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Approve&For-Re lease. 2043/03/2$-: CFA-,f,ZQP$A 0.149, Qg0100080008-5 17 December 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT Designation of Directorate Archivists REFERENCE 1. calls upon each Deputy Director to appoint a Directorate Archivist. The success or failure of the Agency Archives Program will depend in large measure upon the enthusiasm and talents of the Directorate Archivists and therefore it is urged that appointments be made only after due consideration of all factors. This memorandum is intended to provide guidance for the selection of appropriate individuals to serve in this capacity. .2. The Directorate Archivist should be an officer in the GS-14/15 grade range. He should have served in the Agency for at least 15-20 years, and in the Directorate for at least 8-10 years. It would be helpful if he had an academic back- ground in history; it is essential that he have a strong interest in history. A thorough knowledge of the records created and/or maintained by Directorate components is also deemed important. It is not recommended, however, that you select an individual who concurrently functions as a Records Management Officer. (The Directorate Archivist, whose major concern is to ensure that records of enduring historical or other value are preserved for posterity, should be in a near t!adversary" relationship to the Records Management Officer, whose goal is the disposal of records once they are no longer needed for day-to-day operations.) STAT STAT STAT Approved Par, RREeas 2003/03h283~CIA-"- 6P'80~0'l` 9A600100080008-5 m- Th Approved Fbi lease 2do3Ib3P28 : CIA-RDP80T01497R 00100080008-5 3. The position of Directorate Archivist will not be a full-time job and can therefore be assigned to an officer as a collateral duty. It is impossible to accurately estimate the demands that the Archives Program will make upon him, but it is very unlikely that it will require more than one-quarter of his time. 4. The duties of the Directorate Archivist will in- clude the following: a. In concert with the Agency Archivist, the Chief, Agency Archives, and the other Directorate Archivists, draft, coordinate, and promulgate guidelines on procedures, appraisal criteria, weeding and sampling techniques, and other matters germane to the Archives Program. b. In close collaboration with Direc- torate and component Records Management Officers, determine which record series should be "per- manent," and review and approve all Directorate and component Records Control Schedules prior to their submission to the Agency Archivist for final approval. c. Oversee implementation within the Directorate of all aspects of the Archives Program, with particular emphasis on methods to identify and program for transfer to the Agency Archives documents or file units which, though of historical importance, are included in nonpermanent records series. d. Review all Archives Transmittal Requests from Directorate components to ensure their completeness, the accuracy of the descriptions of records being transmitted, and that the records are from categories determined to be of enduring value. e. Ensure by means of spot checks that materials being transferred to the Agency Archives, either directly or via intermediate storage in the Records Center, are in good physical condition, recommending rehabilitation of records when necessary. 80008-5 Approved For R Iease_-2GD31fl3128 VA--RDP80,T61 97 O04 Approve4 sg ""?P. P.310 1 8 I A- --090100080008-5 f. Select samples (e.g., representative case files) from those records series for which, though of historical value, a deter- mination has been made (and approved by the National Archives) that it is impractical to retain all of the records indefinitely. g. Approve, with the concurrence of the originating components whose records are affected, applications by Agency researchers for access to specified records or categories of records originated by the Directorate and deposited with the Agency Archives. 1 February 1974. Agency Archivist National Archives and the Agency Archives will be arranged. Four places have been reserved for the next running of a two-week course jointly sponsored by the National Archives and American University, "Intrszduct_ion__to_.:Modern._Arch_ives A&min.i.str.ation." This course will be conducted at the National Archives Bulding,"'22 April-3 May 1974, and the newly designated Directorate Archivists will be expected to atfend.. The charges for the course will be $200 per student. h. Approve, with the concurrence of the originating components or their successor organizations, proposals from the Agency Archivist that, following declassification, meaningful subgroups of Directorate-originated records be offered to the National Archives for accessioning. 5. A limited amount of training and orientation will be required before the Directorate Archivists will be equipped to function in that capacity. Background reading materials, consisting in the main of publications and reprints from the National Archives, will be made available, and tours of the 6. Upon the appointment of Directorate Archivists, this office should be promptly notified. It would be appre- ciated if all Directorate Archivists could be appointed by STAT ~~777Y) 7. 11 ApproW~ed for ReJea e.. 0 ~fk31 An~Dt O ZJ 000100080008-5 Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80TO1497R000100080008-5 TO: Pa FROM: Gene SUBJECT: Directorate Archivist DATE: 21 Jan 74 STAT 1. Attached memo from requests that we name a Directorate Arc ivist. The functions of the position are spelled out in the memo, but we think they are also overstated. It is part-time (at best 10-20 percent of the designated person's time). 25X1 2. One option would be to ame n =IF who is on this Staff. ~]is fully qua ied by education and interests. He could do the job very well from this location. Unless we committed a slot to it, however, I suspect the job would suffer from lack of continuity if we stay with the concept of rotation of staff. OFFICE OF Tk - DD/I 3. There might be some advantage therefore in institutionalizing the responsibility of Directorate Archivist. One such option would STAT STAT be to assign it to CRS, and include the response i i y in job description of that position. (The incumbent is STAT 4. I recommend that the responsibility be assigned to F__ 1 CRS. STAT D/CRS concurs. you approve, I wi notify STAT of the selection of as n .e hence Directorate Archivist. bl, STAT Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80TO1497R000100080008-5