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Approved For Release 2002/01/24 :CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
Meeting l'/ith:
e era Women's Coordinator
Subject: DOJ Task Force on Sex Discrimination
Date: Friday, 6 January
Time: 10:00
Approved For Release 2002/01/24 :CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
Approved For lease 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-0014PRf100500040005-1
Item 3a - Personnel
Guidelines on non-discrimination in the areas of xecrui.tment and
selection are not ublished, per se. There are Affirmative Action Plans,
Agency policie for non-discrimination in employment opportu-
nity, and consi era a senior management thrust in terms of announcements,
verbal guidances, etc. Regulations re assignment and promotion are
written in positive terms, e.g., merit and potential, and do not address
sex, race or color as factors in making a decision. We rely on the
Affirmative Action Plans and related issuances to make the point there
will be no discrimination for race, sex or color in making assignment or
promotion selections. -
Test score cut-offs are used anly for the selection of clerical
personnel. Professional applicants take tests, but only as general
guides, and selection is decentralized to the Career Services.
Item 3b - Office of Security
Item 3c - Spouses
The employment of spouses overseas is primarily a matter of DDO
concern/action. Experience is that the employee spouse of an individual
assigned abroad is given every possible consideration for a comparable
staff or contract position at the overseas post. Available positions,
however, are limited by position, personnel and and it
is not always possible, when a position is avai a e, to ~ n ify ane of
equal grade or duty/responsibility. DDO advises the new Personnel
Handbook (finally at the printers) includes a statement to this effect.
Further, Agency policy provides for a grant of three years LV~F
when an employee accompanies a spouse to assignment outside the Head-
quarters area . to preserve, within statutory limits, certain employee
benefits such as retirement credit and insurance coverage.
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
Approved For~elease 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001400500040005-1
Item 3d -Occupations
There are no job categories prohibited to women.
It?m 3e -,Simplification of Agency Regulations
The instructions for the 1977 revision of the regulations under DDA
purview included a requirement to eliminate the masculine pronouns..
Where rewriting could not achieve this, the feminine is included along
with the masculine, e.g;, "his or her". We assume RCB applies this same
policy to all othex regulations being issued or revised.
Item 3f - Training
Defex to OTR, however, our experience is that there is no discrimina-
. tion towards women in training policies or guidelines, If anything, OTR
encourages the enrollment of women and insures there are no actions or
procedures in any course which would adversely affect women or their
performance therein.
Item 5
The record of conversion of clericals to professionals can be
obtained from the .APP reports. The input to professional ranks from
this group ~.s a significant percentage of the total input of professional
employees to the Agency each year. N,B, EEO receives a copy of the APP,
report and analysis.
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
^ ~~VCLAS51 F1 ED ^ aN ~E ~~~
a Approved Fo
COMMENTS ~Numbmr' each commenC 10 `ihocr firm whom
to-whom ~Qraw a line aeros~ tol~ma aftor Bach comment.)
3 ~' Attached arz the,onginal DDA
papers-'=they'may'beneeded for ;the
.::11:30.:. Janzaary.; 4 meeting: h :; ~ ' ~-
~.: Iz7`'talkzzg ~igt~~i htit~~v~
t ;,'some ; ather items, T :. > . a
`capy ciF the attached a~rc~ wc~~~dered she w~.s ,going tce hai.d.le the
matter. ;, She said she plans to
~dxsciass .'the DDA };.ciw~;ta '
approach :the "problem"-`and. did nat
o~tpect any,~detailed da sci~siorz of
?the: variozxs ' itezn> : , I.:~ dan t ~: see it
~s. a Ptpxablem" . ` xatlle~ a
Are~pozlse';t~-_the~Justice Task _ fi.::`
':Force that`-our hands are c:lEan. aizd
have been: ~~far some tix?I=, t a4hers
may'need ;to reds re~~~.~r ~c}z,~~, s c: ~-
al- btit ,wt~.have been. w~az?~C_i.xa~z a; _~~~,,.
'w~iole matter _at Teast s-~n~c: I9%. ~'
;(Forevcr;.~PASG! ? !) , . Shlauld. ~n~t.t: rs
get. ~nto~. a, discussion, ha~Tevers
?a.ttached, axe ` ~., few ~ z~fcirma.l natE
5X1 A
Approved For`fCelease 2002/01/24 :CIA-RDP81-OQ~+g2~2000500040005-1 ~ T~T1 fy.T L
P~~r. Dlalanicl::
Attacl~.ed is a copy of a memo (Dep Dir, Er0 u
Federal jVomen's Program Coordinator) regarding CIA involvement
~T~TIN TL with the Department of Justice Task Force on Sex Discrimination.
is to meet with DOJ in mid-January re Agency cc?m-
pliartce and has asked to meet with you this week. I put the
meeting on the calendar for 11:30, 4 January.
PA:CD was to have some recommendations to you today, but OP
tells me they will not be here until "first thing tomorrow
morning." ~ ~T~TINTL
If you wish I will resched the meeting with
~ TAT I N T L ,-~-~-=-'~i ..
for Tlp,.~,p~~,y~ I~r F~e~~~'2d~~Ir0~~2~4~~A-RDrP8'IQ00~'~42R000~0040005-1
lm/3 January 1977
Approved For?Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
.Acting Director of Personnel
Your action. Please see attached,
and note ADDA meeting with-
on 4 January,
- 0/ADDA 22 Dec
Or RS - AD/Pers w/att
S - DDA Subject w/att
1 RS - DDA Chrono
1 RS - MJM Chrono
Attachment: DDA 77-6504, P~4emo
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
_..,~.pi'`~-~"+i cIC ~~I r~ ~ Arln >Zarrar~ 41
EC~~DDA ~ _'! '
-`~ ~ '~~'~
olnrcT n~:r~Y
rnerna~ nl~tr?r _
- -
r,rroln~,~r,~n.t~na~.~ _
Et E:'fl{RM
~_ ~
I ff
.._._.._...~ roLd Flt=~e 7Q R~TUr-trI -r?r~ ~~ri~r_~
Approved For Release 2002/01/24 :CIA-RDP81-0014
UN{:I..~SBIFIF,1? C~O^Ik'xl)I~.NTIA.L
approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-(~P81 01. F~p~p~p0040005-1
Mr .
~ ~ ~ ~- C 1~7i
Mr . Janney
~ 2 UFC ]~77
As you will note an the buckslip, -
asks to meet with Nir. P-lalanick
`'soon.`?' I called to te11 her that Mr. Malanic?:
wi11 be on leave until 3 January and asked
if the meeting could wait until then. She
told me that she. must meet a mid-January ?
deadline to tell DOJ tahat procedures the
Agency will be using to comply with sex
descrimination laws and regulations. She
asked if perhaps, in the meantime, someone
could take a look at the ~naper and make
recommendations to Mr. Malanick and then she
would meet with him on 4Uednesday, 4 January.
I have put her tentatively on i?9r. Alalanick's
.calendar far 11:30, 4 January. Tf there is
any problem with this, please let me know
.and I will get back in touch with
lm/20 Dec 77
Att: DDA 77-6504.
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
"~'~'~ ~. Approved For Lase 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-00142F1~A`0500040005-1
SUBJECT Meeting with Department of Justice
Task Force an Sex Discrimination
1. (U) The Pxesident has charged the Attorney General
with reviewing all federal laws, regulations and policies
for sex discrimination. To carry out these responsibilities,
a special Task Force on Sex Discrimination has been formed in
the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice for a
period of two years.
2. (U) As the CIA representative to this task force,
I met on 28 October with two members of this group at the
Department of Justice, attorneys Susan Cornelius and
Stewart.B. Onegli,a, the Task Force Director. They explained
the requirements being levied on each Federal agency, including
CIA. Each Agency is to xeview the U.S. Code fax laws
pertaining to its operation, or the programs for which it is
responsible. The objective is to identify those which have
a disparate sex impact and to draft changes. The next
step is to review Agency policies, regulations and guide-
. lines which affect employees or prospective employees.
I explained that legislation pertaining to this Agency
is .minimal and that we have no programs involving the
genexal public.
3. (U) Specific points which. the Task Force raised
concerning CIA wexee
a. Personnel. Since we do not come under the
Civil Sexvice Cammission, our regulations and policies on
personnel areas should be carefully reviewed - including
xecruiting, selection, testing, (are guidelines ublished,
is a test score cut-off utilized.?) promotions, an other
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
,,~ ? ''~'~ ~ ? Approv~21?For ~~~~~2/01/~ ~C1~F~?P>~f-?0'P4~2A8~(t9Q0~4(~(1~~oyment .
Are these policies written? How are they applied? I+That
is the record over the years for actions taken against men
vs women, for bath employees and prospective employees.
c. Spouses. Do policies exist affecting the
employment of spouses overseas?-
d. Occupations. Are there any job categories
prohibited to women?
e. Simplification of Agency Regulations.
Coordinate these e- orts anyone in t is Agency working
under Executive Order 11030 (~5 Oct), Improving Regulatory
f. Trainin Do any policies ar guidelines on
training adversely a ect women?
4. (U) The normal procedure is for the Task Farce
to review some of these regulations. I raised the issue
that same of our material is classified-and that this
procedure could cause a problem. The initial agreement
then reached was that if CIA shows a "goad faith effort" to
carry out the project, the Task Force will not pursue a
review at this time. `They asked for periodic reports ors
our activities and progress, cit%ng examples of specific
changes which have been made. Should. they discern
problem areas, they reserve the right to become more
. 5. (U)-.The first report to the Task Force is due in
December and is to address haw the Agency plans to approach
this project (the mechanics, time frame, etc..). It is
also to include statistics on the status of women in CIA..
They agreed to abide by our agreement with the CSC in
that when citing personnel statistics we can provide
percentages only and not actual numbers for security
reasons. They also requested statistics an our record of
converting clericals to professionals in Upward Mobility.
6. (U) in the Office of General
was unable to atten this meeting but was informed.
the implications.
7. (U) On 7 December, Upward Mobility
Coordinator, OEEO and I brie-e the Task Farce on Upward
Mobility Pro-grams in the Agency.
Deputy Director, lce o qua mp oyment Opportunity
~T~TINTL and Federal tiVomen's Program Coordinator
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA~RDP81-001428000500040005-1
Approved Fo~elease 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-0014~Rb00500040005-1
August 2b, 1977
Today, on the anniversary of the ratification of the
Women's Suffrage Amendment, I am requesting the
Attorney General and all the Federal agencies to
cooperate in eliminating sax discrimination from the
laws and policies of the United States.
This country has a commitment to equality of opportun~.ty
for all C7.'~].Zens, yet a recent report from the Civil
Rights Commission indicates that sex discrimination
still exists in some Federal laws and policies.. Last
year the Department of Justice was directed to deve~.op
a plan for reviewing and revising Federal a_aws that
discriminate on the basis of sex. At the request of
this Administration, Congress has recently appropriated
funds for the Task Force on Sex Discrimination in the
Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice to
implement the plan.
I am now requesting the heads of all Federal agencies
and departments to initiate a comprehensive review of
all programs which they administer in order to identify
any regulations, guidelines, programs or golicies which
result in uneq~~ treatment based on sex. Some agencies
have already begun such efforts.
I am requesting that the head of each department and
agency cooperate with the Attorney General in collecting
and furnishing' existing information and developing addi~-
tianal information where necessary and that they develop
proposals to change any laws, regulations and policies
which discriminate on the basis of sex.
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
Approved For`R~lease 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001400500040005-1
I am the Attorney General, as chief la~rr -
officer of ~che Federal government, to coordinate all
of the activities undertaken by the departzlents and
agencies to eliminate sex discrimination. He has sex2-~
a letter to each agency today giving details of the
proposed procedures.
Where statutory revision or repeal is necessary, S will
recommend to the Congress that appropriate legislation
be enacted. Where executive action will suffice, I will
.take appropriate steps to ensure that benefits anal oppor-
tunities provided by the Federal government are made
.equally available to all, regardless of sex.
In taking this action, we intend to retain and possibly
expand any existing protections and benefits provided
for homemakers and families. L~Te believe that offering
opportunity to all should not threaten or diminish. the..
protection provided those performing special functions in
our society. _
Federal law should be a moc3.el of non-discrimination.. for
every state and for the rest of the world. The Federal
government, which is actively involved in eliminating
-sex discrimination in many areas, should not uphold it
in others.
It is my hope that the project irritated today will result
in such a modal and the goal of equal rights-and oppor-
tunity for all our citizens under the law wall be
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
Appr~~E~~'~21Ql~'9~R~~~1 ~ ~~~40005-1
WASHIiYC>TON, l~,C. 20530
Address Reply to tha
Division Indicated
and Hefer to Initials anJ NumLer
DJ 144-01-24
UCT z o 1977
Federal Women s rogram Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D. C. 20505
G~7e have been notified that you are to be the
contact person at the Central Intelligence Agency
for the Task Force on Sex Da.scrimination in the
Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.
U7e welcome the opportunity to work with you and
your Agency on the important task of eliminating
sex discrimination from all federal laws, regulations,
and policies.
We are including as an appendix, the pages from
a recent publication of the United States Civil
Rights Commission* which discuss reasons for the
elimination of unnecessary gender-specific terminology
from federal law.
We are counting on your suppart and assistance in
drafting proposed changes to the discriminatory laws
affecting your Agency. Furthermore, we also must
work together in proposing changes in regulations,
guidelines, and other policy directives which
discriminate on the basis of sex and affect your
Agency. In this regard, we will need from you
copies of all guidelines, policy directives, etc.,
which are not published in the Code of Federal
Regulations or otherwise available to us.
CIVIL RIGHTS, April, 1977).
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
Approved Foriie1ease 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-00142~9'b0500040005-1
Our mandate also includes a review for disparate
sex impact of employment, education, and training
programs administered by your Agency affecting both
your own employees and the general public. ~^Te crrill
need your assistance in identifying and analyzing
these programs . ....=-
We are anxious to set up a meeting with-you. Zs
soon as possible in order to explain~rtore fully our
function and to detail more specifically our needs
from you and your Agency.
The member of our staff who will be coordinating
with your Agency (at least initially) is Susan Cornelius.
Her telephone number is: 739-3906. She wi11 be
contacting you within the next ten days to arrange
for an initial meeting. In the meantime, if you have
any questions or comments, please feel free to contact
ewart B. bneglia'
Task Force on Sex.,nation
Approved For Release 2002/01/24: CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
`S'he Task Force on Se:~ Discrir.-~in~xtiun is a unit
t?:itixin the Civil Zigsi~s Division of tl~.e 7~~paYtMent
of .Susticc3 t~rhic:~ ~zas been assic~neu, th4 respa:zsibili_ty
of retrietainu all federal. lat?rs, regulations, rui_relires,
policies, anc.? procedures foi the purpase o-f e) i_=ai::atinc
frori them all foi-r:~s of c?iscrinination bz.~ec? on sec.
As part of ..this effort, the r ask Force Ixas rec,u`s tad
t:xat any proposals tritIxin ti-:2 fal.lot~z,ig categories bA
sent to tlzer,~ for co.titr;iznt beforo heinc~ ac?opted as
~c:r~tinistration policy.
I: ~ h?se t:~at ov~:rtl.y naive uistinctzons base". an sex.
xI. chose that althou5:~x not substantially discrirzina-- -
, Cory, use unnecessary gen3Ar~speci-fic ter:zina?agy.
XII . chose rlhich although sieutral on ?ir~aeir face r ay
have a disproportionate ir!pact an one se.~.
1. Any crixiclx relate rig:zts or or~lirations to
narital status (including danestic v:i_ol.encc} ar
-treat married couples as unitsa
2. 1Lny dealir_g tritix federal. eirpl.ayr ent p:~licies
{inclucaincJ r~tilitary errtployment) , including, tr~:inin~
prograats, pro^totion policies, and fringe benefits.
3. Any of particular concern to tho el.derl_v, provisions relating to the Social. Security
Act, the ~~ployAa p,etire::~ent Xncc~~e Secur:i.ty ~.c~. oL .
1.97, or any other pension, ar retire_n~ant Qx er:nlay- .
xrent fringe i~enefitplan.
4. ~.ny dealing t~rith children and fastilies
incl.udirig- ~relfare benefits, tax e~-aertpti.c~rxs azn chz.ld carp
XV. ~.'xrose t~.xich purport to pro~iibit an~T discx?imi.natian
or to elircEirzate existing c;iscrininzti on bask: an sex.
.Approved For Release 2002/01/24: C1A.-RQR8'f-001428000500040005-1
Approved For Release 2002/01/24 :CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
i~3c~ ~r.~"t t?~i0 C.? `cJ;;'O_".L^S 5~1~'.;.t~~::'. C~c :ill`T
~;'C;C)~ni'I.cli.)i~ S? i1C+v "i:til~'t :: ? 1.1. 1.'2G'.ll~.~v:.iAl.1Sc? 1t perpetaat4s C~1..:aCrl'il;icl.tarj S~^cL"'L'UtyD~^-.S r7.. G'
i~;,lies that L~ro~en arc not ec~2ally a~ t~.:ccac~. Zn
iAC:Li~t1On, tx'lE.' t15v af,?SG':?;.-;~~.SeG'i %.erL:tli:aloly ~?ay reSU~.t
it1 overt, SLll:JStaI:t3.VE` C':iSG?"iiliIlc'l. tior! ev^n Gr24rf? SuC:x
c!iscriraina"Ei.on taas not consciously inten~.~eci by the
drafters. For e~a7pZe,~a statute providing benefits to
the "wida~?rs" of Presidents or Supre^c Court Justices
;gas probabJ.y hat consci ausl.y ix~tend,~ea to dczx~T equaz
benefits to ciualified "L?;ic:xa??.?ers", t'~~t ~ 4xcly reflects
an unconscious assunptian t'xat Presidents a,.ic~, Supre:^~e
Court ,justices tiri11 al`?rals he Yix~le. The use of ?tIxe
sex-neutral tex-rt ''surviving 7bause'' ~?roulcl ensure t.~at
the statute would aleaays ;~e appla..c~~;~?.e to all
persons sirtil.arly situated regaru.less cxf se:?u.
The Task Force there fore wisixes to revietiJ a.ny
proposals trhicix. contain sex-rased. t~rr?:tznalbq~,- zzx or:?er
tv cleterr~iine t?>"net`.xer apt will :navy a `sukrs~cr~ntivel~r clis-
crir,inatory effect, anal in artier to reco:~r7~tenc a~:~srapriate
se,,:-neutral. suostitutes .
the third. type of propas:~1 t~:e '~.`zs}ti I~'arce ~?i.s}xes to
reviezJ is that"t~rhicix is Zi3:41y to have a disparate
a.i~tpuct, that is, tv affect cne se~~ Gizferc~ntZ?I -than the
other. .Identification of suc;x procrisians ~c~riZl xequixe
analysis oz" tine purpose and expected effects of the
legislation, and an understanciinc~ of t~-xe sex.~related
? characteristics of tixe groups it is e~.pectec~ to affect..
Such ana~.ysis cannot be redrtaced to a SiI~:~7 ~: ~:or~ulaa - '
Per~~xaps trite bQst a.~proac~z is to eonsicter the
expected ir:xpact an groups or classes Lahic;~.
are likely to be predo:~inantly female. For e.~a!;~pZe,
woren lxave loner life expectancies than.- rlezx, so t'ne
r:~ajority of peapZe over G5 are fe~~ale. Prc~oosals ~?;niah
affect the e].c~erl~, are therefore likel~r to _ c?fft,'_:,L'
cYo:.cter. ;,iota than ;,t^n.
~7arlen, of course, ha~ri the unzque phys i~,al ?
c-~aracteristic of bwincj axle to near children. ?ropoaa~.s
xelatznc to chiZc,.-bearing, pre,::ancy, birth control,
ak~artion, etc. , are therefore of par ticula.r concern tcs
~- -
Approved For Release 2002/01/24 :CIA-RDP81-001428000500040'005-1
' Approved For Release 2002/01/24 :CIA-RDP81-001000500040005-1
:?ro:;.~ ;~. ~ o~lt~rr al,o hG~.:, try uitior.~-c.ll a :~ xcts~~o~ n
for child reari;tg, arc; th].S tracitio:~ i.~ strort~iy
rciloc:tec~ in current social patterns. ~r~_~ pz-o~~osals
relating to file Caxe an:~ ~G.uCa~iorl Oi. C~~ilc?ren are t!lerF'-
tore likely to impact ;~~ore stron:jly oz-z ~ro?en .ce.n.
For t'.~e same reason, r:o;~en axe uispro~~7?:tionately
representec: among recipients o~ c~rileZ support, alinonyr
and r?relfare ben`:its and ar on,r L~arents ~??ithout partners
Ei.e. single, ciivorced ar vridot?red. indivi.ciua:Ls frith ?
custody of ninon children}.
??Jor;ten also tend. to ,nave cZifferent labor force partz--
cipation patterns than r:ten. Because of their. tracZitional
roles as child-reaxers ancZ zo;-tnr:;akers, ?c?~o~!en are more
~.ikely than rten to spend su3stGrt.ial ~iortic~ns of their
adult lives outside the paid labor force. C??hen er;ployed,
they are more li}:.ely to ~zolu part--time or part-year jobs
anti, even if e;~ployed lull tine, ?the~~ are liI?:ely to earn
less than men, so they are cZisproportionately rcpxesente3
ar~tong lo~a-intone groups. Proposals dealing Y?rith e;~tploy-
mezlt benefits ~?rhich recuire. lone j o'o tenure ar 'fulZ. ti,~.e
ernplo~~;:tent are tllcrefore likely to have a disp:copox?tionate
impact on ~?ro;nen, as are any ~?rili.c::1 f~-xvor hither inco-ae
groups. .
Since rlarxied couples consist oz" an equal nurlbez
of men and Frozen , it night be thou.c~:1t taza t propos a1s ghat
cleat with couplers :~~o~.~ld not have a cZiscrz:~ina~to:~xr effest.
Hoc~rever, the tzaditional roles of husbands ante ?frives
have been very different, and assumptions ~:1bQUt the continued
validity of these roles are a corz.~?on source of d3.scri:~!inatory
provisions. Since the husband is t~ze breadwinner in Host
fat:tilies raith only one crape earner, policies ~?r'sxic?-z treat
taro-?incote couples less favorab? y than ono-i:~co~o coup? es
rtay have. a dzsparate iragact- on roxkinr rrivos . On t~.s
~otizer }sand, lacas baseu' on t:Ze assumption that tine husband
~,s the sale bzeadG;inner~rtay produce ir_appropriate results
where part of the :Ea;;tzly inco-te is earned by the =.?ri'`e,
tirhere the TfrS_fe r:takes a non-casiz contrib~.zta.on to the. house-
hold, oz ~?rhere the husband as not providing suppo.:t for
the fa;, any proposal- ~?rhici~ deals frith rtarriect couples
ox as econoriic or social units ~.ust there.:ore be
carefully exariined to deteri:zine its impact ozx far::ilies cri th
cz~.fferen?t life styles axict clistr^butions of ra?.le anti fen..ale
roles. - .
Approved For Release 2002/01/24--: CIA=RDP81-0~0142R000500040005-1
Approved For Release 2002/01/24 :CIA-RDP81-001428000500040005-1
ahe sk Farce :;~oul~? Z:i'.e to e"~:1ir:e P7:o~C]:i?C~ ].n t:'Z? :~C7LZ~:tll Catec~0.'.:~' .'_~ a?:Caen 'to iOrT~t~?'~C?
recor~vr~enaatzons conecrninrl the incl~sio;~ of sex ~-corcg
t:~e protected c~tt'rrleral agency. Y3il.ite:1 States 11~v must bc: o}~servecl
and not the policy o the foreign nation. L'xdiviciuals, therefore,
must b:' cansiclez?ed a;lc' selected solely on the b::.sis o# merit xaetors
without rciercnc.c to race, color, re:lif;ion, natiatlal orit;in~, se:v.
or ~-.gc. Ycr:-.ons must nof. be "sclcctrcl out'= at axit? stage o# the
sclc:ctio:l lxrr)ccs~: because tlleil? race, color, rr:J.igion,~ national
ox?igitl, sex ar ~tt!c does not ca.ltorm to ~.ny fornZ