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50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the ESpionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized per.k.:n is prohibited by law 50X1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY )5y,eilECJ Bulgaria Sketches of Elkhovo and Y bol-Elkhovo Area REPORT DATE DISTR. 10 March 1964 50X1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. 644n&_.4. ?I- ,64-1,--4-a-tv PAGES I REFERENCES t2 1 a 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL, OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE50X1-HUM two unedited reports con- taining the following: a. Two sketches of the town of Elkhovo, 2' x 4' each, accompanied by a 65-page legend: b. One sketch of the Yambol-Elkhovo area, approximately 2' x 4', accompanied by a 10-page legend. NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM 5 4 3 2 1 .t cc 14 GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification STATE X I DIA X I ARMY X I NAVY X I AIR X I NSA X I AID I OCR (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ".) c't Legend of the sketch showing the vicinity of Yatiliol--681khovet,. ,r.I. Dam aid it. wall. 2. House with two rooms belonging to the vegetable garden. 3. 1ritigating canal 4. Vegetable garden 5. The bridge to made of concrete, and it in IO m. longs and 6 m. wide.. It to 4 m. above sea level. It has a baniater made of wquared iron. 1 don't know its resistance. 6. Wooden bridge. It has no resistance. Even a truck can not pose over it. There to a passage next to the bridge within the water. 7. Orchard with a email house? 8. Stone mine 9. Viheyard belonging to D.Z.S. Haeidimitrova. IO. Hen raising farm belonging to Drajevo village. T.K.z.s. 11. %later motor?pump. 12. A puddle. 13. House. 14. D.Z.S.( State Agricultural Farm) 15. Building ethere food stuff is sold and is a cook shop at thesame 16. House or the maintenance offioial of the roads. 17. Bridge made of soil heaped up on a oonorete 18. The hillwhere the tank unite., :stationed. The tanks here make maneouvers on the hills in the vicinity of Haat Dimitrova. 19. Vineyard belrmgin.; to Tambol. 20. rambol airfield. 21. Large Combine being constructed. 22. Oemetery? 2/I. Stables( These probably belong to T.K.Z.S.) ca?; I:cluded trot aatad duagrading sad tedassMcattaa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 2 24. Abondened small house. P5. Bone factory. 26. Military munition depot area. 27. Village graveyard 28. Orchard 29. Vineyard 30. .shed belonging to '.1(..L.S. T'ilot ors are place on the'. 31. Stables of T.K.Z.3. 3P. Bridges made with soil heaped up on concrete pipes. 33. Irr kg at ing canal 34. Brooke which have water during rainy days. 35. Abondened house. 36. Poplar woods. 37. Area which I believe had R bridge over %non River ? 38. Large concrete bridge which was bei rv built in 10'16. I have not seem this bridge after I256. 39. Nel-oil depot ? 40. Brijde made of concrste? It has a banister. There is tater flowing underneath it during rainy days. The bridge is 1501. ong and 6 a. wide, and is 4 ti, above water level. I dun t know its resistance. 41. New vegetable garden. 42. Building belonging to the herds and the shepherds. a shed at the back. 43. Woods, 44. Orchard belonging to Z.Z.S? 45. ?lower field. There is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ? k6. AirpfOrt with an asphalt runway at a distanae of 100 v3. from Yambol- Elkhowa highway. Planes are not etetionad here. / have only witnessed some planes taking off and lending. Sometime' the genes used in the agricultural fight land itt this airport, too. The. runway here was built in ZVI. It is circa 4-5 km. long, end (0-70 m. wide. the areaPrillrntodthe itnway is smoothened and it is formed int O a hard layer of soil. 4. Ooverod bus-stop of Tembol-Elkhovs bus 48 Buildings of D.Z.S. State Agricultural Farm. o of these are used as reeidencsy. and (some are stablee. 49. New orchard 50. The are* where the two bridges are settiated. This p).eo* is full with tweet& trees..The bridges are made of concrete and have banisters made of eked iron 5/. Karavolove Dam. It is large. 52. Brook of the water flowing from the dem. 5. illottss?pump taking water from Tunes for the dam. 54. Mfirlarrilsonveying water to the dem IS. Water depot. It is like a room toads of concrete. 56. Vineyard 57. Limestone mine: 58. A brook 59. Highwey made with broken ones is tnooniplete. 60. Vineyard 61. Stable or pi house. 62.. Orchard 65. Kiosk 64. Woods 65 Bridge made of concretehaving banisters made of edged iron. 66. Stone mine , 67. Woods Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ? 68?. On Nay and April of 1965, exoavation and road construction WS6 going on at this area. Trudovaks are sheltered in the tante here. I have observed cylinders, stone-breaking machines, truck. at this area. There were mobile repair-housee aituated here. This area to protected by guards constantly and to enoircled with a barbed- wire. 1 wee sent by rfy chief while I was working in M.T.S. in Boyanova, and there I would esk for a part of a tractor from the unit stationed. At that time X saw the above machinery, and a place similar to a highway laid with stones whieh were being produced in the woods. I could not ace the main construction area, and the characteristics, beoause the stone road made a curve into the woods. Only the number of construction machinery, workers (trudovaks) made me think that a large oonutruotion wae being done there. Since there le no highway extending from the main road, and the labouring area to kept seoretly, and it is under protection, I believe that a rocket baee was built in this urea. It is circa 5-6 km. sway from itamenste village. I oan not give its precise location. I can only *etiolate that it to at a distanoe of 7 km. from Kamensts-Stefen Earacovo highway. 69. Covered bus-stop of rembol-Blkhova bue( Raravelov village bus-stop). There ie an orohard and an abandoned khosk in it. 70. Small brook having water all the time. 71. Concrete bridge. It has a banierter of edged iron. It to 4 m. high, 8 m. long, and 5 m. wide. 72. Vegetable seedling releing place( by steam.) 73. Automobiles with mobile radar antenna? I know that 3 trucks equipped with radar, are stationed here. 74. Water depot of Melomir village. 75. Limestone mine. 76. Fig raising districts. 77. Water depot 78. Concrete bridge. It is 30- 40 m. long, and 6 a. wide. There is a pedestrian sidewalk 1 m. wide on both sides of the bridge. The bridge to 9 m. above the water level. / don't know the number of stakes supporting the bridge. It has a banister made of edged iron. 79. Railway bridge. It is made of iron. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ? . 80. Hut of the railroad bridge guard. The guard keep, duty here permanently. He is oubjected to the railroad company and is oacupied with the magntenanos of the railroad track. az. Hills %Messed to be graveyard long ego. 82. Building of ttables and shepheards. 83. Pit keeping house. 84. Flour Factory. By. M.T.O. Boyanova a) Fuel-oil depot b) Blacksmith and tree-works work-shop, and electrioal welding section, and the shed used to protect the implemente? o) o) Bureaus, dining-room, dormitory building. .3-floored building. d) Tractor, auto-repair-tshop, and spare part depot. e) Building where the barber, and workers are taught how to drive tractors. f) Bus-stop. Drihke, candies, and breakfast are sold here. 86. silo 87. Boyanova railroad-station. 88. Lodging of the ones employed at the railroad company. 89. ? ? ? 90. RamP 9I. Orchard. It has a Moak in it. 92. Vineyard. 93. Fountain 94. T.E.Z.S.. 95. Military unit 96. Canal dug to prevent the .overflowing of the brook. 97. Conorete bridge. It has a banister made of edged iron. It is 8 m. long. 6 as. wide, and is 3.5 m. above the water level. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 -6- 99, Woods I00. Vineyard IOI. Small wood. 102. Dam wall 103. Stable and building for the eheOheards of 731khova T.K.Z.S. 104. Military firing-range. I. mum NUreery-gerden of the Woods Enterprise. X0. Hens, and chicken retails place. /t belongs to /sgrev village. 107. Place to where the water of the canal is conveyed over the brook by means of a pipe. 108. !;mall pond called Igrevski Azmak. 109. Concrete bridge. It has a banister made of adged iron. It is 8 m. long, and ( m. wide, and is 3.5 m. above the water level. 110. Fountain. III. Xirilova railroad-station. 112. Vegetable and eeedlinr raising place by th, steam installations of Eirilove 113. Pig keeping house. 114. /forest. 115. Kirilovn dem. 116. lanal proviltig watrr fromTnea to the Anl. 117. lineynrd. 118. Small dam. 119. Elkhova depots. 120. Stables of Elkhova 121. Military munition depot. 122. Orchard 123. Building used 98 a depot. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 f 125 Stables of Kirilova T.K.Z.S. 126. iourtain and an arbour Vi a small gerden 127. Vegetable garden* Vegetables ere made to stjSam. 128*. Vineyard 129* Limest one DJ.z,8.fl ye eta le. 0/. Two conorete bridges on the h alike the next It la am. lo kly by u ins ot thane br dges end 2 ta4 high.; 52* Rot.r?d brtdges. It hes iron bentate 133.. Pourtain. 134. Motor?pump, end the spring. 135. Stone wail.- 6* Railroad bridge over which. tile iron Pipe ptieeee thr Ugh s . 7. Flour factory* Iron bridge. It ie. 12 lc* limg, 6 0. jr4a0 banister made ot edged iron. high. 139. Orohord.? 40 T .8 . t41. Building efstebl? nnd shephear 142* Fountain. 1434 Orchard?., 144. Pchele New district of Pchele v 46. Sonceete bridge. It la 16 ta. 1onj6 i. There is an acacia small woods in the vio /V. Woods. gonestry, 4 as high. 49?.14.K.Z.S. vineyard. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIX-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 150. Rocket baoeemtrclei1 with barbed-wire? I have at seen .this area from near. 51.. New district f: inepeVa.villege. -152. MIlitary unIt ts located,, - 153. 0.0ilorote itilPia0vme Rooky, al* brook -Wiry Plour 157. 1rnstortsr.. :?21d. done bridge. aro kept 1594 Knees where concrete bocks/cloetng the htghwey When neoeeeary. O. Wooden bridge. 161. Acacia wood? 162. A wall like a banister highway-.ftees -a preotp or. 163. Water .164-. Building occupied by the military unit during. Summor onths? ? This unit extracts atona frolu.he: stone Mtisso 45. Stone mince. 160 Graveyard 167. 'Tank or gypsy graveyard. 168. The area whore the -mil-IA.0Y unit to stet oned. 169. Vegetable garden equipped with steam inetallation. 170. Veg et able -garden. 171. old stone bridge. 172. The part through where the the brook by an iron pipe. he onnitaoonveyed over 173. Gonerete bridge. It is 60 m. long w des end is 8 m. above . water. level. It hee t euPporting etakee? It is constructed in 1958 174 Wooden bridge. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ' ? - ? 175. Aableo of Alkhove 176. 0403e TLUSOF1 177. 'tot Or 'Snip ? 178. Place where fish is kept. 179. Fountain, and arbour. 180. Hen raising place. 18/. 7-rilitary fuel-oil depot. 182. Concrete bridge. It is 10 m. long, and 6 in. wide, and It a. high. It has a banister made of edged iron. 185. Buildings 184. 400den bridge. Its banieter is wooden, too. 185. rttei-oll depot of T.K.Z.3. 186. ?lour Factory. 187. TZ.. buildings. 188. Tranilforcer. 189. Orchard. 190. Woods. 191. Wooden bridge. 192. Hen raising plsoe. 195. ntables. 1.94. 0onarete bridge. It hen a banister made of edged iron. It is 10 in. long, ( c. wide, and 4 in. high. 195. Orchard. 196. Barracks. 197* Ast or-pump. 198. Dobrieh stable. 199? 'onorete bridge completed in 19(2. It is 40 is. long, 6 in. high, and 8 is. wide. It has n banister made of edged iron. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 OP 10 op 200. Orchard. or. Abandoned house. 202. Khosk 203. Munit ions depot 204. *olooden bridge. 205. Ilcunen used as stables. 206. Aoaoia woods 207. Hen raising plea.. 208. Buildings where oalves are bred. 209. T.K.Z.S. stables 210. 211. Building where the wool comb is situated. 212. Wooden bridge 21). T.K.Z.S. fuel?oil dePote? 214. T.X.Z.S. stables. 215. Graveyard 216. Orohard and vegetable garden. 217. stables and building for shePhearde. 218. Hen raising place. P19. Area where honey hives are stationed? The guard is named :hfr. Pet ir. He is fond of hunting. 220. Orchard. 221. Vegetable garden and khosk. 222. Rocket base. Construction was being done by the military unit towarde tha end of 1962. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 -----171"11.1"11.11111111111 ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 50X1 Th e ex lanatfon of the sketch of ELHOVO town taken from STOYAN TOEOROF KOSTOF V. 1 - Railroad to YAMBOL g 4 Road to YAMBOL (It is covered with asphalt and it has a widtht of about 10-12)) 3 - The hollow area, where the water flows ? It is covered with grass. 4 - Road to the pig raising area, it was constructed in 1963, it is covered with gravel-stone, has a length of 100 m., and a width of 6 m. 5 - The quard-box for the pig raising area. (When there is a defection among the animals, they medicate and disinfect the people, entering this area.) 6 - The building, used as a depot and offices. 7 - Pig raising area. 8 - Water motor-pump office. 9 - The area of the pig raising organization; it is surroundid by a barbed wire and it is about 50 decares large. This area was isolated against foot-and-mouth disease of the cattle. a) The meadow, where the pigs grazed. b) A high land, in the pig raising area. 10 - Transformer. 11 - A higher piece of land. 12..4. A vacant land. 13 - A path, 14 - Another path. (Re doesn't know whose it went) 15 - A path to the pig raising area. (At the present it is not being used.) In 1963, when a new road was constructedto this area, this path/nnsused any more. 16 - KIRILOVSKA stream, coming out from KIRILOVO damn. CONFIDENTRINO FORUM !MEM GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgradloa and declassitiOation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201-3/-1-71714-:-IA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 #1313 - 2- CONFIDENTRI? A FUIN DISSEM 17 - Two concrete briggew, having fences on their-sides. When the_roads were covered with asphalt in 1962, these bridges were widened too. I don't know what extreme weight they could stand. The length of each bridge is about 6m ., and their widths is about 10-12 m. 18 - Railroad bridges. They are made of iron, have a length of about 8m., and don't have any fence on its sides. 19 - The area which is used as a vegetabbb garden, and which belong to people, privately. 20 - Vacant land, used as a field. 21 - Path. 22 - A. small concrete bridge, having no fence on the sides. The sides of the bridge consist of a higher level compared with the road. 23 - Railroad bridge. 24 - Fountain. 25 - A small shed in the bee-raising area. 26 - The buiapp, where there are three motor-pumps. These work with three/kx0 electric motors. The current is given to them from the city power. These mtitor-pdmps deliver the water,- they take from TUNCA, to KIRILOVO damn in three different iron pipes. The diameter of these pipes is 1 m. 27 - The well, from which the motor-pumps drew the water. This well has a debth of about 20 ml 28 - The wall seperating the well from TUNCA River, and preventing it from demolishing. 29 - The transformers area, of the network, which provides power for the motor-pumps. 30 - A piece of land, which looks as if it is very high. 31 - An area, where there are 3-4 very old poplar-trees. 32 - A military ammunition area, located on a high hill. a) The place for the quards. b) The points where they are on duty. posts, having a wax-cloth on them, for the guards on duty, when it rains. c) Undergromd ammunition depots. The roofs of these depots seen on the ground level. In these points there are which is used as an umbrella, CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM can be Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CV CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN OMB #1313 -3- 33 - Field (belongs to T.K.Z.S.) 34 - Spring (the guards of the ammunition depot area take water from this spking) 35 - The fruit garden which belongs to T.K.Z.S. 36 - The area, where there are orchards which are private properties. 37 - The path to KIRILOVO village. 38 - Water conduits flowing from the fountains. They dry up during the summer months, and in some places a water putliile remains through the summer. 39 - A high and long building, with one floor, which is used as a depot. (I don't know what is kept there.) 40 - Electrical transformer center, I don't know from where the current is sent here. The current must of be 20 thousand volts here. 41 - Transformers section of the transformer center. 42 - A high hill. During the dry summer months, the guards who are on duty on this hill, watch the fields, and prevent them from burning. 43 - The water conduit which was formed by the water flowing down from the high hill, when it is rainy. In the parts, near to the city, there is water permanently. 44 - Milk combine. At the gate there is the janitor's room. 45 - Milk combine. The building consists of 3 floors. On the first floor cheese and ice is produced, and there is a barrel depot on this floor. On the second floor, there is a yogurt manufacturing section, and milk boiling section. On the third floor, there are offices, and a labPotory where milk is analyzed. The Director of this milk combine is a person named, VELIYGRATSKI, but I dont have any information about him. The accountant of the combine is named, VASIL (I don't know his second name) , and he lives in GEORGI DIMITROF Street NO: 43. His wife's name is DORA, and he is from the communist party. 46 - Two buildings, where there are incubators. 47 - A vacant area. Formerly, people bought lands from this area, so there are many hollows here. Lately wood for burning was packed here. CONFIDENTIAL Irtil FOREIGN oissEp Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 +ft # 1313 CONFIETIALINO FOREIGN DISSUI -4- 48 M.T.S. (Machine & Tractor Center) Area. The Director is KEREMIKCIEF. a) One part of the building has two floors, and on this part there are offices, and the other part is used as a repair-shop. b) A single-floored building. Half of this building is used as a motor repair-shop, and the other half is used as a hangar for keeping the agricultural equipment during the winter months. c) The part, where there is the iron work-shop, and the electrical and oxygen source. d) The battery, charging, and electric wor-shop. e) Sports area. f) A single-floored building. On two sides of the building there are spare parts depots. In the middle of the building there is a wood work-shdp, and a class-room for the tractor drivers. g) The 3-floored building which is used as a dining room, and bed- rooms for the unmarried. At the present it is used only as a dining-room, and offices for the repair-shop part. h) An open-shed where the agricultural equipment and even the harvest machines can be kept. It was quite high. i) A high open-shed where the agricultural devices were kept. j) An open-shed where the agricultural equipment was kept. k) A single-floored building. It was used as a fall depot, where several kinds of materials were also kept. 1) A boarding used when tractors are ;di/being put on apdoff the trucks. m) Quard-box. This box is used by the fuel area quardsTduring the day, it is used by the official who distributes fuel. n) Fuel depot. They consist of metal cylinders, standing on concrete bases, either lying on the ground or perpendicular the the ground level. These cylingers have a shiny silver color. Gasoline, mazout and several oils are kept in them. I don't have any idea about their numbers, and how much they can contain. 49 - Silk factory, "PASKULNA FABRIKAll. I don't know the director's name. a) Transformer. b) A single-floored building, which is used as a residence. I don't know who live in this building. e) A single-floored building, which was formerly used as a residence, and at the present used as depot. d) A single-floored building which was,till a recent date used as a private house (belonged to BEZGRIJNETSITE family), and later taken over by the government and joined to the factory. I think they also keep oxes, which are used in the transportation businesses of hemp factory in this building. e) The main section of the silk factory. It has two floors. Long ago this section was burned, and they reconstructed it. . f) Another single-floored building which coilnected to the silk factory with a pipe. g) A single-floored building. Possibly there are offices here. h) Cooparative. 0050 MIRYAN's father work here. They sell cigarettes, drinks, meat-balls, and some other things for breakfast. This belongs to the city Commerce Organization. CONFIDENTIALINO FOREIGNDSSE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CTIFIDENTIALikU-tthiLiiiti ? 1313 ?5- 50 - The area where the border troop is ideated. (I don't have any information a) A single-floored building for the guards. about this troop) b) Headquarters buklding. Has twofloors. c) Toilet. d) Offices, in a three-floored building. On the lower floor there is a dining-room, e) Clinic. Single -floored building. f) A building which is used as a depot. g) fl ii fl it U lilt 11 h) A single-floored bmAll building, which was formerly used for the guards. i) Wood and iron work-shop. j) A building which is used as a depot. k) Garage and an auto repair-shop. Here there are some portable wireless trucks, and at the top of the building there is a fixed antenna pole. 1) Barren area. 51 - Training area. 52 - Shooting area. 53 7 The fruit garden of the border unit. 54 - Fountain. 55 ? n 56 - A bridge, which is made by piling up the soil on concrete pipes. by 57 ? The road covered wiab broken stones, and which doesn't have an end. 58 - Gypsy district. 59 - A path going to the orchards. 60 - A vacant area. It is covered with grass. 61 - A district, which is recently been constructed. The pieces of land here, are distributed for nothing by some business companies. 62 - Gardens. 63 ? A house which belongs to an invalid person. 64 - A house which belongs to a person named, GANCO , who works in M.T.S.41 as a tractor driver. 65:66 ? Other houses. (I don't know to whom they belong.) CONFIDENTRINO FORUM DISSEUt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Unita I uttutuiN #1,l3 6 67 - A house which belongs to a barber named, ANGEL. 68 - A two-floored house. 69 - The area, where there are private houses. 70 - PROMKOMBINAT (Crafsmen Union) area. Director : PEYU STOYANOF. a) A single-floored building. Half of the building was used as a depot, and the other half was used as a wood work-shop. b) Toilet. c) Another single-floored building where there was the heavy-long saw, , and the furniture manifacturing part. There are also some offices in this building. 71 - MR. PETKOls house. (He owns a mule, and was a coachman.) 72 - A single-floored house, which belongs to a person, who bad a daughter, named, MARIYA, and who, before 1944 flattered the communists. At the present he lived on his pension. 75 - TRASLIEFsi house. TRASLIEF is the Director of TOPLIVO fuel depot, and his son, PCELA was a machine enginner in T.K.Z.S. in his village. 74 - PITNO UPRAVLENIE (Roads Administration) and STROY UCASTIK (Construction Organization) District. The Director of PITNO UPRAVLENIE, is IVAN BAKALOF, and its chief engineer is MR. MITYU CERKEZA. I don't know the director of STROY UCARIK Organization. The accountant in that Organization is my auncle, NEDYALKO KRISTEF. a:b) The residences for the people working in the Road Administration. c) The garage of the Roads Administration. d) The depot of the Construction Organization. e) The depot of the Construction Organization, and the residences, for the labourers working in this Organization. f) Offices of the Construction Organization. 75 - A door, having fences, which is formed by the piled up soil on the concrete pipes, over the stream, to which the water condtits flow from both sides of the road. 76 - The railroad bridge, formed by the soil put on the concrete pipes. 77 - The garden (park) which was made in 1965. 78 - Lime and construction materials depot,/grgelY Construction Organitation. 79 - The area, where the vehicles, of the repair-shop, in g.T.s. district sometimes park. CONFIDENTIAL INO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIALINO FOREIGN DISSEM 80 - The building, where the motor-pumps were kept, which delivered water to ELHOVO previously. At the present they are not being used. 81 - The area of "GEORGI DIMITROF" Oooparative. a) The saw which produces wood from heavy log. b) The section where the lathe and smoothing machines are. c) The part where there are the offices. d) Boundry, 82 - The flour factory, having two floors. It is presently being active, and it provides the flour need of ELHOVO. 8, - The section, where there were the installations which colored and polished the blothes, woven Illgoally. 84 - Goldsmith work-shop. 85 - A building, where there is a lathe workshop, electric and auto repairshop, and where the wire for coop and bed springs are manufactured. 86 - And old mill, which is presently used as a depot. 87 - The old fodder factory, which is presently used as a depot. 88 - Garden. 89 - Field. 90 - forest 91 - The pig raising buildings of ELEOVO Garrison. 92 - The residence of the watchman, and the person, who carries food for the .p*ge, and the building, used as a stable for the horses. 93 - A pile of grass, and bale of straw. 94 - The area where clover is planted. 95 - The area, which belongs to the military forces, and where they can grow early vegetables, by steam. 96 - Vegetable garden. 97 The building, where there is the toom for the watchman of the gardens, and offices too. Half of this building is used as a depot, and here, pickles, and winter vegetables were kept. 98 - Iron workshop. Here, devices, such as shovel and pickaxe were repaired. 99 - The meadow where the grass was reaped from time to time. COFETAL I O FOE GN DISSM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL IMO BROD' DISH 100 - The area of granary depots' a) The building where the offices are. b) The building where the grain controlling Organization is. c) The building, used as a depot for several devices. d) Steelyard. e) The granary No: 1. f) The granary No: 2. The area between these granaries is covered by concrete, and here the grains are dried up. g) The building where the seed clearing machines are kept. 101 - Cooper workshop. 102 - The egetable and fruit depot. 10; - The building where tomatoes are kept, which are exported during the summer months. 104 - Coffer depot. Here the dry, bitter and red peppers are kept. 105 - A vacant area. Most of this area is marshy. 106 - Hemp factory (In 1963 this factory had become a textile factory ) The director of this factory is t RAKACIEF. a:b) The building, which are still being constructed. I don't know for what they will be used. c) Hemp factory. A single-floored, and high building. d) Dinning-room. e) The pools, where the hempseeds are wetted. 107 - Boarding of the hemp factory. It was constructed in 1963. 108 - The new road, constructed in 1963. 109 - The bridge, made by the piled up soil on the pipes. 110 - The single-floored house, where my friend, VLADI GAYDAROF lived. 111 - The depot of VODEN SINDIKAT (Water Works Association). 112 - The depot of the Water Works Organization. The director of this Organization is: MUSKOF. 113 - A double-floored house, where my friend, GEORGI, who was a watchmaker, lived. 114 - Some other houses, but I don't know who live there. 115 - Three houses, which belong to GABARTSITE family, In the house, which was in the middle, their daughter lived. CONFIDEM ALINO FOHIGH DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENDAL I NO FAIGN DISSEM #1313 -9- 116 - Garden, made in 1962. 117 - The area, where the houses of BEJANSKIYA KVARTAL district are located. The roads in this district are all pathes. 118 - The new Hospital building, which is being constructed till 1962. This building is located on a high land. 119 - The old water depot. (The old motor-pumps, shown in the point No:80, were pumping water to this depot, but it is not used presently.) 120 - The path to KIRILOVO village, and the orchards. 121 - The path to DOBRIC village. 122 - An uneven country full of thorny bushes. 123 - A sheep-fold which is a private property. 124 - The region of the old hospital. a) The room for the telephone-operator, watchman, and janitor. b) The garage for the ambulance car, and the pharmacy of the hoppital. c) The section of contagious diseases. d) The sectio whichwas formerly for the internal diseases, and presently/tor the contagious diseases. e) The section for the internal diseases, and tuberclosis. f) Dining-room and mortuary building. 125 - Field. 126 - Vegetables and fruits garden. (A private property) 127 - The area, where the private residences are. 128 - Wood materials depot, which are used for the constructions. This depot belongs to TOPLIVO Organization. 129 - An open-shed used as a cement depot, and offices. 130 - Vegetable and fruit garden. 131 - Park. 132 - Fuel selling depot. a:o) Mazout selling pump. b) Gasoline " 133 - A house, which belongs to a person, who grows lemon. CONFIDENTIAL/ 0 MEM MUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONMENTihibiu #1313 - 10 - 134 - The house, where a militia official lives. This person always travels in YAMBOL train, and controls the documents of the foreigners in the train. 135 - The building where MR. ANGEL lives. He works in gasoline selling stations. 136 - The path to BURGAZ road. 137 - Fmountain. 138 - The house where my friend STOYAN CERNIEOF's brother lived. 139- The house, wher? STOYAN CERNIKOF lived. 140 - The old straw-rick. 141 - The house, where STOYAN CERNIKOF's sister lived. 142 - The building, where a civil militia official, TAGAREF lived. 143 - The house, where a person, named, STOYAN DADIKA lived. 144 - Three houses, which belong to a family, from KRUSOVO village. 145 - The house, which belongs to ELHOVO Priest. In 1963, this priest Uad resigned; and after that he began to work in the cow-shed. They call him BELIYA POP. He had a well-developed built, and he walks in a wagging manner. 146 - IVAN AMBALIYSKI's sing1e-21oored house. A drunk truck-driver had hit and killed this person, in front of the bone-factory on the south of YAMBOL. 147 - The house, which belonged to a bicycle repair-men, GOSO (called JORO PORITO). 148 - The house, which belonged to a young man, named, KOLYU(GEBVEMOTA . This person played the drum and his father owned a truck. 149 - A single-floored old house, which belonged to IVAN (SMEGITO), who worked in the wood works combine. This person's mother had died in 1962, when a lightening had struck her. 150 - A single-floored house, of MOMCOLAROVITE family. The daughter of this family is known as immoral. 151 - A single-floored house, which belonged to aperson, named, MITYO (COLAKA), who workedin the photographing section of D.N.A. Army Club in YAMBOL. This person can not use his fingers, on his left hand. 152 - Two houses, where a. carpenter, named, HRISTO (KARAKOLA) and his brother live. 153 - A vacant area. CONFIBUIPILIND FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 r Nina uwoun -11- 154 - KOSTAls house, who works in the fire-brigade. This person's brother has neen suffering from an illness for many years. 155 - A 3-floored building, which was formerly a poly-clinic, and which was in 1963 had become a hospital. 156 - A fruit garden. 157 - Flower garden. 158 - An old building, which is used as a depot. Once, I had seen some oxygen tubes, being taken into this building. I don't know to which organization this building belongs. 159 - Fountain 160 - A single-floored house of BOZUTSITE family.. 161 A double-floored building. In the lower floor there is a store, where fruits, vegetables and other kinds of food are sold. The upper floor is used as a residence. 162:- A double-floored building, which belonged to a mason foreman. 163 - A single-floored building, where BAKALOVI family lived. This building has two doors, and on one side of the house a Captain who had a job in the Border troops, lived. In 1961, this Captain quitted his job in the army 'sold his share in this house, and went to BURGAZ. 164 - A single-floored building, where the nurses of the hospital lived. 165 - A single-floored building, where a coachman lived. 166 A house, where the most fattest person of ELHOVO lived. His daughter was married an officer. 167 - A house, where the girl students lived on rent. 168 - A single-floored house, where a boza and ice-cream seller lived. foreman 169 - A house, where an Armenian, named MARDIK lived. He works as a carpenter/ in the mentally retarded students' school. His parents live in IZGREF village. 170 - Granary. I don't know to which organization it belongs. 171 Granar*es. I don't know to which organizations they belong. 172 - The building, where rubber and string was manufactured. CONFIDENTIAL INO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ? CONFIDENTIAL I NO FOREIGN DISSEM #1313 - 12 - 173 - A single-floored house, where a tractor-driver, named YONCO (MEONSTA) lived. 174 - Two houses, owned by a woman, named, KERA, who is from SLAVEYKOVO village. She lends her house for secret relations. She especially convinces the girl students to come to her house, and go to bed with a man. 175 - The house, where KERA's brother, who was a locksmith, lived. 176 - A building, where a deaf-mute person lived. 177 - A fountain. 178 - The building, where BURAKA VASIL lived. He dreave the CEPEL marked fuel car, of BOYANDVO M.T. S. 179 - The building, which was being constructed in 1963. It belongs to GAMITE family, who is from the communist party. Their daughter is married an officer. 180 - A building, where, VASIL (DURAKA) lived. This person is very much addictid to drinking. 181 - The area, where there are many new houses. 182 - Transformer. 183 - A vacant area. 184 - The area, where there are many new houses. 105 - A single-floored house, where MR. KOLYU lives. He takes the portable tovie to the villages. 186 - The building, where BUZUKOVITE family lived. 187 - An auto-repairshop, and garage. Here, the cars of D.A.O. Organization are parked, and repaired if necessary. a) A single-floored large building, in which there are lath workshop, blacksmith's section, spare parts depot, battery charging section, and offices. b) A building, whic h is divided into two parts. One part is a wood workshop, and the other is used as a materials depot. c) W.0. d) Cleaning and oiling plase for the cars. The road to BURGAZ, which is covered with broken-stones. 188 - Center, where asphalt was manufactured. In 1962 it was burned but they constructed it again. CONFIDENTRIIii0 FORMA DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 V CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM -15- 190_- A bridge formed by the piled up soil on the concrete pipes. It doesn't have fences on the sides. 191.- Buildings of D.Z.S. (State Agricultural Directorate) "GRANICAR", which are constructed in 1965. I think they will installate some repairshops in these buildings. 192 - The district called, DOLA. It is covered by grass and thorny black bushes. It is also used as pasture. a) The highest land area. b) The land that descends gradually. c) The loweat land. 193 - The place, where there are a few new houses. 194 - The path to MALOMIROVO village. 195 - The path. to MAL0MIROVO Village. 196 - The path to CERNOZEM village. 197 - Underground positions, possibly made of concrete, and having one or two embrasures. 198 - A deserted church. 199 - Cemetery. 200 - A statue. At nights, it is illuminated by the street-lamps, so even from a far distance the marble shines, and it can be seen. 201 - A Stream. This stream begins to flow from the area, where the depots, supplying water to the city are located, and on its routine the water from the fountains also join this stream, so there is always abondant water. 202 - Path to CERNOZEM village. At a point this path divides into two and a little later, they again become one path. 205 - A bridge formed by the piled up soil on the concrete pipes. There aren't any fences on the sides , and the width of the bridge is 2.5 m. Cars can not go on this bridge, only jeeps can. 204 - The bridge formed by the piled up soil on the concrete pipes. The vehicles passing through this bridge has caused the pipies to be broken so it is even narrower than 2 m. Only motor-cycles can go on it. 205 - Area, where garbage is thrown. CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 # 1313 CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DiSSEM -14- 206 - High current transforming line. It consksts of three cables attached to iron posts, with a height of 36m. I don't know from where to where the current is transformed. According to my knowledge it goes all around ELHOVO. 207 - Field. 208 - An area, where there are many houses. 209 - FUCEOIEF's house , who was formerly the director of a high-school. This person was imprisoned, for attacking the girl students. 210 - NIKOls father's and brothers' house. Niko worked in BOYANOVO M.T.S. 211 Blacksmith's workshop. Here there is a grape pressing machine. 212 - An area, where there are many houses. 213 - The area, where the gypsies live. 214 - DRAJU's house, who worked as a turner in DAP Automobile repair-shop. Formerly his wife was working in Post Office as a post- men. 215 - DOYCOle house, who is from the communist party, and from MALOMIROVO village. He is the technical chief in the lathe and clearing sections of "GEORGI DIMITROF" Cooparative. 216 HRISTO (KNIJARA)'s house. He is from the communist party, and he is the storekeeper in PECATNI PROIZVEDENIYA (Press and Stationary Orgamitation.) 217 - A young girl, MARIYA's house, who is a health official. 218 - Field. Sometimes they bring the sheep out to pasture here. 219 - The area, where there are many houses. 220 - Fountain. 221 - JAN MITRALIEF's house. He works in USTREM mine, and his brother is from the communist party, and has a good position in-YAMBOL. 222 - A new house which belongs to NIKO, who works in BOYANOVO village, as a tractor driver in the M.T.S. His grand-father's house is there too. 223 - A single-floored old house, which belongs to MITKO (GEVREKA), who is a carpenter. CONFIDENTIALMO FO IGN DISSEIV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM # 1313 -15- 224 - A single-floored house, which belonged to a person, named, PEHLIVAN, who worked in HGEORGI DIMITROF" Cooparative as a turner foreman. 225 - A house having two doors. On one side of the house, a carpenter in the border troops, and on the other side LANCET? GENITO, who is also a carpenter in ELHOVO M.T.S. (GEORGI), lives. On the back of this house, there is an open-shed. 226 - HRISTO's single-floored house, who was formerly working in a grocery shop as a seller. Later he was discharged with a suspicion of misuse, and presently he ta working in the pig-raising place. His wife's brother, KOSTOF has a job in YAMBOL, D.A.I (Traffic Directory.) 227 - Granary. I don't know to which organization this belongs. 228 - A person's house, who has a son named, JELYAZKO (JAKO BAFABATA) . 229 - A 2-floored building. Here, a person, named TASEF, who is a Bulgarian teacher in the high-school, and also AVCITO, who provides materials for the nweat-sellers, live. 230 - Straw-rick. It is quite large, and it can also be used as a depot. 231 - A single-floored house. A person, named, DIMO, who is the Director of the Commerce Company, namely, GRATSKA TIRGOVIYA lives here, He is from the communist party. On one side of the house thereis a straw-rick too. 232 - The house, where CIRAKOF family lived till 1963. The owner of this house was a shoe-maker in the military units. Their son ATANAS CIRAKOF, was a student in the Navy War Academy. During the summer months of 1963, they sold their house, and moved to SLIVEN. 233 - A shoe-maker's house, who worked in the military units. He had a daughter, named, VELIKA. (She had a lover named, TOTO, who was a sailor. 254 - YANCO MAGARETO's house. They had an idiot son. 235 - GANCO NIKOF's house, who was killed in a brick factory. At the present his widow wife lives there. 236 - LUBOls house, who is the accountant in M.T.S. His wife is a seller in a clothes shop. 2,7 - STOYAN's house, who was a coachman. 238 - The driver's house, who drove the tank car, carrying fuel from the fuel depot in the train station, to the selling centers in the city. CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIALINO FORUM UISSLM - 16 - # 1313 239 - GENITO (GERMAEOETOills house who till 1962 controlled the tickets in the bath. 240 A field, surrounded by a fence. 241 - The area, where there are many houses. In a house here, a militia official lives. 242 - Two houses, which belong to a family, who have a son, named NENO GENUSA. 243 - A woman's house, who sells tickets in the movies. 244 - An old building, which belong to the same woman. 245 - DIMITIR RAKACIEF's house. His son attends the high Sports school in Sofia. 246 - The place where artificial anaxication was made to the pigs. Here there are stables where bulls are kept too. 247 - The place where artificial anaxication was made to the pigs. 248 - MR. KOLYOls house, who worked in the passport section of Militia. 249 - A house, where a person, from the communist party lived. 250 - Three houses, which belong to a history teacher in the high-school, named, ZAYKOF. His wife was an archives official in the same school. As 251 - A person's house, whose one eye/blind, and who had a daughter, named, STANA KRISTEVA. His wife lived with other men. 252 - SANDUls house, who was a carpenter in D.Z.S. (State Agricultural Farm) in TUNCA. 253 - The area where there are many houses. 254 - A tailor's house. 255 - A MASTer Surgeant's house, who at the same time was a cook in the military unit. 256 - TRANDAFOF's house, who was a physical training teacher in a high-school. 257- Two houses, which belong to a family, who have a son, named,- KOLYU (DINTSETO). 258 - Fountain. 2.59 - IVAN GANCEF's house, who is a technician in ELHOVO M.T.S. C01711211IAL/10 FOREVI DISSEiti Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 #1313 CONFIDENTIAL I NO FOREIGN DISSEM -17- 260 - A person's house, who carries food matimials to the hospital by a carriage. His son is called, IPATAMATA". 261 - The house, which belongs to the coachman of the hospital. IVAN PACELIEF, who is the cook in MOSKVA Restaurant alsolived here on rent. 262 - A communist's house. 265 - POPOV's house, who is a music teacher in a secondary-school. His wife, KUNKA.POPOVA is also a music teacher in the secondary-school. 264 - KOVACEVATA GETSA's house, who own the famous ironmongery store. 265 - The driving teacher's house, who works in ELHOVO D.O.S.O. 266 - A house, where a bank Director's mother lived. That person went to YAMBOL to work, and he was from the communist party. This bank director's daughter has gone to Soviet Union for education. 267 - A house which belongs to DIMITIR TSYETKOF (TSVATKOVO MITE or KAPUSA MITOTO), who till 1944. was a police, and who presently worked in the ted-rooms of IGEORGI DIMITROF" Cooparative. 268 - A house, which belongs to a communist, who had a good position in D.Z.S. (State Agricultural Farm) GRANICAR. 269 - In one of these two houses, a person, from the communist party, and who works in GRANITOVO village stone mine as an engineer, lives. 270 - TODOR MISEF'S house. He is from the communist party, and he is the chief of the timber depot in TOPLIVO, for a construction. 271 - VELIKO's house, who has a good position in the Hunters Union. This person always has a griendship with militia. 27 - A carpenter's house, whose name I don't know. 275 - The secondary-school for the mentally retarded children. (Before 1958 there was a high-school here.) a) The school building having two floors. Here, there are also courses of lessons for the normal children. b) Dining-room. c) Sports field. There is a volleyball and basketball court. di W.C. e) Fruit garden. 0 Flower garden' CONFIDENTIAL/NO FEN DISSEEW Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL I PIO FOREIGN DISSEM 1313 -18- 274 - PETIR's house, who is a seller in the electrical equipment store, named, STROYMAT METIZ. 275 - A person's house, who carries bread from the bakery to the bread sellers by a carriage. 276 - The old house, which belongs to my auncle, IVAN GANCEF. He is letting this house now. 277 - The new house, where my auncle, IVAN GARCEF lives presently. 278 - My cousin, TODOR GANCEF's house. His father, who was a police, was killed before 1944. 279 - A house, shared by two brothers. 280 - A person's house, who had a son, named, MATEY, and who works in the fuel depot in ELHOVO garage, as an official. 281 - STOYAN CALIKOF's house, who was the president of T.K.Z.S. Later this person was discharged from his job, because he didn't have any education. 282 - Two houses, which belong to STOYAN CALIKOF's brother. He is a mason, and his son is a senior-surgeant firit-class, who is a driver in the border units. He usually drives trucks. 283 - A large building, which was being constructed in 1963, owned by a person from the communist party. 284 - An old building, which belong to this person's father. 285 - KASARYATA family's houses : a) LAZAR's house, who is presently a soldier. b) Straw-rick, and stable. c) VLADI's house. They call him, KASIRA, and he is a tractor driver in TX.Z.S. d) .A coachman's house, who carries bread from the bakery to the bread sellers. e) Another building, where another member of this family lives. 286 A house, which belongs to a family, who have a daughter, named, MARIYA PECETAROVA. 287 - The house, which belonged to CIRAKOVI family long ago. 288 - Two houses, which belong to a family, who have a son, named, IVAN (DYATKATA). IVAN is a waiter, and presently he is a soldier. 289 - Granary. CD1FIDENTIAL I NO MAN MO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL J KO FOREitiN 111SStli 1313 - 19 - 290 - The butcher's house in the covered market-place. They call him, RUS PANUVOTO GEVE. 291 - A hall of an organization, whose name I don'tknow. But I think it belongs to O.F. Organization. 292 - The verger's house, who formerly rang the bell in a church. 293 - Straw-rick. 294 - BOSKOVITE's family's house. They are two sisters, named PETRANA and STANA. 295 - A store in the lower floor of this house. Here, the girls, from the villages, are subjected to tailoring courses in return of some amount of money. 296 - Straq-rick. Sometimes, they pile timbers on the field in front of this straw-rick. 297 - My sister's house, which we lad. At the present a, person from POPOV? village lives there. He is the accountant of MOSKVA Hotel. 298 - A coachman's house, who had a son, STOYAN(LUBINA), who attended the technician of construction school in STARA ZAGORA. 299 - A person's house, who carried bread from the bakery to the bread sellers, by a carriage. 300 - A communist's house, who is the chief of MALIK MANASTIR village T.K.Z.S. His wife works in the photograph seller in ELHOVO. 301 - The press and stationary depot, where HRISTO KN1JARA works. (His house is shown with No: 216.) po; - Two houses, which belong to a person, who has a son named, STOYAN DERMENOIEF. He possibly works in the Railroads Administration 303 - DIMITIR (DEMERETO's house. In a traffic accident his father's backbone was broken, so presently he is bedridden. 304 - A woman's house, named, PAVLOVA (With him father's name), who is from Y/LNITSA village. This woman's brother, PAVLOF, has a position in the cultural businesses in YAMBOL. 305 - MARIN's house, who is a construction engineer in D.Z.S. nGRANICAR?. His brother, TOVU, is the truck driver of the portable repair-shop in the military unit, in BOYANOVO. 306 - A woman's house, who sells tickets in the bath. 307 - The house, which belongs to OERNOZEM village priest. Formerly he had escaped from Bulgaria, but later had come back, and is no/ mores priest. CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN BISKAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL FORESI VISSLIVI #1313 -20- 308 - BORIS COLAKA's house, who is an old man, and sells sweats in the fair. 309 - The depot where daisies are kept. I don't know to which organization it belongs. 310 - IVAN's house, who is a civil official in militia. 311 - Till 1960:1961 the offices of the Forest Addinistration were here, but presently a person, named, KOMITA DENILEN lives here. pip - A 2-floored apartment. There are two doors, and about 12 flats. A communist, YANKO KOJUHAROF, who is an official in the tax office lives here. 313 - A person's house, who has a son, named, oppo (TALATINA). His mother, is an official in the Public Council, who is in charge of the census. 314 - The old chief of the Tax office, DAKTEROF's house. 315 - The communist party administration official, KINCEMIETO MISE's house. He was very addicted to drinking, so he was discharged from his job, and presently he is in a very poor condition. 516 - The doctor, STOYAN (FELTSERO)'s house. He has died. 317 - MARIYA MELITSOVA (Or MERISOVA)Is house. This young girl got married recently. Her mother is an official in the bank. 318 - A house, which belongs to a person from SREM village, and who controls the tickets in the buses, between the cities. His original career was barbery. 319 - A depot, but I don't kn-qpr to which organization it belongs. 320 - Fountain. 321 - The building, used as the wood works workshop of "GEORGI DIMITROF" Oooparetive. There are residences at the back of this building. 322 - The place, where the children are taught to play the acordion. 323 - Tax-collector's house, who works in the tax office. 324 - ATANAS's house, who works as a labourer in the place called, HORENAG, where they give soup and breakfast. 325 - Some offices, but I don't know td which organization they belong. On the back there are some residences too. 326 - Painting, and shaping workshop, of "METAL" Cooparative. 527 - Tinsmith's section of the same eooparative. CONFIDENTIAL AO MEM DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Rele4sairdilinfiltil- laD PkiOT 002,4146A00712s3s0E00(460001-2 ? - 21 - #1313 328 - The building of "METAL" handicrafts Cooparative. In 1962, some parts of this cooparative were moved to some other places. a) Motor-cycle repairshop b) Tinsmith's workshop. c) W.C. d) Office, formerly it was the radio reparishop. e) Office, formerly it was the pay- office. f) Directorate rooms. I think the other buildings of this cooperative are vacant. 329 - Grocery shop. 330 - A recently constructed house. This house is rented by the director of OTETS PAISIY (CERVEN KRIST) school, VANCKOF. 331 - Offices of D.Z.I. Organization, which I know nothing of. 332 - Shoe repairman's shop. 335 HOREMAG Restaurant which is open till 17.00 hrs. There they give soup for the breakfast, ind grilled meat for the lunch. It is not open for the dinner. This place is like a self-service, and each person after paying the money takes a slip, and takes his own food from the cook. There are no waiters here, and they call this Restaurant, "HOREMAG NA KRAK". 334 - DRAJU's house, who drives the public council chairman's car. 335 - Fire-brigade, garage, and the bed-rooms. 336 - The child caring service of the poly-clinic. 337 - Ear treatment section of the poly-clinic. 358 - The buildings, which belong to KIRUFCOVITE family. 339 - Canteen. Sweats, cigarettes, drinks, simit and etc. are sold here. 340 - The building used as a depot. I think it belongs to the city Commerce Organization. 541 - Textile knitting workshop of "INVAHW" Organization. At the back of it, there was an area, where the xpaxm iron remnants were thrown. 342 - PETIR's house, who worked in "METAL" Cooparative. 343 - The building, in which there is a tailor, shoe-sebler, and a bakery. In the upper floor, the owner of the building lives. 324 - A building having two flats. The upper floor is used by a communist person as a residence. In the lower floor there is a meeting hall of "PROFSIYUZ" Workers Union Association. enmninnAl urvi EITT4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 I. CONTENTIAtINO FOREIGN DISSEM #1313 345:346 - Depots of the City Commerce Organization. 347 - Motor-cycles spare parts depot. I don't know to which organization it belongs. 348 - A single-floored building. The roof consists of a smooth concrete block. a) Bread-seller. b) Saddler. 349 - Milk seller. The upper flat is a residence. The family liatng here, has two sons, named, YANKO and RUSI VELIKOF. 350 - The lower part of this buildings consists of rooms used as offices. 351 - An old, deserted house. 352 - A house, where a family lived, who have a sonnamed, RUSI VELIKOF. This house was 14;10d to the students. 355 - Shoeing-smith in YANKOVIYA Inn. I think there is a stable here too. 354 - TINTONKINA RAM's house, who is a teacher. This woman always goes around with the communists, who have a good position. She even knows some of the Ministers. She has not divorced her husband legally, but they live apart. Her husband lives in SVETI ILIYA village, and even though he was graduated from the Law School, he earns his living by raising animals. His son was educated in the Soviet Union, and he lives in SOFIA, IGNATIEF Street, No: 8. 355 - Another building, letirt by the same family. A senior surgeant first-class from the military unit lives here. This surgeant's son, GANCO (PIYANKATA) was a motor-cycle teacher in D.04?0 Organization, but he drank too much, and they discharged him from his job for this reason. 356 - TINTOWINA RADKAls sister's house.(he is not in good terms with his sister.) 357 - Bakery. 558 - A single-floored house, which belongs to TONEF,stationary and pressed documents selling Organization chief. 359 - The place, where the garage was located formerly. Later it wad demolished, and there is a trace on the side of the nearby house now. 360 - YANKOVIYA HAN, which is an Inn. 01 - The building, used as a depot. 362 - YANKO's house, who was the owner of this Inn, formerly. 363 - Three rooms, which YANK? rent out to the students now. 364 - W.C. 365 - A field, and stable. 366 - Garden in which there was a bower with a vine plant around it. 367 - A house. 368 - Cooper 369 - Tailor's shop, and a single-floored building, which was formerly used as a bicycle repair-shop. (I don't know for what it is used now. CONFIDENTIALINO FOREM DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part: Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFER DAL/ u NW= mum 3 370 - Residence, 371.- Store belonging to Baev who had formerly a shoe-store of his own. It is currently vacant. It the size of a hut. 372 - Supplies store. 373 - Fountain and tree. 374 - House of a family who have a daughter named Vena Cherniloa. 375 - Two houbes belonging to a family named Dakovite or Daisite. 376 - House of my uncle Stoyan Ganchev. Stamata lives there. 377 - Building occupied by someone who is probably a mechanic at the railways. 378 - House of my uncle Stoyan Uanchtv. He and his son Ivan live there. 379 - Stable and depot belonging to my uncle Stoyan Ganchev. 380 - One-storey building housing several families. Among them is a Communist Party member who is the cook of "Kliment Ohritski" lycee. 381 - Building where the tractor driver of the T.K.Z.S.? Kolyu, and his sick wife live. 382 - House of a cart-driver belonging to the Zadruga orgaaisztlon. 383 - Two-storey building of the forest enterprise. Ihe upper floor contains lodgings and the manager lives there. His wife is a manufacturer of beauty creams. 384 - Depots of the forest enterprise. 385 - House of a woman who peddles squash seeds. 386 - House of the doctor, who is the seed-peddler's brother. He is dead. 387 - House of the former post office manager. His wife is a teacher. 388 - House of Ian Ivan, who is a carpenter and who once decorated theater stages. 389 - House of Beloti Geni (sic) Genito, senior sergeant first-class and chauffeur of the military unit. CONFIDENTIAL INO FOREIGN DISSEll Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part-, Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL MO FOREIGN DISSEM - _ 390 - Building occupied by the manager of the Metal cooperative. 391 - House of a cart-driver who has a son named Doycho. 392 - House and straw-shed of the Karasaliete family. 393 - House of a tax-collector. 394 - Building occupied by two senior sergeants first-class of the borderunit. 395 - Two-storey building. The upper floor is a residence, the lower floor houses a grocery store and a shoe-repairing store. 396 - Supplies depot. 397 - Workshops of the technical school "Kliment Ohritski". 398 - House where two families live. 399 - House of a family who have a son-in-law called Fetur. 400 - Kliments Ohritski lycee. It is 4-storeyed. 401 - Garden. - Sports grounds. 403 - Depot for combustibles. 404 - Fountain. 405 - Bower. 406 - House of the manager of the 0.T.P.organization which repairs the cars in the villages. 407 - Hoye of a barrelmaker who is a volunteer helper of the traffic ilitia. 408 - House of a worker at the tissue and thread dying section of the Kombinat. 409 - House of a harvest-machine operator at the M.T.S. of Elkhovo. CONFIDENTIALINO F BIEN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFINIMAL FOREitiN VISSENt -- as- --- 410 - House inhabited by the C.P. member who is the director of the school for the mentally weak named Khristozov.(Shown under 273) 411 - Repairhouse of the village cars, named 0.T.P. 412 - House of the former M.T.S. manager, current manager of the Votstroy (Waterworks). He is a C.P. member. 413 - Vegetable and fruit atomics of the city. 414 - House of worker at the radio repairshop. His mother is a saleswoman at the canteen opposite the Court of Justice. 415 - House of the Chalitsite family. 416 - House of the sister of the person named Khristo Karakola. 417 - Part of the house belonging to my friend Vladi Gaydarcheto, and new houses. his cousin has the same name and lives at the place shown as No.110. ? 418 - Part of the house belonging to the watchman of the Metal cooperative. 419 - House of the sister of Stoyan Calika, former head of the T.K.Z.S. 420 - Dental clinic where false teeth are made. 421 - Ironmongery of the Metal cooperative, mhere carriages are made. 422 - House of a potter who has a furnace in his garden. 423 - House of Stefan Chalika, driver of the buses to Burgas. 424 - House of a certain Panayot who has studied in Czechilovakia and who works at the milk combine. He welds tires on his behalf. He has a son. 425 - House of Stoyan Pitnika who goes to and from Yamiol daily to take care of peoples' private matters. He is a sort of private courier. 426 - House of Rada Gavanozova, a teacher in Slaveykovo village, who is married to a man from Yambol. 427 - House inhabited by Stoyan (Dryanovski Stoyan) who is a planer at the M.T.S. of Elkhovo. 428 - House inhabited by the section chief of the tinners cooperative shown under No.327. CONFIDENTIALING FOREGN DEEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 COWMEN:TR I NO METH BERM - 429 - House of Stoyan who is the carpenter of the "Georgi Dimitrov" cooperative. 430 - House of Ivana (Sirtseto) who is a teacher at the village agricultural school of Boyanovo village. 431 - Garden. 432 - "Kiri i Idetodi" (Cherven Krist) junior high school. 433 - W.C. 434 - Refectory of the school, with sports hall and dental clinic. 435 - Empty lot. 436- Barracks where vegetables and fruit are sold. 437 - House of the head of the Zadruga, cart-drivers organization. 438 - ?ven (bakery). The iife of the Zadruga chief sells bread here. 439 - Fountain. 440 - Two-storey building. Upper floor is a residence, the lower floor comprises a grocery store. 441 - House of a barber of the "Georgi Dimitrov" cooperative. 442 - House of a prominent person of the Khristo Baradoev, hunterstassociation. 443 - Fountain. - Bridge without parapets, consisting of earth heaped on a concrete pipe. 445 - House of a person named Zonito, who is engaged in transporting goods in trucks on his behalf. 446 - House of Kolyu, who has a portable wood felling machine. His on is called Ivan Naymunata. 447 - House of Todor (Belyu). 448 - House of the waleswoman at the shoe-store. 449 - House of the tractor operator at the M.T.S. of Boyanovo. 450 - House of /rub?, a young man who used to work at the bicycle repairshop. COliFIDENTIM.1110 FE SSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL /No MED WW1 _ 2 / 451 - Working place of a basket-maker, who is lame and who squints. 452 - Candy-store called Monina Sliza, opened in 1963. ihe back part is a house. 453 - Fruit store. The back part is a house. 454 - Grocery. The back part is a house. Formerly the building was occupied by the offices of the Voden Sindikat organization. 455 - W.C. 456 - House of Petur Zhechev, whose son-in-law is serving with the military unit in Elkhovo. 457 - Former M.T.S. (Machine tractor station) building which afterwards became the repairhouse of the Kombinat organization. Currently it is the warehouse (of beds) of the sam i e organization. t is called Staroto M.T.S. 458 - Former garage of the M.T.S. Currently a depot. 459 - Wineshop called Horemag where tripe-soup is cooked as breakfast in the mornings. 460 - Ivan Metaka's house. This person is a player of the soccer team Stefan' Karadzha and works at the M.T.S. of Boyanovo. 461 - house of Uetakal chief of the carpentry section of the Kombinat. The front of the building isa public bakery. 462 - House of a technician of the T.K.Z.S. of Elkhovo. His wife is the sister of Ivan Shmedzhito. 463 - Old hay-shed which, I believe, is now used as a depot. 464 - Rouse and hay-shed of a person named Khristo, who is the carpenter of the Geore. Dintrov cooperative. He is Todor Genushev's cousin. They are having arguments of inheritance matters between his brother Dinitur and his sister . Their mother renounced her share. 465 - House of Kolyu, who is a driller at the carpentry section of the Kombinat. 466 - Depot of the 0.T.P. which looks like a hay-shed. CONFIDENTIAL/HO MED MEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ? . ? CONFIDENTIAL I NU uiivi - 467 - Offices and counter of the combustibles sales organization called TopLivo. Money is deposited here when combustibles are bought. 468 - Steelyard of TopLivo. 469 - Openair warehouse of Toplivo. 470 - House. 471 - House and shed of.Btoyan Dukov (Dokuza) who is employed with the h..T.S. of Boyanovo. 472 - House where Militia major Doychev lives. 473 - House of the elrierly teacher of Kiril i 4todi school, Ivan (Daskala). 474 - House of Ivan (Daskala)'s son, who is a C.P. member. He has many affiliations (?) He sells grape-juice and wine at his house. 475 - Building of Vasil Yotsov named Dyado Mraz. He lives on the upper floor. the front part is a. grocery and a small section is a small glassware and rug stare run by the landlord. 476 - Two-stor ey apartment house. A welder working at the M.T.S., a teacher and a C.P. member live here. There are also other families living in the building. 477 - Lavatory of the apartment house. 478 - Building belonging to the Muta family who have a son named 479 - Offices of the cart-drivers association called Zaclruga. 480 - House which formerly belonged to Ivana (Sirtseto), the teacher at the school of agriculture in Boyanovo. It was confiscated and turned into an, office. The offices belong to an organization in Topolovgrad. ihere is a wooden warehouse (depot) in the garden and a plate Jamittebehoi bearing "entrance restricted"is hung on the door. I believe that there are explosives there. 481 - House of Ivan Dragnev, who works at the saw-mill of the Kombinat. 482- House of the barber at the public bath. 483 - House of Todor, lathe-worker of the Kombinat. His father is a shoe-maker who repairs shoes in the hut in front of the house. MONK AO FORM BMW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIALINO FEEEti 484 - Hut of a shoe-repairer. 485 - House of the shoe-maker Dzeynov, who is the manager of the refectory of Stroy Uchastik organization. 486 - House of Mi'lyu (Litseto) who has a son. 487 - House of Angel (Meneka) whose son is a white-washer and wall-painter. Angel takes part in motorcycle races. 488 - %use of my aunt, Yelyaza Kondova. 489 - House of a white-washer. 490 - House of jeweller Racho (Zlatarna.). He sells jewelry secretly in his house. 491 - Two houses belonging to Angel, cook, who formerly was cook at the Stroy Uchascik constructional orgarization. One is inhabited by his brother-in-law.His son is called Shogo 492 - House inhabited by the painter who makes the posters of movies. 493 - House of my cousin Hristo (Kitayski) Borisov, who is the ectiiciaa at the Ustrem mines. He is a radio technician. 494 - W.C. 495 - Garage (of Moskvic cars) 496 ? House of senior bklitia sergeant first-class Yanko. 497 - House of Totko (Tarataynika), who has a son and who is a masonry foreman. 498 - Building belonging to Mityu Cherkeza, chief engineer of the Htno Upravlenie (Roads Management). 499 - oseof the carpenter at "Georgi Dimitrov" cooperative, named amitur Kostov (Suinga). 500 - House of a 4ilitiaman. 501 - House of Stoyan Gandhev, cart-driver of the Zadruga. 502 - House of the woman who rings the church bells. CONFIDENTIAL IKO FORM ESN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIALINO FOHN ?3c2-- 503 - Fountain. 504 - house of a car-driver. H15 wife ftata works at the breadselling counters (marked with 348"a"). 505 - House of a teacher in Malik Nanastir village, who rides a bicycle, and a person who has a paralyzed leg. he latter is an employe of the Stroy Uchastik organization. (His work-place is marked as "74"f. 506 - One-storey building inhabited by two families. ?lie is a C.P. member. The other family head is a mason. 507 - House of Petel, accountant of the Metal cooperative. His brother, Khristyu Petela, who is a movie cameraman, also lives there. 508 - Empty lot used as lime and manure store. It was going to be a marketplace once, but afterwards they gave it up. 509 - Fountain. - Two-storey house of Angel, carpenter at the Metal cooperative. where is a plate of honor at the front of the house to indicate that its proprietor had been an accomplice of the Partisans. 511 - Small house and hay-shed belonging to the sane house. 512 - One-storey house of the car-repairing section chief at the Metal cooperative. His name is Milchoto. (shown as No.421) 513 - Old wooden granary. 514 - Old wooden stable. 515 - Old house belonging to the same family. 516 - Building inhabited by the tax-collector. 517 - shed of the tax-collectorls house. 518 - Hiouse of the family whose son is named Atanas (Tanashoto) and shed. ,Atanas, has been recently discharged frommilitary service and is a soccer player. 519 - Garden. 520 - House of the fpluily whose son is named Gocho Kerankata. Gosho was the winner of the first prize at the competition of the handsomest masculine body in Burgas in 1963. CONFIDENTIALIKO FOREIGN BISSEM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 COMMA1 kw. ruaLiza. 140,Atil - 3/ - 521 - House of the librarian or theater supervisor of the military unit of Topolovgrad. 522 - House of a person who sells earrings, rings, nec1aces, etc. on his own in a barrack. Houses N08 521-522 are two-storied with T.K.Z.S. offices below. 523 - Knitting workshop of the Invalit (Invalids) association. Until early 1962 the cool-store and provisions of the border unit were kept here. 524 - Building where rooms are rented out to students. 525 - Building where the landlord who rents out rooms to the students, lives. 526 - Depot 4 an organization unknown to me. 527 - Building the lower floor of which is a clothes store of the city commercial organization. The upper floor is a residence. 528 - Two-storey building. 'he lower floor has a shop where kooks and pencils are sold. The saleswoman ieSlavka. A chauffeur lives on the upper floor. 529 - Two-storey building. The lower floor is occupied by a military tailor. Epaulets are els, made here. The upper floor is occupied by a militiaman who is a photographer. 50 - Building formerly used as the D.N.A.(Officers' club) hall. I think it currently belongs to the D.K.M.S. Receptions are held and entertainments are given here. 531 - Two-storey building. A barbershop and an ironmongery belonging to Kavochevata Getsa (shown as No.264) occupy the lower floor. The upper floor is inhabited by a C.P. member. He is working at the Party or in buying and selling provisions. His wife is a saleswoman at a fruit store. At the back, on the lower floor, is a tailor-shop run by Mitraliev on his own. 532 - The upper floor of the building is included to the "Moskva" Hotel. 533 - One-storey building comprising the offices of the "Nbskiva" Hotel and the headqaartersof the assistant civilians of the Militia, named Dobrovolen ?triad. ihe building is squeezed inbetween two high buildings and has a tiled roof. People who come to the hotel are registered here, and those who will 310 spend the night at the hotel have the possibility of going into one of the two buildings. There is a bureaU at the corner but I don't know to whom it belongs. Formerly it was occupied by the Communist Party. 534 - Three-storey haase. The lower floor is a candy store named Baykal. The upper floors belong to the Moskva Hotel. CONFIDENTIAL/M. FORUM .DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL/NU tuna 3.2 ..... 535 - Two houses belonging to mechanical engineer at the T.K.Z.S.of Malomirovo village, Kincho and stable belonging to his father. 536 - House where a manager of the D.O.S.O. named Airo, lives. 537 - Two houses inhabited by the father and brothers of Dimitur Tsvetkov who lives at No.267. 538 ?House of the soccer player who works at the Kombinat and whose father is the official in charge of the utensils store at the M.T.S. in Elkhovo. 539 - House of Stefan Andonov, captain of the traffic 540 - Two houses of a family who have a son named iqkhail. 541 - House of the official in charge of the spare parts store at the M.T.S. of Elkhovo. 542 - House of Stoyan Totev who, has a vegetable garden of his own. 543 - House rented by a salesman at the book-store Mitraciayata. His father who is a tailor at the place shown as No.531, also lives there. 544 - House of a cart-driver, Tosho (Gabravetsa), of the Zadruga organization. 545 - House of an indpendent shoe-maker who is very fond of drink. 546 - House of Velingratski, manager of the milk combine. 547 - House of a mechanic at the T.K.Z.S. 548 - House of the Niryana family. Their son is the store-keeper at the 0.T.P. organization. He conveys fish to the village cooperatives. 549 - Garden - park. 550 - 3-4 meter wide road. Its connection with other roads are intersected by sidewalks. 551 - House of Ivan, the chief of the lathing section of the M.T.S. in Elkhovo. 552 - House of carpenter Cenko who is a salesman at the furniture store of the city trade board. CONFIDENTIAL I h0 FORM DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIBMTIALINU MO ERN - 3? 553 - House of Mitko, the technician of the management of electricity. 154 - Two-storey building. Four families, at the minimum, live here. he French teacher of the Kliment Ohritski lycee, named Yanka Khacieva, ind an employe of the M.T.S. live here. The building has two main doors. 555 - House of a cart-driver of the Zadruga. 556 - Large house in Elkhovo. It consists of 4-5 storeys and belongs to a person named Georgi Tolev. The basement is used as a storeroom of goods. 557 - Garden belonging to the same person. 558 - One-storey building of the same person. He rents out rooms for students. A Turk, who I believe is from Velingrad,'and who sells construction material of the T.K.Z.S.,? lives there. 559 - Bath. 560 - One-storey building occupied by a barber and a maker of quilts. 561 - Cards for preparing wool. 562 - Cards for cloth clippings. 563 - Shed used as a combustibles store. 564 - House of the seller of medical instruments and eyeglasses. 565 - House of the driver of the ambulance car, who has a daughter, Kirilka, and a son, Nencho. 566 - Garage. Sometimes the ambulance is kept here. 567 - House rented by Shangov, manager of the D.A.?. (State Car Enterprise), and shed. He is a C.P. member. 568 - House of Posho Rakaciev, who is a section chief or manager at the Tekstilni Vlakna plant. 569 - House of Keremekciev (or Shishkov), manager of the M.T.S. of Elkhovo. 570 - House of Dobri (Kotkata) erekeftiev or Shishkov, who is chief foreman at the repairhouse of cars in Elkhovo. He owns a lioskvich car. CONFIDENTIAL Ititi MEM DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 . Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIVERIAL I El 113NEEN OISSER, 571 - House of a family named Gondashite, who are saddlers. 572 - Small house which formerly belonged to the border unit, and which is now inhabited by Dimitur (Nitko) member of the Gondashite family. 573 - Building which was the Dames headquartersof the border unit and which is now the living quarters of the officers' families. It belongs to some people living in Sofia. 574 - Grocery store and book-store of Nitraciev. The upper floor are living quarters inhabited by 2-3 families. A hall at the back of the building is used by the electricity management as offices and depot. The garage of the electricity management is adjoining the back of the sane building. 575 - One-storey building covered with tiles. It is a store where everything is sold from,shoes? cloth, perfume to buttons. The cashier is an invalid named Sibi. ihe store has two main doors. 576 - Passage The house of a woman named Luba is reached through this passage. Luba gets a retirement pension. She is a fancier teacher. Her husband is an official at the Ministry of Finance. 577 - Luba's house. A Militia major named Georgi lives here. his wife's name is Pirvanka. 578 - House of Steru "Kutsara" (son of grater Kinichento). He is employed with the M.T.S. of Elkhovo. 579 - House of Steru "Kutsara"s sister-,,in-law (Deceased brother's wife), named 1\lada. bine is enployed at the city library. 580 - Nada's shed, used as a combustibles depot. 581 - One-storey building covered with ooncrete blocks. The Sports Toto stand and the tailors' cooperative are here. The section chief of the tailors' cooperative: is the woman living in the house marked with 521. her husband works at the military theater and library. 582 - Wooden hut. A person named kikhal?, from Eonastir village, sells drinks, cookies, candy, etc. in there. Ihere is a passageway beside the hut. 583 - Our house. Its number is 49. It is two-storeyed. The lower floor is occupied by the office of printed books and a depot. -the manager of the printed books' aasociation is a person named Toney. His house is masked with 358. The depot chief is Ivan from Izgrev village. CONFIDENTIAL IMO FOZIEli MUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONF1DENTIAL/NO FOKEI BERM 584 - Carpentry. 585 - One-storey building.There is a passage between the front and the back parts of the building. It reaches the back of the building inhabited by 1111enka bakalova. Elenka is a Communist Party member, her husband is an agricatural engineer. After the passage there is a store where everything is sold cheap. Then 0Dmes the agency where newspapers, magazines, postcards,etc.are sold, and after that there is a jewelry and watch store of the Kombinat. In the past there was the radio repairer there. Next to the jewellers is a candy stare Where two women are employed. One is named Stoyanal her husband is a barber at the hospital. The last store of the building is utilized as a storeroom for cupboards, etc. and belongs to the cooperative. Formerly there was a glassmaker and printer of plates? here. Now it is merely a depot. ttosidzborieriki=1, t? 586 7 House of the person nama d Geri, his daughter Donka. His son-in-law Vasko is the accountant of the milk combine. 587 - House where Genito lives himself. Al senior sergeant first class (Rami) who is a gypsy and who plays a musical instrument at the mill tary unit, also lives there. 588 - Two-storey house belonging to Yanko (Framatarin) who is employed at the storeroom of clothes of the city commercial board. On the lower floor is the men's tailoring section of the tailors' cooperative. 589 - Two-storey building. The upper floor is a ,private residence. The owner is an officer's father-in-law, named ?Corgi. ihe lower floor is the tailors' cooperative. On the corner tterei are seamstresses and on the other front are men's tailors. 590 - Building comprising the offices of the D.O.S.O. and the hunters' association. Behind the building is the furnitur e depot of the city trade board, where a person named Oenko is employed. 591 - Part where the tailors' cooperative is located. It is incIadei to the 4'etal cooperative. The building is two-storeyed. The third floor was under cons truction in 1963. It is believed that all the tailor shops are collected here. Soles of shoes are also made here. 592 - One-storey building,. The front part is used as the iron depot of the city trade board. Ihe building belongs to Angel (Kasira)? His son-in-law Kevork serves with the military unit as a civilian. Behind the buildhg is a hay-shed and a lavatory belonging to the same person. 593 ? House belonging to the Kasira or Kisira family. One of the two brothers living there is a saddler, the other, Ivan, is working. at the D.K.M.S. CONFIDENTIALINO FORECtil DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A0723000e0001_9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 --- tOtifiki ill i L.- 3 594 - House belonging to Ivan Kisira. 595 - One-storey buildng. Offices of the meat combine and the main ironmongery depot of the city trade board are in, this building. Behj.ind the building is a house. Ihe person mto inhabits it had escaped to iurkey in the past. is wife is now living there with hbr second husband. 596 - bath and W.C. belonging to the same family. 597 - 810011 building. It was once a watch store. When the watchmatter died it first became a depot, then was used as an office. 598 - House of a woman named Dora Zhekam 14.10 moved to Gorna Oryakhovitsa. I don't know its current owner. Her father was a painter and librarian at the T.K.Z.S. 599 - House of a person who breeds live stock on his own account. The woman who washed the dishes at the city restaurant also lives there. 600 - Place where the same person breeds stock. (He belongs to the Bezgrizhnite family) 601 - Building once used as a depot of the border unit. I don't know its current use. 602 Two houses belonging to the Bezgrizhnite fAmily. Qne is old, the one las hind with two rooms, is new. There are tenants inside. 603 - One-storey building belonging to Lr.Hadzhi Genov. Gypsies who play at the "Moskva" "es tau rant live here. 604 - .Hadzhi Genov's house. In one part of the building lives a person named an from Izgrev village. Mr.Hadzhi Genov's wife is employed in a pharmacy. 605 - Captain Georginov's residence. He is an interrogator at the Militia of Elkhovo. 606 - Narodna Hank building. 607 - House of Stoyan Ovcharov, mto was formerly a ranking member of the Communist Party. 608 - House of the worker at the military bakery. 609 - Formerly nit] -i tary depot. 'low it is used as a closed sports hall and sports material storeroom. ' tONFIDENTIALI FORP2,1 DiSSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIALA FRECII DISSElf - 610 - Volleyball and basketball playing grounds. 611 - House of a cart-driver of the Zadruga. 612 - House of the Sken Stoyanovite family. The head of the family is engaged in dyeng wool and cloth. His wife has affairs with other men. 613 - Place where cotton and wool is dyed. Dye storeroom of the Invalids Association. 614 - Single-storey building. Its tenant is a captain from Sofia. assigned to the military unit. He is married for the second time. 615 - House of Stoyu Stoyanov, who is responsible for the technical work at the carpentry of the Kombinat. The house is two-storeyed. There are tenants on the lower floor. Half of the house belongs to a aivilian employe at the Yambol railway station, as far as I know. He himself lives on the upper floor. He goes to and from Yambol every day. His wife is a saleswoman at the readymade clothes store. 616 - An old house. I don't know who lives in it. 617 - Two houses of the Tintonite family. In one of that lives a fisherman on the,lundzha. 618 - Building utilized as a warehouse of the commercial firms in the market hall, belonging to the Peoples' Council. 619 - Garage and warehouse of the Peoples' Council. 620 - Boarding-house of girl stuients. Its walls are covered mith creeping plants. 621 - House of the military authorities. c)rmerly it was a police station. Currently it is inhabited by a senior sergeant first-class. 622 - Openair theater of the military force.Plays are performed and concerts are given by musical bands. 623 - Officerst Club (D.N.A.). It is three-storeyed. On the lower floor is the billiard-room and?the room where chess is played. Exhibitions are displayed theretoo. ihere is also a photographs studio. On the second floor there are rooms used as offices. One Ofthe rooms on the third floor belongs to a painter. I don't know the Maher rooms. COMEITIALAFORET.11 DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL/NO FORPINW L.SEM 35? 624 - Cinema. It is run by a person named Ivan. 625 - Building consisting of four storeys. ?ccupied by the City Peoples' Council and thl offices of scientific works of the municipality on the lower floor. Btrth registrations are made on the second floor. The room of the president of the Peoples' Council and those of the financiers of the Council are on this floor. OkOthe third floor is the reception hall. On the fourth floor is a hall and office-rooms. One of them belongs to the military office of the eoples' Council. The fourth floor was annexed in 1963. 626 - Entrance of the market hail. 627 - Market hall. Meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and all kinds of food supplies are sold here. 628 - Four-storeyed building. It is included in the building of the Peoples' Council. Offices of the city trade board are on the lower floor. The other floors belong to the Peoples' Council. They may be entered also from the building marked as 625. 629 - Two-storey building. There is a grocery store on the lower floor. A person named Zlati works there from 6.00 a.m. until midday. Two families live on the upper floor of the building. One of the buildings belong to a woman named Gana. On the front of the building where the Peoples' Council is, there is a passageway between the second floor and the back ofthsbuilding. 630 - House inhabited by an old wall-an named Baba Rusitsa. She sells trivialities and toys for children in the hut facing the Red Square, in a garden. 631 - House of Nan Mishon, who was a teacher at the Miho lycee but who married and moved elsewhere. His father also lives there and is a baker. 632 - Bakery. 633 - House inhabited by a chauffeur. 634 - One-storey building covered with concrete blocks. Stores in sequence of order after the 'bakery are the following:- CONFIDENTIAL INO BETH D1SSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part -.Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL/KU RIum VINNIFti 634- (continued) - Hairdresser. I believe it has been turned solely into a hairdressing saloon for women. - Bread selling counter. (Formerly kitchen utensils were sold here) - Behind the building there is an attic consisting of a small room which is rented. 635 - Furniture store. The sales man is Genko who lives in the house marked as 552. 636- Basement depot of the furniture store. 637 - One-storey building. It includes a shoe and readynade clothes store. ihe saleswoman of the clothes department is the wife of the person Who is employed with the Yambol railway station and who lives in the place marked as 615. 638 - Building belonging to the Paskite family. he head of the family works as a miner at the Ustrem mine. 639 - House of Asen Svinyata whose mother is named Rusava and whose sister is a doctor. 640 - House consisting of 3-4 storeys. The lower floor is a store for electrical equipment, machines, washmadnine, radios, etc. A major of the Militia force inhabits the upper floor. The Russian niiitary aivisers stationed in Elkhovo used to live in this building until 1953-54. 641 - Part where the landlord lives. He possesses wines of very good quality. He also rears bees. 642 - Garden made in 1962. The buildings in that location were expropriated in 1960. 643 - The hut (counter) where trivialities, toys, etc. are sold by the old woman named Baba Rusitsa. She lives in the house marked as 630. 644 - Candy store. I donit know its name. COMBENTIALIKO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL INO NM MEM 645 - Building consisting of 2-3 storeys. There is a hall on the lower floor. Village gttls are taught sewing here. After the hall comes the door from where you go upstairs. The part behind this door is divided into two and used as an office. I believe that these offices belong to the milk combine. The family of the person who takes care of the gardens, and a saleswoman (?) from Kovo village, who works at the Narmag fabrics store, live on the upper floor. 646 - Children's park. 647 - Building of 2-3 storeys. In the middle is the door leading to the upper floor. The woman who works at the vegetable store lives in the 'house marked as 531. The family of the two asters live on the upper floor. The husband of one of them is a shoe-maker at the military unit. The other one's husband travels with a suitcase in the town. 648 -Building of 2-3 storeys. It was formerly an hotel. Afterwards the offices of the T.K.Z.S. occupied the lower floor. A room in this part is currently used for the medical examination of babies. ihe other parts are offices. ihere is also a photograph studio there. ihe'woman who is employed here lives in the house marked as 300. Her name is Yofka. An officer lives on the upper floor. I don't have any knowledge concerning him. There is also a woman named Ivanal who is a waitress at the Moskva restaurant, who lives there. 649 - One-storey building parted into two. In one part of it pies and sweetmeats are prepared. Prior to 1944 this place was used by the Communist Party members as a secret meeting place. There is a placard on the wall to indicate this. The other part is a store for fabrics. The son. of the saleswoman who works here is a doctor at the military unit. 650 - Small building belonging to a shoe-repairer. 651 - House of a senior sergeant first-class, Zhecho, who serves with the border unit. 652- House of the son of Fetur Vasilev, who is the director of the Otpaditsi (remains-sic.) organization. CONFURTIRLIKO fOliA4:21 BISSENI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTRINO FC11:0 BEM - 653 - Two buildings, formerly used as a repairshop of the D.A.P. (State Car Enterprise), currently turned into a depot of the Votstroy (Waterworks). 654 7 House inhabited by the colonel who was the former commander of the border unit. He has been assigned to sofia. He has a son named Valentin. There is a grocery store on the lower floor of the building. 655 - Two-storey building. There is a grocery stare on the lower floor. On the upper floor lives an intelligence officer who reportedly goes frequently to Turkey. xhe family of another officer lives also there. 656 - A low building. 657 - Two-storey building. I don't know the occupants of the lower floor. The upper floor is occupied by a C.F. member who was the former head of the tailors' cooperative. his wife, Gerga is a saleswoman at the fruit store. 658 - Old house belonging to the family of the above C.P. member. A seamstress named Alosha lives here. 659 - Post office for packages and registered, letters. It consists of two storeys. MY uncle is employed there. he upper floor is occupied by Petur, a tractor driver at the of Boyanovo, whose father is a stoker in a public bath. 660 - Old, single-storey house inhabited by an old man. 661 - Old, single-storey house. Many families live there at a rent. The landlady is a C.P. member who is active as the responsible person in the quarter. 662 - House of my friend Todor Genushev. His father, Georgi Genushev, had been chief of the Elkhovo police station prior to 1944. Students use the place as a boarding-house, too. 663 - A small building consisting of one room, belonging to Todor Genushev. 664 - Two houses of the chauffeur of the D.A.P. (car enterprise). 665 - House inhabited by the painter of notices of firms at the Metal cooperative, and the doctor of the military unit. CONFIDENTIALIKO MO DEEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL MO FELT D1SSEM LLtL- 666 - Structureof the same building, probably used as a combustibles depot. 667 - House inhabited by the watchmaker, Dichko. He works at the watch seller at the place marked as 515. His father peddles squash-seeds. 668 - Another house in the garden of Dichko. They possibly have tenants. 669 - House inhabited by a Communist Party member. 670 - Building occupied by persons who speak foreign languages. I have heard it said that persons who receive letters written in a foreign language, have them translated in this building. 671 - Public lavatory (underground) completed in 1963. 672 - One-storey building occupied by three sisters. 673 - Building occupied by the person naaed Ivancho (Chasovnikara). He is a watchmaker and the chief of the watch-repairshop marked as 585. (To be continued) 0 VI DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONF1DB11AIINO FOREIGN DISSEM 674. Two or three storied building. Bottom-there is a store called NAR. Here they sell materials, watches, perfumes, underwears. On the section where they sell underwears, the wife Of KEBORE who lives in the house no. 592 works as a saleswoman. On the materials section someone from TRINKOVO Village who resides at no. 645 works. The woman who works in perfflUme section comes from MAYMUNSKITE Family ( her husbahdis surname KARLIEVITE). In the upper floor Head of T.K.Z.S and th the same time member of the Communist Party resides. Annacootntantilamosertqfe works in polyclinic and called IGNEOLA lives here also. 675.. One.storidd building. Here a woman by the name of MIRYANSKA GEORp- GIITSA resides. An old woman. His son is the driver in D.A.PL Organization. 676. The building used as depot and garage. 677. Canteen owned by city trade organization. It consists of two parts. In one section-they sell:cheese, butter, etc and in the otl-er sec- tion they sell beverages. It is an old wooden barrack. 678. A smai& wooden barrack where they sold st4mps and cigarettes in the past. It belongs to someone by the name of SIBI. At the present it is not used. 679. Bank ( I don't know which one it is). Probably a saving bank. (SPESTOVNA KASA). 680. One storied building. Here, tailor shop for ready clothes, shoe cobbler, offices taking care of health problems of ELHOVO villages. 681.. MOSKVA Restaurant 682. Tennis court 683. Open sheds 684. U.C. 685. Gas location 686. Kitchen .687. An old, small house. 68$. Single storied house. ? CORM MUNI FORM DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 1-/ CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM 689. Building belonging to children park. 69o. W.C. II II 69I. Open shed "U It 692. Building " 693. Building where 4 carpenter resides. 694. Single storied building 695. House of a office bay in the Public Council. 696. New, single storied building. 697. a 698. Single storied house the Public prosecutor lives in. 699. The house of a tailor. 700. A new house owned by the former T.K.Z.S. Chief who is a member of the Communist Party. 7o1. In the past used as the garage of the Public Council and at the present kitchen for child nursing house. 7o2. Child nursing school. Two storied building. At the top flat the former Director of KIRILIKMETODI School resides. He is a member of the Communist Party and flattered Communist par- tizans prior 1944. 7034 Three storied building. At the bottom there is an office belonging to the town theatre and library. The Director of the theatre is BOZOF. Here there is 4 library and coffee house. In the upper flats there are rooms alloted for D.K.M.S. and PIONER Organization. 704. The building where the children of PIONER Organization rear up rabbits, peacock, stork. Previoudly this place was gas station. 705. The place where the theatre artists held their reheals. At the back part of the building some people reside. CONFIDENTIALIKO MEM En Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 I. CONFIDENTIALINO FORM DISSEM 706. A tailor office having one room toWned by the tailor TANTO FAISIVOTO and a single storied house where other live. ? 707. The house in which the manager of the theatre called STOYCO and his wife who was an artist live. 708. Summer cinema. 7o9. Garden of the child nursing house. 7I0. Cinema saloon. Here they also give plays. Matinees of the cinemas : Sunday, oIooa.m. I2ooa.m. for children. Matinees in the winter : 1600-I800 1800-2000l 2000-220o. Matinees in the Summer 153o-17oo, 17oo-2000, 2000-22oo. 711. The house owned by someone working in the Public Council. 712. Two old houses. 713. Transformators. 714. Church bell based on iron beams. 715. Buidding belonging to the church. Once the priest lived here. At the present there is an office belonging to the Power Or- ganization. 716. Church. 717. Fountain. 718. Garden, 719, Ebnument. It is Consist of a Marble column rising upfrom four graveyards belonging to the partizans. On july 2th they put wreaths. 72o. Three storied building. At the bottom there is a grocery where they also sell invoices and papers similiar to it. COMDENTIALINO MEM -MEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Y6 CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM In the upper flat a family by the name of ZAHARIYCEN1 live. The husband was a member of the Communist Party and he died in 1963 September. His wife works in the Court of :Justice. Above the grocery STOYAN who is A major in the border units and also the son of the landlord resides. In the roof, above ZAHARIYCENI Family, son of PETIRMARCEF, VICO lives. VICO is a teacher in KIOVENT OHRISTSKI School. The wife of VICO is a nurse in asthtp and similiar disease section of the hos- pital. His brother, DIMITIR MARCEF also lives in the same place. 721. PETIR MARCEF who is the head of M.T.S. in BOYANOVO owns this house. 722.,Caka, bun bakery. 723. Building where they make ice-cream and zythum. 724. Building used as a depot of Town Trade Organization. 725. 'No storied building. At the bottom they sell objects for children. In the upper flat son of MA/MUNATA STO1AN and NARLIEF which was marked as W'arking in the perfume store no. 674, live. 726. Single storied, small building where wool and thread ready to be coloured for INVALIDs Association delivered. 727. House of GOGO who is an invalid and sells squash stones now. 728. The barrack where GOGO sells squash stones. The courier who does and comes from YLIBOL daily and handles privaiie affairs of the individuals sit also here. 729. Single storied building. Beginning from the barrack where he sells squash stones, the followings located : I) Glazier ( belongs to KOKBINAT) 2) Fruiterer ( a woman by the name of GERGA is the saleswoman and her resident marked as 657). 3) Nan tailor . Ready made suits. 4) The gate Where the passage reaches at the back part of the building 5) Military bakery. There is a flour depot at the back of the building. CONFIDENTIALIKO FOREIGN DIEM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ? CONFIDENTIALINO FOREIGN DEEM 730. The house of PROMATAROF who Works in the transportation by his 'own carriage pulled by home. 731. Two storied building, At the bottom a store selling kitchen utensils and another one selling ready made suits located. In the past instead of ready made suits store there was a drug store. Between two stores eye-glass store ( the or who works here resides in the house marked as 564). After this store the door of the house . On the passage where the door opens there is a shoe cobber. Following that, there is a glazier belonging to the coaberative. Ready made suits store COMBS after the glazier. In the upper flat the faMily of the Communist Who is the'head of T.K.Z.5. named.PCEIA and the family of the cobber live. At the back a small building 'sued as the depot of the main building. 732. Two houses omned by a captain from SIIaTSTRA Village and ? serving in BOYANOVO.Village mho is married and has a dpghter by the name of NEDA. 733. House of the veterinarian in ELHOVO. Be has tenants too. 734. Polyclinic 735. Garden. 736. Two storied building. The bottom is a saloon and is likely to be used for the meetings by O.F. Organization. At the top BAKALOF Family resides. BAKALOF is a technician in P.T.T. Office. His wife is a phone operator. -737. The Communist Party housed in two storied, having a basement. This was a kindergardentin the past. 738. Garage of Communist Party. 739. The landlord is a shoe-maker. 740. Old building. One part is used for construction supplies. Here some people also reside. 741. Shed, 742. Three storied building belonging to D.Z.S:GRANICAR: Here there are offices belonging to state farm. In 1963, the building was under construction. CONFIDENTIALINO MESH MUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 47W 4 CONFIDENTIALINO BEN D1SSEM 743. The house of the person named HOREMAG NA KRAK 1 working in the canteen marked as 333. 744. The garage of the militia. 745. Dog hat. 746. Garden. 747. Commanding office of militia. Three stories. 748. Garden. 749. Fountain. Constructed in 1963. 75o. Permanent guard site. 751. Block building of officers. Four storied. 72. Two storied building. At the bottoth there are dentist rooms. At the top the residencies located. 753. !douse of STOYAN EA/MUNATAls brother who wOrks as coachman and also a member of ZADRUGA Organization, 754. Once it was the sports saloon of lycee, then when half of it ruined, it was arranged as residencies. 755. Two storied building. At the bottom there is a grodery, and above, a coachman who is a member of ZADRUGA Organization lives. 756. The building where a senior in the military units resides. Cebdusube n CARTEKA" deburg. 757. The house of the man called MIHAL who works in the canteen marked as 582. 758. An old house. Here the son in law of MIHAL who is a barber lives. 759. House of the pei4son who works as a coachman in ZADRUGA Organi- zation. 76o. The large building where the members of the Communist Party live. 761. The house of the person called POPITO'who is working as supply employee of Town Trade Organization. CONFIDENTIALINOFE DEM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Lf CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM 762. The house of DRAGNI who is present during the military checks in the bbepitals and write down the weight, height of the sol- diers. His actual profession is a carpenter. The house at the back also belongs him and once he carried out his actual profession there. 763. The house of KESIYATA. They have a daughter by the name of ULNA. 764. House of 4 office boy in the Public Council. 765. The building where the militia live. 766. House of a tailor called TANITO FALSIVOTO, his shop marked as 7o6. 767. Connacted with the tailor's house, FALSIVOTO, an old building having two rooms. He has tenants. 768. Building of a surgeon in the hospital called NIKOLAY. 769.. House of the senior master-sergeant. His son once was the teacher of tianual work in the lecee. At the back there is a small old house belonging to them. 770. House of assistant cook in REPUBLIKA Restaurant Who, was from KIRILOVO Village and called CO. _ 771. House of the woman who worked in Toto dealer shop marked as 581, her name is called DONKA. 772. Building Where the xCommunist Party member, KAKENOF lived previously. 773. Cultur?house under construction ( in 1963). The side aide next to this construction closed due to the construction. 774. House of Lycee Assistant Director and Fi-ench teacher., 775. House of a Communist Party member. 776. House of a fat man working in the saddlery Mart. 778. Nouse of a senior master-sergeant who serves as car repairman , and sometimes drives the truck of the mobilized military car repair shop to help civil traffic administration dnning nheateurs of the cars. 779. House of the fmnily who has a soldier son called HRISTO PORTra Senior master sergeant HRISTO PORITO's either pathernal or maternal uncle. CONFIDENTIALINO FE MN DiSSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 5-42 CONFIDENTIAVO FOREIGN DISSEM 780. House of an old teacher who knows foreign language. 781. Two houses owned by KARACOVI Family. Their daughter was a widow, then married a doctor. Another daughter was a member of the Communist Party. Their brother has a certificate in order to help to the traffic militia. y82. House of a deceased doctor. 783. Three storied block belonging to the officers. 784. Carpenter shop of a cooperative called "METAL". 785. Fountain. 786. Ii.C, or a bathroom of carpenter shop. 787. Block apartment where an official serving in militia and teachers live. Two storied. 788. House of the Captain who is conductor of the military band. 789. The building where two old teachers reside. The teacher is still a photo man in the museum. His wife joins in theatre. 790. Houseo of the person 0 called FRANZ who distributes fruits and vegetables to the fruiterers. 791. Agency handling the buses going to the villages. Here they sell the tickets for buses. 792. Center of the organization where they broadcast inside_the city. Itis subordinated to. P.T.T. 793, Building where they housed carpenter shop. In the radio broadcastiqg room there is a shop consistof single room. 794. Building of the carpenter Shop. 795. Public W.C. 796. Garden. 797. Two storied building. At the bottom there is public laundry, the upper flat is for residence. 798. Carpenter shop. Here they make windows and doors. 799. House og the agriculture engineer who works in D.Z.S. "GRANICAR". 3tWe.4aLn -0V,,r/4141ee.At- CONFIDENTIALINO FORM D1SSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL NO FOREIGN DISSEM 80o. House of the hat Seller. His son is having an education of radio technics in Sofia. 8o1. Building Which-a person by the name of SVEYTSARETSA used it as tailors's shop. 8o2. House of the daughter in 14w of the personhaving tire pastering store in the location marked as 424. 8o3. Museum. The director is ZANKIN from MAIMIROVO Village. 84. Two storied building. At the'bottom the barber lir.KOLYU and the upper flat is a residence. 8o5. House where Dr.TOMOF once lived. He probably moved to GABROVO. 8o6. The house belonging to the wife of STOYCEF who worked in the theatre as a producer. 8o7. Two old houses belonging to the same family. 8o8 House of a technician having the rank of senior master-sergeant. His name is STOYAN. He has a brother named KOSTA working in YAMBOL Traffic. 8o9. House of a dentist. 810. Fountain, 811. House of the night guard of D.E.A. Army Building. 812. House of a Communist Party member. He has liasons with D.O.S.O. Organization and militia. 813. House of VIKO (VILYU) who makes raki in VINPROM. 814. House of the man'Who has experience on weaponsand works on behalf of military units. He is especially expert making bows. 815. House of the Woman named STOYANA working in the canteen "HOREMAG NA KRAK" marked as 333. 816. Two storied block building for officers. IV. Three storied two blocks of buildings for officers. 818. House of DEIITIR (ZLATNIYA POYAS or LISTOMITO) who works in the barber of the Bath. . CONFIDENTIAL I NO FOROGII MEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIALINO MEN D1SSEM 819. House of the driver of D.A.P. Car Organization called ANGITSA PETSA. 820. House of the girl working as a teacher in CUKAROVO Village. She is called STOYANA. 821. House of 'gymnastic teacher in the school for mentally undeveloped children. 822. New hodSe of Communist Party-Member named KAMENOF.-HISWilie-ib 4 nurse. The small house at the back belongs to the same family. 823. House Of a mentally ill man called IVANGO. He works in the theatre to-day. 824. Building at the bottom there is a grocery shop and upper flat is a residence. 825. Barrack like a fruit-seller store. 826. House of the painter called IA= (4UTSUTO). 827. House of the person working in stationery depot makked 583, named IVANCO (ENIJARA). 826. Furnace where they cook the food of the public in a tray. The landlord lives above. 829. Fountain. 83o. House of a coachman, KOLYU (KOSTSEARA). 831. House of the Director of PROM KOEBINAT , called PEYU STOYANOF. 832. Large house constructed in 1963. 833. Barrack : ? a) Door guards b)W.C. c) Garage d) Open parks. The places where the cars can be parked marked separately by bricks. e0 t't'Ok e) The buildings whose use I don't know. CONFIDENTIALIKO BUN DEEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL INO OM BMW f f. Guards post. KARAULNO POMESTENIE. The barber is also present in this building. g. Dormitories. Some include offices and dining rooms. h. Kitchen Garden 4ad summer cinema. There are courts for basket ball and voleball. j. Assembly hall. k) Infirmary 1) Open-sheds where the tanks sheltered. ,m) Wood and iron works workshop0 n) fuel depots, o) water depot. It is like a spring) wateir withdrawn by means of motorpumps. p) Swimming pool. r) Ammuniation deppts. s) Site where the trucks used as mobilized repair shops parked. It is separated by bricks. t) Repair shop for cars. u) Bath v) kewly constructed building having large windows. 834. T.K.Z.S. Area : a) Steelyard ( for weighting cars and trucks) b) Buildings constructed on concrete basement for keeping corn. c) Grass Hills d) Grain storage e) Depot for cement and construction supplies. '1 CONFIDENTIAL I KO FiN ESN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 JT tONFIDENTIALINO FOREIGN DISSEM f. Concrete basements and open sheds. It is used to dry the grain. g. Cow raising places. h. Pits where they keep winter grass for the animals. 1. The pits where bricks laid for keeping minter grass of animals. j) Cow and ox keeping place. k) Grain storage 1) stable m) Unknown building n) Blacksmith workshop ( STOYAN CALIKA is the head of this workshop) o) Barrier to prevent flood. 835. The area occupied by kitchen of T.K.Z.S. and grain storages. 836. Vegetable garden of STOYAN TOTNR. His house marked as 542. 837. The lowland exposed to flood. It is like a varsh and covered with grass. This area is called DOINIYA GEREN. 838. Field 839. Wooded district having poplar trees. 84o. Brook which has always water. 841. Water ways urn. wide. As Barrack frontage is always high 1 there is water all the time. 842. Water way mi. wide. Always water. 843. Bridge which is made of stacked soil on concrete pipes. 844 11' it II U 845. The highway running to TOPOLOVGRAT. 846; The site where the houses located. 847. House of GEORGI ( IKIZOVOTO GEVE or ACO). He works as amazon in town trade Organization. CONFIDEN1RIN2 3SSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 nr- CONFIDENTIAL/IA FOREMN DISSEM 848. House of GOSI 113111ANA. His father works in the canteen marked as 49 nh". 849. Supply and fuel depot of Town Trade Organization. 850. .Building where raki tank. 851. Willow trees. , 852. S14ughter-house. a) New Wilding. Offices. and places for drying leather. ? b) Old slaughter houses. c) New building.- . 853. Pedestals left from the old bridge. 854. Low land usually under water. It is covered wit4 grass and sometimes used as pasture. 855. Brick and Tile Factory : a) Place where ice manufactured in the past. b) Offices c) Dinin4 room. d) Office and building where once they repair narrow gauge railway. e) Depot of unbaked bricks. f) Open shed where the ovens located. g) Place where they make tiles and dry them. h) Building where clay used for making the tiles carried by the elevator belt. i) Chimney about 4om. high. j) Squared chimney about 7m. high. k) New factory section. 856. Highway reaching to MALIK HANASTIR Village. 857. Acacia and pOplar trees. 858. Concrete bridges. 859. Grass covered empty area 1 the reason of it's use unknown. 86o. Grass covered empty area 861. Area steep and rocky. CONFIDENTIAL/ NO FOREICN WSSE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Jr-? CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM 862. Fountain 863. Area which is always muddy. 864. Area where bulls were present at the present it is a vacant site. 865. Animal hospital 866. Houses having fit gardens 867. The area the houses occupy 868. Building where YOKO (ARACIYATA) live. In his house he has a machine for cutting wood. He has a vegetable garden too. His son-in-law is a depot employee in the trade organization. He is called GOSO. 861. House of KEHERA who has 4 mobilized wood cutter. 870. House of PEYU who is a member of the Communist Party, working in the KOMBINAT. 871. Depot for keeping scrap iron owned by OTPAJATSI Company. 872. Depot where they kept scraps like yellow and similiar precious pieces and pieces of materials. 873. House of KOMBINAT Accountant. The name of his daughter is IVAN. 4. House of the fisherman called TODOR DEMIREF. 875. House of MIRK. His father works as an invalid who receives ? wool and thread to be dyed. His name is TODOR DENIREF. 876. House of SASO (GEVETO) who was Party Secretary in T.K.Z.S. and head of shepherds. He was sent for retirement while serving in border units as an officer. 877. ? Fountain 878. an acdountant in STROY UCASTIK Construction 50X1 and he is-called NEDELKO KRISTEF. CONFIBENTIALINO FORETTN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ? ? CONFIDENTIALIKO F3PlIGN DISSEM 879. House of PETIR PEICEF who became lame as a accident and repairing motorcycles. result of a traffic 880. House of a'porter in trade organizatiOn called ILIYA (YAVROPATA ETROPATA). His second wife is signer. 881. Fishing and Hunting Supervisor's house, TODOR (DOBRINATA). There is a plate in this house indioating that Communist Party members held meetings here ptior 1944. or 882. Coachman in Town Trade Organization called TODOR ( DOBRINATA) has a brother who owns this house. 883. .Soda-water manufacture 884. Offices of D.0.S.0 Organization. 885. Dormitories for the ones coming from the ntighbour villages which is owned by D.O.S.O. 886. 887. 88. 889. House of the coachman called PEYU. In the past he was carrying fuel by his cart pulled by horses from the depot next to the railway station to the selling station. 89o. Military shoemaker. Here they make boots for the officers. 891. Waterway Im. wide. 892. Garden called DOLNATA GRADIN. 893. Fouttain having four mouths. 894. Canteen. Beverage 8 and cakes available. The salesman lives in the place marked 414. 895. court 896. Practical working shop for undeveloped people. 897. Primary school called 'UR= NETODI. Here undeveloped ones attend. 898. W.C* of the same school. Residential Depot. I don't know what it is. The area of houses. CONFIDENTIAL/ NO FEIGN OMEN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL IRO FOREIGN DISSEM 899. The area for agriculture work and fruit garden of the same school. 900. Offices and Manager's office of KOMBINAT. The Manager of KOMBINAT is PEYU STOYANOF and he lives in no.831. At the bottom there is a radio repair shop, shop where the k sell quilts and printing office. Upper flat occupied by offices. 901. House of the person who makes pitcher, pot and pottery. 902. SIBI who was crippled from the birth. He is a cashier in the store marked 575. 903. Depot 004.. House of a bank employee and a man who just released from the prison. 9o5.? House of Finance employee called STEFOCETO. 906.. The house of a girl called STOYANA who is a teacher in CUKAROVO Village. Her tenant is a senior master sergeant. 907., House of the aunt of STOYANA ( a teacher). 9o8. House of STOYANAls uncle. 909. House of STOYANA's aunt whose origin is an Armenian. Her aunt's hus- band works in a pastry shop. His son's name is AGOP. Her son plays in a football team. 910. House of GANCEU who works in the electrocat of'VINPROM Organization. At the back there is an open shed of the house. 911. Building -which was used as leather depot in the past. 912. ? Building of D.O.S.O. ? I don' g know the purpose of it's use. 913. ? Openshed of D.04S.O. 4, Once it was used as a dairy farm. 914. Garage of D.O.S.O. . The buildings mirked'as 9120 9130 914 and 884 belonged to border units in the past. 915. House of a coachman. 916. Area where the military unit occupies. I estimate it is an engineeri unit. a. Dormitory b. Dog hut c. Buildings used as depot d. Bower CONFIDENTIAL,/ ffi FORM _DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 J'y CONFIDENTIAL INO F DISSEM e. The barrier in order to prevent the flooding of TEMA River. 917. Places where they make VIBRO Concrete poles. 918. Hollow where there is always water. 919* Area where poplar trees planted. They have planted trees in order to prevent the damage of waters on the land. 920. Houses 921. House of the tructor man in BOYANOVO Village in H.T.S. 922. House where a senior master-sergeant lives. 923* Hbuse of TODOR GEORGIE& GENUSEFIs sister. ? _ ELHOVO 924. House of the man using harvesting machine in M.T.S. and he has a soli called HHRESTO (MANGIRA) . 925. House of an officer called MITKO (PRAKTIKATA). His father still works in RUDOZEM Mine. 926, House of the uncle of MITKO (FRAKTIKATA. 927. Depots of Town Trade Organization. 928, Three buildings belontigg to GIRNIYATA. In one of them a fortuna teller =USU. 929, House of-the man who was the Head of radio repair shop subordinated to KOMBINAT. 930. Manager of Silk Factory called PASEDIEA owns this house. 93;. Houses belonging to two brothers PAVII and YANK?. Both ,of them are drivers. PAU', works in EIHOVO 932. House of an electric technician in D.Z.S. GRANICAR". 933. House of two brothers of the electric technician. His brothers are the drivers of town buses. 934. Fountain. 935. End of the railway 936* Two storied building of the person STEFAN who has beehive. At the bottom there is town dining room. The basement'is used as mine depot* The son of the landlord is a seller of wathhbs. CONFIDENTIRL MO FORM DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 6'49 :CONFIDENTIAL/NO FOREIGN DISSEM 937. Opensheds and garage ofthe same man. 938. One storied building, It is used as Bologna sausage and sausage manufacture place. 939. Two storied building. At the bottom there is town dining'hall. In the upper flat a high rank Communist partizan resides. 940. Two storied building. At the bottom there is a grocery. Upper flat is a residential. 941. Two storied building belonging to VINPROM in the paSt. At the present, the upper .part is used as residential and at the bottom there offices of D.Z.S. "GRANICARn. 942. Single flat , offices of D.Z.S. "GRANICAR. 943. Garden. 944.' Passage through the building to the back part. 945. Beer house. Once it was a coffee-house. 946. Three storied building. At the bottom office for the 0ourt, and an office of GEORGI DIMITROF Carpenter Cooperative and bakery there they cook food with a tray. Upper flat is a residential. This building called , bUilding of BODURSKI EITKO. In the third floor this family resides. 947. Building under construction in 1963. 948. 'Building which the interrogator in militia, BOYACIEF rented. 949. House of NENO who has a son called MILO (MARSALA). 950. P.T.T. 951 Two storied building. At the bottom drugstore. The woman working here resides in the location marked as 6o4. In the upper flat militia commander IVAN resides. 118re a lieutenant colonel in the border unit and two officers also live. 952 Old house . The residents of this house have a son called GOSO. 953. Four storied building belonging to Town Trade Organization. At the bottom there is a depot for clothes, machinery, and food supplies. The responsible man of the depot is GOSO and he lives in no 868. CONFIDENTIALINO FORM MEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 e/ ? CONFIDENTIAL 1 NO Mai BERM The employee of the clothes depot is YANKO PRAMATARINA. He lives in 5881 the son of Head of Sugared supplies depot is/STOYAN (DOKUZA) and resides in 47I. In the second and third floor offices located. 'In the fourth floor offices and Arsiv, offices of TOPLIVO Organization, Here there is a residence of Head of 0.T .P. (j trade organization). On the facade of the building SIYUZ is written. 954. Two storied building. At the bottom there is PITNO UPRAVLENIE Highwvs ' Administration. The head of this place is IVAN BAKALOF. In the upper flat there is an construction firm. 955. House of the Director of Highways, called IVAN BAKALOF. 956 Two storied building where STROY UCASTIK Construction Firm housed. 957. Garage of the same construction. 958. Dining hall OT!O Here cook assistant MARIYA works where resides in 587. She is the wife of GENITO. 959. Labourers dormitory made of wood barrack. 96o. House of ATANAS (BILKACIYATA) who collects grass for drugs and who works as an engineer in METAL Cooperative, 961. REPUBIZKA Restaurant and it's garden. 962. Market. It is covered with concrete blocks. Here there are shops selling food* 963. House of a driver. 964. House of STANU TENEKECIYATA who works in tin plates section of the Cooperative called METAL. 965. House of the tinner KOLYU who works in METAL Ceoperativr. 966: Houses of twin doctors. 967. Building where they make quilts and bed. Back part is a residence. COWIDENTIR KO FORM D1SSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONFIDENTIAL/KO FOREIT MEM 968. House of CARRSTON. In their garden the trees cut from the forests of T.K.Z.S. are piles up here in order to Sell them on a free price. A man having a Turkish origin sell them. 969. Building *which was once used by coachman association as an office. 97o. House of the person who works as 4 tailor in 591 and has a daughter by the name of MARIYA NICEVA. 971. The building where the offices for dealing with grain housed. 972. W.C. 973. Grain depot. There is an elevator belt for filling up the train cars. 974., Fountain 975., A narrow passage. No cart pass 976., A wide bridge made of concrete. 977., A canal whose walls made of soil. 978. Depot of construction depot such as wood and timber. The head of this ddpot is TODOR MISEF who resides in 27o. 979. An empty area covered with grass. 90o. A stone monument of an Communist who was killed before 1944. 981. Depots of the Army. In 1956-57 the hoops unloaded from the train Stored. They had the following measurements, I.5om. in diameter and the edges 1.5om, 15m thick. They had holes on ohe part like square. 982. Guards site. 983. Wooden grain depot 984. Canal whose walls covered with concrete blocks. 985. Refuge. Garden. 986. Ramps 987. New building belonging to the train station. Offices housed. 988. New canteen. COKFISTIALIE,13 MU ESTI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 CONF1DFiT1M.ItiO FOREIGN DISSEM %9. Building of paSsanger and cargo train station. In the upper there is residential. 990. Garden 991. W.C. 992. Fountain. 993, Platform 994; High surface than the railway with electric poles. 995. Steelyard, 996. Watermelon and melon field. 997; MAITOY area 998. Old sports areq 999; Stadium built in 1956-1957 boo. Park IooI. Building where the sportsmen undress. 1oo2. Stand for flowers. 1003. FUel Depot; a) Building of offices. On the front facade of the building there are under and above surface tank pumps. b. Building where fire extinguisher tools were available. Depot. 1004. Installation where locomotives are available. Ioo5. Supply depot concerning the maintaince of the railways. 1oo6. Very high building. I don't know the purpose of it's use. Here the maintaince employee of K1RILOVO-ELHOVO line resides. 1oo7. Hen coops Ioo8. Water mouth supplying water to the locomotives. MillaTIPAS Man TOM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 ?, CONFIDENTIALJNO FOREIGN DISSEM (). 1009. Building where the offices of railway housed. IoIol Tobacco depot. loll. Building where the offices of railway once housed. 1012. Three buildings used as lodging houses of railway administration. 1013. Hen coop and open sheds of the same lodging. 1014. Areas which are marshy and covered with grass. 1015. Bridge made of iron. Io16. Water motopumps. 1017 Areas covered with sweetbroom and grass. 1018 Military vegetable garden. 1019. Forest Io2o. Dense forest 1021. Fields 1022. Forest having less trees,. almost a park. 1023 Place having a stone wall. 10214.. Old bed of TUNCA River. 1025. Bridge made of concrete 1026. Vegetable garden. Less amount of water. pipe covered with soil. . _ 1027. Aerial bridge. It is hanged to the steel belt. 1028 Path running to TRINKOVO Village. 1029.. Area where soil taken out for brick factory. 1030. Restaurant and beerhouse. I. a) Restaurant, beerhpuse bYBand 0) Opensheds tables .4) danCe place It is almost a beach of ELHOVO. CONF1DENTIALINO FOREIGN DEEM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/14 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2 Icy- CONFIDENTIAL I NO FEN DISSEM 1o31. Forest Administration Nursery garden. 1032* Meeting area of military firing site, in the houses in the vicinity they keep the target of firing, ote of the building has a tower on the rod,* 1o33. Firing area Io34. Clover field 105, In order to elevate the highWay-level -during Canal and highWay- construction soil taken out.,In the summer there is very little amount of water* Io36* The small stream which runs in the winter. Io37. IZGREFSKI AZHANA Stream, 108. The highway running to TRINKOVO which opened in 1958. I039. -Stream called AZMAK 1oho. Wooden bridge. COKFIDENTIR IRO Ran ESN 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/14: CIA-RDP80T00246A072300060001-2