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Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 March 29, 1960 Filed Aug. 28, 1942 SC4NNIN6 RECEIVER E. M. DELORAINE ET AL RADIO REPEATING:SYSTEM IT- t% BLOCNINB NPUf/ER RECEIVER 2,931,031 4~ TQANS- M/T TER DELAY CIRCUIT MIXING CIRCUIT TUNING CONTROL. INVENTORS WWI P1. MO)PAINE Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 March 29, 1960 E. M. DELORAINE ET AL RADIO REPEATING SYSTEM 2,931,031 Aq:6. 60 o INVENTORS EDMOND M. DIrLORA/NE HENRI 4. BU. N*N/ES BY~ BRMD BAND RECEIVER CONTROL C/RC(//T Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 united States. Patent Office 2,931,431 Patented Mar. 29, 1960 1 2 2,931,031; RADIO REPEATING SYSTEM Edmond M. Deloraine, New York, and Henri G. Bu- signies, Forest Hills, N.Y., assignors to International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, a corporation of Maryland Application August 28, 1942, Serial No. 456,498 6-Claims. (Cl. 343-18) operate some form of. distance detecting apparatus:: so: that obstacles may be readily detected at the- receiver. Such obstacle detection apparatus is commonly used for the location of ships: or aircraft. A purpose of the. present invention is to provide apparatus simulating-.the reflection effects of ships or aircraft so that an enemy' station of the form shown in Fig. 1 cannot readily locate the position of the craft. At an intercepting station 5 which may be located on board one of the ships of a convoy or a bomber plane or at some fixed land station is provided a scanning re- ceiver 7. This scanning receiver operates continuously to tune receiver 7 over a band of frequencies so that the pulses - sent - out by transmitter 2 may be readily de- This invention relates to radio systems and. more 15 tected. Any known form of frequency scanning receiver particularly to radio systems- for falsely simulating- the may be provided, for example, the receiver may be of reflection characteristics of extensive conductive bodies the type generally disclosed-in the copending application.- with respect to an arriving succession of impulses. In of Emile Labin, Serial No. 451,302, filed July 17, 1942, our previous copending application, Serial No. 436,846, entitled "Radio Transmission and Monitoring System," filed March 30, 1942, entitled "Radio Repeater," is dis- 20 now Patent No. 2,412,991. The indications of the shape; closed' an arrangement wherein a repeater mounted- on a and frequency of the pulse- may be determined by indi- mobile unit such as a balloon or a raft is used to receive cator 8 in the output of receiver 7. Upon determination from and retransmit to signals from an obstacle detecting. of the frequency of the obstacle locating apparatus buoy-- system to produce a false simulation of a large conduc- ant mobile craft such as the propeller float 10 or the the body. In systems such as described in the above- 25 balloon 20 may be released. In both of these arrange mentioned application, the repeater apparatus- must be- ments are provided repeater equipments 11 and 21 re- previously tuned to the carrier frequency of the obstacle, spectively, tuned to the frequency of the signals from detection system since no control is retained over the transmitter 2. At the repeater, signals from transmitter equipment once it has been released: 2 are received` on antennae 12 and 22, respectively, and It is - a principal object of this' invention to provide 30 are retransmitted after a suitable delay from antenna- ele- remotely located - reflection simulating apparatus and rep ments 13 and 23, respectively. These signals will ap mote control equipment for adjusting the receiving char-- pear at the receiver3 as pulses simulating reflective im-- acteristics of the repeater system. pulses in accordance with the system described in the It is a further object of this invention to provide a previous invention, application Serial No. 436,846. system forcomparing the signals transmitted from a radio 35 However, should the tuning or spacing of pulses from obstacle detection arrangement with the signals trans- transmitter 2 be changed the repeated pulses from 10 and` mitted from a false simulation system to determine-nec- 20 would no longer properly simulate the reflection im- essary adjustments and then to transmit remote -control: pulses. Accordingly, at interceptor station 5 we provide signals to produce the desired adjustments. a control transmitter 9 which serves to transmit control It is a still further object of our invention to provide- 40 signals to adjust the tuning of repeaters 10 and 21 upon a system for continuously controlling the tuning or other change of tuning of transmitter 3. To accomplish this, characteristics of a remotely located repeater so that it tuning adjusters 14 and 24 are provided at repeaters 10' will continuously follow changes in frequency or other and 20 to receive the signals from the control transmitter characteristics of a transmitting system of an obstacle- 8 and adjust the tuning of the repeater in any well known detection arrangement. 45 manner- to the desired frequency. To facilitate the con- It is a still further object of our invention to provide, trol of the tuning, repeated signals from 11 and 21 may repeater systems capable of continuous operation over a' be received at scanning- receiver 7 and compared on indi- relatively wide variable frequency band: cator 8 with the pulses from transmitter 3. From- the A better understanding of our invention and the-objects comparison of these pulses the desired adjustment of and features thereof may be had by reference to the- 50 control transmitter 9 is accomplished so that tuners 14 accompanying drawings, in which; and 24 may be properly adjusted. Fig. 1 schematically illustrates a complete radio system Many different forms of remote tuning control for in accordance with this invention with the circuits in adjusting a transmitter or receiver are known and any - din am; - - - - g. block Fig. 2 is a block circuit diagram of one form of' 55 and 11. However, in order to give a better understand- repeater suitable for use in the system of Fig. 1; ing of the invention, a few types of repeater systems are Fig. 3 is a block circuit diagram of still another form illustrated in Figs. 2, 3 and 5. of repeater for use in the system of Fig. 1; Turning to Fig. 2, the repeater equipment is shown as Fig. 4 is a set of curves serving to explain the opera- consisting of the heterodyne receiver 30 preferably of the tion of the system of Fig. 3; 60 self blocking type so that it will block itself for a prede- Fig, 5 is a block circuit diagram of still another form termined period of time upon receipt of a signal. Such a of repeater in accordance with our invention; and receiver equipment used in a repeater is disclosed in the Fig 6 is a block circuit - diagram of an alternative copending application of E. M. Deloraine and E. Labin, control arrangement for use in connection with the sys- entitled "Radio Guiding Method and System," filed tern, of Fig. 1. - 65 August 28, 1942, Serial No. 456,500, now Patent No. Turning first to Fig. 1, the obstacle detecting apparatus 2,441,956. This blocking should be of sufficient dura- is shown generally at 1 and comprises -a transmitter 2 and tion to assure that the receiver will not respond to sig- receiver 3. The transmitter 2 is normally adapted to nals transmitted from transmitter 31 of an adjacent re- transmit a series of relatively widely spaced pulses which peater so that the system will not start to sing. A blocking after, reflection from- a conductive body, are received on 70 amplifier 32 may be provided to block the receiver at all receiver 3. The output of receiver 3 is normally used to times while transmitter 31 is in operation when self Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 A, 0B 1,O31 3 4 blocking is not provided. Blocking for a period of time Circuit 47 is capacitively reactive and has an impedance greater than that needed for its own transmitter may be curve illustrated by C of Fig. 4 adjusted by means of desirable because of signals repeated from other simulat- condenser 49. Circuit 48 is inductively reactive and ing stations. Accordingly, it is preferable to provide for has an impedance curve L, Fig. 4, controlled by means blocking of the receiver a sufficient length of time to 5 of variable inductance 50. As a consequence the re- assure that signals from other closely spaced mobile re- ceived signal at 46 will be applied over circuits 47 and peaters are not effective in the system. If the mobile re- 48 to control relays 45 and 44, respectively. If the peaters are widely spaced one from another the repeated signal is not at the center point indicated by line A of signals will generally be too weak to trigger the receiver Fig. 4 then one of the relays 44 or 45 will predominate since the field of the repeater transmitter is relatively to the other causing closure of switch 43 in the correspond weak. ing direction. The energy in relay 45 will predominate Tuning control 33 is provided and preferably consists if the frequency is lower than indicated at A and 44 will of a means for supplying beating frequency to receiver 30 predominate if the energy is higher in frequency than to reduce the received signals to a suitable intermediate indicated at A. Accordingly, switch 43 will be moved frequency. This intermediate frequency is then ampli- 15 into a position to operate motor 42 until balance is re- fied in intermediate frequency amplifier 34 delayed for stored by the operation of variable condenser 49 and a desired time in delay circuit 35 and then applied to a inductance 50. In this way oscillator 41 will be tuned mixing circuit 36 where the signal is also mixed with en- to the proper frequency for repeating the signals. ergy from tuning control 33 to restore it to the original It should be understood that motor 42 instead of op- received frequency. From mixing circuit 36 the energy 20 erating an oscillator for beating with the received signals is applied to repeater transmitter 31 and is rebroadcast. in repeater 40 may, if desired, directly operate the tuning The rebroadcast pulse is preferably of such an amplitude of the repeater. It is clear that with the arrangement as to simulate reflection from a ship or other extensive of Fig. 3, the repeater will be tuned to the desired fre- reflecting surface. quency and this adjustment in tuning may be made to Preferably, the energy from the control transmitter 9 25 follow any changes in the enemy transmitted frequency is on an ultra high frequency wave band so that the con- as long as the variation does not exceed the response trol signals will not serve as a guiding radiation for range of the system. At the same time, once the re- enemy craft to indicate the location of the observation peater leaves the control area of the control transmitter station. When these ultra short waves are used, control the system will remain tuned to the last frequency at of the repeaters, if they are floating on the water, will not 30 which it was operated. Thus, if there is no change in be possible beyond a distance determined by the curva- the energy signal the repeater may serve to interfere with ture of the earth. This will probably be not more than their distance determining apparatus long after it is out 8 to 15 miles on the surface of the sea. However, when of the range of the control station. balloons are used as shown at 20 in Fig. 1 control may In Fig. 5 is illustrated an alternative type of repeater. be maintained for a much greater distance because of the 35 In this system the repeater 51 may be similar to that dis- higher elevation of the repeaters. In such cases it may closed in Figs. 2 and 3 or may be of any variable tuning be desirable to broadcast directly from control trans- type. The transmitted control signal may consist of a mitter 9 a frequency for beating with the received signals carrier modulated with two different frequency signals at 30 to produce the desired intermediate frequency. which may be alternatively applied to tune the repeater Since the control frequency, however, is generally much 40 up or down in frequency. The receiver detector 52 higher than the transmitted signal it may be necessary to serves to receive the control signals and to detect this transmit the control beating frequency as a modulation signal to derive therefrom control frequencies. These of a high frequency carrier. In this case tuning control two frequencies derived at the output of receiver de- means need be only a detector for detecting the carrier tector 52 are applied over selectively tuned circuits 53, frequency so as to produce the desired beat frequency for 45 54 to tuning control means 55. Tuning control means application to the receiver 30 and mixing circuit 36. If 55 may consist of a motor such as shown in Fig. 3 or the beat frequency is transmitted directly then tuning any other suitable remote control apparatus, such as a control 33 may be merely a broad band amplifier for step-by-step switch or other tuning circuits commonly amplifying this signal before application to receiver 30 used in remote control receiver tuning. If the signal and transmitter 31. 50 coming over circuit 53 predominates, the tuning will be Although the direct transmission of a control inter- in one direction, while if the signal is such as to be ap- mediate frequency may be provided as described above plied primarily over circuit 54, the repeater will be tuned this system has the drawback that once the repeater has in the opposite direction. Thus, the tuning of the re- traveled out of the control area of the control station peater may be permanently accomplished so that should it will no longer function since no beating frequency will 55 the repeater leave the controlled area it will still re- be supplied. It may be, therefore, preferable to provide main in operation. means for tuning an oscillator in accordance with trans- In Fig. 1 the control station is shown with separate mitted signals so that the repeaters will continue to op- and independently controlled receiver and transmitter erate at the frequency at which they are last tuned even units. Accordingly, in this arrangement the adjustment after they have left the control range of the interceptor 60 of the control transmitter for remotely controlling the station. For this purpose a system such as shown in tuning of the receivers must depend upon manual ad- Fig. 3 may be used. The repeater station 40 may be justment of the control transmitter 9. If it is desired to similar to that illustrated in Fig. 2 with the receiver in- follow closely the tuning of the enemy transmitter, it termediate frequency amplifier delay circuit and retrans- may be difficult to adjust manually the control transmit- mitter. A control or tuning oscillator is provided at 41. 85 ter at a sufficiently high rate of speed. Accordingly, This oscillator 41 produces the beat frequency for con- at the control station an arrangement such as illustrated trol of the repeater in the manner described in connec- in Fig. 6 may be provided. In this system a broad band tion with Fig. 2. The oscillator, however, is tuned by receiver is shown at 60 which is preferably of sufficient means of a motor 42 driven in either of two directions range to cover the normal frequencies to be used by the by means of a reversing switch 43. Reversing switch 70 enemy. This broad band receiver may serve to produce 43 is operated in its two positions by means of balanced a control frequency dependent upon the frequency re- relays 44, 45 controlled by the signals from the control ceived and operate a control circuit 62 which may, for receiver 46. example, comprise a control circuit similar to that shown To facilitate the control of the modulator, the output in Fig. 3. This control circuit 62 will then operate con- of receiver 46 is coupled to two circuits 47 and 48. 75 trol transmitter 63 to tune it to the desired frequency for Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8 2,931,031 5 transmitting signals to therepeated apparatus. Trans- means comprises a system Gfor supplying energy differ- mitter 63 may be a high frequency carrier transmitter ing from said carrier frequency by said intermediate modulated by a controlling frequency which is adjusted frequency for application to said receiver and said mix- in accordance with the signals received in receiver 60. ing circuit, and said remote control transmission means Furthermore, if desired, control circuit 62 may be of 5 comprises a variable frequency source for transmitting some type which is adjusted in some other way by means energy to said tuning means. of the signals received at 60. 4. A system according to claim 1 wherein said re- While we have described the system throughout as peater comprises a heterodyne receiver, an intermediate an arrangement for adjusting the tuning of repeaters, it frequency system, a mixing circuit for raising said inter- is clear that other controls such as adjustment of the 10 mediate frequency to the carrier frequency and a trans- shaping of the repeated signal may be operated as well mitter for transmitting said signals, and said tuning means by the remote control system herein described. Also comprises a system for supplying energy differing from the control transmission period may be adjusted by re- said carrier frequency by said intermediate frequency mote means in the manner similar to that described for application to said receiver and said mixing cir- above. It is clear that any control which may be 15 cuit, and selective means for selecting a given character- manually operated at a repeater station may be remotely ized wave for adjusting said system to the desired fre- positioned by the system outlined in the present applica- quency, and said remote control transmission means com- tion. Furthermore, the system has been described prises means for transmitting radio frequency energy with throughout without reference to the number of pulses given characteristics to control said selective means. retransmitted. It is clear that, if desired, the system 20 5. A system according to claim 1 wherein said re- may be made to transmit a plurality of delayed impulses peater comprises a heterodyne receiver, an intermediate in the manner disclosed in the copending application frequency system, a mixing circuit for raising said inter- of Edmond M. Deloraine and Henri G. Busignies, Serial mediate frequency to the carrier frequency and a trans- No. 453,668 filed August 5, 1942, entitled "Radio Receiv- mitter for transmitting said signals, and. said tuning means ing and Transmitting System." 25 comprises a system for supplying energy differing from While we have described particular embodiments of said carrier frequency by said intermediate frequency our invention in order to fully explain the operation of for application to said receiver and said mixing circuit, the system, it should be distinctly understood that this and means continuously responsive to a control wave of description is given merely by way of illustration and is given characteristics for controlling said tuning means, not intended to limit the scope of the invention as de- 30 said remote control transmission means being provided fined in the appended claims. with a control circuit responsive to said pulses received What is claimed is: at said analyzing means for giving to said transmitted 1. Apparatus for simulating the reflection character- waves the desired controlling characteristics. n extensive on c ive o y with respect o an 6. A method of simulating the reflection characteris- . xni dnu ulses ' omi 1 d 35 tic of an extensive conductive body with respect to an carrier fre uenc which comprises repeater means re- arriving succession of pulses incoming at a predetermined rates c c y .,r r .re;v carrier frequency, by means of a repeater having tunable ing said succession of pulses and transmitting impulses transmitter and receiver parts thereof, said repeater means i 1 pone thereto, tuning means at said repeater means being remotely positioned from said conductive body, for coordinating the tuning of the transmitter and re- 40 comprising receiving and retransmitting said succession ceiver means of said repeater means, and tuning control of pulses at said repeater means, transmitting tuning con- means remotely positioned from said repeater means for trol signals from a point remotely positioned with respect adjusting said tuning means to said predetermined car- to said repeater, tuning the transmitter and receiver means rier frequency whereby the pulses retransmitted from said of said repeater to a predetermined frequency in response repeater means have characteristics corresponding to the 45 to said control signals, and adjusting said repeater tun pulses reflected from said extensive conductive body, ing in response to said signals to said predetermined thereby providing a simulation of the reflected pulses. carrier frequency, whereby the retransmitted pulses from 2. Apparatus according to claim 1, further compris- said repeater means have the same carrier frequency Char- ing a receiver means adjacent said control means for re- acteristics as the pulses reflected from said extensive con- ceiving the succession of pulses and determining the 50 ductive body. carrier frequency thereof, and means operatively asso- References Cited in the file of this patent ciating said receiver means and said control means. A system according to claim 1 wherein said re- UNITED STATES PATENTS 3 . peater comprises a heterodyne receiver, an intermediate frequency system, a mixing circuit for raising said in- 55 termediate frequency to the carrier frequency and a transmitter for transmitting said signals, and said tuning 2,014,518 Beverage --------------- Sept. 17, 1935 2,076,361 Beverage -_-__-__-_-_ Apr. 6, 1937 2,134,716 Gunn ----------------- Nov. 1, 1938 Approved For Release 2007/09/21: CIA-RDP81-0012OR000100050004-8