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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPO. T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of titer splonage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Sees. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is brohibited by law. 50X1 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. English Translation of Herald of Antiaircraft Defense, Issue No. 8, 1963 REPORT 50X1 DATE DISTR. GI I February 1964 NO. PAGES REFERENCES 1 50X1 50X1 -HUM Trua upievALuAl u IrlrvuvvAluuN. zUUKt.t taltAUINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVF 5 4 3 2 1 1. An English translation of Issue No. 8, August 1963, of the Soviet5OX1 -HUM publication Vestnik Protivovozdushnoy Oborony TEerald of Antiaircraft Defense]; published by the Military Puh1iRhinr, TThu nf t.11P Defense Moscow 2. In some cases, the articles were translated in their entirety; in other cases they were summarized. X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Distribution of Attachments for Retention: 00/FDD OSI ORB OCI Air Air/FTD SAC Army Army/FSTC Navy Navy/STIC NSA ? ? 1 copy : 2 copies : 2 copies : 1 copy : 2 copies 5 copies : 2 copies 3 copies : 3 copies : 2 copies : 1 copy ?2 'miPq S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AIR NSA I MC NIC I OCR Air/FTD Army/FSTC Navy/STIC 00/FDD 50X1 -HUM GROUP I Excluded from automatic dosengroding and declassification (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) I SAC INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreiga Dissera 50X1 Herald of Antiaircraft Defense No 8, August 1963 ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E4-R-E-T No Foreiga Dissem Vestnik Protivovozdushnoy Oborony, No 8, August 1963 Ye. Ya. SAVITSKIY P. K. DEMIDOV DODO TABLE OF CONTENTS Mighty Soviet Aviation Military Educational Institutions on the Eve of the New Academic Year Party-Political Work and Military Education B. N. GOROICHOVSKIY and. K. V. TIKIIONOV IP, M. S. ;!CESICHE:INFOO M. S. LEONOV ????? 4?114 4WD. The Strength of the Komsomol Depends on Party Supervision When Flights Are Held At Night The Commander's Example Leads CoMbatTrainine. Carefully Train Operators With High Qualifications' V. V. STULOVSKIY A. I. MOTYLIKOV B. Ya. PERELYGIN and P. F. ZVERYAYEV V. I. IGNAT'YEV L. I. GAVR1LENKO . Yu. P. GALKIN and 0. A. TOROPOV I. P. LYSYY .4D MOON 50X1 8 11 32 16 17 Mastery and Confidence 17 Stilulate Officer-Candidate Training in Eve:7y Way Possible 18 Orinitation of Podrazdeleniye Installations 18 -- The Influence of the Earth on 'the Formation of a Radar Radiation Pattern 23 Equiment and Its Use -- Maintaining Communications Facilities in 30 Constant Combat Readiness -- The Support Team for Maintenance in the Podrazdeleniye 32 -- Men of High Duty 33 a S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign. Dissem 50X1 Page I. M. TSEBRO -- Methods for Executing Radar Maintenance 33 Teaching Machines and Their Use Rocket Defense Yet. I. PETROV -- The Interception of Ballistic Rockets 49 From the History of PV0 Troops N. A. KOBYASHOV -- Victory Belongs to the Brave and Skillful 59 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem In Chasti and POdrazdeleniya of Our Forces TO New Boundaries (Page 2) Abstract: Reports a meeting held in a chest' to discuss training results and goals. 'Interesting and. Useful (Page 2) Abstract: 50X1 Describes a visit to a collective farm taken by a group of mili- tary personnel involved in political work. With an( Evaluation of Outstanding (Page 2) Abstract: Reports ttoining achievements of a radar podrazdeleniya commanded by Capt BARANOV. Officer KOPYLOV, thief of a radar station crew, was iden- tified as BARANOVIs subordinate. Assignment Completed -- Communications Established (Page 2) Text: Inclement climatic conditions in the Far North and. within the Arctic Circle have an adverse influence on radio communications, especially on teleprinting operation, but military signalmen are finding ways of over- coming these difficulties. A commander gave an assignment one day that communications be es- tablished with a remote post and that their continuity be ensured. Sr Lt GONCHAROV was selected to carry out the assignment. For two days and nights, the officer did not leave the operations building, but the assignment given by the chastI commander was successfully executed. The causes of the teleprinter ccomunications interference were found and corrected and the communications were established. (A captioned photograph by I. RYBIN on page 2 shows Maj V. ROYEV, holder of the Medal for Combat Services, with several of his subordinates.) 1 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 No Foreign Dissem Mighty Soviet Aviation -- by Mar Awn Ye. Ya. SAVITSKIY, Nice HSU (pages 3-8) Text: It has become a tradition in our country to observe Air Force Day yearly. On this national holiday, our country honors its glorious aviators who vigi- lantly guard the aerial boundaries of the Soviet Fatherland and the design- ers, technicians, scientists, and workers of aviation industry by whose ef- forts first-class aircraft are produced. We will attempt to trace the growth, development, and strengthening of the mighty steel wings of our native land. We recall 1933 when Aviation Day was first celebrated by resolution of the Soviet government. At that time, the first Five-Year Plan was completed ahead of time and a great victory was gained on the industrialization front. It was precisely on that industrial foundation that the .pow'erfUl aviation industry made its appearance. Many aircraft and motor manufacturing plants and enterprises producing aviation instruments, equipmentl and armament, were built and put into operation. The Soviet country came to have the most perfect aircraft of that day, su- perior by far in performance characteristics to foreigpaircraft. While paying a great deal of attention to equipping aviation technically, the Communist Party was also educating aviation cadres enthusiastically. It assigned a significant number of Communists to aviation. Thousands of Kom- somol members enrolled in schools, flying chasti, air clubs, and plants of the aviation industry. All this contributed to the development of aviation at a quick tempo and to the solution of a great and responsible task -- to fly farther, faster, and higher than all others. In the chronicles of pre-war history) the feats of the pilots who saved the aircrew and members of the scientific expeditions from the steamship Chelynskin (1934), the non-stop flight from Moscow to Udd Island (1936), the landing of the Arctic scientific expedition on the North Pole, and the non- stop flight from Moscow to the United States of America via the North Pole by the aircrews of V. P. CHKALOV and M. M. GROMOV (1937), are written down on golden pages. In this period, military pilots, together with soldiers of the other service arms, presented an example of skilled and courageous defense of the Socialist Fatherland from the aggressive actions of its enemies. In skirm- ishes with the Japanese in the Hasan Lake region and the Halhin Gal River and in struggles against the White Finns, the winged warriors were true to their military duty to the end. The might of Soviet Aviation, the heroism, the selflessness, and the military ability of our pilots were especially strong in the Great Patriotic War. In first-class coast aircraft, the glorious eagles of our Fatherland valiantly fought against the hated enemy, and accomplished many heroic feats far-victory over Hitler's aggressors. The Fatherland highly valued the 2 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem military exploits of her winged sons. Over 2,000 aviators were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, 70 pilots and navigators received the title twice, and the famous pilots A. I. POKRYSHKIN and I. N. KOZHEDUB, today air force generals, became Thrice Heroes of the Soviet Union. In the post-war years, the party directed the efforts of schools, avia- tion designers, engineers, and workers towards the creation of new, improved aviation equipment. As a result of their selfless labor, our industry mas- tered the series production of jet fighters and bombers which permitted arm- ing the Air Forces and Fighter Aviation of PVO Stray Troops with absolutely perfect aircraft. Air Force personnel have persistently mastered the equip- ment had have employed it in combat training. Soviet pilots were the first in the world to accomplish individual and group piloting in jet fighters, the first to break the sound barrier, and the first to complete large numbers of long distance non-stop flights. 50X1 At the present time, our famous Soviet Aviation, including military avi- ation, is developing at an even faster rate. Speeds, altitudes, and distances are increasing, armament is being improved, and new control systems are evolv- ing. It suffices to say that the speed of up-to-date aircraft now amounts to thousands of kilometers per hour and the ceiling exceeds 30 kilometers. The Soviet people have achieved enormous success in mastering space. It seems not long ago at all that Yuriy GAGARMIN broke the first trail through cosmic space; behind him, German TITOV completed a 24-hour flight -- 17 orbits around the earth. Later, the first multiple flight lasting more than a day was performed by the two cosmic ships of Andriyan NIKOLAYEV and Pavel POPOVICH. Then the world became a witness to a new triumph of the intelligence and genius of Soviet man. On June 14, the cosmic ship Vostok-5, piloted by Valeriy BYKOV- SKIY, was launched into orbit; and on June 162 the courageous daughter of the Soviet country, Valentina TERESHKOVA, was launched into space on the ship Vos- tok-6. The flights of BYKOVSKIY and TERESHKOVA once again demonstrated to the entire world what great heights Soviet science and technology has achieved in its development. The hearts of the Soviet peoples were filled with a feel- ing of great joy and happiness for their Communist Party and for the achieve- ments of their country's science and technology which won a brilliant new victory. Aviators in PV0 Strany Troops, together with all Soviet people, were delighted with the courage and valor of their compatriots, Pilot-Cosmonauts Co]. V. BTKOVSKIY and V. TERESHKOVA, whose feats will serve as a noble example of heroism and selflessness. The Soviet nation has entrusted PVO aviators with first-class aviation equipment, powerful armament, the most complex radiotechnical equipment, and diversified navigational equipment for carrying out the honored task of de- fending the aerial boundaries of our native land. Our aviators appreciate this confidence and will spare no efforts to master the combat equipment and to perfect their skills. 3 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Personnel of Fighter Aviation of PIM Strany Troops are greeting Air Force Day with new successes in combat and political training. Inspired by the historical resolution of the 22d Congress of the CPSU and the Pro- gram of the Communist Party, soldiers in the chasti and podrazdeleniya have achieved excellent results in combat training and in strengthening discipline, organization, and order as a result of widespread socialist competition. In an overwhelming majority of podrazdeleniya, flights are conducted strictly according to plan, accurately and instructively, and in complete accordance with the specifications of documents regulating flight service. The number of podrazdeleniya and chasti in which there have been no flight incidents or conditions leading to accidents for long periods of time has significantly increased. The steadfast growth of the number of rated specialists and those outstanding in training is a vivid example of the patriotic aspirations of personnel of Fighter Aviation, their conscientiousness and aggressive- ness. Today we have more and more podrazdeleniya in which all the pilots are capable of executing the most complex missions in any weather condi- tions, day or night. Is this not an indication of the combat maturity of our aviators and their readiness to inflict a destructive blow on an ag- gressor if he dares to invade the bright sky of our native land! Pilots Maj NIKULIN, Capt ANDRIYETI, Capt SAMODUROV, Capt TOMASHIN, Capt ROSSOV, Capt SHISH', and others are highly thought of, for example. They have mastered combat aircraft to perfection, have learned to employ their performance characteristics to the fullest, and intercept aerial targets in complex weather conditions, day or night. Successes in flight training are not possible without the efficient well-coordinated work of the specialists in aviation engineering services. The use of advanced methods in servicing complicated aviation equipment has ensured the execution of intensive work in chasti and podrazdeleniya and has provided long service for each aircraft. Capt Tech Serv ANDRIANOV, Tech-Sr Lt MOROZ, Tech-Sr Lt SAYENKO, Tech-Sr Lt NOSKOV, Tech-Sr Lt YAN- KAUSNAS, Tech-Sr Lt SMIRNOV, and others have become experts of aviation equipment and masters of maintenance. Navigators and command post guidance officers, on whom success of flights in pursuit of an air target depends so much, are real aids to pi- lots. Capt.RAZUMOV, Capt KUP2S0V, and Sr IA FILIPPOV have mastered their specialties to perfection. A high feeling of responsibility for the as- signed mission and competent, accurate work distinguishes them. When cal- culating fighter maneuvers, they not only lead the pilot to the point of departure but also try to create favorable conditions for his actions. Excellent results in training and service were also achieved by the soldiers of aviation rear services. Capt SMABODNIKOV, Capt LEVCHENKO, Capt PILIN, Wsgt SH1MAN and many other soldiers of technical podrazdele- niya, for example, serve honorably and are models at discharging military duties. 4 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem While noting the successes achieved by personnel of Fighter Aviat50X1?, while honoring our outstanding aviation commanders, pilots, engineers, tech- nicians, and mechanics, we do not at the same time have the right to ignore shortcomings. We still have them. In several podrazdeleniya, there are cases of violations of the rules for organizing flights. Here and there, oversimplifications and indulgences are committed in conducting flights on combat employment. Some commanders respond weakly to the minor infractions of their subordinates, forgetting that in the organization and conduction of flight work there are not trifles and that what seems an insignificant negligence can be the cause of a serious flight accident. The task is to eliminate these and other shortcomings more quickly. Today intensive work is being conducted at our airfields. Aviators are solving great and complex tasks and are raising the combat readiness level of chasti and podrazdeleniya and their skills to new levels and achiev- ing outstanding mastery of contemporary aviation equipment. All this demands much organizational work from commanders, staffs, and party and Komsomol or- ganizations. First of all, care must be shown to conduct combat training sytematically, without slowdowns or speedups. In order to do this, combat training must be carefully planned and the course of its fulfillment strictly controlled. Everything must be directed towards ensuring timely and high quality fulfillment of combat training missions without flight accidents or conditions leading to them. Special attention should be given to flight methods training of command- ing personnel, for the higher the level of their professional skill, the more sound their practical skills, the more successful will be the mastery of complex aviation equipment and the means of its combat employment. With that end in view, it is very important to conduct training demonstrations and flights with commanders regularly and to publicize outstanding work ex- periencemore widely. Being direct leaders of combat training and mentors of pilots, aviation commanders are obliged to improve the style of their work. In order to suc- cessfully cope with their obligations, they must not only know their specialty thoroughly, be politically mature, and methodically competent, but they must also display constructive initiative in work and have a sense of the new. While worrying about a further increase in the combat skills of aviators, it is also necessary to continue strengthening one-man command, to instill in commanders daily a sense of high responsibility for the assigned mission, to maintain authority, and to strengthen their influence on subordinates. It is known that nothing increases the authority of a commander as much as his exactingness and the precise, prompt execution of flight rules. Command- ers on all levels, political organs, and party and Komsomol organizations shoUrd persistently educate personnel in the spirit of high efficiency, and exact and faultless observation of the order and rules governing flight duty. 5 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissent Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Careful preliminary preparation for flight has great significance 50X1 accomplishing combat training missions and executing flights without con- ditions which may lead to flight accidents. The nature and peculiatities A/ of executing the impending flight mission should be examined during the preliminary preparation. It is necessary to raise the quality of the execution of training, to bring it as close as possible to flying conditions, to avoid laxity and stereotypes. At ttaining, each pilot must be required to explain all in- flight procedures and the causes of this or that mistake and the method: of correcting them. The flight readiness of pilots must be checked more care- fully. The check should. be conducted not only after completion of the pre- liminary preparation, but also during preparation. This makes it possible to detect and eliminate shortcomings in personnel before the beginning of a flight. Much remains to be done in improving the tactical skills of flight per- sonnel. When improving elements of tactics, commanders and IdlOts are obliged to show personal initiative in searching for new tactical methods. Elements of tactics should be mastered with flight personnel not only in the process of tactical flight exercises and air force training, but, also, when executing routine flights. Training pilots in conditions as close as possible to real combat sit- uations is a method of further increasing their tactical training. There- fore, those commanders are correct who use each flight for mastering tactical missions and for teaching subordinates that which is necessary in a real air battle. The interests of training demand that commanders instruct pilots in conditions when the target takes evasive maneuvers. It is important that the pilot taking off to intercept an enemy does not know on what course the enemy is flying, what his flight altitude will be, etc. At the same time, the ground controller's actions, and especially his commands, must be such that they do not contain the pilot so that the pilot shows initiative in selecting tactical maneuvers for the interception. In other words, pilot training must be organized in such a manner that in each flight the pilot has the possibility of developing his tactical mastery and acquiring the practical skills of conducting a modern air battle, and learns to accurately destroy air and ground targets on the first attack. High-quality preparation of aviation equipment for flight is an indis- pensable condition for successful AUlfillment of the missions confronting Fighter Aviation. It is a matter of honor for engineers, technicians, and mechanics to maintain aircraft in readiness at any time of the day or night to take off on a combat mission. High organization in work on equipment, skillful execution of their duties by all specialists, careful inspections, and, irreproachable fulfillment of repair with extensive usage of checking and 6 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem measuring instruments and various kinds of devices, are necessary for t50X1 Such preparation of aviation equipment for flight will prevent instances of aircraft with defects taking off and at the same time ensure the safety of their work in the sky. The summer training period places increased demands on command posts. In this period, navigational provisions for the flights, the cooperation of pilots, navigators, and guidance officers during target interceptions should be especially efficient and reliable. Considering the great inten- siveness of summer flights, it is necessary to raise the responsibility of staffs for precise planning of interceptions for each flying day. The success of fighter pilot training and accident-free flight service depends to a significant degree on accuracy and coordination in the actions of soldiers of all services and specialties. It is, therefore, necessary to show constant concern for increasing the combat skills of personnel of rear and radiotechnical podrazdeleniya and for publicizing and introducing their advanced methods of work. A powerful means of mobilizing personnel to successful fulfillment of the tasks confronting Fighter Aviation is socialist competition. When pro- moting it between pilots, technicians, mechanics, flights, and squadrons, it is necessary to achieve absolute fulfillment of commitments undertaken . and on that basis, a steady growth of the number of outstanding airmen, rated specialists, and advanced podrazdeleniya and chasti. In resolving all these tlsks, further, improvement of party political work in air force chasti and podrazdeleniya, and especially ideological work, which is a powerful meals of increasing the political ccons?iausness of soldiers and strengthening the combat readiness of chasti and podrazde- leniyal acquires an importam: significance. While implementing party in- structions and executing deci3ions of the June Plenum of the Communist Party, commanders, political organs, and party and Komsomol organizations are urged to educate aviators unceasingly in the spirit of Marxist-Leninist ideals, unshakable devotion to military duty, conscious discipline, high vigilance, and constant combat readiness. It is necessary to improve the organization of party political work with personnel in the period of flight preparation and execution. This should not be limited merely to aviation podrazdeleniya. In modern condi- tions, successful fulfillment of flight training plans is absolutely impos- sible without the coordinated work of the soldiers of aviation technical pod- razdeleniya, radar station crews, and crews of ground navigational aid sta- tions, command posts and weather service specialists. The matter must be organized so that each serviceman participating in the preparation and exe- cution of flights is embraced by the party's influence. At the same time 7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem nRclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem there must be constant concern for the soldiers' health, their daily reg:50X1 men, nourishment, and physical conditioning. With this end in view, it is necessary to increase the exactingness toward administrative and medical personnel. To develop the constructive activity of aviators in every way possible, to increase the outstanding role of Communists and Komsomol members in train- ing and in service, and to mobilize all personnel to successful fulfil lmcnt of combat missions and political training -- these are the demands laid on all commanders, political organs, party and Komsomol organizations, these demands being dictated in the interests of high combat readiness for Fighter Aviation of PV0 Stray Troops. (A captioned photograph of Capt Ye. SHIYKO? Pilot 1st Class, by Z. SOR- KIN appeared on page 6.) (A captioned photograph of Capt E. KASATKIN, Pilot 1st Class, by K. FE- DULOV was pUblished on page 7. Capt KASATKIN is regarded as the best inter- ceptor pilot in his podrazdeleniye. He has excellent knowledge of aviation equipment and the means of its combat employment.) Military Educational Institutions On the Eve of the New Academic Year -- by Col Gen Avn P. K. DEMIDOV (pages 9-12) Excerpts: Has everything been done in our vuzes (higher educational institutions) to equip young officers with a thorough knowledge of the laws of social de- velopment and a scientific Marxist-Leninist outlook which lights the way in the struggle for the triumph of Communism? Unfortunately, no. The organiza- tion of the study of Marxist-Leninist theory still contains essential short- comings. Several chairs and departments have still not overcome elements of dogmatism and formalism. In a number of cases, the study of social disci?. plines is out of touch with the specific problems confronting the troops. In the new academic year, much must be done for a more thorough study of Marxist-Leninist theory and for improving the ideological educational work in vuzes. In this connection, we must constantly remember the instructions of the party given at the June Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU that a Soviet specialist must have not only the knowledge of an engineer or an agronomist, but, also, the heart of a patriot, a citizen of the Soviet Union.... Student and officer-candidate ideological training must proceed in in- dissoluble correlation with operational-tactical and technical training. Graduates of vuzes mast have a sound knowledge of the means of air attack of the imperialist governments and the possible tactics of its employment. 8 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 They must know the tactics of all branches of air defense in the event the aggressor employs nuclear rocket weapons. Only such knowledge will an officer be able to make a tactically competent decision and utilize the arm- ament at his disposal to the fullest. It should be noted that the level of operational tactical training or the graduates of our vuzes does not always meet the requirements of modern combat. This makes it necessary to search for new forms of teaching the mastery of organizing antiaircraft defense of a target and repelling raids of modern means of air attack which are widely varied in tactical and technical capabilities and means of employment. In fulfilling the requirements of the Minister of Defense for improving the instruction of physics and mathematics to students and officer-candidates, vuzes have done some work in this direction. The general technical level of graduates has increased significantly. However, we cannot rest on these achievements. In the forthcoming academic year, it is necessary to improve instruction of physics and mathematics to students and officer-candidates. Unfortunately, some instructors of mathematics, physics, and other technical disciplines think that, within a course, it is necessary to give the students a maximum amount of mathematical learning. Hence, they force the students and officer-candidates to learn many formulas and theorems by heart, even those which are sometrives not directly connected with combat equipment or with a practical use of such knowledge by the troops.... In the forthcoming academic year, vuzes are confronted with the task of training high-quality cadres in a wide number of subjects. This means that future engineers must know how to utilize the entire system of a modern rocket, aviation, or radar complex and the future technician must know how to utilize one system of a given complex. This is a great and responsible task. Much effort from the faculty, the students, and the offider-candidates is required for its successful execution. That is why it is necessary to revise and make more exact the educational programs of general technical and special disciplines and connect them closely with the practical work of of- . ficers in units in the time remaining before the beginning of the new aca- demic year.... A. mere revision of the programs and an improvement of their individual sections is insufficient for the training of excellent officer dadres. It is also necessary to think about and find the most effective means of teach- ing. Particularly, programmed teaching using various cybernetic devices and machines is such a means. Some experience in their use is already known in our higher engineering educational institutions) where the teaching of some training groups was conducted in special classrooms in the past year by means of examiners, prompters, and other teaching machines. This experience must be generalized, thoroughly studied) and gradually introduced into the educa- tional process, transforming entire courses and classrooms to programmed teaching. 9 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 3-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Due to a number of reasons, we will not succeed in changing over to5oxi programmed teaching in all vuzes in the new academic year. Training de- vices, mockups, and other visual training aids,now available or in prep- aration, will have to be used for some period of time in the educational process. Temporary duty assignments in units plays an important role in the practical training of students and officer-candidates. Unfortunately, there are some shortcomings in the program. The tasks assigned to the students on temporary duty assignments are not always specific. Chasti and podraz- deleniya commanders poorly check the work of the students and do not help them acquire command skills in organizing and conducting training and educa- tional work with personnel. Irworder to increase the amount of time allotted to independent study by students, it is necessary to shorten planned lessons intelligently and strictly regulate the work week. In this respect) there are already posi- tive examples in our vuzes. Thus) in the Artillery Radiotechnical Academy, a 30;hour work week has been established for the senior courses and a 36- hour work week has been established for the first and second courses.... Our vuzes have everything needed for the successful training of young specialists to meet modern requirements. They have qualified faculty per- sonnel and well-equipped laboratories. Abundant military experience in training and educating personnel is at their disposal. These capabilities must be used to the fullest so that the academies and schools graduate of- ficers in the future who are worthy of the honored mission placed on the armed defenders of the Fatherland. 10 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/0-7- : CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 No Foreign Dissem PARTY-POLITICAL WORK AND MILITARY EDUCATION The Strength of the Komsomol Depends on Party Supervision -- by Lt Col B. N. GOROKHOVSKIY and Maj K. V. TIKHONOV (pages 13-16) Summary: 50X1 The 45th anniversary of the Komsomol is approaching. The party has always given concentrated attention to supervision of the Komsomol. This fully applies to party organizations of the Armed Forces. The party committee of a chest' criticized some of its officers who had given insufficient attention to the education of youth. Seminars were held for commanders and deputy commanders to train them in forms of educa- tion and supervision. As a r?.sult of these and other measures, many party members maintain regular contact with Komsomol organizations and guide their activities in carrying out taJks assigned to podrazdeleniya. The principal form of supervision by a party organization consists of direct participation of party members in the work of Komsomol organizations. Therefore, the party committee should be constantly concerned with recruit- ing Komsomol activists into t:Ie ranks of the party. The percentage of party members in the Komsomol is coistantly increasing. A special school for Kam;omol activists has been operating in a chest' for over two years. This school is attended by Komsomol committee members, secretaries and members of bureaus of primary Komsomol organizatitions, Kom- somol group organizermy, agitators, and editors of wall newspapers and pam- phlets. Once a month they attend lectures, take part in discussions on party matters, study forms of working with young people, exchange experiences, and arrange excursions. However, the training of activitts is not restricted to the school, or to seminars and conferences. Particular attention is given to immediate daily contact with party members who give practical advice and help in solving specific problems. The party organization is greatly interested in the ideological and political education of youth. The party committee prepared a plan for read- ings from Lenin's works and gave advice on how to conduct them. Officers of the chest' regularly give lectures in podrazdeleniya and hold discussions on military and political subjects. Ideological work produced positive results when it is combined with daily practical efforts to acquire complete mastery of combat equipment and to maintain firm military discipline. Party members consider it their duty to give practical help to Komsomol members in their training and their per- formance of service duties, inspiring them to strive for perfection. 11 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem The success of Komsomol work depends to a great extent on the ability of the commander and the party organization to recognize and support youth- ful initiative and create the proper conditions for carrying out useful undertakings. For the purpose of improving party supervision of Komsomol organiza- tions, it is very important to create in each party organization an atmos- phere of general interest in Komsomol affairs, so that each party member would contribute to the education of youth not only from a sense of duty but because it is a matter of personal interest to him. When Flights Are Held at Night -- by Lt Col M. S. KlBICHENKO (pages 17-21) Summary: Night flying is one of the most important and complex forms of combat training for aviators. No pilot can consider himself completely prepared to solve combat missions unlPss he has learned to intercept and destroy air targets at night. In this article, the organization of party political work during the preparation and conduct: of night flights in the chastl where Lt Col NOGAL' is a deputy commander for political affairs will be discussed. On the Day Before the Flights The most opportune time for conducting party political work with per- sonnel is in the period. of preflight preparation of aircrews and combat equipment for night flying. The basic concern of the commander, his deputy for political affairs, and the party committee during preflight preparation is to see that the pi- lots thoroughly understand the missions, feel a sense of duty for fulfilling their obligations, and act with full concentration of their efforts. 50X1 After learning of the impending missions from the commander and studying the schedule chart, the deputy commander for political affairs formulates a plan for party political work. Then he and the secretary of the party com- mittee meet with secretaries of the party and Komsomol organizations of the squadrons and maintenance podrazdeleniya, and talk with pilots directly in the podrazdeleniya, the classrooms, and on the flight lines. During the preflight preparation for one.nightArainingiseasion,_for example, the political workers of the chasti and the political workers of ;. the podrazdeleniya held a joint meeting. Lt Col NOGAL2 explained the tasks assigned to the flights by the commander, discussed peculiarities of flying on that particular night, and completed the party political work plans. 12 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem The political worker explained how to check the preflight rest periods and meals of aviators, directed attention to the effectiveness of publicizing outstanding pilots, and discussed safety measures. Then the efforts of the political workers were divided. The deputy commander for political affairs took upon himself the organization of party political work among pilots and command post personnel, and the secretaries of the party and Komsomol committees undertook the organization of party political work among technical engineerinspersonnel. During preflight preparations, Lt Col NOGAL1 checked on how the squadron commanders were readying their personnel for flight, instructed the secre- taries of party organizations, and conversed with pilots about theirlflight readiness. At the command post, Lt Col NOGAL1 was interested in the navi- gators' knowledge of the schedule chart, the flight routes, and the peculi- arities of guiding each type of aircraft according to its altitude. Members of the party committee and secretaries of the party organiza tions were also among the flight personnel, helping and advising them. Secretaries of the party and Komsomol committees met with technical engineering personnel at the airfield throughout the preflight preparation period. They explained problems of night flying to the technicians and me- chanics, selected and appointed group organizers of zones, and helped the secretary of the party organization of aviation and engineering services instruct agitators. Komsomol activists printed newssheets. The secretaries of Komsomol organizations conversed with each Komsomol member, paying espe- cial attention to ground safety rules and preparations for second sorties. Members of party bureaus and staff Communists talk to the radar opera- tors, searchlight operators, radio operators, navigational aid specialists, Dueling specialists, and drivers of special vehicles. Instruction booklets published by higher political organs are widely used. The work of technical personnel is more difficult at night. The tech- nicians must pay special attention to lighting equipment and the organization of meeting and towing aircraft in addition to checking the aircraft and con- ducting post-flight inspections. Two lectures are read for pilots on the day before the flights -- on fighter tactical methods in night combat and on instrument flying. Engineer- ing and technical personnel listen to a report an the peculiarities of serv- icing aircraft for night f4ring. 13 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Disr--,1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem At the Airfield at Night 50X1 Experience shows that the most expedient form of party-political work in night flying is talking with pilots and with technicians and mechanics, individually and in groups, and broadcasting news on the radio. Workers and activists of the club set up visual propaganda displays at the airfield. The club's motor vehicle or radio-equipped trailer is used to house it. Various diagrams and reference materials related to the flight missions and instruction manuals are a great help to the pilots, technicians, and specialists. The radio makes it possible to inform-personnel of the re- sults of flights, interceptions and weather conditions, and to keep personnel in the course of the events. The political workers and podrazdeleniya commanders at the airfield in- itiate measures to carry out the flight controller's instructions accurately and to eliminate shortcomings. Agitators talk with the pilots preparing for flight, technicians, avia- tion specialists, and radar operators. The agitators have to prepare their talks carefully, since they are working in darkness and reference materials cannot be used. About 45 minutes before takeoff, when the engines are already tested, and the weather ream plane has taken off, the radio begins broadcasting from the agitators' vehicle. Usually, the broadcasts concern the missions, the special difficulties of the flights, shortcomings in past flights and corrective measures. At the end of the flights, the results of the night's work are broad- cast. Those who were outstanding are praised and those lagging are criti- cized. The radio broadcast is such an important method of party-political work during night flying that it should be discussed further. As a rule, the broadcasts consist of three parts. In the first part, difficulties and missions of night flying, results and shortcomings of pre- vious flights, the duties of pilots, technicians, mechanics, and regulations from documents governing flight service are discussed. The significance of careful preparation for flight, the pilot's physical training, circumspection and cooperation are also discussed. The second part of the broadcast concerns national and international news. In addition, experiences of the Great Patriotic War, the history of aviation, PVO Stray Troops, and of the chastl are narrated. The third part is devoted to the life of the ?bast', the experience of outstanding trainees, rated specialists, competition results, and reviews of the combat newesheets. Satire and humor close the prograa. 14 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem During the period of night flying described in this article, three 50X1 broadcasts were given. The first, prior to takeoff, told about the prob- lems of the impending missions and discussed the feat of Capt KARYENKO, Pilot 1st Class, who landed his aircraft safely after struggling to save it from a dangerous Situation for 20 minutes. The second newscast was given during the flights. In it, the aviators heard about the outstanding interceptions executed by Maj LOTIKOV, about the excellent piloting technique of Capt USKOV, and about the fast wheel change performed by Sr Sgt FANATOV and PVt BASHKIROV. The third newscast, given after completion of the flights, contained results of the night's missions. It goes without saying that strict mili- tary security was observed in the radio broadcasts. What did the deputy commander for political affairs do during this time? Lt Col NOGALI first of all briefed himself on the readiness of the airfield, the aircraft, means of communications and radio navigation, and the weather conditions. He spoke with the doctor about the pilots' health and then attended night pilot training sessions in the aircraft cockpits. He was interested in the pilots' moods and their knowledge of their specific missions. After takeoff of the first aircraft, the efforts of the political work- ers and party activists were concentrated on readying aircraft for repeat flights. The editorial board memb!rs of bulletin board newssheets and combat newsletters worked actively. They were constantly aware of how the flights were going, and they made notl,s about who was performing outstandingly. They also reported mistakes ad shortcomings. 4Vter the Flights At the post-flight critiques, political workers and Komsomol and party committees report to the chest' commander and his deputies and to the chief of staff, on their work during the preparation and conduct of flights, and give evaluations on the effectiveness of oral propaganda, visual agitation, the press, and other means of political education work. After the critiques, the deputy commander for political affairs acquaints the party and Komsomol activists with the commander's conclusions on the flights and the party- political work done in this connection. What can be said about the effectiveness of party-political work in the chest' in question? The pilots of the chest' completed the yearly plan for rate increases ahead of schedule. Seventy percent of their training load consists of flights in complex weather conditions and at night. There have _ 15 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem been no violations of military discipline here and almost no instances ,E0X1 conditions leading to accidents. The number of outstanding and rated spe- cialists has grown. In this article, only some party-political work methods in a chest' were discussed. They cannot, of course, be recommedded as obligatory for every aviation chest'. However, all beneficial methods for providing flight safety and the outstanding performance of combat missions should be accumu- lated and widely publicized. Once More in the Ranks -- by Maj (Res) I. N. SAVIN (page 21) Abstract: Praises the professional skill of Maj A. KLAKUN, a former pilot who now works as a GCA controller. KLAKUN, who is the bead of a party organization, has more than 3,000 landings to his credit. A captioned photograph taken by SAVIN of Ma. KLAKUN and Jr Sgt I. SEZO- NENKO, GCA Radar Operator 1st Class, VW published on page 21. The Commartder's Example Leads -- by Lt Co]. M. S. LEONOV (pages 22-26) Abstract: Praises the fighter aviation chast' commanded by Col Vasiliy Mikhaylo- vich SINYUKAYEV, a skilled organizer, educator, and an experienced pilot who leads subordinates by his example to new achievements in training. Last year the chast' was awarded two Red Banners, one from the Military Council and the other from the oblastl committee of the CPSU, for successses in combat and political training. The article contains specific examples of training and flight incidents illustrating Col SINYUKAYEV's commanding skill. The following personnel were identified as serving in SINYUKAYEV's chast': It Col Ptr Vasil'yevich SHUTOV, chast' deputy commander for political affairs; Maj BIBIKOV, Squadron commander; Capts TIKHONOV, ILIICHEV, and KULIK, pilots subordinate to BIBIKOV; Capt Tech Serv PLAKSIN, commander of technical opera- tions chast', Tech Sr Lts NECHAYEV and MERKUSHIN, subordinates to PLAKSIN; Sr Lt SHEVCHENKO, flight controller; Maj LMIKHTMAN; Capt KARAMANOV; CaptlingLI- NIKOV; Capt Tech Serv ISAYEV; MAO POTAPOV, Squadron commander; Capt SAYAP1N, subordinate to POTAPOV; Capt ZHAYVORONOK, pilot; Capt KOSTENKO, pilot; Cppt MIN, pilot; and Capt OSMIN1K, pilot. (A, photograph of Col V. M. SIWUKAMV appears on page 24.) . 16 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem COMBAT TRAINING Carefully Train Operators With High Qualifications (pages 27-30) Abstract: 50X1 Comments on the training of radar operators, noting that timely detection and plotting of air targets, accuracy of guiding combat weapons onto violators of air boundariers, and readiness of equipment for combat work depends greatly on the masters of this speciality; and praises commanders who require radar operators to study the entire armament complex -- not just the individual units and assemblies, learn associated specialties, learn to understand advanced methods of utilizing combat equipment, and acquire experience in executing combat missions in the most complex conditions of air and ground situations. (A caption photograph by I. RYBIN on page 23 shows Lt A. SKRIPKA, technician of a radar station, helping subordinates prepare for an examination.) Mastery and Confidence--by Capt V. V. STULOVSKIY (pages 31-35) Abstract: Extols the professional skill of Maj Aleksey Sergeyevich USHAKOV, GCI Controller 1st Class. USHAKOV has more than 2,500 successful intercept guidances to his credit and is considered the best controller in his chast'. An Outstanding Flight--by Lt Col S. F. KELYSTOV (pages 32-33) Abstract: Praises Maj FILONOVICH, Pilot 1st Class and commander of an outstanding flight. Maj FILONOVICH was awarded the Order of the Red Star for success in mastering aviation equipment and in training and educating subordinates. Youth Gains Experience (page 35) Abstract: Reports that at the end of the past academic year recent graduates of a pilot school arrived in the squadron commanded by Maj NEVZOROV. The young pilots were aided in their study of combat equipment and its methods 17 S-E-C-R-E-T 9 No Foreign Dissem _Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem of employment by experienced pilots Maj NEVZOROV, Capt PODKORTTOV, Capt 50X1 OGAREV, and 'Capt RYZHOV. Stimulate Officer-Candidate Training in Every Way Possible--by Col A. I. MOTYL,KOV (pages 36-35) Abstract: Discusses the educational processes used in military educational institutions, pointing out the shortcomings of the generally accepted - lecture method and the effectiveness of the independent study method. Independent studies in the educational process are superior to lectures because it involves the active participation of all students according to their capabilities. On Teaching Automation in Schools, a letter to the editors by Engr-Lt Col I. A. GARBUZOV (page 38) Abstract: Maintains that automation should remain one of the basic courses in secondary military schools and should include some of the subjects which were taught last year in the electrical engineering course. Orientation of Podrazdeleniye Installations -- By Lt Col B. Ya. PERELYGIN and Engr-Capt P. F. ZVERYAYEV (Pages 39 - 42) Text: As is known, when equipment is set up at a new position, the installations of an air defense rocket podrazdeleniye must be oriented. Experience shows that some officers are inaccurate in executing this operation, in particular, in determining required azimuth corrections for a launcher. This is because they have a superficial knowledge of the essence and peculiarities of orientation. Thus, we 14111 consider the order and possible methods of orientation. During orientation, certain difficulties are met with in determining the corrective settings AWp and 411pu by known formulas in manuals. The problem is that the optical telescope mounted on the cabin is displaced in relation to its rotation axis by.4.1.p and the panorama on the launcher is displaced in relation to its turning axis by46.tpu. This displacement makes it necessary to determine the angular corrections 4gBp and 0.9u and to introduce them in the directional azimuths to landmarks when determintag azimuths for orienting an installation by landmarks. 18 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 No Foreign Dissem There are formulas for determining the indicated corrections, but they are difficult to use in practice since the distances to the land- marks must be known to solve them. These distances are determined in practice either by actual measurement or by methods of topographic tying. Either method requires a great expenditure of time and effort. It should also be taken into account that usually no landmarks are visible in the panorama from the place where the launchers are. Therefore, artificial landmarks must be used. Then, the known formulas cannot be used since the landmarks are in such close proximity to the launcher. Officers in our podrazdeleniya do not use landmarks for orienting installations. They orient a cabin and a launcher by back- sighting along an aiming circle which is oriented beforehand on a true azimuth to any landmark. It is not necessary to determine and Intro- duce a correction with this method since this is automatically taken into account in the orientation. We will consider this by example. Let us suppose that an aiming circle, set up at the orienting point (or-p) at point C, is oriented on any :landmark with the true azimuth of the landmark from the orienting point (15 or) being known (figure 1). Suppose that the optical telescope is located exactly on the cabin rotation center (point A, position I) and directed at the aiming circle which is aligned on this telescope. Actually, it will be located at point B and its optical axis BD will be parallel to AC. Then the true directional azimuth from the cabin to the aiming circle will be equal to 41. 50X1 By rotating the cabin, we align the effective optical telescope with the aiming circle and the aiming circle with the optical telescope. Then, the telescope has the position Bl and its optical axis is directed along BIC. The hypothetical optical telescope is turned to angle Aap and has the position II (point A). Its optical axis will be aligned with AC1 since AC1 will be parallel to BIC and Op2 = 44. Since the optical telescope is displaced in relation to the center of cabin rotation, the directional azimuth to the landmark (the aiming circle) should be increased to angle filp for its orientation. However, this angle need not be determined since, as mentioned earlier, the true azimuth for orientation of the cabin together with correction of angle .4104, can be obtained with the aiming circle. It is evident from the figure that AC, is parallel to BIC and the angle B1CA is equal to angle ClAC, I. e., etjual to,40p. Therefore, *2 = ,t01) and the true azimuth of the bearing from the aiming circle to the optical telescope of the cabin automatically includes the valued*. 19 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ,cabin center of rotationINN,r Uemmp A dpatiomun KOSUII01 Optical telesco displac eAu?emue ? onmuvemeo liusupa ? ? ? dp ? 8 1 P \ AD Pop Landmark upmimup /41# Oputounupmeni orientatio1 -I VI" J point (0/1-19 (or ?p) ?????????????....... Figure 1. 50X1 Calculation of Aapu can not be avoided when a launcher is oriented and the orientation angle reading is set on the panorama by backsighting along a previously oriented aiming circle because, in contrast to the cabin, this directional azimuth reading to a landmark is determined not on the azimuth scales, but on the launch/sr panorama. However, experience has shown that the calculation of aolm by known formulas can be dispensed with here. We will explain the process of orienting a launcher in more detail. 20 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissent Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem aiming circle Syccom, PRC. 1 Figure 2. Pnan pan 50X1 The position of a launcher with a panorama reading of 30-00 aligned with an oriented aiming circle is shown in figure 2..0b is the true directional azimuth from the aiming circle to the panorama. Suppose that it is equal to 40-20. It is also evident from the figure that ftpan differs from RID by 30-00. Consequently, Rpan se Rb 40-201.30-00 = 10-20. However, it is not possible to establish this angle on the panorama to orient the launcher since the derived angle of 10-20 is the azimuth, i. e., the angle counted off in a clockwise direction from the north bearing of the true meridian. The azimuth ring of the panorama used to orient the launcher is read in a counter-clockwise direction. Also, the panorama reading is 30-00 when the optical axis of the panorama and the launcher beam are aligned to the north. So the reading 0-00 corresponds to the south heading. Thus, an angle counted off in a counter-clockwise direction from the south heading of the true meridian must be used to orient the launcher with the panorama. This angle is called the zenithal true azimuth. It is designated Rpanz in figure 2. It is evident from the figure that apan 4 apanz 30-00. In our example, Opanz = 30-00 - 10-20 = 19-80. It sometimes happens in practice that Apan is larger than 30-00. So Apanz = 90-00 Ppan., This azimuth value is established on the panorama when orienting the launcher. The value of tipanz can be obtained without using the formulas mentioned earlier. The following method is used for this. First, the aiming circle is set up at the orientation point. Then, the reading 0-00 21 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Lpeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem is set on the azimuth ring and drum. With the aiming circle in this position, the reading of 0-00 is also set on the deflection ring and drum. Then, the aiming circle is directed at the launcher panorama which, with a reading of 30-00 is directed at the aiming circle by turning the launcher. The reading on the deflection ring and drum is the value of Opanz (figure 3). However, this method, like the method for deduction of $pan and 43panz does not eliminate the need to introduce the correction of,AHpu into the obtained hanz. Officers NIKITIN and IVANOV have suggested a ? 40' 1111.3 Opuentnup -7 Landmark ilanoftlepHos Deflection ring PHC. 3. 6yixowale fauftwo Aiming circle azimuth ring r. Figure 3. 50X1 method for introducing the correction of,40pu into Opanz without any computation. This is done by carrying out sequential changes of the size of Opanz and executing the following operations: The aiming circle is set up at the orientation point and oriented. The zero positions on the azimuth and deflection rings are made to coincide. The aiming circle is directed toward the panorama. Then, the launcher indicators are aligned with the cabin scales and the reading of 30-00 is set on the panorama. The panorama is directed at the aiming circle by rotating the launcher. Then,the reading of 13panz is read from the deflection ring and established on the panorama which takes position I. This discontinues backsighting between the panorama and the aiming circle. Backsighting is established again by rotating the launcher. Then, the launcher is in position II and the panorama is in position III. Now, the reading of Dpanz must be taken from the deflection ring and set on the panorama which takes position IV. This breakebacksighting between the panorama and the aiming circle. 22 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Backsighting is again established between the panorama and the aiming circle by rotating the aiming circle and the launcher. Now, the launcher takes position III and the panorama takes position V. The reading of apanz must be taken from the aiming circle deflection ring by repeating the previous operations and established on the panorama which is again turned to take a new position. Backsighting is again established between the launcher and the aiming circle by rotating them. The launcher is in position IV and is directed to the north along the true meridian, i. e., it is oriented. Thus, by sequentially changing the angle apanz to the size of ?Opu, the launcher can be oriented without calculation of Aapu. 50X1 It is evident that the method just described requires much time and that errors are easily made while carrying it out. Therefore, one of our officers suggested a new method for orienting launchers. It consists essentially of the following. The launcher panorama is set at 30-00. Then, the launcher is activated) its indicators are coordinated with the cabin data transmitters, and the launcher data indicator scales are synchronized with the cabin data transmitter scales. The scales of the azimuth data indicator should read 0-00. Then, the launcher is rotated so that the vertical cross hair of the panorama is on the landmark or on the aiming circle if it is being used for the orientation. Thu launcher positioning unit is stopped by pressing the "stop" button. Then, the true azimuth value reading from the panorama to the landmark (aiming circle), i. e., apu, must be established on the instrument scales by turning the azimuth indicator unit manually and then the "Start" button of this block is pressed. The launcher is then oriented. This last method greatly simplifies orientation, saves time, and decreases chances for errors in the orientation process. (A captioned photograph by I. RYBIN on page 42 shows Capt V. MAL'TSEV, podrazdeleniye commander, training subordinates in the execution of preventive maintenance.) The Influence of the Earth on the Formation of a Radar Radiation Pattern-- by Engr-Capt V. I. IGNATIYEV (Pages 43 - 46) Text: Full exploitation of the tactical and technical capabilities of radar is determined to a significant degree by the location of the station. The local topography of a radar position has much influence on the maximum range, on the altitude measurement capability, and on the precision of target coordinate determination of a radar. It [the 23 . S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem topography] can cause great distortion of a radar radiation pattern, which in turn causes certain difficulties in determining target coordinates at various altitudes. This is why the allowable surface dimensions suitable for radar scanning, the size of closing angles in a distant area, and the altitude of obstacles in the position region must be known when choosing a position to set up a scanning radar. These factors must be considered by taking into account the nature and character of ultrashort radiowave propagation. It is known that radiowaves have electromagnetic similarities to light waves. When they strike a dielectric surface, one part is reflected and the other part is refracted to penetrate the dielectric where it is absorbed. If radiowaves strike the surface of an ideal conductor, they are completely reflected. The earth has the qualities of a dielectric for the ultrashort waves of radar. The reflection of radiowaves is explained by the development of highfrequency currents on the surface of the earth under the influence of the striking radiowave energy. The individual currents develop a secondary radiation, i. e., a reflected wave with its energy dependent upon the conductance of the ground and the size of objects in the path of the radiowave propagation. Radiawaves are best reflected from sur- faces which have large conductance, for example damp ground, ground with grass and foliage, or the ocean. Rocky and sandy ground does not reflect radiowaves well. It should also he considered that reflection can be specular or scattered (diffused) depending on the type and size of obstacles (slopes, depressions, ravines, elevations) in the path of the radiowave propagation. Specular reflection is observed with smooth surfaces. Its angle is equal to the angle of incidence in these conditions. Since the radiowave is reflected in only one direction, the wave will have a significant amplitude. An uneven surface causes the reflected waves to be scattered. Then the reflection angle is not equal to the angle of incidence and the radiowaves are reflected in various directions. 50X1 Since the earth reflects radiowaves, it has much influence on the operation of those radars which have wide radiation patterns in a horizontal plane. With such patterns, part of the antenna radiated radiowaves always strikes the earth in the vicinity of the radar and is unavoidably reflected from it. The presence of reflecting surfaces near a radar causes the energy of the main pulses to go to the target as two radiowaves -- directly from the station (direct) and after reflection from the earth (reflected). In the same way, radiowave energy reflected from a target goes to the radar antenna both directly and by being reflected from the surface of the earth. 24 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem The well known method of specular reflections, where waves refleeicixi from the earth change their phase of oscillation 180? in antennas with horizontal polarization, is used in considering the reciprocal action of direct and reflected waves. Figure 1. It is evident from figure 1 that direct and reflected waves travel different distances to the target: the first is r1 and the second is: r.Since the target is a significant distance from the radar antenna, it can be considered that the beams r1 and r2 are practically parallel. The total intensity of the field at the target is the result of the addition of the direct and reflected wave fields. Its magnitude depends on their amplitudes and the phase relationship. Since the reflected wave travels a greater distance to the target than the direct wave, it will strike the target with a certain difference in phase which is determined by the difference in wave travel 4r which depends on the target angle of elevation (e) and the height of the radar antenna (ha) from the earth: r = 2ha sin e . (1) Thus, the intensity of the radiation field in the space over the surface of the earth will be changed from a m inimum (almost zero) to approximately double the amount of the radiation field of a direct wave. The amount of change depends on the difference in travel between the direct and reflected waves. The directions in which the waves coincide in.phase are the bearings of radiation maximums. Here, the direct and 25 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 v S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign bissem reflected waves are added together to increase the total field intensit50xi so that the radar detection range is significantly increased. The directions in which the waves are in antiphase when they strike the target, i. e., they subtract from each other, are called bearings of radiation minimums. Here, the field intensity is weakened and the radar detection range is correspondingly decreased. Radiation maximums and minimums cause the development of lobed radiation patterns in a vertical plane. One lobe near the earth is the major lobe (figure 2). It should be remembered that the number of lobes depends on the antenna height and the wavelength as shown by the formula for their determination: ha - 2 Therefore, the greater the antenna height in comparison to the wavelength, the more lobes there will be in the pattern. Major lobe . Pm. 2. 71-gtire -27-- OrimummeNco dr/mamma manpagnewocma Quaepamma c npollafiamu Optimum ridiation pattern Pattern with troughs Figure 3. 26 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem It is evident that to receive a maximum radar detection range, th5ox1 best earth-reflected radiawave must be used -- the specular reflection. Thus it is desirable to locate the radar on an even surface with damp soil and without obstructions.' If the radar position is on rough terrain, the radiowaves reflected from the earth will be scattered. Then, a very weak reflected wave is received, the lobe aspects are changed, distortion appears in the radiation pattern, and troughs appear in the major lobe. All of this leads to a decrease in the radar detection range (figure 3). It should be remembered that individual sections of the earth do not play identical roles in the formation of radiation patterns. There- fore, the section of the surface of the earth which is involved in the reflection of the radiawaves of a station is divided into zones called Fresnel zones. These zones are elliptical rings arranged at various distances around a reflection point. The centers of the ellipses do not usually coincide either with the reflection point (C) or with each other (figure 4). The area of the first Fresnel zone is the zone of effective earth reflection where the formation of an electromagnetic field of the reflected waves chiefly occurs. Knowledge of the dimensions zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 and location of the first zone has great practical value since this allows the size of this area to be determined which is necessary to align the area to achieve an optimum radiation pattern. Such an area can be called the station near zone. The distribution of this zone in respect to a radar antenna is shown in figure 5. It is evident from the figure that the dimensions of the first Fresnel zone for a given radar depend on the target angle of elevation: the greater the angle or elevation, the larger the zone, i. e., the larger the zone ellipse. The designations on the figure indicate: xo - distance from the antenna to the center of the ellipse (of the first Fresnel zone; E - target angle; 27 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 a - major semiaxis of the ellipse; Rmin - distance from the antenna to the near boundary of the reflection zone; - distance to the far boundary of the reflection zone.' max For long range radar detection and tracking, it is important that targets be detected timely at long range, i. e., the work should be done at small angles of elevation within the major lobe of the radiation pattern. The angle in the vertical plane corresponding to the direction of the major lobe maximum is then the angle of elevation necessary for the most expediant determination of the dimensions of the first Fresnel zone. The given angle can be determined from the formula: sin max -a ? (2) We see from figure 5 that the boundaries of the position near zone are determined by the formula: Rmin = xo - a and R = xo-ta. (3) max If values for xo and a are substituted in the formula, rather simple relationships for the radii confining the position near zone are derived: 4,i14 R gi 23.3 -lie! and Riado 2=0.7 - . max Analysis of the derived relationships which determine the position near zone dimensions indicates that the dimensions of the near zone 28 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-d-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem depend on the wavelength, the antenna height, and the target angle of 50X1 elevation. The immediate area around the antenna within the radius of Rmin has no substantial importance in the formation of the antenna radiation pattern. To achieve a specular reflection from a position inside the area bounded by Rmin and Rmax, all factors causing the electromagnetic energy to be scattered and absorbed should be excluded. However, if the roughness of the earth does not exceed a determined amount, it will not show up in the radiowave reflection. The allowable height of irregulari- ties depends on the wavelengths and their angle of incidence. The reflection will be specular if the height of irregularities in the reflection zone is significantly less than the wavelength. From this condition, the height of an allowable irregularity (hi) can be equated: X hi = (M). (4) 16 sin e It is evident from the relationship that the allowable height of irregularities changes for vatious distances from a station. Radio- waves strike steeply close to a radar antenna (angle is large). Therefore, only small irregularities are permissible here. However, the farther the reflection point from the antenna, the smaller the radiowave angle of incidence and the greater the size of allowable irregularities. To determine hi in practice for various distances from a radar antenna, it is convenient to use the following formula of approximation: hic'w 102t18. d where d is the distance from the radar to the irregularity. (5) It should be noted that since this is a formula of approximation, the value of allowable irregularities is slightly high in calculations for small angles of elevation, i. e., for large d. To eliminate distortions in the formation of a radiation pattern, there should be no power and telephone lines, high reinforced concrete and brick buildings, structures with iron roofs, iron poles, etc. in the position near zone. The presence of such objects in the position leads to shielding of the electromagnetic energy radiated by the radar. Behind such objects are formed zones which are not swept by radiowaves and are called "dead". Since they do not help to form radiation patterns, troughs are formed in the radar detection zone. Large irregularities and indigenous objects in the near zone also influence radar operation. They cause reflected signals which are received with the reflections from aerial targets. These signals complicate aerial target detection since a pulse from a target will be 29 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem observed on a scope on their background. It is also necessary to 50X1 consider the phenomenon of diffraction which causes radiowaves diffractea by indigenous objects to be held close to the earth. This leads to errors in determining the angles of elevation of targets. In selecting a position to set up a radar scanning station, the first guides to be followed are the requirements inherent in the radar station itself. Besides the general requirements in the station log, the closing angle in a distant zone which should not exceed an established value to eliminate shielding of the radar electromagnetic energy should also be considered. There should be no sharp terrain slope at the position since this leads to distortion of the detection zone in the vertical plane and to a significant reduction in radar range for high- altitude targets. The elevation of the terrain should also be strictly observed since it leads to elevating the detection zone in the vertical plane, which in turn leads to a decrease in radar range for targets at low and medium altitudes. The most expedient position for radar scanning is one near a water surface or one with a small closing angle. Then the influence of interference from local objects located beyond the closing angle is eliminated and high precision in measuring angles of elevation of low flying targets is maintained. The antennas of radars with small cone angles have sharp radiation patterns. Thus the radiation pattern is formed without substantial earth influence. Therefore, the basic criterion for elaluating a position for such a radar is consideration of the closing angle. The most preferable position for this type of radar is one which has zero or negative closing angles. Positive closing angles should be selected so that there are no blind areas, i. e., "dead" zones, in the radar detection zone. To decrease closing angles from nearby local objects, the radar is set up on a natural or constructed elevation. Thus, the selection of a radar position is very important in the formation of a station antenna radiation pattern and consequently for maximum use of the tactical and technical capabilities of a radar. EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE Maintaining Communication Facilities in Constant CnmhAt Renaintann .... by Lt Gen Sig Ttps L. I. GAVRILENKO, (pages 47-50) Excerpts: On the basis of the latest achievements of Soviet science and technology, PVO Signal Troops are today equipped with facilities which possess high operational reliability and are capable of providing steady and uninterrupted communication at great distances and in any conditions. However, no TpterAwggrie,Tt these facilities may be, No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem they cannot be effectively utilized and kept in constant combat readinef5oxi without correctly organized technical support and exemplary upkeep and maintenance. To provide constant good working conditions and high combat readiness of communication facilities, precise planning of maintenance and repair work is very imoortant. With this end in view, a yearly plan for technical support of communication facilities is being developed in each podrazdeleniye. This plan is the basic guiding document regulating the use of communication facilities, a more rational expenditure of present resources, the timely replacement of equipment, the organization of equipment servicing, and the conduct of equipment inspections and repair work. In content and form this should be thorough and detailed. Specific tasks on technical support for each complex of equipment for the entire year are outlined in it. The plan is confirmed by the chief engineer or the deputy commander for technical affairs. It should be noted that the content and form of the plan now in use by the troops, is not yet perfect. Its shortcoming is that it does not give comprehensive descriptions of communication facilities existing in the podrazdeleniye, and their operational capabilities. To avoid this, columns should be included in the plan with instructions on the number of hours allotted to combat work and the number of hours worked since the beginning of an operation and after the end of the last repair. It would also be expedient to indicate in the plan all the measures for technical support of communication facilities, including equipment inspections, checks, repairs, regulating work, and the periods when conducted. In compliance with this, the plan should be named The Plan for Technidls Support for Communications.... Technical servicing includes a whole series of measures. Inspection and checks are a part of this, and so is weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly maintenance work. All persons concerned with the operation of communication facilities participate in these measures. However, the major role in this work belongs to commanders and engineers Of podrazdeleniya, to deputy commanders for technical affairs, and to chief engineers.... Not all commanders have achieved observance of the requirements set forth for the installation and upkeep of antenna and mast installations. In particular, serious violations of instructions are committed in the preliminary treating of wood masts and feeder supports, the prevention of corrosion of metal parts of riggings, the upkeep and rainteneance of insulators and also the completion of contact connections of feeder lines, downleads and lead-ins... Some commanders try to justify shortcomings in the organization of preventive maintenance in antenna and mast installations by the absence of specialists sufficiently trained in this field. But who will train the specialists if not the commanders themselves? 31 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Serious shortcomings are also found in technical servicing of storage batteries.... 50X1 One of the important conditions ensuring high-quality equipment servicing of communication facilities and maintaining them in good working order is systematic and multiphase checking.... A special place in the general system of checking should be given to equipment inspection. It includes an external inspection for serviceability, the presence and condition of all component parts, the condition and correctness of technical documents, and storage conditions for apparatus and other equipment.... PVO Signal Troops have the full potential for making the technical support of communication facilities fully meet modern requirements. The task of commanders, political workers, and party and Komsomol organizations consists in attaining further improvement in the technical knowledge of personnel and improvements in the technical servicing of communication facilities. This will make it possible to eliminate apparatus malfunctions, prevent conditions leading to operational failures, and increase the combat readiness of the entire communications system of our troops. Reliable Aid to Pilots -- by Capt V. P. CHEKHOMOV (Page 50) Abstract: Commends Tech-Sr Lt SHEVCHENKO, an outstanding technician who attains a high number of flying hours for his aircraft each year without failures of components. SHEVCHENKO was awarded the Medal for Combat Services. A sketch of SHEVCHENKO is included with the article.. The Support Team for Maintenance in a Podrazdeleniye Engr-Lt Col Yu. P. GAMIN and Lt Col Tech Serv O. A. TOROPOV (Pages 51-53) Abstract: Discusses the duties, equipment, and work of support teams for podrazdeleniye equipment maintenance, primarily in radar podrazdeleniya. Their duties include: aiding podrazdeleniye personnel in repairing equipment, helping station crews to organize and execute equipment operation inspections, training personnel in skills for the determination and correction of malfunctions in equipment, analyzing and publicizing skills in equipment usage, and developing new methods and means fOr equipment repair. These teams perform their functions either according to preventive maintenance schedules or upon requests from podrazdeleniya for equipment repairs or according to the level of technical training of personnel. Their equipment is similar to that of a field repair shop. 32 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 (A captioned photograph by K. FEDULOV of Tech-Sr Lt N. OBRAZTSOV, an aircraft maintenance specialist, appears on page 53.) Men of High Duty -- by I. P. LYSYY, Photographs by I. N. SAUN (Pages 54-58) Abstract: Praises the professional proficiency of maintenance unit personnel with specific examples of work performed by the officers and men of an interceptor maintenance outfit. A captioned photograph on page 55 shows Capt Tech Serv Ye. UL,YANOV and Sgt A. SAVEL,YEV, mechanic, checking a 144ce of aviation equipment. A captioned photograph on page 56 shows Capt Tech Serv N. SHAMAYEV checking the work performed by M/Sgt A. KUTEROV, a specialist 1st class who usually receives outstanding ratings. A captioned photograph on page 57 shows Sgt A. SEREDIN, specialist 1st class, working on an engine. SEREDIN, a highly qualified aviation mechanic, is a master of his speciality. Methods for Performing Radar Maintenance -- by Engr-Col I. M. TSEBRO (Pages 59 - 62) Abstract: Discusses procedures for planning and performing daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly servicing and maintenance of radar equipment and explains responsibilities of officers in organizing, supervising, and evaluating equipment maintenance. (A captioned photograph by I. N. NIKOLAYEV on pages 6o - 61 shows M/Sgt Aleksandr ISACHENKO, specialitt 1st class and commander of a motor vehicle platoon, talking with Pvt I. MIGUNOV. MIGUNOV is shown leaning out of the cab of a possible 4x2 light truck and the tail assembly of a possible MIG 17 is shown in the background.) 33 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07 : CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Teaching Machines and Their Use (Pages 63-71) Text: An article, "Programed Training with Special Machines," by T. I. ROSTUNOV was published in the 1963 No 2 issue of Herald of Antiaircraft Defense. This article, discussing the production and use of teaching machines, evoked a most vivid interest among military officers. Referring to it, many readers have informed us of constructive research in designing and producing special teaching machines in chasti and educational institutions. Some teaching machines which have been made by innovators are discussed below. The 0M-4 Machine -- by Engr-Cols and Candidates of Technical Sciences K. S. LABETS and M. L. KHAVIN, Engr-Lt Col E. A. BERNSHTEYN, Engr-Capt and Candidate of Technical Sciences N. K. RUDYACHENKO, and Engr-Capt G. N. BOYKO (Pages 63-67) Text: 50X1 The 0M-4 teaching machine constructed in our school is designed for independent work and self-checking of acquired study material and for checking the knowledge of trainees. Training material is subjected to preliminary processing when using the 0M-4, 1. e., so-called program cards are prepared with the includion of certain questions. The trainee is given two or three answers for each question and he must select the one or two answers which are correct. The answer selected must be fed into the machine. The character and complexity of the questions are determined in. the training process by the type of trainees and their assignments. The questions are presented in a logical sequence with gradually increasing complexity. For example, when studying a subject such as "Pulse Modulators with Ion Commutators," several program cards can be prepared. Following is a sample card: 34 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreiga Dissem 50X1 Discharge Circuit Elements. Artificial Line. 1. In what line elements is energy accumulated? a) in capacitors, b) in inductance coils. 2. How is the duration of a formed pulse affected, if: the inductance of cells Lc is increased? a) it is decreased, b) it is increased, c) it is not changed. the capacitance of cells Cc is increased? a) it is decreased, b) it ib increased, c) it is not changed. the number of cells nc is decreased? a) it is increased, b) it is decreased, c) it is not changed. 3. How is the duration of a formed wavefront affected, if: the number of cells nc is increased? a) it is increased, b) it is decreased, c) it is not changed. the cell inductance and capicitance are decreased? a) it is increased, b) it is decreased, c) it is not changed. LITERATURE: Neyman, M. S., Course in Radiotransmission equipment, Part II, Chapters IV - V. "Soviet Radio." An external view of the 0M-4 is shown in figure 1. Located on its front panel are: a power supply toggle switch (1), "start" and "stop" buttons (2), bulbs which indicate answered questions (3), toggle switches a, b, and c which conform to respective answers (4), a window to show either of two inscriptions: "Correct, continue" And "Find the second answer" (5), and a button and four bulbs to flash an evaluation "5", "4", "3", or "2" (6). There is a program panel with 36 two-position toggle switches numbered from 1 to 72 for program selection under the hinged upper cover. This is also the location of a toggle switch for turning off the "stop" button and for locking the power supply switch, of a toggle switch for switching "error weight", and of bulbs to illuminate the number of an incorrectly answered question. A line diagram of an 0M-4 is shown in figure 2. It includes: two step-by-step switches - ShI-25/8 (1 Sh) and ShI-50/4 (2 Sh), three RS-13 relays (111, R2, 111), 20v X 0.15 amp bulbs and 20 MTKII tubes, and 42 two- position switchee(T). A 26v X 0.8 amp rectifier (L) on a VS-45-46 selenium stack is included in the circuit to power the step-by-step switche windings, the relays, and the tubes. A 100v X 0.05 amp rectifier (11) on a D7Zh is included to power the MTKh-90. 35 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign DisSem Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem In the circuit, switches Tl - T3 T6 are for the second question, etc. and "b" contacts are closed: Tl - (1 T3 - (4 - 6) which corresponds to the panel. The step-by-step switches are shown in the circuit, it is only here are for the first question, T4 - There are two correct answers "a" - 3), T2 - (1 - 3 and 4 - 2)1 and numbers 1, 25, and 50 on the upper in the zero position since/ as that the end switch 1 Sh is open. A program for the machine is composed in accordance with a table. The table is used to program only the answers "a" and "b". The answer "c" is automatically programed by the teaching machine.' 50X1 Using the given table, all the answers are enumerated as numbers selected with the two-position switches. Here is an example of the answer enumeration to the questions on the included example program card: 1, 4, 6, 8, 12, 261 27, 290 311 331 35, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, and 59. Operation on the machine is begun by pressing the "start" button. When the question number (1) is illuminated, the Machine is ready for operation. The trainee answers the first question by flipping the answer switch "a", "b", or "c". If the answer is correct, the inscription, "Correct, 'continue," is shown and when the answer switch is moved back, the next question number IA shown. If the answer is incorrect, the inscription, "Incorrect, consider," is shown and when the switch is moved back, the number of the' next question id not illuminated. The machine does not all question to be answered until the correct answer is given for The pr?ous question. In those cases when there are two correct answers, after the return of the selected answer switch, the inscription, "'Find the second answer," is shown and only after it is found can the next question be answered. 36 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem All errors in answering are registered by the "error lights." For5oxi example, when questions "2" and "3" are incorrectly answered, the secona and third bulbs are illuminated and they stay illuminated until the "stop" button is pushed. 37 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in' Part-- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 1'1 Question ,,,, Number Answer Program Switch Position Number Choice Corredt Incorrect One Correct Answer Two Correct Answers 1 a b 1 25 :2 26 49 50 2 a b 3 27 4 28 51 52 3 a b 5 29 6 30 53 54 4 a b 7 31 8 32 55 56 5 a b 9 33 10 34 57 , 58 6 a b 11 35 12 36 59 60 761 a b 13 37 14 38 , 62 863 a b 15 39 16 40 64 , 9 a b 17 41 18 42 65 66 10 a b 19 43 20 44 67 68 \ 11 a b 21 45 22 46 69 70 12 a b 23 47 24 48 '71 72 38 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 No Foreign Dissem When the work is completed, an evaluation of the number of mistakes is shown. The "error weight" switch is moved to receive an answer eval- uation depending upon the number of questions per card (6 and 12). Two operation modes are provided in the machine: "Self-training" (self-checking) and "Examination" (question, check). Switching to opera- tion modes is done with switch T3,$ (figure 2). When the machine is in the "Self-training" mode, the trainee has complete control of the machine (start, stop, intorduction of answers, reception of a running evaluation), but when the machine is in the "Examination" mode he cannot use the "stop" or "evaluation" buttons. The circuit begins to operate the moment the "start" button is pushed. When the "start" button is pushed, the winding of the step-by- step switch 1 Sh is energized. When the button is released, the step-by- step switches 1 Sh and 2 Sh are in the first position. Suppose that the answer "a" switch is closed in response to the first question. The cur- rent goes from the 26v rectifier over the circuit: "a"- 1 Sh pass 1 - - T1 - R, - chassis. The contacts 1/1 of relay R1 are closed, the lamp burns, did the inscription, "correct, continue," is illuminated. Then contacts 2/1 are closed, the 1 Sh winding is energized, and the armature is turned4so that the step-by-step switch is readied to go to the contacts 1 Sh 1, 1 Sh 22 ...etc. The designation 1 Sh21 means the first step-by-step switch, the second contact, first row. After the switch "a" is released, the winding of relay R1 is de- energized, the lamp burns which illuminates the inscription, "Correct) continue," the 1 Sh winding is de-energized so that its moveable contacts go to the next position, and contacts 1 Sh pass 4 - 1 sh24, 1 Sh pass 5 - 1 S1I25, 1 Sh pass 1 - 1 Sh21 are closed. If the question is programed for one correct answer, voltage is supplied from the 26v rectifier to the 1 Sh winding along the circuit; T3 toggle switch contacts, 1 She. Simultaneously, the 1 Sh contact breaker de-energizes the wincling of the step-by-step switch and its move- able contacts, without stopping, go to the ne0 position to contacts: 1 Sh53, 1 Sh43, 1 Sh33, 1 Sh32' 1 Sh31' 1 Sh30' 1 Sh37' 1 Sh38. This switching causes the second question ("21t) lamp to be lit and the program switches T4 and:rc for the given question are switched in to the answer toggle switches sa", "b", and "c" throughLthe contacts: 1 Sh31 - 1 Sh pass 1, 1 Sh32 - 1 Sh pass 2, and 1 Sh33 1 Sh pass 3.' 39 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 +26v +2e6,81 Exam Self- exam ,A3ahf - -camok. co-floc Stop 1 end cf, R3 PJ 1 Sh c-1 t. o 1-3 1 1 II 1/2 (8) tiepp Ilya Nove5 Cuor &gm o 1111 1st row pass 1 Sb pass 1 111 pRd ofiuluu 111.1 ?Dui I 2 y3 4 5 6..74 00000 5 1 Sh pass 2 fui /I AnYc z T 2/3 a circuit breaker 1 Sh 61005 R2 rsT5 /1 Sh pass 3 tuf 0643 r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I 4 4 4 ' 61T22691 269 2 1 1 311_ rass_7.: 111.1 o614.4 0 17 123 r T4.5 ,f5 T63 r3 T6 4, T.471 Sh pass 5 1 Sh ILL, 11LI Out 5 0724 13 f 1r5_ it T3 Teis 9151 Sh pass 6 HO Ow 4 5 flpepbI5crnep Qi iooni428o 111P ind li7tieltmc4 2d Ans. 42-ou omOem 4- 5600, ?117.T7r04=rh?lo i3 ize 5 6 IC. '41 2 3 3517111) 1 Sh pass 7 1u/ auk 7 2 TJ r T, r r Kau /0 14.1 25.- 12 quest io 128onpoc Oonp b. qu.eE. Eva luat ion' 011eHKO ? Co Co- Co Z "3" 4 5 .2" 6 72 Sh _pass 1 2111 06111-1 ? 0.21 2 Sh pass 2 o2 LT 17? 211/ oeu.g.2 , I 2 Sh pass 3 o it 12 b 6,6 6/ 46 2iv 0614.3 12/2 Sh 2111 Komgdoii End :5bminov.ta/ swithia 1 cir ? break /-7PeP:6 711 114 5 1 0 I 2 36 2 jh /M. flu o ligT11-17.h pass Puc. 2. Figure 2. Sh 2 Sh _pass 4 2111 ODI14.4 Exam-self check afaameti-camoxolimpona 220v T33 on c3,r 0 CD0 CD (f) =Pi CD -o CD CD CD 0 0 _ Es) CD P ah o 7j CD 1 ? p? CCD 11. F;)) 1' 0 ti I" I 0 cr) ? (".) 5 ?1 +26,? ? O 0 -0 . co n.) +WOO o +10Cv n.) n.) ? o 00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Figure 3. If a question has two correct answers as shown in figure 3 for question "1", the program switch Tl is put in the proper position to break the power supply circuit of the 1 Sh winding and to short-circuit its circuit breaker. Then when the first correct answer for the given question "1" is fed into the machine, the 1 Sh moveable contacts remain on the "2" con- tacts. The first question lamp continues to burn and the answer toggle switches "a", "b", and "c" remain connected to the Ti and T2 program toggle switches through the contacts: 1 Sh pass 1 - 1 Sh21, 1 Sh pass 2 -; 1 Sh22, and 1 Sh pass 3 - 1 Sh23. The contacts 1 Sh pass 7 - 1 Sh27 are closed and the lamp illuminating the inscription, "Find the second answer," is illuminated. When the toggle switch for the incorrect answer is switch in, for example toggle switch "c", the R2 relay winding is energized and the lamp showing the inscription, "Incorrect, consider," is illuminated. Simultan- eously, the contacts 2/2 are closed and the 2 Sh step-by-step switch wind- ing is energized. When the "c" toggle switch is switched off, the 2 Sh moveable contacts switch to the second position ("2" stationary contacts), and 2 Sh is closed since its circuit breaker is a closed circuit: the contacts of the end switch 1 Sh and also 2 Sh13, 2 Sh pass 3 are closed. When the "Evaluation" button is pushed, the evaluation lamp is lit. The evaluation is determined by the position of the moveable contacts of the step-by-step witch 2 Sh. To change the "evaluation weight" depending on the number of questions per card from 6 to 12, the first or second row of the step-by-step switch Is connected through 2 Sh pass 1 or 2 Sh pass 2 to the chassis by the T37 switch. The registering of wrong answers is accomplished by the lamps whic4 are switched by the moveable contact 1 Sh pass 8 through contacts 1 Shio, 1 S1i2?,...etc. and contact 3/2 of relay R2. 41 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem nRciassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 No Foreign Dissem An advantage of the 0M-4 machine is that it can be used for study- ing various disciplines and subjects. Also, it is simply contructed, easy to use, and highly reliable. It requires less than 40 watts of power. The use of this machine allows checking and self-checking to be accomplished 2 to 3 times more rapidly then with 'ordinary methods and enables errors made by trainees to be objectively represented. The OMCh-1 Machine -- by Engr-Maj M. Kh. CHASHNIKOV (Pages 67 - 70) Text: It is known that much electric power and equipment is expanded in training personnel to operate equipment. It is difficult to be certain whether personnel have correctly executed operations if the training is done on "cold" equipment. This matter is complicated by a shortage of . visual aids and a limitation of time available for practical training in military schools [VUZ[. As a result, trainees cannot acquire solid practical skil3s in equipment operation during planned training activities. To overcome these limitations and difficulties, our innovators have developed the OMCh-1 teaching machine. With it, theoretical material can be studied and practical work habits can be acquired in a chast' or podrazdeleniye. By coupling the machine to "cold" equipment for train- ing, soldiers and sergeants can check their work in completing operations. This saves both equipment and electricity. The OMCh-1 machine can be especially effective if it is mounted in a cabinet with front panels and instead of the toggle switches on the machine the toggles switches on front panels are used. Then training and development of functional responsibilities can be done directly on models of equipment. Experience shows that when it is not possible to work directly on "cold" equipment, the equipment can be replaced by block circuits and drawings or photographs of front panels. Then the trainee by working on the machine can check function correctness and acquire necessary practical skills. The OMCh-1 can be used in a rocket podrazdeleniye to work out the order for switching in apparatuses, the functional responsibilities of crew members in combat work, the order for carrying out functional checks and for servicing equipment, the rules for using check and measurement equipment, etc. The OMCh-1 machine is constructed in a duralumin case. All control and signal equipment is located on the front panel. An external view of the OMCh-1 in working position is shown in figure 1. The electric cir- cuitry (figure 2) consists of the following circuits: program card per- formance, knowledge evaluation, and power supply. 42 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem The program card performance circuit includes: relays Pi - P -1650X1Y toggle switches Ti - T141 tubes LN-7 and LN-8, button switch KN-2, resistor Ri91 and capacitor Ci. The given circuit (figure 2) operates as follows: Relay Pi begins to operate when Ti is witched on, and relay P2 begins to operate after the operation of Pi by switching on toggle switch T2, etc. Thus, a sequence for operation execution is bound into the order for witching in relays Pi - P14. If the trainee executes the operations correctly, relay P14 begins to operate at the end of the cycle and the "Correct" bulb is illuminated through its normally open contacts. If the operations sequence is broken, for example, T9 is switched on immediately after T1, P9 will not operate, P16 is switched in and self-blocked through its normally open contacts, and the "Incorrect" bulb is illuminated. a 12 ? ?---1/ . ? I 7r: 16..4.01 6 7 . 8 Figure 1. External Vi:w of the OMCh-l: "Initial posi- tion" button; 2 - "Failure" window; 3 - window with evalua- tion registration; 4 - "Evaluation" button; 5 - "Stop" button; 6 - "Incorrect" bulb; 7 - "Correct" bulb; 8 - toggle switch for turning on machin; 9 - signal lamp; 10 - plug sockets; 11 - s)ckets; 12 - program card; 13 - toggle switches. To return the incorrectly switched toggle switch to its initial position, the "Stop" button must be pressed (KN-2). Relay Pi6 is de- energized and the "Incorrect" bulb goes out. 43 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissen norlaccifiprl in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07 CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/07: CIA-RDP80T00246A072000220001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 4, 4 F-4 0 J 0 4 Cr) LI ?r4 -P ,??? -p .1-1 0 cta ...t H ?r-I .1-i CO 0 r-4 ? *-1Ji 1-1 OH