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.I,'-134' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 INFORMAT1O'N REPORT' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning toe eamonage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in an manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 COUNTRY USSR REPORT SUBJECT English Translation of DATE DISTR. 5 May 1964 Descriptive Manual on Soviet R-642 Naval Radio Transmitter NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. 50X1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 5 4 3 82-pageo English translation of a RuSsian-language manual entitled Tentative Descri tion and Instructions for the R-642 Radio Transmitter remennoye ?opisanive i iffkYFITTet7C777ii--- 1752T3TEFFTWUWEET771-antsii tint R-6/121 Distribution of Attachment for Retention: OSI: ORR: Army: Army/FSTC: Navy: Navy/STIC: Air: Air/FTD: ' SAC: NSA: 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 copy copy copy copy copies copies copy copy (forwarded previously) copy copy or:des S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declossification STATE I DIA ARMY I NAVY I AIR NSA 0(4)X NIC I OCR I SAC _ 50X1 -HUM (Note: Held distribution indicated by "#".) 2 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Ernassmos Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 )0X1 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM TENTATIVE DESCRIPTION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE R-642 RADIO TRANSMITTER (English Translation) SECRET? NO FOREIGN DISSEM GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading end declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Disc= TENTATIVE DESCRIPTION AND =INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE R-612 RADIO TRANSMITTER 50X1 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 I? GROUP 1 Excluded frxn automatic doviezmil .4 Lid - declev>il I ca lie n Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 NO Foreign Dissem I. INTRODUCTION LP 1) 50X1 The R-642 type radio transmitter is designed for operation aboard ship with any of /the following modes of transmission: 1. Telegraph key using continuous wave. 2. Telegraph key using tone-modulated wave. 3. Telephone. 4. Printing by a method of frequency modulation with varying carrier frequency (on quartz-stabilized frequencies). 5. Facsimile operation by a method of audio frequency modulation in the telephone mode of the transmitter. The R-642 radio transmitter consists of the following basic parts: 1. Transmitter. 2. VSR-5 type rectifier. 3. Control panel. 4. Radio operator station (PRO). 5. Remote station (VPS) with speaker. 6. Quartz-beating element. 7. Power unit for supplying the transmitter from a DC network. Note: When AC current is provided, the power unit is not. supplied. . The description given here is only for the transmitter, control panel, radio operator position, and remotely located station. That concerning the rectifier and power unit is contained in a separate attachment. In the event that the transmitter includes a receiver, a special antenna must be provided for it. With manual telegraph operation, an automatic half-duplex allows recep- tion during pauses in sending;. with telephony, the half-duplex operation: is controlled from the microphone. ? The transmitter provides communications, (without searching and without tuning) over a continuous frequency range, using a crystal heterodyne wave- meter which serves as the periodic control of the calibration or frequency setting. 1 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dissem The transmitter Can establish communication by setting its frequency to that of a received signal.. The transmitter is calibrated in kilocycles, and the frequency is (p read directly from a continuous tuaing dial. The transmitter can operate on quartz-stabilized frequencies. An actuator for teletype operation, excluding frequency deviation elements, is used when operating on a quartz-stabilized frequency. The R-642 radio transmitter can be supplied from any of three possible primary power sources: a) a 220/380-volt AC circuit, b) a 220-volt DC circuit, or v) a 110-volt DC circuit. 50X1 When a DC power source is supplied to the transmitter, a motor-genera- tor convertor with a 220 or 110-volt FN-85 type motor and a 230-volt APNT-85': type three-phase generator are added. FUrther voltage conversion is accompanied by means of a VSR-5 rectifier connected to the transmitter. The rectifying arrangement consists of a number of selenium rectifiers which supply the various circuits of the transmitter. An AC voltage is fed directly to the tube filament circuit of the transmitter form a step-down transformer. The radio transmitter has several stand-by circuits to prepare it for operation. These are: a. the thermostat of the continuous-range master oscillator in trans- mitter Unit No 1. b. the thermostat of the unn unit in the transmitter Unit No 5, and v. the preliminnry heater thermostat of the "KV units in the quartz- heating element. Current is supplied to these circuits directly from the DC network, if available; and directly from an AC source, if available. Thus, the arrangements for supplying the stand-by circuits are differ- ent. Forced air is used. to cool the transmitter and rectifier. 2 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ca-TitM57T No Foreign Dissem II. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE TRANSMITTER p 3]50X1 The completewhematic of the transmitter is shown on Diagram R-97918.? The high-frequency section of the transmitter consists of 5 stages. The master oscillator has an electron coupling and incorporates a GU-50 type pentode for operation at reduced plate and screen voltages. Manipulation is accomplished by breaking the circuit of the screen grid potentiometer and pressing a button to supply a negative cut-off volt- age to it. The second stage amplifier operates with a GU-50 type pentode. The third stage operates as a doubler and amplifier with a GU-50 type tube having a plate voltage of 600 volts. The fourth stage operates with two parallel-connected GU-50 type tubes in the doubling and amplifying mode. The fifth stage operates with two parallel-connected GU-80 type tubes having &plate voltage of 2500 volts. The transmitter pentode is modulated by varying the bias to the pentode grids of the fifth stage tubes. The low-frequency section of the transmitter, designed for modulation, consists of a three-stage low-frequency amplifier and audio-oscillator for obtaining audio-modulated oscillations. The modulating equipment has a compressing device which maintains a constant percentage modulation of the transmitter within certain limits. In the transmitter the circuit of the first stage is gang-tuned with the second; and that of the third stage ;with the fourth. The fifth stage is tuned with a separate knob. Three control knobs are used for continuous tuning of the transmitter circuits: one for stages 1 and 2, one for stages 3 and 4, and one for stage 5. The frequency range of stages 1 and 2 are divided into 4 sub-bands which cyclically repeat on ranges I, II, and III of the remaining stages of the transmitter. All of the yubband switches in all five stages are mechan- ically ganged to each other and are under the control of a 12-position master control knob located on the forward panel of the transmitter. Dotted lines joining the tuning controls shown on the master diagram of the transmitter indicate the mechanical connection between the controls. The order of the designations for the subbands handled by the trans- mitter indicates the frequency change: i.e., the first subband corresponds 3 .S-E-C-R-E-T No,Toreign Dissent Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ? No Foreign D4.ssem to the lowest frequencies (or longest wave lengths), corresponds to the highest frequences (or shortest wave lengths). The antenna circuit of the transmitter is coarse-tuned by means of a switch; and/continuously fine-tuned by means of a coil with a slide contact. Coupling with the antenna circuit is capacitive, and varying the coupling is done by means of an 11-position switch. Continuous tuning of the transmitter is done in the following steps: 1. Place the subband selector switch in the required position. 2. Time the circuits of stages 1 and 2. 3. Tune the circuits of stages 3 and 4. 4. Tune the circuits of stage 5. 5. Coarse tuning of the antenna by means of the antenna switch. 6. Continuous fine-tuning of the antenna. 7. Selection of the best coupling of the antenna circuit with the circuit of stage 5. III. DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (SEE DIAGRAM R-97918) 1. The Master Assembly The master assembly for the continuous-trequency range has 2 stages which operate with GU-50 pentodes. The first stage, the master oscillator (Figures land 2), comprises 0' circuit with electron coupling. The inner circuit of the master oscillator (which determines the frequency) has as a continuous tuner a variometer with a shorted turn, providing overlapping of frequencies X ? 1.2. The entire range of the master oscillator from 1.5 to 3.0 Mc consists of.four subbands; variometer 2 incorporates capacitors 6?7, and 8; capac- itor 5, controlling the 4th subband, is Connected permanently to the cir- cuit. The distribution of frequencies by adbband in the master oscillator is as follows: 1.5 - 1.75 megacycles 1, 5, 9 1,75 - 2.1 ? 2, 6, 10 2.1 - 2.5 ? 3, 7, 11 2.5 -.3.0 ,, 4, 8, 12 4 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 9-1-000L1-008ZZOV917Z00108dCl-V10 90/1- 1-/C eseeiej .104 panaiddv Ado paz!l!ueS - 1-led u! PeWsseloaCI moss-pa taTaioaON ' 11-H-11-3-Z-S g . Band/Contacts Pr.esspd --4. 1 f ????.,. I :? It r k NI 4.31 '' fl `1+ I -?? - ., 40o. .I. ? : ? * 11 I I. ,. IV sok.% ? ?tote ? 0;010 ., laolo';?a., ' ". ? ?;,..? ; ..? I. , . . 1/010 .1 Ole .. .. . 1... ? 1 1) W ... ti......P.L' 1 .. 1,....1 .. - ? 4 ,.., , I1 3 01016 ? , i1141) 0,0 0'04 thc, an oloi n, 1 ;ore cli'h 1 ? .0,, ? 4 ? '7,?;c?` e? ? . - ' ? f?. ? "4,. ? ??`. ? ,'e ? ? ? , 4 !.?????? I ?4, Al4.? t. ? '? . ? "" ? ' 9 ? . ? ? ? ?,}? ;{.? ???01:. ? '? ? ? * ? ",/'' 4 ; ' 4,?????'??.. a "?' ??????-? ? ? ?? tt, ?.? ??.? ? ? ? V ??? ,? ? ^ ? .2.1 ? 4 " " ? - ". ? 4' ? , : ? ? ??A ? ,;:?'`..-r.:,? . ? ,-. . . 4 3., ?:6.,.. .., '' . 1 41. ? . ::' 7: ? :4 1 ' : c' ? . 1 ' ? ' ? 1.....1 . ?') 1 "6,'..,6i...'"i?,AY ' '...7,? ',,,oitc,,..?;u:/;,..1.:i???',..Ci E........... ? ???",,z.t,,t?r...,;?.. , 1,1 , " .. ,41,.,t? , ). . 1 coF ? -' J. ,?4,.:?4,...-;:;5?.:. I., i H. oi:,-..;'* -. : . .., ... . i...,),, :??-;.p.:,',;,'...", .,.. ",:. . " ., i 1 ogema -?, .1 , - ..t,-- , sil r ,L;'. ? ' ? 1 .'i -*74H"{;37-7-4);',:;;;',.,.';? bd. ? 4, 'iJ" 1... . , .0 ....'e ..? e . ?'' . .? ,?P.?4-'? ". I. i PI 7..... "'??:*_ ! ; ' . .4, 0 , e ?? ; 4. , : ' ?' - 7.,.. 03 0 ? , .? ? , , ....: ? ...1r.1 ? ,? r ?,,,, ' i c/5111....... ? ? * . `co . , , k ?,. , f . .. f )y . ? ; ' ? 1'e .. '" - ?.' zl'i (Ai ,..; 4, ? ? ,"? .c? ' k ? ? ??4 .., . ,..i. . ! WI, t . 'II . t/'. . k. M. ''' '^ '''' 'r 6 ? .-1' a ' r.?'t? '.4 dt,04 .....? ,,, ?..-,, .? . , . ' 4. ,S u?ile ? 1 ?? ,`Y...= 1- ? IN.; ?I'N) i 4 41 f. .". t, .' I ..... ;r%.-.4. . ,C.? .....I.%?., .711,4?4 % ... 411...3?1.4.? . 4 - ,.. :. ? 4., 4 4.,,,, ? 4, 4 ..." i 9 4 .??? ? r ? ?:' ..01,,, ... i . 4 t. i , ? ,, :,?,? . I, .01 ..' ? . ? ' 1 , ? ? ' -? ';,..." 4 ' . ' '' * ' ' ? Iii: '* 1 ,.? ,... i. ...?1 ? .." ' ? ' , - , ? i . . 7. ?ie- .... .1. ' ' . :1" ' i , . , , ..., ... . . ....,," 7.. .r., I.,?.? ,. . .? ?, , , c.. ,' VI .!'. I .. .: - ::..... .. .. ''' ' ! I.7.:( At ' t .. l':.: .,'' r ....17 ;.11.4.: '1:'''' 4:::11.? . : s''' 4 :,:it r :441. . ? ? .? , ? . . 2:1. , ? ..,? ? ? - . . . ? ? . ) 14. : ? 4.. ? ' ? . . .4,14 ? .7, , , :r I ? f.? . ?? ? ? ff A,... ??? , : ? . **'?-..." * */* . f: ?????? o? t. 4, , . ,,,t , :. i : : ? * 1. e-, ....,, ? ... .0 _ ?; _ ....... , . .,? z-, . . ...?., , ' ' . ? ? .. . '' ., ? , ? : , ,,,,,, t' 4.? ? , .". , -. ? ? ,1".,.; ".:...t. - ? i I. ...-". ',..._. -.AA ... - TwasgTa raTaloa ON - I-Z-U-0-a-S 9-1-000L1-008ZZOV917Z00108dCl-V10 90/1- 1,/C eseeiej .104 panaiddv Ado paz!l!ueS - 1-led u! PeWsseloaCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign BUIS= 17 ? ? , ? 4 7 foie,. ? ? 40.4 cs,? I. - )g C3, I ? ? t r ? . . - I1?????? * ? IP 't ? ..(*, ? ? I 11. ? ? roe. '3 ? ? - `? ??? ??`: t ? ? . ? ?, ? ? ,?3 ; r. ?? ' .? ?? ' v ?. I. ? 1 ? ?11,. ;. .?I A' 1 t ? e ? A ' r,i ? ???,. ,?: , z '1 ?c ^ f? ' r ? , .'t ? , , . ? ? .? ??? , ? 4 t. ? 4,,??.....i4441414114444?4.4/ ? ; a 4 , ? ?' ? . . .1 *?: ? ^ " ;? * -?? .. ? +3 ??"?? .1J - ? ??? ' ? ..dr?t* ? .14 11.1. ? ? r, I,': 10?Y 6' S-E-C-R-E-T 3 ; r , ? ????? ? ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Discern 50X1 No Foreign Dissent !_Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Diasem . TO calibrate the dial for the subbands there are trimming capacitors , .50X1 9, 100 11, and 12; The inner circuit is connected to the tube by means of a capacitive potentiometei. Capacitor 16 of the potentiometer serves as a feedback element. (p 71 Capacitor 15 and capacitors 13 and 14 connected in parallel to the . other subbands determine the degree of coupling of 'the circuit with the tube. Al]. the capacitors of the inner circuit, as well as the capacitor of grid leak 180 are of e. hermetically sealed KGK type. The master oscillator operates in a self-bias mode from grid current. The screen grid is fed from a potentiometer comprising resistors 25 and 323, and the high frequency component, is grounded through capacitor 19. Modulation (Figure 3) is obtained by breaking the circuit of the screen grid potentiometer and pressing a key to feed into it a negative cut-off voltage through resistor 54. Capacitors 20 and 41 in the filament circuit of the driver tube block out higa frequencies from the filament circuit. Since the cathode of the tube of the master oscillator is under a high.-frequency potential, the circuits of the plate and screen DC components are closed through cathode choke coil 3. Te plate of the master oscillator tube has an aperiodic load in the form of choke 'coil 22. An oscillating voltage from the plate load of the master oscillator through decoupling capacitor 38 is applied to the grid of the 2nd stage tube (Figures 4 and 5). A, bias is applied to the grid of the 2nd stage tube from potentiometer 49 - 50 through resistor 48. The screen grid is fed through dropping resistor 51, and the high fre'l quency component is grounded through capacitors 40 and 42. The plate circuit of the tube, tuned-to-the:frequency of the inner circuit, consists of variometer 28, capacitor 30, and supplementary adbband Capacitors 31, 321 and .33. The high-frequency component of the circuit is ? grounded through capacitor 44. The inner circuit of the master oscillator and the Circuit of the 2nd stage are gang-tuned. For ass of ganging, 'each subband in the Circuit of the 2nd stage hat ceramic trimming capacitors 311, 35, 36, and 37 and trimming choke coil 29. The voltage of the driver is fed to the grid of the 3rd stage through de- coupling capacitor 46. .8 S'ECRE'T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ? ? No Foreign Dissem 1 ...87?:: ...? it?-prr:7:7:7;?.?????????? ? 1??-or.- 4 ;.: i i ? ---v crr - ???? : . .1 :,, ? !?? I.... r,.4 4.: .. . : -. Z1 ? I , ? . . N -.....?..- --) T -_-_4 / .. '? ,-.) ,,i _ , ---.z.,....._ ....:., _.....,... ? .--. ? -" ? - ........:_:...........-Tk. _...:.._. ___... _.. ?...._ ...... e,gy. ow. ?????? ....... . . "I ..? -- - 3_____01..e . si . .. i ? .? '? ?? ? .1 b. . .. i ' ! ? 0' ' 1 I ' (1 :, ? , , . ... 1 0 ... ??????? oi..........L. I j - . - , ? . i . , I , . 3 . - 41 . i t ' ? 1 I . t - . ' ? . . ? ... r 1 % .1 t. .?. . , 0 s4 ? ori! o ? '2 ? . -???? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem r-7 uo 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 4.1?JA ,L No Foreign Monad ? ' ? ? . 4 . ? 7 .. ' -''' 4 E-4 H ? r. I . ,,Tto; , ? . ft?,4-.4. 0 f"' ' .........t r ? :101.4 . ? u r, . I ? . ? 4',"". - ? ii=144",44cg .? ' tlOr ? ? r ? ? ? ? Cl) ? 1.?* . . ? ?71 J. I ,? ? " r '11:?? ? -rty ? 4.. ; ? "'"'1 r ??? ??, :4 " ;`?, ? Alt., ?? ? ? , ? .1( i ? ? 1 ?. r' 1, 1 s , Cti ' . ? Oh( ? I,. .1%4., -70i?O? ?S"! 4'7:10,10 ? 4.3 5%. ;4.0...00. c?) ? ? ; , , .? r, i $.0 4. ?7 th.4. f ? b.0 co ??? ? ! . '7: ? ? I . J,0.9 4,, ?., ' , ...rr ? 7 , : 1 ' ; ,.. ? ? O'A ? ,t,.. ' .-.. 1 ( ????, '1 ,:lt, ? ?, I ? .,;?,.." : , v :41,..: Ot ? T: ,. !,,,, ' el :1?i:It 4 t ' ...i7 Y? !' 31:71 -'s.,' ? ''? -...F.:'!::? ? ? 14' . . 'pesse.rd s1.otquo0/Pult 10 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A07280017000175 Cr- h????-1 ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 5.*B-U-A-151-W ' No Foreign Diseem No Foreign Meson Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 . No Foreign Dissem .The driver frequency is controlled by a voltage divider comprising resistor's 52 and 53 and connected to the plate of the 2nd stage through. capacitor 45. jacks 79 and 80 are provided, in the master assembly for con- trolling the plate currents of the tubes. A 220-volt DC current is fed to the thermostat of the master oscil- (p 11] lator (Fig. 6) by means of toggle switch 76. Since blower motor 55 is de- , signed to operate on 110 volts, dropping resistors 56 and 57 are included in its circuit. The power supply to heater relay 67 is from a potentiometer consisting of resistors 58 and 59. Relay 67 is controlled by mercury thermoregulator 65. The power for heater 63 comes directly from the 220-volt circuit through thermofuse 64 and shunt 61 of signal light 66. A spark quencher, consisting if capacitors 74 and resistor 62, is con- nected in parallel with the breaking contacts of the thermostat relay. Blocking capacitor 75 is used for motor noise suppression. Power can also be supplied directly to the circuits of the heater, blower motor, and heater relay from the DC network (Figure 6a). In this case, the intermediate relay is excluded, and the heater relay is supplied from a potentiometer consisting of resistors 58 and 59. Dropping resistors 56 and 57 are connected to the motor circuit on the inside of the unit. 2. The Third Stage A GU-50 type tube is used in the third stage of the transmitter (Figures 7 and 8). The plate circuit of the tube is tuned by vaxiometer 92. The capacitances of the tube and trimming capacitors serve as capaci- tances for the second and third bands of the third stage: capacitor 102 for the second band, and capacitor 103 for the third band. In this case ')t, the stage operates as a frequency doubler, generating frequencies of 3 tos 6 megacycles in the plate circuit. For the first band the stage operates as an amplifier of the fundamental frequency, for which purpose capacitor 101 and trimming capacitor 107 are connected in parallel to the tube. To adjust the frequency :-range of the circuit during tuning, trimming choke coils - coil 94 for the first and second bands, and coil 93 for the third band - are connected to the 3rd stage. A potential of +600 volts from the recifier is applied to the plate of the tube through blocking choke coil 95. The high-frequency component is grounded through capacitor 99. ExcitationAs applied to the grid of the fourth stage tube through capacitor 104. 12 S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 B-E-C-11-1S-T NO 'Foreign Ditsem /Master Os?illator Crystal Heating Circuit (ac) ???? t? ? , ,./ 644. p it] ' ? . il ' . ''.'-'? 7.-.... i ' :',.... .../.. ,?r?"t . ? ? PuC -Fig. 6 ' ? "-.4.-?':4'; ? ???"' ? ' 13 S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for%err 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dipeem LP Master Oscillator Thermostat Heating Circuit (dc) ? ? 47,4 ? , ? ? , ? 0117. e ? 4, l? 4 ? t ? 1 ei% ! ?*s .0?? Z?":.???? g " 3 ?? ?? *V.A ???47 A. ? * 63 t 611' ?'0J ? " ? e ? C2 ? ,?? ' ??1t," 1!1,4:":. ? N. !"? ? .,:, .. ? . - 'I I; +. ??? ' . ? t?? " , - ? ! ' ,4 ? ? ? ? Sr' ?-4 ? ? e t`,A ?. 40P., ". ? 4.3 0 Ati? 4t?. 5 / ? , ??? ? - ? , A, ? ? ? t? ? "' ,? ? ? , ?? ???? t :11 . ? ? ??? ' 1 , 2 , ? 1.? S. t , ? ? ; " ? ? a. ? ? < 4.4 .p,,,f?? ? 4. ? . ? E6 V ? , 1 b ZS I: r? w 2: ?r. ? 4, 4????? ?*t ? \ ? ? I. ?? ?? ; 's. I' ? ^ ? .10 ? ? Er' . '.4kk 1414, . ? 1 .r t's; ' ? 1:4 .! 44, L, ? 4.1.,,Lig..,jett t4? ? " V4! 0.44.??A.' 44 ? '` 3 ? -1; ???1...? ? , Fig. 6a 14 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A0728001700 .1-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 s-E-C-R-E-T No Foreiga Diaaem ? POeitictsri t -12-and Switch? II. ? faie?fn ? L?tage-II Circuit biagr#' CP/4] 50X1 C.v To ? t.Z."--3 IV: ? ?, ? ? , ? , ? c , ', ' i' '? , i ? ,,, ? : .., : T . 4.. 1.":.: .. .j..:'' ...., T44;j'\:r lc ..95' :' " 1 ' ,, ? - .i I , I ' ? . ''.- . : .1 ' ' ? ? , 4 tY. ? A -/".' 4 ? ti? . ? .., 0: ? a - '7,t4 . 4, ? ? ,,? g ? 1 . a?V , I ? , , ,ill. 1. '72: ii ' #.5 I ..? - .`j ,4" ...... ..1?.:*,..!'7.'' '-'4;-(' -; .."; .e..i. ' ' ' . ' '' i.:. '7. ?-..e. '''11147t, ...'...7 ;1.?:' 4''' '.." i 11 ...1 ,' i : 1 ; t 43-3. ??:- .?,- ?.''';',); .17'.., ,..,, . ? ,.. , tt ? 4, 1. .,.. . ., ' ? :- ....?.:.,,:?:.,:,,,,,-,, ?i., ...v4..? ? ..,. .r t ..,,.,,,.,, . ? ?,.; ... ,.. , ,,, . . , ?? ?.: ?. ,,.....)..,,, ,n .4 ..,,,,...... ,,,..__ ,.... - N '. i',? , o, ).47'. .1- ,... ?? k ':,.?,,- ?-...- ? 1 ?? H-I, 'V.I.:. ,?.? A ?:.??? w . s, '' " V ' 'Ar '*\ ii'l 1. ; % - ?? - ' ' ., ?, `11- l' " 4, ,...4,1' %,: ,, i : . ?i; \k-1 ' - ,7 . ; .,. , : '; , '-''' - ''!',1:1-???f'v.,42:7 4' -;':?:;., ? '1. .1 ,;....: ,...; ...., . , ,: ? ? .....t: .i-.s.,... '2. i 1 '?". s., ,..`, ..,..U,.',..k; ,%*.r.i."1', ....? ' : , ?!,, ? ,.; ' ) \ 1 ? ' .4 -''' ? '1v. ,0 . ,?.1.., q.,, , o ,.. .. , f? ,', -'?,.',',....' r ?...'? 4. ".-,,,.:-.i.1th?,,,..' !,1,-.,:!?:? I ..-.. :. 'I ? '1 .4,, a t? A ..? e.'""? 14 , V, A sal'? . A ..; 4 .!. 1 e? 4.--.. l'o " .1, ' ... s' ' A .. .z. t . ; .. I . . I , ? .... 0 .1, - ... -1..IN ., . ...... ? r',...',g ' -cli'rri:7??-?-??-?--, 1?2*1 ,.;:,.. . 41 -? .4'1. .i- ^' ... dt i - f?*?.? .v..-'41. ? -??-ryirrir?-,;;--.77?-r??--,06801,: :, ? 1 , r f -, 1 .. ? 4 A, ? .. a *. 1 S / TWO' 4 445096 ...a, . . . , a / ? K. .,.. , ? -.A ?? a \ , ',. . a S ' ? ,.. i e . ,,a ? ..% %. 0.. L._. t. - ? - ? . . *'4. 1: ' a ...! . t ,... :.? ? _.V. 1 4 . ' ' :? * -?:. . I - ? _ -0 -...? _ ? --, _ s,_- a. _. ...-e.. ' ' - s ? 0 ' ? ,... ? ?? ' I . Fig. 7' ' 15 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Disaem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 NO Foreign Dissem --;(1 - `1?7 ?UZ50-0 LCh, k 50X1 00'44/ 44 44 or.?4121 gi a:31 . .s-4 ? o , 43 1 u) - a) . Li I'//441 ! O+ :. Pit __: . ig1P1 . . ? 1 . tia) ; r-1-._ I: Hiz4H6 1 ''n.._.1 ..7.-L..-7--1 l' ? ----id ---- - -- S4-C-R-E?T . No Foreign Dissed Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/05 CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Diesem The necessary switching in the circuit is done by means of switch n?,4 151. The bias on the control grid of the tube is obtained from potentio5Y"I 'meter 144 - 110. ? In the 4ircuit of the control grid is resistor 108 which?provides a certain bias potential as a result of the grid current. The screen grid of the tube is fed through resistor 109 from the screen grid rectifier, from which the high frequencies have been blocked out by capacitor 100. Plug-in jacks 112 and. 3.3.3 are Provided for control- ling the plate and grid currents of the tube. 1' 3. The Fourth Staze Two GU-50 type' tubes, connected in parallel, are used in the fourth stage of the transmitter (Figures 9 and 10). Cp 163 The fourth stage serves as an amplifier of the fundamental frequency for the first and second bands and as a doubler for the third band. Voltage is applied to the control grids in the tubes of this stage fram. the preceding circuit through decoupling capacitor 104. The fixed bias vol- tage from potentiometer 144 - 110 remains constant for the entire range of operating frequencies of. the band. Resistor 145 adds a certain DC potential obtained from the grid cur- , rents. As the voltage increases, the grid currents increase and, consewaA quently, the self-bias in the resistor also increases. The grid bias cir.- cuit is blocked by capacitor- 122.. ? The plate circuit of the fourth stage is tuned. by a variable self-, ? inductance comprising two variometers 116 and 117. The variometers for the first and second bands are connected in seriesl. the variometers for the third band are connected in parallel. l: Besides the switching of the variometers, there is also a change of capacitance in the circuit whenever there is a shift, in frequency bands. The initial capacitance of the circuit and the capacitance of trimMing capacitor 127 serve as the capacitance of the circuit for the third band; and the capacitance of trimming capacitor 129 for the second band. For the first band, capacitors 137 and 138 are connected in series, and variable capacitor 128 is connected parallel to them. The use of trimming capacitors and trImming inductances 118 and 119 for the first and seCond bands and 119 for the third band makes it possible to gang-tune the circuit of the fourth stage with the third stage of the transmitter.. 17 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 s-E-C-R-E-T No Poreiga Dissent ( ---1 ? . ;1,0 [al: .r.- '"1 . ? aJ (.& ??-?? 47/4.T.T".? ,?7"Tri..1?""7,. =????. r s' ; f ? , ? ? df"., ?? . ? ? ? ? " *7'n ; ? .r: 4't? - ?40/.. ? . " ? ? ? ;. ? ? _ 0:1,P.??? OM? IKE C11111111 ILt)CL II 0 Elf11111111111111111101MCI 00,6 CIOCCIOCCICCIUNI (i) .1:4) g 13COMMilii lar1111111111111131:10 A - a., 01111:Ct eye, e.g. tilord PiPV34x901Vsz'''-'130 I #41MFM16?411..M.: ? # g ? ' ? ' * ?: ? .1! e".43 r ' s3. ? ? 18 S-E-C-R-E-T ? ??? ? LI - 50X1 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800.170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 . S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreigp Dissem l? . From . Stage in , .e.? (Circuit Diagram of Stage IV by Subbands .....-r ? ? ? : ..!r? s ...:.? ''',. ?-' '1 To ?.. ., . ''. ?. IT - .. _ . l ? ? ,. i %. i , . t, ,.. . ? .....1.2.,: .,,. :?,, ? ' ) ...5' ''' ... 16 ... :71` ? ":, ? ',. ";t4 .., , A.,14 Stage V .t!, ?,.. : ....i ? e )1 ..?.) .,11,1?,:r???: c,i ., , 1 ? t. ' tii,, ' kc3 : --,% - - - ? 1 ik, . :., 0 . .? -1_ ? ..,,, ,i'.21,:-.,.::_,..:. 175j-: 67_7;8 subb4rAds , ... . t ? . , .., .. . . . ?. i:,,,.., ,.., ' .;f.: 4 I . - ? . , r tt.? ? ?,, t. ? 50X1 (p18) ? ' '??1: n/ '74 ? f .; 85Ot ? ? ? '1" 1, ? I t /4 , - ? 10;7,1 4. l'"' II, ? ? " ;Ifir ci.^ `.?-??. ? ?e'50 Fig. 10 3.9 S-E-C-R-E-T ":? 4. ? .' ? -4, ? No Foreign Dissem? ??? ;':??? ??? ? ? ? f ? ? " h ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ? b'*.t.P-t;'?11.01S No Foreign Dispem Fr om Stage III 'Circuit Diagram of Stage IV by Subbands ? ? ' 1 ? 41- ? p.I t S.4 401., 4411 ;11 3: 2 subbands-I ? , 4%. 4 ? ) ? ;64 i? ? .41". ? fs e in ? s s t v. s ? r 0,1 , NI" 4 ?1 "?*?? 4 VI s,;.5 Fig...10, 20 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Discern Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 To Stage V ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissent A +600-volt potential from the rectifier is applied to the plates o.P the tubes through blocking choke coil 139. The high-frequency component50 Jogrounded through capacitor 140. The screen grids of the tubes are fed from the screen grid rectifiers through resistor' 1411 and the high-frequency components are grounded through capacitors 123 and 124. ? Voltage is supplied to the control grids in the tubes of the power stage through capacitor 131. 121 is a blocking choke coil. Plug-in jacks 148 and 149 are provided in the circuit for controlling the grid and plate currents of the tubes. The necessary switching in the circuit is done by means of switch 152. I. The Fifth Stage [ID 19] The fifth stage (Figures 11 and 12) is the final stage. of the trans- mitter and operates in the antenna circuit. Two GU-80 pentodes, connected. in parallel, are used as oscillator tubes. The control grids of the tubes are coupled to the circuit of the fourth stage through separating capacitor 131. ? Bias "voltage is fed from potentiometer 144, 96 through grid choke coil 321. Resistor 142, bypassing the choke coil, is used to improve the damping of the grid circuit .of the 5th stage. This prevents self-oscillation.. 136 is a blocking capacitor. The use of tubes, in the power stage with steep characteristic3curves makes it necessary to take a number of measures to eliminate the possibility. of self-oscillation in the stage, operational as well as parasitic. . This is attained by: 1. Careful mounting. 2. Including anti-parasitic resistors 205 and 206 and choke coils 163 and 164 in the control grid circuit. 3. Using - in addition to the ordinary capacitors - capacitors 186, 187, 188, and 189 to block the filaments of the screen and suppressor grids; capacitors 184, 185, 192, and 193 to block the upper and lower outputs of the suppressor grid; capacitors 182 and 183 of special non-inductive 21 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 -zt-us No Foreign Dies= ? ? QJ Ole 0 0 IT 44 0 0 0 0 ? ;e N 0 0 0 0 40 00 0 00 0 010 i 10 _ 0 0 ? 0 .0 i ? A ped-SO4-gpeinog/pne-41 . 22 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 50X1[ fp. 20] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Menem ? ? _ ? : ' ? 3 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 [p. 211 ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No nreiga Distipm :? ? 16,11;12 iso ? nv ill /of 191 krnn Avovn. 10? 0/4 rig. 12 - 2Is? . S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001:5 .[p..-21b1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 b-Z-U-A-EI-T ? No .Foreign Dissem construction) situated in the immediate vicinity of the electrodes of th.* tubes, to block the screen grid; capacitors 174, 175) 200, and 201 to 50X1 block the filament; capacitors 165 and 167 to block the suppressor grid; and capacitors 172 and 173 to block the screen grid. ? 4. By shunting the bus bat connecting the upper output of the sup- pressor grid to the cathode by means of resistors 207, 208, 209, 210, and 221) thus increasing its damping of the VHF frequencies. A plus-600-volt current is supplied to the screen grids of the tubes through resistors 333 and 334) which serve to limit the screen grid currents. The suppressor grids in the tubes of the fifth stage, operating in the telegraph mode at 100%"power, are grounded through blocking choke coil 169. In the telephone mode a negative bias of 170 to 180 volts is applied to theta. Power is supplied to the pentode grids by means of alMode of Opera- (p 22] tion" switch situated on the control panel of the transmitter. Plug-in jacks 216 and 217 are provided for controlling the screen grid currents. Since the shunts for the milliammeter are soldered to the plug-in jacks in all stages of the transmitter - with the exception of 112 and 148, it is necessary to multiply the readings of the portable instrument by a factor indicated on the frame next to each jack. The control grid current of the fifth stage is regulated by instrument 150, blocked by capacitor 147. ' The tuning and loading of the fifth stage is regulated by instrument 204, blocked by capacitor 190. The circuit of the power stage is series-connected. A, plus-2500-volt current is applied from a rectifier to the plates of the tubes through blocking choke coils 176 and 177. 191 is a blocking capacitor. Two oscillator circuits, operating in parallel, are connected to the plate circuit of the tubes. The circuits consist of variometers 178 and 179) capacitive potentiometers for coupling with antennas 202 and 203, and the capacitances. For the first and second bands, the stator and rotor of each variometer are connected in series; for the third) in parallel. The capacitance in the circuit changes whenever the transmitter shifts frequencies or the vuriometer windings are switched. For the second and third bands the capacitance of the circuit consists of capacitive potentiometers for coupling with antennas 202 and 203 and capacitors 194 and 195 connected in series in each arm: 25 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreiga Dissem I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ?S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreiga Dissep For the first band, capacitors 196 and 197 are connected in parallel to capacitors 194 and 195; and to preserve the electromotive force of the coupling, capacitors 166 and 168 are connected in parallel to each poten- tiometer 202 and 203. For all bands, capacitors 222 and 223 connected in parallel to the stator of the variometers serve as trimming capacitors. ? ? 198 and 199 are blocking capacitors. All circuit switching is done with switch 180, 181. ? The fifth stage for all three bands operates in the amplifying mode, ensuring coverage of frequencies from 1.5 to 12 megacycles. The degree of coupling of the power stage with the antenna is varied by means of 11-position switches 170 and 171. 26 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 56(1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 0"rel.:"A".15'6W No Foreign Dissmn ; p . ? A. At? a ata ?...;?.[H.t?.:417...? 1 #.; 'S 4 4... ? , ? 4 ..4 . i ? *. ,,?;;; 1-0i-cuit-Diagram of-the Antenna Circui-t1L,, -- ,A : - ??????',"-J.-.Z7FF-47:717'7* ':?-?:. .." -. ' -:?-:0-.. ..-1-. ..-, ? --3. ) .. , ? ?7???1"-^f 4 .,C ?? '. , O.". ...,,.. ..; ,?'4: -",,i, - ?. i ,... ;I.:, ? ?et' 4,?:7. ,????? ''''' ? Y. 4 . . .,..? '.,i1,, ./..' l'? ???" ' ..- '... 4., ? '. : ? ? t.., , , a , i ? . I, . . ? ? ,ta? 4 ? ? 41A;-,. .0% . - : t.'?.' ' ,it 4. Itt , , ...r ' 4',"}, ' 1,4.4. g- ? "':1,,....g, g . ? ..:: ' * Ai ..e.. P.; ,???;`, .???? ? ,. ? ,,, .. 4. 14: i, t .? ; ,. ?.1 Pr" ? 1. ..? ' . .1%;''''tirit- -N!-?!?!?-?.14.:,- ,..1.1?. t . .. I ! l 7.-?g:?.i.- 4Yi'`.?'.4.:-;1;',.: r ez : ? % ' .f t!..!' -;???:-?: :I h..* e32..., ,. ? .5. ,?....... r. .. .? . " 0 n' .?';' II,' , ?1.., 4' .. ? -.4', , ' S... ?f?I '? ,???? ; V.., ...:?,:' ?J ? .?':. ,"/7 ? 1 .,,!, .4.?????"?-?::!. 1 ? Stage CfrciiitL li ? y ? - ; ?04 .e44. z*, ? ? ? ? -4 ? 27 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ,_Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 "' ' 50X1 ? [p 23] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign'Dikdem 5. Antenna Circuit The antenna circuit is coupled to the intermediate circuits through capacitive coupling potentiometers which provide step coupling adjustment. .It is known from the theory of antennasxthat the equivalent resistance of an antenna operating in a wide frequency range on wavelengths that are . shorter than, that of the natural frequency attains rather large values at certain points of the frequency range.. It is well known that for balancing an antenna, whose natural wave length is greater than the operating Wave of the transmitter, it is necessary to resort to a "shortening" of.the antenna wave through the use of a series-connected capacitor. Both theory and experience indicat6 that with such a circuit it. is impossible to obtain normal coupling between the antenna and the circuit and, consequently, A normal antenna power, because the neceisary coupling value may be very large and technically impracticable. ? ? [13 24] In this case a parallel antenna feed is used where the capacitance is connected in parallel to the antenna input. Such a hookup Makes it possible to transmit normal power to the antenna with relatively weak - couplings Thus the antenna circuit (Figure 13) provides both series and parallel antenna feed circuits.' One or the other circuit connection is ' obtained by means of multiway switches for Series-connected or parallel-' connected capacitors. 50X1 Multiway series-connected-capacitor switch 232 has 4 positions and makes operation possible without a shortening capacitor - position 4, or ' with.400-micromicrofarad_shortening capacitors - position 3, or with two shortening capacitors (400 and 150 micromicrofarad)".- position 2, or with three series-connected capacitors (400, 150, and 40 micromicrofarad) . position 1. ? The 233 multiway switch connects parallel-connected capacitors 240, 241, 242, 243, and 244 for parallel antenna feed. . If a simultaneous. connection of parallel-connected and series- connected capacitors is used, then the parallel capacitance determines primarily the antenna coupling value and thereby the resistance intro-' I.duced intothe antenna circuit. In this case, the series-connected / capacitors control the tuning .of the antenna circuit. 28 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign %seem ; ? ?t? ,? L.4 11 n ?-' 4?.Z;7'. tk ? r ? ? $ t k+)..) S; ? ?P", Cj) ? .? r 71. ? ',C., ? '0114 ..tr t'???,1 .01.1 ? A ? 44:4 ? ) ? ' In????????eget.-1,-- ' 4 ? "."7 44)e i ? 4 ."'".? ? ....I 1. AY ? " r ? . 6' ? .?:11 Fig. 2 I 29 S-E-C-R-E-T b". ??-???????rtEr ?????-ic y ft. ' ? N t ? ? Cr 50X1 Cp. 25] No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ? . No Foreign Dissent Antenna Tuning Indicator The, antenna tuning indicator, used in the transmitter, provides a . tuning control of the transmitter for various types of antennas with widely varyingyparameters. ? The principle on which the indicator operates is clearly shown in Figure 1, which schematically describes the high-frequency generator "G" ? placed in a grounded shield (chassis). When the antenna is connected to the lead-in "A", current will be passing through it and create around the antenna an electrical field which is shortcircuited to the ground. Consequently, currents will flow from the ground through the shield (transmitter chassis) to the lower pole of the high-frequency oscillator, as indiceted by arrows in Figure 1.) /f, along the path of the current flowing through the transmitter shield" (at the antenna lead-in), a shunt is placed ("a" - "b") in form of a primary winding.of.the current transformer, then part of this current will branch off into this shunt and induce in the secondary winding of transformer "G" an electromotive force of high frequency. This electromotive force is supplied to tube detector 351 of the antenna indicator', and the rectified current passing through milliamneter 234 will cause deflection of the instrument needle,. FUrthermore, if an insulated (from the chassis) metal plate "v" is placed in the antenna lead-in and connected to tube detector 351, then the electromotive force created by the capacitive coupling of plate "v" with the current-carrying rod of lead-in A will be supplied to the tube detector; and the rectified current passing through the milliamneter will cause a deflection of the instrument needle. Thus, as Evresult of the current An the shield (of the primary winding in the current transformer) and of the capacitive coupling of the . plate with the current-carrying tod.of the antenna lead-in, two electro- motive forces are supplied simultaneously to the tube detector. When a heavy current flows in the antenna, the dominant response of the antenna,. indicator.will be to the current in the shield (at this time the current in the shield and the primary winding of the current transformer will ' be greatest).- "current" activated. With a weak current (large resistance) in the antenna, the dominant' response of the antenna indicator is to the capacitive coupling. of the plate with the current-carrying rod, which at this time would be under . high voltage "voltage" activated. With average currents in the antenna, the antenna indicator is both "current" and "voltage" activated. Thuap.the antenna indicator provides easily read off deflections of .the indtrument needle during tuning of antenna with widely varying' ' 'parameters, 30 No Foreign bissean npriaccifipn in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ? NO Foreign Dissem ? Design Coupling elements of the antenna indicator arelocated in the antenna lead-in, and are in a form of two cylindrical copper plates, Figure 2: Tdpe first plate "a" ("current")-is cut horizontally into two halfs and the adjoining sides are connected with a copper pipe ("b"), which serves as the primarywinding of the current transformer. The Upper end of one of the semicylinders and the' lower end of the. other axe secured (with a good electric contact) to the wall of the lead-in. . The second "v" plate ("capacitive") is insulated from the lead-in . and is connected by a conductor to the secondary winding ("g") of the current transformer. The antenna indicator circuit, incorporating a 6A7 tube, is located'in'a separate shielded box placed on top of the transmitter housing next to the antenna lead-in. The instrument ' (millialmieter M-52, 0-1. ma) is located on the front panel 4 of the transmitter unit. Located in the same place under the instrument 'is a toggle switch of the type 631-840 used for selecting sensitivity Of the indicator (the instrument dial). o page in ori- ginai7 50X1 (12 291 ? Description of the Antenna Indicator Circuit The 'antenna indicator circuit is given in Figure 3. The electromotive force (voltage) taken from the coupling elements of the antenna indicator is supplied to the plate of the 6A7 tube 351. The cathode of his tube is connected through milliammeter 234 to ' the low-voltage end of the current.transformer. The plate current passes through the milliammeter, causing deflection of the instrument needle. TO obtain higher transconductance of the plate current, voltages of 24 - 30 volts are supplied from rectifier terminal 21 to screen grids 4 2, 3) and 4. Capacitors 352, 353, 354 and 355 are blocking capacitors. Grids 1 and 5 are connected to the cathode of the tube. Neutralization of the residual tube current is done by the reverse current from the 24-30-volt source and is controlled by potentiometer 357. Resistor 356 prevents shunting of the instrument by the reverse'current circuit. .During large emf outputs (at high currents and voltages in the antenna) resistor 214.6 cuts into the plate circuit of the indicator tube, which decreases the steepness of the plate current, characteristic and reduces the indicator instrument reading. 31 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem npriaccifien in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dissent , With small en inputs (at weak currents or voltages in the antenna) resistor 246 is short-circuited by switch 245, and the reading of the indicator instrument ithreases. In the/N" (less sensitive) position of the switch the resistor is ? connected to the tube plate, and in pbsition "B" (more sensitive) the , resistor is 'disconnected.' Thus is the sensitivity of the antenna indicator varied (the value of the scale division is changed). ? In addition to that, a neon light., which serves as an auxiliary indicator of antenna circuit tuning, is installed in the antenna circuit of the transmitter. ? ? Because the transmitter may be used with various antennas, the selection of coupling of the lamp with the circuit must be made at the .installation site at the-time of the adjustment of the tramsmitter. The voltage in the antenna circuit varies widely along with the frequency range, and therefore, the glow of the lamp'at.different pants of the range will also vary, and at some points, where the voltage is: small, the lamp may not glow at all. 6. Frequency-Modulated Driver The main Purpose of the driver (Figure 15) is to "deviate" the frequency of the quartz heterodyne by. introducing into the circuit a ,c crystal choke 265, which lowers the frequency of the generated oscillations; the higher the inductance introduced, the greater the departure or deviation of the frequency. By changing the inductanoe of the quartz,circuit, specifically by connecting choke 265 and disconnecting it, it is possible to vary the frequency of generated oscillations within the required limits., The driver consists of the.6Zh7 tube 262. The quartz, inserted between the control grid and the screen grid, is under relatively light load (the oscillating voltage of the quartz is. ; of the order of several volts). - . The high-frequency component of the screen grid is grounded. The plate circuit, coupled to the generator section by electron flux, contains resistor 285.. In the Cathode circuit is place choke 278, which is shunted by capacitance 279. The grid circuit contains grid leak - resistor 248, and capacitors 283 and 324. The basic elements determining the generated frequency, quartz 263, trimming capacitor 264 and frequency deviation. choke.265rare located in a special unit ."Kh". 32 ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dias= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001:5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 bfq5M;-11**.5.0.1 NO Foreign DOOM _ 33 S-E-C-R-E-T . No Foreign Dissem 50X1 [p. 33] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Diesem At the input of the frequency-modulated driver there s a u e re ay, which consists of two 6N73 tubes 287 and 290, and is employed for matching ' the driver input. with the output circuits of telegraphs ST-35 and Bodo. Polarized relay 298 (type TRM -43A), the contacts of which open and short - Circuit frequiency-deviation choke 265, operates with the assistance of the tube relay and in accordance With telegraph current pulses. At the output of the driver is a GU-50 amplifier tube 300. The plate of this tube is connected, through the contacts of relay 23 in the first unit, to the plate of the continuous-range master oscillator. Relay 23 is controlled by means of "Mode of operation" switch 261. 50X1 1 (Pages 31, 32 and 34 are missing] In the DC current supply version (Figure ,15b), the power fed to the heater and relay circuit is taken directly from the DC power line. [P 35] In this case the intermediate relay is excluded, and the heater relay is ? fed from the potentiometer, consisting of resistors 275, 276 and 328. 7. Modulator (Circuit Diagram R-97562) The basic circuits of the modulator (Figures 16, 17) include tube. 2 (microphone input amplifier with a self-adjusting amplification factor), tube 20 (voltage amplifier), and tube 21 (output power amplifier). TO the basic circuits belongs also tube 56, which serves as a rectifier of the self-adjusting percentage-modulation circuit. A 6A7 is used as. input, tube 2. The audio signal is supplied from the inset of the MK-3 microphone to contact "101" of the modulator terminal block and fed to the primary winding of microphone transformer 1. The other end of the primary winding goes through terminal block contact "102" to switch 77 on the control panel, from where it returns through contact "112" to modulator relay winding 65, the other end of which goes through contact "111" and, after filtering, terminates in 4'24 volts. This provides microphone current: When the microphone is removed from the lever, the following take place simultaneously: high-voltage is switched on, current is supplied to the microphone and (from the microphone current) relay 65 operates, switching the transmitter to the telephone mode. The secondary Winding of the microphone transformer is loaded by ? , resistor 12, which serves at the same time as a modulator gain control and v grid leak of tube 2. From the moving contact of this resistor the audio. frequendy voltage is fed on the grid of the tube. 34 S-E-C-R-E-T ? NO Foreign Dissent , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Die Gem ? [50X11) wik - 35 No Foreign Disown Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign. Masora '.1 ? to ? Iti t.) ' ' , :,.. ...k it? , _ 1,1Zr 50X1 0; tiN `4 V ' Z (a, . . ? - ce ?ri 0 0 D. 371 k ? ' - t4 ri ' tbc 0 lad :d 0' .....) czt . .. ? , , 4. *4.44 ?????? ????? Sad.L.1.7 el 0 (1) 0 4 ot p +3 0 A . 4-4 Ego lei ? I . i?-i.. 4) ? ?.:......01 I. to 0 0 1.7.- G-" l'i i t 0 % .. ! g .f., ?e-1 I si .1 0 eg 8 1? ot 1 ,.. A ?A S PN ; ? a) , .: 1 o ' '2.'7.. ,..7 . - 1 i 1 1 -11Dt4 otsi Fi corl m t. ? ? ? 7 0 01 Ts 141 . ..,S4 Al 0 . ? SI 0 ' I .` : : i ?Cq 43 23. I ? I I:: - ? H g +3 I ' 1 41 CO0 - . :1.03 ?0 A 0 ? ??? b ri Si 0 4-4 +3 04 a) ?ri Crl , ? v. bo 14 0 :3) RS 0 I ? ' 4.9 .1 ? 1 ? ? IA I ;Os.' 6111 ? - - 0 ,4 I 0 a 8-E-C-R-E-T 36 ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ? `4 b. ? ?44,42.4 sea ? (4) ? 4" r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 161 -11- - 11 No Foreign Dissem 37 S-E-C-R-E-T No ,Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 b-n-u-n-amw No Fbreign Dipsem The tube obtains grid bias from the voltage drop across cathode resistor 8. A tube-amplified audio-frequency voltage appears acro4 plate resistor 10 trid isfed through capacitor 4 to the grid of tube 20. ; A triode-connected 6Zh8 tube is used as tube 20, which serves as a second voltage amplifier and receives bias voltage from the voltage drop across cathode resistor 15. The amplified audio frequency voltage appears across plate resistor 14 and is fed through capacitor 19 to the grid of output tube 21. A GU-50 tube serves as the output tube. The grid bias of this tube is supplied from resistor 23, which is connected to the tube cathode. 25. The plate of the output tube is connected to modulation transformer. [P 39] The secondary winding of the modulation transformer is connected by ' the contacts of relay-65 (during telephone operation) to the pentode grids of the transmitter output tubes. The last two stages of the modulator are provided with a negative feedback circuit. The feedback voltage is taken from a special winding. of the modulation transformer and fed 'to the cathode circuit of driver-A stage tube 20. From the secondary winding of the modulation transformer the audio- frequency voltage is also supplied to the potentiometer of compression control 33 through capacitor 27. From the cursor of this potentiometer the audio-frequency voltage is fed 'through resistor 60 to the plates of the 61165 diode 56, which rectifies it. The rectified voltage is fed through a.ripple filter to .the first grid of tube 2; the greater the voltage at the output of the - modulator, the smaller the amplification of the tube. .For delaying the . operation of the compressive circuit, a positive delay voltage from ? , potentiometer 58 is supplied to the cathode of the 6H6S.tube. 8. Audio Oscillator In the audio oscillator (Figure 18) a 6Zh8 is used as tube 36. The circuit is made up of the plate windin.vof transformer 37 and capacitor.43. From the plate of the oscillator tube, the audio- frequency voltage is fed through capacitor 46 and resistor 41 to potentiometer 42. From potentiometer 42 the voltage is supplied through resistor 13 to the control grid of tube.201 which amplifies it for transmitter modulation during voice-frequency carrier telegraphy. 38 S-E-C7R-E-T' No Foreign Dissem ? ? -, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 NO Foreign Dissem iCircuit Diagram of the Crystal Heating Unit (ac) ? No FOreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 If- ? , ? ? tio Fcireign Dissem :r ? , ? r ' ? 1, ? I ? ? ? 0:..4x,14::;,,A-.0",, .? ? ? bt%i.- &AL- 4.41 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign rIssem ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissent ? Simultaneously, the voltage is supplied from potentiometer 17 to the grid of tube 48 for monitoring the performance of the telegraph key. .50X1' A large negative voltage (-185 v) is fed through resistors 38 and 50 to the control grid of oscillator tube 36, which completely blocks the tube. When the key is pressed, keying relay:64 operates and with its contacts Unloads the negative voltage from the tube grid, connecting with the chassia the common point of resistors 38 and 50. At the same time the audio oscillator begins to operate. To improve the shape of the curve of the generated voltage, negative - feedback is used in the oscillator. This isllfroduced by resistor 11.0 in the tube cathode. .2.....1022EatI2EL69..itoring Stage This stage (Figure 18) operates with tube 48, which is a 6Zh8 triode. The tube receives bias from the voltage drop across cathode resistor 52. From potentiometer 17, 'part of the audio-frequency voltage which is present on the grid of tube 20 during telephone operation, enters the control grid of the tube. , This amplifies the microphone voltage, and, during telegraph operation, the audio oscillator voltage. The plate of the monitoring stage tube is connected to transformer 49, from the.second- ary winding of which the amplified audio frequency voltage is supplied to monitoring lines 103, 1040 which are connected to the telephones of the control desk, the PRO and BPS, as well as the receiver output. .1.1.2e/......:sarlaemo...6._22.121.122222.1s2121: A 6H6S tube voltmeter 35 with a double diode is used to control the transmitter percentage modulation. The voltmeter measures the voltage on ?the secondary winding of modulation.transformer 25. The latter is fed to the voltmeter through capacitor 27 and shunt resistor 28. Indicator 34 is a milliamneter [which is graduated in whole milliamps]. 11. Quartz Heating Element . (See Circuit Diagram R.- 97918) The quartz heating element (Figures. 19 and 19-a) is designed for preliminary heating units "Kh" which contain quartz crystals: [P42] 6 ). The quartz heating element has three Jacks, heated by special windings, into whi9h units "Kh" are placed for pre-heating. 41 ? 1110 S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissem, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 0-za -Li '"IV?.C.i No F9reig1 Dissem 7t5-771 fv7:5. ,.*-17771P_L :17te F;f7-"Trgr, \riv?Cirletrnt:r17 0 Stati on Control Circuit A? ? s" t VV ?k 1. Radio 2. Intercom 3. VPS h. FRO 5. Operation ^ 6. Tuning 7. Modulator Assembly 8. Control panel 9. Rectifier 10. Transmitter, 11. Contactors t. e 9) $;3, ? lid .4% ..?. . .?-..,,, ., . ? k, . . . `4, 2,... ta. 4,,,..040edroop..14t- .-#1,14 ''' .: 'fl. I,? .... ? t : . 3 1.., ?,:. '.....3%,iviv 4.1." 4 .. .3 ,,el,w,?? A ?C N,i. ' I 4.,`...,Atit .fi A...! ., ,? ' '', ? i-,. .,...- ki. .. w. ? ;0.,..4 -...,:. 0, ? ? .-,...., . 'it.. .44?! v: ,4?X+,',?1 . tti :??," 't? 't? ' S-E-C-R-E-T 42 ? . No Foreign Dissam. 350X Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80-1.00246A072800170001-5-41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 b -2; ?? L; No Foreign Dissem ? ' ? 4 ? ??,. ? - ,Z'e'."?') /7/. ,,d157,1e/4,44T4* ;r_Ircpewiev7;e7,4,,t; ated ? I I ' . tikod.A.41- . ? . # ?. dew et,t).e.t? ? ? Emergency ogg e, switch lit my". td. 11/ SiV bl? 43 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1. np. 1430 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part 7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Pareign?Dissem--'-'77?:- ? ? t RI ? Ira; I . ? 0 .0.131 4**' -X Ck.t4e1?? < nr, 179 UAW WV/ ? ".'."'411112; ? '? ? k 13j3, itz e 4 ? , +. T , 4 , ? : Z" ? ? ' ? - ' 4 ' ..0 ' a 7. , ? a ' ....r I..... ' c ? ??,- .0. , ,- s1 ? . ---... ()-` ???????15: ..,,,,,s. , . ..esi '1 i ?t?:.) 4:4 , ' , ? 1 tt ?..? . , . , ? , ?,40, 411-7- .. ,. ? to to k(\, '"" ? ct. . k?l)(110 * i . 4 ? Nis NIs 4:3 !?1 ....1.... -:.% 1.7,4.? .. .. , . 1 '4 . ' ,e4, . ? '." .. : .., t') ? ? OQ I ? ? r 4. ad. ? cl _ :ek7;"-lb , ? -^ r 4.. ; 41 1 ? 7.4 ? ? 1," , ?. ? it - controled 50X1 fp. 144a1 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dissem LI) 44) 4 41 4) t43 N Q. #/41 .50X1' CP. hhbl kt) ?go----- /D 1/40- ? 0"--1 L'4 1\3 ----0 ' k 0-4 ? 2,7}4,A4N/Y4V 2t43 45 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foteiga DiSsem The three windings are connected in series. One of the heating jacks has a mercury contact thermometer, which by acting on a type RM relay, controls the heating of the jack by switching it on and off'. With the DC current supply (See Diagram R-97918), the quartz heating element is connected directly to the DC power supply line. ? In this case, thermofuses 156 are connected in series with the heater winding circuit. These fuses are designed for cutting off supply to the windings in case of an accidental overheating of the thermostats. ? Under normal conditions, the quartz heating element allows continuous operation over a period of several days. ? .IV. CONTROL OF THE RADIO STATION .. (See Diagram R-97562) 1. TURNING ON THE POWER SUPPLY, The AC voltage is supplied to the rectifier from the PNT-85 generator or from an AC circuit through switch 501 located in the second unit of the rectifier (Diagrams 20, 21). P 11.5]. When the AC circuit witch is on, the transmitter filament can be turned on by pressing the "on" button 75 which is located, on the control panel (PU). From the rectifier a voltage (+24 volts) is supplied along conductor 21 to the control panel. When the button is pressed the same voltage is supplied through the normally closed contacts of stopping relay 76, then through the contacts of button 75, along conductor 115 into the rectifier to the switch-on contactor of transmitter filament 550. Contactor 550 operates, and, by means of auxiliary contacts, locks itself". receiving+ 24 volts along conductor 116 from the PU. Here the voltage goes from conductor 116 through the auxiliary contacts of contactor 550 into conductor 115, and, in the PU, turns on the green-colored signal lamp 98 marked ."filament.". During operation, contactor 550 provides filament voltage to all the tubes of the transmitter. The transmitter is Switched off by pushing "stop" button 75 in the PU. When the "stop" button is pressed the4-24 volts is admitted across the winding of stopping relay 76, across the closed contacts* of the pressed button "stop", to the chassis (ground), then to a minus 211:volts. The stopping relay breaks the power supply to contactor550 by means of its contacts across conductor ,116. Contactor 550 will release and 46 S-E-C-R-E-T. . No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dissem ao ? ? .. .H t, ? Ip. 1463 50X1 C(r?rj, ...'",../1 _1 ? ? 1 ,,ocl .17.4 451,, 0 nr? to,.q . .? E.?, --./ i. +D ?r4 . .0 .5 T11) htv E-4 (i) 0 i-o A N,? ,t 0 "P 4.) ?ri ri ?,-1 ?r1 4-1 0 (.3 1.'4". 91%1" N C) ( ?-) M 4. ? 97foP5S-4;44-,Z+,0 ori a) as ho r..., u) ?,--1 r--I Aci al 0 0 r-1 P? 5 o s.-. a) o,, c41-1X;=10w0E-orr-s.:! ri CV (vl -471.17\ I"? u) CN CD' - +- Q Nt \r) Al CZ i 47 S-E-C-R-E-T . No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dieeem turn 'off all the filament voltages of the transmitter tu eousIy, the auxiliary contacts will turn off the voltage (10-24 volts), from conductor 115, and signal lamp 98 (green colored, "filament") in the PU will go out. In the rectifier of transformer filament circuit 538 of the transmitter power stage tubes, time-relay tube 536 prepares the high voltage switch-on circuit approximately 15-20 Seconds after the filament voltage has been supplied to the transmitter tubes. The high voltage is turned on by tumbler 96 (Figure 22) in the PU, or by the removal of microtelephone receiver 89 from leverarth 90. voltage of plus 24 volts/goes from conductor 131 into the modulator, . then into the transmitter to the contacts of the unit;' from here it goes along conductor 10 to the rectifier,, across time-relay tube 536 to the, relay winding and then across the frame to a minus 211. volts. In' .operation the relay supplies circuit voltage to the rectifiers: plus ? 250 volts to the plates of master oscillator 553 and the second stage, and minus 250 volts to the bias circuits of transmitter tubes 514. ? In order to protect the transmitter tubes in the rectifier bias, ? - circuit (minus 250 volts)' there is an undervoltage relay which, by means Of its contacts, closes the circuit of high-voltage contactors 515, 528. ' Therefore high voltages for the intermediate and terminal stages of the transmitter will be supplied only in the presence Of. minus 250 volts. The contacts of high voltage rectifiers 515 and 528 receive a plus 24 volt supply from conductor 10 in the transmitter through 'operating-mode switch ? 261-v, along conductor.20 into the rectifier, through the contacts of " undervoltage relay 512, through the contacts of overload relay 511 of ? 71-600-v rectifier 563, through overload relay 537 of the 2500-v recti- fiers 564 and 565, to contactor winding 515, and through contactor contacts 529 to contactor 'winding 528. During operation, contactors 515.and 528 supply power line voltage +250,1600 and4.2,500 volts to, the rectifiers. In witching on the +250c- 'volt rectifier contactor 528) the auxiliary contacts on.conductor 114 close the supply circuit of red signal lamp 97, ."High voltage", in the PU. When the lamp lights up, high voltages are being supplied. During a shorting or an overloading in the #600 or 42500 high-voltage circuit,overload.xelays 511 and 537 operate and break the supply circuit .of contactors 515 and 528. The overload relay simultaneously blocks itselfland signal lamp, 507 or 539 at the rectifier,, indicates the, overloaded circuit. Tccrelease the overload relays and return them to their' initial positions, one must turn off the high-voltage witch-on tumbler of the PU. . To. lower the terminal stage'plate voltage during tuning in the plus 2500-volt rectifier circuit on the high-voltage side, contactor 529 is provided,.which.lowers the.plate voltage' to a value on the order of 1250. volts. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Massa; . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign. Dissem ? t ???:.! 42,-1 '.. ? 1., ).................6............... '. Ae.d,o/ Q S' ? %. . -7... ?:.',..,, 1.... t,.. 7-- .. ..--L 1...: r flil=triq ...,,, ...1. --/-1-P'' T i ':-.. ... , . .0, -A- -r XiD rt Cr.ii--- r. r.- '?.' L?it r7?/ 1 )-0 )--C- - --,-1 ,40---:-/ - \ ' (1 7 H ?4:?. ? r. '-;77l43 9L, nil ,!i? ,..s __. ...-i. c:..? 1, te% t'' '....1....:::_L!:',..:1 ',-,, -,-..`,-./1, :-.?-? ..4. 1H)-1 - 1 t ... [.1 .'.'',2.--,---.. ' ,iti.? i'tiZv+ ..- . ? . ? 0) - k.4?..) -1. - ?ii? ? 1, T... -7 ? ? ,.... 'z(i.A1-?.,,-(,4) ? ? - ---,. (t 1441 "?- (*:) Fig. 23. ..Transmitter Mode Switching-(ri- 49 ' a., (4 ? ? tv No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T ,No Foreign Disaem 2. SELECTING THE TYPE OF OPERATION The trhnsmitter permits the following types of operatic:fl1,i'. a) continuous wave, b) 'tone-modulated wave, c) telephone transmitter, d) facsimile. Ve ? ' 50X1r-- The type of operation is selected at the control panel by means of Awitch 77; See Diagram R-97562. In the first position (Diagram 23) of switch 771 the operation . [p 49] %is carried out by the key for continuous waves .mode Ai. The telegra- pher's key 99 is connected to a t*o-wire circuit. When the key is pressed a voltage of plus 24 volts from control-panel connector 21 is admitted across telegrapher key 99 to the control panel and into the transmitter.. In the transmitter the plus 4 volts is' admitted from contactor 18, across switch 261bs when it is in the position "Continuous range" or "crystal operation", to the winding of modulation-relay 307. The relay , armature flips over 'from the idle contact to the operating contadt,thus providing current to the master-oscillator screen grid. Simultaneously 'plus 24 volts is admitted across switch 261b through conductor 24 from , the transmitter to the control panel; and:I:then across segment 3 of switch ' 771 along conductor 107, into the modulator, and tothe witdincof monitoring relay 64. The relay contacts close and turn on the audio oscillator for self-monitoring operation. For convenience during ad- justment, transmitter button 322 duplicates the telegraph key. The self- monitoring audio signals are admitted through pulse separator tube .48, transformer 49, to conductors K and L to the telephones of the radio operator... 50 S-E-C-R-E-T , No Foreign Dissent ' Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 0',.W?U'"11?15-W - No Foreign DitseM 50X1 In the second position of switch 77, the operation is performed by the key for tone modulated waves--mode A2. The telegrapher uses the same key as the one tited in the first position of switch 77; the passage of current/is as described above. The plate voltage to the modulator tubes is supplied from contactor 3 of the rectifier through segment 4 of control-panel switch 77, along conductor 106, and into the modulator to the plates of the tubes. The operating bias to the pentode grids of the transmitter fifth-stage tubes goes from the control panel to the modulattirr ? through conductor 110, then through the winding of output transformer 25,, through conductor 117, through segment 1 of the PU switch 77, through conductor 109, through the contacts of telephone relay 65, through ? conductor 7, and into the transmitter to the pentode grids of the fifth- stage tubes. the third' position of switch 77, the operation is performed from ' ,:the fascimile apparatus. In this position, modulation relay 307 receives - a +24 volt supply independent of the telegraph key. , Monitor relay 64 in the modulator is turned off by switch 77 on conductor 107. A +24-volt voltage is admitted from the control panel across segment 3 of twitch 77, along conductor 24, into the transmitter and then to the winding of modUlatingrelay 307. The armature of the relay flips over to the operating contact and, while on it, will maintain a constant voltage of plus 24 volts independent of the key being pressed by the telegrapher. Telephone relay 65 will receive power from the control panel through conductor 111; the other end of the relay winding, through conductor 112 and segment 2 of switch 77, is connected to the chassis; relay 65 shifts the transmitter into the telephone mode. (p 50] . Audio pulses from the facsimile apparatus are supplied along line "Zh" to the control panel, then along conductor 101 into the modulator and to the primary of transformer 1. The second end of the primary winding of transformer 1, for audio frequency, is closed to the chassis by means of 50Microfarad capacitor 6; for direct current, it is isolated from the chassis and from the other circuite by control-panel switch 77 on conductor 102. The telephone transmitter is operated by the first or second (either) position of switch 77.. Then the transmitter is switched over to tele- phone operation automatically when the micro-telephone receiver ip lifted from its lever tam, which closes contacts 90. Telephone relay 65 is connected in series with the microphone circuit and operates from the current which passes through it. ? The microphone supply voltage is admitted from the control panel ?across two-section smoothing filter 78, 90, 79, 81) through conductor 111 into the modulator, to relay 65, through conductor 112 into the control .panel and to switch 77; then, through conductor 102 again to the primary. / . 51 ? .8-E-C-NoE-T No Poreign Dittenl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80-100246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 ? No Foreign Difisell of the transformer-mipi!Ophone, through conductor 101 to-the control pahal,and across switch 96 to-microphone 89, which is.connected-to the chassis through the closed contacts of micro-telephone-receiver lever ' arm 90. ? / Thus the circuit.is closed, the microphone receives operating voltage, and relay 65 shifts the transmitter into the telephone-operation mode. Speech current goes to the microphone, then through tumbler 96, theoprimary,- . - winding of microphone transformer 1, across capacitor 6 to the chassis. Radiation control (the carrier freggency of the transmitter) is accomplished through conductor 18 by means of the microphone-receiver press-level which is connected in parallel to the telegraph key. When the press-lever is pressed, modulation relay 307 operates, supplying operating voltage to the , master oscillator; the carrier freggency is fed to the antenna. When the press-lever is released, the master oscillator cuts off, and the carrier freggency disappears. This provides a half-duplex telephone,' In circuits which have a reduced number of conductors going from the control panel to the remotely located and radio operated stations, VPS and PRO respectively, the telephone transmitting and facsmile-apparatus signal transmitting are done over conductors "Zh? and "0" (ground). 3; Selecting the System Of. Operation (See Diagram R-97918) The system of operation (Diagram 15) is selected by means of four- position switch 261 located in the unit 5 of the transmitter; it provides: (p.51] a) calibration control of thecontInuous-range'master unit, 'and control of the power supply; ? b) operation on the Continuous range of the transmitter; c) operation On the fixed, crystal-stabilized freggency; : d) operation of'the,teletype apparatus by means of quartz - driver frevency modulation *":' . ? ,, ,%! \,:t.,_,-,;,, . _- , . r- - . ,.?. : f; ?,' .1. c ? .,.: 52 "NoToreign.tissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A0728001700 1-5 ? r A. A A Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 First Position of Switch 261 ("Control") In this position the screen grid of the continuous-range driver receives an operating voltage through switch sector 261a on conductor 15 (independent of the voltage from the relay-modulating contacts) dirddtly from the stabilized voltage source through resistance 323 from conductor 19. As a result, the continuous-frequency-range driver operates independent of the position of the contacts of manipulation-relay 307. Switch sector 251v interrupts the supply circuit of the high-voltage .contactors (conductors 20 and 14); the contactors in the rectifier will open and disconnect the high voltages from the transmitter(plus 2500, 600, and 250 volts). The *250 volts to the plate and screen circuits of the continuous- freggency-range master unit and the -250 volts bias do not switch off and continue to supply the transmitter. Thus, in this position of switch 261 only the first two stages of the transmitter are in operation. The master oscillator plate-circuit receives its power through conductor 23, the first sector of switch 261, and conductor 19, from the stabilized voltage source in the rectifier. For calibration control during tuning ("rains"), a high-freggency voltage is supplied from the second-stage grid through high-freggency cable 9. leading frOm the transmitter. Second Position of Switch 261 ("Continuous range") In this position, the screen grid of the continuous-freggency-range driver receives from the stabilized-voltage source an operating voltage through switch sector 261a, the contacts of manipulation relay 307, resistor 323, and conductor 19. Switch sector 261b connects the manipulation line (conductor 18) to the winding of manipulation-relay 307, and, through conductor 24, to the winding of relay 64 of the automatic signal monitor (in the modulator). The manipulation relay is operated from the plus 24-volt telegraph-key pulses along manipulation line 18, as described above in the section "SELECTING THE TYPE OF OPERATION." 4452] . 53 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 .? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ?N No Foreign Disson --?????????-?*-A7s. mer????,7'146,''''71'?'-'7? ,77177...771"1"4""t???;',4??;?;,,,5 ??" ??1'.-;- .0 -'1? j '3 -; -V7of r ? ? ? N. ? . ? ? 1' ' ' ? r. ? ? P..; ? " . ? /.._ ???,. -:--1,?:?.,.,. , - . , .4, A 1. ? r ? - ;:- ? .?ti. . ? , N I. ? . .. 1 .i t, ' ? I , : Ui.... "? , I ? e-4,1 ;.1, 41 1; q.{ o? k . .40 ,4 r ? ??q? A . ? - ? k . ? ? .4? ' J ???? ? . 50X1 ? 4 ,c),0 ? ',A i? _ _ .. ? , 1. 4 ' , I ? -. . ? ' ,) 1 - ta.' ? ? a . I ? 1 ? 4 't rS) '.1 1 ? 1 ; 410 1, ? ? . ? ??? ???#. """rnr. ? ? . 1 ? 1 ? I ? t ' . ? ? . .? i i . ;,..". t ' ? . . ( -_. ,,,.,?.. ?? ., ? ? . ' 1 , 1 I ' r -??? ? ,, ,. . ? , r ',Z.). ? . e ,? ' .1 . t ,, , , .,. ? :: I. i 1 i : tri W.. ..........1. 4 .4 ; . . ' . , ),? ' : I 1 1 ' . 'C.; ? ? 34 .- i ,''? 1 t ; 4. CIL ? , .. ? ? 1 1 ? - ? - i ? Ne ....7.--.',-..::-Hf'" - ? ? -?": ' ? ? . I 1 P' i r ? i - ,1 .', i ' t?? ? , ,.;. . ,r 1., , , --1-??? i-t--.' - ' ? . 1,,i ? . ..,,....,_:1...1:: .41 ,,..-,..1.., 7,...1 .1.::: .?.7.... ,.. . . . 1 ??, .r , 1,, t ; .... ? ? 1 . , ....--...... ??????? . $ 1. ? QQ) - - CV , bO r ?i?? Cz4 ? . . ????????' A1? 1 1 ' ? ? I ? ? ? ? ; ? ' ? ? ? No Foreign Dissent Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/05 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dissem When the contacts of manipulation relay 307 are closed, the- - --- contirm frequency-range driver generates a high frequency; when open, the dri5 is cut off by negative voltage through resistance 54. Switch sector 261a will close the supply circuit of the high-voltage contactors; conductor( 20 will be connected to conductor 14, and it will be possible to supply high voltages to the transmitter continuously. The master- oscillator plate will receive a power supply through conductor 23 as in the first position of switch 261. Third Position of Switch 261 ("quartz") In this position, the continuous-frequency-range driver's screen grid, by means of switch sector 261a, is isolated from manipulation relay 307 which by this very same switch is connected to the screen grid of driver 262 through resistance 296. Thus, the continuous-frequency-range driver will be cut offland the quartz-driver tube will operate on voltage supplied through the contacts of manipulation-relay 307. Manipulation line 18 in this case is connected to the manipulation- relay winding by switch sector 261v, as in the second position. In as much as in this (third) position the elements of frequency deviation are excluded. by means of relay 298, when the telegrapher's key is pressed, only the frequency of crystal 263 will be radiated; and when released, the quartz driver tube will be cut out through resistance 297; the antenna will not receive the oscillations. Switch sector 261b, from conductor 19, supplies a stabilized voltage to the quartz-driver tubes through the sector of switch 261, and from conductor 3 a plate voltage is supplied from amplifier tube 300, and by means of conductor 41, relay 23 is turned on. The arm of high-frequency relay 23 pulls up and connects the plate of amplifier-tube 300 to load coil 22. As before, conductor 14 is connected to conductor 20 by switch 261v; therefore it is possible to supply all the high voltages to the transmitter just as in the second position. Fourth Position of Switch 261 ("Frequency-modulation Driver") The quartz-driver screen grid in this position receives an opera- [p 54] tional voltage through switch sector 261a -- independent of the manipulation- relay-contacts--from the stabilized voltage source which come's from conductor 19 through resistances 323 and 296, resulting in the fact that the quartz driver oscillates independent of the position of the contacts of manipulation-relay 307. 55 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dipsem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 . . . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dissem Fig 25. LP 52/ 1. PRO 2. Filament--- 3. Stop / 4. Start 5. Filament 6. Tele phone 7. High Voltage '8. Radio 9. Intercom 10. Microphone 11. Monitoring and Intercom 12. Call ' ? 56 _ NO Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/05: CIA-RDP80T00246A072800170001-5 No Foreign Dissem , -Fig 25... PRO (Radio Operator Station) (p c6