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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 R 50X1 -HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/62/05 : 61A-RDP80T00246A075200100601-5 :Toria rc:-.d.nand ' flypecT4w0A00,/ by rinr,1,32Yr l000areb Institute for r2a1ocemiranicattiont_Dudapent ? _ The equipmaat doc;cribed forma a.brotadband multi-1W -eL:-..n.nei main line ?yet= for me in national ?:?_na Inter. ionol t-taephone and televirsion netvorlto. ar112 4uk0/600 typo frequency modulated :A.erottave radio oyetem mem in ti.e 4000-.`*.e/a froqtlency'bund and coy ,be need either vii1.11 " t.1.,0 normal or with -the olafted freqUencry plan, recommended. ? C0111. Fab broadband radio channel io der:1(710d to linndle UD ,. to 600 telaphobe eireultai or a televicion circuit -for 625 2.:7,..ne Diana* A teIevieion'000nd channel /above the _video - ? can aloe be Irndicd? pwitching from r ulor to a protection provided to =our?, service continuity in moo of. e(luipmclrb trouble or -Zollind? Fbouldung of Vivo regular nnola fail, tLe Protection c of; by to take OVCr powar ouply 1 aloo'?n,atand.by equipment that f.1:ttomaticolly to4no ever tn coca of failure. . . A narrows.band aavnilicry roettcChannol provides order iro for inairttenamxti: cirouito kiyi? eignolling ao, well ao for eontrolline protection oriitching ond for trona:Amami and &welling a alarm coalitione? ThoTintermediate btationo. cicty be wed unattended* zatro44.....tiza- nroadband alarm/eve radio eq,Uipmenta ,that a-,n be conveniently' interconnected in the international trunk' networka and-.Ire cuita.ble* for Vac) IranoMiCaion Of A STAT' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001.-5 4 ` , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP86T00246A075200100001-5 01.0 tol.epilone et =Kilo co von, a telotrioion trld 0=1144 04.(;:oiii t. fra,zo./ork?of UOi 3tryott.:..::v.11,sof C.:0 9 tt-INETO 1cIituelf 11,,o.1741.11 ,coimeication. It:30ft oti..or ncitoro.: , , In dealt:nine point.to-point radio eyetetzia prove ozt)ctilont to Loop to ottell deoign.prizaciploo v4:-.oao a-! p1? or .r.l.cr-4.3 complicatedrcalictiou 121.:e17 to coot _ . ti )o greatly (11134'oring roqiiiracycatoo ?4.0 uaertzi. ho eon. cidoratica aloo bolaQ coed ',In to moo of otaplor oquipmenti: tiion be eanior to devoIop t2enpund*. 2.110 typo auu1aticirs 'te.bo umed in a, oyotorz it elzen to Give tl,o boot conproaloo between noioo and dia.., toz-tion pereormanoo on tho ono -band 'arid practical deoloa on tile therr. In *le brondbentl oyotcaii tto taodulotion io nail:able for- converting a bobebarid oli,7ana1 to n nodulated radio frequoncy one. &lie required e:-.zarnetariotio- linen between ,tiloa froquenor ?pa phnoa- 0(1th/intim* In tlio renoo tronstrIciolow_og c?rLorily or toleviolon vicar:Int tLO irractical ;volution ? 10 :"ZroAloney aodulzation ialtU promplipoillo Mai Ind= frec:tionozr Inodulation, la ilnaultabloi.p nine.? it too trodeo bcnd.01 noiaa pv2 ioe. 2io oogyrodiao W.10E:ion in the /4C00/G1..0 ogotaaii los Fvit.on frerAteney taodultationi, requireo a relativel7 ntir.ebri bane ule. --.7111 tolerate . ?.10....:.proonion in thc mplifioroi-..;lio optic= fre(:,ctone,t; vizitien to be wed in related to pony factory)* nraerz tc..(1, nor() inportant aro tLc trnnamitt.er -p4 o: the nolvo fir;ure of ti.,o radio receivar.i .tro nr6toia &lay qio. tcrticnoi .and tl-ae b-nocbarsd alma t? bo tvannaittod. Ciro oa1 tiz o bronilabana Point..to!,-point r.toteriol chernaterined 'by 1.1:e t of ropentor ntotiona ap ed*.? cone 'tyDeo o radio ropentoro on to upodo !MOOG. 1 ,-nrot. i*oobend xbcpenter, in vi:.:101)..thelel nted to booeband and ro1..31.11.nto1 on t1:0 rnalo freqaendspat ?dot; r.cipodter. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 rir)e4rt in :L.16.1.1 t?- rod.a:nl'ed rnao 2requenoy olcnal .,r- ..?.-...noy i or nop1i?0 .4 fl.cation a:r4 orrillic,...7..tica trld .thon-:..u.tc...roayllotl b!vt: to rat1io,1 ..7.1.9eluo.r.iew '...;:i,t...i1c):41; ,::, '.:: .7. odv on *- . : - . irl? r,......1:(.L.Itc.c..,11- in.1-..,,?:?Ic3.4 ti?o..oicaal la 3z.ri./11?171.ecl and. r3t.1:ct-oa 1,?-1t:.t.'-4.)I12y -t1.o. freri.;-..e:acy. f.g.irt roquirod fcr froccinc 1 .:411 1'12 rc.:)cator Lay be oitLer .0 , ait-o .ralie eisanml ropoatet,- - .1111 ..1:1/.0h t.110. rara20 -cLailricarl are ogparcted ..r.v.1 cm.:aplifled in ?,;!.fividual-a.,3plifieraik ?ce a .,i.zaltioliattia repmtor in vthiala .. oil. radio orlannele.. in ono. dtrecticin aro -clmplifiod in .0 olnalt, 1 Mo. baeQb..:4x1 ropocter protridoa Vie .;A ,1;eat ?dOC,reo u.: -mita f:i.ordbility by Linc ti xt bacob=1.1 at-all =renter pointa ?alonz to route. `::o-::;evert in a lcnLnul cyctOz.4 aurix.'r modulatoro and.. do- t.1Wulataro rornooto 2n t:zi.:3:cd veula? reQuIre co neatlator to aeot oz.44-vroaoly atrincont ellatortioft rorpairmento. ropeater la .not Ouitable for ? applieaticeo vt.oro polarization Jo tzood to oept-..lrate the ? o2 zaclit..lorit? radio a:lannela. '34ia. leave cinly *Um- ehanncir r-7.,'2.onter and 73? ropoott--x no rzooiblO C4.OI.0084o. latter -ciao ob000n- tim G 40W600 oyatera ..,comlae-- O. tile 'creator owe O .qoparatut at4. ogunlisina cLcItnnela ,and a-.7itohint,: botv)eon v..orMInc ar.:1_ protection. c:innolo* `.;7.1e, too of _711.N.tyrio rupootern load? to t2.-?o two .of tti fLazer.:.?-claf*Lato l'ref.',;1.3:e.o.ey no a, X1Uinterconnection 4tats. v.,,t:Jon vriouo porta o2.- the oyatem? rieveleirpt ooLorao tab oily:I:mood thaelaboration of a co,; ran tno. .it,:tar.rtrx.tolver ontermoz2 ezpto:.... timing in - ? scot' air4 "rettlyr" r.onid ono r.rwrow-band r0:Ittine two such oq,liPoonto tly* ?oyatcra con bo ozttendocl in .0aoil tranaraieolon af.reaticat up te?brald.band rut cl.m,nola* Ao ita ia toncernoar_ ?earist in 1964 n pin ler Voreica o ergeteni IMMO CADc 40UO/A: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 ore.1-11.t.Saa r2 3rt of nn intornational rodio iiL, o: Ithe c.A.tez in only salt.. Colo fr,r?t lut 11 ib?i.,..c,r1.onien of W prot;r4.:-.1ca inictzlre c ennV in unidirectional roverviblo operctim. fi.o.nrotection pt.iitchlna vyrOem 02. thc o?ant wcato on the nototion owit1nr.",belq vItU the hot moo -vo typo equipnento? 'with the qw. 4e,00/600, typo .equipmnt i nationa rndio link la plannod-aa rzrt'of n intoxen-ationni. ai nott.iork, cmoora.1 half 'of o yntou to bo- in:staled provide initially two 1i n( chai?..; -nein and -ono ato1al-4o' Contimeta for t-Le ,nappIty of microwave rv.(1`.1o.nrAworiza " ? Dr-wide-long diztanoo...naltiOlroali telopilono,..nra toloyipion, trallorliacdon. Units" ir..-mo be. ota opt:4614W with other c:rartriba:.'?? ?neral )_-;1 nton ? riao 022. 4000/600 type bt'oadband oquipoont la Dati.rtr ?crno1 frognonoy itl14aloro7avo ri1.o relk-ty ayoton. o orrmont norclally nood to fron. t brondband?iiaifl ?lino nyatea in nitiona, and intorplational tolopiaono and toVr,ritaion nAit.torita?fl c rzot1r pin...aned anal anis. taixradst4i3 Previa() rin ovaleal/ Derferrznoo coot ...both '. coisv on cc= raembraldationoo, Up :to nix bromlbana aml. to nrrrai-tvond /called ? ll:nr3 Tc.aio oJ anablo ttcw te rantl: ,ittz:;:a? in airootion over ang-raatei. ocZ brIciaband 7?-.:1(210, ailannol itt'dealepod to :laulle s.?../ 2 to G toloyliono oiIron:14,43i.,..Onohictiti.) a band...A(1th,, cef \o/a on r.if:?atinct Cr.-arjre-tmL? raatrinotkintiotut fiSr lorz 41.Dtr.moct, alreuitat Or a 1:???.lsoviriion eironit fot G25 .? lino Air to 6 riap 0,..ttoff :froquonay/ alenaLw' vtio pooaibtl.? 1..c4r .oclOurati ID2(3Lo trazimicoion'ic.$ alod-providod in ayatects A tbl-crilcion n-Targt.tfAcianoi ./tibev.f.3 to vla00- ? band/ ern also bo i1oi.711b inelAiiquwa onriloyed.anito CLci- mraton onpooially orlitoblo nett:foztD.,. inareaning trci.ffia isec.:vitro:.ontae, xtco tr:43 tr,affie carry.-- Inc; enpaaity a-4:,le.fly a too-Alt:4'X and not. ? , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/62/05-: CIA-RDP80T00246A015260100001-5 o corrpicNity t. o crctLito Wed tile cyliton Dili prom e:acical CATC11 4 ruc)t atate 02 devolomart collo cnly for f:2%-et1011 telophonc oitzinclal vilxtrona etr.io o V t000 ce oidnala of Ice? than 625 lino cnn ?Zoe bo- handled* ? :Initioliannolt Intivebnnt.vtton tiith.catao oyotwo or rat eLannolirc ict-Itiipaqate ?o poorilblo' t io1ora Anodu1ator-40. 1-:e:h1atorot atationo, i..c ota-tiOna bompriraitc I.:cooband intoion p4ntoiN _toy bo,accIa_eithei4 with tIx 6p0 part .?f.to 1.1920 -r.r.td ai.th typo floviot o311.1s2c oquipflonto oir,mitanoa..toly viith .tLas Irlooband ?-Interconnection drAri. roconaonace LVIR, rUtia tolaviolon prof:Tar= ntjy bo,rcodily dropped SA otatiop. it IP -,...1.tt.ent any dot arioration or the y-tIooncl.1". tranotharlon.. Tho dromot1. prom-Jana boy. be, eonm neetol to tLo. directly brvacUnaisaft radio relay lliaL /pro*. vidod that the .LPO bot4a o.:;interaO,Wm,identionliip or by , int ereortnaotinc.n.,4cLtyatilating toratnni ?qui/mint to n-190a1 ?troxif.y.litter. A TV rrotAa or ? 1 r:oportcti rondlly ? t?-?..tnaraitted. dt.motly at 117 blV intoreonnootine a ciodulatine etaalimolit ond diocorlto VitLed 'Li col: cyoter4 ecia.trpad tithQ ClICAM ;51,a0 of a riedul.cttro alert-Am a nierovnvo reoolver 41'4 .?aita oQn1v::;iC Q' cations. 4O ti. trio.tmy allanaclat radio- t.Yntr1 octant:S. -trancrsittorlp.onct,or. uor? roreat otiodtTgaterit iObodulator produova xincoby 1:213 cor.34ac gbanctbaat PC 1O a rod to n.radia trunczAtter 7110 75 ( 1.erodynoc- tho 1P tlna, 1..ntaiflez it 11 ruCtio receiver at it..? frcqz.zoraoy. 1.1noV.-; -to. f p1iflcto cosror Cf thon be tronbnicalon f.f.1?thati. azinl. 10 =di? tranordttor to titi-o doaircit biaratitwe frfNvonoy talo ci.:414-44a 'Lot Crodynea Orlodinta..,:trpq d...onttut of tho radio ga:-00other mai& ty.7..a1.0131:tor-, Otzte...or?bay-120::ioonneot Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approvedfor Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 FoN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Radio transmitting toren& M? III-?????? RX. TX 03 03' R3' R3 tout-output of alarm and -control signals Radio repeater ? 8 Symbols I Mod modulator ' Dem demodulator, ITX transmitter RX receiver a m R Teturn Path P polarization filter 'A antenna Io air dryer ? main stotion termediate F IF FYN telephonebasebonc I?11,-7-- TY sound , icab? Tv image I(2) duplicate equipment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05:_CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 denoZhAnteo e 7.)coolzr._1(2. 1 oicncl, and . otraipzaent. tj,:o aysto 047.0.aja a 76 i,ilcdo L,Loroodiato tire- oft,(7.,a3?, 1o7latien raeotirz I 1-;:o L interc.:oncotion it1i otLor ver,:_:;Snc, on cern atlaacreal and lit c. 'o cn oviteldrz point* -, Me protect:loc. cr4toilac, oyoten pmaito 1;a repl oit of a roc:tilcV it1 aLcanol by on oluivalont a?:;:lt.,;(2...by or pr.otootion one. (,*,141.o ,10 (.1one natomtioally for ocitripment fcillares anti for faloo, it con Le 'tIona caratally to release tile r,ccalcz ettrznoi for =-Intenze? It is thq parr.000 of to natazotic protc,ctic n. owitatinc oyotoci to' ero. onro eontSauity of oerrIce over flr;2 4D0C/600 ogatene f:Lo protection oyatem pr7onto tx odourren000f _ ciy ulcnal 16a inoz.,:co of fcglinc,, ctZt it will re;Jtoro odrvioo. time, after trnottiacion equipaeirt bno failed* Vivitch- : in:: So .Cieno? r.7.7,2?teLirc coottlont;* !:Tacoo uOtially cont.ln C n,,I2Jor of ro?cator atationai n.nd two radio toriaal ototion.fl VC1i a ? CO 'O nviterlinc to normally done at bnoeband. c. nc1Lao to bo it it replaood over'to ,f1 lenctt, of to ar.rltoirr; cicotice by a protectica etionnel? auto=tio ;:roteatIczt owitobind?ayoten ernble ( , 1S-r- to f4vo triitb ono piehotoc-: ion elm. V. 0 Coact.nraTteation. fneiLitteo botween to vcriono otationo - 1....,c nytten =a nc000zary tr',:z Nr4,12.e0 coc.:ianicationo between .1c1inaneo :y,:lror..-nr:_elt tranpaificion a alcr.v. indleationo froc.' unattended otr.,1 lc= and o:)e:vatiOn oT? oatorxtio proteettoril t...x.,ItoLl.rat rityrrow-1:tril Pi) c...=nolct tor tile ft-mar:1=10w of, tl;dco eictcale i.7itn t!'-.4) frocitteney ollooation or tl,o 0742 , , ? 4.c/C30 ovotera :.170 boon d4o.le,ned* Tbove0 exInnolat canal, ?, ,:liiory othrrnelo, 3o pro/dod. op on into,yral rx.-xit of the cystr.r., to carrzi 174,r; rTinco c.raaito, salo cazalirvy chonnelt3 :'t l',..e rzr,oteetc,L , t 4-vr.or2.1ooion. fr.r.hisluroo to to Oryaips. . , ;,....-.:t failato* 5'o r2rcO bttrivuptiono a thio r.,-,tu,rp to o 'PlrArlan, ot.v.r.C.0,by o!-. 1 ento aro providedvilait-Jutocotio ? arizoi.ovor on ti .. 0 " Car::-..11 7.1 art ovitobinc* batms ? tdc a ra.Talt of?tto Conica reatuTon roforrod to itbeio ono two...wcy ly;ecelb-nik rodio etionnoi cu7 ona 1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80-10024.6A075200100001-5 be ortended in ee1.4 airton dirootion up to nix broria-' b=a el;ohnola v?StL314 dloomnoctingALe traffic of the ol7;icla311y 'natal/ea ralic a:canal? rtici rjsa. 4:11.77 4000/600 cyoteza wort z..in tho.34,00..39( 0 ;.?,e/si frevlency bond reee_v?nal by tt:io, Council or nutuoi, Ald ALMA -9th Clecions, :,7.occo6, tpril 21..2p?..1939/6 On ro.. queot tho pt aibi1it r UJifl1 tbo erten in the 420 band izloy oleo bo ineludod? In both frec',ucarry brzi?.1 oitLor t.%(/ ner=1 or tne ohiftoa frequency plan ro- eor.mendea by con /cant tXth. accary Aoodably? Lao .Anc,volcat 1959/ be moat, n'te contra frequonclec of tho normal am1ohiftod f'requency piano two roopoottivelys in tho Cf:VA bonds fo 3G35 es, ro vs 3640;5 L'iclo ? in .to acut tara: ro *2 7,10a9 134/0 to is 4003,5 :lc/0 to frequency' allocation ona poloriaction plan 1.e ? , oll!)..-trt 'in rig.' 20 "Go? ma brefldbmd radio ellennole, both up to oix? and a pair of nrgerow..'smna radio et,enne.10. ? trotemitted oimultanceUcly? vrovenciec.1.4,416 /or 10?46/ ? 3.*?? *6 t /or . It 00/ ?carry broa4bon4 dimwit, rIcamovi..., ? radio channele oro earriod either bg frequenclec1. tin /or B2/ and Wit N20 /or ay, lit*At dependints upon particular network pionning roquiroMente? intolerance botw000 troncnittoro.and receiver? in came otation i iniraiced by croupine all the tro4craittat3? to,?:atLor in enellalat of tho bona and all the receive= to- in on hold of the ,band. rpet all rocolv aro to.. ? cetilor in the othez? unix* 420 chovia In 2? The chbnnolc aro caternatalzr Itioriz9ntOZ?t ,,n4 vartica17 polorinado 'ie-aritzsneO t.:110 Good ,frczt44.4.0nolt.rtzti0 ot the Lorn.roflootor dr,tonnat t::e tInew 4row5ency cm be coed to tranomit in both . '41:17,.7)etions at 000ketotion?' 014 tic :till bond may be utilicoa in, beth dirootiono? not* flP acme% to carried cator.cately by two-tro(1.-atioloo, via. .1cola ate. .and 31* etc. Jrt ?Lova in 2 iglu 2,' eceh cEtanriel la chifto4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 (ni-2)th section nth section Fig.2.1. Normal frequency plan TX (RX) V V V V di mil r-4-t sain Asa r4-1 NAM I 4,11421?4"11114111t"L=6 fr4 RI .1 3 5' 111 II I 0-) co RX ? (TX) V V V ? Firti411 shifted7cy pion Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 , ear,' 2re7Lt1ondy ?,.or Crvcc:oalf b7o it plocOci 14: moocoOmm c7.77 to pa'wcnt feoal;a674-. re:sno.ator id ,td3LO 1-1antlql rtins:4i t ter output ?tY0wer,it ini?ce zec_eiver noise fikiure: 14 dB, !`eceiier ittIC riie:. 45 de to ?25' to free cecivcr intert,cciiate frequency: apettpanj ItiterCuuection'Data,, 2.1. (JQC) chatinels easeband 4i;raffic "iiluency runLet ?. ii tt ?66 atu ?,1920 type Fi.W ehanneling equipL2ents:12?,252 t1.4/1.4 _and. 312-2596 Kcils .? according to CeIll,recoA...endations:- ? 2'.4:m74, di; relative_ space IQ V1 4C, refs .t..0!..2596. ?xis Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release "2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5_joi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop; Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 ????? 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 ? ? ? Declassified in Part: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 f a Input Laid outi.iit - with t\-L,('; Lid'4*-1')24) tyi,e fl channeling 135 011.,3 balanced. anti 7'5 ohras unbalanced,- . - aecor;:in6 to Cr...1.1i recoondations: 75 &laic; unbti .." 114ut - with anti E-1.)2G type P*12.i ciAainelint 71.e5, Lepers and -2,5 neer L-Lceordink. to C;(.15' recoacendatiens: -15 crin Jutput ? - th ?",-u,C; and K4920 tyle k ci4ineling equiructits: -3,1 nef,ers and ,2 tie; era - ar:noTdinif, to CC-IR remxiendationa: -1 diAi eempilas1s-deef.-.44tvis: CCIII, lX th lunary , Los Angeles, 195). tme deviation in the .0 d1 ree:af.iiasia Chaotic : .2C0 i(cis err ;ilotiLIal frequency: '8,5k/3 ? :14-10t. deviaLion: itc/a err 2.'2. TV iie Channel _Frequency _ranL,e: 30 c/a to 6 Iniut and output level:* 1 yp-p ail(' output impedance; 75 ohms unbalizzeed .o.:trity: white (,oaitive ?,j-IR4!!,th Plunar,y Assembly, Arik,reies, i.'requency deviation 1 0 di rreeri-phasis point: ? tilot ;341;1111 f requency: 8,5 leis deviation: 1,4(.: ej. 2.3. TV sound ctiaLinel., i;reFF.ency rue: 50 cis -to to Input, output level: 2,2 rma Declassified in Part - Sanitized copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5 a input and ou'ui-,ut i;;ipedanco: oh!Ls balanced touc : 4 15C:it Ws .Subcarrier frequency: U AV's Frequency deViation-caused by sulicarrier: 4750 Xcie 4 5. fiaseband data of narvow-band $F.chunnels 3.1. Voice circuits Frequency,Land of radio order circuits: 0,3-3,4 fles aipaiini; frequency of radio order circuits: 4 Kc/s Lubcarrier of express radio order circuits: 13 Ic/s Baseband of lth,express radio order circuits: p.6 . 12.7 itc/s ? 'During 1.963 t,1 -put into operation: ",The i'.:astern ExtlaySystetal:of the Ulak;arian AnistrY of lost withautoatic smitcning for. 3 cannels with un.aarbx. ieni;th of,350.kmt. ,-For the-Czehhoslova%ian Ministry Of one line Baseban& of 2th.express.radio order circuits17 Signalint tones of alarm and ,Coetrol systen .,-4,2;r4.4; 4.6; 4..8; 5; 5.25 5.75; 6; 6.3; 6.6;-6.9;,7 . 2 Kc/s' Tones of 1:totection satching systel:' 19.5; 21.5; 23.54,25.5; 27.5:Ws . Yrequency of continuity pilot signal: 45 [Cc/3' following OTT 4CC0ACU lines were fur-3 channel operation and one line for 4 channel oieration, both with autu.atic switchinL and with a leaLtn of approx. 350 4. Yor the Soviet -inlLtry of.Vost,2 limb each for 3 enannel operation zith aa automatic_switcnint; and for certain stations 7V branchino1kjgrcate lenc,th approz. 350 km. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A075200100001-5