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Publication Date: 
September 14, 1948
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TELICENCE _AQENOY; [ash non, D. C. E.xocutive for ? Adm ..njs tration. and. Management ziic trati,on a1d,,Services,, OSO ersor}nel D~ v s 4n, -4S, OSO Special Funds.D.v+sion, A&6, OSO firansportation and Supply Division, i&3, OSO personnel: Bra, AP,7 erv .cos Branch, A& jt Budget and Finance branch, A&?j' Map4aement Branch, A&1 Executive Director b? `Y}e following offices will, be administratively established; --- . .. -.. ~. a e ~ Executive for Administration rersonnel Officer Services Officer w Sudget Officer r;&anagement Officer s e lJ'? The offl 1-,-r Wit 25X1A r IFME L OI~,DEFi,. i _L J ra- tive support' and the elL-, ina+ion of duplication,, the following changes in organization; are to be effected: a. The following offices will be administratively abolished; September 1948 ?, Ip the r~terest of economy, opportunity for improved ad^in' + 29 tration', will be the Executive for Adminis- { Ip t` a,. This change will definitely o into effect on l December g 1948, and it is directed that complete and thorough studies of the cetai] i v lv d b s i e e mach; by the contemplated Executive for Adminis- o tration under the supervision of the Der?uty M rPn+nr +n 'k- -1-44-4-4 iv c appro va.1 to the Director by 1 November l I v The changes in organization will be accomplished on the b basic premise that there must be as l; +.+:ip i n+nrfc~-n-, Approves ~s r ' .. , Approved For R 1-00261 R000600040034-9 ,,, D7 -cri ~ffl be no physical movement of personnel,, equipment, or functions until such time as all details are thoroughly worked out with regard to each office and the plan specifically approved by the Directors co Within CIA the Executive for Administration is a principal staff officer on the staff of the Director of Central Intelligence with the primary function of coordinating all administrative sup- port to. all offices of CIA. In the interests of operational security, the Executive for Administration will provide for covert and overt branches in each division of his office, He is further charged with the rs,sponsibili-by for the security of- administrative elements engaged'in supporting covert activities. there practicable, elements providing covert suppo'r.t will be physically located in close proximity to the activities supported. d. All Assistant Directors will conduct their operations within the authority delegated them by the Director .and within the budget allocations approved by the-Director. Established policies affect- ing operations within the authority delegated will be administered by Assistant Directors.. New questions pertaining to operational policy will. be decided by' the Director upon the recommendations of the Assistant Director(s) concerned. Questions pertaining to administration will be processed by Assistant Directors through the Executive for Administration. l~.. In order to implement the 'subject' changes in organization, the following procedures. will be followed: a. Personnel of the Special Funds, OSO, will be absorbed by the Budget Officer, CIA. b. Personnel of thepersonnel Division, OSO, will be absorbed by the Personnel Officer, CIA. c. Personnel of Administration and Services, OSO, and Trans- portation and Supply Division, OSO, by the Services Officer, CIA. d. The following, activities will remain as staff functions of the Director of Central Intelligence: (1) Executive for Inspection and 'ecurity (2) Interdepartmental Coordinating and Planning Staff (3) General Counsel (2.~) ^dvisory Council e. Necessary small administrative staffs for internal operations in OSO and OPC will;, maintained within those; Offices. Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600040034-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/3 a ' ATJ4L - 5. Attached hereto as Appendix '11.11 is tentative Organizational Chart of CIA to incorporate the subject changes. '".here necessary, new functional statements and tables of organization ti,rill be issued separ- ately. 25X1A R. H. HILLENKOETTER Rear Admiral, USN Director of Central Intelligence 1 Encl. Appendix "tAlf Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CJ RDP81-00261 R000600040034-9 01"I'F I D E Ir-AT Approved For Release 2000/08 PP81.00- 61 R000600049034-9 Director of Central IntelligencO 1 Deputy Executive foi Inspection & Security Advisory Council General Counsel Budget off ce of Collection` . and Dissemination office of Reports and Estimates office of Policy Coordination Personnel officer ---I- --- Office of Special Operations Executive for Administration .rices officer Management Officer -~J- Office of operations Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600040034-9