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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 ? ---'74? 6 r' '411t 4011r INFORMATION REPORT -- INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLRQNCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionlztge Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized, person is prohibited by ? law. ? 50X1-HUM COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT ResearCh on Trichionellosis ? DATE OF. INFO. ? PLACE & DATE ACQ REPOR1 DATE DISTR. 1 May 6)4 NO. PAGES 2 REFERENCES. 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 5 4 "3 2 !STATE annual report (seven pages, English) of a Polish research project entitled "Investigations on Trichinellosis with Special Reference to gplaootiology, Immunology and Pathogenesis." The projectle.which is beindtconducted at the Institute of Parasitology at Warsawlis under the direction of Dr Zbigniew Kozar. 2. The summary of progress: a. The investigations involve a number of topics, a part of which has been completed or published (five papers), others are being conducted or will be undertaken. b. Epidemiologic and epizootiologic investigations are designed to establish the incidence of Trichinellaspiralis in people, domestic and wild living animals throughout the country, the effect of con- tributing factors and to develop control methods. c. Among the hitherto examined human corpses (more than 2100 cases) from various regions of the country, positive results have been obtained in about four percent. This percentage is lower as compared with that of the US (16 percent)', but the differences between individual regions are significant and warrant epidemiologic conclusions. Similar methods (microscopic and digestive) are used to examine dogsats and wild living animals. As to the infection in pigs, the analysis.. 1a collected from all over the country will permit the recogniteillfluence of ? , cultural and other factors on the incidence of th In these animals. The studies are also concerned with th particularly in rural population from certain regio ie country, as assessed by allergic tests. environment, d. Pathogenesis and therapy of Trichinellosis. To begin with methods of experimenting and studying the effect of invasion in mice have been developed the critical review is concerned with some re- ported methods. e. The pathogenic problem of trichinellosis is extremely complex and should be attacked by possibly all available methods. Stme interesting, 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM C-0 - 7?1.1D - E - N-T -I-A -L CROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification I ARMY I NAVY I AIR I FBI I AEC 5 4 3 2 1 50X1-HUM I 50X1-HUM INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CONTROLLED NO DISSEM ABROAD ...moreempumintiesm.. DISSEM: The dissemination of this document is limited to civilian employees and active duty military personnel within the intelligence components of the USIB member agencies, and to those senior officials of the member agencies who must act upon the information. However, unless specifically controlled in accordance with paragraph 8 of DCID 1/7, it may be re/eased ta those components of the departments and agencies of the U. S. Government directly lk participating in the production of National Intelligence, IT SHALL NOT BE DISSEMINATED TO CONTRACTORS. It shall not be disseminated to mrganiza- .., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 -2- ? DO NOT TYPE ABOVE LINE DO NOT TYPE ABOVE LINE so far unknown data have emerged from the studies on the effect of 50X1-HUM flora in the host's digestive tract on the course of infection Intravital staining of some host's tissues 50X1-HUM was employed to learn more about host-parasite relationships f. More attention is being paid to alterations which occur in host's 50X1-HUM tissues. The muscles of infected animals (at various time pi) have been the subject of our hitherto performed studies. Metabolic changes of the muscles have been examined so far as carbohydrate lipids and Krebs cycle are concerned; the results Obtained seem to be of interest. Independently, the activity of some enzymes occurring in the serum of infected animals and the metabolism of the myocardium are being investigated. In these investigations, histochemical methods play a supplementary part. Ther1Ruscular phase of the invasion has been the subject of numerous ex Tiations; as to the intestinal phase our studies have been concerned the occurrence and distribution of some compounds (RMA, DRNA e and the enzymatic activity in the pa- rasite and surrounding host s,tessues. g. As regards the parasite, respiratory and metabolic studies were made on isolated larvae. Eventual differences in the pathogenicity of individual parasite strains (eg from Africa dnd Poland) were also investigated. 50X1-HUM h. The main goal we are aiming at in this field is to obtain an appropriate therapeutic method. The hitherto applied corticosteroids are effective clinically, but they result in general, long-lasting, undesired sequelae. We could demonstrate that a similar clinical effect but without sequelae is obtainable with plan preparations of azulenes 50X1-HUM I. In our opinion, trichinellosis of people occurs not only in acute form (described repeatedly), but also in a chronic one, persisting occasionally for several years. It is just the latter phase of trichinellosis which in some countries may become a serious sanitary problem, that is the main subject of our investigations. j. In the group of 236 patients, affected by reumatic disease and subjected to balneologic treatment, 18 cases presented ailments which apparently could be related to trichinellosis they had years ago. We also analyzed other post-mortem diagnosed trichinellosis cases which had reached clinics and autopsy tables with various mis- diagnosis. Our studies are also concerned with the consequences of trichinellosis (mostly of the circulatory system) in the group of patients who had succumbed to the disease a few months ago, as well as with their treatments. k. Immunology of trichinellosis. The investigations of this group aim at the establishment of more detailed information about the host- parasite system and at the development of practical guiding lines for the diagnosis (com- parison of various reported reactions). 5 4 3 2 1 CONTROLLED DISSEM -end- C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NO DISSEM ABROAD C0NFIDENTIAI7 50X1-HUM 5 4 3 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 WriFtilLiN mu I. Name 0 .1ustitution: PoliSh 'Academy of Sciences Institute Of Parasitology Paa eara, 32 Warszawa Laboratory of Antropozeonoses2 Norwida 292Wroclaw, Poland . Name. of principal investigator: Prof .dr Zbigniew K 0' Z a r 3, Project title: Investigations on trichinello is with special re to epizootiology, immunology and pathogenesis. erence 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL ? uotttalral3aP put tul5sAnitAcP tntulops tu,14 pgrA2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CI-A--1.4DP80T00246A074700130001-8 Declassified in ,Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 e ? 4) . CONFIDrtn" A Samar: of progress The investigations involve a number of topics, a part of which has been coapletek others ere being conducted or will be undertaken. Spidemiologic and episootiologic investigations are designed to establish the incideno* of Trichinellaspiralle in people, domestic and wild living animals throughout the country, the effect of contributing footsie and to de- velop control methods. Among the hitherto examined bum corpses (more than 2100 cassia) from various regions of the country, positive result have been obtal.. ned in about 4%* This percentage is lower as compared with that of USA (16%), but the differences between individual regions are signifi- cant and warrant epidemiologic conclusions* Stellar methods (micros- copic and digestive) are used to examine dogs, oats and wild living animals* As to the infection in pigs, the analysis of data collected from all-over the country will permit the reoognition the influence of *altars' and other factors on the incidence of the parasite in the- se animals. The studies are also concerned with the effect of envi- ronment, particularly in raral population from certain regions of the country, al assessed by allergic tests. P *those:lassie and therapy of Trichi- n It 1 losis. To begin with methods of experiaentine and studying the effect of invasion in mice have been developed the critical review is concerned with some reported methods * 50X1-HUM The pathogenlOillroAcm of trichinellosis is extremely complex and should be attacked by possibly a11 available methods* Some inters* ting $ so far unknown data have emerged from the studies on the effeot of flora in the host's digestive tract on the course of inteotia50X1-HUM Intravital stainig of some host's tissues was employed to learn more about host-parasite relatioDshits I II Ill! 50X1-HUM Nora attention is being Paid to alterations which occur in noev-s tissues. The muscles of infected animals (at various time pa.) have been the subject of our hitherto performed studies* Metabolic chamte of the muscles have been examined so far as carbohydrate lipids and Krebs cycle are concerned; the results obtained sees to be of interest. Independently, the activity of some enzymes occurring in the serum of infected animals and the metabolism of the myooardium are being investigated. In those investigations, histochamical methods play a supplementary pert* The muscular phase of the invasion has bee: the subject of numerous examinations; as to the intestinal phase our studies have been concerned with the occurrence and distribution of some compounds (RNA, DRSA act.) and the *wattle activity in the pap. resit* and surrounding host's tiaras.* As regards the parasite, respiratory and metabolic studies were made onibolated larvae* Eventual differences in the pathogenicity of individual parasite strains (e.g. from Africa and Poland) were also investigated* The main goal we are aiming at in this field is to obtain an appropriate therapeutic method* The hitherto applied oortiiesterolde are effective clinically, but they result in general, long-lasting, undesired sequels*. we could demonstrate that a similar clinical effe but without sequels* is obtainable with plan preparation* of azulanes 50X1-HUM - In our opinion, trichinellosis of people ()entre not only in ace term (described repeatedly),but also ins chronic one, persisting occasionally for several years* It is just the latter phase of 50X1-HUNI mmFIDDITI AL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 CONFIDEN IAL boot e veatiga by roma pramiat thei, bad hinoilogie t Oas ago. note e1 1 bllabmo Sfr d Sitd urine itop ' ot prat rsPOrte rrimcitENTi, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 itaLt1 1 , rnWPinnalikt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A074700130001-8 ? - k.k.) 111E11 dimil ? many years the disease was found neither in the man nor in animals (province Cracow). The data have been obtained from 951 adults (rural popalation). In most parts there were negative results but in some localities there emerged unexpected positive results which could be later explained in the light of a detailed epidemiologic and epitootiologic analysis. This fact is an additional support for the value of the test in mass investigations and confirms our older vim on the applicability of the allerzio test *-ft -- MA's oriantikt4en in opidemiolozical situation 50X1 -HUM 3.1pizootiology of trichinellosis in swine. By way of personal enquiries and contacts detailed data were collected on the occurrence of trichinellosis in pigs in the individual regions of the whole ?pantry. /endemic centres were found where cases of infection occur every year and areas where oases of trichinellosis are not recorded for many years. los analysis are submitted the various opisootiological and other factors. Th, anas. lysis of the data will be terminated in the next aonthe. 4.Inoidence of Trichinells spiralis in animals . By means of the two methods (as in 1) simples from about 1000 dogs and cats and more than 200 wild animals were inv.... tigsted. The material was collected from various provinces of the country. Attention Is drawn also. to larvae of other neaatodes fount in muscles, which may be erroneously taken for the Trichinella ler* vae. Espeoially if wild animals materiel is coming at irregular intervals these studies mast be prolonged for the next year. 2?Pathogenesis and therapy of trichinel- louts. 5. Inflaance of B.mesentericas on the de we - lopaent of trichinellas in aloe ? She experiments were condmted on mice, males (in 3 series). They were given per as daring 6 days fresh culture of B.aesenterious? The first series exhibited 3,46 (170,6 intestinal trio:1112mila., in 1 controls were found 11,71 (_ 1,17 trichinellae. Series II (Bake. sentericus,during the first 6 days exhibited on average 696,1 ( 1- 289,4) muscle larvae. In 59 controls there were on the aver,. age 1824 larvae (1' 250,4). Series III.(B.mesenterious 6-12 days P.i.), the number of muscle larvae 1309 ( ? 330,8). In 27 control - 1863 (...! 369,2) larvae. It was proved that the feeding of the im. footed mice with the culture of S.mesentericas deoreases by 'several , times the number of the developing intestinal trichinellae ( P