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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 R 50X1 -HUM Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A.074600230001-8 -IUM ChairALtuLToc` gom.,z)College of AciTieul:tre Pot,- ,f.Po,anglen Misizovsicleka 1-1,0 ; .14,liove4tOwelita.6 K,T14:130.5:ow*kaaktiv 171,lowalzylf: r)r,b .(1 ttroir. ? . f.01F 4 00MPOITIOr:3Oi Rtporb pexsidd.3 -02t.iiervi 1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 50X1-HUM le dgr to get et me Dicre infornAtio= tm. the nature of the protein bound,Cor:ciltoids,experimilts ware conducted *which the properties tY2 different. prepanations hithekto imaatedt fran Propiontbaotezim sherranii 1t v: omotred. The at tieal studis ? the amino acid oompositiono elootrophol,c3,sis and neasurenents oT the Womerption or*mtra ofthvariolist Qom-pounds.. Th iotad protainboua4corrInciets Vaen subjected to di ferent pul?eivation pnocedureso showeartarkod litrations in the amlno acid-condans No vetine or vsteino couli be evidenooa ohrozatograpitical the orudg preputtion. rwri?rstAldior3oreculted it the separation itto fraotiohov my inaictite the heterogeplty of the investigated conple2os. Thus the isolated fractions tere 4ydrolysed and subjected to. ftmito acid, anal7sis. The absorption spectr&. of the protein :bad corrinoids differed mattmlly from tba ot.vitamin B120 Attempts vivre also t1,9:de to chracterie the protein octpouadg of lisht scanitive oorritoids. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80-100246A074600230001-8 IF ? riPrRINFOTA.I1 ====2:4.4.""r=r2=011== Material and methods rtiopionibeeterium shermanii was usea ea source oZ the oorrinoid protein compounds? The isolation and purification procedures of these copylemus wore deaw, eribed in the previous annual reportvAttezptc were also made to isolate the protein compourds of the light sensitive corrinoidso Studies intble direction were performed according to Null/ and Sabsidtsexcevt that a1 'the operations were tarried out in dark or in the presence of red lisbto Isolation of the tight sensitive compoundoll To 800 g or tresh oell paste 3 1 ofet".--7.91 04301101 were addede A fine suspension was obtained. by azin,S the natorial in a tarring blenlor for 10 in The suspeision was centritusede the superlIntarli reamed, whereas the rests dual tateria1 was sabjected to three sinilar treattlents, 10 1 a seam, 1 were usea for all the extractions, The o lear stipernatanto were combined and evitipomteq under reducaq pressure at 30?G. To the residual aqueou0 solutiono watm was adage's to obtain a final 'trauma of 4 lityear, To this solution a portion of 1100g of solid stmonites solphste was added& Men a clear so - lotion was,obtalned, a treefold extraction was perform ma(151 by warv a4e 3017, TIII-ciortion$: of y-butanole 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A0746nn9mnn1_R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 l.)1\ -num 10 Subsequent40 the codbined butanol extracts we:6 p0,ssed through a columm of previouslz; activated Al2d30 column was washed it with 1000 n1 of 9CYX acetones and then with 10D0 ml of 805 acetone. This vas followed 127 vasaine thyouel a suitable volume of distilled waters rtsoulting it the elution of a brick-coloured nmteriaL The residual acetone war) remavea fm the aqueous eluate by evaporation under reeuced preissure,, The clear soln- bloat) thus obta.Sneds wt i aUbjected to several subsequent =tractional, un g small portions of phenol? The con61- i ned. phenol extracts Imre carefu;ly washed with distii. led waters followed by treatment with a required amount of ethyl ethers to got a clear solutiont, The coloured compowes were reevered pentitaiway fa= this solution water extractiono Traces of phenol were removed Vim tile aqueous extraest Tog washing it with appreciable volts. ef ethyl others the !Atom beLlsg remowet by owsporntlanE. The *queen*? solution of the cerrltoid Ampounklesthus obtaineds was muWoOted to seveml, phenol extractions. The combined phenca extracts were =shed with distilled water and subsequent:ty treated with nine volumes of acetone. This solution was al1owe4 to stand for several hours,' The precipitate of an amorthous brick,coloured naterial was seperated br centrifugations wasaled with ethanol and ethers ta.6d finally dried nvacuum over B26040 50X1 -HUM - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230911,-,8 Huiv IV All the hitherto isolated compounds were sUbjected to further studinso Other moth es applied i* this research are Oxert ln appropriate sections of thia text. VSINITO OD DISCUSION 2 The following abbreviations are beinG used through out this reporh m-a and M,2/or -qUifor preParationaf isolated by the method of Muni and Schmid% 11-1 and 3-2 /or Bej2-W-for the compounds obtained by the modified aedbore5 procedurep B12-M.S'- for the 1ir satitlitiVQ corrinoid propara.' tion. f,:tu5tiorl_o4.91e0 amino note colvogtioa of -M and B -B 12. CMItlitt71,=.44ram,ItOMNSW,mwdm.s.lm.WWWPG0.64M The q?uuntitative amino atad oempositions of the .B and IS, preparations cs well as of the major' frac- tions of those compoutds obtainod after electrophoretic geporationo are presented' ;La Table 10 Eaah of the isolated compouna was hydrolysed by peons of GN ECI in a waYr, described in the previous annual report. The amino acid ana4sis of the-hydrollyzates has boon performed using an automaticana ier /Phoenix.. Pkeeision I Model N.5000,..A/g, ,Tho amino acid composition of N-1 and M.2 was found to be identioal. No significh variations could be also stated between B=1 wad B-2, Data presented it Table I are therefore mean values fmm the ficaros obtained for both proparationav.resoective4. The results aro 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23 : CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 bux-i-HUN 40.? 11 cm exoressed as percents of the amount of command anaZrzedo The data illustrated in Table le bowevere indicate Tv:r?ked differo7c?s in the amounts of individual animo acid residues of the preparations* as ear es the no of purification is bear; concernede Both compounds 41/42.41 and Bia.B/ contsineta sic:nifica craounts of ?arta= mic acid an-d pralines and did not show the presence of cystine.or.cysteine, All the protoin.bound forms of' corrinoids0 hitherto isolated0 show. a 181 ratio / by we1ght/0 of the protein moiety to the corrinold residuc in the vitnole comn1e.x0 Studies an the amino aoid composition of the protein compounds of corrinolds included Cleo the analysis og fractions obtained after lonclhorasis of both 21241- Cad B5k2-3 preparations, The ata of this researCh was to fiat out which of -the olectrophoreticallyAelarated teaCtion ShCV the hichest prate/Us oonttelec., Q.sonaltatiVo nnino acid anaysia e the ingloated i4C,110,64vAtc pertormode after acid 14,./e,.ro3;y3i0 iG 17M-0 22 !amp in seeZed tdbes at 11094/0 on V:Ictran Xo4 Tiltqr U w=butanol /acetic -acid/ water 481* WI? 48 brsi and Pheno1 saturated with? p.al ;',2 phosphate buZfe?12 as solvent system, 1$3 cystinee, or c7cteino0 and tvroeilte - could be feundt yeavayzatee of the major fractions* obtained after electrophoreste of eit:lar ri143 or ri,T.24. Ze absence of tyrosine differ$ re!rke4r- tba r oLa woet a the aoproyriate prepara7;io:4 :)rior to* and ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23 : CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-.8. !um after the electroohorotic; treatment, The 1%erteix4,.ng '10=21" fraetlonso howetrerp vere found to contain the ?sine residua, The el,5,otrophoretite4y isolated fractionsfi which enpeared to contain most of the rrotsin wera sUbjected to further ouantitative studies on the amino acid oonpositicno Results of this research are presented iA Table 1b jt-ak g, E-2 .T.NreDanationo The absorption qpectwa of ti a isolated oomnlexes were mearatred in aqueous solutions in the resion tg 200 . 700 mp using the Unlosm Ut.700 spectrophotometer. 0harattoristio msxlma wore observed at the following wave lengths8 M . 1 - 35.7 zi220. 4676, 505 mp X . 2 - 356i, 412g, 46?0 5o5 Tap 3 2 . 357T 4126 467t 526 up . 2 - 356e 4229 476 and515 m.)10 The latk of a peak at 278 differs the absorption spetra of the investigated preparations from that,) typical for tho arystallibe vitamin. 222.0 shoving charao- teristi maxima at 278D 361, 520 and 550 upp respeotive3 The remaining Desks were found also to be shifted some- what into the region of altranioLet light,, The most striking difforenoes appeared howeVero in the r gion. between 370 . 470 1111 vglith might be due to the haterogc nity of the preparations studied. Fig. Eo 1 illustrates the adsorptl.on spectra of both the 111241 and B .B preparations ro, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 bUAl -HLD ' eleprjaW Taeotrophoresis of the 312-1 and )3/2,4 compounds ii the resence of 0N-ions0 Mr..CAM2U IW?040..O4CP SIWOP*?... FigAo 2 presents the Ioaation of dgferent fractions obtatned during ionophoresim of the and 11/42,4 oomnounds in rresenee of ECE,' The eloctrephoretil: studios worm illerror,ed according to the iioldsworthe procedure, BletrOpheresis occurred In 114 033000E .dif 207 to which 0,01,5 7";, mts added, 5a.iie oWhatman No filter paper wf.&x.i. subjecteato a potent/elk gradient o 5 v per ea Tor 1:43v1rec The B22441 complex separated ;.nto these mato. fractions? numbered as 102 and 3n respetivey0 Mateo miditional patterns were detected in trales* Fraotiono contairiag most of the c01ou3 teria24 applied to the filter :covert appeared to 'be a neutral one. 2he mobility of thio componete as well es its colours, me found to be simile,: to that Of cristalline vitemin.B The yiellow coloured fraot#n,Vo 2 shoved 12? basic properties? The colour of this pattern would indicate the absence of the eorr1;1 moiety, rraction No 3 vb,s reddish and more 'hoz:10 as compared with fraotion No 20 When Biza was eUbjected to elav.trophoretic studies, similar patterns were demonstrated =opt the fraction showing most basic properties, which was not evidenced, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23 : CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 rt I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001:8 Hum .7. As illustrated on Figjo 2 both the position ana colour of the major fraetions were fatar close to these? obtained after elootraphoretio treatment of Fraction. No I ahowed a 1w3elet7. acid chareater,, The qualitative amino acid smayois of dIfferen CTV.0151C4tv="6C.siC.1..Vrtaa r.7.=,.:510:42ittaftWoWAimnat ittat?Mr..-44.31,1=4Wr="4= CV CC, ~4:11^CV:62,2s..CM, fractionsv eeperated electreohoreticany in tho :presence of k.,45 aonzr, 46C7.4.er.roaceL,WV.,47.Noecamoramolfee.4.-=,=.041 Fractions go 1,2 ana 3t or.natinc frau both and 312-B preparations5 roppectivolT, were hyaralmea by means of GU ZO1 and IfUlljecteC t* ya.par chromatography - as described 'else-them Whereas fraction No 2 showed only tram; of the ninhy= drinvositive comp&ds, the remainin6 ainjor fractto No 2 and 5D contaiied. most of the amino acidu prtsemt 1:n the untreated salaplea of 7,312.2 and 5127b,,. On the base of these fineinge A *onaluaion nould be ? drawn. outv comerning the decorposition of those elo4p*-- =de wtthin tho course of elactrophoesis in ,lriasqnzi or CivriOrevaltine: tn the now,xati.on of tht constituent /mainly vitntlit L.12 or it am.). tho torotei. molety4. Electrophoreste of. the 444 &Ltd& A 00141141mm4 ?.2 in the abseme of t;rionso The omis4on of ar within the courue of elootrophorortio led to a afferent separation of tf,o !tompourCe nnt -3od, as compared,t1th the patterns obtalte Oaon. ?XI 'Ala' added to the eIectrolvteoilig6 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 iup .8. The major fraotionsp teL from either BirM or 73- -43 numered as 2 and 50 had distinet basict propertio 12 v Horsoverp the B".411 preraration separatea into three tratefraction:46v, one of which moveid into .the position of orystalline.vitamInBi2 and Showed a similar eolow,:o The remaining two fraetions were foUnd. to be haslet:, On the other? barely the Z12-B conDounds separatpd into fractions Re 2 and 3, and.a weak:ij acid coimonent frattion. NO I /in trancs/0 The red noloured fractions No .3 obtained after oleotro- phoretie treatment of Bielp and Dlea as wen au ths fraetion No 2 of the 17:1241 wore elutedt hydroZygoa and adb600ted to the TAntitative amino acid anallysirto The Crionse usulAyapplied 'IA the.olootrophoresis of torrinoldag. were found to affect the ofabilit7 of 4a7le investigated comolexes,t TNe absorti,an ...r9ectra fvf frat'filem!if% dd. .??????dr dir . ? ta 44. 44.,1.7 ????? ...r????? 4:IAA ...ad, .4. ?? A??? 4?Ne ?-? ? ? ? . La '1 irc,Go GI 6 'foriz ? Ta? kAdq::41 ? .1...:,414 44 efe ? ? Theso meavuremorte werG oonduttod tn'ordqv to oongirm s date frou tb.fz altd..no ao Lei. ars ti f:t al.?1,$,W04. to 4g3UM4 tbs.t deFraexItion 41,1: (i,.)r.11o4Av niaittoI daz to the aotioA 01 Wiolls- Dozmus4:4 af th,t; jdarfity of t.".'a Ott/20r from B.., --1M or 4,2 '12 1):0(5Ta.roJA(J,i74E, 0.4s.a3u:re...c.71:o; ? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 um 9 - of absorbency were United to one of tbe indicated , co1!?oun444 !Lonely B1241, Decomposition of the px,eparetion use cleersr ervil1en04 /fig. No fte absorption spectrtna of the most intensive fraction No 1 wee found to be identical with tbat o crysW,line vitamin 1332e whereas the absorption of traction n'O 2 could. not be ascribed to any Of the corrinolAs. It seers very likely that traction So 3 was ,the only one Attach con.0.1ned the watered ipoteixt 000plez of corrincid. The absorbtion spectrum of tibia fraction differed floes timt proparation-sparticularly in the region 370 to 4-50 nu, T.he a'bsorptia oPeetrit? of the riain tractions *WM; 'ilirademeoW4011C11411m1k041esoobw....W.Ilaroolariiiisralailwiro... compoundt separated within the 'awares of elect:ea- ~OM. ilevirowittamilliMilletwookbilarnakikdwAyismbilawroks.oeligmmilmaishm101008011411101110.10 pharesis -the absent* of' 03rtions, 114rtorrowl^iibimortimpaudiviobilmneallhoefra...romititi60.4b6wOlmailmliMoolowsri As 11.43.110. 5 illustre.tes the absorbtion bands of both 110 2 and3 show molt loom tutztiastit shottedtat shifted toward the re#oa of short eaves. We phenomenon could be allots observed tta the case of crude Sic preparatioa. The most striking diteeranse between the crude covonn.4 and the indicated be comonente appeared in the region of 370 to 450 mu; in which the spectrzi, t the.later compounds aro may antler to that ot vitelain Due %UGC riniane tbiAt the comowde Imre ,liberated from the law terferring substanoe. A ditZerence between traotion No 2 - andBo 3 could be noted in the regia lx5tween 450 and 550 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 ? ? FflY 1 _Li um Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Table 1. Amino acid contents of BieN and Ble preparations Alee.n values from M..1 and 11,-20 34 an4 31-2e retpectively /and of the major frictions? obtained duriqg electro oresis in the absence of RCN =ft. .. .. . ? 4 4 Amino aoid 0 U. M =======?==== 13 '41 2.474 Fraction, fractio4 Traction of the whole com.st No 3 Po 2 0 No 5 pound P of the total of in acids Lysine 08.00 103X I fl Eitidine 0 2.65 Arginino 1029 1 . 1 . 1 Aspartic acid 165 4.12 Serino m...6 0m91 I 1.72 2.62 1 Threonine 0..? 2.24 Gletamic acid 840 1 9tL2 IPtolito ..... Glytine 4.... 1.34 1 1062 1303 1 7.34 0.71 1 1.83 Alanito ..... / 1'2 0$stine.. 0. Vallno ttee,60 2.65 11..93 petlaionint .. 1.34 1.13 Iooloucine.4. 1,a3 i 2.83 246G beutine ..... t 4.60 I 4.11 iI . 8.92 fe.,9,,,,,23 1 0.99 sine 61640 4.G5 I 1 P6 i 502$ Phonyloalaninei 0 A..,..t.-4,-r.-....clittt.41.-..r.....t...=*.r., -............ -.................................. 3,3? ? 1,89 1 . t 1 4,29 ! : ::: 2.40 2092 1 , 2.43 1 367n 1 . 1 1 2 2 .84 i 'A , 90,21 1 4023 1109 ,......... 8,5 1 4061 I $000 49 2r91 I 2,75 1 749 2L.2 119.2 20.7 1 254 ip07 14609 3.32 i 3.),86 Zs% ,40 1 54:3 ' 14 9.1$' , 12,0i3) i 4.01 2.13 146 2619 I i 5071 1 44" t .. 4,05 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 lum . 11 of 'L omatitative amno girAd okmositian of ono 3'301. ?A0 f/vo41.omp Fl2-Al o fa, *ai? ??.a4- t4 1a7?. prpa,ratxons in the absezze of ON ions. < ? 4.? a 4.p...4. 4.. 4tiCSLIDSVIVT4.6.1?.. 17 anAnomt residues wore determilatdi aetion Ivo 3 o.7!' eitMr tho " /Table ".(A I/. ilar4?No GI oxc,,,,,v4; sonple=es . . The nyn5ortaC kavino ao5A residlIcs was ovidenaed in Z:caotitlaNt P of the B12-4 preparation t th* basir3 amino aoir:M Ilaine arginire a:se histidiao mre not dotectd,? fractiaa has bow, provious27 deseribd ae E.,eatteo of tho-laok cf SA appreciable amoont'of the enverlmeptal materiel the elootroplloretioal2w? seporated fraotione aftcc sIutiono were not evapbrated to dryness end wathto but hydrolyzed direet, Therefore the ooncentratigan of IndIvidua/ amino aeid is being f3alou1aF-, tea asspercmt og tht total amino acid contens dotormi? vAdo mad assumed aa 1000 Tho some,ril,avan maft the determination of th* basie enino aads tu Xraation NO 2 of the 73, gt,eppvatIon ftriossiblec, o ponrere fradtion No 2 and Zio 3c both originatea frov, .save oomooundo it has been assummod that the contertn ofbasie amino acids .in fraation No 2 wou2d not Inclood the tiguro of 9rd,Th asSumption was mado eacor4liers t* tho ,exportmexItall datA obtaina. for the fraOtion BO T5 of i81,51V and for fr-eft= :Go 3 of 13127,,00mpouna /9021W as .SallOWA in TalaXe I. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 -IUM oreier. tO, eCtipaZ8 ti.10 C.4;tt.,?ICiS a21,d coapositikIa tao cy,:ads groparati.ol Vaith that o.t iM?,:bmotist.419, ti-it.vt,oz c.i.orses1;7,1)..n.ditis titj tho rem,araticar? eacule bq miltipli&4 by a faakTf 2.? SOGMB tO beiumlst 1g1 bottmol. tbe ikirtall tioldAct$, tAcidak att,d. Utielt thtl (5ott,l,atiTif; tcy. t7,,mta,k frattion wc, botkkndLut-g,Daralrlifto ead. act tfaem titP eagttaYit 4ftims3).1e0 gm?eovoll`' at csatvtas (71.0'016..i eiZt-6:17111L:S.O., wzal crugtxinelQat611, and. y,:,-krcbably 'TYAZ lowf,ti? hcsfe-4,7,v;t, tci; h1;.1:0.1111:geint 1,11 tb4,, 1W5atO glIZttPn. :c 2iags.' Vac, B. -7 trkola-pr+.4,..-,14 51.47o.',U,?o -1401,1ine, and, al.esm Ixttrti...ene cras `S..zotottorT, 51e 5 !D?E t324 44.1.tom*-vonqi.mez.i *ortpawed tt UsTt tamdz la.'tparatLagl.6 rron, i41V.(1,4 talb fx.atIvA las tiettontez ths ron0.1102.e4. AWizg nald, rtprloa2roel ratebv.,wL rL bcrbh zubml.m.:4- e6:)go Vats, ttMi&P P=id 00Myaatit= tractim Nc; a mna rq are .Ettail,,,?,,r4 i.dth vxwptittistf., csaitilmo 4.10 ft:1;11y) 6,5 Irs;11 kik'; :17 .;1,14:"i'int>117.,* 1,:ct '4" ? .# ,Th ..fr -A, -? Oa: sera contair, 20% OwtotrAe.*".,4A 13Ce' seiT,IJI Etari. vo:!,e.1 ti2.0; Fractl,g,trtis No 3 Oftu illobses,h ?and, ar,:.4..101;1.6 tra.41 1:1-Yuc.31.3'16, 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 50X1-HUM From the hitherto obtained data a soneral, Gonfilualco could be dram. out* *commit* the hotezaoseni* of the crude Sz241 preparationo This preparation seems to to/ a mixture of at least two comPonents aitzering iz sio protein residue, , It awes very likely this property Could be taso ascribed to the 33$0.410 commis/1G 4*" ? Studies on the 1.1.ghtsnitive cimplams The light sensitive compounds IS 444 isolated by the procedure. described in the ,experimenta40 showed an 7? , ohracteriatic orangereddish co3.our* 1* .,....412420:2M1g* This wao perforMede acoording to Boldawthoesoept A the absence of light* In the presence of arions... to preparation sei'Perated into two tractions., The neu. trai one showed a,characterl.stie colo, specific to vitamin B.R.1Al storasp the other contained moat ot the ? , . orange-reddish coloured. tutorial ,M1, fileotrOphoreas of th Bete.s coivound in the absence of oriOrievreltriacv ted in a single fractione. whicb has not been, subjected to further studiese within the caurse of research , covered by this report) .? Samsk.rwaoom ilustrates the fi,bsorption. spectra Which core spend to the B -111-11 preparation as well as to the preparations obtaine'd after eleotroph.oresiso The spectra of /3 prepare.tien and of its oraxtge-reddish few.- tione isolated elpotrophoraticallye are similar to 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 trnv 1_11 IRA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: 6A-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 that of 5p6.--dimothylhenzimidazole ib2 coenzyme reported Baker iFed,irocto20 956 /1961/ The absorption ectrint of fraction no I ma similar to that of crystal? line vit.-1111in 11/42. kormation of thith fraction within the course a electro? , phoresis V1Lprobably due to the action a crions the t3.2 coenzyme Anothiar possibilityg, which might lead to the elopeerance of thls fractiont would be the unsurZia.= ant light protection during the isolation of the light sensitive form of corrizoideo 309r,IAts.,jthu4....,,.....Ay..._ut? acid an sis.o.f.tizsai atiUtious. This was performed lay mesas of paper chroraatoaphare Dutanol ifacetit, water aystom was used as solvente; The proctedure for hydrolysis and chromatography was identical with that desaribed elooWhere, Gine and glutamia acid were the only amino acids found in eppreal=, able emounteovihileert othox amino acids could be detected only in tra01988 In, fraction Vo I which seems to be a vitamin Ike corvound only Glutamic acid was, evidencedo On the other handoglycine was the only one an3itse acid residue found in the hydrolyzate of fraction Zo 2 tihrooenzyme.lite colapwadC The light?sensitive forme of corrinoids will be oubje? ctod to further studiest, as indicated in the plan of future research,. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 up Chromatography on Sephadex A.25 COOF0,461WWWOMWOOMO.Pgalwel An appropriate VOluDO of the M-2 water solution was passed trought a column of Sephadex A.25 /medium 16 x 104 cm/0 This was followad by water elution of the coloured fraction. No resolution could be observed. The recove. red compound was hydrolyzed by GN BC1 /22 brae in sealed glass tuber at 110?C, and after the acid has been removed analyzed by means of paper chromatography as mentioned elsewhere. . All the amino aoidso commonly present in a protein hydrolyzate were detectedo except cystine /or cysteine/ which could not be evidenced* This research will be continued. Microbiological assayst amaibmatamenmemeAte=wwwwwwwW4010.4siborpaimao-ftwor Assays?of the growht factor activity of the isolated oomplexes for Leon were performed according to the Burkholders tube procedure.0 slightly modified in this laboratory. Leal 113-3 served as test o en0 The activity of the isolated complexes /expressed as percent of that of the crystalline vitamin B12/ for the E.coli was as follows t 925210 AgItglE m . 1 34 M 2 4o - 1 2o B IT 2 68 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-R HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A0746002306gg ? ? 115 P4,1.3.,(mrring. tm.nr,s;gra..-.4,6o; fooltzte.01. rdtittz2. tho ow.a-sa ZiAtd,7 vare carrx, . , the -J.1**x; meglittyv skrrinold. prepapatita ator 91T4atrvpht-tIo. tmRtmszt / DV Criftgl tddtdit - twa.fraraiallA thep ,Tisht so.aitiftearrit.pta wvaration,cmpated iobtmhtrotioa3l7it Vilt pTesexee - the? patAT,Ioxi ?3f tl,v6 e:lootrcaettml fmotion o(5.spontfgg t14 tl\st mgystaltlae vaAmmin 111., U,nt tth.bairti?:, traffic% nzvidiat* the poniti= ot faetw Tam absoxptiem apsqlitra ot theat oampments nay auzgoot ? thv cormonicin tho ,proteig-A cArroysid. ck light zezzilAve zwotaltinri,i Vare: torre.44itui (It tata 61, - C2rfez,Fial Trit:ZEtir. E120 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23 TcIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/23: CIA-RDP80T00246A074600230001-8 bUAl -HUM .L. of :.itzttave Yre.oevx