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r 50X1- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REP(.57R1 CENTRAL INTEILIGEWE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 COUNTRY USSR DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. Manuals on the Soviet Aircraft Engines ASh-82 T ?and ASh-82 V eb-0-k....?-it- -)...\ tx tt......71'.?..--.' t ---' . NO. MOB 1 slA t_. REPORT DATE DISTR. it March 1964 THI IS I INFVAI I IATFII INIFAIMATInkl cnitvrp reAnimetc A DC rseelkII.flIc A n?? 50X1-HUM 4 3 2 on :Soviet ASh-82 aircraft engines manual. English-language manuals No date or. publication data appeared 5.0X1-HUM'r 50X1-HUNI ? Attachment 1: The ASh-82 T Engine: General Information; 87 pages plus 18 pages of "Service Bulletins;" pages 46 and 80 are missing. The manual consists of instructions for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the engine. Attachment 2: Aircraft Engine ASh-82 V: Repairs Manual; Book II; 81 pages plus 160 sketches of tools necessary for mounting and repair of the engine. The manual lists the tools, explains the purpose of each, and gives ,operating and: maintenance instructions for a few. 50X1-HUM Distribution of Attachments for Retention: ORR: Army: Army/FSTC: Navy: Air: Air/FTD: -SAC: NSA: 2 setA:1 2 sets: 2 sets:. .2 sets. 2 .-8-etsr'.?.., 5 sets: (1: -set 1 set -- 2 sets: 50X1-HUM previously?fOrwarded) S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE IDM IAMW I NAVY IAM INSA IAA NIC I OCR 1SAC Army/FSTC Air/FTD (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 ( SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM THE ASh-82 T ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION (English Language) SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 GROUP I Encircled hens automatic downgrading and declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ,` ?=1"'"-- ?BB ASIC4-82T ENGINE 0?ENERAL INFORMATION S-E-C-R-E-T I, NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Chapter I. THE ASH-821 ENGIRE GENERAL IWPORMAT/OX. I. Engine Structure Principal Informations. The mircraft engine ASh - 82 T ifig,1 and 2/ represents an air-cooled radial four-stroke petrol engine with 14 cylinders in two rows and with direct fuel injection. the ASh - C2 T engine is provided with two channel planetary reducing device in the crank-case nose and one-speed radial supercharger placed At the rear of cylinder assembly. Following accessory units are installed on the ASh - 82 T engines - on the crank-case nose g regulator of revolutions, two magnetos 14 T-2 and fuel oil-pump - on tho roar supercharger body - the fuel pump /704 A-V unit/. - on the rear crank-case cover - the fuel pump NV-82 for direct fuel injection, the electro-innertial starter SK16-2, the generator CSR-80001, the roar oil-pump NSh-6SV, thu high-pressure pump NSh-13 and vacuum pump 612. Ylig.1 The ASH 82 T Rngino Viewed From P,omzpigiii.gand fc0,7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 ? S-E-C-R-E-T I NO FOREIGN DISSEM - Fig.2 The ASH - 82 T Engine Viewed From Rear Right-Hand Side. On the engine-propeller shaft nose is installed the four-blade propel- ler AV-50. Engine crank-case consists of crank-case nose, the central crank-came, the front and rear supercharger bodies and rear cover. In the crank-case nose are installed the reducing gears, tho propellor shaft and ducts to the units being installed on the nose. The central crank-case consists of four steel ahd two aluminium parts. In the in- ternal crank-case spaces is placed the shaft with crank-mochaniss end the drive parts of gas-distribution and balancing devices of the 2nd order. On the crank-case eteel parts are installed two cylinder rows. Each cylinder is fastened to the crank-case by means of twenty bolts through spherical washer. in the lower part of central crank-case are placed four flanges for fastening oil-drain tubes from the crank-case spaces. To the rear transitional crank-case body is attached the front super- charger body which separates the roar crank-case space from the super- charger and at the same time acts as the collector-dietributor of air to the cylinders. Between the vertical wall of front supercharger-body provided with some ribs and with the case-type diaphragm /from the crank-case side/ is formed the expansion-0=0)er with labyrinths through Which passes the cooling air for the engine. The rear supercharger body is connected with the front supercharger body and forms together a space in which the rotors and the engine diffusor are placed. On the rear compressor body is fixed a rear crank- case cover, in the apace .between thom are cog-wheels of supercharger rotor gear and of all unit* installed on the supercharger rear body and the crank-case roar cover. 50X1 1 S-E-C-R-E-T INO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 NO FOREIGN DIS EM ? Through the vertical walls Of the front and roar suporeharger bogy 50X1: paeses the accessory drive shaft; on the shalt-journals on which is rotating the supercharger-rotor axle. On the supercharger rear body are installed s from tho upper part - the throttle-box /through the gear/, from the right side - the combined drive of fuul-pump and of /Mechanical and electrical/ tachometer, from the left side the oil-filter MPS-19, placed at ell- inlet in th(; engine main oil-inlet in the engine main oil-lino with the oileump being at tho bottom. The engine cylinders are plaaed oft tho central crank-cane in two rows in thu alternate /etaggerod/ order ana provided with floating floats and east guides under the outlet valves, and the stiff seats and bronze guides under the in/et valves. The air-supply from the supercharger into the cylinders is provided by means of fourteen feeding pipe-lines connected by ono and to the cylinder and by tho other end - to the supercharger front body. Tho outlet cylinder parts of the front and rear row are directed to the rear side. On each of the cylinder-heads aro installed two spark-plugs SD-38-BC and mno nozzle FB-10 XT. The pistons. each piston is providA with five grooves with gtaphitized operation =faces. On the piston there are placed three gas-tight and three oil-collecting rings. Tho gas-tight rings are wedge-shaped. Tho uppor chrom-pleted stool ring has the cylindrical oporation-eurfaco. The piston-pin is fixed : with plugenute upon cylinder. The connecting rods. Thu engine is povided with two sets of connecting rods. For each of cylinder rows there 14 a set of connecting rode which consiats of one main and six auxiliary connecting rods. The main connecting rods have front fastening! of ?reek-head-nut in second cylinder of the front cylinder-row, and in the fifth cylinder of the rear cylinder row. - The crank-ehaft is detachable and consists of throe main parts. The crank-Shaft is rotating on the three roller bearing from which the first one is looked against the longitudinal move- ment and has two swinging counterebalancioe for the dapping of torsional vibrations and for the balancing of lot stage inertia momenta from gradually :mina Amass and the contrifugel forces of rotating:mum/a. Per the balancing of 2nd stage inertia move- ments tram gredunlly moving magma on main journals of the oranke shaft are assembled 2nd stage balencies. Gas dAstribution. The front and tho rear cylinder row have separated gad-distribution mechanism. The Valve-operation is controlled by moand of oam-ringe, tho pushing rode, push-pUll rods and levers of valves. The cam-rings are rotating on stool sup- ports which are Centered on the extended rings of vertical walls of the front and the rear parts of central orank-caso. ? ? The front cylinder-row is controlled by moans of a eai-rinc and by moans gear-wheels of the gas distribution, which axe dtsplaced in tho front transitional body of the crahkecase. ' S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEk Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release (1)'1 3/161/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200366601-6 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Tho cylinder row is coUtrollod by a cam-ring and by goar-whools 50X1 of gas-distribution inlet displacod in tho rear space of the crank- . case roar tranaitional body. Tho coupled /intormodiato/ gas- distribution goar-wbeols of tho front and tho rear eylindor row axe made floxiblo. The puehors with tho guiding olomants for each of cylindor-rows aro onncontratod, on tho front and the rear crank-caso trnnsi- tionnl body, respectively. Engino governor. The ongine governor is of piano.. tory typo with 310.54 aoar ratio with two chanol oil ducts loading to the propellor, and consioto of throo main parts s tho loading self-adjustable guar-whool, tho hub of which has boon previously pressod in the hot state on the oplino of crahk-shaft part, of fixod solf-adjuoting goar-whool fastened in tho crank-case nose and of tho propollor?dhaft with 12 satellites rotating on tho axes' of ontollito-housing fixed and oonnocted !lith tho propellor-shaft. Tho hollow propollorchaft is oupportod on two journals of tho ox- tendod end of the crank-shaft front part through two slido-boaring proceed into the propoller-shaft spaco. Tho crank-ohaft is sup 4 ported on down and aide proseuro-resieting ball-bcaring whioh is inctallod on the moose of crankcase nose. For air-screw instal- lation on tho ohaft thoro are oplinos of involuto profile. Tho engine cuporcharger is of contrifugel radial type with cschanical one-speed drivo. Tho suporehargor rotor is manufactured of forged aluminium and represents no assembly . oomplote with control-unit. Tho rotor-drivo-mochanism is placed in tho supercharger body and consists of elastic goar-whool of . tho componont-drivo of tho doubled gear-wheel and rotor-drive . ohaft which is provided with goar-whool. Tho auporchargor4iffuoor is produced of magnesium-alloy and is installed on tho roar ouporehargor-body with a groat guarantee- clearance bot000n its bladoo and tho vertical wall of the front . auporchargor4ody. The accosoory drivo. Tho engine accessory drives are taken from tho imagine crank-that through tho gear-wheel 'cyatomo. Tho drivo..ohafts of tho direct injection pump NV-82 the high.procoure pump liSh 13 and the combined fuel-pump drivo and the revolutions computing gauge arc placed in tho indopandont bodies which are metalled directly into tho orarik-cato roar cover-nose on the sliding-boarings. The otartor system. Tho starting of tho engin() is carried out by moans of electro-inertial starter. To facilitate the starting thoro are inatallod an the engine clootro-magnotio priming valve and two nozzles which delivor the fuel to the super- charger inlot in tho nomont of starting. v/2. THE ENGINE PRINCIPAL DATA. .Tho General Data. !lark of th4 engine Tho cooling ayotom . The cylinder dippooition ? f * ? ? ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 - INO FOREIGN DISSEM / ---., The number of cylinders rh...)rd..r of cylindJr-numboring . . C,'linC .r i.metor in milimetros . . Stroke of the piston in nilimotres Tho cyline.Jr dioplacement in litres The dcgre of compreonion Tho direction of orank,.shaft and the pr Teller rotation - Th.*; reduotion gear . . ? ? ? ? The roluctim ration ? Thc surr.rcharger ? ? ? The guar ratio I Enginc: OperatiO4 Oatintli Tho 4 Proosu in ,numbo ly.liind Ili?. of Conditions the crank ohaft r op 41 14 Taking for first tho upper vortical cylinder of the rear raw from behind tho angina. olock-wisc 155,5 155 41.2 6,9 + 0,1 Clockwise right-hand, scan from tho roar cover-sie.Q. planotary, with 12 cylin- satellites, with two channel oil supply to the feathering propellor 31/54 -One-speed centrifugal 7,27 super- charger in mill =tree mercury The j Fuel noninaheight in kilo, in grams metros por hout Take-off /the tin,: of non iatorruptod .veration not more than fivo minutes Nominal /rated/ 1530 1650 0,9 of nominal 1580 0,75 of noninnl 1150 0,65 of nominal ,-995 1900 0,60 of nominal '920 0,45 of nominal 690 2600 2400 2400 2300 1250-25 1020+10 102010 940 il0 2200 850 +10 2000 835 I10 1800 820 I10 1600 760 140 The posi- tion of mixture self cor- ractor of NV-82punp RS-24:14 regulator ound 617-665 Aut.norm. mixture ground 435-480 1600 560-386 ground 260-280 crlund 199-209 grAund 184-193 ground 158-145 ? ? ' ? inixtnro Note. The indicatei conditionn are values forch,:oking of the corect rt,gu- ? lation of tho fuel consumption during the engine greund-oporation, In order to certify tho minimum fuel consunption per kiloactor at .the cruloo-flight spoeds in nococaary to fix the conditions of engine-operation rucommonded by tho instruction according to the range calculation and aircraft-flight ondurnnto. 5-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM I 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: C.IA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM f, ? . 6 - Tho limits of crank-shaft revolution in r.p.n. a/ naxinun pornissiblo number of rovolution during not nox?. than 30 soc 2700 50X1 .b/ nunber of revolution at idle running at aircraft cuctain cporation 9004400 The cylindor hoad tenporature =toured by therno-clectrical thormo- motcr on tho aparkplug roar side of tho 5th cylinder in dog.contigr.s a/ nininum tamporature for good ace.aeration 120 b/ roconnondablo not noro thon 225 0/ maximum pormittod tomporaturo nt tho tak-off and climbing, not moro than 19 minutes including. the poriod for take-aff not more than 5 min 250 /Awl spocitication VUol pump s Typo Fuol Supply Systoni. patrol /bonsino/B -95/130 with octane nunbcr not loss than 95 Direction cf rotation 0aar Ratio Diroct-injection pump s typo a/Ix:ginning of tdol injogtion according to tho d,gro:is.of crank-shaft turning b/ in* of direction of rotation 0/ goar ration oporation+ordor sf the pump elements typo of fuol-mixturo regulator . . S-E-C-R-E-T r, NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 rotary /unit 404 A,..v/ nnticlodkwiso viewd. from tho tnil-sido 1 NV - 82 + 3 dog 30 der after tho top-dead- point in tho momont of auction /fixed on - tho 4th eylindori. NV r 82 el,ckwise /right/ ? vicuod fron the tail aide 0,16 '71:6/ 1-107-5-14-9-4 -13-8-3-12-7- 2-11-6-1 RS 24M Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 - NO FOREIGN DISSEM I' - S. nosslo, its typo s.nmnbor 7 Ole hi the fuel-precaur an tho NV-82 punp-inlot in kiIngrans per sepal F2-10 ET nne for each eylindor ? . . at full throttle nnt lesc than 1 at normal oporntionr 1,5 - 2 Lubricating System. The kind and spocification of oil Oil pimps . . . . Mineral, MK-22 or MS 20 Twe oil-punps, the first 0 11s-6sv of gear typo with punping in and out stares /inetallod on thc roar comlinr/. The socond punp MNP-T of goar-typc with ? pmmpinr in and out stams anstallcd on the ?rani& case noso/. Tho direction of rotation Gear ratio of tho Coax ratio of the ankWil30, ViOW(.41 fron the tail cad? roar punp ? ? ? ? 1-125 front punp . . . 1.19 Specific oil conaumption at condition of 0,9 of noninal and loss in crams/ N.P./ hoar not noro than 10 threuch tho oscine at nominal cJuditim with tho oil-tonporature at tho engine inlet of 65 dec. contigr. 311,U:cram? por ain 40 63 The hoat?transfor of 911 at nominal condition at ?il-tonpo?Lturo of 65 dog. eentigr. at ths ongino inlet in Meal per min Oil-prossurc during tho op.:rational conditions, at the oil-tcaperaturc of 40-90 tho ongine inlet in kg per eq.em . . in tho rear oil pump not loss than in oil-cleanse Mr 3 19 nm. n- moro than 1050 at tho fr-nt oil?punp, not loss than 5,5 5,0 kc/en3 4,5 in tho crank-cam; nose on the regulator inlet at loaot 4 in tho variable pitch propollor nain-lino 40 +3 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for 'Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 := ? -4. I NO FOREIGN DISSEM _ _ _ It -8- Tho oil-pro/Imre for regulation at tho oil-tonporaturo at the en inlet at 60 dog.contigr. at 0,9 nominal conditions in kilnarnno 50X1 lour - at tho rear oil punp - in tho front oil-punp 5,8 . . 6,2 4,5 ? ? 5 Mininum oil-pr;ssuro in the roar oiii-punp at idling runnire 5400 r.p.71. in kil.,aramc per not loos than . 3 Oil tonporaturo at tho ongino inlet noasurod at tho rear oil-punp in dog.cont. s roconmondablo 65 nininum 40 maximum pornittod at sustain oporation 80 naximum pormittol during not noro than 10 minutes not lcso than ? 90 Oil-tomporaturc at .tho onaino outlet in dog.centiar. rvcommonJIblo not mom than naxinun pornitted during not nom than 10 ninutoo Can distribution. Inlet and outlot ?tacos in tho dogroos of crank-nhaft turn s Inlot binning 23 dor + 10 dog till trT (lend pint inlot end 66 dog after 1 It dt%ai point outlet boginninT 74 dort? till the low dcad point Jutlot ond 25 dcg + 10 dJr lftor upper dt.nd pirtt Tho cloaranca bctwoon the lovur-rollor and tho valve-rod at tho cool ongino in nillinotres - at the chocking of thc gaa dictribution st:aes . . . 1,9 oot for the aporntion 0,35 adniesiblo during tho cloarnnoo Chocking at the operating onglno at cool condition + 0,25 0,35 - 0,10 115 125 Tho ignition Groton. Numbor and typo of mngnoto ignition spark-ndvanco for both . . magnotoo in tho dt.groos of crank- shaft /cmgacto potting angle/ Tho ordor of ignition in cylinders Direction of marnato-rod rovolution guar ratio iI ' S-E-C-R-E-T ' two nagnetoo MB 14 T-2 with constant anrlo of apark-advanco ? 23+1 c1:41. till the upper dond point of tho conprob- sion stroke Aho sotting is to bo carriod out in the occond cylinder/. . 140-5-14-9-4-13-8-3-12- 4-2,114-1 in opponito.conso to clock- wino direction viowod fv,In tho tail-side 1,75 ,1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM aluattratou butirwell thu intorrupter contact in millimetres number and tyre of spark,plugs 0,2 - 0,3 two scmened plugs 51$..38-BS in each cylinder tat:axons? botween tho spark-Pim: electrode? itodllinutroe 0,28 - 0,36 Tho wino aceossories. 50X1 Regulator of revelution nunbor ? R 50 Rotationodiroction of the generotor.rod antic1 ckwier: .viowed from Gear ratio 1.027 Eloctvoeinertial starter of combined action . ? . ? ? unit SKD -2 Propellor AT-50, four- blado type of 3,8 dianote drive to the tachometors, the shaft-rotational diroction and goar P3111? t aul drive with two ?hafts - one shaft with loft rotation with the gear ratio of 1.5 for the tachonotor with mechanical transnls- clone the oecond one of clookwieo rotation with tho or ratio of 0.5 for tho tachometer with t electrical transmission. Thu current con4rator Suplemontarysmits. APtation-Al direction of tho gencratork-rod guar ratio . . tilgrpreseuxu 011+punp, typo . . . - .. rotational direction of the high-pressure rod GSR 6000 A. . ? . . direction /loft/ viewed from the go- norator rod-sidc 2 74 .... NSh 13 ^nticl^ckwiso, viewed fr.:n rod- side. guar ratio 1 Ilea ? r:tational 41rootion nf the devioes-sh,Ifto viewed tho shaft.. yod aids. To rotationnl direction of the doficos-drinG viewed fret' - tha flange-431de fron be1.)17 the device'. Weight and dimensions of the engin,:. the dry *nem /with starter in kile,Irane/ . 1020 + 2?16 Sontit of the engine including tho NT - 82 pump to nillinctrus ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? .. ........ 2010 + 10 Mlanster of the CNOT of the valvo?heueint: in millimetres 1300 + 5 ; S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 INO FOREIGN LIS-SEM ? ? 10 ? sic. 3 Tho eche= of the rodueing unit and tho =Pommy unit- ? .drivoo, annonblod in tho orank-cnso no s 1.pcnpine-out atom). 2.ouporchar,7in.- stoat.: 5.',1.1?panp drivo. 4.prore11or-ohaft. S.rovolution-rogulator drive. 6.nacAoto drivo. T.oil-punp. 8.rodueer nain roar uhool. 5.satolltto or /12 pioaza/. 10.ianovab10 guar 444 of tho rodueor. 11.orank-ehaft. . Ile. 4 The,sehen4 of tho aceone...ry-unito drivo aecanbled is thonurareharcor..roar body and on tho roar eowlinG Moo fran tho back-eido/ 1. tho rem drivo. 2.tho suporeharcor 'wawa ant* drivo Acotold coarzho61./ 3.tholiSh 6817 oil runp drive. 4.tho conorntor drivo. 5. thc aeooseory-unite Elston vith nuar-uhaol fur olaotio umencunont. bormourn pump dttwo. 7.thw oloctrioal rwrautiou oomputimc amen drivo. 0.1,otrn1 pump Zrivo. 1V-02 pump 4rivo. S -E-C -R-E-T I NO FOREIGN DISSEM ' 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 NO. FOREIGN DISSEM - 11 Chapter II. Tho engine preparation for night. I. Encin; iruparation for starting. Durina the engine preparatitn f)r stnrting nocuanarr ChLck th, filling of the fuel and oil tanks which shall be carriJd cut with taking accent of flirht-duration. The ..11 p.Alrel in the oil tank shall be filtered by mann of t neah-filter inotalled in the fillinr pietc.1 met No.24/end. by mans lil-tank neck-filter. During the fillinc of thd ,il-uysten, if the full inl-tmount was previeualy drained, open tho connectin(.1%-fittina muffle 26 Aig.5/ _n the front oil-punp and expell the air fron tho lino untill the oil c)acs out in the full flaw. After finichinc this *per..ti,a put on thu muffle and pecure it by nut-lok. 2. Drtin th- rule sump .f the aircraft fuel ayaten. 3. Ch,ek th_ hernetical oealin f the hiah pm:Imre cock, of tho fuel system Teld the )ration of plunmr fuel-punp. For this purpose nak, the flllowing arranc-enenta. Switch on the plunrur-fhel-pump with the at closed fire-cock tnd ascertain on the pressure grace if there is the total nbsoonce of fuel pressure. If the fire h.p. codk is fully hermetically cloned the pressure caw%) p..sinter sh*uld be in tho zuro.position. Open the h.p. eock,.awitch on the plun.?er punp and ascertain at p.r. if thure is ann.: fuel-preseure. Cheek .if thJ prininr valve is in rood order by 2.3 ehort-urotien,s,/itchinf; of the prinina switch and an.. certain if there is any fuel flow thrugh the back line wannest. in fitting of the roar aupercharger bndy. Cut-ff the plunger fuel pump. 4. Chock the reed cenditi;n and sawthnoso :)f the travel of control of the throttle, ruzpl:tor of rovolutina mixture self-tdjuatihe dJvice :f th4 RS 24 it regulator /of the NV - 82 punp/, the oil o .ler flaps as well as by the cowlina rills. The clutching shall be cnrried out in the full ranortf controls travel. 5. Ascertain if there aro not indentations the airscrow b1440.. ? 6. Chock the if thu drain-lines 1.ading fron the inlet-pipes of the seventh, ?Oath, nineth cylinder, are clean. The chocking Up of the Irvin-pipes 13 not allowed. 7. The coring preparation for atartinaup at arlpiont air toiircratnto l_oor than 5004should bo carried out acoordinc t, tho hints, nontilnod in tho part.IV. ENG/NE OPRUTION AT LOW TEUPENATUES OP =TER= alt.? ? IS-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1' ? I 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 NO FOREIGN DISSEM , - 12 - 8. Lliediltely boforo the atixting /tho icnition buing switched off/ 50X1 check the airscrow. If ,:xcossive cff:,rt shnll be %wet When .-ivinro the pr..pellor tho rouu...0 put off fr.n the sixth, neventh, cirhts, ninoth cylinder tho plus and give .tt tho pr,pollor 3-4 ball rounds for draining ^ut tho cunulate:: fuel or oil frnm tho low cylinder of tho conbusti:,n-chanbers. If tho turning of tho pro- peller proceeds normally /without any oxcoesive effort! put tho plugs back in the cylinders, fullfilling the requironento stated in tho ohaptor VII /P.9/ and give once noro pone rounds to the propellor. The short poriod of tine betwoon the giving tho round to the pin. poller and the starting of the ?mine shall not oxceed 15 nm. In the adverto case the Giving rounds to the propeller shall be repeated. Note. /Wallw the ropoatod starting during one by, whon after tho enetino stop rase store than 15 nin. and tho cylinder hood tomporaturo .will oxcced 60 dJg.00ntigr. tho 4ivin round to tho propeller can be carried out by tho electre-startor, tho flywheel boing provi.usly put into operation. 2.The eneino otarting. 1. Sot the ocoling flaps into the position OPENED. 2. Sot the oil-radiator flaps into the position CLOSED. 5. Sot tho mixture solf-ldjustin- device of tho RS 24 /I rerulator /Of the NV - 82 pup/into the position autonatio normal nixturo. 4. Sot the lover of throttle into the p.sition which corresponds to 800 - 900 r.p.n. 5. Sot tho control-lover of tho rev-Aution-rogulator into tho position PIDE-PITCH. 6. Sot tho elaetro-otarter ever-switch into the position START and rotate the starter fly-wheel. Tho duration of the rotation of tho flywheel in to be carried out in the period of 18 sec at tho net-voltace of 24 V an'. 15 sec at the net-Voltage nore than 27 V. Neto. It in nonscsary that during olectro-starter flywheel rotating .tha mirnorou rotatos. In adverse caso it is neoonnaxy to reduce rltatim.Toried and c:ivo the pripellor Bono rounds in the olio*. wine direetion for getting the starter-retched from the con- nection with the ongino crank-shaft. It is possible to switch consequontly the electro-starter not noro than five tinen with tho interval of two ninutes. Aftor finiehing this operation it is n000snary to c-ol tho starter leen during the poitod not ? lens than 10 minutes. ti? ._ --- IS-E-C-R-E-T ' NO FOREIGN DISSEm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80-T00246A072200300001-6 1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM [1. p ? 50X1 5. Th ohone of thu enter .1.1 cirou1mtion. mnd vantilatimn. 1. Tho nomouronont of tho oil?rroanuro in tho front Al-punp. 2. Tho oil-duct to thm soloct)r-valvee 3.Tho cont pipe. 4. This mvaourumuut of thu oil-prusouro in thu roar oil-pump. S. Tho noaourenont of tho oil-turvomturo on thu ongino inlet. 6. Tho nusour.;nont -f thu oil-tonporaturo t.n tho onc,ino outlet. 7. Tho diamwratina. 8. Thu drmininn. pip. 9. Thu eAluty ooCk. 10.Thc vont-pip?, 11.Tho oil-tank. 12.Tho fomthorina punp. MTh? ef?.11ur. 14.Tho roar .'i1-pup. 16.Tho noah-filtora of -tha 17.Tho oondoncod wator drmin. 18.Tho 1t73-19 nosh- filtor. 19.Thu roturn-pipos. 20.Tho vont in thu dipphronn. 21. Thy fr:.:nt oil-punr out pumping main-lino. 22. Thu Al :tuct to thu frcnt oil-punp. 23. Thu nosh.filtor nf tho front cil-zun. 24. The fr::nt )11.1.1Unp. 25. Tho MPS 194. 26. Tho sonnuctinc.fittinc of tho air-vent fron tho oil noin-lino. ? S-E-C-R-E-T ' 1 0 ? 11 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 .1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? , ? - 14 - 50X1 During this oporatien it is all.:med nay ono switching on correspond* ing with the period of the c.;nbine2.-period of starter t?porating not ? including the tine-torn necessary for starting in the period of 22 sec. end the renaining with the eonbined operation torn of 7 sec. 7. Switch on the oil-punp and the prof:mare in the fuel nain?lnin adjust to 1,5 e 2 k. per eq.c.n. 8. After finishing the starting of the flywheel out the electre*etnzter over-switch to the position 07 and after 1,5 e 2 airocrew rounds . switch on thu ignitiin and electronagnotio valve of fuel-cupply. Thu fuel sulply is to be carriet: out by switching on each in duration of 2 - 3 sec. till the tine when the opemtion of the wine will be constant. When the engine is in operntion, cut-off tho nanoneter and ascertain, if the readings on the oil-pressure nononeters are coma. In the case that the oil pressure in the roar oil punp will not reach 3 kg per during tho period of 5 e 8 Imo. the engine shall be stopped and the cause of nalfUnetion found out and romeded.. 9. At the cemstant engine-operation the fuel-supply is to be stopped and the control-level shall be set by anonth novenant of the throttle into the position which corresponds to 1000 1100 r.p.n. and tho nil punp shall be cut-off. It is not aemieeble to open nuch and sharply the throttle during tho engine starting and to supply the engine exceoeivoly wAh fuel. 10.In the case that the engine Should not start after three starting attenpo tho starting shall bo stopped, tho cause ,of the railfunotions found out and reneded. 3. 'Warning and inspection of the engine - and accessories ,7peration. ? EheAne warning-up. The engine shall be warned with the propeller fully relieved at 1000 - 1100 r.p.n. up to the boginnian of tho oil-teanornture rice on the engine Inlet; after this increase gradually the worts, revolutions to 1500 A. 1600 r.p.n. by opoting the thr-ttle and carry on the warning untill the oil tenporature on the engine inlet will not be lower than 40 deg. centrigr. and at tho engine cutlet not lower than 45 deg. contrirr. After attaining the men- tioned oil-tenperatures it is necessary to increase c-noequently the engine-revolution to 2200 r.p.n. Acooeing to the on,line 4 warning open the cowlinr-fleps. The engine is concidore% to be warned up when the tenpeentere of the cylinder honde will be notlqwer than 120 doer. the oil topporature on the engine inlet net lower than 40 deg.centrirr. and on the engine outlets not 1..wer th:Ln 45 der.centr. Inspect. after the warming*np the engine rind component operation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/25 CIA-RDP80T00246A072200.300-001-6 NO FOREIGN DISSEM f ? - 15 - Inspection of the magneto and spark-plugs operation: 1. Sot the revolution-regulator control-lever into the position PIDE PITCH. 2. Sot the control-lever of the throttle into the position whia , . corresponds to 2200 r.p.m. and let the engine operate on theme conditions during a period of 10 sec. for annealing of spark plugs. 3. rut-off gradually for 5 - 10 sec. each of thonactotos. After shocking one of the magnetos beforo the cutting-off of cocoa one, let porate the both magnetos during tho period of 540 ass. anneal the spork plugs. After the cutting-oft of OW magneto the decrease of engine revolution-number shall not exceed 100 r.p.m. The decreasing of the revolutions more than 100 r.p.m. indicateo the malfunctioning of pings, the ignition conductors of the magnetos. Cock of Operation of propellor and of the revolution regulator. 1. Cot the control-lever of revolution rogulator into the position PIM PITCH. a. Set the cmtrol-lover of engine throttlu-flap into the position tbich corresponds to 2200 r.p.m. and reduce the rovolution =ober to 1700 - 1800 r.p.m. I. Cut onco more control-lover of revolution regulator into the position FINE PITCH and ascertain the engino revolution number. At the normal propeller and regulator operation the engin* rovolution number shall .1.ncrease up to the ignitial number of 2200 r.p.m. during a period of 2 - 3 sec. Clock of generator-operation. At tt2 wino operation under the conditi,m f 2000 - 2200 r.p.m. escortain if the board-storage battery end ground oloctrical feed-,; Lime are =itched-off. 2. Put the generator over-owitch into thu p^gitinn swrimED-or; the voltace in this ease shall be 28,5 V. p. tijuat the loading tl 100 A by seitchingo:L the clnou:Aorn of electrical power. 4? EMduco the engine revllutien number t, 1000 r.p.m.; in this camo it is necessary to adjust the rtvers-ourrent relay and the voltmeter indications shall fall down to zero. S. Dim the engine revolution number to 2000 - 2200 r.p,m. At the normal operation of the genorator, of the voltage-regu- lator and revorso-current relay, the voltmotor indications Mall restore to 28,5 V. d. After finishing the check of the generator-operation switch-off the consumers of electrical power. iS-E-C-R-E4 jr NO FOREIGN DISSEM - ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release2013710/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 NO FOREIGN DISSff 16 - Engine 4eration check at the constant revolutions. .1. Set the control-lever of revolution.regulator into the position FINE PITCH. 2. Set the control-lever of throttle into the position which cor- responds to 2200 r.p.m. 5. Slow down the propeller revolution to 1700 - 1800 r.p.m. 4. BY smooth upening and shutting of the throttle change the cup.- charger /Rik/ to 100 - 150 mercury in comparison with the original state. During this operation the engine reVolntiNt number shall remain stable. At sharp shutting or opening of the throttle the engine revolution number can correapondinglY dveroase or increase to 100 - 200 r.p.m. but during the period 1 ? 2 sec. the revolution shall.stabilizQ to the previous state i.e. 1700 - 1800 r.p.m. After checkin the engine operation at constant revolutions move the control-lever of revolution. regulator into the position FIVE PITCH. Tho engine revolutions number during this operation shall increase to 2200 r.p.n. Thu inspection of the propeller feathering system. The inspecticn of the propeller feathering system ,n the ground can be carried out partly or fully as well as operating or non operating. The complete inspection of the airscrew feathering ? system is car-rid out after the engims, /or installing diamanteIed for a certain time/, the rev.lution regulator and of th?. propeller or of. any other of the foathering-systum components as well as after passing of 100 hours of permanent oneration. The partial propeller feathering system inspection will be carried out in the following order : 1. Set the control-lever of revolution r,ratiator the position PINE PITCH. 2. Set the control-lever of thr,ttle into the position which con. responds to 2200 r.p.m. 3. Switch on the featherinc pump f-r short-duration untill the re- v,lutions will decrease to 150 - 200 r.p.m. 4. At the moment of revolution decrease bot:inninc when the propene. 001048 into the feathered position 'switch on the feathering-rump. After cutting-off the feathering-pump the unaine revolution than stabilize t the previous state /2200 r.p.m./. The complete inspection of the propeller-feathering system is carried out in the same order as the rirtihl inspection $ during this operation the feathering of the rr,peller blade on the eve.. ? rating engine /On the ground/ are (tarried out at engine revs. lutions of 3.000 r.p.m. at the superch:Irge Pe - 400-500 ma ? merott:7. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM . ? . narinQcifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 ] NO FOREIGN DISSEM / 1, - 17 - At the pr...::eller-blado feathered r,sition it is 311(m6d tn oparftte /11 the ,...:rund/ the eneinu at approximately 50D r.:).m. During ? 50X1 the warming-up of tho engine without sunoreharce the ongino-operttinn time on the rround with the propellerblad-s in feathered position eh-11 be kert at minimum /not more than 15 sec./. Znino .:per:tian at nominal conditinns. During, the .nine operation at nominal cmditinne the aelf-adjaetine device lover of mixing reeulator RS-24 If /of NV-82 pump/ should be in the position AUTOM.NORMAL MIXTURE and the indicaWns of gauges shall be as folcws. The reveAution number in r ? m Supercharger in ma mercury Oil-pressure in the roar .-il-pump in kc sq.em. not loss than The .11-:,ressure in the frnt -41-punp in kg per n^t less than Thu fuel pressure in kc per sq. cm $ The oil temperature ,n the nre.7ine inlet in deg.cont silt more than The tenperature of cylind::r heads in dog.cent. not lorx.e than 2400 1020 + 10 5.5 4.5 145 - 2,0 BO 225 Cheek f en(ine .Teration at idling speed thrnttla. At the chock of engine operating at speed the clUtrol lover 44?..of revluti n regulat-Ir shall be in the p.-sitLn FINE PIT CR and the solf-adjuoting device lever of the RS-24 IA 'mixture regulator /the NV - 82 purr, in the p-sition autom.n-rnal mixture. At the en- sine idlinc speed operati.m of the indicati'us of the cruses. sbnll be as f)llows. Thu revIlution number in r p a 500 600 The ,Al-pressure in the rear oil pump in kr? per sq. an not less than 5,0 The oil-pressure in the front oil puap in ka per not less than 2,5 The fuel pressure in kg per sq.= not less thrtn . * 1,0 The inopection of engine acceleration. 'Check the engine-operation in the period of 1,5 - 2 sea: amoothlY vening the throttle from the position PINE PITCH to the position which corres:nnde to the maximal or take-off revllutioms. ' Tho eneine ohall operate without clap., vibrations and durangenent. At the encine acceleration inspections of self-adjueting dories.- lever of RS 24 V Regulator mixture /the NV 82 - rump/ shall be in the povition ADTOU.NOIXixtures the omtrol-lewar of revolutin. regulator in the position FINE P/TCR. The cylinder head tapperatu,s Shall be not lower than 120 deg.contr. S-E-C-R-E-T ? ? ' VP NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? - 18 - The engine .1%ratian inapection at take-off conditions. The inspectien of tho engino-oporating at take-off conditions is carried out sinult:neously with the engine accoleration-inspoetion.. 1. At the take-ff conditi%ns engine operation the indications of the devices shcal be ao follows. The revolutions nunber in r p n 2600 The aupercharga in nn norcury 1250 The fuel. pressure in k per 1,5 The oil pressure in the rear (41...punp in kg per sq?cm not losa than 5,5 The oil pressure in tiu, front oil-pump in kc per scpon O100s.t4a4 4,5 The cylinder head temperature in deg.centr. ? ? not nom than ? 250 The oil temperature at the engine inlet in deg.contr: not loso than 80 2. ,The enr.ine operation at take-off conditions in the period more than five ninutes after the warnine-up of tho cylinder heads is not ollowed. 3. The repeated inspections of engine operating at takeoff con- ditions, it is necessary to carry out apparated timo-terms with cooling of tho engine in tho intervals between the testings.. 50X1 4. The encina stopping. Cool d:mn tho oncino, therefore g ? net the control-lover of revolution regulator int-. tho position PINE PITCH. Open fully the cowling gills and open the oil-radiator flap. - not the engine at 650 1000 r.p.m. and let it revolutions till the minimal7 lowest possible of the cylinder-head has boon reached. The engine-stopping is pernitted at tho cylinder not exceeding 175 degooentr. r.,pt.rat.1 at temperature hoad temperature Vote. In the amner-conditirns when there is no'poesibility of engine cooling to 175 dog.centr. it is necessary to 1et the engine :Terate at 650.- 1000 r.p.m. till the loweet cylinder head temperature has bean reached. In this ease it is allowed to atop at the cylinder head temperature e not mere than 190 deg.centr. 2. After engine coaling to the already indioatod cylinder head temper:tura increase tho revolutions to 1700 - 1800 r.p.m. for a period 10 - 15 sec. For sport-plug annealing, after which opera- tion shall be reduced to 800 900 r.p.n. Stop the engine, putting the celf?adjustingdevice-omatrol lover of AS 24 11 Reculator !Arturo - 82 pundfron the post.. tion nut?nom?oper. intr. the position STOP and after ceasing of I S-E-C-R-E-T IN? FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200360001-6 ' I NO FOREIGN DTSSEM ? - 19 - det,niatiens .pun fully thu thrnttlo f,r expelling of tho eubnact 50X1 gases out nf thu Cut-off the ignition after propeller-r-tation stop. 5. Shut the throttlu o-nd pull tho solf-adjtsting dovico?loper of RS 24 it Regulator nixturu /Iry - 82 punp/ int, the position AUTOMATIC NORMAL MIXTIEv:. In this position the mixture-corrector lover shall remain till thu next starting of the engine. 6.. Shut the hirt-pressuro c..'ck. In the case of fuel loakocy into the engine crank caso the hirh pressure cock has to ronain in the locked position till the next engine starting. 7. After th.. engine's st-T:ang carry ..ut the operations pxyccrihed for after-flight ins2ection /sue 7.,.22/ Vote . 1. At the encine cooling the aolf-adiustinr dovies-lover of 0 24 Vi Rbeulator nixture./NV - 82 /Amp/ shall be in the position automata? nornal mixture. 2. It is forbidden to cover thu cowling gills and cover the ongtmo vith cnvering at the tenporature of cylind.;x..head nore than 120 d,g.contr. to avoid the don aging nf the ignition insulntiv duets. S-E-C-R-E-T INO FOREIGN DISSEM ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Refease 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 INO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? - 20 Chapter III. The esv:ine flight operati-n. 1. Bufore take-off it is necessary to ascertain if the engine has been natiofactrily warned-up. The cylinder head temperature shall be not lees than 120 deg.centr. and the inlet oil-tempe- rature in theengine shall be not less than 40 deg.centr. The indications of all dJvices which contr:1 the engine ovine. tiers shall be within the units of prescribed conditions. The oil-pressure at the rear oil-punp shall be not lose than 5,5 kg per and at the front oil-pump not leso than 4 kg per, the fuel pressure not less than 1,5 kr; Ter sq.. 2. During the take-off and clinbing the maxislun peraitted tempo. mature of the cylinder head is 250 det:.contr. during a period not longer than 15 minutes. 5. The not interrupted engine operation at the take-cff condition* is not all(wed to take wre than 5 ninutec. 4. At the sustained engine operation at the h rizontal flight the cylinder heed temperature as well as oi1-tenperature at the inl.t shall be as follows s The cylindcr head temperature The recomnended temperature The perniseible temperature acceleration conditi,Ins ..... The minimum temperature/for a !rod ? ? The ail-temperature at the engine - inlet The rec emended temperature The permissible temperature The minimum temperature 170 - 190 deg.centWe 250 deg.centr. 120 degosentr. 50 - 7C dug.cente. 80 40 5. The maximum pernisaible oil temperaturu in the period not less than 10 minutes at the engine inlet at 90 te(r.eentr. and more than 125 deg.centr. at the engine outlet. 6. At the ohange of engine - operation conditions it is necessary to maintain the following sequence of operations s the less straining flight - conditions, first of all decrease the super-charging and then reduce the r.p.n. to required ranges at the more straining conditions first of all rise the nunber of revolutions and then the super-charging. This operation sequence during the changing of the conditional is =cesium in order not to allow the engine-oven.ading, it is the supercharging shall to not too high at the low revolution, number. 1. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ; ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/25 CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 - ] NO FOREIGN 1-)ISEM I' ? 1"-- - 2L - 7. For reducin,17 the fuel-conaumption of the enginmeoporatirti in ? the conditions at 0,65 nominal or 1:)wer it is noceocurV to ptil the self-adjusting devico-lever of RS - 24 U Romani:or aituturv /the NV - 82 pump/ into the vsitien AU10MA2/0 UMW71Un-1C OPERATION. When chancing the encine-oporation fron the orating conclitlens to the high :.nos /2200 r.p.m. or morel it ie noceosarY tm put previously the self adjusting device-lever of redUlator%411nturo intc the position AUTOMATIC NORMAL MIXTURE and than rise the ewe gino..oporati:Ins conditions. C. At the suotained gliding it is necessary to open periddieallY the throttle or to Shut the c wling slope VS avoid the engine over ca-eliug. The cylinder-head minimum temperature at enditiC ohall be not 1 seer than 120 deg.centr. 9. During the gliding with throttle back, open the throttle con. sequently for the pe.y.i-d of 2 - 3 sec. in order to avoid the posoible propeller r-tating at the higher than permitted X9,0+ ' lution nunber /2700 r.p.n./. To open the throttle sharply can tvt be rectnmended. lO. At the approach conditions the self-adjusting deviee?lever, of RS 24 21 regulator mixture /the NV - 82 pump/ ahall be pm* into the idosition AUTOMATIC NORM OPERAT/OE the rev-lotion rogulatr control-lever into the position PINE PITCH, for giving the engine the p:ssibility in case of nolo:levity of getting into the take-off rev.,lution nutbor. it. a/ During flight bservo the temperature of-ailinder heads 2 and 5. If th temperature of the head? of thcoo cylinders drops by 30 t 50C at emstant engine ;peed the follt.ving is necosearY check the readings. of the UPRN-1 indicators, chock by sight, whether r, snke comes out from the ex* hauet tubes of the encine. At damaging of normal readinrm ,f the VPRN4 indication', or when ascertaining smoke fr-n the exhausts, throttle the gas, set the airscrew into feathering pOoition, caltek eff the ignition and close the fire code. Tho drop of temperature of the head and smote at the oz.- haust indicates a fault in the operation of the cylinder Ne 2 ar 5. ' b/ Inspection of the roar engine oil filter each day lo tow. rarily introduced. If notal chips will be found in the ell filter, the oscine shuld be taken ff the aircraft and handed Afar to the repair shop. e/ Increase the checking of oil consumption of the emzamm during flight. At the rate of 0,6 of the nominal 0=0 COO oil o.msumption should be within the limits 4 eP 6 Iltwo per tufty!. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM . 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 - I NO FOREIGN DISSEM . , ? ) 22 - If midden rise 'f the cinsunption ia ascertained, throttle the g.8, act tho airscrew into the fer.thering positim, switch cif the icnition and close the fire petrcl cock; after landinc inspect the oil filters ef the engine and when netal chipe aro discwered, take tha engine 'If the aircraft., If th6 increased consunpti-a la not caused by the engine, remove oil leakage. d/ forbidden undor weather condition? of Ice foraing to increase the heat-rate of the engine above 2002e by cicsing of the eacine cowl, because it could result in &lancing "if the engine. 12. After every fliCht it is neeennary to note in the engine history cheat the tine and the engine-operation c'aditinne showed by the control devices indications during the flirht and inperfoctions accorded during the engine eporaticn. ? t..-- ? S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2-013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1- ? - 23 ? Chapter IV. The engine openation at the external-air low tenpernture. The externnl air low temporatare requires a great care and personal attention of the air-crew in performing th..: jobs necessary for the engine-starting nreparations. To nake easier the engine-stnrting and the engine naintenance at low tenperature of external-air the engine warning-up is to be carried -rut by warming up the air and by diluting the oil with petrol /benzine/. The general instructions for engine-eervicing at the external-air 1,w temoprature are indicated below and aro to be perforned in ad.. ditiun tn the requirenente already nanetioned in the chapter /I. The diluting the oil with petrnl /benzine/. The oil-diluting with petrol !benzine/ at low temperature is used for relucing the oil-viecosity. Using of the diluted secures it normal supply into the engine, sufficient lubricating the dvtnlle, the nornel operation of the airscrew and nf the ren?lution-regulator and facilitates and accelerates the preparation of the engine for the starting, beamee it is not neceasary to warn-up the oil and even the engine shall be warmed lees than oreinary. During the engine...warming-up after the staring with the diluted oil and after the engine touting a substantial part of fuel evaporates and the oil-vitrosity, not nentioning the imoreaeing of the tenpo- raturs is kept within ',emitted Units. During the oil-diluting with petrol /benzine/ onc has to fulfill the following prescriptions s 1. The diluting nf the oil with petrol /benzine/ in the engine-oil- eysten is carried out when the expected for-casted nininun ten- peraturu of the external-air during 24 hours, for going the fol- lowing starting will be 5 deg.centinrndes or lower. 2. The naxinun.pernitted fuel-amount in the nil, circulating through the engine shall not exceed 16 per cent, what secures the engine-starting without the proceeding oil-warning-up the oil-temperature of 20 degr.oentigrn40e. The neemeeary bud anount for oil-diluting is depondont of the external air-temperatureindicate.1 in the table 2. The fuel nnount for oil-diluting. Mininun external-air temperature foroasted for.. The neoessary fuel 24 hours before the starting in deg.oent. amount in the oil. in percents Pron +5 to 5 5-6 Prom -.5 to 20 15 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM, 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 dNO FOREIGN DISSEM / ? ?? 24 ? 3. Thu Al-liluting is carried out on the engine operating at 1200 r.p.m. /at the flight-day and before the angine-atoprind by means of pourig of tho fuel into the oil...lino through the electro magnetic-valve EKE 3. Note. The durAion of switching of the electromagnotio valve KKR - 3 depends sf the oil-system structure this is indicated in the in. of air-craft servicing. 4. The engine inlet-.1.1-temperature during the diluting is t be carried out at a temperature within 40 - 50 degr.centirrades; the pressure-decreasing of the oil is permitted to 05 kg/sq centimetre. 5. For filling of the propellormeshanism with the e.iluted-oil /during the end of the dauting procedure/ at the shut valve KKR ? 3, increase the engine revAuti-m-number up to 2200 r.p.n. and carry out by 2.3 manipulation with the regulatcr-control- lever the decrease of the revolution frees 2200 r.p.n. to 1700 r.p.n. 6. Alter finishing A' the oil-di:luting-procedure shutt off tho electromagnetic valve EKE 3 and stop the engine. 7. The oil-pressure in the fr3nt oil-pump during tho diluting procedure shall be not less U.= 3 kg/sq.continetre at 1200 r.p.n. 8. Note in the engine history sheet the oil-pressure at the front- oil-pun at the end of the diluting-prvedure and tho tine which was necessary for tho diluting-prseedure. 9. lichen the engine has operated with the diluted-oil roro than 40 - 45 minutes, it is necessary to eT.rry out the 1.1-dilutim once more. 10.. If the engine, started with the diluted 011, has --rorated lose than 40 nm. and for any reason it is neeeesary to stop it for ? prolAsged period an a.:ditional oil-diluting is to bo carriel ?ut in dependence of the temperature of the surrounA.171:: air and of the operating tine of the engine with &lute nu. oil preseure in the frost oil-pump shall be not lower VIr.m.3 eentinetre during the diluting at 15 - 16 deer. Preparation of the engine group of tho aircraft for 1. In winter ported, at air temperature drop, it in necessary to pre- pare the pr)tective covers co that it Would be possible t- fill the oil system and to warm-up the engine with warm air without removing them frm the engine cowling. 2. Ibunt the piping or the hoses from the warning-up equipment. 3. Cheek tho tightness of the diluting e'ek and connect-up to the oil duct the tube petrol supply him the diluting 43'54 in ease, taht ti has boon disconneotod. ,1 S-E-C-R-E-T 1. II NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 nu EUMIUN DISSEM 1 ____---- ? +I Preparation of the engine for otarting-up. v 50X1 1. If the air tomporatm-a can.% bol. 17 -51 C bofoze t:.'e 13=4 etart. inc-up :n.1 the of the C./ging dArs it ie revnca517 tn warn-up the engine by means of a hcater, pro:Idod with fzroing fan. The waxm air frnn the heater mhould be ninaltar. net,enly lead into the space nf the fr.:at rd rear oil-prnpn. rind, that the warn air current de= not point directly nn to Ignition cables and t"de saber boron of the oil duct, booluce thoY c be damaged by aadden raznarg,-up. Tho air temperature coning fron the heater mutt be within the Unite frin 100 up to 1200 C. Tho engine ohnuld be awned.. up ta the temperature of 5? C of the cylinder hoc when fil- linr the oil eyoton of the engine with diluted oil nrd to the tenporaturo of 30 - 400 C of the cylinder hoodoo when filling the oil nysten with warn non dilutol nil. tonark s If the ail in not diluted, it in ponnible to start up the en. gime at repeated etarting-up during the oporational day mitbp out provilua warminomp rupponing that the i1 tenporatuze and the tenperature of cylinder heads in at leant C. 2. ref:,ro starting-up the engine and after ito parking with drainod oil, fill the oil myston either with diluted oil /according to the table 2/, or with non dilutel ail, warn- up to the tenporature nf 75 - 80') d. " 3. It in pocnible to start-up the engine 7ithout exchange nf nile if il in the ergine oil rycton h.-;s been nreviounly dilute, with rognsd to the 1 war temperature f the anbient air and in ronlity the weather t7ot warner. 4. If hoe been dilutea with reg-rd t: the higher tenperature of the abbient air and in reality the weather :rt colder, it in poreible to start-up the engine only after :Ire-gime wenn.- ing..up of oil in the whole oil duct of the onelm.,. In this case oil dh-uld be warnod-up to a tenporature by 5 C higher than the ..riginal teaperutere of diluting. If at ctarting-up of an engine aftor a 1ow7-torn parking the tonperTture of ertosnal .air is below - 50 C, the oil ; tank, the .-11 cooler andtho oil duct f-r oil supply and mt.. lot ahoula bo warned-up to the oil tenperatare at the entry into the engine of 15 20? C., cm.rmirg?-up and toctirg of the ergice. Catintp af tu orgiro to earric.1 mat accoramg to the hints, ncatiomed in Cle part I, Lh tte foil vt.r.g z:maela s 1. iftor obsTr.:e O1 carefUlly f.rdll.oe,tornof o 1-=xm garg-m. W.% r:-.==arn in tho re= F-np doen not roaeh 3ZzA7.,2 a:.:nr 5 ? 0 coo. frfla 1".ao ctaztirrp-uppthe cecina in to be mtopp:_-1 ar.d to defeat could be rea?ve2. -- S-E-C-R-E-T j NO FOREIGN DISSEM : :0 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 , , ? , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP80T00246A072200300001-6 _ _ tgraip.mss , . 4,1 ? At' 'ortexmal irtonorn,tUres . C it to rneen.-teseed 50X1: to inCrOrLOO. the'-ereed 033040' 1200. r:P?ru; nti41 `7.?".112' difference batmen the i1 inlet !,and 'oil, Outlet ,tenporatu;oe dena bt- rstaeh 5?'C.' ? At oneine toot,. sot 2 3 tines the ,airnerell , from tLL elinb? int,: on GMAT olirebinc a.nd yioo.veroar in order to 0.11 the air- ?? oorew b*b with worriea.?up oil. ..At the firot-'eaztme tent before ' the te!e-eff.eet the aiVecreW b1a4e partially into the Feather- ing position. ? If tho oil prop:mare drops durincein eperedOn on the groune. ra*so than 1200 r.p.n. barn/ 3 7;t: ce2 deo to a o=nidern.blc diluti,,n by poti....)1 oil nnot be drained and the emcino, oil duct chould be fillod with fronh non diluted *11, al.-1 than retest the oil p2MOCUre. LC.7.1.1'..;31e.? 17.:00,110iVe oil dilution 'Oat result in loalcice of the diluting . -?Darind'opTine'oporation ??)nt.:the ?irt,:'jund:and''''?dUris72,a,fliGht ith ?I dilitted 'oil: thoOil:-,-,=;re,ersara,:in.'the:;front :awl:roar.ojj penris can boon the. toirinnirid', by'''.0i54ion2 lower ?,th4n:thenereal.'ionek::. but ?r.,f.tor.407:.',?:....45.?leinutenef.;*161470 OT'arrttiNI ,t11*.:011 do oeditions ? of. ? startinc-1.41,;??,,Werninizut., and. tectine f the or..dinod flit ftiffr ? fteri::',6'..lnditioneydeternined.:fer ? 11.:.1s_o engine. etop ne. I. In ',ean