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Problems de Geoarafie Raul CalinesCu to i
Problean of Oeographyj, Alexandra Dunescu
Vol II, 1955, Buchares,,,
Pages 93-107
The General Character of Vag
_,station in Petrosani Rayon
In Petrosani Rayon there 13 a central European flora, with
Arctic-alpine ele::ents on the pocks of the adjoining ::ountains
And Mediterranean infiltrations, in the sheltered places with
Considering the physical geographic conditions of the
rayon, this flora Ir_cludes certain stages of vegetation.
Speeifi..:ally, in the lowest parts of the rayon, forests are
strung out along the rivers. The forests of beech and conifers
extend to the sides of'the depression, while on the alpine peaks
there are nlpiine n ea.iowu. This nor, and naturni ata4ng of
the vegr'.ation can be utter. seen in the basin of the East .iii
w1nere aen-made action has been less extensive and, in all cases,
not as _ c gong as in the Wiest Jiu basin.
of their '.arger tributaries, for example, Taia, particularly
toward - .%p confluence, are covered with alders which are
fragrant-1 today into groups which slowly give way to mountain
willows. At the foot of the slopes, just in front of the
::arshss and in the swaps, peat bogs of rushes are,
in which appear of nbwtacaritan (Eriophorw ), a type
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of rush of northern origin with white puffs cc the tips, and
which is cropping tw from the middle of the peat bogs to the
spruce swamps.
Near the city of Petrosani, the alders are ::fixed in with
willows and poplars in groups which dominate in the East Jiu
area, whit in the West Jiu area, on the other side of Ci: -:pub
lui Neag, they rive way to German tamarisks (Myricaria).
Almost all of the tributaries of the 2 Jiu rivers are
covered on their lower terraces by currant and raspberry
bushes. The raspberry bushes have gcoai particularly wall in
the course of August (1952), yielding an abundant hprvest. The
hervesting has been organised by the state through forest
districts Irby private parties on the basis of authorisation
given by the districts.
In reference to the forests, if in the East Jiu basin
their distribution and staging is, as we have seen, in caucord-
ance with the natural conditions, in the West Jiu basin their
division and staging and also their upper bait are discordant
in relation to the natural conditions and hnve all been chrnged
by the influence of man.
Thus in the East Jiu basin the forests begin with beech
trees which are greatly fragmented today fro,:. Lanea as far an
Iiveseni when they continue in a crazed stage of transition,
beech-spruce (predominantly beech) and spruce-beech (predoinantly
spruce), and they continue farther on with a stage of virgin
spruce which gives nay farther up to alpine ::aadows.
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This situation can be observed not only on the map of the
forests of Petrosani Rayon which we have included but in the
phytogeographic profiles drawn on the Taia Valley, Voevod
Brook, art Jist (4, 5, and 6, Figure 1).
Qn Taia (4) the pure beeches extend to 750-825 In in
altitude; the forests of beech with spruce 825-1,200 rr.; the
forests of spruce with beech 1,200-1,425; the pure spruce
forests 1,425-1,950 :r,.
On Voevod (5), the pure beech forests extend 775-875 _n;
the forests of beech with spruce 875-1,000 ::; the spruce forests
1,000-1, 600 m.
on Jiet (6), the pure beech forests extend 750-850 sn;
the forests of beech with spruce 850-1,125 r.1; the forests of
spruce with beech 1,125-10225 rn; and the pure spruce forests
1.225-1,500 r.
The upper limit or the forests in the Fast Jiu basin
therefore varies between 1,950 and 1,500 ::: which is, as at
Jist, the lowest in this basin.
In contrast to the situation in the Fast Jiu basin, the
distribution and staging of the forests appears to be completely
abnormal in the Kest Jiu basin; it is a :aoaaic of forest for:ra-
tions without a amial staging in relation to the altitude,
predominantly beach trees (75%) which in many cases terminate
the forest towards the alpine clearings. For example, this is
the case towards Oslea asd in the Nedeuta valley We where,
starting from Cimpul lui Neag, the t,ess are strung out as
follows: pure beech 800-1,000 n; forests of beech with spruce
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1,000-1,;25 then actin pure beech 19025-1,600 ? giving w4y
to alr-t-" -"0MS4W?'O2 e.-. -r
Uricani (3) wtrre the pure beech forest bsgim an the no thwest
510pe at 800 n and terminates at 1,050 r., ,givir.R wey to nlpine
clearings respectively at 750 ntd then in the alpine Meadows,
as tacit pyre beech, at 1, 550 on the southeast slope.
Its causes of this specific distribution of the forests
in the basin of the West Au and the causes of such a powerful
lowering of the upper limit of the forests in this basin are,
as we will see. exclusively of a :,an-cads order.
Toward the alpine peaks, the forests of Petrosani Rgon
terminate in a natural manner or artificially (through the
destructive intervention of :an). They do so either indirectly
- through a transition phase, the subalpdne stage, or juniper
trees and juniper thickets - or directly, when the s&*,
natural phase of transition is :Using in the natural conditions
or has been deforested so as to increase the alp!.nc ; sturss.
This deforestation very often hits been :::nde with Justification
tcward the upper limits of the forests for the sacs reason.
The alpine meadow which are used as pastures have
different cereals (Pbe, Agrostis, Lusula. eta) and are overnm
with sea-reed (Nardus striaata) which is not eaten by ani:als.
In the area of the cheese dairies and in the places
tramped down b:? the sheep and fertilised by their dung heaps,
there ;rows a rich, ruderal. and nitrificated flora which is
for *A of curtain etevin, nettles, sheepts "Laptuo," etc.
On the plains and in the small depressions of this area
there extend in patches dried ttavdras formed of such lichens as
Thamolia, Cetraria, etc and moist tundras font of uoases
(Sphagnnr, l(ypnurn, and Polytrichu) as well as heathberries.
Beginning from the years 1948-1949, the juniper tress were
removed frog, small areas. Removal by burning, as was frequently
done by the peasants, has yielded senseless results, The soil
is burned and then washed by water^ or covered by nosa.
The following work has been praised as technical action
to maintain or increase the productivity of the alpine pastures:
destruction of anthills, picking up rocks and loose wood,
destruction of injurious plants by repeated ::owing or by
digging up the roots, fertilization of the soil with nitric
fertilisers and potash which are spread by an airplane after
the Soviet e=naple, and even the sowing of cereals zorw nutri-
tive for animals.
After this short report on the general character of the
vegetation in Petrosani Rayon, m will not endeavor to go into
any more detail about the situation of the forests. We will
however endeavor to disco ar the way in which man-.made influences
have been manifested in the distribution of the forests of this
rayed and to note the ensuing modifications resulting from these
In the course of the report we will ::make use of the sap
of the forests of Petrosani Rayon which we made on a scale of
1:100,000 by a reduction of the 19 maps in a production series
which in 1950 had been raised to a scale of 1:20,000. Of this
series 11 -:ape show the forests of the lane forest unit of the
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Petroaani basin (found in the Petrosani forest district) and 8
maps show the forests of the large forest unit (found in the
Lupeni forest district).
For each of the respective districts there exists a cap
on a scale of 1:100,000 of the distribution of the forests which
are printed in a uniform green color. This rap, very sche:tatic
in spite of the fact that it is not very exact, does not give
the composition of the forests in their dominant co::-ponents.
On the other hand the tap on a scale of 1:20,000 in 19
large sheets gives this composition in great detail, with the
components being indicated in % and having -any types of forests
according to the dominance of their coxpcnents.
We have copied all of these maps just as we found them
and we have reduced the types of trees to arly a few more
characteristic coos. We recopies the ^:nps on a 1:20,000
scale and united thess. We indicated on the new rap by parti-
cular colors the types reduced by us to 14 5i]: (1) forests
of beech (100%) or pure beech grovez; (2) forests of birch
(100k); (3) forests of spruce (100%) or pure spruce groves;
(4) forests of beech mixed with birch; (5) forests of beech
with spruce in equal proportions (50%); (6) forests of birch
with spruce in equal proportions (50%); (7) forests dominated
by beech (over 50%) with birch; (s) forests do.:inated by beech
(over 50%) with spruce and pine or fir trees; (9) forests dom-
inated by birch (over 50%) with beech; (10) forests dor..inated
by birch (over 50b) with spruce; (11) forests dominated by
spruce (over 50'a) with beech; (12) forests dominated by spruce
(cve;: 5U}) with birch; and (13) forests do,_iinated by spruce
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f_~ P
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(over 50,). On the cap drawn by *r9 on 4 sheets reduced fror.
19, other elenants have also been indicated: (14) forests in
regeneration; (15) the protection perimeters of the alpine
r:sadows; (ir) enclaves (meadows, pastures, commons, cultivated
areas, and degraded terrains); and (17) alpine aesdows.
Since this simplified rap is still very detailed and
difficult to handle, we have si:plified the trees much !:yore in
another map en a scale of 1:100,000, restricting the..,. to the
following: forests of beech or pure stands of beech; forests
of beech (dominant) with spruce; forests of spruce and beech
in equal proportions; forests of spruce (do:inant) with beech;
forests cf spruce or pure stands of spruce; and alpine meadows.
This new rap, devoid of elexsnts which can be dispensed
with for f. "eographic study of the whole, takes account in the
legend of the natural progression of the trees by altitude and
is roro expressive and core easily handled.
?S are of the opinion that if we could work in this easy
for all the rayons in the People's Republic of Ruiania, we
could obtain for the first tine a sufficiently detailed :nap of
the forests of Rumania at a scale of 1:100,000. This would be
true eswa if from tie to time, despite our control of the
terrain, the forests should be out down rapidly thus changing
the situation from year to year.
In any case it would be an incorparably better rap than
the one 7,ade by D. A. Sburlan and I. G. Tanasache ir. 1930 on
s scale of 1:800,000. The latter is the only one which we
have on hand today. The proposed ::ap would be a better
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In the studies which we have made in Petrosani Rayon we
hrve tried to coordinate the information received fro: the
forest districts and to complete it with our own observations.
Considerations of the Forests of the Sast Jiu Basin
As can also be seen from, the adjoining map, the trees in
the vicinity of the villages and around the city of Petrosani
are for the most part defective. This is because of abusive
pasturing and dereliction of th,r forests.
The former forestry exploitation of the Society of Pet-
rosani and Lonea were made not only for pit props but also for
firewood and charcoal., As a consequence of the removal of
spruce wood from the mixed forests, the % of beech has increased
in these woods.
The forest elements which make up the woods of this basin
are, in decreasing proportion, beech (60%) and spruce (34').
The do:.tinant element therefore is the beech. The beech has
gradually taken the place of the conifers, soretires consti-
tuting the upper limit of the forests (as at Polatist,'a) and
being found over heights of 1,500 m.
The spruce grows spontaneously in sorse valleys, but is
widely scattered even beginning at times Rt an altitudo f Boo
no At an altitude of 1,000 m it for.--s a significant g of the
woods and beginning at 1,300 m it for+rs pure stands.
Other species such as the fir tree, the :-nple, ?n1 the
,it, mppenr widely spread out in so-so valleys nt P00-1,3(C; ,
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The pine and the locust tree; Are found on same ae,rnded
terrains in plantings made 20-30 years ago, at heights of 700-
800 M.
Man-,Made Modifications in the Production Units (Series) of the
East Jiu
In 3eries I (between the Jiu rivers) the 30-year old
woods are formed of pure thougn very fro&tented beech stands
into which see:ringly artificially created birches have entered
In Settles II (Jigoreasa) the dozinant trees in the woods
are the beech stands (88%), which extern to 900-1,300 rn and
which constitute the upper licit of the forests toward Mount
Jigorul Mare.
In Series I11 (Jupineasa-Vales Basis) the woods consist
of pure beech, then beech with'scattered spruce, with which is
made a transition to the alpine stage. In a wood lot toward
the alpine pasture, however, there exists a nixed wood of
spruce-beech type, but with the spruce dominant.
In Series IV (Vales Popii), as we have shown on the map
and in profile 4, the staging of the forests is e-3 far from.
normal as possible: beeches (750-,825 n), beeches with spruce
(825-1,200 m), spruces with beech (1,200-1,425 m), pure spruces
which reach 1,950 m toward Surianu in the TaiR Valley but most
of the tire occurring around 1,550 ri, giving way to the alpine
stage. Only in the middle of the tacit is there found a large
wood lot of pure beeches and in tho intermediary some beeches
with spruce, which we point out as a nntural regeneration through
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In Jeriss V (Aussl) the sitwtian is the sat-e as it .,tries
IV, with the difference that here the uppr 1141 of the
forests descends etch loser (toward 1,500 ).
In Series VII (Vos)odul) the situation of the 3ta4ing
of the woods is normal (see profile 5): beeches (775-875 -.)
as far as the other side of Patrului brook, a tributary of the
Voevod; beeches with spruce (875-1,000 :-), ou-e spruces 1,000-
1,600 in, where they give way to alpine u
Normal also is the staging of the woods in aeries vin
(Loliai-Ciapa) and especially noriinl in Series IX (Jiet)
(see profile 6 of Jiet) where the roods Are Arran +ed thus:
beech (750-850 m); beech with spruce (850-1,125 - ); spruce
with beech (1,125-1,225 ::); and pure spruce (1,225-1,500 ::.),
at which point the alpine :.xadows start and ter.-Unat. -n Paring
Peak (2,529 ru). The situation is the sane in Series X (Maleia-
Isvor). However in all of these aeries the beeches rare very
greatly fragmented in a sufficiently large range in the area
of the human settlements which an strung out along the Last
Jiu, but in aeries I (Malsia-Isvor), the forest has had to
yield ground to agriculture, especially on the wider (?rountain)
hnoks, in All depressions, and on all ridges With .?entler slopes,
being preserved only on the Abrupt and sharp ridges. As
,'ifferentiation of this fro- the following series, Series XZ
(Polstirten) presents re:narkable deviations in the sane that
the vetches Are those which terminate the forest. At t.!? :s:plne
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clearings, although their upper limit is much lower (below
Grope Peak, which is 1,475 m).
Consideration of the Forestr of the West Jiu Basin
The woods of the west Jiu basin are of spruce, of spruce
with beech and then almost pure beech with small percentages of
white fir, maple, ash, and particularly birch and willow trees.
Today the beeches are douxinnnt (75%). The woods do not have a
natural staging but rather have been divided into a very varie-
gated mosaic resulting from man-cade mdificaticsis. In nary
cases it is not the spruces which terminate the forest toward
the alpine bareness but rather beeches (because of the removal
of the conifers). Around the peaks, on the high mountains,
and especially around the exploited felling areas, regenerated
or unregenerated, abusive pasturing practice dating back a long
tine has caused great injuries to the forest. The unregulated
cutting effected under the bourgeois landowner regime and the
great conflagrations here which have burned extensive surfaces
of the forests have thus caused great damage to the forest massif
of the West Jiu basin.
Besides the forests out from 1880 or., from which soae have
been regenerated in a natural way into spruce and even gore
into beech, many portions are still tmregenerated, burnt or
dried because of the fires.
With small exceptions, ell of the cuttings have been
effaced, both for the spruce and the beech. For the extraction
of spruce wood and the wood of several other valuable elements
(maple, ash, etc), replanting of these trees is necessary. The
increase of the % of spruce is imposed as -uch as possible because
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props (from conifers) without a poeeitility of reducing this
In view of the physical geographic conditions here, favor-
nble to the developc.ent of conifers, the excessive proportion
of beech which we have verified here in the ',Jest Jiu basin
appears unnatural. The fact is explained if we assu-=e that
the conifers were cut out without restraint not only in order
to satisfy the lar3e requirements for pit props but also in
order to meet the needs of the people mr construction wood.
The population is numerous in this basin but the regeneration
of the forests, which in the past has been abandoned almost
exclusively to nature, had been done only for beech, the other
elements being unexploited.
in some production units of the of conifers hrs been the
constant struggle waged by the inhabitants to control the Brits
of the alpine clearings, destroying by grazing and fires on
extensive surfaces the stands of pure or mixed conifers which
were situated below the natural li::it of these clearings. For
this reason in many parts and particularly toward the mouth of
the basin the alpine clearing has descended below its
altitude, even reaching at some points 1,000 z, as for exarple
right near Uricani.
4th few exceptions, the beech ascends here as far as the
alpine clearing, and even as far as 1,500 a,, with the forest
veretation breaking off abruptly without the usual transition
t.hrou.h the subalpine stage of juniper trees and juniper thickets.
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Wasting of the forests began long ago in the 'Abet Jiu
basin, especially at the time when the population began to
multiply. At that ti.-,a the people had extended the terrain fro;::
the vicinity of their homes by deforestation at the i,argins
of the forests, thus creating nenr their ho.-4s pastures which
in some cases also included small portions of the forests.
Similarly, pastures and meadows were also created in time even
in the interior of the forests.
After the opening d the Iupeni coal sines (1878-1880),
wha- the coniferous material necessary for the extraction of
the coal began to be sought, there also began the exploitation
of the forest. This in itself promoted the buying and selling
of the forested areas which had been extensively exploited and
spoiled. The former owners did not concern themselves very
seriously with the reformation of the ruined woods or the re-
generation of the exploited forests? They sought only to get
as much profit in as short a time as possible. Therefore, duet
to the negligence of the bourgeois landowner regi-.o, the pro-
portion of conifers dropped greatly, their place being
gradually taker. by the beech while the remaining conifers
existed only as mixed elements in certain production units.
In most production units of the Wiest Jiu basin regener-
ation was completely left to the vagaries of chance. This
rezeneration was through beech rimed with ncx Species and eras
valueless. Thus, it came about that the conifers which were
the dominant elements, at about 50%. dropped to 21S. while the
beech in turn attained an average of 78% in the whole aiest Jiu
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The productivity of the woods has dropped below normal
over significant arena, because of the unregulated exploitation
of the past, and because of the lack of ia:proverents and the
almost complete negligence of regeneration, so that today the
wasted and degraded woods represent 22,,Z of the entire forest
The forest elements which make up the woods are in des -
cending proportion: beech (78Z), spruce (20.'.), Sr (1%, which
also includes the pine), And various foliage trees (1F, which
includes maple, ash, birch, locust, etc).
The dominant element is beech which has gradually occupied
the place of the conifers because of the continued extraction
of the latter, attaining A stage where they extend throughout
the greater pail of the basin As far as the upper li:nd t of
the forests and rising toward the Alpine clearing, in some
places to over 1,500 rr in altitude. For the :;ost part it
forms pure stands toward the lower limit. Toward the village
And city homes where the trees have been wasted or degraded,
it grows with birch trees. In the upper part, especially in
the areas which are difficult to reach and in which exploitation
was less profitable because of the lack of means to convey the
material by shoots from the forest, it grows together with
spruce, which in some series toward their upper limit fords
pure stands. White fir, maple, and ash are scattered in
almost all production units, while pine rind locust co:,e frog.
plantin:~s :.:Ads in the last 20-30 years on the old waste deposits
(waste t::AteriAla taken out of the coal a.ine galleries) as well
r.s in the bens rdincent to the :.outh3 of the .pine of the Vilcnn-
:4ninoasn production unit.
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Man-Made N,odificaticns in the Production Units of the West Jiu
In Series I (straw ), the dominant trees are beech (88%)
which ascends from tho lowest part of the forest (600 m) to
the alpine clearing (1,550 m), forming for the most part pure
stands. The spruce is poorer represented, growing in n mix-
ture with beech and more rarely in pure stands, As for exA?ple
towards the start of Baleia Valley and below Strain Peak And in
some wood lots found in beech forests, where spruce plantings
have been made.
The upper limit of the forests is natural. In places it
has descended in A natural manner as A result of the abusive
?rasing and the numerous forest injuries which took place in
the past in the time of the bourgeois landowner regime.
In Series II (Lupeni), the upper limit of the forests is
formed of pure beeches or beeches fixed with spruce. To the
south of Barbateni, in the middle of the beech forest, there
is a wood lot of spruce with scattered beech, which indicates
to us a very old planting.
In Series III (Siglr_ul 1+Are), the beech ascends from the
lower limit of the forests (700 m) as far as the alpine clear n-,
(1,"0 m), forming for the most pert pure stands. The spruce
is mixed in with the beech. It is the dominant elervent only
in stands which were artificially crested by plantings as A
result of the rash cuttings effected during exploitation,
particularly in Vales de Pests and Valea Ba:o:irului (1,100-
1,700 r= height). In this series there is a true mosaic of trees,
with different trees dominant: pure beech, which are ::ost
numerous; beech with spruce; spruce with beech in equal propor-
tions; spruce with beech in which the spruce is do Smut; F.nd
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Just as variegated is the mosaic of trees in the fourth
series (Oslea), having the same explanation. The beech ascends
as tar as the alpine clearing (1,700 s), forming for the most
part pure stands. The natural type of the forests here had
formerly been the spruce-fir-beech type. At the time of the
opening of the coal mines this type of wood suffered :odifi-
In Series V (Plesa), the situation is the same. The
alpine clearing descends ? great deal (as far as 1,450 it).
In general,'the bottom of the West Jiu depression towards
the west has suffered important ; modifications.
The long. idiral phytogeographic profile of the ,rest
Jiu val.'-ey, from Paltina Peak to Cimpul lui Nea,g (profile
No 1) (These proiiles are drawn and effected on the map of
the forests of Petrosani rr,yon (Figure 1).) shows us the follow-
ing situation: she alpine cluaring down to an altitude of
1,100 m; spruce with beech (the spruce dominant) to 1,200 r.;
beeches with spruce (the beech dominant) to 1,150 rn; and
spruce wit.:; beech (the spruce dominant) to 1,050 m; frog' which
point to pure beeches be,r n and continue as far as Cintpul lul
T'as trait:,. ?se phytogeorraphic profile of this depressl.r,
between. But... Valley (C..sturn Peak) nrd the tiedsut" V:11J,~
(prof: -c 2). r iows us t ? followir.,~ situntlon: 1: ?.., u'.
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Talley, the alpine clearing to 1,40 m; pure spruce, in azall
quantities to 1,225 m; beech with .spruce (the beech dorinnnt)
to 1,025 m; pure beech as far as Jiu (1,000 n); again beech with
spruce (the beech doctinant) in Jiu an the lower part of the
t.edeuta, to !,O2 then pure beech to 1,500 , at the upper
lit4it of the forest.
In Series VI (Bile ul-Ursasca) we find a mosaic of nixed
trees. The alpine clearing descends a great deal, the forest
bein.R ter:ainated by beech. The old spruce which nre a half
production cycle (over 25 years) are situated naturally,
especially in the upper part of the forests, while the youn.zer
spruce, under 25 years, are eosin; into the majority as n
In Series VII (Dealul .are), the initial type of forest
was beech-spruce-fir in which the conifers :,-.ado up 30-4a%.
After the opening of the mines this type underwent profound
codifications in th, sense that the conf ers alcost completely
disappeared, while :heir place was taken by the beech r..ixed
with birch and will w. The beech ascends as far as the alpine
clearing (1,600 forming pure stands. The spruce grows mixed
with beech in the aces where conifer plantings were made,
and it is more ab^.t-iant in the Mierleasa Valley and the
Serpilor Valley, 9i)-1,200 m,in altitude. The forest clearings
are scattered throughout this production unit. The limit of
the alpine clearing is for the most part natural, descending
bacause of fires, grasing, and abusive pasturing as far as
the village homes, as for example near Uricani and Barbateni.
The transverse phytogeographic profile No 3 shows us the
following situation: the lowest alpine clearing (to an altitude
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In reference to Series VIII (Vulcan-Aninorsa), the last
series of the West Jiu basin, the initial type of forest was
beech-fir-spruce, but beginning, with the opening of the :sines
(18AO) of Lupeni and Aninoasa the % of conifers dropped con-
stantly, their place being taken for the most part by beech
which ascends up to the alpine clearing (1,400 m) being mixed
here and there, as for exx::ple to the north of Lupeni, with
conifers resulting from the plantings. To a large extent the
beech have also destroyed them.
The struggle against soil erosion is one of the main
objectives of the plan for the management of nature in our
country, after the example of the Soviet Union.
An important link of this complex is the forestation of
valleys, rivers, and unproductive places.
The great number of local natural factors which have an
effect on the vegetation requires that the utilisation of the
species should be very carefully determined. The over 2 '111-ion
ha of degraded terrain in our country of differ+ant rrndes and
shades, represents n :mosaic which is nwaiting n solution by
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP81-0028OR001300180002-8
and species less exigent in relation to the nutritive sub-
stances of the soil rest be used. Such species prepare
favorable conditions for the developvent of more valuable
species. Any notion in this sense is a step forward toward
the liquidation of erosion.
Studies nude up to now by our silviculturalists have
shown that the assurance of a forest ver,etaticn in terrains
with advanced erosion cannot be realised except by planting
of the highest possible of shrub species. Custo. has kept
away from a series of shrubs which can .crow on different
types of degraded terrain, but observations n.ade up to 1951
by gene Costin have shown that lilac has important protective
qualities in eroded terrains. Therefore, up to last year this
species was still used in such work even though to a
In rcference to the fixing and improvement cf degraded
terrains of arid regions, it trust be noted that lilac
em! x.ies a series of qualities whir h strongly indicate planting
it on superficial soils and on hillsides.
Due to its density which comes from the sending out of
suckers (as an example, 138 were found in one sq e:) as well as
the richness of its root system, the lilac covers a large
-ass of soil on which it settles and gams, thus giving the
waters from the upper part of the slopes an opportunity to
be absorbed and filtered into the soil.
plant, but can stand frosts of -25? to -30?. It is one of the
species which starts to grow very early and finishes the vege-
tation period very late, a period of over 200 days. In all this
time the lilac is spreading well over the soil.
By its abundant foliage it forrs a large quantity of hu,!:us
for the soil, thus improving the soil on eroded terrains.
Having a great capacity for sending out suckers, it settles by
growing on certain portions of terrain which represent extreme
situations and on which vegetation in the initial phase of soil
degradation could only be placed with difficulty. By the
influence which it exerts over the surrounding area, due to
the stretching of the suckers, it progressively irproves the
conditions of soil formation.
The presence of the lilac in such degraded terrains gives
us in addition a pleasing green appearance throughout the
greater part of the year and its beautiful and fragrant flowers
change the aspect of these desolate districts.
The lilac can be used not only in the settlement of
degraded terrain on inclined ridges, but also in the formula
for the forestation of degraded terrain in the steppe and
forest-steppe districts as well.
The introduction of the lilac as a shrub in forest
culture was first made in 1942 in the Banat, on the shore of
the Danube, within the range of the Bersasoa forest district,
and in the spring of 1948 in the experimental forest ArlR of
the ICES
-Bataganu Station.
As compared to its multiple qualities, lilac requires
only a very little work in its cultivation, while the production
of the material for forestation can be obtained in mangy ways,
as from seeds, cuttings, and suckers (sugen Costin).
Of the Mediterranean elements which exist in Petrosani
Rayon, the wild lilac is the most characteristic. It grown in
limestone and sandstone, in out of the way places, and with
suitable ecological conditions in many more points in Petrosani
Rayon (Figure 2).
Thus numerous bushes exist on the limestone rocks which
have a southern exposure, such as on Paroasa (Fate Paroasei)
from where the inhabitants of Cirpul lui Neag have taken and
carried several samples into their gardens.
In the area of Paroasa and separate from the Bilugul
River is found Fruntea Dodoconilor, on which bushes of wild
lilac are also found growing. It is also found on the sand-
stone and conglomerate rocks near Oricani at the place called
"In Borsi.n Farther to the west of Cimpul lui Neag, wild lilac
also grows in Plesea, not far from the Bata Valley in a burnt
To the south of the West Jiu it is found in the Balornir
Valley at an altitude of 1.150 m, on limestone in terrain with
an eastern exposure. Because of the high altitudes, wild
lilac flowers very late. Remnants of the flowers have even
been found during the month of July in 1952.
well as above the massif in which this grotto is found. The
exposure is to the south, southeast, and east. Numerous bushes
are seen here and on the hill from the face of Boll Hill on
the other side of Banita Brook.
Since in these localities lilac vegetates under optiru.:.
conditions, forting dense and high bushes, this is an indication
thrt it should be able to be cultivated on all rocky slopes
nn,,: especially on the limestone rocks of Petrosani Rayon, an
indication which in this case should be utilised.
Sinilarly, the wild lilac of Petrosani Rayon being greatly
cultivated on the li.eatone rivers should also be able to torn
the basis for a perfume industry, in which the coal r.inerals
should also be able to contribute their share in regard to
One problem of Petrosani Rayon is that of the forest mice
(f1s sylvaticus L.) which are injurious for the forests and which
could cause great damages.
Thus, because of the mild winter of 1951-1952, and because
of the abundance of acorns, the forest mice multiplied greatly
in the spring of 1952.
In the tall of 1951 sowings of acorns were -"ads in sr any
parts of the rayon with a view toward the reforr-'.ion of the
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forests, as for example, in the Vales de Paste. These sowings
suffered much from the forest mice.
In the spring of 1952 the forest ate the young plants
from the spruce plantings and the young beech plantings which
had been regenerated naturally.
From the plantings the rice have invaded the meadows and
again caused da'nage, chewing the grass and boring into the
ground down to the roots.
During the .wzrar the forest mice were reduced in number
because they were eaten by hawks which had multiplied the
following year, attaining a sufficiently large number.
1. The flora of Petrosani Rnyon is a central European
flora with arctic-alpine irradiations on the alpine peaks of
the adjacent mountains and with ao.:a Mediterranean elements in
sheltered spots with suitable ecological conditions.
2. In relation to the physical geographic conditions of
the depression, the vegetation is arranged in stages by altitude
as follows. In the lowest parts along the rivers and partic-
ularly in the meadow of the 2 An rivers, forests which are
composed of white elements (alders, willows, and German tamarisks)
are strung out along the rivers. Bosch and coniferous forests
extend over the ridges. On the alpine peaks, the alpine meadows
are used as pastures. These latter need to be 1=proved and
even reseeded, since sharp and tsmourishing grasses, such as
Nardus, prodotinate in them.
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The forest* c` za asani Rayon have been sub2ect to
a strong cyan-made influence, particularly at the tip when the
coal mines opened (1878-1880), and today the situation has
changed a great deal as compared to the natural situation.
Around the human settlements, the forest is wasted and devas-
tated. The alpine clearing descends to a very low height,
completely abnormally, as, for example, at Uricani, to 1,050 it.
The beech are dominant and very often they and not the conifers
teralnnte the forest toward the alpine clearing. Throughout
the beech forests spruce -ppear, either in pure stands or
r1med, often even in the over part of the beech forest. These
anomalies are especially observed in the West Jiu basin, while
in the East Jiu basin the staging is nich more natural.
4. The train cause of these anomalies is the extraction
of coniferous ??ood, used as pit props, which has had the
immediate cons uence of reducing the'nw ber of spruce and.
raking the beech predominant and has even had the result of
a'partia.l or total disappearance of the spruce in corresponding
places such as the upper limit of the forests where today the
forest is ter.-ir zted by beech. Everything for the need of the
coniferous wood, needed for the mines, has been appraised, and
there have been affected atforestations with spruce, even in
the 'L?eeh cone. This was done to replace these elements with
the conifers regt._red for the needs of mining. Thus today
the forests appeal' as mosaics variegated with stands of beech,
interspa ed wit' spruce stands regardless of altitude, even
down to %:.s lob,: part of the beech forest.
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cutting, or burning of the forests toward their upper finite
by the s h epherds. This, together with the rain cause (the
extraction of the conifers in the upper part), has caused the
limit of the alpine clearing to descend far below its nor.:-al
altitude and even down to 1,050 r, as is the case near Uricani.
6. Among the Mediterranean elenents which exist in the
forests of Petrosani Rayon is the wild lilac (Syringe vulgaris
L.) which grows sepecially on the limestone slopes. Planting
!Lilac on such slopes should create more utility for it than for
-my other forest element.
7. In recant years, the favorable spread of forest 7--ice
(Nns sylrnticus L.) has truly brought about a nays appearance
of these mice. Encause of them great damages have been caused
to both the young trees and the young plants.
The work wh- c n is required to replenish the forests of
Petrosani Rayon vet be in connection with and subordinate to
the economic fan^ ins of Petrosani Rayon, that is, the mining
industry conneotek with the important coal beds of this rayon.
It is necesr..ry therefore that these forests, which today
are for the most part of beech, should become coniferous by
means of the energetic and sustained action of replanting con-
iferous trees.
The regeneration of the forests into conifers for the
purpose of satisfying the requirements of the exploitation of
the coal basin will have to be made by the application of
neasures recor ended by forest technology, that is, by the
I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP81-0028OR001300180002-8
Application of quick cuttings and planting a mini-um of 70A
spews and pine, species which are the most sought in mining.
After the expiration of a production cycle (50 years),
we will be able to create stands of conifers mixed with deciduous
trees which will cover in good part and in a constant way the
ever increasing needs of the coal mines. Through this replace-
:ent of elements we will be able to obtain the requirements
which today are needed for the increasing extraction of coal.
Thw 7rore needed pit props will be obtained.
This task of reforesting, outlined in our Five-Year
Plan, is being realised by the Petrosani and Lupeni forest
districts which have developed nurseries of the existing spruce
and which today are operating at full capacity.
For stopping erosion and fixing the soil on the limestone
rocks, we recoaaend the planting of wild lilac which grows
spontaneously on such rocks.
In the course of 1952 both spruce nurseries and young
plantings of spruce and the beech seedings have suffered :uch
from invasions of the forest mios. A sustained caa:Tpaign will.
be necessary for the destruction of these harmful rodents. This
can be done by the use of carbon disulfide, by seeds poisoned
with strychnine placed at their holes, and by contaminating the
rice with the typhus bacillus.
1. MUFB Jiul Rocineso Marge Forest Unit of the Basin of
Ror:anian Jig Amenataraente silvico-Destorale (orest-Piiturt
Planning], 1950, Ministry of Forest Econoiy (Lupeni
Forest District).
2. h'UFS Jiul Ardelean 52JFB of Ardelean Ji}J Amena_1ammte
silvico-pastorale. 1950. Ministry of Forest Ecanary
(Petrosani Forest District).
3. May of Petrosani, 1/200,000.
4. Map of Petrosani, 1/100,000.
5. Costin, Eugen, Revista padurilor. lermului si hirtiei
flournal of Forests, Wood, and Pape], Vol LXVI,
September 1951, page 9.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP81-0028OR001300180002-8
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP81-00280R001300180002-8
The Large Forest Unit of the East Jiu Basin
I, Straka series; IT, T.upeni series; III, 3iglaul Mara series;
IV, Oslea series; V. Plesa series; VI, Vales Ursasca arias; Vii,
Jealul Mare series; VIII, Vulcan-Aninoasa series.
The Large Forest Unit of the list J.u Easin
I, Inter-JL'u series; II, Jigoreasa series; III, Jupineasa-i:osia
series; IV, Valea Popii series; V, Ausel series; VI, ra.;coal:
series; VII, Voevod series; VIII, Ci%,pia series; IX, Jiet serif-s;
X. "aloia-Tzvor series; X7. Polatistea series.
1, longitudinal profile of the East Jiu from the source to Cinpul ~.ui
Heag; P. longitudinal profile of the Nedeuta valley from source tc
the confluence a1t1. the West flu, and o" the Butii valley from its
confluence wit! the tst Pi; to the source; 3, transverse north-
south profile of Thicani; L, longitudinal profile o the Taia
Valley ?rcn the source to the issue; 5, longitudinal profile of
the ast J.u from Lonea towarc the source ano then of the Voevod
tributary as far as it?i source; 6, longitudinal profile of the
Ji.t frnm, Petrila to the issue (Virf.: M'ndra;.
FIjurm2Dslnburmol rre I,Ioc (SPlnp .Mean. L.1
In Royon,
1. Fvok. Dodoconlbr, !. -um".; 3. Val" III&";;
4 V.k. /.IOmv, 6 P?lad ldlrl a VW. T...