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, 'A? crAi Lb Vg,' e, gi ? ,R Approved For Release 2 6 . - - 0728R000100010001-2 HISTORICAL DOCUMENT Destroy only with consent 1 ef the Historical Officer. Name : Date : CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Ap r ed For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO ADIIINDIVIATIVE INTRUCTI0143 STICIMITY CONFIDENTIAL 01' COUTMITS OEN11RAL 1. ,Purpose 2. attst of Beouritz 3. PlioyOorrnin&Vee of Official Data 4. Poli Go_sr vomi Unofficial Publioations tutd Related Matter a? Publications and Utterance Relating to Intolligenoe b? Othor Publications. Activities and 'Utterances o? Anhounoestent of Connection with MG 6.Pana..3At.....m for .,1,.....Azukson?Con a. Administrative Action b? Legal Action 6. Functions and Roaponaibilities of the Security 44wision a? General REMIT!OFPETISOMISL le POlicy Cona?rnjn Clearance of Personnel for Duties With Centr....4......enee rem 2. Investigation of Personnel a. Minima Investigation Requirements b. Review of Report' *IDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CV') LIANUAL AIWINISTRATIVE /11STRUCTIORS c? Investigations by Other Agenoion d? Forsonnol Dotailod to CIO 3. Method of Revostinianelmgas 4. Waivot1S11.2m1Iy.9.oarnviLand12.1m1s1Rolatives provision a? Waiver of Security Oloaranoo be Mayor of Foram Relativen Provision of, Justification for Enploymont S....a.__._.2JArovml:l/etpmlra S? Cloaed(hises 7. ItUEMAEMTA 8. ,Seourity Indoctrination a? Preliminary Indootrination b? Indoctrination Class ge Charlie of Status 10, Termination of.y......mElMmloitmg&I,220.24119?221 a? Exit Interview be Exooptions ONCIMITY OP INULDINOS AND INSTALLATIONS l? Admittanea of Personnel ?????110.W a. Regular Bmployees b. Employees of Other Covornment Avnoiaa a. PBA Maintenanoo Employees d? Forgotten Idsotifloation Credentials 0, Ad:Attalla. After Hours Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 a Far Fidueigurmunuo xfisgimeng0728R000100010001-2 CONFTrlITI 2. Admittance. of Visitors a. Visitor Pass: b. Escorts o. Surrondor of Pass d. Vieits During Off Duty Hours o. Visitor Entranoos " 2.922eatULtata 4. Guards 25X1A 5*AY, VAXL=QAUL...... SECURITY OF CLASSIF/RD DUO 11T& 1. Definitions of Clansifioations a. Top Boorot b. Boorot a. Confidential d. Rostrioted " ita4tIltaTlatEtli a. Definition and Identification b. Authority o? Offioo of R000rd 3. Authority to Determine Classifloation 4. Marking of Material 8.....11Saittg.A.U.E.EL"11.Met! a. Storage of Classified Documents b. General Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIG ItAIIIML 01'' ADITIIINVIATIVE VISTRIICTIOM G. Safea 7. ElAgosition or Classified Want? 8. Restrictions on Di:lamination of Classified Information 9. Destruction of.Clansifiod Doeumonte a. Top Seorot, Soorets Confidential And Regietered Restriotod Documente b. Restrictod Documents Rot Regiuterod 10. Loss or Conwomise of Classifiod Doouments 11. Doclasuification 12. iofttinCor bAtrwtin of Cinanifiod Documents 13. TOP SECRET Control Pr000dure a. Control Officers I,. Assistant Control Offioeru o.' Responsibility of Control and Assistant Control Officers d. Security Cheek 14. Pr000ssingoUnEeming TOP SMUT Notarial a. Sigpaturo Record and Cover Sheet b. TOP salm Log d. Deviations 15. Trani:W.214?n or Classified Doouments Outside CIO a. TOP SECRgT Doouments b. SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL Documents Not Registered o. RESTRICTED Documents Not Registered d. Registered Doeuments Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 AP provestFi.ordiNiVitgeOrMaighifitlfrffle8IIAN135(19NP?010001-2 S. Safos 7. agosition of Classified Waster 8. Rostrictions on Dinsomination of Classified Infornation 90 Destruction of Classified PeouPsnts a. Top Seurat, Sooret, Confidential and Registered Restriotod Document' b. Restricted Doouments hot Registered 10. Loss or Comeromise,r Classifiod Domments 11. Doclassifioation 12....1iosi......1..........t........tinozraatiofClaesifiodDoouments 13. TOP SECRET Control Procedure a. Control Officers b. Assistant Control ?Moore 0. Responsibility of Control and Assistant Control Offioors d: Seourity Cheek 14. 12.1rotnootainTa CR a. Signature Record and Cover Sheet b. TOP BEORRT Log d. Deviations 16. Transr3itsion of Classified Doeuments Outside Cr; a. TOP SECRET Doounonts b. SECRET and COVIDEVTIAL Domments Not Registered o. RESTRICTED Documents Not Registered 4. Registered Documents Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 iiihymtl9R4728R000100010001-2 ? G. Baron 7. aposition of Classified Whsto S. Restrictions on Dissamination of Classified Information 41140.111.4001000.0, D. Dostruotion of Classified Doeuments a. Top Soorot, Soorot, Confidential and Registered Restriotod Documents b. Restriotod Documents hat Rogstorod 10. Loss or Com rcaiso of Classifiod Documents 11. Doclassification 12. ,p...liotbstriatinorifiod Dooments 13. TOP SECRET Control Pr000dure a. Control ?Moors b. Assistant Control (=own 42.. Responsibility of Control and Assistant Control Oftioors d. Seourity Cheek 14. Pr000ssins of Inooming TOP SECRET Material a. Signature Record and Cover Sheet b. TOP SEC= Log 4. Deviations 16. Transmission of Classified Documents Outside MO a. TOP SECRET Dominants b. SECRET and COMWERITAL Documsnts Not Registered 0. RESTRICTED Documents Not Registered 41 Registered Documents Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ctspentatoe9tentehiefaffiit,Fieliffil-(9628R0000NIDPETNTIAL le. Transmission of Classified Documonts Within CIG a. TOP smniz Dooumonts b. SECRET AND conFrunizzAt. Doomonts Not Rogintored c. RESTRICTED Deouments Not Rogistered d. Ronistored Doomonts OWERAL mural'? PRACTICES 1.) a. Tolophono b. urea o. Unoccupied Rooms d. Visitors e. Classifiod Want? f. Defective Storago Equipcont g. Securing Oefioo at End of Day 2.Socuxit? Outside of Office a. Discussion of CIGAotivitios b. Credit Roforonoe o. Traffic) Aocidonts, Arrests, Court Proceedings d? Group Social Aativitios 3. Staff Security Chock 4. Uigt Duty Officers Seourt sEcurerY OF FIELD INSTALLATVMS 1. Porsonnal Security_ 24, Physical Seourit7 CONflicNTINt Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Ap p rov Meeks oNaltirtaFatt manam000looCONFIDENTIAL 10. Trarumission of Classified Documents Within CIO a TOP alonnT Documonts b. SECRET AND CONFIDLNTIAL Documonts not Roistered c. RESTRICTED Documenta Not Re4atered d. Regiatered Documonts =ORAL SECURITY PRACTICES 1. a. To1ephono b. Sates 0. Unoccupied Roane d. Visitors e. Clessifiod Waste F. Defective Storago Equipment g. Securing Offioo at End of Day 2. ...._....L..j..sic...t,...SocuritOutoofOffice a. Discussion of =Activities b. Credit Reforonee o. Traffic Accidonts, Arrests, Court Proceedings do Group Social. Activitios 3. Staff ScouriV Check 4. serMJN.V.Anitat=1TEEIWAX, sEcultra or FIELD /NSTALLATIONS 1. Persannol-aesurity- 2. ,.P13.1nd941., 8.0t11.1 CONFIDf NT\ Nt Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 intwevaii.RxIlastigiONEI:igiF7TZT110-A7728'ctlAritrIITIAL 10. Transmission of Classified Dooumonts Within CIO arlswariplemeasemilMayMer???????.11MINIMINIONMINII. a. TOP SECRET Dooumonts b. SECRET AND 00111IDNICIAL Dooumonts Not Registered c? RESTRICTED Doomonts Not negiotored 25X1A d. Registered Documents =MAL SECURITY PRACTICES 1. Seourity in prfico Routinc a. Tolophono b. Sates o. Un000upied Rooms dm Visitors e. Classifiod Wasto f. Dcfootive Storage Equipmont Sociiring Office at End of Day 2. Security Outside of Office Disoussion of CIO Activities be Credit Reformat 00 Traffio Acoidonts, Arrests, Court Proceedings d. Group Social Aotivitios 3. na1t.a.9211V.2221: 4. SECURITY OF FIELD INSTALLATIORS 1._ PermammillkurnPity 2. Physical Security 25X1A COIVID,VNTINt Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728RQ00100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A . AR! Approved ForCR9ItifeiP4AWAL IA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 WO WOAL. W APHAVI3T3AtIn 1N37AVGTIX3 IV_:::?:ir,*.:::;I', RAIII.4011R?111RISOR ?RIRORRIORMARI 1, iurpoofJ .2 . rraino ocy. ti ;Asa., RAWRARRRaRRRROORRR, o w-a-Jrca a. . hall . 1 :riti(31.44 .Ja,4 1;t: ittUoza .,f3.thad3 Job t'AS LtYld. rvoya Indivi dual T? 0 tai U?:3 c1t444. lac:au= r RReRemoikaammaReRmlimeRaRRRRRARA 1. General 41. Civilian b.r,l/itary Avoivawww.a.v, Y:1?004.0dUr0 ? Gsmeral 2. Authority LA? I -..crequicitos t4 appoiatmont anti ,:';:qtrav.ioe on Date a. Civil Sorvioa llogulations CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A CONHDEN Approved eve Fitifive269,1/493firid ?A!. -pigignig0a01 0001 -2 PLROOMILL, TA N,?. Ts 40,41 1. 'Purpose Torminolou S.'N.41"#0,ti orn and ? Tata ran. 3,1 t.iortriro.1 ii.ut4ritiy i':irposoofCaoxisiriac.tion et. 1 rittolplom culai L' Lou tiara 20 aitioA.tion Aith ado Job htuli to amt. :-;t4rvoyis b. 1div1 dual Posi tioYA Cloilloati or.), I Ei;t; it iirio 1. aenerai rt, CUi b. 1?43.1i tory OM. Authority Z. rrocoliure 1;44: 1,-04011.10, * 1. General 2 Authority Z. Prcrequicites to Appointment and 2ntroaco on Daty a, civil Service legulatiani CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A CONF EN /- 4.1 A eniwegai ,R81r/B1 16% /414A-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ft' )1" INISTIWCTIM ,-) PEA'it30M11-44 eif,n14,411it 1.Eurpose 2. Torrainaocy Aa.o olio ? rua {.ti ?t 6;$ ? .17i C14 r.j f y ............~.???;,M;;10?41.1??????asImer Uvoi.croa 1;), ?wilt) oso or oloastria ti On o. ITinoip1o4 it).V Clwmitioutian 2, C/ausifioation *.othotla a, Job 'mai ta ana Sul-yelps duia Podi tiori iitjan AriD umanvz rsiisomia. 1. General a. civilian tiliturr 2, Authttri 0, Frooedure ti:VOIN Z:40'7,4 ....?11.01p00.0111.01MIONIMONIIWIMIO 1. *moral 2. Authority 3. Prerequittitas tO AppOintraXtt cold Entrunoo on Zutr L. Civil Service Regulations CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1 A 25X1 A uoiv: pi T. II Lir \,1 Appirwftd,,,For-Ftek,le:49;(1,1plippc; 44,e,kc,R,P,S.411-0.R328R000100010001-2 ? J.11,4)J,i ...,1460111.00 1. 1,41 thino*c, ratio :.;t?klary ,% (iv ii...rIcti3ivrIt 4,;;1; i! ? rromo Lion to t,cr f,; 3. C:hanLo t4) i,c,rzor r.;:ro4o 4. Aou tirtoo and ,norela ..rompora1011.40.1.111?10.0 I.Truisfera rriL Qtr U.;',CtoraliAal 2, Traua:ora to Jthor Z. 'f::;;i;Za r ,?. 4'10 ta "T 4, talla '14 ?Z,Z;,ti), o 25X1 A Dizirz42.4 1G Lin,; 1. ",losir;mtion z. Trautifor o? 2otirvoent 4. Diaqualification 5. thorn:demi a? Cumplotica of work CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A CON) VENT' Approve ?qP98919N"FI4NE 7.plilp 001 0001 -2 b. ..;ataurtty 0. unti 144 fkrid tt tn 11.0 71: j tinr, 41. A tuium t wad traw c.1:1 ty 3 ? AppoIntmont Aoti ona .;.k.'N '4 47' Td..r, loff;:::,1'? 1. WIthLa..6rado 13u1ari AdArtiatoen.wentz rremo on to ii.ner ()mile 3. ChArte to Lower Grade 4. ?warms and9..eporda Tian' Prata .1.11,410.11101?0111100?0011.0 14Tr.soaretra froa othiar U gAnoi uz 21 Trunurord to other U. 3. Azeno 1 o: 10 Tmnu i'or a tit, GIA 0114 oo or taXe osol om tth 4. Tr:4.'41st cir ficit1. $ tali 5 vaithin CI* C.oott4la 7.DOttailZ Gu? t Caa 5--WA.FUTIO,111S 14 RdstirauLtion Z. 2'ra/tutor 3 liotiroolutt 4. Dievalitioation $. inettleienoi 0. Completion of work CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 20017 /I61.11-RDP81410728R000100010001-2 01q. 1013r V 41, . A MI $ TSt ',Tin X arRucTio 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A b. $0,otat1 ,;1.(91?ritatoo ?jet f.41,t1 2k;) Liral.17., 4. A.;,)1;toi tagita ti . fi'im31 otatIora, Aotionn 1. 1111 titaitt.cirado l',; 0.147 AciV4:410G1Vittil,t2 2. r) ti on to Iii&hor Or&de 36 Chwitgo to Ixtraor Grad? 4. Routi?uom and lionorda MTit,..,13,11,i0I7411:1, 3.? Tr a rrou ottalr . 2. Tralaa:ora to .crthar U.;`..; ? Atl'one 1 kez 4.,z1v,,zatti:er3 trot,voot (.Xfico..1 or $14441: ;:4013,orta UtIlla; 4. Trwazfors ix 6.0 ,Z:1,1e Wits vil, thin MEG C. L':ott.iii,al tPc., CI,t4 7. Dotaliz ? out .oi.' C; la l'AP41:1121:1707541 voomatinwIreirallor 1, :::,asipaticz, 2, Traxtettr Itottraltutt 4. Ltaqualiticatian S. Inarlyienay 8. Cataaplotita at vork CON IDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A J11*,7, , ? ; ARprov,ed,For,,?0,0109/9,0. L:.CIA-RDp8:1-00728R000100010001-2 0,41, 100 7:intl,111V 11, 1:1% ./o.:;vor,t;k: mr 13. Of1 Z3r UAU40 nATNIVC wo11.01.???????????11141.4.1. 1. Conaral 2. In400trinNt1on Couratta Ofeioo.3k111g. :,(Atrilors 1equef.ttz for 0.4(15.6.1 'arA Cowvorql, 7loo A r 1,1'? 1 ? .? ,?".? ' ??".. .0...????????*??????? 1.rga C. a Oporatim tLe) A . !,q1Itury rornonna b. Civilian P.Graomol :::ovrgo4 1 "lours Uzpenzary r'- 4. h4-4ortrenoies during Oft.Outy Uours a? Military 14 'Naval and Martna Corps a. Civilian .4., 1444aul 1::4mination of Cafotarta Dnployokta 007- 6 k ? ' " '? Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 f Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : A P81-00728R000100010001-2 On- %A.:10,',.:4 ,)","f":";.','":1V7:, ,.xpimtiou 8. 'Allt:J.ry 25X1A !,44t1110t4a lu l'oru4 10, %Inability 116 Ixlath 12. A4v-urto port cr ..:vc3;t ation 13. Rtmoval ror MMU40 TRAIN= ????????00011.14VillielliVeo 1. Comma 2. InelootrUation Couraoa Orfioo.Skil1n Cwrsoa 4. laquaffts ear cii.TraimiN; Covrana 5. Caton-911,4c; ..;orvi6o C. Zaromati= Wigx,At ourtsx:Iu 25X1A 1. Gonorml Opo ration of tho CY4 Ilia:pontlury a. Milittry Toraonne b. Civilian Pistraonnol 3. Mount of Diopenaary Sorvioo 4. atareanoies (Wring OffftDutv Hours Uilitari b. Naval and liariaa Corp 0. Civilian Nedinua Ilavaination of Cafeteria Employees CONP,DENI.W. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Aprov551:(For. Reeleaise?, 914,09/0A:,.C147,RD,P83:9.97.,28R000100010001-2 4. A t dw 1 I t 41,Like 7. ?'.x.2Lnivt.laa ?All t.447 VI 1 rl m a ekluo LI=ii ?Qt4. 104 :21. 0.'11 i P? 12. AO/0mA) P CO.1 t S" ti :7; ivtion 25X1A 13.Rtitakr/A1 for co,u4so TRAIN= 1. General 2 ? In400 tririation Comma offioo.aills Courses S. Requests ear ,pool al Trainini; CAvroon 54 C oloAq11711 ;7,0rvixto 25X1A CA X.aomation. Abtlat n.ilr 1a AN J: %,!;:)`.1. 1. ,aonerghl .C.4 Oporstion e CIO als?ousAry a, Milltery Forsonnel Civilian Personnel 3. flour oi iepenscAry Serrtoe 44 Emorgenoies during Ott?Duty Hours a. Military ? 1411aval Wadi:urine Corps 0. Cleilien 34 Nedical '101at4$1,01.024 ot Careteris Employees COMP DENT IM Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A ' Approved Far, RgleAe ?Q91/9WPA' 'ICIPH,P,I8:1!,01073,1 R000100010001-2 ? ? ttO k Ui;,4411 k a La 0 140C,4111 t rt ?tia,tju o palid .;!r.::?0.1*(tt,1 ?nie.s Zi;41.1.4..tIOnj ? 1113 ;4%e, ia arut 11 ? zi :1 ? 1 7 :31'17.1 ?titrl 7. L..: ...,;;;?,,L.:;1:3;:. :2. 4.4 1.1i r. 714 tori f.y? zppoul, 25X1A 7.11 r:ri ? ? ' I 11 .; f. .4 ? 4.. ?,' 1. Cameral 2. 7,71mo of Z.gricionoy %:4,ting,a a. Official Ratinzo b. Vuorrioial tiatiugs 3. Ratings and Reporta a. ;Zatinz Oaloialf s Respousibilitieo b. Rol/Jawing Oraoial tv 'Rosponsibilitioq Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ?; r;1 nr-.11.1-1 ,d Approved For Release 2001/09/06 CIA-RDP8C700728R000100010001-2 cif; , :;17i r, 77 7 12; ; Tt 1:4,jury ii .13i ? 25X1A # 6,;r1.10VQ.11104i4oi 25X1A ? Local ,O...1.4ttor1tv o. c.r4 ro ;.;topu Arid .,;aato1s ? ?.C?orAtitiot; Al,>?porol ;:iO4.1'dts Timis 1.taita..t.1.4-xca t;;;14::,?vnaa 2. Zi I. Aar:, ;aria ? b. apocrta tr Aotion Diviaion ??;.4.v11.? onU.tloriz ap7.104. ? L:"1,P1 '*.1; c: 1. Constro..1. 2. ? 7,yptits. of Erriciomy iiAtings a. Otti,olsal.Ratinga b? thorrictial Rating; 3. ;Rating; and Roports 04 Patin Ortiollid. Responsibilitte; Rorlawing ortiolal is 7.4e.toponsibilitte; Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A ;) Aparoved,for Rel.ease 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 1,;1 o111 , i? I ;:s TA e? e;14.w.:.i,c-414eJ. - ;;r,lo4irc.cra,04'04 i401,1 Cot344)1k4rats Leetta. .11.u.tkority 0, ct ? ttri 10;41071x ?(r. brztlua t; If r.toar du Ttrac 1.isaittittonis t.,:xt In se attct ttv 2. ziisotplizAotry ona b ? pr)rvi.g *.Z.capona tor DitriUlOn a. rArinitioa :;0114 tl.ciraz e Li i"y ,/.z1 zpiloaa. 25X1A 4, Ttn, co 1; Cencrft.1 2. Wes of arieiency Ratings n. etioial Ratings b. Umorrioial Ratings 3? Rat:bats 444 Reports 41 Rating Oftisialfs Responsibilities b. Reviewing Ortioial.s Rosponsibilities Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Cal ';,1AniU, A'IY,:rTiA7T,ti,: 12;:1717::;:i:TIAS 0, r, '4711i4,, ;JurY in Lia0 01? .:,t1t7Y 11..? 4,...Afo. kk 1,11 ? t. MON.* 1. 1,,,1,-,W"itall(3?Ci44 4.114 601,1gplkartt'S Lu eAl Aut11,(4.1ta, Q. ?r-Ln ? ",r:-or?Ad,,.40t, ? 1:1;14 Liza tatio,,ad -,,,,j;44.tisa- 4:14 1:no701 i7or b, ,zuupaltaibility c. AOtiOny iTAIr4en1 . 1-A1-3311:441,AZI ? t1.07,1a An. appeal 25X1A 4.. itosolooted :run RI low.; o,ficero snd reopens:11)10 cUan persomtal of th offi 00 starr. b. The Staff Duty Officer will begin his security check after the and of the regular work day whon all or not of the employees have loft. If an crIployee its viarking late, he will be inrornod by the Staff Duty Officer that hoe tho orrployoe, will be responsible for the secu- rity of his on imaodiate roam or ar0?1, and tho staff Duty Officer will so note on his Staff Duty Officer Chock Shoot, ram 38-8 under "Remarks." During the course of his socurity check, the Staff Duty officer will execute a Staff Duty ?Moor Cheek Shoots roma No. 30.11 vihich will in. elude the liatink; of agy seourity violations. The Chock Sheet will bo forwarded to the Security Officer imediately the following non:inc. 0. The Staff Duty Officer will chock to insure that: (1) All nation and sato-typo film; are looked. (2) ria material &anglified abovo italSTIUCTED hen boon loft exp000d on denim, on othor office equipnont, or on the vtall. . .onto cn_ ri.C.N iAl,? - Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 .1- 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A (:+prntypii,E951R5mtexFamftppA: 9,Allim,ploTHR000l000l000l -2 (;) &i1 clasoifiod 'saute) bar: .)cor; propr/,..v soeurod. (4) Clannifiod natorial ban Isot boon discarded in want? ( 5) All kiI?41 10017.0de (G) I,igntn aro oxtiNishod in vuloacupied roolml? unlose otbortzion oieioda. 4. Zlir,ht DIAN Officors Soo_ ?_urit7 On1/ 10.??????????????.?????? tt. IL ataff of High t, &it Officors, attuclatti to thr: :arity Oft. cop will bo 1\noicnod to nogy.ority Ctution botwcon the hours of 3:00 P.r. (1700) and 61'40 t.. (0630) V.olidny'S through :'ridnyn? and twunty- four (24) hours on Naturdays. r7.travinyn and holiday. b, Iight jut,/ Officer 3 will conduct n5ht1y n o our ty 01m 0111 of mr; hui1uLjjj, lumany ono buildirq; or sn roa uihth niiIii each rrht. u not pattorn or rot-A.:tic:1 8:ltml with rospoot ti tho building; to bo inspootod ti1l bo fol3.oTiod. Tho huiLlirk; to be chool:- nd in dotortainod daily by the., ,7?1.3.curity offioo. 0. In co niUCtiTiC, tItoi r I30 uri ty chti ohs tho )11 F;lit I-111V 0ffcor iill ohcol: nafoo? tho tops of ducks; 111141 othQr equipment I'm oxpotted olansifind riatorial, windows, oloonif io Uwr.xsto, elneolopan and will -note conditional prosonting security hazards. The,so officors will al no ooaduct spot chooko of dock drawers to determine lthethor they con. trAin clannified rwItorial abovu lif3TRIOTED. in violation of ant -1--ping roLlulations. d. Tho Night Duty orrioorti will mspond to roports fro n tho FBA Cuardn in connaction with opon sofas and exposod classified natorittl dotectod by tho !Amhara of tho Guard form itn go course of tbadr night patrols; handlo all othar routino aftar-dutfp,baleurit:- problunu ni proparo reports of socurity violationo, which aro oubuoquontly forvaurdad to tho appropriate CIO officiala by the lliof, fkicurity Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 0IGARKilykril For &.,Ife89,911pyt961i.l&I-Ffil1jQ0728R000100010001-2 PEUSOIIIIM The purpoeo or thin inntruction in to not forth the con- oral activities of the Personnel Division, acquaint employees with the baste Civil Service IO6ulations as applicable to CIO, and provide a guide for oporatinr, offioials with reepoot to their ro- sponsibilities au related to personnel administration.. 4. Termineloq The definitions Oxen below, while not necessarily com- plete from a teohnical point or vtow, ?:;onform to the onerally underetood meanings of the terms. Civil Service, an tho lc 0.neral1y used in the redoral Government, relates .66 that part 2f W% oublio oivilian service under which appointments to positions ;alat ha made in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Act, epplioable 7::xecutive Orders, and the rules and reulations of the 3orvieo Comissien. Rule means cavil Servlee rule. .0IIIMN.a.????? Competitive service. shall have the name meaninc, as the words "Clansified7Serviee", or ITIannified Civ.i.l ervioe an defined in existing statutes and Nxecutive Orders. The competitive service shall inc.:Ludo all civilian positions in the Zxseutive nranch of the Government unless speoifically excepted therefrom under statutes or Exeoutive Order. Persons occupy-Inc such positions shall be con- sidered as being in the coLl?otitive service when they have a compet- itive statue. Positions exe9ted from the competitive service (Schedule are filled 'by appointment thereto without e6EPTIlino examinailon beoageo of their confidential or policy-determining charaater, or because it is not practicable to make appointments thereto through competitive examination. Competitive status means a status which permits a person to be promoted, transeerred, reassigned and reinstated to positions in the competitive service without competitive examination, subject to the conditions prescribed by the Civil Service rules and regulations for such noncompetitive action. A competitive status is acquired by probational appointment through competitive examination, or may be granted by statute, Exooutivo Order, or the Civil Service rules, Continuous service means an active duty statusibutimay Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CONFIDENI1AL CIa rigt-415P?-00728R000100010001-2 Include a break in sorvioo of not moro un 40 calondar days. Departmental sarvioo moans the headquarters office of an sr,unoy. 1.3enorany, posilrons in that part of any azency 1 u;Atted in the District of Columbia aro in tho departmental service. Fluid sorvioo moans that par or parts of an aconcy tho work of which InvolvorIrr Iocalizod oxecutiot of contrally determinod policies, aotivities, or procrams. Althouch Homo agonolos havo offices outaide the District or Columbia whioh aro in tho depart- montal servico, ;;:enerolly positions it ?Moon outolde tho District are in tho fluid sorvico. losition1.40;Wit; VJA (rj;1.1;b1()X1 of du tiu t,o bo rjfored ixad rosonalbaTrEin-leLi dischavr,,e(::, -,orson ovol.4 'j no :erson ia discharrin::, at a 1vi :Suc. Class of post tions'41,01121,U ?,?roup of positions ;.,hicti aro so similar in &Ales and rosp6.nsibili ties as to rQqui ro su'ostanti ally talD 3fit..10 ability, oduaa O. on, ox.porionco, and. Izno1 for their porfor:lanca and as t.u ju ti.. fy j`,..110 attriC. t6 133 Of a tr:C):13 :Lad 46:1.0 001.110 011 pay. Sorvico moans a broad divisim of classes of posi tions into groups btreadly similar in duties and :,osponsibilitios. Thoro aro four principal serticos In the class' fiod civil sorvi co. These are: a, ilrofossional and scientific dosinated as "Ps" b. Clerical, adadni strativo, and Ii coal d,:,:sii:natod ac%.'1..F." c.:3ub-profcssional , duciL:natod as d. Crafts, protectivo, and custodial , destrmated as Grade moans a subdivision of a sorvica, which includes any number orames of positions, the incumbents of which may be equi- tably compensated at rates within the same scale of pay. nasal...yin it position .:aoans al 1 ocatinc it to I to class* service and zrado. Official station genorally moans the place at which or about 'which an emg-oyee perforlis tho major part of his dutlos. Promotion moons a change from ono-L:osition to another position of hicher Crate 'hiL;hor minimum salary durIng oontinuous sorvioe rithin the same ar,ency. ChwaGe .to a lower rado means a demotion from one position to another position ofrSwer Grade or lower minimum salary during continuous service within the same agency. com nrWri Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CONIIDENTIAL ,AppsigyeAT eAriRCeapelge,9tipilApg :1I.fkrylppiel1igg728R000100010001-2 Removal MOO= soparation frota the sorvice on ohnrces of delinquoni776raisoonduct, or bocause the omployoets capacity is not sufficiont to justiCy his retention in the sorvice. !.Zoassirnment ncans u.oharr:,s,, without p r omoti on or demotion, from ono TUarlion to anothor position in a different line of work (such an from. clerk to atonoLya7hor, 1:1(auTour to Guard, rite.) or in the same lino of worL (ooch ao fro:i oiork-sourchor to olork-rocordor) or In aorvioo (sudh us subprofoosional to olerioal, achinistrutivo and fiscal) durilv continuous aorvioe within the SAM? agency. Witldn Grads.) aJ.ary incruaso moans Lill 1.11/J I'VC.S Cro one rate of pny toano.00.-----41-711-176-7-7,13M-7"---..,raciu told ii tnout oh,r421,,u II p.dcition of dutios or rosponsibilitiou. Efficiency ratimi:; moans a written ovaluation, tuUnt, an adjective form, of tile poiformanco over a poriod of an employee in his poaition in the olaasificd civil aorvico. Thia ratinG la one of the factors conaidered ih dotormining within zrade salory inoroasos, promotions, tormination, and other personnel actions. Sonic of ,pay moans the ratos of eay established for a ,rado, oonsistinz of minimum and maximum rate and one or More intormediato rates. The intorvala botwcen the minimum and maximum rates are known an "stepa." moan porsons certified by the Civil Service Com- mission au beinj, 'Lualificd 'or a :;ivon job and olizib11 for appoint- mont to that job under the ruloo anti ro;ultions of tho Coolmission. Puy ieriod moans the period for oMoh com-nnaatior is ror;- ularly paid. eor per annum eployees a pay period consists of fourteen calondur days boinnin,s overy socona 0,.day. :low position Is vhioh ha:; not provioualy boon allocated and' oarriud on the records as a currently oxistini, position. Identical Additional Position ia an additional position which has duties and rosponsihilitfes identical in all respects with thous of an existinL; 2osition previously finally allooato:. by tho Cosesiosion, io in the smao service srado and class, and is under the aamo ismediate supervisory position in the ortylnization concerned. Reclassification means the eatablishment of a different classification for an existing position resulting from reconsideration and reinterpretation of the original classification. Vico Change means an appointment to a position previously allocated which fias been vacated and in which no change in duties or rosponsibilities are contemplated. rt! r""?lif Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A APPb441tNPISE. reattIMMIngina:V121/14RWARIWW000100010001-2 3. INnnotions Orr:aniza.tion ?unctions Thu Porsonnol Division, PA !ranch, Is responcible fors (1.) tstabliahinc, wati positions in aocordonce with C171.1 Cervico Pallor; Lola :),,eculations. (2) interviewirlz, oval tut ti nil: and us i iLning applicants to to established positions. (3) I'lanninu,, rniziZdrt, and conductirv; traintn;:. and orientation provartri. (4) naintainin oord 0.114i lirocossinL all 1)c.irsorwo1 notions trO011 ilo 11,ppointrtent, trz.oisfor, oromotion, tomainat?.(-1, etc. (5) Oporating and otrierency rocmc to provide medion1 flOrd00:43 to employees; and, devoloping, an omploy-cols health program. (0) Administorinc, a Personnel nolations Plogram includinc efficienoy ratings, aetivitios, liaison activities betwoon employees and oporating officials in sonnoution with employee adjust:tents. (7) Adainistorinf; military and naval personnel in z4o- cordanco with regulations of the respective services. b. Organisation To acoomplish tho functions sot forth abovo, and any related dutios, tho foil ?wink; Sections have been established within the ro r oonnol Division; r FN, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 " 25X1ACfPrAYRFAFAI5iReAtIleigilik/ON63: 9810t8W28R000366M0001-2 CLASSUICATIOU 1, amoral a. Authority (1) In a000rdanoo with the provisions or the Classification Act of 1923, as =ondod7the authority to entabaish and classify positions in the CIC is vostod in tho Director of Central Intolligonoo subject to review by tho Civil Sorvice Conlicsion. (2) The Chief, Pcsonnol Division ha6 ?Alen do1oL..1 tho rosponsibilitio oonnoeted with the above authority. b. Purpose ef Classification The purposes of olussification are: (1) To establish spooific positions within tho orGan- ization framowork, and thus provide claw for ono in buric;et planninz and makin6 analyses of tho cost of administrative functions. (2) To show the relationships of the vaious positidns to prevent overlapping of duties, and to provido a basis for planning the flow of work throuch the organization and for detemining reduc- tions in force und furloughs by disolosine, any duplication of functions. (:.) To provide employeos with a oonoiso statement or their duties and responsibilities and thoir relation to tho orrw,- isation by describing the dutios roquirod In each position. (4) To provide a basis for such aotions as appoint- mont, transfer or praaotion. A porson can be hirud by an agency only after a position has boon established. Li;oswise, a person even thouz:h qualified for promotion can bo proo io a hii.?hor Gracie only if a vacant position oxiots at the hi,:!lor c,raj,o. o. Prinoiolos of Classifioation The basic principles governing the classifying of positions aro: (1) The correlation of salaries with work performed in such manner as to provide equal pay for equal work. (2) The standardization of allocations based on occupational field, degree of difficulty of duties, level of responsi- bility and qualification requirements of the work. 2. Classification gethods a. Job Audits and Surveys Upon determination by the Advisor for Uanagement as to organizational structure and total number of positions required to Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Cl(lAIRAAd4FtiriiSIJagthliiAiod-!'Fai4iART-;0728R000100010001-2 adtainis to fano U. oral r1om1i bill Li !la within an orGani ati anal unit, the Classification and Salary Administration Sootion will uonduot; classification surveys. Those surveys are condeoted in the eoliowinc, mannor8 (1) rhe chioe of tho Office cw Staff Section iu noti- fied of the 1;Apending survoy and reluez ted to furnish functional statements for caoh secnkent tho orrilo. (2) Tho ,.;igl,Issificatiou Analysts roviow ouch statements 411a arranze personal interviews with. the chief of the soment of the Orfioo which is to bo urvey.21iroK intorviaws, tho detio and ot' individual 'k)041t1 ono r&dotormined. (4) iosition deseciptions aro yroF:Are::, allooations =do, and referred to Lho i.of of the ofil e& undor survoy for his final review. (4)1, dencription all positions .di thin the (,).r.'I'leo is th.on presented to the civil Sorvioo chx.:4aission with fia :i.r.;oncy recomonde.ticzu. Thev.ii'Survico coL2Ausi.077. reirosentative, . th.rouch c.onfe rant: e ith WI? ,:.11 tioi nnal:rot und officiuls of the ori;anization, dotorminou the ,,.iroprioty of the Le.:088e.y recow.- mendations and indicated final Civil Sorvice commission action. (5) Upon rceeipt final approval by the Civil Sorvice Comiaisuiou? a table o orcAnization is propared., on whioh is indicated t;he titles and L;rados as alyroved by the Civil Service Goralission, and forwarded to the Advisor for riana6onont. (6) Upon approval by the advisor for Vs/lac...cram-It copies of the table of ori;unization are forwarded the, Offico or Staff Suction concerned, the I'ersonnel Division, -e.):1 the ?inane? Division. (7) Position control rocords aro establishod and luain- tained by the Personnel and einanoe Divisions to insure that i;rades established in tables of orIanization ci.nd total positions author- ized by i) collins aro not exceeds:A. b. Individual Fosi Lion Classification (1) Wh.onever a ohanc;o of duties, initiation or expiration of a job or an increase or decrease in worz load occurs, an official ostablishzent, re-olassification, or oancell.ation of an individual position will be in order. Reauests !.'or such action should be pre- pared by the Offioe or S.!:aff :lection oancorned or. i?orza No. SI-3 ?in triplicato and routed to the Classification and Salary AciAnistration Section. (2) A Classification Analyst will analyze the duties and responsibilities of the positions concerned by dd.0 t desk audit of the duties involved extd by interviow with the Offloo or Sts.if Section chief, the incumbent of the position if the position is filled, and the ixsziediate suporvisor. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 orwmistoMFANZTA: 25X1A 0WF28R000100010001-2 A voritton description of the position will then be prepared by the Classification Analyst and reviewed by the ?Moo or Starr Sootion chit as to ruLuracy or dotailA, (3) After ausomont as to acouraey or the statement of duties, the classification analyst will assicn the position to tho appropriate service and crude in accorianec with the standards and specifications established by the Civil Service Comadssion, and will submit the position desoription to the Civil Sorvioo Commission for review and approval. (4) After approval by the Civil Service Commissions the position may then be filled by a. qualified ii bort or now 4,01.11t004, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 11 Approved For Releage //0%06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ,17 Gotlers3.2 m. Civilian LC i;: 0:: i.W77,7a 25X1A It 14 the rosponsnility of tna to operat4 proz;ran of reoruitment and soloction in comp auco t t lib14 vi.15ervica aulee and n.,-7 ptaiolos uhich till eatisfactorily moott oporatik; roquir=unto o: the T17 ?Moostff 3ootions? Tho uill mantel:1 close liaison vit4 ofTtin ant, tu.T:;oo r rdix tho priority or leretInnol rirononte; equ 4th tho .-'inanoo Division roardlnc pbruonalel P 0,011,3AVJ 114d 41,1,,A,'11.0.r:,,Z0f1 V4=10.04; to:A:4th trti.1ori of Lrtirit.';:171.41u-;41e to iwuro avalle?bility of :r,rsonnol to fill 7401.1=AOSk3VAcri poov.x., hq. 311.'11.1 VIli%ary i)aravonnol ;.zoouro,', 1$. 3n,c1;ln ,?????????~0.1.01.~ a. '24 t for z-e:4:4.1.2q; L.-4. 1221?. :1=4 4cLati, tt th oottor tth tmarrt vitt.= an 'ail: C.n re.t,,jo;7? n-ott vat.* to :4,12,11ocalt4.4 kl) .411 tunitiy Int;Jrvica an4 to Aocollt or rvjoct oi:Q1o,-oes to fill vaco=los uuor judo?.:lot.Lon; holouv4r, C=A:..1ozLall natio no co=ituonLa rozardiK mai,loimont. or salary in411-144als mho mmy be oontaatrvl directly prior t3 roforonoe to Personnel 71vi. sion, b4 The Vcorsonnel Division is eaztborirod to procure fInd hire aorloal and advdnistrative :?ersonnel in the cradas throuioh CAZN.3, Tho C:111134 Itorsonnel Division, may take final action for the Direotor o. Central Intellicence in oases involvinz credos IA174 to OVIA*12 Inclusive, and 4 to 115 inclusive, provided the hood of the usinz orrtoo or start Sootion concurs. Tho Dorutiy Director must approve for the 71treotor finul hirire in all oases involvinz vados from C7..13 to CAF615 inolusive, and NG to P..3 inclusive. ":onsturrenos of the head of tho usinz =Ice or Stet 3ection.vill ha odatainody theNtrsonnel Division prio; to presentation to the Deputy Birootar :or Jeeision. Cassn involving lleatre,==t betueen the 'want- Office and the Porsonnal Division UtUbe referred to the Enscutive for 7,,ersonm. nel and Adninistration, or to tbe Dc7aty Dirootor IC the 72:zocutive for 74?timonna and A4mIntstration =not are.vo at cat acreemontleith Approved For For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 6;31\1 I- 1 apprmutfooftelenitn:(0110910,11:;: 1ffatenak728R000100010001-2 tho requesting ?filo?. 3. fr000dure a. Oracle or Staff Sections will submit Fern No. 57-8, AceruitOont Request tA triplicate, outlining personnel requirements. b. Applioations or qualifyin6 individuals will be referred by the Procurement& Plaoemant Section to the Office or Staff Section heads acoompanied by Form 57-9, Referral Shoot, mid will be returned to the Procurement and Placement Section by the dead-lino date indicated thereon. If a qualified applicant is at hand, he may be referred in person to the Office or start Section concerned. c. Upon acoeptanoe of an applicant by the operatInc Offioo or Staff Section, Form 37-3, Personnel Action. 'Request, will be nut- mttted in triplicate to the rorsonnol Division. U. Upon receipt of Form 37-3 and other allied papers in the Personnel Division, final determination of qualifications to fill the position recommended will be made by the Personnel Division and Form 3S-1, Personal History statement, will be sent in duplioate to the Security Division for security clearance. o. Applicant record files Will be maintained by the Pro- 25X1A s.nd will remain pendinz until the prospective employee is either accepted or rejected. r'* Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09%66 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 OTC 11AVb AL OF A IYINtS.'reArt VI C Mr; ft ONS AITOINTI,?;012,1TO ??????????????????????????10,00.001110o10.0 1. General ????????????????????????? Under the previaions of Exeoutive Order 9U30, all pocitions in the Central Intollik:ence Group aro excepted from oompetitive eurvice. Appointment will bo made under Sohodulo A of the Civil Service Rule without exaesinution by the Civil .Servico Commission. An excepted appointment under Schedule A ahall not confer a compete itive status to the appointment but )ney be converted to probational ;statue in the event the employee passes a Civil Service examination and is certified to tads ar:ency for probational ap;mintment. Any person havth a. oompetitive etatus who oocupios tiL Schedule A pocition shall be entitled to the protection aGainst removal (Afforded by Services ruler and re&ulation. 2. Authority It is the responeibility of the Chief, Personnel Division t.) aucertain that GIG polioies and tho al:andards otablihod by the Civil Servioe Coredoision are observeLL cannee 140.11 with the on:01 oy- lent of all eiviliau emeloyeoe. The ehief, i'oreounel Division has been deleatod the authority for the appointment or eeparation of civilian employee and eonoul tent.; foi the do par tawntal and field $orviC0S. 3. Proroquisitee to Appointment and 1.;ntrwriee on Duty a. Civil Z;ervico Keult%.tionLi Civil Serviee :loculetions Part 21 (See Chapter !,-1) define and proueribe re:41;0.10; rearding appoinLennt to positions excepted from the coayetiti v-z4 Qnrioo. The Personnel Division is responsible for carrying out the provisions of thoec relations aa they 2ortain to theitems: (1) Military preference (2) Other preference (3) Uniform treatment of applications (4) Standards of qualifications (5) Examination of applicants (6) Maintenance of employment lists (7) Selection b. Security Clearance All appointzente to positions or assignment to duty of personnel in CIG are made subsequent to approval 'granted by the 25X1A Security Division in accordance with the provisions of GIG Adertne istrative Instructions Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Dv Approved For Release 200q1/09 06i :m -1RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Oia WM= oe AMVIIWMT17 MITRV:';TIO/10 Evaluation and A?)titudo Tt tinc, The 411 and apti ut..e ot 11 ci.1i&t, VO.r.1.01.12 oporai.4.;:;; tgTioi41s '4111 linzp-i.ntz and othur teeks 1.Ve ti nj `.,1)11 t so that the corta.t;i if U t.1.L. ipootn1valifloation. 25X1A 11111 tosi; thy nta ta.cpi:pte,tilo L'or or.T1ay7,,ont. Tho fu1.sha:.;siotarief inf..; 1 t1 C:5-134; ? d by uto 25X1A My; ex- ro(p.:1 ri) zt; Vs) a 1 pouttion ?.01Quao P2us43nt Tho i'orsonnel olvlsion IIll noL:otlu:U1 4a10 rolo. orospectiv cf:c loyoo In tho avont tho ,drootiv.,.; ili.,1oyoe La oloyed by 4nothor ?odert1.1 4,onoy. Thla neotiation ro,luira.1 0-1"0 the prmipeativo e::1oyect haz nut 1:irovlo%kely. bun providod %41..ti-i, lottor of ratkaso tram hi o caaployin;,', 4. Apl.:ant:aunt and 2.4trence i't.Zty a ? After tho havo buttn. 25X1A oarried out tntif.1 o r ;Ina 4,4 kt"41 the roo( a,itltnod under IC A diaird a trail!. vo Ins.t rt,to t ions und the applicant has qualtrie..1 the applicant will t)leu bp oahricoa 1,4) ?wort l'or duty to the Trn.rt ; UMW and :'2,ocord.41 3intion ot tho Poraonnol b. 'It -Wad tix the) otAi .1 oyoo ri 1 e. 11111 bo 01) txtiried rs.nd cheol:ed that ; t1:8 orra,1 therans (1) Standard Loom 37, Applioution for (2) Form ',36.1, i?orsossa. 1t tory "i.; t;:Atrolortt ($) Letthr 01 ;Zolooxe(I.e' raLto:arrod, from couvt.her 1 ? 5. Azonoy) ? TIV.1 CV.1:11.0y*Wd IV 1 1i 1,,iLt rod tic' 011.6214.1 I:A, the C'01 1 cat a!: E4dltion.41 Zor?As report:int; 4:or (4) ?aria 611..., Oath of Offioosf,..eilds.vit and ueclaration of Appoin tee. (2) 414v it, ( 3) vs= traplOyeos '!;;:romptiozCfit, d. The employee will then bo civen, a ?r 4,Roc,at for and Gent to the Soourit,y Division for s-ny neessaa.ri indoo. trination. e. Upon completion of tho iibove items? the amployee will bo sent by the Personnel Division to the Administrative Officor of the Offico or Staff Sootion where he is to be employed. 5. ..ip..21!1.1!!!!!It Aotim2s Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A ApprovCirN k41.6h6120bil 9/06: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 lot ammo.. OP AWInT3T5rIn. VtITIO/CTIMU Ilwo following documents 'All hot prokared ou ono nen awpointec by the i'orsonnol Divsion and (astributed ae indiont*th a. Staadard Aomo 00. Votaation of Personnel Lotions, in prepared in an original and 7 catios and distributed oa rollown: 2 copios to rndKot Voation (After proper renordim on position control nards, theso ooplos aro routed to the Noy qoIl l'oit tor Pay Roll /MIMI.) I copy to Clonsiilnation sontion 1 copy to cvril lorvine 0ouninsion 1 non for "orsonnel Journal (maintained iu Trun?- nations And 'Innards 8notion and Auld in monthly bindors to Corm conplote rocord of each action vroparod) I oop y to 7ravious organisation (Wen employee hen had provioun Govorrxont service and cones to central Tntelligenco nithout ft break in service) 1 copy for Ivrnernnel Polder 1 aopy for Ilnployee ('7is copy is transmitted to the Administrative 0i,:ice of the employing Offioe or sum $noottca for recording and then to the employee. This serves es the notification to the originattng office o: the approval and 000lpletion or the request for personnel Wiese) b. clic Form 2/135, retirement record Ced, is prepared end is forwarded to the 741 roll -Isoal Section, attached to the Poky Poll copy ofTwes 80. a, Fora 116.4. Bmployees Withholding Exemption Certificate, Is prepareed by tke esiploye0end attsdhed to the cm Roll eopy of Pore 50 for trassaissioa to the ray Ro21 Tait. 46 WD Vera M. ureic* liseerd Cards is Prisitered for ever"' use appointee aid filed alphabetically la a visiblo eard filo. All later motions on the eaplayee are posted to that eard from Fora 80. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A t PI /DirtrIt r4 1 1 ApprO.Valer0O4JaVe 960ii6A3R 0001-2 fqTX(11 AI11) CIV.I:flr.3 To rn,ADr, INKS mama ...ropo....xpeowearseroOrMakeass? 7titliin-Gracto Solary Advonoomontu ------- 1:;alart advanoonontn within rado aro of two typons Puriodio pay inoronuon node J.n nocordnnoo with tho Podoral Mployoon Pay Act or 11)45 Which providou inoroonon for orapioy000 having 1E4 riontlin oonttnuoup norrion in Gradon in which thu canponnotion inoromonts aro lona than f:200 por annum or 18 months oontinuoun aurvioo in L:radon in whinh tho nooponnntion inorolonto aro t200 or ;:toro por annum, providing% (i) That no equivalent incronno in comport/int:ion for any amine vitui rocoiVvd during ottoh puriods (2) That an offioor or unplo,yoe &toil net be vonood =lona hin ourront officiondy ratini; "Cood" or bettor thou "Good"' (S) That t}10 norvico and conduct or nuoh ()Moor or omployeo aro cortifiod by tho hood of the ("apart...aunt or ai:orury, or ouch official as ho nay dosic,nato. an boinG ntivlrwino oatinfaotory. b. Acrainiatrativo inoroanou givon in rare canon for auporior n000mplinhnont or when justifiod by npocific oiretzrztanoone Thu Podoral iimployoun Pay Act of 11)45 providon that, within the limita of availoblo appropriationa and on roward for nuporior acoom- plishrumta, additional within-Grado compolination v.dvancertontn may be made but any such 4104V:ion:a advancolonts shall not exceed one stop and no onployoo Waal be olif;iblo for .riorn than ono additional ad- \rancor:out huroundor within cinch of tho tino purioda connidorud for periodic pay inoronsou. 2. Promotion to 114.,hor Clrado _ a. CIO orapioyoua will bo promotod within tho A;:onoy to hiGhor Grades Talon :molt vaaanaion *occur, subjoot to tho followinG conditional (1) It vacant ponition of hit:,bor oimoiricAtion nwt0Ants (2) Thu individual mot moot qualifioationa roquiremonts of the position for which ho in boing r000nnondod in accordance with the atialdarda entablinhod by the Civil Sorvizo Comminnion or by an. (3) Pramotionn of more than one Grade highor than the rado hold by the omployee at the tine of the roquont will not be recummondod. (4) Thu following tablo apecifion tha tine in craft ro- quiromontn which must bo net prior to the initiation Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved Fdriffell IsItA0AIPWXY6 AM4NIDPHAVD7128ROOD119007101)131 -2 25X1A Ai, of notion moon:lomat% n pramotiont ar oAr ccnit: IN' 011A1)11 3 4 3 3 4 3 i!ontlw 1 6 5 0 Uonthn ?????+??????????????????????????111??? 2 0 7 0 9 ?fontho 0 9 10 10 *.m.wilmmow 4 11 12 12 nonths 13 7 14 ?????????????????.???????????? b. Rocommondationo for pronotiona will bo nndo on ram No. 37-3, which will inoludo u otntonont thut tho roquirortonta not forth abovu have boon mut. o. No excuptions to tho provittionn of paragraph a. abovo bo grantod without the apocifio writton approval of tho Oiroctor of Control Intollicence. 3. Ch. Lowor Irado no A ()hung() to lawor 6rn10 tuv. bo rAdo lloonutto or roolauniri. cation of potation or buonuno of failuro of any employe? to adequato. ly cruTy out tho dutiful and ronponnibilition of his asnignod position. If an enployco in annignod to n lamor rado bocauso of an"Uhnotisfao- tory" offiolunc4 ratinG ho runt bo paid at a rato not in oxooris of tho middlo rate of the lawor Grade. 4. Routines and Records a. No action is required on tho part of Officio or Staff Suctions in efi'octinG automatic within...Grad? salary inoroases of ortployoon. Thu Personnol Division will maintain adequato rocords with rospoot to oligibility for within..Grado increanos and will effect nuaennary actions without any rqquont from thu Office or Staff Section. itowover, the currant officionoy rating and conduot report must be di hand before any action in taken. b. Requests for rromotions or Chanco to Lowor Credo will be initiated by the Offico or Staff Section oonoornod on Form No. 37-3, Porsonnol Action Request, procossod by the Personnel Division, and after approval of tho Chiof, Porsonnol Divinion, the noconnery action will be taken. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 0./.0. MNUAL or ADMINTSTRATNE insmanons ? Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A C ViDrNTIAL vuoivi.:n., 4.111.?????? 11.40.1. Transforn from othor ;;, A r,onoloa In offootin6; transforu of unployous fron ?thus* US r) ? ar,onoioss, appropriato notion will bo mado by tho Iernonnol Division in a000rd.. tinou trith tho pr000duron outlinod undor "RocruitTlont" osul'Appoint.. mont" (CIO Adminintrativo Inutroctiono *Mar 2. Transfora to othor U. A ?oncios .011.10011.11???????????????ONNA Ilhonovor an oriployoo douiren to trttnufor from GIG to anothor tai;onoy, ho will notify his iz?Inodiato nuporior far onoudi in advanoo (at lonst lti dayn) to anew oufficiont tino to nomiru a roplaomonto Tho Officio or Staff 40otion will rofor tho otiployoo to tho Porsonnol Division for arramosionta rogardinr; propor clooranoon? oxit intorviows? oto Upon oonplotion of tho transfor notiOn, tho Porsonnol "oldorountaining all doctrionts of porrianont rocord? oxcopt thous con.. ficiontitil to CIG, will be forwardod to tho now arvolo;%6N: agency. The Poroonnol Division prior to transforrinc tho Oficinl orsonnol raider will oxtraot all tomporary rocords and all rocordn whiih oz-o confidon.- tial to CIO and will tiara a record on the onployooss norvioo (lord of tho date of the transfer of tho oriployoo, no date of tho transmittal of the ;cornonnol ?oldor and tho nano and location of tho ar,onoy to whioh transforrod. Subnequont nurtzosto to GIG for infornaatiOn roord.. int; an onployoo who hall tronsforrod to another ai-,oncy will he forwardod for reply to the k-enoy to which the omployoo has transforrod. 3. Transforn botwoon ()Moo or !;taff footionn Within CI G a. Porsonnel omployod by or onoicnod to GIG will not be pori. mittod to soak a pooition or asoianont in anothor office of CIG out the prior rritton approval of tho Assistant Director, his Doputy, or his lbcooutivo Officer. An employoe nookinc rottosiorient will prom pare a memorandum to tho Chia, I'orsonnel Division roquoistin: that ho be conuiderod for ronsuico-ment to a ponition for which ho is qualified. Thu roquout must be approved in the nannor outlined above prior to submiOsion to the Poroonnol Divicion. b. Similarly, offices will not intorviow or nook the transfor of porsonnol assiGtiod to other officou within GIG unions the individ- ual presents such written pormission to nook a now position or (imago. monte o. In all cases n form 37..3 will bo initiated and forwarded to tho Porsonnol Divinion by the Office or Staff Soction to which tho oraploveo is boiri, tranatorrod. ? ? rig ? CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approve(41.0roeiRetefitiVidooilio0:11AUXAM3UOMMiligittiNi 0001 -2 CUNHDLNhL 4. Trnnsforn involving Chan-0 of e)ffioita titittion 'rho authority to trannfor civilion 4zaployoon from ono offloita station to anothor and tho paymont and roinhurnoment of 1;11 oxponsca incident thoroto including trnvol and the tranesportation of all luaus?. hold goocla and offootn sold clopondonta Of cool; (=plenty? Ilan boon &awe CtItt)d to tho Chiof? Pornonnol Dhonovor a ohanco of ?Mani ntation or ot omployoo 1,n donired, the; ()Via? or Staff Sootion will mato a roquent to tho Poroonnol Division on Form 37-3 at tho scum tin? that a rocplont for triool author- /cotton in nod? on rorm 34-r) or 36-25. Tho Poraoltool Divinion, upon rocoipt f Porn 57-S will, aftor chookini; to anoortain that tho tranaportnUon for the niployoo luta boon olottrod, proparo a Trans for 1ettor Authorisin,; :'ormanont cht;NIo of Of fiuinl tation. Thu lottor will contain; a. Authority for tIlo omployoo to ahancio Ids official :station and for tho paymont of tho oxponson inoidont thoroto. b. 7Ihoru applicable, authority for tho mployuo to transfor his household cooda and offoots and to obtain rol.r.':bursomont thoreeore o. Whoro applioahlo, authority for tho transportation of VII, (=playact's dopondonts and rainhuraortont tharofore (1. In tho ono? of pornanont transfers to ovorsoan citations, authority for tho poymont to tho (=playa? of quarters and cost of living allowanoo or spacial ollowancos or calory (Lifforontial whoro applicable. Tho Transfor Lottor Por mnont cilenge of Official Station will bo proparod in an oricinal and 6 oopion and dintributod nu follow!: oricinol to oraployo? 2 copien to Flooal (1 for rayroll and 1 for Trawl) 2 eopios to Transportation (1 for Transportation and 1 for Caro) 1 copy to l'ornonnol Mos. Purthor information reGarding transfer of amTaoyoos botneon 25X1A official stations in oontainod in GIG Administrativo Instruotion 6. Dotails within CIG a. Employcos within CIO may bo temporarily detailed to positions in the nano line of work for limited periods to neat onergency work situations (for example, the detail of stenographers and typists from the stonograPhio pool will bo mado by the Procurement and Plaoement Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A IgNirl C Irt Olateg "kaidal WCiaW1) Filaq'N13 -00728R000100010001-2 Sootion). Suoh temporary dotoila tatty bo node) by rouponniblo dElin.6 Costrativo officials and will not roquiro the) oubmianion of Vorts 37.3, Pornonnol Action Itocpanets b. Tho dotail of omploy000 within (110 to highor grade pouitions or to positiona in difforont linos of work aro authorigod by law with. out chango of. civil serviou or pay utatun up to a period of six months. On such (totals the) using offioo iill :submit /Pons 37-3. lersonnol !Lotion Itoquent to tho :'orsonnol utettinr, thoroon the) antioi.- patod duration of such dotal. C. Dotaila to GIG Civilian employoos from ethor 4,,,ovoronont agonoioa nay bo ad to CIG on a roinbursablo or non-roirantrunblo boalo. Upon aolootioo of thoao individuala by n CIG Offico, Porn, 37-3? Pornennol Action Ito. quost? atatinc tho duration of nuoh dotteilut will bo submittod to the Poraonnol Divioiort in tho usual ruennor. 3uch dotailod poraoruiol will bo aubjoot to 'UN) Ll WV) aocurity roquiramosta au pormanont CIG pornonnel. In tho ?us? of roinburao.blo dotnilti tho Porsonnol Division will provido tho Pinola Section, r Llano? Divinion with a copy of the basic ar,roomotzt to enables tho oatablishmont of oblication. 7. Dotails out of GIG Dotails of omployoun from GIG to othor ,:ovorzolont a:o)ncioa rill not h nud,o oxoopt in aocordanoo with opooially approvod projooto or upon opocifio approval of tho ;>irootor tho Doputy Diroctor in indi - victual (moos. Offico or stitris ;:hlotiono dentiri N; to rueko ouch dotaila will propuro u dotailod oxplanation and justification which will bo subraittod to tho Office) of tho Director for approval prior to making any actual ocumitmonts with roapoot to such dotails. Tho l'oroonnol Diviaion will he rospemsiblo for offooting the details in accordanco with applicable rogulations. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A "i"PaMiti * 1 TrihiinitYralki31411160728R000100010001-2 : 4; PA RA"..' )118 1. Upon an omployoogn dooision to ronin from tho Ronan, tho Of Moo or L;taff Suction will submit to tho Trananotionn and Itocords Soution Poi= o. 37.3, Rognost for Pornonnol Action, in triplicato? All copios of this form will boar tho Sioutturo of tho omployou and will what() tho mason for rosignation, and the roaction of Val ini- tiating and approving officor to the rosignation. Thu Pornonnoi Divinion then will maim arrangmontn for pro-exit intorviown and ?Um-anew and will promos; tho soparation action. 2. Transfor ??????????????IIMBNINIONI/10 Lmploy000 who kayo oonpotitivo ntutun and who trannfor to anothor covornnont doparttiont or aconoy vd.thotzt a brad: in norvioo will not be) noparatod from cio by malt:notion but by "3oparation for Tranafor." Howovor, omployoes who aro on an oxcoptod, appointment and who do not havo compotitivo status will rosign from CIO ovon though thoy aro to be plaood on tho activo rano of anothor departmont or agonoy without u break in survioo. All aocuaulatod loavt) will bo transforrud to that dopartnont or agonoy if tho position is within tho purviow of tho loon? acts of Farah 14, 1036 as provided in tho Podoral Personnol Manual, 3. Rotiroment Tho .aoparation of all omployees eligiblo for rotiromont under tho terms of tho Civil Sorvioo RetittAnont Act will bo handled in acoordanco with instructions oontainod in Chaptor ;7`odoral Porsonnol 4. An omployoo nay bo soporatod for failure to oonplote tho probt-4- tionary or trial poriod satisfactorily or booause of information which, if known, would have disqualified tho tstployoo for the appointment. Thu l'oroonnol Division will bo notifiod of such donditionn in writing and will proceed to soparate the ortplozIce in aocordance with applicable rogulationa ? ti ? eIneffieder_22z An employee may be separated for unsatisfuotory porformanoo of duties. In such calms the Office or Staff suction oonoorned will 25X1A submit a memorandum to tho Personnel Division giving full explanations and dotails. Tho Personnel Division will pr0000d in acoordanoo with instructions outlinod in Administrativo InntruotioM Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CIO MANUAL or AVIIIIUTRATXVII /NSTRUCTIO11:1 (AnorrajoirltrAt2001/09/06 :CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 G. Com Aotic..._ Upon oomplotion of tx work anoignmont on ?rrhiolt an omployoo to ongnged, thy omploying Offioo or Itnff nootion will inform the Pornonnel Divioion on Porn 37-3 no for in advturoo no ponoiblo, and requont thArt the ooployoo ha troparnted or asnignod to anotlior position in tho orcanization? Tho Poroormol Divinion will prowod eithor to offoot a trannfor of tho omployoo to anothor partition within tho konoy or to prom:Jon tho noparation action. 7. j:bcpiration An oraployoo who is appointed for a npooifiod or limited period will bo torminatod automatically nt tho end of tho poriod spooifiod in hio appointhont union? the Office or fltaff ;lotion aten a roquoot on Form 37-3 for a renewal or extonnion of the appoint.' mont. 13. Any Civil Sorvioe T.Irployoo of the CI(, excopt th000 coming in a temporary pooition within the moaning of the Oeloctivo Servico Training and Oorvico Act, who entorn tho armed forces in ontitlod to statutory rootoration to his fornor position and can bo pinood on military furlough for the duration of Ills servicos with the firmed forces. An omployoo ontoring nilitnry aorvioo who dosiron to be placed on Military rurlough will bo roquirod to oubnit copies of tory orders or any other nubotnntinting paporn to the Poroonnol Divi- pion. Tho Poroonnol Divinion will t4lon J013110 the nopnration action in the us un 1 monnor ? 9. Reduction in Force ilwarammile..?????????????????????????????????????*/????? An omployoo tray ho 69paratod from the ligoncy boom= of look of work or funds, abolition of position or ogoncy, or reduced Iludgot Bureau personnel ooilings. 1Vhonovor it in neoensary to suparato an employee for any of thoso reasons, the t:Toroontiol Division in 000pora?. tion with tho office or Staff rection concerned will detormine the employees to be torminated or retained in accordance rrith tho preforonoo regula tions for Reduction in Force contained in Fodoral Pernonnol Manual - R.3. 10. Disability An employee wirose physical or mental condition renders him incapable of porforming the duties of hio position nay be terminated by ftdminifftrativo action. Tho Agoncy will decide whether tho employee's condition is of this nature, subject to tho provisions of Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CR;paitinig weisanovaa:Tar_o;1112616/728R000100010001-2 ?c-------Liootion 4 of tho Vatoranni Proforma? Aot of 1944 in tho 'mum of proforeno? olir,iblon? 11. Death Torminntion or an oriployouon appointment by (Louth roquiron formal noparation action in ordor to ()lour tho omp1oya?10 rocordn and to detormino tho appropriate portions to rocoivo hin unpaid salary, rorundn, and crodito? and to ?lour any indobtodnonu to et? Government ha may havo had outotandinc. Thu omp/oyoo In immodiato ouporior should ndvino the Pore annul Divkaion inr3odinto1y by the not oxpeditioun communicationn facility of duath of tho employe? tocothor with dotailo as to tits?, pinoo, onus? and oirmantan000. Componaation Forza C.f. - 2 should be submitted by tilt, immoclinto suporior an soon ao pousiblo in ordor that the Pernonnol Divinion and/ or the r.lanorn1 Counnol may mrtko any noconnary arranzlemonto with tho Bureau of a)Iployuo Componontion? 12. Adverse Psport of Imits..._,..w_Umnv Tho continued ortploymont of any omployeo, rogardlosn of his aivil sorvico ntatuo, in a ponition in th? Central Intollic,onco Coup conditions upon tho rucoipt of satisfactory report of inventiention? An ndvorno report of invustizst-tion which revoala that the employe? in not natinfootory by reason of charnotor or loyalty to hold a ponition with the zovornment may bo uued no banjo for roquontinr separation of the omploy?0? 13? Romovul for Canso ??????????.111???...11.01????????????????????????????Y111????? 25X1A An omployeo may be removod on &argon of rainoonduc-b, dolinquonoy or othor dinciplinary roam= covorod in tho Federal Porsonnol Manual, Chaptor C 2, Conduct of Orficorn and rmployoon (Soo Adrkinistrative Instruction . )0 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A AcifitgoNPflie 7??1OR000100010001 -2 INTRA:MING 1. General ???????????111.1.1??????? It is the penny of the Central Intelligence 'roup to aid its employee:I in achieving offoativeneue in thoir work through the :level.. opmont of :skills and tho acquinition of knowledge that will be of benefit to then in their present positiotut. The Training f3ootion, Pernonnel Divinion i reeponsible for organizing and conducting courses of training for this purpose. 2. Indoetrination Courocs Immediately following the firat lrook of employment in CIO all new omployoon will be required to attend a four hour '17rninint; Confer:moo. Scheduling of eonibrence attendanoo uil 1 bo arranged by the Training Section and tho individual employee will be notified of the time and place by the Administrative Officer or the Office or Staff Section in which bo n amployod. 3. Offico..Skilln Courson ??????????..00.111010,.....1.???????? a. Courses in Stenography and Office-Skills and Techniques will be conducted for tho benefit of stenographic, clerical and administra.. tivo omployeen to enable them to obtain increased proficiency in their work. b. Tvpo of sublecta to he covered All subjects generally considered to be applicable to the development of office nkill will be covered in the projected training. Sponifically? oubjoots unually identified an such are: ohorthand, speed-. writirk,;, typing, copy-readily, charts and graphs. T:ngl 1 eh, composition, eta. Bli;ibilitv for course traini: All employees of CIG are eligible to receive training,effored by the agency. In sone oases, employees will be recracated to take the training by their nupervisors. Those requests will be made by the supervisors for tho following purposes: (1) increase of skill; (2) inorease of production; (3) promotional value; (4) evaluation of employ. oe ability. 4. I'leckuants for Special Trainint; Courson Administrative officials who desire to have npecialited courses of training conducted which they think will be of benefit to their program should subnit a request to the Training Sections Personnel Division setting forth the following information: (a) number or Gui ; ? t Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A GIG/eat:ad (5) rAiRliftritmifflio irkiftaidygikpo728R000100010001-2 Aa employoots to be trainive, (b) typo of training required, (o) bonafits expootod an a ronult of tho training. 5. Counnt.....3er_vioo t. Advioo and anniatanoo rill be given to oriployoon who doeiro to enroll in upooializod training, special cours3on1 or undorgraduato and graduate) training in univoruitions b. Thu Training nootion will aluo intorview and advieo umployooe who doniro entrances into fodoral training program and will MOW final aoluotiona of applicant] ootapoting in tho Federal Adniniatration Intorn Training Program, G. Information about cotallos 611.??????????????????????????????? Training Hohoduloa setting forth thy typee of courooe to be oonduotod and tho oponing and cloning &Am, doeirod quoli:iontionn for intorontod applicanta, and tho procedure to be followed in enrolling will bo iseuod at appropriato time. Spocific quorios nay by directed to thc Trtdning Soction, Poreonnol Divioion? e Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A glittlipMtp ifilliktffff4tflp728R000100010001-2 25X1A iu,Atini NEDICAL CAM; 46.48.10mmi. le G01101111 The Hodioul Scotian, Peroonnol Divinion is ronponuiblo for inveatigating and Linking rocommendatiana concerning nanitary and health conditiona in QIU buildings and installatione in Washington, and for tho oporation of tho CIG Diuponnary. 2. 2ymition of the Dinpeneary a.:!ilitarzi2rnonno3. alitary personnol and their dopendonte nay reeolw medical and dental treatmont. physical examinations and ingiunication shots at tho lloadquarturs itisponeary. The following typo of troathont facilitiee are availablo at the Noadquartora Dinponeary for the troaixlent of military poreonnoi and their dopondonta: 1) Connultation Poem 2) Dental Clinic 3) General Trontmont Roam (4) Laboratory (For Clinical atudiee) (5) Pharmacy (0) Phypio-Tliorapy (7) X-ray Roam bo Civilian "iersonnel Thu Headquartors Diapennary will provido t ho following servicee for civilian omployoos of tho CiGt (1) Rendor troatment for illness or injurr occurring to employoun in line of duty. All injurios occurring to an employees matter how slight, should be roportod to the Emergency Room. (2) Make physical examination of all now employees repos-tin for duty, of employoes prior to assignment to ?vortices duty, and immodiately upon rot.= from overnean duty. (5) Give immunization shots to all oivilian omployoaa prior to overseas aosi7ssent? no a. Hours of Dispensary Service The hours of the Disponuary conform to the regular office hours bf tho CIG in Waohington? that is 0800 to 1050 llonday through Friday. The ucheduled titio for various types of treetaent and service is as followas Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A (AM Mr-Niak, cY(/AVOldal or'Re(dtgj'3d6:11g0Eil.laikikillO0728R000100010001-2 Sick enll 0830 to '(X10 Dontal Sink Cull 0000 to 1000 Imuniantionn 0900 to 1(300 iltorgonny 'front lent - 0030 to 1630 0. iiftut Offtc a. Itilit22..a Procood in n000rdanco with ,7D Memo In. 40-506-2 (Soo zoning map nttached the roto b. fluvnl tlicrino Car )n Iloport to Navy Dinponnary, 18th St. and Constitution Avo. U.W. 0, Civilian In mums of l'.71:12ETE F:7!:1;q7:11CY call 7-1.07i(1onoo lionpital,TR-2000. 4. Medical %son:limit/on of Cafotorin:11.11.1.skyoon as Civilian employeon of tho GS! Ceotoria will be I j.von an annual client (X-Ray) oxttaination at tho Itoadquartorn Dispensary. N. Civilian Cmironnation - Injury in line of chitv 1/. a. All civilian omployeon of U. 3. flovorrnont iho aUntain injury in line o: duty aro ontitloci to modical, surgical and honpital trontmont by tho Goverment in accordance with provinions of rj*S. Employee's Compennation Act of 7 ropt. 1946 an amended. Troutmont for such injury must he obtained from a U. N. qovernmont Modica,. Officer and hoppital if practioablo, by phyniciann and hospitaln dosignntod by I3uronu of Employee n Conponn at i on Fedora o ourity Agoncy. b. Any injury sustained by an employe? should bo ropol;od to his immediato suporvisor within 48 hours on Form CA-1 (11npleyoo'n Notice of Injury etc.). This form togothor with supervisor's report propared on Form CA-2 7;i11 be submitted to the CIG Offico of General. Counsel to be filed for reforenee in event of futuro claim of benefits'. c. It is important that reports of injury bo made in the npoci... find time. Failure to do so may ronnIt in dinallaffanoo uf an oraployeele claim for componsation benefits. d. Civilian ompleyees who arc injured in performance of duty while in the U.S.. but away from Tianhington, D.C., should 00011ra trout- zIont at the nearest Governmont facility. Thu employee in such mule child immodiately notify his (her) superior in nanhington who will cone tact the Office of the General Counsol. e. Civilian employeos injured while stationed at an overseas CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A GOI\if t' Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 pont ahould aoouro troatmont at tho noaroot U, . Oovernmant raoility availablos If ouch an =plow) io injurod or boconoa aiok in porformm &moo or duty0 the chief. of Manion ohall nako such arranvmunts for tha pationtto hoopital oaro Un Ara appropriato# r. It injury rooulto in inonpacitation or thn omployoo for poriod of tit* and partial or complote disability and nodioal services or hospitalisation ia roquirod, or tino m14/6 moo aro loot, a claim for oamponsution bonorito nAy bo rilod an ?arm 0A-4. ce Thu Wad Num (Rm. 1270 Quo ladc.) may bo oontootod for Lull information ooncoranc an onployools richta undor tho Pectoral Componsatinn tot. CONRDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A PiX1 7 0 1 NITki*itratilliMA nintlitiCTIOL pprove For e ease zutruuull/ub : um-Kuroi-00728R000100010001-2 IMBIIPLOYEN1u;LA't IONS 1. Orievou.... and Com Uinta A. Oonoral (1) It will be tho rosponsibility of tho Peraonnel Relations Nootion to adviso on griovanoe petters,_ aasist in the dovolopment or conotruotivo work rolatiOneriahipo, and assemblo information nooeataary to oquitably rosolvo complaints and rolotod probloms. Conditiono may arioo which will rosult in dissatisfaction and rodents. rent on tho part of omployetam. A stondnrd outlet must be provided for suoh probloas, and to givo omployoms an opportunity to seek adjustmonto. Noployeeo will be onvouraged to cook answors to any questions and solu- tions to any oonpinint or griovenoe without rostraint, intorforonos, coercion or reprisal. (2) Administrative offioinlo will advioo ouporvieory per.' sonnol of their responsibility in makinG sure that all personnel aro fully informod of thoir rights and privilogoo under those provisions. (3) Appoolo of officioncy rating?, decisions on tho class.' .ification of positions, and involuntary soparation during tho pro.' bationory trial poriodo badod on inability to porforra the roquirod dutios, will not be subjoot to dinpooition under tho Appoal floard rrovisiono. Hoithor will this procedure be applied in making dooioions on administrutivo actions involving suspensions, involuntary sopara? tions and removals. (4) A complaint or grievance is usually an omployools coo. pressed fooling of diosatiofaction with rospoot to his day-to-day work rolationships, working oonditions, or status of employment. 3uch prob- loom or miounderotandinge are peroonol to an individual employee, and their solution usually affects only the particular omployoo involved. A distinction between individual grieven000 and matters involving gonoral issued which aro genorally considered by managoaent or Groups of individuals is nocossary. Problems affecting general working corn. ditionm or matters which havo broad application, irroolving g000ral polioy or adminiotrotive praotioos, are not appropriate for consider- ation under tho grievanoe procedure. Requests and inquiries which do fall in the category of Grievances, should be referred to the omployees immediate supervisor for disposition. Decisions and reasons for action takon should be givon the employee promptly and in adequate detail, b. Logel Atipsorit7 Executive Order No. 7916, dated 24 Juno 1930, provides that the Personnel Director shall establish a Grievance Procedure, subject to the approval of the head of the agency and the U. S. Civil Servioe Comniasion. The Director of Central intollicenoe and the Civil Service Commission have approved the following prooedMre. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Ui L..11 I 25X1A CIG MANUAL OP AOUINIUTRATIVP, VISTUOCTIoNS Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 a..22........2Alimwtimu2142mtel (1) This pr000duro will bo applicablo to all civilian em- ployoon who havo complointo or grievan000whioh are personol in naturo. (2) An employe? who has oomplotod his trial or probationary period and in boing aoparatod for inuffloionoys will havo tit* right tO appool under the Appoal Boord Griovnnoe ;T000duro. (3) Fmployoos who are torminntod for oaueos ouch as chain? quonoy or misconduots may ore:maim? their right to apponl euoh rumors n1 undor the Appeal Boord luvvinione of thin Pr000duro. (4) An employees may not uou the Grievance* oR Appeal Procoduros. as a doloy in the applications-77 adminintrativo motion or dooloions. Thin dooa not product? hcaring o which will be afforded An employe? prior to diooiplinary action or adminintrotivo deoinion. Such hooringo arc coparato and apart from the appoal righte or the Orinvanoe Procedure. (6) Employees against whom oompinints or griovnnoos are brought shall be given thu sumo rights ender this Procedure as those a000rded the employee originating tho complaint or grievance. " W1m/t31111.2121219.1 In order that prompt nolutione or complaints and grievonoos may bo givens the following table and stole' in the Prooeduro are ostaibei itched for obannoling griovnnoo natters. It is aosumod thAt intormed.. into supervision will bo consulted and informed relative to notion on oaoos involving employees under thoir goneral juriodiotion. First Stago Second Stage - Third Stage Fourth ftago Immodiat4 Supervisors Branoh Chiefs Assistant Dirootor of Offices and Directors CIG (1) First Stag? - larodiate Supervisor* Tho omployoo shall first and alwaym take IT with his ' imodiato ouporviaors orally or in writcngs amv quostions griovanoos complaints misunderstandings or aimilar difficulty. He may be aoctoses ponied by an employe? from his own offices who auty servo as witness. Tho suporvieor will allow tho employee to state his vase fully and will promptly and objectively investigate the situation. A brief record of the ease will bo kept by the immodints supervisor for his own infornam tion and for poseblo roforence should the mattor bo referred to high.- or authority. (2) Second 8tot-.1mW.i Qtisf If the mattor is not adjusted to the employee's nation. faction at the first stage and tho employee desires to appeals he will Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A C3:13 MANUAL Or AlearTOTRATTVII INSTRUCT X011$ Approved For Keiease 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 aubmit his maw in writing through Kin immodinto suporvisor, who will forward tho original to tho Branoh Chiors and a copy of the appeal to tho Chief, Personnol Division, CIO. Tho Branch Chief will givo the employee full opportunity to oxplain his problem personally. The eso picric nay be acoompaniod by not more than two CIO omployoos of his own chaos who may bo hoard as witnesses. Tho Branch Chief will ob- tain all pertinent facts in the cone by consulting with other persons oonoernod having knowlodgo of tho circumattnoos. A written r000rd will be maintained by the Branch Chief, including a otatonent of the griovanoo, tho moos of persona concernod, tho normal of those with whom the mattor has boon dinounood? a sumary of findingo, and ft otateo mont or action taken. Tho employee will be infornod in writing of action taken after full consideration Imo boon given the cane. A complete mum record will be forrardod to thr chief. Peraonnol Diviaion, and to tho Poraonnol Rolations Suction. (3) IhIn4j3tst: Apoistant Director If tho matter Imo not been oottled to thy satisfaction of the employee at the Lomond stago, he may address an appeal to tho Aosintant Dirootor, CIO, in the Orfioe ooncornod. The request will be forwarded by hand through the Branch Chief to tho Chief, Porsonnol Division. The Chief, Personnel Diviaion, will forward the appeal and wee records to tho Asoistant Director of tho Office. Tho employee's appeal will request that an impartial Advisory Appeal Board by ostab- lished to hoar his case, and will 'tato tho nano of the portion ho selects for Board Momber. Upon roccipt of the request, the Anniatant Director or the Office will namo a %Inbar to tho Advisory Appeal Board and will immediately notify tho Chief, Personnel Divinion, of such selection. The two members named will agree on and appoint, a third nembor, notifying the Chief, Poroonnol Division or such selection. If ma agroomant cannot be reached as to the solootion or tho third member, the Chief, Porsonnol Division, mho autorlatically (serves as chairman of the Advisory Appeal Board, but in a non-voting capacity, will select the third meMber to tho Board. Tho Board, therefore, will consist of four MWmbers, three of which will have voting status. Membership oill be restricted to employees of CIO. The Chief, Ivreonnol Division, will maintain absolute impartiality in his service on the Board. His responsibilities arc to advise tho :ioard as to proper pr000dures and regulations, to see that proper records are maintained, and to insure expoditious handling of the ease. The Chairman will oonvone the Board which will invostigate the case promptly, review all pertinent p*pore and hear all persona, or receive suoh evidence an the Board, by majority vote, determinos necessary. All members and the employee will be present when a hearing is held, and the employee will be given ample opportunity to present his case. HO nay be accompanied or represented by not more than two employees of his oon choice from GIG. The employee will notify the Chairman of the Board in writing of the names of such representatives prior to the tile of the hearing. The Chairman of tho Board will make mammary arrangements for the complete r000rding of all prooeedings Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A tIto PANTIAL Aln.11I8T.11/LTTNLI 4 miltizatu molItAkk-muro-1-00728R000100010001-2 Approved ror Kerease ZUU1 ror administrative mu. Upon roquesto thin report Will be eado availablo to the employoe. A writton report, signed by tho three .memborn, and inoluding u ntatuniont or findingn and roocarnondationo, will be oubmittod to tho Anuiotant Dirootor of tho Offiuoi but will givo no indioetion of individual opinions or recommundatiunn. If a complete agreemont oannot bo r000hod, ii nejority dooision will he binding. Thu Aouintant Dirootor of tho %sac() mill rondor a?prompt deoinion end will inform tho enployoo or ouch dooieion in writing. If tho oMployeo lu diouatinfiod Ilith thin deoinion? ho may oppoal to the Direotor or Central Inwlligonco. (4) Pourth Steed - Director of Control Intt9lizam Tho omployee will forward hiu written appoal to the Director of Central following the uume procedure an outlined in the third stag?. The Chief, Pornonnol Divinion, will not in the namo onpacity on outlinod in tho third steno. Thu Director will make a oaroful and impartial roviow of the r000rdn? If hearings are doomed n000nuary, the omployoe will be hoard and may have roprosents. 'Atone The written dooision of the Dirootor will be final and tho easo ? will be oonniderod olonod. Complete records of tho casco in all ntages will be maintained in the Pornonnol Relations Sootion. 0. Conduat of A poal Boards Appeal Boards will conduct mootingn in an informal manner. They will not function us a judicial or trial body. Appoal Boards will be entublishod for tho purpono of advising and anointing the appropriate authority in rondoring a Pair and unbiased dooinion bnsed upon information and foots, and to odvino tho proper authority of fill& inn and recommondationo. The omployeo and witnesues ray be nubjeot to quontioniog. Haeuvor, "croso-oxominationu" and technical "objostion" to tontimony by Board Nembors will not ho tolerated. All proceedings relative to the Grievance rrooeduro will be carried out on official Government tire and during the nermal work day. Scheduled tine off will not be granted the employee or hin tollow-morkers to prepare his ?as?. fo Ti no Lialtstionn Docisions at the first stage will be ronchod within three working days; at the e000nd ntago in not noro than six working doys; at the third and fourth stagen ih not more than ton days each. If for any roanon the decision in delayed, the employee mill be notified in writing of the delay, roauons for the delay, and the &minion date. An employee will to allowed ten working days to appeal the deoinion rendered at tho first, second and third stagen. An appeal of sews.. tion or removal will be made within five working days from tho tine of the employee's receipt of the official notice of the action. g. Rxponno and Travel Travel or any other expenses whioh the enployoo, his representative or witnesses, might incur in oonneotionwith attendance Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 600.ij( ' 25X1A othpipiratt FriFlh?Fm..,3.501211pRi0.6.?Fah-t5pF8(1,10728R000100010001-2 25X1A nr,TIN(113 ffoiuncyrtttitya ruy.tirod by law and tho uniform efficiency rating nrsten promuln;atr:d by the ivi1 iurvieo Ccadssion, an::: followed by (JO, in an mteavor to ear3.7 out t.he opirit (?s.' tha lave ? noral Tho rboquiroeiat. offi.cieru7 ratings bo tAkun into accourtt.Lt caw of promotions, within gl,'W.1,0 LI,Llary inerorives, (A/motions, dimalsoas for Ina:V.:ie.:Loney, and in dcturariniag the etaployt:?ou to be retained when rograts or rrduotion in force is involvud, nido frcet tho it.spoot oi u.t`fictioncy ratitw:s there aro equally important ree?eone for periodically rating the Work performance of employeos. For examples offleicticri ratims afford k4 :wane of educating supervisors in tho necessity of obsorvire ths vmrk of thoir 0:aployess and establishing fair and equitable standards of porionnanso. Moreover9 they provido surxrrisors with an fvportunity of taking periodic inventories of tho work parfermace of their employees and :nakin g objective evaluations therof. aficiency ratings are an 44d in developing the employee in his position by making him familiar with the standards of work required in a position, an by informing him of hew he measares up to those standards. 2. zmoti a. Official ;zatiza CaTieial ratirwmiL114.1 ritirus rh1. eh aru rtnuirt..,d under the efficiency ratinc .7:4:11:4tpra and will be made on :::taplard inort of -Moloney Ratine:V;i1 There ar4 . throe typos of ur?leic-11,1:7 r4tiz !FA $ :iuuLr, Probd.ttl*nal ?::)ecial? (1) legal.. ,a2LLa..t.o. rheisular ratings will lc prepared as of March 31 of each year for employees who have compl,.ted their trial period iAriCi who have worked in the agency at lo.tet ninety (90) calendar dtkys in the rade o tho position held on /Sarah 31, 1947. (2) gzie.o....ara.oba ns1 Official probational ratings will be made prizlarili to a.suist in determining whether iFltiployects who semi: in probational periods should be retained or separ kted because of failure to qualify as pare or the ccoadination ixrecess. 'they will bo made sixty (60) days pricy to the end of such periods. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 4 Apbiied Fbi-Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CTG T!ANUPI. O1 10:41INT3TTLATT.: ';`,neeial ;Mtirea ,...;poQ1).11 tiri W.11 vrholover it boc0;1;43 oncmsary to w."1.\%ct trwt official action cuch an when an fAnployi.N.? becomes .for rrithin qrade tialary inero 0,11ki thC aarao:?.to,,; CCramnif:Id 11.43noc:irr.orit efficiency on ? Unofficial ratis bia pr..1p4u,k,!d. i.:41.1y as a lxtels for considoratton for 1.,Ator offiulai ratinue. Thc,y 1,-)e rude .?fhen ratiry:s are desired r:i(Ire fr(11(111011t1,3r t han once a :, for aAsainistr.;Aive purposes. ::".uch ratings do not corotittzto prt of tho el:4)10:700s o;'1"1.cial record and vaill b rotained and used solely 1..xy the olTiciale o, the Office or :2,taff ':.7ection l'ayiparins; the ratirkc,:, An employe? .taay not exercise the ridat of a.....y-)oal iron U.Ch raltitr,19 ? .3 ? i".e.'etirk!,0 lorts -? Ratty. Officials ,)onsibilitios Official ratings must reflect raiment imd justice resat from. ouroful deliberation and sound judgment. ,Nraluatiorrt aunt be based only on the 14.ctual work peri'omanca of the crilplore otror tho ontire rating period and not 'xi wi e,thor considerations. ;;ach clonont narking on :7:tandori 'Porn 0. 51 should mflect wi honest crvaluation e,tip1c):,-ooll,1 norforinanco of his az-Isigrf.d. Cifficialts *411.0.1.......??????11.11.11??? .'17icicancy ratinas should bo conscikatic.)usly re:vim-rod and/ or revised befor' ...lub'zittal to tbu lf,ficiency airCormlittocor final review miapproval. ;:ach ratinc 1)4,1. czar:Lined i7 grade and. class to insure rrop,..:tr unifom application of star.u.lards. ifl easos of disaigq?Atatent th ' tcjri I ficialawait: confer with the ratirk; oincial before making any changas in the cloaint ;-.3arkings or tne a& ratings. '.;hure a:mug:mats can not. 'rx,1 reached the reviering official win rpko the necessary chartes in red ink without, crossing outs &facing or 014013i4g the mark u of the rating official. C. *;;S:fici itc.rittee The !Triciency Hating Ccevaittou will act in a staff capacitor for the Director of CIG 4trld will b3 responsible for the actidn? istra:Zdon of official ratings. In this connection it 17111 perform th6 following fttnetionst r-PT: Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIG PVTITA:571,',V, (1) Tho Cairaittonwili revicw each ratiw! 'Perm No. a to tiesmartAin t,hat the r.Aing olamonts arc prop::rly soluctod efr.nd that tho ratin4: L the lo !,710411 rconalt (.1.0.3vnt plarkings, (2) The ciritto iiU tuktt Lh 'tinca to ascertain VIA rabing standerdo and porformAnec roluironts arc miform innofar az practical. l'he copyriittA) vg-ith r3tiag and rovtewing Wriloials when It, Volt that inalvi6uml c Toupti or ratings h4t'vo not boon ,proporly ;:roparc:d. hororevirstsi: ufficioan Call to make jti fiabic judr,:le:nto in Tv,ks 1.L huL1 1.,x1 iitd.n t1h uthority ef the 0o=lattoo o; tho ratins ?monr1,1K.,:ly. (3) Tho GormaLtee. trin tho ratinc; and rovicrwilv of a (? whonevc;r posoible anO. I tv,; ri.uponsi J. ii 1.y- iriU. atend through? out !al of.flicen uh;)oe ,ataploy,:es tti:4;...rie.3c1 on tho (7.2A .1Ayro11. 14. 4(.1,e.t to and Inaloction ot b,y Notice oi rvgulari probational Jnd VJp-uoial ratinga 1:111 b(-3 made ,,tand;4,d Form Nos 63 i43)C1 a copy dolivored t o tho etvloyee. Under :jvilscwvico ;?.c1;1.11,ations employees ay. inspect their rcports of of eioncy ratirws and will be no ;advised at the time they are inforAtod of thair ratinEss Kmployeec are pQrmittod io Lo intipet tho final ratincs (but not the rutin fora 11o. 52.) far :al Qmploydes in CIO. 5. ,?,.ppoal Froccdure ...46.14......ropasaimmorrommarramasemo The Contra]. intalligence (Vow has a legaLly oonstittatod Board of Hovicw TALieh passes onAppealg Aiwa o'Cilcioney ratings. Athokh an eraployee Ito i ditinatisficd 'with his efficiency rating, raay tc his appeal ?firoctly to the Ax4r,1 of eview, hc ;:should be encouraged to follor adriLrastrativo, procodurer3 in enth..),:.opzix:.. to effect a ohancv in his ratincr,. In this connection appe3.r3 to the rating an.3 rvAritIrdn officials and to th,2 Coarattee :Alan i.-Tizstitate or acluinistratlw ehannols. a ? ,'pxul to itatin and 1tovicrvrL The rating and revl amend the ruport 4ating Committee hating Contaitteo tory, will issue employee will first diocacz his Elsievances with his owing ofacial who nay if the circumstances justily of efficiency rating by .informing the dficiency in witting of any desrirod changes. The L:fficiency will review tho chaner?co reconurnendod and, if sttisAc- n iimanded Notice of efficiency be AlTeals to Efficiency hating Cammittet athough the employee will not be required to disown hits grievances with his rating and reviewing offiaal he should do so before taking the appeal to the Efficiency Rating Committee. In any event Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A th!),yRilye,vv&ie.ffie,911,91.R?,.1,12,,,F.R,,,,,-.0728R000100010001-2 .ipprAls to the Casuittoo must bol:1;,ide within ton (10) dive fron receipt of iietico or ifficiency Rating,' .tn omployeo must submit a writton api;eal to the Erficiunc.7 hating Canattee setting forth the reasons for appeal arul wt;ether or not he Yri shoe to appoar in pveon before the ccesnittee ler an oral hearing. Tho :Xficiency Rating Coamittoe will obtain all nocoseely infornation and review all facts relating to the ervloyeols efficiency and notily the unployee of its decision within thirty (30) days of recolgt of a)ipeal. If a rating ar reviewing officio, during thy, (lours? of the coard.tteete deliberations desires to initiate a chanco in thrt w,ypellarrtIc rating he will be poi-milted to do ao? c.2.121).12.142 to noare...uvr lthotv,h th i1oyr"..r, not r, .jutred to4:),)eal to the facioncy atin Conntitt,e ho ohotald be encouragod to Lk o so before taldnt: (An a:),Pontl to tho rioar(1 of Jtevicv. in arcr evc:nt1 appoals nuet be made in vrritinG within ninety ()0) days of the dxto t}ut notice of the r...tinc was do3J.verod to the Qaployec. The efficiency rating tech? nician in the Personnel Relations ;.;oction 0p1oyx)os of the procedure to be folluwod in appo411.0 to the Hoa.rt.1 of Revitstr. This information will be ivn to tho omployeen %?tith their notice a official efficiency ratinge or upon their re...jueot, ignificance of :.tficioncv. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 2okook Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 3G :oo:ITIrlo1114711T,'! IN:,TirCT.T.0a; ttryIrei10 and Iramotion The ::,Ialary Aciwuusroont Act (automatic within Ltrado increanos under fublic Law No. 200? as aolladed) provides for suedensive ealary advance:net:to boned on several factors one of which izi officioncy ratings. Hetinge of "Good" or bottix permit rrntrirt periodic solary advancement by oucassolve utopia up to and including the top rate of the grade. Ratinge of do not pormit mtli.trior advilaumtont within the In aecardo.nce %,rith admintstrative policy oroo1oyce4 whose efficiency ratings are Voir,' will not receive promotionn unless the promotions involve reassignmonts to ether linoo of work for which the employees 25X1A aro mare qualified. .01111111?11?1011.11?10101.????????1010.110411011.11001.161. I. General memorlonlmosirmarb The porpooe of the employee counselling program in CIO is to improvo morale and efficiency by raaintaining cloth, contact between the .porsonnol stiff, operating of:Axial:3, oroployoos, zuld supervisors. It will be the policy of GIG to recognioe an errdloyeefo dosiro to talk oloor certain probloms with soacone other th,on his iroicaato Lrupervisor the olopon do.or,, principle will be in effect) a counsellor, who can be api.)roached cacily end on an informal and friendly baeis, will be available at all times. vcry effort will be load? to facilitate the adjustment of the individual by helping lam to understand his an diculties on or off the job and to salvo than by hims,..1f. Tho (imployoe welfare progrou will provide needed information concerning intorpretttion of policies, promamo, and regulations, and employees will be assisted in ouch inattars as housing, transportation, medical care (Group Hospitalization) and financial problems. Group instruction e will be given to A1 nevr employees. How? ever, additional explanation and intarprotation of particular item are often necessary. Therefore a personal .interview ril1 be conducted with (way now employee to insure that queotions do not go unanswered. 2. Prosit Interviow a. The purpose of the pro?exit interview will be to determino the facts surrounding the resignation of an employee in advance of the actual separation. In maw instances a decision on the part of an omployvie to ream is the result of a misunderstanding or a lack of information regarding regulations, procodures and adminietrotivo policies. In a situation of this type an employc'e may have assistance from his superiors or an employ a counnellor in making a final dotor-. mination? A pro-it interview will prervido the employee with an opportunity to state his reasons for resignation or to discuss amr probloas which row have influenced his decision. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 rIrrnwrw Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RpP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A (an :_:,1,+1,14 ?. ia::) 7ivs ?1113 :leo or ...tuff ierotion will ,:..roro 1.'otts .)7-3 tto in advance of tho cuployl)cla zoi)orntion. Tho reason for rosigi. nation/ t,ho roosttion of the immodiato uupL.rviaor oth,r rk.sponsiblo officials') to ouLit rb.ction will bc fully outlinod =cox itiootarkst4 on Form 37-3 which will bo ea-worded Transactions r,.d 1ocords :eetion to tlic ;4ortionnal itolations E.uctiun. 'rho concerned will bo schocluled or dA pro-cscit intorvicav t.cnd thc orboonol o.elotiotus oction idJ.l ;trot:owl in Vac followini 1:IA1:Inert (1) Al. facts conot.rnin;:: the reasons for separation will be obtained and if it avears that an undesirable (=plop? relations oit?lotion cotists tho caso will be invostistod and recoviondationo 'or correctivo nteasorost vrill be Ltado. .iuch action ;.-itty result in tho retention ofzt coi)loyoo. (2) tilt) u3ployou rosinoi aroonce.-koszto will bo oado for tho o.oployoots poroonnel .roldor to Lt.: foroarded to tho fluourity DIvision four days prior to the date of so;ration. Thc foldor will bo roturned to tho Transact!.02 IX and ttn mitts ;t1ctiors two days prior to the ooparn:tion. xit--intomtow and iinol Clourzoloc ea 0.1ammelimill*????????????????????????????00....???????????41 employoen leavitr, q] o vrill b ivtn an ,v,It-ilstorviou Vac A's:sow:owllations :;ection ovon tilf.Ak;It intervittw has boon conducted. This irrtorviaa will be civun on the last rtorldav thy or tsa near fj1Cr'.;t0 Lla practical. The amployeo will be given an opportunity to state his roaction ;old (=pros's his fooling toward tho koncy, hJ. superior and his position. oueotions cioncornLek; his civil gamic? (status) future omplaymont or ark?' othur ouestiona of a i:2 r-fraonal naturc wfl.1 bo answered. Tho final clearance shot will he initiated in the Personnel helot/ono ;,loction simultolneoasly loith the conduct of the wit-Intervittir. 4. itocarcLing Inter/lows .Form 37-4.5, Personnel isolations intorview'Accord, wil2. be pro-pared And maiLltainod for each into:mit= ccivton to provide a private and informal. record of the mployoola problost or intorview. kostineu will be made concerning the nature of the situation and action ten by the counsellor or am* other parson to whom the CaliQ has bean rcforred. 5. fmllotin I3eards a. Bulletin Aerds located in all buildinooqt in CIO vrill serve as an additional media for hrinang information ofcencra interest to the attention of employees. Information will not bo placed on the .2411atin boards unless it has the approval of the Personne3. Relations section. Inforoation will be plasma on board? by Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 NM ! 25X1 A f3 APPFI)Vd )1,%.91:1E,Itseti0.119P/0P 91),1!krIpP81700728R000100010001-2 4:sap1cortioo Itho norvo ?L?s roprocantativost4 Vornownol 4cleLions .;cction and tato have Wu) rosi)onsibiliLy .;or nainto:inoncc o4 moll boa.rds in rt currqnt 11.! 1, I ?1) 1":1^Jay r C:r ? 4111,Jcyii Jf C.r. CM; ear ttgt; d to Inilnft inro t.i 1i1ch Uy S1 will. be tr.:acacia to all peroonrel to thoir ro:rocntativ, rviooro? w'minictrativa officials and tho i'crttonnol ,,octi.ort ?r ropar a, )1.,oval and p =tine . ? Idlotin 1.04.trtiu, in c,",, I will ca.ory civil service enstouncorwnt ri, it&bc zocitj- noticoo p 4 41 In' el oo:tcurtting plvs, 1octw'tz r.d other cultorul activities wola courtsoso.t etucky and noticea f recreatiortal tiocial activities spon.surve.1hr rc:, -111.14d tido co wrttnity orolixatiorie ? c. servo:is to d Ct0 xy? neat itoes td a?,12,0(:.r,ince of (.0.1 bulletin bo wiU. b acio ?Y ? r:ervico lamouzloonante viort of the fact that, nuz,YOrtr of f.,;I:C,1 c=4110.7c'e8 nr.o at this time vitally intorestcyd in ac.,:tul ?Inc corlpetitive civil sonde? stitt us the pr CR mlr:: et.;talaish mons or e.ridifyrcof o7Dortunitico for ticquiriorutLtive vt.!.;,,t,us and render ttrivict connootl,cn tsnorizwit3l? b. The Civ1/ tjc.fl,Lup.)1.1.A.4:7, t )vo 72Joanel Avision '.rith s:locifiocl. no.:1:..iur of cl?aztiz.ti,ion oach titloa oponing arc i.)2.41.ccd on all blialc;tin eenc,...1.?sin each z.,:tal1le by 3e.n.ifitr.!,.:t.ivo officers of Offices .tr.vd er;tploy,:cm oncouruti to contact such offlo for sioific dot:Als, tlesirin7, to talce zcamination 11;i31 coQ.ete (:z.trtis told toge.411Qr rrith other 41:atri4 Ly.rt,i,iient to the extinination and will trait such inftion to the Mrsonnel Relations Section for forwa.rdinis to Civil ,:::c:rvice Coanission on or beofore Ute closing date of such coceattination, or they may en.W.t, thQ above direct to the Cmaission if they so deniro. 7. ' oup Hospitalinatton .,%11 amployess are cligibl oLatta application for ttranborship in Group Hospitalization, Inc. Ono voup opming 'trill be hold in December of each :roar .au -which time any omploycc may enroll. Now trtplcycos may onroil at any tine Oaring the first sixty (60) days of their txteloymmt) and vrstorans. may cltrell at any time rtitbin six (6) months after their discharge. lt,t3ploycoe scheduled for overawe assignments VII i %WO pranium at lea= one year in advance. Payments of regular subseribors must be nada to tho Group Veasurar the first PT &or o4'. each month or on the throe follorim isterldng clays. The Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25xiA Apt.. Wit I a 01,019/06,.?,chek- Uiti I $110728R000100010001-2 coat for aEu.A,;iabuori.bnr cont,ract (for coif 01134 La nixty?fi.v!, Conte p'i'rlont,h; for a /To. 2 :,lubecribr nutie contract (for solf buid upoutic) Y.1.50 per 4:Lontlij for a No. 'Itbsor.!bur Contract (Cor bolf and noiabere or ranuy) 4.75 1..1:ionth. Ilonpital caro IT to twonty?uno (lays in pay contract yur.....r i providodt and t}kor9 are rmy kithor 1iti.1 lyanofit , t .):11:11 inf 0 rl LI on 4r1ir tho ;)lan nay bo sciourcd iot tho Per ore. )tolr.t 'ono ?;oction. .4 ,A A ; %ILLY Prie 11.:,,Ic1n,L?' sit c 4:41.f iurt for C1.G 01 in r f c,ritioca, i2. c::".ao;?,(1.1vo who :.vori r,.suittur l'u.44,Tro,1014.10 alio:ad no ti ly t.htiorr ($.1.1103. Ulat.L ono .c eta on. Many rcqu( ttt OJT 111ado for rooms, 44iiertrunto Ltn', h AISCS ;10 thc rimoonel .)tv-islon win whinr.:,vo pSlabli61 Old CIlfaCtIVI .1.11 eldeq.1.11tC rktul ine ? 9. cab;)).alillu It will lxi the policy or CTG to sponoor canpaigns and drives for such f::harlt,..blc orgarrixation4 t hi) Af4rtriCta 1cd Crone, ro:zrainity Onoots Infantilo FoundAtion aitO, othor 1.13rth7 camas which ha* tho approval of t(..t ?Lrootor of control Intolligonoo. 4, clv.tixtum for each dr votrill bo u.pointed j tho 5./sect,ort a vice oh.t.,:Unan will be appointe,d by the ..%naletant Diroetor of each CTG Offices, cncl each vice chairman iU ealeot sufkiciont nurabor of ;coy non to conduct the 25x1A L kr omira. .01106?11.011?6??????????11.1? 1. .1-rocura..tcsslt ???????????????411001011110?01110014. tt. ".'ho Egyixtrinont t1I et7tALblich ,..1,UOtt10 "I: ;.1.1.111-arY pk.rsonnal vttilibio isor ass-II:al-lit to b. '':ho 1:),:::rzvonnol Division will the war Duo:Arta:cat of qualifications and rk,T.:u.lx.omont.,: oi'. rall'Aary porconnel to fill :,uthoril.tric.1 Tacancion ? o. Az..)plic,Lticrts of qualified :individuals norainat,A by the War cIpartimcnt LU be roforrod by tho l'orsonnel Division to the .kpro? print? Office or 1..3.ff Section on Form 37-9, Roforrol Shoot. 2? Ass ant itik Upon selection or tho proposed candidate. the Perttonnel Division mill requout tissigcraorit of the inclivic1ua3. from the vSor Department. b. The Office or staff !iection desiring the services of the isdividual wiU autatt Form 37.3, Personnel Lotion Request* in the same mazer as for civilian appointments in CC. \\)01\ Approved For Release 2001/09/06: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 , ? ApproVed1:14geleaSe 2p01./09/06 ? CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A cT A;)artz.7,71v4iri yr: ?,..1;;TIt 15(31'..1 11.1itary personnel will be oubjact to the a 64;110 tioeurity retptiratonts as oat Irla To. di, No civilian appointmertte will bo viadcs to positions while such positions aro ocoApiod by military porz;onnel, 3. Administration H. All military personnel aosiejtod to (1,1(31 il1 bo traru3- Xer2'ed to iteadqviart era and Hoadql &al tors Detachtralt for win i atr:Ltivo :Nov Lo en ? Dirtx.dA- b iaaekr.lart:ex.:3 and IloadquartclisAvrill 1,0 rez..!..,)ons'tble fat* the iiiu.jnt.on.ancc, f all records, rovActso discipline) to.) of all artlry p.amortnel in aocordanGo with the applicable itv ,!or.ulationo. :ioquilato ,:er leave for pori,onna should bo rovt.(1 section howl (prolAbly a civilian) sur) than ,:orter.xcicd to lioadqa,trterv min 1tlt:1( t) V 1ttll rt, for (scernitioll, )t, Trarzai'tir a.i4hon the seri/icon of :Alitary rxxna.nel aro no ion!gir necesraril ileackuart urs and 1io.;.4.1vtrt,,ro ")o1achl;t1:rt i1l ri ,onrt talarA to the D,,::xArtrient as surplus m;.1 Yrill roquort furth.r anolgna?Alt ror them. Upon roceipt o.;:' such asniortents they iiU.oo rolimiti from duty at floadqwirtcre and Ifelldquail,ers DetachnIcaltl, 'AG) and vztU rklpez,-t to their now. station ae ordered. b4. Inquiries concerning arty dotailo regarding the administra- tion or military personnel should bo diroctod to rsoadqu-rturu nd Ileadquart ors Detaclinent ? Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CTG'A 11A AxIIITOTI2A7Tvt; MTP TT! ?:n 25X1A 25X1A r1r:=11A1, 1, :urpose 'rho purpose of this instruction is to out h.hi rtor sttutd- anis i;overninc; e method of preparation of all corrospondenoe and Of fioial papers prepared in the Central TWA/ 15 cm 013 arou p ? 2, 3acurity Preoautions ??????????????????? ????????1111.111110.1.111101 Certain documents rtglUiVOLi by end prepared the Central Intelligeneo ';roup must bo speoially safek;uarded to prevent their falling into the hands of unauthorised persons. Correspondence and of- ficial papers containing such iformation aro referred to as "classi- fied" documents. The types or degrees Of clanaification, in their order from the hiGhost to the lowest, 112'0 OtlititiOd au follows: o' roirri7m, 10?;:;T:1T.C.',TS1) livelyono eoncerned with classified docralonts must bo thoroul;hly familiar with thane term; 'Quid tike basic requirements for the preparation, htuidliog, and disposition of each typo in ancordance with the pr000dure 25X1A outlined in CIO 30ourity Regulations (GIG Administrative )nstruation: M)? 25X1A TYPOGNAPIIIC 3TY1,h. The fallowint; general rules applicable to typographic st,yle shall prevail for letters, memoranda and official papers of CIO. For oru complete and detailed rules, the T1. Se Covornrsent Printl=kg Office ;34,;ylo Manual should be used as a reference. 1. Capitalisation The fUndamental principle underlying rules for capitalization in the Englieh language is that proper nouns and proper adjectives are oapitalised. The accepted atuthority in individual cases will he the Ti. S. Government Frinting Ofri041 Style Uanual (pages 16 to 46) and Vebaterts Now International Dictionary. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1 A clinrkytTA.R6RAI,289?r?;0A1L9M : 91AIRM:17R9728R000100010001-2 2. epellir% To avoid the cont ion and uncertainty of the varioun author- ities on spelling, Webster's Now Tntornational Dictionary and tho U. S. Government )'rtnting Office ntylo Venue' (pagan 47 to 55) will be tined an final authority. Per geographic rumen, it in advinable to 118U this United States !,oetl quid? for those in the United fltaten and ito posseesion? aed the International'iontal Guido for the spelling of foreign geographic names. 3. compound Verde 71obetero2 Uow International Aotionarj and the U. S. Printing ?Moe Style vanual (pagos 57 to 92) will bo used an authority. 4. A,bbreviationn Government final Ve nature of a doculdent ipvornu the extent to which abbrevia. tions may be used. In the text of technical doouments and in parentheses, footnotee, sidonotee, tabled and bibliographies many words' are commonly abbreviated. However, in ordinary text of correspondence and official mere, abbreviations are to be avoided, except where necessary to avoid distracting the mind of the reader by a repetition of, long, cumbersome words, titles or phrases, but generally the first time ft term in mentioned in the text, it should be written out in full. The aceepted forms of abbreviations are ;:hoso listed in obstur'n ?:cm ynteraational :;10tionary and r. 1. oovommout ,,-.11.1-tint; office t;tyls ranual (pages 93 to 101). 5. Humeral' Arabi? numerals mill be used in preference to Rmann numerals in numbering paragrephs, papa of correspondence, and official puporo. In writing numerals tho rules and standards prescribed in the U. n. Government irintind Office style Uinual (pintos 108 to 106) will be followed. 6. code Naas. Code names appearing In papers will )-e written in ALL CAPS and without quotation marks in the body of the text. Viler? a code name is used in an ALL CAP heading, the code name will also be written in ALL cArs and will be enclosed in quotation =arks. Mere the oode name is used with the word 'operation" either before or after it, the word "operation" will not be capitalized. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 C' 0!.!.A11.17/0... ,4-TNOT":'T 7. Punctuation ??????????110?118.???????????somll* The general Principlou E;ovarning the %MO of punctuation til'U (1) Vint if it does not clarify tho toxt it nhould bu ottt.o, 61J/11 (2": that in the &mice and placing of punctuation learka the uolo tin should ho to bring out moro oluarly "tho writer's t Ooug,ht. Di individual ?mum Tjobetorfu Zlow International Diationery caul the U. 8. Govornment Priat.;irt,;. ()Le.c`ice :;tylo 1"anual /pages 101 to 110) wi.11 be lined ao standard reforoneo and acoupted autl,ority. 8. ?fibular Work To object of a tt1,010 ic to present :In && eonoiao azid orderly manner inferriation that coul?t pet ho probonted rr oIoarly in nny other way. ''ho atylo 4tvon for toxt in othor alai:lona of this mannal epplion nluo to tabl us, tulle ss deviation the ref ror i rtitfirt nee n nary h tho fort' or pl.rpose o the tea ea. .141001011 foe turas or tabular cempool. 'lion aro sot forth In tr. n. P;ovornmeat T.brIntinc, Office "%nue' (patIn; 111 to 122). P. Division of Words ??????????????-??????????100,0 Tn dividing a word botwoen two llnes of the text, the syllabic division given in Wabg ter I Nt3V4 ITtturntttiont1 oti011tAry ohould bo followed. 10. Undorscoring Undar300rin4; may be I/ HOU t?rt. e:aphneize or call Rttention Viordm which aro to be differentiated from otuor toxt. D. Rough Drafts i(1 Rough drafts should be double spaced unitise otherwiso ifiod. The words "Hough Draft"; tho capitalised initials of tho dictator; followed by the initials of tho typist in small lottere; and the data of preparation should bo typod in the upper right houd oornor of the tire; pogo. 12. Copying The word "Copy" should be written at the top center of tho firat page of any manuscript that is olpied. Men a letterhead in copied tha address should always be in - cluded. To show that the original is aimed, "/s/1 skould be written before a signature *len it is being copied. Any initials should always be copied. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CIN31?-rgrfill,F7r1;11M39911/19/96':19147 ,kipiR$11,7910728R000100010001-2 25X1A if part of the tux% unintentionally omitted in the original, a short line should he mado beneath a apace to denote the omission in the oopy. If a letter or figura is obviously wrong, should be made beneath it. An entire word should not be underlined but quention mark in parenthoeua ahould bu 1)4...Jed v.fter it told the (wont:ion !nark underlined. Punetuation should be ofyiod exaotly an it la written unless there is an obvionn tyime;rophteql error. An ititentionta omisaion Na %;0:71.0, sh010.6 uo 1.na4.oatoe by three periods followed by nortaal punotuation, four periods Si' at end of sontonoo. t)103VAT4,,TrOn 1,1()2Af:DA. 1,1'12,111C3 06.101.??????????????????????...???...???????????????????????? 1. 3tylo Official correapondenee i'drepared within tho Contral T.ntellivneo Grol-11), althouch varyint; in detail, will...`ollovr ono of two fkanderenttal types, i.e., Ifetiorandura or hotter. 6. Memoranda worm Memorandum form is used .ror all eorrespondenou oetwuun organinational units Auld field installations of tho tu0j to tho rrentdont .tho "Oliitud3tatos Knd mo:abora of no 7,xooutivu iTtice of i:J?e 7`rool.dont; and to the zeoVerratent depa.rtist:tnts, or of;riciale 4.:.i.oreof, that fire com- ponents of' the NTA, i.o,, nr, lnvy and State ;.::sol't&rtmontn? The O'ner141 style of memoranda is illustrated in chibit lion. 2 end S. b. Letters Letter rani is used for correspondence from orficialn of the (:-G to private persons end er6anixations, members of coni;roce and to wsficiale of 4:,ove rnmen t departments and establini taunts other than those entrweated above. 3ee i;xhibit 'tin. 1 for an illustration thereof. Detailed instructions doverninv, the preparation or the two typos, of oorrospondenee described above are set forth below. that: 2. Paper Correspondence is written on 8 x 10/ CIG letterhead oxoept a. Standard Form NO. 84 Wein* Vemorandue is used for memoranda between officials within CIO in rhshington. b. Mere security or other considt.?Aons are such that CIO letterhead or "Office Hasorandum" cannot be used, plain bond 8 x 10i paper in used. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A "P4."71U. AlrinT;;711A7T1:; '..Involopeo Citi inter-effieo alien ouvolopes are unod ror trana10.1;%thi; norroapontionoo between CT(1 o:?,Tioem In ''...nahinGton. 01.4 franked snyelopes aro used for routine correspondonou to private persons and organisations in the United Itates re4iro no spouial security uoustUorationa aro fl%volvod. 411ml apaoial anourity oonairlorotionn aro ii4volvod, pluln onvaiopea are uand. 74110 nnvalopon aro tood whon.avor forwordin6 3):CTIT. or TOP sty.:Joa auttorial outaithe To innor novolopo 0)10.1 he stamped 25X1A i at the oinanitiontion of Vln ,101.3t/111:110: 01%010110d. T, MAUI' OltV010p0 is proporly acidro6.aed without any notation au to t?:.!..o elaosifiontion of its conterits. (3oo Cormurticati onn, Trotruotior. !or oom)loto reditnr, inatruotion.) Tlio to:Piro:3o on onvolopcn n!soult.: bo n hloc rpm and ohould oorronponci to tho nnido address nle pi.ysical position should ,ou the fol 1 owe 3 To begin about 1/3 the lezit,?93 i7rom tho left edge and about 1/2 the dOpth from the top edge. . Tf nii atto?-tion line is used nomiloriicettion, ft nhould rano be ;mot! on .tmveiopo prortt;--ribly botiveotin t i404) tqld t2-.0 Lila-cot rt(itirt)oo. 4. Number of Cepiaa The mininurt number of copion required for correepondenco oin out uf the en.; are: 1 original for dispatch 1 eolir for central necords 1 ooPY for Pilnt! of nriermting offue. tl-e letter or mettorandwa is prepared for sioature of an offioer outside the ori&inating offioo two additional copies should he prepared as follows: 1 for files of signing official 1 for return t," oricinatint; c.ffioo with indication of date and signature. Additional copies for information or oourtesy purposes nay he prepared aa required. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Airum t 17P,111". Valt,11077(1t1:1 r Imo rauv-itt botquett offioie.ln wi thin the GTO, no noptoe ore made for Contral 11,43orlu. ur.lonn oontein matter of oonninoroblo lera.ortanoo r'Qf fl policy or iliutorionl viewpoint. 'inAe important thilki; to ratiimibor in tt tut) mertorfeletun or lottor must look roll on tato paGo and that 4.,:tto riGht-hanti man;in Diunt bo float and even and at leant one inon. 71,(4 left nargin anooln bee at i(eafit (AA (And 4)1143-quartor inches &iiOio bottom ute.rgla zt 101144 t inch. (3. rt?,0 farm for riato i ClIV ?ront /Car, a. n - 3 danuary 141411. In A andaro 1.1Drm ,:omornndur4, tho do !o plaood opponito tLh "dAte" Tin (3 10 they c'titti. &1 plaoofi, fibout Ott) :."rort top of t.o papor ttnteev., no tni tu ao 4... LiirAt fella flun:?.wit',.,. tho ri,?r.lek ra,irl ? a lol;ter, tho date in nimilmrly plAood, 1.0? about two to four apnoou below t140 lottorhona, the laut dii!;tt of tho yonr fallint; at the riAt mar6in. Tn castle whore the correleponelonoo iu siicao4 by otittr uw tho oi'41cor, tho dato in loft b1a:01; an;;, is, inut;rtod by tho et 7. P,ddresa or ;loading In nainartgadtt, the words "Po." "From". and '?'SubJoot" appear nt tho hoed of the memorandum..'110,)) the) lett mark;in and ooparntod from ooh othor by a double apape. Tho appropriato infornation shoulti bo .11.11od in opposite eac14 isead1n6. doeignatione follovein,s both? tile "To" end "From" beadini;e aro by title, and whe.!: the /307:117rniultat addressed to an official outside the Crt the name of tho at-puoy nhould be added. The "Subject" should be stated as eouoinoly as `,;;`Lo first letters of all words in the subject, except articles, conjunctions and prepositione, are oapitalired. Por instructions rolatint; to memoranda written on blank or lotterhead paper, see Szhibit No. 3. In letters, the address is set up in blocktbrin and plauod throe apnoea below the date flush with the left ratarerin. A &WAWA/ space, separates the address from the salutation. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 11 S (: I, ()r) 1(',01111:1)1.N1 25X1A qApprcixtd(ktarlipiTaiit.T219R14oNoilpfktrpipag.po728R000i 00010001 -2 Tlio form of Via addrese nbou:id onerally bo an fellows! in limo Fume o; addrenson (prwooded or tollosod by .!ItI4'1. 2nd lino - ;troot addronn find Moto o pnnotuntion in planad at tk., ands of t6s linos address unlesn ahbroviattens nro If an attention linos I.11 unod in 4 letter, it nhouId bo contt)roll on too po.,!,e botwoon tno floOroso Rnd t14) nalutatIon, sopart0-.)d fron !loch of tono itofql by n Joublo 31,R(o. :1OI x.ii';',0?I for '...flr,,Ar5 rultir.ton, r.ralitr.i;i ()I, :unit-4%1%v claim? 4i..r0(t:"0r lCh title fol 10114 k nano ;A o ;nomad Gntt? noeor ruA tUo otroot oudrons, city or'd atoto, on til3 :,%.1.1 ono 6. fmlutation Ho salutatIon, al:,74.1nrs on not7ormn,:1a, Ir letters, rosalutation in plaead to bo6in limsh with thtp loft rlargin, tmco zintoos below 'tho no(tremn, and trio SPU0914 abovb tLo to7t. 7Mbit to. AO o r'() fl sfautftV,o. O. Forme of Address,41utation 411OComp. 7-Dlontar7 Claim . , maw ama.a*ma .40mo. Tn "Parma" corrosponOnnao Corns oe nddrous, anlutntion qnd eonTlimentary oloso an illuntratod in ixibjtro. 10 will ho unod. Informal In "informal" oorrenpondonoo the forms of addrosn, salutation mnd complinentary clone aro largely R mattnr of personal proforma? end good tact?) and there is no absolute or rIxod forn whi&I clan he sitmi us boin cormet ,7-1 all inntanees. The informal style o.0 address is similar to the .1srmal except that honorary titles are nomotig;g?U7Uppod, or tbe namo of the,duf%1 is usod instead of, or in addition to, his title. Some or the at common typos of informal naiutationn aro an follows: "Dear Yr. Doe," "?ear Hr.lnorotary," TA7,17.7. "Dear General smith," etc. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1 A C I G kAVPIONciyemlif swRpjgrontMQVR9/pfcailkkgpliglil -00728 R000100010001 -2 "Very truly yours, s' la the correct complimentary 010ao or the r formal or in forma lettere. However,"rerincereTi yourer-or "r:thoorely" may be used an a laore intimate form. "Respectfully" or "ltespootfully yours" is used in writing to the President of the United etates. 10. !Vetoing Correspondence in generally single spewed eheept In very short communteatieno ,4111.oh may bo &tub's npaced. Yaragraphs etre 'separated by a double space, except that when the text in double spaced, the para- graphs are separated by triple apneas. eumnritnda to the President and itficiala of the 1:xoautive Office of t),e2 : resident are double spaced. Periods are followed by a double '..pace and other ouch an comma, eamicolon, etc., by a single space. 11. Paragraph Indentatione In memoranda, paragraphs are numbered (eit3, the exception of memoreutda to the President of the United States) and uniformly indented five spaces. Sub-paragraphs are indented by placing the aymbol under the first word of the text of the main parngruph, and bringing the margin out to align with the number of the main paragraph. Succeeding sub- paragrapb3 follow tho same procedure. The nequenco of aymboln o:' number- ing is Arabic, alphabetical, Arabia in parentheses, alphabetical in parentheses, Arabia underlined, etc. Exemple 1. ..lanoeinel.1111?????????????? 411111?11??????????????r. Quotations and ?streets consisting of one or more pnragretpha will be indented the liftiae as the preceding paragraph but will maintain an even margin for the entire quotation. In letters, paragraphing is the same as in memoranda, except that the main paragraphs are not numbered. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 (*Tr.; AIPINT3THATIV!.; TY:;TPUCTIOrli 12. Seeend and z;ucceeding Varies Tho second (O (1 nueceeding peon are prepared on p1 n' bond paper and confor., to till') first page insofar an margins end paraizaphs are con- oorned. The top tiargin is lk inchea. The number of the page in centered 3/4 inches (about 4 spaces) from the top of to pnGe and elbow: inch above the text. The last Imp should contain nt lenot two linos of tho body of tho letter. 13. Complimentary Clone 41??????????????=MOOMMIO???????????????????????????? In memoranda there is no complimentary close. In letters the complimentary close in usually a simple "{Tory truly yours" except where otherwise required. (See 7,x)?1bit No, 1.) It is separated fron the body of th latter by a double :Apace) runt begins at about the center of the paws. Signature In a mcnorandun the typed 73igneture is placed about four npaceo below t%le text and alihtly to tho rti;ht of tho center of tho pair. The name is typed in all UPS a,;(1 to title, w.!ic: appears below nano, :in snail letters initial caps. In a letter the slatature is sirallarly placed, except timt it appears our spaces below the complimentary close. 16. !':nclosures A statement of the number of enclosures is placed at the loft margin on the same line as the first line of the typed signature and a listing of the enclosures should follow, beginninc, on the not line and indented two spaces. (Sue Kxhibit ilo. 16. Accompaniments under leparate Cover Material sent under separate cover in enumerated at the end of the communication in the same manner as enclosures and listed as e'llader ,leparate Cover." The envelope containing the material sent under separate cover should have a reference to the letter by date and/or other identifyinr, symbol where security will permit. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A STATSPEC Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO '.!ADIJAI, OF AJVItIT.:11Titivirrin IN3T110CTI0/13 17. Identification Symbols Identifiontion symbols usually ?moist of the initialu of the dictator, that of the stenographer, and any code symbols an may be re- quired to identify the (Moe originating the correspondence. They should be placed two spaces bolo,' the listing of enclosures on copies dintributed within CYO only. The initials of the dictator and 'stenogra- pher should always be used. Code symboln representing MI Offices ruty be used when desired but must be used when the correspondence in directed to the Director, Deputy Director or Executive Director or when the correspondence is for simsture by any of thee? three officers. (co Exhibit No. 1.) A lint of the ansigned code's follows: AC - Advisory Council AED ? Moistens": Executive Director - Director of Central Intelligence ? Deputy Director ED ? Executive Director PA - Executive for personnel and Adminintratton ? Secretary, NIA - Interdepartmental Coordinating und Planning Staff 050 - Office of Special Operations ORE - Office of Reports and Estimates OCD ? Office of Collection and Dissersinetion 00 - Office of Operation's 00/C - Contact Branch, Office of Operations 0 D ocumen a rano 1, 0 cc o Opera ons 18. Distribution of Copies A listing of the distribution of tho copies in the last item on a oommunicaticm. The listing of the copies appears in the lower left hand corner on all copies for distribution within the Agency end a chock mark should be placed next to the particular destination on each copy. 19. Arrangement 4.111011.. Correspondence when ready for signature is rranged as follows: a. The outgoing correspondence, with all enolonures securely fastened together, is on top of the file. Correspondence will not be stapled. b. material for distribution is placed underneath the outgoinG material about one-half inch to the right; each separate destination is indicated by shifting?Mr material therefor s. further half-inch to the right. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO "Al! UAL OF Alt SIM 3TRATTY11 I1 ITRUCTION8 o. Incoming material or other pertinent material in pinood in the same manner to the left and a tab or buck slip plaeed thereon for the destination of each item. L. If envelopes are provided, they should be placed flunh with the outgoing material with the flap on top of the material on the left edge. e. A plain white tissue (or Control Sheet for Top Secret material) should cover the entire file which should be held tocether with n elip or clips. 1111 PREPARATION f.',F TELEGRAvS AND CABLES Telegrams and coded moosaces will be prepared by tho originating offioo on Form $5-7 "Outgoing Claasified Message" in an original only, which uhall be prepared and routed as indicated in paragraph 8 below. (see also T;xhibit No. 4.) 2. pate The date will be "noorted in the block entitled "eater on Form 36-7 by the originating office at the tine of preparation. 3. prom The name of the ori4nating office or staff neetion will be inserted on Form 35-7 in the box marked "From." 4. Address Tie complete name, title and address or the exact cable or code address of the person towhee tho message is being sant will be inserted in the box me.rked "Transmit To:" on rlurm 35-7. 6. Text The text of the message will begin about two typewriter spaces below the double line on Form 35-7; will be blocked with margins It inches on the left and one inch on the eielt. The message will be in ALL CAPS and double spaced. Actual punctuation marks will be used in preference to writing out words such as "stop," "period," "comma," etc. G. Signatures Form 35-7 will be manually signed by the Originating Officer(s), Coordinating officer(s), and/Or Authenticating Officer(s) directly above their titles at the bottom of the form. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 01(1 *!AtIllAla OF AIVINTSTHATIvn rturittionom 25X1A 7. Claosification Telugrama will bu soot in plain tut only, ato nu faoilities oxiut for sanding ciasnifiod tolograms over commercial linos. coded mammon will be claneifiud in accordance with the aecurity of their contonto anci tho clausification will bo atarapod on Form 35-7 at tho top and botton in the boxea provided for that purpouo. 6. flouting After the neoeesary coordination and authentication hes been secured, the meseago will be routed directly to tho Signal Centers Communications Diviaion for 411111)n WI ? The rigial Center, after dispatching the messago, will forsarci a confirmation copy or the cleanup to official oonoerned on Form 35-6. 9. Collect Telegrams; Only plain text domestic telograns may be (sent "C(.,IrECT." To indicate that the tologrexa in to be sent collect, the words osinn) couraren will be typod two apaoeu above tho siouture of tho Originating Officer on Form 35-7. 10. Preoedonce nes.40????????????????????????6??? On coded tieeneGon Via appropriate block will be checked to indicate whether the rummage in to be sent "Itoutino," "Priority," "Operational Priority," or "Urgent." Tho prooedrinco will not bo indicated on telegrams. PIIMPARA'rtON OF OFFICIAL PAPERS 1. Typou of Official Papore a. Certain routine and periodic reports prepared by the CIG for general attribution will take varying forme depanding on the particular reporting needs. Similarly, intenial administrative reports and internal directivoo of the al will take specific forsiu varying according to the purpose of tho dooument. The following instructions apply to the types of official papers, an hinted below, whioh rtru to be formally presented to or beforo committeon and to officials of other agenoies. (1) MInutes consist of the official records of proceedings of meeting. of the Tait. CIO, IA13, official committees boards, Into. (See Exhibit No. 5.) Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 C.IMP?r?tr 11For),I,e)rs17 2??Pin?,.?,.:F,I7Arrii-8,97,28R000100010001-2 (0 A6un3a conalst of a list of items to be brought up for dimoueeion at mee.ei5 of tho CIO, TAH, official oewmitteea, boards oto. (See Uhibit No. (3.) (3) Verbatim transcripts consist ul' official raeordinge of conversationn at meetings. (Joe arnit No. 7.) (4) !lumbered Papere (coo Exhibit Plea 0.) (6) Directivea (See ixhibit No. P.) b. The exhibits mentioned above illustrate the etyle and rormat to bo followed in preparing each of the above typos of official wen. 2. Attachments to Official Papers A document accompanying hn official paper will be tormod KM "Enclosure." If there is more than one uneleeure, the terms Enclonurs "A," inolosure "B," etc.. will be used. Material that in to be enclosed in an Enolonure in labeled "Appendix" and, similarly, material enclosed in an appendix is titled "Annex," aria ah enclosure to an Annex in a "Tab." All references to attachments should appear in the text of the main paper. Attachment!' will follow the name general format an the official paper to which they are attached. 3. Pineal i-reparation Tho Secretary, S.I.A. will put into final fern, without ohanding the text unless authorized by the originator, all papers prepared or conaideration by the UIA or IAD. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Exhibit No. 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 2430 SI REET NW. WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 1 September 1948 William W. Williams 78 /ark Street Richmond, Virginia Dear Mr. Williams: General or routine letters to private persons, organisations, or similar destinations should be written on CIO letterhead, 8 x 10i, in an original and minimum of 2 copies, plus any other copies required in a particular instance. The margins should be set to give the letter a "framed ploture? appearance, generally 1* inches on the left and at least 1 inch on the right and bottom. The text should be single spaced except in very short letters where double spacing may be used. The date is placed, as shown above, about 4 spaces below the letterhead and ending at the right margin. The inside address appears 3 spaces below the date and the salutation 2 spaces below the address. Paragraphs are separated by a double space and the first line of each paragraph is indented 6 spaces. The complimentary close appears 2 spaces below the last line of the letter starting in the center of the paper and the typed signature is placed 4 spaces down' the name is Shown in all caps and is centered with respect to the complimentary close, as is also the title which in indiJated in small letters. Enclosures, initials, and distribution of copies follow the form shown below. Enclosures' 3 1. xxxxxx 2. xxxxxx 3. xxxxxx (PAs ABC/iyx TYPED Ot COPIES ONVf-, (c.c.s 1 - 1144 Baith - file 1 Central Records ( i- Kr. Jones - file Very truly yours. JOHN BA/TS Chief, Personnel Division Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 STANOAND PONM NO, 04 EXILibi Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-z t No. 2 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To : Chief, Communications Division DATE: 1 September 1946 FROM : Chief, Procedures Unit SU13JECT: Format for Memoranda 1. Where Standard Form Gil is used, the format presented here- in should be follrmed. The date, titles, and subject are inserted in the spaces provided. 2. Please note that the paragraphs are numbered. When sub- paragraphs are necessary, the indentations illustrated below are followed* mat No. a. The symbol is placea to align with the first word of the text of the main paragraph, and the next line is brought out flush with the symbol of said paragraph. (1) Any further indentation follows the same principle. Please note the sequence of symbols. 1, a, (1), (a),. 1, a, etc. !Mime 3. The remainder of the memorandum follows exactly the same for- as a letter except that no complimentary close appears. See Exhibit 1 for illustration of Initials, Enclosures and Distribution. JOHN SMITH Chief, Procedures unit Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Exhibit No. 3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 2430 I STRCCT NW. WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 1 September 1946 MEMORANDIV FOR: CHIEF, COMMUNICATIVS SECTION DEPARTMENT OF STATE SUBJECT: Correspondence Procedures 1. When plain paper or letterhead is used in preparin4 a memo- randum, the date is placed one inch from the top or the last line of the heading respectively, the last digit aligning with the right margin. The heading MEMORANDUM FOR: is placed at the left margin about three spaces below the date. A double space is left for the subject which is written directly under the title of the addressee in small letters with initial caps. 2. The body of the text should begin about 4 spaces below the heading, and as in other types of correspondence, pingle spacing is generally used. However, to give the paper a more balanced appearance, double spacing may be used when the text is unusually short as in this illustration. 3. With the exceptions mentioned above, this type of memorandum follows the same outline as shown in Ethibit No. 2. JON MUTH Chief, signal Center Central Intelligence Group Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved ForRelease0691:616Wroat-NIE-VMOE010001000f4iihit N . o 4 PAGE NO, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP DATE! 1 SE'PTEMBER 1946 FROM: SUPPLY SECTIoN TRANSMIT TO: Jon JONES 21 MAIN STREET nElv YORK CITY, Imm 'tom( ROUTINE PRIORITY OPERATIONAL PRIORITY URGENT PLAIN TEXT (CLASSIFICATION) TYPE IN CAPITAL LETTERS, DOUBLE SPACED TELEGRAM SHIP TWO DESKS, FOUR STENO CHAIRS, THREE FILE CABINETS, SIX EXECUTIVE CHAIRS. RUSH. GBL FOLLOWS. JAMES SIVITE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP /s/ James Smith /s/ John Doe JAMES SMITH JOT N DOE ORIGINATING OFFICER(S) FORM NO. OCT 194635-7 COORDINATING OFFICER(S) AUTHENTICATING OFFICER(S) CLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 (1343) Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Ulkibit 6-a CONFIDMITTAL T.A.B. 100th klaating CENTRAL IIITHLLI(1101Cn nom INTELLIMITICK ADVISORY BOARD 25X1A Minutes of Mooting held in Room 6132 on Money, . 'TF, 1R PRESENT ALSO PRES TIT T sECIIRTARIAT CONFIDENTIAL IAB 100th Meeting Note: Actual Giza of papor 81 x 14 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 loo,toit no. 6-b coot valMITIAL 1. :mar!' n1.111,111CT OR TITLE oF '/IRST PAPTIR DISCUSSED In reply to a question by colonel Blank, Mr. R01; said that XXXX XX X XX X.70C XX XX X X XX.X X XXX XXX XX X X X XXXX X XXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXXXXX XX XX X Mr. WILLIA!!5 said that r. ;oe haci :landled the 'matters. XX XXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2OCXXXXXX7OCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJC XXX X X X XXX LITIIITINAPIT ITT LLINS said that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx X X XVC X XXXJC XX =XXX XXX XXX XX X.10C XX)OCX X XX X XXXXXXX XXX X XXXX XXX THI.1 ADliTSORY BOARD I - Agreed that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:cxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXX X XX XXX X XXXXXJCXX X X XX X XX X XXX XXXXXX X XXXXX X X XX X XX XXX X XXX XXX 2. SNCOND SUBJECT oR TIT173 SKCOVD SERT1P.:1 OF 1)/tPER1 DTSCIISSED Mr. WILLIAMS said that X4XXXXXXXX=XXXX XX XX XXX X XXX X XXXX X XXXXX.X.XXXXXXX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)OCX XX70:XXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXX XX7OCXXXX Mr. RICHARDS concurred. After further discussion, INTELLIGUICE ADVISORY BOARDt Agreed: a. That XXX X1XXXXXX7CCX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX X=OCXXXXX =CI XXXXXXX XXXIOLICXXXX2OCXXXXXXXX)COOCOCCXXXXXXXXXXICXXXICCXX7CXXAXXX=XX ( 1 ) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXICXXXXIOWOCXXXX.XXXXXXXX XXX X ,rILVM:XXIMCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:CX- (a) XX=DOOOCXXXXX3C0000( XXX XX XX X XXXXXXXX=C= XXX.1CCCCXXXXYZXX2OCX7OCXXXX.XXX.XXXXXXXXXX.X.XXXX (b) 0..0 010 ? 00 00 ? ? 00 Note: ALL CAPS are used for speakers' nautes. Text is single spaced. Double space for paragraphs. Triple space for subjects. X2CXXXX)CXXXX XX . Note: Actual size of paper x 14 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CONFImartIAL 1XLLb&t 6 'A.D. 100th Mesta% CITRAL INTELLTOMICE GROUP TNTELLIOMICE AIMISORY BOARD AG:INDA For tho :!o?sting o bo held in Room 5136 on a1ondi. 10 116.atI48O ............????????????????????????????????????????? 1. SUBJr.CT OF FIRST FAPIM TO BL CONSIDIMED (References) Commit s 2. SUBJECT OF SECOID PAPER TO HI,: CONSTDEItED ????????????? ( efer eimmosobo.??????? Rencee) Coments 3. SUBJECT OF TRIM) PAPER TO BE CONSIDERED (Aeferenoosi Comnento CONFIDMITIAL Actin; 3ccretary, N.I.A. Note: Actual also of paper x 14 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2ExLim t re). 7_4 CON VT MN Ti: At. CIVIA13 25th WeetinK 1 April 1940 TNT ADVTSORY 11nAllD Transcript of treating held in Room 100 IAIDERS PREVENT Colonel Wi 1 I i am Black, USA r. chard Roe Mr. John Doe At,so rusENT Lieutenant Henry Gray. USN Mr. Dick Richards gr. William Williams ?fr. lob Bobbins SECRETARY Mr. John Brown ffotes AotUal !dam of paper-S x 14 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001,-y2,41it t. 7-b COV:PIDICETTAL (The raserlint; convened sit 12;v1) DOE: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X XXX X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X.X.XX7XXXXX7CX XXXXX X XX X X= XXXI.XXXXXXXXXXX X XX XXXXXXXXX,.. X XX Y. XXXX X XXX XA XXX.XX X. XX XX X XXXXX7r:XXXXXX:::: XXX . BLACK: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:Ixxxxlcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. GRAY: XxxxxxXXXXxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)ocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.x xxxxxxx X XXXX XXX X XX XXXJCX X.XXXX XXX X XX XXXXXXXXXXX=1 xxxxxxx. (Discussion off the re:cord) DOE: Xxxxxmcxxxxxx)axxxxxxx xmorxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)rxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXX XXXX XIOCXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXX X XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX. (The meotint; tedjourned at O130) Note: Actual size, of paper?A x 14 Note' All speakers? titles are omitted in the interest of facility in transcription. The entire transcript is double spaced. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 r(Tvt:!!:11.7111., 1 rebruary 1946 Criiri1RAT, : (;iti (;}4i)111) ???????????????????????????? 4Illy??????I??????????l?.????????????????? Trnr. 0'; ME palm Nofarance z Noto by Dirootor of Central Inte1:154;mo? Exhibit Ho. 8-a 1. Xxxxxxlocxxxxxxxxxxx3oacxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxx=x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmcxxxxxxxxlccxxxx xxx XX . a. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.txxxxx :xxxxxxracxxxxxxsocxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx:,x.xxxxyaxx.xoc.xxxiocxlcxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx x.x ? b. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxmcxxxxxxxxxxxx:.x .000CXXXXXXX.ICXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XxXXXXX.7LTXX)OCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.X=XXXXXX,X.XXXX:CCXXXXXX . 2. Xxxxxx=cxxxxxxxxxxxxxaorxxxx:cc.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;ccxxxxxx XXXX.11:200000LICXXXXXXXXXXXXXYJC.XXXXXXXXXXXXX. Note: Actual size or paper-tit x 14 MIER DOE SECRETARY Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Exhibit No. 0-b ENCLOSURE "A" T!!1-!: .1771.1.; Or T.F. 1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXxXXXXXXXXxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7?XM XX XXX X X XX X X N.X XXX7CX XXXX X 2. Paragraph hooding n. Xxxxx:',7,N XX X X2.1 XX=XXXXXXXXXXXXX:.:XXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX=XXXXXXXXXX7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:IMUXXXXX. b. :A: X7'.Z VX:XXXXXXXXX XXXX X XXXXXX:e. XY. XX XXXXXX-X XXXXX XXXXXXXXX Note: Actual size of paper 8u x 14 Note: The enclosure, appendix, annex, or tab designation is 'mitten in the lower ri6ht-han4 corner of the page, on the same line as tho page number. . 1 - Enclosure "A" Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 10d.11,1.,:, 116. fl C;ITIDIN4TIAL NIA DIR. 1 March 194a ger. -71AL 7-rNLLII1Tc% AT:.!:;;;ITY :YrTZT3C'ZIV7c: 717.TIA3 OP V:1; DIRECTIVE Reference: CIE.] er:to ran run.ry 1946 Note by the Secretary Xxxxxxxvoccxxxxx.:cxx; x=7.x.pcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.lot.=.47.3c;:xxx:;xxxx,-;xx 30:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.loomaxxxxxxmocxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=c xxxxxxxxxxxxx,rcxxxxxx--txxx:ncxxx.xx !XXX X XX XXY: X :TX XX. X X X:ct.):. X XX XX): XX Notes Actual sire of papor-81 x 14 AcntrO SECRETARY, TT.T.A. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Exhibit r,o. 10-0. ADDRESSEE LETTER ADDRRSS 5ALUTATIO11 Aim Cli)SE The President The President TYe thite trouno Dear 1.T r. ,-rosident Respeotfuny yours, Socretary to the President The Honorable (full narrs3) Dour sir: Secretary to the President The White l'ouso Very truly yours;, Secretary to tho President with $ilita.ry Rank Major General (full name) Dear Sir: ;;ecrotary to the President The ?Thito House Very truly yours, Vembers of the Cabinet Tho Honorsblo Tho Secretary of 3tute Dear ;31r: Very truly yours, *VP Post Office Department The Honorable The Postmaster General Dmar Sir: Vary truly yours, Department of Justice The !ionorable The Attorney General Deur Sir: Very truly yours? ??????????????????? President of the The honorable (full name) Dear Sir: Senate President of the Senate alliedwe Very truly yours, Committee Chairman United States Senate The Honorable (full name) Dear Sir: Chairman, Committee on (name) United Staten Senate Very truly yours, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 E;etibit Yo. lo-L, aonator A7011:38 HALUTATTO!' AU!' C1,0811, Tho itonorable (full nRma) Dear Sir: United 3t8ten 3unate Irery truly yulArr? speaker of the rollgo or Repro- nontativen The Honorable (run. name) ,Toaker of t).:: of itopretiontlitivea Committee Chairman louoe of Repro- nemtnitves ?????????????????????????? Dear 31r3 Very truly yours, The Honorable (full name) Chairman, committee on (name) rfoueo of Representatives Dear jr:S Very truly yours, Representatives Thu Konorable full name) House of Representatives Dear Si ra Very truly yours, read of indepen- dent Office 01......????4?? Tho Honorable (full name) Administrator, psederel seourityAgenoy Dear Sir: Very truly yours, Fond or aLonoy subordinate to de- partment or inde- pendent office representative The lionorable (full name) Governor, 7r, rrn credit Ad- mini stration Department of Agriculture Dear Sir& Very truly yours, The 7ublic Printer The Public Printer Government '1.-inting Office Dear Sir: Very truly yours, Director of the Bureau of the Budget The Director Bureau or the Budget Dear Sir: Very truly yours, The Comptroller G4neral The Comptroller General of the United states Dear Sir: Vary truly yours, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 11 Tycl. 10.0 Almrilssrr, Arag;rns n(..r,uvAl-ror A7n1 CI.1)81: President of a board ??????????????????????????????????????? mo????????*??? The ii onore,hle (full name) Deer Sir: nresident Board of Comlinsionern Very truly yours, of the Diatriot of Columbia !'resident o tt ?omission The Presidont o:" the Dear Sir: %it'd ateit Civil lerviee Cor, anion Very truly yours, 40.1..01?????????????=????????????????????????=??????? Cairvztr of. a Ii c" rtt Thu Cheirmin of the Pitilrotol Rftti roman t Renrd Chairman of a comaiasion Dear 31 r: Vorj truly yours, ..........M.?????????????????????????01.....0.??????????????...????????????????? The Chai mut of the Interetato Conmerce corimi salmi Dear Fir: Very truly yours, The Chief Justice The chief Justice Dear Sir: The 3upremo Court Very truly youres ,?11.? ........11.1101.1????????10-0???? Justice or the Ilr. Justice (full name) Dear Sir: Supreme Court To Suprema Court Very truly yours, (feverner of state ne Lonorable TIle Governor of (State) (city, "tate) Dear sir: Very trul:r yours, ???????.????11?11.1???=11??? MaYor The honorable (full name) Doar Si r !,1 sw-or of the City of Mame) (City, Itate) Very truly yours, ??????????????????? Mother superior mother Superior of a parochial (order if used) school (Institution) (Street address) (city, State) ?????????????????.../.../????????=.0..../....??????????????? Dear Mother superior: Very truly yours, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 14). 10-d NOVIMPIONWAINI,???????? 4.? .1.11 000 tor, president of a nolleGe or university LnTTnn DInC,o0 V1111 Wu), :)e4roe Presideut ( Tnsti tu ti un (Street address) (city, qtate') ftnn n eohnol 4111111.1.1.???????????.11. All???????? ?????1110.1.0.4,10. nertn 3. 'mon) Sol loo 1 -I? (muse) T),". 17n i rot ty (nano) (Cij, :Mate) .0.10.111.....???????=?101.111?? .1111M01.1111.11100000.11.0. rrOfOSOOr !iilLUTA? AU Glint Jftar art %Tory truly yourn .11.1.11???????????01.111....M. Near :brim ournuria) Very truly yours, Full nrane Ncroo (flwan of school) (Street address) (city, 3tate) 0111???????=0??????????????????=1????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????*????????????????./ pitynici an Full name, ?! (Street addroaa) (city, (.1i:nte ')ottr Vary truly yourn, Dear sir: Ver./ truly you r?, Lawyer (pull name); Esquire (trerst A (itire (City, rt-n.tri` Deer 31r: Very truly young, other civilians r. (full muse) Mrs. (full name) (or) miss (full name) (or) rosins. (run name) (or) resdanla (full names) (or) Ilium's (full names) (Street address) (city, t'tate) (or) (or) (or) (or) Dear lir: Dear "Ann: Dear atint2: Doar Sirn: Den- " oadano : Deur 1- n dam n Very truly yours, To a Corporation Name or Company Incorporated (Local address) Dear Sirs: Very truly yours, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 I: 1:,,. y?vy, y a. a lielk A% ArAriOan AtibadhalOr -3114 ii010),"01#1 Agit) r ua14 ltilbILS suitor .j" AU.) I" Jr1V 31r: ?j 1U1 An araartuan Full Nene, Raquire col).6?1 7onnral, Anorlonlo connui Cilsul or 7too Gonoral consul -nnoo To the Librnrisn 41.11. 10...11. ar????? Bear Sir: Var.; tray Tho Libreria:A of Dear Sirs (1,ont:riss conr?ran;:: To n aeneral or tho Army ?????..111.? Irsry truly yours, Full ialr40, Ciouorm1 of ':;i111 Amy fl?:* Oapartaollt ;;tr: ',fury !;ruly yourn, "er)nfl idmtral *I MO .....11???????????? C o ic rnrdinni. kik:arca (full num0) 11?3.A. Chief or ravol ;:perations :::topetxtrIont, or the navy t 1;i,,minoncto Joiin f!ar4ival Arohblal:op of Neu York Dear r*ery truly yo72ra, '(our Mine:Loos Ke ti ot,11. tn. y yours , Catholio The `.cost Reverend John Doe Roveront Sir: A rehbQp of Baltimore Respootrully yours, cetholio Bishop The Vast Reverend John Doe Yost Reverend sir: Bishop of oaormento yours, I:Athol/a Vcrnsignor (higher rank than balm) The Richt Reverend Vonsignor John Doe ??????=1.110?1???????? Dear onsirpor: Respectfully yours, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 RESTRICI, rAhibit No. 10-f ADORE:1310E LETTER ADDRi?Itt; SALUTATI0N AND CLORE Catholic) Monsignor The Very Reverend Deer "Aonsignor: Monsipor John Ime 41??????????????????????.?.....???????????????????????....... Catholic Priest The Reverend John Doe (chureh) (city, state) Respectfully yours. Dear Reverend Nir: Very truly yours, Protestant Epiecopal Dnan The Very Reverend John Doe Dean of ffanhington Cathedral Very Reverend Sirs Very truly yourn, kf.ethodist Bishop The Very Reverond John Doe Methodist Bishop Very Reverend Sir: Respectfully yours, Other clergymen The Reverend John Doe, or The Reverend John Doe, D.D. (if entitled to a degree) Reverend Sir: Very truly yours, Jewish Rabbi Rabbi John Doc, or The Reverend John Doe Looal address Dear sir: Very truly yours, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Rele*ONAtif 4fi481-00728R000100010001-2 CXO 'MANUAL Or ADICINISTTIATIVR iii8IWICTX0118 COW UNICATION8 ONIMAL 1. Purpose The general purpose of thin instruotion is to acquaint the personnel of CIO with the various types of service provided by the Central Records Section, Servioes Division, and to set forth prooeduros governing the routing, handling, and filing of offioial CIO documents by Office and Staff Section personnel. 2. Organisation and Functions a. The Central Records section, nervioes Division, Adminis- tration and Management Branch, is responsible fors (1) Establishing and operating A oentral mail room And messenger and courier system for routing oommunioations within, into, Or Out of the Agency. (2) The maintaining or records and the establishment of controls on all incoming and outgoing documents. b. The following organisational unite have been established under Central Records seotion to accomplish the funotiann enunerated above. t (1) Central Mail Unit (2) Distribution Unit (including Central Files) (3) Information Distribution Unit (4) Bpeoial Distribution Unit 3. Terminology The following definitions, while not necessarily complete from a technical point of view, explain the meanings of certain terms as they are used in this instruction: a. Document: any official paper, correspondence, pamphlet, book, publication, writing, or other instrument, whether olassified or unclassified, which conveys information. b. Classified Documents any document which requires security grading, i.e.. TOffftRET, SECRET, compErTIAL. or Restricted, to 25X1A indicate the degree of precaution necessary for its safeguarding. The olassifioation is determined in accordWnee with the standards outlined in Soeurity Administrative, Instruction rlflokfrinri-r. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 000#09/06YCIA-0001-00728R000100010001-2 CIO MANUAL 0? ALTA 1111111.TIOTYK 7:1431110raibl1N o. Registered Dooumant: a TOP 3ECTITM. SHCRHT, or colOPTDMITIAL document, or a gestriaea cryptographic document or device, oarrying a register number, a short title, and instructions to account for it periodically. (A registered document is not to be confused with a classified document to ehich, for adminictrative reasons, a number or short title is aosigmed for bookkeeping or reference purpose only.) In the absence of the required markings, an enumerated above, documenta will not be reported upon. Documente will he registered only when it in essential for the issuing authority to control diatribution and maintain a record of the custody of all oopies. (Officers authorised to originate and/or issue TOP 3HCRHT, SKIMI, or comanxtraa documents, and Restricted oryptographio documents, will designate as "registered" only gush documents as they doom necessary in the interest of national seouritY0 d. Intelligeuce Informations "raw" information received from collecting agenoies which has not bean evaluated by the Office of' Reports and Estimates, CTO. a. Intelligence material intelligence documents dtcI have been fully evaluafed Ihe 6ftioe of Reports and Ratinates, CIO, and are published for CIO. f. Depository: the filo to which a document, atter having been used and/or acted upon, is sent for permanent retention, or where excess copies of intelligence documents ere stored. G. Messenger : a person who is assigned the duty of tranwaittint; d.ocnusents tassel/1.d up through SnCRET within a building occupied by CIO. h. Courier: a person who is ripely:led the duty of transmitting documents olassafted up through SFCRES between buildings of CIO and between crG and other government agencies. i. TOP SECRET Courier: an officer or specifically designated civilian mho has been authorised to transai TOP SECRET documents within and between buildings cora(/' and between oro and an outside agency. orricia. DEPOSITORIES FOR comuncATxous 1. Oenern3. a. The central Records section, Services Division, designates official depositories for all administrative documents except cables, cryptographic documents and devices. b. The Office of Reports and Estimates designates official depositories for all intelligence documents. CONt-iik.NTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CIO MANUAL OF ALMINISTRATM ISSTRUCTIONS 2. lamilLoalcntiltelli hmc_)...__ Documents The offioial depository for all intelligence doeuments will be the Rsfersuoe Branch of the office of Reports end sstimates. 3. Depository for Administrative Documents Central Files, Distribution Unit, Central leoords section, Services Division, and/or Office or Staff 'Sesame Canters will be the official depositories for all tocoming and outgoing administrative dm:merits other than those classified TOP SECRET which will be deposited in the Special Distribution Unit, central Records section. 4. Depository for Extra Copies of intelligenoe Documents Surplus copies of CIO-produced intelligence deouments classified SECRET or below will be stored in the reformation Dirtribution Unit, Central Reoords Section. Intelligence documents classified TOP SECRET will be stored in the special Distribution Unit. 5. Depository for :nactive Files a. Any Office or Staff section having documents on file which are inactive or of no further value in oonneetion with current opera- tions will report the feet to: (1) Reference Branch. ORE, if the documents are intelligence matter of any security classifioation. (2) central Files, Distribution Unit, central Records section, if the documents are administrative matter classified below TOP SWIM. (3) Information Distribution Unit, Central Records Seetion. If the documents are-edisAmeir-or surplus copies of CIO-produced intelligence classifiedes4TOP SECRET. (4) Special Distribution Unit. Central Records section, if the documents are administrative twitter or surplus copies or CIO- produced intelligence classified TOP SECRET. b. When notified of an inaotive file, the appropriate branch or unit will send a representative to surrey material and arrange for 25X1A proper disposition and storage. USE OF CIO INTER-OFF/CE CF.AIN 04 ORE 1. General ..?1: Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CTG VANUA!, OF AINTHISTRATIVE a. when Used Offices of CIG will use the ?trivial cro inter-offiee chain envelop* for the transmittal of doouments below TOP SBCRET in olassifioa- tion traveling within the 010 Messenger and Courier System to other offices of Gm under no circumstances will the envelope be used for the transmittal of TOP SECRET documents. Doauments will not be trans- mitted outside C/O in the intor-office chain envelope. b. Stec:kin& of Inter-Office Chain nnvelope Each Office Mosnane conter as well as piok-up and delivery points within Offices will, upon requeat to Central Records Section, Services Division, be furnished with a supply of inter-office chain envelopes. c. Delivery of nail All mail delivered by a Messenger or Reviler Courier to an Offico Mennen. center or a pick-up and delivery point within an Office will be contained in CIO intor-office ohnin envelopes. Where mail is classified SECRET or CONFIDMITIAL the responsible individual at a delivery point will remove attached Receipt For= BS-la from the inter- office ohain envelope, sign, and return signed receipt to the Messenger or courier. Normally, ohain envelopes containing Restricted or un- el:unified nail will bear no receipt. 2. Dispatching of Cj; Documents in Inter-Office chain Envelonne a. Additional nrapping not necessary Offices of CIG will dispatch outgoing inter-office mail (and that tatre-office Instil which ie destined for a segment of an office housed in a separate building) in C/0 inter-office chain envelopes without additional wrapping. A separate inter-office chain envelope will be prepared for each offioe to which materials are being sent. b. Preparation of Face of Envelope It is essential that the oolumns appearing on the inter- office chain envelope be filled in completely, and that the office designation always be indicated. Tr it is the desire of thn sender to dispatch the document to a specific individual, the individual's MAIM may be noted in parentheses aftmr the office designation, for example: OCD TO: ORE (Attn: Mr. Blank) In all instances room Tunaber, when known, and building will be indicated in the proper column. The CIG inter-office chain envelope will not be thrown away until all spaces have been used, or until the envelope is Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 t CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 cr.; 10,A;ruAii OF Air TNI;;TitATtvli oompletely norn out. If an ?Moe ermumulates u stock of envelopes which ?mods its needs, the surplun will be returned to the meesenger or Courier serving the ?Moe. a. nail Transmitted Outside CIO 25X1A Documents to be tranemitted outaide CIO will be routed in the inter-office ohain envelope tO tke Distribution Unit. central eecorde Section. (For detailed instruotiona covering the handline and routing of outgoing documents see d. Transmitting CUIFIDMITTAI. or 81:Cli1'r Documents The CIO inter-offioe chain envelope, when used to transmit CONFIDETITIAL or SECRET documents, will bo coaled with *no CIG guaned label and the initial of the sealer will be entered in An upproprinte place) on the seal. These seals may elao be obtained from central Rrmords seetion. Under no ciroumstances should scotch tepo be used to seal the inter-office chain envelope. e. Transmitting Undermined or Restricted Documents ?????10....?????.? 1....?????????* The CIG intor-officc chain envelope, when used to trent:mit only undermined or Restrieted materiel, need not be sealed in any manner, but the envelope flap should be pushed inside. f. Inter-Office Chain Envelope Numbering and Reoeiptiug :system! Each effice'Aessage Center and each designated pick-up and delivery point within an office will ihitiuto its own numbering Harlon for intareoffice chain envelopes, the contents of which are olassified SECRNT el-CONFIDENTIAL. This number will consist of the month expressed in number and the next unused consecutive number, e.g., if the first envelope is dispatched in June, the number would be 6-1; ie the tenth envelope is dispatched in July, the number would be 7-10. Since the eecond number is the identifying envelope number, it would continue in numerical sequence until the end of the calendar year. Thus? if 320 envelopes containing SECRET or ChVFIDnNTTAL documents have been dinpatched as of oember 31, the last one would be numbered 12-320. At the beginning of the next calendar year, a new series would be initiated, the first envelope in January of the naw year being numbered 1-1. Thin office envelop* number will be placed in the office of dispateh column, before the name in the "From" column. The number appearing on the envelope will also be placed on the attached Receipt ?or n 36-16. Rimpipt Form 36-16 to be attached to inter-office envelopes containing SECRET nr CONFIDENTIAL documents will be prepared in the CIO receipt book in duplicate. Receipt Form 35-16 is in triplicate in the receipt batik; however, only two copies are to be used and no attention is to be paid to the colors of the copies used. The third copy has a special use in isolated eircumstances. The original copy of the receipt * ; # Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For SeleWNas1 2 1 L_ Y 1 .01 RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 1 i 6160 CIO 1,ANT/A1, OF AMMITIMIATIVE tilaTlitICTIGIf will bo etnpled to the envelope. The prepnring office will retain lie carbon copy of the receipt for its records. Thin copy wiil he cloud by the Nfeaaanger or Courier who picks up the chain envelope. The number appenring both on the Receipt Forn 30-16 and the inter-office chain envelope will be noted in the office log opposite the individual imports tronamitted in the,: inter-office chain enlolepe. This will provide a record or the dew/ciente An nny ono envelope. Bulky Documents (Claenifio(l) atmlified dmiumentn ehloh, boonuuo or bulk, oannot be put in the inter-office chain envelope, will be wrapped in a satisfactory manner, taped with Cf0 gummed seals, and forwarded in exactly the same manner as an inter-office chain envelope. $. Operation of Courier and Messenger system a. Courier Pick-Up and Delivery Central Recorde Section, Pervices, Division, w111 provide offices with pick-up and delivery courier Service from and to appropriate points located in different buildings. Jul inter-office chain envelope containing =MT or CONFIDXRTIAL documents, after being signed for by a Regular Courier on Receipt Form 36-16, will be delivered to the appropriate building and Offioe Message Center. The appropriate individual in the llooiving Office Message Center will remove and sigA the original copy of Receipt Form 36-16 attached to the chain envelope and return receipt to Courier. The Central Yen Room will maintain file of all completed receipts for leoation purposes. Tho Courier transmittal of a Restricted or unclassified document to n location in another building is accomplished in the chain envelope veLthout regard to the use of Receipt Form 35-16. b. Messenger Pick-Up and Delivery Central Records Section, Services Division, will provide offices with pick-up and delivery messenger service from and to appropriate points within the same building. The delivery of a chain envelope to any otfioe located in another building will be made by Regular Courier as indicated above. CIOMESSENGER AFT) COURTER =MGM 1. The Central Records Section, Services Division, will provide each office and Staff Section of CIO with liessenger and Courier service as follows: Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A : Approved For a__ &ohiibibAA-RDP81-00728RD0010001000V2 GIG MANUAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS it. Top facRET couriers TOP SECRET Couriers will be used to transmit TOP SECRET documents between individuals and buildings of C/G and between CIO and and outside agenoy. b. Regular Couriers Regular Couriers will be used to transmit documents olassified SECRET or below between buildings of CIO and between CIO and an outside agency. 0. Messengers Messengers will be used to transmit documents classified sscRST or below between individuals and offices located in the some building, but will not carry doouments between buildings. Certain messengers, however, may be used to transmit unclassified or Restricted documents between CIO and an outside agency. d. Operation of Regular Courier and Messenger Service See LOGODIG MD ROUTING OF AMINISTRATIVE DOCUVENTS, MUER TRAP CABLES, cusrarm BELOV TOP SECRET I. Incoming a. The Central Mail Unit will: (1) Receives open, and time-stamp each 'document entering GIG and route each administrative document to the Distribution Unit, Central Records Section, services Division. (The only exception to this procedure is an incoming pouch document addressed to OSO which, after being properly recorded, will be routed unopened to the Office of Special Operations.) b. The Distribution Shit wills (1) Assign CIG control number. (2) Assign file classification number. (3) Prepare CIG Fern 36-1 in multiple copies, assigning a suspense date by Which time correspondence must be answered; establish a fellow-up system an suipense dates. CONIDENTM Approved For Release 2001/09/06: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ryq ,fAt.riAt, TtUrrO7(:'vTon.e3 (4) Prepare a ceneelidnted Receipt, CIO Form 35-3, for eaoh receiving Office or Staff qeotiryn ueesage Center and innure tho proper return of this receipt ft,r (41 (5) Route documents tn the Office or staff Uesence Center. a. The Office or rt2,tff "eee. Center will, (I) sioi and return '71(.11 Term 36-3 to Distribution Unit. (2) Choc% documnnt aiLainst copies of CIG Ynrr. 35-1 uhich are attached to each dectalent. (3) Withdraw Office ttoneage Center copy of CIO Pori* 35-1 and indicate thereon the particular office sub-division to which the document will be muted. (4) rile CIO /firm 35-1 by the CIO control number appearint; in the upper left-hand earner of the Form. (5) Route dog:mu-lent to kppropritite Reoeivine, Office. d. The Receivin.g Office will: (I) Record dooument in any appropriate lot; which will enable that office to acaount Dor ail documents received by it for action or OA a matter of interest. (2) Return document to Central Files, Distribution Unit, for permanent filing after it hen nerved its purpose. (3) If the document must be retained permanently in the receiving office, remove the copy of CIO Fora 35-1 attached to it. rote the name of the office of retention thereon, and return it to stribution Unit. 1. Outoing a. The arigir.hating offioe 25X1A in conformal)** with CV) Adminietrative Instruction tic, (1) check document and envelopes toy corroot reparation (2) Address envelopes. (3) Insure that a receipt (GTO Porn 38-15) has been prepared and is attached to all documents classified CONFIDMIAL or above. , Nt_ Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 gew,mved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A (# A171P[ItvettATIVE INUTPI:CTT()1(4 (4) Insure that a copy of the doeceleet in attached to be withdrawn by Diutribution Unit and forwarded to Contra/ Files for pormanent record. Tu Central Files copy will have attar:A:04d to it, when oiroumsttutees require, a mentortaldiun for record, or rll buck slips, inter-office memoranda, and noten which have preceded the preparation of tile document. Attach a CIO ;i'orra .12 a epecial method of diapatch I anntrad. 1?0.. "Air rail," "Rer,istored," "3pocial Delivery," "Pouch," "to. (0) Record tho document in the office: of origin log and dispatch it to the Office or staff tteseage Canter in accordance with inter-office chain envelope procedure (see Seotion 403). b. The Office or Staff Meesage center will: (1) Check to see that an adequate number of copies of the outgoing document has been prepared. (2) Insure the adequacy of the memorandum for record on the Central Files copy of the document. (3) Cheek to nee that adequate envelopes and receipts have boon prepared ibr use of Distribution Unit. (4) Assign each document a number preceded by the authorised abbreviation or symbol for the Office or staff Section. Thin number will bc placed above the retura address on the outside envelope. (5) Reocrd the document in appropriate log and forward document to Distribution Unit in the inter-office chain envelope. (6) Get in touch with Dietribution Unit to determine the :muse of delay if a copy of CIO Form 55-1 for each outgoing document has not been received within twenty-four hours after its release. c. The Distribution Unit will: (I) Check the document to see that it is properly prepared. (2) Assign a CIG control number. (3) Assign& filo classification number and indicate cross- referenoes. (4) Prepare CIG Form 35-1. (5) Forward to office or Staff Message Cantor one copy of CIG Form 35-1 as assurance that the document has been dispatched. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A ChVAT:1710. o!' Atritli:;TWITTIT (6) rorwurd the doeument after it has been properly recorded mid coaled to the Contra). wail Unit for actual dieputeh. d. The Centro.). Iteil Unit wills .1....??????????????????????1110?1?1?1111.11.111?10.1.11?????????????PM.m.?????????? (1) Determine from notations on CTO Form 36-11, if nttaened, what special handling has been requested ter the document, and handle in that manner if poorsible. (2) Prepare and maintain all reoords and receipts for envelopes of olassified documents. agency. (3) ;f feat delivery of document to proper transmit:I:tag e. Sealed Documente If for security reasons outgoing deotuaents are to be nestied in the oftioe of origin and tho (mutants are not to be seen by proceasing personnel, the originating Office will: (1) 5041 the envelopes, placing on the outside envelope a number, preceded by the authorised office abbreviation or symbol, for the use of central L'ail Unit in recording the envelope. (2) Attach Form 35-11 indicating whether document is to travel through classified or unoiassified channels and any speoiel nanditlg requested. (3) Dispatch to central !Sail Unit via office!..eaaaga center. f. Pouch Documents Doouments to be diepatched by pouch from CTO to dentine- tions outside the Diatriot of Columbia through Courier or ainnttr 25X1A service will bo processed in the same manner as any other outgoing document (see Section. Documents from OSO intended for dispatch to locations outside the District of Columbia will be delivered already wrapped to the Central Mail Unit, for and twrearding through proper transmitting channels. 3. Inter-Office a. Office or Staff Ilessage Center rrocechires It is the responsibility of the Office or Staff Vessage Center to keep adequate records of all inter-office handling and routing of docusenta. Chanmeling of documents through Central Records will not be required in inter-office exchanges. The system for recording inter- office documents will bo developed to fit the needs of each office, the Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO vATTUAL (W AD'INISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS only requirements being that, at all times, the Office or Staff Message Center will be able to account for the disposition of both incoming and outgoing documents and Appropriate security precautions are observed. The log used for recording outgoing documents may also be used for recording all types of inter-office documents. b. Filing of Inter-Offioe Documents Inter-office documents which obviously are of no permanent value will not be brawarded to Central Files for retention. The de- termination of the value of inter-office documents will be made either by the originator or the final recipient. Inter-office documents will be forwarded to Central Files if they: (1) Contain valuable background information which will supplement the information contained in the memorandum for record an the Central Files copy of outgoing mail. (2) Contain information supplementing a published directive or order. (3) Concern a subject of permanent value either from a policy or a historical viewpoint. o. Transmittal of Inter-Office Documents Documents traveling between offices will be forwarded 25X1A through the Messenger and courier Syntex in chain onvelopee (nee section ligier or TOP S ECRET Control Officer. , except TOP SECRET which will be handled either by TOP SVCRET 25X1A LOGGING AND ROUTING OF INTELLIGENCE INFORIATION, OSIER MAN COMM, CLASSIFIED BELOW TOP SECRET 1. Incoming, a. The Central 1!oki1 Unit wills (1) Open and route all intelligence information received in CIO to the Information Distribution Unit, Central Records Section, Services Division. The only exemption to this procedure is inceeing pouch material for OSO which, after being properly recorded, will be routed unopened to the Office sf Special Operations where it will be acknowledged by signed receipt. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For INpfr *Al IA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CIG t:AIMAT, 01,44P t T8TRATIVII Ilit:TRucTronr. b. The information Distribution Unit wills (1) Asnign v CIG control number. (2) Aseign a file elaseification !umber. (3) Record the ilocument on CIG Form 35-2. (4) Deliver each document to the proper representative of the Reading Canter, OCT), where the distribution to be n000rded the document will be determined. (6) 111):., neceneary records of distribution as indicated by the Reading Center on CIO Form 36-2 and withdraw Central Records copies of suoh Forms. (6) In 010 01400 of rR7, attach three copies of CIG Form 35-2 to copies of reports going to that Office. (7) Prepare Consolidated Receipts (CTG )brut 35-3) for all documents and insure the proper return of this Receipt from the office of address. (8) Dispatch each document to appropriate Offioo or staff tiessnge Center. c. The Office or staff rossago Center will: (1) Check clocumento against encloaed Consolidated Receipt (CIO rorm 35-3) which it will siit end return to information Dietribu- tion Unit. (2) Record receipt or documents In en appropriate log. (3) In the case of ORE, check the documents against the copien Of riG 'Term 36-2 attached to each document. (4) In the case of ORE, withdraw the three Message Center copies of ON Fern 5G-2 and indicate thereon the particular subdivision of ORE to which a document is to be routed. The three copies of MG Form 35-2 will then be filed as follows: one by CTG control number, one by source, and the remaining one by subject. (5) Dispatch documents to receiving offices and record disposition in an appropriate log. d. The Receiving Office mills (1) Reword reoeipt and disposition of doouments in an appropriate log. COWIDDITIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ;IHAI 25X1A Approved For Releate 2001/0086 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 v.:01.11A1, (2) In the (mail un, maintain reoord of dominants on Form 36-2 supplied the 1"00011rtaK office by PPE ,5essege Center. 2. Outgoieg Sines an at the present time distributes little intelligence information to outaido agencies appropriate instructions for its handling will be announced when and it the need arises. At the prenent tine out- going intelligence Infornation is processed exclusively by the Informa- tion Distribution Unit, Control Records rlaction. 3. Inter-Office 25X1A Intolligenoe infermation doolasonta traveling between ()Meer, will be processed In tho SUMO namor an administrative material (nee 3ection ), I.e., throuGh tho !Tensenger fled Courier nyaton in chain envelopes. Complete records willhe maintained in dispatching and receiving offices. 25X1A PROCESSEKG OF TOP SECRBT LOCWENTS 1. General Information u. Transmittal of TOP =Ian' noclumentn between Offices and Di aims of CIG Transmittal of 79P sumrT documents between Offices and icxecutivo stoir Divisions will he accomplished by a 707' SI:C11T Courier, e.g.. from CIRE to 00; from 3erviceo Division to Finanoo Division. Branch. It in permissible within CIG, however, for one Assistant TOP =run Control Officer to dialWF a TOP SECRET document to another Assistant TOF VCRET Control Officer, tho necessary receipt being obtained, provided Central Records, Services Division, AW HrttnoI,L, is informed of such change oV responsibility. b. Trenemittal of TOP SECRET Documents between Units Transmittal of TOP aNCRET documents between units of an Office or Executive staff seotion will be effected by the Assistant 7107 SECRET Control (fficer of the Office or Staff Section concerned, When =Office or Staff has personnel in several different buildings, it is permissible to request n. TOP SECRET Courier to effect deliveries between buildings. o. TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet (CTO Porn 38-15) The TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover sheet (CIO Fore 38-13) will not be removed from a TOP SECRET document until the document iU Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A( 10 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 1,1AllUAL. :11;;;TItT,CYT(Pc:1 deatroyod. downg,raded, ur diaputched outside of CTI. :!oncevor, when decumant ia se treated, the perticular dieposition in noted on the TOP 3NCIIRT aigiaturo Himont and Cover sheet and the sheet is sent to Special Diatribution that to be filed. This sheet will serve au a: cover to a TOP 3ICCII2 document awl will provide h record of all indi- viduals who iscire had ameba tc, the document. !*oh individual who uses or processos m TO1 3D3Rilri doctaeontisitu mffix his aigtatuve to the sheet and indicate thereon date arxd time or reeeipt. When releasing material to anothuV authort4ad thdividual, 4n v7111 arflx hiriiultinin anJ indicate data and ti7oilo of rpannmo. 2. TnatglinG a. Special Distribution ,i?roeedurce Ali 7312 JECilET dooumonte, adminiatrative or intellt gene? (except cables, and decumen1.4 portset.nin.:, solely to the Office or Spoofed operations), ahall be delivered initially to 3peoial Distribution Unit, Central Records Sootion, Sorvicen Dtvtaion. (Any member of CIO who reooives a TOP3.FXRF,11 dooumont from an outside source in a rann.ner which has by-passed :Ipscial Distribution Unit will report the fact to Special Distribution Unit an soon ea possible in order that the document ray be properly proceatrod.) T1,0 Spacial Oistribution 1.Tni t will: Astign CI ,1 control number to each document. Acsia.cP Me c1mcrifIcation number. Leg dooteuont. (4) :itsple i37V:17:7 :1nal;urn Incord (CIO ;i'nrri'48-1Z) to dootrunit. (5) In the once of adrainistrativo documents, determine the routing to be given each document and mako appropriate notations on all records and CTO Fon m 3(3-1% ro,for rluot CO) In the case of intelligenee in.formation, pace the cloomont to a specifically denii;natod raenbor or the neuding ranter, ("CD, i'or determination of distribi)tion. (7) Veko a record of the recormaemded distribution after the document retunur from the Reeding center. (8) Prepare a Dooument Receipt (CIO Forn 38-18) for each document. (9) Route each document to appropriate Officeor Staff Section Message Center. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CTO l,"ArVIAL AIM TirtrITItA?PrE 1:RSTIV3CTIOTIS a. The Office or SiAtff section k401111$160 Center will* (1) Chock document against the Document heeeipt Porn 38-16 which it will sign and return to Special Dietribution Uni through the Messenger-Courier system. (R) locorA document in n TOP SEM? log. (A euggented log sheet that may be used is CIO Form 38-14.) (3) Ineure that tho Signature Record and Cover Shoot on each document in Initialed by everyone examining or handling the doou- ment within the oneage center. (4) Re(pent Ito Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer to deliver the Tnr nrenrT doounent to the receiving offioo where the docu- ment will bo noknowlodosd by eignature in the !,easinge Center TOP SECRET log. An optional procedure will be to have the document delivered to the receiving office by a TOP SP,C1,1:T Courier, in Whieh ease the Courier will nign for the envelope containing the document and make delivery to the Receiving Office where Document Receipt Form 38-16 willbe eigned and returned to the Office VOOBU60 CoUt4r. d. The Receiving Office will: (1) Sign for the document in the Message Center TOP SFCRF1T log if delivered by Assistant TOP SEMI' Control Officer; er, sign nnd return Document Receipt Yorm 33-16 if delivered by TOP SECRET Courier. (2) Enter the document in a TOP SECRET leg. (3) Insure that each person handling or examining the document entero Lis name, initiald, and dates of handling on the Top SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet. (4) In case it receivee permission to J.ownvado or destroy the document, remove the Signature Record and Cover Sheet, note the particular action or disposition at the bottom or the Sheet, and forward the Sheet through the Office or Staff Section Message Center to Special Distribution Unit, central Reeordo section, Services Division. (5) If the document is inielligenoe material, forward it to the Reference Branch, ORE, for permanent retention in the TOP SHCRET files of that office. Here the Signature Record and Cover Sheet will be removed alter notation has been made thereon that the docummut has been filed, and the Sheet returned to Special Distribution Unit through the Office or Staff Section Vessage Center. (6) If a document is of special administrative nature, forward it with Signature Record mud Cover Sheet still attached to Special Distribution. Unit for file. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO VANUA!, OF Alt' DTIOTRATIVE /118TROCTION8 3. outipinG n. Oenerel 10.14111110...?????????? A TOP SECRET document propared in mn office will he proc- onned in the following manner: b. The originnting Winne will? (1) Check to coo thnt it conforms to Cu; correapendence and/or security regulationa. (R) Insure that security olassificution iwolA pruperly affixed with appropriate nuthority indieatod tor the classification. (3) Prepare noocipt 7orm :58-l5 to be attached to the document. (4) Prepare two envelopes, tho smaller to be stumped with the TOP SECRET elnenification. (6) Attach n TOP sITRIIT Sicnature Record und Form 36-13, to the document. (a) Assign to the ,loeumeot n number preceded authorised initials or eymboln of the preparing office and the TOP SECRET log. Cover Shoat, by the enter in (7) Deliver the document to the Office or Staff Mowing? ntor and receive a signature receipt to the TOP STOUT log of the ,a,iginating office. If the oricinating office is in a different ?-AildIng from that or the Office or Staff !Inflow Conter, tt Tar SECW2 Courier ehould be called and n sealed envelop? Killen him contniuinG the document, the Receipt Form 38-16, the prepared onNolopen, the Signature Record and Cover Shoot, and a Document Pocetpt (ori 88-3.6), the latter for execution by the Assistant TOP M3CRET Control Officer of the Office or gtaff Section Uessage Center. Tho originating office will require a receipt from the TOP SECRET Courier for the sealed envelope and its contmate. o. The Assistant TOP SECRYT Control Officer will: (1) Sigp Per the document in the TOP SECRET log of the originating office, or open the sealed envelope delivered by the TOP SECRET Courier and execute the cro Document Receipt (Form 36-16) which will be returned to the originating office. (2) Record the document in the TOP SECRET log of the Office or Staff Message Center. Special care must be taken to insure that each person handling or proossing the document executes the attached Signature Record and Cover Sheet. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001- cIo tImituti, OF AIJIIITIT3THAT1SH narnitionons (3) Check to see whether the document ham been eorrectly prepared, properly signed, and receipt and envelopes; attached for Win of Special Distribution Unit, Central Records Section. (4) Deliver the document to the special Diatrubution Unit and receive in his TOP SECRET log a eignature receipt therefor; or, es an optional procedure, enclose the document (to which will be attached a Dacument Receipt, Form 30-16) in a sealed envelope and call a TOP SECRET Courier. The TOP SECRET Courier will sign a receipt for the envelope and its contents and make delivery to Speoial Distribution Unit. d. The Special Distribution Unit wills (1) in for the document in the TOP sncnET log of the Assietant TOP SECRET Control Officer making the delivery; or, if the material has been delivered by TOP SECRET Courier, sign the envelope receipt and the enolosed Document Receipt (Form 50-16), the former to be retained by the Courier and the latter to be returned to the appropriate Office or Staff Seetion message Center immediately. (2) Record the document on the standard record slip (Form 35-1), one copy of which will be returned to the Tlessagn center of origin. (3) Insure that a Receipt Form 38-16 has been prepared, as well as the envelopes necessary forthe dispatch or the document. (4) Insure that the Signature Record and cover Meet hue been properly executed by personnel in Special Distribution Unit who have handled or processed the TOP SECRET document. (6) Remove the Signature Record and Cover shoot noting thereon the disposition which is to be made of the document. (6) Remove and file the Central Files copy of the document. (7) After preparing necessary envelope recordn, determine the correct channel for the transmittal of the document and deliver it thereto. 4. Inter-Office a. The Originating Office will, (1) After checking a document for correotness, security classification, and authorization for such classification, make proper record in the office TOP SECRHT log. winFN,1 AL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO ',WM'. Ole AIM TNISTRATTVL: TIISTROCTIONS (2) Attanh A TOP SNCRRT SiGnature Record and Cover Sheet, Form 38-115, to the thJoument und indioato on the uecond lbw of the Cover Sheet the nano of the :trot pornon to whom the document will be nent. :livor the document to the reuiettult TOP ONCRET Control Officer of the office or staff Message Center and secure hie eignuturo in u 701 ECRET lee; or, uu an optional pr000dure, onolouo tha document (to which will be uttaohed & Document Receipt, Form 38-10) in a sealed envelope and (nal a 70P SECRET Courier. Tho TOP SECRET Courier will it a receipt for the envelope and Ito contents and make delivery to the Assintant TOP SECRET Control Officer of the Office,' or Staff Message Center. b. The office or Staff Vection Message Center will: ???????????11.011..4.100.10100.1* (1) in for tho document in the TOP SECRET log of the origlnatinE, offloo; or, IS delivered by TOP six= Courier, sign the envelope receipt and enolosed Document Receipt, or 3e-16, the tomer to be retained by teo courier and the latter tj be returned to the origleating effice. (a) TCY SLC.7011 log. (3) liter the T,,n eeeMT document in tho eessage Center Insure that each portion who handles or proms:me the document execute? the Signature Record and cover Sheet. (4) Deliver the doeument by Aesistmnt TOP SMUT Control Officer to the receiving Office or Staff Section Message Center and have the Aseistant TOP =nal' Control Officer of that Office sign for the doounent the origineting Office or Vta:f Section VeseaGe Center log; or, will aend the document in an envelope covered by a receipt by TOP SECRET Courier to tho receiving ISessago Center, insuring that a Dooenent Reoeipt, Fdra Weld, is eaclosed for execution and return by the Aseintant TOP SECRET Control Officer of the receiving e:enisage Center. o. The Receiving e!cecage Oontor will: (1) Sign for the document in the TOP SECRET log of the originating Message Center; or, sign the envelope receipt and enclosed Document Receipt, Form 38-16, the former to be retained by the TOP SECRET Courier and the latter to be returned to the originating Message Center. (2) Record the document in its TOP SHCRET jog. (3) Insure that each person *he handles or processes the document within the Message Center executes the Signature Record and Cover Sheet. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CTO ',1A/TI1AL OF Ar1 INTS111ATIVEISTItUCTI0115 25X1A (4) Deliver the document to the receiving offices by Assistant TOP SECRIV Control Officer who will obtain a eiwature receipt in the TOP IR:CRET log of the Keneuge Center. If the reoeiv- ing office is in another building, it will be ne4.1oseary to deliver the document by Tor nriCIIET Courier, the ountomary receipt being obtained. Upon receipt or the document, the receiving office will sign Document 11109ipt, Ports 88-16, end return it to the message Conter. d. The Receiving Office will: (1) 3iip the TOP 3ECRET log of the Lesietant TOP 8LCRI:1! Control. orficeilor, if the docuntont has boon delivered by TOP SECIlliT Courier, sip the envelope receipt and .the Doeuraent Receipt (Form BE:-16), the former to be retained by the Tni, CHT courier end the latter to be returned to the eneenge Center. (2) Record the document in its M.' SI:CRET log. (3) Insure that each person who uses or handles the document executes the TOP lucTIM Signaturelecord and Covor shoot. 6. Ontaoing TOP SECRET Intelligence ft. General Instruction All CIO-produced Tel, TICRBT. intelligence documents will be distributed by the Special Dletribution Unit, Central Recordu Section. aervices Division. Upon receipt of such documente for die- tribution, 3pecial '.;listribution Unit will auppli the oribinatint; orfice with a Consolidated Reoeipt (CTG Forn 3.-!) for all copies. It will then distribute the documents in accordance with existing security regulations. 'rELIMOTT RVICE 1. eeneral a. The CIO Telephone sw.itehboard is operated on a 24-hour day, 7-day week basis. The te.lophone number is Duscutive 6115. b. Official telephone extensions in cm are to be used for the transaction of official Uusines. Pay station telephones are provided in the corridors of buildings Thrust) of Individuals in makinG personal calls. 2. Directory Service umm????lormal ??????. a. A GIG telephone directory is published periodically to furnish telephone information on personnel of CIO, Government Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 11+i r Approved For RdleVie"2001/09 0 : CIALRDH1-0728R000100010001-2 CIO MANUAL OF AMITTII8TRATIVF, TIISTIttICTintle Di rl Codes, miscellaneous numbern frequently used, and general informa- tion relating to the uee of the dial telephone. Telephone directories contain classified information and an such must not be removed from CIG premises without permission from the Beourity b. It will be the responsibility of each Office or Staff Section to forward to the Chief, Rerviona Division, attention, chief operator, up-to-date rooters or pernonnel, notices of chengen in exteeniono, and information onnoernine, deletions, in order that an accurate, current directory may be maintained. o. Theployoes may cell retort/lion 431 to obtain an exteneion not listed in the directory, or any other telephone information. 3. Long Distance Calls all..1111?????????1111MID a. Authorised long dietaries, calla of an official nature be made through the CIG switchboard facilities by calling the Long Distance Operator (Dial 01). b. 7,ach Office or Stal'f Section will 2.-Urnish the Operator with a list of the officials authorised to approve long dietance telephone culls and no long distance calls iill bo placed un- less approved by such officials. e. Long Distance cells should be of as short duration ns possible and should be made only when the business to be transacted in of such urgent nature that special mail or telegraph facilitien would be inadequate, or when oiroutestonoes dictate the necessity for personal oopreunicetion. limn practicable, long distance calls will be made station-to-station rather than person-to-person. CIG switchboard and telephone facilities are not to be used for placing long diatanco calls of Et personal nature. Tr, tuider emergency conuitions, these facilitioo are used for personal calls the Fiscal Section, Finance DiVilliotl? will collect from the user the commercial ruto o: tho oall, plus Vederal P,.xciee Tax. 4. Repair or Other Telephone 3ervioe Requeste for necessary telephone installations, repairs, or other related service will Le communicated to the chief Operator. Approved For Release 2001/09/06: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Li APproved For Release 2001/09/06 : MAMJAI, A1 1111,;%",ir(V,JIi 1. 4.4urposc 84138140728M00-1 00010001-2 1111- Mii,:ii),),qATI01,: Thu purpose of thio instruction in to assie,a tho responsibility and establish the routinom for processing the transportation of CIG aa- ployoos, thoir i=edlate familion and/Or household oods and effects, and the transportation of official supplies nnd equipment. 2. iunctions and tosponeibllitios a. rho Transportation ?i'octon, iorvicas niViNion, will bo res- pan:tibia for: (1) Arratilni; all transportation for JJ civilian an0 military porsoannl, Inc ludint; :novelent of iriLlotliato fiuios tx:ad ffoQtc 'Atom% permanent ehano or station is involved, proodrin hotel, air arit rail reservations, arran6in travel itinoraries, 1.0614111 Transportation Requosts; necurin,L, for overseas travel, necessary theater olourances, passports and ViU5L8, necessary air pnc,orities for trrxelor and any qxeofin bug6a6e, reservations of space, and Orlofin6 of traveler. (2) arran6ini; for shipment overseas of supplies ann oquiplent including preparation of necessary shippinG and related documents; main- tainin6 close liaison with L.?;., ospatch.1'orta of :Tmbarkation, ..)feice of the (Ziof of Transportation - 6. b. rmy, and iar 'iransport :/and for (A)tainin,; upaoe ruaervationn. (3) 1=rovidin6 7iotor transportation For civilian hn6 tilithry porsonnol on official business in and around t.he )istriet of '-olumbia; taining a Larao for repair, storage und assiGnmont of all vehicles in the ;Motor Pool. b. Tho traveler, the office or urf :iections concerned, and various other officials and administrative divisions will be rospenaible for certain other functions connected oith trausportstion us discussed thral6hout this instruction. 3. forms Used Listed below are forms or other documents used to request and authorise transportation, together with a brief statenent as to the initia- tion and purpose of each: Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06':'CiA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 it; 1,11.1r;Al or;y LiV1VPI:r1-1! !Tr !P; a. Aim Noe 34-6, iravol!invert, Is initiated. by the sponucr- . Inc Jffico 41. jt:off :ActIon to roqurst at10 truvol nu* at c-%dioyon thud iu tho basis on which the l'ranaporthion aootIon oxecotou n TraviA ordor. b. !ILI,. 34-4, l'ravol fixooutod by t,),,1 fruhapur- tn tAT-1371"00t tho 177.:771-of tho oilo oo ut ,ovurrfuoht ouponae, man iu tho buniu on whi(;h tho (.11,1o:.!uo nu,! 016 LA reinOoromient, for ex- p01130B inourrud Lu ounnootton thoronith. c. 3G-U. :0.1.uoot Vur ,voraoua :.rr,nopc!rtution, in , initiated by TglriTiMIPTI:17177filion or -turf 1/.] roquost ovarueua travel of the er3p1oyne and i3 lacd to aouura ull roquired clearancos. it In :Liao tho baaiu on wOic..1 ;r4roportnLioi; arl-aton tution for tho oltployao. d. trans for Lottor tLori r.t u, 'or:lanout, oi.' :;tation is excrja-by tho ja7777rsonnol i7370770:771777717075117-770 faot that ige trunafor is to tho intnropt tb.o t;ovomnunt, rind constitutms the basin uuthority by th o:;enoy t'or 4!,t1c: tr1..)r,.; o o.4i.a.,yen, aiu iamediate fahily and ho1aahol6 Looda fur offotli. The for,: nuat be OA- 'looted prior to Lthe dato aotnal transportatio l.min3, ond :hist contair all basic authorizations tm biq Lrftntod cobecTuent aAlohdneih!,s oriunwt bo mado for tep-rpouu of ,,roni,In addftiorti c. 1.el-16th of Sorvioe r0OOn t bv ?,mploycle is qxocutd obipioeo ovorsous to indicato his agreement to rolain at an overseas place of omployment for a Aninum porioo of tanuty-four molltIta unu aorvoa un the buala for autnorisatian or idsapproval of trn.vol fro.1 :)verssas )Otnti o no United ;I:fitflti at :C$VO4r1t;. cxponno. f. Form ho. 36-27, iiequoat for :.ovoNont of uroWor fouso- hoil :,ireots, is initiated by tho 0.1ployoo to roquost tho ::,ovemont of his family aniTr houcehold ?fronts in connocLion with his chan,e of of;icial station, and to proltl.he particulars horoof. The oric,inui and one copy are forwurced to the '2rannportation Soct:on to he usad 4Ct buaiz for ar- ran6ing the trfthsportation of th,! tho case of Jverseas tra;o- fer, a copy ia retained by tho Transportation Clearance ,fficor to be Lined, 25X1A at thn proper time (:.;e0 as h :11siu for roquosting the Cargo Unit, Transportation Section to ship the enployec's housoholO, goods. g. Form No. 36-4, Requost for ,)veracas Shipmont of Cargo, is initiated by tge Transportation Clearance officer or the office or Staff Section concerned to request the Cargo Unit, Transportation Section to pro- ceed with the movenent of the employee's household oohs or pw.'sonal offeets. h. Form Io. 36-5, Reuest for Pick-Up and Dolima, is initiated by the Tranwi3FEO117117ftearance jff oor to furnish specific information to the C.,,rgo ?nit, Transportation Snotion as to location at which the pick-up of the household 4000s and porsonal effeets should he made. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 :jt,- .;.;br ? 4. Inl'ar:.;ation re'oreler tti1cinfdruation r. iati, Go travel contained lp to, .A ,IpArdixed '0,)varriatont F..ave,1 !IA! (i.14?,itidOd UM' 41Art)11,1j vt,A0!.,t1.4 ,;iroulur A-7, 40v1Atod. inVor.JuLion oov,I.od Lilumo basic ntruct.iJus iu ttot ruprodwied imral,raphs not fir t AAJ:linintzaLivo wad xtfuit & oi pertinrtni a . I 'PI. {n:1 VOL- 11.(1., *1 1.0O t.riod 4: lo 1/41, w4u .'rsior, Pnr:1 rs.'....oU Li rd.) pot- crt4vul 4i t.,11111 tile. Q0111, 5.1141' ,!; rift LUIS I:Iicr i ood in ur, fj I ,1,4 'Z.:4, ni Lull ; t;t4 ? r;tt4 I !1t P1.I t.10 pbIr io,,,?.?,.rp.3,t, for potinelun travel of i:ord 'or (rdotnul parts ..)1. A 01.:;:y thc,' od.:4.4,,Inctrannt or ,1/2nidlt,, r:;.)!dod.: ',!41?1:11 or trt fq+r? CUT 1 ar?,;* 4i:(r r .1.;) r o r -,ot.oreof. or ? 7 1)i f:1.1?)f,.; ..e!t 0711o1h2. iitntion . LNt, C.R) or ,Cor tkny ab:pya,?-. ChM r 313 wj1. ti41 dtd,(1 4...,r,tvol or rr:r I r ,j. :Li lool , 1.).!/ tun , Inland r, . L.:: a r.d ; , ? , '?, ?;. ? :70 rl JO 1,0), 'A '30 LIN c, r000, tow, tip, u. i;, Qiut:11,1?, GrLinrtat.lon hei7offeen .0)r ;more. ? !LU. ii ..uc.,1; ? b. 1 i&v LiI .1;, IN tn Lu.; ( ) tf louvc: hc.itc;,1 iu6 Ar 1:".1Lni ?j :njnnr,vvlor'h drelor5.1)c4 allwmdco j1 11. tervd- nate or ;in at t1c. hfcrie ti.c; othorlti:in traveler ail! ro,%rdoC beln, in 4db3luteneeht.atda r'noulq;ILt; 0: .'1" :Lazy" ticl J11 --';" -01-11414 herviou IA rendervel 4.r.toeu(33.4.:, tk;o .190.v of tANionco are. fro,: of tho day on whio4 actual nervioe 1-uadnod. Leavo of Lbsuncu ?hully within u day or hulf or leue of too i.erehoribed workinb hA.r4. will bu die- rczarded for oubsistInou t)nrponoh; ro Lt oxoccde dalf f )reacribod workin)] 11:mrh, no subsistence will t),J ..Ildwed fur tleL day. (2) The effect of sic.: trd/or annuul leavo upon thu con- tinuity of ",:n.vulor's do=ioilo at teuporary post of duty shall bo adxin- iqtrutiv31:, detArnined upon 1;ho olrowAntancoa aurruundinc the leave, and final uuthority fur such determination ii11 rost wt ti the Certifiint, ifficer, Fisoa1 3aotion, nho approves thc acc,runt for ./flyrAInto c. Advance of Funds 6here necessary to defray caste of contenplutod travel, an application for advance of funds may be :Ando to thn Fiscal Jectieu, Ammo() Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ci(; P:,tAuut,;, ?U;':,tH;171.)1::; 25X1A Avislon, iii acoordanoo with instruetiona contained in LJo instruction tho traveler Upon 10,AlGutiO.' of iimri of nvimanity. uf the protAwa fr uoh on im borne the traveler. d? Itedponalbilit': of Lim .'revnier Ihotravolorxi 11. bo for: (1) oxa:idnin,; his Cravol .,rder to ter?inc, tdokt IL specifies all requiromente, ineludint, ribkal 4f tVa:;adr,ortatiOn, dorlo(i zevered, plaCua to be viaited, any H/oclei authorizatioes, pOr fJcnfi or uthor allOWIth093. if the, ,:rder C.oes uw; provide adequate covorao, an wvindmont should be requested throo.h propor Ch4nnOlu t;rior t,o departure. (2) la3.ntadnin,,, hoot:fat," remorec oV depar tun,: fro,1 rind arrival at (lest-lest:lees, orfi c1.1:1 ,:s:;.penditurov inclsein,; copies of toisixo"ls am( any pai41 reoenpts. (3) asoertainini; if throuc,k, c4CtillGion, or roduCed rate round trip tloketa cah bo obWined. f fac1. that tho axistuncu such rates nay not iui,ve boon ',frown to the travelor doeu not relieve him of res- ponsibility of obtaininG lowt.w. rates. ten, travolini;by ce7,-thion currlor, d'ovornment Transporta tier: Requests furni shed by T rarsporto ti or :',10t-Zi.cin ouot bo used. (4) submittinc, ;,ublic Voucher for iiii:quurcomedt of Travel and ;that' XOttO iiri sr oinm, btandard Porm 1012, in nor- 25X1A daneo with instruationo &lows in Adainistrutive (nstruction Ay unused eertion of tleets must be attachod to the Nelmbur3ment."7777gr. 25X1A (0 oxorciaintf: utmost cure in loardlink; UnoX004tod '...rann- portation Roquosts sinco the valet of los or stolen l'ulquents may bo chari;esi to the velployoe. In the event of loss or thoft, traveler isnot report the number(s) of the !ioquost, where approprieto the number of the bed% in -Ahich it woe contained, um( an oxplanatien or m facts surrouhdinb ths loss -,14001 theft to Transportation.:...ection which will 'orward the infornntion to ii- cul '300tion for report to (Amaral ,tcoountiN Office. If sucn Requests sub- sequently we located, tkwy oust be forwarded tlnodlately to Transporta- tion Section foe .canoollation. iockeesta forwamiod Vtrouo the must be re6istered. DOUXSTIC TRAVa ??????????????? The procedure outlined below is applicablo only to travel by vouchered funds ?Apia:foes performed entirely within tho continontul limits of' Ole United 3tato. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A qffar? Fort:ReMase. 209,1/99/016,:,Q1A,-(R.PrP811;-00728R000100010001-2 . 1. Action bw i(ocinotinL Jffico Tho requantinG offloo wIll ?,ropsro ruvnl kequest, rom 34.6, in duplicate, have IL approved by clio Citiof or the ,Tfice or otaff cnation or Rim desi,poe, and forward it to too Transport,.tion :iooL1. on at loust forty-siGht hours prior to the tiiiotravel is Lo boe,in. To moiond a pr-vimsly issued 'A'ravel jrder, the requesting office will sabolt now Wor4 he. 34-6 in the saiml miuuolr. 2. Action Ov Transportation OecLion Tho Transportation '.;hotion nill propal-o o Travel ,o%lor, lur7) 34-4, havo tno necessary onliotlon enf:mblinned uy tho provido tho travolor wt ti-; the orii,inal copy oC tne &der its aetherty for hin travel and for Usil an a aupportin6 pawn' when claim is sobeittod fur 25X1A reliAburnoment o3: expenses incident to hin travel in necordanee with IG Inn truo -Lion . The Transperte.tion :Action will arrance for ronor- vations, identification cards, and Trotnnportnton 1-OquoJt3 whore appropri- ato and il1 brief the: travolor on th,7, natio aDd ro6u1at:o portwanini; to c.I'ficial travel. 25X1A S. i'orwinent nano of OtAtion ft. do4uStit) ,Mio; lar21Nf011 pur.:,ont ChhaLo of orrioial station, the requentint; office will proeoed hJ mu catod in l'ara6rapn I shove, an.1 at thn tile will initinto rorsonnel J%ction .oNaest, obtain approval of the ';hief vl the )?fico or ittifc ana forward the corsonnol 'equest to tho oqrsOnnol b. Tho Transport:At:ion tIction will route a oop:i of On 6-6 to the Chiuf, l'eraonnel Livioion, with u roquest that u "Tranafer Lottor ;lutnorizinc, l'omanent Chuu-;61 of :Lation" bc propurad. 0, tim rarsoiuel .ivinion will pr-ipare to ':'ransfor..otter anth- orizin;:, transportation of the elploycc, hi n im:lodiate hit; house- hold Goods and personal offects, unless specific requont is :aadc L'Iat no!:!e of those itos shall not be authorinea; retain ono eol4 of tho transfer letter, forward the original to the 11::ployee, forward two copiou to the Aucal ectioz,Kinsnce an two ooplos to :,ine Transportation ::;oc- tion. I. TRAVEL To ,vErt:;;?,,vi tuiir The procedure outlined below is applioable specifically t.o travol from the United States to overseas points, etthor for the purpose of a per- manent change of official station or temporary duty abroad. CONFIDENT! Al_ Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 LIW HAMA', LU I LVC III:AfRUTT)NO 1. Action by RequestinG Offico a. initiation dequectu for movement of oorsonnol to ovorueas points will 1,0 initiated in duolicuto by the sponsorinc office or ttf Jootion on . 46-26, ialquost for Ovorneas Transportation, in accordance with inntruotions on too reverse thereof, and forwardod to tho official do- signatod an fransportatIon Okarunco Officor for the Offico or :;taff otos- tion oohcornod. b. Olouranco iho Iransportation (,:lcuranoe orficor will arruno for :locos- sary 3ocurity, assesnmont and i.'arnonnol clearancon, physicul oxwaination, imlunitation, traininc, and indoctrination of onployoo. He eill ostablish hocossury follow tip records to insuro that the for :oink; 'toms ere co:1- pletod by tho "availability du:A)" indicated on or 'o. Cc will 410 tno 'orm 36-23 aed forward it in Ouplieute to to Assistant Oiroctor or his deslipoe. Qs .i.ler.E71'1_22:_}.2-Aaal'. The aesistant Aroctor of tho i)ffico or his oOrioial Uesioome shall be the aoproving ofioial -itequonta for rversoes Transoortotion. t!oon hie approval of ':'orm 36-23, Of:lotion A thoroof will bo detached and retained in the Mos of the roquestin6 Of/Jo? or Staff jootion. 5octionn and C :7111 bo routor: to the r,ranaportation !:;ection es a basio for necoss- ary action to orocuro transportation for the ooployoe. 400 action by Transportwtion .;oction a. r'reiiaLinary intorviow Upon receipt of 'r)ora :;o. 36-23, the Transportation 3ection dill arranip ft preliminary interview with the prospective travolor bind on a standard check list covering all stops incident to the travel, i.o., financial arran6ements, indootrination, physical oxamination, immunization, necossary clothing and equipaent, conditions to bo encountered en route and at destination, etc. Item') to Se accomplished will be indioated on the cheek list, a copy of which will be forwarded to the Transportation Cleuranoe Officer of the sponsoring A'fice or Staff Section for appropriate follow-through. b. Travel jrdor Travel Order, Fora No. 34-4, will be prepared by the Trans- portation Section in an orio;inal and give copies. The Travel Order will indicate the appropriation and allotment chargeable and total eotimated r:v T P Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A UUNFICIIN{4_1 1 tmsrlavad F jp,ril,,Irsie;li:I::??11/9/061.iicileik.tlr1n-,00728R000100010001-2 00Mt of the trio. The original ut four oopiou, une af which shall be a certified true copy, will be transmitted to the Fiscal Seotion, Fin- 4h0o Division, for obligation. The 4ri6inal end oopy, the letter bearing evidence of obli6ation, will be returned to thA Transportation 30otion. The original oopy of Form No. 34-4 will 00 given to the em- 25X1A ployee as uuteority l'or his travoi and for use as a supporting paper in elaiAla; reiliburisement ur expensive incident to niu travAll in accordence with ,J114 ALLAinistrative instruation :31oarance C:ortificato The Transportatiozt ;:oction will arran,,,o for passports, vldau, identification curds, resorv4tions, Trandporthtion mNuouts, and Vhoator ;:utamanders' approval and air priorities whom, appropriate. Tho fransportetlun iieotion alli adoortain froai the Transportation Clearance officer that 14:=14atiorni, clearances and other itmis on tat, oheoK list havo boon h000mplishod mud that O., ta-Lowiew in availablo for doparture vo) scheduled.. eeotion of (..trui 141. 66-4:6 will bo detached and forwarded to tut, Initiatin6 offioer us notification o t.oployoo's dew of aeptArtero. Tho Tranaporation !;ection :i111 Lhon latiU0 t ;lourance .:ertificate to in- for:: Lilo o,Ap1ooe Kb to ti:ne and point 1J* departure and will auWtoritc hl^.1 to prow:fed to tho t-)ort of [mUnr.,:cation, and will arrano transportation t:hereho? A. .,:ci,ifieution of i;eparturo (1) .4.ftor dop1rtUr0 cmplozole i.ruxnoadquarLora, t:110 iranaportation '600tion i ii.notij sponLorin6 ?;.ifice or :A.nft ?,oction ane tno iravoi uni.t, Fiscal action, Fiaanco ivi u ott, of tno Cate of aeoh eepartare (Ana thuCia1;0 uno tiv4, maplujuo 18 requirod to report to tho of .:r.ibarKation. (2) Upon Oeparture of tho wiployeo from the /ort of .abar- '.;aton, to Tranoportqtion :iection Will notify th9 sponsoring '.)ffice, tho 7ravo1 t;nit, and the appropriate Chief of :cion. 0. onfirziation ot' .rrival upon arrival of tha 0,i4oyeo at hia dectinutlwt, tho ,;flief of Liission will notify the Transportation 'eotion, wno will inform the 4ensoring defico and the Ascal Section of the ti;:le, date and plac o of arrival. 5. Pormanent Chano of 1;tation a.'ahem the request for overseas travel involvos a permanent change of official station, the Requesting Office or Staff Section will, concurrently with the proparation of Form 3-23, iniLiato a versonnel Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CIP S. fer ? or Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 hat rui:verw,D1 v;:r; fFiI4z Aotion Requust, Form 37-3, obtain approval of tho /4noi stunt his desi000 and forward the Poraonnol Aotion Pequoot to to Divis ion. b. The Transportation :;ootion will routo u oody of 36-23 to tho Chiof, Peraonnol Division with k requoot that a Lettor Authorizing Permanont Chavgo of !itation" bn properod. iirootor or Porsonnel ).'kyr;., tit). "Tranofer 25X1A 0. Tho Personnol Divl nion eill procood as outlined under 3ootion 25X1A TRAVEL M1011 O?r,.:ASEA:1 TO U.:1'). The procedure outlined below is applioablo apocifioaliy to travol fron overseas points to the U.L;., eithor for tho purpooe of a porluinont chan6e of station or for temporary duty in tho Unitod Stottss. 1. Clearance and approval Whonever the Chief of a ission abroed wishoo to return an el- ployee to tho United Stateo for tonporary (iuty or poruanont ohan6o of sta- tion, he will forward a requost to the V,a8hin6ton office or :;teff :,ectioo ooncerned. The Office or jtaff Sootion will initiate or 36-23 in a similar manner as for an omployee who is to proceed ovorsous. Tnin form will be approved by the Aseistant Uireotw or his dooignoe and forwArdnd to tho Transportation jection. The Transportation Section will proparo tho Travel order, Yorki 34-4, and will forward the original to tho traveler who :oay nob proceed until receipt thereof, in the case of an amergoncy, the Transportation Section will forward a cable to the Chief of the Ovorsoas ission ioform- ing him of tho date on which the traveler raw! proceed. 14 ILICh instances, tho traveler will pick up his travel order upon arrival. 2. Per...r.E..t92..ianan Station If a permanent ?hence of station is involved, a .rom oil' be initiated and forwarded to the Personnel Division. The Transportation Section will route a copy of the Section "B" of the Request, Form 36-23 to the Personnel Division for the issuance of necessary Transfer Letter Authorizing Permanent Chance cf Official Station. The Transportation Section will then prepare the Travel Order, Form 34-4, and will arrange the transportation in the usual manner. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 1 y 1! C y1 Fr RitM?IVIT11.(9?Ti. 1 I T (MITI1-) .I4 P800:1 70R000100010001-2 5. Tamporary uuty in the United Gtutee a. Justifioation (1) Temporary ;;uty in the Snited States for an eziployee stationed overneus must be preponderantly in the interent of the Govern- ment, and as a dor:oral rule, tho por;od of duty should exceed any loavo whieh may be ranted the elployee. (2) Care must be exercised by the Requtine; Office in the selection of an employee for tenspontry duty sinou tho ?Metal opacity of that employee will have it bearinG on tho uulowabil.tty e expenses in- cident to such duty, e.6., juntifioution OF tellportAry duty for a clerk- stenographer would be difficult. b. Leave 10,01.11?1?111.?????? 'alb:mover an employee who is on teNporary duty In the Unitqd Staten spends part wf tho periot: on leave and part on duty, he will be en- titled to per diem allowance only for tho period actually spent in a duty status. 4. Returnees The Transportation suction will provide an escorL to meet re- turnees at the Port of Debarkation and will urranGe transportation from the Port to hondquarters when auch escort is required and speoific request is made therefor. TRSiTATIoR )z A?4Woa HoUSEHOL GJOL/S 1. General Provisinns and Limitation,: The provisions and limitations of Public Lew 600 and 1-;x_cutive Order 9805 shall be the basic authority for tho movement of families and household goods and personal effects: a. Transport,Atie.n of tha amployao, Aid initiodiato family, and his household doods ftnd erects must be authorized by the head of the Agency or his designee in a transfer order which specifically states that tat% trans- fer is not for the p7imary benefit or convenience of the wiployee or at his request. (Section 4, 80 9806) b. The Government will pay the transportation cost of em- ployee's "immediate family" only. "Immediate family" includes wife, child- ren under 21 years of age and dependent parents. In-laws are not considered as cart of the immediate family. (section 1, KO 9805) CONFIDENI iAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A "4 e A,p,frpy?d For,Reilease.209,1/:(?9;0H6,;.-Rp,' )11700728R000100010001-2 0. Transportation (rz' the Immodlato fti 1 f the cvlo.i0o shall So subjoct to the provisions of the Otandardized rravol lict;IjAtions ?Nieh relate to transportation. (Jection 3, E0 9805) U. 1:ciaisolto Lu ,ocus r4orAli effuc4% uhaii !iot inc.) ado aims, liquors, anival3 or bit-his hu 4 nooussary in perforN(noe of offi- dutios, or UtAtOgiUbil03. VUO-LL..D 7, c. Thu Attal:aum uclot ullov.anco for Qxo tr(Insportation ,)r house- hold 6uo,I1; and effects is 7,,.)00 pounds nut, or OW pounds paeked and crated !'er omployoos with faAlies, and 2, UJ pounis net or Sla pounds pacVod and crated for elployaos without fa:-illes. (Seotion 17, ?',J 9005) f. All transportation el1oao6 ?.) official station of atcrsvioy.ue ;f141. offectivo ..14-40 of the transfer, (X3001.. 11 ho excusive f Lje. s;aL in which shi?ping rustrictons travoi (Section b, In conhoution vu t: thry chance 1 boL;ih tvitnin tw.J ar rtne IAL Lho itAt or two ;oars sorvico ant: tiLic Suring and transportation Impossible. 6. Toriporary storao aff(:!cts MUt ROL sccope4 sixty ci.zvs. (.iectin 2), :id)5) h. Valuation ur proporty as declared 'or 0.4r,el3u8 niust nut oxcleed that at which tho lowest freight ratus will typl. If CAl- ?Ivor) ,hisires hiLhor Irs.nction he L'hin assulie ollar"cs inlurred In ix.ouss of the o!itir,,A!, at lowest raT;u. (oction 24, .i 9Eib) 1. Tho cosi, to the:ovornmuLt for transortIn,; his tuhodiLto fmlily, and his houscheic 0,1os an,.! offCuts mut. nnt OXGQed t4ts COnt by, the ;:.:ost economical ront butoun tho last offichd stuti,7in and tho now official ztation, except L-ht ear a /icy: hppoiree to an uvur- soul post, his izar.edii?to nouscho10: ?.;oods and ofroot :,1a.y bo transpertod at overuaent e:4ponec fros placo of tie;hal residence at tine of appointmemt to 0.ace, of uNployLaant outside continontal Unitod States in accordanco with ?ublic Law 600, pruvidod tivt uch expense shall not be allowed now appointeos unless rwci until the person solectod for appointment uhall arue in writing to remain in f:ho rivernmt/nt icIrvico for 4 secified time fullowini; his c;ppointaant ualose separated for reasons beyond his control. j. 2c- overseas trans,:ortation, the actual costs of paCzini;, uratinG, draya&e, umpackirt; unoratine: (not to oxoaed authorized weli; will bo allowed. (Section 17, FO 9805) k. For trahadortation within thu oontinental United 3tates, in lieu of payment of actual expenses, reimbursement shall be made to tho srlployee ou a commutated bauis at rates per hundrod pounds as fixc,d by zones in Sohedule A. (Section 12, EO 9805) 14 claiming reimbursement, otqi . Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A l; 1 1:,RATTIP13;117?,0728R000100010001-2 omployee rill ho roquirod to submit. original ovidonue showing point of origin, dostinatioh and weiLht. (fieotion 14, W PI105) Upon exoeution of a bond, an advance or funds may be nada to employee to cover the cx- ponces for shipman of housahold offsets within tho Unitod ';tates. tion 15, Ut:10:;). 2. Action ky cquenLia6 ir'fLuo m. The Transportation Clearance Wfieor will: (1) havo the (wployoo execute Yoru. Jo. 36-27, 1;eque8t fur W,ovemont of! P)Amily and/or flouushol:: 1Xfects, in an on and two copies prior to rmloaninG Wo) !equootn '1:,.)-Ji8portation ur Travol. (2) roviow t.o nrf)rwAtio,) Aimishod on cyrL: 3,;-:".7 to do- tor.7ino thb.t the request lc proprq-1;/ allow,,Llo in r.ocorchuoo with 1,,enoy policy an!. roolation. (3) list on th,) reverse of :'or m 36-27 any conditions inui- dent to tho request. In :any oases the -ovtraent of to employeeto favtily and/or hounsivild ipo :3 anl prsonal Jffects will bo conditional 'loon the fulrill-lent of cor%rAn )1.)116atio.h (Inch an 6;io procure iont of adequate holm- in6, Ulu approval of tho )f Licionafter tho olployee sorvod probationary or trial pori, otc. It is tho rosponsibility of t:lo fUearanee dfncer to indienta on tha rovorso side of or that the Trarlapor;aton .;oe;;:on shoot ueor t2.n fro% tho i1 ):rano tifTicer that all JUCII obliations hu Joon iaot r).!scre prucoodin,', with Lie %lovomont of the family and/or household ??uusta ono e;Tects. (4) send the u0oyoo to tho Traasportpition ;_:eot.on for ad- vioo conoorninc what coots tho ;;overnment will pay and .WLizt rospohs;bilitios tho 6ovornnent "ill nsathic in nonnoction with ',hu :4ovelont of his 2w-illy 'turf/or 11-Ylachol an offocts. (5) formard oriGinal an; i copy of .eret 30-27 to the Trans- portation ;fiction and retain n pondink, copy in hi a rile. 3. Aotion by Transportation 3oction x. Domestio Transportation. (1) In :ha case of domestic transportation, tho Transporta- tion fiaction will, upon receipt of Moro 30-27, advise the omployee to make his own arrangemonts for the novemont of effects and household goods and sub it reimbursement voucher for payment in accordanoc with the proviaions of Exocutivo Order 9305. C crki 1141_ Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A hRprfvmlif, jor,Relpni219FIA/R91?9:,..9.1,4Nims..hopz281R000l000l000l-2 25X1A (2) itdViUU t.iu tliAtii.oyOU i;runspurt, nit; i4avdiate faAly in act,: orduaoo Lb Lilo t)t&)Vijlun: u Jtio,dur.11 zod .,ovorlwiont. iravol ;05.. 6alatio44, 1..:xcour.lvo ..)rdar 98A), and At of iebruary 14, 1961. (tI. d3(a)) b. Traaleotur.).on Lu ano ;rt.n.t Jvoratiaa Tranmportatlon ;;ootion will: (1) upon roocipt o1 orb' 63-27 obtain from ;.7.110 :;loarar,co 1.ifficor .tno ;16-4, hoquaut for ...h.rtircoaa .ih1p- ::ko4a1: of .'.;t4ri;o,in iAplicato; ?d-b, ;ociuont fu ck-up raid 4.J0- 11vor;y, in tr.ipilcutoi oto,loeanoom rovvmtinG armn0A4nLs bo a4de for tno oovvriont of tno cviployon'u halodiato (2) Arrt.46o for 1;no uraidni...? pion-up 6.110 traPGportation of uftoct in Auoordanco WU, oatoblitthoki aut:4.)ritation. I (6)1ALUUL Li o itqlboru of tho o;ploy0Wa immediate faaily and arrani;a for pausportu, i.uilunizat.iona and Medical oxaminations, and Obtatill flOQUEStitAry p i w in uocoreactioi..1Wi. u trat,iblistleo auttiori.- za.t (4) ::,st..ublish tipproprtis pundini; filoN innintniu a follow-up unt.11 t.ho Auvomol.t. of houuohold an/or fuuily is Qom- TRAN3PJRTA'ao:i .AJAYL.; Jo.J. 1. o- -------- 1.4.? iuOifioooi Stuff SC.10ti.011 C01100110d will fill owt, on fur )?krtIlratoull i&lpoxi of Geire,o, thdieatiijpo of funda oitaripable, attach ono copy of requisiti,in of ;:rat 4011il to bet Shipped, and fortiar6 tore.,,o Unit, TrailtsporCht.on Section. b? I:taw? i,oaaibio facilitios will uo used to col- lect, paok and crato tho Iiroperty for ship:tent. Tno Car 6ci Unit will for- ward a shipping documont toisethor with a copy of Form 36-5, Request for Pick-Up anti Delivery, to Storage and issue. Upon receipt of the property, Gtorage and issue will l'orward a notice of delivery to tile cargo Unit, altar packing and crating, will issue au accossplished document notify- ing the Cargo Unit that the property, detailed as to weight and 'cube, is ready for shipment. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A flOW pp nyiyik Fon swofi1s-8ez28R000100010001-2 2. 3hipment to _Point of Imbarketion b. Upon receipt cd thu ass4;nment of apace, tho Cargo jnit will issuo a notioo of ahipmoh:, tc: Zitarage and insua or tA f;hf ccy:;v1rota1 enrriwr giving all necessary particulars au to the ahipment. In the event property prepared for shipment by StoraGe and it$SQ0 oannot be ,aloved to the point of aviburxetion by CC6 facilities, a '31(; 1411 of Ladin, will be isaued by the Jargu 1;o eff; shipmont fro2 t waroh:Aiso t'ir.,114;h coaiorelial means. 3. 4;hil,..7,ment to 3)estination a. Tile will conplote ohipmrat to destination according to t4eir rimpoctive pr000d!aroz. 4. .,othode of vaymont a. (It i11 of Ladini; will be used to transport naterial from inland points to -1= in connection with shipments through :Air and Navy channels. A copy of tho bill of ladin will be forwarded to the FiScal Ciection for oncumbranoce together with a copy of "Lotter of Transfer" in the caso of houaehold effects. Bills will be, presented b the carrlars din'ot to the Fiseal Sect!.en and payment will be nada in accordance with applicable re-ulations. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1C r (: ( IVI el ill IA E,1 () j\ (.; (, .1. .1 () ri,, () t) 1)1. N'i - 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 t:lti LOCAL T i:it:;61101iT,E,T1,4; 1. ixtjr raoilities n. 4 limitod numbor of puenonor onmi ahd truca:e, ti;rai,ped at and oporaLed from the rotor Po l, aro ? by '.11f) Traourtation :Action f'nr official nso b:/ 2. Limitations on Ilue e4. ut.1ic Law 600, 70th Courress, providoo othorMiue pr,r-Adol, no appro- priation ava;iablo for uny department nhall bo oxpondod.....for the maintenanco, operation and repair of any uvvernment-ownea pasuengor taotor vohicIo or aircraft no; U600 eelusivoly for (1.'- ficial purposes; and "official purpoues" shall riot include the transportation or offloors anti employoos bw:.woori thoir domicilos and places of employment.... Any ,ffloor or enlployee cif .4o Culp- ornmont rho Wilfully UfWG or authorizes 1c.ho uso of an:/ Oovem:Iont- owned passoner -notor1 vonic_o or k?iroraft, or a1 ailsongor motor voniole or alroraft loaded by the uovorntIont, for other than official purposes or otherwioe violaf.cs thc: provisione of tell] paragraph shall bo auspended from duty by the :wad of L:lb dopurt- ;lent conconted, a1,11 00!F.V21S C.J. ;p; ? fo t; f,bal Lodi and shnll be awyouded for n lonrwr period or nummarll: re%oved T.-iork office if oircumatanoes b. In view -;117 ti foregoltn, JLaWto the followin rul6s will apply: (1) Trips are not autoorlied to or frov; tho passolIgor's home or place where MOUI4 i?ro taKac. (2) C.haoffewrs aro forbiddoil to doviu'tc= fro:a ?Iiroct route to tit() destivation sot forth in the _Aspatcn1p unless previous approval is obtained from to Dispatchor. (3) Thl roqnirints of o;r:rW,1%; rui_?g posod un u ,aucard in official cars c,overn both chauffeur and passenger. 3. Operation of Aotor Pool a. Requonts for automobile transportation will e :4tadc phontl call to tho bispatoher, Uotor fool, Transportation .ioction. of the passenGer, time and pluen of departure and the dostination will be given, and passonbor will he requirod to report proptly to tho point of departure. Caro will be exercised to avoid reserving automobiles for ten- tativo trips, and tho Dispatcher will bo notified pr.-A:Aptly wrion sooduled trips are cancelled. CO* DENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO VAIIIIAL OF ASV Tn t3THAT VII: 1 11311111CVEM:i iltocinov..Fxr GigURRAL I. Purpose The purpose of thin instruction is to outlino the prooedure to be followed in connection with the requisitioning, prooureraent and tissue of supplies, equipment, and nervieen other than peroonai. 2. Organisation and Funatio 11 411??????????????????????? a. The Supply Sootion, Services jivioion, A Branch, in responsible for the procurement, aterage, maintenance, end issuance of supplies and equipment, and the procurement of contraatunl and miucel- laneous services required for the operations of the ca. To accomplish tno functions sot forth above, tho guppiy Section has established the f011owing units Proceesing Unit Procurement Imit Storage and Issue Unit Contract Unit 3,al Rotate and ?aintenanco Unit Appliance ?aintenance Unit Special Preourement Unit b. The Reproduction 3ection, servinen Pivtniov PA Branch* in responsible for providing through its men facilities or npo all printing and reproduction services, with certain exceptions, including composing, drafting, mimeotiraphing, ditto, offset printing, cutting, padding, binding, microfilming, photographic copying, photographic printing and enlarging, photostat, osalid, and identifioation photography. 25X1A El REQUISITIONING 1. Persons Authorised to Requisition Xxpondable items or reproduction work nay be requisitioned from the Supply and Reproduction sections respectively by the designated responsible officers of an Office or unit thereof. 25X1A b. Requisitions for non-expendable items, contractual services. and repairs to equipment must be approved by a Unit supply and Property Officer, and In the case of items the cost of which exceeds D600.00 the requisition must also bear the approval of the Chief of the Branch or activity for which the items are to be used. c. Requisitions for Communications items must be approved by the Chief, Communications Divinion. (See Section Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO MANUAL OF AL&IIII/6111ATIVI:Ile'r VMS 2. Forms The forms to be used in requieitioning supplies, oquipmont and services Prem the Supply and Reproduction Sections are a. Form 30-7, Request Per Rupplios, Nuipsent,and Servicon b. Form 3(3-2, Reproduction Requisition 3. oatalo Throe standard catalogs indicate all items stocked by CM. A. Catalog or office Supplies ;expondablo itoms)m b. Catalog of Office Briolpment (non-expendablo itoms) o. Catalog of nxpendablo v,edical Supplies * Part TT of the Cataloz of Office Supplies contains It licit of approved MG forms; also informaiJon as to the various reproduction techniques for guidance in requisitioning reproduction jobs. 4. General Routine for Ordering supplies, E uipmont and Sorvioea 41.1 Action by Requisitioning Office (I) Number of Copies To requisition supplies, oquipmant, or sorvioon, Fr.lros No. 3C-7, Request for Supplies, 741uipmentland lervicon, will be prepared in an original and two oopiee. (2) Approval The Requisition will be approved by the unit supply and Property Officer, if for non-expendable items; by the Responsible Officer if for expendable items; or by the Chief, Communications; Division, if for communications items. (3) Submitted to Requisitions will be ibrwarded to the Chief, supply Section, except in the case of Requisitions for expendable stook itens which should be submitted direct to the Office supplies and Equipment Sub-Unit. (4) Description (a) Requisitionssmast include a complete description of the items required. suggested souroe of supply if known, model number, specifications, and sketch of the itma when necessary. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001- CIO V.ANT/AI, OAre:IIITeT1/,AT Vi' 1?ereeeeTIoes (b) If utooked [teen, description must egret, with catalog numbers and nomenclature. (o) Requiuitionu for repairs should fully identify the item, including make, !serial number if any, and the nature of the repairs if kuown. FICEPTIORs - Safes - Repairs to or chances in combinations of safes will not be maae by the Supply Noction, and no Requisitions should be uubmIttod therefor. Requests for mach uerviee will be made by telephone or memorandum to the locurity Divinion. (roo 25X1A edminiutrative instruoticmil .) Ilienever it is necessary to necure this type of service,. from a commercial concern the eocurity Division will requeoc the f,;upply 30etion to procure the purview,. (d) Requisltions :or Contractual orvicon uuut be supported by explanatory momorseda or utatomenta of juutificntion an occasion requirec. Peolieinary conaultatiou wit?. t.(1 ch1orp supply Sootion, in suggested to resolve quo/Alone in doubtful MOOS. Under no circumstances 0141 neeotiationu be carried on or any contraotu or ageeements be entered into or obligations or commitment:1 made except by or on specific approval or a preporly authorized contractinG officer. (5) Point of Dolivery The point of dolAvery should bo inserted in the space) provided and may be a point other than the place where the Requisition originates. The original of the nequinition Form 10-7 will be the action copy; one copy will be returned to the Accountable Officer for record and for basic reference in the event of necoesary inquiries; the remaining copy, in the case of expendable stock items, will accam- paey delivery and be the record or receipt. The person recoivine the iteue, Will be required to sign the letter copy. (In case of deliveries other than thou? of expendable office nupplies carried in stock, serially numbered Porn 16-10 will be unod for receipt purponeu.) (6) When to Order (a) Requinitione for all supplies and services except expendablo stock itemn, punt be submit bed as fur in advance of requirements as possible and any special urgency should be stated and justified, netwithntnnding any oral clearance previously given. (b) Requisitions for expendable stooked office supplies may be requisitioned 24 houre prior to need, an delivery of such iteme will usually be made within 24. hours. (c) Requests for emergency repair service may be made at any time by telephone call to the Chief, Appliance Unit, and confirmed by requisition in the usual manner. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A feirrep7Fc$,ReaFrZQQ;11/9,496 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 rii Atitr,'Yt't .; (d) Roquotto for such minoollanoout oervicos an replays:tont of lamp bulbs, ropair or adjustment to doors, windows, blinds, floors, floor coverings, radiators, pipes, may be made at any time by tolophone (tall to the Chief, Rota retato Unit. (7) Classification ror prompt end orfoctivo lutudling of roquinitions, all aupplies, oquipmont, and derv:Woo are grouped into classes. A soparate requicition :Should be prepared for items fallini; undor sWeh l'irW?Trases ??????11?0?W?????????????????=0111?01???? (a) Bwpondablo Office Supplieo listed in the Catalog of offios !;upplioo. (b) 3on-oxpondablo office rluipmont lintod in the Catalog of officio Nquipmont. (0) Modica'. Supplies Catalog of Modioal Supplion. catalogs. catalog. and Hquipment lioted in the (d) Office Supplion and 'equipment not listed in the (a) 10dioal Supplies and 3quipment not linted in the (f) communications Supplios and Nuipment. (g) Space, utilities, and building maintonanoc can- al:V.11g of oloctrioal or vorpentry 'work, acquisition of ivIditionsl offico apace or moves botweca offices. (h) Repairs to Office Appliances ouch an typewriters, adding madhinos, numbering =chinos, etc. (i) Leaseo, Contraotual servicoo, including the qoquisition of space by lease or other arrangemonts; utility services; repair, altoration,or imorovemonto of property; the installation of end/or rental or loasing of facilitios and equipment and repairs thereto for which the government is respaasible; special services of a contractual nature. (j) Operational Supplies and rquipmont will be stockod, but not listod in a catalog for security reasons. nhon a requesting officer has any doubt that the it which ho requires falls into this ?lass, or if he requires any specifio information with regard thereto, he will make inquiry of the Chief, Supply section. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 0.71 liATIU.11.. At717,77:77r7,77.71". rT1:177ri! rk b. Action by riupply uootion (1) The Chief, RupplY Section, or other addroeuee of the Requieition ciii exemines approvo, anti forward Ow Pt) quinition to the appropriate unit for action. (2) If upon examination the itequieltion its disapproved. the Chief, Supply !7ection, Tffll roturr oupiou of t.he Roquinition to tho requenting office with A brief stetenect f rxplunution. 5. General noutine for ordoring Reproduction and inting a. form 36-g, Reproduction Requisition, will be used for all reproduotion and printing Jobe +.?,o bu Forfornled by (IC facilitiee. 3aoh office requesting reproduction or runtorinl shell collaborate vit!? the Chief, Reproduction section, to detorrtino the bunt type or reproduction to moot the requirements of -1-.1u job ordered. b. The Requisition should be prepared in duplicato and 25X1A forwarded direct to the Chief, Rc?productior, section. In too oases where the job involves the draftirv of a new CIG form or the revision of en established form tl!P 7oriuisi tion should be routed 'through the 'Procedures Unit, Financo Division (See Section )? o. Printing or reproduotion jobs to be porforLed by the Oevenusent Printinf; Offion or other outside agency should be requisi- tioned on Porn 36-7, Request for Supplies, Rquipment, and Services, and forwarded to the Chief, lopply neotion, in the usual manner. zen in doubt au to the proper requisition to U.30 in a given instance, the Chief, Supply section, or the Ch5,0f, Poproduction juction, aliciuld tic conaulted. 25X1A PROCIMM1137f: 1. Authoritof for Procitrotiont Tho right to effect purchases or enter into contracte is re- served by statute to the 04rector of Central Intelligence and et,tralet be exercised by any other individunl in Cr; except by specific delegation. Such specific delegation has been made to the Sxectztive for the Chief, Services Division; the Asaintant Chief, Sorvicos Division; and the Chief. Supply Section. The above named individuals are the sole agents for the performanoe of the Aim:Aims of purchasing and contractinc,, and any pnrchase, obligation, or corraitzumt on the part of eny other inevidual will not be recognized or .1-..onorod by C/G. (see C.G. .1 In the case of contracts amounting to $2.000 or over, the original and one copy will be certified as to legal sufficiency by tile General Counsel'. office prior to releaee to the contractor. Ui'ritiLhiiL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A citmarAg Foy itimtg,huisi1i6ianymo728R000l00010001-2 2. Methods of Procurement e. Purchase Order Fern No. 3S-1 will be used as an authorise- tion to a vendor to deliver supplies or services. It will be aimed by the Chief, Supply Section, or his designee. b. Contracts will be used for entering into formal agreements signed by both the Government and the vendor authorizing the contractor to furnish the services or supplies. rho contract instrument usually employed will be the ntandnrd (.U.S.) Form no. 33 entitled. "Invitation, Bid, and Acceptance.'" es. standard (U.S.) Porn uo. 2 entitled "Lease between (blank) and tlxo United Statee of Amerion" will be used to oontrect for office or uthor epee() outside the metropolitan area of Washington, D. C., unless such space is otherwise available. d. standard (U.S.) Form No. 40 entitled "Contract for Tele- phone Service" 'will be used to contract for telephone service outside the metropolitan area of Wanhington. O. C., unless otherwise provided for. o. Letters of agraement, or memoranda of verbal agreements, will be used between CIO end other Government agencies and will consist of letters of request and lettere of acceptance stipulating the supplies and/6r services to be rendered to the CIO and the terms of rendition thereof. Procedure for negotiating letters of agreement will be Governed by the ciroumstanees surroundi.w, each individual case, but in general such requirements should be approved and arranged for by the Hmecutive for Personnel and Adminintration, and in all oases *leered with that official r his authorized representative. f. Bills of Lading. standard (U.S.) Moms 1103 through 1106, will be used an authorisation to it carrier to ship supplies and materials at government expense. g. There are elan certain specialised methods of procurement observed by the Supply Section, utilising special forms such as: Standard Form No. 1, "fleouieition for Printing and Binding," for nh+mivi-, ing printing and binding services from the Government Printing Office; Government Printing Office Form R-2390, "Order for Standard Awns or Supplios"; Perm NO. 10-292, "Request fer ifork to be Performed" by the Public Buildings Administration of the Federal verks Agen0Y. 3. Bolutine of Procurement a. Gone ntl moradmIllImim1. Requisitions for any item not carried in stock, after approval by the Chief, Supply Section, and recording in the Processing t 4 ' ??:44 4 41 i ' Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A rtnair-1 ro. r? gm!. fi?errieg.Eor Release 2Q.01/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 JA1 ? Mr Atv . . Unit, will bo routed to fto spixourfLato proouring unit for ncquieition or the /toms by purohaso or otnor manna from cornerolel or governnont nouroos in a000rdonoe with pertinent laws and regulations. ContrnotunI purohases sulountina to 02,000 or vor, or contracts for continuone sorvioes or loaning of apane will So handled in the Contract Unit. All other regular purchasos will bo handled by the Procuremont unit. Othor typos of acquisitions Nill be handled by other unite an ftenigned, S. obligation or Funds Tho preparation or the Purchase Order and/or contraot involves the oommitment of KU expenditure which must be obligated on the Allotnont Accounts of the Central rntolligence Group. Before a Purchase Order, Contract, or othor instrument involving veuchered funds nay no issued to a supplior for services, equipment,or 'supplies, the document must be routed via the Budget 800tion to the Accounts Unit of the Pieced Seotion for verifioation that binds are available. Indica- tion that an obligation has boon establiehed will be placed on two oopies of tho Purchase Order form; in calms of other instruments of procurement whioh are not accompanied by Purchnse Order, the Accounts Unit will indioate the establinhment of an obligation by oxocuting a Porn 34-U, Uiscollnneoua Obligation Rocord. If lack of funds prevents the Accounts Unit frum ostabliahing an obligetion, tho procuring officer will notify the requiaitioning office and the order will rennin in suspense in the supply Section until the requisitioning office requests nnd obtains the necessary allotment of funds from the Budget Sootion, and notifies the Supply Section accordingly. o. Distribution or Vorms (1) After the preparation of the procurement nom/moats and the obligation of funds, copies or tho procurement doounonts will gener- ally be distributed as follows: Original, with additional copies where needed, to the supplier of the commodity or service 1 oopy to the Mama Section 1 copy to the ft:solving station 1 copy to the Requisitioning Office All other copies retained for internal use of SuFIAY Section (2) Contracts are an exception to the foregoing and are distributed as follows Original to GAO'via the Fisoal Section 1 eopy for Fiscal tiles 1 copy for contractor Remaining copy(s) retained it. supply soction Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CTGAI504Md Pi5r/lViiiiiif2BOT/M06111113/4031PON#D0728R000100010001-2 25X1A STORACE AND T'3Lfl 1. storage A warehouse at Roselyn, Virginia, and two stook rooms at North Building are mainteined by CIO to nocommodate items of supply and equipment carried in stock for term, Against requisition, And to receive and dispatch all shipments:. The warehouse is the main repository of dupplios end equipment. A perpetual inventory of ell items carried in stook will be maintained which will reflect the issue of stook, the balance on hand, che rate of einsumption, and will servo ns A asin for periodic replenish- ment of stook. Any aurplus property will ho reported to the chief, Storage and Issue Unit, on Form No. 36-24 entitled "Property Turn-In or Tranefer Slip" executed in an original and 6 copies. noo Administrative Tnstruc- 25X1A tien 2. Incoming Material a. Receipt supplios and equipment procured by Purohaos Order, or Oquivalont document in special camel, are received at the warehouse. Th' reoeivini; clerk will inspect delivery for condition, to insure that itews moot apecif'ioations, mnd ?heck it for quantity comparing it eith the copy of the puronaso documont. The Storege And DMUS Unit will institute claim? for leen, damage) or amiesion. Receipt of ahlpment will be recorded on CIG Form 51-10. b. Re-delivery Redeliveries; to local osasigneen will be aocompaniod by CIO Form 36-10 which is prepared in 7 copies, distributed an follows: Original to consignee for receipt and return to warehouse files copy to Property Control :13-action for property recording 1 copy to the F5ncal Scon to support Audit and payment of vendor's invoiee 1 copy to Accountable Officer 1 copy to Responsible Officer 1 copy to Processing Dhit of the Supply Section for recording and completion of procureacct records 1 copy retained in files of Receiving and Inspection Sub- Unit NOM Delivery of stocked items will be accomplished in the same manner, Wirthe exception of expendable Office Supplies for which the receipt 25X1A will be a coliiiirona 36-7, Request for Supplies, Equipment, or Service. (See Section Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 4 ? '1 Ok 25X1A eta rialwevRO FalliilfRiii,n409/pg,i,N,i9111-00728R000100010001-2 8. .11.?tEtilt!ltriAl Domostio and oargo shipments will be prepared by tho Otoragi and /ssue Unit where responsibility will reside for sorting, segrega- tion storing. prooessing, waterproofing. packing. end marking in 25X1A n000rdanee with socuri regulations. (floe Transportation. Adminis- trative rnstruotion Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A cluitwitifed9rAlgicalkski t?T(MI3 P81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A IIPMILATORY PROVISIONS novmmul Prtocintivms or Dintribution tol (Supply section only 1. General Limitations proceedinc from various laws, from tho appropria- tion act and the approved budget of a federal agency suoh as the CIO, restrict the objeot, scope, and duration of procurement tranneetiono, but in general permit the *gooey to procure equipment, supplies, and sorvioes neoessary to fulfill its function. However, the right of federal agencies and departments to ohoone sources of eupply, end to some extent to choose materialo and services to meet their requirements, is limited by the existence of a number of mandatory sources of supply from which procurement is made by reference to a published nohedulo or list of supplies or other reference. 2. Uandatory Sources or Sup0y Ild?=01..?.11?11010.1???NO.M.M?4?????????????10?11?? 4. Federal Supply schedule The Bureau of Federal of the Treasury Dopartment is authorized by E.e. 61O6, 47 Stat. 161*!, to execute contracts covering federal requirements for generally used commodities of wide variety. Theme contracts are assembled and published as the Federal supply Schedule (formerly General Schedule of Supply). All items of supplies and equipment listed in the mandetGry portions of the Federal Schedule must be purchased for officer isithin the continental United Staten from sources indicated therein. unless (1) a clearance is obtained to moot special circumstances or (2) an emergency of a thoroughly justifiable nature arises (6 C.O. 824. 16 C.O. 226). Where field services are not specifically eovered by Federal Supply contracts, thane contracts should be utilized whenever the contract prices and conditions are advantagelus. b. Federal Whrehouse Supplies In addition to the stookrooms of supply items maintained by mostfederal agencies, there is a large warehouse of standard supplies and equipment maintained by the Bureau of Federal Supplies in nAshington and in regional offices throughout the country for purchase by covernnont offioes. Purchases may not be made commernially of items listed in the "Federal Stook Catalog" without a certificate of clearance from the Bureau of Federal Supplies (8.0.6166, 47 Stat. 1517). 0. ItlAt64.12aq_laiLLT2.1nL Federal surplus supplies and equipment are listed periodi- cally in oatalogs issued by the Mr Assets Administration, pursuant to the Surplus Property Act of 1944. when advantageous, purchase of the items listed is required by the Federal Regulations based on authority contained in the law. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A crempong F(Frt ReleiWerVilitirciVd? diAVP81-00728R000100010001-2 rtIST11 "r, nem d. Federal Priaon Industrten, Inc. Federal agencies are required by law, unlesn npecifioally exempt, to purchaae produots manufactured by the Federal irinon Industries, Inc. (B.O. 6917, 46 ntnt. 391. 48 Stat. 1211). A "Schedule of Produots" lists such ?latices of materials as are manufactured by penal institutions and the introduction to eaoh class states whether or not the respective ?lase id mandatory. The list inoludoe bristle, cloth, leather) and metal products. Certificates of clearance must be obtained from Federal Prisons Industries, Inc., before purohnning from commeroial souroes. The Comptroller General has held that alleged omergenoies or cheaper commercial prices are no authority for felluro to comply (16 C?0? BO, 16-391, 17 C.0. 638, 16-312, and 14 c.a. 270), 0. Blind4Mado Products Federal agenoion are required by law to purchase products made by asnooiated groups of the blind working under tho auspices of a Committee on Purchase. of Blind-tlado Products created by the Act of 006 (62 Stat. 1196). Pursuant to provisions of the statute, the Committee issues rogulntions and publinhoa annually a "Schodulm-of Blind-Made Products," listing such items as mates, mattresses, brooms, mops, and mail bags. Purchases of ouch items without it certified clearance from the Committee may not be made from oormoroial nouroos even at a saving to the (Jovernment !21 c.o. 482), L. Government irinting ofRizns ??????....MMIVOMN?40.b.??????re. The Government Printing office haa been eatablished by Congresa to execute all printing and binding and blank book work and has been authorised to supply all related materials such as paper, blank book, blank envelopes, ink, glue, etc. These supplies are listed in two catalogs entitled "Blank Paper and Nnvelopes" and "Standard Forma and Miscellaneous Supplies." (26 Stat. 62632 Stat. 481; 43 Stat. 692; 44 Stat. 660-1; 46 Stat. 1400; 49 Stat.476; 40 Stat. 1270; S 0.3.1656; 9 C.O. 493; 11 C.O. 156; 18 C.O. 666.) Poet Office Department Freaked envelopes of all descriptions maybe purchased from commercial sources, opythrough ommtraots approved by the United States Post Offioe DepariiET. (34 Stat.,476) h. Public Buildings Adminixtration The FBA is respensible by law (53 Stat. 661) for the control and management of allibuildings in the District of Columbia occupied by the government. This includes leftist properties as well an govemmsent-enned buildings. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A ciaAmyitee 5?r 1Mtemaikyii,V1061:NSItegitliPpilta0728R000100010001-2 The 'TA assigns space and performs or supervises all mlving operations. The authority expressed and implied in the Foregoing re- quires that many mochanioal And custodial services be performed or procured through the ?SA by CIO in conformance with regulations and procedures established by thaPM/ for examples repairs to windows, " doors, and blinds; alterations to partitions; installation of special facilities ouch as electrio fans end air-oonditionine, equipment, etc. MA maintains a regular fore? of salaried moohanioe and per diem employees to perform such services. Clerranee from the NIA is neoessary for the proournment of any of the above services from comeroial sourefts. 3. Domestic Preference Act A general limitation on freedom to purehase is found in the Domestic Preference Ant, commonly referred to as the "Buy American Law" (47 Stat. 1520), which requires the Federal Government to buy only domestic products unions inconsistent with the public interest or the cost is unreasonable, or commercial quantities of a satisfactory quality are not reasonably available. Such exceptions must be established and certified to by the head of a department or independent establishment or in certain instances by his duly authorised ropresentatirs. 4. Statutory Limitations on Specified Items a. Among laws restrictimr, the purchase of property is 3 Stat. 5G8 which states that "No land shall be purchased on account of the United States except under law authorising such purchase." b. Leases cannot be entered into for the rental of space without a specific appropriation therefor by Congress (19 Stat. 370; 6 C.O. 685; 17 C.a. 424). The Economy Act of Juno 30, 1932, provides a formula limiting rent payable per annum, and mounts payable for alterations, improvements, and repairs in rented premises. Permanent improvements to leased property may not be made unless specifically provided for in the appropriation (20 C.O. 927; 15 C.O. 50). o. Passenger motor vehicles may not be hired or purchased for other than the heads of exeoutive departments without specific authority in the appropriation ooneerned (5 U.S.C. 78 as amended by Sec. 16, Public Law 600). A coiling of $1,300 for passenger automobiles was set in Section 408 of the Third Deficiency Appropriation Act of 1946, Public Law 521. This sum is required to include certain accessories and equip. nent (19 C.G. 988), but is exolusive of the costs of transportation. d. Law books, books of reference, and periodicals may not be purchased unless authority is specifically provided in the law granting the appropriation (30 Stat. 316). This limitation does not apply to the field service. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A ('TO fliir.fiteCI)P?X1M5W7011C90%;;FAAPFIM-00728R000100010001-2 a. All printing, )i ond blank book -4ork for Congresn. the xxoeutive office, the Judiciary, cud ovary executive department, independent office, and eatabliahment of the eovernmont shall be done at the Goverment Printing ?Moe, except such clauses of work as shall be deemed by the Joint Committee on Printing to be urgent or necessary to have done elm:where than in the District of Columbin for the ex- elusive IWO of any field service outside of said District (44 U.S.C. 111). f, purchase of articles of a personal nature are prohibited by decision o to or c F fliers C.G. . ince Of seal% o es tet?R.TTre cannot be made except who:: specifically provided tor in the appropriation. K. Authority to dispose or oquipmont oy solo or exchange and to apply the proceeds of oalo or exoteutge watt() to the purchase of similar new equipment must be speoiacally authorized by law (31 143.C. 4H7 as modified by 57 Stat. 195; Geo aleo 23 C.O. 9$1). h. The purdtaso of drinking wntor for office use has been the subject of repeated euspensione by the Comptroller Oonoral in GAO audit of oontraots and payments. There must be shown that (1".) the necessity, from the Government' a standpoint, exista, and (2) no other water fit for drinking purpose is available without charge or tit lover oost (6 C.O. 90). Similarly, lee may not be bought for water purchased without conclusive justifiention. i. Unions insurance of government-owned valuablee in authorised by specific statutory enactment, or speolfically authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, no obligation may be incurred or payment of premiums allowed (60 ;tat. 479; 53 ;tat. 1358). Charges for transporta- tion providing card In handling of shipments oommeneurato with their value is permissible (17 C.G. 741). 6. Competitive Bidding a. The basics statute among miscellaneous laws pertaining to purchases is Se ft Soc. ' a MIS ? IRS awe: nxcept as o; erw SO prov ie. . .w pure eaten an. contra? s supplies or services in any of the departments of the Onvornment?.., exeept for personal services, shall be rade by advertising a sufficient time previously for proposals respecting the same, when the public exigencies do not require the immediate delivery of the articles, or porformoutce of the service." b. Competition and advertising are not necessary where the amount expended for a purchase or service does not exceed the open market limitation of $100.00 as provided by Public Law 600 - 79th Congress (6 U.S.C. 41). However, purchases should not be split to bring them within the exemption nor should term or definite quantity eontraots be avoided to permit piece-meal purchases in amotants below the open market limitations. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A ONfith.N Tamem Re 1p6 tunnucTiacy,28R000100010001-2 0. The term "open market" is applied to purchaeoa from coemeroial eouroes without restriction to competitive bidding. Not- withstanding this relative freedom to purchase, administretive disoretion and good menegement require a purchasing officer to uolicit quotations from several vendors no a general practice. This establishes proof of a rescuable effort to obtain reasonable prices without favor- itism. d. Where public exigencies require the immediate delivery of artiolos or performance of service., the articles or services required may be procured in the open market in a manner in which such articles are usually bought and sold or such services engaged regardless of the $100.00 limitation. where the umount of auoh an emergency procurement in more than #100.00, the existence of an emergency must be certified to by the procuring officer. This etatement of justification must show acceptable explanation of the emergency and why the need for the item involved could not have been foreseen in time to secure competi- tion by formal bids. It should also indicate that the price Is just and reasonable and the lowest obtainable under the circumstances. 6. contract Limitations Government contracts must inoludo various provisions and conditions *doh operate as limitations and are subject to reouiremmate of various lawn. a. Ho contracts or purchases on behalf of the United States shall be made unlese the IMMO is authorized by law or is under an appropriation adequate to its fulfillment (34 stet. 256). b. Contracts for supplies me7 not be entered into for more than one year (P.S. Soc. 3736). o. Contracts involving installation, construction or labor of any kind (with the exception of clauses of work specifically exempted in the Act such as transportation by rail or water or trans- mission of intelligence) must contain provisions requiring compliance with the night Hour LINW (35 Stat. 137, 138, as amended by Act of 9 Sept. 1940. 54 Stat. 880 see also, 18 C.O. 672, 24 e.o. 376). d. Contracts for the manufacture of supplies and equipnent, amounting to $10,000 or over must include the requirements of the Wilsh-eeeley Act, 49 Stat. 2036, with reference to wages, canditiona, and hours of labor (20 C.G. 931; 21 e.g. 9). e. Contracts for the rental of equipment may not lawfully contain stipulations for the payment of damages resulting to the equip- ment operated by the government under rental agreements (14 C.O. 139). %pairs for ordinary wear, tear, and breakage (that is, such repairs as are necessary to the proper and continued use of the rented equip- ment) are permissible. These repairs, however, may not be made for Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A '%0 ,, Approved For Releas qwi 9i06!YCIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 cro MANUAL OF AreaumnAmm rwmuclIoNs the purpose of returning the equipment in as good condition at when rented. but Sr. restricted to suoh repairs or replacements as are necessary for the continued use of the equipment by the renting agency. r. Utility contracts must refer to the lease number of the premises in which located or must contain a statement that the premises are government owned in s000rdanoe with requirements of the General Aocounting Office. g. Unduly restrictive provisions or speoifications. nullifying the clear intent of RA. 00. 3709 requiring oempetition aro illegal and their inclusion in advertising for bids must be guarded against (16 C.O. 2661 13 NG. 284). Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A , cirtekRILKftyky F-Rir liVpilff.,2,9,,C1169V6T:,,,q1A19EF)1110728R000100010001-2 plininary Orlit!,RAL 1, Authority Ta nocordance w!th tho rov.Isiono of WCA 7itio l, uoctiono 09, 00, 91, O2, te Diroctor or Contrnl Int:01110mm in cOargod with wntablishing and caroming roollutions portaining to all phanos of property accounting for the con4.ra1 Intolli6onco Group. Z. purpose ???????? This Imenual sots forth the polioies tald procoduron with rospect to accountability of, and rouponsibility for, supplies and oquiintamt at all CIO operating 'Anita and installations. 3. oefinitions Applicablo To I'roporty l'agulations a. Accountability is tho obliGation of an individual ortioially (IbflifttIJdf Wtairt a fornal rccord of nupplies and eq4proont on a stock record account. An individuni so dosiLnated will be referred to as an Aacountable 3upp1y and froperty ()frit:or. The term "ttocountable supply and property ?flit:tor" rot.'ora colloutivoly to a nnit Supply and Property officer, a ccmtrrtl. Supply l!ttid Proporty Officer, and a Connolidated tip p ly and Property Officer as defined in paravaphu bp a, and d below. b. A Unit 3upP1Y And Property Officer (formerly known nti iiranch !7uap1y and !'roperi,i0ferCer) ia an iiidorma officially desionted to ho accountable for all non-expondable supplies and equip:aunt immed on receipted inntrumentn to renpcnsiblo individualo in usinf, unitu under his supply jurisdiction. A nnit Supply and Proporty Officer 'trill normally function at the office, branch, or division levol in the "?ashington area. o. A Central Supply And Property Officer is an officially designated to be accomittele Mr supplies and equipment in stock availabla for issue at a central storage point. d. A consolidated Supply And Property Officer is an individual officially deo galk ? a an ndopen ant ns rill a on to be accountable for all non-expendable supplies and equipment at the station or its satellite units. re A Stook Record Account is a formal basic record showing, by it, the rirse pt and disposal Of property, the quantity on hand and/or Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 LOA I/A C 'Rip proted,F pq RePmesteigEfflep44441074#0491746JR000100010001-2 issued to renponsible officers, meintained b an mocountftble supply end property officer on preseribed forme, which in subjnot to audit. g. Reeponsibility is the obligation of an individual for the proper custody, care, and safekeeping of public property- in his possesuion or under his supervision whether or not a signed receipt has been tAven. h. Direct Responsibility rests with an individual to whom property has been entrusted and who is specifically charged with its ?aro end safekeeping. i. Supervisory Responsibility in the obligation of the senior individual or a unit, (orrice, branch, division, etc.) or an independent installation, to insure that all property under his jurisdiotion in properly safeguarded, administered, and accounted qw. J. A Responsible Officer is an individual specifically charged with the care and sat ekeeping of property reoeived frwn an accountable supply and property w7ficer on a signed receipt. k. Non-Expendable property inoludes all supplies and equipment not consumed in use anorwhich ordinarily retain their identity during the period of use, such as vehicles, meohines, desks, typewriters, etc. 1. p!pendable property includes all supplies and equipment which are consuM5Tor lose their separate identity in use. Spare parts, which are um) to repair or complete other articles; office supplies, such as stationery, pencils, etc., are considered expendable items upon issue to using units. Items of equipment whioh are usable Vor a short period only, or which are easily broken will be considered expendable upon issue, and will not be carried on the control records of an accountable supply and property officer. m. Pecuniary Liability is the responsibility of an individual to make restilution for-the lose or destruction of, or demet6e to4 public property. Pecuniary liability arises trots the failure or an individual to exercise proper responsibility. n. A Voucher is an instrument used to evidence a transection on a stock ree-dia-lecount. Normally, there are three typens (1) A Debit Voucher is an instrument listing articles to be entered on a stook record account in order to increase the "balance on hand". (2) A Credit Voucher is an instrument listisv articles to be entered on a stook record account in order to decrease the "Balance on hand". (5) An Adjuntstent Voucher is an instrument used to bring the "balance on hand" figure, as shown on a stock record account into agree.- stunt with the quantities actually on hand and/Or issued to responsible Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 TA :41r\ C;INSIdCIOSFOORIetastee12MO 41 individuals. Fiqty/49728R000100010001-2 o. Publio Property and Propert ere z,eneral tome referring to expendable and non?expendable iip1ies and equipmont, but do not include roal property, sues as buildtnzs, loaseholds, etc. p. Installed Propertyrufers to moveable thiret's such as equipment epparatus, appliancos, fixtures, anu machinery which have been fixed in place in, or attached to, real property, but which may be sekvered or removod without dentroying their identity or utility. q. heceipted Instruments and Signed Recoipts are Loneral terms referring to all signed Craniror and issue documents used to effect the assumption ef, or relief from, accountability and/6r responsibility. 4. Accountability And ResponnibllLty_212.1 a. Differences Acoountability Jo the function af koopinG n iormal stook record account of supplies and equipment in storage and available for issuo, or of property whioh has boon iscuod to roapoesible individuals on signed receipts. Responsibility ariscs from the possession of property or from the supervisory juriediction over others who have possession of the property. Each of these oonoepts of rosponsibility or uocountability, or a combination of (net, may be attached to one individual ue of any momonte b. 2.2.222ait.LIL!LLiclia An individual who carries property on a stook record account and who has said property in his custody, either in use -Jr in storage, has both accountability and responsibility. c. Accountable 'Atli An individual who carries property an a stock record account which is issued to a using unit on a signod receipt is accountable but not responsible. The responsibility in this case rests with the individual having posses4ion of the property. i.SIMS TO BE USED BY ACCOUNTABL7 SUP: LY AND PROPERTY Oii1FICFRS 1. Forms And Purposes a. Fern No. 36-7, Request for Supplies, Equipment, or Servioe, will be used by an tocountable supply and propeity officer and deSignaied responsible officers to requisition supplies, equipaent, or services. b. Fors No. 36-13, Accounts Control Reqrieter, will be used to record pertinent inforustairrela ive to -The subao?nts of responsible officers established under the supply jurisdiotion of a Unit Supply and Property officer. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 r i-"AjA 1 ( 25X1A Riore6tilabr(Ftelelitii 72001. 74Q01128R000100010001-2 o. ram Ho. 36/14 (Fees)), Stook Control Cwrd, will be one by a Unit or Consolidated Supply and Property ofneer or meintaining a running balance, by itom, of non-expondablo property on hand and/Or issued to sub-acoounte under their control. di. Form No. 36-14 (Roveree), Accounts Control sootion will be uoad by R Unit or Consolidatod Supply an-a Nooperty OITicor for maiotaining a running balance, by item, of non-expendable property Unwed to individual sub-aocounta. e. Form No. 36-15, Voucher Registor, will be uued to r000rd, by voucher numbor, all traneaotions pound to a stook record account maintained by en ccountable supply and property orficor. f. Form No. 30-16, Report of Inventor Ad ustment, will be used to adjust diecropancies 014 the a oc record or ds of an accountable supply and property offioer, if said diecrepanoies are tho roault of orrors in nonenolature or posting. othor usea for Form No. 36-16 ere discussed in paragraphs 712 and 715. f,. korai No. 36-10, Survoy Report, will be usod to record the circumstances concornin th0 lose, damage, destruction, or theft of public property, and serves as, or (supports, a credit voucLor to the stook record account of the accountable, supply td proporty officer concerned. h. Form No. 36-22, Consolidated Property Report, will be used by a Consolidated Supply and Prooerty Officer at an indepondent installation to indioato, by item, the total gains or losses of oxpondablo nad non-expendable property which eavc occured month. I.Porm No. 30-24, Proem-to Turn-Ie Or Tranefor Slip, used to return property to-TIMITItiTIRWIFIZTa-5777717Mate transfer actions between accountable supply and property officers and/6r reoponsible ?Moors. j. Form NO? 36-25, Pro orty Inventory Record, will be ueod by a central Supply and Property Officer to maintain a running balance, by item, of all supplien and equipment in stook available for issue. k. Form No. 36-42, Voluntary Pvmont For Tublic Property, will be used by AU individual who desires to maks voluntary payment for the loss, damage or destruction of public property. 25X1A IIIIAPPOINTIUZT OF ACCOUNT/074;8 SUPPLY ARD PROPVRTY OTTICFRS 1. Requirements a. Rho May Be Designated Any commissioned or warrant officer of the U. S. armed services, or any U. S. civilian employee, CAF-7 or above, may be designated L. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A tiuNt WENT IAL, 1.4p itlidatiLF af?FttatiEtiEMNIYOINJ6 :ICYN-Foxraciiia728R000100010001-2 as an aeoountable supply and property officer for publio property under the jurisdiction of this Agency. 2. Appointing; Authority a. Lull Suppy Proportj fioer ffithin the various operating units in the Naehington area, the accountability of a Unit Supply and Property Officer will normally be established at the branch or division level; howinsor, this in not mandatory. It shall be the prerogative of the Assietent Directors of the various Offices, and of the Chiefs of similar operating echelons (branch, division, etc.) to prescribe the accountability level for units under their jurisdiction. The appointment of a Unit Supply and Property Officer will be made by the individual heving supervisory responsibility over the unit (office, branch, division) at which the accountability level has been establiehed. b. Central Supply And Property Officer A Central Supply and Property Officer, who is reaponsible for the receipt, storage, and issue of centralized supply stocks, will be appointed by the Chief of the Services Division. 0. Connolidated Supply And Property Officer A Consolidated Supply and Property ?Moor for an independent Installation will be designated by the Chief of the Station. Me appointment will be made with the concurrence of the office in nauhington having jurisdiction over the establishment. 3. Confirmation of Appointments a. Preparation Of Appointment Orders The appointment of an accountable supply and property officer will be confirmed by the use of an office operating procedure, or through the media of a written memorandum, initiated by the unit (office, branch, or division) having the appointing authority. The appointment order will indicate the name, grade (military or civilian), office looation, account number, and supply jurisdiction of the designated accountable supply and property officer. b. Distribution of Appointment Orders The following distribution of appointment orders will be required: Division; (1) 1 copy to the individual designated; (2) 1 copy to the Property Control Section, Services (2) 1 copy retained bathe files of the appointing authority. f! ' M Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 411111111011111.110.1 010 Jec 90finitoreilwig?i8R44mitg-00712.8R000100010001-2 Supplementary distribution will be made at the disorntion Jf the appointing authority. 1111rasiqu6 OF PRoPtitTY ACWUNTABILITY 1. Transfer of Property on Stook Reoord Aocuunts a. Routine Transaotione Normally, the transfer of supplies arid equipuent between accountable supply and property officers or this Agency will be effected on a suitable transfer documont, such as a Delivery Ticket, Form No. 36-10, or Property Turn-1n or Transfer Slip, Form No. 36-24. b. Change af Accountable Officers Than a complete transfer of property oocurs, the officer being relieved of accountability and his successor will sign the following certificates prepared in quadruplicate in lieu of transfer documonts: certify that the balances shown on the stock record account of . Account Number (Name of transferring officer) Central Inte11i4enee Group, as of the above date, lest voucher Number dated 19 . are true and correut to the Viarof my knowledge and belief, and that the property has this date been turned over to pursuant to (Name or receiving ottioorl (Order directing transfer) (Signature of ?Lacer turning over property) I certify that I have this date received from (Name) predeoessor, all property pertaining to the above designated stook record account for which my said predecessor is accountable, as shown by the last audit of the amount, plus all proper charges against and less all authorised credits to my predecessor's account to the time of transfer, last voucher Number dated 19 , sod that I have this date assumed accountability for picill7rty pertaining to this account. (Signature of officer receiving property) ??,11"1 C\NA? Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 2 C C10 utZempycli Firisfidefttirg_924(09i90 #11113gO1-00728R000100010001-2 A PPROP s (name en e 0 itind?Ertr?r.WT-117?ita y o. invontory rrior To Assuming Aocountability It shall 1)e the prerogative of the newly appointed accountable supply and property officer to takn a oonploto physical inventory before aseumine accountability ror any public property. Thin action should be nomoloted prior to tho sieniuc of the Cortifioatc of Transfer. d. Distribution J!: Certifionteo of Transfor Info nope of tho Cortilioeto o' rerannfor will ho rotsinod by tilts individual who is boine roliovel of the noeountability. ono copy will he fund with the property records of thn account, and two copies, togother with n copy Ar tho ordero direotine tho tranutor, will be forwarded to the Chief of Services, Waxhington, Attention: Property Control Gootion. 2. Action Upon Death Ir Local Incapacitation P. Inventory of Property Upon tho death or leen1 ircapacitetioa or on individual who hen been designated to be an accountable supply and proeorty efficer, the senior individunl of the opornting unit or independent installation will appoint a board of throe persons to invontory the property to 25X1A the extent deened necnsoary to nsoortain thn correctness of tho stock record account. DiscrPonneies disclosed by the invontory will be immedistoly ediostod by thr invontientin t-,oard. The tranefor of accountability to a designated individunl 1;111 he offected in mccordance rith paragraph above. b. Preparation And Distribution Of Report A cot:pinto report on the Andines of tho board invostigating the account, together with a list of balasloos of property inventoried, and the Certificate pf Transfer, will bo prepared in triplioate and submittod to the ppointing authority for approval. Upon approval, one copy of each will be filed with the property r000rde tend teo copio: will be forwarded to the Chief of Services, Washington, Attention: 25X1A Property-Control Section. PROPKRTY Accourrma 1. General a. All property owned by this Agency in use or in storage which has been acquired by purchase, transfer, or Any other moans must be a000unted for on the appropriate stock record account of an accountable supply and property officer, unless otherwise provided for in those regulations. .") Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 5X1A ' , CIO 1144MitteclfalnR11164M20,1/09/Iroisfiliktalpfil-00728R000100010001-2 h. An aocountable supply and property offioor, upon discovery of unemounted for property, will sonount for said property on his stock record account. Al] other individuals, upon discoverinff, untwoounted for publlo property, will ha rosd)nsibln for reporting sumo to the appropriate accountable supply and oroperty ?Nicer concerned, in order tout hevessary action Kay ho taken. o. There will be three types of acoountable supply and property officers in this Aonoy; namely, Unit, Central, and Consolidated. Raoh type will be discussed in the onnuin!, paragraphs. Z. trait aupply and Property officer a. Duties ????????????????????? Thn duties of n Unit Fupply nnd Property officer will be, (1) maintainini, a ntlok record ncnount qnd nn "Accounts Control" record, by item, on Yorm no. 36-14, on n11 non-expondable proporty issued to using units under his supply Jurisdiction; (2) roviowing, approving, and procossing nllrequioitions and transfer actions for non-expendable supplies nnd equipwmt initiated 1:f losponsible officors ander his control; (3) roviewin; and processin.; all 7;urvny oports which an:0ot hin stook ronord account. b. Accountabilitz eu:d ilesponsibiiity Tho ft000untabilit!- non-uxpendahle property in use, or in the possessioa of individuals within a given operntin unit (office, branch, division), in the Washington urna will rest with a designated Unit Supply nnd Property Officer. formally, the Unit Suppay and Property Officer Will not have oustody of tam property tor which he is nocountablo? and, therefore, the responsibility rests with th,i using individual or unit. Utilizing Form No. 36-13, Accounts Control Rezistor, the Unit Supply and Property Officer will ostablish and maintain sub-socounts and sub-account numbers for the using units under his supply Jurisdiction. An individual within each using unit will he designottnd as thr responsible officer and will assume the responsibility for the requisition, remeipt, and safekeeping of pro2orty charged to the sub-account. This responsibility may be redolegated to individuals hav1n4 custody or use of the property. 3. Central Supply and rroperty Officer a. Duties A Central Supply and Property Officer will be oharged with the receipt, inspection, storage, and issuance of all supplies stocked at a central point. CONFIDENT1 At_ Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A C,TG uAiltIAL 1);4. Ai.); ,0 25X1A b. Aceountability and NOtillmin 1.b Iii ty All expendable end non-expendable supplies and equipment storcd et rt central supply point will be accounted for on stook record oards smintnined by a central supply and vroperty Officer. porn no, yroporty inventory Record, will be used far this purpose. Aocountebility and responeibility for supply stooks will rest with the Ventral nupply and Property officer until such time us they are issund to usint; units on valid credit vouchers or otherwise diepoand of. 4. roneolidatod Supply And Property officer A. puttee Coneolidated Cupply and roporty Officer will be charged thc roidisitionin6, rocoipt, inaisiction, storage, and test:ands of GI 1. auppllos at an independent installatiori. b. Accountability and Responnibility All non-expendable supplies and equipment OH hillids and/or in Imo at ot independent in3tallation will be accounted for by u doeiquated Con ri i anted Supply [cid rropor iy Jeri cer. ThO;;tool.: control Card, Porn No. 116-14, maintained by a Consolidated Supply und uroportv officer will refloat, by item, the quantity of non-expendable property on hand or in use at tho inatallet- tion. :VIIOCK* 1I-3(70IZ) :LUC( PI nr 1. 97mm:oral a. A,lthoui,b there are cone deviations in Iio prooedures used '.Jy Unit, Central, arid Consolidated Supply and Property Officers, the banjo principles involved in maintaining their stook record accounts are the 0E030. In All oases, the purpose of a stock record account ia to record receipts, issues, tuid trim:31-'0ra or suppliee end oquipmont in aueli a mulner ?Itat the qutultitieu on hand =die: icaucti to uaing units can roadily be determined. The value of a stook reeord account is derendent upon the KO011rney raid ourrontneso of the ?eating:3 made. b. in order to naiutain adequate control of stock reeord accounts established in this Agency, an account ntuabor will be assigned by the Property Control Sootion. Services Division, to each account. 2. Voucher Register a. Recording By Voucher weather An accountable supply and property officer will utilize Perm Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A oroved For Release 2001/09/06,. CIA-KIIP8,1-00728R000100010001-2 CIO 681 01, ADmiN'..6THATIVE IN3TRUCTION3 No. 36-15, to establish andenintnin a Vouoher Pegister ;er his stook record aeoeunt. Erich instrusent to be posted to the stock record account will be recorded in the Voucher eecister, end the voucher number will be indicated thereon. b. Method of Ift.....____AphaLt Vouchers to a stook record account will be numbered in a sinele series commencing with No. 1 at the beginninc of each fiscal year, and will be maintainsd in numorical order. Each voucher number will be prefixed with the letter "D" for debit voucher, "C" for credit voucher, and "I" for adjuntment voucher (Deports of Inventory Adjustment and survey Peports). Debit voucher numbers ahead not be essii;eed to any document until the property has been reoelved. Credit and ndjentment voucher number& should be Designed to tranarer nnd adjustment doeumente at the tire of preparation. A separate sequence of numbers will not by entublished or used for debit, credit, or adjustment vouchers. 3. Voucher Files a, An accountable supply and property officer will establish and maintain a permanent file of signed vouchers used to evidence transactions on his stock record account. All documents posted to the stock record account will he filed by voucher nuMber. Vouchers will not be considered a valid posting media until they have been properly signed. b. In order to reduoe the bulkiness of the Alen, it is eu6gested that no more than fifty (50) vouchers bts pieced in one folder. e. Voucher files which have been nudited and cleared may be de- stroyed after retention for a period of two years subsequent to the date of audit. 4. Accounts Control Register a. A Unit or Consolidated Supoly and Property Officer will utilise Form No. 36-13 to record pertinent information rclatlyy to the sub-accounts of responsible officers under his supply jurisdiction. b. The following data will be shown on Form So. 36-13 for each sub-account: (1) Account Number (2) Section (over which the responsible officer ha supply jurisdiction) (3) Room numbers (of all rooms over which the responsible officer has supply jurisdiction) (4) Nano of responsible individual coNp TIEN, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A iovutatd tc?rAipmgpiyiperhelpyR,90728R000100010001-2 (6) Grade of reeponoible individual 5. Responsible Offioorte daokot Files ?????????????1/0001110.1.0.11144.....141M.O.M.?????????.....??????????????????M?40...11.???????? a. Unit Supply nnd Property officers may ontablish and maintain individual jacket files for all responsible ?tricorn under thoir supply jurieidoation. Enoh individual jacket filo will aerve an an informal record of debito und credits to a responsible offioor'n account and will further substantiate the postings made to tho Accounts control gootion of Form No. 36-14. b. A document pincod in nn individunl jacket file should be cross-referenced mith the corresponding aimed instrument in the voucher file. 6. Stook Record Cards a. Unit and Connolidatod (7upp1y and Property Officers will maintain Stock Control Cards, Form No. 36-14, on all property for which thoy are accountable. Central Supply and Property ?Moors are authorised to use Form No. 36-26, Property Inventory Record, in lieu of tho Stook Control Card. Forns Nos. 36-14 and 36-25 are commonly referred to as stook record cards. b. Separate stook record cards will be established for each item, of non-expendable supply an hand or in use. A complete dosoription of the item, including size, model, etc., will be shown on the face of ooh stook record card. Standard nomenclature, unit, and stock number as listed in MG Stook Cateloguos and in supplemental stock lists will bo used insofar as it is ponsible. o. Unit aril Consolidated Supply and Property Officers will utilize the face of FOrm no. 36-14 to record receipts and transfers of non- oxpendable property for which they are accountable. This will be accomplished by posting individual debit, credit, and adjustment vouchers to the stook record cards. The balance figure on the face of Form No. 36-14 should at all times reflect the accountability of the a000nntftblo officer. d. The reverse side of Form No. 36-14, Accounts Control section, will be used by a Unit Supply and Property Officer for maintaining a running balance of each item of supply issued to individual responsible officers in the sub-accounts. The outer left-hand column of the Accounts Control section mill be used to indicate the voucher number of tho transaction being posted. The outer right-hand column will be used for posting the total quantity of the item issued to aliiiub-accounts, and this figure should equal the "balance" column on the face of the Form No. 36-14. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIG VANUA', 0?jjp Ih IVRAT IVJ 11";.;.TIM7.77(Iff3 e. Thy, supply nativity or nn indopondent instaIlotion dooa not 25X1A warrant the establishin4 cnd maintaining of the A000untd Control auction of Porn !To. 34044 AS outlinod in paroaraph bove. Thoroforo, the maintenenoe of a stock record account by a Conoolidated Supply and Property Officer will be limitod to the face or Irorn No. 36,-14. f. Postino to all stock rocord cards will bo currently mid aocuratoly made within 24 hours aftor t receipt or transfor action has boon compIoted. 25X1A 7 7. Poating to ft :31),pply and i'ropurty officer' s Stook It000rd Account a. Use of Form Ho. 36-14 ??????????????????????? The stook record account of a nnit upi1y and Proporty officer will ho naintainod, by item, on a (tock Control Card, Form Eo. 33-14. b. ProcessinG Copies of vouchers Fxcept as noted in parai;rapl- below, all trona/Lotions panted to the stock Control card, Porm 4, will rorloot a thane in the Unit nupply and Proporty officer's total acoountability. This will, in turn, effeot individual responsibility in one or more sub- aocounts. tn view of the abovo, It will be necossary for a Unit Supply and Property Offioor to pmcoss two oopios of each voucher repr000nting IL sincle tranoaotion, one copy will be voudlered, posted to the hum of the Formti. 36-14 to reflect the increaso or decronso in accountability, and placed in the vouchor filo. Tho other copy of the eauchor will be posted to the Accounts Control section of the Form Ho. 36-14 to indicate an increase or decrease of responsibility in the sub-account concerned. This copy will then bo placed in the responsible officer's jacket filo. c. Balancing of Accounto The balance as ehoun on the face or the Form 70. 76-14 should . equal the total balances o.t1 Olt) sub-accounts shown in the Accounts Control Section of the Stock Control Card. d. Transfer betwcau Sub-Accounts A transfer of property between the sub-accounts of a Unit Supply and Property officer will not be rofrooted on the face of the porm No. 36-14, inaemuch as no change in total accountability has occurred. Such a transaction will be posted to the appropriate sub- accounts in the Accounts Control Section of Form No. $6-14 and eopios of the transfer documents will be placed in the jacket files of the responsible officers concerned. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CAPPIMAC..r7VRIV:4151-YiT.IZISIY-11-411 11146c1(79P728RD0010001000V2 U. Posting th a Central :14:ppl, und oru?orty Officer's stook heoord w1INN. .1.010 Account .11?1111111.11?04111111.0. a. Use of Form Ko. 30-26 The stock record account of k Contrul Supply and Jroperty ?Moor hill 6e mointained, by item, on u Property inventory R000rd. Form No. 36-25. b. Prooessing of Auoountability Documents All instruments representing transactions witch rofloct a chango in the accountability of a control Supply and Rroporty Offioor will bo Nouchored, posted to the appropriate stook record oarde. Form Mo. 36-26, and placed in the voucher Pile. 9. Posting to a Consolidated Supply und Property Officer'a Stook Record Account a. Use of Form ro. $G-14 ?????11.???????1111... The stock record account of ft Consolidated Supply and PrePortY Officer will bo maintained, by item, on Form No. 36-14, stook Record Ckrd. b. Purpose The primary purpose or a stock record account at on independent installation is to record reneipte and trot:afore of non-expendable supplion and equipment in such a manner that the quantities on hand and in um are accurately reflected at oll times. NO aegregation will be made in the amounting for non-expendahlu property in stock or in use at independent inatallations. 0. Postinge Consolidated supply and Property Officer will account for all receipts and transfers of non-expendable property by posting individual debit and credit vouchers substantiating said transactions on the face of Form NO. 36-14. Adjustment vouchers will he posted in accordance with co:event instructione. 10. Corrections of Mrroneous Hatrios an Stock Reoord Cards a. Restrictions Accountable supply end property officers will not make erasures or alterations of entries on stock record cards. Corrections will be effected as prescribed in the ensuing paragraphs. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 rt 25X1 A Approved For Reled 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO MANUAL OP' MY INISTBAT/VM rnsermirmotts b. correction Before Additional Postings When an error is discovered in a posting, and if subsoquent pontinge have not been made, the incorrect entry willbe ruled out with a narrow, but not obliterating line, and the oorrect pouting will be made on the next line. o. Correction After Additional Postings rhen an error in posting is discovered, and if additional postings have boon made prior to diaoovery of thu error, the correction will be effected as followa: (1) If an incorreot figure hes been posted in either the "Receiv d" or "Issued" ("Returned" on Porm No. 36-14) column, the oorrootk entry will be made on tho first available line, uning the original voucher number and date, together with tho notation "Corr." The not figure (debit or credit) necessary to make tho correction end tho now balance will be posted. (2) If a correct figure hen been entered in the "Received" or "Issued" column, but AU arithmetical error ha a bean mado in computing the balance, the correction will be made on the first available line, using tho original voucher number and data, with the notation "Corr. Bal. Only." No entry will be mnde in tho "RocAqvad" "reaued" animism. d. Posting on reron4 Stook Card when an entry has boon posted in error to the wrong stock card, the adjustment will be offeoted an follows: (1) If tho error in discovered while the entry in being made, the posting will be disoontinued, ruled out, and initialed. "aithout further notation on the entry will be posted to the proper stook card. (2) Providing no subsequent entries have been made, the procedure described in (1) above will be followed when the error is discovered at a later date. (3) If subsequent entries have been made, the improperly posted stock record card will be adjusted by a cancellation entry. The date and voucher number of the original incorrect entry vdll be posted together with a notation such as "Cancel Post. 12-17" (12-17 being the date of the original posting). The amount of increase or decrease (the exact reverse of the original entry), and the correct "Balance" will then be posted. Using the original date and voucher number, the correct posting will then be made to the proper steak record card. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06: CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO MANUAL 074? AIIIIIIIIMATIVE I1ISTItliCTTO7I8 SURPLUS PROPS= 1. General 4.1.1?111111???????????? a. The term "Surplus Property" as used in this paragraph refers to supplies and equipnentrUch have become excess to the needs of the Central latelligenoe Croup, nnd which have been or will be deolared se such to te propor dinposel agency. b. no final determination of surplus /supplies and equipment will rest with the Chief of tho .3uPP1Y Sootion, Services Division, or his desioated representative. 2. surplus Property Records, rashington Area ???????????????? n. Transfers to sur luta Property Officer Property which has been determined as being surplus to the needs wc* this Agency will be transferred to the surplus Property Officer, supply eeetion, r,ervices Divinion. Such transfers v111 normally be initiated by a Central Supply and Property Officer and will be made in accordance with current tlransfor procedure. b. Records 111011111?11101?11?1?111110.11=1111?1 The Surplus Property Officer will maintain necessary records to insure that all property in hia custody ia adequately accounted fbr, and that records of receipts, mAnua records of dieposals, equal the stook on hand at all times. 3. Surplus Property Officer, Washington Area a. Responsibilities In addition to the maintenance or suitable control records, the rplus Property Officer is responsible for the receipt, inspection, classification, declaration, and disposal of all excess supplies and equipment. b. Aotion Upon Receipt of Surplus Property Upon receipt of surplus property. the Surplus Property Officer will take imsedinte action, in accordance with current directives, to effect prompt transfer of said supplies and equipment Co the proper disposal agency. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : IA-RDp81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A On VANUA!, OF ADMINISTPA,TIVI; TlISTRUCTIO7U8 25X1A 4. eurplus 1roport1 at Ind() Nendent instelletionn n. Submission of Report to vinshington The conaolidated Supply aud rroporty officer of an independent installation will report all (moose supplies end equipment to tee Chief, ,eiervices Divinion, roulhington? for disposition inotructiouu. rn oo onno will dinpomitions be effected without propor authorisation. b. tion Upon Receipt of nia osition instructions Upon rocelpt of tlispouitiou instructione, tho ConnolitWted r,upply and Property officer will tudvi immediate, notion to effect diaponal mnd will roport saw) to to Property control section on the '''.T.onthly Consolidated rroperty Report," Pori No. 36-22. TNSTALLnD Ara UnASSIGNM PRoPBRW 1. General ???????????1?1.0011111.????? it. The term "installed Propertr as uned in thin paragraph refers to moveable things such an equipment, apparatus, appliances, fixtures, end machinery which have been fixed in place in, or attached to, a building, but which may be removed without destroying their idointity or utility. / b. The term "Unassigned Property" rotors to non-expeneable equipment in use, the iouation of which precludes the dosiGnation of fixed responsibility. c. rnstalled and unassigned property in current service in the reshington area will be accounted for by the Chief, Real Eetete and Utilities Unit, Supply Section, gervices Divioion. 2. Property Records, Washington Area a. Stook Record Account The enief, Real nstate and Utilitien Uhit, mill maintain a stock record account, by item ? of all installed and unasuicned property on the Stook Control Card, Form No. 56-14. The tailoring information will appear on the Stock Control Card for each item: CONFIDENT! AI Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A (:TG Ol Air nri3iturivi: INSTItTICTIONS 25X1A standard nomenolature model inuAbor Axe or oapnoity nacte of iuiufutur,r (6) Unit; ()out ? Hne of ;.'orv, o. 4011.1.111????? T110 ;7400 W: iu 1%4 No ? will bo used to r000l?t1 t'Ae transactions which rofluot; au .iucrooLen or decrease In Cm total rteconntability of ths uucouutable oPfloer. ih reverse sido, ,',ecounts Control Section, -4.11 indicate the disposition of installed and un- assiooLl proporty by buildiuto. 3. Hesponsibility for Installod and Unassignod Proporty Maur uorwiil eircurastanues, installed and unnssimod proporty will not by issuod to a responsiblo officer on a eimed rocetpt. The rosponJibility Zr t:tu custody anti safekeeping of said proporty 411 ran with the iudiridual having suporvisory responsibility oval- installation in or to whiult the) equipiaent is installed, attaohod, zir located. Ina;?171.7.3) Olt /3:JR IriCT:ra iitOPLIZTY 1. General ????????????????????????? a. Supplies Lunt equipusint which arc routed or held on a loan basis froza a coroarcial fire or other i;cvernment agency rill WI" obtained through the Supply Suction, ;3ervicos USviaiou. t;uoh property rdll not be reflected on the stook record account of an accountable supply and proporty officer, nor will accountability be established. b. The absence of a000untnbility does not preclude the assumption of direct rutdior supervisory responsibility for rented or horrmtud property. 2. Responsibility Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A ciaAmittiffi 0728R000100010001-2 a. Responsibility for the oustody, care, and safekeeping of rented or borrowed property will reit with the individual or using unit having possession. Necessary records will be maintained by the responsible individual is prescribed by the Chief, Supply Section, Services Division. be, The loss, damage, destruetiun, or theft or rented or borrowed property will be seconnted for by the responsible individual in socordanoe with the regulations governing the loss or property cloned by this Ageney. 1111 pRopmay ISSUED on TEUPORART LOAN OR BEING PIM)AIRED 1. Temporary Loans a. In the event that accountable or responsible supply and property officers issue property to au individual or using unit on a temporary loan basis, a signed hand receipt will be obtained. This receipt will be maintained in a suspense file until said property is returned. b. Temporary loan issues should be United to intra-ni;ency transaotiona and such action will not be condoned as a routine practice. e. Loans to other Government agencies must bo coordinated through the Property Control Section, Services Division. 2, Prozerty Being Repaired a. Typewriters, office machines, and other ocluiproont which are returned to the Supply Section, Services Division, for repair will normally remain on the accountable records 01 it Unit Supply and property Officer. b. The accountable or responsible supply and property officer Initiating the request for repair will obtain an itemized signed receipt for the items turned in. This receipt will be retained in a suspense Lila until the property is repaired and returned. 711 ACCOUNTING FOR GASOLINr? OIL, AND LUBRICANTS 1. General a. The accountability for all motor vehicle taels and lubricants used by this Ageney, within the Washington area, is the responsibility of the Transportation Officer, Services Division. The ensuing paragraphs outline the policies and procedures for the receipt, issuing, and accounting for gasoline, oil, and lubricants. b. Independent installations located outside of the Washington area may establish procedures which are in accord with local circumstances. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO MANUAL 11.' AD? SNISTRATtie NST TINS 2. Stock Peoord Account a. Gasoline, oil, nnd itibriearts will bo carried as individuftl itoms on the stook record Recount maintained by the Transportation Officer. Allsweeipts will be vouch-lured and posted as Individual debits, and a consolidated "Monthly Abstract of Issues" will be posted as a credit to the stook record acouunt. One copy of alldibit and credit vouchers will be forwarded to the Property Control Section. b. Discrepancies which may arise between the r000rded balanoe end the actual balance on hand as disclosed by a monthly inventory will be adjusted in acoofdanoe with current rogulations. 3. Issues 411.111101111.?????INOINow kik Daily individual issues of gtsoline, oils, and lubricants will be made on a migned QMC Form No. 437, Delivery Order and Rooeiptoor on a similar form prepared in triplicate. Information such as the quantity issued, serial numbor of the vehicle, date, etc., will be included on each issue receipt. b. At the close of each day, m recapitulation of the total issuos made will be onterod on VD AGO Form No. 10-117. Monthly Abstract of Issues, maintained in duplicate. One copy of ceoh supporting delivery receipt, QUO Form No. 437, will be filed by the mbcountable officer to substadatiate this entry, and one copy of the qvc Form A No. 437 will be forwarded to the Property Control Section. 4. Monthly Abstract of Issues a. As of the last day of ?soh month. the Monthly Abstract of Issues, WD AGO Form No. 10-117, will be oompleted. The original WD AGO Form No. 10-117 will be vouchered, posted as a credit to the stock record account of the accountable officer, and the other copy will be forwarded to thn Property Control Section. IIIIPROPERTY 7'fORH Ob: THROUGH FAIR wra AND TRAR 1. General a. Definition Supplies and equipment which have become worn out or otherwise rendered ImservieGeble aid/or obsolete in use or in storngm without apparent fault or neglect of any individual or individuals will be considered as being worn out through fair wear and tear in the sorvioe of the Government. b. Disposition Survey Reports will not be initiated on property determined as beirk; worn out through fair wear and tear. Disposition of property will be accomplished in aecordance with the instructions contained in 6 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 4411/119;0Erki P81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A cloArAriri, d Ffl or Rel , At)TtIISTkATXV INtRkrlNS the ennuing paragraphs. 2. Aetion Dy The Unit Supsly And Property Off:loor a. Preparation of Fora No. 36-24 A Unit Supply end Property Officer will instruct responsible officers under his supply jurisdiction to return all property whioh hes becoem unservicenble throueh fair wear and tear to the appropriate Central Supply and +torwrty Officer. Tho transfer will he made on a Property Turn-1n or Transfer Slip, Form !!o, 56-24, eropered in sextuplioate by the responsible officer. h. Prooessieg Form No. 36-24 Upon oonplotion of the turn-in, the Unit Supp) mwA Property Officer mill post one reoeipted copy of Form No. 36-24 as a credit voucher to his stook record mccount. one copy will also be posted to the Accounts Control section or the Stock Control Card, and subsequently placed in the jacket file of the responrible officer eoncerred. 3. Action ar The Central Supply And Property Officer s. Azprovel The Central Supply and Property ffixer will be responsible for determining that property being returned to stook by a ursine, unit is unserviseable and has been wore out through fair wear and tear. 25X1A Such turn-ins will be nocounted for by the Central Supply and Propert Officer until disposition ie made in eccordanne with paracraph below. b. Disarprovel /n Mole Or In Part In the event that all or part of the property has not been wore out through fair wear and tear, and the unservicenbility appears to be the result of neglect, the questionable items will not be 25X1A returned to the Central Supply and Property Officer. The responsible a Sur individual will be notified by the Central Supply and Propertyofficer to initiate vey Report in de.c with paragraph copy of the notification will be forwarded to the Property Control Seotion for informational purposes. Ultimate disposition of the property will be made in accordanoe with instructions issued by the Property Survey Board after the Survey eport has been duly processed, c. Disposition of Unserviceable Items 0.1 unserviceable items worn out through fair wear and tear which appear on the stook record account of a Central Supply and Property Officer will be disposed of in the following manner: (1) Items which are eoceomically repairable and which are not surplus to the needs of this Agency will be repaired and returned to stook. t0.1011 La 3 ; 1/0 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A cpylicgtvE95.R5iimmffIpakopip :fiffrfigq28R000100010001-2 (2) Unserviceable property that is surplus to the needs of this Agency, or whioh e beyond the state of coonomioal repair, will be transferred to the rurplus Property Offiocr in nocordasee with current transfer procedure. 4. Aotion By The Surplus rroperty Ofleor a. The Surplun Property Officer will be rosponsiblo for the ultimate disposition of ell uneervioeablo property which is not soonowionlly repairable and/Or is excess to the needs of this honey. Insofar as it is posaiblo diepositions will be made to established Government disposal scancion. b. Unnervioenble property which (=not be disposed or throug,h nortsel channels will be deetroyed. Prior to destruction such itons will he reported to th CIG Proerty Vurvry Board on a Report of Inventory Adjustmont, orm No. 36-16, properoe. iu triplicate, by the eurplus Supply and Property Officer. A request for authority to destroy such items should )).(4 included in n eovor letter directed to the Property survey Aoard. 0. Two copier; of the ;ort of lnvi:ntory Adjustmat, t?)6other with the request for authority to destroy the items listed thereon, will be forwarded to the Property Survey 3oard, through tho Property Control Seotion. One copy of the Form .7.o. 36-10 will be retained by the Surplus 7.1roperty !?fficer as a suspeuse credit voucher to his stook record nocount. The Property .3urvoy Board will return one approved eopy of the Porn No. 36-16 with authorized disposition instructions to the. Surplus Property Officer. The approved copy of the Form No. 36-16 will be posted ea a valid credit voucher to the Surplus Property Officer's account after dinposal has boon effected. (no sp?rovod copy will be forwarded to the Property Coatrol Section for adjustment of ooutrol reoorde. 6. Action At Independent Inetallations a. 'urn-In of Property "r arty in the possession of individuals which has been rendered unserviceable and/or obsolete through fair weer end tear will be returned to the Consolidated Supply and Property Officer for credit. Such items will be accounted for on the stock record account until proper disposition has boon effected. b. Preparation or Form No. 38-16 All unserviceable property appearine on the stook record amount of a Consolidated Supply and Property Officer will be listed on a Report of Inventory Adjustment, Porn No. 36-16, prepared in triplicate. The following certificate will e included on the face of the Form No. 36-16. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 ' 1 Approved For Release 2001709/06 Cke-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A C JO MANUAL 0 I, ADMI NI STRATI VE INSTRI !C T I On 25X1A 1 oertity that the items listed hereon have, been worn out through fair wear and tear in the servioe of the Government without fault or negleot on the part of any individual or individuals, and that said items are not economically repairable. Aocountable Supply anilliopery ?Moor a. Distribution of Form No. 36-16 The original and one copy of Form 36-16 will be forwarded to the Chief ?I Station for approval. The third oopy will be posted ns coeponse oredit voucher to the stook record account by thn Consolidated Supply fled Property Officer. Atter approval has been effected, the original Iteport of Inventory Adjustment will be returned to the Consolidnted Supply and Property Officer for posting en a valid credit voucher. The other copy will be retained in the administrative ilei of the installation. LDST, DMAGn, Uli 6TOLN P.80a,RTY -- SURVEYS 1. General %1111?11111.111111?11.11.!1.11110?11 a. Individual Responsibility The polioy of this Ageney contemplates that some individual will be reeponsible at all times or the earn and safekeeping of Government property. In the event proporty in lost, damaged, or destroyed by causes other than fair wear and tear in the service of the Government, the responsible individual will prepare a Survey Report, Form No. za-101, In scoordance with the prooedure outlined below. b. Initiation of Survey Reports, Survey Reports must be initiated by the rosponsibln individual within thirty days aftor the loss, damae, destruction, or theft has been discovered. Should ciroumstances prevent the initiation of a Survey Report in the required time, an explanation for the delay will be attached to and made a part of the Survey Report. 2. Preparation And Distribution of Survey Reports a. By Responsible Individuals Individuals who are responsible for property which has been lost, damaged, or stolen will initiate a Survey Report, Form No. 36-18, in septuplicate. All factual data surrowading the loss, damage, destruotiem, or theft should bo included in the "eireumetances" section of Form No. 36-18. This should be a .oasis e statement including dates, location, and names of individuals involved, and will be sworn to before a notary publie or a summary court officer. Additional substantiating evidence may be presented in the fora of notarized Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Reagh54/)F79 79111-FDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A GTO "AJVIIIAL OF Mr MI3TRATIVit tWItilitUCT IONS affidavits which should bo attachod to tho survey Report. ono copy or the Survey Report will be retained by the responsible individual. The original and five copies will be tornardod to the supply and property officer accountable for the property, who will assign a voucher number to all copies and post one copy an a suspenso vouohor to bin stock record account. Unit Supply and Froperty Officers will use the other copy to make appropriate deductions from the Aecounts Control Suction, Form No. 10-14, and will be filed in the responsible individualfo jacket file. Tho accountable ;supply and property officer will sign the remaining copies of Form no. 18-18 and distribute samo in the following manner: 25X1A (1) In the lashington oroa, Survoy Reports will be forwarded to the do Property Survey Board, through the Property Control section, for investigation and action. 25X1A (2) At independent instollations, the survoy Report will be forwarded to the Chief of Station for notion in accordance with paragraph below. b. By Accountable Officer on Proptnalajamte When au accountable supply and property officer initiates Jurvoy Roport for the loss, damago, destruction, or theft of property in storage, an original and four copies of Form No. 36-18 will be pre- pared. All factual data in the form of a concise statement containing dates, location, and names of individuals concernod will bo included in the "circumstances" section of Form /10. 36-18. All copies will be vouchered, one oopy will be pouted to the stock record account, and filed as a suspense credit voucher pending receipt of the approved or disapproved survey Report. The original and three copioa of the rorm No. 3010 will then be forwarded to the CIG',I.operty survey Board, through the i.roperty Control sootion, or to the Chief of Station in the event the Survey Report is initiated at an independent installation. 0. By Acoountable Officer As Responsible Individual In the event a Uhit Supply and Property Officer has delegated himsolf as a responsible individual for a sub-account to his stock record account, and is responsible for the loss, damage, or destruction of property charged to that sub-account, the procedures as outlined in paragraph above will be followed. 3. Action by Chief of Station a. Survey Reports which are initiated at independent installa- tions will be forwarded to the Chief of Station for action prior to being routed to Washington. The Chief of Station will appoint a dis- interested investigating officer (civilian or military) to examine available evidence regarding the loss, damage, or destruction and his findings will be noted an the reverse side of the Survey Report. b. Upon completion of the investigation, all copies of the UAYirIOENTIM. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A cI0AmextdfPrAifiltimiRfl. Efiaif491i6k#0728R000100010001-2 Survoy Report will be forwarded to the CIO Property Survey Board, through the Property Control Section, Services Division, olashington. 4. Action By The CIO Property Survey Board a. All Survey Reports initiated within this Agency will be forwarded to the CIG Property Survey Board, through the Property 25X1A Control Section, for investigative and action ik nocordance with paragraph.'" b. Upon completion Cof final aotion, the Property Survey Board will retain the ori6inal copy of Form No. 36-10 end return the remaining copies to the Proverty Control Section for Aistribution. 6. Action By The Propelly Control Section The Property Control Section will distribute all Survoy Reports in the following manner: a. ...a_AprovedveReorts (1) 1 oopy (2) 1 copy (3) 1 eopy ???? ???? MOM Responsible initiating individual Aoeountabla supply and property officer Property Control Seotion b. Disepprovc,d Survey Reports (1) 1 copy -- Responsible initintin individual (2) 1 eQpy Aceoohle supply and property officer (3) 1 copy -- Pr4exty Control Section (4) 1 copy Chief, Finanoo Division (eortifiod true copy) 6. t_.ActionThelj..._inanceDivision....._ 25X1A Upon receipt of a disapproved survey Report, the Chief, Fianna. Division will effect collection of all monies in accordance with paragraph 25X1A CIO PRO' TT SURWY BOARD I. General The Director of Central Intellionce has delegated to the CIO Property Survey Board the authority to take final action on all Survey Reports; authorise ultimato disposition and/or destruetion of all unservicsable and obsolete property in the custody of this Ageneys and 25X1A to approve or disapprove all Reports of Inventory Adjustuent, Fora No. 36-16, in accordance with the procedure outlined in paragraph CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/090hfilbligr)728R000100010001-2 CIO VANUA!. oF AnInisTRATIOltEhddl DAM 2. Action On Survey Reports a. The CIO Property 5urvey nourd willreview all Survey eeporte end eupplementel deta, includine tho findings and recommeedetions of the inveetigating officer, pertaininc; to thn loon, damage, deetrection, or theft of public property. b. Based on the information and faetufal data prevented, the Board will render anal decision with respout to the pecuniary liability of, or relief frommeponsibility of, the individual or individuale concerned. c. After decision has been rendered, the Property Survey Board 25X1A will retain the original copy of the Survey Report and forward the romainiee; copiee to tho Proeorty Control Section or dietribution in acoordaeoe with paragraph ebove. 3. Action On Unservioeable Or Obsolete Property n. The Property Survey Doerd will review all requeete initiated on Form No. 30-16, Report of Inventory Adjustment, by the Surplus Property Officer for the dinposition of property worn out through fair year uad tear or otherwise rendered uneerviceble and/or obsolete in the servioe of the Government. b. The Property Servoy 7,0ard may relieve all ooncerned of responsibility and/or accountability and authorise disposition of property rendered unserviceable throueh fair weer and tnar. 0. In the event the property wee rendered uneerviceable through the fault or neglect of an individual or individuals, the Property Survey Board n-ill dizapprove the Report of Inventory Adjuatmeat and diroot that a Survey Report be initiated. 4. PolioVith Respect To Pecuniary Liability a. The Property Survey Board will determine, from conclusive evidence), before imposing a pecuniary charge a4;nin3t en individual ehat: (1) the property for whioh he was responsible was lost, demaced, destroyed, or stolen through the apparent fault or nogleot oC the responsible individual or; (2) there was an intent to defraud the United States Government. b. All pecuniary ?bargee raised against an individual as a result of a Survey Report will preclude any loss to the Government, and such charges will ordinarily be in the amount which represents the actual loss. Consideration will be given to the original cost pries, the 25X1A current market price, and depreciation based on the life expectancy and normal usefulness of the article, artieles which ars useful throughout their entire life are not subject to allowances for depreciation. Where the property is damaged and can be repaired, the cost of repair is a proper charge against an individual, provided said cost does not exceed the value of the article. POICT, I IA ? 111 ?1 iUL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/q9406,:,CIARDP81;00728R000100010001-2 1:1G Maio 1. Oo H I STRAT iIdITA'118kg 5. Right Of Apocal to. Individuuls noainst whom a pecuniary oharoo hats boon reliand may apnvil the deal:lion of Olt, Prooerty Corvoy Hoard to tho Director of Control Intollioenoo. Thin upponl muut bo mod*, in writino, within 3U days 'after rooeipt of notlflootion of tho peouniory chore, uuless otOorwito opecified. The orloinul and oao oopy of thc appoal should 1-.0 submitted to to Dirootor of C:ontral Intollioeoco, throuoh the CIO 7Toporty Survoy Foard. b. In the ovont on appeal is not forthcomino within thv upocified timm, ono copy of tho rOavoy Loport, with all uupplozontol date, will to forwarded to tho Chief, Financo Division, for oollection. 3. of o0uz(fta a. Poyment of in's:watery ors will be undo by chock, or U. S. 'ostol tronoy Ordor, payable to "The Treasurer of the Unitod :Autos." The ?Lea or oonoy order, and n. copy of the notificntiou of poouniory charges, will he forwarded to tho Property Survoy floard. b. Army onlistad pnrsonnel may Ilion o statomont of oharoen in accordance with paragraph 6-b, AR 35-6640, datud 16 April 1945, or submit paymont it: tho monnor outlined above. 7. Collection Tly Finanoo Thu Chiof, Finanou )ivision, upon rocolpt of ft disapprovod 25X1A Ourvoy :oport willtake imnediate ootion to collect monies due the Governmont. In the evont Utat suoh action is inoffectivo, collection moy bo made through a pay a deduction on final settlemont. 25X1A (See Admlnintrativo In3truotion1111 par. ) LOSS IP 170!: 7:nC7 LIArILITY I 27,7i1 1. Genernl 0?111111.~..1111.?????????? a. nhon an individual odmito oeouniory liability for the loss, damage, or destruction ?of public property, voluntary paymant may bn mode 46 outlined in the nnouing parographs. b. A voluntary payment in accordance with tha procedures outlined beim will not be used as a MORUO to circumvent ostablishod polioy prohibiting the purchase of Agency property. OS 25X1A o. In the event an individual desiring to mOke voluntary payment for lost property in being separated from the Agency, clearance will be effected in accordance with paragraPh 2. ;lotion Byalponaible Individual An individual dosirino to make voluntary !moment for the loss of public property, in lieu or subnittinga :harm Report, Form No. 36-18, will 1) 0 OLNTIM Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A oRprfArc! F9r ,Rpleasf g90,1190/015 100728R000100010001-2 e,?)nrdi rtrt,Q Lttid LO t 12., 71:o Irty ? hctin Un t )'rpeert,! Officer ? The Unit Snuely ?ProHn'ty 0;ficur nLwict the rospJnoiblo individunl ii thr Freplkrt;ti'w, of 1:?)r.. Voluntury ihiymont fur Tills item ',gill be ii:i.Lintoti in sextwpiiinto ?and la floe by the rszjizttib1 triv1dun1nnd tlio Unit 4!:',.1.pdly Proerty iflicor. ill couies Of 1.41... oill 1,C .110d gri Ii6jU31,110A (1) VlUellOr number by the '00.L i1y tri Tuverty i t.tcsv 1nd ono CO ;y r.A.a.ned as a suud(e Cl idi. t vol.etior 6 4t0ift: rc,!corA acc..Jent'}f oriL:1. .a:n Cour co 66-4.2 Hely Hit:, cluul u th, 4. p..c?tion by t Pi--.)not-ty Contro1.)?;.1 The Priii.pert:y- Control. :1:octiunWI Li o njbjl'or; a. rov icwi.or.:. Volon.Lary tytrontu for "ubJ ic. r.) orty, i rEit N). _nil:Anted 1.n n'to. vo dotormi%e LLat said lacti in is in acc wdrince vrl ,IropfTt', rriGulat,L b. deterniini?nr tilt) unit ...loot (inch 1..hf!! !,41rinor rnAtlincd 0* oorroctnenn Of n?mencitztiire. d. Plaintair4in6 inforri?al r000r.: ..):f7 J. I 12-)lont!)ry -1:indiac receipt at' tot 13i 1)L Forn OG-4;?!. Thu Pro:-.9rty C elL,n. linti o: Terra No. 46-112 -..m.rn t 5. Action. by the Finance lAYilli)11 a. The Finance Diviinn effect collectithi, tr:00 u.nd uin t11 oo:ipc of ,!!;). Voluntnry 7.t:iy;i1c;nt for 1i. 7:Toporty. The ori6irmi and ';.41t1 coy uf Form N. -1), will he ram.ired by tLe Pint-Ince Divibin And the infiaining copies distributed ao fDilows: 1 copy - InA.vidusa mekine, pRyment 1 - Unit Spply and Property Vficer 1 copy - Pro,Yerty Control Section CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 200li0pt0.A ; j.CljWP8l 25X1A , Glo ! ho:? .'1% :t b. Thu Unit. S.Icoty 4nd Prubrrt). wi;.1 win 1j6ned (2F)PY Forn No. .;;3-Cii. rt V11110 OrC115 L v ',IOW r ti L ) r Jrc, und.1 Lho votiohilr The r.oty L.i 43od adjuut thn itunounto G pLrol tp.,ut'ion FJrr. N, 1 licd uhe inokot 1'1i, rt !onnit ividu(11.? (3. Tvo pro.!orty 0.30 tno ni. nud tio? ?.Vet to Ild.,1111j. 1'o ? o Astr,J1 r;.?.J.rftv :1 4.14 ? 25X1A TboCiru. I j .L uul,..1%;u,I .rtv 0 icor Ftil i:i.iuiui.1-:11?b 1:3 r Lt i.(I 10 {/, ,r duotrueti-n .1:: ? 10.11u rrE., Li v dunt,nry pktyroit,tin ..b41.0!?:1ulont hn i.Cor ran. .1:0114.Y?i, th0 proots.,1Hrtqi ac .:tAl.:1?...1-11.1(1 for n. Unit C1,,y d i'ropt..rty Offlocr i ttrarw,hn 71b -2 ftt,ve. In L. uf.;.eii-in by the "1,-Turerty Cntrol :inct1.4n" no _0 ,nrui,-,r,t-h 4, CnAntlinted ou,drly ,uld Pro: f;rty frionr !or tirs dot.t.rtniigrtion Ar ihn unit coot reV-.10 by tho "-inftnutt tu: ...wt1ixiod in :..cirlti;rttoll tj cr.,,f! b.-. oup:21itiotitouv ioctil ,,roor dr ,ntnbliohc'd by the Cou3u1id1i4 Ivt,u0 Pro-,rty :t:41 tho hstall,ttion iitionoe orfioor. ?)c '117!1%:)Tiv 1. Gencrit1 Limitft.tions The Re., or t .! ? I tom at 0 ry ,otmttut Furn ,;(1-16, may be u:sed by vn uflouilta6itt ii Ltt 5, )fltT.T# adiU . t;:ct HO "b4.1. :icw" cirk ntook r000rd f-to ,11,LL1 ,.ittarttity ')r1 ,liooloaud 4 4 ithyLicrtl ';..2cou;A 7:2-4-b. tho two of Form No. 3G-16 La: (1) orrDrs fr.)11: use )1A .1...ourroet :;oz-v!nolaturo. (2 ) ;;.cciontu ility lo un:Act.:.)untoU for b. Co' rootion OttErrore in l'out1nt;13 When the aeport oi Inventory Idjustenont is used tr) o-)rreot dincre!)anoies restaltinr; fro :y errors in otth r outionelaturo, the JvcraiLos and ti?ortiag.ea af like items shoulC. intsocar 0.4 po3oille ('set oriC another. Thi; pr,:ciudes utili zati?on If Firm No. :it3-16 to adjust inordinato shorta?es. CONFIDENli Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09106;:!C 43DP81:00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CI( rNhi, n: C?'.)1'rOGLiOrluii)V0r.f.i1'k:ry ),C0x.;titt6',. An ialeOU.Lit,1111'. pl*J; 1:;rty -al.'. 1, ..,:)covory of Uud.O.V.)1Arlt,r,A:!. for rLi .).st sold oro_orty n No. 46 -16, nsd iiest sa:Ju ZA6 11;) adjutitmont vodener to h a etalk t1.0:;,31.1.111.? in Li CM0 :4C ,;17', t- 'oe.1 d?t io.oH.:Tty was .Irro:leosly f,Jr, LUe uee..)unto arty $fficor wit' uno Fort- Th. j6-16 to Te1/4ku imnelf of ? untability. In ...:tueri cne,2s, bo 'made t 1A0 udlustm^nt voucher numnor. V. Prtyarati.)n Distributin The UO( Jun tut: lo ly r o: our wl of Invontory Idjustrao n.; i,Asudre])licott), 1.eickl(td inventory balunoe, nJ tho tud srtai.,,cr:. of th- item6 to be adjusted. Aftor a. v)uchcw nuril:01 lau) beuh to 1 cti f Nfi.). A-1.6, the ).ccountobla sooly .?)r. !orty ATic:cr rc- H.,st ono cody as a !MU'dr...1:Se orcdih voucher U.:. reeord :,000:;at. Tie ahd two co.,icv of 'L.:Au Ydr No. 36-1G -w--.1.11 listrlbuted in the foilowinf, manner: a. In the ::ashi:4:,Lon are%, tc:2.ortn iL Invyhtory :idjlIstent will bn fornarded ti the :ro.drLy !;1?.70::T ponvd, thro,,h to pr,!.,,Jrty 0,;e1r01 L;octf,on. L. At n'alcRundcht ii t 'fieorts Ioveutory 'dJuni.mcnt ? hn forwarded to ths Chief :,1! ;tati(Jn. 3. hction By The C(1. Proaerty ;:arvcy 20;trd The PropIrty S1irvo3, nord wj.11 tn1:v ato.1 ctioh m ul e.::w.t2 ? Invnntory Adjustmont n tho .si6c,tow aro. i,ftcr aut;lovized adjuatments hRTO ;,eor Toved, *Jo orl(;inal i-Orm No. -10, will bo roturnod to the acto4.01.0 sudply utl u? icor to bo filed as raid voucher to a s stock- rt:curd ec nt. Tly: snsenso copy may bo used. to uOjust the Atiounto Control : I.e U.61. or Conoolidatod Sw)oly qnd Prvrty Olfioortr, Ston: CrItr;:11 Card, if necessary. In the ovont thel the Poport of invefttor :Ajuent :lets discrepancies of nare thun one aub-ac-iont, extracts of th6: itcma :Jertaiainp., to ouch account will he -lado by the Unit ;ta,Tly ,c)0rorty )Cfcer. Tho extrexto will tn iK)ted to the Accounts Control section of the Fern No. 36-14 and filed in the uppro-riato roe onsiblo -)ficers4 jacket files. One copy of the' Form N. 36-16 will he 1-m,Irded to the Froerty Control Sot1x for Ajuctmlats ti the clotrol r,Tcords, and one coy will he retained by the a2provirc authority. CONFIDENTII, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A I Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO VANDAL OY AWINISTRATIVL TNSTROCTIoNs 4. Action e The chief Of Station Pima action on all Reports of Diventory Adjustment originating at an independent installation will be taken by the Chief of Station. Then approval of authorised adjuetmonts has been effected, the original of Form No. 34-16, will be returnod to the aocounteele supply and property officer who will file tho original as a valid voucher to his stook record aecount in lieu of the retained atNpense oopy. An approved oopy of the Report of rnventory Adjuatnent will be retained in the administrative filen of the installation. 5. Disapproved Inventory Adjustrents R. The Property Uurvey Hoard and chiefs of stations are enjoined not to approve Reports of Inventory Adjustment eubnitted by Unit and Consolidated supply and Property officers which do not adjust inpropor postings, incorrect nomenclature, or facilitate the assumption of accountability for previously unaccounted for property. b. If any or all of the adjustments are not acceptable to the Lpproving authority, all copies of the Porn No. 36-16 will be returned to the accountable supply and property officer with instructions that a survey Report, Form No. 36-18, be prepared on the disapproved items. 25X1A After the Survey Report has bean prepared in aocordance with paragraph it mill be forwarded to the approving authority together with the disapproved Report of Inventory Adjuntmant. 0. The approving authority will note the following on all copies of the Report of Inventory Idjustnent, "Approved subject to final action taken on the Survey Report of the items indicated." Distribution and action on the tentatively Reproved Report of nventory 25X1A Adjustment will be in aceordanoe with parawatihs above. d. The Survey Report will be aseigned the sena voucher number as was assigned to the Report of Inventory Adjustment which it supports, and it will be placed in the vouehor tile "with the Form No. 36-16 after It has been prooessed. 25X1A 1111EXPRUDNURE OF PROPERTY 1. .nitidituro of Property Par Iixperinsta1 Purposes Branch or division chiefs are authorised to approve tile expend- iture of property used in experimental activities under their jurisdiction. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CIO MANUA/. OF AWINISTRATXVE INSTSUCTrOUS 25X1A The following certificate signed by the Unit chief, or his designated representative. will appear oz the face of an issue or transfer doou- ment, eorm No. 36-7 or 30-24: I oertify that the items listed hereon, will be expended fbr experimental purposes in the aervioe of the Government. Any unused portions will be returned to normal supply channels. (signature) The issue or tranefer dOmument so certified will constitute a valid Toucher to the stook record account of the accountable supply and property officer concerned. 2. Expenditure of Supplies By Au Accountable supply and Property ?Meer Central OuPPly and Property Officers any expend supplies and equipment of an expendable nature for use in activities under their control. Buell items will be listed on a Form No. 3604 together with the following certificate* / certify that the items listed hereon have been expended in the servioa of the Government. 4000untable And Property Offircer The issue document, Form No. 36-7, so certified will constitute a credit voucher to the stook record account& SONSOLIDATED PROP2RTT REPORTS 1. General a. In order to maintain adequate control of non-expandable property at independent installations, monthly Consolidated Property Reports, will be forwarded to the Property Control section, rashington. Using Parole. 36-22, theConsolidated supply and Property Officer will report, by ltes, the total monthly gains or losses on all property for which he Is amountOble. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 0/0 LTAH11/11, or ATV TITI8111ATIVE IIMTIMCTIO1111 2. Pre on Of The oatutelidated Pro rt a. Details of Preparation (1) rora No. 36-22 will be prepared 132 triplicate by the Consolidated supply and Property Officer as of the last day of each month. Items on hand with an increased or decreased total balanco at the end of the reporting period will be listed in column 1 of the Perm No. 34-22. (2) The unit of the item, i.e., each, lbs., ft., etc., will be entered in oolumn 2. (3) The inventory ax of the beginning of the reporting period will be catered in oolumn 3. (4) All reoeipts will be entered in the appropriate spaces in column 4. (a) "Receipts except Nemorandum Receipt turn-ins and Local Purohases ehould include property received train the Supply section, Services Division, CIO, lashington, and other Gavermnent agencies. (b) Local purchases will be listed separately and the unit oast will be indiceted. (c) overages aeccueted for on Reports of Inventory Adjustment will be classified as remaipts and should be listed as such. (6) All disbursements of non-expendable property will he listed in the appropriate spaces of oolumn 6. (a) The "issue Soompt Memorandum Receipt and Operational" column will not be used. (b) The "operational issues" oolumn will not be uaed. (e) "Transfers or Disposals" eillindicate property transferred from the jurisdiction of the installation, suoh as transfere to other Oeverament agencies. (d) shortages accouftted for an Survey Reports and Reports of Inventory Adjustment will be listed in appropriate oolumns. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CV) MANUAL Or ADMINT8TRATrVli T118TR1CTIONG 25X1A (6) Column 6, "Closing lwventGry Including Balance on Memorandum geoeiptM, will be the sum of column 3, plus "total receipts" minus "total disbureemonts". 3. Distribution Of Consolidated The original and one copy of the Pnrm No. $6-22 will be for- warded, through channels, to the Chief of Services, ntihington, V. c.. Attention, Property Control section. The report should arrive not later than the 15th day of the following month. Thor Property Control gentian will use the Form No. xe-2g to make appropriate adjuetments on property control records. minrra 1. General a. All stock record accounts maintained by designated account- able supply and property officers will be subject to periodic audits and inspeetions by a representative of the Property Control section. lervioes Division. b. Auditors will have the general authority to examine all property records whichthey deem necessary for reference in cannot:Aim with the audit. where the examination of records by an auditor conflicts with security regulations, exceptions to the above will be made. 2. Audit Objective a. The primary objective of an audit is to ascertain that the interests of the Government ere being !Way protected. A further objective is to &twain* that the prescribed principles and procedures of property amounting are being followed. b. Auditors will determine that: (1) All items chargeable against an account are accomplished by authorized transactions supported by valid vouchers; (2) Stook record accounts and inventories accurately reflect quantities of property on hand and/or issued to using agencies. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001110/06 :161A-RD081-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CIO MAY: PinliliCr. OM; 25X1A 25X1A S. Certificates of Audit a. At the oompletion of an audit, a Certificate of Audit will be prepared and signed by the auditor. Normally, five copies of the Certificate of Audit mill be prepared and distributed as follows, (1) Original to the amountable supply and property officer (2) 2 ooptee to the Proporty Control section (3) 1 oopy to the appointing authority having supervisory responsibility aver the amount; nuoh on branch or division (thief (4) 1 copy tQ CUtira i4trvioon Aviation. The Certificate of Audit mill present a concise eummary of the results of tho audit inoludinz discropsmics and irregularities noted and a statement regardinG the condition of the account. OF C.1.0. PROPERTY RRCORD 1. Definition of Property Records The tern "Property Records" as urged in this paravaph will include stook record cards, any equivalent forma used in lieu thereof, voucher register* maintained in oomaeotion with the stook record amount, voucher files, individual jacket files, and all other forms maintained ea an integral part of the proper accounting aystem. 2. Disposition Action and Limitationn a. Six mouV:o after an audit of a property account has been completed and a Certificate of Audit has been issued, the audited property records may be withdrawn from the active files and placed in the inactive files of the accountable supply and property officer. b. Property Records will be maintained in the inactive filna of Vat* accountable eupply and property officer for c period of eighteen maths. At the end of the eighteen month period, authorisation tor the destruction of property records may be requested from the Property Control Sootiest, earvioes PROPERTT PASSES 1. General A Federal narks Administration Property Peas will accompany the movement of all public property tram and among the various buildings occupied by this Agency in the Washington area. This pass must be procured in accordance with the procedures outlined in the ensuing paragraphs. CONFID:N Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-TIQP81r0,0728R000100010001-2 25X1A II)i- IN I !/-, CIO MANUAL or AXIVISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS 25X1A 2. Coordination with Accountable Offioers Responsible individuals in the various using offices desiring to effeet 4 transfer or withdrawal of property frt.= wRy building will coordinate the oontenplated movement with their respective aocountable supply and property officer. 3. rnitiation of Request for Pass Tho accountable supply and property officer will forward a memorandum to the Chiefs Property control Seetioni or to the appropriate individual designated to sign property passes in his behalf, requesting that a F. 1:A. Property Pass be issued. This memorandum will be prepared in duplicate aad should contain pertinent information mantling tho property novement. One copy will be retained by the initiating officer. 4. Authority to Sign r SAMOS The Chief, Property Control section, rvices Division, is responsible for the coordination and control of property movement within the Washington area, and will, therefore, be charged with the iesuanoe of all F.1T.A., Property Passes. nowever, singe all using offices of this Agency are not centrally located, the Chief, Property Control section, will desigeate certain individuals to sign property passes in his behalf. These individuals will not issue a F.W.A. Y'roperty less until a stowed memorandum has been received from the aeommatRble supply and property officer. Individuals designated to sign Property Passes will maintain a file of all requests received. issumicn OF PROPERTY CLEARANCES 1. '!ashington Arca a. Action Prior to departure from this Agency, an individual *being separated will obtain the necessary signatures on Form go. 36-20, Property Clearance Shoat. Ms is to insure complete and final clear- .noes of all monies and4or property which may-have been charged to him. The Property Clearance Sheet should be obtained from the Personnel Division or the appropriate Administrntive Officer. b. Action b Administrative Officer The routing of an individual in the proper clearance sequence will be the responsibility of the Administrative Officer of a branch, division, oto. Clearance from the Unit fluMAY and Property Officer will be obtained before final clearance is given by a BranWiAdtainistrative Offioer. This lower echelon supply clearance will also be noceasary prior to obtaining a clearance from the Import,/ Control twotion. frOir "Y-NTI At Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/0t/trppF 1-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A CIC1 ViAllUAL 01? Mk INDITUATIVE TWITRUCT ( P41- , Ut 25X1A o. Action by Unit MAI) ly end Property Offieer The Unit SWAY and Property Officer will take necenenrY notion to ascertain whether or not the individual being separated has property charged to hire. Immediate clearanee will be issued in the event there are no currant ?hams'. should property ohargeo exist, the procedures outlined in the ensuing paragraphs will govern. d. MEPLE1.2120.2.q.K. All public property in the possession 0 an individual bing eeparatod frms this Agonoy will be returned to the proper nupply ?flannel?. Th0 Unit supply awl Property Officer will twasiot the indi- vidual in the preparation ot the Property Torn-In Slip, Porn to. n-24. rthen the turn-in has been effooted. the Unit Supply and !Iroperty Officer will align the Property Clearance) Sheet. o. Znatruetions for Hnliated Personnel ?????????? rnlisted Amy permonnel being separated from this Loney will retain in their pooseesion tho clothing and equipment listed on their individual AGO ronn Yo. 32 as authorixed by the current Table of quipment NO. 21. Any and all special eovipment in tho pounenaion of individuals "'high is not authorised by 7/g 21 will bo returned to this Agency in a000rdance with the procedures outlined in paragraph d above. f. Lest, Damaged, or Stolen Property An individual being separated who in accountable and/or 25X1A responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property sill initiate a Survey Report, Form tro. 3S-18, _:11 acocrdance with parairnp.t above, or mace Voluntary Payment as provided in paragraph holm. In lieu of aiming the Property Clearance gheot, the Unit SuPPlY nd Property Officer will make a notation, similar to the one below, on the reveille aide oV Perla We. 36-201 has a Survey Poporh pending covering the ems Of tho following items or Goverment :'roperty. ? (List IropertY) pp sa"E'llE=m1Fq-lin?ra"-----er Account Me. tA)04, Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 0 G 14 25X1A CIO HAMM]. OY AMINISTRATIVE TH3THUCTIONS g. Volunt.r s4ysnt for Lost T'ropertl The granting of a property clearance to an individual being separated from the Agency who desires to make voluntary payment for the loss af public property. in lieu of submitting a Survey liewrt will be effeoted in the ibllweing manner' (1) .....1UnLagElE-MLLEE":2-2:1.11M!!: The Unit Supply and Property Officer will assist the individual in the preparation of Fortti NO. 36-42, Voluntary Payment for 25X1A Public iroperty, in accordance with instructions as outlined in pare01441 In lieu of signing the Property Clearance Sheet, the Unit 3upply and Property Officer will nake a notation on the reverse side of Porn No. 36-20, similar to the one below* is making voluntary PINY- (Nane) mont for the lose of the following items of pnblio property. (list itens) MSuir----WW-anropercer Acoonnt No. Form No. 36-42, Voluntary Pr4lannt for Nblic Property and Form Ha. 36-20, Property clearance Sheet, will accompany the individual to the iToperty Control seotion. (2) Property Control section 25X1A The Property Control Section will take action in accordance with paragraph and in lieu of nornal clearance will make a notation an the reverse side of Form Uo. 36-20 as fallowas may be granted property (Name) clearance from this Agency atter payment for the above itesui has been made to the Pinenoo Division. LU iiL "roperIy Control Seotion TIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06,4c1,A-RDp81-90728R000100010001-2 25X1A 4 i N CIO %MIAMI. OP Me; II1ATPJ1 XIMMUCTICRIO 25X1A (0) Pins:nee Division After the name? Division has effected oollootion of monies as outlined in paragre041111111 the Zallowing notation will be mode on the reverse side of the Property ClearanoiSheets BoYstent in the amount of 0 for the above items rived of (Date) h. Property in Transit ru the event the individual being :separated him property in transit or located outside washington, a clearance will not be grunted until suoh time ass acid property has been returned to this AGeney. The Unit Supply and property Officer will wake a notation, similar to the one below, on the reverse side of Form No. 36-20, in lieu of normal clearance signatures has the fo1lowin6 equipment which hos not been duly apoounted for. Upon return of anid itomm to tLia Agency, clearance will be granted by tho ?7117sinoK or divi.sfeli) (Lint :?roperr' WPro"WiTeTr?mpr A000uut no. sboorin, ??????.r.????????? 2? Outside Washintiton Area a. cairtirsoati from olidatod_Bup and Property Officer An individual, prior to his deprxture from an independent installation, will obtain a Aped properqoleannums. ehices will be in the form of a wenersolme issued by the Cennolidated Supply mad Property Officer for the station. It Is suggested the following clearance cartifleato be used: I certify that Nene) has returned ler otherwise me:mated for e props a him prior to Ihis departure frwa this installation, with the ibllowing exceptions, -TesselitSited Supply and Property 17/Tear Station: IIME.M..111.1?1114????? Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 :C 00010001-2 25X1A CIO MANI:AL 11: AIR it: b. 3rantinr, er 71 tto241n Cloarunce The Consolidated ujly nd Proi.iorty ()Meer, UgUN datornina- tion that tho individual boing ooparated or trensferred doee not Jew any current proporty chargos eguinat him, will grant immodiato cletranoe. In the *vent kroperty ohargoa exist, aotion ma outlined in the ensuing paragraphs willbo taken Aor thonn porsons returning to l'ashington for soparntiou. Final clearanoo will not be granted to an individual being separated from this Agency est it field installation until all property has bean, endier aocoentcd c. clearance attar Property Turn-In All public proporty in tho peasessiou of un individunl being transferred will be returned to to Consolidated Supply and Property Officer, and a property olearanco will be granted. d. Initiation of Lurvey Roport 25X1A In the event ci individual roqueating clouranoe hes lost, demagod, or destroyod public proporty for whioh he in reeponsible and/ or accountable, a Survey Seport, loom No. 56-16, will be initiated in a000rdanoe with paragraph above. no Consolidated Supply and Property Officer should then mako a notation, :sinner to the on below, under "exceptions" of the Clearance momorandmns ? for the following itmme of rehliu property: has u Survey naport (hist Itcmc) marnrarammI177a?lipnwiF75447;a: stutiaus 11...101.11.1111.11.0.0111?111.11????????????11141.1.????- 0.Retention of Essential ?racily, Upon transfer, an individual will not be allowed to retain any 6ovornment property unloose amid equipment is eseuntial for law cozplatIon of the journoy. Petniztod item; Should be listed under "exceptions" of the Clearance Memorandum and will be returned to ap- propriate Supply and Property Iffioers, Services Division, ismediately upon arrival in Tiashington. f. Distribution of Clearance Venorandus Distribution of the Station Clearanoe memorandum will be as follows, (1) 1 copy will be retatied by the installation or station from which the individual is departing. COCUATIAt Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728ROaddi600.1'40.8111- CIO VASUAL OF AIM rnraTurrvi: nuratucTronz (2) 2 copies will acocnpany the individual Ga .212112.ULZ11.12115en. Upon arrival in weshington, the individual betas separated will report to his Wranoh, Division, or Unit for final olearanos in 25X1A acoordanoe with above. ,1:7\? iv v Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA7RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 c7C, Itt:norrro7i3 1. l'urposu 6 ftoopo rurpose of this inav:rtiotion in to ounio responsibility for, and ostablisi, ilothods r,ovorninG, flaeal activities eitltin (;1(i accordance, v/i-tt: laws 1)4;3 roGolations_ 11LointO:ractftord; outlined RVO for tho ir;ancral cmidenco of tho officials and onployoon of tho '!'.(7'; in connoction vith vouCaorod fouda fi.Tiiot.t1noUvition Cr r..% .0 .10 pktrtzloi0,;(1.1 norv3ce.). X . : a. Tho oivi.sion, is roapunsiblo for tiAo accountink; and )2 ii.;.?unais pla cod L tac of thin oxcopt tE ot.;orv;.lao atiitod la thozo instructions, b. Tho Ascal cotion is roolponsible for tho foliortro': prif!nr:r 'onotions A3si1 in l;flo dovoloont nnd aailltonav:co of talifom aocountin practices; (P,') .)nterrainink-, ttte legality of proposed. tr:rmIdithren, 1-,Itt availability of appropriations, and the sufficiency of A.11.1,dn; (31 f?.1Aditinr, all oxpondituro ::koout3onti: i.ruparatory :;c1 ,jnyment; (41 iillin, colloetinc,, and dopositinz ciwounto doterrainoct to be duo 1.-.).o united States; (5) inta1ritn, individual alary records, to I./a:lode recording and accountint; for retiromont, tn.t, doductions for and iSSURII005 of bonds, and other oompessaticni adjustmentri involvinr, pro;'?orly aPpointed personnel; and bonds; (6) !Ireparia6 the payroll and dist;ributinc, sair.ry chocks (7) Applying rogulations 1or leave and attendance repartint; and raaintaining employees' leave records; (8) nreparing risen' reports us required; Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 IAEA /\41111,14,1;s124;.;9 IA (:I: 1 t)ri () (;()N1.11)1 NI 17\1, 25X1A Approved For Release rn FIA;RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 1!AMIA.), () Air77:;11ZATT 1.!',1,11/ile..sf.T(11;; f?Dtereiniw? supervision over the fiscal worir to field offioes in ?Qta 11.1:, and abroad, and rdion dirocted by tho c!,iof, Pi.nruiejo !)vsiott, 1rt3puctin, Mita tho4.a officers in order to determine that ii, 801i1 ft0 ti. en iiro bOttlp, CO11(11101;0(1 properly: (10) Acaintinr, in trainin codurnal pHJ t-simnel in lineal pro- cooi,eratin? and ad,rininG aillininLeativo offioors noncernod wit) ',.180111 Ike tiVi o. Yisoal Soctton in00-;posod 0:. five uni : filU101:1 A t3 C101/11 ttl ? Yril,V14.1.? a,jroliand 1 maivo alum , tui ;7'4 c Toot/ ti in i.:xontinini., and cortifyini; y;.seal ,-;uction ii1 1 r.:, do !-iir o:aniinnotion payrolls, reimbursement occounta, and all otluvr typos 0:' -youchore and accounts pri.or to certi r!ication non approval P.'or payment. Tho oxtulinra- tion will bo pcirformed by auditors rantilinr with the lawn and ro1;u18tionn of' the Onited States tout the disburoomont o rerioral .i)Judn, collection of loos, disallowances, a U otlay: items duo lai-tud :Mates. Li, Itosponsibilitiom An employer: dosiGnnted (in ,.tuttorited Y.:'11.cor in responsible for propor certi:leation oC younhorri in acerwda.;4co with 25X1A th9 provisions ot (Itat? 31 it( 6). :.To it: required furnish bond for tho protection or tho itod!':,4,7,ates in sucl.; amount no rimy be dotocrii.ned hy lireotor o.f 42,',;o uncy pturcuent to litrattittrtin proscribed by the goorotary of t1,0 '.:'reasury and Is held accountable :`tr and required to make 600d to the IfriitOtt 5tateil thc? amount or a:-iy Improper, or incorrect payment:1 ronultini-, from any !:741so, inaccurnto, or nisleadinG certificate mado by him an wo1.1 an for any paymon7. prohibited. by law or which would not reprenent e.t loval oblii,atIon onder the t%ppro- priation or fund involved. b. Doaignations The names of the ergployeos for whom cortifyine; authority is souGht will be listed on "Schedule of Officers or 1.1ip1oyeos !iuthorisod to Certify Vouchers for Payment to Asbursing 0Aficers undor the 13ranch of the 1overnmont" and submitted to the Director of c,entral Intellionee for approval. The eraployees listed on tho schedule become Authorized Certifying Officers only after the schedule has been sirped by the Dtreetor of Central Intelligence and after the oriGinal of the Schedule as well as the simature cards (Treasury Dept. Perm 1686, Hoy.) and bond ):ave been aeoepted and are on file in the Treasury Dqpnrtmont. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For ReCONEI S 111111681-00728R000100010001-2 T a IN, t* AYPTIIT:;TkA7T V8 rrr7Ivical 0. ilevooat ion ????????????????????? Povocation of an maployouto authorization Lo certify voucher?' i,t bo Konomplinhnii by tno uso of' the unnturiborod Trent/4'117 form on titlod " novoctiti on o ,ott wri ty to curt i ':"??? Vouoziorti for , ftYRIOIlt tt)j Nhurnin ?fficers; undor noo raocutive Branch of tilt) 1::iCIVOTTIS1Ort Nil C!` {Till be introllod In the nano manner no V.', al-thorization fort!. Advahou Duct ni oils Tiber? thoro in n question of I hw involved 5.1, rtymun t 071 ft Ve.A.1010 r submitted to itim for cort i fication, on Autnorized ctertil'?izoi; "seficer hos the) right to apply for and obtain tui uovenoe dooinion i'rom tho comptrollor Ietteral of thy? !bathe.' 1;4;ates in acoordlowe wit); tho provisions bf ruhlic Law 31)9 77th ColNroau, ftPProvot! !kicolnim). 19'11 (31 !;.:;.;',. B2(1). 4. nafokeoping of i ublic '/Nonts ..:11.ployeen &Argue" wjti !1O onfokeeping of Public nnoy shan Ott ($1(1 poraonally 110110 for 111101 fiTICII3 (31 17. S. I" . 621 ? 7)", Pi. non]. oc ti on and any other offices similarly resp011611)10 W111 provide soros or other suitable lockiry, dovicon oafoguard1n6 colioctione, aolory chock?, bonds, ?Lod othor valuaolo items. Poreonal fwide or poporn nhould not be pincod in flovornment; narekeopini; facilitios. t;uch qunoi-offionl funds au tl:ono ror t)11 Pod Cross, Community Cont, 4,tolforo A3socialon, it., in'tlin- istrativoly considered :tecessary to bo placed in these :Acilitien, oould be in n floparatn lockod compkrtment or box with to key to soon container in the exolusive possension of the particular individual rosponsiblo or its contents. ';owever, the presence of ouci: non-&`Ticial contents in the official safekeoping facility will not automatically entitle the responsible individual to Vo combination or key thoroof. aployeos charged with tilt, eafekeeping of Public -one: &All Oil '.old personally liable for much funds (S1 1J.11.C. b21). G. Tnepoctions As required, the Chief, rinance Division, will diroct tho Inspectors wader his suporvision, or officials of the Fiscal lection, to conduct inspections of Ascal activities of the !tone/. critten reports of all inspections will be filed with the Chiof, ?inane? Divieion, and the information contained in those reports will be utilized to the fullest advantago in administering financial affairs. In the event that findings of the inspoctors indicate the necessity for future investiativo or remedial meosAuros, appropriate action be recommondod by the Chiof, ''!nance Division. CONFIDE-Al-14 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For ReleaseCO FAILAL-00728R000100010001-2 iti:v II; VITIM TINE xmrrni1crP)P18 (3. Liaison Tho Ooction will conduct administrsti,fo with odorttl mg,enc!on or othor orgtulizations on routine filloal mattorn. Liaison or purposes 0.! oonsumnating ACM policies, procodures, and agreemente, ir othor activition nf major importanco will On coma/A.0;0d undor tho suporvinion u the ehiof, ,141tuutoo 4rCUMITT7:G ??????????0111011.0.1.??????????11?01.???? acuountinK !'unntions c r the Agency will hes administereal by t'fo ;A.01.30141t5 t ? 11.VICUI , litf.t010,014-11110t) t,?,("XiirrtIrtaltnr fl WU.) 11411t promo ri ad #:o syc tests, and procedures ror a'lministrative appropriation and fund aocountthi;. 1. (3eno ral Lodger Goneral 7,0dger will ho maintained in tho Accounte unit, ttctl:ieotion? for purponos of controllitn; subsidiary aocounting rocords and for appropriation and fund accountability. Tho accounts naintninod 25X1A in the notteral Lodger, es wall as tho forma, systems, and procodures oned, aro preecribed by oneral Regulations 2. Allotment Lotor ??????????????????=.??????????????????? a. Requirement Auctal :; action will maintain official allotmont account- 25X1A rocorde in ncoordance with aoneral ;ogulotionn whink in ittotod in part US .r0110,1111 "Allotmont accounto are providod for to purpose of chorine, currently the unobligatod balances of' appropriations and funds, and of insuring, insofar as pocsible, awtinst the incurring of deficiencies.. "Accordingly. it is tho adrainiatrative responsibility of meet oxecutive departhont, establishment and agency of the I7oderal, Govornmont to allot, apporticn, and obligate its o.ppropriation in such manner as to prevent expenditures in excess of amounts appropriated.. "3inoo allotment accounts are provided for tho purpose or pre- venting deficiencios in, or over expenditures of, appropriations and $ippropriation limitations, it is obvious that if the amounts allotted do not exceed the appropriations or appropriation limita- tions and the obliiAtione and expenditures 00 not cxceed tho amounts allotted, no deficiency or over expenditure will occur. rt is, therefore, important that allotments be made in such mannor as will effoctuate a control at the point where contracts Etro approved and obli,:,ations incurred...." CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For ReleCONNOCENTIALP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A on"; '.V11"1PIICTIci1C; b. .,'itintAffirtricso A Roparato .alotraortt, 1,odgar wl ii u fie tabl I shod ith d main- tained b,y tho j\ocmuflt Ihift, j tc,i1!etatiou, for ouch allotatont ncootint wnich r1.111(113 ilitV0 boon allottod by Um puticet section. Thu ledgers; will be rutintainual without rogerd to object (Amount:. Entrion in the wariona columns of tit) lodger have a direct correct either by addition or uubtraction on tho unoblit,utott tnaltutce of tuff allotment an follore: 1. Allotments . . . Add 2. obligations Incurrod . . . flolbtrect S. obligatione 1,1qtAidated . Add 4. Not olabureemont Your:horn subtract By extending tho balanoo of the various column in the) lodger, Um cornett information will be obtained an to thio unobIlgatod or free balanco of tho allotmont. o. Coneolidation Aa of September 30 of teeth year tile ellotroont lodgor accounts for tho provtous fiscal your will be consolidated on tho basin or major proo7oons or aotivitioe. 3. Obligations ft. tablisitratint Obligations will orOfknaelly be established by menns ui oopieu of tl:o obligatinr? dootaments, i.e., contracts, Purchase Crdors, :;hop ordero, Oovornment ';'ransportation Requests, Travel orclors, Govorn- !aont Billet of 1,ading, end so forth. Where Uric of such obligating docu- ments is not feasinlo, the iiIiscolianoous Oblic,ation Record, Form No. , will bo used to eetablisi: obligations. This foro will also be 113717.7.5 it subsidiary record of recurring obligations for pe,yrolls, rental and survice contracts, travel orders, and other claanos of obligatione, accruals, deliveries, or sorvices which extend over all or part of the allotraout period. The viscelleneous Obligation Records will bo prepared by the Accounts Unit, based on written information furniahod by offices administering the allotmonts to bo charged. When obligations are ostablisited by moans of tho Viscellaneouu Obligation Record., the basis for computation will be indicated, so that appropriate liquidation can be mado when applicable disbursement vouchers are recorded. Al]. obligation documents or data will be routed via the ludget 3ection to the Accounts unit, Fiscal Section, so that tho tions na,y be encumbered against the applicable allotment a000unt. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 FIDENUA Approved For Release C 2901N 9 : I - 11-00728R000100010001-2 TPI 1 VI(ATT !WIT:VreTTOltf; b. Typo(' (1) Yernonta ::orvico ob15,r,ttLiolio will be oetabliebod by i,e0ou1ts Unit on n monTarnatiTirTio flovor tit, salaries or vouohorod oliplo.roott awl minted ovorti.:10. o payroll oblif',utiono will. bo (40.U:4 oty poriod accordance tqltt tbo on sehodulo ost-,&)1 11Lod to r o 01)11,,ation , thor thru: by the artount of tho vnuoltor., ( Travol obliati on co verizIh spec j Vic trips w511 ho ostobl: shod ont!..0-ii7ri trO-4,? to: Jo rravol (..der (Yon-4 34....+ anti all a:clot:Ines tLuthort rd1 in t;:q.) TraIrtil Ordar. i.O. ? ur dim, in liou of &tubaS , oxpozmloo inourroct ineident r.o tho uno o r Govern 'non*, Trontior,rtation itoquosta. RTICI other reimburattble sow, an raw:mod t of tiourseho 1 d o rfoo te ono thwart int, anti all anticiptttett :)blirationo covorod by tho 74)T:oat for Travol order. rrovol orciors will not be relonsod to ;ht traveler nor will trove) be pot-formed until dotorrninn'Aon has boon rind? Alnds nuve boon resorvoe to cover t;),I, MI Li c ipa to d obl fnr ruvo 1 tronoportatioil rtiquoutn, cite. Trovol obit ,ntions wi 11 no 15. qu I datmd wort tl.o rei nbursoment voucher and rolatod ;;ransporto t. or, roquor IA aro submitted orpayritnA. (3) Trausportutt ion I )1.:114;1tt.ions !lovcriot t .' bo ostablisnou on the basis 617-77:i1iiiiTtr-aent 10.110 0:'rjt1t (i 11W. t.)0/1,p,tiorinJ07 ovortusent izoquoste for 'frau:wort:at:ton; iili. r.ol; bo OSVA0011.5),Itid 11111011 th Poquests ore iusuod. Powever, .Grovolor, i; reimbursomont vouonor is paid. t.. ci travel ob1%,ation Will be liquidotod futO utic.. 'Transportation Onquont outured individually au ;IL oblihreAori pAcuirtst 0 al lo tmont. ;4111 o will not ho roleanott to tho oarri ors until Outs mina taen ons boon /31tiltitI o sufficimIt; :Units aro ovoilablo to bailor Ohil jfttiOfl. Billo of Lading, and TramiportatAffin. .:ociosststy. will be liquidated at; relnixid freiglit billinc,s anti carrier's are subrii ttxid for payninct, or ?:tpon vo -0 11 of 1,11din i;. (4) Obi:lotions ooverinc, com s unication or n wico, rente, and utilities, and-a7irrOontrac6:al servicee will be estoblichod by !A04-1118 of the Yiscellanoous oblicatiou Record, ?ors 34-o. Copies of such contracts end/or a6reetaents will be routed to tho Accounts Onit for oblat. Centructs or agroomonte win not be eriterod Into in responso Lo roquosts by adrainistrativo offices until it has boon dotorminod that surticient funds are available to cover tho obliattion. Contractual obliisations will be liquidated when related billiags end/or vouchers art, submitted ibr payment, or when such contracts or agreements have bocm telrminatoct. (5) Purchase Obligatione for supplies, equipmont, and services will be etrablitined on ihe basis of copies of Pun:a:Kee Ordorn, Farm 36-1, or other purchase documents issued by the Services 7>ivision, .7`,('cA. Prior to release, the Purchase Orders will be routed via the Budget 3octiort to the Accounts Unit for obligation. Purchase eblit;ations will bo liquidated when the vendor's billino are submitted for payment, or When such .Purchase Orders are cancellodo CONpnrIvTIA!.. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A cl(7,4n1i1r1r9 Telm,seT210416rONNWAI-pAr28R000100010001-2 T (d) ohli4.tions for Claims wi bu entablishod and/or oljusted to 86reo wrth the.anouncolarmod whon cL are submitted to tho Ounoral Accoontine, A'Aco for diroct nottimont. nblik;nt ono !'or olaiNu will bu liquidatea in auourdanue wit notico of sottlemont by thy flonoral ticuountin4 ?mots. 4. Record or Unliquldfttod Ob1iKatIon0 Oma???????????????????????????X???????????VIIIIII.Inel.1?1110.10 111.0. a. !laintenanoe ?????????? Thu Rocord or 1111iquidatod obliationo will by mointainod by thu +l000urAto Unit for rouordin4 inforiation ofrtaininG to outatandinG obli6atlons. Uocord will bo naintained by appropriation, allotment oocount, and nub-object ?luso in ordur that (1) toe status of oaoh unliquidatod obliGation may bo readily dotorminod, (2) it nay be armor- talnyd that tho amount of uach obliation /And liquidation !Inn berm oorroctly rucordod on allotment ledgura. and (31 an nocurato lint of inliquidatod obltations, clausificd an to sub-object, may bo availably Informtional ),Iurponou arai for preparation W' reports. h. Connolidation ????????????...??????? As of Soptorabor 30 o." yao your thu record ftr tiui.roviouu qnual plar will bo consolidatyd or, thv tmois or nAjor pvoi7ftnn activitifm. b. objust Classification olijoct classification nyuiLols, based upon the typo tlor,ecos, articlon, or otilor itonn involved. nn W..stingainhod fron the iiurpoiio to bo attal..nod, will be 4ppi lud to all oblii;ation. oxendltury, and collection docrAmonta Urfectinc, aipropeationn aLd nbject clanni!lonti,m symbols as sot r9rth tr. thu rollowInA coda nill bo uned to innuro uniforNity in analyzint;, recordin4, and roportinc unliquidatod obli!Ations and oxponditures; to provido budgetary information for tilt) proiatration of ostimates;and to facilitate efficient managomont o: funds. Codo of fibjeot and Sub-Object Classification Symbols 01 Personal nervices 01.1 RoGular Payroll 01.2 Temporar! 01.3 Part-time and 'IAF. 01.4 Nie,ht "Jork Afferential 01.8 Lump Sum Payments 01.6 rative Pay 01.7 Livin and Quarters Allowances 01.8 Overtime Pay ENT Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A --..44-4.-.4"."444.4444.4.11.4441444+ Approved For Release 20 rign1lk-010.728R000100010001-2 c (0 !'AMUAT41!; ArPTIITTNATIVit: MITIVICTT I; 02 Travel 02.1 C iv - !Amulet& C 02.2 (ii! - ForoiGn ()S flilttnry - Domes tit) )2. 4 Iii tar:, - fox) rei 6r1 03 Tran po rtation of 'rhino) 03.1 Iter,u Aar 03.2 Personal ,:free to (o t; o station) D3.% Ponalty 1:!ail (over 4 pounds \ 04 4 ranun io Ittion !; e rvi (ma 04,1 Telophono 14.14 Ilrivato Linos 04.2 Telograph )4.3 Cab1c6rmms 04.4 Teletype 04.5 Penalty !Axil /cross with appropriation limitation': 04.'3 po stag? 04. 7 Trans rot-a 05 !tents aril 1ti1it, ;orvicos 05.1 0 rfi co spnot9 05.2 %rehouse !!!,pacto 06,3 WM11106;0 aohinos 05.4. Toohnical ctI S.j*'ott 05.E riscellarons 06 Printint; and nindinr, 0(1.1 Governmont 1Jrintinr, n fano 06.2 Commercial 07 other Contractual Servicos 07.1 opair and k"aintertrince or Structures 07.2 Security Reports 07.3 Reproduction 07.4 Reportint; 3ervicsos 07.8 Guard Service 07.6 !,liscellaneeus 08 3upplies and ".!aterials 08.1 Office 08.2 photographic 25X1A 08.3 Automotive 08.6 Communications 08.7 Publications 08.8 viscellemoous CONFIDENTMf Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 r * r eMPArPrld. *1.7 1/17?P ?.9.1(1)/A F1DENTIAL 1.:15,,fm_90728R000100010001-2 rlullNieht 99.1 orrice . 2 ,:olts,A,04,AVO 19.4 OverkktIontAl?,rtv 'W.!) Oporotiolial...?qw,,i r)9.7 opro,-bleton 19?8 uiecolluneolie 7)lutH.butiort 1,,o116ur ? vairtt.orAoluo b Tito .koomelt:i on, will Nictint.ti!.4 ,)Istribrtti(7n !te (10:10riti Pn;;;`katttiOrit; No? 100. I entre- rKeltn recorrte,..? $?ri tbo U.atrl'outdoo LudGor will coneint of ell oxpendi Lt.are, settlement, and ref'und collection documents. T:.:0 ':1 11 bo raallitali.iw.: by w;-,.,..-oprintione or fonds, ollotmont ocoount, ant', ;;141)-01) joot claus.Ifications t orbor it may bo ascertained t!.nt n)untn o exponditures /11_14: oollectivna !Atvo boon onrrootly reoortied. Or, kliotraptt :,ocisiore I WO eocursato ii. t or not expenditures, classified an t:o sub-object, nay be available or inrormationel. burposos, ank; prevaration of reports. o. Consolidation As of :59 .leptomber o7.' each year the D.? stribu ti on 1,edor 0001.intE; "or the previous fiscal :Tear will be connolidatot!m thobaci o!' rat jor progrturea or tumtvl ties. aub-objec t uccountini: and ro will be disoontiuued. 7. Lapsed Ap2ropriations a. Mon appropriation Jayne, tte following action will be 1....aJzoi In order tbat. surplus fund warrants issued by the Trotteury ratty bo onterod tnto t eneral. Ledners (1.1 The / 000unt hit will ascertain that all exponatl.tro, settlement, and collection documents have boon entered in tilo allotment accounts. (2) The Aecountu Unit will cancel all unliquidatod tient; by appropriate entry in the Allotment ',odor. The entry and tho oblitsation document will ladionto that cancellation has been made iTt order that the unexpended balance of the appropriation can be carried to tio aerplus fund as prescribed by Seotion 713, U.S. Cede.) Ti-rbr 31 '1-7/nrIVT7/4 7 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 200C1/991/VIDERNIT 28R000100010001-2 rto p ;"TATIV:: TIV1TIVICTT(11S (:tt Tle BedGettion will be advi,sed tt.e mm114;1.116 ueoblit'ated balseco or talytri)itt, t; flppropriitt.A) allot-awe will bO OXOCIttad IfilithdrAlli7111 thou O blatt11005. 1Pine.1 nueunerr ei 11 o prepared ut lapeod ap,ropri ntioen, end furtIor allotment ledGer accounts will not be regt,irod. ANO .1110 ???????? 7ho l'ayroll Init. cl nctioe, will be reeponsible Or ee pe.ration, pre-audit, and Juir0 anion for pnyment of departetontel 'or vouehered personae' or thiri AGtmcy; to post-audit nnd netutenence record!) applienble to overseas vouchtwed pujrolls; tho rmintenanco of epplicablo leave recordn eked retire:lent recorde, both nu to recording nervIce hint() ry peel retirement deductions; to withholdin, and .i.oportin,; 94,.,ounts withhold for leeemo tax put-peso's; the mainterumce of recorde for 11. eavinGs riondo: nnd tho distributione of salary c:lecku real !T., 0). ltivirt:!.,s 3on1il. 1, Tine Arid ,Attendance ItApOrtS Time and ss.ttendance P.eporto, ?;-taridarki ?orm 1130, 7iovirimi, uu need na A timekeeping record nor, and HS n as phy:10!:t Or salarion to,. all civilian employees lieted on voucliered payrolln. reports be maintained by (melt ()Mee or Staff' eeetion, or uni% ori2teleation thereof, eleichover in hest suite for ehecein,., ettondeeco. a. ilocordin.; and Reportini; ee..ere iii11 be entered on eietedar(1 Yo ret 1130, eeeiset, hto number of hours in pay etntuo, 1;e/ ennual, sicV, n.i COriponnator: or loave witeut pry chari;eable to onch lil-day pay period. All avprored evertime foul authorized ,o1.1. !lay 'Work for welcl paymont to to be rAttde =St aleo be recorded on the eenreittrd Form 1130, Revieed. ;;honevor niLlit, differential la claimed, the employee's tour of duty mast be ineicatod on the Time and Attendance Report. ',;!he employee should be requeetAn1 to initial etandard eons 1130. Revied, for any absence from work beafteee of annual, tack or compensatory leave, or leave witheut pay, BO hH to proclud* later dispute of leave chargec. In the cane of absence for sick leave the sick leave certificate at the bottom of rorm 1130. 7lovieed, will be signed by tho employee. if, at the end of a pay period, the employee ill not available to initial for any leave taken, the 1%,)m may be submitted without the initials. However, ritandard loons re. 71 raunt be exeouted for leave for which initials are not obtained, and submitted with the subsequent Time and Atftndence Report. Tr upon return of it traveler it develops that ho was absent fron duty on annual or nick leave that was not reported, a :;tanciarri Porta 71 showing leave taken '!/1.11 be executed by him and submitted with the next Time ad Attendance not)ort sent to the Payroll Unit. CONHDENTAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A cT(APRrrplistsi or WaT1 b. Cortification A79,0728R000100010001-2 the leks.ti of each (4'fico or .3trAIT !-:oot;ion will desit;nate twr omployous for each rtyportinG unit as out'fiorir,od to siat Time and Attend- 'neo Poports. to Oty 41 8 of th., desit;nationn it sponitson slitaturon 11111 be furnished tLo 1 iyroii lJni.t, Fiscal leo-titan. -Thou deer,nations aro (Omni:9d or anthorixations revoked, t}& ttyrui1 nnt!? will 1)0 11(113 1'1011 tivitf dirt tOly by submission or mon oomiC,IllitIMir; styld spool, moll niIhH %ur.m;? Cortiriontions on ricso nn;: tendanoo it rti wl.1l be signed (not initialod) by desimatod 1411,11)1o:toss. no individual certi fy hi 8 own Time Pfld ttcnili&noo iteport wcr mbLI,or (tuthorIntid employe? is available. C. 3nbmission .....401????? Vim? ton! Attendance ,i,oports wiiI n iorwardoil do an to mrrive in the) is'isoal Soc-f,ion not lator tnr.n 4:3!) yer;. on to tollowin tho oloso of t..)io 14-day pay period. o oop'rt wIl he) ported by by (1) Appl iontions for Loave 3t,rtncifirct ?orbs 71, for taltitlik.i. 1041V0 in oxcosu of 12 days or levo extondinL; frolA one rporth?oriod to titi noxt; (P.) clorti ficftto of yi1oitt or practitionor for sick loavo CT 0 VA) - ine; a period in excess of 3 days; (:i) :itandard ',,orrn 72 ,A,?, nick 'vivo) covorint; a visit to a 1....yelo1nn, dentint, orraijoto otc. aLow-r?trIC. i;)"14) :to of tit? visit 1.8i.(1 tilt; 11.81110 i,,iL fladr08 of the (10C tor; nua quplionto copy of T,?orm 324, hearinu tno al.fproval t.tostioni for aut;;arised ovurtimo or holida; work., 2, Pnyxoll Preparation iopsrtmental payrolls for voucorod jorsonno) of 1;lits Aom6,71 will be prepared by the ?ayroll rnit, 7Pincal It9ction, Thu current Salary Table issued by thel t;enorn1 Accounting OfAot; will be ueod to dotermine amounts due omplmoee for per annum, monthly, per diem, or hourly rates. Inch pay poriod uill consist of tvo rublini.0- trative work weeks, resu1tin6 it 26 hi-weekly pay periods ilor !oar. Not pay will be determined by deductin6 from 6ross pay tto auV,orlueri enounts 'for retirement, taxes, bonds., and other adjustments. 3. overtime and loliday Uuty Rmployees who perform overtime or holiday duty us defined in the ?doral Omployees Pay Act of 1945, as amended, will be compensated or 25X1A t;iven compensatory time off in acoordance with the provisions of CTG Ndministrative Instruction 4. U1144t Smployaes assigned to a regularly scheduled tour of duty, any part of .which falls between the hours of 600 p.m. and 600 a.m. are CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For 10414421:01614I1 AIL-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 r'in A1'117T3TRATT\rfl Tr:1C'rt; tintitlati to componnation for work betwoon tom!, hours at R rnto of I(/' in sxwtm of t) tif r LUAU hi l*Mt.ct t)-F-rnir4prtnnetTr.exTr,0yeifls aro not on titled to this night pay difforontiul whon to n Iowa, status. 1.xtry, pay for ni,;i:t duty Lo X001113 or too banjo rato is nut inoludad pt,rt of Vic basic ruto for computinc overtime pay. lion ril;ht difforontial is claimed, t1 o Tinto and ,Ittondanco yeport, rorm must indiouto the //Nava& s rovin.rly schodulod t.our du ti. 1,,ivinit; and ,)uartors ii oweitoo ??????????????????????????????????M. o ro poairically with o ri rod or app roved, ctuurtnri 11ts,iuut and cost or,* nllowtotoos, or special ,'oroit..,.n allowanoyn, itli be paid to thoso omployoun !..)ortautont r titt i.071 ill ilorniGn country. allowattoon will 1,o plat:, in nocordnnoa ni L ttty proviNio,o1 or Baroau of *to lindget circular r-0, arts anti !-?Y)r? the pli rpti et; of perne,ropti (3 of Part A ci f 1.014,;01; rotarkr A- S, iv 1 liu oriployena aro lasui fiod its 0).10W8 Group 1 - (Not applicablo to (14 Group 2 - chiefs or L i sal on o and othor principal. offiyory restly subordinate to ";;ashiot;ton, ? (:. (1.'nlotta othoraiso npprovod .oy the )irootor, these officials incloda cyation f:V-1;" or or above. p1oyees :!ri. those Grades Tth0 aro not (Iiroctly aubordinnto o'''a&tinton aro inoludod in ;;roup 3.) Group 3 - Teohnictal and professional omployoes with f,rados or A fp-4) or or above not covered by nroup 2. Group 4 - All othor ymployeys with groden undor rtt7N-r, or 3ervi.ce employees iiho are United :3tates citinons are i.nt.itiod to pay dirforential 4;nol.; oxeced rntr of comp:nom- tion in excess of f 10,000 per atuium) if statiorod in 'forriterion o:?' thy 7irti ti 3tates or a Cost of Ouarters and Livint; 7.1lowanou in accordonou with Bureau of' the Innigot Circular it-e8 when stationed in a foroiji country. G. Final :Ira ary 1Jayrten Ca Final salary payment and/or final clearance will not ho i,yon to an employee transferring or terninatit% front tiiis tf:oncy unttl all monies and/or property that may :vo been assignod to him havo boon provarly accounted for or returned. Befory final payment is uncle, ti,o final clearance form must by initiated by the ;,orsonnel 25X1A ()loured with the applicable officials in advance, and filed in the Pay- roll Unit, Fiscal section. (See CTG Administrative Instructton I '14 hf r_NTIAE Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Relea selD1191//t VININP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A rirnTRA"T'l'e, TTISTItlfrlic, 12411.0 !.1tY1 "nt) (:0111;r081i, prO v.Jalm for 1;1,0 lump-oum payment to certain tovernmont Clriployetnu of ,tocumuinted accrued annual loa7e due) upon their separation rron novernment ;ervloo or upon. ?...rannfor to anotkor nowloy in a position uti1., r rre rtnc.?, leasto nyoton. final lump-Num paynonts will be irtado by tim Unit ow 1.-,he basin n r inforation roLardior, Ike*, workin, day ev:d t nocrued rtinl litriVO no shown on 1:!so rsonr.el rL ti oil tormina ti tL oft loyoo norvi eon nrtor 4.;:c 'loot o l,nriu ior, 1 ns Cufl.rocnVO4i. 3ection er haw ii2h provi dos tat upon 0 4IOut U' in-tployne of tt,i) r!le value of unused annual leave be paid ... upon tno establishment 0 valid olnim thoro''or..." in the ooli ow- inf.; order o prtioecier100: "First, to the benoriciary or bene.ricitkrien, any, inwfully doniquited by thr, vttllqi. ? -7ettrorient vt typlionh10 th h to Marv-ice; "g000nd, if tboro oo to) 1,, desi, nit tc9 d c hi.ri ? , oata47,0 or ouc't. docoased reyroll Deductions Payroll deductions may c.) ma do r salary ',voriot.:triml.!-.0, leavt, tiithout pay, rntirernent, taxon, bonds, quarters ailowancon, intokritneo premiums for "1111' Ai:OrlOten nployons '1-otoctivo .',300Cittid 141, ra ItInnLern; authorized by power of attorney, amounts disallowed oy tk o r;oneral Accountini.., Office, and arty other duly at;tlierizod Coductionli R. Retire:le/At TIoductions will be witQleld 't'07.1 basic pay in an amount equirrto Zi ofri.he oil-IMF/outs basic pay. 1.r, WIcortirincn with procedures proscribed by the 1,1norttl :,coonntinir, Clerics, them, doductions are deposited in VI') Trenoury or the Irni'tod ';tate s to orodit o?' t%o Civil Service Retirement W1,1 Disability Fund, and a;ipropri.nted for too payment of eurnoities, refunds, and ot!-or allowances. banjo cslur;" upon .which retirement deductions aru to be computed iw tbo amount earned durinc, the first 40 hours of duty ette` week, without .roi;ard to the ciays of the week upon winH soon duty is performed (2b f:ory. nen. 102). The Fiscal Suction will credit the retirement account of aaCh employee with the amount deducted from his basic salury, pay, or compensation for credit to the Civil lervice Retirement and Disability ;\2nd (8ection. 12(a) of the Civil service Retirement ikOt of May 29, 1930, as mended). b. Tax Deductions will be withhoid from the e:aployeels pay in accordance witi provisions of 3oction 1622 of the Internal Ilevenee Code. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Relea ,voilli1/41. Al) 1 81-00728R000100010001-2 ,I;;Tptttf "T" prey i,101.:? epvly to al..' et;;?loyeen YO? (11:(001'tki)11 11' t'oonss w,v aro t.) i)orforn nerviness cutsJ f? 'tt11 utt 11V1, t. 10 1ajutrtirt. (;111001111" yenhJ*.,oritr, ifi o ,: h4! (tttriiii 1) rroP? unlery -.Jades .1.381,4011 b./ thy clenerel au..1 17- 't.vitio(t. 1 '41I 1,;s3ued L to lItcron LA e I') colf,ntio 'it io1d1ru, oxerintiolo veil be eilowed orlpio:few ,e) bsini 0 "?ipi.oyon to :1 tH. 01d-5,n1.; rt.), ore tor , "irennu ry on filo ;;;I) fcJI't111 ,rf is;y)loyen :ails or re.eozion 1,!':t?:?ot?i on if o1li1,,../00 !Ad 01?,..,sted %.:N!.?::,-.*t0..11:114,:. exe,11..tionui. -!.164(.1. corti, f..1.cs-te rclain ?1 ?Leidvd co r do1 curt valat wi lrlin 1U ittyn %Mon. Illvtber x oartp ti1 n roducoO? :,11t 0(1 il J Corti rj,C nttabor exomptione Maly IP) rtt any StiLtanent, ':orn 71-2. showin, :tJin ;r-cele wnt:.os ;:aid and Etoon'; nitheld for ten bn furutnod otte: enployeo ;71 thin 3.)a:,/s?; a ft, r tn., t???10 Agency. clout) no oalondar ,Yosir t !eur1C;ion fron Xentin WitihOldiD ,;11 duo to an re LI) '1 lv 111 exemption cortificate, or "-4, will not be udjuntod. .:xcionu )o1dinc,-a due ti? canceled checks, ovorpitymont of cr error ruty 1)0 adjusted. After :;tatorlont, nen borm +urn LAnt wtployeee, excncs dnductionm cannot on adjusted rind ar.y -nfund due the -riployno will ht, mita? by titfI ;in ronu or' 1 ntOrnil er,-nuun on -the bnui n nripleynne ii incomo tax return. o. Bond )eduction s for t'hu purcnase f inited !ita,:ou twit L,s .ierlds may be rei1rt-777-1. employeo's calory ouly Upon roccipt of ':roasuri ,iepart:aent rem o. 254, individual i,uthorinnt ion 0,nrd find '-?:ncorci of Payroll Allotments, sit.71c1 by the crvioyoo. adtl:orivat- tions rotsain in effect until canceled by tiko employee in rri.?`:111c or otherwise amended by oxocution e0 anoti;or authorization.. LWloyoSop&rated from. tne AVney may devosit a suf- ficient amount to complete tin purchase price of the bond beitw, currently puronamod by payroll allobaonts. Any unapplied amounts of bond dOthle- tions amounting to 134 or mom, romainint; to the credit of the employee beine, separatod, will be refunded. B. Distribution of Salary Chooko and Ronde Salary cheeks will be distributed by the Fayroll Unit, lisual !;oetion, to design.atod payment olorks of the branoh, division! or office In which tho individual is employed. A list containine, the lumen of CONFIDP171,8 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A C7(;11311-17eTT74112001PFNIVt 811;-00728R000100010001-2 ttle ouployeen sad providin; spaces i'or eic,taturon %/i ll, anew:loin:, (MO:, ,-,roup of checks. Vio n.14;ned lists ovidenoinG receipt o tho chocks by the 01,10.0yOUL1 Nana rettArtind to th0 liftyroll Unit innodiatoly upon delivery or the &maks, t!ndelivered checks n000mposied oy memorandum etatinG tilt) reason for non-delivery must bo returned tit r.he UMW tir.a.o. Ta those instances where an employee abeent Crom work but it in know, that ho will return witiliv 5 days, tho payment elerk may rota in tit.) list or undelivered chocks for tho li-dity period. xtrume care laust be exercised by payment clerks to tritium, that checks du not become lost or misplaeed and that security regulations are not violated. United Otates 3avinr,e ;tondo will bo mailed by Lb? !syrol! unit, 1, sofa 1300 ti , to tho address des i ccated by each employee. 9. %cave Hoolationa Veuehered empleyoon of n Agoncy mru govorned by the loftvu roculatitms proscribed by :,,:xocutivo Grder no. 9414, and by amendments thereto issued by tho UnItod Itates Civil ;ervieri Comrvisnion pursuant to lout:ion 7.1 of that order. There follows a brio!' outline of to leave reolatioun with respoot to accrual and granting of leave. to- ;other with administrative policies in specific cases. or special canon involvinr, leave, the leave revlations LlelltiMad tibOVO nhnulu be consulted, or tie; ?ayroll Unit, Fiscal !..;ootion, should bo consulted for clari, fixation. a. Annual Leavo l'ermanovt employees will hu credited with leave Ikt too rat.e of 1 day (8 hours) per bi-meekly period. 7,?43 innr credit for loavo will be 4 hours, a:A additional credito will bo in nultiplou thereof. 7,1empere.ry employees will be credited with lofty? at tho rat? of 2- days (20 hours) for each nonth of service. Accumulated leavo 1,1ny bo carried forward for uso in succeeding years until it totals not exceeding GO days; provided, that durine, the period of to present onorgency r,r) days additional leave laity be accumulated; provided further, that whet accumulated leave equale or exceeds 60 days, further increase in accumulated leave shall be limited to 16 days in any succeedini; year. Employees shall not be granted annual leave in excess of the amount accrued to their credit. Temporary employees shall not be granted leave until Immediately prior to the end of the month in which it is earned. The minimum charge for annual leave will be one hour, and additional leave will be charged in multiples of one hour. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved ForReFegli cl; Loavs .qNUL, ).1.rlIfin'1111(Tr(1717,1-00728R000100010001-2 and t.,oraporacy employnon n'hull be credited ii uI louvo it.t ti .j o1,. 1 : ) bourn) par uonth. The rAnii-aus Qroci.f. for nick 1 env,/ tL 1 ou r. and sid(li tional credits aro in twat:10ns ti,crecr. ununmi aick- ',mon) R00;1,1011 MO fl tVfltilLb10 for Arture provi tied I'm at: 1 till Co to 4.; 11 credit of tile ooployee IA t, dind any viont.', dooli I It I, oxonoti 9() dsyn. :31A.1, loovu will bo ixput.(d to oi 1njoo tttt t;? my arc capacitated ror porformanno o ;431r hiti 013 1);,' eiCknOSH ? 54:1.11117 ? or 1, re( n an Of Mt '; n rineva it, ti r fo r eiddi p i;n1 o r option' frAnni no - t4, on, or 4-roaimert rw3en rueibc r o toe i tJ.iti to Vara ly 0 I: t jfi TM} to too 5. n rflic tod i th a o WI 1t 11 0 n,f1 qu it o arc tovl attendance 0 frAploydo, OY ve t rou,,;!' l',7,pCnilii-11 to nOttteir,i (MU tit8Olitlo , t o1,1%1 ME t) o oor) 14 o:lotTi . his pont of' duty would joop- antis? to i,a1 t o.' otborn. -"he :-.iluirauta charGe fur nick locowi wiU io ;our, !u:o ad,fitionul lenvo will hc,ud in mtilti.plou or 1 1,0141. An amp:lope s:;o in etbaurit. 1;tycntvau [sic:knees ,A41 superviaor aij oarl ftti practicable ori. to i'rat day 0:," hbnonce, or as noon the rotator ns posniblo. i?etiltAru to 61vo sue notice Laity ronult in the, absorkou lIU &.1 to amtual loavu or loavt, wir.hout pay, an 4.;;A3 cirouifart unties tiny junt3.1'y. Ruquostrs for 51. c;"7 medical, dental, or optical oxaminatio!, or treatment shall be nubtlitted for aroval prior to thu boinnin:, of the leavd. cortificaten -win not bo roquired r nick lonvo ciayn or lons. r.ick leave excosei (-.!' 3 WJ r L'l; mint bo supported by a nod-1st:4%1 certi.f?icate, oror LUotou adi.inItatratively accoptablo, mtich Liunt be filed ltbin 1 tirkys after raturt: to duty. luccro for TIOdiCal ? Lentn1 , or optical oxaminati on or tree-tine:1i; mist bo supportod I,',' a certificate of' to maployee thc.t e bon ruouivod nuoi trontrawt or examination and shall include thd none and address of tr pb!niciun, dentist, or other practitioner V:16 itod and tl:o diitu nd r;our o!'to vi alt, Men sick leave occurs within a period 3!" annual leave and lents Ii or more coasecutive work days, t!::: period o. ilinenn rie,y bo &IirGod as sick loavo and tho chartce ac,ainst annual lorivil reduced accordingly. Application for sue, substitution of nick loavu for annual leave shall be made within 2 days after return to duty and shall be supported by a nedical oertiricate, or other avidenco administratively acceptable. In oases of serious disability or ailments, and mhon tLe exigencies of the eitcation so require, nick leave may be advanced to permanent employees not in (meow; of 30 days; provided that nu advance of sick leave shall be made to any employao unities the absence Jrom duty on account of illness in for a period, or lAwicdn, of 5 or MOTO consecutive work days; that every application for advance sick 13ave CONFIDENTI" Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A I4PPr9rdrf?r.Reil\41 1-00728R000100010001-2 I 1 i.i .414di,10 "Wit bi LIOtt 1 CIO nortif'icatc", eon t! .t i,otki 0 1V10; C,I3 in1 bt) 0).n rept! apans+. sic' 1 ?aye sub soquontly erQII& Lod. 'Jelr lonvo 1,12Si ho hfivarkood irreupoutive or whether tho nriveloyon .1ns tultotal loavo to his credit. :;it:)-,. lofty!) oholl not ho athotucun to on uraplo,/oo 1,1i,Atud /Appointment, or ono oxpirinr, on t npoci ri0A (1a.4...o, I ft OXCOH or !, 4.Z,111 til o1 1 ouvo tErrt tiO; .1) aorruo dur'nt; t u rerminini, period of ouch appointment. 0. court Leave) ???????????????10????????...??????????????????? crnon 04,11:loyoo (tbeent from duty for attondunop in )ort an et vdtnoss it: bu:Alf of 1;70. tu4 S trItOt1 or tmt r;ovorauovt or ::1100 tr5.ct of 1:clumbiti, or for jury duty in any :7tute court or oourt of tj:e T.Tatod :;tato, thu absonco fror duty :04111 not be charavd at;ainut annual leave but sh01.1d renordou an "court leave." Louvo for civil ';orvi ou Kxamination mire. ??????????morameramOmmopami....??????????.???? In ocoordEuice standard prtt.of,ine, thu employeon this it[;enay will be i;rnutod time off caro at.;ainst lonvo for Cto tirao noteessary to couplete (1) non-cotitpctiti-to examina-A,onsfor promotion, or (2) op on nomputitive examinations for te -,rctsont Jobs prior to tho toutablisYnnent or rer,intorz of eliGiblun. :71plos will bo 4:,rantod timo off without cher4n a,;ninr.t l.uvt-re to take i4t.ny :;urvioo examination proviously 7.akor, apd providf n1; Lt. applies to thoi r present job. ff. oweve r, th ono employees who, in ordo r to (II for a Tniciater, tcce open examineAions other required for their prenant ;lobo will do so on annual luny?. o. ',,aternity Leave Under authority of rei!,ulatione rolatini: to annual :tni!, ;116: ivavo of 6overnment oatployees, applications .'or maternity loavo may eo :Approvod by the Chief, Personnel r! A branch, loader tin .-ollow- ing, circumstances: (1) written applioation will be Ubiai tted fICOMI- panied by a doctor's certificate on Standard ?orm 71, sni (2) normally, ;asterni ty leave wilt not exceed six r4onths, includini:; accumulated nick leave, accumulated annual leave, find leave without pay ntatue for any balance of the six months' period after accumulated sic, and annual leave have boon used up. Upon receipt or written advice from the attendint; physician certifying to Vle absolute necessity therefor, the Chief, Pe,-nortool Division, Fe',A Branch, may al-prove extension or an additional nix months' period of maternity leave in a leave without pay statue. DEM Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For ReleastAiriA09MAPI-FitA1181-00728R000100010001-2 kk, k L 'tifi?Notc.rrtr; '' tory istLve SA`, Lnry lonvo r rninin,r, p.:rponcia only, "witiont lone of' 17my, time, of.acienc!: ;'?atin;;" will be e,rantod to "ruGulnr" tO d : ; a who aro members a." National lnitrd, -,euerve corpc, or 1;!? wino corps. or Coast ()laird Posen-we porary, aubstitistai, alai "when mutually employed" pernonnol entitleu to militory 'envoi In onural, miatary leave wk, not dxcood 16 dap; in ony one cnionnr yelhr. AddiAlonni tiM9 dUrJr16 n onlondar yonr bo charGod au annual leave Or lonve WtthoUt prv IAD doterninoil by t;)(1 erioloyoo. onployoo ra1litary loavo should subx.;i.t Itandard orii W). 'Ti, AppliontAml. !'1V ;,010)11, c000mpanion, by WO copiesO' hiii NiiitOri oroors. loave '1111 be roi:orted on tho Tiom and Attendance 'ertri 13'40, in thi, column marked "other" ?wit. tho notal-,ion ilitar,1 ",.onvo" ..-Anood Ira '?.ortarks" Loavo i thou t u :!1-1ployeosYI ii. bo ol L,1b10 tO. 'any Telt?roul; pay rci,arci- li2;en of 1:,:y) norvico or thc fact that annual I) r;1 ttU if4 11 ernle-,roill i rod information. DI 01?644 100; onhcks, report nhoulo otatv: cheek was not received, or. war; lunt after ruceiit. :r tcimc.,. ruceipi;, t.4.,f, employee nnhol... ata;. Li., ircomatancon warrounainr, ?;;Ic losu orb; intilento wIlother or Ito t,.t ii () col): ",e.-1 beer; endorsed oy the payee. rn t',et rase Of a, 14utilatee or borne:me c;,.ec, is nenneotiablol tn.., owner tooLad forward. tin.) t!, ocisrmnication t( h 1sbursint; Officer. 71hero nc n c!,00fr 1 detertainod n hok-;ntatnielinc,, the Trounury :)teportruer.t will furnin; the cleinunt wit!, an am,roprinto rem: !.'ir eh substituto Tr tho oriGinni cflock i3 recovered a:tor rtop payment tan euen request ed bu before a aubsti.i:ate cheok .11.8 been received, Mina r should ioraectiatoly advise thr Treasury r:ootrtment that the stop plyrak3nt, request may he disreGarded. the on. wok t.n recovare)d lifter ti w sltbstituto has been recoived, the oril;torAl munt not be (lashed. Tnatond, 310u1,1 4-)f '"oreferc d.t3difttfl1f to '';11(.1 '15.Villi011 Hhtl rfln:ael11.41, 771-CIR1111,7/ ortrInnt, --:anhinton 25, :'er cancella- tion. C. ,?:ncierner,tont -(itonever tt payoff (11: ft cllock clai=n titut the ovtdonsommt ti.oroon in t ro rory, tho oo rrcupondanuo will be referred tc 311urain etwAr -^or '.'(.1rwarilinr, to 7rencurer o la nil tad Stntos. d. 1"oeks for Canonilation cJI:pcks not duo tio payee or ';in estate, or cheek:: errone- ously issued and not properly payable, will be returned to tho Pineal Section fur cancellation. 0. Unclaimed and Unde.livered Chocks will bo returned to Vle issuing Disbursint; Officer who will hold- sue); checks for .t.';',et; months froi . the last Jay of the month of issue. Durinz., period if an inquiry is received from a pe.yea requestir.g that a check be aunt a 'otter is addressed tc the Disbursing Officer nt.rthorizinl; the railing of the check to the payee. rf in:iuiries are not received, the check is forwarded by the Disbursing Officer to the Oeneral hcoountint; 0:floo. Thereafter the payee is required to make claim for the check to the Pineal section over hin own signature and nddress. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 200 8 -t728R000100010001-2 !:A.1111AI. YY11711,,TUTTOrt; A000unt Current ?????81110110 1)tehursinG ;''ffleare prepare i monthly Account Current, a11 transactions Cor the month. The ;,ceolartt, current, aro received by Aceounto Unit, 'Aetna s'.or ficninistrat,ive examintt%ion and vorificat on. A f te r cortiCionT;ion tt I (9 .no unt e ( rroti re.4'WILdOi to t)o Oorioral olecountint; !Ifrieo t;o6ether wtth applient,lo :itttnuard Form 1096 , unser, to tome n t .)i atm rs Mien t s and o I. 1 c c t !. on v by ;rorr1st1.jon 141,;l1tations. Accounts currant for jeld installations tiro rnkitortod ky t'he original paid vouchers, scikedulos, atiil other rolato:i ,foeumehts. The schedules aro forwarded 17,o nonoral 1,ccountInt., orfier. 1111:t.t o Aorcao.t Ci-rront and tho vouci,urs ors rotainod in ti:ty Con.lile!0;3.r,1 flaunt lootion. 4. Disoursing Funds To imoounts TYnit, L;oction, rosponnlido and maintainlnt; sul7ficiont dinbursine; funds in 1-..1 (..cintritl if fico Cash accounts and Maid dichursitti. fIce 0, in t,s. ror soctwiri.(; ;)isbursi:16 a. Requisition for 7)isburai.nt; Punds anti Aneutintablo -nrrantn, Treasury Form !!o. w )e preprtre y the AccourT,71-5 It, `,"...acti1 for transforrin6 funds l'ron. Treasury Care,. accounts r.o ccin":11t1 office cash tieot)Utitt3 to racet the currant 1100(13 or rm. Th;s form will require ti., approval o:^ to Chi.of, :;11tance b. RequeerL Irtutsfor of Ponds, Treasury Ferri r'o. 1(3,7.9, bo proparod 137r-Titto Account's Trt_scol !'cc hien, for transforrinc, funds to or from field disbu.rsing accounts. ;`untis transferrod to .1.old dis- bursing accounts will ba 'oasts(' on allotmonts ruithr)ren and ottme 7ac.".;oni "surroundinG t!-:e disbursini; activities of tho applicable field inutttlit- tions. Nxceso funds on deposit in field disbursing, accounts tli.rt ho withdrawn, when warranted. 'Ihen activities of 71 field discontinlued, the clisbursinu, cash astabliv!-ed for one, purpones 5.0 5. hdrawn. Where disbursing account symbols have not been ttssiGnod, disbursing activities will be conducted in accordance with the foreial draft aocounting procedure. 25X1A AUDITS AIM IMPORTS 1. site Audits by General Accounting Office In order to maintain proper security, special arratnottente are in effect whereby all original vouchers, except payrolls, are retained in the Confidential Files of the Fiscal section. site audit of the Pn t1/4,1F-..!r! m T1 Al 3./4,,?)14: frt...)". I 1-1 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09CONE-WW-11486000100010001-2 GP; AIP!IN'TraPA7V:i: thSTMICTIOlis 25X1A vounhers `,11 conducted by duel 1,,nate1 repreeen tett yes or 4,:,!,0 Oniu, ml Accounting sale, have been eppreved by n*0 front isocurity vim,- T o ea t. is accompiltn?ed on tho premises of c-r(:VVtl. apace anti feeilities provided 1.)y the tiau1 action. :i to audit 01." pnyrt)111; 25X1A is la 30 Intuit, on the prerlinea (4010 ACUOUil ti i 1.1110m repreuentetiven in uceordance with Oenerel 11ftttonp evi 25X1A 'iceeptions 11??????????-???????1111?????????101111.10% NO Generei Accountini.: office Exceptieee tri Oki ti tiOCOMItfi of this .11;ency aro reporteThT 5 '771 IT Taiti:inrcid7711.01, ;:oviunn, "voti Oi.';xceptionn. Alt one) the exceptions are taken on t..!ie ease;Loyinic. Officer, the coal :;ec ti on i 14 edrainintratively respells Ole :'or handl and ruplyin:, to ol;o1. oxooptions accordance wi.4?i. ,.10e0 rai poi:n1 AM. fie a , '?evi sod. b. Administrative ,:seeptions teken t,ors 1:!!?, tiotio:tI usually tO rspor1d on n s trot' ve Audit Mfuzco Statement.," rer,A he. $4-3. The rentions for tit exceptions will he etated as briefly am pc3aible and, ru.era appropriate, references e1,11 he made to CIG dminintruttvo 'Arectives, controlliet; 3tatuton, coeptrellor 1;eneral's INsciaislona, or u*bor noipintions applicable to the oseeptIon. -we copiou of tho Form No. 34.4; will tio :').Arninhot4 to payee u:h the ?hook nettling the account, ano is copy ilttneVd tOtho applichle vou&er in support of' ties adjustrients mcdo thereon. 3. Claimn ?????????? a. Procennini; Clairae 1.11V01V1116 a doubtful cluesVer or' fact or I'm will be processed by the lisifical oactien end forwarded to the c;entiral ,ccount- ing Office for direct settleuent /General :legulations M. Claims which, if submittod to the General accounting Office in the normal manner, wce4ld violate security regulations, will be f; Yon 'special eonsideratien and handling. A claim may be in the form of a voucher, rionerandaa, cr letter, and; should be made over tile) actual signature of the alai milt. Letters transmitting claims to the neneral Accounting Office will be prepared for the sitglature of the Chief or Actin2:, Chief, Pinance Diviaion, end will include appropriate references to applicable appro- priations, previous vouchers, adminiatrative recommendation:I, etc. Transmittal letters will be supported by the original or uortifieci true cow of all material documents. b. Types Claims as discussed in this section refer to the feflowing general types: (l) Claims involving undelivered, lost, or canceled. chocks, or checks drawn to deceased persons or to wrong persona, or r 4 4 'L, /\[ Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001 00010001-2 25X1A i" ):. Air.:14 jr PT 71;3TIAICTTOr:; drool to wron4 otounts, wqich !olve been returned to the General Account- offioe. (2) Claim based on duplicate Invoices or voucLers. () claims for nwp:nt in OX00X3 of contreo price or n?idittonal payment Invoivini; paid accounts. (4) Claim for arAmtntt dun doceaund or 144040.noonpottIns: oployeou and indtviduol contraW:ora or othnr ub1 0 roditors 'tho are deceased or leiaily incompetent. (C.) Claim nfbonkruot crodi to 115 (5) Claims iuvolvik; voleaflerc wolci! to' Onnoral Aonou1171n6 OVeico hos requented for set-of purl-000n. (7) Claims ttgOlUltd dOpO aitod into the "'incollanecus i;ocoipts accounts ALAI pu,yablo rrort ".futund of ':unoys ;.;rronoously poet-Aired and Covared." (V) taaims lapsed approprintion:i. i.Statutory hirsitation on Claims *111,0?01.1?=.10.01?????????????????????~...??? rublic LAV Ho. 76t)) Congress 01 1:;.1;.C. 710 provides tlxn,-, every claim or (JOT:Wild (oxoopttt o-nin or demand by any State, ".'orritory, possession, or t!;11 Ointrillt of Columbia) aGainr.t tt Unl.tod Otatos cognisable by therloneral ocountin17, under f:;octioll :i(Th of thn iindKnt and f,ccountin .ct 71 U. 3.C. 71 and 266), shall bo :orevor borrnd unless aucth claim, troarin thf. siGnature arid addross or tho claimant or of au authorized agent or attorney, shall bo received in tile::: office within ten full years after tho dote such olatn first accrued. This Act also provides tlort wi.on a ?loin of any person sorri nt; in the military or naval forces of the Unitod Itates accrues in time of war, or when war intervenes within five years after it3 accrual, ouch claim may be presented within five yearn after peace in ostablishod. d. Review or Claim iettlements A request for the General Accounting Office to review a claim uottlement ordinarily munt be made within one year or the date of the settlement (17 C.G. 516), and should be filed by the claimant, or one who has power of attorney to sot for him. This Agency nay not request the review of a settlement or decision on behalf of a clairuint whose claim has been denied unless the matter is one of official interest in the adminintration of this Agency (17 c.a. 1021).. ?,7-? Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/061:tkilA1ig4i11)1) r Tf',fht-t!o. of" 4. ?4?0? ,It)V1() ; R000100010001-2 17:1t1rttf.tit1 ,tuw flrO etti el (1,11c rt., p() OA; "04 0'. ))1.1 I IA) rt%;(t rryil k).y t: L001 410 Li (0i )t,1 r "hist/101011 or adrt1)11 ot, roporta 1.1-01;,?I-hd rollitro,I. rl. tra torlonI in /.)01),(1 ral ,rsonont Holancoo, 'or ]]1 will. he prupptTh-trnotirry-17).7 7..7,1 0 0001.11 t.t.i trATT,71.11 acebytinarn 25X1A Oonoral rtvo rt Poi) roaorttn r ciosint; trial ba lanes of qt.:no -' t 1 le Iulta ilttlarloon roportoa savior !Approprintiona aod rondo r".1.! rt);14'1;; tfAi. tipool4 deposit, and rnt liCrt1.1411(C;(11) R000'4,11.3. r- ho (Aid to tno) lona fp oop:,, "!).1, ? ? roP1-1.11". 0 :.tot lichcoAtit. b. .t..,14...enrsta. c!' !lrliartontt .:ta'i.tas A'..1ProPr:1,,h%t,):11ii 25X1A :.;4.;itrAtard. ;1'07-3 111'i ,71I1 i)roparod fl(10:717 17,7C. ; Iltat 7:7; rdaricto 1Y t ,;(7)horal ,ai;iiI(1!;1.orti; al:ottn ,.2)() 3tnt.tAn ti ci t4lle,Xj`ent106 iwpropriati...4:n and ?14.1.1t; t+f; Aconcy. roport Y1 11 hautro.i.i:.tod to r.;c1no.;.-41 Pecounti_ii,; two 0,1rni3ii0d t".0 Q. ":,+:411:40.'tu ort) "-,11 h't, 04...101L e CC 25X1A P ropriatioas, .11;bri1ltr1 173-r7-Tri77,- li-rn co r7nrn iccountniTrir: in necordatam teonint1 ro;,ort dopiata 4,:t) n rt,T r Li on tr.0 o n.iecortIonnorkts o or to N?fd1:,at an :1 alio 1-..o.oc Le act ori L.:y(1 of .!.2,o uc -!)) roport 14111 be illib7:1i tod to ea '.1`11 tit) f^yrat shod tie itilit,:et 'Oation? rtiu to,) iL Noport :1.tatus o iii)propriation, will be prtJpared by the 1,-e-C7)(111-1 17-rn ew-llorzar.neo Kith raquirciaoritei (0 froasury iiapartzioat. The roport i?revidoD curroTAL dotc. or ti :t: to...atttv aLpropriationo and nande of .;:J'f, At;anoy. ori6ine.1. 0.11c1 \rill bo subtaittod tAi the Traboor,.., -)apartutent whici iti t.ort, t't ertinal and ono Copy to 1.14) '31i1eao of to fludi;et. !4 copy v&l1 nimo ?si.arritni*.f311 ririfCO vi. stork, and t e lof.Pi/dritr: 0. f)110.I.yoie of Approprintion !:tatuu, ti, will bo prepsirod ionh1y by tt;ocurti unit to orm to 4;.r)s roqui rationtn of the ittreatt t},r, Thldet. The report providea currunt data w! roupoot tc expanditurtis and oblatione by furottone arid object alassoo. A copy be !karat GII0C%the '7(oective for P/, the chicf, .c.1111C100 aTIC.1U10 Chi? f, nudGet 3oct1on. f. Report of Oblii;ations and e,xpunditures by Object anemia, '-lorm 34-12, w prop:iree rant y y the Accounts pfl t, 1.21 coals:57-8m? with adrainistrotivo requiromento, for each account to whioli funda have boon allottod by the Budget Soction. roport shows a breakdown of Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2 44/k, ,61AUA100728R000100010001-2 ' psi Li one And expontlituroe byobjec I.. ()Juanita und ti(*) droblii:ntmd 1,,Alnece 1),C 1.:401 Allotment. 4.;"1 Teti and it copy will be nebtaitted to t.',At )",1 lot too, anti ft copy rurni ulted ;Le ,1,111r,et doot!on. ?;ions-airy r,tatttotlitt r( 4' abernortott tit nun Coll 00 4.tort e by , pl-oprint 1,1rnif.rt-i;1 (Inn, 'tsuerttro '."orr-7117;5171;(171-170 prf)i ttro-rlion't?I 7:77,1:c77too-otin -irrarTi con "orreinoo ilettcra! cootnir,t1;1; 'loft cm renrntrm ettbm4 t. tett to tim I:et:ern). Actunati; (sr/lint) vlicahlo /10 COMt i',urront. rtspo rt 1.1 rovi doe 1 1n.i tft.ti.oti britnPoitywn t,xpentilteren nett colleoti(r)A (roottristed by U??(1 ateire""m,; 0 'flour t1,0 t1or(t4,, ;t? Annual :;tr;-intrt. r,1 of tt r-orten t Zflfl alto t 1 o nu , 41 At roprac;irry-T7 rki rf -11iTr?, t )16- r' r iTtlittltkr foto- rcliel red by tisio 7.f.),r17i CO ir,t 11113.1)11 feta uttbrt I 4. tOd tA) tilt) CI V.; 1 .() 1...V ICC 'omit 03ion. roil() rt CM Val t irtran,t tranuter1,5 ono of t4..0 .\ v;otte, no 1. ,uarturly ".!etur. mx itithold,'rt , -1, will Olt Onrod tho qni,t and rue- ?.7ticiT7:7T lit%rktr.q intornul l'ovonuo au rt)qui red by rctAler ' PN.svintet 1945. 71,0 7-?port itioluclos allt.1::4 OR '.?!!.. 1;,1 ,01 d Prat V7ft60t) onploycon tie ,(Artiotattr quertur. jo :;tut, will bt, propttrod by :):1;iroll =1.t.1 01111 or n otaTater your for ono., ?rip), elyott. (I r Y'or att individual etlployoe weo :wpm rated fron t4.04,ency dix:;.r;; year. report incaution ,-,relle o1rnin,v3 fan.:4 tax 1:-rithhold. !)-(JV.irtito reporte will coo furnished each eoployrie I.:tic! 0 copy (v-2al forwarded to 1-;r0 rcl IVA of Tttirxtal14?evenuo. k. Annual 4opo rt of ithhol ding, rill be prcpnrwi by trio Puyroll-WITT-7,7E-777-79771- oroach ce1e:1;41r your and /I 1;tinitted to tt't 411 roou o f Internal Uovenue witi copies of ?.'or, Th0 rupori; Includes total tax withheld durtn6 -the your, and ic recovoilod to the W-1 and W-2 forum. 1. Report of t.nRvft 'Jai/woes will bo proparcd by 4-,:'10 e`nirolI "(7nit chow-Int; ei-niinoyoest unused -annual and sick leave balances qu of trI*1 end of the last pay period in tbo calendar year. t sop/trate roport will be prepared for each employe? and Porwarded to the applioablo adninie- trative official who will retain one copy for bin filo? and relonce othericopy tu the maployeo. 5. Reconciliations Tim official appropriation and fund accounting lodgern and records maintained by the Aocounte Unit, Fieca1 Section, will be reconciled monthly. In effecting these reconciliation? the various accounting and disbursing records maintained by tlic Fisaal section win be compared with onch other, and also with the a, plicable records of the Disbursing officer, Treasury Department, and the General Accounting 9ffice. A.1,1 E Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA7RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 -ii; ,'AptAi ;Iyin"lt; tu Tr-1171(itirki ovip loyero orwourt trr rotirttraont, , %fix torrid dqjor a, aint,nined L!,kr 'Ay tn. , front :; out.' colt 1 lb? roconi3I lod i, 1y , Uotol'o (.11t1: thrr okirio t pit tt(114./1(t ?row tho tirtiokry I. 4.1(teil of IP 1'Vt)(1 1. uo rro fold ,t,ropri oupon I. Lod to I t(r (.:01(111:. . (1(11 t o (' tru.Li, A col mn *alb J tan!) OA; 0( (WI 4t. ()owing 40(1 44,t; 10'01 .hat)o 30 ? I.( lobtf r ir 1 .07 10 *.i.ocorI Trt poo Lor u,,tur , rob LI on Or Cs 1 H.'', ilywkno 41 .10...i it ,111 All a trvoi oi for tr r'.!"!.(1:114:1 1110 t,er 1:013ny obtrart()(1 by o Bora r000tral.111; " 1( ,? (WW1. ? P1,11(1 1.struir kit ono . .01 o OtkOx.., kr? (),y C;Ir.:41) a r orf5.k):1 tkl two vuc. 13. rorikri, -fra -o 1?1r.i.n flue. Pt tip(' P1 1 tion roctorrl ? lb ()WA oftei gun rtoely (.0r1011 t.i,te tsp() rs 71. t,.1,)/1 moo rri mot( :k trtrttorumt, 0phy erk.1 trivortto o Ctri;onlp .trk:t1.1 turbrA ttod (Jr: null: 'lett. 11,01, 1,113. rortri, coc .,oncy (110(3i t11(11 will )1r,.t fo rim ri I o? 7;0 '1. 19 11 tf TS t;p0(: %.() r r itii fi 11 p ro! ro or, o rt.': 011.- 11. tOTI Ilto).T,Ort(ifit (9(6) TUC Q un I:01x 713idoe ?,c)r. ii +: , )O I1LstO (itt. TOCOZICI I Itt OD. n -(7.11'1,ml-ton '41. !-ICt),Pel ...,1'1,,rn.t; 1,f1 t,?11 tri.411)..51.e./17,ticw filly to ()fist c:(3? 1:)cc,torl tkIr row( and opocil?lo!%ily ()ef?ions v.s bvoot;t1,,,ftti, or. 101i c'h tiro ccd rrort vot(ohored Aine 17i.C1t.1 o '.1.0903 10C tk tp1,1 to m I 4:1)1 Will ,7(IltOrt411Y 1)0 ;04.0 rn ort by r(1,1-,1:111.tionr. au t:1(.: ;,)(rtntivki lastructiorlu fo rc)4 u1 c.siTioc?.; ;..av,.:( not boen, intin,w; to (into. ap2)11,0t11,1(1, brtoic I71tltrta7tiona, ri:GuitttioTto, und tAvo pi)llotor, ilt,p(trT,14ereaa 1130141 4101.3.vitirni 141 Irra forr:r16:1. field o.rs_floof: with ac.tiviti.,06 firiaxiceci .t. r'. vuc1orr)ri fl (14 (11; . Letters nnd racnoranda e;ortinont to riscn1 activities will bo ra..:(t to field offices, us reynirod, to nupplonont those inutructima .11-v4, &tall bo hindini; on thoreceivinG offices. 2. rApenditures 13xpenditures as rolatod to vouchored llama activities 'for field offices located abroad will be accomplis!,ed under two general namely, roimbureemont e:nd disbursement. Dcpereditures for field officos mi1tth tie 'United 3tate8 will be processed by tLo o !Tice. '10 rep 4( Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 . ? Approved For Release 2001/09/06 CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIO MATIIIAL OF An- TITILITRATTVE PfnVitIcTrotts 25X1A a. Reiribureement - Thle peothe(4 col:forme *.fo the prooeduren out- Ithud in liar Department Letter A00-400, but in not rinceuenrily restricted to the "mai Department. Under this method, sateriale and uervieee will be obtained from tviother goverreneut Roney operritinor, in the looality of the field office. A nunnery or thn chargeu mid roc:Opted 3.nveicen for materialn mid nervices furninhed dll ho traxinilittee to the other szoneyle Washington officio for billice; thin Agency. Stich bine will be rooelvod on ritanda.ra P?nrm 1080 by the Finance Division (Weshingterl) and prooeased for payment. `t1)1c method !Iry b., oaod only w!.on provimitily lL thorizod by the VtanhinGton (P'eion. b. Disburse:a:lent - Icreiter tld Li method, diebureing funds and faoilitioe le1 be availeble to a tittle office. The !Actual dis- bursements wil) be made by finici Dinbursing Officere of tho Treasury Depart.roent, or State Dopartmont ofticials ropreauattnif, the Chief Disburninq Officer of the Treasury Department. Vouchers for riold officen will be certified by an Authorized irtii,1ni ffiner or t};10 Agency and submitted to the field DIribnroing Officer for payment. Field Disburning orfieers will prepare a monthly Accounte Current, which will be trae.cmitt.ed to the Pitianoo Divinion (Washington) for administrative review arid ,:!ort 5 riention. A Field office opera...Int; under thisi method will be primarily responsible for the amount of diebursina cash on deposit with its field Disbursing Officer. At the IA:Tinning of each fiseal yeer, or when new dieburning stationn are entablished, the 'nahingtm-k Finance Avisien will initiate action to establish current funds, based on available allotments and information obtained in cooperation with the vouchered .11,mde represen- tative in field offices. Thereafter, increames and doe/vapors in dieburs- ing cash will be made on request of the field office. Anproximately thirty days prior to the beginning of each quarter tha .fie).d office will review and analyze available allotments and disLuraing cash belancen for the purpose of transmitting estimated cash requiremente for the succeed- ing quarter to the !i/nehington Finance Divicien. This infornation and data should be furl:S.3118d in duplicate and should reach lashiut;ten not later than ten days prior to the beginning of the throe menthe period concerned. 3. Accounting and Reporting Each field office in the !hated States and ebrond will record obligations so as to prevent expenditures in exoess of funds authorised for use by that office. Such oontrol will be accomplished by use of Form 34-16, "Monthly Obligation Record", which has been prescribed for use by all field offices and outposts located abroad. ll obligations of the office will be recorded on thin fbrm, regardless of the feet that payments may subsequently be made under either the "reimbursement" or "disbursement" method. ?Citiilf.,? 4 id t ? 01 4/ 41 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : C - 2814000100010001-2 T7 ' TO IsT AN 1/A L OF AlrfrIIISTRATIVT: &eh field office in the United 3tatem end abroad will submit a .12onthly report of aotual and catimated obligations and expenditures to the Washington Miami? DiV11110T1 on Form 34-14, "Report of Aotual and I.:at/mated Obligations". Dnta for preparation of thin report rill be taken from the Farm 34-15. Field offices operftbinc, under the "disbursesnont'" method will aloe be required to submit a quarterly report on allotments and disburs- ing oath balances. 4. Payvelltag. Oansrally, the requirements mid policiea nutlined in Adminin- trative Instruction , of Ulla manual apply to all field offices. Payrolls for field offices located within thu United states will be prepared by the Waehington office, Payrolls prepared by offices oporatint, under the "reimburse- ment" system will ahoy only the net amount to be paid. Deductions fbr retirement and taxes, when required, will be effected by the 'Washington Finance Division. Payrolls submitted to Diebursing Officers for payment weldor the "disbursement" system will be preparedb insofar as deducticrnn for retirement and taxes are concerned, in accordance with special instruc- tions trout the Washington Firoutco k.;ip\jrt), r f iijov Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 CIG ',7011.1A1. MY.11-11:111Arr T.1:3Y1{T!CTTeT3 BUTAF,T Ari) II it[ 1; It AT 1. Nrpouo ??????????? 0?00?1.0.? ?????? Tho purpono of V:in instruction is to anaign rosponsibility and ontablinh Mit) procoduro for budeptury ndwinintration in c?!;, in- cluding tho proparation end in :manta) of intorno' edminitstrativo directives and the otentiltrdizetion fold control of Corns. 2. Definitions*mimi00.01111m0110....M.00.0.44. U. liudGetary adminiewation coranists of tle procosaoa hy which work programs elm TrantaTautraiTho?friiancial torus analyzod, ovainatod and reflootod in the form of budgot outimatos; the new-emery 2'unds are justified and obtainud from tho granting authority awl fonds Mid positions allotted to proper Ind tfi j tho accountability onal control of Annie tiro maintalnod to ti nrure tho execution or itut)torizod programs an offootive and n co no at c al manner and the rocults analyzed, measurod, ()valuated and reported upon to tho proper nut) ri t in b.Ai..,i,ropriation in an authorization by an Aot Coro;rone to make paymentout ofl're-T7reasurr :'or upecified ptarposos v.;',.tiJo a pro- acribod amount. 0. Apporti onmont is tho do to rnInati on by the Di rector of the ni.ireitll of thoairEF the Amount of obligutio.ns ivhicY nay by incurrod under an appropriation durinic a spocified period. d. Allotment is an ?%uthorization by the head or othor authorizod official, of triira -,f,?Zicyt to incur obligations within a spoolfied anoint );ursuant to an appropriation or other statutory provision. 0. Fiscal year for the U. S. flovornnent is tie: period bo,;inning 1 July and ending 30 Juno of the following calendar year. f. 01).k:et classification is a clacsification accordin,; to typos of sorvices, articles, or other items involved; e.g., personal aurvious, :;:applies and suite:1,01s, etc. g,. Purpose classification is a clan lification according to function, actIWEI',7-.1 '7-)ro ect, or other program sub-divisions. , h. Obligations incurred consist of orders placed, contracts awarded, se ces rrvr-crd", 1 other transaotions during a given period which legally reserve the appropriation for expenditures, in- cluding expenditures not precoded by obligations. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001 00010001-2 CIO 1!/011A1, AlrTtiTSTItA ", TTV 7.1111%111CTT(111; 25X1A for ilnliquidatod obli.otione connint or oblit.,ations incurrod oxpor-ulrtii-ron yor7 !,;(71-nr:.iik do. j."nobliratsd hainnoo in un ariount of nn approprintion, apiwrtionmont, or rthinont-i7re.). hnn not been ? 4orkilw tUnds aro advance paymentn rocoivod undor soction (301 of tho ronnon;,, /ct friTi7 which nopernto accounts aro ma&ntainod on the benke or the, TrvA...uttry !!uptirttlont. 1. nfficor an cy:10r, P.TriC0Vl.0fl. 3. Responnibilition weld in 13); i ri illft truntA On roi'orn to the a. The :i. rector f:ontral TntelliGouce rooponsiblo or ontnblishing the Talley and mlaTiT:ii--Tinal?dinTrillon nu to the content and amount or bvdrot ontimuton. b. Tho Budget ?Moor hut3 diroct responcibilit for tho dovelopment and aMTTAIriarint of tio cr(1 budt;et, liaison vdtli the tAreau of the Budfwt "or the wirector of cnntral 1nte114.Gonoo. 0. The Budgot riection in responsible for the administration of t.ho r:TC budgetary proe,r-7---rm w-th respect to preparation (Ind sub- rivIt:sion of budget estimatou and tho ontablishmont and control of the nllotmc,nt(s) of funds in compliance ri.01 Federal lnws and roolationo. ? d. The hend ouch f)S...'fico or staff section recoiving allot- ments has primary ..'raiponsitnT+...y7or?rniirritary Roninistrntion in arot, initiation, proparation, juntificntion, mid nub- nisei enti,ri,..,.;os to tl-o Budgot f.Ifficor, and prompt submission of ropo.?trt,. no action may be initiated by any onployoo '(lOU 111 roriu1 in the incurrence of s.);enc;,.' obli.rAtions except on authority from auel responniblo officer. e. The lead of each Office or staff section may iinnignato an omployoo who, in 71THEUE157725r7NIITITTRI-61; will annum? tho reaponsi- bility for budgetary adviinintration within auch office, arve as liaicon official botwoon the 3udget Section and tilt! ()Moo ooncerned. DENNI.,011.*itir CP; 131/!}GET 1. Call for nstinsatea a. As of 1 July of each your the Director of the Bureau of the Budget issues instructions setting forth in detail the methodn to be employod by the 73uciget Officers of the various agencies and depart- men.ts in preparing their estimates for the ensuing fiscal your. 'nano COW tuLN Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 01' /V of t;fT:;T:AT1171.; TiTliOCTT''/!!'; atirii ttj exo rep 11 ri hy Jit:rUnts U r 4;1M t OIL r f urn 16 LoLtzr. TNIu ))'!Sall/ liorglanittitoH proparat.ion or td,tr ai;encyou k;oGotery ?.:L1111,.f:e, ItpproAL:uktOy ono yot.?. $n advance. b. its J1 reotou by '7,ho !;udi;ot. Officer 1-.). o nudGot :ootl oni Notion Vat niconcy "Call l'or rAtimates" tl..o various i,r6animationni units of c;ft; and proseribou 10 n- atni ordorf 'ronertteti on. :.;(to;, and :;taff ;cay*.:iork ot'lleou ir llai;ted :;tatos or abroad jj roquirod to proparo ueparato _?..1.1-atiteu on bohalf of tit, tlold activition for oach location.. c,:i.rtiarly, sopurato ontimateu must bo subm.1.4Ad or fiftet; distinct oorrent and proinsed Niajor projoot. )stalled instructions that Will bo ,-,iven in ?:..h.o anoual "call or T,:stimaton" include spocilic dirootionu to bo followod in propar!ng; 'unts requirements. "."!,,o Goners.' order of presontation and the material to be furniehod is au follous: (1) ltatenont Authorization fron which tho :.:*unotionu and activitiou tho ?filet) or !;tart: ;;(.ction aro derivod (Ionoral Orders, otc.1. (2) Or;anization brio." oxplanation o tho relationships among; thy oonponoot, :,arte 1.-..ho Co:.)1'll 0 r 'taff gootion. (31 3tatomont 7unotion t:m !7f1.00 or(,?;+7.a,':? 'zaction and or onci of its compiliont units. (4) cv,art ihoiirh. t.!.o Tv.-)r; tm:4;1; t.ho varLous diviolono or units of tho r',(Tico iltaff 7,oc1ion. (b) 7)otailed Justi:'ication .;,:stirlatos by Cbject fixation an definoci below: 01-Personal Survicou - selarins al:d waGos, compensation for norvioos rondored on it per diem or fen basin, cash allowances for livint; and quarters. triutsportation of portions, thoir stibsistonoe w!ian in an nuthorizod travol status, cthor exponses incident to travel iiO aro paid by (TN; oither diroutly or by z-oiribursini; the trawler. 03-Transportation of Things chargos for ransportaf1on and care of thins on routo by land, sea or air whi are paid erectly by co'; and not by the vondor. 04-Communiontion - transmission of mossai;os frois place to place, includint; tolls for land telegraph service, marine cable services, radio and wirolc,se telegraph service, tele- phino servieo, postage, mossenger service, switchboard and servioo charges and telephone installation costs. 05-Rents. and Utilities - charges tor rents, heat', light, power, water, gas, electricity, and other utility services exclusive of transportation and comnunication. ? W.TtAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/0CAR -1.17/W000100010001-2 r,rn , contrine,onl inowiUot,n. ilooLolonts, othor /MS ? Lti.CI:oitni:, rx-intet! Come and lo to :-:4badio i.)7 -4 it:nor iSiftt t41Urvl cos - nil c4'trc iu MtCJ.IJ 11,17.77 1111 0111,3u1 re'pai, V..ti; 1).?. LOrn tl 1; GOW;rtIC t 114:.(11-,IIC,r) ; 144131 ti;?? 11(141,30 0,7 .C1t)t.; tC : ::rohiteo of* ',plc::: Pic "Jo Um), Da-0.1b;:flion collat.:Laud-or oxpon,17.7Vv111,71.n n c,%p4ra-:..iway ehort po rioti 431tau atIOL 0.3 CC fia() nuppI5,on, oto. 00-':Abipulont tlo;tAnciv.y, iraploin.6htn, TirriZrarFo?,--quhiolou, otu., WIU. aro adapted .t0 aho awl W47 be oxpuur:od Lc; r41176 oxtondod poriod norvico. Action on 1::etltatttons r.:J?o outintaton subuittoil orort!..zuti.orlfil unitso tho liunz.At seotion aro oaroftaly annlyrot:. coordituttod AvY.,J1 otThor CPI unit estimates upon prodetomin,./d ai.Anci policy bouts ar,d aro consolidated intc tho overall CTr! budot doeuracnt in ancordanco the l'OrEt and instruetior.a insuod by the ?no c7,-.1 ql.dc,st of:fluor roviawa tl.AU con:plated docurconn4 makes Froliminury rochz=ndatione on c,unorei budi;ot o.nC subinits the dominant to t;ui'aructor of contra.' intoi:LiGonco tnrou1;1'. the ?,tocutivn for l'ornonnol and ,hdiainiatration. b. Ilith tho arovaI of obiroctor Contra' Iutollit;onco, wo makes final doeision on content 11,114 onount of ostimateu. tho (:7:r; halo-At, docuraent is roviewed by VA) ,JTA nodot Review Coranittee. ;../.*tor npproval by the COrailitt00 it is l'orwarded appropriato c'hannals to the Pureuu of the BuilGot. C. Buroau of to Budot couilucts Learings at which the .Iirector or ..intral Intalli6unuo and his assistants defend the outintatos by 6ivinr. ilarthor explanation and justification. If the Bureau nukes nay adjustmente, they will be made with the knowlodzo o:(.1 the C,70 Rudot Officer who remains in constant 1A.aison with the Bureau duriaz the entire budgetary process. d. The Bureau of the Budot reoommendations are forwarded to the -resident who may make additIonal adjustments beton, includin6 it In the :,ational budast ;which ho prosonts to Cone;roua. Me Appropriations corzlitteen of the ;Immo of Repreeentativeu end ti?A3 30nato hold itoarings C (MI .-it#1 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A cyG ,rmium, at whioh timo tho aGoncy ii roquirod to Vurther justify and dofond tho u6onoy budGnt us rocoranundod by thu rosidont. Further modifioationo may bu made by the Apk2ropriation C.onmittoes, and nthoii an aGroomont i ti roachod RN to -tho umov4nt to bo appropriatod t13 Cenxese puttees an i.propriation Bill whIel b000mos thu A ppruprl. ati o n Act whon signed by tho ?romidont. 25X1A 31r)01:7 1. Roatriotiona on Wso of !iUnds ??????1:?.IIM4.1111*????????????????? ....01.1.11?????????????? ?????????? 7Lo GonGroomionui approprigtIons made) ovnilablo to tho central Intollionco liroup ro for rixod onoun tr, ft:tn d contain 11 I11;atl.(;no tos to tio purpouo for )ilot eh 'unda"--Mry 477+7. Gone nal 1 o65. 1 ati. on or o th or atIonoy Appropriation Acta Ilny rano llmIt ti o purpoaa foriteljoh funds may bo spent by this aGoncv. Bureau of Oa) qUiriTot estoblishos 1 tral. tationn throuie -:7,t,o modiun o tpurtorl (1;11) rtionnontri onocifyinG when the funda latv bo spout. 0 con troll procoduro i.'roseriboO by this TrAruotion is to au our., I,tuL1i to r I totion nro not atm!. Apportionniont o suction Li or uxeoutivo order No. U511! drovi don tit oa&I aGency must subnit ostimatou to tho burontu o: toP e:own,; hovi much or the to.t.,u1 money appropristod in oxpoctod to be oblioted OurinG each quartor of the fiscal year. YThon upprovod by tho Director of Vio Buroau of the nud6et tho quarterly apportionments aro hindinG and roprosent tho maximum amount of obliGatiohn which may be incurred durinL, ouch quarter. TLo nureau requires imriodic roportn of allotments and oxpondi turon an evidence that 1:*unds are beim:, expended in accordeneo with the upprovod apportionments. 3. All and Control or Funds a. .710 DudGet nfficer, after consultation with :,ssia-,ent D7Ireotors and ciefs of Staff Sections, determines tho quarterly facul requirements of each Office or Starf 30ction for propor oxooution of functions as assignod by the Director of Cuntrnl IntelliGonoo. paned on these determinations the Vudcmt officer or his authorized repre- sentative will allot funds (by object classification for information purposes) to each organizational unit an Pori 32-5, "Advice Allotment Authorization." These allotments are binding as to the total =mutt of funds available during the appropriate quarter but discretion may be exercised by heads of Offices or staff t3octions with respect to obli- gation by objects, subject however, to limitations which may be set forth on the allotment document. V Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/01ON:LIWPNIb723R000100010001-2 25X1A M.r.(TITT.,7f!AT1'11; b. Wilco rind :ltaff :lection heeds will be informed periodi- cally by "Advine 0C Allotmont Authorization" of the a' ount .r1,01(16 allOttdii. Al 10 t111011 tfl r flillda t4) 11.014t offices In Vie United ::;taton and ebroad are undo to tiee ITanhini%ton office or 3.taff :leu tion n ron. ;10. transmittal to such irstallations. natal in con,;iinetion with the moittlily obliciation reports (For , providod by the Aeon). motion of thelnance eueh ,,iiviorse can be compered wit.h thr etatealont of clnasificatiozrobligrttiona as of the close o.' eneh tiont,)?4 for the purpose of obtainini: information 11.(1 to t is 1/11()ta iIlt0(1 bILlnytcO Apia 1. Cala() to 14801t ObjOut oxpenditure. VUrn t th u fled additional needs eon thus be determined, and available ::tial fin rVily ant o4"feotively c. Tt 1, ineissbent upon mien CIG official rotteivini; allotments ot' funds to refrain Crt.,:l piny net Ivoul U result in the ineurrenco of deficiencies. The agency in bound by the provisiono of tim Act or ..tibruetri 2, 1906 (n 13(113) truilen it a criminal offense to incur n ?Ieficiency. :caponst for .Idditlmnal ",.?undyi it. ',1,ertomer :ifi'ice !:,:eetion hose detonlinor: that tho current a.11ot.twitit or' funds ti insuffloiont or banio oimrations, ho will prepare it "Request .*?"or charn;e in /,.1.1otrient," Form ;ill-7,, npr,,roprinte detailed justificetiort for itrty requested increase ir his 1,:utirter1,7 allothent, tnal forward it, to the Bodicet Officer. T.f the request in approvetl, the Iltuir,ot -,oution will 1:,roprtre anti 1.r.,nuo n visod Form 32-5, "Advice of' Alloi;morit not?tiii.f; :'orth tho tn.:ju(-tad amount of funds' nvnilable Funds for irojects requirixo; action by the 7'rojects 'foviow ?:orttlitteo will be requested in con junction w! ti: tLe prosuntation the ::roject tt t.() (1013r.A. tt0C) OT1 Project 7.roposel. Tf, after consultnUon wt th app ropriato o!'fiefals, the decision of the corrAttoo Cave ruble , the approvedPo rs will be transmitted to tin eutir,ot 071t'icer woo will notify the Ilud67?7747ctiou to prepare and Jenne a:: "Advice, 0: Aothorizntion" covering the necessary allot oat of rondo. 5. .!.11otmerit and control of ouitions ????????1111 a. The Bureau of the Budget is empowered to establish personnel ceilin,;s for all executive departments and is required to report viola- tions of such ceilings to the Congress of the United States. b. Per CIG organisational units personnel ceilings are dotorrained by the Advisor for Vanagement, in coordination with the Ltudget officer. Based upon this action the Budget Officer requests an agency personnel ceiling from the Bureau of the Budget. Nt-IDLN I IAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 r.!r11/0, oiz ./V:V 1 fltt?ri: V.; 1.*S'oRIJC, TT OTIS 0. H000rd colvt.rol n Iivci boon ostablished wi 1ijr1 titer crn nutipt .toction t provont-, ent;)loymoot :11' pm-sonata:1 in excons o,!' the ontabliched cot) 1. rt, nod! }VgIntUrZyr linit;ations and to provide spooial btadgotrtry in 17or"" on. r,f1 r000rds fkre maiittailted 11.3 .7.40110WC (1) ,'ClroaniitA A ot3 ontjo,3t, porn ;?;?...3, ori;riziatint; .ILany ordr,.1 !anti onal unit of ,-:',"(;$ in aunt to the . orsonnol , viola fornards VA, action t..) :,osition Control Unit of tOo Itttdot !';ootion. (2) tolort 8oction will take appropriato acr,lon On the Request qopeodfot;; Jr1r1 Oto suf!.'.icioncy of (\Inds, Trimthor or not o ceilinc; violation in Jnvolvod, or any othor pertinent ;.'notorn. Th*' :',0(11033t n tlion rotornod to tLe orsonnel olvision for Curthor prococsing. (3) T! o porsonnel oivIsion fury:it-then two copios of LItandard Pori no. 50 "Pratt :leaf-Amu of Personnel Action" to Cie. iludget ::;ection for 0rocosnin6 and redoes() to the .,ayroll Unit, -iscal :;oction. d. ToBudget r.notion proparon, as of' thu close o:' business of eaoh oporational day, the or"iciai CTG strongth report. oudc,ot 7;0otion records used for this iAtrposo aro roconoilod with those of .t.10 y'orsonnol ilivinion t:--to close of business onch month. ? Assiowtont of Allettlent Account Symbols The 13udgot Section will assign an allotment account symbol nunber to each CP"; organizational unit, activity or prtii-ject. Tho account symbol must appear on all administrative actions involvini; obli- gation of funds, o.g., porsonnol actions, roquonts for supplion raid materials, equipment, etc. 7. ?Ioproval of Overtime and loliday DLitt it. nasic Y;orkweek There is i.lereby established or tho Central Intell::.gence Group it 'basic" workweek of 40 hours consisting of fivo roollarl,y scheduled eie;ht-hour workdays, vonday through Priolay. b. Administrative Workweek The regularly soiledtiled "administrative workwoek manna a calendar week and for CIG shall be sunday through Saturday o;:oopt eta provided for in paragraph o. below. c. Irregular Vforkweek In those organizational units in which it ift impracticable to follow a regular schedule of definite hours of duty Mr each workday of a regularly scheduled administrative workweek, the ic000tivo for Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 NTIA 25X1A C I (3 4kill /3 lig Kefilo)cillIq9911.1i92/99:i'.91?F:g1-0028R000100010001-2 Cormonnol awl A ilitilOtrfttion hut. or:,zud t;..0 u okulc wore:- woo.,c At; t 11 f l'jt 'kr)?.ris ty purfur;.uld 1,0rtou Tto t :lore) ttuo, day n h k: t,eu Li vu -,yorkwouk 1. ()vo rtimo wor3-. in uxuo ft a or 4 i rforrou tbir no; sar. it u t;ru- 1,1 Vu worfe.wook wt 1. bu cnoui roU ovo rtirn! uu?sko ri zed advanco by tilo OA.C r ? Budrot luc tl ? Ovortino It1 uncni I; thin in a I:ruction 1141t11111 rrnGulur or !lc win u I tutu rttmo" t n chi) :iu1e int:no ro,;u1arly nohodulod admt.niutre.t.ivta uorkwool:. 0. oli day Puy A yin nmai;71,04.1 t 1u cy !tel. i (Ivo dun! igiatud "odo ru 1 ; tut() or ;Ixooutivo ordo r 1v1.171 be curworwatod ltt. tract, trio no rmtAl daily rate or allotiou cur., onantory tino ?, )100 r r Lour, n n000rkInnoo th :30c tion Ii, ubl o ;Joy S9), Aldo ral ;pty Ac t of .1.94.G. 1. A,ut or tion ?????????????????????????????????????????111.10 1) P a C;.,i,o1".1 and A dmilf1. atm Livo in ro ol'ficon or 3t:401.? 3octtona my request nuthorization ovortino UNd holt*/ duty for individuale of thoir rospoctivo ort-pnizationN1 :mitt; n coordanco trio Fr000duro outlinod th puraGraph r)f tLi aoc-ntl on. (2) Thu Ctf,%nic,o t 3oo tion may OUC:, rtfIllitgat bnaod upon tio adoquacy oP t.o j'tIftoat1on nubraittoci. T;orl: in cm; ono v) hours dur; .tivliitn Latrnti %to woe/eek ahall be authorized only In unuaual circumstances whore employees are required to portorn addi- tional work vital to tilt:, 1 I re-rfiril involved, und mutt be auti,orisod aUvance to performance of tim iior, excopt in emeroincy canon. G. Conditions and Limitationa (1) l'Imployooe in radert up to and includini; -2 or CAP-7 rtionive overtime compensation computod in nocorcianoci with the pro- visions of t ho ?ode nil ployoon Pay !'ct of 1945 (Public Law 1)6-?9th Com:yens). '232p1oyeen in erhd,n above, P-2 or CAF-7 m.y be allotted compeneettory ?time orf in an mount equal to the hours of work. perforned, :subject to the limitations contained in section 603(0 of the 1945 Pity Act, as amended, which exprosely prollibito the payment of bauio componsation, or basic oorapenantion plus any additional componsation provided thereby, at a rate in oxcens of 1C) ,000 per annum for any pay period. 'auployees in this category may not receive overtime componsa- tion nor may they elect to receive compensatory time off vhI&i intad result In such excess rate of oomponantion. CON'IDEPTIiif Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A 25X1A 09 ? A-10^P81-00728R000100010001- c ti; "119Fin" ' ii319tiq/IE R3TRITCM114 (2) CerlpentintOry tiro: off NCO mod n ff4vor of tniployone 7,111;lt tin. Wind Within Oft/ti t" t 0 porromlar oo oe overtime 'nor): or thu employees shill). litho non ? tirin find patio ti,o ri Gilt to overtirte 0 cntqdennati on in liou or nuoh ootiptan unto ry tine o fT, kin le rio tho foi 1 urn to take the time o ff i. s duo to oi rotArettnnoon beyond t; .0 control or thu omployou. h . Prucou tan f,f :;ucionot, for Larovt1.1 a?-????????-???-??????????-??-????? Vona will ho Mimi to requont ail) royal of ovortitno ineludinG holiday duty .1. Thin for. NU lit /maxi do no. oiloqua juuti fica- tion for too ovortime and tiuut !yo Ino&t by to C;n3 of* or A?ninintrutive 04?f1oor of tin Cirri on or Staff ;ociort conoernod. ?: rue! lit 11 be fo marled 1 i ripl mute to t,i.o Chi to i, uectit uct1 on for approval in advance of tho performance 01: too work. I rl CIMOL invol V&li uoripeonatory tine off, t r0:11.10 c; f 11.05. MVO Y'R1 aiTrop ri situ oriployoo Int t" o 1 70r;?.1 in'nodintely opposit.o Mn or nor tyi,owri tton nano. ",Tho Initialn will servo as t: vorifiention Uvt -t)lo on; loyou has spo- il.' finally requontod oonponnntory time 0 ff in 11 oo of overtlrio conponna- tion. I f approved, two COO Oa 11 ho returnoU tilt) riir,nini; ? Cno copy w ;11 be nubial ttod by the rogoostthi; .Ttr.n wi t andaro "wookly Tirio and A -tton dnnvo Ito part." i'RoCI;DIWO 1. Definition and Purposes cIG T,rooedures tiro established throogL trio NESUM100 of roirainiu- trativo direotives prescribing rules, re,u1 n -dont; and polio:Les portaining to the porsonnel and functions of the agency. tc porposo of such di rectivos is to dovolop uniformity and economy of oporatien and to pro- vide personnel with written criteria as a bawls for the execution of assigned functions. 2. Rosponsibility n. Tho Procedures Unit, %Judget Soction is responsible or roviowing the drafts of proposed isse,Poces (except office pursting "rocodures and Letters of Instruction) for purpose, format, workability and consistency with establishod MI policy, and regulatory require- ments; for clearing and coordinating owl: drafts with the nfficos or .teff Sections concorned; and for appruisint, the value or proposed procedure in contrast to the cost of operation. b. The head of each office or staff Section is responsible for compliance with applicable provisions of administrative diroctivos. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 rf PRAIY15)/rdor'Mir'??Vg?'1718e0NfrfFriter4219Z000100010001-2 Typos of Aroctiven 'More aro Uix typoo or me; adminiutrative direetives, clnotti- fled accordinG to purpose, Lampe. duration or offoctivoness. and applicability au follovins 11.? Ormond ordure Dirootives !).;" porrmunnit gonoral Interco:It tutd/or applicable to all organizational units of c16. 71 o:, announce activation or deactiva- tion of organi z a tAotatl. uni ts, assi omen t or re-asaleytmont of functions wi thin to none," , stator= to or re'rtuion r c oi t and tt point- ?ort or Nato!" of exocu.tivo pnrsonnol. b, Poraonnol rdern Nnt1conf !twat:talent, 'crannfor anti relief of :avrtn? awl to or :.1-,T1 to various livisions of c. "romorands awaffor.?????,????.????????111. Diroctivou of nhort duration nnnooncinc, mattorn of i;onoml intoront to trio or mom c]rj; officoe. d. Loftors of Instruction Dirootives of a temporary nature involvinL; of1 cos, solid. di ary zati opal unitn or individuals thoreor. o. Adminictrativo uinual Instructions outlininG 1.*Undamontal procedures for tho propor functioning of the aconcy. The flanual is a handbook comported or instructions pertaininri to the inter-offico administrativo pronodurml affectini; all orGenizational units of tho ac,oncy as distinguishod Cron intra-office operating procedures. Tt is looso-leaf in fon,) and divided into two parts: part I covers vouchered funds' procedures and administra- tive directives applicable to the entire ar,oncy; Part rr, includes pro- cedures covering tiln tIse of unvouchered ftzide and administrative polio applicable only to operations financed through such funds. f. Office Oporatinr, i>rocedures Directives proscribir4; intra-office procedures, denigled to implement the functioning of the Office concerned. fluoh directivos must not conflict with or rlodify any of the other types of directives doscribed above. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A ISIA-INF(11-(N28R000100010001-2 4. 14'o1'm1Lt ?????????????? ft. Ttm style n format of n1/ tnnertione to the r,dninistrative Yanual will follow to principloo outlinod in tho rntro- cIuction to this publication (!ler, ). flCh innortion Vu U he aceovaniod by a transmittal cover b. All directivos ether toan Administrative ?,anual Tnntruo- Lions will conforl to t!,o folloWnr; spocificnti)ne: Pepor and 1,17,0 00, Oonoral (,rdern, 4,1:-.0rato!a, Personnel i;rdoro, Tmttors of Instruction and Office nporatin?; .r.000dures will ho publJnhod on standard size 9 x l& inob mine)4raph or bond pnpor on ono cid? of the paper only In accordance lsit tho rommt innicoted In. tho attached :.x.hibit Non. 1, 2, and 1. Numboring (u) (ler:oral irdors ond 1.r0 ;torn (-1: :not:ruction will "oe numbered aerially. (b) Personnel C.(lern, yeomoranda and ;",ffice Oporatinc .'rbooduren will be numbered mericaly tor each fiscal yonr (1 July to 30 Juno). (3) Dating (a) In all directives the Onte xt t.,n,o heacii.nt; the effective date unless otherwise specified. (b) VI) period or tirm the directive la to effect will always be indicated n Memoranda, Letters or Tnntruction, ond office r.)poratini; 7-T000dures. (4) Security Classifieation Al]. C:G directives will be classified in accordance with the socurity requirement of the contents thereof. (5) General Pules (a) All General Orders, vomoranda, Letters of Instruction and ?riles .1-)eratint; Procedures will be confined to a /angle subject or activity no that each directive slay be described by a short simple title indicative of the scope and r, (mural content of the document. (b) In all directives except Personnel Orders end Letters of Instruction reference to officials will be by title only. (a) All forms, graphs, tables, or other aimilar exhibits will be securely stapled to the basic document. References to these attachments will be made in the appropriate place in the text of the directives they accompany, and in addition they will be listed at the end of the directive to which they pertain. N NTIA L. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A ?CONF1nr T1 craPIPRN?Jeffirii.RAIPA5er?P9?1,PPI,P, 0728 000100010001-2 6. ProconsknL of !ow ':iireotives ????????????????* U. Initiation -???????? - ay.. ?? vhcnover now adinintrativo diroctivos aro dowled nocounnry, tho office or 8taff section having primary interest in the conent tf:.ere- of win bcp rumivirosthlo for ill! 4A. tinG 1.,h0 ori Orial dra ft in confomity with the mpproved standards outlined iu pnragraili 4 above. Tle services of the Procedures Unit. budget !ection are availablo to tho eriginntinis offiee Dor infw=ation and 6LiAnnce In the properation or initial dretn. b. Usvlew, 3ovision ? Cloarnnoe .?pon ocw:plotion rsJ. t)e initial drnit of CT(3 (;odern.1 ordure, 7!emora1u!a or additionn or reviuicels to till Adr,O.nintrative the draft wilj he ek,brO.ttod to 410 Proceduros !Tnit for editorial and format review. mon f'inal draft in approved by ti,o ori6inating office, tho rocoduroo TOi t will secure the nocaanary additional eon- currences, :,:110: of tLo f,dvisor for !,'anagomont and :Airwerd the completed docomont to t1A.t 7xocutive for !' A for final approval, publication, and dIstribution. (2) Tnitinl drafts W" fTG Letters of Instruction will be forwarded by the initiating ?trio? to the Advisor for 7./nnagement for proconning in accordance with tho proceduro outlined for the 7Tocoduron Unit in the cano of other directives. (3) A copy of each uffico .1.pornting 'rocodure will be forwarded to the Exocu?dvo for Y A through the ldvisor for raungomont for roview as to possible conflict with CIO policy. Tho nxocutive for r A will maintain a complute auell :rocodures for roforence pnrpo ITO s. c. Authontication The :xocutivo for 'ornonnel and Administration will nii.;n all CIG General orders, Porsonnel Orders, '::emoranda, Letters of 'untrue- tion and the transmittal cover sheets of all insertions to the Adninis- trativo nanual. Assistant lAroctorti or officials designated by them will sign Office Operating irocedures. no directive will bo offoctivo unless it boars the alt.:nature o 1.2n, appropriate d. Reproduction The FAecutive for Personnel and Administration will be rosponsible for tho reproduction of CIG General Orders, Administrative Normal, Terminal Orders, Memoranda, and Letters of Instruction, nnd will render such service as may be requested in the reproduotion of Office Operating Procedures. TI AL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 tug tfATIUM, A;1' '1I:gitTATT111; 11!STIttl0Troil$ e. Distribution TLe ';', for !'ersonnel and Administretion will be responsibie for to ciintri.but!.on or t11 CIO Directivell. (Except r)frioo Operntiw; Procedures, In socordance with approved distribution listn and approved security plans. 'no distribution of' direotiven will be those individuals, units or Oefices ooncerned with the oontont; theme. f. Ancoldmonts A,T1011,1.101311ttl or rocolneona to any Cfo directivos w1.11 be I nitiated, reviewed, cl.oni7od ani .14:ctrihuted in the nano rouvor an the bast e directive. POW'S 1. Dofinition nnd ,urponc a. A form ie rt prtrtf,nd, reproduced or ;:ypod doci riont vd th Spaane .provided for to illocution of specific information. A fort letter (for purposes of this instruction considered a form) it; a printed or reproduced letter dot:4'401mi to be used for one raailin; covera1 destinations or repeated b. Tho purpose of.' the standardization of ferns is to necure economy in the desiglin;i? printin;;, storinG, distribution, and use of forvin up tfoll as to insure telifornity in the procedurec employed by the organizational units Or the ar,oncy in dealint.; rith cornion problems. o. The types of forms used within CT'S. are: (,1) Standard Forms approved by the President, comptroller General, Secretary of the Treasury, or Bureau of the dGet for manda- tory use by the govorrment service r,cnerally. (2) Civil Service Fonas aFproved by the Civil ;;ervice C.orz.lission for use i;enorally Sy ,a.,overnment ac;orcioe. (3) Viscellancous 'oorns al:proved by 6ovornment departments and agencies for uso by other govenzunt agencies which are authorized for use within CIG. (4) CT0 Forms approved by the rracedures Unit, Budipt Section, for use b'y cf6.. 2. Authority end/or Responsibility a.TI-,e I rocedures Unit, Budost Section in authorised to review and control the use, application and reproduction of forms to be used by ma, and will be responsible for deriving maximum utility mid uniformity at minimum expense. Occasional or periodic surveys of forms in use may be made by the Procedures Unit in order to assure that the forma program is achieving its purpose. . , t?-; x-14 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 C F I N L 25X1A !?p:pe A 411proximuRreisEpuppp, V_RD oROvul 00010001-2 ,? k,*1. ' b. Mow Cor,..0 rovlatuns of oxiotinr.,. Corms r:lint bo subnited to tra, ;1-ocodures Iluit for nArtnor dovolopmont auditor etprovol. Tho Procedures Nil; nay reire u duptmti on or ft% (?(5 i tATIC, !yl 'ut-rt or ott.ur fon) if 1 t; UppflO el;.(7 Lu iil';.rd$1.01 for tho purport?. i. srotiossinc, row or i10vised .ortas ? 11:,.T..:itition 0.??????????11... prf,onar% (-jut ir4hrrrtrod hy the ostaolitinmo::L of a i'o,m(11;, or roviai,011 of ex. oxintin? t'or' it Or trio proposed l'oo3 ;rill ho nuti;lf.ti,ed 1.(; 7'ro0edur?51 1tudie.07; Section, accompaniod 1:0prodIJ: ;.1 7ioqu!. 01 ti.on ill duplicate. Eacri proposed Pc?rm should ;0,,utl? ,:!oci Li 1..1f/ :?Iseripti.,,e of I ;n ono, usually nt ;,..,ri,osr: tii n 1;1 on in.. practicable. :7s Umatod :'lLtl, oiu i. ii bo ineicated on tto resod sition ono a il1.r4UfL supply O. J nonthol anticipated require7lentr;TihoulTi be o rderod. See CI. Ci Ins truct.i On . I t 1.10 1.'02'71 in fOr rttry one or 3...0 only a dk.111.oil-,e AU:11:W COptUfl aro needed for a spoci.fie purpono, au appropriate explanation should be insoribud within "ronarks" on Porm !".:oco.iests for Filii%rCrvill 0, j'orhin wit Ie!. ii at bo alif:Tiod othor forms should includo a ootW,ioh to tLat effort. b. p0N-10w, rarvision ulearanou Me Procedures Unit, lindf,et ?;ection, 141 I osiGn forms to correapond with current stanthirds style ar.ti format, artuif;i r:T(I form numbers ankl k.latos find transmit drorts to the orir;i:ultinc., o'sf-5.0? for coneurrouco. !":21::5 will be returned ?!.,O0 Pro- cedures :nit Cor final prcoescinc, and forwardinc, tr? tho Coproducition f;ectionfor dupli4cation. c. Replenishment of Current Farris Normally only a 4t.a() 140litia3 I supply 0;' a nor: form is delivered I:Lrectly ti.r3 requestin?:; office; too balance: of too order is sent to the 3upply ,`;9otion, lorvices Division, which is responsible for :aaintainint; adequate stoccs of all s.ctivo forms used within CT';. One? a form has bacon() an ai;tracy ock item, it is requinitioned from tic supply Section in accordance with the established CTfl prc,coroment procedure on Form ;10. 3G-7 "poquost for lupplies, 7quipment or !1erv1.ce." Inventories will be roplenishod by tho Sup;.ly ..;c3cti.on on Fort') '1o. "Reproduction Requisition" by rowtin4; the requisition throi161-; the pro- codurec Unit, Bud6ot Section, for approval of the "re-run." 4. Procurement of Specialty-Type Forms Requests for procurement of Specialty-Type Forms, fan!'old, continuous, carbon-interleaved, or receipt book, will be submitted to Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2 25X1A t APPXMCI, F iNpftil?:?..9.pAep61..qipEillfp9728R000100010001-2 the Frecodures Unit, Budaet ;clation, on 'orn 3t3-./ "Request for :;upplina, 1;quipnent or :Iorvices" n000mpenied by a sample or sketch and detailed jur;tifieution entinii)otod econonlien expected from the uee of to form. A brief statenunt outlining pertinent data rocArding the disposition, use, etc., el4ould be provliied (aid tho estimated volume of monthly usar,o furnished. :Tf any apeoial tyi,o of' oquipfsont or device will have to bo purchased or two in connection ;Atli a spootel form, detailed inform on mus m provi,led and p ropria Le approval received bororo purchase ordors rIrty bo placed. Tn. :di uson the Pro- cedures Unit will perform tiie usual toc.!.nical enalysiv of It fern before forwardint; tht) re.) d f al draft thereof and ti o 10:quiaition POrpt 0. 36-7 to the thipply :loot:Ion for purchnoinc,. IP in doubt as to whether a form falls into this category, tM rocoduros Irnit &mad bo consulted prior to the submission or roqui sit! on. 5. Obsolete and *,tiporanded Ihrms a.',1nonover a I'om becomes obsrlete, or 1.3 superseded. the Office primarily interested will inforra the :?rocodures fl1t, ruldGet section, and indicate the desired disponi tion co any supplies renai.nint; in stook. b. rn requesting rwrisious Mai the Interested orrice will insert the most applicable of ftc ollowin6 I:tr.:tot:tents on the revised sketch: (1) Previous editions are not to bo used. (2) Vrevious editions ray bo used. (3) F,:dition of (date) may be used. (4) ::toplecos Formra-X and :0:-X which are not to be used. ( ) lie,)1s.con Porrls XX- X and XXI ic tn,' be ntd. (5. Ilse of Approved Verne The rondition of reports, returns, etc., in nanuscrip"; is unauthorized when forms proscribed fbr that purpose are available. Tnstructions for tic use of approved forms will be initiated by the ori!;inatin: office. Such instructions will specify the particular fert by nu-, bor and will require its use when supplies are available. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP81-00728R000100010001-2