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X- *OGC Has Reviewed* Favor o- Agra, in ;t Approver Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01R000100050024-4 -- - No Position POTENTIAL LEGISLATION (Organizations and Functions) Pur pose: A.. National Security Council 1. Congressional membership. 2. Broaden Executive Branch representation (Secret pries of Treasury y Agriculture) to emphasize economic, domestic policy considerations. 3. Prohibit any operational authority over CIA independent of the President. 4. CIA activities to be directed by the President upon recommendations or consultations with NSC. 5. Require Presidential direction for Section 102(d)(5) activities (covert action). 6. Broaden 40 Committee membership. 1. Limit DCI to fixed term (8/10 years). 2. Prohibit simultaneous incurr ericy by former (within five years) Agency employees. 3. Require both offices to be fille~u by civilians. 4o Provide for two DDCIs, 5. Provide criminal penalties for influencing or atter-aptin to influence through con.uasand non.?intellige.nce channels, ti.e :Lo--c eign intelligence estimates of the DCI. 6. Crime to request the JCI or 11ICI to violate proscriptions pursuant to or under statute. 7. Restrict DCI' 3 Section 102(c) authority to terminate personnel to security cases and provide right of appeal, through the Attorney ('General for advice and _ r . for , to the P:. v ;idd.ex)t or hi. d.c:sianee. Position: DCII S SC' I IISC I Commission/ .Tniu rrnail Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R0001000.50024-4 X- Favor Approved 6r Release 2001/09/01: CIA-RDP81- 6l R000100050024-_4 AgLlinsL -- - No Position Pe POTENTIAL L,EG [S (_,AT['lON (Crgani-?.ations anal Function s continued) Purpose. _ .Posi.ti.or : _ _ DCI ISSC I USCI Comani.slion/ Journals 1. Domestic Activities: a. Add the word "foreign" appropri- ately throughout Section 102(d). b. Repeal Section 103(d)(4) - (services of common concern). c. Prohibit any illegal activities. d. Prohibit transactions between CIA and former employees except for purely official matters. e. Require advance approval of oversigl t committees before assistance provided to any Ggvernmental unit. f. Criminal penalty for violating proscriptions on internal security functions. g. Expressly subject CIA. employees to statutory provision on perjury and witnesses' privileges in testi- mony before Congress. h. Expressly authorize: 1. Foreign intelligence collec- tion from U. S. citizens on witting basis. 2. Foreign intelligence collec- tion from foreigners in the United States. 3. Support structures necessary to support intelligence op r... ations abroad! 4. Protection of IA installa- tions. 5. Direct assistance to _E'l i far counterinto..ligence versus foreigners. 6. Personnel security investi?- ion of 'ho se au.thori ed. access by CIA to son itive infor-rnation. 7. That lawful activities of CIA in the United. States are not impeded by expre , iimita11 t:ion. i. Prohibit furnishing in.~tclligence is for ration to co i or.:.f.i o_? Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000100050024-4 Approved`lkk Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-01 1R00010005002 Page 3 4 Fw% or Against (Organi-zation and Functions continued) Prohibit CIA surveillance of U. S. citizens, not employees (civil action for damages, recover attorney fees, in camera review). k. Prohibit maintenance and dissem- ination of information concerning individuals in this country with no clear direct involvement with foreign powers. 1. Prohibit any relationships with individuals or organizations connected with: 1. U. S. media. 2. Religious groups. 3. Specified Federal agencies, e. g., AID. 4. U. S. businesses. m. Provide standing to sue for injured citizens on CIA violations of pro- Scription:s_ n. All domestic activities shall be subject to the laws of the United. States. DG.I I SSC I :E-rSC I Corn-nzission/ Journals 2. Overseas Activities: a. Explicit authority to collect intelligence. b. Prohibit covert action. c. Repeal Section 1.03(d)(4) - (services of common concern). d. Require specific Presidential written direction, NSC recoxr.rr.enda?-- tion for Section l02(d)(5) activities; 1. Also require prior approval of appropriate committees. 2. Also require prior notifi- cation, not approval. e. Repeal Presidential finding require- ment for covert action under the Foreign Assistance Act and provide reporting only to legislative over- sight committees. f. Prohibit paramilitary activities by CIA. g. Criminal penalty for assassination of foreign official outside the United States. Purpose CIA continued Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000100050024-4 X- Favor Approved'PWf Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-0d%`IR000100050024'4 Against: -- - No Position Page 4 POTENTIAL LEGISLATION (Organizations and Functions continued) Purpose: Y)_-st_i on: Overseas Activities continued h; Authorize all activities necessary for foreign intelligence activities abroad with appropriate consultation with affected Federal agencies and reporting to oversight committees. i.., On covert action, require Presi- dential report to include detailed proposed budget to be followed at later date by account of expenditures j. Report all intelligence operations in foreign countries to U. S. ambas sador: 1. Ambassador's prior approval. 2. Ambassador's veto, with appeal to President. DG.t I SSG J IISC Commission/ T----1- 3. External Relations: a. IG report to external authorities: 1. PFIAB 2. Oversight committees b. Require advance approval of oversight committees before assistance provided to any Governmental unit. c. Require CIA to share all intelligence and prepare special reports on foreign situations with and at the request of specified committees. d. Submit to foreign affairs commit- tees, under injunction of secrecy, ,all agreements with foreign intelligence services. e. Prohibit adverse action against personnel reporting abuses to appropriate authorities (oversight committees, Attorney General, PFIAB). f. Repeal Privacy Act exemption for CIA.: 1. Provide exemption only for classified matters involving foreign affairs or defense. 2. Provide exemption [or intelligence sources and m ethods. Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000100050024-4 Approve'eWor Release 2001/09/01: CIA-RDP81 261 R00010005002''4-4~ 0- Against -- .No .Position POT E.l~T':CI.l1.L LEGISLATIOiV (Organizations and -'unctions continued) Purpose: External Relations continued g. Report to appropriate committees all personnel. detailed to other agencies. h. Annual report to oversight commit- tees describing and providing statutory basis for domestic activities. i. Keep oversight committees "fully and currently informed" on all CIA activities. 4. Sources and Methods: a. Protection of intelligence sources and methods: 1. DCI devise plans, policies, regulations and report violations to Attorney General. 2. Responsibility not to be construed to authorize pro- hibited activities (police, law enforcement powers or internal security functions). b. Shift from DCI to Agency, respon- sibility to protect and authorize: 1. Prevention disclosure, through lawful means, by those having a privity of relationship. 2. Guidance and technical assistance to other Federal departments and agencies performing intelligence functions. c. Repeal intelligence sources and methods responsibility. d. Enact Director's proposed criminal penalty on unauthorized disclosures: 1. Limit to CIA/former CIA employees. 2. Limit to CIA or CIA imprimatured information. Position:. DCI I SSC I IJSC I Goruniis >ion./ Journals Approved. For Release 2001/09/01: CIA-RDP81-00261R000100050024-4 X- Favor Approver Release 2001/09/01: CIA-RDP81-061 R000100050024-4 Against -- -? No Position Page 6 POTI NTIAL LEGIS LATION (Organizations and Functions continue.) Purpo s c:: Sources and Methods continued e. Congressional enactment of rules and procedures: 1. Limit proliferation of sensitive sources and methods information. 2. Deter violation of rules. f. Continue statutory basis for exemp- tion from Freedom of Information Act. g. Protect material and records provided to House and Senate Select Committees. Position: DCI I SSC 117SC I Commi.s.sion/ Journals Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000100050024-4 Approved For lease 2001/09/01: CIA-RDP81-0026 WOO 10005002474 X-? i 'avor O Again,;t NO 1-'ositiun I'O':IL:N'1:'Il1.i LEG1S L.ATION F j]i.scal Controls) 7urposc:: A. __ P_os:ition,_ _ DCI I SSC 1-.T,SC I Con-ni ;: ion. Budget Focus - .._.__._Journals 1. 2. 3. Total intelligence figure Total figure a. Central Intelligence Agency b. United States Intelligence Board c. President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Figure in Parent Department Total 4. a. Bureau of Intelligence & Research b. Defense Intelligence Agency c. National Security Agency d. Defense Investigative Service e. Army Security Agency f. Army Intelligence Command g. Navy Intelligence Command h. Office of Air Force Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence Total figure for intelligence activities a. Federal Bureau of Investigation b. Internal Revenue Service c. Energy Research & Development Administration 5. DCI's Foreign National Intelligence 6. Program Breakdown total by programs or type of activity B. Budget Transmittal - 1? Publicly as part of the President's budget. 2. As classified annex to President's budget C. Independent Evaluation to President from DCI on Intelligence Community Spending Plans D. Public Detailed Accounts of Proposed and Actual Intelligence Expenditures F. Authorization Legislation, Including CIA and NSA Approved For Release 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000100050024-4 page 2 Approved FdoKelease 2001/09/01 : CIA-RDP81-002W000100050024-4 1.'OT'E'NTIAJ L&1'GISLA7'ION Pu:rposc:: F. Annual Appropriations Act Including CIA and NSA G. Limit Section 6a Transfers to and from CIA to Certain Percentage of Budget to be Exceeded only with Specific Presidential Authorization, Approval of Appropriations Committees and Prior Notification of Over- Sight Committees H. Control Transfer of Funds Among Defense Intelligence Agencies Along the Lines of (G) above I. GAO Review of Expenditures - 1. Audit of CIA unvouchered expenditures 2. Efficiency and economy review of CIA unvouchered expenditures 3. CIA Vouchered expenditures for audit and economy and efficiency purposes J. Repeal CIA Unvouchered Funds Authority on Basis Classification System Protects Information K. Suspend Expenditure Authority Unless Informa- tion Requested by GAO Provided Within Specified Period Unless President Certifies that the Information is not to be Furnished 1. At GAO's initiative only 2. GAO for oversight committees L. Certification of President, Approval of Appropriations Committees, and Prior Notification of Oversight Committees for Reserve Expenditures M. Prohibit Non-Appropriated Funds Expenditure 1. In toto 2. Proprietary income may offset normal proprietary expenditures X-- .I''avor O- .Against: No f 1oSStlon Position: _ DC.I I SSC I IISC I Commissions Journals Approved For Release 2001/09/01: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000100050024-4