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Approved For Release 2T 1 C DP80T0 703AO004.00090001-9 -N.o-vember-1976, 53-7402-0019 6-N-069 ... Technical Proposal PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETER SUPPORT SERVICES ''FOR 4S O 1 6 Fr G & 0 ,F Imagery Analysis NATIONAL. SECURITY INFORMATION UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE SUBJECT 25X1 CLASSIFIED BY II EXEMPT FROM GENERAL DECLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE OF E.O. 11652, EXEMPTION CATEGORY: 158(1), (i), (3) or (4) (circle one or more) AUTOMATICALLY DECLASSIFIED ON: m possible to Determine unless impossible. insert date or avant WRING NOTICE SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED 25X1 25X1 Copy No. W of 8 Copies TOP SECRETI Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : IA-RDP80T00703AO004000900 25X:1...-.,.,, 25X1 Approved For Release ?,.],Q~i01 R1-~IIP80'1 0703AO00400090001-9 FOREWORD is pleased to submit this unsolicited proposal for providing Photographic Interpreter services dfF1a~ o moo the^lmagery Analysis ? &v- at the National Photographic 25X1 25X1 25X1 Interpretation Center. For over eighteen years personnel have been performing detailed photographic interpretation in support of our own, as well as customer requirements. This interpretation has been performed on all of the conventional photo- graphic system images as well as on the more esoteric SLAR, IR, other radar and other unconventional sensor images. Special atten- tion has been paid to analysis of imagery by a number 25X1 of our interpreters. As can be seen.from a review of their resumes, included at the end of this proposal, many of our interpreters received their training in the formal military P.I. schools and thus their background and capabilities should be similar to those of your own interpreters. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 20b6/03/31 : CIA-RDP 0TOO703AO0040009000 A 25X1 2X1 Approved For Release 2.QQ P W Rc1t=703A000400090001-9 D TABLE OF CONTENTS Title 1. INTRODUCTION ................................. 1. 1.1 Background ................................... 1 2. TECHNICAL APPROACH ........................... 3 3. STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS ................. A. COMPANY BACKGROUND 6 B. ORGANIZATION ............................ 7 C. FACILITIES, CAPABILITIES & EQUIPMENT .... 12 D. EXPERIENCE 19 D-1 Summaries of Work of General Interest ... 20 D-2 Classified Space-Related - Capabil ..................... 28 E. PERSONNEL ............................... 51 TOP SECRET 25X1 01 Approved For Release 20 103131 : CIA-RDIP80TOO703AO004000900 U Approved For Release Q610`tt&-703A000400090001-9 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background n A 1W2AAA1 AI I as been involved in the design, evaluation and reduction of conventional and ,unconventional photogrammetric systems for almost twenty years. Fre's been involved in the reduction, analysis, and interpretation of satellite imagery from the.beginning of the space program. Much effort has been expended determining the exploitation potential of such unconventional image Currently as a professional 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 staff of individuals with expertise in various aspects of reconnaissance system data reduction and exploitation. Of this group nearly ten are experienced Photo Interpreters. Other personnel in- clude senior and junior level Photogrammetrists, Mathematicians, Computer Programmers and Instrumentation Engineers as well. as the necessary support staff. Almost all of the staff have at least a TOP SECRET clearance with access to SI/TK material. Where required, special level clearances are possessed for work on the latest programs. The facility itself has a work and storage area dedicated to SI/TK material exploitation. The photographic interpretation work which has been performed by this group of individuals is summarized by the varying job descriptions included in this proposal. They run from an analysis of chemical, biological and conventional warfare Approved For Release 20 TOP SECRET 25X1 L7 25X1 5X1 WP stc storage areas' prepared for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency to detailed preparation of Object Recognition Guides.2 A number of our contracts dealt with training of customer personnel in the use of new sensor imagery. In the latest photo interpreter contract image interpretation group, personnel, augmenting an interagency completed a two year study investigating the feasibility of orbital unconventional imaging systems. We were responsible for the training of government personnel in equipment recognition and thermal characteristics of a variety of high current intelligence interest targets. 'Aerial Imagery Analysis in Support of FS-32 Ins ection of the Storage pages witn p o os, his is one example UL a- of contracts and tasks for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. 2A multi-year contract to provide Object Recognition Guides for the Special Activities Branch, Operations Division, IEG, NPIC. The guides have included artists renderings, drawn to uniform scales, of Soviet and Chinese AOB, GOB and NOB with detail shown as it would be seen on photography. Other guides have been prepared as well for use roughout the intelligence community. TOP SECRE Approved For Release 20 1A-RnP OTOO703AO004000900 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release fb /c ft 0703AO00400090001-9 25X1 25X1 proposes a time and materials sonnel can be supplied to carry out the work. written not to exceed this amount. Then, as tasks are defined, (T&M) type contract to as being the most suitable for their needs. A given funding level may be designated by =, and a contract provide detailed photographic interpretation of any type desired by the customer. As is common in this field, some interpreters have more experience with certain sensor images, geographic regions, and target specialties than others. The specific experience of each interpreter can be found in the individual's resume presented at the end of this proposal. personnel are available to Photographic Interpreters, as detailed at the end of this proposal, could be made available as their commitment to other jobs permits. Specific, long term commitments for specific individuals can be agreed to during contract negotiations. In order for you to be able to estimate the cost of a particular level of effort, the follow- .ing forward pricing rates are given below. These should only be used for budgetary purposes; final rates will be agreed to during contract negotations .,_ ewevdr, barring any unforeseen del?ty in the-start f- f camJ , thSnegat-iated-r_at"hou~d be _c Jose to-those 25X1 Category Principal Scientist Senior Scientist Scientist Senior Technical Specialist Associate Scientist Technical Specialist Senior Technical Clerk TOP SECRETI no Approved For Release 20 40343A - - 703A000400090001- Approved For Release 0?R&7 703A000400090001-9 ruW `7 The cost of a particular individual may be determined by comparing his labor category, as determined from his resume, with the above rates. 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET 5x1 Approved For Release 2 06/03/31 : CIA-Rd OT00703A00040009000 - .r 25X1 Approved For Release~0 IOq~J R DF'80 101}703AO00400090001-9 3. STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS Of particular interest for this proposal are the summaries of classified Photographic Interpreter related jobs beginning on page 28 and the detailed personnel resumes'begi.nning on page 51. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 200 /03/31 : CIA-RDP80 00703A000400090001 J Apprjved For)Releasi,2006/13/31 CA-RDPi0T007(3A000100900*1-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 offering research and development services in the then new and exotic field of remote sensing. In 1962, the firm became part of it is fully integrated with) with headquarters and main I now offers a full range of services in four related technical areas: photogrammetric mapping, remote sensor image anaLysis, map-based information systems and engineering of photo- 25X1 grammetric instruments. 25X1 N 25XT 25X1 25X1 25X1 a diversified, multi-national company of 17 divisions with major sub- .sidiaries in 14 nations, annually supplies $2 billion worth of high-technology products and services to: industry, government and consumer markets. The range of products runs from electronic components and systems to educational materials, and includes heavy construc- tion equipment; major appliances; air defense missiles and missile guidance systems; specialized computers and software; and services for engineering, construction, and geophysical exploration. In a half century of growth from a small electrical manufacturing firm to the diversified 25X1 company it is today, integrity, and service. has developed an international reputation for quality, 25X1 shares fully in this reputation in its sphere of activity, providing a single source of superior mapping and remote sensing products and services. was founded independently in 1957 as the Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 laboratories ii j Apprjred FoiiReleasj 20061c13/31 c A-RDPj0T007{J3A000,}00900j1-9 B. ORGANIZATION staff of approximately seventy-five is made up of scientists, engineers, ad- ministrators and highly-skilled technicians drawn from the primary disciplines necessary to the successful pursuit of all areas of our business. As shown in Figure 1, this staff is organized on functional lines. The Mapping Operations Department is staffed and equipped to undertake all facets of photogrammetric mapping, and also to support other groups with mensuration and cartographic services as required. The Resource Information Systems Department is respon- sible for development of map-based information management systems, manual as well as digital, and for programs involving analysis of natural and cultural resources through interpretation of remote sensor imagery. The focus of the is the development of advanced exploitation techniques and applications for airborne and satellite remote sensing. In addition, draws upon the engineering, computational, manufacturing, and managerial resources of the Equipment Division and other elements of to meet unusual technical requirements as they arise. The relationship of the Operation to Equipment Division is shown in Figure 2, the entire Company in Fig5X1 3, and the lin Figure 4. Through years of national and international experience, as also devel- oped a network of professional and academic associations in the disciplines which immediately support or utilize our technology, such as ground survey, aerial photography, remote sensor data collection, geology and geomorphology, and digital equipment manufacture, to name a few. When programs require it, we also provide goods and services drawn from such disciplines on the basis of rigorously specified subcontracts with firms and individuals of proven capability. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 I Approved Forkeleasd2006/01/31 Cl RDP8tTO07OlA000410090OC11-9 C. FACILITIES, CAPABILITIES & EQUIPMENT 25X1 25X1 -i I cork is carried out in several laboratories equipped to meet the requirements of 0 one or more of its business areas. Central among these is the 3600 square foot photogrammetric mapping laboratory, where-photo mensuration, analytical triangulation and map compilation tasks cn M are performed. This laboratory is the most completely equipped and versatile in New England. The MM major items of its equipment, and the functions in which they are used, are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Note that while boasts state-of-the-art capability for automated editing and plotting of digital maps, cartography, in most projects, remains a demanding manual process, dependent upon the precision scribing and inking skills of individual craftsmen. This 25X1 work is also carried out in the mapping laboratory. 25X1 25X1 25X1 iso maintains in its Mapping Operations Department an extensive and fully equipped photographic laboratory which supports our photogrammetric mapping programs and 'ovides reproduction services as required by projects in other business areas. This 20-room boratory, covering 4800 square feet of floor space, is environmentally-controlled for tempera re, humidity and dust. Its equipment, and the functions it serves, are outlined in Table 3. Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Appro`ted Forl'eleasd2006/01/31 Ct RDP$tT0070#A0004J00900Cp1-9 FUNCTION ANALYTICAL TRIANGULATION . Camera Calibration TABLE I - PHOTOGRAMMETRIC MAPPING LABORATORY EQU I. PNENT COMPARATOR - A precision point measurement device capable of measurement to a least reading of one micrometer. IBM KEYPUNCH - Peripheral recording device for measurement data. Camera Station CAMERA STATION GENERATOR/PROGRAM/IBM-370-` - Program to generate Parameter Generation camera station and attitude data. . Point and Transfer II PUG - A stereoscopic instrument for the location, transfer, Measurement and drilling of pass points on diapositives. IC OMPARATOR SEMI-AUTOMATED COMPARATOR - A semi-automatic point measurement device which uses an air-bearing sub-system and is capable of measurement to a least reading of one micrometer. IBM KEYPUNCH Triangulation Analysis PREPROCESSOR PROGRAM/IBM-370* Program for initial corrections of lens aberrations, film deformations and atmospheric refraction. Stereocompiler and Plotter 'Set-up' Programming . Control Manuscript Plotting L_J PROGRAM/CDC-6700- - Rigorous least squares adjustment program for the analytical triangulation of blocks of frame photography. A-10 and K-320 PLOTTER PROGRAMS/IBM-360 and CDC-6700` - Programs for. deriving instrument settings from triangulation data. 632 PLOTTER - A 48" x 60" flat-bed plotter, equipped with a model 111-12 tape drive and a photo plotting head. COORDINATOGRAPH - A 42" x 48" manual plotter with a precision o 0.001 inch. Equipment Division Central Processing Units -13- Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 __4 I 0 Cn I Approved For I2eleasd2006/01/31: CIi,-R DP IT00701A0004J00900C$-9 FUNCTION STEREOCOMP I LAT ION Line-and-Symbol Mapping (Planimetry & Topography) Ortnophoto Mapping (Planimetry only) Digital Mapping (Planimetry & Topography) TABLE 2 PHOTOCRAMLNETRIC MAPPINt: LABORATORY EQUIPMENT IA-10 (2) - "First order" stereo-plotters which accept normal, wide, and super-wide angle photography and are capable of 12X magnification from the diapositive. II PP3 - "Second order" 3-projector stereo-plotter capable of 5.3X magnification from the diapositive. instrument (2nd order) capable of printing a full double model at 3.8-5.8X magnification from the diapositive; either directly on film or through a digital record on paper tape which can be incrementally edited prior to printing. S.F.O.M. MODEL 9300 - A two-projector orthophoto compilation instrument (2nd order) capable of printing a single stereo- model at 3.7-4.3X magnification from the diapositive directly on film. K-320 - A three-projector orthophoto compilation RSS 400 CLARK II and MAC TAPE UNIT - Digital data interfaced with Wild A-10. PROCESSING PROGRAMS/IB;I-370-'r - Program for initial tape format edit, 'cartographic' correction and final grid adjustment and transformation. A-l0 STEREO-PLOTTER I CV II-III (10) - Interactive graphic terminals capable QI: isp aying, editing and check-plotting digital map records on magnetic tape. PLOTTER - High speed flat-bed plotter with magnetic Equipment Division Central Processing Units Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 II 1 Appr ved FoiReleast 2006/03131 : C} A-RDPi0T007(M3A000,V00900I1-9 TA93LE 3 - PHOTOGRAPHIC IMORATORY FUMT100 EQUIPMENT 25X1 25X1 25X1 39K1 25X1 n Aerial Roll Film Pro- cessing Duplicating, Contact Printing. Film Inspection Frame Film Enlargement and Reduction 0 ?ROCESSOR - Semi-automatic aerial film processor. STRIP PRINTER - Aerial film continuous strip DENSITOMETER - Automatic film density recorder. SENSITOMETER - Instrument for exposing precise sensitometeric step wedges on film. II ENLARGER - Aerial film photographic enlarger. UE12 ENLARGER - Aerial film photographic enlarger with 12X magnification range and tilting 60' easel. Diapositive Printing 'IARK IV PRINTER - Variable exposure automatic dodging contact printer with automatic step-repeat capability. Map, Index, and Photomosaic Copying, toot front easel and 5 foot back easel. Enlargement and Reduction Large Sheet Processing . Diazo Printing COPY CAMERA - Precision engineering copy camera with VACUUM FRAMES - 60" x 72" contact printer. 42" PROCESSOR - A semi-automatic processor which accepts inputs up to 42" in width and processes individual items "dry-to-dry" in 75 seconds, and replenishes processing chemicals automatically. 14J42" PROCESSOR - A semi-automatic film and paper processor whic accepts inputs up to 42" in width. SL%IPLEX DRYER - 60" variable temperature print dryer. II PRINT MASTER - 60" diazo reproduction printer. Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 I Apprc'ed FbrlReleasj2006/0l/31 : CV,-RDPDT0070jA0004g009001-9 In support of its programs in remote sensing research, imagery exploitation, and map-based 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 201 25X1. information system design and development, the facilities in both ontain appropriately equipped imagery and data exploitation laboratories. Their equip- ment includes stereo- and monoscopic imagery viewers, layout tables, and secure storage vaults and files. These laboratories are arranged to accommodate multiple projects and provide appropriate spaces for interpretation and evaluation tasks; experimentation; and production tasks such as 25X1 plotting, indexing, mosaicking and screening. note. First, th is equippe d with ten ICVII and III interactive computer-graphic terminals, a computer and peripherals, and a high-speed, tape-driven plotter. It is one of the largest facilities of its type in the country. Created to automate large portions of the Equipment Division's internal drafting and product documentation operations, this facility also provides with both capability and large capacity for map digitizing, map-based digital data editing, graphic data management and plotting. Secondly, and in addition to the dedicated computers of thel the computational capacity of Equipment Divisions' central data processing units, an IBM-370/60 and a CDC-6700, is fully available to the To exploit these facilities, has developed an extensive library of special-purpose software to support its mapping and information systems programs. This library includes the Program which provides capacity for simultaneous adjustment of large blocks of aerotriangulation data; and the REDMAP software system, a collection of approxi- mately 80 sub-routine modules which can be combined variously. in some 35 software routines to provide comprehensive capability to compile, validate, store-and-retrieve, synthesize and analyze map-based digital data bases. Finally, the as a fully integrated element of the makes extensive use of facilities provided by. the Equipment Division, two of which are worthy of 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 I Apprjied ForlReleasi 2006/W/31 CIA- RDP 0T007( iA000,V00900g1-9 A All Equipment Division facilities engaged in government work have either SECRET or TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 clearances. Specifically, facility has a TOP SECRET clearance granted by DCASR, Boston, on 3 August 1966; and the facilitya TOP SECRET clearance granted by DCASR, Philadelphia. Our cognizant security office is presently the Defense Contracts Adminis- tration Services Region, 666 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts. 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Approved FcI Relea 20061t3131 : IA-RDF 0TO07i, 3AO00110009OM1-9 has been organized, staffed and equipped to dffer the widest possible range of remote sensing services -- in mapping, information systems, image analysis and instrumentation,engineering -- with the highest levels of of J.,1iency and economy consistent with technical excellence. 25X1 25XT Approved For Release 2006/03/31 CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 Gl Approved Fol Release 2006/13/31 Q]IA-RDPBOT007113A00040009001)1-9 D. EXPERIENCE The following pages contain selected contracts awarded tol Section D-l --1 T ?RI includes general functional areas, contract names, customers, and work synopses. Section D-2 presents more detailed summaries of contracts having particular relevance to this submittal. Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 P Approved For Release 20t6/03/31L: CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-91 SECTION D-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 ] Appri red Forreleasg2006/4/31 W-RDP 0T007CfA0004#0090 1-9 -11 GENERAL This Appendix is presented to IAS in order to indicate the range of special security work and other contract efforts which are directly applicable to the proposed IAS support contract. 'These programs/studies primarily have been performed in connection with the National Reconnaissance Program (NRP) and, as such, relate to strategic high altitude (satellite and n aircraft) operational and R&D reconnaissance programs. PROGRAMS over the past 15 years, has performed supporting RDT&E in the exploita- tion area with the various image-forming systems. This research has included both photogrammetric and photointerpretation areas and has been performed primarily for the National Photographic Interpretation Center and the U.S. Army. Some indication of the work conducted through 1973 is shown in Table 4. 25X1 More recently has been working under contracts for the Navy Space Projects Office (PM-16, now PME-10 and Naval Intelligence Support Center (NISC) in the exploita- tion of current and future KH systems from both an interpretation and photogrammetric standpoint. Additional contracts have been performed for other aerospace companies. Feedbacks have resulted, related to Naval collection system needs for ocean surveillance as well as the actual design and imol,ementation of data handlin systems. Current involvement includes a Photogrammetric/Mensuration Other similar special access evaluations and systems work is being, or expected to be, conducted in the radar, E-O, and infrared imagery exploitation areas. In addition to DOD and Intelligence Community, separate studies have been performed for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency where acted as expert consultants in the reconnaissance area for both SALT and MBFR potential applications. nh rn -i Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 if I I y Approved For Release 006/03731 : CI-RDP8CT0070,0004(09000-9 25X1 25X1 --- ~~ il.Lr:,.l.Ly iiassizlea worK has been under the direction of I ith current contracts being performed by its Special Projects Office in In addition to image-forming reconnaissance, SI and special access work has been performed byl 'n the Satellite Ocean Surveillance System (SOSS) area with (Project 749 - related systems definition study) and in the SIGINT, ELINT and e latter has primarily been accomplished b and Equipment Division. Some of the particular programs of specific interest in are described again in further detail on the following pages. the photograph~SX~nterpretation area Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Approved ForjReleasl2006/03131: CIA-RDPgOT007(tAO00 OO900T1-9 I F-7 This work entailed the study of the technical parameters and simulated outputs of an advanced reconnaissance system for meeting ocean surveillance requirements. The work involved a treatment of both mensuration/photo- grammetric and interpretation factors as they theoretically and empirically relate to system performance. 25X1 -34- Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80TOO703AO00400090001-9 Appkved Fc Relea a 2006103131 !IA-R DX0T00A3A000!0009J01-9 Title: Imagery Analysis Group (IAG) Support. Job No.: 53-0195-0001-8; 53-AA35-2500; 53-AA25-2400; 53-AA24-8700; 53-0196-0001. Objectives: To provide professional RDT&E image interpretation, sensor- grammetric, system analysis, programming, automatic data processing analysis, and collateral/ground truth services in connection with advanced national unconventional reconnaissance systems. Approach: A unique government-industry team was established to ensure integration of image exploitation expertise (interpreters, photogrammetrists, intelligence analysts) with front end vehicle/sensor system engineer and scientist personnel. A Requirements Group and the IAG directed the RDT&E which was conducted to establish the utility (statistically through empirical testing) of advanced sensor systems to meet national needs. Digital image processing and other softcopy techniques were also evaluated vs. conventional hardcopy (film) interpretation procedures. Results: Reports published by the NRO and briefings presented to the USIB. The approach taken, work conducted, and published data has been regarded as precedent-breaking. -35- Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 App 11 roved For Release 20061/31 : c A-RDP' OTOO7(IT3A000 0090011-9 Title: Information Content of Certain Reconnaissance Satellite Imagery. Objectives: The purpose of the program was to determine the environ- mental data content of the imagery of the KH-5 and KR-4 satellite systems. The program's interpretation and mensuration efforts involved a sampling of the spectrum of natural and man-made phenomena and detail. The general areas of interest included: Geology Land Use Snow and Ice Cover 25X1 Clouds Urban Features 25X1 Approach: In order to determine the value of satellite photography and its possible application to the disciplines of geology, and resources exploration, an initi?l review of all perti- nent geologic and geomorphologic criteria was conducted. Those essential elements that were considered to be inter- pretable from satellite photography were isolated. The terrain elements were then compiled into target lists to serve as interpretation guides. Imagery was selected and interpreted. These interpretations were then compared with collateral data for accuracy and data content. Results: The study indicated the satellite imagery contained much useful data although an exact measurement of the accuracy and completeness of the study results could not be ascer- tained without further research. It was recommended that additional research be carried out in order to determine the system`s utility to produce an accurate and complete product. Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80TOO703A000400090001-9 Apprved Fol Release 2006/13/31 : ~IA-RDPI0T0073A00000090tl1-9 Title: An Optimum Cartographic Collection System Job No.: 126-18 Objectives: To determine the parameters of an optimum cartographic collection system operating in a satellite orbiting the earth and capable of acquiring photography suit- able for topographic mapping and point location. Approach: The requirements, both in content and in accuracy, for topographic maps. at large and medium scales (1:50,000 and 1:250,000) meeting military needs, and the require- ments for point location, were first established. The parameters of cartographic collection systems were then developed. The functional relationships between these parameters and the accuracy, content, and ground coverage of a cartographic collection was developed and presented both in the form of equations and in graphical form (using the graphs, trade-offs between the various parameters can be determined). The para- meters of a number of existing and-proposed systems were evaluated with respect to their ability to meet the requirements of content and accuracy for large and medium scale mapping and for point location. The costs--including development, equipment, booster, launch and recovery, data reduction, and map .production--of each of the existing and proposed systems were considered. Results: An.optimum cartographic collection system was selected. -37- Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 Approved FoliReleas! 200643/31 : GJA-RDP$0T007#3A000J}0090c41-9 T? The Evaluation of the Hipernas IIB Inertial Navigation System, The evaluation of a Mapping Satellite for Controlling a Rapid Combat Mapping System USQ-28, and Rectification of Side-Looking Radar by means of High Altitude Photography. - Objectives: To determine the quality of a map compilation for a specified block of terrain in which little or no previous ground control is available. Approach: In the first study errors were generated in a sample 25X1 ground control network with the aid of a simulation model made for the Hipernas IIB inertial navigation system. These errors were then used to perturb a real set of control points associated with real photography. An orthophoto produced in this manner with the use of the B8-Stereomat was then compared with the un- 25X1 perturbed orthophoto to determine and quantitatively analyze the magnitude of the errors introduced by the inertial navigation system. In the second study, per- taining to the geodetic mapping satellite, a sfmilar approach was used insofar as an.orthophotograph was the final product of this phase. However, in this situation, the errors were propagated indirectly from a physical model consisting of a pair of overlapping satellite photographs to the ground control through the intermediate media of conventional-altitude photog- raphy. In the final study the high altitude photograph, or a small sector thereof, was enlarged to the scale of the photographic presentation of the.side-looking radar. The SLR was oriented. in.the plane of the horizon and rectified by comparison with the high altitude enlargement by a manual process which seeks to match detail, one small area at a time. Finally, a best visual match was made between the two film transparencies, the SLR copy superimposed on the enlarged KH-5 photography. Results: The studies indicated that the qualify of map compila- tion could be improved by the use of inertial navi- gation equipment and/or satellite altitude photography. -38- Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Approved For'elease 2006/0!/31: C RDP8'OT0070!A0004t 00900(A-9 Title: Evaluation of Experimental Strategic Military Geographic Intelligence from Short Focal Length Satellite Imagery Job No.: 126-25 Objectives: 1) The construction of a mosaic covering the Continent of Africa; 2) The derivation and compilation, through photo- interpretation, of basic geoscience data covering the continent; 3) The synthesis and compilation of military geo- graphic intelligence overlays from the basic geoscience data. Approach: This program was conducted without the aid of collateral materials. The area studied was divided into 12 sections, each covered by a mosaic sheet and 8 overlays. The mosaic sheets were produced from six missions and the imagery was selected in such a manner as to minimize cloud cover. The mosaic was constructed at a scale of 1:4,000,000 and then reduced, for presentation purposes, to 1:2,000,000. The geoscience overlays were compiled through stereo- scopic interpretation of the enlarged satellite frames. The military geographic intelligence overlays were then synthesized from the data compiled above. Results: It was concluded in this study that geoscience and military geographic intelligence could be derived from satellite imagery and it was recommended that other systems be used to obtain preliminary data for military and civil engineering. Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 Appro ed For Release 200610/31 : C A-RD PSOT0070 A0004AO0900C!1-9 Title: Studies of Photo Interpreter Performance as a Function of Resolution, Stereo, and Color Job No.: 165, 2241 Objectives: To determine the relationships between interpreter per- formance and photographic ground resolution. Approach: Human factors studies were performed to determine the resolution performance relationships.. I lassisted in the ground truth data collection phases ot t e studies. administered the tests to NPIC photointerpreters, assiste on the test design and analysis and served as overall coordinator between the other contributing con- tractors and NPIC personnel. Results: Two studies were published: The Analysis of Missile Sites as a Function of Photographic Ground Resolution (S) and The Measurement of Photographic Images by Human Operators (U). , In the missile study a specific range of ground resolution was determined as providing the answers to the Essential Elements of Information that were asked of the subjects. A missile key was also published on the sites used in the study. In the measurement study, errors were demonstrated by sub- ject and total subjects for different geometric shapes as a function of edge spread and contrast. 25X1 rn Approved For Release 2006103131: CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 - l Approved Fo ?Release 2006/0 /31 : CIA-RDP80TOO70A0004 0090001-9 Title: Use of Satellite Photography for Military-and Civil Engineering Job No.: 1215 objectives: The objective of this program was to ascertain the amounts and type of civil and military engineering data, required for major works, that can be extracted from satellite imagery. Approach:. The first phase of the program required the systematic interpretation of satellite imagery covering a broad distribution of geographic, climatic and physiographic regions. The second phase required the construction of a semi- controlled mosaic of a 10,000 square mile area in Indiana. From the mosaic and imagery interpretation an effort was made to acquire reliable engineering. design information. These data wei used to select alternate military highway routes between two points and five "hasty" airfields. The third phase required the interpretation and men- suration of engineering data along a major proposed highway route. This data was then evaluated and compared with engineering data prepared for develop- ment of the route. Results: The data acquired during the course of the program was then applied to the formation of an organization that will make pragmatic everyday use of satellite photography for preliminary engineering design purposes in support of field army requirements. -+1 n0 rn n LV, Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 3W Approved For Release 2006/01/31 CIA-RDP8 AT007JA0004{b09000A-9 Title: Human Factors Support Services Job No.. 3261 Objectives: To provide services to 1to accomplish three specific tasks; o o Interpreter Performance Mission, Stereo Evaluation and Factors Study, and The Relative Accuracy of Mensuration. Approach: ILeSL ersonnel were responsible for gathering the stimulus material (satellite photography, KH-4, I I annotating and locating the targets, training and administering the tests. There were over a thousand targets analyzed for use on the tests. All the work was accomplished.. Results: I1 provided inputs to all the final reports. 1 :1 pu is ed two Task Analysis reports on the flow of e e file and data handling of the imagery by the photointerpreters to produce the OAK, OAK supplement and detailed reports and mensuration film handling procedures of the Photogrammetric Branch within NPIC. Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 ,1 Approvd For Felease 1006103#31 : CI4RDP8{T00703I,00040,090001-9 Title: Feasibility Study of Engineering Planning Support for STRICOM Job No.: 1265 Objectives: The purpose of this program was to establish standard procedures for determining routes of communication and movement with satellite imagery for the STRIKE Command. Approach: The-study required the construction of a mosaic at a scale of 1:1,000,000 and a series of 1:250,000 scale mosaics to cover the terrain between Khartoum and Port Sudan. A series of geoscience overlays was prepared and the best routes were chosen. These 2 routes were then studied in detail and a series of 5X1 military geographic overlays was prepared, In addition, a study of rail, port and airfield facilities was made. Plans were constructed showing what im- provements would be required in the event the area became an area of operation. Results: The program resulted in a series of mosaics and overlays depicting the geology, vegetation, cultural features and landforms of Sudan. These overlays were accompanied by overlays showing the suitability for cross-country movement and the construction of roads and railroads. A text detailed the work effort required to operate in the theatre and the design changes needed at all airfields. Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80TOO703AO00400090001-9 1 Approved FoiReleas 2006/{13/31: CIA- RDP10T007I3A000411009001I1-9 Title: Imagery Experimentation Support Job No.: 2272, 2319 Objectives: To determine the intelligence value of satellite imagery (both line-scan and photographic) for military targets, from the relationship of interpreter performance, target ground resolution, and intelligence analyst estimates. Approach: The techniques used were the same as in 165 and 2241. Results: Published Study, The Analysis of Radar Sites as a Function of Photographic Ground Resolution (S). This study was similar to the missile study in that ground resolutions for the requirements were demonstrated. The latter job 2319, is currently in process with the analysis of Ground Order of Battle Targets as a function of photo- graphic ground resolution and various line-scan parameters. 25X1 -45- Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 11 1 l AppJoved Fir Releae 20063/31 : Terrain Study Prototype IA-RQP80T00P03A000?00090001-9 Job No.: 1278 Objectives: The principle objective of this program was to develop a prototype terrain study. The program was designed to illustrate, through an operational test, the effective- ness of using a combination of satellite imagery and collateral materials for the solution of regional military problems concerning terrain studies. The study was addressed specifically to problems concerning military geographic intelligence and irregular force operations. Approach: The program was conducted in three tasks: (1) The first task required the construction of a mosaic using KH-4 panoramic imagery. A series of geoscience overlays was then compiled covering the mosaic, through the stereoscopic interpretation of the satellite panoramic imagery. Upon completion of the basic overlays the data was synthesized into five military geographic overlays. (2) The second task required the production of basic geoscience overlays at an enlarged scale of 1:50,000. (3) The third task encompassed the checking of data developed in Tasks I and II using collateral materials in the form of National Intelligence Survey reports. Results: The conclusions of the study were: (1) The KH-4 panoramic photography affords wide areal coverage and contains adequate ground reso- lution characteristics so as to allow an inter- preter to extract a sufficient level of continuous terrain detail to meet the requirements of the DIA Guide to the Production of Terrain Studies. (2) KH-4 panoramic imagery can be enlarged to a scale of 1:50,000. At this scale sufficient ground resolution is maintained to allow stereoscopic interpretation of a geoscience "data base", from which military geographic intelligence overlays for guerrilla operations can be produced. Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RD P80T00703A000400090001-9 Approved For i Release 2006/03/31 :. CIA-RDP80TO07 A0004 0090001-9 (3) It was shown that KH-4 panoramic photography can be enlarged approximately 8X:to a scale of 1:20,000. At this scale considerable ground resolution is lost, however, the imagery can be used to formulate preliminary or contingency defense plans in conjunction with previously compiled, smaller scale, military geographic intelligence. Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Approved Fortelease 2006/03131: CIt-R DP8'OTO070IA00041009000!-9 Title: FT-15 - A Comparative Analysis of Photographic Quality Job No.: 2319-1 Objectives: To provide a valid and precise expression of the amount of information available in satellite and aircraft imagery. To compare the information available in each type of imagery and provide an indication of the amount of Arms Control information which can be expected from large and small scale presentations. Hpproacn: To satisfy these objectives, quali tative and quantitative analysis of KH-4a a and aircra- ft- imagery. This analysis c i d ons ste of: 1. Image interpretation 2. Modulation Transfer Functions 3. Granularity Measurements 4. Density Measurements The small scale KH-4 and aircraft imagery were not comparable. Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 Ipprovet For Release 2906/03/31 : CIA 2DP80 00703)f0040O }90001-9 Title: Data Analysis and Interpretation Job No.: 3229-1/1301-1 Objectives: Thi s "rr''"aca; The program required pret satellite two photo-geologists to inter- sites over Potential nuclear test sites in the Soviet Union. The two geologists interpreted the imagery and corrected the collateral data where discrepancies were detected. The program disciplines were geolo A gY, soils, yege_ Cation and landforms, revised over the two-yearterm of theacontractere -49- Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 project was a service program for the ARPA Terrain Atlas for Nuclear Test Detection Program. E App oved Fo I's - Release 2006/ 3131 : IA-RDP OT007~3A00040090011-9 Title: Data Analysis and Interpretation Job No.: 3329-2/1301-2 Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine the quantitative aspects and the physical configuration of geologic formations through the use of satellite imagery with a projection stereoplotter. In addition, the task was designed to determine the ability of a stereoplotter to fulfill the requirements of a geo- logic study and to determine the ability of a geol- ogist, untrained in the operation of a stereoplotter, to operate a stereoplotter and produce an accurate geologic interpretation. Approach: The initial phases of the study were directed to 25X1 the feasibility of using the imagery with projection- type stereoplotters to record dip and strike, measure' strategraphic sections and delineate formational contacts of geologic structures. This was followed by a series of tests to determine time requirements and the problems involved in recording the structural attitude of key geologic formations in four test areas. The final phase of the program was designed to eval- uate the information gained from the tests for scientific value and accuracy and to ascertain if the data. could be utilized in the ARPA Terrain Atlas Program. Approved For Release 2006/03/31 : CIA-RDP80TOO703AO00400090001-9 I Approved For Release 20061 /31 : A-RDP 0T007 3A000 0090 1-9 E. PERSONNEL has over ten long term employees whose background and major duties have been photographic interpretation. Their detailed resumes as those of key management and support personnel follow. Eight of these photo interpreters currently hold TOP SECRET, SI/TK security clearances. Most of these eight hold additional clearances for work on special sensor imagery. Additional clearances currently held may be verified through your security office. Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703AO00400090001-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/31: CIA-RDP80T00703A000400090001-9