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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 ILLEGIB CI7Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: A-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 j Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO : Deputy Assistant Director for Operations FROM : Chief, Foreign Documents Division SUBJECT: Attached Draft on Translation Service, FDD DATE: 22 January 1951 1. Attached draft appears generally satisfactory to us. Recommend that the following change be made in Paragraph 24 ?Effort now being devoted to translation servicen. 2. We believe also in Paragraph 4 that it should read: ?Paragraph 3a of referenced an. End: 1 Atehd. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 I Chief, Foreign Documents Division Assistant Director for Operations Trmaatrtion 3.1 Jeiniat7 1951 RLF I a. Eemerandum to Projects Review Committee dated 5 December 1950 from Apio S-bjects Enlargement of FDDle Table of Organization to meet the AD/C, of CIA Offices for Classified Translation. b. Advice of Project "ctitn on CIA Project No. C048-51, copy attached. c. Nemorandum of Agreement dated 23 October 194,7, Subject: Foreign Documents Branch, 0/0, Central Translation Service 1. The Comptroller advised ADA an 9 January 1951 that funds are avnilable for implementation of the Classified Translation Project, as outlined in references a and blk regardless of the "Special Provisions or Lim'tations" indicated in reference b. 2. In vim of the statement mado in paragraph 7 of reference a concerning morale, it is assumed that FED prefers to employ the newly authorized linguists both for exploitation and translation. This office approves this procedure provided (a) for each linguist entered on duty as a result of the authority contained in project 00-68-51, reference bio translation at the rate of 1000 pages per aaaum will be produced in addition to the percentage of overall effort now being devoted to trans- lation; (b) when the Tb O is final, of FDD' s effort win be devoted to translation, which Should result in 90,000 pages of translation per positions jcin440etre4tion Unit annum (CO new, plus 27 previously authorited/treseafteep AD/O, due to FDD T/0 reduction in July 1949 and the then estimated CIA translation requirements, provides 107 positions, SO of which are linguists). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 3. Priorities arre d to in reference c are herewith rescinded and the fo lowing established: a. Intelligence material which is in the interests of national semi-it-y=1 requested by CIA Offices. b. Intelligance naterial which Is in the interests of national scurity requeetod by r..0 ne:bers, unless rrelimi cary FDD screening indicates the content to be of sufficient Intelligence valae to take precedence aster translations being acne in the language coneerned. 4 FveryelTtIrt Should be made to select linguists to neet the needs of the vnrious Offices as outlined in parer:Tilt 3a of refeIence b. 01:0T.CE G. =TY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA- RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 ADVICE Or PROJECT ACTION SEM CIA PROJECT NO: TO: fijor , for,. -PROJECT FILE PBC Dort TITLE Pailitiee for Ca.fie1' orvii AD, OS'i WAN *af? AD, OPC win 030C woRR X Vital OSO 00 wponE WM AD, nr-i AD, vitlp AD, Will AD, PROJECT DURATION Fiscal Year 1951 and continuing 2 I noztameutiOti3Comptroller 4=2355Sdgi Services ?",?...- ei inpcction Direotor Will CHIEF, MAE 0,0, 1c Personnel DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF PROJECT After Gemming of such that translation that such. translation the capacity elimination year, leaving The average pages per year. at an annual positions expense mill for 40000- square -out useless - classified foreign. language in otimated that there are 9,800 pagon na1erul, .zntUieicc.. of whicb is It is agreed by the various -offices conernod to be cAintralised in FDD* FD currait3rhas pages per year. Proper szaLznttor end may eliminate -an additional 8,000 pages per pages* V40000.00 per year in salary and can translate 1,000 rim muid then need 70 additional linguists of C.'2300000.0O in salaries. Ten clerical cost of approximately. 027,500.00. Additional and equipment, particularly typewriters said is required. Should continue to translate 20,000 of morthless material approximately 70,000 translator receives For proper performances cost somewhat in excess wad be 'needed at an annual be incurred for supplies feet of spate raird=at? SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COSTS OBJECT oi Personal 02 Travel 03 Transportation 04 Communications 05 Rents 06 Printing 07 Other 08 Supplies 09 Equipment Other CLASS VOUCHERED Services *.****** $ of things and Utilities and Binding Contractural Services and Materials) . ) 4,,Z000?00 1951. Akliffia TOTAL $ 32;o.00$ f0,000.00 1004000400 TOTAL $ 125,000.00 375,000.00 e51: 01250 400- 1:52. t rz375,m0.0n. SPECIAL PROVISIONS OR ilMITATIOBB If funds are available,d be charged to the budgets of the customer offices and, if not nresently eilable, must end. on passage of the fitmasmntal pr pri If additional space is net available, the mrk could be staggered over the meek and, if necessary* around the clock., but the 4xpense tould be increased. by- night differential and holiday pay costs RECOMMENDATION (PROJECTS REVIEW COMMITTEE) ACTION BY DIRECTOR CIA A AA/ I ti 195 -MTV' kf A 1 (APPROVED) 48:10888110BeD4- .7 . S.IGNSED WALTER B. SMITH JAN 6 195ci DIRECTOR " RIANATO2F OF C A Q1111641.F ITN _ SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR DATE I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 tineNbnus 01) - L S- - .s X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 ILLEGIB Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 / ts; rilc, I IIP onnel One linguist can translate aversgo1y one thousand pages per year counting sick and annual leave The volume of classified translatien is estimated at 96,764 paces es previously sheen. FDD is now prcoessing 20,000 pages per year. Of the balanee it is estimated that about eight thousand pages may be absorbed by summarization and the elizdnation of worthless material. FDD will then need 70 additional linguists. Ten clerical personnel will be needed for their support. No suparriacry personnel will be mamma,' due to the existing organization in OD. Experience has shown that Grade 7 is the minimum for reliability and accuracy. 5. apwO A minimum of 4000 feet will bo needed. If FDD can re-acquire the spaoe sines given to 00ommunications, in I' Building it will provide ample housing for the added personnel. If this cannot be arranged and no other adjacent space can be mode available, FED can go on a seven day week with staggered leave live thus maidng present space adequate for the additional personnel. 6. Time Required This project is for an indefinite period. 7.Typo or Funds Vouchered funde d be rocuired. Coat G5-9 GS-7 0.5-4 05-3 CIA/FDD:BBC/jaa cc: Addressee AD/00 FDD 30 Intelligence Officers 40 Intelligence Analysts 382 4 Clerk Typists e $2875 6 Clerk Typists 0 $2650 Total Cost 0 $138,000 153,000 11,500 34,900 $318,10 MORO&0. CARL! 29 November 150 (1",._./_e_4_,"___4 Thermo?print copies: OSO ? 1 OPC ? OSI ? 1 OCD ? 1 ORR ? 1 Management ? 1 orig & 1 ?1 ?1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 litOP Nikvo? w 50X1 Arm& gismo nerliak. MUM 110611100 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 *I*4"* 14"Irffl. 111 COMt: Wm. G. Thar 01 CO OL for -????? CHADWELL . 50-Yr 2013/12/11 : lbws III lip 2z Npv 1950 bate 4 Dec tX:icu Tian-aria iriLefliconce Late L. R. LAMPMAN ; C. HULICK t_EAD/OPC aflee of ''etaicy Coordruution iDec SO Ette 1, Dc 5to. Office ad Goneoilou Dirnianibation Dath Concur in some increase - until 00/PDD can demonstrate ability to recruit and amounts translated better Determined of value Unnazemenm tallow E.R. SAUNDERS Comptroller (No objection to this project being submitted to PRC) 4 Dec 50 * Do not concur in increase of 80 positions. Would be glad to discuss at PRC. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 Sg-S02 .L4-7A-et ( Va4;)? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 20 13/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICIAL ROUTING AGENCY SLIP TO INITIALS DATE 2 140,_ afddil. ; 10 3 ? LI 5 FROM INITIALS DATE I a4//9 or Rrer4te_xl beg#041.X C 0/7?44 2 Cigj 3 EiIlZIoVAL/ SIGNATURE RETURN DISPATCH 'FILE 1 INFORMATION JACTION DIRECT REPLY 'COMMENT 1 'PREPARATION REPLY' ] OF L ONCURRENCE RECOMMENDATION REMARKS: c,#-)".oc..,?.. SECRET 0/,-?< oet-A-0,4,-/, , -n7;171 UNCLASSIFIED 117c:71-A71.7` RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release g 50-Yr -1 2013/12/11 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 I SECRET ' ,----- -------- ----- ----- .- -- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO INITIALS DATE I Chief, POD 2 3 4 5 FROM INITIALS DATE I DeptitZT Asst.Dir.for Operations 11 Jan.]. 2 3 SIGNATURE RETURN DISPATCH FILE a we to a to meet attempt on this (aver) APPROVAL INFORMATION I I----IACT I ON I I DIRECT REPLY I ICOMMEN T I 'PREPARATION I I OF REPLY CONCURRENCE RECOMMENDATION REMARKS:/0 believes that we should memorandum to Chief, POD, which outlines propose to handle our translations A copy of this memorandum will probably the various CIA Offices so that they clear understanding of how we are operating their individual needs. The attached to draft such a memorandum. Please - SECRET CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED formulate how in the future. be sent may have is an comment UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7 draft or produce a new one for consideration by the AO if this does not appear satdefactary. LAIN! AIL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100210010-7