbursement or transfer of funds shall pay
all transportation charges but not the cost of packing and shall
furnish when necessary a Government bill of lading bearing
identification of the appropriation against which such transpor-
tation charges are to be charged.
(b) Except in the case Of transfers to Reconstruction Finance
Corporation as successor to Smaller War Plants Corporation for
resale under section 18 (e) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, and
disposals to veterans of property to be resold with or without processing
or fabrication in the regular course of business, transfers or disposals
to priority claimants shall be for their own use only and not for
transfer or disposition by them to others, and disposal agencies
shalt require claimants so to certify. Title to property being
acquired by priority pursuant to the provisions of this part shall
not be transferred by the disposal agency to any person other than
the acquiring priority claimant, except in the case of purchases by
Reconstruction Finance Corporation under section 18 (0 of the
Surplus Property Act of 1944, and except in the case of purchases
by veterans, who may lake title either in their own names of in the
names of their own business or professional or agricultural enter-
prises as defined in ? 8302.1 (b) (4). The priorities granted
pursuant to the provisions of this part may not be assigned or
transferred to others. The provisions of this paragraph (b) shall
not apply to the exercise of any authority under the Veterans
Emergency Housing Act of 1946,0 or under the Second War Powers
Act of 1942 10 directing disposals to a specified class of purchasers
or to specifically named purchasers.
(c) The maximum quantity which should be offered by the dis-
posal agency to any one priority claimant should, to the extent
feasible be a quantity which will assure wide distribution of the ?
available property. Such maximum quantities shall be established
in all cases where it reasonably, may be expected that thc total demand
from claimants in a given priority class will exceed the ,supply
offered to them. Maximum quantities shall not be established in a
manner which will prevent claimants in a higher priority class from
satisfying their legitimate requirements, in order to offer a portion of
the property to claimants in a lower class Or to nonpriority buyers.
No priority claimant shall be denied by reason of location Or resi-
dence the right to priority during the period of offering to claimants
in the same class.
(d) Orders from priority claimants shall be filled from any
available surplus property, subject to the provisions of ?? 8302.4,
8302.6 and 8302.6. If no property is available or likely to become
available, the disposal agency shall notify the claimant and
!won the dispatching of such notification the order shall lapse.
Unless the advertising otherwise states, property already adver-
tised for public competitive bids or for sale at auction or for
immediate purchase at a fixed time and 'property specifically
selected by a prospective purchaser shall not be considered
available. No property shall be offered for disposal to non-
priority claimants unless it has first been offered to priority
claimants or necessary provision has been made for reservations
for priority claimants in accordance with ? 8302.6.
900 Stat. 207.
10 56 Stat. 170; 50 U. S. C. Sup. IV, App. 63I-645a.
? 8302.10 Transfers of su'rplas standard administrative and
maintenance property to the Treasury Department and acquisition
of such property by Government agencies. (a) In order to facili-
tate the transfer or surplus property from one Government agency
to other Government agencies for their own use and not for
transfer or disposition to others outside the Government, the
Treasury Department as the central procurement agency of the
Government may acquire from the disposal agencies tffich quanti-
ties of surplus standarci administrative and Maintenance property
as it needs to satisfy the requirements for such property of all
Government agencies within the continental United States,
other than the War Department, Navy Department, and Vet-
erans Administration, and other than each disposal agency for
the types of property for which it is designated as such under
Part 8301." Government agencies shall cooperate with the
Treasury Department in compiling estimates and shall provide
the Treasury Department with such information concerning their
requirements as it may need in order to promote the fullest
utililation of surplus property.
(b) Disposal agencies shall transfer surplus standard admini-
strative and maintenance property to the Treasury Department
in accordance with the provisions of ? 8302.9 and at a fair value
which reflects the estimated expenses to be incurred by the
Treasury Department in making distribution to Government
agencies, and the Treasury Department shall promptly upon
such transfer take possession and assume responsibility for the
care, handling, and disposition of such property.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of all such Government
agencies, in order to avoid making purchases of such property
through commercial channels when such property is available
from surplus, continuously to consult the stock catalogues issued
by the Procurement Division of the Treasury Department.
(d) Except in cases where transfers may be made without
reimbursement or transfer of funds, 110 dovernment agency
other than the War Departmea, Navy Department, and
Veterans' Administration, and other than each disposal agency
for the types of property for which it is designated as such under
Part 8301, shall within the continental United States acquire by
direct transfer from a disposal agency any type of surplus
standard administrative or maintenance property which is
offered for disposal by the Treasury Department and inunedi-
ately available for acquisition by such Government agency;
Provided, That if none of a desired type of property is immedi-
ately available for acquisition by a Government agency, such
agency may purchase such desired property directly from the
disposal agency; and Provided, further, That Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, as successor to Smaller War Plants
Corporation, shall be entitled to acquire any such property from
a disposal agency for resale under section 18 (e) of the Surplus
Property Act of 1944.
? 8302.11 Fair value. Disposal agencies shall fix the fair
value at which property shall be acquired by priority claimants.
Such a fair value shall not be greater than the lowest price which is
offered to any trade level at the time of acquisition by the priority
claimant, or where the fair value is fixed after examining competitive
bids' it shall not be greater than the lowest acceptable bid.
? 8302.12 Acquisitions by priority claimants without exercising
priority: In addition to acquiring property under ?? 8302.5 and
8302.6, Government agencies, except as to standard administra-
tive and maintenance property desired for their own use, and
State and local governments shall be entitled to Submit offers
whenever surplus property is otherwise offered for sale, without
regard for the location of the property, but shall not be entitled
to priority. Government agencies may under this section
acquire any surplus property (including standard administrative
and maintenance property) for transfer or disposition to others,
including transfers or dispositions to the United Nations Relief
and Rehabilitation Administration. Nothing in this part shall
prevent veterans from acquiring any property directly from
a disposal agency without exercising priority if they are included
within the class of buyers to whom the disposal agency is offering
such property. Such purchases made by a priority claimant
without priority shall be governed by the prices, terms, and
conditions of the Offering made by the disposal agency and not
pursuant to any other provisions of this part.
? 8302.13 Records and reports. Owning and disposal agerf.-
cies shall prepare and maintain such records as will show full
compliance with the provisions of this part and with the applf-
cable provisions of the act. Reports shall be prepared and filed
With the War Assets Administrator in such manner as may be
specified by orders issued under this part subject to the approval
of the Bureau of the Budget pursuant to the Federal Reports
Act of 1942.
11 Reg. (11 F. R. 71/90, 10221, 13959)?
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Commodity code
Office furniture?Continued. cluesification
Desk?Stenographers' or typewriter. desk, 00",
mahogany, oalc, or walnut finish, typewriter
drop' center, right or left side; with or without
locks; double or single pedestal 90 6507
Desk?Stenographers' or typewriter desk, under
69", mahogany, oak, or walnut finish, double
pedestal, with or without lock; typewriter drop
center, right or left side; double or single
pedestal 90.1" 6608
DeslcStenographers', Victory; approximately
42" x 34", 1 drawer, well for typewriter 00 16509
Chairs--Office, non-swivel chairs with arms; all
types of backs, arms and logs, including "Bank
of England" typo; any type of finish 00 6610
Chairs?Office, w/o arms'' non-swivel; all types
of backs and legs; any type of finish 00 6611
Chairs?Stenographers' posture; any typo of
stenographers' chairs with mechanism to ad-
just back for posture; any typo of finish 00 6612
Chairs?Stenographers' regular, all types of
swivel chairs w/o arms, except posture; any type
of finish (not including Victory) 90 6513
Chairs?Swivel, plain, with arms, full swivel
.(metal) tilting; back may be padded, including
"Bank of England"; all types of finish 90 6514
Chairs?Swivel, no tilt, Victory type will
wooden mechanism 90 6516
Chairs?"Top" executive,' upholstered back,
seat, non-swivel or full swivel (metal) tilting
with upholstered arms 90 6516
Filing cabinets, metal or wood, recommended set-
aside 60%, Cabinets, file, vertical, letter, legal,
Commodity code
Office furniture?Continued. clasafficatton
Filing cabinets--Continued.
or cap size, with or without locks, suspension
arms; any typo of finish:
Cabinets?file, metal, vertical, letter, legal
or cap size, with or without locks, any
typo of finish 90 6621
Cap-size: Inside dimensions: 15% x
1011%0 x 26%; with follower block; any
type finish.
Letter-size: Inside dimensions: 123's x
101,10 x 26%; with follower block; any
typo finish.
Cabinets?file, Victory, wooden, vertical,
wood slides for drawers, in place of suspen-
sion arms; no locks; any typo of finish._ 90 6622
Cabinets?steel (used), filing, insulated,
record container; one hour, fire resisting;
with impact and explosion test 90 6623
Cap-size: Inside dimensions: 15% x
loixo x 263; with follower block; any
type finish.
Letter-size: Inside dimensions: 12% x
10% x 26%; with follower block; any
type finish.
Tables?Conferences; 72" or over, with or with-
out drawers; any type of finish 90 6531
Tables?Conference; 60"; with or without draw-
ers; any type of finish 90 6632
Tables-36", with or without drawers; any type
finish 90 6533
Tables?Telephone, top approximately 16" x
22" 90 6534
Tables?Typewriter, with or without rollers 90 6536
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??8302.14 Regulations by disposal agencies to be reported to
the War Assets Administrator. Each disposal agency shall file
with the War Assets Administrator copies of all regulations, or-
ders, and instructions of general applicability Which it may issue
In furtherance of the provisions, or any of them, of this part.
This revision of this part shall become effective November 27, ?
Romowr M. LirrLimoliN ,
NOVEMBER 27, 1046. , Administrator,
Nors.?Table below revised November 27, 1010. ?
(The following items in "0" condition or better shall constitute
the veterans' set-aside
Commodity code
Trucks, amphibian, g ton, 4 x 4 90 1001
Carrier, light cargo (the weasel) 00 1002
? 'The Jeep," g ton, 4 x 4 90 1003
Carry-all, % ton, 4 x 2 ? 90 1004
Canopy express, % ton, 4 x 2 90 1005
Pick-up, 34 ton' 4 x 2 90 1006
Panel delivery, 1/2 ton, 4 x 2 90 1007
Carry-all, % ton, 4 x 4 90 1008
Command reconnaissance, % ton, 4 x 4 90 1009
Emergency repair, 1/2 ton, 4 x 4 90 1010
Panel delivery, 1/2ton, 4 x 4 90 1011
Pick-up, 34 ton, 4 x 4 90 1012
Radio, % ton, 4 x 4 90 1013
Weapons carrier, 14 ton, 4 x 4 90 1014
Panel delivery, Yi ton, 4 x 2 90 1015
Pick-up, Yi ton, 4 x 2 90 1016
Carry-all, 3/4 ton, 4 x 4 90 1017
Command, 4 ton, 4 x t 90 1018
Emergency repair, 4 ton, 4 x 4 90 1019
Light maintenance and installation, 3/4 ton, 4 x 4_ 00 1020
Weapons carrier, Yi ton, 4 x 4 90 1021
Canopy express, 1 ton, 4 x 2.. _,. Fig 1002223
Pick-up, 1 ton, 4 x 2_
Combination stake and platform, 134 ton, 4 x 2.._ 90 1024
Cargo, 134 ton, 4 x 2 98 1182250
Canopy express, 1Y2 ton, 4 x 2 0
Dump, 134 ton, 4 x 2 90 1027
Panel delivery, 134 ton, 4 x 2 90 1028
Pick-up, 11/4 ton, 4 x 2 90 1029
Bomb service, 134 ton, 4 x 4 00 1031
Cargo, 11/4 ton, 4 x 4 90 1032
Combination stake and platform, 15 ft., 134 ton,
4 x 4 90 1033
Combination stake and platform, c. o. e., 134 ton,
4 x 4 90 1034
Dump, 134 ton, 4 x 4 90 1035
Panel delivery, 134 ton, 4 x 4 90 1036
Panel delivery, 134 ton, 4 x 4 (K-51) 90 1037
Ordnance maintenance, 134 ton-3 ton, 4 x 4 90 1038
Cargo, 234 ton, 4 x 2 90 1039
Combination stake & platform, 234 ton, 4 x 2 90 1040
Dump 234 ton 4 x 2 90 1041
Cargo,' 234 ton, 6 x 4 90 1042
Searchlight, c. o. e.,1 234 ton, 6 x 4_ 90 1043
Tractor, 134 ton, 4 x 2 90 1044
Tractor, 134 ton, 4 x 4 90 1045
Tractor, 234 ton, 4x 2 90 1046
Tractor, c. o. e., 234 ton, 4 x 4 90 1047
Tractor,1 234 ton, 6 x 4 90 1048
Non: Trucks, tractor, Code Numbers 00 1044 through 00 1098 include trucks
which are cab and chassis units.
Buses: Sedan, converted, 15-passenger, 4 x 2 90 1075
Passenger, light, all body types, 4 x 2, includes
Crosley, Bantam and others 90 1079
Passenger, medium and heavy, all body types,
4 x 2 90 1080
Station Wagon, including auxiliary ambulance sta-
tion wagon, 4' x 2 '90 1081
Motorcycle, all types, 2 x 1 and 3 x 1 90 1085
Scooter, motor, with or without package carrier, all
types 90 1086
I Not less than 10% reserve for veterans set-aside.
Commodity code
Motors: Fractional horsepower motors: all fractional
Ii. p. alternating and direct current motors except
aircraft type 90 3130
Medical equipment:
Electra-cardiographs 00 5103
Basal metabolar 00 5104
Cystoscope 90 5105
X-ray medical equipment and accessories:
X-ray, field unit, table unit
00 5201
X-ray, field mobile unit
90 5202
X-ray, generating equipment,:
200 MA generator, plus tilt table 90
100 MA generator, plus tilt table 00
30 MA mobilo unit, office type and field typo.. 90
15 MA portable 90
%tide fluoroscope_ 90
Cassette changer 00
Large stereoscope
1 position table for radiography, with Bucky
diaphragm_ 00 5211
Physiotherapy equipment; diathermy apparatus,
110-volt, 60-cycle:
1 conventional circuit 90 5304
2 crystal control circuit 90 5305
Dental equipment; and supplies:
? Cabinet, dental _
90 5602
Chairs,,dental, operating
90 5603
Unit, operating dental:
110-volt, 50-cycle
110-volt, 25-cycle
110-volt, 60-cycle
110-volt, D. 90
220-volt, 60-cycle
Machine, Xray, dental, shockproof 110- to 220-
volt, 60-cycle 90
MN furniture-50% of the inventory items listed
below in "0" condition or better shall be offered to
Desk?"Top" executive, 72" fiat top, mahogany,
oak, or walnut finish; lock, double pedestal, 4
or 6 legs, 6 or 7 drawers, metal or wood hard-
ware, open or sealed back. (NoTn: The rela-
tively few items are easily distinguished from
the regular type desk by the superior hardware,
finish and molding, generally has rounded
corners and edges, and matched woods) _ 90 6501
Desk?"Top" executive, 66" flat 'top, mahogany,
oak, or walnut finish; lock, double pedestal, 4
or 6 legs, 6 or 7 drawers, metal or wood hard-
ware, open or sealed back. (Nong: The rela-
tively few items are easily distinguished from
the regular type desk by the superior hardware,
finish, and molding, generally has rounded
corners and edges, and matched woods) 90 6502
Desk?Executive or regular, 60" fiat top, ma-
hogany, oak, or walnut finish, double pedestal,
w/o locks, metal or wood drawer handles, 6 or
7 drawers; veneered sides and top; w/o drawer
guides; open or sealed back; double or single.... 90 6503
Desk?Executive or regular, under GO", flat top,
mahogany, oak, or walnut finish; double or
single pedestal, with or without locks; metal
or wood drawer handles 6 or 7 drawers; ve-
neered sides and top; with or without drawer
guides; open or sealed back; single 90 6504
Desk?Flat top; Victory; approximately 42 x 34",
2-drawer 90 6505
Desk?"Top" stenographic, left or right pedestal,
60" or over, mahogany, oak, or walnut finish,
metal or wood hardware, open or sealed back.
(NOTE: The relatively few items are easily
distinguished from the regular type desk by
. the superior hardware, finish and molding,
generally has rounded corners and edges and
matched woods) 90 6506
90 6010
90 6020
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1. The procurement of the items of supplies contained in the
index of established Government sources of supply is based on
purchase specifications such as Federal specifications, depart-
mental specifications, or other standards recognized by the trade.
. 2. Failure to inspect or test deliveries, either at destination
or at the factory, renders purchase specifications partially ineffec-
tive in protecting the Government, providing fair and adequate
competition, and giving equitable treatment to all bidders.
3. Therefore before initiating any procurement action, pro-
vision should be made for adequate inspection and, if necessary,
4. All commodities shall be inspected fer quality, quantity,
and condition before they aro permitted to enter the Federal
supply system. This applies to commodities manufactured by
Government activities as well as commercial producers. Com-
modities already in the Federal supply system and subject to
transfer from one Government activity to another shall be in-
spected for quantity and condition by the receiving activity.
The latter category includes supplies listed in the following
(a) Government Printing Office
Both catalogs listed in Index
(b) Bureau of Federal Supply?Treasury Department
Stock Catalog
5. In procuring supplies from any of the other publications
listed in the index' adequate provision for inspection and testing
should be made at the time of initiating the procurement.
6. Adequate provision for inspection and testing includes the
Identification of specification applicable to contract
Determination of extent to which inspection or testing
is necessary
Decision as to who will conduct inepection or testing,
and location
Preparation, when necessary, of requests for inspection
tests by other Government activity and arrangement
for transfer of funds in payment thereof. '
7. The specification which is made a part of the contract is
easily identified. It is either included in the general description
of the item or will be found in a general information section at
the beginning or end of the publication.
8. The determination of the extent of inspection or -testing
is a matter of judgment. The greater the dollar value of the
purchase, the greater the justification for larger inspection and
testing costs. However, inspection and testing costs may be
permitted to run high when compared to 'material costs in
cases where the failure of purchased material may result in
excessive loss of time or excessive replacement costs. On the
other hand, shortages, exigency, low cost, or other expediency
may dictate restricting inspection and testing to quantity and
condition. Such limitation of inspection and testing should be
well justified, and a definite exception to the general practice.
9. Purchasers are cautioned to include a statement in the
? purchase order to the effect that material requisitioned therein
is subject to inspection. The place of inspection should also be
indicated in the order. If the place of inspection is not desig-
nated, it will be understood that inspection will take place at
the specified point of delivery. If inspection is to take place at
the factory, the purchasing activity shall include in its purchase
order a statement of the minimum notice it requires in advance
of the date of. factory inspection. If the inspector is sent to
the factory, he may be required to perform any of the following:
(a) Select samples and send to Government activity for
inspection and testing
(b) Inspect samples at the factory and send to Government
laboratory for testing
(c) Inspect and conduct tests with facilities of the factory.
Federal and departmental specifications provide instructions
for the above. Other standards, especially reference to a
recognized trade name, do not. In such cases decisions must
be made in the light of paragraph 8 above, and the availability
of inspection services and testing laboratory services. Assistance
in deciding the extent of inspection and testing should be ob-
tallied from both the inspection staff and the laboratory staff
within the activity itself, If such personnel is not available
within the activity, the information may be obtainable from '
such personnel of other Government activities within the
10. In the event that information is required relative to types
of inspection or laboratory services available, it is suggested
that the other Government activities be solicited by telephone
for such data. Usually contact should be made either with
the chief inspection officer or the chief laboratory technician,
or both, depending on the type of assistance required. It is
essential that all questions of payment for services to be ren-
dered be settled by the departments and payment,
11. During 1944 the -Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury
Department, distributed to either the inspection or purchasing
activities of most Government agencies a publication entitled
"Directory of Inspection Services and Testing Laboratories of
the Federal Government," This publication will assist in the
location of governmental inspection and testing facilities. When
specific information is required, requests for such information
should be forwarded to the Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury
Department, Chief of Research and Technical Services Division,
Standards Branch, Washington 25, D. C., stating the commodi-
ties involved and the type of service (see par. 8) required.
.12. The Bureau of Federal Supply will, within the limits of its
inspection force and within the vicinity of Washington, D. C.,
assist an agency if the latter's inspection of material presents
difficulties in determining whether the material is in accordance
with the applicable specifications and/or samples. The method
of disposition of material found to be substandard will be left
entirely to the ordering office. However, should such office
experience difficulty in obtaining proper adjustment or replace-
ment from a contractor with whom a contract has been made
by the Bureau of Federal Supply, the case will be handled by the
Bureau of Federal Supply upon request. Copies of all corre-
spondence between ordering office and contractor relatinglto
these cases should accompany the request.
To: The heads of all departments and establishments.
Subject: Standardization of purchase order forms.
The regulations hereinafter set forth are issuqd for the purpose
of standardizing purchase order 'forms used by all departments
and establishments in the executive branch of the Government
for or in connection with contracts for supplies.
Purchase order forms standardized in accordance with such
regulations will also be used as purchase authorities (in lieu of
Procurement Division3 Form No. 1), requisitions for Procure-
ment Division stock (in lieu of Procurement Division Form
No. 7),, and request for the transfer of surplus property. When
so used they will be addressed to the appropriate office of the
Procurement Division as "seller," even though technically
the ,Procurement Division is not a seller .as regards transfers,
issues, or purchases which it makes to or on behalf of other
Government agencies. Any such purchase order so issued to the
Procurement Division will be treated as an authorization to
issue or purchase the supplies requisitioned in such manner as
the Procurement Division deems most appropriate and as an
authorization to the Procurement Division to obligate the cited ,
appropriation of the agency concerned for any purchase made -
on its behalf, as well as itself obligating such appropriation in
cases where issues are made from Procurement Division stock
or surplus property. The Procurement Division, however, will
not issue used surplus property in response to a purchase order
which indicates any Method of purchase other than "surplus
property transfer,' unless the consent of the requisitioning
agency is first obtained.
Until a department or establishment has adopted a purchase
order form under the regulations hereinafter set forth, it shall
I When so used, the certification as to (a) present stock on band and (b) authority
to extend preference ratings, now on the reverse side of Procurement Division Form
No. 7. may be book printed, rubber stamped, or attached where required.
3 Effective January 1, 1947, all references to the "Procurement Division" and to the
"Director of Procurement" shall be deemed to refer to the "Bureau of Federal Sup-
ply" and to the "Director, Bureau of Federal Supply," respectively.
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18. Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-11:ra1c-00728R000100010050-8
not issue purchase orders to the Procurement Division pursuant
to the foregoing paragraph but shall continuo the use of Pro-
curement Division Forms Nos. 1 and 7. When a standardized
purchase order form has boon adopted, use of Forms Nos. 1
and 7 for any point of issue for which such purchase order form
is to be used shall be discontinued.
It will be noted that the regulations hereinafter sot forth are
subject to various exceptions, among which Is the general one
"Except. as otherwise authorized by law," at the beginning of
section 11,100. Ono important purpose of that exception is to
exclude from the scope of the regulations purchase order forms
used for or in connection with contracts entered into under the
authority of section 201 of the First War Powers Act, 1941. To
the extent that agencies may practicably use standardized pur-
chase order forms for or in connection with contracts entered
into under the authority of that act; however, they are urged to
do so in the interest of uniformity.
A further feature of the regulations that requires explanation
is the block in the upper left-hand corner of the form for indica-
tion of the "Method of purchase." The method of. purchase
need not be indicated on the originals of orders issued to coin-
'nonfat sources, but must be indicated on the originals of all
orders addressed to the Procurement Division and on all copies
of :orders transmitted to the Procurement Division under Pro-
curement Division circular letter No. 472. Use of the "Methods
of purchase" block as a report form for that purpose has been
approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, as the
form indicates. The enumerated methods of purchase and the
scope of each are as follows:
1. general Schedule of Supplies.1--Undcr this method in-
clude only purchases made against Treasury Procurement
General 8chedule of Supplies contracts. Do not include
purchases under the Schedule of Blind-Made Products.
2. Treasury Procurement stock.?Include requisitions for
? issue of Treasury Procurement stocks but not applications
for transfer of surplus property.
3. Surplus property transfer.?Include requests for trans-
fer of surplus property from Treasury Procurement or any
other agency.
? 4. Advertising (I?. S. sec. 8709).?Include purchases froin
commercial sources where made after advertising pursuant
to section 3709 .of the Revised Statutes or any similar law.
? 5. War powers negotiation.?Include purchases from corn-
: mercial sources without advertising for bids, where made
pursuant to authority of the First War Powers Act, 1941, or
similar grant of authority. Do not include purchases
covered by method 6.
6. Other exemption from E. S. sec. 8709.?include pur-
chases from commercial sources without advertising for
bids, where made under usual type of exemption from the
advertising requirement :of section 3709 of the Revised
Statutes (small purchases, exigency purchases, etc.).
7. Miscellaneous.?Include all purchase orders issued to
the Procurement Division not covered by method 2 or
method 3; purchases made from Federal Prison Industries,
Inc.; purchases under the Schedule of Blind-Made Prod-
ucts; purchases against contracts made by another agency,
such as Navy Department's lubricating oil contracts and
Post Office Department's Envelope Schedule, and any
other purchases not covered by methods 1 to 6.
,The regulations follow:
The following Subpart is added to the regulations under this
part, to effect the standardization of purchase order forms used
in the procurement of supplies. ,
. .
4 Effective January 1, 1947, the name of the "General Schedule of Supplies" was
changed to the "Federal Supply Schedule."
Subpart?Standardization of Purchase Order Forms l
Sue. 11,100. Standardization requirements.?Except as other-
wise authorized by law, by these regulations, or by the Director
of Procurement a tinder section 11.3, purchase order forms used by
all departments and establishments in the executive branch of
the Government, for or in connection with contracts for supplies,
shall conform without deviation to the format set forth and de-
scribed in sec. 11.101.
Sue. 11.101. Required format.?Tho format of purchase Order
forms subject to section 11:100 shall be standardized in the fol-
lowing respects:
(a) .Size.?To be 8" x 10,5" for the body of the form,
apart from additions incident to the type of manifolding
used and apart from any other additions removable from
copies not for agency use by tearing along perforations.
(b) Arrangement, spacing, and terminology.?To be as set
forth in attached sample, except that the spaces provided
at the bottom of the sample form for "billing or other
instructions" and "use of agency when necessary" may be
enlarged, if desired, by reducing the space provided in the
main block under the headings "Item No.," "Articles or
services," "Quantity," " Unit," "Unit price," and" Amount,"
and except that an additional column may be added to such
main block where required.
(c) Titling.?In the space below the title "Purchase order"
shall be inserted the name of the issuing department or
establishment, and also its address in cases where the par-
ticular form is to be used for a single point of issue only,
omitting in such cases the line dividing the designated space
from the space below and also the words "Point of issue."
Sue. 11.102. Optional features.?(a) The format to be used
is not standardized as to the form number to be assigned, the
location and use of copy identification (that is, whether original,
duplicate, etc.), the number of copies to be used, the distribution
of copies, the type of manifolding (such as strip, fanfold, con-
tinuous, or single set), printing on the reverse side of the original
or any copy, and instructions or conditions of purchase in addi-
tion to those contained in the attached sample form. Those
features are left for determination by the using department or
(b) Any desired material may be printed in the spaces desig-
nated in the attached sample as "for use of agency when neces-
sary" and for "billing or other instruetions.'
Snc. 11.103. Approval by Director of Procurement.-,?To assure
the uniformity of purchase order forms as regards the features
standardized by these regulations, all proposed forms shall be
submitted to the Director of Procurement for approval prior to
printing. The Director of Procurement will review proposed
forms as to the standardized features only, and his approval
will not extend to any feature left optional under these regula-
Sue. 11.104. Use in foreign countries not required.?Purchase
order forms for use in foreign countries ?need not comply with
these regulations.
SEC. 11.105. Existing stocks.?Except as may be directed by
the Director of Procurement, purchase order forms now in use
by departments and establishments may be used until Stock on
hand or in process of printing are exhausted.
Director of Procurement.
Acting Secretary of the Treasuiy.
Secs. 11.100 to 11.105, Inclusive, issued under the authority of sec. 1, Executive
Order No. 8160, June 10, 1933 (41 CFR 1.1); subdivision D, secs. 1 and 3, Regulations
Governing the Operation of the Branch of Supply, Procurement Division, Treasury
Department, approved by the President April 12, 1935 (41 CFR 11.1 11.3).
3 Effective January 1, 1947, all references to the "Procurement Division" and to the
"Director of Procurement" shall be deemed to refer to the "Bureau of Federal Sup-
ply" and to the "Director, Bureau of Federal Supply," respectively.
Approved: May 18, 1943.
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19 ?
Indicate method by number
. .
I. Federal Supply Schedule
2. Bureau of D ederal Supply stock
3. Surplus property transfer
4. Advertising (R, S. PM)
5. War powers negotiation
0. Other exemptions from R. S. ? 3700
7. Miscellaneous '
(See Bureau of Federal Supply Circular
lig, el es rig bpoarpierrirteinaltminfltsi gadool .-..
Order No.
Point of Issue
Requisition No.
Appropriation symbol and title
This space reserved for use of agency when necessary
Consignee and destination
Invitation No.
Contract Ne
Time for delivery
Discount terms
F. o. b. point
Ship via
Gov't. I3/L No.
Rom No.
Articles or services
Unit price
.(This apace for billing or other instructions)
. .
Name -
- Title
. . .
For use of agency when necessary
Approved. For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RIM5p0728R000100010050-8
The classification of items in this Index is determined by that of the Federal Standard Stock Catalog. In the latter, the classi-
fication of supply articles is, in the main, based primarily upon similarity of use or application; thus? articles used for the same general
purpose, as for example, athletic goods, are grouped in the same class. Secondarily, the classification is based upon storage facilities
or requirements; articles requiring special storage facilities, such as rubber goods, may be grouped in the same class, although their
general use or application may not be the same.
1, Guns and Gunrnotints (antiaircraft, boat, coast defense, drill, field, machine,
main battery, secondary battery, parts, accessories, and tools peculiar to guns
and gunmounts).
2. Small Arms (billies (tear gas), line-throwing guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, parts,
accessories, and tools peculiar to small arms).
3. Underwater Ordnance: Depth charges; Depth charge track release mechanisms
and hydraulic controls; Nets and booms; Torpedoes; Underwater 11111108; Parts,
accessories, tools, and supplies peculiar to underwater ordnance.
4. Ammunition: Ammunition details, components, tools and supplies; Bombs
(demolition, fire, smoke, etc.); Cartridges, charges, projectiles, shells, oto.;
Chemicals (war(are, including projectors and accessories); Demolition equip-
ment (blasting apparatus-caps, detonators, primers, etc.); Land mines;
Pyrotechnics (Including projectors and accessories); Shipbotiru ammunition
handling equipment.
5. Flags (bunting, flags. flagstaffs, flagstaff trucks, pennants, signal shapes, speed.
6. Navigational and Mooring Aids; Mooring aids (ground tackle-anchors, anchor
chains, anchor grapnels, connecting links, shackles, swivels, eto., excluding
manila and wire-rope lines); Navigational aids (Buoys (danger, lighted, moor-
ing), shore markers, etc.).
7. Fuel (charcoal, coal, coke, dust fuels, fuel oil, gas, gasoline, illuminating oils,
kerosene, wood, etc.),
8. Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories, Bicycles, Tires and Tubes: Bicycles,
parts and accessories; Motor vehicle parts and accessories, excluding engine
parts and accessories (brake linings, bumpers, highway flares, tags (license
3Into) and holders, windshield wipers, etc.); Tiros and tubes, except aircraft
automotive, bicycle, etc.)' Tire and tube maintenance and repair equipment
blowout patches, repair kits, tire-pressure gages, valves, and parts).
9. Beats,
10. Gasoline Engines (excluding aircraft), Parts and Accessories: Gasoline engines,
individual units (automotive, compressor, material handling equipment,
motorboat, pump, etc.); Gasoline engine parts and accessories (carburetors,
fuel pumps. oil filters, oil pumps, water pumps, etc.).
11. Pumps and Dump Parts (excluding engine and motor vehicle parts and acces-
sories, tiro pumps, pumps peculiar to fire-fighting equipment).
12. Marine Hardware (not elsewhere classified): Equipment and accessories (bolls
and gongs, boathooks, booms (sail), chests, dead lights, fenders, foghorns,
hogging-lines, mats (cargo, collision, etc), masts, oars, paddles, rat guards,
sail hoops, sounding loads, wiper blades (window); Fittings and rigging (air-
port glasses, arrowheads, figures (numerals and letters), handrails, ladders
(ships), mast heels, pad eyes and hooks, pins (belaying, hoisting, thwart, etc.),
plates (awning, chafing, dock, mast, etc.), plugs (patch), rings (airport, boat
sling, traveler, etc.), rowlocks (oarlocks), shackles and parts, sockets (flagstaff,
handrail, hoist, pipe, rope, etc.), steps (mast), swivels, thimbles (manila and
wire rope), turnbuckles, etc.); Mine sweeping gear (cable, with fittings, cut-
ters depressors, diaphragm, multiplano kites, otters, paravanes, pendants,
stoeldags, wires (depressor, float, swoop, guide)).
13. Engine-Room and Fire-Room Fittings. Supplies and Tools (boiler-tube brushes,
cleaning outfits and compounds, gage glasses and shields, oilers and fillers,
sponges (loofa-flber)).
14. Lubricants (graphite, greases, oils (cutting, floor, fog, hydraulic, lard, lubri-
cating, neat's-foot, recoil, tempering, transformer, eta.), paraffin).
16. Electric Cable and Wire. Insulated.
16. Wireless Communication Apparatus and Parts: Wireless communication ap-
paratus (loran, radar, radio, sonar, television, etc., apparatus, including test
equipment, accessories and parts); Parts, test equipment and accessories, corn-
mon to wireless and wire connected communication equipment (batteries
(radio), coils, connectors, contacts, fuses, headsets, holders, insulators, micro-
phones, speakers, transformers, etc., fixed and variable resistors and capacitors,
excluding those pectillarlo power transmission or electric rotating equipment;
vacuum tubes and tube sockets (electronic and ballast, all types, regardless of
use)). .
17. Electric and Wire Communication Apparatus: Arc welding equipment and
parts; Batteries, excluding radio (dry, storage); Degaussing equipment and
accessories (doperming, flashing and wiping, eta.); Electric lamps, lighting
fixtures, projectors, parts and accessories (beacons, floodlights, searchlights,
electric indicator, navigation, running and signal lights, lamps (bulbs, desk,
portable, etc.) and lanterns, lenses and globes, etc.); Electrical measuring
instruments (ammeters, circuit analyzers, frequency meters, ohmmeters,
voltmeters, etc.); Electrical parts and supplies (brushes (generator, motor
starting), carbons and electrodes (graphite, etc.), conduit (fiber, flexible),
fuses, outlets plugs, receptacles, resistance ribbon and wire, rheostats, switches,
etc.); Electric rotating equipment (dynamotors, electric motors, generators,
transformers etc.); Wire communication, signal and alarm apparatus, parts
and accessories (fire alarm systems, inter-communication equipment, public
address systems, telegraph and telephone equipment, etc.).
18. Precision Instruments and Photographic Equipment: Aerological and meteor-
ological instruments and parts (anemometers, barometers, psychrometers,
rain- and snow-gages, shelters and supports (wind-instrument), etc.); Drafting
instruments and equipment (drawing boards and instruments, protractors,
rules (parallel, slide, etc.), T-squares, triangles, eta.); Measuring and testing
Instruments, excluding electrical measuring instruments (balances, humf-
plugs, laboratory testing equipment (colorimeters), lactometers, manometers,
etc.), pyrometers, scales (weighing), thermometers, etc.); Navigational and
plotting instruments, equipment and parts (alidades (periscopic), azimuths,
binnacles, clinometers, compasses, poloruses, sextants, sounding machines,
taffrail-logs, etc.); Optical instruments, excluding clinical and laboratory
instruments (binoculars, magnifying glasses, microscopes, telescopes, etc.),
Photographic equipment, excluding trim projectors (blue-printing equipment;
cameras-(aerial, gun, motion-picture, still, etc.), developing and printing
apparatus, film, paper, etc.); Recording and time indicating instruments and
parts (chronometers, clocks, registers (tally), watches, etc.); Surveying in-
struments, equipment and parts (alidades (plane-table), levels, tapes, chains..
and reels, transits, tripodes, etc.).
19. Blocks and Rigging, excluding Marine Rigging: Blocks (awning, clump ordi-
nary, snatch, sounding and traveler, tackle, etc.); Block parts, etc. (bockats,
cheeks, hasps, hooks (single, sister, etc.), sheaves straps, swivel eyes, etc.);
Rigging, excluding marine (linesmen's blocks and falls, stages (cleaning and
painting), etc.).
20. Submarine Machinery and Equipment: Submarine machinery and equipment,
excluding diesel engines and parts and storage batteries.
21. Cordage: Flax, hemp, jute, oakum, and manufactured cordage articles not
elsewhere classified (calking cotton, clews, clothes stops, cord, halyards, haws-
ers, lanyards, lashings, lines, ratline, rope, towline, twine, etc.).
22. Wire and Wire Rope, not Insulated: Bare wire and wire rope and articles
fabricated therefrom' excluding rigging (cable, picture cord, towing hawsers,
mooring lines, strands, etc.).
23. Diving Apparatus, Emergency, Lifesaving, and Rescue Equipment: Diving and
salvage apparatus and equipment not elsewhere classified; Emergency, life-
saving, and rescue equipment, marine (life buoys and preservers, life nets,
life rafts, submarine escape apparatus (buoys, lungs), etc.).
24. Duck, Canvas, and Tentage: Duck and canvas, and manufactured articles not
elsewhere classified (air-windsall ducts and beads, bags, basket inserts and
trays (canvas), canopies, covers and paulins, curtains (shower, truck), drop
cloths (painters') duck (yardage), sails and sallbags, tents, etc.).
25. Tobacco Products (cigars, cigarettes, cigarette holders and papers, cleaners
(pipe), lighters and fluid, smoking stands, tobacco, trays (ash), etc.).
26. Furniture: Household and quarters furniture (bedsteads, berths, bureaus, chairs,
chests of drawers, clothes lockers dressers, mess benches, sofas, tables, ward-
robes, eta.); Miscellaneous furniture (barbers' chairs, card tables, mirrors
(wall)' pulpits, snilmakers' benches, screens (folding), etc.); Office furniture
(blackboards, bulletin boards, bookcases, cabinets (filing, stationery, storage),
chairs, desks, safes, tables, etc.); Refrigerators, portable.
27. Dry Goods, Notions, and Floor Coverings: Bedding and accessories (bedspreads,
blankets, covers (mattress, pillow), mattresses, pillows, pillowcases, sheets,
etc.); Finished textile articles (bags (grain, sand, etc.), cloths (dish, polishing,
table), doilies, napkins, towels, waste (cotton, wool), etc.); Floor coverings
and furnishings (blinds (venetian), carpets and rugs, curtains, draperies,
linoleum, shades (window), etc.); Nets and netting (insect, mosquito, etc.);
Notions and findings (buttons, fasteners (slide), pins (safety), thread (cotton,
linen, silk), yarn, etc.); Padding and stuffing materials (hair (cattle tail),
kapok, wadding, wool (raw), etc.); Yard goods (burlap, cloth (billiard, birds.
eye, cheese, drill, percale, pyroxylin-coated, rayon, shade, uniform, etc.),
ribbon, sheeting, tape, ticking, towline, webbing, etc.).
28. Blank forms.
29. Toilet Articles (barbers' supplies, brushes (hair, nail, tooth), combs, cosmetics,
dentifrices, facial tissues, paper towels, toilet paper, toiletries, etc.).
30. Bathroom and Toilet Fixtures (dispensers (soap, towel, eto.) ), faucets, fittings,
float balls, holders (brush and comb, carafe, soap dish, sponge, toilet paper,
toothbrush, tumbler, etc.), lavatories, shower fixtures, sinks, tubs, wall cabi-
nets, wash basins, waste jars, water heaters, etc.
31. Lighting Apparatus, Non-Electric (candles, candlesticks, chimneys and globes,
lamps and lanterns ',acetylene, gasoline, oil, wax burning) and parts, marine
lights (oil burning anchor, running, signal, etc.), tapers (wax), wicks, etc.).
32. Heat-Insulating Materials and Refractories: Heat-insulating material (asbestos
(cloth, rnillboard, paper, pipe covering, plaster), cork, corkboard, fibrous
glass (butts, blanket, board, pipe covering, tape), hair (burled, felt), magnesia
(blocks, pipe covering), lagging, etc.); Fire-surfacing materials (fire brick, fire
clay, magnesite, etc.).
33. Gaskets, Hose and Fittings, Packing, Rubber and Plastics (Sheet and Strip):
Belts and belting, rubber; Flexible tubing; Gaskets and gasketinematerial;
Hose and hose fittings (air, flre, fuel oil, gas, gasoline, pneumatic, steam,
suction, water, etc.); Packing (asbestos, fiber, leather, matellic, rubber, etc.);
Plastics (shapes, sheets, strips, excluding electrical insulation and other fin-
ished articles); Rubber (channels, edging, sheet, strip, eta.).
34. Leather (belting, harness, hides, luggage, saddlery, sole leather, upholstery
leather, and other manufactured leather articles).
35. Books, Maps, Periodicals (books, libraries, snaps, newspapers, periodicals,
professional and technical publications, excluding instruction manuals, etc.,
applying to specific equipment).
36. Music and Musical Instruments (musical Instruments, parts and accessories,
phonographs, radio phonogaphs, records, sheet music, etc.)
37. Athletic Equipment. Emergency and Safety Apparel: Athletic and recreational
equipment and accessories (fishing gear, games (indoor, outdoor), rule books,
sporting goods); Emergency and safety apparel (entitles!: eyeshades, aprons
(flameproof, leather), asbestos mittens and sults, bolts (safety), gas masks
and respirators, gas-protection apparel, goggles, guards and shields, protective
(face, foot, shin), helmets and shields (welders'), sun glasses, etc.).
38. Brooms, Brushes, and Mops: Brooms (push, warehouse, whisk, etc.); Brushes
(artists', dusting, etching, molders' paint, scrubbing; sweeping, watchmakers',
waxing, wire (hand typo), etc.); Mops, mop wringers, squilgees (squeegees),
39. Lumber: Lumber, rough and finished; Wood products not elsewhere classified
(boat beading, boxes, crates, cross ties, molding, pallets, piles, plugs, sawdust,
40. Machine Tools (bending rolls, drop hammers, drills, grinders, lathes, milling
machines, planers, presses, punches, riveters, rolling machines, saws, shears,
etc., parts and accessories).
41. Hand Tools (anvils, awls, axes, bars (chisel, crow, pinch, wrecking), bits (screw
driver, woodboring), braces, files, hammers, hand drills, handles (striking
tool, etc.), hatchets, Jacks, knives (linoleum, pocket, putty, scraping, etc.),
miter boxes, pliers, punches, saws, shovels, spades and scoops, sponges (eau-
lose, natural), vises, wrenches, etc.):
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02: CIA-RDP81-0M8R000100010050-8 21 .
42, General Hardware, excluding Bolls, Nutt:, Rivets, Screws, Washers: Abrasive
cloth and paper (cloth (aintninuin-oxide, crocus, emery), paper (emery, flint,
garnet); Container:I and receptacles not elsewhere classified (barrels and kegs
metal, wood), buekets (metal, rubber, wood), cans, drums, pails, ate.); Fencing
wire), netting and screening (cloth (plastic, wire), poultry netting, etc.);
General hardware not elsewhere classified (brackets, castors, chains, clamps,
fasteners (except slide); handles and pulls (chest, 'drawer), hasps, hinges,
hooks, keys (blank, woodruff), latches, looks, nails, pulleys, springs, staples,
tacks, eta,).
43, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Washer.: Bolts (carriage, eye, machine, plow,
stove, stud, tire, toggle, etc.); Nuts (airport, cap (acorn), castellated, jam,
lock, wing, etc.); Rivets (bolt, boat, boiler, hose, hull, tap, tubular, etc.);
Screws (cap, lag, machine W
, sot, thumb, wood); ashers (lock (shakeproof
spring), plate, etc.). .
44. Metal Pipe, Tubes, and Tubing, (non-Flexible: Pipe (brass, .-ippor, iron,
lead, steel, conduit, rigid (enameled, galvanized), soil, water)"1 ubes (boiler,
, condenser, fuel-oil heater); Tubing (pressure, structural, voice).
45. Pipe Fittings: Cocks, faucets, valves, and ports, excluding I re-extinguisher
valves and tire valves (air, oil, steam, water); Claps, excluding tire gages (pres-
sure (air gas, oil), vacuum, water); Motors (fuel, gas, oil, water); Pipe and
tube fittings, metal and composition (adapters, bends, bosses, busings, caps,
connections, couplings, crosses, curves (sanitary), dampeners, elbows, flanges,
joints (expansion), locknuts, nipples, nuts, plates, plugs, reducers, sleeves,
tees, traps, unions, V-branches); Pressure lubricating fittings, excluding
lubricating equipment.
46. Metal in Bars, Ores: Eloctro-plating and metallizing metals (olootro-plating
anodes and cathodes, metallizing wire, etc.); Ferro Alloys ferro-chromium,
form-manganese, do); Metal in bars, ingots, pigs, rods, slabs; ores, welding
rods and electrodes.
47. Metal in Plates, Sheets, and Strips (boiler plates, embossing tape, terneplate
(roofing tin).
48. Metal Shapes and Structural. (angles, channels, half-rounds, I-beams, tees).
49. Camouflaging Equipment (nets, netting, impregnated strips, etc.).
50. Foundry Equipment and Supplies: Foundry Equipment (bags (parting),
baths (oil-tempering), chaplets, crucibles (covers, lip etc.), lifters, ramtners,
riddles, skim gates, sponges (bulb), stars (rumbling), tapers (molders));
Foundry Supplies (bentonite, dogasers, facings, flour, fluorspar, ganistor,
glucose compound, molasses, sand).
Si. Chemicals, Drugs, Gases, Soaps: Abrasive and polishing compounds and
materials (abrasive and polishing compounds, abrasive sand and steel grit,
buffing compounds furniture and metal polishes, jewelers rouge, valve.
grinding compounds, eta.); Antifreeze compounds; Biologicals, botanicals,
chemicals culture media, and drugs; Cleaning compounds, soap, and laundry
supplies 11)leaching agents, bluing, cleaning compounds, cornstarch (indus-
trial), dis washing compounds, dry cleaning fluids, laundry soap, laundry
starch, rifle bore cleaning compounds, soap (cake, paste, powder), typewriter
cleaning compounds, etc.); Compressed and liquefied gases and cylinders;
Dehydrating agents (silica gel. etc.); Disinfectants, exterminators, and insec-
ticides (liquid, powder, tablets); Dyes (sea markers, textile); Fire-extinguisher
charges; Fluxes; (brazing, soldering, welding, etc.); Hydraulic fluids; Photo-
graphic and lithographic chemicals.
62. Paints, Sealers, Waxes: Filling, Joining and sealing materials (calking com-
pounds, cement and compounds, pitch, plastic wood, putty, waterproof
sealing compounds, etc.); Glues and adhesives; Paints, paint ingredients, and
surface conditioning compounds (driers, enamels, lacquers, metal conditioning
compounds, paints, paint and varnish removers, pigments, primers, shellac,
stains, thinners, varnishes, vehicles (linseed offs, etc.), wood fillers (liquid);
Rust preventive and preservative compounds (flre-water-weather resistant
compounds, rust preventive compounds (exterior use), wood preservatives,
etc.); Waxes (beeswax, carnauba, ceresin, etc.).
53. Stationery: Bugs (glassine, mailing (cotton), paper); Books, blank (memoran-
dum, note (stenographers'), record); Boxes and cantons, paper (filing, ship-
ping); Drafting-room, office and printers' supplies (bands (rubber), brushes
(mucilage, paste, typewriter), calendar pads and stands, clips and fasteners,
cloth (sensitized, tracing), erasers, ink (drawing, lithographic and printing,
numbering-machine, stamp-pad, writing), pencils (carpenters', checking,
colored, copying, drawing, general writing, mechanical)); Envelopes (cash-
payment, coin (retainer), infra-office, mailing); Filing supplies (binders,
fillers, folders, guide cards, index cards and tabs, etc.); Paper (blotting, blue-
print, brownprint, carbon, computing-machine, cross-section, drawing,
mimeograph, stencil, tracing, typewriting, wrapping).
54. Office Machines and Equipment: Office machines, parts and accessories (adding,
addressing, computing, duplicating (including offset duplicating machines
designed primarily for uso in non-printing trades), embossing (addressing
typo), numbering, paper-fastening, tabulating, etc., machines, cash registers,
typewriters, etc.); Office equipment (copy holders, desk trays, pencil sharp-
eners, time clock stamps, waste paper receptacles, etc.).
55. Textile Clothing, Knitted Goods (aprons, bathrobes, bedshirts (hospital),
blouses and shirts, coats and overcoats, dresses, nightgowns, overalls, pajamas,
suits, sweaters, trousers, underwear, etc.). -
56. Food (groceries, ice, provisions, subsistence).
87. HosfiRel, Laboratory, and Surgical Apparatus: Dental, medical, and surgical
apparatus, instruments, parts, accessories, and supplies; Laboratory and
X-ray apparatus, instruments, parts and accessories excluding balances,
electrical quantity instruments, and shop equipment; 'Mortuary equipment
and supplies; Orthopedic appliances (artificial limbs, braces, crutches, etc.).
58. Railway, Dock and Yard Equipment, Including fire fighting apparatus: Ele-
vators, electric, and parts; Fire-fighting apparatus (fire engines, fire extin-
guishers and parts, fire trucks, sprinkler heads, etc.); Railway equipment
(air brakes and parts, locomotives (electric, gasoline, internal combustion,
steam) and parts, railroad cars (ballast, box, dump, flat, hand and push,
passenger-coach, refrigerator, etc.) and parts); Tanks, storage (fuel oil, gasoline,
59. Building Materials, excluding Lumber (asphalt, brick, cement, glass, granite,
gravel, lime, millwork, roofing and roofing material (excluding sheet metal
and wooden shingles), sand, stone, tar, terra cotta and concrete pipe, tiling,
wallboard, etc.).
60. Boilers and Engines (Power-Plant, Ship), Parts and Accessories: Boilers,
steam; Engines, large (diesel, gasoline, steam); Fuel-burning equipment and
parts (gas burners, oil burners,,stokers, etc.). ,
61. Gyro Compasses (gyro compasses, dead reckoning and associated equipment,
parts and accessories).
62. Articles of Special Value (bullion, coin, currency, precious metals and stones,
paintings, religious equipment, statuary. etc.).
63. Tableware-Barracks, Crews' Mesa, Hospital. Hotel, ?Ricers' Mess, Ship-
Saloon (aluminumware, corrosion-resisting steelwaro, chinaware, drinking
fountains (portable) and water coolers, glassware, plasticware, silverware,
vacuum bottles and carafes).
64. Bakershop and Kitchen Apparatus and Utensils: Cooking utensils (fry baskets
coffee makers, pans (baking tuld roasting, fry, sauce), pin plates, pots (bean,
sauce, stock); Kitchen and galley utensils (baskets (bread), boards (bread,
carving, chopping, pastry), bowls (mixing, wood), boxes and canisters chum.
ers, colanders, food carriers, forks, knives, ladles, machines (coffee grinding,
foodmixing, meat chopping or grinding, etc.), reamers and squeezers, scoops,
sifters, spatulas, spoons, strainers, woodenwaro, etc.).
65. Ovens, Ranges, Stoves: Kitchen appliances, heated, parts and accessories
(electric coffee makers, percolators and urns, hot plates (with sea rails), steam-
jacketed kettles, toasters, waffle irons, eta.); Ovens and ranges (coal, electric,
oil, steam, eta,); Stoves, space heating (laundry heaters, spew heaters, etc.,
wood burners).
60. Machinery and Equipment: Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment,
parts and accessories (air conditioning units and systems, fans (ventilating),
refrigeration equipment (non-portable) and systems (electrio, gas, kerosene);
Coffee roasting and grinding equipment; Construction and road building
machinery (breakers (paving), concrete mixers, diggers (clay), pile drivers,
rock drills, won-drilling machinery, etc.); Conveyors (bolt, chain-bucket,
overhead roller); Dish-washing and dish-sterilizing innehines, dough-mixing,
meat-slicing and 4 egotablo-puollng machines, etc.; Industrial fan and blower
equipment and parts; laundry and dry cleaning equipment, parts and accos.
sories (drying tumblers, extractors, lroners, starching machines, washers,
wriugers); Printinf; presses, parts and accessories (letter presses, lithographic
offset, designed primarily for MO in printing trades; Textile machinery, parts
and accessories torment shop machines (cloth-cutting, cloth-drilling, sow-
ing), knittiog machines, looms. etc.).
67. Forage, fil:ieds, Bulbs, Plants: Bedding for animals (straw,rotc.); bulbs and
roots; Flowers; food for animals and fowl (cat and dog food, crushed feed, grain,
hay, eta,); Plants, shrubs, and trees; Seeds.
68. Animals, Fowl, Livestock.
69. Vehicles, Animal and Hand Drawn, Parts and Accessories (carts, dump, gar-
bage, hand, spray, water), shoes (horse, mule), trucks (hand ice delivery,
laundry, library, platform (push typo), serving), wagons (delivery, escort),
wheels (cart, wagon), wheelbarrows).
70. Agricultural Implements, Parts and Accessories (brooders and incubators
churns, cultivators, drills, harrows, listers, plows, etc., fertilizers, hoes, rakes,
spades, etc., mowers (hay, lawn), peat, hog rings and ringers, scythes, shears
and trimmers, sprinklers (lawn), etc.).
71. Badges, Insignia, Medals: Badges (identification, qualifIcation,'etc.); Insignia
(brassards (arm bands), buttons, cap ribbons, chevrons, decalcomania trans.
fors, decorations, devices (cap, collar, hat), distinguishing marks, rating
badges, service stripes, etc.); Metals (awards, service).
72. Boots, Shoes, Leather and Rubber Clothing: Boots (leather, rubber); Leather
and rubber clothing (parkas, ponchos, raincoats, etc.); Leggings (canvas,
leather, spiral (woolen)); Shoes and shoe findings (heels (leather, rubber),
laces, overshoes (arctics, rubber), shoes (children's, men's, women's)).
73. Caps, Hate, Gloves, Mon's and Women's Furnishings.
74. Infantry and Landing Force Equipment and 0 therTechnical Ordnance Material
not elsewhere classified: Balloons, kites, etc.; Infantry and landing force
equipment (belts (pistol, revolver), bolos, canteens, gas masks and canisters,
helmets (combat) it) haversacks and knapsacks, machetes, scabbards, tents
(shelter), etc.); Marline Corps Ordnance equipment; Sectionalized training
aids; Smoke screen generators (chemical); Parts, accessories, tools, and sup-
plies peculiar to technical ordnance material not elsewhere classified.
75. Diesel Engines (Boot), Parts and Accessories.
76. Installation Fittings For Diesel Engines (Boat).
77. Bearings: Antifriction bearings and parts (ball, journal, noodle, roller, etc.);
Commercial sleeve bearings.
78. Motorized Equipment (automobiles, buses, combat vehicles, motorcycles,
tractors, trailers, trucks, etc.).
79. Bridge Components, military (pontons, trestles, etc.).
80. Airplanes and Gliders, Complete.
81. Airplane Major Structural Spares and Assemblies (ailerons, cabins, cockpit
enclosures fuel tanks, fuselages (complete), wings, etc.).
82. Airplane Minor Structural Spares and Parts, Including all structural parts not
specifically designated as major structural parts: Landing gear and parts
(axles, master brake cylinders, shock struts, wheels, etc.); Special airframe
tools; Special airplane ground equipment and parts.
83. Airplane Accessories, Equipment and Parts: Emergency equipment (emer-
gency kits, life rafts and life raft equipment, parachutes); Fixed equipment
(cabin heating and ventilating equipment, cargo tie-down equipment, oxygen
breathing equipment, etc.); Fuel system units and parts, except pumps and
carburetors (filters, hand primers, screens, strainers, etc.); Hydraulic system
units and parts, except pumps (accumulators, filters, hydraulic fluid pressure
regulators, etc.); Tires and tubes, airplane; Vacuum and de-icer system units
and parts, except pumps (air filters, de-icer boots, oil separators, etc.).
84. Aircraft Engines, CompleP-..
85. Aircraft Engine Parts. Special Engine Tools and Test Equipment.
86. Aircraft Pumps, Carburetion, Ignition, Starting and Electrical Power Supply
Systems. Parts, Accessories, Tools and Test Equipment: Carburetion systems
(bleeds, carburetors, diaphragms, jets, regulator resets, turbo superchargers;
etc.); Electrical power supply systems (choke boxes, control boxes and panels,
cut-outs, generator assemblies and parts, voltage regulators, etc.); Ignition
systems; Starting systems (booster coils, breeches, induction vibrators, starter
motors, solenoid starting switches, etc.); Pumps (fuel, hydraulic, vacuum).
87. Aircraft Propeller Systems, Parts, Tools and Test Equipment (alternators,
blades, governors, synchronizers, etc.).
88. Aircraft Instrument and Automatic Pilots, Parts, Tools and Test Equipment
(accelerometers, altimeters, automatic pilots, drift sights, gyro-horizons, inch-
nometers, tachometers, transmitters, etc.).
89. Aircraft Barrier and Arresting Gear, Catapults, and Common Handling Equip-
ment: Barrier and arresting gear and parts; Catapults;
equipment, for general handling of naval aircraft emergency starters, ener-
ults; Common handling
Rims, prelneaters, quick engine change stands, refueling buoys and cells, crash
trucks, work stands and scaffolds, etc.).
90. Airships, Lighter Than Air, Complete. --
91. Airships. Lighter Than Air, Major Structural Spares and Assemblies.
92. Airships, Lighter Than Air, Minor Structural Spares and Parts.
93. Special Aeronautical Training Devices and Parts.
94. Aircraft Armament, Aviation Ordnance and Aviation Fire Control Equipment:
Aircraft machine guns; Aircraft power gunmounts; Aircraft turrets; Aviation
fire control equipment; Aviation ordnance training equipment; Aviation pyro-
technic equipment; Bomb handling equipment; Bomb sights; Continuous
feed mechanisms; Gun sights; Skeet equipment; Smoke tank equipment;
Target equipment; Parts, accessories, tools, and supplies peculiar to aircraft
armament, etc.
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, 22 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RINEWC00728R000100010050-8
95. Fire Control and Ordnance Optical Equipment, Excluding Aviation: Directors,
shields and associated equipment; Fire control, radar and associated equip.
mot; Indicating equipment (turret, gun torpedo mount, searchlight, etc.);
. Optical equipment; Rangokeepors, computers, and associated equipniont;
Target designating equipment; Stable elements; Stable verticals and control
panels; 'Pest equipment; Parts, accessories, tools and supplies.pecullar 1,0 lire
control and OrdnanceAptical equipment,
96. Rockets and Guided Missiles: Guided missiles; Projector charges; Rockets
(aircraft, beach barrage, launcher and demolition, target, etc.); Parts, news.
series, tools and supplies peculiar to rockets and guided missiles.
97. Ordnance Armor (Armor 8 Inches or more in thickness and all armor installed
on an Ordnance structure); Armor gratings; Armor tubes; Armored gun and
. director shields; ?33arbettes; Belt and dock; Conning towers; Rangefinder
hoods; Turrets; Armored components of Ordnance structures.
98. Special Rehabilitation Clothing for Refugee Populations of Occupied Areas.
101. Electric Service.
102. Telephone and Teletypewriter Service.
103. Miscellaneous Services (correct tune, newspaper, printing, meaning chairs,
recapping tires, recording and transcription (broadcasting, script writing,
talent, etc.), rograining offset duplicating plates, slide film prints, wiping
cloth), ,
104. Exhango Allowance for Typewriters.
105. Gas (Illuminating) Service.
106. Steam Service.
Federal Supply Schedule. Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Department X
Consolidated Purchasing Programs. Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Department R
Stock Catalog: Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Department S
Schedule of Blind-Made Products. Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Department , B
Schedule of Products Made in Federal Penal and Correctional Institutions, Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Department of
.? Justice J
Standard Forms and Miscellaneous Supplies Catalog. Government Printing Office _. G
Blank Paper and Envelopes?Stock Catalog and Price List of the United States Government Printing Office G
Schedule of .Award of Contracts for Envelopes. . Post Office Department '
. Industrial Products Price List. District of Columbia Government
Lubricating Oils, Contract Bulletin. Navy Department N
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP8149128R000100010050-8
1. 'This index contains those items of supply and those services required to be obtained from Federal sources of supply or from
other sources established by law, and classifies them according to the appropriate Federal Standard Stock Catalog class.
2. :rho items and services included are those listed as available on April 1, 1047, in any of the following publications:
(a) Federal Supply Schedule. Prepared under direction of the Secretary of the Treasury by the Bureau of Federal Supply.
Obtainable upon application to the Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Department, Washington 25 D. C.
(b) Stock Catalog. Prepared 'under direction. of the Secretary of the Treasury by the Bureau of Federal Supply. 'Obtain-
? able upon application to the Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Department, Washington 25, D. C., Or to the various Supply
(c) Schedule of Blind-Made Products. Prepared under the direction' of Committee on Purchases of Blind-Made Prod-
ucts. Obtainable upon'application to the Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Department, Washington 25, D. C.
(d) Schadtdo of Products Made by Federal Penal and Correctional Institutions. Obtainable upon application ? to Federal
Prison Industries' ? Inc., Department of Justice', .Wat.hington 25, D. C. ? ? ?
? (e) Standard Forms. and Miscellaneous Supplies Catalog. Obtainable upon application to the Government Printing Office,
. Washington, D. C. . .
? (f) Blank Paper nnd Envelopes?Stock Catalog and Price List of the United States Government Printing Office. Obtain-
able upon application to the. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.
(g) Award of Contracts for Envelopes. Prepared and issued by the purchasing agent, Post Office Department. Obtain-
able upon application to the Pest Office 'Department; Washington 25, D. C.
(k) Industrial Products Price List. Obtainable upon application to the Superintendent of Industries, Department of Cor-
rections, District of Columbia 'Government, Lorton, Va.
(i) Lubricatir.g Oils?Contract Bulletin, ?Lubricating ? Oils for the Naval Service and other Departments of the Federal
Government. Obtainable upon application to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington 25, D. C.
3. The sources of supply are indicated by symbol letters which designate those of the above publications which list the items or
Services. The numbers indicate the class.
Norrn.?Reference should be made.to the appropriate publication before issuing purchase orders or requisitions.
A Symbol
and class
Abrasive cloth (see Cloth, abrasive) X 42
Abrasive wheels (see Wheels, abrasive) S 40
Absorbent cotton (see Cotton, absorbent) S 57
Absorbent lint (see Lint, absorbent) X 57
Acacia (gum arable) X 51
Accounting machine ribbons (see Ribbons, accounting
machine S 53
Accounting machines (see Machines, accounting) X 54
Acetic acid, glacial (see Acids, acetic, glacial) X 51
Acetic anhydride X 51
Acetone X 51
Acetylene gas (see Gases, acetylene) X 51
Acetic, glacial X 51
Acetylsalicylic tablets S 51
Boric SX 51
Boric acid ointment SX 51
Carbolic (see Phenol) X 51
Chromic, technical X 51
Citric _ X 51
Hydrochloric X 51
Hydrofluoric X 51
Nitric X51
Oxalic X 51
Perchloric X 51
Phosphoric (ortho) X 51
Pyrogallic (pyrogallol) X 51
Sulfuric X 51
Acoustical units, prefabricated (see Tile, acoustic) X 59
Adapters, fire hose, nozzle S 33
Addressing machine plates (see Plates, addressing ma-
chine) . X 54
Addressing machine ribbons (see Ribbons, addressing '
machine) - - SX 53
Addressing machines (see Machines, addressing) X 54
Addressograph ink (see Ink, addressing machine) G
Adhesive plaster (see Plaster, adhesive) S 57
Adz handles (see Handles, adz) J 41
Aeronautical film (see Filth, aeronautical) X 18
After dinner coffee cups (see Chinaware, cups, after ,
dinner) X 63
Apr ? X51
Air hose (see Hose, air) X 33
Air mail envelopes (see Envelopes, mailing, air mail
Airplane tires and tubes X 83
Alarm clocks (see Clocks, Alarm) ' S 18
Albumen, egg X 51
Alcohol (ethyl): and class
Denatured SX 51
USP S51,
Alfalfa meal (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed; Meal,
Alfalfa seed (see Seed, grass-,
X 67
Allen's Synonyms and Antonyms (see Philology) X 35
Allspice S 56
Alphabetical indexes (see Indexes, binder, alphabetical)._ SX 53
Altimeters X 18
Aluminum castings J 46
Aluminum oxide cloth (see Cloth' abrasive) X 42
Aluminum potassium sulfate (potash-alum) SX 51
Aluminum sulfate X 51
Aluminum trays (see Trays, serving) X 64
Ambulances R 78
American Illustrated Medical Dictionary, Borland's (see
Useful arts; Medical dictionaries) X 35
American Medical Association's "New and Non-Official
Remedies" (see Useful arts) X 35
American oriental rugs (see Rugs, American oriental)._ X 27
Anhydrous X 51
Aqua X 51
Aromatic spirits. / SX 51
Ammoniated mercury (see Mercury, ammoniated) X 51
Ammoniated mercury ointment (see Mercury, ammoni-
ated ointment) X 51
Ammonium chloride X 51
Ammonium dichromate X 51
Ammonium hydroxide (see Ammonia, aqua) X 51
Ammonium nitrate X 51
Ammonium sulfate X 51
Amplifier tubes (see Tubes, amplifier and relay) S 17
Anchor accessories and parts:
Ballasts (see Ballasts, anchor) J 42
Plates (see Plates, anchor and building) J 59
Rods (see Rods, anchor) S 42
Bolt X 43
Guy S42
Anemometers X 18
Aneroid barometers (see Barometers, aneroid) X 18
Animal forage (see Forage ,animal) X 67
Animal glue (see Glue, animal, cake) G
Antenna, mobile radio S 16
Antifreeze compound (see Compound, antifreeze) SX 51
Antiseptic salve, Hall's S 51
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and chum
Bodshirts, cotton DX 65
Bedside cabinets, hospital (see Cabinets, hospital, bed-
side) J57
Bedside ()hairs, hospital (see Chairs, hospital, bedside)___ J 57
Bedspreads S 27
Bed springs (see Household and quarters furniture, I) X 26
Beef, canned:
Corned S 56
Roast S 56
Beeswax, technical S 52
Beets, canned S 56
Beet pulp, forage (see Forage, animal, crushed feed) .... X 67
Beet sugar (see Sugar, beet or cane) S 56
Bells, telephone, extension S 17
Belt dressing and preservative X 14
Fabrics and rubber X 34
Leather X 34
Belt lacing (see Lacing, belt) X 34
Belts, safety X 37
Belts, tool S 37
Belts, V S 34
Dressing table (see Household and quarters furni-
ture, III) X 26
Office (see Special furnishings, executive typo) X 26
Bench grinders (see Grinders, electric, portable) X 40
Bent grass seed (see Seed, grass) X 67
Bentwood chairs (see Chairs, bentwood) X 26
Benzol (benzene) SX 51
Bermuda grass seed (see Seed, grass) X 67
Billies, hand, tear-gas X 2
Billing machines (see Machines, billing and fanfold X 54
Bill or invoice size sections (see Sections, furniture,
wood) X 26
Binder accessories:
Clips (see Clips, binder) S 53
Covers (see Covers, binder) SX 53
Fillers (see Fillers, binder). S 53
Indexes (see Indexes, binder) X 53
Straps (see Straps, binder) SX 53
Binders, loose-leaf:
Current ledger X 53
Flexible tape X 53
Forest Service S 53
Pamphlet X 53
Permanent X 53
Post S X 53
Prong X 53
Ring SX 53
Spring back SX 53
String (cord) ' X 53
String and post X 53
Transfer SX 53
Wire X53
Binders' board (see Board, binders') , G
Biological preparations (see Pharmaceutical preparations
and biological products) X 51
Biological products_ X 51
Biscuit mixture, prepared S 56 .
Bismuth salicylate X 51
Bismuth subnitrate X 51
Wood boring S 41
Blackberries, canned S 56
Blackboards S 26
Blacking and dauber brushes (see Brushes, blacking
and dauber) S 38
Black-line paper (See Paper, black-line)- X 53
Hand S41
Machine SX 40
Shipping and packing (shop) S 41
Surgical X 57
Blanket powder (see class 54, Machines, dupliching) X 51
Cotton and wool .. S 27
Plate printing X 66
Rubber, lithographic X 54
Blasting supplies:
Caps (see Caps, exploders) X 4
and class
Blasting supplies?Continued
Powder (see Powder, blasting)
Powder primers (see Primers, blasting powder)
Bleached drill (see Drill, cotton)
Blinds, venetian
X 4
X 4
J 27
X 27
Deck or door mat
J 27
Follower, filing case
S 54
Wood (see Blocks, deck or door mat)
J 27
Blocks and falls, linemen's
S 19
Blotter pads (see Pads, desk)
S 53
Blotters, hand, rocker
S 53
Blotting paper (see Paper, blotting).
GRS 53
Blouses, cotton
X 55
Blow torches (see Torches, blow, gasoline)
S 41
Blueberries, canned
S 56
Bluegrass seed (see Seed, grass)
X 67
Blueprinting machines (see Machines, blueprinting)
X 18
Blueprint paper (see Paper, blueprint) _ ?
SX 53
Blueprint pencils (see Pencils, wood cased, lead)
X 53
S 51
Binders' G
Bristol GRS 53
Cement asbestos X59
Illustrating RS 53
Newsboard G
Railroad G
Tag GRS 53
Drawing S 18
Reducing (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Summary (see Summary boards) X 54
Boats, gravy (see Chinaware) X 63
Boats, wooden J 9
Bodies' socket S 17
Boiler feed water compound (see Compound, boiler feed
water) X 13
Boiler grates (ace Grates, boiler). DJ 60
Boilers, double ' X 64
Bolt anchors (see Anchors, bolt) X 43
Barrel X 42
Cane .., X42
Carriage X 43
Chain X 42
Cross-arm S 43
Foot X42
Machine X 43
Stove X43
Toggle X 43
Boluses, pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical preparations
and biological products) X 51
Bond paper and supplies:
Envelopes (ace Envelopes mailing, common type,
side opening, bond', white) GS 53
Paper (see Paper, typewriting, bond) GRS 53
Sulphite paper (see Paper, typewriting, bond) G
Bookcase accessories and parts:
Bases, sanitary: .
Steel (see Sections, furniture, steel; Bases,
RS 53
sanitary) J 26
Wood (see Sections, furniture, wood; Bases,
sanitary) SX 26
Steel (see Sections, furniture, steel) J 26
Wood (see Sections, furniture, wood) SX 26
Tops (see Sections, furniture, wood; tops book-
case) SX 26
Book ends (see Supports, book) S 26
Bookkeeping machine ribbons (see Ribbons, bookkeeping
machine) S 53
Book paper (see .Paper, book) G
Memorandum DGS 53
Note, stenographers' DGS 53
Record GS 53
Time GS 53
Transit S 53
Law (see Periodicals and lawhooks) X 35
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and ellum
Bookshelf sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 20
Bookshelves (see Household and quarters furniture, I)., X 26
Book stands (see Stands, book) X 26
Book troughs (sec Special furnishings, executive typo,
troughs, book)... X 26
Booster charges (Bee Primers, blasting powder) X 4
Boots, rubber X 72
Borax, technical (see Sodium borate, technical) X 51
Boric acid (see Acids, boric) SX 51
Boric acid ointment (see Acids, bort() acid ointment)._ SX 51
Bottle covers, canvas (ace Covers, canvas, water bottle) _ J 24
Dropping X 57
? Hot water X 57
' Narrow mouth X 57
Prescription X 57
Reagent S 5.7
Solution S 57
Water cooler (see Glassware) S 63
Weighing X 57
Wide mouth X 57
Bouillon cups (see Chinaware; Cups, bouillon) X 63
Bowls (see Chinaware):
. Cereal X 63
General use X 63
Salad X 63
Soup X 63
9ugar X 63
Box drawer sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) _ X 26
Camp boss kit S 41
Card, statistical, wood X 39
Cutlery S 64
Fuse and vacuum arrester S 17
Ointment X 57
Packing, wood_ X 39
Pump outfit, back pack 5 11
Shipping, corrugated S 53
Box trucks (see Trucks, box, steel) X 69
Cross-arm, telephone S 17
Ratchet S 41
Brackets: ,
Insulator S 17
Shelf X 42
Window ventilator S 42
Brake accessories and parts:
Band lining (see Lining, brake-band) X 8
Drum lathes (see Lathes, brake-drum) X 40
? Relining machine (see Machines, brake relining and
. grinding) ? X 40
Bran, wheat, forage (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed)._ X 67
Branding irons (see Irons, branding) , S 41
Brass cross wires (see Wire, deck or door mat) J 27
Brass rivets (see Rivets, brass) S 43
Brass stencils (see Stencils, brass) S 42
Bread X 56
Bread and butter plates (see Chinaware; Plates, bread and
butter) X 63
Breakfast food (see Cereals) S 56
Breakfast plates (see Chinaware; Plates, breakfast) X 63
Brewers' yeast (see Yeast, medicinal) X 51
Building D
Fire clay ? X 32
Brief cases (see Cases, brief) ? S 34
Bristolboard (see Board, bristol) GRS 53
Broadcasting services, radio (see Recording and transcrip-
tion service) X 103
Bronze castings J 46
Bronze. tablets (see Tablets, bronze) J 42
Corn: -
. , Hearth (or toy) J 38
Parlor I3DJS 38
Warehouse ' DJS 38
Fiber B 38
Rattan, push DS 38
Street (see Brooms, rattan, push) DS 38
: .Whisk , BDJS 38
Brownprint paper (see Paper, brownprint) X 53
Brushes: ,
'Artists' 5 38
and chum
Beaker . S 38
Blacking and dauber 5 38
Calcimine JS 38
Chassis and running gear J 38
Cuspidor DJS 38
Cylinder 5 38
Duplicating machine S 53
Ceiling and wall JS 38
Counter DJS 38
Draftsmen's S 38
Cirille S 38
Painters' JS 38
Radiator JS 38
Fitch JS 38
Garage ' J 38
Glue JS 38
Hand-scrub D
Jar 538
Lacquering S 38
Marking J 38
Mucilage or paste S 53
Paint JS 38
Pastry S 38
Pick J 38
Polishing and scrubbing machine J 40
Radiator bronzing S 38
Sanitary or toilet DJS 38
. Sash tool JS 38
Clothes J 38
Deck DJS 38
Floor DJS 38
Seaming_ J 38
Shaving J 29
'Sidewalk S 38
Sink or pot JS 38
Spoke J 38
Stencil JS 38
Stippling, wall J 38
Sweeping_ DJS 38
Test tube S 38
Tooth J 29
Machine dusting S 53
Type cleaning JS 53
Varnish JS 38
Whisk B .38
Whitewash JS ,38
Window ' JS 38
Brush handles (see Handles, brush) S 38
Brush hooks (see Hooks, brush) S 70
Canvas, folding S 24
General purpose, galvanized iron S 42
Building plates (8ee Plates, anehor and building) J 59
Bulbs, lamp (see Lamps, electric (bulbs) SX 17
-Bunks, Navy typo (see Beds, metal, bunk) J 26
Buntings, baby (see, Baby buntings) X 55
Burettes X 57
Burlap, jute S 27
Burn compound S 51
Burners, gas, laboratory X 57
Burn treatment kits (see Kits, burn treatment) -X 57
Bushings, cored and solid (see Iron, cast, bar) J 46
Busses , R 78
Butter chips, paper (see Chips, butter)_ S 53
Butter dishes (see Chinaware; Dishes, butter) X 63
Butt hinges (see Hinges, butt) X 42
Cabinet beds (see Beds, metal, institutional type) J 26
Card size, wtood SX 26
China (see Household and quarters furniture, I)......_ X 26
Filing, insulated, steel X 26
Hospital, bedside J 57
Key, steel ?X 26
Paper towel S 30
Safe (see Safe cabinets) ? ?J 26
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Cabinets?Continued ' Symbol
and clime
Steel .1 20
Wood .1X 20
Telephone (see Special furnishings, executive type) ? X 20
Cabinet varnish (see Varnish, cabinet) S 52
Lighting or power S 15 .
Cafeteria chairs (see Chairs, school or cafeteria) .1 20
Cake covers, table use (see Chinaware) X 63
Cake mixture, prepared S 50
Cake turners (see Turners, cake)
S 64
Calchnine ? X 52
Calcimine brushes (see Brushes, calcimine) .1S 38
Calcium carbonate X 51
Calcium chloride SX 51
Calcium sulfate X 51
Calendar stands (see Stands, calendar) S 53
Calking compound, roofing (see Compound calking,
roofing (slaters') X 59
Camphor X 51
Camphor in oil X 51
Cane sugar (see Sugar, beet or cane) S 56
Canisters, gas-mask X 37
Can openers (see Openers, can) S 04
Ash (or garbage) S 42
.Garbage S 42
Milk S 64
Oil S42
Oil, typewriter S 53
Safety S 42
Water S 42
Canteens S 74
Canteen strapping (see Strapping, canteen) S 27
Canton flannel (see Flannel, canton) S 27
Canvas baskets (see Baskets, canvas) J 24
Canvas coal bags (see Bags, canvas, coal) J 24
Canvas feed bags (see Bags, canvas, feed) J 24
' Canvas tents (see Tents, canvas) JS 24
Canvas trays (sed Trays, basket insert, canvas) J 24
Canvas water bags (see Bags, canvas, water) S 24
Bakers' and cooks' D
Blasting (exploders) X 4
Canteen S 74
Chefs' and waiters' D
Fuller ball cock S 30
Lampholder S 17
Milk?bottle S 63
Plug S17
Cap screws (see Screws, cap) _ X 43
Cap size sections (see Sections, furniture) SX 20
Capsules, filled (see Pharmaceutical preparations and
' biological products) X 51
Carbolic acid (see Phenol) X 51
Carbon dioxide (see Gases, carbonic acid) X 51
Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) X 51
Carbon disulfide X 51
Carbonic acid gas (see Gases, carbonic acid) X 51
Carbon paper: . ?
Duplicating (see Paper, carbon, duplicating)____ _ _ SX 53
Pencil (see Paper, carbon, pencil) S 53
Typewriter (see Paper, carbon, typewriter) S 53
Carbon tetrachloride X 51
Cardboard G
Card boxes, wood (see Boxes, card, statistical, wood) X 39
Card cabinets (see Cabinets, card size) SX 26
Card cabinets, fingerprint (see Sections, furniture, steel)_ J 26
Card index trays (see Trays, wood, card index) SX 26
Card or transportation request sections (see Sections,
furniture, wood) X 26
Card racks, time recorder (see Racks, time recorder cards)_ X 54
S .
Guide X 53
Index, filing GS 53
"Out" S 53
Card size sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Carpet cushions (see Cushions, 'carpet and rug)___'_ _ _ _ _. _ X 27 ,
Axminster_ X 27
Linen X 27
Carpets?Continued mai class
Velvet X 27
Wil ton X 27
Carriage bolts (see Bolts, carriage) X 43
Carrots, canned
1St 7580
Carryalls (motorized equipment)
Carrying cases, rangers' (see Cases, carrying, rangers')... S 24
Car seals (see Seals, car) S 12
Chemical, respirator (half-mask) X 37
Gas X4
Cascara sagrada extract S 51
Brief SX 31
Map carrying.. J 24
Snow equipment see Rolls, canvas, snow equip-
J 24
Carrying, rangers' S 24
Piling: ,
Document SX 54
Storage S 54
Transfer X 54 '
Cas gun X2
Index card S 54
Level S 18
Shipping (see Boxes, shipping, corrugated) S 53
Storage or transfer ' SX 54
Binders' board X 54
Steel J 20
Tripod S 18
Cash registers (see Registers, cash) , X 54
Casseroles, table up (see Chinaware) X 63
Casters, truck X 42
Aluminum (see Aluminum castings) J 46
Bronze (see Bronze castings) J 46
Iron D
Iron, gray (see Iron, cast, bar) J 46
Cast iron bushings (see Iron, cast, bar) J 46
Castor oil (see Oil, castor). X 51
Catgut sutures (see Sutures) X 57
Catheters X 57
Catsup, tomato S 56
Cecil's Medicine (see Useful arts) X 35
Ceiling brushes (see Brushes, dust, ceiling and wall)__ JS 38
Ceiling mops (see Mops, cotton, wall and ceiling)____ BS 38
Celery dishes (see Chinaware; Dishes, pickle or celery)._ _ X 63
Celery seed (see Seed, celery) _ S 56
Cellophane bags (see Bags, cellophane) ? S 53
Cellulose, absorbent, surgical X 57
Cellulose acetate sheets (see Plastic, photographic) X 18
Cellulose nitrate sheets (see Plastic, photographic) X 18
Cellulose tape: ?
Colored (see Tape, cellulose, colored) X 53
Transparent (see Tape, cellulose, transparent) __ ? S 53
Bituminous, roof patching X 59
Fatty acid pitch base X 59
Linoleum SX 52
Rubber S 52
Cement asbestos board (see Board, cement asbestos) X 59
Cement water paint (see Paint, cement, water) X 52
Cerates (see Pharmaceutical 'preparations and biological
products) X 51
Cereal bowls (see Chinaware; Bowls, cereal) X 63
Cereals (breakfast food), prepared ' S 56
General service X 42
Kettle S 64
Passing link S 42
Tire X8
Chair cushions (see Cushions, chair) S 27
'Chair cushions, sponge rubber (see Cushions, chair, sponge
rubber) S 34
Chair pads (see Pads, chair) , S 27
Chair recaning service (see Recaning chairs) X 103
Chairs (see household and quarters furniture I, III, and
IV X26 '
. Arm wood, institutional type J 26 ,
? Bent:wood X26
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and class
Douglas, arm type . J 26
Fibre J26
. Folding: .
Metal S26
Wood J26
Hospital, bedside J 57
Institutional, wood (see Chairs, arm, wood) J 20.
Office, wood (see also Special furnishings, executive
typo) JSX 26
School or cafeteria J 26
Side, wood J26
Typists' (see also Chairs, office, wood) JS X 26
Wheel, invalid X 57
Chalk (see Crayons, chalk, white) S 53
Chambray shirts (see Shirts, men's, chambray) DJ 55
Chamois skins (see Skins, chamois) S 34
Charges, fire extinguisher:
Foam typo S 51
Soda and acid typo S 51
Chart paper (see Paper, chart) G
Chassis brushes (see Brushes, chassis and running gear) J 38
Check cutting and sorting machines (see Machines, check
cutting and sorting) X 54
Check endorsing machines (see Machines, check endors-
ing X54
Check file sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Cheek signature ink (see Ink, check endorsing) G
Check signing and dating machines (see Machines, check
signing and dating) X 54
Check writing machines (see Machines, check writing)._ X 54
Cheesecloth S 27
Chemicals, medicinal (see Pharmaceutical preparations
and biological products) X 51
Cherries, canned 8 56
Chest locks (see Locks, chest) X 42
Chests of drawers (see Household and quarters furni-
ture, I) X 26
Chewing tobacco (see Tobacco, chewing) X 25
Chiffoniers (see Household and quarters furniture, III) X 26
Chili con carne, canned_ S 56
Chili pepper (see Pepper, chili) S 56
Chili sauce (see Sauce, chili) S 56
Chimneys, lantern S 31
China cabinets (see Household and quarters furniture, I) _ _ X 26
Boats, gravy X 63
Bowls X 63
Casseroles X 63
Covers, cake X 63
Cups X 63
Dishes X 63
Pitchers X 63
Plates X 63
Platters X 63
Pots, mustard A X 63
Saucers X 63
Tankards, cream * X 63
Tubs, ice X 63
Tureens' soup X 63
Chipboard (see Board, chip) RS 53
Chips, butter, paper S 53
Chisels, woodworkers_ S 41
Chloroform (not for anesthesia) X 51
Chocolate S 56
Chrome alum (see Chromium potassium sulfate) X 51
Chromic acid, technical (see Acids, chromic, technical)._ X 51
Chromium potassium sulfate X 51
Chromium trioxide, technical (see Acid, chromic) X 51
Cinnamon S 56
Circuit testers (see Galvanometers) X 4
Circular saws (see. Saws circular) X 40
Citric acid (see Acids, citric). X 51
Civil Service Commission forms (see Forms, Government)._ G ,
Clamping machines J 41
Guy ' S42
' Laboratory ' X 57
Pencil sharpener S 54
' Screw X41
Water hose 633
Clams, canned S 56
Clay, fire .. X32
and class
Cleaner, hand (duplicating ink remover) S 51
Cleaners, vacuum X 60
Cleaning liquid, typewriter typo S 51
Cleaning venetian blinds X 103
Cleansing tissues (see Tissues, cleansing) S 29
Climbers, linemen's S 41
Cliznbers' straps (see Straps, climbers') S 37
Binder S 53
Paper 5 53
Pencil S 53
Wire (see Clips, paper, wire) .5 53
Alarm S 18
Electric, wall type X 18
Mechanical; wall type X 18
Watchmen's portable X 18
Closers, door, liquid X 42
Abrasive (aluminum oxide)
X 2
Awning (see Duck, cotton) 244
Crocus X 42
Emery S 42
Photographic X 18
Photograph mounting X 18
Sensitized X 53
Tracing SX 53
Wiping (yard goods) J 27
Wire_ S 42
Cloth cutting machines (see Machines, cloth cutting .
(garment shop)) X 66
Cloth drilling machines (see Machines, cloth drilling
(garment shop)) X 66
Clothes scrubbing brushes (see Brushes, scrubbing,
clothes) J 38
Clothing (bathrobes, pajamas, shirts, underwear) J 55
Barbers' D .
Drop, painters', canvas J 24
Dusting S 27
Scrubbing (see Cloths, wiping)
JS 27
Table, cotton
Wash S 27
Clove oil (see Oils, clove)
Clover seed (see Seed, grass) JS51.
Cloves, whole S 56
Club plates (see Plates, club) X 63
Clutch facings, motor vehicle X 8
Coal bags, canvas (see Bags, canvas, coal) J 24
Coal carrying baskets (see Baskets, splint) S 39
Coal shovels (see Shovels, coal) S 41
Coat hangers (see Hangers, coat) S 26
Coating material, fatty acid pitch base X 59
Coating, protective (see Paint, protective, boiler, interior) _ X 52
Coating solution (see class 54, Machines, duplicating)_ _ . X 51
Rubber X 72
Wool DX. 55
Cocoa, breakfast S 56
Cocoa mats (see Mats, cocoa fiber)
Codfish, dried XS 2
Cod-liver oil (see Oils, cod-liver) X 51
Coffee S 56
Coffee cake mixture, prepared S 56
Coffee cups (see Chinaware) X 63
Coffee pots (see Pots, coffee) S 64
Coffee tables (see Tables;coffee) J 26
'Colanders X 64
Collodion X 51
Colored envelopes (see Envelopes, mailing, common type,
side opening, colored) . P
Color filters, photographic (see Filters, color, photo-
graphic) X 18
Coloring, food S 56
Coloring pencils (see Pencils, wood-cased, lead) X 53
Colors, water
SX 52
Columnar pads (see Pads, columnar) ?
G 53
Columnar paper (88e Paper 'columnar, sheet). S,S 533
? Bok pocket S 18
Prismatic . S 18
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owl chum
Compass saws (see Saws, compass) S 41
Composing machines (see Machines, composing) X 54
Antifreeze Boiler feed water SX 61
X 13
Calking, roofing (slaters') X 50
Grease cleaning X 51
Joint and thread X 52
Opaque (ace Opaque compounds) X 18
Plumbing fixture setting X 52
Sweeping S 51
Compresses S 67
Paper fastener S 53
Transfer ease (section and cabinet parts) J 26
Computing machine paper (see Paper, computing ma-
chine) S 53
Computing machine ribbons (see Ribbons, computing
Connectors, split bolt typo S 17
Computing machines (see Machines, computing)
Construction machinery parts (see classes 8 and 66; Parts,
construction and road-building machinery) X 66
Cooking and mess outfit S 64
Food X 64
Controls, sterilizer S 57
Cookies S 56
Cooking pots (see Pots, cook) S 64
Coolers, drinking water:
Electric X 63
Nonelectric S 63
Coordinate paper (see Paper coordinate) S 53
Copy holders (see Holders, copy) SX 54
Copying pencils (see Pencils, wood-cased, lead) SX 53
Extension S 17
Lamp S 15
Portable S 15
Sash S 21
Shade, window S 21
Telephone hand-set S 15
Venetian blind S 21
Cordials, pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical prepara-
tions and biological products) __ X 51
Cork covering, pipe (see Pipe covering, cork) _ X 32
Cork stoppers (see StoPpers, cork) X 57
Canned S 56
Forage (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 67
Corn brooms (see Brooms, corn) BDJS 38
Corn flakes 5 66
Corn meal 566
Corn meal, forage (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed;
Meal, corn) X 67
Corn sirup (see Sirup, blended) S 56
Corned beef (see Beef, canned, corned). S 56
Corned beef hash, canned (see Hash, corned beef, canned)_ S 56
Cornstarch S 56
Correction compound, stencil S 53
Correction pencils (see Pencils, correction, duplicating
machine) S 53
Correct-time service X 103
Correspondence distributors (see Distributors, correspond-
ence) X54
Correspondence trucks (see Trucks, library) JX 69
Corrosion resisting steelware (see Trays, mess) J 63
Corrugated boxes (Bee Boxes, shipping, corrugated) S 53
Corrugated paper (see Paper, packing, corrugated) S 53
Costumers (see also Special furnishings, executive type) _ JSX .26
Cots, finger (see Pads, finger) S 53
Cotter pins (see Pins, cotter) X 42
Absorbent , DS 57
Duck (see Duck, cotton) _ JS 24
? Mattresses (see Mattresses, cotton (felted))____ BDJS 27
? Mops (see Mops, cotton) BS 38
, Padding (see Padding, cotton) S 27
Rugs (see Rugs, cotton, hand woven) B 27
Sheeting (see Sheeting, cotton) S 27
Thread (see Thread, cotton) S 27
. Twig '(see Twine, cotton) 5 21
? Waste (iee- Waste, cotton) S 27
and S y n ci lb: ol s
Cottonado suiting S 27
Cottonseed meal (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed; Meal,
cottonseed) X 67
Cottonseed oil (see oil, cottonseed) X 51
Couches, leather upholstered (see Special furnishings,
executive type) X 26
Counter brushes (see Brushes, dust, counter)----__ DJS 38
Counters (see Registers, tally) X 18
Coveralls, work suit (see Suits, cotton, denim) DX 55
Cover cloth, laundry (see Sheeting, cotton) S 27
Cover glasses, lantern slide (see Glasses, cover, lantern
X 18
Cover paper (see Paper, cover) GRS 53
Bedpan 13 27
Binder SX 53
Cake (see Chinaware) X 63
Fan_ J 24
Pack (pack horse). S 24
Wagon J 24
Truck, waterproof J 24
Water bottle J 24
Chair back D
Cook pot S 64
Cylinder, duplicating machine S 53
File, arch S 53
Garbage, underground J 59
Hot water bottle B 27
Ice bag B 27
Ironing board ES 27
Manhole (see Manhole covers and frames)
DJ 59
Seat (automobile, tractor, truck) J 224
Tub, continuous flow J 57
Typewriter X 54
Covert cloth S 27
Cowpea seed (see Seed, grain). _ X 67
Crackers S 56
Cranes, current meter X 18
Crates, wood, water can carrier S 39
Chalk, white S 53
Drawing S 53
Lumbermen's SX 53
Paint, brushless X 53
Wax X53
Cream pitchers (see Chinaware; Pitchers, cream) X 63
Cream tankards (see Chinaware; Tankards, cream) X 63
Crepe paper (see Paper, crepe) X 53
Cresol compound solution (sea Solutions, cresol com-
pound) . S 51
Crinoline, surgical X 57
Crocus cloth (see Cloth, crocus) X 42
Cross-arm bolts (see Bolts, cross-arm) S 43
Crosscut circular saws (see Saws, circular) X 40
Crosscut saws (see Saws, crosscut) S 41
Cross-section paper (see Paper
Cross wires (see Wire, deck or ' cross-section) door mat) SX 2537
Crowns, bookcase (see Tops, bookcase, steel) J 26
Crucible tongs (see Tongs, crucible) X 57
Crushed feed (see Forage, animal) X 67
Crutch tips (see Tips, crutch) X 57
Culinary gloves (see Gloves, culinary) _ J 37
Culture dishes (see Dishes, culture) S 57
Culture media, dehydrated (see Pharmaceutical prepara-
tions and biological products) X 51
Cupboards, stationery (steel; Wood). S 26
Cupboard sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Cupric sulfate X 51
Cups (see Chinaware) X 63
Drinking (see Tinware) S 63
Drinking, paper S 53
Enamel S 64
Eye (see Bath, eye)__. S 57
Pin or sponge., glass S 53
Sputum :X57'
Current ledger binders, loose-leaf (see Binder:4, loose-leaf, ,
current ledger) X 53
Current Meters (see Meters, current) X 18
Current meter cranes (see Cranes, current meter) X 18 '
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a nd chum
Current meter weight hangers (see Hangers, current
meter weight) X 18
Current meter weights (sea Weights, current meter) X 18
Shower, canvas J 24
Truck, canvas
J 24
Curtain scrim (see Scrim, curtain) S 27'
Cushions: .
Carpet and rug X 27
Chair S 27
Chair, sponge rubber S 34
Typewriter key S 54
Cuspidor brushes (see Brushes, cuspidor) DJS 38
Cuspidor mops (see Mop, cotton, cuspidor) 13 38
Cutter mattocks (see Mattocks, cutter)
SX 41
Emery wheel dresser S 41
Pencil sharpener S 54
Wrapping paper (see Holders and cutters, wrapping
paper) S 42
Cutting oil (see Oil, cutting) X 14
Cylinder covers, duplicating machine (see Covers,
, cylinder, duplicating machine)_ S 53
Dictating machine SX 54
Glass SX 57
Cystoscopes, electric X 57
Dairy cattle feed (see Feed, dairy cattle)... X 67
Dashes (bars), pole S 42
Dating stamps (see Stamps, dating) SX 53
Daubers (see Brushes, blacking and dauber) .. S 38
Davenports (see Household and quarters furniture, V;
see also Special furnishings, executive type) X 26
Decalcomanias S 71
Deck scrubbing brushes (see Brushes, scrubbing, deck)- DJS 38
Deck swabs (see Swabs, deck, cotton twine) B 38
Denatured alcohol (see .Alcohol (ethyl), denatured) SX 51
Denim S 27
Dental plasters (see Plaster of paris) X 51
Dental towels (see Towels, huck) B 27
Denture brushes (see Brushes, tooth) J 29
Depressors, tongue S 57
Desiccators X 57
Desk accessories:
Drawer trays (see Trays, desk drawer) J 26
Lamps (see Lamps, electric, portable) S 17
Pads (see Pads, desk) S 53
Rulers (see Rulers desk) S 53
Trays (see also class 26, Special furnishings, executive
.type; Trays, desk) JSX 53
Tray stacking posts (see Posts, stacking, desk tray). SX 53
Tray supports (see Supports, desk tray) SX 53
Desk leg protectors (see Protectors, desk leg S 26
Desks (see Household and quarters furniture III) X 26
Office, wood (see also Special furnishings, executive
type) SX 26
Sectional, card record X 26
Typewriter, wood (see also Special furnishings,
executive type) . SX 26
Desk sets. pen:
Fountain (see Pen sets, desk, fountain) SX 53
Reservoir dip type (see Pen sets, desk, reservoir dip
'131),;)? SX 53
Dessert plates (see Chinaware; Plates, dessert or salad) .L_ X 63
Dessert spoons (see Silverware; tinware) S 03
Detail drawing paper (see Paper, detail drawing) . X 53
Black-line paper (see Solutions, developing, black-line
paper) ? ' X 53
Photocopying machine, powder S 51
, Photographic SX 51
. Reproduction ? cloth (see Solutions, developing, re-
production cloth) ' X 53
Developing ink (see class 54, Machines, duplicating; Ink,
developing) .. X 53
Developing kits (see Kits; developing) X 18
Developing machines (see Machines, developing) , , X 18
' Dextrin gum (see Mucilage, gum) G
and class
Dextrose X 51
Diagnostic Instruments (see Cystoscopes, etc.)
X 57
Diagnostics and Treatment of Tropical Diseases, Stitt's
(see Useful arts)... X 35
Diapers, IA rdseye D
Dichlorbenzene, pant X 51
Dictating machine cylinders (sec Cylinders, dictating
machine) SX 54
Dictating machine indicator pads (see Pads, indicator,
dictating machine) S 53
Dictating machines (see Machines, dictating) X 54
Dictionaries (see General works) SX 35
Modern English Usage, Oxford (see Philology)... . X 35
Synonyms, Webster's (see Philology; Webstk,...
Dictionary of Synonyms) X 35
Webster's 13iographical (see Philology; Webster
Biographical Dictionary) X 35
Die plate stamps (see Stamps, die plate type) X 53
Dies, stamping S 41
Dining room chairs (see Chairs, side, wood) .1 26
Dinner plates (see Chinaware; Plates, dinner) X 63
Diseases of the Eye (sea Useful arts) X 35
Diseases of the Skin, Andrews' (see Useful arts) X 35
Dishes (see Chinaware):
Butter X 63
Culture S 57
Fruit sauce X 63
Pickle or celery X 63
Vegetable (baker) X 63
Dish pans (sec Pans, dish) X 64
Dish towels (see Towels, dish) S 27
Disinfectants, cresol S 51
Dispensatory (see Useful arts; U. S. Dispensatory) X 35
Drinking cup S 53
Paper towel (see Cabinets, paper towel) __ S 30
Tape S 53
Distilling flasks (see Flasks, distilling) S 57
Correspondence X 54
Mail X 34
Ditto paper (see Paper, duplicating machine) 0
, PrOpartional X 18
Spacing X 18
Document cases (see Cases, transfer, steel) J 26
Document file sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Dolly trucks (see Trucks, dolly) X 69
Door check fluid S 51
Door closers, liquid (see Closers, door, liquid) X 42.
Door holders (see Holders, door) J 42
Door latches (see Latches, door) X 42
Door mat blocks (see Blocks, deck or door mat) J 27.
Door mat plates (see Plates, deck or door mat) J 27
Door mats (see Mats) BJS 27
Door mat spacers (see Spacers, deck or door mat) J 27 '
Door mat wires (see Wire, deck or door mat) J 27
Door pulls (see Pulls, door) X 42
Dorland's American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (see
Useful arts) X 35
Double boilers (see Boilers, double) X 64 .
Doughnut mixture, prepared S 56
Douglas chairs (see Chairs, Douglas, arm type) J 26
Drafting tape (see Tape, drafting) S 53
Drain grates (see Grates, drain) DJ 59
Drain traps (see Traps, drain, cast iron) J 45
Drapes, surgical B 57 .
Drawer locks (see Locks, drawer) X 42 ,
Drawer pulls (see Pulls, drawer) X 42 ,
Drawer .sections:
Flat sheet (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Tilting portfolio (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Drawers, men's, cotton, knit D
Drawing accessories: ,
. Boards (see Boards, drawing) S 18
Crayons (see Crayons, drawing) 'S 53
. Ink, waterproof (see Ink, drawing, waterproof) S 53
Paper (see Paper, drawing) SX 53'
Pencils (see Pencils, wood- cased, lead) SX 53
Pens (see Pens, drawing instrument) S 18
Scales (see Scales, drawing). SX 18
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And claim
Dressers (see Household and quarters furniture, I and
III) X213
Dressers, emory wheel S 41
Dresses DX 55
Dressing, leather (see Bolt dressing and preservative)___ X 14
Drier, paint S 52
Drill, cotton .1 27
Drills, electric, portable X 40
Drill steels, pneumatic rock drill X 40
Drinking cup dispensers (see Dispensers, drinking cup) S 53
Drinking cups:
Piper (see cups, drinking, paper) S 53
Tin (see Tinware) S 63
Drinking water fountains (see Fountains, drinking water) N 63
Drop cloths, painters' (see Cloths, drop, painters', canvas). 3 24
Droppers, medicine X 57
Dry cleaning service .1 103
Dry cleaning solvent (see Solvent, dry cleaning)_ X 51
Dry developing machines (see Machines, dry developing)_ X 18
Dry ice (see Carbon dioxide, solid) X 51
Drying tubes (see Tubes, drying) X 57
Dry mounting tissue (see Tissue, dry mounting) X 18
Duck, cotton JS 24
Duplicating liquid (see also class 54, Machines, duplicat-
ing) SX 51
Duplicating machine accessories:
Brushes (see Brushes, duplicating machine) S 53
Ink (see Ink, duplicating machine) GS 53
Inking pads (see Pads, inking, duplicating machine)_ SX 53
Labels (see Labels, duplicating machine) X 53
Paper (see Paper, duplicating machine) GS 53
Plates (see Plates, duplicating machine) X 54
Plates, flexible writing (see Plates, flexible writing,
duplicating machine) X 53
Ribbons (see Ribbons, duplicating machine) S 53
Rolls (see Rolls, duplicating machine) X 53
Slip sheets (see Slip sheets, duplicating machine) X 53
Solutions (see class 54, Machines, duplicating) X 51
Type (see Machines, duplicating, inked ribbon
principle) X 54
Washes (see Washes, duplicating machine) SX 51
Wrappers, filing (see Wrappers, filing, duplicating
machine) SX 53
Duplicating machines (see Machines, duplicating) X 54
Duplicating paper sets (see Paper, master and carbon
sets) SX 53
Dust brushes (see Brushes, dust) DJS 38
Dusting cloths (see Cloths dusting) 8 27
Dustpans (see Pans, dust), S 41
Dynamite X 4
Effervescent salts (see Pharmaceutical preparations and
biological products) X 51
Egg albumen (see Albumen, egg) X 51
Egg beaters (see Beaters, egg) S 64
Egg cups (see Chinaware; Cups, egg) X 63
Electric appliances and service:
Clocks, wall type (see Clocks, electric, wall type) X 18
Drills (see Drills, electric, portable) X 90
Fans (see Fans, electric) R 17
Grinders, portable (see Grinders, electric, portable)_ X 90
Hammers, portable (see Hammers, electric, portable)_ X 90
Lamps (see Lamps, electric (bulbs)) X 17
Service X 101
Electrodes, welding 4 S 46
Elixirs (see Pharmaceutical preparations and biological
products) ? X 51
Embossing machines (see Machines, embossing) X 54
Embossing service (see Class 54, Machines, addressing) X 103
Emery cloth (see Cloth, emery) S 42
Emulsions, pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical prepara-
tions and biological products) X 51
Enamel _ SX 52
Encyclopaedia Britannica (see General works) X 35
Encyclopaedia Britannica World Atlas (see Geography;
Atlases). X 35
Encyclopedia Americana (see General works) X 35
Encyclopedia, Bankers (see General works) X 35
Encyclopedia, Compton's Pictured (see General works)._ X 35
Encyclopedia, World Book (see General works) X 35
Symbol ?
and claim
End sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Engineers' wrenches (see Wrenches, engineers') X 41
Envelope moisteners (see Moisteners, envelope) SX 54
Envelope openers (see Openers envelope) S 53
Envelope opening machines (see Machines, .envelope
? opening) ? X 54
? I ntraoffice S 53
Mailing. GPS 53
Air mail P
Common type:
End opening, sulfate GPS 53
Side opening: . . ?
Bond, white GS 53
Colored P
Sulfate GPS 53
White_ GPS 53
White, printed with opaquing design
inside ? P
Tension, end opening, sulfate P
Window type, side Opening:
Sulfate P
White GP
Envelope sealing machines (see Machines, envelope seal-
ing) X 54
Eradicators, ink S 53
Fiber glass S 53
Mechanical pencil SX 53
Rubber SX 53
? ? Steel ,S 53
Erasing machines (see Machines, erasing) X .54
Erlemneyer flasks (see Flasks, Erlenmeyer) S 57
Ether SX 51
Ethyl alcohol (see Alcohol, ethyl) SX 51
Excelsior, wood X 39
Expansion shields (see Shields, expansion) X 43
Exploders (see Caps, blasting) X 4
Extension light cords (see Cords, extension) S 17
Extension trays, desk ? (see. Trays, extension) SX 54
Extinguishers, fire:
Carbon dioxide X 58
Carbon tetrachloride base_ S 58
Foam type SX 58
Gas expelled . X 58
Liquid and gas X 58
Pump type_ S 58
Soda and acid type S 58
Extraction thimbles (see Thimbles, extraction) X 57
Flavoring S 56
. Liver; liquid (see Liver, liquid extract) X 51
Pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical preparations
. and biological products) X 51
Eye cups (see Cups eye) S 57
Eyelet punches (see' Punches, eyelet) . SX 53
Eyelet reinforcements (see Reinforcements, eyelet) S 53
Eyelets, punch machine SX 53
Facings, clutch (see Clutch facings) X 8
Facsimile stamps (see Stamps, signature) X 53
Fan covers, canvas (see Covers, canvas, fan) J 24
Fanfold machines (see Machines, billing and fanfold)___. X 54
Fans, electric.. R 17
FasteBnrearssplates (see Plates, deck or door mat) J 27
Fasteners, paper:
Clipless S 53
SX 5543
Flexible _?
X 53
S 53
Screw post type X 53
Fasteners, sash X 42
Federal publications S 35
Dairy cattle X 67
Poultry X 67
Feed bags, canvas (see Bags, canvas, feed) J 24
Feeding tubes (see Tubes, feeding) X 57
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and chum
Hair X 32
Lithographic press X 66
Pipe covering (see Pipe covering, felt) X 32
Roofing and waterproofing X 59
Ferric ammonium citrate (green) X 51
Porno ammonium oxalate X 51
Ferrous sulfate X 51
Fertilizer X 70
Fescue seed (see Seed, grass) X 67
Fiberboard (see Board, fiber) 0
Fiberboard, insulating (see Wallboard, composition)____ SX 59
Fiber brooms oee Brooms, fiber). B 38
Fiber furniture J 20
Figs, canned S 56
Figures (see Letters and figures, paper) X 53
Marking and numbering S 42
Stamping X 41
Filo covers, arch (see Covers, file, arch) S 53
File folders (see Folders, filo) SX 53
American standard S 41
Swiss pattern SX 41
Bellows SX 53
Arch S 53
Clip S 53
Flexible X 54
, Machine posting X 54
Suspended folder X 54
Visible record X 54
File trays, vertical (see Trays, wood, file, vertical) X 26
Filing accessories:
Cabinets, insulated (see Cabinets, filing, insulated) X 26
Document (see Cases, filing, document) SX 54
Storage (see Cases, filing) S 54
Transfer (see Cases, filing, transfer) X 54
Shelves (see Shelves, filing, wood) X 26
Systems (see Folders and guide cards) X 53
Wrappers, duplicating machine (see Wrappers, filing,
duplicating machine) SX 53
Filier, scam X 52
Binder S 53
index S 53
Pad holder S 53
Aeronautical_ X 18
Delayed-action X 53
Motion picture X 18
Photographic SX 18
X-ray X 18
Filtering flasks (see Flasks, filtering) S 57
Color, photographic X 18
Respirator (half-mask)__ X 37
Filter paper see Papers, filter) X 57
Finger pads (see Pads, finger, rubber) S 53
Fingerprint card cabinets (see Sections, furniture, steel,
card, fingerprint) J 26
Fingerprint ink (see Ink, fingerprint) S 53
Fingers, artists' (see Stumps, paper, crayon shading) S 53
'Fire clay (see Clay, fire)__X 32
Fire clay brick (see Brick, fire clay)_ X 32
Fire clay refractories (see Refractories, fire clay) X 32
Fire extinguisher charges (see Charges, fire extinguisher)_ S 51
Fire extinguisher liquid S 51
Fire extinguishers see Extinguishers, fire) SX 58
Fire hose (see Hose, fire) SX 33
Fire hose nozzles (see Nozzles, fire hose) S 33
Fire pots (see Pots, fire, gasoline) S 41
First aid and medicine kits (see Kits, first aid and medi-
cine combination) S 57
First aid kits (see Kits, first aid) SX 57
Fixer: .
Photocopying machine, powder S 51
Photographic film SX 51
and chum
Flags, United States S 5
Flanges, railing J 45
Flannel, canton S 27
Flashlight batteries (see Batteries, dry, flashlight)_-__ SX 17
Flashlights, electric, hand S 17
Boiling S 57
Distilling S 57
Erlenmeyer S 57
Filtering S 57
Kjeldahl S 57
Volumetric X 57
Flatting oil (see Oil, flatting) S 52
Flavoring extracts (see Extracts, flavoring) S 56
Flavoring, non-alcoholic S 56
Flax packing (see Packing, flax) X 33
Flexible files (see Files, office, flexible) X 54
Flexible tape binders, loose-leaf (see Binders, loose-leaf,
flexible tape) X 53
Flies' tent, canvas JS 24
Flint paper (see Paper, flint) TA ;182
Floor mops (see Mops, cotton, floor)
Floor oil (see al, floor) X 14
Floor polishi ng and scrubbing machine brushes (see
Brushes, polishing and scrubbing machine) J 40
Floor polishing machines (see Machines, floor polishing
and scrubbing, electric) X 40
Floor scrubbing brushes (see Brushes, scrubbing, floor).- DJS 38
Floor sealer (see Sealer, floor) X 52
Floor sweeping brushes (see Brushes, sweeping) DJS 38
Floor wax (see Wax, floor) SX 52
Graham X 56
Wheat S 56
Flower urns (see Urns, flower, cast iron) J 70
Fluorescent lamps (see Lamps, electric (bulbs)) SX 17
Fluorescent lamp starters (see Starters, fluorescent) S 17
Flyers' aviation bags (see Bags, canvas, aviation, flyers')._ J 24
Folder labels, paper (see Labels, paper, folder) S 53
Folders, file SX 53
Folders and guide cards (filing systems).. X 53
Folding chairs:
Metal (see Chairs, folding, metal) S 26
Wood (see Chairs, folding, wood) J 26
Folding machines (see Machines, folding) _ X 54
Folding trucks (see Trucks. folding) X 69
Follower blocks, filing case (see Blocks, follower, filing
case) S 54
Food coloring (see Coloring, food)_ S 56
Food containers (see Containers, food) X 64
Food trays (see Corrosion resisting steelware; Trays,
mess) J 63
Foot bolts (see Bolts, foot) X 42
Foot guards (see Guards, protective, foot) X 37
Footwear (see Shoes) J 72
Forage, animal X 67
Force cups S 41
Forceps, surgical S 57
Cook S 64
Table (see Silverware; tinware) S 63
Formaldehyde X 51
Forms, Government G
Fountain pen desk sets (see Pen sets, desk, fountain)_-_ SX 53
Fountain pens (see Pens, fountain) X 53
Fountain pens, tear gas (see Pens, fountain, tear gas) X 2
Fountains, drinking water X 63
Fountain solution (see class 54, Machines, duplicating) X 51
Fountain type markers (see Markers, fountain type) X 53
Clack pack S 34
Hacksaw S 41
Manhole (see Manhole covers and frames)________ DJ 59
Friction tape (8ee Tape, friction) S 17
Fruit jams (see Jams, fruit) S 56
Fruit juice S 56
Fruit sauce dishes (see Chinaware; Dishes, fruit sauce) X 63
Fry pans (see Pans, fry) S 64
Fuel oil (see Oil, fuel) X 7
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sail class
Copper S 41
Gasoline lantern S 31
Chemical X 57
Filtering X 57
Porcelain S 57
Separutory X 57
Furniture JRSX 26
Furniture polish (see Polish, furniture) S 51
Furniture sections (see Sections, furniture) SX 26
Arrestor S 17
Cartridge type S 17
Glass tube typo S 17
Plug S 17
Telephone S 17
Telephone line S 17
Time S 4
Rain X 18
Rain and snow X 18
Water stage, float type X 18
Galoshes (see Overshoes) X 72
Galvanometers (circuit testers) X 4
Garbage cans (see Cans, garbage) S 42
Garbage covers (see Covers, garbage, underground) J 59
Garden hose (see Hose, water) S 33
Garden hose nozzles (see Nozzles, hose, adjustable) S 33
Garment shop machines:
Cloth cutting X 66
Cloth drilling X 66
Garnet paper (see Paper, garnet) X 42
Gas burners, laboratory (see Burners, gas, laboratory) X 57
Acetylene X 51
Carbonic acid X 51
Hydrogen X 51
Nauseating (see Cartridges, gas, gun) X 4
Nitrogen X 51
Nitrous oxide X 51
Oxygen X 51
Tear (see Cartridges, gas) X 4
Gas gun cases (see Cases, gas gun) X 2
Gas guns (see Guns, gas) X 2
Gaskets (other than automobile) X 33
Gaskets, card, canteen cap S 33
Gas mask canisters (see Canisters, gas mask) X 37
Gas masks (see Masks, gas) X 37
Gasoline X 7
Gasoline cans (see Cans' safety) S 42
Gasoline lanterns (see Lanterns, gasoline) S 31
Gasoline torches (see Torches, blow, gasoline) S 41
Gas service X 105
Bandages (see Bandages, gauze) S 57
Plain S 57
Wire X 57
Gears, blank J 66
Gelatin S 56
General works (publications) SX 35
Generators, gasoline lantern S 31
Geography (publications) X 35
Germicide, liquid S 51
Gingerbread mixture, prepared S 56
Glandular solutions (see Pharmaceutical preparations and
biological products) X 51
Figured X 59
Motor vehicle X 8
Ornamental X 59
Photographic, negative X 18
Plate X 59
Processed X 59
Window X 59
Wire X 59
Cover, lantern slide X 18
Magnifying X 18
Medicine X 57
and class
Tumbler (see Glassware) SX 63
Watch (see Watch glasses) X 57
Glass stoppers (see Stoppers, glass) S 57
Laboratory X 57
Tableware SX 63
Glazed manifold paper (see Paper, typewriting, manifold). GS 53
Globes, lantern S 31
Autopsy X 57
Culinary J 37
Obstetric X 57
Surgeons' X 57
Welders' J 37
Cotton J 37
Leather J. 37
Glow lamps (sec Lamps, electric (bulbs)) X 17
Cake G
Flake or ground S 52
Brushes (see Brushes, glue) JS 38
Casein S 52
Liquid S 52
Glycerin X 51
Glycin (Photographic) S 51
Goggle lenses (See Lenses, goggle) S 37
Goggles, protective S 37
Gold chloride X 51
Government forms (see Forms, Government) G
Barbers' (see Cloths, barbers') D
Operating D
Graduates, glass_ _ SX 57
Graham flour (see Flour, graham) X 56
Grain, forage (see Forage, animal) X 67
Grain bags canvas (see Bags, grain or soil) J 24
Grain seed' (see Seed, grain) X 67
Grapefruit, canned S 56
Grapefruit and orange juice S 56
Grapefruit juice S 56
Grape juice S 56
Grapes, canned S 56
Grass seed (see Seed, grass) X 67
Grass shears (see Shears, grass) S 70
Alley (see Grates, drain, surface) DJ 59
Boiler DJ 60
Drain, surface DJ 59
Gravy boats (see Chinaware; Boats, gravy) X 63
Gray's Anatomy (see Useful arts) X 35
Grease cleaning compound (see Compounds, grease
cleaning) X 51
Greases, lubricating X 14
Grenades, gas, hand X 4
Bench S 41
Electric, portable X 40
Portable, power driven S 40
Grips, wire pulling, linemen's S 41
Grit, poultry (see Feed, poultry) X 67
Grits, hominy (see Hominy grits) S 56
Grit soap (see Soaps, grit) S 51
Ground rods (see Rods, ground, telephone) S 17
Grub hoes (see Hoes, grub) S 70
Cord, spiral S 17
. Protective (foot, shin) X 37
Rubber S 33
Guide cards (see Cards, guide) SX 53
Guide rods (section and cabinet parts) JX 26
Guides, lettering, mimeoscope SX 53
Gum arabic (see Acacia) X 51
Gum arabic solution (see class 54, Machines, duplicating)_ X 51
Gummed labels paper (see Labels paper, gummed). SX 53
Gummed paper' (see Paper, gummed _ ) GS 53
Gummed tape:
Linen (see Tape, linen, gummed) S 53
Paper (see Tape, paper, gummed) S 53
Guns, Gas X 2
Gun target ink (see Ink, gun target) G
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and elosH
. Clutter 'rains (see Grates drain, surface) J 59
Gypsum plaster (see plaster, gypsum X 50
Gypsum sheathing (see Sheathing, gypsum) ) 50
Gypsum wallboard (see Wallboard, gypsum) X 50
H ?
Hacksaw blades: .
Hand (see Blades, hacksaw, hand) S 41
Machine (see Blades, hacksaw, machine) SX 40
Hacksaw frames (see Frames, hacksaw) S 41
Hair felt (see Felt, hair) X 32
Half hose (see Socks) D
Hammer handles (see Handles, hammer) JSX 41
Carpenters' S 41
Electric, portable X 40
Machinists' S 41
Striking S 41
Hammocks, with restraint sheet J 57
Hand blotters (see Blotters, hand, rocker) S 53
Handbook of Chemistry (see Useful arts) X 35
Handcuffs (see Irons, hand) X 42
Hand grenades (see Grenades, gas, hand) X 4
Hand irons (see Irons, hand) X 42
Handkerchiefs D
Adz J 41
Ax JSX 41
Brush S 38
Hammer JSX 41
Hatchet JSX 41
Hook, brush S 70
Jack hammer S 40
Mop, spring lever type BS 38
Pick (or mattock)
R JS 41
S 41
Saw S41
Shovel S 41
Sledge S 41
Stamp J 53
Striking tool J 41
Surgical knife X 57
Hand saws (see Saws, hand) S 41
Hand swabs (see Swabs, hand, cotton twine) 13 38
Hand towels (see Towels, hand) S 27
Hand trucks (see Trucks, hand) X 69
Hand woven rugs (see Rugs, cotton, hand woven) B 27
Coat S 26
Current meter weight X 18
Hash, corned beef, canned S 56
Hasps, hinge X 42
Hatchets S 41
Hatchet handles (see Handles, hatchet) JSX 41
Hatchets, hunters' (see Axes, Boy Scout type) S 41
Hats, protective S 37
Hay, feeding (see Forage, animal; Hay, feeding) _ X 67
Headlamp parts, electric S 17
Headlamps, electric S 17
Heads, perforator S 53
Hearth brooms (see Brooms, corn, hearth or toy) J 38
Hectograph ribbons (see Ribbons, hectograph) S 53
Hedge shears (see Shears, hedge) _ S 70
Heels, rubber X 72
Helmets, welders'
Highway Mileage Guide (see Geography, Rand McNally's
Standard Highway Mileage Guide) X 35
Hinge hasps (see Hasps, hinge) X 42
Butt X42
Spring X 42
Strap X 42
T X42
Garden S 70
Grub S 70
Hog ringers (see Ringers, hog) X 70
Hog rings (see Rings, hog). X 70
Hog troughs (see Troughs, hog, cast iron). J 70
Copy SX 54
and clans
Door J 42
Label, desk tray SX 53
Notebook, stenographers' SX 54
Pad, memorandum S 53
Sputum cup. JX 57
Tool, lathe and shaper X 40
Holders and mit t ers. wrapping paper S 42
Homeopathic vials (see Vials, homeopathic) X 57
Forage (see Forage, animal, crushed feed) X 67
Grits S 56
Lye, canned__ S 56
Honey, strained S 56
Brush S 70
Tree S 42
Air S33
Fire SX 33
Gas (welding) X 33
Beater (for automobiles) _ X 33
Pack pump S 11
Pneumatic X 33
Steam X 33
Suet ion S 33
Water. S 33
Womens' (see Stockings) D
Hose nozzles (see Nozzles, hose, adjustable) S 33
Hose washers, rubber (see Washers, hose, rubber) S 33
Hospital beds (see Beds, metal, hospital type) J 57
Hot water bottle covers (see Covers, hot water bottle) B 27
Hot water bottles (see Bottles, hot water) X 57
Household and quarters furniture:
Part I?Birch or maple (living room, dining room and
bedroom RX 26
Part II?Mahogany or walnut and oak or hackberry
(upholstered living room) R 26
Part III?Mahogany or walnut and oak or hackberry
(living room, dining room, and bedroom) RX 26
Part IV:
Ash dowel or rattan (11,.Ingroom and porch)__ RX 26
Upholstery covering materials X 27
House paint, outside (see Paints, iron oxide) SX 52
Huck towels:
Dental or barbers' (see Towai, hack, dental or barbers'). 13 27
Office (see Towels, huck, office) S 27
Hydrants, fire (castings) D
Hydraulic packing (see Packing, hydraulic) X 33
Hydrochloric acid (see Acids, hydrochloric) X 51
Hydrofluoric acid (see Acids, hydrofluoric) X 51
Hydrogen gas (see Gases, hydrogen) X 51
Antifreeze solution
S 18
Syringe (lead acid storage battery)
X 18
Hydroquinone (photographic)
S 51
S 18
Hyposuffite (sec Sodium thiosulfate)
X 51
Ice, dry (see Carbon dioxide, solid)
X 51
Ice bags, rubber
X 57
Ice cap covers (see Covers, ice bag)
B 27
Ice delivery trucks (see trucks, ice delivery)
X 69
Iced tea glasses (see Glassware)
X 63
Ice tubs (see Chinaware, tubs, ice)
X 63
Identification badges (see Badges, identification)
S 71
Illuminated magnifiers (see Magnifiers! illuminated)
X 18
Illustrating board (see Board, illustrating)
RS 53
Incandescent lamps (see Lamps, electric (bulbs))
SX 17
Index cards (see Cards, index, filing)
S 53
Index card cases (see Cases, index card)
S 54
. Automatic
S 53
SX 53
Ring type,
X 53
File, arch
S 53
Paperboard file (see Indexes, file, arch)
S 53
S 53
Visible file
X 53
Visible record
X 54
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and chum
Index fillers (see Fillers, index) S 53
. Index inserts (see inserts, index) S 63
Index paper (see Paper, index) GRSX 53
Inclex?tabs (see Tabs, index) ? SX 53
Indicator pads, dictating machine (see .Pads, indicator,
dictating machine) S 53
Indicators, wind direction and velocity X. 18
Inhalants, aromatic spirits of ammonia (see Ammonia, ?
aromatic spirits) SX 51
'Addressing machine G
Check endorsing 0
Developing (see class 54, Machines, duplicating)_..__ X 53
Drawing,. waterproof
8. 3
Duplicating machine OS 53
Duplicator G
Fingelnint _ ? S 53
Gun target G
Marking, indelible, fabric GS 53
? Mull igraph GS 53
Numbering machine OS 53
Offset, lithographic GS 53
Printing G
Recording instrument 0
Stamp pact GSX 53
.Stencil (box Marking) S 53
Writing GS 53
Ink eradicators (see Eradicators, ink) S 53
Ink erasers (see Erasers, rubber) S 53
Inking pads:
Duplicating machine (see Pads, inking, duplicating
machine) SX 53
Numbering machine (see Pads, inking, numbering ? .
? machine) ? S 53
Inkstands SX 53
Inkstand tops (see Tops, inkstand) _ S 53
Inner spring mattresses (see Mattresses, inner spring)__- B 27
Inner tubes (see Tires and tubes, pneumatic) X 8
Insecticide, DDT S 51
Insecticide, fly spray S 51
Inserts, index S 53
Institutional chairs, wood (see Chairs, arm, wood) J 26
Institutional settees (see Settees, wood) J 26
Instruction books, first aid (see Useful arts) S 35
Instruction cards, first aid (see Useful arts) , _ S 35
Instruments, diagnostic (see Cystoscopes, etc.) X 57
Instrument shelters (see Shelters, instrument) X 18
Insulated filing cabinets (see Cabinets, filing, insulated)__ X 26
Insulating material (building)
X 50
Insulating tape (see Tape, insulating) ? S 17
Glass S 17
Porcelain S 17
Insulin ? X 51
Intensifier, duplicating machine (see class 54, Machines ?
duplicating) ? X 51
Interlockers (see Supports, desk tray) _SX 53
Invalids' chairs (see Chairs, wheel, invalid) X 57
Iodine SX 51
Iodine swabs S 51
Iodizer _ ? X 51
Iron, cast bar_ ? J 46
Ironing board covers (see Covers, ironing board) BS 27
Ironing board pads (see Pads, ironing board) BS 27
. Branding S.41
Hand (handcuffs) X 42
Jack hammer handles (see Handles, jack hammer) S 40
Automobile and motortruck X 41
Roller type X 41
Jams, fruit S 56
Battery X 57
Lobby, terra cotta (see class 26, Special furnishings,
executive type) X 42
Ointment X 57
Sample X 57
Jean, sanforized (see Twill) S 27
Jean (see Cottonade suiting and denim) S 27
and chum
Apple S 56
Assorted flavors S 56
Currant S 56
Joint and thread compound (see Compound, joint and
thread) X 62
Joints, ball and socket 5 42
Juices, fruit (see Fruit juice) S 56
Jumpers (clothing) D
Kerosene X 7
Ketchup (see Catsup, tomato) S 56
Kettles, tar-melting D
Key cabinets (see Cabinets, key, steel) X 26
Keys, blank S 42
Key tags (see Tags key) X 53
Kit refills (see Rails, kit) X 87
Burn treatment X 57
Developing X 18
First aid SX 57
First aid and medicine combination S 67
First aid and snake bite combination X 57
Snake bite SX 57
Kjeldahl flasks (see Flasks, Kjeldahl) S 57
Knapsacks, canvas J 24
Knapsacks (packsacks) S 74
knife blades:
Shipping and packing (see Blades, knife) S 41
Surgical (see Blades, knife, surgical) X 57
Knife handles, surgical (see Handles, surgical knife) X 57
Butchers' S 64
Linoleum S 41
Paring S 64
Putty S 41
Scraping _ S 41
Shipping and packing (shop) S 41
Shoe S 41
Table (see Tinware) S 63
Knobs, porcelain, telephone_ S 17
Kodalk, photographic S 51
Kraft (sulfate) envelopes (see Envelopes, mailing)_.... GPS 63
Kraft (sulfate) paper (see Paper, wrapping) GRS 63
Label holders (see Holders, label, desk tray) ___ SX 53
Duplicating machine X 53
Folder S 53
Gummed SX 53
Printed S 53
Laboratory glassware (see Glassware, laboratory) X 57
Laboratory porcelainware (see Porcelainware, labora-
tory) X 57
Laboratory trays (see Trays, laboratory) X 57
Lacing, belt X 34
Ladles, kitchen use S 64
Lag screws (see Screws, lag) S 43
Lampholder caps (see Caps, lampholder) S 17
Lamps, electric (bulbs):
SX 17
X 17
Mercury vapor X 17
Incandescent filament SX 17
Photographic flash X 17
Lamps, electric, portable, desk S 17
Lamp sockets (see Sockets, incandescent lamp) S 17
Land survey markers (see Markers, land survey) J 42
Lantern chimneys (see Chimneys, lantern) S 31
Lantern globes (see Globes, lantern) S 31
Gasoline S 31
Oil-burning S 31
Lantern slide plates (see Plates, lantern slide) X 18
Latches' door X 42
Lathes, brake drum X 40
Laundry bags (see Bags, canvas, laundry)._ . ___ . ___ ._ J 24
Laundry cover cloth (see Sheeting, cotton)_ S 27
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36 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RIDIDU00728R000100010050-8
and class
Laundry marking ink (see Ink, marking, Indelible, fabric). OS 53
Laundry nets (see Nets, laundry). S 27
Laundry service,* DJ 103
Laundry soap (see Soaps, laundry)_ S 51
Laundry soap chips (see Soaps, chip laundry). S 51
Laundry starch (see Starch, laundry5 S 51
Lavage or stomach tubes (see Tubes, lavage or stomach)_ X 57
Lamboolcs (see Periodicals and lawbooks) X 35
Lawn mowers (see Mowers, lawn) S 70
Lead arsenate X 51
Lead pencils (sec Pencils, wood cased, lead) SX 53
Leads, pencil (see Pencil leads) SX 53
Artists (see 1 encil leads, artists') X 53
Mechanical (see Pencil leads, mechanical pencil)_-__ SX 53
Leather sheaths (see Sheaths, leather) S 34
Ledger dating stamps (see Stamps, ledger dating) X 53
Ledger paper (see Paper, ledger) URS 53
Legal blank sections (see 'Sections, furniture, wood X 26
Legs, bed, cabinet or institutional type J 26
Lemon extract (see Extracts, flavoring) S 56
Lenses, goggle S 37
Lespodeza seed (see Seed, grass) X 67
Lettering, motor vehicle (see Repairs, motor vehicle)_____ X 8
Lettering devices X 18
Lettering guides (see Guides, lettering, inimeoscope)____ SX 53
Lettering penholders (see Penholders, mapping and
lettering) X 53
Lettering pens (sec Pens, lettering) SX 53
Lettering stamps (see Stamps, numbering and lettering)_ S 53
Letters, stamping X 41
Letters and figures (paper) X 53
Letter size sections (see Sections, furniture) SX 26
Carpenters' S 41
Topographic, Abney S 18
Levels and plumbs, carpenters S 41
Library tables (see Tables, general purpose, wod) J 26
Library trucks (see Trucks, library) JX 69
License plates (see Tags, license, motor vehicle) __. DJR 8
Lifters, pot s 64
Lift trucks (see Trucks, Lift) X 69
Lightning arresters (see Arresters, lightning) S 17
Line finder, copyholder X 54
Lines, hose, gasoline S lf
Lining, brake band X 8
Linoleum cement (see Cement, linoleum)_ SX 52
Linseed meal (see forage, animal; crushed feed; meal,
linseed) X 67
Linseed oil (see Oil, linseed)_ S 52
Linseed replacement oil (see Oil, linseed replacement) S 52
Lint, absorbent X 57
Lipiodol-LaFay X 51
Lithographic blankets (see Blankets, rubber, lithographic) X 54
Lithographic ink (see Ink, offset, lithographic) GS 53
Lithographic paper (see Paper, lithographic) RS 53
Lithographic pens (see Pens, lithographic) $X 53
Lithographic press felt (see Felt, lithographic press)______ X 66
Litters, canvas J 57
Liver, liquid extract X 51
Lobby jars terra cotta (see class 26 Special furnishings
executive type; Jars, lobby)_ X 42
Lockers, steel, underbed type J 26
Lock nuts, bolt (ace Nuts, lock, bolt)_ X 43
All purpose S 42
Chest. X 42
Drawer X 42
Furniture (section and cabinet parts) X 26
Pad SX 42
Rim S42
Wardrobe X 42
Lock washers (see Washers, lock)._ X 43
Loganberries, canned S 56
Loose-leaf binders (see Binders, loose-leaf) SX 53
Lozenges (see Pharmaceutical preparations and biological
producits) X 51
Lubricants X 14
Lubricating oil (see Oil, lubricating) NSX 14
Lumber crayons (see Crayons, lumbermen's) SX 53
Lunch bags, cloth (see Bags, lunch
, cloth)_ S 27
Luncheon meat S 56
Lye (see Soda, caustic) S 51
lI and class
Macaroni S 56
Machetem S 74
Machine bolts (see Bolts, machine) X 43
Machine posting files (see Files, office, machine posting). X 54 .
Machine posting trays (see Trays, machine posting) X 54
Machinery parts' construction and road building (ace
classes 8 and 66, Parts, construction and road build-
ing machinery) ? X 66
? Accounting
Accounting and posting
Billing and fanfold
Brake relining and grinding
Check cutting and sorting
Check endorsing
Cheek signing and dating
Cheek writing_ ?
aping (see Clamping machines)
Cioth cutting (garment shop)
Cloth drilling (garment shop)
Dry developing
Envelope opening
Floor polishing and scrubbing,
Paper fastening
? Pay roll_
Proportional spacing
Rental (see Rental, office machines
Sanding (see Sanders, electric)
Sealing, envelope.
Sealing, package
Sewing, domestic type
Shaving, dictating machine cylinder
Trimming, paper cutting
Typesetting and type justifying
Machine screw nuts (see Nuts, machine screw)
Machine screws (see Screws, machine)
Magnesium sulfate
Magnifiers, illuminated
Magnifying glasses (see Glasses, magnifying)
Mad-bag cloth (see 'Duck, cotton)
Mail distributors (see Distriutors, mail)
Mailing bags, Cotton. (see Bags, mailing, cotton)
Mailing tubes (see Tubes, mailing)
Manhole covers and frames.
X 54
? X54
X 54
X 18
X 54
X 54
X 54
J 41
X fifl
X 66
X 54
X 54
X 18
X 54
X 18
X 54
X 54
X 54
X 54
electric X 40
_ X 54
S 54
S 54
X 54
X 18
X 54
X 54
X 40
X 54
X 54
X 66
X 54
X 54
X 54
X 54
X 43
SX 51
X 18
X 18
J 24
X 34
B 53
SX 53
DJ 59
Manifold paper (see Paper, typewriting, manifold)____ GRS 53
Manila board (see Cardboard)
Manila paper (see Paper, wrapping) GRS 53
Mantles, gasoline lantern S 31
Manuscript cover paper (see Paper, cover, manuscript)_ CRS 53
Map carrying cases (see Cases, canvas map carrying) J 24
Maple sirup (see Sirup, sugar and maple) S 56
Map or map routing sections (see Sections, furniture,
wood) X 26
Map paper (see Paper, map)
Mapping penholders (see Penholders, mapping and
lettering) X 53
Mapping pens (see Pens, mapping and drawing) X 53
Map tacks (see Tacks, map) SX 53
Marker or traffic standards (see Standards, marker or
traffic) J 58
Fountain type X 53
Land survey J 42
Marketing Guide, Commercial (see Geography) X 35
Marking brushes (see Brushes, marking) J 38
Marking ink, indelible (see Ink, marking) -OS 53
Marking pencils (see Pencils, wax) X 53
Marking twine (see Twine, marking) S 21
Marmalade S 56
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and class
Mash, poultry (see Feed, poultry) X 67
Mashers, potato S 64
Masking tape (see Tape, masking) S 53
Masks gas X 37
Master and carbon paper (see Paper, master and carbon
sots) SX 53
Master control sheets, stencil duplicator (see Sheets,
master control) S 53
Matches, safety S 51
Cocoa fiber I3S 27
' Fabric (rubberized), deck or door BJ 27
Floor (for chairs) S 27
ltubber link II 27
Rubber, tire-strip B 27
Wood, deck or door
JS') 4271
Mattock handles (see Handles, pick)
Mattocks, cutter SX 41
Mattress covers (see Covers, mattress) DJ 27
Cotton ((elted) BDJS 27
Inner-spring B 27
Mattress ticking (see Ticking, mattress and pillow) J 27
Alfalfa (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 67
Corn, forage (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 67
Cottonseed (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 67
Linseed (see Forage, animal; crushed feed) X 67
Measuring sticks (see Sticks, measuring) SX 18
Measuring tapes (see Tapes, measuring) X 41
Meat platters (see Chinaware.' Platters, meat) X 63
Meat scrap (see Feed, poultry) X 67
Meat substitute, prepared S 56
Mechanical clocks, wall type (see Clocks, mechanical,
wall type) X 18
Mechanical pencil erasers (see Erasers, mechanical pen-
cil) SX 53
Mechanical pencil leads (see Pencil leads, mechanical
pelicil) SX
Mechanical pencils (see Pencils, mechanical) SX 53
Mechanics' aprons (see Aprons, mechanics') DJ 24
Medical dictionaries (see Useful arts) X 35
Medicine droppers (see Droppers, medicine) X 57
Medicine glasses (see Glasses, medicine) X 57
Memorandum books (see Books, blank, memorandum)_ DGS 53
Memorandum pad holders (see Holders, pad, memoran-
dum) 53
Memorandum pads (see Pads, memorandum) DOS 53
Mending tissue (see Tape, paper, gummed) S 53
Menthol X 51
Menthol camphor compound salve S 51
Merbromin, soluble SX 51
Merchandise tags (see Tags, merchandise) X 53
Mercupurin X 51
Mercurial ointment X 51
Mercuric chloride X 51
Mercuric oxide X 51
Mercurochrome (see Marbromin, soluble)-__- SX 51
Mercury, ammoniated X 51
Mercury ammoniated ointment X 51
Mercury-vapor lamps (see Lamps, electric (bulbs)) X 17
Message and data transmitting equipment (see Trans-
mitting equipment, message and data) X 17
Mess outfits (see Outfits, mess) S 63
Mess trays (see Corrosion-resisting steelware; Trays,
mess) J 63
Metal cutting saws (see Saws, band) X 40
Metal polish (see Polish, metal) S 51
Metal specialties J
Meteorological pens (see Pens, barograph and thermo-
graph, register) X 18
Meters, current X 18
Methanol X 51
Methyl bromide X 51
Methyl salicylate X 51
Metol (pictol) S 51
Microscope slides (see Slides, microscope) X 57
Middlings (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 17
Mileage Guide, Highway (see Geography; Rand Mc-
Nally's Standard Highway Mileage Guide) X 35
S 56
S 56
and class
Milk bottle caps (see Caps, milk bottle) S 63
Milk cans (see Cans, milk) S 64
Millboard, asbestos. X 32
Mimeograph ink (see Ink, duplicating machine)
GS 53
Mimeograph paper (see Paper, mimeograph) ORS 53
Minor Surgery (see Useful arts) X 35
Mirrors (see Household and quarters furniture, I and III__ X 20
Mittens, working J 37
Mobile file cases (see Trays, file, vertical) X 26
Moisteners, envelope SX 54
Molasses S 56
Money order application sections (see Sections, furni-
ture, wood)
X 26
Money order coupon sections (see Sections, furniture
wood) X 26
Monkey wrenches (see Wrenches, screw)
IPS 4381
Mop handles (see Handles, mop)_
Mopping outfits S 38
Mops, cotton:
Cuspidor (sanitary swabs) B 38
Floor BS 38
Wall and ceiling type ES 38
Mop wringers (see Wringers, mop) S
Mortar, refractory, air setting X 32
Moss, pent (see Peat) X 70
Moth flakes (see Naphthalene)_ S 51
Motion picture film (see Film, motion picture) ___ X 18
Motorcycles R 78
Motorized equipment:
snobiles (passenger carrying)
111 8
R 78
Motorcycles 111 7788
Motor scooterc
Station wagons R 78
Trailers R 78
Trucks R 78
Truck tractors R 78
Motor scooters R 78
Motor vehicle parts X 8
Motor vehicle repairs (see Repairs, motor vehicle) - X 8
Mouth wipes (see Tissues, cleansing)____ __ S 29
Mowers, lawn S 70
Mucilage, gum
GS 3
Mucilage brushes (see Brushes, mucilage or paste) s 553
Mucilage receptacles (see Receptacles, mucilage) S 53
Muffin mixture' prepared S 56
Multigraph ink (see Ink, multigraph)
GS 53
Muslin' red s 27
Mustard S 56
Mustard pots (see Chinaware; Pots, mustard) X 63
Nails, wire S 42
Name plates (see Plates, name) J 42
Naphtha cans (see Cans, safety) S 42
Naphthalene S 51
Cotton D
Paper S 53
Nauseating gas (see Cartridges, gas, gun) X 4
Navy type beds (see Beds, metal, bunk) J 26
Hypodermic syringe X 57
Spinal-puncture X 57
Wassermann X 57
Neoarsphenamine X 51
Nets, laundry S 27
New and Non-Official Remedies (see Useful arts; Ameri-
can Medical Association) _ X 35
Newsboard (see Board, newsboard)_
Newsprint paper (see Paper, printing, newsprint) G
Nightgowns, cotton DX 55
Nitrate of silver (see Silver. nitrate) X 51
Nitric acid (see Acids, nitric) X 51
Nitrogen gas (see Gases, nitrogen) X 51
Nitrous oxide gas (see Gases, nitrous oxidt.) X 51
Noodles S 56
Notarial seals (see Seals, paper) SX 53
Notebook holders (see Holders, notebook, stenogra-
phers') SX 54
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A ,
. ,
ril s v1LIve' r tA c
, ()n s
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and class
Mash, poultry (see Feed, poultry) X 67
Mashers, potato S 64
Masking tape We Tape, masking) S 53
Masks, gas X 37
Master and carbon paper (see Paper, master and carbon
sets) SX 53
Master control sheets, stencil duplicator (see Sheets,
master control) S 53
Matches, safety S Si
Cocoa fiber BS 27
* Fabric (rubberized), deck or door 13.1 27
Floor (for chairs)
181 2277
ltubber link
' Rubber, tire-strip B 27
Wood, deck or door .1 27
Mattock handles (see Handles, pick) JS 41
Mattocks, cutter SX 41
Mattress covers (see Covers, mattress) DJ 27
Cotton (felted) BDJIS1 2277
Mattress ticking (see Ticking, mattress and pillow) J 27
Alfalfa (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 67
Corn, forage (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 67
Cottonseed (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 67
Linseed (see Forage, animal; crushed feed) X 67
Measuring sticks (see Sticks, measuring) SX 18
Measuring tapes (see Tapes, measuring) X 41
Meat platters (see Chinaware; Platters, meat) X 63
Meat scrap (see Feed, poultry) X 67
Meat substitute, prepared S 56
Mechanical clocks, wall type (see Clocks, mechanical,
wall typo) X 18
Mechanical pencil erasers (see Erasers, mechanical pen-
cil) SX 53
Mechanical pencil leads (see Pencil leads, mechanical
pehcil) SX 53
Mechanical pencils (see Pencils, mechanical) SX 53
Mechanics' aprons (see Aprons, mechanics') DJ 24
Medical dictionaries (see Useful arts) X 35
Medicine droppers (sec Droppers, medicine) ___ X 57
Medicine glasses (see Glasses, medicine) X 57
Memorandum books (see Books, blank, memorandum).. DOS 53
Memorandum pad holders (sec Holders, pad, memoran-
dum) 53
Memorandum pads (see Pads, memorandum) DOS 53
Mending tissue (see Tape, paper, gummed) S 53
Menthol X Si
Menthol camphor compound salve S 51
Merbromin, soluble SX Si
Merchandise tags (see Tags, merchandise)
X 53
Mercupurin X 51
Mercurial ointment X 51
Mercuric chloride X 51
Mercuric oxide X 51
Mercurochrome (see Merbromin, soluble)____ SX Si
Mercury, ammoniated X 51
Mercury ammoniated ointment X 51
Mercury-vapor lamps (see Lamps, clean? (bulbs)) X 17
Message and data transmitting equipment (sec Trans-
mitting equipment, message and data) X 17
Mess outfits (see Outfits, mess) S 63
Mess trays (see Corrosion-resisting steelware; Trays,
mess) J 63
Metal cutting saws (see Saws, band) X 40
Metal polish (sec Polish, metal) S 51
Metal specialties J
Meteorological pens (see Pens, barograph and thermo-
graph, register) X 18
Meters, current X 18
Methanol X 51
Methyl bromide X 51
Methyl salicylate X 51
Metol (pictol) S 51
Microscope slides (see Slides, microscope) X 57
Middlings (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed) X 17
Mileage Guide, Highway (see Geography; Rand Mc-
Nally's Standard Highway Mileage Guide) X 35
Dry S56
Evaporated S 56
Milk bottle caps (see Caps, milk bottle). ? Rod chime
Milk cans (see Cans, milk) S 64
Millboard, asbestos X 32
Mimeograph ink (see Ink, duplicating machine)
Mimeograph m
paper (see Paper, imeograph) -01i 55i:33
Minor. Surgery (sec Useful arts) _ X 35
Mirrors (see Household and quarters furniture, I and HI_ X 26
Mittens, working J 37
Mobile file eases (see Trays, file, vertical)___ __ .. X 26
Moisteners, envelope
SX 51
Molasses ? ' s 5,6
Money" order application sections (see -cotions,? furni-
ture, wood) x 26
Money order coupon sections (see . Sections, furniture, ?
wood) X 26
Monkey wrenches (sec. Wrenches, screw) S 41
Mop handles ? (Sec Handles, mop). BS 3$ ?
Mopping outfits S 38
??Mops, cotton:
Cuspidor (sanitary swabs) _ 13 38
Floor ' BS 38
. Wall and ceiling typo BS 38
Mop wringers ? (sec Wringers, mop) S 38.
Moss, peat (see Peat) XX
Mortar,- refractory, air setting
Moth flakes (see Naphthalene) _ S Si
Motion picture film (see Film, motion picture) X 18
R. 78
Motorized equipment:
Ambulances. ? it 78
'Automobiles (passenger carrying)
Busses I 7
Carry-alls_ It 78
Motorcycles R 78
Motor scooters It 78
Station wagons - it
Trailers t 78
Ti ucks R 78
Truck tractors R 78
Motor scooters It 78
Motor vehicle parts ? X 8
Motor vehicle repairs (see Repairs, motor vehicle)__ _ X 8
Mouth wipes (see Tissues, cleansing)._ _ S 29
? Mowers, lawn S 70
Mucilage, gum GS 53
Mucilage brushes (see Brushes; mucilage or paste) S 53
Mucilage receptacles (see Receptacles, mucilage) S 53
Muffin mixture, prepared S 56
. a SS 2573
Muslin, red
Multigraph ink (See Ink, multigraph)
Mustard S 56
Mustard pots (see Chinaware; Pots, mustard) X 63
Nails, wire S 42
Name plates (sco Plates, name) J 42
Naphtha cans (see Cans, safety) S 42
Naphthalene S 51
Cotton D
Paper S 53
Nauseating gas (see Cartridges, gas, gun) X 4
Navy type beds (see Beds, metal, bunk) J 26
Hypodermic syringe X 57
Spinal-puncture X 57
Wassermann X 57
Neoarsphenamine X 51
Nets, laundry S 27
New and Non-Official Remedies (see Useful arta; Ameri-
can Medical Association) X 35
Newsboard (see Board, newsboard) G
Newsprint paper (see Paper, printing, newsprint) G
Nightgowns, cotton_ DX 55
NitIste of silver (see Silver nitrate) X 51
Nitric acid (see Acids, nitric) X Si
Nitrogen gas (see Gases, nitrogen) X 51
Nitrous oxide gas (see Gases, nitrous oxide) _ X 51
S 56
Notarial seals (see Seals, paper) SX 53
Notebook holders (sea Holders, notebook, stenogra-
phers') SX 54
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anti class
Fire hose S 33
Hose, adjustable.. S 33
Pump, back-pack S 11
Numbering and lettering stamps (sec Stamps, numbering
and lettering) 8 53
Numbering machine ink (see Ink, numbering inachine). GS 53
Numbering in:whine inking pads (see Pads, Inking, num-
bering machine). S 53
Numbering machines (see Machines, numbering) 8 54
Numbering stamps (see Stamps, numbering). X 53
Nut meg . 8 56
Light, hexagon X 43
Lock, bolt X 43
Machine screw.. X 43
Regular X 43
Oakum S 21
Oatmeal (sec Oats, rolled) S 56
Forage (see Forage, animal; Crushed feed)..,. X 67
Rolled. S 56
Obstetrical pads see Pads, obstetrical) S 57
Office chairs (see Chairs, office, wood) JSX 26
Office machine repair and servicing (see Repairs, office
machines) X 54
Office towels (sec Towels, buck, office) S 27
Offset duplicating ink (see Ink, offset, lithographic)___ CS 53
Aiy-fliter screen X 14
Castor X 51
Clove X 51
Cod-liver X 51
Cottonseed X 51
Cutting X 14
Flatting S 52
Floor X 14
Fuel X.7
Linseed S 52
Linseed replacement S 52
Lubricating NSX 14
Edible S 56
17SP X 51
Penetrating X 14
Turpentine, USP X 51
Typewriter S 53
Vegetable, salad S 56
Oilcans (sec Cans, oil) S 42
Oilcans, typewriter (see Cans, oil, typewriter) S 53
Oilcloth, table S 27
Oilers, steel, squirt type S 13
Oil-treated mops (see Mops, cotton, floor) ES 38
Ammoniated mercury (see Mercury ammoniated
ointment) X 51
Boric acid (see Acids, boric acid ointment) SX 51
Mercurial (see Mercurial ointment) X 51
Pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical preparations and
biological products) X 51
Ointment boxes (see Boxes, ointment) X 57
Ointment jars (see Jars, ointineRt) X 57
Olcates (see Pharmaceutical preparations and biological
products) X 51
Olive oil:
Edible (see Oil, olive, edible) S 56
USP (see Oil, olive, USP) X51
Olives S 56
Onionskin paper (see Paper, typewriting, manifold,
glazed) GS 53
Opaque compound_ X 18
Opaque envelopes (see Envelopes, mailing, common type,
side-opening, white, printed with opaquing design in-
side) P
Can 564
Envelope_ S 53
Orange juice, canned S 56
Hyiebei ?
Una chins
Orchard grass seed (see Seed, grass) ? X 67
Oriental rugs, American (see Rugs, American oriental) X 27
Orthopedic ,Surgery, SI-lands' (see Useful arts). X 35
Osler's Principles and Practice of Medicine (see Useful
arts) ? X 35
Ottomans (see Household and quarters furniture, IV) X 26
"Out" cards (see Cards, "Out") ? h 53 .
Outfits, mess S 63
Overalls. ( see also Suits, cotton, drill) DX 55
Overcoats . " ? ? DX 55
Overshoes ? X 72
Oxalic acid (see Acid, oxalic) ? X 51
Oxford Dictionary or Modern English Usage (see Phil-
ology; Dictionary of Modern English Usage) . ? __ X 35 ?
Oxygen gas (see, GANS, oxygen) X Si
Pack covers, canvas (see Covers, canvas, pack
Asbestos .
II ydraulic
Oil resistant
Rubber compound
Packing case strapping (sec Strapping, packing; case)_ __ X 42
Packing paper, corrugated (see Paper, packing, corru-
gated) S 53
Packsacks (sec Knapsacks) S 74
Padding, cotton_ S 27
Pad holders (sec Holders, SX 42
pad, memorandum) S 53
Pads: -
Padlocks (see Locks, pad)
Calendar (refills) S 53
Chair S 27
Columnar CS 53
Desk (blotter) 'S 53
Finger, rubber 5 53
Floor polishing and scrubbing machine X 40
Indicator, dictating machine S 53
Duplicating machine. SX 53
Ironing board I38S 5273
Numbering machine.
Machine (office) and typewriter X 54
Memorandum.. DOS 63
Pedestal, desk ' S 552736
Memorandum, roll-type .. X XS
Saddle S 34
SX 53
Typewriter S 54
Aluminum X 64
Canvas, folding S 24
General purpose, galvanized iron_ S 42
Mess outfit
JS 3684
Paint brushes (see Brushes, paint)
Paint cloths, canvas (see Cloths, drop, painters', canvas)_ J 24
Paint drier (see Drier, paint) S 52
Painters' dust Lrushes (see Brushes, dust, painters') JS 38
Painting, motor vehicles (see Repairs, motor vehicles) X 8
Paint remover (see Remover, paint and varnish) S 52
Black X 52
Cement water X 52
Chrome yellow X 52
Concrete X 52
Graphite SX 52
X 52
Green S 52
Iron oxide SX 52
Interior SX 52
SX 52
One coat flat SX 52
Olive drab X 52
Outside S 52
Priming, plaster S 52
X 33
X 33
S 33
X 33
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Sy mbol
Paints?Continued . and dams
.Protective, boiler, interior X 52
Red had base in linseed oil S 52
Roof S 52
Titanium-zine load ??S 52
SX 52
Varnish base
S 52
Water, cold
SX 52
White lead, basic carbonate S 522
Paint thinner (ace Thinner, paint) S 52
Pajamas. DX 55
Pamphlet binders, loose-leaf (see Binders, loose-leaf,
pamphlet) X 53
Panels,- cotton, screen 13 27
X (3,4
Baking and roasting x 3
Dish X 64
Dust - 541
S 04
Mess outfit
S 64
Pudding SX 64
Roast X 04
Sauce X 04
? Cotton
Pants (see Trousers) DX 55
Black-line X 53
Photographic. R 53
Standard ORS 53
Blueprint SX 53
Book ? G '
Brownprint X 53
Carbon: ?
Columnar pads (see Pads, columnar)
Columnar, sheet
Computing machine
Detail drawing
Duplicating machine
Index GRS 53
GS 53
Ledger GRS 53
Lithographic RS 53
Mimeograph.. G RS 53
Master and carbon sets, duplicating SX 53
Packing, corrugated S 53
Photographic X 18
Plan profile X 53
Printing, newsprint.. 0 ?
SX 53
S 53
Paper?Continued and alas
1on..1 ORS 53
?? ? ? 'Manifold CRS 53
Waxed S 53
Whiteprint (see class 18, Machines, dry developing) _ X 53
Wrapping, Kraft_ GRS 53
Writing ORS 53
Paper bags (ace Bags, paper) S 53
Paper clips (See Clips, paper) S 53
Paper fastener bases (see Bases, paper, fastener) S.53
Paper fastener compressors (ace Compressors, paper
fastener) S 53
Paper fasteners:
Brass (see Fasteners, paper, brass) S 53
Clipless'(sce Fasteners, paper, ()Unless) S 54
' Flexible (see Fasteners, paper, flexible) ? SX 53
Nu-Prong (see Fasteners, paper, Nu-Prong) X 53
Pinch ? (see Fasteners, paper, pinch) ' b 53
Screw-post typo (see Fasteners, paper, screw-post ?
typo) ? X 53
Paper fastener washers (see Washers, paper fastener)...._ .S 53
Paper fastening machines WC Machines, paper.fastening)_ S 54
Paper fastening staples (see Staples, paper fastening)___ S 53
Paper sorters see Sorters, paper) X 54
Paper spindles (see Spindles, paper) X 53
Paper tape, gummed (see Tape, paper, gummed) ? S 53
Paper towel cabinets "(see Cabinets, paper towel) ? S 30
Paper towels (see Towels, paper) ' S 29
Paper twine (see Twine, paper) S 21
Fabric-covered (see. Weights, paper, iron). J. 53
Glass (see Weights, paper, glass) S 53
Paperold (sec Board' .fiber) G
Paradichlorbenzeno (see Dichlorbenzene, para). X 51
Paraffin (wax) X 14
Paraformaldehyde (see Trioxymethylene) X 51
Paring knives (see Knives, paring) S 64
Parlor brooms (see Brooms, corn, parlor) 13D,JS 38
Parts, road building machinery ? X 66
Paste: .
S 53 ? ? ? Flour (see Paste, mounting) G'
? 0 - - ? Band, protective . S 51
CS 53 Mounting '0
S 53 Office S':3
S 53 Photo mounting S 53
Soap, grit S 51
Paste brushes (see Brushes, mucilage or paste) _ S 53
Pastry brushes (see Brushes, pastry)__. S 38
Paulins (tarpaulins). ' .18 24 .
Pay roll machines (see Machines, par roll) X 54 ?
Canned. S 50
. .Dried " S 50
Canned.. S 56
Evaporated S 50
Peanut butter S 56.
Pearl barley (see Barley, pearl) S 56
Pears,. canned S 56
Peat X 70
Pencil clips (sec Clips, pencils)._ S 53
Pencil erasers (see Erasers, rubber)... ? SX 53
Pencil leads:
Artists'. X 53:
. Mechanical pencil SX 53
Pencil pointers (see Pointers, pencil) S 53
Pencil point protectors (see Protectors, pencil point) S 53
Artists' and draftsmen's X 53
Correction, duplicating machine ? S 53
Mechanical SX 53
Wax SX 53
Wood cased:
Blueprint X 53
Carpenters' S 53
Checking S 53
Colored S 53
Colored lead (drawing) _ SX 53
GRS 53
X 53
SX 53
X 53
SX 53
GS 53
X 57
SX 42
X 42
S 53
Recording instrument X 18
Statistical SX 53
S 53
Duplicating machine SX 53
Stenotype machine S 53
Tabulation S 53
Teletype S 53
Tissue G
Toilet S 29
Tracing SX 53
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rind vitals
Wood cased?Continued
Coloring X 53
Copying SX 53
Drawing SX 53
General writing 8 53
Lead SX 53
Stenographers' S 53
Weatherproof and waterproof SX 53
Pencil sharpener clamps (see Clamps, pencil sharpener)... S 54
Pencil sharpener ()utters (sec Cutters, pencil sharpener)... 8 54
Pencil sharpeners (see Sharpeners, pencil) 8 54
Penetrating oil (see Oil, penetrating) X 14
Crow quill X 53
Mapping and lettering X 53
Wood S 53
Pen racks S 53
Barograph and thermograph X 18
Drawing instrument. 8 18
Fountain X 53
Fountain, tear gas_ X 2
Lettering SX 53
Lithographic SX 53
Mapping and drawing X 53
Register X 18
Ruling S 18
Stylographic 8 53
Writing.. S 53
Pen sets, desk:
Fountain SX 53
Reservoir dip typo SX 53
Pon trays (see Trays, pen) S 53
Black. S 56
Cayenne S 50
Chili S 56
Pepper shakers (see Glassware, shakers) X 63
Perchloric acid (see Acids, perchloric) X 81
Perforator heads (see Heads, perforator) S 53
Perforators, paper S 53
Periodicals (see Periodicals and lawbooks) X 35
Periodicals and lawbooks X 35
Potrolagar X 51
Jelly S 20
Liquid X 51
Pharmaceutical preparations and biological products_ X 51
Phenol X 51
Philology (publications) X 35
Phosphate cleaner (see Trisodium phosphate) S 51
Phosphoric acid (see Acids, phosphoric) X 51
Photocopying machines (see Machines, photocopying) X 18
Developing powder. (see Developer, photocopying
machine, powder) S 51
Fixing powder (see Fixer, photocopying machine,
powder) S 51
Photographic blotting paper (see Paper, blotting, photo-
graphic) R 53
Photographic cellulose sheets (see Plastic, photographic)_ X 18
Photographic cloth (see Cloth, photographic) X 18
Photographic developing powder (see Developer, photo-
graphic) SX 51
Photographic films (see Films, photographic) SX 18
Photographic flash lamps (see Lamps, electric (bulbs)).__ X 17
Photographic glass (see Glass, photographic)_ X 18
Photographic mounting cloth (see Cloth, photographic
mounting) X 18
Photographic paper (see Paper, photographic) X 18
Photographic plates (see Plates, photographic)_ X 18
Photographic tape (see Tape, photographic) S 53
Photographic trays (see Trays, photographic) X 18
Pick brushes (see Brushes, pick) J 38
Pick handles (see Handles, pick). JS 41
Pickle dishes (see Chinaware; Dishes, pickle or celery) X 63
Pickles S 56
Picks, railroad SX 41
Pictol (see Motel) S 51
Pie tubs (see Tubs, pie) X 64
Pigments SX 52
and dim
Pillowcases, cotton BDS 27
Cotton felt.. D
Featlier? S 27
Pillow ticking (see Ticking, mattress and pillow) J 27
Pillow ticks see Ticks, pillow) D
Pills (see P larniaccutical preparations and biological
products) X Si
Pin cups (see Cups, pin or sponge, glass) S 53
Pineapple, canned S 56 '
P j
ineapple uice S 56
Cotter X 42
Office SX 53
Office, push X 53
Safety S 27
Weight hanger, current meter X 18
Pipe covering:
Asbestos X 32
Cork X 32
. Felt X32
Pipe taps (see Taps, pipe) X 41
Pipe threading sets (see Threading sets, pipe) X 41
Pipettes X 57
Pipe wrenches (see Wrenches, pipe, adjustable) SX 41
Pitch, coal tar X 59
Pitchers (see Chinaware) X 63
Plain opening sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Plan, policy or blank sections (see Sections, furniture,
wood) X 26
Plan profile paper (see Paper, plan profile). X 53
Plaster, adhesive S 57
Plaster of paris X 51
Photographic. X 18
Topographic X 18
Plate etch (see class 54, Machines, duplicating) X 51
Plate glass (sec Glass, plate) X 59
Plate printing blankets (see Blankets, plate printing) X 66
Plato regraining, offset duplicating_ X 103
Plates (see Chinaware) X 63
Addressing machine X 54
Anchor and building J 59
Brass, fastener (see Plates, deck or door mat) J 27
Deck or door mat J 27
Duplicating machine X 54
Flexible writing, duplicating machine X 53
Lantern slide X 18
Mess (see Tinware) S 63
Desk J42
Door and office. J. 42
Offset duplicating X 54
Paper S 53
Photographic . X 18
Platform skids (see Skids, platform) X 69
Platform trucks (see Trucks, platform) X 69
Platters, meat (see Chinaware) X 63
Combination S 41
Gas S41
Linemen's, side cutting S 41
Round nose S 4 l
Plug caps (See Caps, plug)_.S 17
Attachment S 17
Spark SX 17
Plums, canned S 56
Pneumatic hose (see Hose, pneumatic) X 33
Pointers, pencil S 53
Poison bags, canvas (see Bags, canvas, poison) _ J 24
Poison oak remedy S 51
Policy sections (see Sections, furniture, wood; plan, policy
or blank sections) X 26
Porcelainware, laboratory
Approved .For Releage 2001/08/82 QIA-RpP81-00728R00010001005078,
S 51
S 51
S Si
S 51'
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
and Mutol
Portable files (see Trays, file, vertical) X 26
Posting machines (see Machines, accounting and posting). X 54
Bed (see Legs, bed, cabinet or institutional typo). .1 26
Binding S 53
Stacking, desk tray SX 53
Post-type binders, loose-leaf (ace Binders, loose-leaf, post). SX 53
Postal Guide:
Foreign, U. S. Official (ace Federalpublications) _ _ S 35
U. S. Official (ace Federal publications) - S 35
Potash alum (see Aluminum potassium sulfate) SX 51
Biehromato (see Potassium dichromate) X 1St
Bromide X 51
Carbonate X 51
Chloride X 51
Cyanide X 51
Dichromate X 51
Ferricyanide X 51
Hydroxide X 51
Iodide X Si
Metabisulfite, photographic X 51
'Nitrate X 51
Oxalate X 51
Pernianganate X 51
Phosphate X 51
Sodium tartrate X 51
Sulfate X 51
Potato mashers (see Mashers, potato) S 64
Pot lifters (see Lifters, pot) ___ S 64
Coffee S 64
Cook S 64
Fire, gasoline S 41
Mustard (see Chinaware) X 63
Sauce X 64
Stock X 64
Poultry feed (sec Feed, poultry) X 67
Pounders (see Mashers, potato) . S 64
Baking S 56
Blasting .. .. X 4
Chili S 56
Developing (see Developer, photographic) SX 51
Pudding and dessert:
Butterscotch __ __ S 56
Chocolate S 56
Vanilla S 56
Sanitation S 51
Scouring, floor S 51
Talcum (see Talc) X 51
Tracing cloth S 51
Powdered soap (see Soaps, powder) S 51
Powders, pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical prepara-
tions and biological products) _ X 51
Power belting (ace Belting, fabric and rubber; leather)._ _ X 34
Practical Bacteriology, Haematology and Parasitology,
Stitt's (see Useful arts) X 35
Preserves, canned S 56
Pressboard G
Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, Rosenau's (see Useful
arts; Rosenau's Preventive Medicine and Hygiene)._ X 35
Primer, asphalt, waterproofing (sec asphalt primer) X 59
Primers, blasting powder X 4
Priming material, fatty acid pitch base X 59
Principles and Practice of Medicine, Osler's (sec Useful
arts; Osler's Principles and Practice of Medicine) _ X 35
Printing ink (see Ink, printing) G
Printing service DJ 103
Print trimmers (see Trimmers, print) X 18
Procaine hydrochloride X 51
Profile paper (see Paper, profile) S 53
Projection screens (see Screens, projection) X 18
Prong type binders, loose-leaf (see Binders, loose-leaf,
prong) X 53
Proportional dividers (see Dividers, proportional) X 18
Proportional spacing machines (sea Machines, propor-
tional spacing) X 54
Protamine zinc insulin (see Insulin protamine zinc) X 51
Protective goggles (sec Goggles, protective) S 37
Desk leg S 26
Pencil point S 53
and chum
Circular S 18
Semicircular S 18
Canned S 50
Evaporated S 50
Pruning shears (see Shears, pruning) S 70
Psychrometers X 18
Public utilities, consolidated (see classes 101 and 105,
Electric service; Gas service). X 101
Pulled rice (see Rico, puffed) S 56
Pulleys, gray east iron, web typo J 06
Door X 42
Drawer X 42
Pump parts, back-pack S 11
Back-pack S 11
Fire, gasoline engine driven__ S 11
Pumpkin, canned S 56
Cutter S 53
Eyelet SX 53
Punch machine eyelets (see Eyelets, punch machine)._ SX 53
Purple writing; ink (see ink, duplicator) G
Push brooms (see Brooms, rattan, push)._ DS 38
Push pins (sec Pins, office, push) X 53
Putty S 52
Pyrogallic acid (ace Acids, pyrogallic) X 51
Pyrogallol (ace Acids, pyrogallic) X 51
Quebracho tannin (see Compound, boiler feed water)._ _ X 13
Pen (see Pen racks) S 53
Rubber stamp SX 53
Time recorder cards X 54
Radiator brushes (see Brushes, dust, radiator) JS 38
Radio batteries (see Batteries, dry, radio). SX 16
Radio broadcasting services (see Recording and tran-
scription service) _ X 103
Radio tubes (see Tubes, vacuum) S 16
Railing flanges (see Flanges, railing) J 45
Railroad board (see Board, railroad) _________ ....._ G
Rain, sun and wind registers (see Registers, wind veloc-
ity, wind direction, sunshine, and rainfall) X 18
Rain and show gages (see Gages rain and snow) X 18
Rain and snow gage supports '(aw Supports, rain and
snow gage) X 18
Rain gages (sec Gages, rain) X 18
Raisins S 56
Rakes, asphalt_.. S 41
Rake handles (see Handles, rake) S 41
Rand McNally's Atlas (see Geography; Atlases) X 35
Rand McNally 's Highway Mileage Guide (sec Geography) _ X 35
Rand McNally's Road .Atlas (see Geography) X 35
Rangers' carrying cases (see Cases, carrying, rangers') S 24
Raspberries, canned S 56
Rasps, wood S 41
Rations, U. S. Army (field) S 56
Reading glasses (see Glasses, magnifying) X 18
Recaning chairs X 103
Recapping tires, automobile and truck X 8
Receptacle bags, towel or waste J 30
Mucilage S 53
Towel or waste J 30
Wastepaper (see also class 26, Special furnishings,
executive type) JSX 51
Record books (see Books, blank, record) GS 53
Time X54
Water-stage X 18
Recording and transcription service X 103
Recording instrument ink (see Ink, recording instru-
ment) G
Recording instrument paper (see Paper, recording instru-
ment) X 18
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My in bol
and chum
Feed rolls X 54
Platens, typewriter X 54
Red sulfite paper (see Board, fiber) G
%Atop Heed (see Seed, gram) X 07
Reed muck (see Peat) X 70
Reed peat (see Peat) X 70
Retracting string S 18
Sounding X 18
Waxers, valve, electric (see Valve refacers, electric) X 40
Calendar pads (sec Pads, calendar) S 53
Kit (burn treatment, first aid, snake bite) X 57
Telephone index S 53
Refractories, fire clay X 32
Refractory mortar (see Mortar, refractory, air setting) X 32
Refrigerators, mechanical, domestic_ R. 20
Register pens (see Pons, register) X 18
Cash X 54
Tally SX 18
Wind velocity, wind direction, sunshine and rainfall X 18
Regraining plates (see Plate regraining, offset duplicating) X 103
Regulators, glass, door or window (see Repairs, motor
vehicle) X 8
Reinforcements, eyelet S 53
Relay tubes (see Tubes, amplifier and relay) S 17
Remover, paint and varnish S 52
Renovating service, mattress and pillow I)
Rental, office machines_ X 54
Motor vehicle X 8
? Office machine X 54
Shoe (see Shoo repair service) 1)
Typewriter X 54
Resistors, conversion S 17
Respirator (haffmask) parts X 37
Restraint bed sheets (see Sheets restraining) j 57
Restraint sheet hammock (see Hammocks with restraint
sheet) J 57
Restraint tub covers (see Covers, tub, continuous flow) _ J 57
Revolving chairs (see Chairs office wood)
JS 26
Rheostats, blasting machine testing
X 4
Accounting machine S 53
Addressing machine SX 53
Bookkeeping machine S 53
Computing machine SX 53
Duplicating machine S 53
Hectograph S 53
Stamp, time S 53
Stenotype S 53
Teletypewriter 8 53
Typewriter 8X 63
Milled S 56
Puffed S 56
Ring binders (ace Binders, loose-leaf, ring type) SX 53
Ringers, hog X 70
Binder S 53
Currency binding S 53
Hog X70
Ring type indexes (see Indexes, binder, ring type)_ X 53
Blade (see Saws, circular) X 40
Hand (see Saws, rip) S 41
Rivets, brass S 43
Road atlas (see Geography; Rand McNally's Road Atlas) X 35
Road building machinery parts (see classes 8 and 66,
Parts, construction and road building machinery) X 66
Roast beef (see Beef, canned, roast) S 56
Rock drill steels (see Drill steels, pneumatic rock drill)___ X 40
Anchor S 42
Glass X 57
Ground, telephone S 17
Welding S 46
Roget's International Thesaurus of English Words and
Phrases (see Philology) X 35
Rolled oats (see Oats, rolled) S 56
Roller type car jacks (see Jacks, roller type) X 41
and ohm
Bakers' X 50
Canvas, snow equipment J '24
Duplicating machin,, X 53
Roof coating, asphalt X 50
Asphalt (see Asphalt, built-up roofing) X 50
Asphalt prepared X 59
Compound, calking (see Compound, calking, roofing,
slater s) X 59
Felt (see Felt, roofing and waterproofing) X 59
Asphalt primer X 59
Cement, bituminous (roof patching) X 59
Compound, calking, roofing (slater 's) X 59
Pelt, roofing X 59
Pitch coal tar (mineral surfaced built-up roof. ,
Prepared (in rolls) X 59
Roof coating, asphalt X 59
Shingles X 59
Cotton S 21
Jute S 21
Manila S 21
Pump, portable, starter S 11
Sisal S 21
Rosenau's Preventive Medicine and Hygiene see Useful
arts) X 35
Rotary chairs (see Chairs, office, wood) JS 26
Rotary stools (see Stools, wood) J 26
Rubber bands (see Bands, rubber) S 53
Rubber boots (see Boots, rubber) X 72
Rubber cement (see Cement, rubber) S 52
Rubber coats (see Coats, rubber) X 72
Rubber erasers, pencil (see Erasers, rubber) SX 53
Rubber heels (see Heels rubber) X 72
Rubber link mats (see Heels,
fabric (rubberized), deck or
door)_ BJ 27
Rubber link mats (see Mats, rubber link) B 27
Rubbers, footwear (see Overshoes) X 72
Rubber stamp racks (see Racks, rubber stamp) SX 53
Rubber stoppers (sec Stoppers, rubber) X 57
Rubbing alcohol (see Alcohol (ethyl), USP) S Si
Rug cushions (see Cushions, carpet and rug) X 27
American oriental X 27
Axminster X 27
Cotton, hand woven B 27
Linen X 27
Wilton X 27
Ruled cards (see Cards, index, filing) GS 53
Rulers, desk_ SX 53
Log S41
Multiple folding S 41
Slide X 18
Rye grain seed (see Seed, grain) X 67
Rye grass Seed (see Seed, grass) X 67
Sacques, infants' X 55
J 26
X 37
Safety cans (see Cans, safety) S 42
Safety matches (see Matches, safety) S 51
Safety pins (see Pins, safety) S 27
Safety straps:
Linemen's (see Straps, safety, linemen's) S 37
Truck (see Straps, truck, safety) J 27
Sage S 56
Salad bowls (see Chinaware; Bowls, salad) X 63
Salad oil (see Oil vegetable salad) S 56
Salad plates (see Chinaware; Plates, dessert or salad) X 63
Salmon, canned S 56
Salt S 56
Salts, effervescent (see Pharmaceutical preparations and
biological products) X 51
Salt shakers (see Glassware, shakers) X 63
Salt tablets (see Sodium chloride tablets) SX 51
Salve antiseptic (see Antiseptic salve, Hall's) S 51
Salves, menthol camphor compound (see Menthol cam-
phor compound salves) S 51
Safe cabinets, stc.,4 _
Safety belts (see Belts, safety)_
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and Maas
Sample jars (sea Jars, sample) X 57
Sanders, electric X 40
Sanitary bases, wood (see Sections, furniture, wood:
Bases, sanitary) SX 20
Sanitary brushes (see Brushes, sanitary or toilet)___.. DJS 38
Sanitation powder (ace Powder, sanitation) ? S 51
Sardines, canned S 56
Sash cord (see Cord, sash) S 21
Sash fasteners (see Fasteners, sash) X 42
Sash tool brushes (see Brushes, sash tool) JS 38
Chili S 56
Tomato S 50
Worcestershire_ S 56
Saucepans (see Pans, sauce) X 64
Saucepots (see Pots, sauce) X 64
Saucers (see Chinaware) X 63
Sauerkraut, canned S 56
Sawdust X 39
Saw handles (see Handles, saw) S 41
Band X 40
Butchers' S 64
Circular X 40
Compass S 41
Crosscut S 41
Hand S 41
Nested S 41
Rip. S 41
Clinometer S 18
? Drawing SX 18
Weighing _ SX 18
School chairs (see Chairs, school or cafeteria)
J 26
Scissors, pocket S 53
Scouring powder, floor (see Powder, scouring, floor) S 51
Scratch feed (see Feed, poultry) X 67
Screening (see Cloth, wire) S 42
Screen panels (see Panels, cotton, screen) B 27
Screens, projection X 18
Screw clamps (see Clamps, screw) X 41
Screwdrivers S 41
Cap X 43
Lag 543
Machine X 43
Set X43
Wood X 43 '
Scribers, timber S 41
Scrim, curtain S 27
Script writing service (see Recording and transcription
service) X 103
Scrubbing brushes (see Brushes, scrubbing) . DJS 38
Scrubbing cloths (see Cloths, wiping) .. JS 27
Scrubbing machines, floor (see Machines, floor polishing
and scrubbing, electric) X 40
Sealer, floor X 52
Sealing compound (wash-out solution) (see class 54,
Machines, duplicating) X 51
Sealing wax (see Wax, sealing) S 53
Car S42
Paper SX 53
Seam filler (see Filler, seam) X 52
Seaming brushes (see Brushes, seaming) J 38
Seat covers (see Covers, seat (automobile, tractor,
truck)) J 24
Seats, toilet S 30
Secretary's Handbook (see Useful arts). X 35
Furniture, steel:
Bases, sanitary, bookcase J 26
Bookcases J 26
Shelves, bookcase J 26
Tops, bookcase J 26
Bases, sanitary, transfer case J 26
Cap size S 26
Card, fingerprint
SJ 2260
Letter size
and class
Furniture, wood:
Arch letter file X 26
Boards, reducing
Bookshelf, plain
Box drawer
Cap size
Card or transportation request
Card size
Check filo
Document file
Drawer, flat sheet
Drawer, tilting portfolio
Legal blank
Letter size
Map or map routing
Money order application
Money order coupon
Plan, policy or blank
Shelves, sliding, reference
Tops, bookcase
Tops, file
Bases, leg X 26
Bill or invoice size X 26
Cap size (legal size) SX 26
Card size X 26
Cupboard X 26
Document file X 26
Ends X 26
Letter size SX 26
Plain opening X 26
Sheet X 26
Sedge muck (see Peat) X 70
Sedge peat (sec Peat) X 70
Celery S 56
Barley X 67
Cow pea X 67
Rye X67
Soybean X 67
Seizin F wire (see Strand)
Sensitized cloth (see Cloth, sensitized)
Sensitizing solution (see Coating solution; class 54,
Machines, duplicating) X 51
Separatory funnels (see Funnels, separatory) X 57
Serums (see Pharmaceutical preparations and biological
products) X 51
Servers (see Household and quarters furniture, I) X 26
Servers (dripless) (see Glassware) X 03
Broadcasting, radio (see Recording and transcription
service) X 103
Chair recaning (see Recaning chairs) X 103
Correct time (see Correct time service) X 103
Dry cleaning (see Dry cleaning service) J 103
Electric (see Electric service) X 101
Embossing (see Class 54, Machines, addressing) X 103
Gas (see Gas service) X 105
Laundry (see Laundry service) DJ 103
Office machine (see Repairs, office machines) X 54
SX 26
X 26
SX 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
X 26
SX 26
X 26
X 67
X 67
X 67
X 07
X 67
X 67
X 67
X 67
X 67
X 67
X 67
S 22
X 53
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and elm
Plato regraining (see Plato regraining, offset dupli-
cating) X 103
Printing (see Printing service) DJ 103
Recording and transcription, radio (see Recording
and transcription service) X 103
Renovating, mattress and pillow (see Renovating
service, mattress and pillow) D
Script writ ing(see Record in and transcription service). X 103
Shoo repair (see Shoo repair service) D
Telephone (see Telephone and teletypewriter service). X 102
Teletype news ticker (see Teletype news ticker serv-
ice) X 103
Teletypewriter (see Telephone and teletypewriter
service) X 102
Transcription, radio (see Recording and transcrip-
tion service) X 103
Typewriter (sec Repairs, typewriter) X 54
Venetian blind cleaning (see Cleaning venetian
blinds) X 103
Wiping.cloth (see Wiping cloth service) X 103
Serving trays (see Trays, serving) X 64
Set screws (see Screws, set) X 43
Settees (see Household and quarters furniture I and IV)_ X 26
Fibre J 26
Wood (see also Special furnishings, executive type).. JX 26
Shade cord (see Cord, shade, window) S 21
Shakers, pepper and salt (see Glassware) X 63
Sharpeners, pencil S 54
Sharpening stones (see Stones, sharpening)._ S 41
Shaving brushes (see Brushes, shaving) J 29
Shaving machines, dictating machine cylinder (see Ma-
chines, shaving, dictating machine cylinder) X 54
Shaving soap (see Soap, shaving) S 29
Shavings__ X 39
Grass S 70
Hedge. S 70
Office S 53
Pruning S 70
Tinners' S 41
Sheaths, leather S 34
Sheeting, cotton S 27
Sheet metal products D
Cotton _ DS 27
Division, binder S 53
Guide, notebook S 33
Hammock, restraint (see Hammocks with restraint
sheet) J 57
Master control, stencil duplicator S 53
Restraining J 57
Sheet sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
shelf brackets (see Brackets, shelf) X 42
Shelters, instrument X 18
Bookcase, adjustable (see Sections, furniture, steep J 26
Filing, wood X 26
Sliding, reference (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Shelving, steel, storage J 26
Erasing S 53
Expansion X 43
Protective, face; visors only X 37
Tent S 65
Welders' X 37
Shims, pole, guy S 42
Shingles, asphalt prepared X 59
Shin guards (see Guards, protective, shin) X 37
Shipping cases (see Boxes, shipping, corrugated) S 53
Shipping tags (see Tags, shipping) SX 53
Shirting, hickory S 27
Cotton DX 55
Men's, chambray DJ 55
Sweat D
Shock absorbers, safety belt X 37
Shoe polish (see Polish, shoe) S 51
Shoe repair service D
Shoes, baseball J 37
Shoes (footwear) J 72
Shop knives (see Knives, shipping and packing)._ _____ _ _ S 41
and claim
Shortening S 56
Shorts, cotton D '
Shovel handles (see Handles, shovel) S 41
Coal _ S.41
General purpose:
D-handle S 41
Long handle S 41
- Snow (or barn) ? S 41
Shower curtains, canvas (see Curtains, shower, canvas)_ J 24
Shredded wheat (typo) cereal ' S 56
Sideboards (see Household and quarters furniture, I)._ X?26
Side chairs (sec Chairs, side; wood) ,J 26
Sidewalk brushes (see Brushes, sidewalk) S 38
Signals (see Tabs, index) SX 53
Signature stamps (see Stamps, signature) ? X 53
Silicon carbide 'X 51
Silk sutures (see Sutures; silk) ? X 57
Silkworm gut sutures ? (see Sutures, silkworm gut)_ _ _____ X 57
Silver nitrate ' ? X 51
Silverware.. S 63
Sink brushes (see Brushes, sink or pot) JS 38
Blended (corn and refiners) 8 56
Pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical preparations
and biological products) X 51
Sugar and maple S 56
Skids, platform X 69
Skin and tension .sutures (see Sutures, skin and tonsion)__ X 57
Skin diseases (see Useful arts; Diseases of the Skin, .6:
Andrews') 35
Skins, chamois S 34
Skin sutures (see Sutures; skin) X 57
Skirts, wool X 55
Slaters' roofing cement (see Compound, calking, roofing,
Sledge handles (see Handles, sledge) J SX '41
Sleeping bags (see Bags, sleeping).. .
DX 2557
Sleeping garments, children's
Sleeves, splicing: .
Steel tape S 41
_ Wire S 17
Mid-e' rules (sec Rules, slide) X.18
Slides, microscope X 57.
Slips (clothing), cotton D
Slip sheets, duplicating machine X 53
Smallpox vaccine (see Biological products) ? X 51
Smocks, nurses', broadcloth ?D
Smoking stands- (see Stands, smoking) X 25
Smoking tobacco (see Tobacco, smoking) X 25
Snake bite kits (see Kits, snake bite) ? 8X 57
SnoNveipment cases (see Rolls, canvas, snw equip-
ment)J 24
Snow gages (see Gages, rain and snow) X 18
Snow shovels (see Shovels, snow or barn) S 41
Automobile S 51
Chip; laundry S 51
and 851
? S 51.
Laundry S 51
Liquid, toilet . S 51
Paste, general cleaning S 51
. Powdered S 51
Shaving S 29
Toilet.Soft , U SP X 51
S 51
Socket bodies (sec Bodies, socket) S 17
Sockets, incandescent lamp S 17
Socks, cotton, men's D
Baking S 56
Caustic (lye) S 51
Laundry (washing soda) S 51
Soda ash S 51
Soda lime X 51
Acetate X 51
Bicarbonate X 51
Bicarbonate, technical S 51
Bichromate (see sodium dichromate) X 51
Bismuth thioglycollate X 51.
A ApproVe4FOr Releas32001/178/922c1k-RID,P81.'-00728R0,00100010050-0
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and elakm
Bisu I fi to (meta) X 51
Technical (see borax) X 51
USP X 51
Anhydrous X 51
Monohydrate S51
Chloride X 51
Chloride tablets SX 51
Citrate X 51
Cyanide X 51
Dichromate X 51
Fluoride X 51
Hydroxide X 51
M.etaborate X 51
Phosphate X 51
Silicate S 51
Sulfate X 51
Sulfide X 51
Sulfite X 51
Sulfite, photographic S 51
Thiosulfate (hyposulfite) SX 51
Soft soap, USP (see Soaps, soft, USP) X 51
Soil bags, canvas (see Bags, grain or soil) ,T 24
Soil conditioners, lime X 70
Solder S 46
' Cresol compound S 51
Developing (black-line paper; reproduction cloth) _ X 53
Duplicating machine (see class 54, Machines, dupli-
cating) X 51
Formaldehyde (see Formaldehyde) X 51
Insulin, zinc (see Insulin, zinc, solution) X 51
Solvent, dry cleaning X 51
Sorters, paper X 54
Sounding reels (see Reels, sounding) X 18
Soup bowls (see Chinaware; Bowls, soup) X 63
Soup plates (see Chinaware; Plates, soup) X 63
Soups, canned S 56
Soup tureens (see Chinaware; Tureens, soup) X 63
Soybean seed (see Seed, grain) X 67
Spacers, deck or door mat j 27
Spacing dividers (sec Dividers, spacing) X 18
Spades garden S 70
Spaghetti S 50
Spark plugs (see Plugs, spark)_ SX 17
Spar varnish (see Varnish, spar) S 52
Special furnishings, executive type:
Benches, office X 26
Cabinets, telephone X 26
Office, wood__ X 26
Typists', wood X 26
Costumers X 26
Couches, leather upholstered X 26
Davenports X 26
Office, wood X 26
Typewriter, wood X 26
Jars, lobby, terra cotta X 42
Receptacles, wastepaper X 54
Settees X 20
Stands, utility X 26
Tables, Office, wood X 26
Trays, desk X 53
Troughs, book, wood X 26
Specimen vials (see Vials, specimen) X 57
Spinach, canned S 56
Spindles, paper X 53
Ammonia, aromatic (sec Ammonia, aromatic spirits)_ X 51
. Pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical preparations and
biological products) X 51
Splicing sleeves (see Sleeves, splicing) S 17
Splints, wire S 57
Sponge cups (see Cups, pin or sponge, glass) S 53
Animal S 41
Cellulose S 41
Desk S53
Basting S 64
and class
Dessert (see Silverware; tinware) S 63
Table (ace Tinware) S 63
Tea (sec Silverware; tinware) S 03
illame, back-pack pump S 70
Liquid, pest exterminator_ S 41
Spray tips (see Tips, spray) 5 33
Spring back binders (ace Binders, loose-leaf, spring back). SX 53
Spring hinges (see Hinges, spring) X 42
Springs, bed (sec Household and quarters furniture, 1).__ X 26
Sputum cup holders (see Holders, sputum cup) JX 57
Sputum cups (see Cups, sputum) X 57
Carpenters', try 5 4,
T, "mimeoscopo" (see T-squares, "mimeos.cope") X 53
Squilgees S 38
Stacking posts, desk tray (see Posts, stacking, desk tray). SX 53
Staff, Jacob's S 18
In creosote S 52
In oil X 52
Stamp handles (see Handles, stamp) J 53
Stamping dies (ace Dies, stamping)..._ . S 41
Stamping figures (ace Figures, stamping) X 41
Stamping letters (sec Letters, stamping) X 41
Stamp pads (see Pads, stamp)._ SX 53
Stamp pad ink (see Ink, stamp pad) GSX 53
Stamp parts X 53
Dating 53
Die plate type
X 53
Hand index X 53
Ledger dating X 53
Numbering X 53
Numbering and lettering S 53
Signature X 53
Time and date X 53
Time clock X 54
Standard forms (see Forms, Government) G
Standards, marker or traffic .1- 58
Book X 26
Calendar S 53
Smoking X 25
Telephone, wood SX 26
Typewriter, wood SX 26
Utility (ace Special furnishings, executive type) X 26
Staple removers S 53
Paper fastening S.53
Wire fence S 42
Starch, laundry S 51
Starters, fluorescent. S 17
Steel (see Cabinets, stationery, steel)
JX 2266
Wood (see Cabinets, stationery, wood)
Cupboards, steel; wood- (see Cupboards, stationery,
steel; wood) S 26
Station wagons R 78
Statistical card boxes (see Boxes, card, statistical, wood) X 39
Statistical paper (see Paper, statistical). SX 53
Steam hose (see Hose, steam) X 33-
Steel shelving (see Shelving, steel, storage) . 1 2663
Steel wire (see Wire, steel) S 22
Steel wool (see Wool, steel) X 42
Steel wool pads (ace Pads, steel wool, floor polishing
machines) X 40
Stencil brushes (see Brushes, stencil) JS 38 -
Stencil ink:
Belnap stencils (sec Ink, duplicating machine) GS 53
Box marking (see Ink, stencil) S 53
Stencil paper, board (see Paper, stencil, board) S 53
Stencil paper, duplicating machine (see Paper, stencil,
duplicating machine) . SX 53
Stencils, brass S 42
Stencil varnish, duplicating machine (see Correction com-
pound, stencil) S 53
Stenographers' notebooks (see Books, blank, note, .stenog-
raphers') DGS 53
Steel erasers (see Erasers, steel)
?200-1/68102-: tipt-kop8i706728900100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-111iFDR00728R000100010050-8
and damn
Stenographers' pencils (see Pencils, wood cased, lead,
stenographers') S 53
Stenotype machine paper (see Paper, stenotype machine). S 53
Stenotype ribbons (see B ibbons, stenotype) S 53
Sterile supply wrappers (see Wrappers, sterile supply)._ B 67
Sterilizing liquid, hospital S 51
Cruiser_ S 18
Measuring SX 18
Stippling brushes (see Brushes, stippling, wall) J 38
Stitt's Diagnostics and Treatmert of Tropical Diseases
(see Useful arts) X 35
Stitt's Practical Bacteriology, Haematology and Par-
asitology (see Useful arts) X 35
Stockings, cotton, women's D
Stockpots (see Pots, stock) X 64
Stock tablets (see Pads, memorandum)_ DGS 53
Stock tags (see Tags, stook) ? SX 53
Stones, sharpening S 41
Stools, wood J 20
Cork X 57
Glass_ 557
Rubber X 57
Storage batteries (see Batteries, storage) _ X 17
Storage cases (see Cases, storage or transfer) SX 54
Storage sections (see Sections, furniture, wood) X 26
Storage shelving (see Shelving, steel, storage) J 26
Stove bolts (see Bolts, stove) X 43
Straightedges, hardwood X 18
Strainers, suction hose S 33
Strand, seizing.. S 22
Strap hinges (see Hinges, strap) X 42
Canteen ? S 27
Packing case X 42
.Binder SX 53
Climbers' S 37
Linemen's_ S 37
Truck J 27
Straw, bedding (see Forage, animal) X 67
Strawberries, canned S 56
Straws, drinking S 53
String and 'post typo binders (see Binders, loose-leaf,
string and post type) X 53
String type binders, loose-leaf (see Binders, loose-leaf,
string type) X 53
Stumps, paper, crayon shading S 53
Style Manual, U. S. Government POnting Office (see
Federal publications) S 35
Suction hose (sce Hose, suction) S 33
Sugar, beet or cane S 56
Sugar bowls (see Chinaware; Bowls, sugar) X 63
Covert cloth X 55
Denim DX 55
Drill DX 55
Wool DX 55
Sulfarsphenamine X 51
Sulfate of alumina (see Aluminum sulfate) __ _ X 51
Sulfuric acid (see Acids, sulfuric) X 51
Sulfuric acid fuming (see Acids, sulfuric, fuming) X 51
Sulfate envelopes (sec Envelopes, mailing) GPS 53
Sulfite Ch v e 1 o p e s (see Envelopes, mailing) GPS 53
Summary boards_ X 54
Sun, rain arid wind registers (see Registers, wind velocity,
wind direction, sunshine and rainfall) X 18
Sunshine recorder supports (see Supports, sunshine
recorder) X 18
Book, metal S 26
Desk tray SX 53
Instrument shelter X 18
Rain and snow gage X 18
Sunshine recorder X 18
Test tube X 57
Wind instrument X 18
and elimi
Suppositories (see Pharmaceutical preparations and bio-
logical products) X 51
Surgical drapes (see Drapes, surgical) B 57
Surgical plaster, orthopedic (see Plaster of paris) X 51
Suspended folder flies (see Files, office, suspended folder) X 54
Suspensory bandages (see Bandages, suspensory)
X 57
Catgut, surgical X 57
X 37
, SSiihkrworm gut
XXXB 35557877
in and tension
Dock cotton twine
Hand, cotton twine B 38
Sanitary (see Mops, cotton, cuspidor) B 38
Sweaters X 55
Sweatshirts (see Shirts, sweat) D
Sweeping compounds (see Compounds, sweeping) _ S 51
Sweeps, floor (see Brushes, sweeping) __ DJS 38
,S 17
Snap . _ _ _ S 17
Synonyms, Webster's Dictionary of (see Philology, .
Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms) X 35
Synonyms and Antonyms, Allen's (see Philology; Allen's .
Synonyms and Antonyms) X 35
Aseptic X 57
Luer_ X 57
Tablecloths' cotton (see Cloths, table, cotton)
Tables (see Household and quarters furniture, I, III, and
Iv X26
Coffee J 26
Fiber J 26
General purpose, wood J 26
Office, wood (see also Special furnishings, executive
type) SX 26
Tablespoons (see Tinware).._ S 63
Bronze J 42
Pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical preparations and
biological products) X 51
Writing (see Pads, memorandum) DOS 53
Tabs, index SX 53
Tabulation paper (see Paper, tabulation) S 53
Map SX 53
Thumb S 53
Tag board (see Board, tag)__ __ GRS 53
Key X 53
License, motor vehicle_ DJR 8
Merchandise_ X 53
Shipping SX 53
Stock SX 53
Talc (talcum powder) X 51
Tally registers (see Registers, tally) SX 18
Tankards, cream (see Chinaware) X 63
Tanks, pump, back pack S 11
? Cellulose:
Colored_ X 53
Transparent.._- S 53
Drafting S 53
Foresters' S 18
Friction S 17
Insulating S 17
Linen, gummed....S 53
Linen finish (cotton) _ __ S 53
Masking S 53 ,
Measuring X 41
Paper, gummed _ S 53
Photographic S 53
Rayon (taste) S 27
Topographic_ ' S 18
Tape dispensers (see Dispensers, tape) S 53
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and entis
Tapioca S 50
Taps, pipe X 41
Cold applIcaticn X 59
Refined X 59
Repair work
Tarpaulins (sea Paulins)
Taste (see Tape, rayon)
'Pea .
X 59
S 27
S 56
X 63
X 4
S 63
X 102
? SX 17
Teacups (see Chinaware: (nips, coffee or tea)
Tear gas (sea Billies hand, tear gas)
Tear gas cartridges '(seo Cartridges, gtio
Teaspoons (see Silverware; tinware)
Telephone and teletypewriter service
lelophone batteries (see Batteries, dry, telephone)
Telephone cabinets (see Special furnishings, executive
- 0
typo: cabinets, telephone)
Telephone indexes (see Indexes, telephone) S '63
Telephone index refills (see Refills, telephone index) S 53
Telephones X 17
Telephone service X 102
Telephone stands, wood (sec Stands, telephone, wood) _ SX 26
Teletype news ticker service X 103
Teletype paper (see Paper, teletype) ? S 53
Teletype ribbons (sec Ribbons, teletypewriter) S 53
Teletypewriter service (see Telephone and teletypewriter
Tension envelopes see Envelopes, mailing, tension, ? end X102
opening, sulphate P
Tent duck (see Duck, cotton)
J 24
Tent bags, canvas (see B J 24
Bags, canvas, tent). .1
Tont flies, canvas (see Flies, tent, canvas). JS 24
Canvas JS 241
. Tepee (see Tents, canvas). J 2
Tent shields (see Shields, tent). 5 65
. Antifreeze solution S18
Battery, telephone . S17
Test tube Imskets (see Baskets, test tube) X 57
Test tube brushes (see Brushes, test tube) ___ S 38
Test tubes (see Tubes, test) SX 57
Test tube supports (see Supports, test tube) X 57
Textbook of Surgery (see Useful arts) X 35
Thermographs X 18
Thermometers X 18
Extraction (see also Papers, filter) X 57
Guy S 12
Wire rope S 12
T hinges (see Hinges, T). ? X 42
Enamel S 52
- Paint S 52
Thread, cotton S 27
Threading sets, pipe X 41
Thumbtacks (see Tacks, thumb) S 53
Ticking, mattress and pillow J 27
Ticks, pillow D
Tile, acoustic X 59
Time and date stamps (see Stamps, time and date) X 53
Time books (see Books, blank, time) 'OS 53
Time clock stamps (see Stamps, time clock) X 54
Time fuses (see Fuses, time) S 4' .
Time recorders (see Recorders; time) X 154
Time service (see Correct time service)_ X 103
TiMe stamp ribbons (see Ribbons, stamp, time) _ _._____ S 53
Timothy seed (see Seed, grass) ? X 67
Iodine (see Iodine, tincture) SX 51
Pharmaceutical (see Pharmaceutical preparations
and biological products) ? X 411
Tinware S 63
. Crutch and furniture X 57
Spray S 33
Telephone cord S 17
Tire chains (see Chains, tire)
X 8
? Tire recapping (see Recapping tires, automobile and
truck) X 8
and drum
Airplane (see Airplane tires and tubes) X 83
Au toniotive eq uipmen t
Solid, Industrial
X 8
X ? 8
Tissue, dry mounting X 18
Tissue paper (see Paper, tissue) Cl
Tissues, cleansing S 29
Tobacco: '
Chewing X 25
Smoking X 25
Toggle bolts (see Bolts, toggle) X 43
Toilet brushes (see Brushes, sanitary or toilet) DJS 38
Toilet paper (sec Paper, toilet) S 29 .
Toilet seats (see Seats, toilet) S 80
Toilet soap (see Soaps, toilet). S 51
Tomato catsup (see Catsup, tomato).
S 5(
Tomatoes, canned ? S 561
Tomato juice 5 50
Tomato puree S 56
Tomato sauce (see Sauce, tomato) S 56
Tongs, crucible X 57
Tongue depressors (see Depressors, tongue) S 57
Tool belts (sec Belts, tool) S 37
Tool holders, lathe and shaper (See Holders, tool lathe
and shaper) X 40
McLeod, rake and hoe combination S 41
. Pulaski, ax and grub hoe combination S 41
' Tool sets, saw filing S 41
Tooth brushes (see Brushes, .tooth) J 29
Steel (see Sections, furniture, steel) J 26
Wood (see Sections, furniture, wood)
SX 2)
File section (see Sections, furniture, wood) :x 2(d
Inkstand S 53
Torches, blow, gasoline S 41
Tourniquets ? ? S 57
Glass Crash S27
Huck S27
Towel receptacles (see Receptacles, towel or waste) J 30
Towels: _
Bath S27
Crash S27
Dish_ S27
S 27
DS 27
Huck: ?
Dental or barbers' B 27
Hand D
Office S27
Roller I)
Paper S29
Tea (see Towels, glass)
DS 27
Toxins (see Pharmaceutical preparations and biological
. products) X 51
Toy brooms (see Brooms, corn, hearth or toy) ___ J 38
Tracing cloth (see Cloth, tracing). S 53
Tracing cloth powder (see Powder, tracing cloth) S 51
Tracing paper (see Paper, tracing) SX 53
Traffic standards (see Standards, marker or traffic) J 58
Trailers R 78
Transcribing machines (see Machines, transcribing) X 54
Transcription service, radio (see Recording and transcrip-
tion service)
X 103
Transfer binders (see Binders, loose-leaf, transfer)
SX 53
Transfer case bases (see Sections, furniture, steel: bases,
sanitary, cap size) J 26
'Transfer cases (see Cases, storage or transfer) SX 54
Binders' board (see Cases, transfer, binders' board). X 54
Steel (see Cases, transfer, steel) J 26
Transfer filing cases (see Cases, filing, transfer) X 54
Transit books (see Books, blank, transit) S 53
Transmitting equipment, message and data X 17
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and elmoi
Transportation request sections only (seeSeetions, furniture,
wood, card or transportation request) - X 20
Traps, drain, cast iron .1 45
Travel regulations (see Forms, Government) G
Ash 525
Basket insert, canvas J 24
Desk (see (1/so class 26, Special furnishings, executive
type) JSX 53
.1 26
SX 54
Desk drawer
Extension (desk)
Food (see Corrosion resisting steelware;
Laboratory X 57
Machine posting.. X 54
Pen - 8 53
Photographic X 18
Serving X 64
Card index size SX 20
File, vertical. X 26
Treasury forms (see Forms, Government) G
- Tree hooks (see Hooks, tree) 8 42
Triangles, plastic SX 18
Triangular mops (see Mops, cotton, floor) BS 38
Trimmers, print X 18
Trioxymethylene X 51
Tripods, telescopic S 18
Trisodium phosphate technical S 51
Tropical Diseases, lagnosties and Treatment, Stilt's
(see Useful arts). X 35
Troughs: .
Book (see Special furnishings, executive type)._ ______ X 26
Hog, cast iron J 70
Trousers.. DX 55
Truck bases (see Sections, furniture, wood: bases, truck)._ X 20
Truck casters (see Casters, truck) X 42
Truck covers, canvas (see Covers, canvas, truck, water-
proof) J 24
Truck curtains, canvas (see Curtains, truck, canvas) J 24
Box steel X 69
Dolly X 69
Folding X 60
1 rand
lee Delivery . XX 661C)
Library - JX 69
Lift X 69
Motorized equipment it 78
Platform X 69
Truck straps (see Straps, truck, safety) j 27
Truck tractors.. It 78
Truck wheels (see Wheels, truck). _____ _ J 69
TryparsamideX 51
Try squares (see Squares, carpenters', try) S 41
T squares SX 18
T squares, "mimeoscope" X 53
Tub covers, restraint (see Covers, tub, continuous flow)._ J 57
. Amplifier and relay S 17
Blueprint storing S 18
Drying X 57
Feeding X 57
Lavage or stomach X 57
Mailing SX 53
Test SX 57
Tire XS
Tire, airplane (see Airplane tires and tubes) X 83
Vacuum S16
Tub files (see Trays, file, vertical) ' X 26
Glass S 57
Soft, glass X 57
Tubs, ice (see Chinaware) X 63
Tubs, pie X 64
Tumblers (see Glassware) SX 63
Tuna fish, canned S 56
Turners, cake.. S 64
Tureens, soup (see Chinaware) X (13
Gum Spirits S 52
Steam distilled. S 52
TIMMlitille Oil (see Oil, turpentine, 1.18P) X 51
Twill (manforized Jean) 5 27 .
Cotton S 21
? Jute S 21
S 21
Marking S 21
Paper S 21.
Type cleaner (sec Cleaning liquids) S 51
Type impressions (see Letters and figures, paper) X.53 ?
Typesetting machines (see Machines, 'typesetting and type
X 54 ..
Tyjit)ti, fri.ti,enrg)brus.hes (see Brushes, typewriter) ,IS 53
Typewriter covers (see Covers, typewriter) ? X 54
Typewriter erasers (see brasers, rubber) S 53
Typewriter key cushions (see Cushions, typewriter key)._ S 54
Typewriter oil (see Oil, typewriter) , .
? ?
1 .)
Typewriter pads (see Pads, typewriter).. S.54
Typewriter repair service (see Repairs, typewriter ? X 54
Typewriter ribbons (see Ribbons, typewriter) SX 53
Typewriters X A
Typewriter stands, wood (see Stands, typewriter, wood)_ SX 25 ?
Typewriting paper (see Paper, typewriting) ' GHS 53
Typists' dishy; (see Chairs, Office, wood; chairs, typists')_ JSX 26
Unbleached drill (see Drill, cotton) J 27
Underbed lockers (see Lockers, steel, underbed type) J 20
Underground garbage covers (see Covers, garbage, under-
ground) J 59
Undershirts DX 55
Underwear, women's (see Union-suits, women's) D
Matrons', white_ D
Nurses', broadcloth_ . D
Union suits:
Men's DX 55
Women's D
Upholstery covering material (see class 26, Household and .x.x.1 275707
quarters furniture, IV)
Urinals, glass
Urns, flower, cast iron
U. S. Dispensatory (see Useful arts). X 35
U. S. Flags (see Flags United States) S 5
U. S. Pharmacopoeia ,(see Useful arts). X 35
U. S. postal card stock (see Board, bristol) ..... CRS 53
Useful arts (publications) SX 35
Utility stands (see Special furnishings, executive type:
stands, utility)
X 26
Vaccine, smallpox (see Biological products) X 51
Vaccines (see Pharmaceutical preparations and biological
products) X 51
Vacuum cleaners (see Cleaners, vacuum) X 66
Vacuum tubes (see Tubes, vacuum) S 16
Valve refocus, electric X 40
Valves, shut-off S 45
Vanilla extract (see Extracts, flavoring) - S 56
Asphalt S 52
Cabinet S 52
Ds.mar S 52
Interior S 52
Mixing, aluminum paint S 52
Shellac S 52
Spar S 52
Spirit (shellac varnish replacement) S 52
Stencil (see Correction compound, stencil) S 53
Varnish brushes (see Brushes, varnish) JS 38
Varnish remover (see Remover, paint and varnish) S 52
V belts (see Belts, V). S 34
Veal loaf S 56
Vegetable dishes (see Chinaware; Dishes, vegetable) X 63
Vegetable oil (see Oil, vegetable, salad)._ S 56
Venetian blind cleaning service (see Cleaning venetian
blinds) X 103
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unit dim
Venetian blind cord (see Cord, venetian blind) S 21
Venetian blinds (see Blinds, venetian) X 27
Vests, cotton_ DX 55
Vetch Seed (see Seed, grass) X 67
-Homeopathic X 57
Specimen X 57
Vinegar S 56
Vises, inachinistie, bench X 41
Visible tile indexes (see indexes, visible file) X 53
? Visible record ffies (see Files, office, visible recor(l). X 54 - ?
Visible record indexes (see Indexes, visible. record) X 54
Visors, protective, face (see Shields, protective) X 37
Volumetric flasks (aeg Flasks, volumetric) X 57
Wagon covers, canvas (see Covers, canvas, wagon) .1 24
Wallboard, composition X 50
Wall brushes (see Brushes, dust, ceiling and wall JS 38
Wall mops (see Mops, cotton, wall and ceiling) BS 38
Wall stippling brushes (see Brushes, stippling, wall) J 38
Wardrobe locks (see Locks, wardrobe) X 42
Wardrobes X 26
Warehouse brooms (sec 13rooms, corn, warehouse).? _ DJS 38
Washbasins (see Basins, wash) S 30
Washcloths (see Cloths, wash) S 27
Hose, rubber S 33
Iron or steel SX 43
Lock X 43
Paper fastener S 53
Washes, duplicating machine (see also class 54, Machines,
Washing soda (see Soda, laundry) . SX 51
S 51
Wash-out solution (see Sealing compounds; class 54, Ma=
chines, duplicating) X 51
Waste, cotton S 27
Wastebaskets (see Receptacles, wastepaper). JSX 54
Waste paper receptacles (sec Receptacles, waste paper).- JSX 534
Waste receptacles (see Receptacles, towel or waste) J 0
Watch glasses X 57
Watchmen's clocks, portable (see Clocks, watchmen's,
portable) X 18
Water, redistilled X 51
Water bags, canvas (see 13ags, canvas, water) S 24
Water bottle covers, canvas (see Covers, canvas, water
bottle) J. 24
Water cans (see Cans, water). S 42
Water colors (see Colors, water). SX 52
Water cooler bottles (see Glassware) S 63
Water coolers (see Coolers, drinking water) SX 63
Water fountains (see Fountains, drinking water). X 63
Water hose (sce Hose, water). S 33
Waterproofing primer, asphalt (sec Asphalt primer) X 59
Waterproof pencils (see Pencils, wood cased, lead, weather-
proof and waterproof) SX 53
Water stage gages, float typo (see Gages, water stage
float type) X 18
Water stage recorders (see Recorders, water stage) X 18
Floor SX 52
Paraffin (see Paraffin) X 14
Sealing S 53
White X 51
Wax crayons (see Crayons, wax) X 53
Waxed paper (see Paper, waxed) S53
Wax pencils (see Pencils, wax) SX 53
Weatherproof pencils (sec Pencils, wood cased, lead,
weatherproof and waterproof) SX 53
Weatherstrip installation, windshield (see Repairs,
motor vehicle) X 8
Webster's Biographical Dictionary (see Philology) X 35
Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms (see Philology) X 35
Steel S 41
Tool handle S 42
Wooden S 41
Weighing scales (see Scales, weighing) SX 18
Weight hanger pins, (see Pins, weight hanger) X 18
and class
Weigh Is:
Current meter X 18
Glass S 53
Iron ... J 53
Welders' gloves (see Gloves, NVOlderS) .. _ _- .1 37
Welders' helmets (see Helmets, welders') X 37
Welders' shields (see Shields, welders') X 37
Welding hose (see Hose, gas) X 3:1
Welding rods (see Rods, welding) S 46
Wet mops (Bee Mops, cotton, floor). 138 38
Wheat cream meal 5 50
Wheat flakes 5 50
Wheelbarrows 5 00
Wheel chairs (see Chairs, wheel, invalid) X 57
Abrasive S 40
Truck .1 69
Wheel spoke brushes (see Brushes, spoke) .1 38
Whisk Brooms (see Brooms, whisk) -13D.TS 38
Whisk Brushes (sec Brushes, whisk) 13 38
Whiteprint paper (see Paper, whitcprint) X 53
Whitewash brushes (see Brushes, whitew? Sh) .1S 38
Oil burning 8 31
Psychrometer S 31
Wide arm chairs (see Chairs, school or cafeteria) J 26
Wilton carpets (Bee Carpets, Wilton) X 27
Wilton rugs (see Rugs, 'Wilton) X 27
Wind, rain, and sun registers (see Registers, wind velocity,
wind directiont sunshine, and rainfall) X 18
Wind direction Indicators (sec Indicators, wind direction
and velocity) X 18
Wind instrument supports (ace Supports, wind instru-
ment) X 18
Window brushes (see Brushes, Window) .1S 38
Window envelopes (see Envelopes, mailing, window type)._ _ GP
Window glass (see Glass, window) X 59
Window ventilator brackets (see Brackets, window, venti-
lator) S 42
Windshield weatherstrip installation (see Repairs, motor
vehicle) X 8
Windvane bearings (see Bearings, windvano) X 18
Wines, pharmaceutical (sec Pharmaceutical preparations
and biological products)_...._ X 51
Wiping cloth materials (sec Cloth, wiping (yard goods))__ . J 27
Wiping cloths (see Cloths, wiping) JS 27:
Wiping cloth service X 103
Antenna S 10
Barbed S 42
Deck or door mat J 27
Iron, telephone S 22
Lighting or power S 15
Steel S 22
Telephone S 15
Wire binders, loose-leaf (see Binders, loose-leaf, wire)._ X 53
Wire clips (see Clips, paper). S 53
Wire cloth (see Cloth, wire). S 42
Wire fence staples, (sec Staples, wire fence). S 42
Wiro gauze (see Gauze, wire).. X 57
Wire glass (see Glass, wire) X 50
Wire nails (see Nails, wire). S 42
Wood block mats (see Mats, wood, deck or door) J 27
Wood boring bits, (see Bits, wood boring) S 41
Wood cutting saws (see Saws, band) X 40
Wood packing boxes (see Boxes, packing, wood). X 30
Wood screws (see Screws, wood). X 43
Wood stools (see Stools, wood) J 26
Wool, steel X 42
Worcestershire sauce (see Sauce, worcestershire) S 56
Words and Phrases, Roget's International Thesaurus
(see Philology; Roget's International Thesaurus of
English Words and Phrases) X 35
Working gloves (see Gloves, working) J 37
Working mittens (see Mittens, working) J 37
Work shirts (see Shirts, men's, chambray) J 55
Work suits, one piece (see Suits, cotton, denim) DX 55
World Almanac (see General works). DX 35
World Atlas (see Geography;. Atlases; Encyclopaedia
Britannica) X 35 '
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Symbol Symbol
and doss and ohms
Wringers, mop S 38
Writing envelopes (ace Envelopes, mailing, common
type, side opening, white) GPS 63
Writing Ink (ace Ink, writing) GS 53
Writing paper (see Paper, writing) CRS 53
Writing tablets (ace Pads, memorandum) DGS 53
Burlap, blanket S 27
Filing, duplicating machine SX 53
Sterile supply B 57
Wrapping paper:
Xraf t (see Paper, wrapping, kraft) CRS 53
Wrecking bars (see Bars, wrecking) S 41
Adjustable SX 41.
- Engineers' X 41
Pipe, adjustable:
Ileavy duty X 41
Normal duty? S 41
Scow (monkey) S 41
Spanner S 41
X-ray film (see Film, X-ray) X 18
Xylene (Xylol) X 51
Yeast X 50
Yeast, medicinal X 61
Zino sulfate X 51
? , ? ? ?
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20 Gecember 1948
FROM Budget and Finance Branch
SUBJECT : Vouchered Petty Cash Procedure - Effective 1 January 1949
There are attached Regulations 103, issued by the General Accounting
Office on 2 May 1945, relating to official petty purchases, a supply
of Standard Forms No. 1129, 1129a, 1129b, 1129o, prescribed for use in
connection with the regulation, and the Federal Supply Schedule Index.
General Regulations No. 103 appears to be sufficiently clear so that it
need not be supplemented by additional detailed information with respect
to the contents thereof; however, from an Agency policy viewpoint, it
is necessary that the following procedure be adopted:
1.. Authorization
Expenditure by direct purchase shall be made under the
regulation only in case of an emergency or when it is not feasible to
effect procurement through normal channels. No advance of petty cash
funds will be made to ffices, such purchases must be financed
from personal funds.
2. Desiknation
IThe Chief, or Acting Chief of each office shall
designate, in writing, one employee of his o P ice to make petty
1111 purchases, should the need arise. Where the Contact office is
giving administrative support to the local EIB office, only the Contact
office is authorized to make designations and submit vouchers. Adjust-
ment of funds will be made by the Budget and Finance Branch, where
necessary. Only one employee May be authorized to carry out this
function; however, a o1inn in designation may be made when the Chief,
or Acting Chief of the office deems it necessary. The designation
shall be prepared in triplicate; a signed copy should be attached to
the first original voucher and memorandum copy thereof submitted under
such designation, the remaining copy to be retained in your files.
3. Preparation & Transmittal of Vouchers
The original voucher signed by the payee (with signature of
Chief or Acting Chief of the office in the space marked "Immediate
Supervising Official") and memorandum copy thereof shall be forwarded
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
with proper attachments to the Budget and Finance Branch for payment
at the close of the month to which it applies. The voucher should show
a breakdown of costs between the EIB and Contact IIIIIII offices and show
the Payee's address as: "200 Central Bldg., 2430 E. St., N.W., Washington
25, D. C." A sample Form 1129 is attached.
. Regulations e4 Rostrictions
A maximum amount of $10.00 per transaction shall not be exceeded,
and the total monthly expenditure shall not exceed 4,50.00. Should an
emergency arise where an expenditUre in excess of $10.00 becomes necessary,
and other approved local channels cannot be used, a teletype or telegram
requesting instructions should be directed through the headquarter's
office of the Branch you represent, to the Supply Division of the
Services Branch.
The Federal Supply Schedule Index is being furnished in order
that you may be aware of the restrictions that exist in connection with
Federal procurement, and, in this connection, particular attention is
invited to the following:
Page 7 - Post Office Department - Envelopes
Page 7 - Federal Prisons Industries, Inc.
Page 8 - Government Printing Office
Page 10 - Purchases of Blind Made Products
Page 22 - Source of Supply Symbols
Page 23 - Index to Government Sources of Supply
As indicated, purchases under the petty cash procedure shall
be made only in case of an emergency and when it is not possible to
secure the desired items through requisition to the Regional Supply
Center, Bureau of Federal. Supply and/or Services Branch, Washington,
D.C. Even though an emergency does exist, items such as the following
(listed by normal source of supply) cannot be procured under the petty
cash procedure unless a waiver is secured in advance through the
Services Branch, CIA or the Regional Supply Center, Bureau of Federal
Supply for items normally supplied through that Agency:
) Government Printing Office
Standard forms, bound books, pressboard notebooks, stenog-
raphers' notebooks, blank books, ruled cards, stock tablets,
blank paper, blotting paper, cardboard, nawsboard, glue and
all types of inks.
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(b) Blind Made ?roducts
Corn brooms, chair pads, rubberized fabric mats, pillowcases,
towels, mops und mop handles.
(c) Federal Prison Industries
Brooms (other than corn), brushes, canvas goods, castings,
wood specialties (such as desk trays), gloves, wood block
type mats, metal specialties and laundry service.
(d) Bureau of Federal Supply
Electric lamps (bulbs), vacuum cleaners and repair parts,
offset duplicating supplies, paper drinking cups and dispensers,
machine tools, small machines and accessories and parts, some
periodicals and lawbooks, v-belting, floor coverings, purchase
and rental of microphotographic equipment, spark plugs, heavy
duty electric storage batteries, tires and tubes, tire chains,
gas and oil, fuel oil and kerosene, filing equipment, storage
and transfer cases, erasers, copy holders, indexes, typewriter
parts and household and quarters furniture.
Post Office Dept. (Schedule 5)
Printed and plain envelopes.
There .fellows a partial listing of items and/or services which are
obtainable under the petty cash procedure:
. Payment of rental of Post "Office Boxes.
. Payment in connection with unpacking, uncrating and
local transportation of supplies and equipment received
in ofices.
3. Changing of combinations nd repair of safes.
4. Screwdrivers, screws, string, wrapping paper, etc.,
under 101.00.
5. Mimeographing, photostating and duplicating services
in cases of emergency or where security is involved.
6. Electric cords, sockets, cash boxes, office signs.
7. Maps, directories, newspaper, periodicals, special
8. Camera repairs and official photo supplies and film.
9. Keys and locks.
.10. Stenographic services when properly justified.
11. Rental of safety deposit bexep. (when approved by
the Physical Security Division, I&S)
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Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
12. Rental of conference room when properly justified.
13. Official rubber stamps.
14. Repairs to office machines (except typewriters) and
electrical equipment, etc. (when a showing is made
that the free service period has expired)
. Allotments
For budgetary purposes, it is requested that you immediately
notify the budget and Finance Branch as ,to your intent in this matter.
If you feel a need for establishing an emergency petty purchase
procedure in accordance with the above, based on your previous
experience in this regard, an estimated total monthly figure should
be furnished in order that appropriate allotments and obligations of
funds may be established,
c ng le
Budget and Finance Branch
cc: Executive for ANA
Chief, Services Branch
Executive for I&S
Ass It. Director for 00
ppeoved Fp'r Rileas 2001/08/G' C1AIRD,P81-00728R000100010050-8
Form yrucribeil.bv 10 GnFors II la_ VOUCHER FOR PETTY PURCHASES
-AippfaeriFt lease 2001/08/02 CIA-KuP81-00728R000100010050-8
Htundard Form No. 1129 D. 0. Vou, No.
General Regulations No, 103
Central Intellimonce Agp.noy
(Department, bureau, or establishment)
To John Doe
Address Room 200 Central Bldg., 2430 E St., N.W.
Washington 25, D.C.
Bu. You. No.
(For use of paying office)
For petty purchases made on account of official business at the above-mentioned station, as per itemized statement
within and attacked subvouchers, for the period
Dec. 1 48 'Deo. 31
19 to 19 48
I onirrivx that the expenses listed within, as supported by the statements and subvouchers
attached, were necessarily incurred in the discharge of official business, and were paid as indi-
cated, and that no part thereof has been heretofore claimed by me.
(84...gpature of Ps,yeel
Date Dec. 31 , 19 48 Title Administrative Officer
(Payee must not use this space)
Amount verified; correct for
(Signature or initials)
TO be used at discretion of department, bureau, or establishment)
Recommended for approval:
(Do not complete spaces below)
(Signature of Chief or Acting Chief)
Immediate Supervising Official.
Pursuant to authority vested in me, I CERTIFY that the account is correct and proper for payment.
*Approved for $
Authorized Certifying Officer.
Date , 19 Title
ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (for completion by Administrative Office)
Paid by
Check No.
pash $
, for $
Jon Treasurer of the United States in favor of
lpayee named above.
'If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature
only is necessary; otherwise, the approving akar will sign in the blank space below "Approved
for $ "and over his official title.
(Sign original only)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8,
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 ? CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Repairs to gov,t-owned
, 6
Safemasters Co.
Rental of P.O. ox
Postmaster '*
1/1749 to 3/31/49'
Extra keys for
Smith Look Co. #
office door
Hauling of crated box
Jones Trucking Corp.
frPm_Station...i.o _Office_ **
**(When not included in parchase
covered by Bill of Lading)
price or
* Charge to Contact Officz
i Charge to EIB
NMI JitgagdakAal =au:
----? -----
( 1 ,
TOTALS (to be carried forward to coiA....oiat, sheet, if necessary) ,
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08M : RA-rientiECTAEMIROIME110050-8
TOTALS (to be carried forward to continuation "ebeet, if. necessary) t......
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : C1A-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2CMY: al!RMITIIglajUDO5"
(Continuation Shoot) ITEMIZED SCHEDULE OF PETTYPU ainfa
TrIVA TA (in }111 carried forward to col. Audi
led, if necessary)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 ; CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Standard Form No. I 11,19a
FOrarprescribed by Comp. (len., U. S.
May 2, lint)
General Regulations No, 103
(Department, bureau, or establishment)
D. 0. VIAL No,
Bu. Von. No.
(For use of paying office)
For petty purchases made on account of official business at the above-mentioned station, as per itemized statement
within and attached subvouchers, for the period
,19 to ,1t)
*Approved for $
Date , 19
(Payee must not use We apace)
Amount verified; correct for
(Signature or initials)
ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (for completion by Administrative 0Mce)
Check No.
, 19
, for $
Paid by
Cash $
*If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature
only is necessary; otherwise, the approving officer will sign in the blank space below "Approved
for $ " and over hie of5cial title.
Jon Treasurer of the -United States in favor of
'payee named above.
(Sign original only)
'ApprOved Fpr, Re1ease4001/08/02 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
'IA DflDQlflfl7)RDflAfl1flAfl1flflcfl
' SUB.
TOWALS (to be carried forward to cc, ,uat!beet, if necessary ,
t_ .
_ ?
Q01/b8/02 CIA-RDP81-0Q728k000100010050 -8
, ? ,
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
0 ON Y Knew);
.... 11... 1.....
..... .. ? ..-
nn...:e1A f.-...?..,./1 4n nnyttirmatinn lablInt_ if nnesuaRarvl
Standard Form No. 11290 Form prescribed by Comptroller General, U. S., May 2, 1945, GENERAL REGULATIONS No. 103.
ApProved For Releaile 2001/68/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
(Continuation Sheet)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
, -
TOTALS (to be carried forward to continuatimi-sheet, if necessary)
Appeczivil FQr'Relea0 2001/08/02 : tIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
1 9 4 5
General Regulations No. 103
General Accounting Office
Office of the Comptroller General
of the United States
Washington 25, D. C., May 2, 1945.
1. . In order to provide. a uniform and economical method of ef-
fecting payment for authorized petty purchases made by Federal of-
ficials and employees 'duly authorized to make such purchases for
official purposes, and to reduce the number of separate vouchers
now being prepared covering such purchases, the following procedure
and standard forms are hereby prescribed for general use throughout
the Government service: .
Standard Form No. 1129 - Voucher For Petty Purchases
(Original, printed on 'white
paper - size Si by 11
Standard Form No. 1129a - Same as above
(Memorandum copy, printed
on yellow paper)
Standard Form No. 1129b - Voucher For Petty Purchases
Continuation Sleet
(Original, printed on
white paper)
Standard Form No. 1129c - Same as above
(Memorandum copy, printed
on yellow paper)
2. The columnar headinge of the forms have been so arranged as
to permit their use when foreign currency is involved, and when so.
used the value of the purchases may be shown in United States dollars
in the aggregate for all purchases made at the same conversion rate,
thus making unnecessary the showing of the exchange rate for each pur-
3. Al]. petty expenditures by an employee authorized to incur
such expenditures shall be listed on the reverse of the Standard Form
No. 1129, and the continuation sheet if necessary. Each item listed
should be supported by an original bill or invoice of the dealer, or
by receipt on Standard Form No. 1012d.-Revised., Receipt For Cash-Sab-
voucher, when cash purchases are for $1 or more (and lesser amounts
if receipts are convenient to secure), or other form of payment
evidence. Receipts shall be consecutively numbered as subvouchers,
Approved For Releate 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/0? :.CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
and securely attached at the specified place in the upper left corner
of the voucher form. When the required receipted bills or invoices
(subvouchers) are not attached, a statement of the circumstances which
rendered their procurement impracticable should be made on the voucher.
4. The original of the voucher, supported by receipts where ap-
plicable, shall be certified by the said employee to whom payment is
to be made and by the authorized certifying officer. If proper, suJh
vouchers will be transmitted to the disbursing officer and included
in his accounts.
5. All departments and establishments for which special forms
were prescribed by this office for use in connection with petty pur-
chases shall continue to use such forms until the present supply is
exhausted, proyided, that after receipt of these regulations the fol-
lowing administrative certificate of approval Shall be written, typed,
or otherwise placed on the face of each voucher submitted for payment:
"Pursuant to authority vested in me, I certify that
the account is correct and proper for payment."
6. In the interest of economy, the continuation sheets of the
special forms now in stock for use in connection with petty purchases
should be used in 'conjunction with the new standard voucher form until
the supply of such old forms also is exhausted.
7. Upon receipt of these regulations each department and estab-
lishment is requested to make requisition at once upon the Public
Printer for a supply of standard forms herein approved which it is
estimated will be required for its service. In so doing, it is under-
stood and agreed by said departments and establishments that they
thereby consent.to the plan of combining all the requisitions submit-
ted and printing the total thereof in one edition to be delivered to
the respective departments and establishments, or placed in stock at
the Government Printing Office, subject to their order, or partly
delivered and partly placed in stock, as the case may be, and that
they authorize the Public Printer to prorate the cost of printing
and to render bill against each department and establishment for its
proportionate share on the basis of the number of forms ordered by
Comptroller General
of the United States
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Standard Form NAMittyed ror
Release2cgINTR21ampmgaimi0001000-ED. o. Vou, No,
Penn proscribed by Comp.
May 2, 10?15 i
Cionern1 ReguIntIonsllo, 103
en?, bureau, or establishment )
Bu. You. No.
(For use of paying office)
For potty purchases made on account of official business at the above-mentioned station, as per itemized stateinent
within and attached subvouchers, for the period
, 19 to , 19.
I mann- that the expenses listed within, as supported by the statements and subvouchers
attached, wore necessarily incurred in the discharge of official business, and were paid as indi-
cated, and that no part thereof has been heretofore claimed by me.
Date , 19 Title
(Payee must not use this space)
Amount verified; correct for
(Signature or initials)
Recommended for approval:
be used at discretion of department, bureau, or establishment)
Pursuant to authority vested in me, I ()mum- that the account is correct and proper for payment.
*Approved for $
? - 1
Immediate Supervising Official.
ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (for completion by Administrative Office)
Authorized Certifying Officer.
{Cheek No. dated 19--?----, ror 4; - ? ? -?-,
Jon Treasurer of the United States in favor of
Paid by ipa,yeo natned above
Cash $ , on , 19
If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature (Sign original only)
only is necessary; otherwise, the approving *Aker will sign in the blank space below "Approved
for $ "and over his official title. Title
10- 09G- I
. APP,I-Oved ftir ReleaSk2001/90/C12 GIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
1k?Yl?ct.I.kit, .11
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
TOTALS (to be carried forward to contii beet, if,
RATio or
DOLT,Mt9 Ors.
.? ? .
standard trnhactfeyedaForlease 2001/84ififit WItiNnirivekenall0050-8
Form prescribed by camp . IL 8. v D. 0. Vou. No.
May 2, 1045
Oeneral Regulations No, 103 ?
ATTACH suovoucuens HERE Du. Volt, No.
II. S.
(1)epertmont, bureau, or est ol.11sbnietiO
(For use of )aying office)
For potty purchases made on account of official business at the above-mentioned station, as per itemized statement
within and attached subvonchers, for the period .
, 19 ? to 19
(Payee must not uso this space)
I CERTIFY that the expenses listed within, as supported by the statements and subvonehers Differences
attached, were necessarily incurred in the discharge of official business, and were Paid as indi-
cated, and that no part thereof has been heretofore claimed by me.
Date , 10 Title
..M() (JN'['
Amount verified; correct for
(Signature or initials)
. Recommended for approval:
To be used at discretion of department, bureau, or establishment)
Immediate Supervising Official.
Pursuant to authority vested in me, I CERTIFY that the account is correct and proper for payment.
*Approved for $
Date _, 19 Titlo
Authorized Certifying Officer.
Olt Pm, Bei, SYMBOL
ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (fur completion by Administrative Mice)
Cash $ Check No.
dated , 19 , for $
Paid by
? ,19
on Treasurer of the United States in favor of
payee named above.
.ff the ability to certify and authority to approve eta combined In one person, one signature (Sign original only)
only Is necessary; otherwise, the approving officer will sign In the blank space below "Approved
for $ "and over his Okla! title. Title
I -44505-1
Approved For., fe)eaSt!, ?POI/PM? ...CIA7RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Towas (to be carried forward to contir, Isabeet, if necessary)
u.I.I.upliunpincsui? MINTING Orlic6
ApprPved For keleatek:2001/0,0102 E CIA-RDP81.:06728R000100010050-8.
Standard Form No. 1129 I? ern r.r.n
Af fly 2,ti',IprN
cieil.Fo Release 2001ing0IFPOILWIlkililliii-bditietid6E60010050-8
Form prescribed by
General Regulations No. 103
Wepartmont, bureau, or est aid ish men I)
D. 0. Von. No.
I3u. Von, No.
(For use of paying office)
For petty purchases made on account of ?Mal business at the above-mentioned station, as per itemized statement'
within and attached subvotichers, for the period
.,I.9 to LP".
I CERTIFY that the expenses listed within, as supported by the statements and subvouchers
attached, were necessarily incurred in the discharge of official business, and wore paid as indi-
cated, and that no part thereof has been heretofore claimed by me.
Date , 19 Title
(Payee must not use this space)
Amount verified; correct for
(Signature or or initials)
Recommended for 'approval:
4To be used at discretion of department, bureau, or establishment)
Immediate Supervising Official.
Pursuant to authority vested in me, I CERTIFY that the account is correct and proper for payment.
*Approved for $
Authorized Certifying Officer.
Date ..., 19 Title
ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (for completion by Administrative Mice)
Check No. dated , 19._____, for $.7 ..
Paid by
Cash $ ,on ._, 19
if the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined In one person, one signature
only is noceSsary; otherwise, the approving ?Meer will sign In the blank space below "Approved
for $ " and over his official title.
Is- i4505-1
on Treasurer of the United States in favor of
payee named above.
(Sign original only)
40PrOvect For ;Rele0sQ001!9,19'2 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
? -- - --
Itivrx or
? ' '
? ......
TATA (to be carried forward to contir - 13heet, if necessary)
oyeti ,Foe.Rplea?e:209vo6m : cIARDp81-0072814000100010050:8
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
form prescribed by Comp, Oen., 11. 8. lUCHER FOR PETTY PURCHASES
Standard Form No. 111.19n,
May 2, 11).115
General Regulations No, 103
(Department, bureau, or establishment)
D. 0, Item No.
Bu, You. No.
(For use of paying office)
For potty purchases made on account of official business at the above-mentioned station, as per itemized statement
within and attached subvouchers, for the period
,10 to 119
*Approved for $
Date , 19
(Payee must not use this space)
Amount verified; correct for
(Signature or initials)
ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION ((or completion by Administrative ?Mee)
Paid by
Cash $
, 19
, for $
'If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature
only Is necessary; otherwise, the approving ?facer will sign in the blank space below "Approved
for $ " and over his official title.
Jon Treasurer of the United States in favor of
lpayee named above.
(Sign original only)
Approved ,For Release 2001/08/02 : piA-IDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved F?111iitStraffigeilia4ECNIECIAMEMUS
TOTALS (to be carried forward to contik theet, if necessary)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010050-8
Standard FOrni No. PAYoved For Re
leasegVelldrettrliefr rinitORAMP010001005f1h80. Von. No.
Form prescribed bir ?on., U. S.
(lomat illeagyultItions No, 103
(Department, bureau, or establishmont)
Bu. Vou. No.
(For use of paying office)
For potty purchases made on account of official business at the above-mentioned station, as per itemized statement
within and attached subvouchers, for the period
,19 to ,
*Approved for $
Date 19
(Payee must not use this space)
Amount verified; correct for
(Signature or initials)
ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION ((or completion by Administrative Office)
Cheek No. dated , 19 , for $
Paid by
Cash $ ,on ,19 .
ni the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature
only is necessary; otherwise, the approving officer will sign in the blank space below "Approved
for $ " and ctver his ofneial
on Treasurer of the United States in favor of
payee named above.
Payee ,
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 C1A-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
6- ?
(Sign original only)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000 Oulu
TOTALS (to be carried forward to conti meet if necessary)
5-- , .,
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
811111(11'rd FOAPPrOviatinFor Release 2001/9tymERIV 8IPPETIVIVROFIASES010050-
Form prescribed by Comp, Oen" U. 8. D. O. Vou. No.
May 2, 1045
General Regulations No, 103
*U. S.
(Department, bureau, or establishment)
Bu. You. No.
(For use of paying office)
For potty purchases made on account of official business at the above-mentioned station, as per itemized statement
within and attached subvouchers, for the period
,19 to ,lo
*Approved for $
Date , 19
(Payee must not use this space)
Amount verified; correct for
(Signature or initials)
ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (for completion by Administrative ORice)
Paid by
Check No.
, 19
, for $
Jon TrLasurer of the United States in favor of
'payee named above.
'If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature
only is necessary; otherwise, the approving officer will sign in the blank space below "Approved
for $ "and over hie-official title.
(Sign original only)
2001/08/02 : CIA-RQP81-00728R000100010050-8
proved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
It mien!)
TOTALS (to be carried forward to conti 14heet, if necessary) ,
:2001/08/02.: CIA-RDp81-00728R000100010050-4
(Continuation SLeot)
Approved For Release 20104/01/02 ? CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
TOTALS (to be carried forward to continuation sheet, if necessary)
Standard Form No. 11290 Form prescrtbed by Comptroller General, U. S., May 2, 1046, GENERAL RzouLAstoNs No: 103.
111. 11-1
Approved For.Release 20`61/08/02 : CIA-RDp8i700728R000100010050-8
, ,
t ?
Approved For Release 2oolvagempribcappiginprangqinEsoo50-8
TOTALS (to be carried forward to continuatio'n-sheet; if necessary) I
ApprOvect FOr Release,. 2001/08/02' : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
(Continuation Sheet) Approved For Releas0 20111110MEERWROPMAMMORi00010050116MORANDUM
TOTALB (to be carried forward to continuation sheet, if necessary)
Standard Form No. 112943 Form prescribed by Comptroller General, U. S., May 2, 1045, GENERAL REGULATIONS No. 103.
Approved For Release2001/08/02, : CIA-RDR81-00728R000100010050-8
:.41t6..a.., ? A
Approved For Release 2oovolifblic.145R-FFOR8f-bilY8FtlitRiltidditi50-8
.. .--
TOTALS (to be carried forward to continuatidli-dheet, if nece@sary)
Approved 'For :Release t001/08/02 ;;61A-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8 ,
Approved For Release 2001/08/02U1tJIKIEROLIREMMOOMS0-8,.
TOTALS (to be carried forward to continuation sheet, if necessary)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 :.CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
Approved For Release
(Continuation Sheet)
rm, IV I.. fl" l?rx nnvninti fnrufard in ennid
? ,
inepf. if necessary)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
(Continuation Shoot)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R00.0t00010050-8
TOTALS (to be carried forward to continuation sheet, if necessary)
Approved For Releasp 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
(Continuation Sheet)
Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8
MAT A V CI (+n lin onrr;Prl fnrwn.rd in nnnt: iheet. if necessary) '
Approved Fpr Releaj 2001/08/02 ; CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010050-8