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Publication Date: 
June 28, 1978
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81-00261R000300030007-3.pdf177.53 KB
AD.1LKTNISTRATWE - INTERNAL USE' ^"LY ,Approved For Release 2094#08/02: CIA-RDP81-00261 R00030003@p7-3 DD/A y 259z, 28 JUN 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Deputy Director for Administration VIA: Chief, Budget Staff, DD/A FROM: Executive Officer, OL SUBJECT: Request for Increase in FY 1978 External Training Fund Ceiling 1. The Office of Logistics (OL) requests your approval to raise the present OL ceiling of $46,000 for subobject class 2515 (Training-External) to a new figure of $51,000 for fiscal year 1978. We feel this is necessary in order to ac- complish our programmed goals of professional training for our personnel as well as to encourage continued self- improvement and upward mobility through employee-initiated training requests. 2. Our remaining external training funds are fully com- mitted to existing training plans previously submitted by our operating divisions. There are other courses, however, that we strongly feel should be authorized in this fiscal year. In our present situation, the lack of funds would require us to disap rove such training as "Safety Inspector Training" for our Depot Safety Officer; "DOD Disposal Policy" for a Supply Division employee; training in offset photog- raphy, offset stripping, and negative work for our Printing and Photography Division personnel; "Contract Law" for a mem- ber of Procurement Division; and academic courses in "Quanti- tative Factors in Administration" and "Principles of Real Estate," as well as others. 3. Your approval to raise the ceiling by $5,000 will allow us to accomplish these training goals. There are suf- ficient OL monies available to fund the ceiling increase. OL has complete records of actual and projected training by Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030007-3 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLT Approved For Release 20W08/0 6M1=04iAk- p~-3 SUBJECT: Request for Increase in FY 1978 External Training Fund Ceiling course, individual, and functional component. If further information is required, please contact me. DISAPPROVED: DATE: Acting Deputy Director or ministration 9 JUN 1g' Distribution: Orig -Return to OL/P&TS (Official) -~' - A-DDA 1 - C/BS/DDA Approved For Release 2001/08/02: CIA- PSI. 0002615WIJOVff 773 IVE -IN ISTR . NELASSI FI ED _ IHrI ?iLX - --- ^ CO P E TIA1 -- _-_^__ SECRET ROUTIkG AND RECORD SHEE r V -J S i SUBJECT: (Optional) Request for Increase in FY 1978 External Training Fund Ceiling ~v----- - - - FROM: EXTENSION kO. Executive Officer, OL 6ATE STATI NTL 8204 2 8 JUN 197$ TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DA TE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Nurt,ber each comment to show fron w$;om - - - RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. . [troww cr line across column after earth cornrrca.) Chief, Budget Staff," D/A2 9 Mi i97 1 to 8. 7D02_Headquarters l7 ke . Z c /DDA has an estimated surplus i n external, training funds , ($2'8,000 budgeted, $13,000 used) . I Have checked with Dc']-, 000 of and we could transfer X5 4 , ur training authority to o 11ogi stirs i f you want: to ap-tprovc' 5.Acting Deputy Dz.recta Log memorandum. O/DDA would still. for Administration .7D24 Headquarters retain flexibility in its own. a.c..c;c~unt.. 6. 8 STATINTL 9. :c 1 0- Executive fOff ter OL I t STATINTL A r1. ~ kkc 9 1 .I^ r$ _ .tee' 9 !,. i ?' 12. OL/P&TS STATINTL 1. 1 -7 15. A roved For Release 2001/ 8/02 : C A-RDP8 -00261 R 00300030007-3 FORM 610 uSEDITIONSUS [-I SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL R] UINTERNAL SE ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED 3-62