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Approved For Release 2001/0410 tIA-RDP81-0026'R SECRET DD/M Registr File D// +69.1614 7 APR 1969 7Of t xi o tiv ri ctor-Co xtrro r tI 3? t AdmWstMU AuthoitiOO ~-- r LBa~ ~^' t Dr$'w dtd 26 J 4W C8 for ~c. X3ir. r DD/5,1 same aubJ (x n/s 63-2594) in TbIs =+ Co~s rtiazx for your last earC ue xc narieG with co .$3A/2r +~zta; DD/ ' e Of y xG3~F.'s '0,11" 501 "lied Act c ` thO tsdo?,t cn of pro $i of th; -80xvicae icaa than 24 . :athts Xtah* hcr-e 1x~" for ovora U4 You ~iaa d 2e~n c t ti discussion with the 'Ceneral Coup This ratter bas been c c~ c"rxsl na the proed POsition. eta' ivz7y x rlc-s Amt we ain Camel cofsc',.zrm-,cc rest y~cmar approval. e , with amoral io3 i bG2.L A partizent to your turther c i tj=; its , ?. A reira t loo th a to Aga g'a a xrral. srze tour ead t ~. riha t th a~o 'ar Qzt b i hi tF pro- -C taracan Iii mr -xrz Of d1fror t len the be- 36 m,;-at, -- both for tbi9 11. tip . is n Direct-,rate aarcamerr,',, ow beixt prtceza*d for. ,ubii titioa *o11c*ri . J-4tor? }y au:L-hority in prs on this poizzt ;.~= in C :.o;r at .gars with this other D pt t7 Directs 4hart th a re er. Knee Vaa sa to you t t Year*) Wit x i, ado, ti .. of this c& ;*, it d as Uot ce 1 ;.ic l to deny ` individ;1,4..1 h . 1~ to SftOr 1G i'JT1;5 ~ wsr'lt 1 tour Z awl'.t;xezcr b"-' c is r4va -'or him b7 t3an . a..ay. r. ret; e by ratai ,t= o the Zir,.. e+zce,^tic a yxth3rl"O." is m es xr 1z3 Order to avoid auoh Oe4ia3z r never 24 U nth3 pr ;cX1 . It is c t> ~ d .t tour leas than 24 x -antha + it ? he any r v only an c 'ou r csf di er OV tioM1p covarr, - ,thp and 6b0030032-2 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030032-2 'Approved For Release 200.1/0105: CIA-RDP81-4026Ra000600030032-2 SECRET S.uvo3ve* may a fm days or veeks, b. Auto, ton or t s uth,=.ity in the rarei&A Z"vi+ e Mt to cr"t h iasav tor o+,rcrn nt e-, le.-,s than 24 srontlza vmld avtde deair ie r4 iti u3 PiuxibiUt7 4 & Ing with prosczzt f1rat tvour jnr b1 a Vhere t re - of Individu41 short of 2 t is in tho A,,= y`u inumat - e tioa, CCU"iou art .3a sib-ant, redua> tip is star iu.;, or :eairo for tbo oa:.p1 's cerv1r* lsvv ere, U z sh i'ttall to came fiction ot 2 r4 urU4 . d. Carrot roZ ti s nra bettt,5 fxtt preted to r -icai e 2k z astha ov rama carviao C2. cith:.r szn initial tour or' a rsaboo ruc .t tour tai-ma der an i.-'Ger. vet ' tour in thc9 Uaite'i r hos. raeas tt I r c - adopts the ", th;:ritp i a tea i`orei-: so^?ice At y in u of ate. tir ucd a rm o to the Ovcrzes4 e,< re is s 'end 1,3 3Zc; Act s the A .t vc be 'aced with the rr 1c n ra' .rlu 24 t as the !=; i vi; a poiod for .U ;z z ;xsv t tour exc titooo iz.,m . ,g ar. mat r,ctura oversou toLaIn the y 4 ctr h leavo* Cmch a policy vcuJA iut duce na ri.Zid .tis jut:., c overs o,Arsti= vbirh uhotxi be u ,'?rtod. 3+ star, v rdi rr3 h ne ntt=h I (rhieb ban not boen t2=uah s l;=. l Age ~oarUnti max) in what u-o v =Id pzorat* to h&ve lubU8bOd to i ,P1 t thin s+'cc d:.ttoo i ' a.? vcci by . Siui,ED R. [ ~ZI-mrn n R. L. Namm-l" te,%aty Di 1 ..y :HVor or 1q ort 25X1A At t roposed Rwuiou to i SECRET Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030032-2 *Apprdved For Release 200,1/0405: CIA-RDP81-0626tRd00600030032-2 SECRET XD/I 69-16i1 . l,"Mt# Autboriti - f l v gibiut * See Attached Memorandum 17 April 1969 t~~t.1 Copse i . Tb* r e tioz conta4ned i p. h 2 is a oved;.subject to my approval of the regulation before it is published. /s/ L. _ K. White 23 April 69 L. X. wut4- ZxftVtiv. AiEa+ctorc0mgtl ~.'/r t9 A, r11, (9) ~iatrtb tion, A6ae,r v/Att (To be r urr t a O/S S b eats ra3. CO=Ols w/Att 1 1o-i%1 tty Cc owls v/.att. .. 571, V/Att 1/~* v/Att 1 .. ), v/A ZDJU chx SECRET Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030032-2