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January 14, 1959
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Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030075-5
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030075-5
gence Agency:
or Release 2001/04/05 Sig
Director of Central Intelli-ence
Assistant Director for Policy Coordinetion
Assistant Director for Special Operations
1. The o
parately and in p
9 JunuarY 1952
les will govern adniziistrattvo
Policy Coordination eithin the
2, Officers responsible for
fr t be allocated personnel, funds, and
of e aissions assigned than. 'limy will
cess of their operations and for the prudent
eans allocated for these purposes,
ation will no
land system.
for the
will so far as our ressuroes
adequate for the performance
he d responsible both for the sue?
and effective expenditure of the
I. Subject to the above principles, the Leputy Director dministration
is charged with and is responsible to the undereiened for all administrative sup-
port for the Agency. This responsibility extends an operational levels to include
appropriate audits and inspections of the handlint of funds and materiel allocated
to operating offices,
4. Accordingly, I desire that the Assistant )irec for ,Special Op..
orations and Policy Coordination each designate a staff officer to be responsible
for administration within, their respective organizations. nese administrative
officers will be under the command of the Assistant Directors of the operational
offices concerned. Their efforts will be directed to the supply of those offices
and of Jr* operatioas for which their respective Assistant Directors are respon-
The Deputy
serving on
will coordinate
r/Plans will be provided with we acceptable and qualified
t by the Deputy Directoriwainistration. This officer,
and primarily responsible to the Deputy Director/Plans,
rations of the administrative officers of special Operations
and Policy Coordination and will be the channel through which their demands are
preeented to allocating authority*
The Deputy Di r/nlnistrat.ton and his Deputy, Gaol ite, will main-
tain close personal contact an a hibiely restricted betas with the staff officers
of the operational offices mentioned in preceding paravaphs in order to insure
adequate allocation of means consietOot with the other requilvmants of the agency,
proper security, continuing support, and the Appropriate audits and administra-
tive inspections.
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030075-5
Approved For Release 2001/04/ftitiRDP81-00261R000600030075-5
severaj. respects the above represeats a xajoz change in administrative
procediwe and it i ? wlder6tood IT, all concerned. Tho a ached copy of the
Minutes o1 the ConSerGrlccwhich this procedure waa outlined and agreed to is
attached in an and to refresh your minds as to he discussion which
took place an
?Lease br1nL,7
effect delay
WIiER . sirru
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 rt1ArROP81-00261R000600030075-5
0 0
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030075-5
26 DeceMber 1751
VENOM= FOR Tirs mcm
sUBJECTI Support. far PC
PEW= I General Bath a es
So operatione
Colonel johnston,
IU.c, Wolf
. larkpatrieg?
The DICI stated that hxd called thir etinet exp
The operations of PC SO mould be handled within the CIA.
annexed to this memorandum as Tab A0 and explained it, berimiinc *t the bottom.
25X1A it is
ported to the
that a a diviei
the Acenoy ea
is in substance the quarternaster for PC?25X1A
e? that the operations of AD/PG are
position is to 25X1A
he!!!!!!!!!!Lave tc, merry primarily about
nsibility is to AD/PC
ee the quartermaate /SO and
e operntions of AflftO ro ported
it Ia ie
to the be
bility to insure
MO mill also we an adminis it
who will act in substance as his Nuartermaste
quartermaster is to service but he vill
analOgy of the huartermasterfr arield Ar,
and assigned to Anor. !loth a and AD/SOfe quarternes
with this man and on747 through %rim mith tho office of DP/A.
PE yPt undeei.
function of Pis
The DCI cove
d by the Theater 0-4
woL e& arnetly
The support ar CIA as a whole tU be the responsibility of DIA, who wii
25X1A heve as his depty. nr/Pie nquertermastern will be in constant
touch 'with the Office a DTA es tho vartermaster of an Army is constantly in
touch with the Chiles of the Theater 0-4
The DCI earolained hrier4 how this arrancement
levels et Personnel and material to be employed
ermine their missions.
d oporate in deem'. nc
respective offices in
The Ols for 1.D/1'C and AD/S0 mill rejuent the s 'port t
to accomplish their respective idsion fri the jJ or 710
tweet tbe Office of np/A. In s req'ieat4 leve
reduced* It w1.11 then be necessary to deeithE whether o
ei zasione can be performed mith the levels of personne
be .alade amailibles If they coed perfann the missi
th these lesser means, it mill be the responsibili
consider neceerary
in turn, would
have to be
extent as
of the operttinr
do the job with the available support* Tt not, the missions will
readjusted to be commensurate with the support available._
Approved For Release 2001/04105 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030075-5
-Approved For Release 2001/04/85 ? CgRig1-0A61R000600031075-5
to AD/PC, the DCI xde it plain that after it
d 4st levels of support, in terms of personnel and materiel
4 him by AD/Pc ati AD/so, it would be the
0 te insure that such personnel and
fortunes of assigned missions, reservinc
of inspection and audit,
be neCessary for DD "quartermaster" to o
Office on natters of detail, but it was made clear
exorcise control over the employment of person/lel a
be held strictly responsible for their effective and
point, the DCI stated that he w1h
upon Jr. Wolf to exercise general sup
fiscal and supply matters--that he
notation, "Signature recommended,
to him that fumds are available and thltt2SXlC
ng? rogues
tituted a "Inajor
t had always been his vioi
as such, rather than any
Acting Executive Aesis
to the flirector
? TAM'
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030075-5
" Approved ForRelease2001/04/05 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000600030075-5
January 1952
Adsinistra ve
Draft Memorandum of ia Sttt
Principle* Governing Adminiet
for OO and OPC.
our or
out General
tire Support
of rtcent date with
ed iD the sUbject
mildly to me of
with ru that the
ft memorandum ars
les you and
be able to
ction to our
ot gave me
- in passacen
ch were q acceptable
pt your reasons for r8h-
t tis time from
ther sp lling-out in
not spocifically covered
su...,plies and materiel.
2. It has occurred
Of us to hAVO. SD informal, re
procedures under the Director's m o
submitting. this memorandw to ral, as
*hat I understand to be yore.. This memorandum i nLtre1y itt0
formal and is not intended to be modificktion of the Are torle
muarerldWm, but if -you agree- it could serve es a kuide to oureelvey
(and, to tte. extent you may doom desirable, our o4n immediate.
d *
Vi n
c be very uttLl for both
rilltanjiry7.3 cming
and aecor, I am
of m,y ownvtevd and
3-0: Tau will recall that one of my
with the identity of the "allocating .autho.
last 11m* of the oecond submparagrah under
plained to me that -VA* allocating su::,hdrity
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 sw-RDP81-00261R000600030075-5
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : CIA-RDP81-002,1R000600030075f
1- 14,fr
own offices but that this MaS atechnical And not a policy function.
More specifically, ;mu stated that polity determinations as to Lhe
allocation at reeources would be made hy the Project Review Com.
mittee (oe Which we both sit, together with Mr. Dulles), and when
approved by the rirector would be carried into cifect by your office
to the full extent of our capabilities.
h. I undtretood yo to tars with respect to thc, ps.rarrat num-
bered 9.", that this meent tient y-ur office woulZ not have its awn
edministrative ttructure exteadine down into or alongside of the
operational structure in such a way ae to parallel and doolicPte
the administrative elements of the operati3me oc:arizztion in
Washington and ove4eas. That seems to me to be the clear meaning
of this paragraphs but I hould like to be certain ve spree on this
point. I further uoderstand le this connection that the opeeetions
organisation will not establish offices Which peJ-1;,11(1 nrd dupli-
cate the offices of control adninistration.
5. With regard to the provision of the Directorls memorandoe
relating to the tura:thine by you to me of an accepoable And qualified
adminiStrative assistants Iunderatand that you have destenotod Mro
tar this pospooe. ics or 0ourse,tU17 25X1A
acceptable to me in this coneectiono and it is my underWAINttne and
belief that he will be in a position to function ef ctv?1 and to
the satistaetion of both of 124e as he hold, the authorities
and responsibilities Which we both propole to de1v7ate to him.
6. With z.gard to the Tett:Le' complex subject of 2rocurement
of materiel and supplies, I agree Iith yoo that it is not possible
to spell out in complete detail the method bi Which procuruceLt of
materiel and supolies will be handled in evry conteiesble case.
However* it is mr 1;rpression that you capresled acre. ment that
there were a reseber oS general principles which we might agrcc
Won and within tho general framework of which we sh-Lul,, be able
to nark out any westions whith might arise. Thc?ac; eenerel prin.
ciples axe as follows:
at The procurement machlnery of your offict will
be used for the procurement of materiel and supplies
within the United States to the largfot extent c- -oat.
ible with the efficiency of the to-Al procuremnt
effort and the security of operations. This would
mean that the major butk of U. Si procurement will be
Approved For Release 2001/04/05:
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : ClAREr8100261R000600030075..
compliable() through your office, but th'A, ther( may be
certain cases When procumment is aecompliChed
the United States by the operating branches. Ir any
such eases you would be consulted in advance an. yilq
would be kept fully informed as to the particuUrs.
I:4 Any such procurement of materiel and supplies
aa Ogla best (most empeditioualy and cconorically) bor
procured abroad rather than in the U. S. will be pro-
Ourudo as at present, by the operlItionn office!1. The
determination as to whethrr any itcms of significant
procurement can be effected best within the U. 5. or
abroad will be arrived At by consultation and agreement
between the owating offices and central administrion.
If an important foreign procurement mattcr can U., va-
dat:T.4 or better accomplished with the help of & r(pre-
imitative of your of 'ice? such reprk-stritaive will be
nada available by you for the purposc to the appreriate
area division of the operstin7 branches.
7. 1 should appreciate your informing me whether, in your
opinion, this memorandum epn u betwecb ourselvAs as an
informal record of both our views.
We ?
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : C_c_11 -r