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Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr2013/12/09:CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 WDC (ADV) NIE Building Acquisition of of documents as listeda Zafenese Liaison 21 Voir 1945 Thrut WDIT (Tech Intel') Chief, Col. W. S. Wood 1. Pursuant to Cheek Sheet, Subjects questions raised at Technical Intelligence Conference, 31 October 1945. 41-2 WDIT, (rect% Intell), it is requested that the following items be acquired for the Washington Document Center (Ad), NYK Building, Tokyo. 2. Items listed below represent a cross section of Japanese publications in the III fields of art, political science, economy, and will constitute a nucleus forth', War and Navy Department and State Department IMO Library, Fashington. 1. Third Report on Progress in Manchuria for 1932, The South Manchuria Railway Co., Dairen, Menchurft. 2. The World and Japan. Dr. Hiroshi (Neiman) Shimonara, published by the AMR/ Shimbun-sha, Tokyo. 3. =AI, a Great Cormoner,Wunieo YANAG1TA? published by the maammu Shoten Tokyo. 4. How I became a Socialist, Imo ABE, published by the raizesha,Totio. 5. Cha-no Tu, Tea Cult or Japen, Yasunoke MYKOKITA, published by the =MEN CO.. Tokyo, 41, 6; The Submarine in Wars A Study of Relevant Rules and Problems, by K. lished by the Ehruzen Co., Tokyo. 7. Urgent Economdc Measures,Senji NUTil, published by The Chiknra Shebo, TOW?. 8. Phases of the World's Political Situation, Yoshi/eaten Enchl, published byllie Naigaisha. 9. The Covenant of the League of Nations. by pr. Eaktaro TAM, published by The League of Nations Aasociation of Japan. 10. An, Anthology of Haiku, Ancient and Modern, Aeataro WIYANDRI, publishOlhy The Ehruzen Co., Ltd., Tokyo. 11. The /Mill Graph Overseas Edition. An Illustrated Monthly. Coarlete 7110. Published by The Aeahi Shirtbun Printing Co.. Ltd., Talcro? 12. Critique of Tapene. Fascism, Nyozeksa EkSEGOItts pub. by The Ohista Shoten, Tot,* Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 13. Animal Report on Administration of CHOSEN. Compiled by the Government - General. Reports from, 1933-1945. 14. MAMA Ins The /armies* Land-Surveyor. by Ryokichi OHTANI, Prof. Kyoto imperial University, published by Iwanami,Tolgto. /5. Treaties on Man. by Yoson TSUCHTINI, published by The Daiichi Shobo, Tokyo. 16. The Life of Prince Aritomo Thmagata, compiled by Soho TOKUTOMI and published by the 'YAWATA. WO XINEN IIGTOKAI, Tokyo. 2 Vols. 17. A Hietory of Japanese Women, Matsunosuke TATSUI, published by SHOKWASHA. Tokyo. 18. International Law in the Shanghai Confaiet, 7. SHIMS% LL.D., published by Mhrusen, Tokyo, 1933. 19. The Communist Movement ins:II:digt, compiled and published by the Foreign Affairs Association of Japen. Tokyo. 20, The MUM Primitives. by Tone NOCUCHI, privately published. 41 SaNURAYAMA. Nakano, Totqui: 21. The History of the Drama in the Meiji Era. by Toshio IMM, Based& University Press, Tokyo, 1913. 22. Japan's Capattity for Ammonia Expansion. Selichi mum, published by Ohikura Shoboe Tokyo. 23. An Official Guide to 7apan, prepared by the Japanese Government Railways, 1941. 6 copies. 24. Comments on John Bassett Moores Discussion (with reference to Mhnchurian Incident, Embargo. and Neutrality, *Agressor.* Kellog Pact, League, American 'Birthrights, etc.) Seiji H/SHIDA.M.A.1Mh4., 2nd ed., published by Mhrusen, Tokyo. 25. A Commemorative Volume. The Institute for Research in English Teaching on the Occasion of the Tenth Annual Conference of English Teachers held under its Auspices, Tokyo. 26. HIROSHIGE. by Tone. NO000Si, published by 'rya Bun titan. Tokyo. ? MUMMA! Minns by KyosukeWANEDACHI. published by Bunkyokaku. Tokyo. 28. '1ourth Report on Progress in Manchuria to 1934. by The South Manehuria Railway Co. 29. Social Dumping. IsMekishi TAKAHASHI, publithed by.Chikura nob?. Tokyo. 30. Japan's Advance, Jessial B. Soberer, published by the Hokuseido Press, Tokyo Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 31. dinning without Fight, Major General TSCINEKICHI KONO, published by Shinkokaku. Tokyo 32. 33. 34+ Looking Over the Cooident. Jiro TSIIT/, published by Kyoritsusha, Tokyo* / A Tokyo Calendar, Frank H. Lee, The Hokwseido Press, Tokyo. The Latest in Buropekm Politics, Kijiro EMI, Published by the Nihon boron Sha, Tokyo. 35. mt. of Admiral Togo, View*Admiral Useount Nemo OGASAWARA, published by Sotto Shorin. 36. The Manshoukuo Question in its Wide Aspects, Seiji HISHIDA, published by Maruzen, Tokyo. 37. The Autobiography of Fukusawa Yukiohil trunslated by Zitobi KIYO-Ord, published by The Hokuseido Press, Tokyo. ? 38. Nazis no Kuni o Mini. by T. =WI, Published by Th. JUKUDA Shobo, Tokyo. 39. Ten Nigp.ts' Dreams, Soseki NATSIIMK, translated by Sankiohl Hata and Dafu Shirai, published by Seito Shorin, Tokyo. 40. Divine Spirits of Shinto and Rirota R. Ponsonby.-Fans, published by Seigel Shuppan Cp., Kyoto 41. We :spans's, 7. do Gertz, F.R.G.S., Shoo Yamaguchi Press, Mono. 42. An Introduction to Zen Buddhism, Dr* D. T. Buz= The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk, Dr. D. T. SOZTIKI, publii&ed by The Haste= Buddhist Society, Kyoto. 43+ ? 44. Wage Shiehijunen eNatant, Baron Gonsuke HAYASHI, published by Dal Iohi Shobo, Tokyo. 200110MIC Conditions in span 1933-1914. Report by G. B. Sansone Comerioial Counsellor, and H. A. Macrae, Cormaereiul Socretary. H. B. U.Embassy, Tokyo, Marinello Tokyo. 45. Ku lohlhaehi iken Zengo. Chiko NURAKANI, published by Putmola Shobo, Tokyo. 46, Rikkon Shisoshi ni okeru Bikoku Gikai no likyo, Kiyoshi *RAI, Prof. !Colo Univer.ity, published by Ganshodo, Tokyo. 47. Three Plays, Tux. YAMAMOTO, trans by Glenn W. Shaw, published by Hokussido, Tokyo* Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 rDeclassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 48. M)/10 (limplia); by Sanehlko YAMAMDTO, published by Kaiso Shag Tokyo. 49. Ikeru Shine no Ovate, by Kanzo teHIYALIA, pablish-d by Oakugwi Shan, Tokyo. 50. Kokumin Seiji Tokuhon, Teunega Baba, published by Chuo Boron Sha ? Tokyo. $1. YOMOIMAYB. by Tolson simaZAKI? published by Sbinohosha, Tokyo, Books I pnd.II. $2. Far Eastern Jourmaliiim, H.G.W. Woodward, C.B.E., published by Hokueeldo Press, Tokyo. 53, j'apant? Foreign Relations, 11 1542-1936, Roy Famicia exam. Pb. published by Hokuseido Press, Tokyo. $4. Rokoku no Shinzo o Teuku, Tokyo Nicht-nicht and Osaka Mainiohl. 55. Genohi ni Shims o Miru, Tokyo Asahi Shimbun, 1936. 110 56. The Spirit of Japans. Industry, Ginjiro Fujihars, published by the Holcuseido, Tokyo. 57. Shows Zaikaishi, compiled by the Asahi Shimbun. 58. Tobi-agjaru Seijika, Teunego RIBA, published by Chuo-Koron Chat Tokyo. 59. trteurlyuku Shins, Xv.Aumes, published by Tokyo Asahi Shimbun Sha. Tokyo. 60. Population Pressure and Economic Life in Japan, Ryolchl MU, PAX.. King and Son. Ltd. 61. A Guide to Agrarian Problera in Japan. Teunao =MITA, published by Chuo Karon She, Tokyo. 62. ; Commercial History of 7apan. 1936 Edition, A. F. Thomas and Soji KOMI, published by Yuhodo Kande, Tokyo. 63. Doppo Kunikida. Kiyoto FUKTIDa, publistmd by Shinchoshe Press, Tokyo. 64. Houses and People' of Japan, Bruno Tent, published by Sansllido. Tokyo. 65. liws Rational Some, Sadasuke KIM, published by Ivranami Shotex, Tokr?. 66. How Should One Live? Yuso YAIMOTO and Gensaburo YOSRINO, published by Shin-oho-she for the Nippon Sbonen Bunko, Tokyo. 67. Cinesim Year Book of Japan (1936-1937) International Cinerm Association of Japan, published by Saneeido, Tokyo. All Subsequent issues. , 68. Rea8ings in Zap:Ands* Culture, Kokuaai Bunks Shinkokal, published by The Banseido Co.. Tokyo. 69. Renaissanoe in Japan. Kenneth P: Kirkwood, published by Meiji Press, Toyoo 701 A Study of the Chines. Monetary System with special Reference to the American Silver RAW. ln3i rum, pub. by Yuhikaku, Tokyo. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 . 71. KAZAN BAICHI, by Sarae Keo, pub. by Shinchosha, Tokyo, l930 72. TSUZITRI4DITA EFOSHITSCr, themes by Mosaic? TOTODA, by Kenichiro OKI and Kohji SHIMIZU, published by Chuo-Koron Press, Tokyo, 1938. 73. Criss-Cross if the Japanese rand, Ippei MOM, published by !Unsaid?. Tokyo. 1938. 74. Problem of Peaceful Change in the Pacific, Henry F. Angus, published by Kelly & WaIsh, Ltd., Shanghai, 1938. 75. The North China Reader, published by the Diamond Sha, Tokyo, 1938. 76. The Northeast Wind, A Dislocation, Bijiro HISdirP.S, published by TAMURA Shobo, Tokyo. 77? Shlia Keizai Kencetsu no Zenbo, International Association of Japan, 1937. 78. When Japan Fights,. Percy Noel, published by Hokuseido? Tokyo, 1938. 79. Bibliographic von Japan 1933-1935. mit Erganzungen far die 7ahre 1906-1932. Band Y, by Haus Praerant and Icar Eacnisch? published by Karl Hisrseciann, Leipzig 1937. 80. rsolku Kaikaku non, by Shigetska ABE, published by Iwansmi Shoten, Tokyo. 81. The international Position of Japan, Toshio Shimtori, published by Mitmaa Shoho, 1938. 82. Gondol Shine Eileita, Eet-amti Mal. published by Chuo Koron She, 1938. 83. An Antho1o:7 of Japanese Poems, tranulated and annotated by Prof. A/at:Aro41.0BI. Published by laruzen Co., Tokyo 1938. 84. The Goal of Jayanese 1k:collision; Tetsuo KaWAI, published. by Hokuseido Press, Tokyo. 85, Shin Skins, Tadataka IKEZAKI, published by Modern Japan Publishing Co., Tokyo 1938. 86. Tanashi no Oath,, by nuxitaro PDND.L. published by Chlipara Shobo, Tokyo, 1938. 87? Mei to Heitai, Ashihel /Ms Pub. by Katz? Sha, Tokyo 1938. 88. Tsuchi to Hsitai, Ashihel. HIN'O, pub. by Kaizo Shea Tokyo, 1938. 89. Soren Hoknku, Katsuji, published by Tokyo Nichi?Slichi, Shimbunsha, Tokyo. ? \ 904 Nippon no Naito, prepared by the Foreign Office Information Bureau. Bunshosha, Tokyo, 1939. 91. The leonomic Strength of Japan, Isoshi Auld, Hokuseido Press, 1939. 92. (feudal. no Shokumin Seisaku, Tetsuji NADA, Kilo Shobo, Tokyo, 1939. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8' Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr2013/12/09:CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 93. Shins Shiso to Nippon, Sokishi TSUDA publiehed by Iwa nazi Shoten, Tokyo, 1999. 94. nailing no Mo. Yams? SMISU, published by The Katz? Sha, TokYo, 1939. 95. Iftruti Shiba to Atarashiki Shine, Tomoyuki =RAW', pubLished by gain? she. Tokyo. 1939. 96. Nippon Soup. Xelzai Seisaka, Rennosuke ETAPARA. published by Ohikura Moho, Tokyo, 19380 :apaness Wood-Block rainting, Eiroshi YOMIDA, The Gannet& Oomwarry, Ltd., Tokyo and ?aka. 1939. 98. KOkyo Keizairon Shozo FURDDL, published by Oanshodo, Tokyo. 99. The Sixth Report on Progress in Llanchuria. The South Manchuria Railway 00MPanY ? 97. 100. BUnrakas Japenae Puppet Play, Yoshio WATANAB3, published by lawn Photo Service, Tokyo. 101. 7iben wa Do Katazukuku ka. Ichizo IOBNYAIBI, published by Zitsugyo no Nippon Shia. 102. Kurieuto-Kyo noTetsugokuteki Mai. Shield.? &MOM. published by Kytibunbau" Tokyo, 1938. 103. Flower and Soldiers, Ashibel HMO, transluted by Lewis Bush. published by Eenkyosha, Tokyo. Inelude untranslated copy. 104. akitledigiaaShilotriva, zZatsuo Bonjo, published by 'Taikando, Tokyo. 1999. 105. Nihon-no Teuri. Oeiji =TSUIAKX, published by The Sanseido. Tokyo, 1939. 108. The Chinese Diplomatic Biotary and England. Zinichl ? Ebundo Shobo, 410 Tokyo and Kyoto. 1939. The Opium War and Hongkong; The Arrow Affair and the Yuan Lang Yuan. 107. Shina-Zin, compiled by the Tokyo Rica Nicht Shimbun, Tokyo, 1939. 100. Bunkn to Gait*, BikOtanaICRIKATA, The GUM: MUM Ohkura 5hobo. Tokyo, 1939. 109. London no Tu-utsu, Tetsuro SURVGAKI, published. by The Sanzeido, Tokyo. 1939. 110. Batten-Sum u &fatal, ShigeruNi.Wral. published by Rico She, Tokyo. 1939. 111. Al to Shit Sansatsu UUSPAKOI1, Seinen Sheba. Tokyo. 1939. 112. Barunobu, Tone NOGUCHI, publish-1.d by Keg= Paul Trench, Ttubner & 0o.. Ltd., London and Ybehikawa. Yokohana, 1940. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 r * Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 ? ? 113. Shina Minsola Ron, Taku =AU, published by Bolo Shaba, Tokyo. 114. Your Japanese Painters, japan Photo Service, Tokyo, 1940. 115. Chushinguras An ftposttion, &Oxeye SHIM, published by The Hokuseido Press, Tokyo 116. Lome to Nippon innsoku. 'saw WAIL Published Shobo , Tokio. 117. Utopias. Madame Reich Pins-ying, translated by by the Sanseido, Tokyo Osaka. abin Natongaiabl, Ken =WM, published by Hibonloku. Tokyo. 318. by the Tokyo Toikyo Shaft Ili1CA1VRA, published 119. Mike-do's Mission, Amor LULU/. The Japan Times Prose, Tokyo. 120. Zen Buddhism and its Influence on Japanese Culture, West* TBITARO -SUZUKI. published by The 'Laster* Buddhist Society, Kyoto. 121. The Shot* Mandan. Count Nobuaki WINO, published by The Sogonshs, Tokyo, 1940. 122. C1?1115.1 lbritsu Shies, no Kenkyu (Studies in Contemporary Juristic Thought), Benno TAXATANAGI, published by Law Department or Tokyo Imperial University. 123. Dokusalesi to Raritan Shia? (Dictatorship ...nd Juriatie Ideas), Kona? TANATANAGI, pubilehed by Law Department of Tokyo Imperial University. 124. Horitsu Tetsusaku Court (Principles of Levi Philosophy). /510220 TAKATANiGI, published by Law Department or Tokyo Imperial University. 123. Tho Issentials or Japanese Constitutional Law, Shin-ichi BUM. Professor at 'aside and Nippon Univorsities, 126. Saikin Nisshi Kunkel Shi (A History of recent Sina?Iapanoso Relations), Ibtsumi OZAKI, 1940. 127. Isis/s on Zen Buddhism; An Introduction to Zen Buddhism; Tho Training or the Zen Buddhist Monk; A Manual or Zen Buddhism, Daisets TBITABO BUZUla, published by The "astern iltuldhist Sociotr. Kyoto. 128. History or Buddhist Art in Japans published by The International Buddhist Society, Tokyo, 1940. 11dosha Butai, Kenitra SATO, published by The Takayama Shan, Tokyo, 130, 2600 Tears of Nippon Biro. Hrs. M1sao MIMI, published by Th. Tokyo Michi Nicht Press, Tokyo. 129. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 131. :span/aches Verfessungsroeht. Prof. Shin.lehl 7U:11, published by The YUhltaku?Tetyo, 1940. ? 132. Japan Talks, Asir LAPAII. published by The Hokuseido Press, Tokyo. 133. Katorikku Deijiten? 4 Vole., editA jointly by :oebi University sue the Institute Herder, Freiburg 1. Br, published by The Fuzambo? Tokyo. j'apzin from within. Ilasanori own" publialred by Hokueeido Press, Tokyo. 1940. 135., The Horyu-Zi ? ChuVa .ITO, publiehod by The Sogensha? Tokyo. 136. Agri I/bridal Kohze, (Lectures on Asiatic Problems), compiled by The Sogen siva ? 12 volumes. 137. Nippon Zaibetsu Hon, Ittroshi PI:COCHI, published by The Mitch Sho-oku Presto Tokyo. ? 138. Ainu no Kenkyu? Kyosuke KlfraiaCITI, published by The Hashina Shobo, Tokyo. 1391 Inpon Punka to Jinja, Obju II, published by The Dai Nippon Hohreisha, Tokyo. 140. Sen-no Biltye. :oh TAITUCHI. published by The Sogen She Press, Tokyo, 141. Den Kellkyo, Naojiro, SUGINDTO? published by The ikuho Sho. Tokyo. 142. Nippon Keizai to Kilo/ Itohgyo? Minoru TOTOZArie publish7d by The Kugska Shusi Kobayo ChB, a 143. !tinsel Seco Shi (A History of :aimless Life in Recent GenerLtions), Urn? SiLITO ? publieht.4 by The Bogen Sba ? Tokyo. 3.44. Ajiya Kensetsu $he. (Reconstructore of Asia). Shumei Oltni,. published ? by Dt.iicrii Lhobo, To4o. 145. Miteu no Kaiwa? Kenzo TAKAYANAGI? publielitol by The Pungei Shunjusha ? Tokyo. 146, Nippon Kokumin Seikateu no F.attateu? Ginzo UCHIDA, published by The Sogensha, 147. Nippon Sonraku Shi Gaisetsu, Tukeo published by The ieraneuni Shotan? Tokyo. ue. Nippon Kasei no Kiso (Basis of autcony in :apanese Music). Dr. Shahid MAU, published by Sogen She Press, Tokyo. 149. Nippon Shihos.shugi-shijo no Shidoshatachi (Leading Figures in the History of :apeneee Capitalism). Prof. Tukeo TITCF/YA, published by The Iwanami Shoten. Tokyo. /50. Nippon Seiji to Kijun (The Norm for Tapum:se Politics), Yes= SUIUEL published by The Toyo Keizai Shiva Sha, Tokyo. Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/09 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000106066016-8 151. 0120-en no Sara, litikino-suke WEIDA, published by Th. Bogen Sha, Tokyo. 152. Nippon Bljutsu Telltale Chokoku (The History of Japanese Fine Arts* Saul"tura), Bhisuya FUYIKACE, The Beibundo Shinkosha, Tokyo. 153. The Pletory. of Japan, Eenjo ilKIYALIA, translated by Toshiro EfinikKOUCITI, published by Kokusai Bunke Shin Koknit Tokyo. Include original 154. Nanyo Nihon Paichi no Kenkyu, Belicht IWO, published The Nan-a Bunke Kenkyusho. 155. The Japanese Constitution and Polities, Ninichiro IIATOJNIMI, published by 5.reruzen Co., Tokyo. Gunton no Kenai (The ?lassos of Warshipe), Bajine 11111CP17., published by %Ito Sore Sha, Tokyo. 1.07. Nippon Belleau Chlgen ?aka, Hiroaki AIWA, publiahed by The Bulimia Bha, Tokyo. 158. *Ikle no 'Kozo (The Compon.ent Elements of *Iki*), Bhuso MCI. published by The Iwanaml. .f3hot en, Tokyo. 159. Hoppo no Seise (The Northern Hebels), Taku 'MAGI. Published by The Taikando, 160. Toh-yo no Pisoh Mae 'dello of U. re ?t), Tenshin OMA, The Togettsha, Tokyo. 16110 Dobemta irumajin no Piruma (Dobson* Burma for Pumas), Alter 14111a, published by The r.ofn Kano Tokyo. 162. Nippon no Buyo (The Dancing of Japan). Yukichl F..0DMA, published by The Bogen She, Tokyo. 163. Nippon Bijettsu. Taikeis Naiga (The History of Japanese Fine Arta Patting) with 900 illustrations, Chlzuya IPUSIVF71, publish:7d by The Seibundo, Tokyo Tori 162e. TM (Birds) Seinosuke IICTIM, published by The Bogen She, Tokyo. 165. Nippon Bijntsu-shi lienkyu (Historical Stud, of Japanese Fine Arts) Mesabi HAMM, published by The Zayuho Eunkakel, Tokyo. 166. Tyokczku to Bunke (Castles and Culture). Masao TOPA, publiehed by The Mitt) Shuppan Sha, Tokyo. 156. 167. Asia Iiinsoku to Taiheiyo. Goro MATSUMOTO, published by The Beibi Sbokakut Tokyo. 168. Nipponjin no Seiketsu /Mt (A Historical Survey of Japanese Life), Shuku ISZJIAWA. published by The Nihon Shobo, Tokyo. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/09: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100060016-8 t69, Dai To-a Son Shi, Lieut. Col. Y. BOTTA, Lieut. Conder K. TOTMAGA and Satoru HaSEGALA, published by The Kokbwitto. Tokyo. ? 170. To.* Kobunka Kenkyu (The Ztudy of Aneient Culture of East Asia) with 61 illustrations. Yoshito WiTIAM, published by The Zaiuho Kauko Katt Tokyo. 171. Teikoloa Kemp* to Kaneko Faku (The japanese Constitution and Count Kaneko), Shin ichi Mil, published by The Kodansho, Tokyo. 172. Kyoyei-ken Keisai Kensetsu?ron (& treatise on Constructing a Cci4prosperaus Economic Zone). Kamekichi Sin.HarlI, The To Shi Keizai Sha, Tokyo. 17.9. Beikoku Gaiko Jo no Shoshugi (Diplomatic Doctrines of America), Sekutaro TAM, published by The Nippon gyoron Sha Tokyo. 174. Sakai 'shin Ron (The New World Order), Shigetomo samosa. published by the Daido Shoin, Tokyo. 175. Indo yo Mondal (The ladian Ocewa Problem) , R. TiMASHI ITO, published by the Tomato Shoten. Tokyo. 176. Nippon Ko-tau BUnka Shi (History of Japanese Connunications and Transportation Baron Taka aki mum, published by The Chijin Shokaa, Tokyo. 177. Eiga Gojunen Chi (Cinema Stride in Fifty Years), TSWM Em.,71ra, published by The Mum Mao, Tokyo. 178. Wako Kenkyu (Freebooters. of Japan), Kukuju TO and Ride ichiro :7DGI, published by The Chuo Koran Chao Tokyo. 179. Shin Seta i Chitsujo gensetsu no Sho (The Construction of a New World Order), Kojiro SUGIM0111, published by The Gengen Shaba, Tokyo. 160. Ho Taiko no Shitelel Seikateu (Private Life of Hid si