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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Report of Foreign Documents Division Survey Team SURVEY OF DOCUMENTS IN FAR EAST COMMAND (TOKYO, JAPAN, 1 AUG 21 SEP 1951) FOREIGN DOCUMENTS DIVISION IMPORTANT NOTE Since this informal report contains listings of documents and publications procured by the team which may be of interest to other intelligence agencies, it is circulated solely for such informa- tion. Recommendations contained in the Report are those of the Survey Team and the individuals quoted only. They should not be construed as repre- senting the opinion or official position of any agency in the Far East Command or of the CIA. Action on such of the recommendations as may be approved will be undertaken by CIA through normal channels. Accessions lists will be found in Pages 14 through 20 and in Enclosure I. Requests for further information or loan of listed material should be addressed to CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2430 E Street, N.W. Washington 25, D.C. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 703260 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T ACTIVITY REPORT OF THE DOCUMENTS SURVEY TEAM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS DIVISION TO FAR EAST COMMAND, TOKYO, JAPAN 1 August - 21 September 1951 On the invitation of Brigadier General Riley F. Ennis, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Far East Command, the Documents Survey Team, Foreign Docu- ments Division, Office of Operations, visited Tokyo, Japan, from 1 August to 21 September 1951, for the purpose of surveying the holdings and acquisi- tion of documents in FEC. The Team had the following mission: 1. Captured Documents, World War II a. Determine the quantity and type of these documents which are still in FEC. b. Obtain accession lists of them if available. c. Determine exploitation of them in fields for which FDD holds requirements. d. Screen them for possible interest of CIA, State Department, and AEC. e. Arrange for forwarding of selected documents or reproductions to FDD. 2. Captured Documents, Korean Operations a. Determine quantityand type of documents captured by bx forces during Korean hostilities, obtain accession lists, if available, and de- termine exploitation being conducted on them. b. Screen those of stratigic interest and arrange for forward- ing those documents or reproductions of interest to CIA, State Department, and AEC. 3. TIS - FDD Liaison a. Determine whether TIS receives adequate copies of the Consoli- dated Translation Survey. - 1 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T b. Arrange for prompt information from TIS on contemplated trans- lations in order to save duplication. c. Assist in remedying any mutual problems in the implementation of approved TIS-FDD liaison. 4. Current Asiatic Serial Publications a. Obtain lists of publications- of the Asiatic mainland avail- able in Tokyo and the sources for these publications. b. Provide stand-by arrangement for collection of these publi- cations and transmission to FDD. c. Secure information on holdings of leading repositories and libraries of publications on Eastern USSR, Mongolia, and Communist China. The requirements of other offices of CIA were as follows: 1. OSI requested a survey on the availability of biographic data on Japanese scientists in the files of the Economic and Scientific Sec- tion, SCAP. 2. Industrial Register, OCD, requested a survey on the availability of data on Japanese industry in ESS files. 3. Biographic Register, OCD, requested books and listings of bio- graphic data of Japanese and other individuals in the Far East. 4. CIA Library, OCD, requested the Team to screen and procure books in Japanese and other foreign languages on Far Eastern countries of interest to the Agency. In the conduct of the Team's mission, the following personalities were contacted: 1. G-2, FEC Brig Gen Riley F. Ennis, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, FEC Col R. S. Bratton, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2 Col Thomas N. Stark, Chief, Military Intelligence Service Divi- sion, G-2 Mr Leonard S. Wilson, Chief, Geographic Branch, Theater Intelli- gence Division, G-2 Maj Thomas G. Balliet, Executive Officer, Geographic Branch, Theater Intelligence Division, G-2 - 2 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Miss Martha E. Hart, Librarian, Geographic Branch, Theater In- telligence Division, G-2 2. TIS Col Eric R. F. Svensson) CO) TIS Lt Col Nicholas W. Willis, Executive Officer Lt Col Verner C. Aurell, Plans and Policies,Officer Lt Col Fred. E. Van Tassel, Operations Maj Anthony Barkovich, Operations Maj Donn H. Wagner) Operations Lt Col Julius J. Toth, Chief, Research and Information.Section ' 1st Lt Toru Okawachi, Chief, Documents Section Mr John Shelton, Chief, Translation Section Mr Norman J. Sparnon, Deputy Chief, Translation Section Mr Leo Traynor, Chief, Geographic Subsection) Translation Section Mr Robert T. Kimura, Geographic Subsection, Translation Section 1st Lt Ernest Hirai, Central Interrogation Center 3. SCAP and other FEC agencies Mr Barr V. Washburn, Executive Officer, Diplomatic .Section Miss Muriel Weins, Diplomatic Section Mrs M. Yamamoto, Librarian, Diplomatic Section Mr George Yamashiro, Custodian of Files, Economic and Scientific Section Lt Col J. White, Commanding Officer, 60014th ..Air Intelligence Service Squadron, Far East Air Force Mr Kenneth Harano, 6004th Air Intelligence Service Squadron, Far East Air Force In compliance with the directive and requirements issued to the Docu- ments Survey Team, the following actions were taken: Captured Documents, World War II 1. The quantity of captured World War II documents still held in FEC is probably close to the 3,000 figure given by G-2, FEC. These docu- ments are primarily of basic intelligence interest held, by the Geographic Branch, Theater Intelligence Division, G-2; the Historical Division, 0-3 (formerly part of G-2); the Engineers Section, G-2; the Department of the Army Japanese Area Language School; and other FEC agencies for their own use. Listings of captured documents on loan from ATIS to major FEC li- braries are available in FDD. The holdings of the Historical Division library are not included because ATIS file on loans was incomplete. - 3 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T TIS explained that the doubt as to the accuracy of the 3,000 figure may be attributed to the confusion of the term "captured documents" as interpreted by FDD and by TIS. "Captured Documents" as used. by TIS mean those documents selected and earmarked for shipment to the Zone of Interior by the Advance Echelon of the Washington Document Center After March 1946, TIS has included in this category those documents discovered in caves and other hiding places as a result of the Special Documents Proj- ect conducted by ATIS and those collected by the CIC. Documents acquired locally through purchase, gifts, or loans from Japanese libraries and individuals are not considered as captured documents The impression that FEC still holds a large number of'cap- tured documents is probably created by the number of documents in the second category. For example, the Geographical Branch and'the Civil In- telligence Division (CI Div) libraries contain hundreds of documents which were purchased, received on loan, or as gifts. 2. In response to an inquiry on the documents stored in the basement of the NYK Building and in a warehouse at the Tokyo Arsenal in Oji, TIS offered the following explanations. a. Documents on file in the basement of the NYK Building are the documents used by the International Prosecution Section for the war crimes trial. After the dissolution of IPS, the files were transferred to the Historical Division, G-2. In mid-August 1951, G-2, FEC received instructions to ship IPS documents to Washington. To prepare the docu- ments for shipment, the files were transferred to the Document Section, ATIS. The Documents Section was preparing an inventory of the files when the Team left Tokyo. (IPS documents will be treated in more detail in the section below. . b. Documents formerly stored at the Tokio Arsenal were those collected by the CIC and are listed in ATIS Shipping Advice No 10182, Parts I, II, and III dated 31 July 1951. The shipping advice is On file in FDD. c. Other documents in the Warehouse were Type "B" documents captured in the Korean operations and not World War II documents. These documents were processed for shipment to DA under ATIS Shipping Advice No 2001, 2002, and 2003, dated 1 August, 21 August, and l'September 1951, respectively. 3. The International Prosecution Section files include approximately 5,000 documents used in or collected for the war crimes trials. The docu- ments have been principally borrowed from libraries and private collections and from files of various Japanese government offices. Therefore, in a technical sense, they are not captured documents. However, since, these documents probably contain information of intelligence value, mention is made here of the files. - 4 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T At present, the files are stored in the basement of the NU Build- ing. In mid-August, the Department of the Army instructed G-2, FEC to ship the documents to Washington. The Document Section, ATIS, was appointed custodian of the files and is responsible for the preparation of an in- ventory. The Documents Survey Team attempted to screen the IPS files, but improper cataloging and filing made the task impractical. (The latest development on IPS files is that in September 1951 the Department of the Army rescinded its previous instructions and in- structed G-2, FEC to microfilm all Japanese records and to return the original documents to their owners.) ATIS Exploitation of Captured Documents, World War II 1. ATIS (technically speaking, the Translation Section) is solely , a translation service agency and is not an exploitation center in the same sense as FDD. Therefore,,ATIS does not maintain records of translation activities in FEC nor maintain a file of all translations completed, ex- cept those translations which are published. 2. World War II captured documents acquired by ATIS were listed in shipping advices for evacuation to the Zone of Interior. Before the ship- ment was made, however, the lists were circulated within FEC so that local agencies could retain documents of interest to them. The interested agency borrowed the documents and usually requested ATIS to make the de- sired translations. When ATIS completed the translations, it sent the manuscripts of the translations with the original documents to the reques- ting agency. The translations were published if the requestor desired several copies or if ATIS felt that other agencies might be interested. Otherwise, the translations were unpublished, but listings of such trans-, lations were maintained by the Translation Section. 3. The principal users of ATIS translation service are: Historical Division, G-3; Civil Intelligence Division, G-2; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2; G-2, DA; COM NAV FE; and ATIS sections such as Research and informa- tion Section, Central Interrogation Center, and Operations Section. 4. In response to the Team's request, ATIS has prepared lists of translations completed since September 1945. The Research and Information Section prepared the "List of ATM Translated Documents on File in ATIS Research and Information Section Files." The list is as of 20 August 1951. It contains pliplished ATIS reports. -5- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T The Translation Section prepared a list of unpublished transla- tions. When translations were of interest to other agencies, ATIS prepared carbon copies for limited distribution. These reports were not edited. The Geographic Subsection of Translation Section prepared a list of translations done for the Geographic Branch, Theater Intelligence Divi- sion, G-2. Translations for Geographic Branch are usually unpublished. Manuscripts and original documents are, in most cases, filed in the Geo- graphic Branch Library. The "List of ATIS Translated Documents on File in ATIS Research and Information Section Files," the Translation Section report, and the Geographic Subsection report have been placed on file in FDD and are being incorporated into the central index file. Captured Documents, Korean Operations 1. It has been estimated by ATIS that, as of 1 September 1951, the number of documents captured in the Korean operations was as follows: Type "A" documents, approximately 10,000 and Type "TO documents, approxi- mately 22,500. Type "A" documents include those of immediate tactical value such as field orders, situation or operations maps, documents giving projected operations or plans for the movement of troop units, naval or air forces, and documents fully or partially translated in FEC. TIS stated that these documents will be retained in the theater until the close of the Korean operations, Imless otherwise instructed by G-2, DA. G-2, FEC will provide photostatic reproduction of any Type "A" document on request. Inventories. of Type "A" documents are listed in ATIS Bulletin, Enemy Documents, Korean Operations, and its predecessor, Enemy bOaliatsi Korean Operations, Part II. Type "B" documents include those of strategic value or of interest to level beyond the theater, such as tactical and technical manuals and books, letters, newspapers, periodicals, letters, etc. These documents are shipped to the Zone of Interior after it has been determined that they do not contain information which can be more expeditiously exploited. 'by FEC. At present, ATIS has been authorized by G-2, DA to exploit certain technical manuals, topographic data and maps required for terrain studies, and those Type "B" documents which contain Type "A" information. In accordance with current instructions -from G-2, DA, ATIS ships Type "B" Documents to the Adjutant General, Federal Records Center, King and Union Streets, Alexandria, Virginia, unless directed otherwise. Initial shipments of Russian documents captured in the Korean operations - 6 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T have been forwarded to the Zone of Interior on IS Shipping Advices No 2001, 2002, and 2003, dated 1 August, 21 August, and 1 September re- spectively. Included in these shipments are large numbers of Russian books, Which are of little intelligence value, but G-2, FEC feels that they may be of value as teaching materials in language schools. ? Type "C" documents include those which have no intelligence value. These documents are disposed of in the theater in accordance with Field Manual 30-15, unless otherwise instructed by 0-2, DA. 2. Documents captured in the Korean operations are recieved by ATIS from ADVATIS (Advanced Echelon, ATIS). When documents come into ATIS, the Trans-scan Subsection of the Translation Section screen them for tactical and strategic information not exploited by field units. The Trans-scan Subsection also classifies the documents into Type "As" Type "B2" and Type "C." Those selected for exploitation are sent to the Cap- tured Documents Subsection for translation. ATIS publishes the following reports based on captured documents and interrogations a. .Bulletin, Enemy Documents Korean Operations represents pre- liminary exploitation of documents considered to contain information of tactical and strategic value. It covers-principally extracts, Summaries, and full translations of short articles of cuirent intelligence interest and lists the tables of contents of lengthy documents information of stra- tegic or other Value higher than theater with the notation that these docu- ments will be translated. upon request from. FEC agencies or 0-2, DA. The Bulletin also serves as an accession list of Type "A" documents captured in the Korean operations. The Bulletin has been published since 18 June 1951. It re- places Part II of ATIS Enemy Documents, Korean Operations. By issuing the the Bulletin, it is possible to disseminate the information exploited from captured enemy documents more expeditiously. b. Supplement, Enemy Documents, Korean Operations contains a full translation of a document listed in the Bulletin as TIE (translated if requested) when requested by DA or a FEC agency. c. Enemy Documents, Korean Operations contains full translations of enemy documents either to satisfy requests by user agencies or to ex- ploit intelligence considered. by ATIS to be of tactical and strategic value. Enemy Documents, Korean Operations is the continuation of Part I of Enemy Documents, Korean Operations issued before 18 June 1951. - 7 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T d. Interrogation Reports, KT - Tactical contains front-line in- terrogations for tactical information. Individual interrogation reports are consolidated and edited by ATIS. e. Interrogation Reports, KG - ADVATIS contains rear-line in- terrogations conducted by ADVATIS. Interrogation Reports, KT - Tactical and Interrogation Re- ports, - KG - ADVATIS supersede InterrOgation Reports, Korean Operations. The interrogation reports are divided into two categories to expedite dis- semination of information obtained from prisoners of war. Notes on ATIS Organization For information, a brief description of the working level of AS is presented below: 1. The Translation Section is divided into the following subsections: a. Trans-scan Subsection which scans and translates documents received by ATIS. The subsection is divided into several teams of approxi- mately 10 men per team. It also has a technical team. The principal lan- guage used is Japanese. It also checks and prepares for publication trans- lations completed by the Captured Documents Subsection. b. Letters Subsection translates letters written by the Japa- nese to SCAP and sends the translations to G-2, FEC., The manuscripts are sent to the Civil Intelligence Division (CI Div) for letter analysis. c. Geographic Subsection services primarily the Geographic Branch, Theater Intelligence Division, G-2. The major effort is basic topographical studies. The Geographic Branch exploits the information from the rough-draft translations. Although the Geographic Subsection translations are not published by ATIS, some are produced in carbon copies for limited distribution. d. Captured Documents Subsection translates captured documents from the Korean operations. The principal languages are Korean, Chinese, and Russian. Most of the personnel employed in this subsection are Korean and Chinese nationals. Originally the modus operandi was to translate Korean and Chinese into Japanese and then into English, but recently the translations are made directly into English and checked by US personnel. The Russian-language documents are handled by a Russian section composed of approximately 20 Russian linguists. - 8 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T e. The Press Translation Section translates the Japanese news- papers for Summary of Press (formerly called Press Analysis), published daily by ATIS. The translators are Japanese nationals. After US editors prepare the Summary of Press, which is n14-page mimeographed report, the manuscripts are forwarded to the Civil Intelligence Division for exploita- tion in the preparation of the civil intelligence (Japan) chapter of the FEC Intelligence Summary Therefore, information from the Japanese press is normally limited to that which appears in the Summary of Press. (Prob- ably for this reason the Diplomatic Section, SCAP, has initiated its own translations of the Japanese press. TIS has stated that it does not coor- dinate its exploitation of the Japanese press with the Diplomatic Section.) 2. Research and Information Section is responsible for the filing of ATIS translations and for the preparation of research reports from the translations and interrogation reports when requested by G-2. It also performs a reference service for translators. 3. Documents Section is responsiblefor the maintenance of records of documents on loan and shipped to the Zone of Interior, the preparation of shipping advices, and the procurement of documents for use by FEC agencies. 4. CentralInterrogation Center is responsible for the interrogation of former Japanese prisoners of war and civilians repatriated from Soviet and Chinese Communist areas. The Center does not interrogate prisoners captured in the Korean operations. - 9 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T _ FDD-TIS Liaison 1. The coordination of IAC exploitation of Far Eastern foreign lan- guage documents was discussed with TIS representatives. The meeting was attended-by Lt Col Fred E. Van Tassel, Maj Anthony Barkovich, and Maj Donn H. Wagner of Operations, and Mr. John Shelton of the Translation Section. The fact that FDD, CIA, maintains a central record and publishes monthly the Consolidated Translation Survey of foreign documents exploited by the translation activities of IAC agencies was explained in detail. TIS ex- pressed its desire to cooperate in the joint effort to prevent duplication. 2. TIS stated that it receives a copy of the Consolidated Translation Survey but cannot retain the report for its own files. At TIS's request, CIA has agreed to send three copies of the Survey to FEC marked Attention: CO, TIS. 3. To prevent duplications in translations, TIS has agreed to: a. Refer to the Consolidated Translation Survey to determine whether the project has been initiated or completed by another agency in the Zone of Interior. b. Send a cable to FDD describing any foreign language document contemplated by TIS for translation which already may have been done or is in the process of translation. In the cable, TIS will include: TIS docu- ment number, title of document in the foreign language, title in English, author, security classification, date of information, and date of publica- tion. c. Transmit on a monthly basis direct to CIA, attention FDD, a bibliographical description of any TIS translations initiated or completed during the reporting period which will not be included in ATIS Bulletin, Enemy Documents, Korean Operationt, Sul,...a.;ELnentEneiLL_mentsKorean Operations, or Enemy Documattl_EmsallmIV.aat. 1I. TIS has agreed to the principle of transmitting on a continuing basis of one copy of all ATIS published reports direct to CIA, attention FDD) but requires the approval of G-2, DA to make an exception to current Department of the Army directive on distribution of G-2, PEC reports. CO, TIS has expressed his cooperation to seek DA's approval for the direct transmittal of reports to FDD. 5. In reference to FDD's request that TIS designate personnel author- ized to exchange cables with FDD, TIS suggested that cables be addressed to CO, TIS because there is no delay in routing cables to interested parties within ATIS. -10- S E =CRE 'T _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T cee> 6. As for the direct FDD-TIS liaison by cable, TIS desires to have this type of direct communication limited to exchanging, of information specifiaally to prevent duplication in translations and to clarify prob- lems involved in .translation procedures. Other matters affecting policy should be communicated via established G-2 channels. Current Serial Publications 1, Japanese Publications Over ninety (90) catalogs of books and serial publications, cover- ing the entire Japanese publication effort for 1950- - 1951, have been col- lected. A directory of publishers, booksellers, and secondhand book dealers in Japan was also obtained. The directory lists the name of the store', ad- dress, and types of books handled and also lists members of book dealers' associations through which any publication required by CIA can be traced and acquired. An arrangement has been made with the Document Section, ATIS, to forward to FDD all new catalogs, announcements of forthcoming publications, and accession lists of university libraries in the Tokyo area and the Na- tional Diet Library System. This agreement will continue until changes oc- cur in the FEC organization. An arrangement has also been made with Mrs. M. Yamamoto, Librarian, Diplomatic Section, SCAP, to forward to IAD, Department of State, all cata- logs of new publications beginning in 1952. To facilitate this program, major bookstores were requested to send their catalogs to the Librarian, Diplomatic Section, for forwarding to Washington. 2. Chinese Publications -11- S-E-C-R-E-T 0.3 0 0 0 0 CM. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: 1CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T OM= CaCD G.1.1 ttle. Ca. Procurement of Chinese Newspapers Through TIS 50X1 1. During the course of negotiations with ATIS, it was discovered that ATIS obtains and exploits Chinese Communist newspapers from Shanghai and Hong Kong. The exploitation is done by three former Japanese General Staff officers. The translations are sent directly to the Theater Intelli- gence Division, G-2, FEC. The following newspapers are exploited: Ta Kung Pao (Hong Kong), Ta Kung Pao (Shanghai), Kung Shang Jih-pao (Hong Kong), Jen-min Jih- ao (Pei-p'ing), Hsin-wen Tien-ti (Hong Kong), and Tzu-yu Ch'en- hsien Hong Kong). Lt Col Verner C. Aurell, TIS, stated that the above publications could be shipped to FDD on a continuous basis. 2. TIS was approached unofficially as to whether it can obtain cer- tain other Communist newspapers for FDD through its established channels. TIS has agreed to procure the following newspapers for FDD, without cost to the Agency: Harbin Ku -pao (Harbin), Dairen Jen-min Jih-pao (Dairen), Tung-pei Jih-pao (Mukdei37 and Sinkiang jp-pao (Urumchi). Procurement of Chinese Newseaers ThrougLEME 1. During a survey of publication-collection activities of the 6004th Air Intelligence Service Squadron, Far East Air Force, it was discovered that FEAF also has developed a procurement channel for Chinese Communist publications. They concentrate their effort on obtaining periodicals for the preparation of "Escape and Evasion of Airmen from Enemy-Held Territories." A list of periodicals and newspapers currently received by FEAF is on file in FDD. 2. The Commanding Officer, 6004th AISS, FEAF, was approached to deter- mine whether FEAF can procure certain periodicals of interest to CIA. Lt Co]. J. White, CO, 6004th AISS, has agreed to procure the following periodicals for FDD without cost to CIA: Hsin-hua Yueh-pao (monthly, Pei-psing), Jen-min T'ieh-tao (monthly, Pei-p'ing), and shang Chou- ao (weekly, IATIWEY: Therefore, a fprmal request was made to Director of Intelligence, FEAF, to obtain the periodicals for CIA. Upon receipt of the periodicals by FEAF they will be sent to FDD for exploitation. -12 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 a S-E-C-R-E-T 3, The 6004th AISS has also prepared an inventory of foreign lan- guage documents held in its library. The list is on file in FDD. Exploitation of Russian Newspapers by FEAF 1. The 6004th AISS, FEAF, maintains a small Russian press exploita- tion unit composed of two former Japanese General Staff officers. The translations are not published, but are sent to various units of Air In- telligence. 2. FEAF has obtained the following Russian newspapers from a book- ? store in Tokyo: Krasnaya Zvezda (15 February - 25 July 1951), Pravda (1 January - 25 July 1951), Izvesti (1 January - 13 March 19515T and Trud (3 January - 13 March 1951)0 The following publications were ob- tained from White Russian sailors on Russian ships sailing between Vladi- vostok and Yokohama: Bol'shevik (1 - 3 January 1951), 2g21.1s (1 - 9 Janu- ary 1951), Novoye Vremeya (2 - 9 January 1951), Znomya January 1951), Oktyabr9-(1 - 3 January 1951), Zvezda (1 January 1951), and Sovietski Soyuz (1 January 1951), Lt Col J. White, Commanding Officer, 6004th AISS, has stated that the newspapers after exploited for items of air interests can be shipped to FDD for further exploitation. Procurement of Lists of Books on the Far East in Various Libraries -1. The Chief of the General Affairs Bureau, National Diet Library, was approached informally to determine whether a list of the library's holdings of books on China and Southeast Asia is available. He stated that the Library has not compiled such a list, but if the Occupation makes a formal request the Library will undertake the task. The list will in- clude the collections of the branch libraries. He has estimated that it will take three months to complete the project. 2. To present a formal request to the Japanese government to take ac- tion on this project, the Team prepared a letter to Chief, Far East Command/ Liaison Group, G-2. It is the understanding of the Team that the request has been served on the Japanese Government. 3. Lists of books on Korea have been obtained from the following li- braries: Foreign Ministry, National Diet Library (including branches at Ueno and Akasaka), the Society for International Cultural Relations (Kokusai Bunka Shinko Kai), the Tokyo University, and the Political and Economic Re- search Institute (formerly the East Asia Research Institute). The lists are on file in FDD. -13- S-E-C-R-E-T _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: .7,1A-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E70-R-E-T ? Services for OSI and OCD requested that the Team survey for the availability of data on Japanese scientists in ESS files. Four metal file cabinets containing the desired information were located in the Scientific and Technical Division, ESS. Since ESS will be disbanded completely by early next spring, a cable was dispatched to OSI recommending that a team be sent to Tokyo to microfilm all files of V0SI interest. the custodian of ESS files, was requested 50X1 to transfer the entire file t 50X1 FBIS, if ESS were to be dissolved prior to the arrival of the microfilm team. 50X1 2. the' Team to survey the availability of data on Japanese industry. requested. 50X1 industrial files were screened and found to contain information of value to Industrial Register. A cable was dispatched recommending a team to mi- crofilm the information. 3. In response to a request from the Biographic Register, OCD, the Team Obtained several books-'6Ontaining biographic Information. The-books are listed under "Publications Procurement and Acquisition Activity." PUla itis-Procurement and Ac uisitiOn Activit Foreign Documents Division a. Reference Books (1) Burma The Judson's Burmese-English Dictionary, revised and en- larged by Robert C. Stevenson, revision and edition by Rev F. H. Evaleth, DD, American Baptist Mission-Press, Rangoon, 1914, 1,123 pp. Judson's School Dictionary Burmese-English, A. Judson, Daitoa Syuppan KK, Tokyo, reprinted 1943, 643,pp. (2) China Ching-chi Hsin-wen Chih-shih (Economic News Terms), Fel Yu-wei, ?Shang-wu Printing Co, Shanghai, Jun 1950, 94 pp. Chung-hua Ta-tzu Tien (Reduced Copy of the Great Chinese Dictionary), 2 vol, Ching-hua Bookstore, Shanghai, 1936, 2,943 pp. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T ? Chung-kuo Jen-min Shu-wu Tz'u-tien (China People's Tech- nical Terms Dictionary), Ch'ien Hsiao-po, T'ai-p'ing-yang Publishing Co, Shanghai, Sep 1950, 3d ed, 431 pp. English-Chinese Dictionary of Standard Chinese Spoken Language, K. Hemeling, Ph. D., Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai, 1917, 1,726 pp (on loan from Uepb Branch, National Diet Library) English and Chinese Pronouncing Condensed Dictionary, T. K. Yoh, Commercial Press, Ltd, Shanghai, 1917, rev ed, 716 pp. (3) Indochina Dictionnaire Annamite-Chinois-Francais, Gustave Hue, Im- prinerie Trung Hoa, 1937, 1,126 pp (on loan from Keio Gijuku University Li- brary) ? Dictionnaire Annamite-Francais, V. Barbier, Extreme-Orient Imprimerie (Far East Press), Hanoi, Haiphong: 1940, 5th ed (on loan from Akasaka Branch, National Diet Library) ? Dictionnaire Francais-Annamite, V. Barbier, Far East Press, Hanoi-Haiphong: 1941, 10th ed, 873 pp Le Francais par Soi-meme (French Self-taught), Nguyen Hoai Dinh, Nam Ky Edition, 17 Boulevard Francis Garnier, Hanoi, 1940 "Manuel de Grammaire et de Dictee Francaise avec Traduction en Annamite (French Grammar, with Exercises and Annamese Translations) or elementary schooli7, Ed Pham Dinh Dien, Do Duc Long, Vu Nhu Lam Nam Dinh, Tonkin, My Thang Press, 1930 Sach-meo Tieng Nam (Annamese Grammar), Nguyen Hiet Chi, Le Thuoc, Hanoi, Le Van Tan Press, 136 Rue de Coton, 2d printing 1935 Tieng Anh Cho Nguoi Viet Nam (English for the Vietnamese), 2 books, Nguyen Khac Nham? Trung-Bac Tan Van Press (North Central New Literstuke), Hanoi, 1941 Vocabulaire at Conversation Francaise avec Traduction en Annamite (French Vocabulary and Conversation with Annamese Translation), Vu Nhu Lam, My Thang Press, 2d ed, 1939 - 15 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T - (4) Korea Chosut Yosachon (Revised and Enlarged Korean Dictionary), Num Se-yong, Korean Dictionary Publishing Society, Seoul, 1942 Korean-English Dictionary, J. S. Gale, Fukuin Printing Co, Ltd., Yokohama, 1941, 1,154 pp (5) Malaya Wilkinson's Malay-English Dictionary, R. J. Wilkinson, reprinted by Daitoa Shuppan KK, Tokyo, 1,288 pp (6) Mongolia ? Mongol-Russe-Francais, Joseph Etienne Kowalewski? Vol 1-3 Revised Japanese-Mongolian Dictionary Niwa Zenji Guro- riya Bookstore, Tokyo, 1941, 4th ed, 432 pp (7) Thailand A Comprehensive Anglo-Siamese Dictionary, 5 vol., Samuel I. Smith, Bangkolem Press, Bangkok, 1899, 5,465 pp Siamese-English Dictionary, E. B. Michell, Bangkok, 1892 (on loan from Tokyo University Library) Siamese-French-English Dictionary (Modern Linguistic Dic- tionary) Banrung Nukunkit Press, Bangkok, (2 copies), 1938 (on loan from Ueno Branch, National Diet Library) Thai-English Dictionary, George B. McFarland, MD, Daitoa Shuppan Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo, 1944, 1,019 pp (on loan from Ueno Branch, National Diet Library) (8) Tibet English-Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary, C. IL Bell, Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, Calcutta, 1920, 2d ed? 562 pp (on loan from Keio University Library) , ? English-Tibetan Dictionary, Kazi Dousamdup, Baptist Mis- sion Press, Calcutta, 1919, 989 pp (on loan from Tokyo University Library) -16- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Tibetan-English Dictionary (with Sanskrit Synonyms) Sarat \_, Chandra das, Graham Sandberg, and W. William Heyde, Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, Calcutta, 1902, 1,353 pp b. Other Publications 1Shina Shobetsu Zenshi (Study of China by Provinces), Comp Toa Dobuh Kai, Maruzen KK, Tokyo Vol I Szechwan Part 1, 1941 971 pp Vol II n Part 2, 1941 -767 pp Vol III Yunnan 1942 1,240 pp Vol IV KWeichun Part 1, 1943 982 pp Vol V 19 Part 2, 1943 619 pp Vol VI Shensi 1943 1,280 pp Vol VII Kansu-Ningsia 1943 940 pp Vol VIII Sinkiang ' 1944 888 pp Vol IX Tsinghai-Sikang 1946 1,055 pp FDD 506347 Mineral Deposits in Kiangsu and Chekiang (Less Coal) (Koso Sho - Shoko :Sho Kozan Shigen (Sekitan Wo Nozuku), Japanese Army General Staff, 1941, 213 pp, FDD 506348 Wild Animals and Poisonous Snakes, Reptiles, and Plants in China (Shina ni okeru Yugai Doshokubutsu), Japanese Army General Staff, 1940, 116 pp, 32 Maps, 34 sketches, FDD 506350 Poisonous Snakes in the Great East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (Dokuja Kaisetsu Daitoa Kyoeiken)? Oshima Selman, Hakuryukan KK, 1911.14., 349 PP) FDD 50635/ Publications Yearbook (Shuppan Nenkan), Shuppan News, Tokyo, 1951, 1,302 pp, FDD 506352 Chemical Industry Yearbook - 1950 (Kagaku Kogyo Nenkan), KAgaku Kogyo Nippo Sha, Tokyo, 1950, FDD 506353 .Japan's Chemical Industry's Actual Production and ItsPotential - 1948.(Kagaku Seihin Seisan Noryokuhyo), compildd by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 1948, 413 pp, FDD 506354 Japan's Chemical Industry's Actual Production, 1926 - 1949 (Ka- gaku Seihin Seisan Jisseki)? compiled by Ministry of International Trade and Industry, FM) 506355 -17- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 7 Japan's Chemical Industry's Actual Production and Its. Value oE Production, 1949 - 1950, compiled by Ministry of International Trade and Industry, FDD 506356 Roads in Sinkiang (translation), East Asia Research Insti- tute, 1942, 138 pp, 2 maps, FDD 506357 Japanese National Bibliography - Monthly (Zen Nippon Shuppan- butsu Somokuroku), issues Jan - Dec 1950, Jan - Feb 1951, National Diet Library, Tokyo, FDD 506358 Japanese National Bibliography - 1951 (Annual Edition) (Zen Nippon Shoranbutsu Somokuroku), National Diet Library, Tokyo, FDD 506359 Directory of Academic Associations (Scientific,. Technical, Medical, Agricultural), Gakkai Meikan, Japanese Ministry of Education, 1948, 208 pp, FDD 506360 2. CIA Library Far East Command and SCAP Telephone Directory Japan Statistical Yearbook - 1950, Nihon Statistical Association, Tokyo, 2d ed Directory of Foreign Residents in Japan - 1951/ Nippon Times Ltd, Tokyo, Mar 1951, 4th ed ? Telephone Directories of Japan Kanto Telecommunication Bureau Tokyo To Directory (Alphabetical Directory) (Classified Directory) Tokyo Suburban Directory Yokohama, Kawasaki Shi Directory Kanagawa Ken Directory Chiba Ken Directory Saitama Ken Directory Tochigi Ken Directory Ibaragi Ken Directory Gumma Ken Directory Yamanashi Ken Directory -18- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S=E-C-RE-T Shinetsu Telecommunication Bureau Nagano Ken Directory Niigata Ken Directory Tokai Telecommunication Bureau Nagoya Shi Directory Aichi Ken Directory Gifu Ken Directory Mie Ken Directory Shizuoka Ken Directory #0kuriku Telecommunication Bureau Ishikawa Ken Directory Tbyama Ken Directdry Fukui Ken Directory Kinki Telecommunication Bureau Osaka Shi Directory Osaka Suburban Directory Kyoto Shi Directory Kyoto suburban Directory Kobe' Shi Directory HYogo Ken Directory Nara Ken Directory Wakayama Ken Directory Shiga Ken Directory Chugoku Telecommunication Bureau Tottori Ken Directory, Shimane Ken Directory Okayama Ken Directory Hiroshima Ken Directory Yamaguchi Ken Directory Shikoku Telecommunication Bureau Ehime Ken Directory Kagawa Ken Directory Tokushima Ken Directory Kochi Ken Directory - 19 7 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-EC-RE-T Kyushu Telecommunication aui-eau Fukuoka Ken Directory Saga Ken Directory Nagasaki Ken Directory Kumamoto Ken Directory Oita Ken Directory Miyazaki Ken Directory Kagoshima Ken Directory Tohoku Telecommunication Bureau Miyagi Ken Directory Iwate Ken Directory Akita Ken Directory Yamagata Ken Directory Fukushima Ken Directory Aomori Ken Directory Hokkaido Telecommunication Bureau Sapporo Directory Hakodate Directory Asahigawa Directory Kushiro Directory Kitami Directory 3, Biographic Register, OCC The Japan Who's Who 1950 - 1951 (in English), Tokyo'Newb -Service Japanese Men of Science short Biographies]; Gendin Nihon Kagaku Gijitsusha Meikan a. Who's Who in Agriculture b. Who's Who in Physics Jinji Koshinroku (Who's Who) 15th Ed, Jinji Koshinsho, Tokyo, 1948, 2 vols Nihon Shokuin Roku (Government Directory), 1951 Revised Ed, Jinji Koshinjo, Tokyo Zen Nihon Shinshi Roku (All-Japan Gentleman's Directory - 1951), Revised Ed, Jinji Koshin Sho, Tokyo Shokuin Roku (Government Registry - 1951), Japanese Government Printing Office, 1951. - 20 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: 1CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 SECORT Notes on Disposition of SCAP Records 1. A Committee for the disposition of SCAP records had been formed to assist the Adjutant General, SCAP, FEC, in the formulation of policies and procedures for records administration. 2. To protect CIA interest in SCAP files, particularly ESS files, the Team sought the cooperation of the chairman, Miss Muriel Weins of the Diplomatic Section, SCAP. She has promised full cooperation with the CIA microfilm project of ESS files. 3. During the course of conversation with Miss Weins, the subject of microfilming equipment was raised. Miss Weins stated that there were three portable microfilming sets idle at the Diplomatic Section. These belong to the Library of Congress and were used by Mr. Glen Shaw of the Department of State to microfilm Japanese Foreign Ministry records. She also mentioned that there were ten Japanese microfilm technicians, trained by Mr Shaw, available in the Diplomatic Section. 4. Mr Bart V0.. Washburn, Executive Officer of the Diplomatic Section has granted permission to CIA to use the microfilm equipment from 1 Novem- ber 1951 to 1 February 1952. Approval for use beyond this date will have to be obtained from Mr. Sidney Buford III, Chief of the Office of Libraries and Intelligence Acquisition, Department of State. Recommendations 1. To facilitate the effort of TIS to obtain the approval of the De- partment of the Army for direct transmission of TIS reports to FM, it is recommended that CIA also approach G-2, Department of the Army, to determine whether an exception could be made to current directives that all FEC re- ports should be distributed in the Zone of Interior by G-2, DA, Although TIS agrees in principle to the request made by the FDD Team, the Chief of the Military Intelligence Service Division, who is the immediate superior of TIS, feels that an exception made for CIA will pave a way for othcr agen- cies to seek similar relief. TIS feels that it will not be a contravention of current directive if TIS were to mark TIS reports with Attention: FDD? CIA to expedite delivery upon arrival in Washington. Until the situation is clarified, TIS may use this technique, although no commitment has been made on the plan. 2. In view of the large numbers of documents containing information of basiC intelligence in the Washington area, FDD should take more positive steps to develop a program of exploitation for basic intelligence. A common question among officials in FEC was "What is being done to the documents 21 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T sent to Washington?" The Team has assured them that the documents were being screened and cataloged and that they were not merely stored in ware- houses without being exploited. 3. It is recommended that FDD screen shipping advices and lists of captured World War II documents still held in FEC obtained by the Team to determine what documents are of interest to CIA, State Department, and AEC. It is the opinion of the Team that the holdings of the Geographic Branch, Theater Intelligence, G-2, FEC, containing topographical studies are of interest to CIA and other agencies. Since these documents,are charged out to the Geographic Branch on indefinite loan, the Team was unable to select them for forwarding to Washington. CIA should, through G-2, Department of the Army, request TIS, through G-2, Far East Command, to request return of these documents, with manuscripts of translations, for forwarding to the Zone of Interior. This procedure is also applicable for documents held by other FEC agencies. 4. It has been long recognized by intelligence agencies that foreign publications constitute one of the most important and productive sources of information for the production of intelligence. This importance of foreign publications increases as the stringent security measures are adopted by USSR and her Satellite countries to prevent leakage of information to the Western countries. Recent survey of the availability of Chinese Communist publications in Japan has demonstrated that these publications are obtain- able in fairly large quantities in Tokyo. It has also demonstrated that Eastern USSR publications are available in small quantity, though the dates of issue of these publications are somewhat old. A concentrated effort for the procurement of these publications undoubtedly will produce satisfactory results. It is therefore recommended that to exploit tfiis opportunity fur- ther a FDD Document Procurement Office be established in Japan. 5. Lt Col J. White, Commanding Officer, 6004th AISS, FEAF, has stated to the FDD Documents Survey Team that Chinese Communist. and Soviet newspapers after being exploited locally for items of Air interests could be shipped to FDD for further exploitation, if the AISS is served with such a request. It is therefore recommended that a formal request for the shipment of Chinese Communist and Soviet newspapers to FDD be made to the Directorate of Intelligence, FEAF. Acknowledgment The DocumentS Survey Team, Foreign Documents Division, desires to ex- press its appreciation and gratitude to G-2, Far East Command; Translator and Interpreter Service, Far East Command; and SCAP sections for their kind assis- tance and cooperation without which the mission of the Team would have been difficult to accomplish. 22? SEC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Enclosure No-1. The Tea obtained a miscellaneous collection of scientific and tech- nical reports in English and Japanese from the files of Economic and Sci- entific Section, SCAP, as samples of what is available in the Section files. a. Scientific and technical periodicals: Kisho Shushi (Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan) Vol XXIII) No 1-12, Jan-Dec 1945 Vol XXIV, No 1-12, Jan-Dec 1946 Vol XXV, No 4-6, Apr-Jun 1947 Vol XXV, No 10-12, Oct-Dec 1947 Seni Gakkaishi (Journal of the Society of Textile and Cellulose Industry), Vol 4, No 1, Feb 1948 (2 copies).. Seisan Gijutsu (Production Technique), Vol III, No 4, May 1948, Nihon Onsen Kiko Gakkaishi (Journal of Japanese Balne-climatological As- sociation) Vol VI, No 3, Dec 1940 Vol XII, No 3-4, Mar 1947 Vol XIII, No 1, Jun 1947 Vol XIII, No 2, Sep 1947 (2 copies) Engel Gakkai Zasshi (Journal of the Horticultural Association of Japan) Vol XVI, No 1-2, Mar 1947 Vol XVI, No 3-4, Dec 1947 Nihon Seibutsu Chin i Gakkai Kiji (Proceedings of the Biogeographical So- ciety of Japan), No 1, 20 Mar 1948. Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi (Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan, Industrial Chemistry Section), Vol LI, No 1, Mar 1948. Nihon Butsurigaku Kaishi (Journal of the Japan Physics Society) Vol I, No 1, Jul-Dec 1946 Vol I, No 1, Appendix, Dec 1946 Vol II, No 1, Jan-Apr 1947 Vol II, No 2, May-Jun 1947 Vol II, No 3, Jul-Aug 1947 Vol II, No 4, Sep-Oct 1947 Vol II, No 5, Nov-Dec 1947 -23- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Nihon Kagaku Bunka Kyokaishi (Journal of the Society of Scientific Culture, Japan) Vol I, No 1, Dec 1946 Vol II, No 2, Apr 194/ 'Vol II, No 3, Aug 1947 Nihon Ringaku Kaishi (Journal of the Society of Forestry) Vol XXVI, No 10, Oct 1944 Vol XXVI, No 11, Nov 1944 Waseda Oyo Kagaku Kalho (Waseda Applied Chemical Society Bulletin) Vol XVII, No 4, Oct 1936 Vol XVII, No 4, Nov 1940 Oyo Rikigaku (Journal of the Society of Applied Mechanics of Japan), Vol I, No 2, Mar 1948 (2 copies) Sugaku Butsurigaku Kaishi (Journal or Mathematics and Physics), Vol XVII, No 9, Sep 1943 Suisan Gakkai Ho (Proceedings of the Scientific Fisheries Association), Vol VI, No 4, ?Dec 1935 Kaibogaku Zasshi (Journal of Anatomy), Vol XX, No 3, Sep 1942 aiensu (Science), Vol I, No 3, Dec 1947. Journal of Science in Romanized Japanese. Saiensu Daijiesuto (Science Digest), No 1, Mar 1948 Kikaku to Hyjun (Standardization), Vol I, No 7, May 1948 Nihon Kagaku Kaishi (Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan), Vol LXVIII, No 9-10, Oct 1947 Nogyo Keizai Kenkyu (Studies in Agricultural Economics), Vol XIX, No 4, Jan 1944 Atomu (Atom) No 3, Feb 1947 Nihon Noritsu (Productivity), Vol VII, April - May 1948 Seisan (Production), Vol II, No 4, Jun 1947 Kagaku to Kogyo (Chemistry and Chemical Industry), No 4, May 1948 - 24 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Puromota (Promoter); No 3 Jun 1947 Kenkyu Hokoku (Research Pedrt), Nagoya Institute of Industry and Science No 1, 4 mar 1946 No 2, 5 Mar 1946 Sangyo Eisei (Industrial Hygiene), Vol II, No 1 and No 24 1947 Bulletin of the Giogeographical Society of Japan Vol III, No 1, Jun 1932 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Im- perial University _ Vol I, Jul - Dec 1946 Vol II, Nos 1-2, Jan - Apr 1947 Vol II, No 3, May - Jun 1947 Vol II, No 4, Jul - Aug 1947 b. The following publications were issued by the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Komagome, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan. On the Metallo-organic Compounds: Molecular Compounds of Alkyltin Halides, Harada Taichi, Dec 1940. On the Metallo-organic Compounds. V - The Formation of the Crystalline Compounds of the Type R .511 (cH.1)22 3 OR'Sn (CH3)2X2 in Various Alcoholic Solutions, Harada Taichi, Dec 1939. On the Metallo-organic Compounds. VII - The Effect of Solvents on the Form- ation of (CH1)1SnORSn(CH3)3C1H20 and /?(CH3)3Sn0H 72Sn(CH3)3C1. HaradA, Taichi, Dec 1939. On the Metallo-organic Compounds. VIII - Trimethyltin Oxide and Trimethyl- tin Rydrooxide, Harada Taichi, Nov 1940. (2 copies) On the Metallo-organic Compounds IX - Tris-trimethyltin oxonium halide, ((CH3)3Sn)30X, Harada Taichi,'Sep 1940., A Note to the Paper on the Metallo-organic Coumpounds. X - Electrois-omerism in the Triethyltin Group, Harada Taithi, Jul 1941. On the Metallo-organic Compounds. XI - Trialkyltin Sulphide R3SnSSnR3, Har- ada Taichi, Jun 1942. On the Metallo-organic Compounds. XII - Dialkyltin Sulphide R2SnS (or ?Tri- thio-anhydro-tris-dialkyistanne-dithiol) R2SnSSnR2SSnR2S, Harada Taichi, Jun 1942. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T On the Reactions of Formation of Aromatic Thioncarbamic Alkyls. Ni- shitura Junichi, Dec 1942. The Arc Spectrum of Nitrogen (NI). Part III - The Intermediate Region, Kamiyama Masahide and Noguchi Hisaphi, Jul 1942. C, Other reports: Research Activities of Assistant Professor Shiba Tadao, GHQ Technical In- telligence Detachment, 4 Feb 1948. Provisional Reports of Observation of the Annular Eclipse on May 9, 1948, Eclipse Committee, National Research Council of Japan, 1948. List of Machineries and Equipments for Producing Ammonium Sulphate 20,000 s Tons Per Year, The Yokkaichi Factory, Japan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. (No date) Photo Diagrams to Report on Research Activities of Assistant Professor Shiba Tadao, GHQ Technical Intelligence Detachment, 4 Feb 1948, Japanese Research on Coating Oxide Cathode by Cataphoresis, GHQ Technical Intelligence Detachment, 29 Mar 1948. Report of Activities of the Science Council of Japan Since Its Inauguration, Science Council of Japan, 16 May 1949, High Speed Reclosing Oil Circuit Breakers, GHQ Technical Intelligence De- tachment, 16 Jul 1948. Annual Report Ionospheric Research Special Commission, National Research Council, 1947. Study on the Phenomena of Abnormal Corrosion in Condenser Tubes) Fukagawa Kurazo and Kamiyama Kenichiro, Oct 1938. Japanese Research on Noise Measurement, GHQ Technical Intelligence Detach- ment, 4 Nov 1948, Japanese Wartime Military Electronics and Communications, Technical Liaison and Investigation Division, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, GHQ, US AFPAC, 1 Apr 1946. Section 1. Summary and Conclusions Japanese Military Research Laboratories and Projects Section 2. Japanese Military Research Laboratories and Projects Section 3. Japanese Civilian Research Laboratories and Projects Section 4. Japanese Army Communications Training Section 5. Japanese Army Signal Organizations and Signal Tactics - 26 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Locus of Impaction of Particulates (Partial Report, GHQ Technical Intelli- gente Detachment, i6 Apr 1948. Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University, Series B2 Vol XIV No 3, Mar 1939. Handbook of the Japanese Societies of Natural Science and Cultural Science, Vol I - Pure Science and 'VOL II - Agriculture. Scientific Data Section, Scientific Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, 1949. The List of Natural Science Research Organizations Under the Jurisdiction of.the Ministry of Education, Jul 1948, Scientific Data Section, Scienti- fic Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Nov 1948, Learned Societies. Author and date not given. A Report on Iron and Steel Institute of japan, May 1948. Proceedings of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan, Third Series, Vol 25, No 10-12, Oct - Dec 1943. Report on Magnetic Materials and Electrical Heating-Element Alloys Developed in Japan, E. G. Thurlby, Jul 196. Haisung (Injection of Pine Tree Enzymes), Report No 247, 22 Jul 1946, Medi- cal Analysis Section, 5250th Technical Intelligence Company. Development of a New Parasiticide from Herbs, GHQ Technical Intelligence Detachment, 8 May 1948. Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi to wa nani ka? (What is the Japan Science Council?), May 1950. Nihon Sangyo Eisei Kyokai no Shushi narabi ni Genkyo (The Purpose of the Japan Industrial Hygiene Association and Its Present Condition), Aug 1939. Nippon Bairui Gakkai (Malacological Society of Japan). No date. Purpose and membership of the society. Nihon Seppyo Kyokai Kaiin Meibo (Membership List of the Japan Ice and Snow Society), Mar 1944, Jan 1946. Zenkoku Shuyo Kenkyu Kikan Yoran (Outline of Principal Japanese Research Organizations), Industrial Section, Oct 1947, Engei GakkaiKaiin Shimeiroku (Roster of Members of the Horticultural So- ciety), Jul 1943. Kahn Meibo (Membership Roster), Japan Federation of Telecommunication In- dustrial Associations, Feb 1949. - 27 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Kahn iileibo (Membership Roster), Mathematics and Physics Society of Japan, Nov 1943. Castings of Manganese Bronze Propellers, 23 Dec 1948, GHQ Technical In- telligence Detachment, 41 pp. Coefficient of Static Friction Between Dry Metals at High Temperature Contact Pressures, 15 Feb 1949, GHQ Technical Intelligence betachment, 43 pp- Research Activities of Goto Masao, 15 Jan 1949, GHQ Technical Intelligence Detachment. Compilation of investigation reports on work done by Goto. Textile Industry Investigation in Fukui Prefecture, 24 Dec 1948, GHQ Tech- nical Intelligence Detachment.. Vol I, 62 pp. Vol II, 63-186 pp. Folder entitled Japanese Activities in Medical Sciences, compiled by the Office of the Chief Surgeon (Advance Echelon), 5 Dec 1945, Unnumbered. Report on Japanese Military Communications in the Home Islands, Telephone and Telegraph Division, Civil Communications Section, SCAP, GHQ, 15 Jul 1946. 3 pp with blueprints. Synthetic Rubber Manufacture, G-2 SCAP Intelligence Report, No R-164, 3 Jun 1946. Military Intelligence Section, General Staff, GHQ, SCAP. Pages un- numbered. Japanese Wartime Military Electronics and Communications, Section V. Japanese Army Signal Organizations and Signal Tactics. Technical Liaison and Investigation Division, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, GHQ, AFPAC, ? 1 Apr 1946, A Short History of Chemistry and Its Related Industries of Modern Japan, Kirota Kozo. 17 Sep 1949, 132 pp and appendices. The General View of the Japanese Chemical Industries in Recent Ten Years, 103 pp. Typewritten, no author or date given. The Recent Status of the Coal Tar Industry, Yamoishi Eizo, Feb 1947, 7 pp. Automobile Companies of Japan, Military Intelligence Section, General ,Staff, SCAP, GHQ, 10 Dec 1546, 113 pp. National Research Council of Japan, Major Russell J. Baldwin, Ordnance De- partment. Ordnance Technical Intelligence Report No 20, 24 Feb 1946, 37 pp. 2 copies. Japanese Supersonic Wind Tunnels, Dr L. A. Delsasso, Ordnance Department. Ordnance Technical Intelligence Report No 16, 18 Feb 1946, 22 pp. - 28 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T Japanese Automotive Research, Development, and Production of Combat and General Purpose Vehicles, Mr Malcolm C. Morrison, Ordnance Department. Ordnance Technical Intelligence Report No 212 23 Mar 1946, 159 pp. Japanese Research on Slit Antennas, GHQ Technical Intelligence Detach- ment, 5 Nov 1948. Compilation of several reports. Japanese Research on Radio Frequency Bridges and Impedance Meters, GHQ Technical Intelligence Detachment, 6 Nov 1948. Compilation of several ' reports. The Skin Effect and the Bone Effect, netio Field and Its Analysis, Ataka High Polymer Research, GHQ Technical 220 pp. abstracted from The Electromag- Hikosaburo? 12 Jul 1911-8,31 pp. Intelligence Detachment, 31 Jul 1949, A Method of Statistical Mechanical Treatment of Equilibrium and Chemical Reactions, Horiuchi Juro, 77 pp. d. The following reports, in English, prepared by the GHQ, Tech- nical Intelligence Detachment, are based on the investigation of research activities of Japanese scientists and firms. "Electron Diffraction," 18 Jan 1949, 15 pp. Purpose, membership, and the organization of the Japan Electron Diffraction Research Society (Nippon Denshi Kensetsu Kenkyu-kai). "Researcb. Activities of Professor Nagai Yuzaburo," 14 Jan 1949, 2 pp. Study of oiliness, action of alumina catalyst on fatty acids, and high boiling point oilsb "Properties of the Ferromagnetic Alloy of Manganese and Bismuth at Low Temperatures," 1 Feb 1949, 12 pp. Research by Dr Kimura Renichi on Prop- erties of the ferromagnetic alloy of manganese and bismuth at low tempera- tures, galvanometric and electric properties of bismuth and bismuth alloys at low temperatures, elastic moduli of ferromagnetic materials, and in- verse Wiedemann effect. "Electron Acceleration with a Cavity Resonator," 15 Jan 1949, 10 pp. Re- port on research activities of Professor Ito Junkichi of Research Institute of Acoustical Science, Osaka Imperial University. "Kinetics of Side Group Reaction of High Polymers," 20 Jan 1949 27 pp. Report on study by .Assistant Professor Hata Toshio. "Research on Carbon Resistors," 18 Jan 1949, 2 pp. Work by Professor Shichiri Yoshio on carbon film resistors. -29- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 "Research Professor "Research corrosion "Research "Research "Research rockets. S-E-C-R-E-T on a Linear Particle Accelerator," 19 Jan 19491 2 pp. Study by Yamaguchi Seitaro on construction of a linear particle accelerator. Activities of Yano Keijiro," 19 Jan 1949, 7 pp. Research on the of metals and alloys. Activities Activities Activities of Professor Ishibashi Masayoshi," 20 Jan 1949, of Suzuki Kazuo," 15 Jan 1949, 26 pp. of Dr Nakanishi Fujio," 18 Jan 1949, 9 pp. Work on ram 9PP. "Research on Chemical Metallurgy by Onaka Toshiro," 18 Jan 1949, 11 pp and 2 enclosures. "Designs for Four Small Kerosene Engines," 15 Jan 1949, 5 pp. Work on ma- chinery design by Mori Akiro. "Wave Forms of Atmospheric Radio Noise," 1 Feb 1949, 3 pp. Theoretical study by Dr Nakagami Minoru of the requirements of antennas for receiving accurately wave forms of atmospheric radio noise. "Improvement of Contact Points Used in Electrical Apparatus," 26 Jan 1949, 3 pp. Research work of Fujimoto Masao. "Semi-automatic Loom and Hand Operated Reeling Machine," 28 Dec 1948, 2 pp. "Electric Heating Furnace of the Daido Steel Co," 1 Feb 1949, 4 pp. Inter- view with Dr Nishikiori Seiji on design of electric furnace. "Ore Dressing Equipment," 7 Jan 1949, 9 pp. Research by Takakuwa Takeshi on ore dressing. "Investigation of Shofu Kyokai (Wind Association)," 22 Apr 1949, 7 pp. "Spot Analysis of Steel and Cast Iron," 24 Dec 19481 2 pp. Research by Kanamori Yoshikazu on the analysis of steel and cast iron. "Theory of Polymolecular Adsorption," 23 Feb 1949, 28 pp. Work of Dr Nagasako Noboru. "Method of Measuring Standing Waves in a Material at Microwave Frequen- cies," 21 Feb 19491 6 pp. Research by Professor Kumagai Saburo on the applications of UHF. "131440 Kilowatt Vertical Direct-current Generator, 235 RPM," 4 .Mar 19491 10 pp. Study of technical activities of the Hitachi Engineering Co. -30- S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8 S-a-C-R-E-T _ _ _ _ "Research on Fractional Horsepower Motors and Induction Generators," 27 Jan-1949, 4 pp. Study by Nishimura Marataro on fractional horsepoWer motors. "Synthetic Cryolite Factory in Chinnampo, Korea," 1 Feb 1949, 3 pp. In- terrogation on data onn synthetic plant. A "Production of facto Waves by Spark Oscillators," 3 Feb 1949, 6 pp. Research activities of,Dr Kumagai Hiroo. "Quantity Production of Aspherical Lens Surfaces," 4 Apr 1949, 4 pp. Tn vestigation of Fujin* K. on grinding aspherical lens surfaces. *Research Activities of Ishii Takeshi," 15 Nov 1948, 1 p. "Synthetic Petroleum Plants in Manchuria," 12 Nov 1948, 30 pp. "The Successful Manufacture of Sodium Alginate from Laminaria," 7 Sep 1948, 4 pp. "New Watch Mechanism Designed by Japanese Manufacturer," 7 Sep 1948, 6 pp. "Success Achieved in Artificial Camphor Production," 8 Sep 1948, 3 pp. "Lowering the Acid Value of Oleoresins, 10 Sep 1948. Research work of Nagamune Shigeru, Direttor of Research East Asia Chemical Co., Ltd. "Selenium Productioil at Toyo Koatsu Kogyo K. K.," 14 Sep 1948, "Research Activities 1948, 2 pp. "Research Activities "Research Activities of Dr Ito TsunehSru and Dr Wakayama Wakae," 14 Sep of Kavarabayashi Naruo," 16 Sep 19k8,13 PP? of tokoiraMa'iOii118-0" 18 Sep 19481'7 Pp. "Research Activities of Dr Kikuchi Hideyuki," 20 Sep 1948; 2 pp. "The Present Research Activities of Professor Ato Sunao," 21 Sep 1948, 3 PP. "Research Activities of Nakamura Yoshiharu," 21 Sep 1948, 5 pp. "Research Activities of Prof. Yamaguchi Bunnosuke," 21 Sep 1948, 2 pp. "Research Activities of Hama Ryosuke," 22 Sep 1948, 4 pp. "Internal Magnet Type Moving Coil Instruments," 19 Jul 1948, 9 PP. "Research Activities of Dr MatsuAa Sumio," 30 Jun 1948, 3 pp. "High-speed Current Limiting Fuse, 3450 Volts AC," 10 Nov 1948, 4 pp. - 31 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/11: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100200001-8