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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 C te . 44k TWO, Z. in. Li ci INFORMA HON REPURT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY his 'material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning 1$, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission. or revelation of which in any manner to rn tinnuthnri7pri r CONF IDENTIAL COUNTRY Hungary 4' SUBJECT "Special Measuring Instruments Supplied with Microwave Link Type GTT 4000/600," Publishedloy.TKI, Budapest DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES may, 4. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM T I-11C if I !KIP \/ A I I licf-prl 11,1C/10/./ leNAI I. r 5 4 3 2 1 1. 'STATE a 16-page publication in English entitled "Special Measuring Instruments Supplied with the Microwave Link Type GTT 4000/600." This was published by VlesTele- communication Research Institute (TKI), Budapest, Hungary. i.24 pub-. lication contains one page of description and brief specifications for each of the following instruments:. :] .-a)4/ Sweep Generato9/type 111t b)glitude Indicatopype 211 . c) itinearity Meter/type 302, -wd)-itrystal Calibrator/type 121)-. e)./Deviation Meteiltype.132, -.0 //Video Spectrum Analyze/type 162) g)i(Visometei;/type 82 ) 27 h) Ahite Noise Test SeVtyp 141., i)./tifferential Measurement Set t e 362, � j) /fiarrow-Band Channel Le 1 Mete type 411, -k) /Intermediate Frequency Spectrn Analyze/type 191) 1) Aeflectometeiltype 2721p m) /Intermediate Frequency Modulaytype 181) n) //Intermediate Frequency AmpIitu e and Group Delay Measurement � Set/type 2.1.2 o)Aideo Transmission Meter/ 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM C ONEFIDENTIAL CROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification I ARMY I NAVY I AIR 1 FBI AEC 5 4 3 2 1 (-nci Irv! 50X1-HUM INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited t of the US1B member agencies, and to those senior officials of th in accordance with paragraph 8 of DCID 1/7, it may be rele ----�t�ticipating in the production of National Intelligence. IT SHA or personnel, including consultants, under a contractual Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approve NO D1SSEM ABROAD -adlliwiwaremme, AT:t Whodllist act cipitorrita� 'on. However, unless specifically controlled sonnel within the intelligence components Artrimilfoof_,Wi a encies of the U. S. Government directly ED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall not be disseminated to organiza- relationship to the U.S. Government without the written permission of the originator. d for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 K tt) t I i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 WU. ve link . , 1.110 SvitOft*Worater type 111 Amp1it04, 1:10icator type 211 linearity'lli*er type 302 Crystal ColAbrator type 121 Deviation Meter type 132 .) V14eo Speetrum Analyser type ifi') Visometer type 82 White Noise Test Set type 141 Differentia/ M4anurenent-Set tyTe Harrow-10klid'Crianne1 Level Meter type 411 II Interated Frequency Spectrum, Ant.dyser t yi.e 1:!:_ 17 Renee 277 ' Inter,* nene'y'ffirOdulAtor type 1E11 14 Int vAnplltwle ane Gro,ip Deli resent Set type 242 15 'Video *tater 16 Contents 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170061-0 tirraSIA - ttL1 Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 ; lgt ty111 The V0Plieeep lienerator J.e intended for meusuri'ig tne frequency reepdese of wide-bans! aimp2ifaere by di:7p1ayl the charaoterietic on an oscillercloe. Frequency modulatic.% is renlized by. varying at a % cycles r%te the inductance cf the osoilleeteritoil wound on a !errtt core. The nearly 10:1 frequencyramppie,eovered without hrterodyning, thus diapenetas ettk011eying harmonie freoeneies. Ihrblubtion ef the reepo*410 iilectlitftted by 4 tu4010 frequency marker and 0 fgosseibili.trof displaying iktero-line on thft screen. It is reecamended te'use the UM? sweep generator in cn,i,unction with the amplitude indicator type 211. Preeueny renge. Scanning rate FrPcluency deviation O:Itput volti.ge Output impedance 'ree'lency marker Brief SR22itiaLtItieno 12 to 100 kc/!, 50 cls q11.0.1.1111.111�������AGYIN. �� � 411.1.1.0 cont 0 to +"--.0 1.1 n..n; t t'v . WO J1.)/ /5 mmr in the co!'it'. ni.nge CO4Crvri .,..emomeNis......wommemwmmee. ��������=61....1.1dr � n 1 �����������14,10041. Declassified in Part - SanitizeCT-Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 IR. DV. f. az. T. I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 LR.2�: rndicator Tr l t Tne Amplitude Indicator /bH rfrvl. in conjuntion with sweep Eelf:r...z,r tNe c . rienoy nk.sphnse. The infl's:rd':.!,- ,.ttenuator; when connected rctne . n' the the rcope, a double re.3ponfe niternate sweeps the attenuation varier between zer- known decibel value. It is recommended tl !Ire the itude indictor in oonjumetion with the UHF sweep genen:tor type 111. Trnce distance on scope ilewsorement range Input impede*** Brief gpecificatione pereen switch �zeleAed, 0-00-1-3-5 db --21FIr" Outpet 'felt*g. for yortieal deflection of scope Uutput impedaMee 0,1 to 12 db a-c, 1 to 100 Mc/s d-c, positive or negative with a�c input, "/ ohms with d-c input, appr. 50 kohms appr. 2 voltaldb appr. 50 kohms .�����������1110..���� Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16' : CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 L ri t-Ar r NicIrnxuve . � Tr,, cbt t �: r ir If,,ttoe heterodyne k 1 y r -� 1 C r-f!eirtreine thr: Tot, is ; ci7iT 1)1 t-E :�, v�A t el :vth 4flar114,Lor, friodl14VIr ilv x dem )d Tr; Otte 4 OD*M0n, C' rt grItic gki orm 7. � �rt.s ot thet, -3.0*witsfl . 50_ eyclef.., TUIV- to 10 -if-ttre 4.0.1tit ef iti the irit w4tce, r , *4.1- lervreiapf- 1:061ctik,or to 4 L 41; jbtttti;Sitt: a a, 4Ji*itctiot,ett:l.fir 41t.r ,n4 itidi.0 � r4 Tar. rrt.c.t4te d , or :e to 906pe ater itc:n ett it, 0.1 A- -4(1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 mum, �144. JP ������ - I � f Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 �IRCTS..11. -a* r TE-1" ty -I The crystal culibrato- - r!es* for use with the micromvr. ay jpe J.TT 00/5uu. 1 . J, :1 k f cr.vstr,1 controlled frequenci nocessdry for a 1,111: tr ( thc t PC- ry,-tem /5 Mc/ s/ , the sound subcarrier- piirt / 1 toe nr rrow band i-f amplifier /40 L/-'!, the w1de-0,ni 1-1 ier /70 Mc/s/ and the shift frPguency oscillator /2] 5 W., e.o. the (ITT 4000/600 microwave system. ',9,1Leciftc4tions tti. controlled frec1 witch 10-;.17 -Accuracy � Output voltage: , 5_8-40-70 Mc/- 73 Mc/ L , I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 +2,5.10-5 dutLbLe jr, 10 0 to appr. j. Anit, fi-xed, i volt r. .s. 6 � Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP801160246A075000170001-0 J ������������ ���� ���������11��������� ������010. Deviation Leter e�M*.m�������������=��������OMII� TKI type 132 - The Deviation Meter is an instrument especiall r:vr17!..71.ed for use with the microwave system type GTT 400G/60... ._..i 1. intended for frequency deviation measurement of fraquenL;:, vi)- duluted sir:male. It is desirmed for use in the ri.,nge of the wide-bund i-f circuits /60 to 80 Ne/e/, the nurros rd i-f circuits /39 to 41 !lois/ und the sound subcurrier c /7,5 to 8,5 Me/s/. Principle of meurgrement is derivi74-, the difference frequeney of the FU-signul to be meusured hn:t of tunable CI-signal supplied by the instrument. TN: z,ro-LA-tc of the difference frequency sinal 46re dislauyLO cn screen, 4nd the two limits of the deviation are rcii :crtratc1:. fro,i calibrateri scale. i/rPnticncy rt� 1 � - � - 3rief meaFIsr..blr L'i71/1 ruquire7;:it .0 lvin.; a- Pit L-1 r1,01.1 1 vllt p-r tot1" r'r1fier _ rrn P 1, J1 tl 1: r!..njv -1 , t. � 1, � 1 'e 1, T� � - 1-� Fr! �, A: r � . � if ������� ..�Mr. � 'MI ., IL s --1-_] +��������� I - 1 t , . ! i� -1( 1 1 , � It. � . f � F I. ' -ri I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 r� Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170601-0 0 14 Oft111111. .4111M���������� ' T . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 Video S1L2trum An4' yr tn-f. 16:' 1:22: Thin inrtrument. ir rrIcnti,1:� f � -fer!'it displly of the spectrum raving fro 0,1 to 10 kr!'',. , connected to the base-hund nAtpw: turm.%-1 � mi:::-r, rithetni7. rodulated, the noire sIcctrilm of tne invertlzuted cn a scope rcreen. 2vu1uat1on of ir fucilitc.ted by a tunable frequenc:: marker und La calibrati.lg voltage source. Brief S-ecifisat ionr Oweep width ,nd band centhr continaously :,Llarit_tle to cover the rungc 0,1 tc, 10 Lc/s Panommi- receiver 1-db band-width Input impedance Input volt( ae range Output voltage to scop vertical amplifier uppr. 50 kc/o 75 ohms 10 microvolts to .)1.) nillivolts uppr. 1 volt 1.-t; c-r ic .1,u-.ted bv means of an inrlt tttcal4.tor within the input voltuge specified Sel.nning rite 50 dr internL1 calibration 1 Mc/r, 1 milliv-lt c'reri ic -.1.� 7firker tIon+IvrintIrl. � -v Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 I 747 Visonteter Pc type 82 It ;31)' lit:metPr in ft - vntmrter optrating in the 10 kc/r tfl 0 hr vir Voltage ranne of V microvlltF t- ,-)1� qPtc-It or co orated In t6F Visommtt:- !;: j' t meusurement of thr, v%--43,;f nr .,.,fiometriq..frequenqy rsyynte j t!=.,11ccttfd 1%srist-switch,' tbuc ikir o.4hitj 4tiweight* mretnehts. at Ueer are the mekavurepent of t.-; tric iun1.to,noti34 ittio ut the be-band terminzAl of ,,i�:/-01.-Nts links un4 TY. 't-444wv.quiptnelt , anl'UA,1 mottstirer,Pnt. band 1.41101�4 141140 of'au1ttc4iiei tPlephony Q1 white nelsw:Osi qeit, 11 to 1920 chanrmln. likLajitsl f 7:Lai/mg � i,-:�::1eptit iii .,.: �,00.10. siti*Hr, '..,-..:,�,-,,',,,ii':1,� 1W ' � 6 .: ,;'� '' " . � :": ,,',S'. "1-....- - '' _ ,,... . ' :- ' ,� . " � ',--;�,- - -,-, , � ' Iii, ciir': _. . . . . � � 4.., � � - .. ,.- , - � -.:-�-:,,,,,v, . ,,f., � 75 :ttlm,, im/ 5 to A uci s, , 41c/ e, to ko/ ,I db 6 litO/E, t(),) db Ach3, stit3. .2O ub oinge of 10 ifais to 6 !Lc/ irQm the xerronre of ettit 6topojend tipie_eonstant eer, db .1*- troth db: tereiteliti.te I Arol t r.w.s. Vit1th Utt tcli:044er SU'r 1 '514141*,kab 4 ^44 loTLtp ,,,!1,1 . , . p.i-,:.'...-.:.......-. .f�sr.i. ,i4,t, t'('",,,,..'.:,...A.,:1 ,,,,- ', :, ,,,itut; 1 rt-e.*-tci.,-;. . ?''::. 1 ft. '.-11-,..1, ed In . tvitv,t!-, !.-.0,-,5 ? -, C,.. , 1'. 6.. r 1 �t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80100246A075000170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T-00246A07000170001-0 Mite jioire gest Set 'MI type 141 �����=m14�0111��������imilai, This set is intended for noise and internodulation V )rtion measurements in multichannel base-hr.nd equirment of rit-r links. The Fet comprises two parts, the noire eener/ � � the noise receiver. The noise generator pro4lees rtnJor .aise, and switched filters allow the Selection of bid-width a .orrtf_ ponding to 120, 300 or 600 channel operlition. Bund-sta.. fil � ?� give a slot An the noise spectrum at &ny one of fo,Ir fr. luen(F. This noise iz given on the equipm#-nt to be mei..eurul, t t ut of which feeds the noiSe receiver rwi toh- tune d to th t, r frequency of eny of the four slots. The interboh'Iluto., (1,.stortio nnd noire due tO the equipment to he meusured i iu-iJut(fl by t-- noise porer ratio read direct17 from the kitten'', tor vc..10 of the noire receiver. BriPf Str.r.:41 � . .),-.� Noi.-e bends Let surec.ent frequencies IPv ,r rv,tpt noirr et. ; 'Ot7 ' r: !f; , 1.41 4 no, 1. t-J,�-to-ack noire 1,0 ' f r ret irirlanele of i�.. , 4r,nA,tnon nf T.ccenr .....mmborrOm...1 r � , I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 7 - I. Declassified in all. - Sanitized iCopy Approved for lie-lease 2014/04/16 : CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 � � �11. 196 U. 1;3' Di frerent.1 !. fqLsurf=)crit. Et,t TY I t-:;.r. 7 The measurement Pet iP inte,idr,1 gr-r -ronp delny rtir=tortion br-tween , .-r mieror%ve linkr. It ir -,rrec;�.11y ; .i Lc 1 between diet%nt terminklr, tl tot .i.pc4,1 - not refill trim! h referer ! i . Ln micr 7LV� _ -%- r rc reouired ut the two terminolr, . L ...ra., both directions; on. set .-..officient for Jr f Lir-tory *Dtk. A low-frequency pcopc hs to be connectec t- aisryin3 the linearity or group .delt.y oha,-.4ctf �� ecic.1 ea- ture the pet is the porribility of u virult...ntoq � .o.1..7; of both ownraeterietics. Both r.xur of the rcreen the vertical axip in terms of per cent or nunoscooni the double-trace mettod/, nd the h2rizont,... uxi: in t. rrr of megacyelet /by using intensity TodulAtol re6xti-r.7./. Brief S1 e -1 t ications L'e%surement range: lineGrity group c3tiilay. CL.libmting trace dirt4nce: linearity :roup delay 0," to 60 per ecnt � to POO m.,hoseconci.1 udjafit...bie 1,1 itr rent 5 ,C-IL,0 nuor Ur SC-.nning frequency . 50 c2,-cics Le..ruralent frequency 1.;PYler.tr)r 1,1t.pc1t 5C cf clmponeit. co-r.poi:��at ti ioltalre . r^r p.n4 : r 1-wit imp( 1..i1ee �t rfnpr rt ; - � "l'p, e � ; 250 Ws; rcq, owl be used with -w!ilit-ry units o t-�, 'AI C t -r. O,�. � npnlassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 . . +1���������������������������������.� R. 1110 Narrnw-Band Channel Loycl LetPr TRI type 411 Tne Narror-Band Channfl Level l'eter ir un designed especially for use with the microcavv systen %.;TT 4000/600. It is intended for facilitating the level aijustment of the ntrrew-bund channels, The Levul Letcr corpriser essentially b band-ix,en filter tuned to )7 an inlief,tor using U transirtor, and is battery over:.tr.d. When 13 Ir.c/s input signal is siven on the link az. tne rt,tion, the Level Indicator is adaptable to adjust lurIn_ operation tho.levels of the narrow-bLnd transmitter!. and receivers at any relay station. Meastirentnt frogeency 3-db bund-width Input impedakce Input. voltage range � I prief Specifieutiong 13 kc/s +400 as 64;30 ohms -12 to -8 dbm Declassified in Part - Sani-tized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A07500m7nnn1_n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 _ . ,y, -4- Intermediate Prequency Spectrum An.-lvser TKI type 191 This instrunent is essentially u panoramic rt.*:&.vi tg, displuy of the spectrum ranging fro' 5) to trO Lc/ . connected to the 1.-f output terminal of a -;r1I..ave Ii,.. .ot modulate, the noise spectrum of tv e 11 cf4r; he in- t st ti:c1 on ft scope screen. Evaluation of tif. display is f. cilit .te:.1 tumble frequency marker. A special feature of trio spectrum nalyser is the aside-band" operction used for ixecirt comt�uring the side-bands k.,nd the carrier in V,t. �-pectrzt, of r 0 du 1 -t ed rave... In this mode of operation, thP frf guc ded hen', at the point of the carri or , an tor t. nide-hg.rei re 'irplayed to covrr e.c othcr; the Purr rrctrr- ir blanked or riirtorti �n. 21e nt ir Iti-41hle of rreurinr- -t .i- ter-. -cfr-presr i-f circoitn ..1 t ,.,� Intermerli ite Frequency Modulator 1: . 3% 1,1 iter � 1,. :r�K t' � I 1(o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 � , � �,- I I, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 0,0�111. ref"..rctrnaletr.r jr user: 1� ^. -�:2! .rc� t rc.' ntermediat e rquen,... ii.:;cersories of tbe t) it- brid 7,e , find untern ry�r-4, Jr .ip�r �,,' J � r rt,qtreii for the [V!". F � circuii r bot,'�� with the tA I � I 17.1el. method, in tihe latter 24.9e. � tr... reficct rr.rr,cteri stic oan be i srlay,A nn the screen c-innvcted to the reflect!-)mf,ter. ieor sweep mfa,irer4f1 IT Sr.,eap 3enerat or ty-of' 111 1t recc.mmend.ed r � � � Thr, %-,..cae of return 1or,7 rr, j directly !fu.. b rt. t "ti 'At ciecibels. Freloenr:. t-, .40 -4ei, C,2 t- 1C Lei.rurethL range .-f�turn 16vs, 4L t.% ref1ectio ttr, 1 to .1k.K. �,; Accuracy of renesnreient tiim 5 /reforrt.,: 40 to 3.0 db range 771t.;.7e rev reri from cyterne.1 f7enerator u,r tl u,; I vIlt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 . . t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80-160246A075000170001-0 iater*ed t4e pmerasy 1401/41041ra TX.1 typo 181 . Progootiby Modulootor is intende0 for � Ilia4 l000teroiohaIAlloOspreesion of it ci ion with tido Utettooditity Freivonc,) 81*, "LywOir-.t7po 191. it .:Asooprileo 70 hicia f011e amplifiot teld,attonuotor, aclu -t1itorswitch-tutted to 7 video freveneiee. .1111P0A0 nlistor 01171 be moiluleteri both in eir, 7..itude q.ad the phase clfference betreen the two rioduLetions is corettiktieue1yaci;,4ustvble. When ustul the ride-1 :nd met or!, the AIL.40-11i, cow/Attai4-1 if the circuit mr:.suree ret d � dirge:Ott.:. from two auters, eullt,rr:ti in dt.,.;ree. nd iLCbO r, shr-A�ne titre phesio-rnyhiL.tion 0.n1 TO WoIr oet11jtur.f�r- hr:rw:riLy1t r Inrint ttenitutlr fit C ..i.-4.1c Of trie �� u: cd in o'ijz tiri vittl th, .'re-Tiency 1 t4 .. Out: 'it irpedunce LIT 1 z tude oatolost ion ph- se sadututtly1 ph:4se -4iffereffic4 between tt,.� two nod!fliatiOns frequency x nntly nnt, %.4 �����.������� �������� .41.. I'*1�7; . - - r:. (h,'" ! I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 �-" t.4 'I,' Pt 42071j'ir t blk, 1') 641.,,;1�Atr. ic, C t - � 7 , I i" 4 the ,'"'" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 �- ��� B. 0301 Ong tno frequenc.:,- . 41 tined in rbiorowuve, oused in **per t . *ivy ts ,d*irkt�t ion% ot� sttitnn le tote dotoo..* to* tiplitud*.frequoncy inine tMe roup del.uy- ettor or tne mutasurv.:,t;nt entnpenoution op-Aele ur3fic. f di spec - talibrat /hy usi ternir of byth* ,ecope hs* to be connecteu to the 5 u 'Ode *nd growip chr-racterrtiec. t vt is:the af t-511tL terintict. iotu uxes of CE1410tif in terrE: of der.:11A-1 r-. --trote itethod/, and the nor /by , n a Int ty ti2r1 -i. + 1,Ru cl)rrit rz,nge: ,1 el ay t truc., tlele 1 r2f 1 f i� 0'1V 4.........44.444-44�4 -444 4.444.4 rc-flent ne4ilittN6y otittiit int voltat7e rottp tiaperirame triA. 1. Cater taT�)antte ,Frettaiffery t. 10 , - 70 r c tt- onmr 10 A Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIALRDP80T00246A075000170001-0 - with uje TT *aw/iluiJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0 4ftinI 1 IIt 61), Video Tre.namievint litter TXI type 401 The Video Trcnsmirrion keter Is intended r frequency response or microialte,systemE bvt.ween L. terminale, bit c4n allot be used for metieuring AguiPOPOI' tnotnemittere.*: The instrument ill,. t Laid. 001W4,i0,04-Illikrt8, the werutor and Lii0t,t"4*PW: :IrtOefinentrieso.,1*410111 Indic t or- pa r 1�.100, gellet4er.-pikrt oonsiet e t 410, 1,14441:2414.*:'ipieter. . .1Els.LOOssificmtione adjusteAble in I stew:), 0, Mc/s 1**14:4-,40.� 14): Ans. bite rota.s. 111,011.0 k( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/16: CIA-RDP80T00246A075000170001-0