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*oGc Haspeviewecr n s 1, ra 1"' ( v.'s 1,r tic , CONI. I 0 *OGC Has Reviewed* Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 "CRET I(SENDER 1, CONFIDENTIAL' -- //nINTIFTETT6 UNCLASSIr WILL CIRCLE CLASSIhCATIO BOTTOM) OFFICE OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS ROUTING SLIP FROM ? TO INITIALS DATE ASST, DIRECTOR FOR SPECIAL OPERATIONS DEPUTY ASST. DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CHIEF. LIAISON CONTROL PIEF. SECURITY BRANCH CHIEF OF OPERATIONS CHIEF, FOREIGN BRANCH IEF, ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES 4171- ; r CHIEF, PERSONNEL DIVISION CHIEF, SPECIAL FUNDS DIVISION //4c If ,..../-- CHIEF, REGISTRY DIVISION CHIEF, COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION CHIEF, TRANSPORTATION & SUPPLY DIVISION REPLY IAPPROVAL 1 IINFORHATION I3IQNATURE L.......J RETURN rIDISPATCN ACTION 1 IDIRECT REPLY ICONHENT I !PREPARATION OF CONCURRENCE I /RECOHHENDAYION i IFILE REMARKS: / 7 , / / C:59( SECRET CONFIDENTIAL--------s)E3TRICTED UNCLASSIFIED FORM NO.30.2 REVISED JUL 1947 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RD081-00728R000100010005-8 proved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R00010001d005-8 RESTRICTED CEN TR.4',.L IN /.0 ENG( Washington, D. C. ADMINISTR,',TIVE INS fillUC EtON ..NUMBER . 17 Aiigust 1:948. SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures Recision : Administ ative Instructions dated 31 ctober 1946; rarl :..mendment No. 1, dated 13 Decembe 19'46 and 10 tober 1947 respectively; ad :,mendment No. 1, dated 24 Aprl, 1947 and 2 p ember 1947 respectively; d ted it December 1947; da ed. 30 June 19148; Memorandum dat d /4 February 1947, Subjec Policy Governing Classif catiOn of Positions in CI, to the Assistant ' Director of all Offices and Oilier of Coordinating and Plannig Staff. / ? . Personnel Branch Re2lsonsibilities, 1, / a. The Personnel Bran, ASal, ill' resDonsible for petforming the following functions with respect y pro9ilremen:b, processing, position I classification and termination ofIlersonnel: , (1) Maintaining a current record of authorized vacancies arid approved requAktions. , .4. N (2) Establishing .priorities for wide basis. ." STATINTlf STATINTII. STATINTLI recruitment on (3) Maintaining onstarit coact with potential recruit- ment source. (4). Contacting and negotiating\with individual applicants for employment. (5) Coordinating inth the Executare, for Inspection and securi,ty in connection with iitiating and expediting secu4ty clearances for prospective employees. (6) Finally approving all personnel 'actions for grades CAF-12 and below. Grades p-16, CAF-13 and above require the approval of the Execuive Director or in 1-4s absence the Executive for ixdministration and Management. ' ) /Classification and allocation of positions to appro- ' priate service irade and class, and for determining rates of pft KT positions not subjt.ict to the provisions o the assification l'..ct. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: OIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8, (8) 0) 'Processing all personnel actions including appoint- ments, illtra-agency transfers, promotions, demotions, within-grade promotions, and separations. Providing an employee relations program to protect, and stimulate employee interest and to serve as a medium for management-employee relationships. (10) All disciplinary action will be considered and acted ' upon by the Personnel branch, based upon written charges prepared by the opurating agency dnd signed by the Assistant Director or Staff Chief concerned. (11) Establishing and operating a testing and training program to improve the selection and performance of employees. * (12) Maintaining liaison With the Dept; of State and the armed forces for the purpose of administratively supporting detailed IAC personnel. \ (13) Providing a comprehensive medical program to insure the health and physical well-being ,0X all employees. b. The personnel Branch, AO, performs constant liaison with the Civil Service Commission on all matters requiring Civil Servine approval, such as classification of positions, efficiency ratings, certification of employees from Civil Service registers, etc. 2. Basis for Personnel I:.ctions a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for insuring against personnel actions affecting individuals under their_ supervision which are not based purely on relative merit. Emphasis on relative merit extends throughout all personnel matters, including: procurement, Assignment to duty, promotions, work allocations, leave determinations, etc. Merit shall be considered as including; demonstrated ability, personal industry, integrity, loyalty, comparative length of service, and comparative general ef4ciency: . b. Supervisory personnel must become so thoroughly familiar with the personnel Under their' jurisdiction and their utilization that they will recognize any contrary tendency and take appropriate action immediately., 3. Polici'es for_:,ppointment a. ;All CE. positions are filled under "Schedule A" authority . by direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Commission. However, all positions are filled in accordance with established Civil Service procedures. b. The, following policy is established for effecting appoint- ments to fill .1facant positions: ' Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RESTRICIED (1) Individualg,without prior Government service will be given an excepted appointment under "Schedule A" end will be required to servo the first full year of service in a trial period status. (2) Individuals with prior Government service who have 'served under war service or excepted aPpointments will be given. en excepted appOintment under "Schedule A" and will be required to servo the first six months of service in a'trial period status. Individuals with Civil Service status will be apnointed by transfer or reinstetement to positions without my time limitetion or trial period. c. During the trial puriod the employee will receive the special otbention end instruction reouired to rcouaint him with his duties and to develop his ability to perform his work in the most satisfactory manner. After a fair and full trial period, an employee will be terminated if his services do not meet Agency standards. Employees with veterans preference or Civil Service strtus will be accorded all rights and privileges granted them under the Veterans Preference Act of 1944, as amended, and Civil Service rules end regtda-, ti ns. 4. Pr:orgotion.Policies a. Civilian employees may be promoted to higher grades subject (1) Existence of a suitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualification of the individual for the vacancy. (3) Proven and demonstrated ability to perform the duties of the next higher grade for a minimum period of ninety days in positions classified at grades C1F-7 or, P-2 . and above. This does not constitute a barrier to promotion of individuals whose positions have been reclassified to higher grades. In order that the employee may receive credit for the demonstrntion period the office concerned will submit Form 373 to the Personnel Branch indicating the date the employee is detailed to a position classified at a higher grade. For a period of :..6 months*,precodi0g,, :the p7motiont:.,.n A. Good or Better offecioncy rating for grades up to CAF-4 and equivalent; Very Good or Excellent effecioncy ? rating fells% t to 13 or equivalent. For grades A bove an Excellent effeciency rating is required. POONIOd? For Release 200/05104 : CIA-RDp81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: tIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. Promotions are limited to one pride eXcent in bho,,e where no intermedirte grode,has been established. c. Lfter considering 411 the factors indicated above, the recommendimr and annroving authorities will use the fol low table as o guide in determininf,' annronriste tire in gn.ade forHlrorotion Purposes; ? cases ??? ?????? *ono ???????????? ? ???????? ato????? ???????. ? ??? own.. ? ?????????. ???. 11?041,???????M??????????????? ?????????????????????????? PO ????ml...??? ???? ???????. ? ? ??????? ?? mow.. .???????? ????? 4.14 ????????? SP OAF CPC Time in Grade.... 1 1 1 2 2 2 . 3 3 3 ?4? ' --A_ 5H 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 ic 3 9 10 12 months 3 months 9 months. ?????????114.10????????????????????????????00.. ??????????? ???I 1??? 1114.???????101??=????????????? ow. 11 15 months ' 5 - 12 months 6 1 21 ronths 7 14 24 ronths II??????? ??41?10. 5. Intra.7.2121.1cy Itransfer ''olicy a. Employees mry not seek reasT.ignment wit' in CIA without the nrior written anproval of the Uhief, ;'ersonnel lranch, or his suthoriz& reprPsenbaltive. -uch ap ,r-vo.1 will he b se unon recormendetion of the appropriate Assistant -irector or ,Staff Chief. b. Supervisory persOnne,I. may not interview or seek the transfer of personnel wiAhout Written approval described in 5" above. 6. Lacintrent Processinp Procedures a. he fonowinn. procedu-es ore estallished for the processing of individwls for employment within CIA (1) Issistant Directors and ot.,;ff ihicfs will transmit Recruitment ,tequest Form J.o. 37-0 in duplicate to the Personnel branch rs recuisitions :;o fill authorized vacancies end forward Personnel iction Recuest Form 1,o. 37-3 in ouadruplicate to the Personnel Branch as requisitions for actual employment of sn individusl.selected. In order to commence security clerrance, personnel sctions may be submitted against positiona.dr,-ad7. filled, nroviding the office concerned informs the Personnel 'french on the 37-3 that the ,resent incumbent is vPcsting, the nosition and the approximate date that the position will becore yr:cant. APprdyed,'For,Release 2001/09/04 : CIA=RbP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001%09/04 :CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RST,Ft(TED 11 (2)m. Forms to. a :3 lersonn3 History Strtcrmnt Forms 70. 38-). vi31 iQ etained by the Personnel Tranch vill bc forrarded to a nronrinte offices iiithin CIA. If interested, the office ri"1 indicAte to the Personnel Branch tho nosito- to Ilich to ir'ividued ii-1 ansigned. Finn2 sc2ectior or rejection, above grade CAF-5, will rest wit the aopropriate Absistant Director or S'aff Chief. However, the Chief, Personnel Drcinch will refer to the Executive for A&M any rejection case which he believes is not warranted. . Fin1 authority for the sclection mci assicnrcnt of emnloyccs in prtde CAF-5, ecuivn3ent grades ,,,nd mge rates and Ile]ow, rests with Ale Chief, Personnel Er Inch Ind . consequently such cases are rot referred to Assistant Directors or Staff Chicfs for action. (3) ( 4 ) c. A31 persornel assignMents arc subject to the Securit7 anproval of the Lxecutive for I.& S. Unon the recc:rt of Form No.. 37-3, the 'ersonnel Branch will malt? an offer of emnloyment to the individual concerned, sul)ject to Satisfactory security c2carancc, and unon indicated Race-twice vill initiate action for security clearAnce. Undcr,no circumstmces will either grade or sn3ary be siecifically included in the offer. The r,crsorneD Drnch will notif;- the office concerned of the failure of individuals to receive secl.rity cJ arancc and will tal?fc an.oronriate actior to inform the in'ividual of his rejection. (5) The Lx(crtive for .dmi:-istr tier, ind Fan agement, or the Chief, .Pcsonnel :ranch, Till cont .ct n21 individwas (im:hiding dtiJed IAC personnel) reln.tivc to cntr-nce on duty. Individuals assigned to -crsornel pools Ii31 be instructcd to re ort for duty in the various offices by the Chief, P(rsonnel Branch, follotdng security clearance. Each individual, including assigned IAC personnel, reporting for duty rill nresent to the aPproPriate Assistant Director or Stc,ff Chief a written notice form the Chief, Personnel Franch, stating that such individual hi.s been fully cleared and is assigned for duty. A cony of this notice will be furnished the Executive for Insncction and Security. In extraordinary circumstances. the Executive for Administration and Hanagonent may give vorb?.1 authorization for entrance on duty after assuring himself all required nrocessing has been comnleted. ,o individua will 1-e accented for duty without such notice. 7 Proration Pro' ssnq nrocedures a. Assistant Dircc got rchiefs nil forward Form 3773 to the Personnel Branch, co LLent_information to indicate com- pliance with the policies defined 'in naragr.F.nh 4. above. -5-. i?k:p6,roVed For Release.2001/09/04: CIA-RDF581-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-81 ,b. Itccuests from field stations for nromotion and nromotion cases Ihich include reassignment must be accopnanied Isy an emnloyee-Pre- Pared nositiOr description Ihich outlines the duties md resnonnibilities of the Mite/ grade together the remarks Ind cextific-Aion of the immediate sunervisor. The position descrintion should include: (1) An orifOnal, objective, concrete and frctua7 word picture of the job being nerformed. (3) The clogri:e of difficulty and resnonsibLlity.inhorent in the position. The nature '.nd extent of suneYvision and of indenendent judgments and decisions exorcised 17 the incumbent. o. After review of factors by the Personnel Dr Ilch, -Ironer disposition of the case '70 8. :alarv Administv'tion RegulAr full-time cmployces temnorary employees of CIA with a regylar tour of duty colvensated on P ncr annvm bnsis 1,111 Ile paid in arcordance with the followinr noJicy: a. rntrance on DIrly_fslul (1) New anpointnents will be made at the base salary of the undo. (Transfers, nroretions, derotions, reerployment, and reinstatements are not new nnpointments within the meaning of this rogul,Ation.) (2) Lpuloyees appointed Isy transfer, reinstatement or reemnloyment to P. nosition of the same gr,Lde 'ill 10n(rmit- ted to retain ncriodic nay increases nreviously received. (3) Employees anointed y t/ansfcr, reinstatement, or reemployment to a positiw 'n a lower grade than held will receive snlaries fixed to allow credit toward within-grrde promotions for all service in ::pnointmentgrade and hiaher grades. b. DetermininE Salary fn Case of Promotion (1) 1,4hcn an employee is promoted to a higher grade positi,Dn, he must be comnens..tcd at the base of the :1,:rado if the entrance ?talary exceeds nny he has previously cartod in the Federal Service. (2) I:hen an emlloyee rho has Previously received a change to a lower gr de is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to all,v credit toward within-grade Promotion for all -Ireviovs service in the grade to which he is being promoted or for service in any hi:lier grades. L , proved For ge,lease 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81700728R00010001.0005-8 41i4441LILZE:- , Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R0001000100 5-8 , . RESTROKTEp c. Detcrmining Srqaryin ase o _Chang to Lower Grade (1) To determins snlary in case of v change to lower gr\de, the employe? Ely be giver credit for all service previously performed in the lover grade and in any higher grades previously hold. (2) Excentions: The policy outlined above does not npply in thc folloving type of CRSCS: (a) Emnlovees 'ho carnrd meritorious p.ny increases. An employee who hns been given a Within-grade pay increase because of esPedially meritorious service or as a =wird for superior accomplishment will, at the time ho is demoted, be permitted to retair one stop for each such advancement. 224.2m_:to.j.eyer.ausle to neop:it probltional "Ipapit- ment. If the change to a lower grade is due to employee's desire to accent Probational appointment, he rill he compcnsoted at the step in, the lower grade which is nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary in the high, r grade. ChrIngc to lower rade for di.lelnlincry_reasons. If thc employee is chnnged to a lower grade for disciplinary reasons, his salary rate will be set at the base of the grade to Phich he is demoted, in thc absence of snecifie nrovision to thc contrary. . Uithin-GrsIde Promotions , a. An einployee occupying a classified position may be advanced to the next higher rte within his grodel Provided that he has twelve months of service for grades P-3, CAF-10 and below or hPs eighteen months service for grndes P-4, CAF-11 and above. In addtion, the employee must have a current efficiency rating of "Good" or better. b. The Chief, Personnel Branch, is resoonsible for keeping records to determine Phen employees arc eligible for within-grade promotions. Prior to the actual salary increase, the Chief, Personnel Branch, will send rating Form No. 37-105 to the employee's immediate supervisor for certifi- cation th.t the employee's conduct is satisfoztory. Determination will also be madc that the efficiency rating is 1.ppropriate. c. Provisions exist for the ,f.dvancoment by sten promotions for personnel'occupyimg -ositions not subject to the provisions of the Classification Act. 10. Ass4nmeni of IAC Detailed Personnel -- a. It shall be the responsibility of the rceeiVing Office or Staff ' Section to initiate a complekt?trgebn all assigned IAC persennel ease 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP,'&1-00728R000100010005-8 ? Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP8i1.0'0729R000100010005-8 prior to ontrmce on duty. The .377.3 (3 Copi6s) sh,q1 be accomomicd Personal History StP,toment (2 copies). b. The Personnel Dranch ill initiate request for security clear:mce. c. Scpr.r)tions and Intra-Agency transfers of IAC Personnel vill be reported to Personnel Proneh by Form 37-3, initiated byAhe appropriate office. 11. Termination a. Offices Pnd Staff Sections complete Form No. 37-3 for emplorecs under their jurisdiction 'ho have submitted resignations, statinq the reition therefor, together with -.ny explanation or suggestion which rvy hell.) to revent the loss of the cmoloyce, und forward the completed form to the Chief, Personnel Pr ...Inch, at lest two weeks in advmce of the separation date. ,Upon receipt of Form No. 37-3, the Personnel Dr-mch, nftcr pre-exit interview, in instances in which the employce still wishes to resign, will pronare Clcarrnec Form No. 34-30 indicating thereon the routing to bc followed for clearance. 12. Special personnel policies and procedures for personnel pFaid from unvouChcred funds are covered brbephratp instructions., Where tiractibable. the polibiei stated in-this:lIns-truation, will govern. NKOETTER . Rear Admirals USN . Director of Central Intel1irence DISTRIBUTION: Meese 2001/0/04: CIA-1609,1-00728R000100010005-8 4 , '25X1A Di, :14 1IH9 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D. C. ADMINISTI,L&TIVE INSTRUCTION NO, SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures 25X1A RESCISSIONS: Administrative Instruction Administrative instruction Administrative Instruction 25X1A REFERENCE 25X1A General Order 14,-Goneral a. Authority is delegated by approved statements of functional responsibilities, separate specific dulegations and this Instruction to the Agency officials listed below to take implementing action on personnel actions recommended by Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs (appointment, employ- ment, classification and reclassificatic,n of positiohs, pro- motion, demotion, transfer, and suparation of individuals) for the Director: 9 December 1949 dated 17 August 1948 dated 25 March 1947 dated 11 .August 1949 (Revised dated 5 actober 19)49 Executive Deputy Executive fersonnel Director Chief, Aaainistrotive Staff Chief, Personnel Division, Administrative Staff Chief, Special Support Staff. Chief, Employees Division, Special Support Staff' 7/1 Designated subordinates of the above listed officials U.1 0 b. Officials and employees not listed above should not k ------aiscuss personnel actions with individuals to whom such actions tjcvall apply without prior clearance from the appropriate offi- cial listed above. Such clearance will in no case include authorization to make commitments of any nature for actual r,I ' eaployment or salary level. Violation of this policy may result F) in the inmodiate dismissal of the individual guilty of the violation. c.' No'.appointMen`in or. promotion to grades GS-16 and above will b made without the prior approval of the Director personally. C ONFIDENTIAL 1/09/041 CIA7RDP81,00728R000100p10b05-8 25X1A 7 W Approveil, For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 OONFin n T L e) 2. Prosolyting a. Officials and omploypen of this 2,gencyj including those listed in paragraph la abtve',..are prohibited from discusSing em- ployment possibilities with any empi6:yee of any othur zovernment agency or employees of the Congress without the presentation of a written release for such distussi9n from the employing agency of the individual concerned. b. The policy stated in paragraph 2a abov6 will also apply, to intra-agency transfers between Offices and Staff Sections, except in connection with the application of Agency, careir management policies by authorized oXficials listed in paragraph la above. C. It is expected that other government agencies will observe a reciprocal non-proselyting policy in dualing with CIA employees. Such employees who obtain employment with other government agencies without obtaining prior release may be required to resign in order to accept such employment. d. In connection with the above, there is no objection to the officials listed in paragraph la above contacting any other agency., when desired by Assistant Directors or Staff Chiefs, to ascertain whether a specific individual can be made available for employment by CI 1 and, if no objpction is madd, to arrange for appropriate interviews and security chucks within CIA prior to actual separa- tion of such individual from his current employment. 3. DefinitiOns a. The jurisdiction of each of the Personnel Staffs of au is defined in published statements of functional responsibility. In order to avoid dualication of instructions the term stersonnel Divisions" as used herein will pertain to each of the following activities to the extent of its published functions, Unless other- 25X1A wise stated: Personnel Divislon, Administrative Staff Employees Division, Special Support Staff b. IAC personnel are those individuals detailed for duty with CIA from the State Department or the Department of Dufenso. c. Departmental .Service includes all'positions in thu head- quarters or cdntral office of the Agency. .,:-C1A-RDF81,-00728R000100010005-8 25X1A Approved For Retaoer2CD1fPW,0? :ICIrk-RDE81-00728R000100010005-8 . Trall.ries All inquirius uithur written or vurbal, from LW Whitu Housu, mJmbers of th.] Consross, or Co.amittuus of national politicnl pnrtius recAvud by any individual or activity of this Agency will bu immedi- ately rofurred to thJ tIonural Counsul for actioa and pruparation of r.inly. The Creniral Couns'il is rusflonsible for adequatu coordination in oach c41su prior to prenaraLion of ruply. 5. General Responsibilitius of Pursonnul Divisions Undur thu policy zxidauc.; of thu Pursonnul Director and thu diruct suporvision of the Chiufs of thu Administrativu and Spucial Support Staffs, thu Pursonnul Divisions aru rusponsiblu for: Procurumunt, placument, cu sing, appointment, promotion, demotion, within-grade advancus, suspension, and turmination of individual umployuus, to muut thu statud ruquirumunts or rucom- mondations of :".ssistant Directors and Staff Chiefs' concurnud, or mandatory provisions of law and ga:yernmunt regulations. b. ..ssisting thu Pursonnul Diroctor /t,o ustablish qualifica- tion standards for all positions. c. Bucommending position classification for all positions thu Personnel Director. d. ..ssistina, thu 'Personnul Diructor to ustablish salary admin- istration, ufficiuncy rating and caner management programs, and for carryinc out such programs whon ustablishod. u. Maintaining a currunt record of authorizod vacancius and procurement requests against such vacancius. f. Es tabiishin7, personnel nrocuromont prioritius. 1111 , ',/ . g. Maintaining contiaual contacts with potuntial ?pursonnul /. ? r procurumunt sourcus. > 4. , ?....?_. h. Exclusivu liaison with the I&S Staff (uxcupt by tho Exucu- ) k " , ) tivo or Pursnnnul Director) rul.ative to pursonnul sucurity checks and clearance.s. .All ruquusts for initiation of and information c 5, ro la tive; to status' of tliir'S 0 niV31 sucurity chucks and cluara.ncus r. --1z-- will h.: channulud through thu Pursonnul Divisions. ?,-_____ i. Establishing personnel training programs within spocifi- cally authorized limitations. ? j. - Establishing and maintaining rutention registurs for roduction-in-force procodures. k. Taking. Laplomonting action on all disciplinary actions which aro recommundud in writing by Assistant Directors and Staff Chiufs. 3- CONFIDENTIAL i;tirCke:00' r,ke),0*.2',601glii9/Q4:: ClAIRIr-81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 C C U ii i D 3,11 T I L ????????????????????III. 01???? ????-?? ???.??? ??????1.1.??? ??????????1 4141.1..00 ? 011?11???? 1. (1) Taking impl,monting action on r,commndud porscnnur action's involving gradus 35-12 aqbelo,whon thuru -aro unrosolvod disagt'ooments,:..40istrint Directors or Staff Chiofs concorned. (2) Rucomounding throuch the Porsonnol Director to the 3.4ocutivu action on DC: rsonnul actions involving grades 0$.13 and above. (Sou paragraph lc ru actions involving grades 05-16 and 5bovu. Thu 4xpOutivo will make rocommonda- tions to thJ Director in oach such cam). ) (3) Referring all porSonnel actions through thu Personnul Director to the Exocutivo where .thure is unrusolVod dioagruo- munt with the .i.stistant DiruntOr or Staff Chia conc6rnod. Mudical Standards Initial appointment or roansignmunt to oll positions aro sub- ject to ustablishud mudical standards. Inasmuch as thu signing of a waiver by an individual does not reliovo thu p:ovurnmunt of its liability under thu rogulations of the Employoos Componsation Commission, no waivers of' physical ruquiruments will be granted. 7. ilorit and Qualifications of Individuals a. The basis for all porsonnol. actions in thu :.goncy will bo individual qualifications and relativo murit. Pursonal considur- ations, family relationships, favoritism, and oxturnal prussuros or considoratiens will not be purmittud to influoncu such actions.' ...ssistEnt Diroctors, Staff Chiufa, and oach of the officials lintud in naragraph 1 abovu eru oursonally charged with insuring that this nolicy is offectivily uxorcised throughout thu '.cency. b. D)termination of relativu murit and qualifications .will bu basud on d mo ns tr a tc: d ability, porsonal industry, integrity, loyalty, length of sorvice, genural efficiency, and background . of uxneriunco and oducation, in comparison with other applicants and umployuos in similar fiolds and grados. c. Sup urviso ry porsonnol. at all luvels must be co no thorouShi.Y familiar with pursonnul under thuir jurisdiction to insuru thu just and objuctive administration of this policy. 8. Initiation of Pursonnel ,Ictions ...ssistant Directors and Staff Chiefs aro rusponsiblu for thu initiation of nursonnul actions on individuals undur thoir jurisdiction and for thu routing of such actions to the appropriate Pursonnol Division. Thuy may designatu such 0 ONFIDENTI!..L 0,;Ri1eaSe:200110'9/04': dA-RDP81-0072814000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CO,NFIDENTIAL individuals within their organizations as may he considered desirable to sign and forward Such actions. The names of individuals so designated, and any changes in Such designa? tions, will be communicated in writing to the appropriate Personnel Division. b. Each personnel action requiring action by the Executive will be signed personally by the Assistant Director or Staff Chief 'concerned. 9. Relations with the Civil Service Commission a. The Classification Act of 1949 exempts the CIA from its provisions. Our personnel program, including position classification, appointment, promotion, etc., is carried out within the Agency without prior Civil Service Commission review. The Director has signed a written agreement with the Civil Service COmmission to adhere strictly to the provisions of the Classification Act in administering the Agency personnel program. The Civil Service Commission also has agreed to provide advice and guidance whenever called upon to do so. b. The supervisory and review functions previously exorcised by the Civil Service Commission have been delegated to the Personnel Director and his Staff fur all Agency personnel matters, regardless of their security classification. 10. Amointment Policies and Procedures a. Positions area filled by direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Commission, but in accordance with established Civil Service procedure. b. The following policy, is established for effecting appointments to fill vacant positions: (1) An individual without prior Government service will be carried in a trial period status for the first full year. . (2) An individual with prior Government service who has served under war, service or excepted appointments will be required to servo the first six months in a trial period status' (3) An individual with Civil Service status will he appointed by transfer or reinstatement without any time limitation or trial period. or ReleAse 2,601/09/04 ::.CIA4IRDP81-0i#28ROOQ100610005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENLLLAL c. During the trial, .employeo will receive the special attention and instruction-requird to acquaint him with. his duties and to develop his ability to perform .his work in the most satisfactory manner.. After a fair and full trial period an eml,loyee will be terminated if his services' do not meet Agency standards. An employee with vateransl prefer- ence or Civil Service status .will 'bo accordedall rights and privilegos granted him under the Veterans Preference Act of 1944, as amended, and Civil Service rules and regulations. (Those privileges are subject to special final authority granted Lo the Director by the, National Security' Act pf 1947.). Under certain conditieQ, it is possible for employees to achieve permanent Civil Service status while serving in this Agency. Tho Standard Civil Service regulations will be followed in each instance, after initial clearance has boon received from the Personnel Relations Drench, Personnel Division. d. The following procedures are established for processing individuals for employment within CIA: (1) Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall transmit Recruitment Requests in the original and three copies to the Personnel Division as requisitions to fill authorized vacancies. A Personnel Action Request (Form No. 37-3 or 37-1) in quadruplicate shall be forwarded to the Personnel Division as a requisition for actual employment of an individual. In order to initiate security clearance a Personnel Action Request may be submitted against a position currently filled, providing the office concerned informs the Personnel Division on the form of the approximate date that the present incumbent will vacate the position. (2) An Application for Employment and a Personal History Statement will be obtained by the Personnel Division and forwarded with a Referral Shoot to'the' appropriate office, After careful review, the file will be returned to tho Personnel Office with request for personnel action or reason for rejection. (a) Final selection or rejection of applicants for positions above grade GS-5 or equivalent shall normally rest with'the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief, subject to, qualifications ,review by the Personnel Divisions. The Personnel Chiefs may refer to the Executive through the Personnel Director, acceptance or rejection cases which they believe are not warranted. .(b) Final authority-foietheselection'and,assignment Of an employee in gra4e:G$7.5-or.oeuiva1entan&below, shall rest with the Chiefs, Personnel Divisions. 4- CONFIDENTIAL provetj FOr Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09104: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL (c) All assignmonts aro subject to tho security approval of the Inspection and Security Staff. (3) Upon the receipt of a Porsonnol Action Roquost tho Personnel Division will make an offer of employment to tho individual concerned (subject to satisfactory security cloaranco), and upon indicated acceptance will initiate action for security cloaranco. (4) The Porsonnol Division will notify tho office concerned of the fniluro of an individual to receive security clearance and will take appropriate action to inform tho individual of his rejection. (5) Tho Personnel Chiefs will contact each individual (including dotailod IAC personnel) relative to entrance on duty. An individual assigned to a personnel pool will be instructed to report to duty by tho Personnel Division, following socurity cloaranco. Each individual (including detailed ILC porsonnol) reporting for duty will present to tho appropriato Assistant Diroctor or Staff Chiof 'a written notice from the Personnel Division stating that he has boon fully cleared and assigned for duty. A copy of this notice will be furnished tho Inspection and Security Staff by tho Personnel Division. In extraordinary circum- stances tho Exocutivo or tho Personnel Director may give verbal authorization for ontranco on duty after assuring that all required processing has beon complotod, No indi- vidual will be accepted for duty unloss one of the above provisions has boon mot. U. Promotion Policies and Procedures a. An employee may be promoted to a highor grade subject to: (1) Existence of a suitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualifications of the individual for tho vacancy.' . (3) Completion of 90 day dotail_ period to position GS-7, or above. Incumbents of positions lower than GS-7 must have assumed the duties of the position to which they are being promoted. Prior to the time of detail they must meet testing requirements and qualification standards for the recommended position. No employee shall be detailed to a,, position allocated higher than one grade above the position which he currently occupies. These stipulations do not constitute a barrier to promotion of an individual whose position has been reclassified to a higher grade. C ADNFIDENTIAL Approved for Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 COITFIDENT T AL ? . (4) Submission of a.PersonnelJiction Request to the Personnel Division indicating the exact position and the date the employee is detai1ed in order that ho may receive credit for the detail period, The form must indicate the allocated position that1d13:beeecupied. (5) Evidence of an efficiency rating as follows. (a) GS-4, equivalent, and below - Good or better for six Months preceding promotion.', (b) 05-5 through GS-13 or equivalent - Very Good or Excellent fOr'Six 'months preceding promotion. (c) 05-14 arid above Excei1ent for one year ,precodingproMotion. 15: Promotions. are limited to one grade except in cases whore no intermediate grades have boon roCognized.' a. After considering all the factor indicated above, tho. recommending and ..approving authoritio6 will use tho' following table as a guide in determining appropriate time :in grade forpromotion purposes:: emeeeeameneass???????? *is .?????????????????1.1....??????? GS CPC Time in Grade ??????????????rre reereareseereeremeamemernerm? 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 ealrepere 4 5 3 months ------------------- 5 6 6 months 6 7 7 8 9 . 10 9 10 9 months. amoOMM.IIIMOOM?..MMIXemeeelwrimPeemempememmiliaprillMemmirmieMMIPSY!!! rim???????? 12 months 15months ' 18 months 13 . 21 month's 14 I????????;????????MNIMIIM=1?10;01MIN/M.I.18/1?IN??????/MO 24 months. IND C ONFID.E_YTIL Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100,010005-8 CONFIDEN.TIAL rr , ? d. Assistant Directors and Starf Chiefs shall forward to tho Personnel Division .a Porsonnol Action Roquost contain- ing sufficient information to indicate compliance with tho policies defined in paragraph 4 above. o. A request from a field station for a promotion must be accompanied by a Position Description prepared by tho employee, which outlinos.tho duties and responsibilities being performed, together with remarks and certification of tho immodiato superior. In tho caso of a proposed position in the field service tho description will be proparod by the indi- vidual who is most familiar with tho duties and responsibilities to bo porformod. Tho doscription muat include: (1) Factual description of tho work 'being performed. :(2) ,A statement of degree of difficulty and roSponsi- bilitylnhoront in tho position (3) An account of tho nature and extent of supervision, indoponient judgment and decisions exercised by tho incum- bent. f. Upon receipt of a roquost for 'a promotion in tho depart- mental service the Personnel Division will audit tho position involved in order to determine tho lovol of difficulty, responsi- bility, and grade at which tho individual is performing to ascertain whether ho should receive a promotion. g. An employee occupying a classified position will be advanced to tho next higher stop within his grade, providing that ho has 52 wooks of service without an oquivalont increase in pay for grades GS-10 and below or 78 wooks service for grades GS-11 and abovo. In addition tho employee must havo a current efficiency rating of Good or bettor and a satisfactory conduct report. 12. Intra-Lazioz_Transfor Policy A Personnel Action Request for intra-agoncy transfer will be prepared by tho office to which tho employee is boing transferred. Tho Personnel Division will coordinate with the I&S Staff whore appropriate. 13. Assi nmont of IAC Porsonnol a. It shall be the responsibility of tho receiving office to initiate a completed Porsonnol Action Request on all IAC personnel (including citation of tho allocated position). b. The Personnel Division will initiate a request for sociality clearance. -9- CONFIDENTIAL ? keleae'20.91/69!04 :ciA-RDR81400728R000100010005-8 ' Approved For Release 2Q01/05/04 ? C1Q-.RET81-00728R000100010005-8 0. Upon rocoipt:ofsocurity clearance tho individual will be palled to duty by the Porsonnol.DiVision and will' be assigned to the roquosting office.. d. IAC porsonnol will not bo allowed to work in restricted buildings. Until they are given a statomontiay the Personnel Division certifying that al]. proyisions,for assignhont have boon mot. ' cp Soparations and intraagency transfprs shall be reported to tho Personnel. Division on :Porsonnol Action Request in tripli- cate:, initiated by tho appropriate:offico. The Personnel Divi- sion will coordinato with-tho I&S Staff whore appropriate. 14. ;5111ary.laalniptration Regular full-time employees and temporary employees of. the Agency with a regUlartour, of duty. compensated on 'a par annum basis will be paid in accordance with tho following , policy: (1) Entranco on Duty Salary (a) Now appointments will be made at the base salary of tho grado. (Transfers, promotions, domotions, ro-omployment, and reinstatomonts aro not now appoint- monts within the moaning of tho roquiremont.) (b) Employoos appointed by transfer, roinstato- mont or re-employment to a position of tho samo grade will be permitted to retain periodic pay incroasos previously received. (c) Employees appointed by transfer, reinstate- mont, or ro-omploymont to a position in a lowor grado than last hold will receive salaries fixod to allow credit toward within-grade promotions for all sorvico in appointmont grade and higher grados. (2) Dotorminirm Salamin Caso of Promotion (a) When an omployoo is promoted to a higher grade position ho will be compensated at tho lowest rate of such higher grado which oxceederhis existing Tato of oomponsation by not loss than one-stop increase of tho grade from which promotod? (b) When an employee who has proviously received a chango to a lowor grade is promoted, his salary will bo fixed so as to allow credit toward within-grado promotion for all previous service in the grade to which he is being promoted or for service in any highor grades. -10- C 0 N F DENTIAL 131,0e0,Fotnial4ae 200/6910 :-CIA-0130817p9724R000100019005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL (3) Detormininaililarmla_gasa_of Changp to Lower Grndo (a) To dotormino salary in' case of a change to lower gtade, tho omployoe may be givon crodit for all service previously porformod in the' lower grade and in any higher' grados previously hold. If tho omployoofs salary in tho lowor grade is within a ono-stop range of his former rate ho will be componsatod at the stop in tho lower grado which is noarost his present salary. (b) Exceptions: The policy .outlined abovo doos not apply in tho following typos of cases: 1. Employees who have earned meritorious, pay incroasos. An employee who has boon given a within-grade pay increase bocauso of especially meritorious sorvico or as a reward for suporior accomplishment will be permitted at tho time he is demoted to retain one stop for each, such advance- ment. 2. Employoos who chango to lower grades to accept probational appointment. If tho change tO a .lower grade Is duo to employees desire to' accept probational appointment, ho will bp compen- sated at tho stop in the lower grade which is', nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary in tho higher grade. Employees who wore changod to lower grades for disciplinary roasons. If the employee is changod to a lower grade for disciplinary masons, his salary rate will bo sot at tho base of the grade to which he is demoted in tho absence of specific provision to tho contrary. ? b. The salary policy now in effect for classified employees also will apply to ungradod employees with respect,to: (1) entrance on duty, (2) promotion, (3) chango to lower, grade, (4) probational appointment, and (5) disciplinary action. The term "stop increase" will be used for ungraded positions in lieu of "periodic pay incroaso" for classified positions. (1) An employee transferring from a classifiod position to an ungraded position will, do, so without loss in snlary unless his classified salary was above tho top step of tho ungraded job to which ho is being assigned. . . . .(2) An,ungraded:omployoe:Who receives a conduct and efficiency report of Satisfactory or higher will roceive a stop inoroaso aftor. the-fiist 'six months of ungraded Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CL2L2J TI service and annually:thotoaftor,until the top,stop has boon reached. The salatYPOt'employoes transferring between graded and ungradod positions Will :be determined after considering the waiting period elapsed and whether or not an oquiValont increase is, involved. (3) An employee in, on ungraded position Will have Opportunityto earn stop incroasos as a result of meri- 'totious .ServicOand?suporiOraccomplishmonts. ' 15.. CorooIlloagement a. Tho caroor management program of the Agency is designed to provide from within: (1) A source of woll qualified individuals to fill vacancies as thoy occur. (2) A systom whoroby individuals may qualify and be promoted to more rosponsiblo positions through training and development within the Agency. b. It is Agency policy that vacancies will bo filled by thc best qualifiod employee available within the Agency. Tho basic considerations for promotion will bo provon ability and merit. 16. personnel StAtug_Eaports a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall submit to the Personnel Division a Personnel Information Roport (Form No. 37-6) with copy to I&S Staff when an omployoo: (1) Changes his name, home or office address or home or office telephone number. (2) Is separated from the Agency by transfer, resigna- tion, or ontors the military service from civilian employ- mont. b. In addition to the above a Personnel Status Report (Form No. 38-7) shall be submitted following any change in an employools marital status. The original of the form will be routed to the Personnel Division and a copy to the Chief, 10 Staff. 17. Termination and Final Cloaranco a. Each employoo will obtain blearanco prior to final pay- ment. Clearance will be obtained on a Final Paymont Clearance Shoot (Form No. 34-30) when an omployoe is boing torminatod, loaving for overseas duty, granted leave without pay for a period in oxcoss of 60 calendar days, or being transferred to -12- CONFIDENTIAL - Approved For Releasec2R911C9/014 3FLA-fidDF-St0128R000100010005-8 or from confidential fund status. b. The Personnel Division will be notified by Personnel Action Request at least one weak prior to the offoctivo data of the request. Upon receipt of tho Personnel Action Request tho Personnel Divisions will mak? necessary arrangements for an exit interview and for final cloaranoa, will direct tho omployeo to the Inspection and Security Staff for security clearance, and will than obtain tho additional required clearance by telephone, obtain the opployoe's signature, and direct tho employee to deadlier tho form to the applicable payroll office. When tho omployoo is unavailable all action indioatod will be taken oxcopt procurement of tho omployools signature... c. Tho Chief of a field office will: (1) Do-brief tho employee and secure all identifica- tion or credentials issued by CIA. (2) On the Final Paymont Clearance Shoot ce4loto cortification blocks "Office to which assignod" and "Security Branch". (3) Obtain omployoe s signature and forwarding address. (4) Forward the form to tho Personnel Division through established channols. 18. Those rogulations will govern gonorally all personnel actions of this Agency, both overt and covert, and will be applied to the fullest possible oxtont in carrying out specific provisions of Confi- dential Funds Regulations covoring covert personnel actions. 25X1A DISTRIBUTION: Roar Admiral, USN Diroctor of Central Intelligence 111111111111111 I Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-0072RP1001000 0005 c 2 p r 1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 71ashington? D. C. AMINISTRATIVE INS' t tCPTC' NO. SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures 21 December 1949 AdMinistrative Instruction Elated 9 December 1949 is amended as indicated below: 1. Generalialla * * * * b. There is no objection to officials of the Agency not listed in paragraph 1.a discussing with prospective applicants the possi- bility of their availability for employment by CIA. Such discussions will in no case include commitments of any nature for actual employ- ment or salary level. A violation of the policy relative to commit- ments for employment or salary level may result in immediate dismis- sal of the individual committing the violation. ?N? * * 2. Proselyting a. Excent as indicated in paragraphs 1.b and 2.d, officials and employees of this Agency, including those listed in paragraph 1.a above, are aohibited from discussing employment possibilities with any employee of any other government agency or employees of the Congress without the presentation of a written release for such discussion from the employing agency of the individual concerned. 5. General Responsibilities of Personnel Divisions * * * h. 2xclusive liaison with the I&S Staff (except by the Executive or Personnel Director) relative to personnel security checks and clearances in connection with initial employment by CIA. All re- quests for initiation of and information relative to status of such personnel security checks and clearances, will be channeled through the Personnel Divisions. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ? 0o adGEWC V CENTRAL INTILLIGFITCE Wet. st c C. IL A. ADMINISTRATIVE bi TRANSFER OF PERSONNI1 WITHIN CISA 31 October 1946 1. All personnel employed, by or assigned to CW are advised that they are not permittedto seek a .position or assignment in another Office of CLO without the prior written approval of the Assistant Director, his Deputy, or his Executive Officer. II. Similarly, Offices are requested not to interview nor to seek the transfer of personnel assigned to other Offices within OLD unless the individual presents such written permission to seek a newposition or assignment. III. In any case, all pequests should be cleared with the Chief, Personnel Division, Personnel and Administrative Branch, prior to the issuance of the approval required. FOR TEM I1RECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: NI .111111111I Deputy e d Ex Administration STATI NTL STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R900100010005-8 $TAT1NTL STATINTL TATINTL RESTRICTED CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE /.GENCZ Washington, D. C. ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION NUMBER SUBJECT: PersonnelTolicies and Procedures Recisions: ative Instructions dated 31 October 1946;>?,. 17 Arigust 1948, dated 13 December 1946 and 10 (-Leber 1947 respectively; and Amendment No. 1, dated 24 April 1947 and 2 September 1947 respectively; dated 4 December 1947;L,---- dated 30 Juno 19480.--' Memorandum dated 4 Feb&ary 1947, Su4ject: Policy Governing Classification Of Positions in CI,e6 to the Assistant Directors of all Offices and Chief of Coordinating )1t, and Planning Staff. 1. Personnel Branch Res onsibilities a. The Personnel Branch, A&M, is responsible for performing the following functions with respect to procurement, processing, position classification and termination of personnel: (1) Maintaining a current record of authorized vacancies and approved requisitions. (2) Establishing priorities for redruitment agency- wide basis. (3) Maintaining'constantcentact.with potential recruit- ment.sourcs... (4) Contacting and negotiating with individual applicants for employment. Coordinating with the Executive for Inspection and security in connuction.with initiating and expediting security clearances for prospective emp1o3;-rs. (6) Finally approving all personnel actions for grades P-j;, 'AF-12 and below. Grades 13-62 CAF-13 and above ruq.1.1.(3 the approval of the Executive Director or in his absence the Executive for Administration and Management. (5) Classification and priate ser rates of P the provisions o allocation of positions to appro- Lfld class, and for determining positions not subject to assification Act. i*ovecl For:Release;2001109/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (8) (9) Processing all,personnel,actions including appoint- ments, intra-agency transfers, promotions, demotions, within-grade promotions, and separations. Providing an employee relations program to protect and stimulate employee interest and to serve as a, medium for management-employee relationships. (10) All disciplinary action will be considered and acted upon by the Personnel Branch, based upon Written charges prepared by the operating agency .and signed by the Assistant Director or Staff Chief concerned. (11) Establishing and operating a testing and training program to improve the selection and performance of ' employees. (12) Maintaining liaison witl?the Dept. of State and the armed forces for the purpose of administratively supporting detailed fa personnel. (13) Providing a comprehensive medical program to insure, the health and physical well-being of all employees. b. The Personnel Branch, A&M, performs constant liaison with the Civil Service Commission on all matters requiring Civil Servine approval, such as classification of positions, efficiency ratings, certification of employees from Civil Service registers, etc. 2. Basis for Personnel Actions a, Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for insuring against personnel actions affecting individuals under their supervision which are not based purely on relative merit. Emphasis on relative merit extends throughout all personnel matters, including: procurement, assignment to duty, promotions, work allocations, leave determinations, etc. Merit shall be considered as including: demonstrated ability, personal industry, integrity, loyalty, comparative length of service, and comparative general efficiency. b. Supervisory personnel must become so thoroughly familiar with the personnel under their' jurisdiction and their utilization that they will recoenize any contrary tendency and take appropriate action immediately. Policies for Ap 'ointment ' a. All CIA positions are filled under "Schedule A" authority by direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Commission. 'However, all positions are filled in accordance with established, Civil Service procedures. b. lhe following policy is established for effecting appoint- ments to fill vacant pesitions: Approved For Reletse 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 , Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RESTRICTED Individuals without prior Government srvice will ho given an excepted appointment under "Schedule Arend will be required to serve the first full year .of service in a trial period status. (2) Individuals with prior Government Service who have served under warservice or excepted appointments will be given en excepted appointment under "Schedule A" end will be required to serve the first six months of service in a trial period status. (3) Individuals with Civil Service status will be apnointed by transfer or reinstatement to positions without any time limitation or trial period. c. During the trial period the employee will receive the special attention and instruction recuired to accuaint him with his duties and to develop his ability to perform his work in the most satisfactory manner. After a fair and full trial period, an employee will be terminated if his services do not meet Agency standards. Employees with voteranils preference or Civil Service status will be accorded all rights and privileges granted them under the Veterans Preference Act of 1944, as amended, $111:1 Civil Service rules end regula-,, ti ns. 4. Promolion Policies a. Civilian employees may be promote to higher gredes subject to: (1) Existence of a suitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualification of tho individuel for the vacancy. (3) Proven and demonstrated ability, to prform the duties of the mxt higher grade for n minimum period of.ninety days in positions classified at grades CAF-7 or P-2 and above. This does not constitute m barrier to promotion of individuals whose positions have been reclassified to higher grades. (4) In order thrt the employee may receive 'credit for the demonstration period the office concerned will submit Form 37-3 to the Personnel Branch indicating the date the employee is detailed to a position classified at a higher grade. For a period of 6 months jirecoding.; the promOtiontn A Good or Better effeciency rating for grades up to CAF-4 and equivalent; Very Good. or Excellent effeciency rating fteklA to 13 or equivalent. For grades C bove an Excellent effecieney rating is required. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. Promotions are limited to one 'rade excent in those crses where no intermedirte grade has been ostabilshed. c. if' ter considerinp, all the faCtors indicated above, the recommendinq and enProving al,thorities Will use the followinrY table as Rilide in determininr, aPPropritte tire in glr'de for promotion purposes: .??????????. ??? ??? ???????.... ? Gamma ??????? ?.? ?????..??????? am* ????????? dm. ??? ma ? a ? ???????????. ??? ????? ??????????????? ??????????.... 0.6.. ? ? ? '? ? ? ? ????????? ? CAF CPC rime In Grade 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 months 3 3 3 ...______ _.._-4_ . 5 4 5 1 6 _5 6 6 months 7 6 7 8 7 8 8 9 9 months. 10 3 9 10 12 months h. 11 ' ? 15 mon.tlls: , 5 12. 18 months . 6 . 1 . ????. tame ......... ????? as ?????????? . ? ????????? ? ? ? a ??? ..... a.... ? ?. . .... ? ? ....? ? ? . ????? a .. a...a. amta.??????? ????.. mamma. ???????...????? a ? ???? ?? ...a . a ? ...... ??????. ........... ??? . 1 mo ff..nth..a. a...a ????? a ? ...... a.. ......? ??? . 2s .m._ h ? , ...._........._2_,.....___................................, ......_3-A...?.........__.,......_........................._..... 2.4 grit . ..s...............? ... ????...? ? ,00.1 5. Intra-Agencz_Cransfer a. Employees rny not seek reassimment wit' in CIA withont the prior written aPproval of the Uhief, ''ersesnnel lranch,'or his Puthorizer'' reprosenbative. -uch ap,r,-val will b se unon the recommendation of the appropriate Assistant -irector or ,Staff. Chief. b. Supervisory personnel'moy.not interview or Seek the transfer of personnel wi'4-lout written approval described in 5a above. 6. Lpointrent Processinv Procedures a. ;le fo2lowin,-* procedunes aro esbal-lished for the processing of individu-is for employment within CIA (1) Issistant Directors and otaff Jhifs will transmit Recruitment equest Form ia. 37- in duplicrte to the Pe-rsonnel Errnch rs reovisitions '(:) fill authorized vacancies and forward Personnel lotion Rec.uest Form 1s.o. 37-3 in cuadruplicete to the Pers(nnel Branch as requisitions for. actual employment of an individual selec%ed. In order to commence security clepranCe, personnel actions may be submitted against positions rlrcad:, filled, providing the office concerned informs bhe Personnel l'ranch on the 37-3 that the ,resent incuLbent is wcating the position and the approximete date thPt the position will become vr.cant. elease,200109/04 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (2)1. ST,,R,ICTED Forms Uo. ersonal History StTtement Forms 3C-1 will etained by the personnel ;ranch ?nd will be forwarded to a 'nroprinte offices within CIA. If interested, the office wi71 indicAtc to the Personnel Branch the nostiew to 1 1-ioh the in'lividual 11'1 l'es nosigned. Final selection or rejection, above grnde OAF-5, win rest wit the appropriate Assistant Director or S'aff Chief. However, the Chiefl,Personnel Dr,Anch will refer to the Executive for A&M any rejection ease which he believes is not warranted. b. Fin71 authority for the.sclection ?And assi3nrent of emnloyees in 17 tdo CAF-5, vulva:lent grades nnd wage rates and below, rests with he Chief, Personnel 2r-nch nd consequently such cases are rot referred to Assistant Directors or Staff Chiefs for action. c. All persornel azsignments lre subject to the Securit7 annroval of the Executive for I & S. Unon the rece:nt of Form No. 37-3, the -'crsonnof Branch will ma14:e an offer of omnloyment to the individual concernud, subject to satisfactory security clearance, and u-lon indicated accentance rill initiate action for security clearAnce. Under no circumstAnces will oithcr grade or salary be snecifically included in the offer; The T'crsornel Dranch will notf the office concerned of the failure of individuals to receive, secyrity clarance and will -bah: annronriate octior to inform the in'ividual of his rejection. The Lx(cvtive for xhairistr tion and innagcment, or the Chief, Pusonnel .7ranch, Ti71 cent .ct all individuals (including IAC personnel) relative to cntr-nce on duty. Individuals assigned to ersornel pools till be instructod to rcnort for duty in the various offices by the Chief, F(rsonnel Branch, follot,ing security clearance. Each ,individual, including assigned IAC personnel, reporting for duty v.ill -present to the anpronriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief e written notice form the Chief, Personnel Franch, stating that such individual hs been fully cleared and .is ssigned for duty.- .A cony of this notice will be furnished the 'Executive for Insncction and Security. In extraordinary circumstanccs. the Executive for AdministrAion.and Hanagorent may give verbal authorization for entrance on duty after assuring himself thlt all required nroccssing has been comnleted. No individual will he accented for duty without such notice. Prorotion ,Proc,ssina. Procedures liNtbar a. Assistant Direckowi..?EkChiefs rill forward Form 37-3 to the Personnel Brtmch, co 10 iilent information to indicate com- pliance with the policies defined in naragr:-.nli 4 above. :ApprOvedbr iplease 2091/09/04 : CIA-RDP81700728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. ,,ReOlcsts;froth field .statiens for nromotion,rnd.nromotion CaSCS ?'.hich include roas$ignment:mrst be accoPnanied 1-y an emnloyee-nro7 nared nositior description vhich outlines the duties nd resnonoibilitios of the higher grade together 1..ith the roMarks nd ccAification of the immediate sunervisOr. Th b position doserintion sh,Duld include: (3) An original, objective, concrete and factua? word nicture of; the job being nerforthed.. Tho dogma of difficulty And reslonsillility inherent in the position. The nature -.nd extent of'sunvision and of indenendert judgments and decisions exercised by the incumbent. c. After review of all factors by the Personnel Drllch -Ironer disposition of the case ill c made. 8. .alar' AdMinistron Regular full-tithe cmnloyces and toMnorary employcos of CIA with .a regular tour of duty corrensRted on a rex annum basis will be 'aid in arcordance with the follovin nolicY: a. rntrance on DIAIISqlay (1) Yew anpointments will bo made it the base salary of the grnde. (Transfers, nrootions, denotions, reerployment, .and reinstatements ore not now anpointments within the meaning of this regulation.) (2) 11).ployees appointed ,'y transfer, reinstatement or rcomnloyment to a. nosition of the same grdo, ill bo ncrmit- ted to retain neriodic nay increases nroviously received. Employces anPointed by transfer, reinstatement, or reemployment to a positior a lower grade tl-an Dist held win receive s,aaries fixed to allow credit townrd within-grpdo prorotions for all service in 3pnointmentgrado and higher grades. Dptcrminin S lr!rt Caso'of Promotion (3,). employee is remoted to n hif7,her grade, he must be comnons tcd at the base of the p-ado if the entrance salary exceeds an7.he hs nroviously earned in the Federal Service. (3) (2) 1JhGn an emn:loyco :ho has nreitiously, received a change to a lower gr de is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to a1l.w credit toTT.rd_vithin-grade nromotion for all 'TCVi01.1.9 service in the grade to which he is being promoted or .for service in an7 hi her grades. -6- proved For RLease 2Cf01/66/04 : CIA-RDP,81-00728R000100010005-8 4 a .?Sauda4A.,4112-` a&6i Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 kES.RicTEP c. Dctcrmining....SA.a_y_t. Change to Lower Grade (1) To detcrmins salary in case of n change to lower gindo, the emnloyee given credit for all servico previously performed in the lower grade and in any higher grade's previously' held. W Excontionsi The policy outlined above does not apply in the following typo of cases: ( a ) Emn12yoos who hlve earned meritorious 2gy inc. An employee who has been given a 'within-grade pay increase because of esnedially meritorious service or as a,reuard for superior accomplishment will, at the time he is demoted, bo permitted to retain one step for each such advancement. Change to ;over gro0c to apcsrt_21.2brltional point- ment. If iriie change to a lower grade is due, to employee's desire to accent probationai appointment, he Till be compcnsated at the step in the lower grade which is nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary in the high,r grdo. . ? Chonge to loixr rade for disci Iin:iry_reqs2na If the employee is changed to a lower grade for disciplinary reasons, his salary rate will be set at the base of the grade to Phich he is demoted, in the absence of snocific nrovision to the contrary. nthin-Grlde Promotions a. An'employee'occupying a classified position nay be idvanced to the next higher 'r to within his grade, provided that he has twelve months of service for grades P-3, CAF-10 and below or hs eighteen months service for grades P-4, CAF-11 and above. In addition, the employee must have a current efficiency rating of "Good" or better. b. The Chief, Personnel Branch, is responsible for keeping records to determine rhon employees are elikible for within-grade promotions. Prior to the actual salary increase, the Chief, Personnel Branch, will send rating Form No. 37-105 to the employee's immedite svpervisor for certifi- cation th.t the employee's conduct is satisfactory. Determination will also be made that the efficiency rating is appropriate. c. Provisions exist for the d.dvancemont by sten promotions for personnel occupying -ositions not subject to the provisions of the Classification Act. 10. Assignment of IAC Detailed Personnel a. It shall be the responsibility of the receiving Office or Staff Section to initiate ;:t complokWiwiy74,kn all assigned IAC personnel nall(1%.113/ pr? for 1?ae,:20G1 1,69164 : CIA-RET8170678R00600010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 prior to entrance on duty. The 37-3 (3 copies) sh.q1 be accompmied Personal 4iStory St%teMent (2 copies). b. The Pcxbonnol Dranch ;ill initiate request for security c. Scarltions and Intra,Agoney transfers of IAC personnel '.'ill be reported to Personnel Pronch by Form 37-3, initiated by the appropriate office. 11. Termination a. Offices and Staff Sections lin complete Form Do. 37-3 for employees under their 3urisd3ction vho have submitted resignations, stntipg the roa.son therefor, together with -my explanation or suggestion which mry help to 'revent the loss of the omoloyco, vnd forward the completed form to the Chief, Personnel DnInch, at lost two weeks in ndvmee of the separation detc. Upon recoil-A of Form Mo. 37-3, the Personnel Dr-lich, after pre-exit interview, in instances in which the employe still wishes to resign, will pronaro Cloarcnce Form No. 34-30 indicting .thereon the routing to be followed for clearance. 12. Special personnel policies and nrocedures for Personnel paid from unvouchered funds are covered by,Sephrate ihstructions. Whore loractrbable the policies stated in this Ihetruction.will govern. STATINTL R. H.' HILLENKCETTER Rear Admiral, U3N 'Director of Central Intalimace DISTRIBUTION: Approved For leae,2ppi./p9/64:. clk-FDP,81700728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 0 ONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D. C. ADIINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION 25X1A i NO. 25X1A 25X1A SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures RESCISSIONS: Administrative Administrative Administrative REFSRENCE1 General Order . General Polia 2 December 190. Ins tructio dated 17 August 1948- Instructio sated 25 March 1947 dated 11 August 1949'. Instructio: (Revised dated 5 October 19)49' a. Authority is delegated by approved statements of functional responsibilities, separate specific dJlegations, and this Instruction to the Agency officials listed below to take implementing action on personnel actions recommended by Assistant Directors and Staff Cliicifs (appointment, employ- ment, classification and reclassification of positions, pro- motion, demotion, transfer, and separation of individuals) for the Directors Executive Deputy Executive Personnel Director Chief, Administrative Staff Chief, Personnel Division, Chief, Special Support Sta Chief, Employees Division, Designated subordinates of Administrative Staff ff Special Support Staff the above listed officials b. Officials and employees not listed above should not discuss personnel potions with individuals to Whom such actions will apply without prior clearance from the appropriate offi- cial listed above. Such clearance will in no case include authorization to make commitments of any nature for actual employment or salary level. Violation of this policy may result in the immediate dismissal of the individual guilty of the violation. c. No appointment in or promotion tn grades GS-16 and above will be made without the prior approval of the Director. personally. -RDPM,700728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R0001000,10005-8 CONFIDENTIAL 2. Prosolyting a. Officials and employees of this Agency, including thou listed in paragraph la above, are prohibited from discussing em- ployment possibilities with any emplOyee Of any other governmunt agency or employees of the Congress without the presuntation of a written release for such discussion from the employing agency of the individual concerned. b. The policy stated in paragraph 2a above will also apply to intra-agency transfers between Officus and Staff Sections, except in connection with the application of Agency career management policies by authorized officials listed in paragraph la above. C. It is expected that other government agencies will observe a reciprocal non-proselyting policy in dealing with CIA employees. Such employees who obtnin employment with other government agencies without obtaining prior release may be required to resign in order to accept such employment. d. In connection with the above, there is no objection to the officials listed in naragraph la above contacting any other agency, when desired by Assistant Directors or Staff Chiefs, to ascertain whether a specific individual can be made availabl.:.. for employment by CI!, and, if no objection is made, to arrange for appropriate interviews and security checks within CIA prior to actual separa- tion of such individual from his current employment. 3. Definitions a. Thu jurisdiction of each of the Personnel Staffs of CP. is defined in published statements of functional responsibility. In order to avoid duplication of instructions the term ",orsonnul Divisions" as used herein will pertain to each of the following activities to the extent of its published functions, unless other- wise stated: Personnel Division, Administrative Staff Employees Division, Special Support Staff b. IAC personnel arc those individuals detailed for duty with CI:, from the State Department or the Department of Defense'. c. Departmental Service includes all positions in the huad- quarters or central, office of the AgenCy. 4i0P8l-00728R000100010Q05-8 a 0 11 F I l) 3 T L ? ? ?? Approved For RereTirliZ1760701 :TM:RC/PM -00728R000100010005-8 219Arios Ll inquirios uithur writtun or vorbal, from thu Whito Housu, mmbors of thi Congress, or Committuus of national political nartios nny individual or activity of this Aguncy will buA.mmudi- atuly ruforrod to thu Gunoral Counsul for action and pruparation of roply. Tho GonJral Comm' is rosponSiblu for adoquato coordination in (inch casu prior to pruparation of ruply. 5. Gunoral ttosponsibilitios of Porsonnul Divisions - 0 up OM.. 0.0 a. ? I. ???????????? ??? maw. Undur thu policy guidancu of thu Porsonhul DiroCtor and thu diruct supurvisiOn of thu Chtufs Of the :.dministrativo.and Spucial Support Staffs, thu Pursonnol Divisions aro rusponsiblo fort a. Pro curumunt, placumont, procussing, appointmont, promotion, dumotion, within-grad o advancos, susponsion, and tormination of individual omployuos, to moot thu ,statod ruquiromonts or rucom7 mundations of /..ssistant DiructOrs and Staff Chiufs concornod, or mandatory provisions nf law and govornmunt rugulations. b. :.ssisting thu Pursonnol Diructor to ostablish qualifica- tion standards for all positions. c. nocommonding position classification for all positions to thu Pursonnul Diroctor. d. ssistin thu Porsonnul Diroctor to ustablish salary admin- istration, officioncy rating and caroor managomunt programs, and for carrying out such programs whon ustablishod. o. Maintaining a currunt rocord of authorizud vacancios and approvud nrocuromunt ruquosts against such vacancius. f. Establiuhing pursonnul nrocurumont prioritios. C, Maintaining continual contacts with potontial.pursonnol nrocuromont sourcus. h. Icclusivu liaison with thu I&S Staff (oxcupt by thu Exocu- tivo or Pursonnol Diructor) rolatiro to pursonnul sucurity chocks and cluarancos. il ruquosts for initiation of and information rolative to status of pursonnol sucurity chucks and cluarancos will bu channelud through thu Pursonnul Divisions. i. Establishing pursonnol training nrograms within spucifi- cally authorized limitations. j. Establishing and maintaining rotontion rugistors for roduction-in-forco procudurus. k. Taking Laplumonting action on all disciplinary actions which aro rocommundod in writing by ,lasistant Diroctors and Staff Chiufs. 0 ONPIDENTIL L tts....V.V40,141.1.0t1 1,,neoewsicaocem. . se 0100km :CIA,RDP8t-66728R000100010005-8' Approved For 14eldiek 20111/02/042 GIAIRDP81g10728R000100010005-8 ????????????????????????????????? 1. (1) Taking impl.menting action on rocomindod pursonnol actions involving (..;radus 38-12 and bc:loy', excipt whun tiler? aro Unresolved disagru ements with .:,scistant Diructors or Staff Chiufs concernu'd. . (2) Rucomidending. throur:,h the Pursonnul :DiruCtor to the ocutivu action on pursopnul actions involving gradus 38-13 and abova. (Sou Oragraph Ic re actions involving L;rades GS-16 and above. Thu Exocutiva Will mako MC0111111C.Inda-! tions to thJ Director in uach such caso.) (3) Referring allporsonnul actions through the Furs annul Diructor to thu Exucutivu whero there is unroSolved disagruu- meht with the ixsistant Diruntor or Staff Chiuf concernud. Mudicn1 Standards Initial appointment or roassignmant to n11 positions aro sub- juct to established mudical standards. Inasmuch as thu signing of a medical vaivur by an individual doas not relievu thu govurnment of its liability unciar thu rogulations of the Employuus Compunsation Commission, no waivers of physical raquiruments will ba granted. 7 Ilurit and Qualifications of Individurls a. Thu basis for all nursonnel actions in thu _guncy will ba individual qualifications and relativu merit. Porsonal considur- ations, family relationshins, favoritism, and uxt2rnal prussurus or considerations will not be nermitted to influuncu such actions. -ssistant Directors, Staff Chiefs, and uach of the officials listed in naragranh 1 abovu nru nursonally chargud with insuring that this policy is uffectively uxurcisud throughout the ..gency. b. DJ-termination of relative murit and qualifications will ba basud on dJmonstratad ability, personal industry, intugrity; loyalty, length of sorvice, general efficiency, and background of experiencuand education, in comparison with other applicants and employuus in similar fluids and grados. c. Supervisory pursonnul at al lavels must becoxiu thoroughly familiar with personnel under thuir jurisdiction to insuru the just and objuctivo admtnistration of this policy. 8. Initiation of Personnel ,Ictions a.:.ssistant Directors and StaffS Chiefs are rasponsible for thu initiation of nursonnul actions on individuals under thuir jurisdiction and for thu routing of such actions to the apnropriatu Pursonnul Division. Thuy may dusignatu such C L 4 0A-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For ReleaseC209114011/04 :Icifk-IFfDE48/-9P78R000100010005-8 individuals within their organizations as may be considered desirable to sign and forward such actions. The names of individuals Se designated, and any changes in such designa? tions, will be communicated in Writing to the appropriate Personnel Division. b. Each personnel action requiring action by the Executive will be signed personally by the Assistant Director or Staff Chief'conCerned. 9. Itplatione with the Civil Service Commission a. The Classification Act of 1949 exempts the CIA from Its provisions. Our personnel program, including position classification, appointment, promotion, etc., is carried out within the Agency without prior Civil Service Commission review. The Director has signed a written agreement with the Civil Service Commission to adhere strictly to the provisions of the Classification Act in administering the Agency personnel program. The Civil Service Commission also has agreed to provide advice and guidance whenever called upon to do so. b. The supervisory and review functions previously exercised by the Civil Service Commission have been delegated to the Personnel Director and his Staff for all Agency personnel matters, regardless of their security classification. 10. Appointment Policies and Procedures a. Positions are filled by direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Commission, but in accordance with established Civil Service procedure. b. Tho following policy is established for effecting appointments to fill vacant positions: (1) An individual without prior Government service will be carried in a trial period status for the first full year. (2) An individual with prior Government service who has served under war service or excepted appointments will bo required to serve the first six months in a trial period status. (3) An individual with Civil Service status will be appointed by transfer or reinstatement without any time limitation or trial period. ?57 CONFIDENTIAL FOr,1461eaee'r2091409/ 4.: CIA-RD1581-0072814000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 p .1,1 ILI DINT I,A L c. During the trial period an employee will receive the special attention and instruction required to acquaint him with his duties and to develop his ability to perform his work in the most satisfactory manner. After a fair and full trial period an employee will be terminated if his services do not meet Agency standards. An employee with veterans' prefer- ence or Civil Service status will be accorded all rights and privileges granted him under the Veterans Preference Act of 1944, as amended, and Civil Service rules and regulations.. (These privileges are subject to special final authority granted to the Director by tho National Security Act of 1947.) Under certain conditioizs, it is possible for employees to achieve permanent Civil Service status while serving in this Agency. The Standard Civil Service regulations will be followed in each instance, after initial clearance has been received from the Porsonnol,Relations Branch, Personnel Division. d. The following procedures are established for processing individuals for employment within CIA: (1) Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall transmit Recruitment Requests in tho original and three copies to tho Personnel Division as requisitions ?to fill authorized vacancies. A Personnel Action Request (Form No. 37-3 or 37-1) in quadruplicate shall bo forwarded to the Personnel Division as a requisition for actual omploymont of an 'individual. In order to initiate security clearance a Personnel Action Request may be submitted against a position currently filled,, providing the office concerned informs tho Personnel Division on the form of the approximate date ? that the present incumbent will vacate the position. (2) An Application for Employment and a Personal History ? Statement will be obtained by the Personnel Division and forwarded with a Referral Shoot to the appropriate office. After careful review, tho filo will be returned to the Personnel Office with request for personnel action or reason for rejection. ? (a) Final selection or rejection of applicants for positions above grade GS-5 ot equivalent shall normally rest with, the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief, subject to qualifications review by tho Personnel Divisions. The Personnel Chiefs may refer to the Executive through tho Personnel Director, acceptance or rejection cases which theY believe are not warranted. (b) Final authority for the selection and assignment Of an employee in grade GS-5 or equivalent and below, shall rest with the Chiefs, Personnel Divisions. -6- CONFIDENTIAL Approved For lelease 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 C ONFIDENTIAL (c) All assignmonts aro subject to tho security approval of tho Inspection and Security Staff. (3) Upon tho rocoipt of a Porsonnol Action Bequest tho Personnel Division will mako an offer of employment to tho individual concornod (subject to satisfactory- security eloaranee), and upon indicated acceptance will initiato action for security clearance. (4) The Personnel Division will notify the office concerned of the flailuro of an individual to rocoivo security clearance and will take appropriate action to inform tho individual of his rejection. (5) Tho Porsonnol Chiofs will contact each individual (including detailed IAC personnel) rolativo to entrance on duty. An individual assigned to a porsonnol pool will be instructed to roport to duty by the Personnel Division, following security clearance. Each individual (including dotailod TLC porsonnol) roporting for duty will prosont to the appropriato Assistant Director or Staff Chief ?a written notico from the Personnol Division stating that ho has boon fully cleared and assigned for duty. A copy of this notice will bo furnished tho Inspection and Security Staff by tho Personnel Division. In extraordinary circum- stances the Executive or the Personnel Diroetor may give verbal authorization for entrance on duty after assuring that all required processing has boon eomplotod, No indi- vidual will be accepted for duty unless one of the above provisions has boon mot. 11. Promotion Policies and Procedures a. An employee may bo promoted to a highor grade subject to: (1) Existence of a suitablo vacancy. (2) Complete qualifications of tho individual for the vacancy. (3) Completion of 90 day detail period to position GS-71 or, above. Incumbents of positions lower than GS-7 must have assumed the duties of the position to which they are being promoted. Prior to the time of detail they must meet testing requirements and qualification standards for ? the recommended position. No employee shall be detailed to a position allocated higher than one grade above the position which he currently occupies. These stipulations do not constitute a barrier to promotion of an individual whose position has been reclpssified to a higher grade. -7- C ONFIDENTIAL , ,?. j3ptthie#, fcfr- ,ReleAse 001'10/04 dA-RpP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Relea6e0210110091/011 :EClifk-DIP8.111-01,0728R0901 00010005-8 ..(4) Submission Of a Personnel Action Roquest to the Personnel Division indicating .the' exact position and the date the employee is detailed in order that ho may, reepive credit for tho detail period. The form mus indicate the allocated position that will bo, occupied. (5) Evidence of an efficioncy rating as follows; (a) GS-4, equivalent, and below Good or bettor for six months preceding Promotion. ? (p) GS-5 through GS13 or equivalent - Very Good or Excellent' for six months PrOceding promotion. ? (c). GS-14:and above Excellent for one year preceding promotion. b. Promotions aro limited to ono grado except in cases whoro no intormediato grades have boon rocognizod. ep lifter considoring all tho factors indicated above, tho recommending and approving authorities will use tho following table as a guide in determining appropriate time in grade for promotion purposos: IIMNIMIIMINIM???????????????????111.1?111??????????? GS ??????????????= ' ? CPC Timo in Grade 1 ? 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 months 4 ? 5 5 6 6 months 6 7 8 9 . 10 7 9 10 9 Months 111.011=1.1.11IIIMIMMEMB . 12 months 15 months- 18. months . 21 months Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL, d. .Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall forward to tho Personnel Division a Porsonnol Action Request contain- ing sufficient information to indicate compliance with tho policies defined in paragraph Q above. o. .A request from a field station for a promotion must be accompanied by a Position Description prepared by tho employee, which outlines tho duties and responsibilities being performed, together with remarks and certification of tho immodiato superior. In the case of a proposed position in tho field sorvico the description will be pToparod by the indi- vidual who is most familiar with tho duties and responsibilities to be performed. Tho doscription must include: (1) Factual description of the work being porformed. (2) A statement of degree of difficulty and responsi- bility inherent in the position. (3) An account of tho nature and oxtont of supervision, independent judgment and decisions exorcised by tho incum- bont. f. Upon receipt of a roquost for a promotion in tho depart- mental service the Personnel Division will audit tho position involved in order to dotormino tho lovol of difficulty, rosponsi- bility, and grado at which tho individual is performing to ascertain whether ho should rocoivo a promotion. g. An omployoe occupying a classified position will be advanced to tho noxt higher stop within his grado, providing that ho has 52 wooks of service without an equivalent increase in pay for grades GS-10 and below or 78 wooks service for grafts GS-11 and above. In addition tho employee must havo a current officioncy rating of Good or bettor and a satisfactory conduct report. 12. Intra-Aaoncy_Transfor Policy A Porsonnol Action Request for intra-agoncy transfer will be prepared by the office to which tho omployoo is being transferred. The Personnol Division will coordinate with the MS Staff whore appropriate. 13. Assimment of IAC Personnel a. It shall be tho rosponsibility of the receiving office to initiate 4 complotod Personnel Action Requout on all IAC personnel (including citation of tho allocated position). b. Tho Personnel Division will initiate a reqUost for socilaity cloarancoe: CONFIDENTIAL 0,1ease .:2901.09/94 CIA-ROP41-09728R000100010005-8 ? i Approved For irri? F01119f41,f ,,l1t-Rplt31-0072-8R000100010005-8 ????????????????????*.m.e. c. Upon receipt of socurity clearance tho individual will be called to duty by the., Porsonnol Division and ,Will be assigned to the roquosting offico. d. IAC personnel will not be allowed to work in restricted buildings until they are given a statement by the Porsonnol Division certifying that all provisions for assignMOnt have boon mot. o. Separations and intra-agoncy transfers shall be reported to tho Personnel Division on Porsonnol Action Request in tripli- cate, initiated:by tho apprOpriate_offico. The Personnel Divi- sion will coordinato:with tho I&S Staff whore appropriato. 14. ?alarYAdMinistration a. Regular full-time omployeos and temporary oMployOos of tho AgOncy with a regular tour of duty compensated on a par annum basis will bo paid in accordance with thO following policy: (1) Entranco on Duty Salary (a) Now appointments will bo made at tho baso salary of tho grade. (Transfors, promotions, &motions, re-employment, and roinstatomonts are net now appoint- ments within tho moaning of the requirement.) (b) Employees appointed by transfer, reinstate- ment or ro-employmont to a position of tho same grade will be permitted to rotain periodic pay increases proviously. roceivod. (c) Employees appointed by transfor, roinstate- mcnt, or ro-omploymont to a position in a lower grade than last hold will receive salaries fixod to allow, credit toward within-grade promotions for all service in appointmont grade and higher grados. (2) Determining Salar in Case of Promotion (a) When an omployoo is promoted to a.highor grado position he will be compensated at the lowost rato of such higher grade which oxcoodshis existing rato.of compensation by not loss than ono-stop increase of tho grade from which promoted. (b) When an employee who has previously rocoivod a change to a lower grade is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to allow credit toward within-grade promotion for all previous servico in the grade to which ho is being promoted or for service in any higher grades. -10- C ONFIDENTIAL elease 200,1109/04.: c1AlliP81-0,0728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release ipp/019/84 TANTL-007281i000100010005-8 (3) Dotormining Salarl in Caso of Chanoto Lower Grade (a) To determine salary in case of a change to lowor grade, tho employee may be given credit for all service previously performed in the lower grado and in any higher grades previously hold. If tho employee's salary in tho lower grado is within a ono-stop range of his former rate ho will be compensated at tho stop in the lower grade which is nearest his present salary. (b) Exceptions: Tho policy outlinod above docs not apply in tho following typos of cases: 1. Employees who have earned meritorious pay increases. An employee who has boon given a within-grade pay increase because of especially meritorious sorvico or as a reward for suporior accomplishment will bo pormittod at tho time ho is demoted to retain one stop for each such advance- moat, 2. Employoos who chango to lowor grades to accept probational appointment. If the change to a lower grade is duo to employee's desire to accept probational appointment, he will bo compen- sated at tho stop in tho lowor grade which is nearest (but not in excess of) tho present salary in the higher grade. 2. Employoos who wore changed to lower grados for disciplinary reasons. If the employee is changed to a lowor grade for disciplinary roasono, his salary rate will be sot at tho base of tho grade to which ho is demoted in the absence of specific provision to the contrary. b. Tho salary policy now in effect for classified employees also will apply to ungraded employees with respect to: (1) entrance on duty, (2) promotion, (3) change to lower grade, (4) probational appointment, and (5) disciplinary action. Tho term "stop increase" will be usod for ungraded positions in lieu of "periodic pay incrcaso" for classified positions. (1) An omployoo transferring from a classified position to an ungraded position will do so without loss in salary unless his classified salary was above the top stop of tho ungraded job to which ho is being assignod. (2) An ungraded omployee who receives a conduct and efficiency report of Satisfactory or higher will rocoive a stop increase after the first six months of ungraded -11- CONFIDENTIAL ? t. , oVpdfOri4eleeee .9,01/6,*9,047;pt ,RDP8,1790728R000100019005-8 Approved ForReleasei 200j/00494i IALR971T-00,72A81?00100010005-q LJ-u - ?11?WII*01?11NOS .Sorvice and,annually thereafter until the top stop has boon roachod. Tho salary for employees transferring botwoOn graded and ungraded positions will be determined after considering tho. Waiting period olapsod and Whether or not an oquivalont increase is involVod. (3) An employee in an ungradod position will have an opportunity to oarn.stop,incroasOs as a result of marl- torious sorvico and Suporior accompliahmonts. 15. CLE2941anagomont a. The caroor managomont program of the Agency is designed to provide from within: (1) A source of woll qualified individuals to fill vacancies as they occur. (2) A system whereby individuals may qualify and bo promoted to more responsible positions through training and dovolopmont within the Agency. b. It is Agency policy that vacancios will bo filled by the best qualified employee available within the Agency. Tho basic considorations for promotion will bo provon ability and morito 16. Porsonnol Status.18D2LIE a. AssiStant Diroctors and Staff Chief's shall submit to the Personnel Division a Porsonnol Information Report (Form No. .37-6) With copy to.I&S Staff When an omploydo: (1) Changes hi S namo, home or office address, or home or office telephone number,. ? (2) Is separated from the Agency by transfer, resigna- tion, or ontors the military service from civilian employ- mont. b. In addition to the above a Personnel Status Report (Form No. 38-7) shall be submitted following any change in an employools marital status. Tho original of the form will bo routed to tho Porsonnol Division and a copy to tho Ohiof, I&S Staff. 17, Termination and Final Clearance' a. Each employee will obtain zloaran,,, prior to final pay- ment. Clearance will be obtained on a Final Payment Cloaranco Shoot (Form No. 34-30) whon an employoo is being terminatod, leaving for overseas duty, granted loavo without pay for a poriod in excess of 60 calendar days, or being transferred to -12- C ONFIDENTIAL ase 20O1I09I04:::.91A-141DP8l -09728R000i1 0001 0005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL or from confidential fund status. b. Tho Personnel Division will be notifiod by Porsonnol Action Request at loast one wook prior to tho offoctivo date of tho roquest. Upon rOcoipt of tho Personnel Action Request tho Personnel Divisions will make necessary arrangomonts for an exit interview and for final clearance, will direct tho employee to tho Inspection and Socurity Staff for security clearance,. and will than obtain tho additional required cloarancO by tolophono, obtain tho employee's signature, and diroct the omployoo to deliver tho form to tho applicable payro:1 off ice, When tho employed is unavailable all action indicated will be taken except procurement of tho omployoots signaturo. 25X1A c. Tho Chiof of a field office will: (1) Do-brief tho employee and secure all identifica- tion or credentials issued by CIA. (2) On the Final Payment Clearance Shoot conploto cortification blocks "offico to which assigned" and "Security Branch". .(3) Obtain onployoe! s signature and forwarding address. (4) Forward the form to the Personnel Division through ostablishod channels, 18. Those rogulations will govern generally all porsonnol actions of this Agoncy, both overt and covert, and will be applied to the fullest possible extent in carrying out specific provisions of Confi- dential Funds Regulations covering covert porsonnol actions. . HILLENKOETTER Roar Admiral, USN Director of Central Intelligence DISTRIBUTION: TO PROM k41 m mo ron 'Approve4 For ?ke163e2001 tilial 1-00728R000190010005-8 STATI NTL ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ce Mernorandu Exeoutive : Management Officer SUBJECT: DATE: 20 October 1949 1. This Administrative Instruction is a rewrite of present instructions by the Personnel Director. Major additions ares a Inclusion of paragraph on career management. (Page 9) b. Tightening of instructions regarding assignment of IAC personnel. (Page 7) c. Change in grade level from CAF-5 to CAF-7 for ..,---lit direct assignment by Personnel without reference to office concerned. (Page 4) 2. This Office concurs with the above changes. Authorization for Personnel to make assignment to include grade CAF-7 without reference to the office concerned is sound in principle. All assign- ments are made on the basis of specific requisitions and are based on position descriptions which have been mutually agreed on. In (practice, however, it has been found that offices are not thoroughly satisfied with the present direct assignment of CAF-5 and below. These facts are brought to your attention as it is not felt the Management Officer has authority to make final decision in the matter. t4-1". 3. At the suggestion of this Office, the Instruction has been rearranged to group like subjects such as Promotion Policies and Pro- cedurea, Appointment Policies and Procedures, etc. The previous Instruction contained these related subjects in widely scattered paragraphs. Se .206109101 ipoRDPi -00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 signature and direct the employee to deliver the form to the applicable payroll Office of the Budget Office. When the employee is unavailable all action indicated will be taken except procurement of the employee's signature. c. The CIA Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment and the Naval Administrative OomMeind will take similar action in the case of military personnel. e. The Chief of a field office will: (1) De-brief the employee.. (2) Complete certification blocks "office to 'which assigned" and "Security Branch", (3) Obtain employee's signature and forwarding address. (4) Forward the form to the Personnel Office through 943-tabli-siled?chalmfal-s ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION NO. 111111subl; Personnel Policies and Procedures. ATI NTL a. a STATINTL ST TINT!: S1IATINTL i, S ATINTL S ATINTL S ATINTL f Approve ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS NO. SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures. RESCISSION Mini 1948 1. Responsibilities and Functions of the Personnel Officer. ive Instructioa datOd 17 August 'Xr ri 4sta 47'41% 7. a. The Personnel Officer only shall be directly responsible for performing the principal functions of the Agency with respect to procurement, placement, processing, position classification, salary administration, personnel relations and termination of employees. These personnel activities shall be performed by other offices only upon specific delegation by proper authority. b. The Personnel Office is responsible for: (1) Maintaining a current record of authorized vacancies and approved requisitions. (2) Establishing qualifications standards for all posi- tions in CIA. (3) Establishing priorities for recruitment on an agency- wide basis. (4) Maintaining constant contact with potential recruit- ment sources. ( 5 ) Contacting and negotiating with individual applicants for employment. However, no person employed within the Department of National Defense, Department of State, Atomic Energy Commission or other executive department or agency, " "CIA-j4DP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 or on a Congressional staff shall be interviewed or consid- ered for employment within tho Agency without a written notice of availability signed personally by the chief of the branch currently employing the person. No commitments relative to employment or salary will be made by other than the authorized personnel representative. There will be no discussion concerning, employment with this agency without prior clearance of the contact with the Personnel Office; -4-rkQ ' a .4b tt, IitrA-.4? 1 co Ast, (6) Requesting all personnel security clearances$761-t quests for information relative to personnel security clearances as well as the initiation of requests for person- nel security clearance will be6through the Personnel Office. thade (7) Approving finally all personnel actions for grades _sr F-;B,1 CAF-12 and below. Grades P=7, CAF-14 and above require the approval of the Executive or, in his absence, the Deputy Executive. (8) Determining and approving for the/kgency, service, series, grade and salary for all positions including classi- fied, ungraded, and consultant positions/,assuring uniform- ity of classification allocations throughout the agency. (CV. (9) Processing all personnel actions including appointments, intra-agency transfers promotions demotions, within-grade promotions and separations. The Personnel Officer only will terminate or suspend employees whenever, such acti is proved For ip,4se.*potiopiatv:,CIA-RpP81-097,28R000100010005-8 41 1 Approved Fr Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 - 3 ILLEGIB necessary and appropriate. (10) Establishing and operating a testing and training program to improve the selection and performance of employ- ees. (11) Establishing and maintaining retention registers for reduction in force procedures. (12) Providing a personnel relations program to protect and stimulate employee interest and to serve as a medium for management employee relationships,. 1AA-4,a( (13) .41guamiug-ae '--Isrofer ac knc rovisl/s trat.iv Su ject: Time, (Leave. (14) Reviewing and acting upon all disciplinary actionZ based upon written charges prepared by the operating office and signed by the Assistant Director or Staff Chief con- cerned. (11) Maintaining liaison with the Department of State and the imfiled-Forees fth- the purpose of administratively sup- porting detailed IA0 personnel. I hq (16) Provid$1 a comprehensive medical program to promote the health and physical well-being of employees. (17) MaintaiNconatant liaison with the Civil Service Com- mission on all matters requiring Civil Service approval. ...sur.11-940-eiterstrion-o.f?pciaLt?ions-p-efvf-ieleney-rwUlagsl-Arreve /1) -r- ??????(.104 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 -4- 2. Basis for P3rsonne1 Actions. a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for p=a;;entinrpersonnel actions affecting individuals under their M.& 6114;t4- 4- supervision, luazz-ar-e-rvut... u ti:sr.amy ev-k-Z.C.:"rt, ANN-LA:Xio Emphasis on relative mon oxtends hroughout all personnel matters, inclu curement, assignment to duty, promotions, X1.0,..y...n l.A..4,-. Itteve-cleteP* , witw. Merit shall be . assi gnments considered as including demonstrated ability, personal indus- try, integrity,. loyalty, comparative length of service, and comparative general efficiency. b. Supervisory personnel must become thoroughly familiar with the personnel under their jurisdiction and their utilization +ID t..,14 (, 0..,---,...Q. /W?,1,..., ',...'07.70,..4.1-1,e'N. rite".-4_, AA's , in order tiker67-44acy-44.11.1-reeergrri-ra-any-corrbrary--4endency-and 3. 2Q2em.L.4243 ,.....adair41 jazlisat_to ? . 1,,,, \l,"..rtiv.....c.....,.....,3 ' ----____________?........................--..........?.. CIA positions are filled under "Schedule A" authority by direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Commission, However, positions are filled in accord- ance with established Civil Service procedure. b. The following policy is established for effecting appoint- ments to fill vacant positions: (1) An individual without prior Government service will be Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 given an excepted appointment under "Schedule .416' and will be carried in a trial period status for the first full year. (2) An individual with prior Government service who has served under war service or excepted appointments will be given an excepted appointment under 'Schedule A" and will be required to serve the first six months in a trial period status. (3) An individual with Civil Service status will be ap- pointed by transfer or reinstatement without any time limita- tion or trial perile" During the trial period an employee will receive the special attention and instruction required to acquaint him with his duties and to develop his ability to perform his work in the most satisfactory manner. After a fair and full trial period/ an employee will be terminated if his services do not meet Agency standards. An employee with veterans preference or Civil Service status will be accorded all rights and privileges granted them under the Veterans Preference Act of 1944, as amended, and Civil Service rules and regulations. (These privileges are subject to special final authority granted to the Director by the National Security Act of 1947) gere-trioa-144, r-A-.4.,?4.Z:V1-.12iZdt.'2,3Z.,9.*::,4,-LA:in.',Z4A,60...*:.,4:;:::.:VZ Approved for Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP181)-001728R000100010005-8 "Y l'rautgasairatrouwailuoes. 4. The following procedures are established for processing A yeindividuals for employment within CIA: (1) Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall transmit rm No. 37-8 in the original and six copies to the Person- nel Office as a requ sition to fill an authorized vacancy. cLtiCtiy41 tttl,L,kc Fix,..4-110?,--1100.?6- quadr plicate shall be forwarded to the A Personnel Office as a requisition for actual employment of an individual. In order to initiate security clearance, a 31?ay bo ti.,!:r7L":; a position currently filled, providing the office concerned informs the Personnel Office ? on the Egii7ihe approximate date that the present incumbent y.10 -ir& vacate% the position. (2) Standard Form 57 and Form No. 38-1 will be obtained by the Personnel Office and forwarded with Form No. 37-9 to the appropriate office. If the office is interested, it will indicate to the Personnel Office the position to which the individual will be assigned. (a) Final selection or rejection of applicants for kr4 positions above grade CAF-5 matt equivalent maadec shall rest with the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief. However, the Personnel Officermay refer to the Executive any rejection case which he believes is not warranted. CilY.Pt1 !? :* ? eteas?/041 4413081j00728k0001 00019005-8 11, Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (b) Final authority for the selection and assignment of an employee in grade CAF-5 or equivalent and below', shall rest with the Personnel Officeffteul?za4meftttoMpay suWk-fterser-are'llG-t-4144404344-440,,tor,or St-eX-P?ctriti-efs?foi"-Exetion,. ) All4Personnel assignments are subject to the seourity approval of inspection and Security. , eLt1.'44 (3) Upon the receipt of I tr?Nov--647.?&, the Personnel Offico? will make an offer of employment to the individual concerned, (subject to satisfactoryeocurity clearance) and upon indi- , cated acceptance will initiate action for security clearance. (4) The Personnel Office will notify the office concerned of the failure of an individual to receive security clear- ance and will take appropriate action to inform the indi- vidual of his rejection. (5) The Executive or the Personnel Officer will contact each individual (including detailed IAC personnel) relative to entrance on duty. An individual assigned to a personnel pool will be instructed to report to duty by the Personnel Officer, following security clearance. Each individual (including IAC personnel) reporting for duty will present to the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief a wiit- ton notice from the Personnel Officer, stating that he has been fully, cleared and assigned for duty. A copy of this ase 2001/09/04: IA-RpP81-007,28R000100010905-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 ? CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 notice will be furnished Inspection and Security by the Personnel Office. In oxtraordiZary circumstances, the Executive may give verbal authorization for entrance on duty after assuring himself that all required processing has been completed. No individual will be accepted for duty unless one of the above provisions hasP been met. (6) The Personnel Office only shall request information directly from Inspection and Security concerning the status of the security clearance of a prospective employee. In- spection and Security shall not provide this information to any other office. All inquiries of this nature shall b directed to the Personnel Office. 4. Promotion Pc An employee may be prompted to a higher grade subject to: ?_ (1) Existence of a suitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualifications of the individual for the vacancy. (3) Completion of 90 day detail period to position CAF-7, P-2 or above. On lower grade position/employee must have assumed duties of position to which he is being promoted. Prior to the time of detail he must meet testing require- ments and qualification standards for the recommended posi- tion. No employee shall be detailed to a position allocated higher than one grade above the position which he pertoci currently occupies, and in no event shall the detail, exceed 180 days. These stiptkations do not constitute a barrier to promotion of an individual whose position has been re- classified to a higher grade. lrs) 194,401.4-rw,,At (4.12 (4) Submission of F7rnr-i967-.6*-& by the office concerned to the Personnel Office indicating the exact position and the date the employee is detailed in order that he may receive credit for the detail period. The must indicate the allocated position that will be occupied. 600d Evidence of a4opti-oi better, efficiency rAting for six A pprbbedirtoycReekunit 219iedigiNA4A.clitsime411-9974R2BotiOiraL5 ..equilralentliabrv_ Good, or r11 1i. 0110-m4l 4.rwbonA....^ Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. Promotions are limited to one grade except in a case where no intermediate grade has been recognized. 0. After considering all the factors indicated above, the recommending and approving authorities will use the foRowing table as a guide in determining appropriate time in grade for promotion purposes: 75? SP CAF 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 4 5 1 6 5 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 10 fEETTa Grade T.hi4e months S414 months Aliat months 3 10 4 ? 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 1.Ne ..atumve months ____Lcisiktsteen months 18 months 21 months .24 months '..-24"'42121242222221:22:111.4-2010X,0143-,eg. , . Assistant Directors and Stuff Chiefs shall forward to the " Personnel Officel,ilar.aa-Na Z.-Za. containing sUfficient informa- tion to indicate compliance with the policies defined in para- graph 4 above. at. A request from a field station for promotion must be ac- companied by a position description on Standard Form prepared by the employee, which outlines the duties and responsi- bilities being performed together with remarks and certifica- tionfl of the immediate superior. In case of a proposed position in the field service, the description will be prepared by the individual who is most familiar with the duties and v.k,a Approved For Release 2001/09164 : 411Aallrfil-00728R000100010005-8 -411P- responsibilities to be performed. The position description should include: (1) An objective, concrete and factual description of the work being performed. (2) A statement of degree of difficulty and responsibility ' inherenb in the position. (3) An account of the nature and extent of supervision, independent judgment and decisions exercised by the incum- bent. ti Upon receipt of a request for promotion in the departmental service, a job audit will be made in order to determine the level of difficulty, responsibility, and, thereby, the grade at which the individual is performing. _ . 1 . . An employee occupying a classified position will be advanced to the next higher step within his grade, provided that he has twelve months of service for grades P-3, CAF-10 and below or has eighteen months service for grades P-4, CAF-11 and above. L6-'' CArv"k wtet,' "A".'.----11. ""0-4.---4* "100.04?4t-??-e?A. A' J ) iLkr Ct h 44,14 0-.1 Intra-Agency Transfer Policy. An *employee shall not seek reassignment within CIA without the prior written approval of the Personnel Officer, or his authorized representative. Such approval will be based upon the recommendation of the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief. b. Supervisory personnel shall not interview or seek the trans- fer of personnel without the written approval described in 5a Approved .For Release 2001/09164: C argr00728R000100610005-8 responsibilities to be performed. The position description hould include: (1) An objective, concrete and factual description of the work being 'perftrmed. (2) A statement of degree of difficulty and responsibility inherent in the position. (3) An account of the nature and extent of supervision, independent judgment and decisions exercised by the incum- bent. Upon receipt of a request for promotion in the departmental service, a job audit will be made in 01.1er to determine the level of difficulty, responsibility, and, thereby, the grade at which the individual is performing. ?. An employee occupying a classified position will be advanced to the next higher step within his grade, provided that he has twelve months of service for grades P-3, CAF-10 and below or has eighteen months service for grades P-4, CAF-11 and above. L0-44`-4-4-C:1"(4. tti-A- -4-'1"---rL'o-4-4.-- -\41\A".`"-- 1 J 1 4 IL'Ae"'f"A 1 /\1441.' 6'31'1? r3 ,, o-.1.4). 4-o-Z1-0-1--0,---07-6-A--) Q.--4-4-4-LI" Axt- 71 Intra-Agency Transfer Policy. ? a. An employee shall not seek reassignment within CIA without the prior written approval of the Personnel Officer, or his authorized representative. Such approval will be based upon the recommendation of the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief. b. Supervisory personnel shall not interview or seek the trans- fer of personnel. without the written approval described in 5a above. , 7 -1"L'Lft 0: 1 ??:;" , te904-4" - - '. ? i.- ' , ? ? ? , 'I. ? ? . :'t? ? ? ,?? ?: ? ? ?-, - ? S,',.:.!,.:!!4, ?.,?' ? .?? - ,,,, t,7,,j)1,,,..,.,-,?,:".. i:,',..'; l'4;,?,'?[,',7, ?'",-? ,-4.,..--,-?,.'??,,,r,?,-- - - ,.. , ? -.?,..1,..? ',.1. ..,??":",-? 4 :. ! ; ?-,`-.' ,...?...,.. (..'., ,--;!?-',14iy, ,-..4," ? - ? . , ' ' ? ?".1-,'' ?:,.'?-'4'..''? - -', ' ''.4??*???;?;'[.4 '''"?,.'? ? ''''' ????',': t 4, -- - , ';'? '''',4?:,?, ? .",4",;''''.'''4, ..---,4-- '''', ?? - - , ...-0...:',.g(k. I. 41,..i..ttARE$Fal 00.72,8.R000.1.0001 00058......- . ... - ?,...??????+?????owntu.....m...,utr.rerlt. ? ? ? \(: I 1\(11111'11'1.1(*('14:jolli,iiieieaseizOototida.).1.1:81.tfzakojiooiioto)-I''' 't (,()Ni 11)1 NI i1\I 4 ) , Approved For Release,2001/09/0t.:. A RDP81430728R000140010005-8 !alarzIclainistration. Regular full-time employees and temporary employees of CIA With a regular tour of duty compensated On a per annum basis , will be paid in accordance with the following policy: (1) Entrance on Duty Salary Naw appointments Will be made at the base salary of the grade. (Transfers, promotions, demotions, re- employment,and reinstatements are not new appointments within the meaning of this requitement.) (b) Employees appointed by transfer, reinstatement or reomployment to a position of the same grade will be permitted to retain periodic pay increases previously reoeiyed. (e) Employees appointed by transfer, reinstatement or reemployment to a position in a lower grade than last hold will receive salaries fixed to allow credit toward within-grade promotions for all service in ap- pointment grade and higher grades. (2) Determining Salary in Case of Promotion (a) Vhen an employee is promoted to a higher grade position, he must be compensated at the base of the grade if the entrance salary exceeds any he has prev- iously earned in the Federal Service. (b) When an employee who has previously received a change to a dower grade is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to allow credit toward within-grade promotion for all previous service in the grade to which he is being promoted or for service in any higher grades. (3) Determining Salary in Case of Change to Lower Grade (a) To determine salary in case of a change to lower grade, the employee tay be given credit for all ser- vice previously performed in the lower grade and in any higher grades previously held. (b) Exceptions: The policy outlined above does not : Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 .? Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 I ftbu 0.00,011e apply in the fdaowing typos of capes: (i) EnAgees who lave earned moritoriou increases. An employee who has boon given a within-grade pay increase because of especially meritorious service or as a reward for superior accomplishment will, ( at tho time he is demoted)lc-e permitted to -vq..4...retain one step for each such advancement. ' (ii) e to lower_givoidAkto accept pubationa1 appoinipent. If the chance to a lower grade is due to employee's desire to accept probational/appointment, he will be compensated at the step in the lower grade which is nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary in the higher grade. (iii) Change to loa?r trade for displiDlinary reasons. If the employee is changed to a lower grade for disciplinary reasons, his salary rate will be set at the base of the grade to which he is demoted, in the absence of specific provision to the con- trary. . The salary policy now in effect for classified employees, will also apply to ungraded with respect to: (1) trance on 7 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010005-8 , Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R00010001-0005-8 duty, (2)' promotions, (3) change to lower grade, (4) probational appointment and (5) disciplinary actions. The term stop in- ?reason will be used far ungraded positions in lieu of 'periodic pay increase' for classified positions. (1) An employee transferring from a classified position to an ungraded position will do so without loss in salary un- less his classified salary was above the top step of the ungraded Job to which he is being assigned. AN (2) ,Ungraded employee# who receivea conduct and efficiency report of satisfactory or higher, will receive a step in- crease after the first six months of ungraded service and annually thereafter until the top stop has been reached. On transfers between graded and ungraded positions the salary will be determined after considering the waiting period elapsed and whether or not an equivalent increase is involved. A 1, (3) Amployeed in,an ungraded status will have an opportun- ity to earn step increases as a result of meritorious ser- vice and superior accomplishments. Assignment of IAO Detailed Personnel. It shall be the responsibility of the receiving office or staff section to initiate a completed Petem-440,-.6*...4 on all as- signed IAO personnel (including citation of the allocated posi- KA)f tion which the IAC member will encumber) prior to entrance The (3 copies) must be accompanied by Form No. 38-1 (2 copies). initiate request ILLEGIB clearance. Separations and intra-agency transfers of IAC personnel " shall be reported to the Personnel Office on Perfirld initiated by the appropriate office' Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 41.1. _ _ Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 00* r64,1 , STATINTL % tL4-1Lt.41.1 (477-71.-7-T Sit0:11 "Mte"" Ii ) 6'1 'cLt. ,c4pt., 3,g-0 ?-'91 zz ) ILLEGIB AZ=Cit,,,a-) 4 tA.A-Le A-4-t^:rwit., *iv tect. _ APproyed For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010005-8 f g TATI 1. Each employee will obtain clearance prior to final payment. Clearance will be obtained on "Final Payment Clearance Sheet")Form No. 34.-30)when an employee is being terminated, leaving for over- seas duty, granted leave without pay for a period in excess of 60 calendar days, or when being transferred to or from an unvouchered, fund status. 2. The Personnel Office will be notified by "Personnel Action Request, at least one week prior to the effective date of the request. Upon receipt of "Personnel Action Request", the Personnel Office will mike necessary arrangements for .an exit interview and for final Clearance. The Personnel Office,will direct the employee to Inspection and Security for security clearance and will then obtain /7 additional required clearances by telephone, obtain the employee's ?ignature.and direct the employee to deliver the form to the applicable payroll office of the Budget Office. When the employee is unavailable alI action indicated will be taken except procurement of the employee's signature. 3. The CIA Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment and the Naval Administrative Command will take similar action in the case of military personnel. 4. The Chief of a field office will: De-brief the employee. b. Complete certification blocks "office to which assigned" and "Security Branch". Obtain employee's Signature and forwarding address. d. Forward the form to the Personnel Offle6..through eptablished channels. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09104 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ADMINI8TRA2IVE IUSTROCTIiiiiiii NO. SUBJEWN Personnel Policies and Procedures. RESCISSION* Administrative Instruction No. 111111dated 17 August 1048. naibilities and Functions of the Personnel Officer. Dates STATINTL STATINTL The Personnel Officer only Mail be directlyrosponsible for performing the principal functions of the Agency with respect to procurement placement, processing, position classification, salary administration, personnel relations and termination of employees. Tbese personnel activities ahall be performed by other offices only upon specific delegation by proper authority. b. The Personnel Office is responsible for: (1) Maintaining a current record of authorized vacancies and approved requisitions. (2) Establishing qualificatioas standards for all posi- tions in. CIA (3) Establishing priorities for recruitment on an agency - vide basis. (4) Maintaining constant contact with potential recruit- nentziouroes. (5) Contacting end negotiating with individual applicants for employment Department of National Defense, Department of State, Atomic Energy Commission, or other eseeutivo department or agency, /09104 : CIA-RDP81-00728R0001000 Approved For Release 2001 10005-8 Approved For Release 2001109104 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 or on, a Congressional staff shall be interviewed or oonsid. ared for employment within the Agency without a written notice of availability signed personally by the Chief of the branch currently employing the person. No commitments relative to employment or salary will be made by other than ths authorised personnel representative. There will be no discussion concerning employment with this agency without prior clearance of the contact with the Personnel Office. (6) Requesting all personnel security clearances, all re- quests for information relative to personnel security clearances as well as the initiation of requests for person- nel security clearance will be through the Personnel Office. (7) Approving finally all personnel actions for grades CAR.42 and below. Grades P.7? CA'-l4 and above require the approval of the Executive or in his absence, the Deputy Executive, (8) Dectermiing and approving for the agency, service, series, grad. and salary for all positions including ?lama. tied, ungraded, and consultant positions, assuring uniform- ity of olasgification allocations throughout the agency. (a) Processing all personnel actions including appointments, intra.agenoy transfarsolromotions, demotions, within-grade promotions, and separations. Thew Personnel Officer only will terminate or suspend employees whenever such action is Approved For Release 2001/09104 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ? Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 necessary and appropriate. (10) Establishing and operating a testing and training program to improve the selection and performance of employ- ees. (11) Establishing and maintaining retention registers for reduction in force procedures. (12) Providing a personnel relations program ?Lo protect and stimulate employee interest and to serve as a medium for management employee relationships. (1$) Approving certain typos or leave requests in accord- /1=e with provisions of Administrative Instruction Subjectt Time, Leave and Pay. (14) Reviewing I.Lnd acting upon all disciplinary action based upon 'written charges prepared by the operating office and signed by the Assistant Director or Staff Chief con- earned. (15) Maintaining liaison with the Department of State and the Armed Foroos for the purpose of administratively sup- porting detailed IAC persoruiel (16) Provide a oomprehensive medical program to promote the health and 'physical wellosbeing of employees. (17) Maintain **natant liaison with the Civil Service Com. mission On all matters requiring Civil Service approval, such as classification of positions, efficiency ratings, Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 certification of employees from Civil Service Register/. oto. Basis for Personnel Actions. a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for preventing personnel actions affecting individuals under their supervision, which are not based purely on relative merit. Emphasis on relative merit extends throughout all personnel matters, including procurement, assignment to duty, promotions, work assignments, leave determinations. etc. Merit shall be considered as including demonstrated ability, personal indus- try. integrity, loyalty, comparative lenghh of service, and comparative general efficiency. b Supervisory personnel must become thoroughly familiar with the personnel under their jurisdiction and their utilisation in order that they will recognise any contrary tendency and take appropriate action immediately. Policies for Appointment. CIA positions are filled under rliehotOW,11" authority by direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Commission. Remover, popittone are filled iu'aceord.,. moo with established Civil Service prooedure. The following policy is eatsatIOMPitfor effecting appoint- ments to fill vacant positions: (1) An individual without prior government service will be Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 given an excepted appointment under "Schedule A" and will be carried in. a trial period etatus for the first full year. (2) An individual with prior Government service who has served under war service or excepted appainixttents will be given an excepted appointment under "Schedule A" and will be required to servo the first six months in a trial period status. (3) An individual with Civil Service otatue will be ap- pointed by transfer or reinstatement without any time limita. tion or trial period. During the trial period an employee will receive the opecial attention and instruction required to acquaint him with his duties and to dievelop his ability to perform his work in. the most satisfactory manner. After a fair and full trial period, an employ*, will be terminated if his services do not meet Agency standards. An employee with veterans* preference or Civil Service status will be accorded all rights and privileges granted them under the Veterans Preference Act of 19440 as emended and Civil Service rule a and regulations (These privilegeS are subject to special, final authority vented to the Director by the National Security Act of 1947. Section 101, subioparagraph o. 52falle. Promotion Policies. a. An isployea may be promoted to a higher grade subject tot Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 . , Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (2) Existence of a Imitable vacancy. Complete qualifications of the individual for the Tammy (3) completion of 90 day detail period to pooition CO.7. P.2 or above. On lower grade position, asployee must have assumed duties of position to which he is being promoted. Prior to the time of detail he must meet testing require- ments and qualification standards for the recommended post. tion. No employes shall be detailed to a position allocated higher than one grade above the position which he currently occupies, and in no event shall the detail exceed 100 days. These stipulations do not constitute abarrier to promotion or an individual whose position has been re. classified to a higher grade. (4) Submission. of Form No. 37.3 by office concerned to the Personnel Office indicating the exact position and the date the employee is detailed in order that he nay reoeire credit for the detail period. The 37.3 must indicate the allocated position that will be occupied. (5) Evidence of a good or better efficiency rating for six months proceeding promotion for wades up to CA264 and .squivalantijory Good or Excellent for six months for grades CA765 through 0A1613 or equivalent; and Excellent for pro. Gelding year for CAP-14 and above or equivalent. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. Promotions are limited to one grade except in a ease where no intermediate grade has been recognised. o? After considering all the tactors indicated above, the recommending and approving authorities will the following table as a guide in determining appropriate timo n grads for promotion purposes: 2 2 2 Throe months 3 3 3 4 4 .11100?11001.00...110.111710.1..11.04Ma4 .???11?60mo.00.6TINIMON?NO...01- 1 6 5 6 Six raon.ths 0.??????"???????????????????101011?1?11.111?111?MIrm 7 7 8 2 8 8 9 Nine months 10 3 10 Twelve months 5 4 months IntramAkenci Transfer Policy. a. An employee shall not seek reassipment within CIA without the prior written approval of the Personnel Officers or his authorized representative. Such approval will be based upon the recommendation of the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief b.. Supervisory personnel shall not interview or seek the trans for of personnel without the written approval described in 5a above. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 A inthent 1"..ppunoP....rboedures. a. The following procedures are established for the Processing of individuals for employment within CIAt (l) Assistant Director's and Staff Chiefs shall transhit form No. 37-8 in the original and siX copies to the Person, nel Office as a requie.tion to fill an authorised vacancy. Form No. 37-3 in quadruplicate shall :be forwarded to the Personnel Office as a requisition for actual employment of an individual. In order to initiate scourity,clearance, a 37-3 may be submitted against a position eurrently tilled, providing the office concerned intorms the Personnel Office on the 37-3 the approximate date that the present incumbent is vacating the position. (2) Standard ForralTo 57 and Irorm VO. 38-1 will be Obtained by the Personnel Office and forwarded with Form No. 37-9 to the appropriate office. If the office is interested, it will indicate to the Personnel Office the position to which the individual will be assigned. (m) Final selection Or rejection of applicants for positions above grade CAF-5 and equivalent grades shall rest with tho appropriate Assistant Director or Staff however, the Personnel Irtios PI/ refer:to:the Executive Or rejection case which he believes is not Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (b) Final authority for the selection and assignment of an employee in grade 0065 or equivalent and below, shall rest with the Personnel Office and consequent/my such cases are not referred to Ansietant Directors or Staff Chiefs for action. (0) All Personnel aasignments are subject to the security approval of Inspection and Security, (3) Upon the receipt of Fora Mo. 37-3, the Personnel Offioe will make =offer of employment to the individual concerned, subject to satisfactory security clearance, and upon indi- cated acceptance will initiate action for seaurity clearance. (4) The Personnel Office will notify the office concerned of the failure of an individual to receive security clear- ance and will take appropriate action to inform the indi- vidual of his rejection. (5) The Eleoutive or the Personnel Officer will contact each individual (including detailed IAO personnel) relative to entrance on duty. An individual assigned to a personnel pool will be instructed to report to duty by the Personnel Officer, following security clearance. Bach individual (including IA0 personnel) reporting for duty will present to the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief a wilt. ten notice free the Personnel Officer, stating that be has cleared and assigned for duty. A oopy of this Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 10 notice, will be furnished Inspection and Seourity by the Personnel Office. In extraordinary circumstances, the Executive may give verbal authorization for entranom on duty after assuring himeelf that all required processing has been completed. no individual will be accepted for duty unless one of the above provisions has been it. (6) The Personnel Office only shall request information directly from Inspection and Security concerning the status of the security clearance of a prospective employee In. speotion and Security- shall not provide this information to any other office. All inquiries of this nature shall be directed to the Personnel Office. ?'_ 7 Proaotion Pros eeUin& l'roce esdur a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall forward to the Personnel Office Form No 37.3 conteinine sufficient informa- tion to indicate compliance with the policies defined in para. graph 4 above. b A request from a field station for promotion must be ao- oompanied by a position description on Standard Form No 75, prepared by the employee, which outlines the duties and responsi. bilities being performed, together with remarks and oertifioa. time of the immediate superior. In ease of a proposed position In the field sarvioi, the description will he prepared by the individual who is most familiAtr with the duties and ApproVed For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 - responsibilities to be performed The pocition description should includes (1) An objective1 concrete and factual description of the work being performed. (2) A statement of degree of diffioulty and responsibility inherent in the position. (3) An account of the nature and extent of supervision, independent judgment and decisions exercised by the indum. bent. Upon receipt of a request for promotion in the departmental service, a job audit will be made in order to determine the level of difficulty, responsibility, and thereby, the grade at which the individual is performing. Salary Administration. a.. Reader full-time employees and temporary employees of CIA with a regular tour of duty compensated on a per annum basis will be paid in accordance with the following polioys (1) Entrance on Duty Salary (a) New appointments will be made at the base salary of the grade. (Transfers, promotions, demotions, re. employment, and reinstatements are not new appointments within the meaning of this requirement.) (b) Employees appointed by transfer, reinstatement or reemployment to a position of the same grade will be Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 4. 12 permitted to retain periodic received. (o) Employees appointed by transfer, reinstatement, or reemployment to a position in a lower made than last held will receive salaries fixed to allow credit toward within-grade promotions for all service in ap- pointment grade and higher grades. (2) Determinin Salary in Case of Promotion (a) then WI employee is promoted to a higher grade position, he must be compensated at the base of the Grads if the entrance salary exceeds any he has prev. iously earned in the Federal Service. (b) then on employee who has previously received a change to a lower grade is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to allow credit toward within.-grade promotion for all previous service in the grade to which he is being pramoted or for service in any higher grades. (S) Determiniv Salary in Case of,Chanse to Lower Grade (a) To dmterMine salary incase of a change to lower grade, the omplaseag: be given credit for all sir- vies previmudyperformed in the lower grade and in any higher grades previously held (b) Exceptions. The policy outlined above does not - increases previously Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010005-8 13 ? apply in the following types of COMES $ (1) ley..svoho hopae earned meritorious inoreases. An employee who has beau given a within-grade pay increase because of espeoiall,y meritorious service or as a reward for superior accomplishment will, at the time he is demoted, be permitted to retain one step for each such tuivanoement. (11) Change...A2.lower jrade to accept obational appointment. If the change to a lower grade is due to employee's desire to accept probational appointment, he will be compensated at the step in, the lower grade which is nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary in the higher grade. (iii)tinz.t.c lower grade e dieoipLirza reasons* If the employee la changed to a lower grade for disciplinary reasons, his salaz7 rate will be set at the base of the grade to which he is denoted, in the absence of specific provision to the con- trary. be The salary pulley now in effect for classified employees will also apply to ungraded with respect tot (1) Entrance on Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09104: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 duty, (2) promotions* (3) change to lower ryades (4) probational appointment and (5) disciplinary actions. The term "step in. woes." will be used fcr tuvradad positions in lieu of "periodic pe$ inorease" for classified positions. (1) An employee transferring from a classified position to an unvaded position will do so without loss in salary un. less hie classified salary was above the top step of the ungraded job to which he in being aseigned. (2) Ungraded employees who receive a conduct and efficiency report of satisfactory or higher, will receive a step in. crease after the first six months of ungraded service mid annually thereafter until the top step has been reached. On transfers between tryaded and ungraded peal:tient! the salary will be determined after considering the waiting period elapsed and whether or not an equivalent increase is involved. (3) Rraployees in an ungraded status will have an opportuns- ity to earn step increases as a result of meritorious sir- vies and superior acearaplisbuents. Within?Orade Promotions An employee occupying a classified position will be advanced to the next higher step within his grades provided that he has tvarlife months of service for grades 14.3, CA1/610 and below or Jam eighteen Zionths *orrice for grades P.4. CAN.11 and above. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 In addition1 the employee mast have a current effioieney rating of Good or better and a satisfactory conduct report 10. Assignment It shall be the responsibility of the receiving office or staff section to initiate a completed Form No. 37.3 on all as- signed LAO personnel (including citation of the allocated posi- tion which the IA0 member will encumber) prior to entrance an duty. The 37-3 (3 copies) must be accompanied by Form No.. 384 (2 copies). b The Personnel Office will initiate request for security clearance. Separations and intra-agenoy transfers of IAC personnel shall be reported to the Personnel Office on Form No. 37-3. initiated by the appropriate office. Termination a. Offices and Staff Sections will complete Form No. 37.3 for an employee under their jurisdiction who has samitted a resignation1 stating the reason therafor1 together with any explanation or suggestion which ay help to prevent the loss of the employee, and forward the completed form to the Person- nel Officer at least two weeks in advance of the separation date. Upon receipt of the 37.3 the Personnel Office, after pre-exit interview, in instances where the employee still -wishes to resign. mill prepare Form No. 34.30 indicating there. on the routing to be followed for clearance. DISTRIBUTIONt A STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 STATI NTL ADMINISTRATIVE ISTRUCTIONS NO. (REVISED) STATINTL SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures. RESCISSIONS s dministrati Administrati assel Adminksti 'l'. GeneralOrder No. Personnei,:,Staff with the following functions: (1) Provides Staff advice to the Agency on al1,mgcters of lL,Iiai,s?ic with the Civil Service ,4n connection with personnel matters. Ageney a4 personnel position des. fo eatablishing duties and grades poliOy, (2) Establighes andeOntrols a CoMMiSsiori'apOther ageno (3) Reviews and ogrtifies for oriptions Usied as'a,baer :for such pOdition?.and,pondubts alOiaisOn With the Civil Service cO,osicen in ooTaeo,tion tybrawith. 1 -., .-... 1 Coxiducti r search in connecti4om,p1th ary1 prepares Ageney ,,,- propTaot for: a. Career Managemefit b. ImprevemOnt of efficiency rating system. c. ClasS ficatOn anOialary administration. di Other persAnel matters requiring poilcy,deteri. pinationt( d94 elrt ytw, 4U4 / Thlazder also eitablishe Personnel upport St triA;Ph-A neIVIIIty for providing-vemselee-personnel adounoedPolio services in acoordance- -- lose pOlicieb and the procedures-through which thr will be carried out are sot forttr-belqw. a. The .\ls responsible for performing the principal functions of the Agency with A . : of -es6441,-P-apeerstel- DivisionSonly shall )speat to procurement, plaoement, processing position classification, Lary ado*nistration;pescennel relations and termination of emplt,eea. sse personnel activities shall be performed by other offices only upon \ifie'delegatio by proper authority. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ?"e:AA 1.17.767, b. The Personnel Division, 0vert?iklOpe414 Stuff, has responsibility providing 'central personnel scrviees as followet, 1. Procurement, assignmenti)admihistration and disposition of military personnel detailed from the military departments of the Department of Defense. Er-VRRERRannnT43Nit- 3.. Employee relations service. 4. Personnel testing service. 5 Receipt and appropriate dispostion of applicants for post - tions with the Agency who apply either in parson. or by nail without specific prior contact or arrangoment with the 1.?*raelitral Division of thoQey.ert,,Suppert Staff, Svutkc!..te Maintains a central record of applicants vho have potential fUture value to the Agency for whom no immediate positions are available. Is responsible .or the preparation and dispatch of all letters of rlection for employment.. o. The Personnel Division of each *tripe:41 Staff will be responsible for providing the following personnel'servicesoftwW*WawmFgWOMPRIONIft 1. An adequate personnel position control system. Procurement, Placement, and disposition service, imidollAwe .44-4epfifttenterk-11eeP4atbria 3. Internal personnel classification and job audit activities, exclusive or final review and certification or positions. 4. An overseas rotation/ program.teirmemesslossmidook*ee-. 5. Maintaining a current record of authorized vacancies and approved requisitions. 6. Establishing qualifications standards for all positions. 7. Establishing priorities for 'recruitment. 8. Maintaining constant contact with potential recruitment 'sources. 9. Contacting and negotiating with individual applicr.'ts for Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 , Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 employmont. Howover, no person employed within the Department of National Deform, Department of State, Atomic l'nergy Commiosion, or other executive department or agoncY, or on a Congrossional Staff' shall be interviewed or oonsidorod for employment within the Agency without a written notice of availability signed personally by the chief of the division currently omployInc the person. 141,Gcmmatmontsrolative to employment or salary will be malcAtWmmi-4Ammrthe authorizod PQrsonnoI roprosontativo. Thorowill he no discussion cons corning omploymont with this A.,,;anoy without prior clearance anS of the contact with the Persortnolr19. oxdopt that Con. grossiOnal inquiries will be directed initially to the office of the Genoral Counsel. Requesting all porsonnel security ole.aranoon. Roquosts for information relative to personnel boourity oloaranoos an well as the initiation of raquesto for portIonnel security clearanoe will be made through the Personnel-WC-kes. 11. Approving finally all personnel actions for grades p.s. GAe..22 and below. Grades P4.2., CAF0.13, and above require the approval 10. 12 of the Executive, or, in hio abeenoe, the Deputy Executive. Processing all personnel actions including appointments, promotions, demotions, withinsgrade promotions, and separations; intramagency transfers would be processed by the receiving office. 4INIPPersOnnel-A.Aiesoionly will terminate or suspend employees whenever such action ie necessary and appropriate. . Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 13. Establishing and operating a training program to improve the performance of emPleyeeco 141. Establishing and maintaining retention regiotors for reduction in force procedures. 15. Maintaining the efficsiency rating program... 16. Reviewing and acting upon all disciplinary actions based upon written oharges prepared by the operating office and signed by the Assistant Direptortaff Chief concerned. 17. Maintaining liaison with the Department of State and the Department of Defense for the purpose of administratively Supporting detailed IAC personnel. 18. Maintaining adequate records of employee qualifioations o,perMit sound career management. Basis for Personnel Aotione. ? Assistant Directors and Staff Chifqt roc:mm=1*g personnel actions affecting individuals under their supervicion. The basis of such recoommendations will be relative merit. Emphasis on relative merit extends throughout all personnel matters, including procurement, assignment to duty, promotions, duty assignments, and transfers. Merit shall be considered as including demonstrated ability, personal tndustry, integrity, loyalty, comparative length of service and conparative general efficiency. b. Supervisory personnel must become thoroughly familiar with the personnel under their jurisdictionired.-ithetrimarittes**** in order to develop and maintain the highest possible degree of efficiency. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 3:04 APpointment Policies and Procedures a. CIA positions aro filled under "Schedule A" authority by direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil 'Service Commission. However, positions are filled in accordance with established Civil Service procedure. b. The following policy is established for effecting appoint- ments to fill vacant positional (1) An individual without prior Government service will be given an excepted appointment under "Schedule A! and will be carried in a trial period status for the first full year. (2) An individual with prior Government service who has served under war service or excepted appointments will be given an excepted appointment under "Schedule A" and will be required to serve the first six Months in a trial period status. (3) An individual with Civil Service status will be appointed by transfer or reinstatement without any time limita- tion or trial period c. Miring the trial period an employee will receive the special attention and ineti.?..;t1m. required to acquaint him with hia duties and to develop his ability to perform his work in the most Batter factory manner. After a fair and full trial period an employee will be terminated if his services do not meet Agency standards. An employee with veteransf perforenoe ,or Civil Service status will be accorded all rights and privileges granted under the Veterans Preference Act of 1944, as amended, and ivil Service rules and regulations. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 .2.4 ?p, W Tti zst pprove or Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (These privileges are subject to special final authority granted to the Director by the National Security Act of 18474) d. The following procedures are established for processing individuals for employment Within CIAs' (1) Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall transmit. Form No.'34b in the original and e4x copies to '.Personnel OSSAkee-as a requisition to fill an authorized vacancy. 'Personnel Action Request" in quadruplicate shall be forwarded to 1511. Personnel-314II,Was a requisition for aotual:pmploymentef an individual. In, order to initiate security clearance, a "Personnel Action Request" may be submitted against a position currently filled, providing the office Ooncorned informs-406 personnel on the forAhe approximate date that the prepont incumbent will vacate the position. (a) Standard Form 57 and Form No. 38.1 will be obtained vri4 by lOve-rerponnel 0144u,randlorwarded with Form No 37-9 to the appropriate office. If '*le office is interested, it will Persennel position to which the ' individual will=beAssigned. (a) Final selection or rffeetion of applicants for positions above grade 44er:equivalent shall rest with the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief, Q-ItiefN however. the Personnel 41eflaer:blay refer to the Executive any refection ease which he believes is not warranted. ? ApprovedForRelease 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-007g8R000100010005-8 , . Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (b) Final authority for the selection and assignment of an ample eq in grade CAF4or equivalent and below shall rest with th orsonne1444*~. (o) All peecamaid assignMento are subject to the security approval of Inspeetion and Security. (3) Upon the receipt of "Personnel Aetion RequesesaMIPPersonnel will Mak, an offer of employment to the individual con.. corned, (subject to latisfaotory security elearance) and upon indicated acceptance will initiate action for security clearance. 44:?te4;440,..v1/4., (4) 4NsoPersonnel 0414078 till notify tle office oonoerned of the failure of an individual to receive security clearance and will take appropriate action to inform the ind&vival of his rejoetion. (5) The Executive or'a Personnel - 'ce ill contact each. individual (including detailed IAC personnel) relative:to entrance on duty. An individual assigned to a personnel pool Will be instructed sAxi;emmismisL, to report to duty by .- personnel Offieen following seourity clearance. Each individual (ineludinedetailed LAC personnel) reporting for duty will present to the appropriate Assistant Direotor or Staff Chief a written notice from74iss ersonnel?Oefteer stating that he has been fully oleared and assigned for duty. A copy of this notioe will be furnished Inspection and Security by -illhaPersonnel*Plitee In extraordinary circumstances, the Executive May give verbal authorization for entrance on duty after assuring himself that All required processing has been completed. No indivi? dual will be accepted for duty unless one of the above provisions has been met. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ? &V.,A Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ? (0) /49NLPertionnel only hall request information direetly from Inspection and Security concerning the status Of the security clearance of a prospective employee. Inspec.- tion and Security shall not provide this information to anyiew offiee. *."444,40iskapoetipinwAliretokieNweNsIalitittoitem efflitottrillveSSIMPI Promotion Policies and Procedures. An employee may be promoted to a higher grade subject tos (1) Existence or a suitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualifioations of the individual for the vacancy. (3) Completion of 90 day detail period to positionCAF.77, N.2, or above. On lower grade positio mployee mudt have assmmednduties ofoosition to which he is being promoted. Prior to the time of detail he must meet testing requirements and qualification standard's for the reCommended position. No employee shall be detailed to a position allocated higher than one grade above the position which he 'currently Occupies and in no event shall the detail period exceed 180 days. These stIpulations do not constitute a barrier to promotion of an individual whoa? position has been reclassified to a higher grade. (4) SubMission'ef "Personnel. Action Request te1.0e11" PersonnelOrfteePindieating the exact position and the date the employee is detailed in Order that he may receive credit ' for the detail period. The form must indicate the allocated position that wil1 be :occupied. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (6) Evidence of a officionoy rating of good or better for six months proo:eding promotion for grades up toCAF.4 and equiv- alent; Very Good or Excellent for six Months for grades CAF-6 through' :OAF 13 or equivalent; and Excellent for proceeding year for CAF-14 and above or equivalent. b Promotions are limited to One grade except in caseSWhere no Vote4,0, intermediato graddiliorbeen recognized. Arter considering all the factors indicated above, the reoonuaond? ing and approving authorities will use the following table as a guide in determining appropriate time in grade for promotion pruposess 'SP OAF CPC: Time in Grade 1: 2 2 2 3 months 3 3 3 4 4 ? 6 0 6 6 6 months 6 7 7 8 810 0 9 Months 3 12 months 4 1Smonths 18 months ?????????armorassrermarmair.ffamosmosesm? 0. months 24 months d. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs. shall forward to w040 Personnel 41141myer "Personnel Action Request" containing suffioent :information to indicate compliancielith the policies defined in 'paragraph 4 above. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved Fo 10 28R000100010005-8 t. A request from a field station for a promotion mat ,be a000mpanied by a position description on Btandard Form 75, prepared by the eMployee, Which outlines the duties and responsibilities being performed together With remarks and oertification of the immediate superior. In ease of a proposed position in the field service, the description will be prepared by tho individual who is most fmailiar with the duties and responsibilities to be performed. The Position description Agd" (1) An objective, eonorete and faetual description of the work being performed. (2) A statement of degree of difficulty arid respon. sibility inherent in the position. (3) An account of the nature and extent of supervision, inderondent judgMent and decisions exorcised by ,the ineun. bent, f. Upon reoeipt of a request for promotion in the depart., mental serviee, a job audit will be made in order to determine the level of difficulty, responsibility, and,4.10erety, the grade at which the individUal is performing, G. An employee Ocaupying a classified potation Will be advanced to the next higher step within his grade provided that he has twelve months of serviiwwithout an equivilent increase in pay for grades P.3 00.10, and .below or has eighteen :months service :4Nir,grndos:,.P..4 CAP.'', and above. In addition, the employee must jialre _a current efficiency rating of Good or Better and aJtatisfaotcrY Approved ForRelea, 7-f 44e- Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 A C- ay It shall be the responsibility of the reoeiving office to ' initiate ,a completed "Personnel Action Request" on all 454441/4,4,4 6111):4: t at" olidtalea.- Personne *-411--thelow?lieWbente. 4 . ? ? ? ? .3 3 ? ? , ? . . ? . ? Id . 22ivadaca4iem*...F.axm..W.4-imtlpotttTVff'nTertrttmmnttt,wteftNferwft'ded t "A`2r751571----"" selection of a candtiontrobasems.41441-1,17trits"oariarrirrt1177. Statements. Jo. a Upon ance the individual will be called to duty and will be assigned to the requesting buildings until they are given a statemwat by .iieerettrarcers 4a.44,4r4- '4,4,-4 --- certifying that all rovisions for etApos.., -At have been met, receipt o by office, :4- curity ?lea .51'Ad..r 401 ? 1 .../.1;i4-1-tmer3r Personnel will not be allowed to tit icted reques ,L0 Transf_tr_ae. -414.44-4YirlittraTtrtr"Atr-ttrITEdte? manner as classifieLos,,,,...q,psy....,,pf,...,_.-, ? 37-3 will bp_preparegi,and-routedAxy-the----IteaciqueEtters-Detaehmenti?,-----? ? ?,4 This appliss ? feEp....betwe.n.t.effiesgr-'4 ???????,3?11%... .._ -go ,-.....-- ,..402 Za-P-Z.e,ts-ve,e Q 1,"e4a-P,C4,44,40 i, A tev 4.40-1V:',4741&? ?ce,,, if leatfilv.11,,g1.-40 -Le74e 711') 4104,0,,,f/ ,t4.10,*201X 4.1 eit40 , aot,..,1,?,70,44,.?674e Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 : Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 11 conduct report. 7,g. Intra-AgencyTrandfor Policy. a. An employee shall not seek reausignimaet.within (IA without the prior written approval of the ersonneI4OPPIcer. or*Fe authorized reprosentatiVed, Such approval will be based upon .the recommendation of the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief. b. Supervisory personnel shall not interview or seok the transfer of personnel without the written approval described in tia above.. c ( 0. A transfer involving exigencies of the will be ' effected by tho ersonneleWleer in eoordination with the offiees. :oonoergd 9P,X. Salary Administration. a. Regular full-time employees and temporary eMployees of CIA with a regular tour of duty cempensated on a per annum basis will be paid in accordance with the folloting policy: .(1) Entrance'on'Duty,Salary (a) New appointments will be made at the base salary of the grade. (Transfers, promotions, demotions, re- employment, and reinstattidentO aro not now 'appointments within the meaning of the requirement.) (b) Smployeet appointed by transfer, reinstatement or re-employment to 4 position of the saMe grade will be? permitted to retain periodic pay increases previously received. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 AlielFit 'I% Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 12 (o) Employees appointed by tmlefer? reinstate.. tient, or re.employment to a position in a lower grade than last held will receive salaries fixed to allow credit toward Within-grade promotions for all service in appointment grade and higher grades.. (2) Dotermtning Salary in Case of Promotion (a) When an employee is promoted to a higher grade position, he must be compensated at the base of the grade if the entrance salary exceeds any he has previously earned in the Federal Service. (b) When an employee who has previously received a ohunge to a lower grade is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to allow credit toward within.grade promotion for all previous service in the grade to which hp is being promoted or for service in any higher grades. (3) Determining Salary in Case or Change. to Lower Gra& .(a) To determine salary in case of a ohangeto lower grade, the employee : may be given credit for al/ servioe previously performed in the lower grade and in any higher grades previously ' hold. (b) Except/ones The policy outlined above does not apply in the following types of Cases* Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP,81-00728R00010001Q0054 ta:t.tka46 2iittg ? ?Zia Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 13 1. 5Mployeen who have earned meritorious pay inereases.An employee who has been given a within?grade pay inerease because of especially mei.iterious service or as a reward for superior accomplishment wili, be permitted at the time he is deMoted to retain one step for each such advanoement. 2. Change to lower grade to aceept probational appointment. If the change to a lower grade i due to employee's desire to accept probational appointment, he will be compensated at the step in the lower grade which is nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary in the higher. grade, 3. Change to lower grade for disciplinary reasons, If the employee is changed to 4 lower grade for disciplinary reasons, his 40.4ry rate will be set at t!,e base of the grade to which he is demoted in the absence of specific pro- vision to the contrary. b. 'rho salary policy now in effept for classified employees, will also apply to ungraded with, respect tol: (1) entrance on duty.. (2) promotions, (3) change to lower grade, (4) probational appointment, and (5) disciplinary (Lotions. The -term "step increase" will be used for ungraded positions in lieu of periodic pay Anoreaiew for, classified Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 , Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ILLEGIB ILLEGIB ii' 4.? 14 (1) An employee transferring from via:mined posim tion to an ungraded position will 4o so without loss in salary unless his classified salary was above the top step or the ungraded job to which he is Oeing assigned. (2) An ungraded employee Who receives a conduct and efficiency report of satisfaetory or higher, will receive a step increase aftor the first six months of. ungraded service and annually thereafter until the top step has been reached. On transfers between graded and upgraded positions the salary will be determined after considering the waiting period elapsed and whether or not an equivalent increase is involved. (3) An employee in an ungraded status 'will have an opportunity to earn stop increases as a result of men. torious servins and au or of :IAC Porsonne . ,....04...44 it hall e the responsibilit or therebeiiingsoffiee , , ? ,7 a e a clomp,e e, eisknne,Action fli iti t r lf, t d "P'' - .:1 t3. or staf setion t OA, ?._.f.....i I [ F , i Requeatf on all a eign 0, perso e iinoludingoait 'ton, of t ; t ,V P '4 allooa el pi,sit n whi h t ;AC Mem r*illenetesper prior ?. entra1Lson out ? Tile fo (3 ?epic, )Aaust 1ae aocomp2ited byj 11 I pi 1. / 8.1 oo , FOrA pie A el i411 ini late a reqUent ?se uri '? l ,momplishmenta. ole Os 13epar tions et traagzon9Y t Wiger.81 shall be portsioask Pe o el liCtillor-Cn Pereonnel. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 N.A, Career re ropriate of,f,pe, a. The career management program of CIA is designed to provide :from Within the Agony: (1) A source of well qualified individuals to fill vacancies as they occur. tr4,2x,00. -molt (2)A system whereby individuals May qualif 4 /.4 positions through training and development within CIA. b. It is Agency policy. that vacancies will be filled by ILLEGIB the best qualified employee available within the Agency: ILLEGIB The basic considerations for promotion Will be proven ability And merit. 11.0c Personnel a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall submit to 401WisisegC., .410.! PersonnelwOOftegt Form No. 37-6, when an employees (1) Changes his name home or office address or home or ()Moe telephone number. (2) Is separated from the Agency by tranefer, resignations or enters the Military service from civilianemployment. 1). In addition to the above. Form No 36.74 !Personnel 'Personnel Information", Status Report shell be submitted marital status ' The original of the form will be routed to 40541;awrot, Personnel itallisor-and a copy to the Chiefs Inspection and Security Staff. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 16 a.A4r: Termination and Final Clearance a. &Loh employee will obtain olearance prior to final payment. Clearance will be obtained on "Final Payment Clear. ance Sheet", Form No 34.30 when an employee is being ter. minuted, leaving for overseas duty, granted leave without pay for a period in excess of. 60 calendar days, or when being transferred to or from an unvouwAlred fund status. b. Zive-Personnellte will be notified by "Personnel Aotion Request", at least one week prior to the effeotive date or the request. Upon reoeint or "Personnel Aotion Request iymrPersonnel .44=3 will make necessary arrangements for an exit interview and for final clearano ----trag will direct the employee to Inspection and Security for security clearance and will then obtain the additional required clearance by telephone, obtain the employee ft signature and direct the employee to deliver the form to the applicable payroll offiee401016,64ft101041111r6ee. When the employee is unavailable all action indicated will be taken except procurement of the employee's signature. cf, The CIAIdeadqUarters and Readquarters Detachment .& ?therifirsill take similar action in the case of Military personnel. d. The Chief ore. field office will' (1) Dc-brief the employee. (2) Complete certification blocks "office to which assigned"and "Security Branch Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001109/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (3) Obtain employee's signature and forwarding addreSse (4) Forward the form to tivaPereonne146.ftee through established channels. ?VW; Personnel Records Personnel record; will be maintained by maohine records insefar as is'praoticablo and necessary personnel reports will be ob. tained through these maohine records. These records will be ade- quate for furnishing necessary information for the career management program dosoribed in 9 above. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Appro d For geIeasr2001/09/04 0005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 STATI NTL ? / ? ' Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010005-8 UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTED CONFIDENTIALSECRET NwtLRCU ICATIOTOPANDBOTTOM) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP - TO INITIALS DATE I ik ki (164_0 6,40'41 3 ? 4 A , 5 MIL DAT L..... __LitiliALL A,C.4.totrod Coot e(,4 )1(i 22 4:9(/ I 4 3 , , SIGNATURE RETURN DISPATCH c .-r c(4 (APPROVAL 1 1 INFORMATION L 1 I.---JACTION =COMMENT 1 1 DIRECT REPLY 1 IIJ PREPARATION I OF REPLY LICONCURRENCE L 1 RECOMMENDATION I 1 FILE c 4c UNCLASSIFIED REMARKS: /, /14 (ocec.c. ( z' t. J . ft/ofe c4.cfCCI2 ( e t-ror- 2 c ( SECRET - CONFIDENTIAL RESTR I CTED ----- --- 30.4 919 1947 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D. C. ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION 25X1A NO. 25X1A 25X1A I Exoeutivo nogintry 18 November 2949 SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures IIIIII RESCISSIO sated Administrative Instruction No. ted 17 August 1948, Administrattve Instruction No. dated 25 March 1947, and Administrative Instruction NO. dated 11 August 1949. General Order (Revised) dated 5 October 1949. 1E NCE s Genera a. Authority is delegated by Approved statements of functional responsibilities, separate specific delegations, and this Instruction to Ella the Agency officials listed below to act on personnel actions (appointment, employment, classification and reclassification of positions, promotion, demotion, transfer, and separation of individuals) for the Directors Executive Deputy Executive Personnel Director Chiefs Administrative Staff Chief, Personnel Division, Administrative Staff Chiefs Special Support Staff Chief, Employees Division, Special Support Staff Designated subordinates of the above listed officials. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIM b. Otficials and employees not listed above are mgmbilli from discussing personnel actions with Individuals to whom such actions will apply, without the prior knowledge and approval of the appropriate official listed above. Such approval will in no came include author. isation to make commitments of any nature for actual employ.. wont or salary level. Vioaation of this policy may result in the immediate dismissal of the individual guilty of the violation. 2.11289121116C a. Officials and employees of this Agency, including those listed in paragraph la above, are aghlklIgi from discussing employment possibilities with any employee of any other government agency or employees of the Congress without the presentation of a written release for such discussion from the employing agency of the individual concerned. b. The policy stated in paragraph 2a above will Lao apply to transfere'between Offioes and Staff Sections, exoept in connection with the application of Agency career management policies by anthorioxad officials listed in paragraph la above. It is expected that other government agencies will observe a reciprocal non-proselyting policy in dealing with CIA employees. Such employees Who obtain employment with other government agencies without obtaining prior release may be required to resign in order to accept such employment. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 25X1A ,M1r!rirJ.41!TI ? ca" ? t 21111=221 a. The Jurisdiction of each of the Personnel Staffs of CIA is defined in published statements of functional responsibility. In order to avoid duplication of Inetruc. tions the term uPereonnel Diviaions" as dilerein will pertain to each of the following aotivitios to the extent of its published functions, unless otherwise atated:; Personnel Division, Administrative Staff Employees Divieion, Special Support Staff b. /AO personnel are those individuals detailed for duty with CIA from the State Department or the Department of Defense. 0. Departmental Service includes all positions in the headquarters or central office of the Agency, 4.ralftrinej.stpal Aouiree All inquires, either written or verbal, free members of the Congress received by any individual or activity of this Agenvedll be immediately referred to the General Counsel for action and preparations of may. The General Counsel is responsible for adequate coordination in each case prior to preparation of reply. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 4 iA 5. general Rosnoneibilitiee o( Personnel pavilion' Under the polietguidanoe of the Personnel Director and the direst supervision of the Chiefs of the .Administrative and Special /*port Staffs, the Personnel Divisions are responsible for: a. Proacement, placement, processing, appointment, promotion, demotion, within.grade advances susperiton, and termination of individual employees. b. Assisting the Personnel Director to este:bd.:LC qualifi? cation standardo for all positions. a. Recommending position classification for all positions to the Personnel Director'. d. Assisting the Personnel Director to establish Salary administration, efficiency rating and career management program, and for parrying out such programa when established. e. Maintaining a current record of authorized vacancies and approved procurement requests against such vacancies. f. Establishing personnel procurement priorities. ft. Maintaining continual contacts with potential personnel procurement sources. h. Exclusive liaison with the ISO Staff relative to personnel security clocks and clearances. All requests for Initiation of and information relative to status of personnel security checks and clearances will be channeled through the Personnel Divisions. ii Establishing personnel training programs within specifically Xathorimod liatatione? "09 -4- Trp rf 113 if. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 r- ? - ? rq. 44 4.ati J. Establishing and maintaining retention registers for reduotion.inotorce procedures. ' k. Reviewing And acting on All disciplinary anti* whichmOs eigned and presented by Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs 1. (1) Taking final action on personnel actions involving grades 08?12 and below, eXcept when there Sre unresolved disagreements with. Assistant Directors of Staff Chiefs 'concerned. (2) Recommending through the Personnel Director to the Executive action an personnel actions involving grades 0S-13 and above. (3) Referring all personnel actions through the Personnel Director to the Executive where there is unresolved diesgreement with the Assistant Director or Staff Chief concerned. 6. Merit And onalifications of Individuals s. The basis for all personnel potions in the Agency will be Individual qualifications and relative merit. Personal coneiderations, family relationships, favoritism, and external pressures or oonsiderationevill not be permitted to inflUenOe such adtions. Assistant Directors, Stiff Chiefs and each afthe officials listed in paragraph 1 above axe personally ("barged with insuring that this policy is effectively exercised throughout the. Agency.: Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. Determination of relative merit and qualifications will be based on demonstrated ability, personal industry., integrity, loyalty, length of service, general efficiency, and background of experience and education, in comparison with other employees in similar fields and grades. a. Supervisory personnel at all levels must become throughly familiar with personnel under their jurisdiction to insure the just and objective administrative of this policy. 7. Ipittication of Personpel Actipps Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for the initiation of personnel actions an individUals under their jurisdiction and for the routing of such actions to the appropriate Personnel Division. They maydeSigilate such individuals within their organizations as may be considered desirable to sign and forward such actions. The names Of individuals so designated, and any changes in such designation's, will be communicated in Writing to the appropriate Personnel Division. b.Eadh personnel action requiring action by the executive will be signed personally by the Assistant Director or Staff Chief concerned. 8 pala$ions With the Civillogrice CemplOstop a. The Classification Act of 1949 exemete the CIA from its provisions. As a result, our personnel pregraps Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 including position Olasaification, appointment, promotion, etc., is carried out within the Agency without Civil Service Commisidon review. b. However, the Director has signed a written agreement with the Civil Service Commiesion to adhere stridt17 to the provisions of the Classification Act in administering the Agency personnel program. The Civil Service ComMission also has agreed to provide advioe and guidance whenever called upon to do sp. The supervisory and review functions previously exercised by the Civil Service Commission have been delegated to the Personnel Director and. his Staff for all Agency personnel matters, regardless of their security Classification. 9. Apnointtent flAcies and Procedures a. Positions are filled by. direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Commission. However, positions are filled in accordance with established Civil Serviee procedure. b The following pont is established for effecting appointments to fill vacant pesitionS:. (1) An individual without prior Government service will be. carried in a trial period status for the first year. (4: An Individual with prior Government service :who has served under war service or excepted Appointments will be required to serve the first six months in a trial period 040484 UN G NTIfif Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (3) An individual with Civil Service status mill be appointed by transfer or reinstatement without any time limitation or trial period. c. During the trial period an employee will receive the specie/ attention and instruction required to acquaint kin with his duties and to develop his ability- to perform his work in the moat satleactory manner. After a fair and full trial period an employee will be terminated if his services de net meet Agency standards. An employee with veterans' preference or Civil Service status Will be accorded n)1 rights and privileges granted him under the Veterans Preference Apt, of 1944 as amended, and Civil Service rules and regulations. (Those privileges are subject tO special final authority granted L,o the Director by the National Security Act of 1947.) d4 The following procedures are established for processing individuals for emp1orm4nt within CIA* -(1) Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall transtit a Recruitment ReqUest (Form No 37-8) it the original and three copies to the Personnel Division as afrequisition to fill an authorized vacancy. :A Personnel Action Request (rend No 374 Or 37r1) in quadruplicate shall be forwarded to the f!ersonnelDiVision as trequisitien for actual employ- ment of an individual. In order to initiate security clearance kTersonne.?0-494 Request may be sUbmitted agRient a position currently filled, providing the Approved For Release 2001109/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 r. ik Li L. bi office concerned informs the Personnel Division on the form of the approximate date that the present incumbent will vacate the position. (2) An Application for Federal Employment (Standard Form 57) and a Personal History Statement (Form No. 38-l) will be obtained by the Personnel Division and forwarded with a Referral Sheet (Form No. 37..9) to the appropriate office. If the office is interested, it will indicate the position to which the individual will be assigned. (a) Final selection or rejection of applicants for positions above grade GS-5 or equivalent shall rest with the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief. However, the Personnel Chiefs may refer to the Executive rejection cases which they believe are not warranted. (b) Final authority for the selection and assignment of an employee in grade GS-5 or equivalent and below, shall rest with the Chiefs Personnel Divisions. (c) All assignments are subject to the security approval of the Inspection and Security, Staff. (3) Upon the receipt of a Personnel Action Request the Personnel Division will make an offer of employment to the individual concerned (subject to satisfactory security clearance) and upon indicated acceptance will initiate action for sevrity clearance. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL (4) The Personnel Division will notify the office concerned of the failure of an individual to receive security clearance and will take appropriate action to inform the individual of his rejection. (5) The Executive or the Personnel Chiefs will contact each individual (including detailed IAC personnel) relative to entrance on duty. An individual assigned to a personnel pool will be instructed to report to duty by the Personnel Division, following security clearance. Each individual (including detailed rAc personnel) reporting for duty will present to the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief a written notice from the Personnel Division stating that he has been fully cleared and assigned for duty. A copy of this notice will be furnished the Inspection and Security Staff by the Personnel - Division. In extraordinary circumstances the Executive. may give verbal authorization for entrance on duty after assuring hinself that all required processing has been completed. No individual will be accepted for duty miless one of the above provisions has been mgt. (6) Status or security clearance of prospective employees will be obtained from the ,Inspection and Security Staff only by the Personnel Division. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 10. Promise Policiee and ProcgdUres An employee may be promoted to a higher grade subject Existence of a suitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualifications of the individual for the vacancy. (3) Completion of 90 day detail period to position GS-7, or above. ncimbet of positions lower than GS-7 must have assumed the duties of the position to which they are being promoted. Prior to the time of detail they must meet tee ting requirements and qualification standards for the redommended position. No employee shall be detailed to a position allocated higher than one grade above the position which he currently occupies, These stipulations do not constitute a barrier to promotion of an individual whose position has been reclassified to a higher grade. (4) Submission of a Personnel Action Request tit the Personnel Division indicating the exact position and the date the employee is detailed in order that he may receive credit for the detail period. The form must indicate the allocated position that will be occupied. (5) Evidence of an efficiency rating as follows GS-4., equivalent, and below.. Good or better for 012: months preceding promotion Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CEIFIEITIL ?GS 5 through GS-13 or equivalent - Very Good or Exoellent for six:months preceding promotion O8...14 and above -.Excellent for one year preoeding promotion b. Promotions are limited to one grade exgept in cases where no intermediate grades have been recognised. c After considering all the factors indicated above, the recommending and approving authorities will use the following table as a guide in determining appropriate time in grade for promotion purposes: GS - CPC Time ir Grade - 1 2 3 1 2 3 months 5 5 6 6 months 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 months I, 10 12 months 21 15 months 18 =litho 21 months 0 7 G NiiiRF i! Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 d. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall forward to the Personnel Division a Personnel Action Request containing sufficient information to indicate eompliance with the policies dafined in paragraph 6 above e. A request from a field station for a promotion meat be accompanied by a Poeition Description (Standard Form 75) prepared by the employee, which outlines the duties and responsibilities being performed, together with remarks and certification of the immediate superior. In 6ho case of a proposed position in the field service the description will be prepared by the individual who is most familiar with the duties and responsibilities to be performed. The description must include: (1) Factual description of the work being preformed (2) A statement of degree of difficulty and responsi- bility inherent in the position. (3) An account of the nature and extent of Supervision, independent Judgment and decisions exercised by the incumbent. f upon receipt of a request for a promotion in the departmental service the Personnel Division will 'audit the position involved In order to deternine the level of difficulty, responsibility, and grade at which the individual is perform- ing to ascertain whether he should receive a promotion. g. An employee oceugping.a-classified position will be advanced to the next higher step within his grade, providing that he has twelve menthe of-service' equivalent .increase in pay for &Wen C7.1.40 Land below or eighteen =jos lierodoe for grades gg:.,7db:ce. In addition Oe. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 employee must have a current efficiency rating of Good or better and a satisfactory conduct report. Istra*Unemy Transfer Policy A Personnel Action Request for intra-agency transfer will be prepared by the office to which the employee is being transferred. 12. AseiRnment of IAG Personnel It shall be the responsibility of the receiving office to initiate a Completed Personnel Action Request on all IAC personnel (including citation of the allocated position). b. The Personnel Division will initiate a request for security clearance. Upon receipt of security clearance the individual will be called to duty by the Personnel Division and will be assigned to the requesting office d. 'AC personnel will not be al/awed to work in restricted buildinp until they are given a statement by the Personnel Division certifying that all provisions for assignment have been net. Separations and intramegency transfers shall be reported to the Personnel Division on Personnel Action Request in tripli- cate* initiated by the appropriate office. 23. alartr Administrat3o4 Regular tan.tline employees and temporaz7 employees of the Agency with a regular tour of duty compensated on a per annum bowie will be paid in accordance with the following policy* Approved For Release 2001/09/04,: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001109/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (a) New appointments will be made at the base salary of the grade. (Transfers, promotions, demotions, re.em2loymont, and reinstatements ape not new appoint- ments within the meaning of the requirement.) (b). Employees appointed by transfer, reinstate- ment or r I loyment to a position of the same grade will be permitted to retain periodic pay increases preyiously received. (0) Employees appointed by tranefer, reinstate.. ment, or re-employraent to a position in a lower grade than last held will receive salaries fixed to allow credit toward within-grade promo bions for all service in appointment grade and higher grades. (2) Drattalkalakali e of tic (a) When an employee is promoted to a:higher grade position, be must be compensated at the base of the grade if the entrance salary-exceeds any he has previously earned in the Federal Service. (b) When an employee who has previously received a change to a lower grade is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to allow credit toward within-grade promotion for all previous service in the grade to whioh he Is being promoted or for service in any higher grades. (3) Deterin1yiin Ss'iarv In ase of Chan to Lo?Grade To determine salary in case of a change to (a) lower grade the anployee maybe given credit for all service previously rformed in the lower v w Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 1111ENTI grade and in any higher grades previously held. (b) Exceptionas The policy outlined above does not apply in the following types of cases: 1. Employees who have earned meritorious pay increasos. An employee who has been given a within-grade pay increase because of especially meritorious sorvice or as a reward for superix?. accomplishment will be permitted at the time he is demoted to retain one step for each such advancement. 2. Employees who change to lower gradea to accept probational appointment. If the change to a lower grade is due to Employee's desire to accept probational appointment he will be compensated at the step in the lower grade whibh is nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary in the higher grade Etnployees who were changed to lower grades for disciplinary reasons. If the employee is changed to a lower grade for disciplinary reasons, his salary rate will be set at the base of the grade to which he is demoted in the absence of specific provision to the contrary. b. The salary policy now in effect for classified employees also will apply to ungraded with respect tot (1) entrance on duty, "(2) promotion, (3) change to lower grade, (4) probational Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 1 Int i ,Apirovilw,Reieas ( ()NI 1)1 11 I /\,1 pproved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 tIMMENTIAL... appointment, and (5) disciplinary action. The term "step inoreaae" will be used, for ungraded positions in lieu of "periodic pay increase" for classified positions. (1) An employee transferring from a classified pogtion to an ungraded position will do so without loss in salary unless his classified salary was above the top step of the ungraded job to which he is being assigned. (2) An ungraded employee who receives a conduct and afficieney report of Patisfactory:or higher will receive a step increase after the first six months of ungraded service and annually thereafter until the top step has been reached. The salary for employees transferring between graded and ungraded Positions Will be determined after considering the waiting period elapsed and whether or not an equivalent increase isinvelved. (5) An employee in an ungraded position will have an opportunity to earn step increases as a result of meritor. ious service and superior accomplishments 14. Wear:Mtaiappat The career management program of the Agency is designed to provide from within' (1) Itsource of vell qualified Individuals to fill vacancies as: they occur. (2) A system whereby individuals may quplify and be promoted to more responsible positions through training and: development Within the Agency. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 or Release- 2001109/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ? .CONFRIENTIA1 It le Agency policy that vacaUcies will be filled by the best qualified employee available within the .Ageney. The basic considerations for promotion will be proven ability and merit. 15. tageonnel Status Reeertre a. Assistarlt Directors and Staff Chiefs shall submit; to the Personnel Division a Personnel Information (Form No. 37-6) when an employee: (1) Changes his name, home or office address home or office telephone number. (2) Is separated frem the Agency .by transfer, resignation, or entera the military service from civilian employment. b. In addition to the above a Perwonnel Status Report Cram NO. 38-7) shall be submitted following any change in an: employee's Marital statUs. The original of the form will be routed to the Personnel Division and :a copy to the Chief, Inspection end Security' 16. ,Amtai d.Fliallagatga. a.: Each employee will obtain clearance prior to final Clearance will be obtained on a Final Sheet (Form No. 34-30) when an employee is leaving for overseas duty, granted leave without pay for a period in excerm of 60 calendar days, or being transferred to or from an unvoudhered fund status. b. The Personnel Division will be no if led by &Aim Request at least one week prior to the effective date .GONFib Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 of the request. Upon receipt of the Personnel Action Request ion the the Personnellwill-make necessary arrangements for an exit inter? view and for final clearance, will direct the employee to the Inspection and Security Staff for security clearance, and will then obtain the additional required clearance by telaplione, obtain the employee's signature, and direct the employee to deliver the form to the applicable payroll office. Uhen the employee is unavailable all action indicated will be taken except procurement of the employee b signature. c. The Chief of afield office will: (1) De?brief the employee. (2) On the Final Paynent Clearance Sheet complete certification blocks "office to which assigned" and "Security Branch". (3) Obtain employee's signature and forwarding address. (4.) Forward the form to the Personnel Division through established channels. 17. These regulations will govern generally all personnel actions of this Agency, both overt and covert, and will be applied to the fullest possible extent in carrying out specific provisions of Confidential Funds Regulations covering covert personnel actions. R. H. HILLENXOETTIM Rear Admiral, USN Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CHM PERSO4ICL0 SSS ()anat. DATE; DATE DATZ fr STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 STATI NTL MOUS* F I ED C _IlifTR I Cr' 7.7 CONFIDENTIAL SENDER 'W Tt4.?C.I.RCLE?GLA, .iF I CAT ION TOP CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE i uFFICI AL ROUTING ? , SECRET AND BOTTOM) AGENC Ez_cufive P_ogle!,It_' SLIP? d 7 9 y - IN I T I ALS DATE -It I id) ' 661.X. wtAidei ? . -...-- tibr134-- /7014A; 5 FROM INITIALS DATE I _-__ .Y.44A //tr. 4 AI nj1 1 SI IN ATURE RETURN DISPATCH FILE 44/9 y--- L4JACTION fR, VAL I NFORMATJAN I --tDTRETTIEPLY I I 1COMMENT I LPREPARATION OF REPLY =CONCURRENCE REMARKS: SECRET I I RECOMMENDATION TA, 44Z -44,-;144 4.4.0 adAet.-- t4?,,,,,,, ....24....., , CONFIDENTIA RESTRICTED UNCLASSIFIED FORM NO. 30.4 SEP 1947 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL ,TATINTL STATINTL STATINTL RESTfKTED ADMINISTRATITE INSTRUCTION SUBJECT: 1. Personnel Policies and Procedures _ (This rescinds Administrative Instructions 11111111 dated 31 October 19146;iMMMind Amendment No. 1, dated 13 December 1946 and 10 October 1947 respectively and Amendment No. 1L2L1t2T:L211 April 1947 and 2 September 1947 respectively; MMMJI dated it. December 1947Land: ? dated 30 June 19415. Thifka?lee-reattindlOfenlo- tan um dated 4 February 1947, Subject: Policy Governing Classification of Position's in CIG, to the Assistant . Directors of all Offices and Chief of Coordinating and Planning Staff). Personnel Branch Responsibilities a. The Personnel Branch, A&M, is responsible for performing the folloming functions 'with respect to procurementoprocessing, position classification and termination of personnel: c..44" A.d.t.44 (1) Maintaining a.,11764r. of authorized vacancies and ap- proved requisitions. %.47 (2) Establishing prioritrArecruitment on an agency- wide basis. Maintaining constant contact with potential recruit- ment sources. -the-Persalmme1-Branc44jN3 -ffill. -establish-such-contacts lor.procurement.purposes.)- (4) Contacting and negotiating with individual applicants for employment. Coordinating with the Executive for Inspection and cett-stl-Zoi Security Zor-411e-aptoppeee-etAlinitiating aad expediting security clearances for prospective employees. (6) FinallraPpraving all personnel actions for grades P-5: CAF-12 and below. Grades P-6 OAF-13 and above (3) RESTRICTED - 7777:77, Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ?i4ik pproved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (7) (8) (9) RESIRICTED cippecAlivi require the eenverrenee of the Executive Director or in his absence the Executive for Administration and Management. Classification and allocation of positions to appro- priate service, grade and class, and for determining rates of pay applicable to positions not subject to the provisions of the Classification Act. Processing all personnel actions including appoint- ments, intra-agency transfers, promotions, demotions, within-grade promotions, and separations. Providing an employee relations program to protect and stimulate employee interest and to serve as a medium for management-employee relationships. (10) All disciplinary action will be considered and acted upon by the Personnel Branch, based upon written charges prepared by the operating agency and signed anaci by the Assistant Director or Staff Med concerned. Establishing and operating a testing and training program to improve the selection and performance of employees. 12) Maintaining liaison with the Dept. of State and the armed forces for the purpose ofsupportings4Pailve At?:eiedi -4aMd4gOpposstsmoodcAC personnel. -releivive=inv-estirperatiffiiirialrifiemadetAhron_ Providing a comprehensive medical program to insure the #ealth and physical well-being of all employees. RESTRLCIED Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100 Approved For Release 2001/09104 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RESWICTED b. The Personnel Branch, A&M, performs constant liaison with the Civil Service Commission on all matters requiring Civil Service approval, such as classification of positions, efficiency ratings, certi- fication of enployees from Civil Service registers, etc. 2. Basis for Personnel Actions a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for insuring against personnel actions affecting individuals under their supervision which are not based purely on relative merit. Emphasis on relative merit extends throughout all personnel matters including: pro- curement, assignment to duty, promotions, work allocations, leave deter- minations, etc. Merit shall be considered as including: demonstrated ability, personal industry, integrity, loyalty, comparative length of service, -premptaese-ef-aetriew-and comparative general efficiency. VOtf Pei-S 44 e/ b. --Baek--keristent-Divsetor-and-Staff-elitef must became so ...atsk-x1.44,; thoroughly familiar with the personnel ofi,bie-ediputFsation and their utilisation thab 4:e3gAsArecognize any contrary tendency and take appro- priate action immediately. 3. Policies for Appointment a. All CIA positions are filled undergSchedule Aflauthority ma4r4e-euelt-ere-f441,4 by direct recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Commission. However, all positions are filled in accordance with established. Civil Service procedures. 14 The following policy is established for effecting appoint- ments to fill vacant positions: (1) Individuals without prior Government service will be given an excepted appointment under Schedule will be required to serve the first full year of ser- vice in a trial Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 07.14.1.) ApprovetikiFor RelgAIROPCIA-RDP81-00Z2 R000100010005-8 (2) Individuals with prior government service who have served under War service or excepted appointments will be given an excepted appointment under?Schedu1e and will be required to serve the first six months of service in a trial period status. (3) Individuals with Civil Service status Will be appointed by transfer or reinstatement to positions without any time limitation or trial period. c. miring the trial period the employee will receive the special attention and instruction required to acquaint him with his duties and to develop his ability to perform his work in the most satisfactory manner. After a fair and full trial period, an employee mill be terminated if his d0 -it servicesAape-immrbtelectiory. Employees with veteran's preference or Civil Service status will be accorded all rights and privileges granted them under the Veterans Preference Act of 1944, as amended') and Civil Servide rules and regulations. 4. Promotion Policies Civilian employees may be promoted to higher grades subject (1) Existence of. a suitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualification of the individual for the vacancy. (3) Proven and demonstrated ability to .perform the duties ILLEGIB of the higher grAde for a minimum hisialid4006.does not consti- tute a barrier too4ndividuals whose positions have been ) classified. to higher gradesl nod ) --..... , /CA r 1.114'LLt Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RESIRICIED outlined here b dad be covei ?y a memorandum of detail ? ced 'n the em oyeels file at the beg of such period. )4294e A mforye Good,' or *Ex9elientirefficiency rating for the preceding -month period, wit the exception of prcmotipIto grades P-7 14 and above, which uire an II:Excellent efficiency rating for the receding twelve-4no7 period 454.:=Icpreatioue:zreeertk-ofthancemtent.-- b. Promotions are limited to one grads except in those cases where no intermediate grade has been established. Each Assistant D ect d Staff Chief00611d, in acc.code ance with this 'employees under capabil es of hi employees ap,'After considering all the factors indicated abve, the recommending and approving authorities will use the following table as a guide in determining appropriate time in grade for promotion purposes: OAF 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 4 6 5 7 a 6 7 a ditr Time in grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 f 8 9 10 3 months 6 months 9 months 9 10 12 months Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ra:slckslarri ease 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Intra-Agency Transfer Policy a. Employees may not seek reassignment within CIA without the prior written approval of the Chief, Personnel Branch, Milk or his authorised representative. Such approval will be based upon the recom- mendation of the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief. ,S10,06'rvis'ofry PQ/-51044 b. -Msiatant.,Direetors-and-Staff-Chiefs may not interview or ,,,,T44444? seek the transfer of personnel aum4.11-esail-asaste-thet,written approval described in,g above 6. Appointment Processing Procedures a. The following procedures are established for the processing of air individualS for employment within CIA: (1) Assistait Directors and Staff Chiefs will transmit Reciviip)ent 7?c,vesi Form No 37-8 in duplicate to the Personnel Branch as * requisitionSto fill authorised vacancies and Per-sonne/ *lion 86780es.'4 forwardAForm No.. 37-3 in quadruplicate to the Personnel Branch as It requisitions for actual employ- mentv.? of tkei.ndividual selected. 50h41 Aks4-or,./ ,S*71-t7Ame.474- 'Car WO, (2)(4Forms No. 57 anr8-1 will be obtained by the Personnel Branch and will be forwarded to appropriate offices within CIA If interested, the office will indicate to the Personnel Branch the position to which the individual w3/1 be assigned. Final selection or rejection, above grade CAF-5, will rest with the appropriate Assistant Director or staff Chief. il.te4.0d4tti /44.41 rt A44 liar 44- H 4...-0.44:44 4.44:14.44 .44.41.44,44.4.14ard. RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 20 P81-00728R000100010005-8 gaz? 63,4 f 4/ a.,4 4_ eei-ievt? Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RESI RIMP ()Final authority for the selection and assignment of and wage rates employees;figrade CAF-5 ad equivalent grades/and below, rests with theliPersonnel Branch and consequently such cases are not referred to Assistant Directors or Staff Chiefs for action. --Tike.-Beaseftuieipapenelb-44411-debeismEne thwowl,babi414,-ef.qualligaisatmiaiss.(4All personnel Se y lopr' vi assignments are subject to the oiaimeineitcepof the Executive for I & S. Upon the receipt of Form No. 37-3, the Personnel Branch will make an offer of employment to the individ- 4-t44tb C44? 4.1.4A,vzi ual concernedsond'ipon indicated acceptance will initiate action for security clearance. LIAA41!4'14' wt61"1"2-44"4". ..P.W,t4 r-ittall A.4./404/4 4ujt, L4dJ .0 Wtonz The Personnel Branch will notify the office concerned of the failure of individuals to receive security clearance and will take appropriate action to inform the individual of his rejection. The Executive for Administration and Management, or the Chief, Personnel Branch, will contact all individ- uals (including earlawd IAC personnel) relative to entrance on duty. Individuals assigned to personnel pools will be instructed to report for duty in the various offices by the Chief Personnel Branch, following security clearance. Each individual, includ. ing assigned IAC personnel, reporting for duty will present to the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief a written notice from the Chief, Personnel Branch, ( 3 ) Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RESIRICTED stating that such individual has been fully cleared and is assigned 4.o4zint for duty. A copy of this 4,.;%1.1 14- ? notice loprurnished the Executive for Inspection and Security In extraordinary circumstances, the Execu- tive for Administration and Management may verbal authorization for entrance on duty after assuring him- self that all required processing has been completed. "ko 0-4.e4old fr 01.4X1 _Uta Promotion Processing Procedures a. Assistant Directors and staff Chiefs will forward Form LC 37-3 to the Personnel Branch liti-s-reettkeet-foar-yeeme4fixert-seirk.en-meeir-. contailislufficient information to indicate compliance with the policies defined in paragraph 14 above.4kteit-reeommendatiowfor-promotion.3- be-subjest-to,,,desk=audit-Fand- .otrlsheetzof:Yifoaofcca-lnibt' :7be-usettr-1*.- - -the--inountbent#W347tif.444tion.....,_ . AN> PRaMorioN c.a.14t b. Requests from field stations for promotion.airemstriettu-R- i,t,Chat iNclude. 74e...ALcisNmatir AaanstAmust be accompanied by an employee-prepared position description:, ilifbr grade which outlines pmemmmt duties and responsibilitiesr\:together with the - remarks and certification of the immediate supervisor. The position description should include: (1) An original, objective, concrete and factual word picture of the job being performed. (2) The degree of difficulty and responsibility inherent in the position. (3) The nature and extent of supervision and of independent judgments and decisions exercised by the incumbent. (14) ca7411k, their and Xgreil(of ities. RESTRICTE4 ? Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RESTRICTED After review of all factors by the Personnel Branch, proper disposition of the case will be made. Salary Administration Regular full-time employees and temporary employees of CIA with a regular tour of duty compensated on a per arum basis will be paid in accordance with the following policy, Entrance on Duty Salary. (1) New appointments will be made at the base salary of the grade. (Transfers, promotions, demotions, reemploy- ment, reappointments and reinstatements are not new appointments within the meaning of this regulation.) (2) Employees appointed by transfer, reinstatement or reemployment to a position of the same grade will be permitted to retain periodic pay increases previously received. Employees appointed by transfer, reinstatement, or reemployment to a position in a lower grade, than last held will receive salaries fixed to allow credit toward within-grade promotions for all service in 4hebAgrade pi higher grades. b. Determining Salary in Case of Promotion (1) When an employee is promoted to a higher grade position, he must be compensated at the base of the grade if the entrance salary exceeds any he has previously earned in the Federal Service. (3) - 9 - RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ease 09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 RESTRICTED When an employee who has previously received a change to a lower grade is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to allow credit toward within-grade promotion for all previous service in the grade to which he is being promoted or for service in any higher grades. Determining Salary in_Case of Change to Lower Grade. (1) To determine salary in case of a change to lower grade, the employee taz be given credit for all service previously performed in the lower grade and in any higher grades previously held. (2) Exceptions: The policy outlined above does not apply in the following type of cases: (a) EmEloyees who have earned meritorious az increases. An employee who has been given a within-grade pay increase because of especially meritorious service or as a reward for superior accomplishment will, at the time he is demoted, be permitted to retain one step for each such advancement. (b) Change to lower grade to accept mbational appointment. If the change to a lower grade is due to employee's desire to accept probational appointment, he will be compensated at the step in the lover grade which is nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary in the higher grade. RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 "IIESTRICIF.D Change to lower grade for disciplinary reasons. If the employee is changed to a lower grade for disciplinary reasons, his salary rate will be set at the base of the grade to which he is demoted, in the absence of specific provision. to the contrary. Within-Grade Promotions a. An employee occupying a classified position may be advanced the next higher rate within his grade, provided that he has twelve months of service for grades P-3, CAF-10 anci below or has eighteen months service for grades P-14, CAF-11 and above. In additions the employee must have a current efficiency rating of "good" or better. b. The Chief, Personnel Pranch, is responsible for keeping records to determine when employees are eligible for within-grade promo- tion. Prior to the actual salary increases the Chief, Personnel Branch, will . ed/Inj, senforn No. 37-105 to the employee's Immediate supervisor for certification that the employee's conduct is satisfactory. Determination will also be made that the efficiency rating is appropriate. c. Provisions exist for the advancement by step promotions for personnel occupying positions not subject to the provisions of the Classification Act. 10,..6.E.011 hien t 7.1,//e 61,It slil eponeibiiity of .the receiving Aislamelb-er Of- S/dif c //en ficeilto initiate a completed Form 37-3 on all assigned IAC personnel prior to entrance on duty. The 37-3 (3 copies) shall be accompanied by Personal History Statement (2 copies). ,.RE?TiltICTED Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ance. -RESUMED The Personnel Branch will initiate request for security clear- Separations and Intra4gency transfers of IAC personnel will be reported to Personnel Branch by Form 37-3, initiated by the appro- priate office. U. Termination a.c. and Staff rair4All ?caplet. Form No. 37-3 for employees under their jurisdiction who have submitted resig- Oe S e"tref /Ion nations, stating the reason therefor, together with any explanationpihich may help to prevent the loss of the employee, and forward the completed form to the Chief, Personnel Branch, at least two weeks in advance of the separation date. Upon receipt of Form No. 37-3, the Personnel Branch, after pre-exit interview, in instances imimhich the employee still wishes eka , 41.6 to resign, will preparrorm No. 34-30 indicating thereon the routing to be followed for clearance. utes and,k and Assistant/ Brandh/to the Cases involv Dir! ors/ 63Clitill for Aanli n Strati= and lianageatent disa /I( or Staff C / between the Personnel Branch / referred/i'yy the P A "24-rt9e)?iifl1 'a'-1/te41/1 ,e:P?erf?-?&?"10 X4' it'4t2e4i*- 71eJZW444-041 44Q, RESTIZRIED Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 STAT I NT L 5 4-4.? ( e%",. d r- , , ? d ..e-, : 1,2-e/X - ? A, CT erg-A e,`"")14 C.:1 et-ea .??????????? 2901/0 /04 PArROP81-00729R0001 00 ,t000t Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D. C. 25X1A 25X1A -25X1A ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION NO. SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures RESCISSIONS: Administrative Instruction Administrative Instruction Administrative Instruction REFERENCE: General Order (Revised), dated ated 17 August 1948 dated 25 March 1947 dated 11 August 1949 5 October 1949 General PolicE a. Authority is delegated by approved statements of functional responsibilities, separate specific delegations, and this Instruction to the Agency officials listed below to take implementing action on personnel actions recommended by Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs (appointment, employ- ment, classification and reclassification of positions, pro- motion, demotion, transfer, and separation of individuals) for the Director: Executive Deputy Executive Personnel Director Chief, Administrative Staff Chief, Personnel Division, Administrative Staff Chief, Special Support Staff Chief, Employees Division, Special Support Staff Designated subordinates Of the above listed official; b. Officials and employees not listed above should iiibt .discuss personnel Actions with individuals to litom such actions will apply without prior clearance from the appropriate Oft- Pial listed above. Such clearance will in no. case include authorization to make commitments of any nature for actual employment or salary level. Violation of this policy may result in the immediate dismissal of the individual guilty of the violation. c. No appointment in or promotion to grades GS-16 and above will be made without the prior approval of the Director personally. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ease 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL trpselpting a. Officials and employees of this Agency, including those listed in paragraph la above, are prohibited from discussing em- ployment possibilities with any employee of any other government agency or employees of the Congress without the presentation of a written release for such discussion from the employing agency of the individual concerned. b. The policy stated in paragraph 2a above will also apply to intra-agency transfers between Offices and Staff Sections, except in connection with the application of Agency career management policies by authorized officials listed in paragraph la above. c. It is expected that other government agencies will observe a reciprocal non-proselyting policy in dealing with CIA employees. Such employees who obtain employment with other government agencies without obtaining prior release may be required to resign in order to accept such employment. d. In connection with the above, there is no objection to the officials listed in paragraph la above contacting any other agency, when desired by Assistant Directors or Staff Chiefs, to ascertain whether a specific individual can be made available for employment by CIA and, if no objection is made, to arrange for appropriate interviews and security checks within CIA prior to actual separa- tion of such individual from his current employment. 3 Definitions a. The jurisdiction of each of the Personnel Staffs of CIA it defined in published statements of functional responsibility.. In order to avoid duplication of instructions the term "Personnel Divisions" as used hurein will pertain to each of the following activities to the extent of its published functions, =less other- wise stated: Personnel Division, Administrative Staff EmploYees Division, Special Support Staff b. IAC personnel are those individuals detailed for duty with C/A from the State Department or the Department of Defense.. o. Departmental erVice includes. all positions in the heed- 25X1A quarters or central office of the Agency. -2- CONFI.DENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDESTIAL Inquiries All inquiries either written or verbal, from the White House members of the Congress, or Committees of national political parties received by eviandividuil or activity of this Agency will be immedi- ately referred to the General Counsel for action and preparation of reply. The General Counsel is responsible for adequate coordination in each case prior to preparation of reply. 5. General Resnsmsibilities of Personnel Divisions Under the policy guidance of the Personnel Director ard the dirt wIpervidion of the Chiefs of the Administrative and Special Support Staffs, the Personnel Divisions are responsible for: a. Procurement, placement, processing, appointment, promotion, demotion, within-grade advances, suspension, and termination of individual employees, to meet the stated requirements oilrecom- mendations of Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs concerned, or mandatory provisions of law and government regulations. b. Assisting the Personnel Director to establish qualifica- tion standards for all positions. c. Recommending position classifi :ation for all positions to the Personnel Director. d. Assisting the Personnel Director to establish salary admin- istration, efficiency rating and career management programs, and for carrying out such programs when established. e. Maintaining a current record of authorized vacancies and approved procurement requests against such vacancies. f. Establishing personnel procurement priorities. g. Maintaining continual contacts with potential personnel procurement sources. h. Exclusive liaison with the I&S Staff (except by the Execu- tive or Personnel Director) relative to personnel security checks and clearances. All requests for initiation of and information relative to status of personnel security checks and clearances will be channeled through the Personnel Divisions. i. Establishing personnel training: programs within specifi- cally .authorized limitations. j. Establishing and maintaining retention registers for reduction-in-force procedures. k. Taking implementing action on all disciplinary Actions whic# I recommended in writing by Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs. -3- CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL 1. .(1) Taking implementing action on recommended personnel actions involving grades GS-12 and below., except when there are unresolved disagreements with Assistant Directors or Staff Chiefs concerned. (2) Recommending through the Personnel Director to the Executive action pn personnel actions involving grad*. GS-13 and above. (See paragraph lc re actions involving grades GS-16 and above. The Executive will make recommenda- tions to: th3 Director in each such caSe.). (3) Referring all personne] actions through the Personnel Director to the Executive where there is unresolved disagree- ment with the Assistant Director or Staff Chief concerned. Medical Standards Initial appointnent or reassignment to all positions are sub- ject to establiShed medical standards. Inasmuch as the signing of a medical waiver by an individual does not relieve the government of its liability under the regulations of the Employees Compensation Commission, no waivers of physical recuirements will be granted. 7. Merit and Qualifications of Individuals a. The basis for all personnel actions in the Agency will be individual qualifications and relative merit. Personal consider- relationships, favoritism, and external pressures or considerations will not be permitted to influence such actions. Assistant Directors, Staff Mies, and each of the officials listed in paragraph 1 above are personally charged with insuring that this policy is effectively exercised throughout the Agency. b. Determination of relative merit and qualifications will be based on demonstrated ability, personal industry, integrity, loyalty, length 9f Service, general efficiency, and background of experiencetreducation, in comparison with other applicants and employees in similar fields and grades. c. Supervisory personnel at all levels must become thoroughly familiar with personnel under their jurisdiction to insure the just and objective administration of this policy. 8. Initiation of Personnel Actions As Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for the initiation of personnel actions on individuals under their jurisdiction and for the routing of such actions to the appropriate Personnel Division. They may designate such CONFIDENTIAL Approved Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 25X1A 25X1A ArMIN/STRATIVE NO. Exudative liegin(ry CONF/DENTIAI CENTRAL INTELL/GENCE AGENCY Washington, D. C. TRUiiiiii, 6 December 1949 SUBJECT: Personn 1 Politiemand Procedures RESCISSIONS: AcIginistr. Administrat Administrati lye Instruction No. ve instruction No. Instruction No. REFERENCE: General Orde Genep4P4icar a. Authority is delegated W. appro d statements of functional responsibilities, separate pecific delegations, and --b61-671-4actoBn and this Instruction to e officials listed personnel /lotions 'ointment, employment, a4g.:ot.?..?,4 etAlt-444,44,t^lielor. LI classification and reclassification.'?. positions, promotion, , demotion, transfer, and separation bt,individuals) for the Director: ted 17 August 1948, dated 25 March. 1947, dated 11 August 1949 (Revised), dated 5 October 1949. Executive Deputy Executive Personnel Director # / \\ # I \ i \ Chief, Administrative Adder Chief, Personnel Division,Administ ative Staff Chief, Special Suppo Staff )I Chief, Employees Di sion, Special S port Staff Designated subo ? tea of the above sted officials. kt II) 414-1- b. Officials and eragoyees not listed abo -free discussing personnel( actions with individu actions will apply, without th? prior Ni the appropriate official listed above. Such in no case include authorization to make commitmen for actual employment or salary level. Vio policy may result in the immediate dismissal guilty of the violation, to wham such will c,..644,44tei sot any tion of the indivIOU. 0. no appointment in or promotion to grades GS. above will be made without the prior approval of the personally, CONFIDENy;A 6 and Director Approved For Release 2001/09/04 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 , 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONF IDENTIAL 2.Lysalleding a. Officials and employees of this Agency, including those listed in paragraph la above, are prohibited from discussing employment possibilities with any employee of any other gavernment agency or employees of the Congress without the presentation of a written release for such discussion from the employing agency of the individual concerned. b. The policy stated in paragraph 2a above will also apply to intrat-agency tranf ere between Offices and Staff Sections, except in connect on with the application of Agency career management poiicie3 by authorized officials listed in paragraph la above e. It is expected that o her government agencies will observe a reciprocal non-.proslyting policy in dealing with CIA employees. Such employees who obtain employme th other government agencies with ut obtaining prio release may-04.4101*MM to resign in o er to accept ;,ch employment 3. Definitions a. The jurisdiction of each t Personnel Staffs of CIA is defined in published statemen, of functional responsi- bility. In order to avoid duplicat on of Instructions the (Aar* "Personnel Divisions" as use erein will pertain to each of the following activities to t e ent of its published functions, unless otherwise eta ed: Personnel Division, istr,tive Staff Employees Division,,Special S iport Staff b. IAC personnel areiihcse individ s detailed for duty-with CIA from the S Department 4 the Department of Defense. c. Departmental Service includes all positions in the headquarters or central office of the Age ey. .2- CONFIDENTIA4 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 4. lnouiries All inquires, either written or verbal, from the White House, members of the Congress, or Committees of National Political Parties received by any individual or activity of this Agency will be immediately referred to the General Counsel for action and 4arParation of reply, The General Counsel is responsible for adequate coordination in each case priQ2 to preparation of reply. 5. General Responsibilities of,Peroonnelidviolons Under the policy guidance of the Personnel Director and the direct supervision of the Chiefs of the Administrative and Special Support Staffs, the Personnel Divisions are responsible fors a. Procurement, placement, processing, appointment, promotion, demotion, within-grade advances', suspension, and termination of individual employees. ?Tii .axo4/AfriN...gc.a 144.44i,4 614.. A'A.1.4.11.: ec..4A .;?.. 4:// tdelx 41$4,14.44,4 14.4. b. Aasisttnjie ersonnel Dire or to establish crippfi. cation standard for all poOitions. c. Recommend position claification for all positions to the Personnel Di ctor. CONFIDENTIAL d. Assisting the eraonnef Director to establish salary administration, efficie ay and career management programs, and for carryi o t such programs when established. e. Maintaining a curr t record of authoriged vacancies and approved procurement r eats against such vacancies. f. Establishing pews g. Maintaining con procurement sources, procurement priorities. ual cokk,acts with potential personnel h. Exclusive on with the cS Staff (except by the Executive or Personne Director) relktive to personnel security checks and clearance All requests pr initiation of and information relative to status of persCnnel security checks and clearances will channeled througli, the Personnel Divisions. I. Establishifig personnel training programs within specifically authciized limitations. J. Establishing and maintaining retention registers for reduction-in-force prodedures. k.-ReviewM1g-iuld_acting ,on all disciplinary actions which are aigned-and-preeetrbekby Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs. -a-es-vi-i-tikcite&I-44,-..,;4tif:?4 COlIFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001109104: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFJDEOpTIAL -1:14/41.1,44,14.14,041 1. (1) Takinge;finai abtion,onApersonnel actions involving grades GS42 and below, except when there are unresolved disagreements with Assistant Directors or Staff Chiefs concerned. (2) Recommending through the Personnel Director to the Executive action on personnel actions involving grades GS-13 and above. (See paragraph lc re actions involving grades GS-16 and above. The Executive will make recommendations to the Director in each such case.) (3) Referring all personnel actions through the Personnel Director to the Executive where there is unresolved disagre ment with the Assistant Director or Staff Chief conce ed. 6. Medical Standard Initial appointment o reassignment to all p itions are subject to established medical tandards. Txsunuch,s the signing of a medical waiver by an indivi ual does not reli e the government of its liability under the regula ons of the Eno./ oyees Compensation Camedasion, no waivers of physical equirements 11 be granted. 7. Me ci icatio a. The basis for all personnel tions in the Agency will be individual qualifications relative merit. Personal considerations, family relationshi avoritism, and external presiires or considerations will ?t permitted to influence auch'Actions. Assistant Direct? so St Chiefs, and each of the officials listed in paragr / above are personally charged with insuring that thi policy is fectively exercised, throughout the Agency. b. Determination of re tive merit and q ificationa will be based on demonatratedility, personal ind try, integrity, loyalty, length of servi general efficiency, background of experience and education, in comparison with ? er applicants and employees in similar fields and grades. c. Supervisory personnel at all levels must bedome tHboughly familiar with personnel under their jurisdiction to insure the just and objective administration of this policy. 8. tratiatton of Personnel Actions a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for the initiation of personnel actions on individuals under their jurisdiction and for the routing of such actions to the appropriate Personnel Division. They may designate such Qr. CONF IDEN Ti A To Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 01109104: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ONFIDENTIAIi individuals within their organizations as may be considered desirable to sign and forward such actions. The names individuals so designated, and any changes in such designa- tions, will be communicated in writing to the appropriate Personnel Division. b. Each personnel action requiring action by the Executive Will be signed personally by the Assistant Director or Staff Chief concerned. 9 a. The Classification Act of 194cempts the CIA from its provisions. Our personnel programi*acluding position classification, appointment, promotion, etc., is carried out within the Agency without prior Civil Service Commission review. The Director has signed a written agreement with the Civil Service Commission to adhere strictly to the: provisions of the Classification Act in administering the Agency personnel program. The Civil Service Commission also. has agreed to provide advice and guidance whenever called upon to do so. b. The supervisory and review functions previously exercised by the Civil Service Commission have been delegated to the Personnel Director and his Staff for all Agency personnel matters, regardless of their security classification. 10 Amointment Policies and Procedures a. Positions are filled by direct rechuitment rather than by certiflication from the Civil Service Commission, but in accordance with established Civil Service procedure. b. The following policy is established for effecting appointments to fill vacant positions: (1) An individual without priorj Government service will be carried in a trial period status for the first full year. A (2) An individual with prior Government service 11Mo has served under war service or excepted appointments will be required to serve the first six:months in a trial period status. (3) An individual with Civil Service status will be appointed by transfer or reinstatement without any time limitation or trial period. C 0.NFIDENTTAL Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R0001000100- 1::, Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL C. During the trial period an employee will receive the special attention and instruction required to acquaint him with his duties and to develop his ability to perform his work in the most satisfactory manner. After a fair and full trial period an employee will be tsTminated if his services do not meet Agency standards. An employee with veterans' prefer- ence or Civil Service status will be accorded all rights and privileges granted him under the Veterans Preference Act of 1944, as amended, and Civil Service rules and regulations. (These privileges are subjeclvto special final authority granted to the Director by the National Security Act of 1947.) Under certain conditions, it is possible for employees to achieve permanent Civil Service status while serving in this Agency. The Standard Civil Service regulations will be followed in each instance, after initial clearance has been received from the Personnel Relations Branch, Personnel Division. d. The following procedures are established for processing individuals for employment within CIA: (1) Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall transmit Recruitment Requests in the original and three copies to the Personnel Division as requisitions to fill authorized vacancies. A Personnel Action Request (Form No. 37-3 or 37-1) in quadruplicate shall be forwarded to the Personnel Division as a requisition for actual employment of an individual. In order to initiate security clearance a Personnel Action Request may be submitted against a position currently filled, providing the office concerned informs the Personneal Division on the form of the approximate date that the prebent incumbent will vacate the position. (2) An 4pplication for Employment and a Personal History Statement will be obtained by the Personnel Division and forwarded with a Referral Sheet to the appropriate office. After careful review, the file will be returned to the Personnel Office with request for personnel action or reason for rejection. (a) Final selection or rejection of applicants for positions above grade GS-5 or equivalent shall normally rest with the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief, subject to qualifications review by the Personnel Divisions. The Personnel Chiefs may refer to the Executive through the Personnel Director, acceptance or rejection cases which they telieve are not warranted. (b) Final authority for the selection and assignment of an employee in grade 05-5 or equivalent and below, shall rest with the Chiefs, Personnel Divisions. -6- 9_2111,JDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/04,: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 0 ONFIDE.NTIA (c) All assignments are subject to the security approval of the Inspection and Security Staff. (3) upon the receipt of a Personnel Action Request the Personnel Division will make an offer of employment to the individual 'concerned (subject to satisfactory security clearance), and upon indicated aceeptance will initiate action for security clearance. (4) The Personnel Division will notify the office concerned of the failure of an individual to receive Security clearance and will take appropriate action to inform the individual of his rejection. (5) The Personnel Chiefs will contact each individual (including detailed IAC personnel) relative to entrance on duty. An individual assigned to a personnel Pool will be instructed to report to duty by the Personnel Division, following security clearance:. Each individual (including detailed IAC personnel) reporting for duty will present to the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief a written notice from the Personnel Division stating that . he has been fully cleared and assigned for duty. A .copy of this notice will be furnished the Inspection and Security Staff by the Personnel Division. In extraordinary circum- stances the Executive or the Personnel Director may give verbal authorization for entrance on duty after assuring that all required processing has been completed. No India. vidual Will be accepted for = duty unless one of the above provisions has been met. 11. ZazsalisaLIA1)1,2111 and 97exinuaks. a. An eMployee may be promoted to a higher grade subject to: (1) Existence of a suitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualifications of the individual for the vacancy. (3) Completion of 90 day detail period to position GS.7, or above. Incumbents of positions lower than 054 mot have assumed the duties of the position to which they are being promoted: Prior to the time of detail they nmst meet testing requirements and qualification standards for the recommended position. No employee shall be detailed to a position allocated higher than one grade above the position which he currently occupies. These stipulations do not constitute a barrier to promotion of an individual whose position has been reclassified to a higher grade. .7. gONFIDENT Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL (4) Submission of a Personnel Action Request to the Personnel Division indicating the exact position and the datethacmployee is detailed in order that he may receive credit for the detail period. The form must indicate the allocated position that will be occupied. (5) Evidence of an efficiency rating 82 follows: (a) GS-4, equivalent, and below - Good or better for six: months preceding promotion. (21) GS-5 through GS-13 or equivalent - Very Good or Excellent for six months preceding promotion. (0) G5-14 and above - Excellent for one year preceding promotion. b. Promotions are limited to one grade except in cases where no intermediate grades have been recogniged. e. After considering all the factors indicated above, the recommending and Approving authorities will use the following table as a guide in determining appropriate time in grade for promotion purposes: GS 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 CPC Time in Grade 3 months 4 5 5 6 6 months 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 months 9 10 32 months 11 15 months 12 18 months 13 21 months 14 24 months -8- CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001109/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 pproved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIAL d. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall forward to the Personnel Division a Personnel Action Request contain- ing sufficient information to indicate compliance with the policies defined in paragraph40-bove. e. A request from a field station for a promotion must be accompatied by a Position Description *epared by the employee, which outlines the duties and responsibilities being performed, together with remarks and certification of the immediate superior. In the case of a proposed position in the field service the description will be prepared by the indi- vidual who is most familiar with the duties and responsibilities to be performed. The description must include: (1) Factual deOcription of the work being performed. (2) A statement of degree of difficulty and responsi- bility inherent in the position. (3) An account of the nature and extent of supervision, independent judgment and decisions exercised by the incum- bent. f, on receipt of a request for a promotion in the depart-. mental service the Personnel Division will audit the position involved in order to determine the level of difficulty, responsi- bility, and grade at which the individual is performing t'..) ascertain whether he should receive a promotion. g. An employee occupying a classified position will be advanced to the next higher step within his grade, providing that he has 52 weeks of service without an equivalent increase in pay for grades GS-1O and below or 78 weeks service for grades 0541 and above. In addition the employee must have a current efficiency rating of Good or better and a satisfactory conduct report. 12. diatak*AvistImagr...agjay A Personnel Action Request for intramegency transfer will be prepared by the office to which the ,m.:oyee is being transferred. The Personnel Division will coordinate wi .the 184.9 Staff where appropriate. Asesianment of *0 Persozipel a. It shall be the responsibility of the receiving office to initiate a, completed Personnel Action Request on all IAC personnel (including citation of the allocated position). b. The Personnel Division will initiate a request for sectoitity clearance. ONVIDEpTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04; CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 C 0NFIDENTIA4 a. ,on receipt of security clearance the individual will be called to duty by the Personnel Division and will be assigned to the requesting otfice. d. IAC personnel will not be allowed to work in restricted buildings until they are given a statement by the Personnel Division certifying that all provisions for assignment have been net. e. Separations and intra-agency transfers shall be repolOvi to the Personnel Division on Personnel Action Request in tripli- cate, initiated by the appropriate office. The Personnel Divi- sion will coordinate with the I&S Staff where appropriate. 14. Salarv Adminlotrgtion a. Regular full-time employees and temporary employees of the Agency with a regular tour of duty compensated on a per annum basis will be paid in accordance with the following policy: (1) Entrance on Duty Sgeaux (a) New appointments will be made at the base salary of the grade. (Transfers, promotions, demotions, re-employment, and reinstatements are not new appoint- ments within the meaning of the requirement.) (110 Employees appointed by transfer, reinstate- ment or re-employment to a position of the same grade will be permitted to retain periodic pay increases previously received. (0) Employeee appointed by transfer, reinstate- ment, or re-employment to a position in a lower grade than last held will receive salaries fixed to allow credit toward within-grade promotions for all service in appointment grade and higher grades. (2) Determining Salary in Case of fromotio4 (a) When an employee ie position he will be compensat such higher grade which exec, eompensation by not less than grade from which promoted. promoted to a higher grade etkpat the lowest rate of edrhis existing rate of one-step increase of the (b) When an employee who has previously received a change to a lower grade is promoted, his salary will be fixed so as to allow credit toward within-grade promotion for all previous service ki the grade to which he is being promoted or for service in any higher grades. -10- C 0 N'FIDENTIA4 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 C ONFIDDENTIAL (3) Determining Salgry in Case of Chang., tcz Lower grade (a) To determine salary in caae Of g change to lower grade, the employee maybe given credit for all service previously performed in the lower grade and in any higher grades previously had. If the employee's salmy in the lower grade is within a one-step range of his former rate he will be compensated at the step in: the lower grade which is nearest his present salary. (b) Exceptions: The policy outlined above does not apply in the following types of cases: J. Employees who have earned meritorious pay increases. An employee who has been given :a within-grade pay increase because of especially meritorious service or as evreierd for superior :accomplishment will be permitted at the time he is demoted to retain one step for each such advance meet. . Employees who change to lower grades to accept probational appointment. If the change to a lower grade is due to employee's desire to accept probational appointment, he will be compen. sated at the step in the lower grade which is nearest (but not in excess of) the present salary :in the higher grade. v/ 2. Employees who were changed to lower grades for disciplinary reasons. If the employee is changed to a lower grade for disciplinary: ream*, his salary rate will be set at the base of the grade to which he is demoted in the absence of specific provision to the contrary. b. The salary policy now in effect for classified employees also will applyto ungraded employees with respect to: (1) entrance on duty., (2) promotion, (3) change to lower grade, (4) probational appointment, and (5) disciplinary action. The term "step increase" will be used for ungraded positions in lieu of "periodic pay increase" for classified positions. (/) An employee transferring from a classified position to an ungraded position will do so without loss in salary unless his classified salary was above the top step of the ungraded Job to which he is being assigned (2) An ungraded employee who receives a conduct and efficiencorreprt of Satisfactory or higher will receive a step increase after the first six months of ungraded CONFIDEpTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09104: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 C ONFIDENZIA ? service and annually thereafter until the top step has been reached. The salary for employees transferring between graded and ungraded positions will be determined after considering the waiting period elapsed and whether or not an equivalent increase is involved. (3) An employee in an ungraded position will have an opportunity to earn step increases as a result of meri- torious service and superior accomplishments. 15. Career Nenattemeld a. The career management program of the Agency is designed to provide from within: (1) A source of well qualified individuals to fill vasencies as they occur. (2) A system whereby individuals may qualify and be promoted to more responsible positions through training and development within the Agency. b. It is Agency policy that vacancies will be filled by the best qualified employee available within the Agency. The basic considerations for promotion will be proven ability and merit. 16. Personnel Status Reports a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall submit to the Personnel Division a Personnel Information Report (Form No. 376.6) with copy to I&S Staff when an employee: (1) Changes his name, homeior office address or home or office telephone number. " (2) Is separated from the Agency by transfer, resigna- tion, or enters the military service from oivilian employs merit. b. In addition to the above a Personnel Status Report (Form No. 38-7) shall be submitted following INRY change in an employee's marital status. The original of the form will be routed to the Personnel Division and a copy to the Chief, IgeS Staff. 17. termination and FinalCloarance a. Each employee will obtain dlearance prior to final pays merit. Clearance will be obtained on a Final Payment Clearance Sheet (Form No. 34s30) when an employs. is being terminated, leaving for overseas duty, granted leave withautplayftw a period in excess of 60 oalendardays, or being transferred to s12- CON? IDENTIA4 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTI4 or from confidential fund status. b. The Personnel Division will be notified by Personnel Action Request at least one week prior to the effective date of the request. on. receipt of the Personnel Action Request the Personnel Divisions will make necessary arrangements for an exit interview and for final clearance, will direct the employee to the Inspection and Security Staff for security clearance, and will then obtain the additional required clearance by telephone, obtain the employee's signature, and direct-the employee to deliver the form to the applicable payroolv6ffice. When the employee is unavailable all action indicated will be taken except procurement of the employee's eignature. The Chief of a field office will: ? (1) De-brief the employee and secure all identifies... tion or credentials issued by CIA. (2) On the Final Payment Clearance Sheet complete certification blocks "office to which assigned" and "Security Branch". (3) Obtain employee1 s signature and forwarding address. (4) Forward the form to the Personnel Division through established channels 18. These regulations will govern generally all personnel actions of this Agency, both overt and covert, and will be applied to the fullest possible extent in carrying out specific provisions of Confi? dentialftnds Regulations covering covert personnel actions. DISTRIBUTION: A. R. H. HILLENKOETTER Rear Admiral, USN Director of Central Intelligence C ONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 PtERKTED Office Memorandum ? UNITED S Deputy Executive William J. Kelly Personnel Officer It has oome to the attention Of this office. that various members of the administrative offices of some of our operating branohes have been con- tacting Security directly, relative to the status of individuals who are in process for their office. It has been our understanding that any contacts with the Security Office relative to security clearances would be made through an authOrized representative in this office. It has also been the understanding of this office that such information would not be passed out to the administrative offices of the branches by Secur- ity. In SOMB cases of late, the operating branch has received word of full clea- rance by phone prior to receipt of the written clearance in this office. Inasmuch as necessary procedure sometimes requires two or three days before the person actually enters on duty in the branch, the above mentioned practice has resul- ted in the administrative offices calling this office and questioning the delay in arrival of the individual concerned. To avoid both the unnecessary phone calls to this office and to the Security Office, it is requested that a policy statement on this matter be published for the!edificationXof the administrative offices as well as the 'Security Office. Me esiiiiiiehment of this practice will also preclude the STATINTL possibility of an unauthorized individual working on classified assignments. The matter was discussed with of I&S, who indicated that he knew of no written authority by which he could refuse to give this information direct.. STATINTL ly to the branches. However, he felt that it would be definitely advantageous to handle such business only through the Personnel Office since this procedure would avoid many unnecessary phone calls to the Security Office. was advised that steps would be taken to clarify the situation. STATINTL STATIIiirL TED ? Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 2:5X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 To: Chief, MS Staff Personnel Director From: Executive Nt.b "TlAt Subject: Personnel Security Clearance References kdministrativo Instruction 12 De Comber 1949 1. roliciea covtrinz personnel transfero requite coordination beteen the re., ftaff and the rersonntl aviSions in connection with security considerations and requirements 2. It, is requested thst you arrange, through the Chiefs of the Administretivz and :7411:It:la' nupport puiszs, for the preparation of a Written agmamont c:)Irstinr a. npoolfic catories of transfer nctienno under policies referred to above, which vill requiro clearance from the VA Staff e.vior to effectinc actual transfer of individunls con- b. Mc tzurnic L:00e ii-OTOnt in rilltermining Ittnther nS Staffcluarans,,, is ss.:.7ntiAl in connoction vith tny individualltransfer action not apecificslly colmrod aLow. 3. A cOsi of the agreemont arrivod ;4t is desire 47 the ExecUtive. 25X1A IOR LU:.DIR,ZCTOR 0.1" G11111L, -INTFILIGENGE;: GpOice Chief, Adminle.:Staff Chief, Special Support ?teff . Management Officer - Capt2in4 USN nFacutivt Crv 4 CON9/7"711AL Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 25X1A 25X1A Personnel Direotor Chief, Inspection and Smutty Staff Executive Administrative Instruction 6 Deoember 2949 1, Paragraphe 12 and 13e of Administrative Instruction No. have been approved as followes "12. ItIrepvteenov TragefetPoligy A Personnel Action Request for tranafer will be prepared by the office to which the employee is being tranaferred. The Personnel Division will coordinate with the 180S Staff where appropriate. "13. Assiapent of IAO Pnreonng, e. Separations and intra-agency transfers shall be reported to the Personnel Division on Personnel Action Request in triplicate, initiated by the appropriate office. The Personnel Division will coordinate with the MS Staff where appropriate." 2. It is desired that your offices coordinate to assure that proper clearance is requested and furnished in all cases requiring such action. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTaAL INTELLIGENCEs ptains USN Executive Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 OTANDARD 110111.1 NO. (44 25XlA HFIDENTIAI Office Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Management Officer DATE: 29 November 1949 FROM Acting Budget Officer SUBJECT: Attached Draft of Administrative Instruction Entitled, "Personnel Policies and Procedures", dated 18 November, 1949. 1. After careful review the subject draft is returned with but one recommendation, viz, that provision be made to require , documenting of details of personnel from one T/O location to another. 2. The Budget Staff controls personal services funds and prepares financial requirements to be included within the agency budget request for this object on the basis of issued Tables of Organization. To assure validity and accuracy of such control and presentation, records are maintained of the manner in which various position slots within issued Tables of Organization are being utilized. Recent review by analysts with Administrative Officers of actual position occupancy has reflected many instances in which the actual position occupancy was at considerable variance with the issued Table of Organization. It would appear that unless details of personnel are properly documented the advantage of the T/O procedure as a control of personal services expense can be seriously affected. 3. Accordingly, it is recommended that the subject Instruc- tion require that details of personnel for periods of over five (5) working days to activities other than appropriate to the T/O position slots to which they are charged be documented by the origination of a personnel action and that such details be limited to 90 days. Appropriate personnel officers may be given the authority to issue extensions upon the basis of justification as submitted by the operating unit. ' Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 25X1A 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE ACP14,07 Washing,tono D. C. ArminsmATiv /14STRUCTION NO. SUBJECT: Personnel Policies and Procedures NESCISS/ONS, Admixaistrative Inetruction Adadizistrative Instruction Administrative Instruction 1/3 Noveaer 2.949 dated 17 August 19480 dated 25 March 1947, and dated U Augunt 1949 RIZEREICEs General. Order (Revised) dated 5 Ooto'ber 1949. 2621113aulaia a. Authority is delegated by epproved Eta to of funotional responsibilitioo, separate special-Ito delegations, and this Instruction to staz the Agency aft 4 listed beiott :to act on personnel notions toppointnent employ!..- stint, olassitiontion old reoUseiriontion or positions, promotion, demotion transterr end separation of individuals fOr the Directors &motive Deputy Executive Pommel Director able, Administrative Staff Chiefs ?manna Adninistrative Staft web Speolal thApport Staff Chief, l'tvloyeres Division, Special SUpport Staff Deoliew4144 friacbilliktiti of the above listed officials* IA:LAW Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONF b. Orris:gale and enoloyeee not listed above are jagagalgil front diacueaing personnel aotiona with individual? to tkom ouch actions will appy, without the prior knowledge wld approval of the appropriate official listed above. Such approval will in no ease include author. leation to tilek0 eCtildizento of any nature for actual eoployo meet or salary 3ove1. Violation at tau policy via restat In the immeatate diaded of the individual guilt,: of the violation. 2. 202412/4411a a. Officiaa aC ettolo;-Tees or 'We Agenc;7$ intlluding those listed in paragraph la a'bovo. are ,px9=figa from discuesim erployment potteibilities with any employee or any other government agency or ertplorm of the Cmgrese without the preaentation of a written release for ouch discuseion frcei the employing agency of the Individual concerned. be The Polley stated :14 Pal'earaPh 23 above win alai) applyt to intrawagaccy trsnefers tetwoon ailloes and Staff Sections. oucept In oonneotion with the application of Money oareer 1114121101111012t policies by authorised atilt:1104s lieted in paragraph la shove. c. ia evected that other government agencies will c4"1" a rgiCIPM41 31COA,PrVektoble PolieV in defiling with CIA emilloyeosa, Such emploree who obtain employment with other governmani?ncis WAhent obtaining prior release may be required' to maga in order to acoept arch emloyment, 'Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 25X1A inLtic A. no juriectiotion of each at the Personnel Staffs of CIA is derimd in published statements of functional reeponsibility, Za order to avoid duplication of Inutrucw tione the tom "Personnel Divisions" as rifled herein will / pertain to each or tho followinc aotivitios to the extent of its published rune tiona, unless othervise toted: Personnel, Adnintetrative Staff Miploynos Divm, Special Support Staff IAC personnel aro thc viu1 detailed for dut with OZA from the State Department or the Department of Defense. oi Departmontal Service includett all positions in the hotadquartors or control office at the iittoncy. 144 anaglaglogUALIWAME All inquirespeither I/kitten or verbal, frec ranters of the Congress received aky. individual or activity or this Agency Val be imediately raffsirred to the General Gomel for cotton end preparations at reply.. The COWItita t? responsible for adequate coordination In WO VOA Si iS ea/3h 00e prior to preparation of re: be, Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 :the p011Oy-gnidanoc at the Personnel Director and the diroot superOision of the Manistrahive and Special. Support Starts, the Personnel Division:4 are responsible ftml a. Procurments pleat:ento pavoessing, appoin t prometioni,dern within.grade advaa060, to Lou, and termirxation of individua1 enployeos. b. Assisting tha Personnel Dixectorto establish qunlifi- nation chtuut.lrds ?o a13 pc4,tiona, a. rioaorgootaing potation dia1 /o14.011 ror sfl oaitiona the Pokoonnel Diroa.tiar. Asoiating the Persona:al Dirootor to establish oalary aandnista,ation, otTicienoy Al =ad (=OM' 27.16r4V1.11.1nt plIaZI:211.0 and ror awry-11v o44 audh programo ..411en establiphtxl. ci Maintain:1m 4 OUrrellt record or Authorised vaaallaie* and approved procurement requests against such vaCancies. f. ,shablichiug personnel procurement priorities. Os Maintaining coatinual contacts with potential personnel procurement sources. h. Lxclusivo liaison With U110 Z tatr relative to personnel security clocks and 'slow's:noes. A quests for Initiation oe and information relative to status of personnel security chocks aad clearances will be channeled throush the Personnel Divisions. 1. tote34.1040tf:sirsiiivia;Asinizvprograncwithic specificalZy authinised . Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 j. 'Establishing and tuintaining retention registers for reduetionrinoforae procedures. k? Reviewing and acting on au disciplinary actions, utticher signed and presented by Assietatit Directors and Staff Chiefs. 1. (1) *acing final action on pareonnel actions involving fsrades CS42 and below, exempt when there are unresolved disagreements 'with Assistant Directors or or Staff Chiefs concerned. (2) Recomonding through the Personnel Duvet?, to the Executive action on personnel actions involving grades G$?13 end above (3) Referring all personnel actions through the Personnel Director to the Executive rdlere there is unresolved disagreement with the Assistant Director or Staff Chief aonserned. 6* ad.t414.$111114rialaiiii.Sitati1i4aidali1li The basis for all pereonnel motions in the Ageney will be imlividual qualifications and relative merit. Perilable? consideratiane, family relationships, favoritism, and external pressures or oonsideratione will not be permitted to intim/lee such action*. Assistant Direetcore, Stet Chiefs end each at the officials listed in parser.* 1 above are personally charged with insuring that this , policy is offeotive.06\wieressea ttirougnout the Altemoy.: Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. Deteraination a relative writ and qualificatione will be based on demonstrated ability, personal industry, integrity, loyalty, length a ezvicop general affialenoy, and background at overlent:0 told education, in comparison vrith other employees in similar rioado end grades Supervisory persaanel at all levels runt become throughly- familiar with personnel under their jurisdiction to insure the just and objective administrative at Olio policy. 7. Assistant Direotors and Staff Chies ex responsible for the initiation of personnel actions on Individttols under their jurisdiction and for the routing ctf: such actions to the appropriate Personnel They may deeiznate ettch inclividuals within their orrnizations aa may be considered desirable to sign and forward such esations. The nacos of individuals so designated, aud any changes in such deeimEtions, will be c orsonicated in vriting to tho appropriate Personnel Division, ? Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 oluding position olnanificeUep, appointmori4i prome4icao etc.* # carried out within the Agency ?Jithout Civil Serviee Cemndsaion miaow. b. RoweVar. the Director hew signed a 1,seitten agreement ath the Civil Service Cc4soispion t10iOnero tricitlzr to the prrvisions or the ClassificaUon L?t in: adminiaterInc the Agency pertionnel pregram. The Civil Semite Caziesion alOo hes agreed to provide advice and guidance whenever ;called von to do so. c. Ze supervisory and rovieufnnetions pmviou4y exercised by the Civil Service Comassion have boon delegated e the PtTsennoI Director and his Staff for all Agencyporsonnel batters, rogardlosa of their soerity Classifications 9.:4212saratuaLlItsralasst a. Positions are filled bc,7. diroot recruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service Oceans:Lon. However, position's am filled in aceordance tit h oatabli Civil Service pavoodure. b. The following poliey is eatablidied for effecting appointmlts to I'M vacant posit:Um: (2) km individual Without prior Getverlucent service Ittal be carried In 4 trial period status for the first 04k#7154,2- V:12.2r3' (2) An inavidua1 with prior- Clitirment serveo"under war service or easepted appointment' Val be required to serve the first sixmaths In a trial period Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 'I MA/. (3) An Individual with Civil Service status will be appointed by transf&r or reinstatement without any time limitation or trial period. 0. During the trial period nn enployoe will receive the special attention and instruction required to acquaint himwith his duties and to develop his abilit,y to perfcam hiv work in the vost vatinfalotor manner. After a rair and full tria1 period an employee will bu twamainatediF his serviees do not most Agency standards. Anovloyee with votera3e1 preference or Civil Servicie status will be accorded all rishts and i?rivileges grauted him under the Veterans Preference 441; or 1944 cs amnde?: -n4 Civil Service rules and regulations. (Thevo PrIvilogc are subject to special final authority grente !..o the Director by the, National Setarity Act of 1947.) d. The follotrbag procedures are vietalished for law-swing individuals tor exployr,Lent within ClAs (1) Assistant Directors and ster ChiaCs shell transmit a Recruitment o (Torn No 37-8) in the original and three (topics to tho Yersasnel Division as a requisition to fill an authorized vscancy. Personnel Actios noquest (Porn No. 37.4 or y7.3.) In quadruplicate Ae1l bo foiniarded to the Personnel Vivi:don as a recinisition tor actual iivioy- 1M3 VOA 51 .1A 5 ae matt of an individual. In order to initiate security ciJ?.Peiiinel Action Request may be an it be d against a position currently tilled,. providing the Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 P-9NFIDENTIla office oonoorned inform the Pomona Division form Of the appro.:4=U date that the present incwebent will vacate the position (2) An Application for 'Federal Employment (Standgrd Form 57) and a Personal fatitery Statement (Form NO. 384) will be obtained by the Personnel Division and forwarded with a Referral Sheet (Form No. 'WO) to the eRsreprinte ?Moe. It the office is Interested* it will indicate the position to which the individual will be assigned. (a) Final selection or rejection of ekalconts for ponitions above grade GS.5 or equivalent than reef:, with the appropriate Assistant Director cr Staff Chief. II0wevers the Personnel Chian 'may refer to the Esecutive rejection cases which they believe Ore not warranted. (b) Final entherity tor the selection and aesigrnent of en enpltiyee in grade .C4,5 or equivalen er4 below, shall root with the Chiefs, Personnel Divisions. (0) All ansiennents are =WO to the security approv4 of the inspection and Security stet. (3) Upon the receipt of a Personnel Action Requoist the Persona* Diviatatt 411 inike An *Mt atamplajwmt .,(1..Alltclfaikl#,,k4covekigerneoci (ilubjeet.,to Wrintgetory somakitor aeitratcee)40101 von **Med actaiii6tarilimwill lliegar4:kr oleareaseit .4,nrrirr! Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (4) The Personnel Division will netity the office conceraed of the failure of an individual to receive 000110.4Y clearance and will take appropriate action to inform the individual of his rejection. (5) The Ifbzeutive or the Personnel Chiefs will contact each individual (including detailed LAC personnel) relative to entrance on duty. An individual seemed tea personnel pool will be instructed to report to chAy by the Personnel Division, following security elearance. Fach individunl (including ?detailed /AC personnel) reporting for du t7 will preeent to the Appropriate Assistrart Director or Staff Chief a, written notice from the Personnel Divinien stating that he has been fully cleared and assigned?for duty. A oopy of this notice will be furnished the /nspeotion and Seeurity Staff by the Permxmnel Division. In extraordinary oircumetances the Executive =waive withal enthorisation for entrance on duty after assuring hinself that all rerivired processing hats been oompleted. No individual will be accepted for dutrumless ono of the above provisions hao.boon mot* (6) Status of aaourikrolsaranoo of proopootivo Er.stPlcrrr4e44ibetAb'ftoytaod frau the DIPPoeticku SocmnbitySteff cnly by the Paroonnal -Vz...LiCE 401.. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 10. zrzattzuteisidituisuzymit. a. An employee my be promoted to a higher grade stihject (1) Existence of a suitable tracency. (2) Gorvloto qualifications of the bldividual for the vracatuly. (3) Corpletioa of 90 act,v detail period to positica GC 7s or above. tnounhirt, of positions or than 0S.7 mat have seemed the duties or tho position o which they are being prorated. Prior to the tine e detail they mot meet tontine refzulatanarits and (mate/cation standards for the r000rteended position. No employee shall be dotallod to a position allocated highcr than one grade above the position which he current-Ty 0004440. These stipulations do not oceotitutbe a barrier to promotion of an individual tthose position has been reclassified ?to a highzr grade? (4) ftbriission of a Forums]. Action :bequest ti the Par60311301. Dtria011 indicating the mot position end the date the 0110.0,700 is detailed in order that he nay reoeive credit for the detail period. The form must indicate the allocated pooition that All he oempleci DinA tefflettmc"/ 1446141 az f?1111:4831 Ju'eAlfuivalent. and below Good or better for h4 math&1oeding proration 4410. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001109/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 03.5 through 0.5.33 or equivalent . Very Good or ibicellent for six months rxrooeding promotion 0.9.14 and above to. Excellent for ono year preceding prtootion b? Promotione em i1ited to ono grade o*kpt 1 Mc* 0, whore no intermediate grade,iav? been recognised) c? After considering all the factors indicated above, the recomending and approving authorities will. use the following tabl.e as a guide in dateredning tqapropriate time in grade tor promotion purposes: 3. 2. 2 3 3 4 3 months 5 6 7 a IIIIMONONSFARK.011.11110040101111000?1110111111?4111, 10 8 9 10 MIN111101.1.00.011'00011408?????????*.wero months 9 mouths ?????,. 12 months 11 12 13 31. blA 15 months .16 nootha mafirissaraisaramsawassiarassarmarars 21 months Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 UL flti!t. ? ft do Assistant Direetore and Atatt.....414#0 shall tortiall to the Pommel DivIsion a Personnel Action Request containing suffisierrt bee:vett= to indicate comlience with the policies defined in pereeraph 6 above. e. A rerpent from a field ste.tion for a prczotion at be accompanied by a Position Description (Standard Fcmn 75) prepared by the employee) which outlines the duties and res.ponsibilition being performed, teeethi-sr with rosarke and certification or the imediate stgaeriore In the case of a proposed position in the field service the description will be prepared by, the individual tho Ia mat familiar with the &AVIS and to be performed. The desoription must Juana' ,;R (1) Factual desoription of the work heineApreformed. (2) A statement a. degree of difficulty and responsi? bility inherent in the potation. (3) An4acoount of the nature end extent or sworvisiono independent judgment and decisions exorcised by the incumbent* f. Up cal receipt of a request for a prmotion in the departmental service the Personnel Division will audit the position involved in order to deterrilm the level of difficulty, responsibility, and grade at Wet the individual is perform? ing to aseertain tobether he should a promotion* M\ oecuplting a c3assified position viii be \cs140I Si htl e advanciad to the next higher atop within his grade* providing (5-',,,/tveems thitt. he haiMaiiiir03,040of service without an equivalent 5e11ed4fr, e;,//f1 wetec increase In pay for grades 0$40 and below or E)ighteen solithi) 0+4440,44.401, f v ;41 e ler; pordoo tor grads(' osoi, and *4 In addition the Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 employee must have a ourvaub efficiow rating of Good or better end a satisfactory conduot raport. 44;34gen0=601011:24.14Z a. A Poreaunel Aotiee Request for intraftegenoy transfer will be prepared by the office to which the lou in being trannforred. 12. 4rm,nt o4ZAD one a. It shall be the responsibility a the receiving office to initiate a completed Personnel Action Request en all IAC Personnel (including citation a the uncoated position) b. Me Pernonrkel Division will initiate a roi,uont for security clee.ranco. 0. Upon receipt of security clearance the individual will be called to duty by the Persormel Divisiom and, will Z:.e assigned to the requesting offioe. d. IAC personnel will not to allowed to u?ork restrioted tstildines until tley aro givm a. statemnt Iv? the ?Gramma Division certifylxig that au provisions for assignment have been, met. e. Separations and transfers shall be reported to the Personnel Divielon on Personnol Action Request In este, initiated by the appropriate office 13. iiiiiiiZAAlkikariaigg a. Regular;!,:,/ilh,f Trr. and terVert=7 atoployeaa of the AgencyCvith araga:tar t04r or dutY cets:Peesated on a per atIZIUM basis ifl be paid4iiseaoralanee with the tolloving pallor Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 P.;datacca,zaiNtatagtv (a) Ciewjappointeents ?41.3. be merle at the Irse, vvh ye. qAtoeye.i!,41,7n , salary of the grade..' '61'er-steps, pm:acetic:me, demotions, ro.onnloymento and reinstatemonte ave not new cppoint. 'setts within the meaning of the requirement. (b). lilvloyose appointed by transfer, reinstate. rent or re-employment to a positim or the same grade 4*, 1 w:1.1.1 be permitted to retain oriodle pcitcresecp] rxroviounly reocived. ? (e) rap:terns apprInted by transfer, reinstate. meat, or re.employment to a position in a lower grade t. 4 t N (16 \ xt) ? " ) (4? than last held rLU rOetZliVoeakAin_445. itX1(' to allow wed toward within.grade promotions for all service in appointment crade and highor grades. (2) (a) Men an txrployee is pr,moted to a grade position, he not be covensated at tIte base of the grade if the entrance salary exceeds any he has previously earned in the Federal Service. (b) &Wien employee who has previouilY received a change to a lower ipi*e_prper,c)rtcdp his seamy will be flied ;se as to onoredit bard within.grade peg fr-v promotion for allrevions service in the grade to iihioh OcrilM! 1:rtingilgrn4 or for service in aw higher grades. (3) atalgalarialagifziaLZWegajtjaimaaa ? 1j111:4)1 OiNiliiiiermize salary in ease of a change to lower grade, the employee, Inv? be given credit for all sande* pro ?xd lit the lover Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010005-8 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFM:71 6 grade cod in 4uoy :liglr grades previously hittaalo (b) EumptionatIho polloy outlined above cloee not extly in the $'ollowing types of oases' $11p2oyes4 Istio bora owned writer:Low pay looresoos.IUI ettpapyte who bus boon given witlilinrgrode PAW.2XIIVettae baentOtit att eapeeiaLly neritattous so2vIoe ce. au 0, mood for superizr elookamplielsmat bo per/anted at the time be iu denoted to retain cm atm Pr.. 000h such sal/allotment* sa? Emu ohtzge too lower pulse suoopt pmbut.itocatel sprioinsterinta If the *tango to a lover crude is drao to evickpeets dears to suovt probetimal Amvkintoentiti3.1 e ocrap4mtatad at ?1,',1,1sv otolp, in tl'z' lower male ibb nettmeti (tmt 1...ot in omen a) the present salaryb the higher tree*, nevloyeee uho uora otateed low gra,oit tor diseiplitory reasonos Ittbo ensAgyes is shoved to a laser grade for disciplizary rftecciesk 1iiealary rate adll bcsot at the Limo of the grade utbieb be le danoted in the tibeenee of speolete provision U2 the contrary. b. Thit:t Iniri-lbfr nein et7644 t?* clImit1 f3d "Pl"" also Ucooly. untv..onkded with respeet tot (1) outmost' on duty* (2) Melange to =de, (4) Plvimittama 404161w ? tvo ???? ? Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDF'81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 oppointnotto sad (3) disixtpliniaz; siotioa Me tort "step increase" 1411 bo toad for vagradiul positions in lieu of ?Porto:1U PAY inoreason tor olassiriod positions, (1) An or:ploys* tqaatrforring trot olossified pottiticel to ea .oggroded, positimit1 o sa ttithout lona sallw unless his olastlitied, wauts 492.)ovv the '!.op stop or, the ilogratkid ,;ob thie.k. 140 'IA NA:4; as:',,,ignsdo (2) An ,zugroAkr0 at;11.4.47iN3 -who riu*ives 12.,tnxIno1, and sibtiolortay Import a Zatiofaotory b,igher 411 r000lvo step inarakuls sMr th.c3 eira .writ,14,7o ?;,..tiEvated se''to c2 azraxi11,7 Vis:-.?:.,c1fstin. untilaka "az.:1 step 1= boors ro4L&1, Tha, salary for Ey ;$0....z, tiattoot rt,raile,1.1 and zavradoil poottlato tiet!.-Andnite ester oxmciarcratig tpt* caLttingzio uptiod ikother cr,lzaivittlottt. incovaao trealved. or not it),li ot4plorto In art aturiolatt rgaisitial 'um barill, comortalik to earn atop inorwoos az a roaralt, of toritor. ;LOW tVaNflatt and otvedor aoavnaisti=ts. 4.raarwipiliorlialMat roo otroor oraucatent, progrm a the itsonq dastsntoit to prorldo fro& %Walla (I) Asiot*ce at win uaatfled Inabridumart . e.toto s hey ootrar4 tery- ctgatif7 tozd be pronotod to mom rospoteiblo positions ttwotr,121 tattling arid 416 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 c.; b. It le An polixtr that vacate/44 411 be tilled 17,7 the hoot .v.alified employee to/7111010 within the itecom. The besie otoneideretiete for preroUcrit will be preyee eAbiltty rerit ? 15* itaisuelittaZiajat.VoTtve Assiettr,t Directors col Staff Micro stual mi to the Porttorrizel Div! icn c Personnel Wormation (Pc m4 go. 37.4) -ohm an emplt,13,most (1) ahancos lutn*$ horo ?or orrice addroaoi h ealog Waophorice (2) Is ceprciauxl, :rem the Pzency btranage resignations cirlt.e.::rri the ..ritlitcry sowl.00 from eupleytlest. oaklitiot. tlx etavo roruonntl Stc-tts (Porn NO* 3:7)7','4110,1 LO. subrdtted folk/vim an:r clacago r.= enploytmits raritml stattut Tho erigba f tho rona '4,1111 routod to th otiDiv:L.314n ane.. ct. copy to %ID .Chiers, Inspection tImei SeOcrity 444, raLgt ervameo vat awn olearesee prIer t,rizza pvvorit. Ciscrantoo vIll obtattsel on a ritte Pqraaat Clearance Sheet (rent Ito. 3440) ultasn savior* le 'beiriz tevancted. leaving :or ovemensitut,exsaWil :Wave toitholut pay ter period ist 02"08414 at 60 oalonder dayei or beinz trousterred to er frozt uunnutorod :Nrld atttpuo? 1M6 110A 51WI 15,22 The Pernoltera rtivislon tsui be notiriod by Peroonnel ihablost Ilevent gAsAtiAntliastkprior izo the et:eel:Five date 445* ? Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 /\(1111 I?Vvet Re,e1s. ioli,(09;0416,1,:dpilit0;281,00.10.(411 )11 I Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 of the request. Upon receipt of the Personnel Action Request rteceeeor: armaments for an exit inter. the Pere vice and for final clearenoe, will direct the employee to tho Inspeotion and Seourity Staff for security clearanoc, and ;till then obtnin the additieeel reeeired olearanee it telephone, obtain the eepleyee's signature, mei; direct the omployee to deliver the form to the applleable payroll office. Uhan the meployee is unavailable all action indicated will be takon eecept proeuremet of the eeployeeb signature. The Chief of a field eft** ell:II (1) Deehrict the =ploys?. (2) Cn thet Final Payment Clearance Sheet coeplete certification blocks "office to which aseigned aud *Security Brennh?. (3) Obtainetpleeee's eignature and forearding addreen. (4) Forward the formi to the Pommel Division through eetataiabed thennels. 27. Them regulations 'will govern generally all personnel actions of this Agency, both overt and covert, and will be applied to the fullest poseible extent in carrying out, specific provisiono of Confidential Funds aegulattone oeverina cowrt personnel actions. i(sTla 140A Si b11,1 IS ()LUCE :.-PIS.111,11TUTIO1 ? -A. .? ? R. a. nammonrern Renr,edoirall USN Director of Central latelligenore Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 pproved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 FERSOKNEL I Demur mon I do not oonour C Ma, SPAM rIPPORT STAPP 1:144.ftwonsiorwmailimais x not MEP Art4lla3T1LAME STAPF DA= TIAo"Woji7;17--? Ckirt-To PEMONNEL atiSt X do (not) conour DATE, CHIEF, PriMiriEt, Wail STITT DATE ??-18" Tyro t7 ooncur GBJ NAL I do (iotJ oonour 4,W) MO, 31 bPi IS Q 1911.1)(3ELE.).EL.ICE. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ce Memorandum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: j 41241 I'Vri 7: P ? ' AlVi."?J V / )1 FFP0 Ar. 4 t:ric-, d?e-lid i 6 Cg-Yigitii b7-14,-e-hilidR4 41-1Temags td4 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 MEM' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D. C. 25X1A ADMINISTRATIVE INSTMatmobr 18 November 1949 No. SUBJECTI Personnel Policies and Procedures 25X1A REsOisaorzt Administrative Inatruction 1atod 17 August 1948, Adminietrative Instruction dated 25 March 1947, and Adminietrative Instruction dated 11 August 1949. 25X1A RalTi NCEI General Order IIIII(FaTised), dated 5 October 1949. gelloral roliV a. Authority is delegated by approved statements of functional responsibilities, separate specific delegations, and this Instruction to salythe Agency officials listed below to act on personnel actions (appointment, employ-. ment, classification and reclassification of positions, promotion, demotion, transfer, and sepsation of individuals) for the Directors Executive Deputy Executive Personnel Director Chief, Administrative Staff Chief, Personnel Division, Administrative Staff Chief, Special Support age Chief, Employees Division, Special Support Staff Designated subordinates of the above listed offieials. Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. Officials and employees not listed above are prohibited from discussing personnel actions with individuals to whom such actions will apply, without the prior knowledge and approval of the appropriate officiarlisted above Suchspproval will in no case include authorisation to make oommitmente of any nature for actual employment or salary level. Violation of this policy may rehult in the immediate dismissal of the individual guilty of the violation* 00 No appointment in or promotion to grades 05?16 and above will be made without the prior personal approval of the Director. 2. Proselyting a. Officials and employees of this Agency, including those listed in paragraph la above, are prohibited from discussing employment possibilities with any civilian employee of any other government &gene'', employees of the Congress, or members of the armed forces without the presentation of a letter of availability for such discussion from the employing agency of the individual concerned. b. The policy stated in paragraph 2a above will also apply to intrawageney transfers between Offices and Staff Sections, except in connectionwik the applisatioa of Agency career management policies by authorised officials listed in paragraph 1 a above. o.' It is expeeted that other goverment agencies will observe a reeprocal non.proselyting poliqr in dealing with OIA employees. Such employees who obtain employment with other government agencies without obtaining prior release may be required to resign in order to aceept suoh employment. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 .C.0.11F BENT 3. Definitiou a. The jurisdiction of each of the Pereonnel Staffs of CIA is defined in published statements of functional responsibility. In order to avoid duplication of Inetruoi. tions the term RPersonuel Divisions" as 41fehereirt vill pertain to each of the following aotivitios to the extent of it published functions unless othervine txtatedi- Personnel Divisions Administrative Staff Employees Divielon, Special Support Staff b. 1.40 personnel are thoee individuals detailed for duty with 0/A from the State Department or the Department of Defense. o. Departmental Service includes all positions in the headquarters or central office or the Agency. 44 gaisclarlana1 Igagai6j, All inquiresseither written or verbal, from members of the Cangreas received 1Y.7 any' individual or activity of this Agency gill be immediately referred to the. General Counsel for action and preperatiemilef rear. The General Counsel is responsible for adequate coordination in each case Prior to preparation of reply, ez,ci k Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CHFIBERTIA .risaitaLliemaitlalitiaLataltamalltiaidlan tinder the polletguidanoe of the Peraennel Director and the direct aoPeritisien Of the Chiefs of the Administrative and Special Support Stiffs, the Persennel Divisions :are rospoteibleZors a. Produrement placement, processing, appointment, promotion, demotion, withinograde advances, enapenolon, and termination of individual erployeea.. b. Abbieting the Personnel Director to establish oation atandards for all positions. a. Recommending position classification for all positions. to the Personnel Direetor. d. Abasting the Personnel Director to establish salary adminiatration? efficiency rating and career management progragis, and for carrying out ouch programa When ostabliehed. o. Maints4ling a current record of authorized vacauoies and approved procurement requests against such Vacancies. f. Zstabliahing peraonnel proouremant priorities. g. Maintaining continual contacts with potential peraonnal procurement sources. (14,44(),44.44,a;:(,) 114. Exclusive liaison 4riih the 1.86 ShaffiAralative to personnel security clocks and clearances. All requeats for initiation of and information relative to status of personnel aeourity checks and clearances will. be channeled through the Personnel Divisions. Eatabliehing personnel training programs within speafically authorised limitations. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 j. Establishing and maintaining retention registers for reduct- ion in-force procedures. k. Reviewing and acting on all disciplinary actions which are signed and presented by Assistant Direotors and Staff Chiefs. 1. (1) Taking final action on personnel actions involving grades GS-12 and below, except when there are unresolved 4istigseements with Assistant Directors or Staff Chiefs concerned. (2) Recommending through the Persbnael Director to the Executive action on personnel actions involving grades GS-13 and above. (See paragraph lc re actions involving grades GS-16 and above. The Executive will make recommendations to the Director in each such case.) (3) Referring all Personnel actions through the Personnel Director to the Executive where there is unresolved disagreement with the Assistant Director or Staff Chief concerned. 6. Medical Standards Initial appointment or reassignment to all positions are subjeot to established medical standards. Inasmuch as the signing of a medical waiver by an individual does not relieve the government of its liability under the regulations of the Employees Compensation Commission, no waivers of physical requirements will be granted. 7. Merit and qualifications of Individuals a. The basis for all personnel actions in the Agency will be indiv- idual qualifications and relative merit. Personal considerations, family relationships, favoritism, and external pressures or considerations will not be permitted to influence such actions. Assistant Directors, Staff Chiefs and each of the officials listed in paragraph 1 above are personally charged with insuring that this policy is effectively exercised throughout the Agency .1. .16ar Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 QV, , pproved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 b. Determination or relative merit and qualifications will be based on demonstrated ability, personal industry, integrity, loyalty, length of service, general efficiency, and background of experience and education, in eamparison - with cfre41'47iemkployees in similar fields and grades. C. Supervisory pereopnel at all levels must bosoms throughly familiar with personnel under theil;. jurisdiction to incurs the just and objective administrOW of this policy. 1;7: lattataters.,21,2 a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs are responsible for the initiation of personnel actions on Individuals under their jurisdiction and for the routing oS such actions to the appropriate Personnel Division. They may designate such Individuals within their organizations 88 may considered desirable to sign and forward such actions. The names of individuals so designated, and agy dhanges in mush dosignntiona, will be communicated in writing to the appropriate Personal/ Division. b. Eadh personnel motion requiring action by the Executive will be signed personally by the Assistant Director or Staff Older concerned. )1/*alithialli With tair CiVia Panicle 2.9111daid94 The Classification Act of 1949 exsuPts the Gil from its provisions., limmOMMNP41r Personnel progrop, Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R00 1,Q ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 CONFIDENTIA M. including position cls.asification? appointment, promopion,' etc., is carried out within the Ageney Withoutp, l Service Conmiission review. Director has signed a. Written agreement _........._t with the Civil Servioe Ccamission to adhere strictly to the provisions of the Claasification Act in administaring the Agency personnel program. The Civil Service Commission also has agreed to provide advioe and guidance whenever called upon to do so. b)4, The supervisory and review functions previously. exercised by the Civil Service Commission have been delogapiid to the Personnel Director and his Staff for all Agency personnel matters, regardless of their security classification. /,S.K: AnueiRpment Policies and Procedures a Positions are filled bf).' direct reoruitment rather than by certification from the Civil Service CoamissionAYKAt., I' in accordant* with established Civil Service procedure* b. The following policy is established for effecting 1:L3point:tent: to fill vacant positions: (1) An individual without prior Government service will be carried in a trial period status for the first Lull. year. (2) An individual with prior Government service who has served under .war service or excepted appointments will be required to serve the first six months in a trial period status. Co t I 6 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (3) An individual with Civil Service status will be appointed by transfer or reinstatement without any time limitation or trial period. During the trial period an employee will receive the special attention and instruction required to acquaint him with his duties and to develop his ability to perform his work in the most satisfactory manner. After a fair and full trial period an employee will be terminated it his services do not meet Agency standards. An employee with veterans' preference or Civil Service status will be accorded all rights and privileges granted him under the Veteran bt Preference Act of 1944, as amended, and Civil Service rules and regulations. (These privileges are subject to special final authority granted tothe Director by the National Security Act of L 1947.) Under certain conditions it is : possible for employees to achieve permanent Civil Service status while serving in this Agency. The Stoindard Civil Service regul- ations will be folliebd in each instance after initial clearance has been received from the Personnel Relations Branch, Personnel Division.) d. The folleang procedures are established for processing individuals for employment within CIA: (1) Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shall transmit Recruitment Requests in the original and three copies to the Personnel Division as requisitions to fill authorized vacan- cies. A Personnel Actien Request in quadruplicate shall be forwarded to Personnel Division as a requisition for actual employment of an individual. In order to initiate security clearance a Personnel Action Requst may be submitted against a position currently filled providing the ...8- Approved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 office concerned informs the Personnel Division on the form of the approximate date that the present incumbent will vacate the position. (2) An Application for Employment and a Personal History Statement with passport size photographs will be obtained by the Personnel Division and forwarded with a Referral Sheet to the appropriate office. after careful review, the file will be returned to the Personnel Office with request for personnel action or reason for rejection (a) Final selection or rejection of applicants for positions above grade GS-5 or equivalent shall normally rest with the appropriate Assistant Director or Staff Chief, subject to qualifications review by the Personnel Division, The Personnel Chiefs may refer to the Executive, thru the Personnel Director, acceptance or rejection cases which they believe are not warranted. (b) Final authority for the selection and assignment of an employee in grade GS -5 or equivalent and below, shall rest with the Chiefs Personnel Divisions. (c) All assignments are subject to the security approv- al of the Inspection and Security Staff. (3) Upon the receipt of a Personnel Action Request the Pers.. .onnel Division will Make an offer of employment to the individual concerned (subject to satidfactory security clearance) and upon indicated acoeptance will initiate action for security clearance. Approved FOr Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ILLEGIB CONFFIENTIAL (4) The Personnel Dteibion will notify the office concerned of the failure of an individual -to receive security clearance and will take appropriate action to inform the individual of his rejection. (5) vo Pored:m.1a Chiefs will contact each individual (including detailed IAC personnel) relative to entrance on duty. An individual aseigned to a, personnel pool will be instructed to report to duty by the Perbonnel Division, following security clearance. Each individual (including detailed: IAC personnel) reporting for ditty will present to the eppropriate Aesistant Director or Staff Chief a written notice from the Personnel Division stating that he has been fully cleared and assigned for duty. A eopy of this notice will be furnished the Xnspectien and Security Staff by the Personnel Division. In extraordinary circumstances the btecutive (3,12.4441,1,10 aay give verbal authorization for entrance an duty after'asstring that all required proceasing has been completed. No individual will be accepted for duty Unless one of the above provisions has been met. (6) tat of security\c ? of, ro +active employees 1 be obtained the /nape? on and Security adlybythe Pers0004. Div sion. ..CONFTEN Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 gromotion Poliqiec and ?racklures tos An employee maybe promoted to a higher grade eUbject (1) Existence of a Imitable vacancy. (2) Complete qualifications of the individual for the vacancy' (3) Completion of 90 day detail period to position 06-7, or above. Incumbont,s of positions lower. torelk9 than GS-7=A have assumed the duties of th4g. tion to which they are being promoted. Prior to the tie of detail they must meet testing requirements and qualification standards for the rodonsanded position. BC employee shall be detailed to a position allocated higher than one grade above the position which he currently ?occupies. These stipulations do not constitUtt a barrier to promotion of an individual whose position has been reclassified to a higher grade, (4) Submission of a Personnel Action Request to the Personnel Division indicating the exact position and the date the employee is detailed in order that homey receive credit for the detail period. The form mat indicate the allocated position that will be occupied. (5) Evidence of an efficiency rating as followss (.4(.05.4 equivalents and telew. Good or better for MX MMUS PrOCeding promotion 4.1.0. GEL Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 pproved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 (8) OS-5 through G$-33 or equivalent - Very Good or ihccollent for Mx months preceding promotion 0844 end above - Fzosellent for one year preoeding promotion b. Promotione are limited to one grade elitlept 1noases where no intermediate grades have been recognised. c. After considering all the factors indicated above* the recommending and approving authoritiee will use the following table as a guide in detemining appropriate time in gregle for promotion purposes: 3. 2 3 3. 2 3 4 3 months 6 months 11~11111111110610111111.10?11111611111100101MMOWNIMIIMIIIIIIPOINIIIIIIIIMOONMEOMMINIIIIININIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIll MUM= 11 3.5 montlis 12 : la MUM' 13 21 zoontha Mentbe 40, Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010005-8 ? 6.01\1PDEE" d. Aesistent Directors and Statf Chiefs shall forward to the Personnel Division a Personnel Action Request containing sufficient information to indicate compliance with the policies defined in paragraph 6 above. e. A request from afield station for a, promotion must be accompanied by a Position Description (111111111111111111 prepared by the employee, Which outlines the duties and responsibilities being performed, tegethar with remarks and certification of the immediate superior. In the case or e proposed position in the field eervice the deeeription will be prepared by the individual who is most familiar with the duties and responsibilities to be performed. The description must includes (1) Factual description of the work beim figeTermed. (2) A statement of degree or difficulty and responsi- bility inherent in the position. (3) An account of the nature and extent of supervision, independent judgment and decisions exercised by the incubbent. f Upon receipt of a request for a promotion in the departmental service the Personnel Division will audit the position involved in order to deternine the level of difficulty, responsibility, and grade at which the individual is perform- ing to ascertain whether he should receive a promotion., An employee ootapjling a classified position 411 be advanced to the next higher step within his grade, providing that lichen tweive.eseihe or service without an esuiraleet 7?-4-4fr-c,t4,