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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For ReI?.ase 076R00260060035-3 Receives select,, and route to appropriate unit for exp CIA requests for procurement of tea: Ahi ant agencies, cc ancnts of CTA and vbm authorized to other approved coun obtain clearance f maintain records of Sin or outside q erational and intelligence ;port and mile data for central a aloitation files,, provide information the c i to autkno requostorai and prepare a ntt3 a Con- solidated Translation Survey for distribution to participati intelligence agencies. a of other govera ont agencies and orei,xn governments in connection with docuent exploitation as directed by t Director for operation*, Approved For Release 2003/1 -CIA DP8 =0 O6F 00200060035-3 Approved For Rease 200 0-0609860060035-3 "(E- - 1. Intervienm and initiates p misting vacancies on the Division T) 2. Coxducts necessary liaison with CIA placat officers reference to possible aappl.icants# a>>pli.c is in process p sibil of i ra-ate tst ansfersp etce actions for such vacs j. Contacts Classification y when situati necessitate the reclassifying of positions or, tiona to $Wet the current needs and situation of 5. Maintains close coordination with Branch chiefs Division matters for effective placement and utilization of 6. Coordinates aftlidstrative conform with CIA policie complaints o the individ, ptioniet se: lay. - j sptanibl e for assi equipment, telephone, service. off ices, s contacting tters for the Division In compliance Approved For Releaseeg. ;03.',2104:CIA-RDP81-00706R000200060035-3 Approved For Release 200;;!1 C R O Oee2efl060035-3 other officials of the Divleii min:.rxe 2010 ee Health ]'m. he Gro ospitalisstion and "ove Division. l loge; s ,,,,o Prepares travel requests and vouchers for c-,Vloyees of Division ty i Approved For Release 2003/12104 CIA-ROP81-00706R000200060035-3 Approved For Fjleas003/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706Rt0 C 1 doe s rec im tntU. eme r ' 't `e W $. 4, pr ares ice` tip niia,t , ranslatI ,, C asalcm ict 8==t mss. To p1 is ~ onG re Speeific req _. 8< gNploits oWbWed J t; ACMx1t9 d .~; With to M certain intoU a requir . 9? sip C*.Uecticn Dirctis# both specific ard types and . acct'. on them. 11. C` tots cpwatiorwl uaiam with aalyst of other in - / - 'f s to clarify eA~ 3, tio. roquirments and / / opwifte tr slatiO r ? 21o T. ar OVUM intall.Mm-c P"W 1 gewo t With ni rl"r 7s. zAt :. to othcw a Brarobas on t M to the _ morel of .u , roe r 1 3410 doc nts c Approved For Release 200/EET00200060035-3 Approved For Release 2_ Q;Q3/ I 06ROA9200060035-3 Approved For Release 200 /E R EO6R000200060035-3 Approved For Release 2003/12/04 aA 2.69 0 R pQ200060035-3 acy of individual docents n request. 1?, Provides miscellaneous special sere protinlgp correction of language examinations for tit .vision Chief .lati iah into a foreign lang ge,, etc, as dire Branch area security in accordance with C in basic intelligence p edures ion teehnquse, ry Approved For Release 2003111W d[A I -6N060000200060035-3 Approved For Release 9 e (* ~;F- "T E ',fl Ti,Ti i4a p l ations r c i ; ., D'1d I pr+)cuX3 4 1""E' ;a:',: ,ar r- and 4, mar i oz at joz 1i1at:io i ,, trara1ati0=, eoU&t "slam correct Beciryr CIA"if icat, ict books or h4A 7. 1oita capt=od roan and Jap the !:. ! r or in'teU iat` atio , cation and to ler inti.;;1110- dlity and accuracr of a u i t Z cu`ea `it:+IC ton Vvqu"u des t? is1ation enerrice an directed by Divia:on :hiof Approved For Releas EO RE -06R000200060035-3 ctfi and tpui& P 0 00060035-3 Approved For Release 2003/12/0 : -VO m am RE ie?run spec', 13erv a. * such Inter- for or off es, E C Approved For Release 2003/12/04: CIA-RDP ?: o* it rt by the F 0(10200060035-3 Approved For Release 2003/12104: CIA-RDP81-00706R001 F00060035-3 2U Malres new Ch publications ho 1d . pvrmwammt x r q u e i s t O 3* Uite re : r3 r War r a , V f . . a in answer to y 3. cvttwod to e certain _i .ts xrtlacat f .c 1 requirmmts mud Approved For Release 2003/12/04;: GSA-RT3P81-O0706RO 200060035-3 ti a on :L at :>f o Approved For Reuse SIEiPOROOU200060035-3 or :19. IW.DctrI=tw x or in tic t : and ttraIns Um JA dommnt :.o1 ta i , to ? qu . SECRET Division Wit. Approved For Release 2003/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000200060035-3 2 a* Approved For Release tom` a ati+, plottat types of d a ervtce paa s status reports are tBudget,* QUO. 07 6ROO0200060035-3 pwation and possible date of putbl a Approved For Releas9=,& map 08FmT06R000200060035-3 Approved For Release 2003/12/048 ?'1-b0706R0OU200060035-3 Foreign Doements Division eats, inch foreign translation service to support info tag captured doe s? and books. smd operational needs of the agency nalation requests from other Develop t net sources and methods of exploitation for foreign 1 docents in order to assure best possible coverage of th materials to net the needs of intelligence agencies for inforation. Approved For Release SEMV - 1-00706R000200060035-3 Approved For Release 2003/12/ X88-00706R000200060035-3 (2) provides administrative matters pertaining to person space, age :on, 7, su1 3'', of a message sea implementation of divisional acmthistrau Approved For Release 2003/12/04 6TOW-T 706R000200060035-3 Approved For Release 2003/12/04 8UI -L706R0O 200060035-3 Division prootmnt > Intelligence eis, appropriate f foreign exploitation. Iiadexes3,, catalogues, nerfor other related library comaction with foreign l;!3 the Division for exploitation and subsequent forwardi Providoo reference service for CIA ad other foreign language holdings in the Division. Coordinates CTA requests for procurement of ,A by Approved For Release 2003/12/04' M1 f0706R000200060035-3 8 Approved For Release 2003/12/04: C1A400706R000200060035-3 !areign Doa=ents Division, Reviews all Division publications from a aubstai genre standpoint to determine accuracy of interpretation, clarity presentation,, and applicability ion publications for editorial correctness, standard sea incoming requestso rrom OCD and other CIA to appropriate 'branch, and 'maintain., follotw- up controls. ,entral exploitation files, providing information thenref'i to authorized requestors and preparing monthly Consolidated for distribution to participating Intelligence agencies. Pre!*ree required workload, progress, and other statistical, reports,; attaining records necessary for this purpose. Approved For Release 20MTDP81-00706R000200060035-3 Approved For Release 2003/129 J81-00706R00O200060035-3 TEC1OMAL MWM iFArriews IM ne applicability to existing intelligence able scientific and technical foreign decor ,ge to fulfin requirements. Maints:ins appropriate cross-index files of orei ccienti.fie nicer source materials and inform-Ption. Fran . .i.ce information reports ed response to collection di! liaison vi Proaidee translation service for scientific and technic . doc to as directed by the Division Chief. Approved For Release 2003/12/18 -00706R000200060035-3 Approved For Releerse 2003/12/04 I0706R00O'200060035-3 ion 6) I AL ANC S for its assigned roreign P#ble foreign language documents ea, Will's c, determine applicability to existi to index, and compile intelligence information in the e Lion of suob do=-cents to fulfill regriir nts. Naiatain appropriate cross-index files of foreign materials and Information - infotin reports and analyses of foreign 1trce materials in response to collection directives. Liaison of h ORE cotmterparts and authorized ode trawl: Chief. Approved For Release SEM 81-00706R000200060035-3