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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ? 50X1 This material contaitls. informition affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, 17 S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSn COUNTRY USSR REPORT SUBJECT Technical Manual on a Soviet DATE DISTR. / March 1964 Naval,Plan Position Repeater NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS Is UNEVALUATED 50X1 50X1-HUM INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE 3 English-language, Soviet manual on a naval radar scope entitled Plan _Position Repeater (PPR): Description' and Operating Instructions- ] --a, 50X1-HUM The manual consists of 77 pages plus diagrams. Pages 1, 7, and 45 are missing. No date or publishing data appeared in the manual. Although the radar for which the PPR is designed is not identified in the manual, ranges of 5, 20, and 75 miles are given. The radar may be the HIGH 50X1-HUM SIEVE. \ Distribution of Attachmgn,,t for Retention: ORR: OSI: Army: Army/FSTC: Navy: Navy/STIC: 1. copy L copy 1- copy 1' copy 2 copies 2 copies Air Air/FTD: NSA: 1 copy 2 copies 1 copy 6/ coties (1 copy forwarded previouslY) 50X1-HUM S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) I AIR I NSA I 4i1X NIC I out I SAC Army/FSTC; Navy/STIC; Air/FTD 50X1-HUM 5 4 3 2 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6_ _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 "R SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 PLAN POSITION REPEATER (PPR) DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (English Language) Si SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM GROUP Eclded hon. eutemelk deengredini end Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 dedeisificatien 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: riCIA:RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 PLAN POSITION REPEATER (P.P.R) DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS No Foreign Dissem 50X1 t-;?,,-1:i'47..DeffNiati ':F, -.,1 Mao otritlet't Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2613/1-1/-017CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 viabm ! ? 0.111??????????????????????? 01,11????? _ ? - CONT2NTS PART I D..;SCDIPTIOIT, Pa;zo Chauter I, General Information 4te 9 Designation 9 Component Units ? 9 Driof Specificatiom ? 9 P.P.R? Design 11 Chapter II. Principle of 011eration 13 Block Dia3ram of ?.P.R. Display Unit 13 rihematic Dia:;ram of the Set .18 Chapter III. Description of P.P.R. Circuit 22 Signal Se?aration Circuit 24 2lectron. Relay 24 Sweep Circuit 27 Calibration Circuit 29 Amplifier of Target :;inals 32 3igna1?Selector 31 Plan Position Repeater Tube 43 ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20-13/1-176.1:-CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 au ruiri6u 1./.1.coew ? ? -4 50X1 PART II 02EW.,TING INSTRUCTIONS Chapter IV. Switchinr, the Unit On and Off ? Preparing the Unit for Use Page 47 47 SwitchinG Off the Plan Position Repeater 49 Chapter V. Maintenance of 1:refmlt 50 ? Tube Replacement 50 Valve Replacement 51 Chapter VI. Preventative !iaintenance of F.P.R. 52 Units ???????????????? Daily Inspection and Maintenance of the Units 52 Weekly Inspection and Maintenance of the Units ?5g 'Monthly Inspection and Maintenance of the Units ### 53 Appendices 56 Corroonent Schedule .. 56 Table of Valve D.C. Characteristics.. 75 SE-C-1-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized dopy Approved for Release 20S1-3E/-1C1-/R0-1E7.TCIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 PREFACE The Dian position repeater (Peilias) is designed for observation of the area surrounding the set, for measure- ments of bearing and range and for determination of taret position data. The P.P.R. screen, like the .-croon of the main display unit of the warning radox, 1)rono.lts the ,icture of the aircraft or ships in the area surrowadin!; the ship. The description of the equipment gives an idea of the performance and design of the P.P.R. (as a. whole and of its individual units); it also contains diagrams and. lay- outs which are necessary both for studying the design and operating the equipment, as well as for its adjusting lnd tuning. All figures in circles correspond to reference numbers of the elements in the key diagram and in the component schedule. The Operating Instructions give principal information on tuning and adjustment of the equlpment, its maintenance and inspection. Since.P4).R..sets supplied from the ship's D.C. or A.C. mains are circuit-connected in the same maners reference numbers Of Controls for a set operating from an A.O. mains are given without brachets. *Ails ? reference numbers of sister elements of a 1,41.R. set operating from.a D.C. maine are given in .brackets. No Foreign Die sem 50X1 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No Foreign Dissem t- ? ? 6 ? 50X1 The following designations are used in the Descrip. tion and Instructions for P.P.R. units: MU ( BM ) Motor Unit TU(ET) Tube Unit RSS (BCB) PeP.R. Rectifiers and Sinal-Selector Unit RU CZU3) P.P.R. Range Unit CP ) P.R. Control Panel GCR ( 3K) - Gyro Compass Repeater Pb (3Y) - Protection Device TDS (AY ) - Target Designation Syot?.i aiplOodedmaieremem.embroarer No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? PART I DESCRIPTX0 N S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? Chapter I G ERAL IR FOX. ATI ON Designation 50X1 The plan position ra)eater (P.P.R.) is designed for presenting the picture of the aircraft ad surface targets, for determining the target range and bearing,. and tGrget designation, The P.P.R.reroduces echo signals from targets aad local objects, coming from radar stations detecting air and surface targets. Component Units ???????? 110?00,11???.111M The P.P.R. includes a foot 30ad1 switch (device go.12), Junction box (device No.7) designed for serving fits P.P.R.aat.1 and spars parts. The device useS monitoring and measuring instruments ,rovidod with the radar station set. ? The P.P.R. is fed from poyiersunits of the radar sta-? .tion through the junctioa box, 3rief Specifications ftaimpalikemowhiftban4WW.W......marewasom Range scales 5, 20 and 75 miles Diameter of display tube 229 mm (9 inches) S-EC-R-E-T No Foreign Xssem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 50X1 Scale ofbearings Fixed, graduated from 0 to 360? (the value of one division iz 14); the scale has mar%inEs of the four cardinal points (1,110,0,!). Scale of relative bearing Hovable; stabilized according to the course; graduated' from 0 to 130? for ? every side; the value 0 of one division is 1. Range measurement Provided by movable r.tliEc ? marker; ran3e indica- tion it provided by 5 ? fixed calibration rings Bearing measurement Provided by bearing cvrsor with r.calo of relative bearing czAd bearing, Target range and. bearing accuracy: for range 2%1 of the maximum mn;:t1 in use for boarin3 444, 10 Resolution in range 2 cables Transmission of target designation data: for relative bearing by coarse transmitting solsyns with a turn "1u0 01 61000 mils, cua S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01v:bIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 for range iaximum feeder length Time required to start the equipment after it has been fully switched off Continuous operation time Power consumption Overall dimensions '!/eight P.P.R. Design by fine transmitting. selsyni with a turn value of 200 or 100 mils by a transmitting selayn with a turn value of 600 or 300 cables. 250 m. 1 min. 24 hours 230 W 760x570x1335 250 kg. 11M 50X1 The plan position repeater in made as a se.tarato spray?proof set. The set housing, front and side covers are cast. Its back is covered with sheet duralumin. All princip 1 controls and regulators are on the top cover which is at the same time the control panel. ? In the centre of the top 'Cover there is an opening far viewing the screen of the cathode?ray tube. The tube screen 13 ,)rovided with?a.viowing hood for shading it La- daylight.r.convenience in servicing the top cover is inclined by 15?. On the set front. there are range, bearing and course matching handwhoels. The front oening lid has the range selector Itnob eonnected by a rod with the switch itself locatedin the RD unit.. No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 .12- All the elements of the system are combined into units and placed inside the housing. All control and adjustment devices are under?t%e upper cover (control panel). The set top part houses the dispiny tube unit TU consisting of a cathode-ray tube, tyle 2311M348 focus- sing and scanning coils, drive elements for rotatinc to . scanninz,; coils tube frainins thermoswitch and matchin: mechanism. ? In this part arc also placed: the nignal-selector range potentiometer, power tranaformera for the 310 415 V D.C. rectifiers, as well as the transforme:c cf tube heater circuit and of the sisaal-selector valve. The -R.93 . and RU units are nr2anged in the ce:tral" -)art of the sot. . The MY ? unit contains the main elements of circuits 'of signal discrimination, electron relay relay), circuits of scanning, calibrations amplifier '11 target echoes and identification siznalss an well as th., first four stages of the signal-selector circuit. -The R.S.3. unit contn.ins the rest of the of the signal-selector circuit, ?.P.R. supply rectLrila%s and the tube interlock circuit. The motor unit is situated in the lower part c;: set, Access to the elements of Cle set is )revided the font dear, the upper hinrJed panel and removable side lids. For ) access to the iirin, the RU units are made tilting aad slidinz;. The rnlgo meter is accessible throu,:;h the ;'omovable cover fitsteneJ with six screws to the celtve of n6 unit front. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem t? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease261/1-1/-011A-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 BU rurelbu VIbbeW ? 13 ? Tho elements of the synchronous coupling.system are arranged in the MU unit, Id separated from the indica? tion'equipmeat. Ale control handwheels and the motor unit elements are connected with the aid of universal' joints so that after 6awinc, out the RU and RSS units no matching isnocessary. povico No.7 is a cast box. On the front covers which serves as a pnaol of the set there are switches, pilot and ton lamps. The front cover is hingod and can be easily swung open to Ilrovide access to the. interior part aid to the wiring of the ? set. On the inside of the unit bac!: side the fuses are situated. For leading in cables the housing has eight glands. . The foot pedal switch (device No.12) serves to indicate. that the P.P.R. is transmitting data to the target designation system.. Chapter II PRINCIPLE OF OPIMITION Block Dia;iram of. EAP .RA Diulaz_Unit The block diagram of the P.P.R. display unit is shown in Piga. Mixed trigger pulses aad target signals are applied from the main display unit of the. radar station via the relaying unit along the common feeder to the inputs of the target signal amplifier and signal solmration circuit. The circuit of the target signal am2lifier is arranged in such away as to am lify positive and cut of negative 4.1 .S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign,Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 R-R-C-R-R-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ?14- 50X1 pulses. The amplified target signalS and Cie ship's signal are applied to the grid of the disp/ a.%6 appear on its screen tu the form of bright marks. The signal separation.circuit is designed for amplify_ . ing negative trigger pulses. The amplified negative trigger pulses aro fed to tho circuit of the electron relay which ov.rates from ever, trigger pulse (427 times ?er second), each time sireducing two pulses: (a) a pulse of negative polarity for trivAring sweep generator ;of the display tube, hez,enerator of savtlot:1 voltage and the generator of calibration pulses; ? (b) a pulse of positive polarity applied to the accelerating grid of the dia:Ilay tube for intensifYing the forward travel of the boam. Depending on the setting of the range =itch for 5, 20 or 75 miles both. pulses comin1. from the 7:ipprelay have a duration of 115, 350 or 1,100 miconeconds, respectively. ? The sweep generator of the display tuba contains one normally open valve. When the negative pulse is . applied from the eledtron- relay to its grid, tho valve is Cut off and due to the presence of ca:)acitors, which shunt the anode of the valve tc the earth, and capacitors, switched on when the ranges are changed, the voltage on Its anode grows ex)onentially. The initial (almost linear)part of this growing voltage is used for the display tube sweep and fed to the grid of the. sweep amplifier. The anode circuit of the :weep amplifier includes the scanning coil of the tube. Thud, the sawtooth current No Foreign Dissem . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/017 1161A-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 11,./ 1W4,..14511 -15- 50X1 pulses generated in the anode circuit of the swoop . amplifier with a duration corresonding to the selected range, cause radial deflection of the electronic 'beam on the screen of the tube from the centre to the edge of the screen. Since the scanning coil rotates round the tube axis in step with the aerial of the radar station, at every given moment the position of the sweep trace on the tube screen corresponds to that of the the space. The generator of calibration pulses and the . subsequent stages serve. for )roducing calibration marks on the sweep trace every 1,6 or 15 miles for the ranges of 5,20 or 7, milesprespectively. The generator is a normally open valve whose cathode circuit includes one of .the impact excitation circuits ..:?roducing, when the valve is cut off, damped oscillations with a cycle duration of 12.2, 48.8 or 183 microseconds for the raages of 5,20 or 75 milespresnectively. The purpose of the three subsequent stages is toecarvert these damped oscillations into acute positive peaks of 2-microsecond duration which coincide in time with the moment at which the value of voltage in the circuit of impact excitation becomes equal to zero. . .The produced 2-microsecond nulses are fed to the circuit of the mixer of calibration and strobe pulses. 2he common anode load of both valves of the mixer developst (a) negative calib ation pulses fixed in time with respect to the starting point; (b) negative strob pulses with a variable timing depending on the setting of the sicaal-selector range. potentiometer.. ;then fed to the cathode of the display tube they lower the potential on the cathode and bring it closer to the potentials on the z.;rid aad accelerating No Foreign Dissem . ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80-100246A071800080001-6 C 0 D_L, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 -16- electrode, thus increasing for a moment the brilliance of the image on the tube screen. Thereforera number of briht spots (tpar along the sweep trace. When the scanning coil i3 rotating, these snots merge into luminous concentric circles. The fi.ed circles are the calibration 11.11:2:3 obtained owing to the operation of the calibration generator circuit, end aro the two movable circles ,Jhich are close to each other, the strobe rings. The distaace between the strobe rings and the centre of the screen varies according to the range setting and is achieved :ith the signal-selector :z.anse potentiometer. The signal-selector circuit with all au.7iliary stages serves for producing two sinal-solector pulses which provide coarse measurements of the target range. The negative pulse of the electron relay cuts ofZ the normally open valve of the sawtooth voltage generator. Simultaneously one of the capacitors is bsiiK: cnarg-d. This canae.tor is switc*Ied into the anoo circuit of tle valve with .the range selector switch. The vo:.tage on the capacitor rises exponentially with tiMe. The initial (almost linear) 'art of this groving voltage is supplied to the siLmal-selector stage, :here it levels with the voltage coming from the .oteatiometer slider. The.voltage supplied from the potentiometer depends on the position of its slider. The range potentiometer feeds a voltage equal to the voltage on the capacitor of the sawtooth voltage. generator. At this time the normally non-conducting valve of the signal-.selector stage onens abruptly. The signal- selector pulse nroduced at the moment Of vaive.openin3; S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ?-?-? ??????????-?-?-, ?????? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? ? 17 ? 50X1 is fed via the cathode follower to tho circuit where a nulse.of 4.6?microsecond duration is obtained. The negative signal?selector pulse cuts off tho normally open valve, whose anode circuit includes the ctecuit o..0 impact excitation with a frequency of .107 106 Kc/s. For controlling the next stage, the first poa!,tive half?wave of tho oscillations produced by tho impact excitation circuit is used. As to VI? first negative half:? wave, it is extinguished owia4.; to the shuating effect of tho operating diode. Thus, whenever the valve is cut off? one voltage oulse of 4.6?microsecond duration is ta::en from the circuit. This pulse is applied to the next stago,-whose output feeds a negative lnalso almost of the same duration to -,)roduce strobe pulses. This negative .7u1se of 4.6?licrosecond duration cuts off the valve, whose anode circuit includes the circuit of impact excitation with a of 323 ? ? 325 kilocycles. During 4.6 microseconds while the valve is blanked, three half?waves of oscillation are developed in the circuit, of which two are positive and one ?.negative. 'Alen the 4.6?microsecond pulse is no longer applied, further oscillations in the circuit stop duo to the shunting effect of the open valve. The VNO positive half?waves are. applied-to the grid of tho cathode follower and from its cntaode resistor they are fed to tha Mixer circuit. Thus in every cycle tho circuit of strobe pulses 1.1erates.two positive pulses velich, Yin the mixer, are fed to the cathode of the display tube. The goneration of tleoe pulses is strictly timed with that of the signal? selector pulse. Therefore, when the whole circu.I.t of the set is operating, those pulesIroduce two strobe rings., whose position isinvariable with respect to oath. other No Foreign Die sem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 r. 0 r11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 .13-0 but can be varied with respect to the centre of the tube screen by turning the knob of the signal-selecter range potentiometer. When the strobe rings on the.tebe screen coincide with the target echo so that the latter alyears between the rings, the target ran3e is read OA the scalee connected with the range handwheel. :Ance the sweep t'ne. becomes longer as the range Lyows, the .strobe pulc;c7s practically merge into ono, when the sat operates at the 75-mile range., Kinematic Diaf;ram of the Set - The kinematic diagram of the P.P.R. is ehown in 50X1 Figa. It was already mentioned in the description of t.:el P.P.R. display unit block diagram that, when the operat turns the range handwheol, the latter drives, through a mechanical gear, the slider of the range potentiometer, and. the markers of measuring strobe pulses travel along the sweep trace of the indicator screen.. Besides the range .eotentiometer slider this Ilandwee: Is connected, through a mechanical gearowith two range computers and transmitting Boleyn 203. The gears are selected in such a way ? that, when the strobe pulses are beought in line with the target, axe of theeemeuters shows range in hectometers an0 the other in navigation cables. Simultaneously the transmitting eelsyn 203 is triggeredf which transmits the range valee In artillery cables to the tarcet designation receiving selsyn. The system is lrovided with a mechanical stop which prevents continuous rotation of the range handwheOl in the ? No Foreign Diesem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2615./1.1/01 TCIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 LU 2ul-ei6i1 V.LbloCW ? 50X1 same direction, thus protecting to range )otentiometer from damage. The mechanical stop ma%es it possible to turn the handwhoel within the limits of from 0 to 750 artillery cables. The arrangement of the systeu provides for two speeds of rotation of the handwheel vita a turn value of 10 or 40 cables. The scales arrenged conceatrically as regards the P.13.11, tube screen make it 1.)ossible to ta7o readings of the ship's own course, target bearin,7,.and relative bearing. The target bearing is read off the fixed scale provided With 14,31B,W markings, as an angle between the N-marking on the fixed scale and the cursor which 01.12 be turned to coincide with the target image on the tube screen. The target relative bearing is read off the movable scale, as an angle between the zero-marking of the'movabls scale and the cursor.. The angle between the N-marking of the fixed scale and the v,ero?-marking of the movable scale corresponds to the ship's own course. Selsyn 196 which receives course data operates from, the transmitting aelsyn which han a tura value of 10 and is situated in the. main display unit of the radar station, his transmitting selsyn is started by the course reloater located in the radar station aid controlled by the . synchronous follow-up system receiving signals from the device 3X which is the ship's gyre compass. repeater. From .receiving selsyn 196 course data aro convoyed to tha ? extreme Part of mechanical differential II. From the middle part' oithis differential the course data are. applied threush'amechanical 'gearing system to the inner movable ' scalcvoi the.' set.' S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 20? The course . matching is done with the aid of a matching haudwheol. Tho data obtained by rotating the course matching handwhael are supplied to the second extreme part of difforential from whose middle part they are sent for rotating the movable scale of the tube until the ship's head mar:Or engraved on the movable scale coincides with the shipli head signal on the tube screen. Tho course data from difZerential II art also sent to the extreme part of diYforontial I. With the did of the bearing handwheol the cursor 4:: rotated till it coincides with?the target mark. Simultaneously the target 'Jeal'ing data are applied to t,u second extreme ?art of diffemitial I. On .thia.dif2e::e. t;1 the ship's course data are algebraically added up to t'x ' target bearing data as a result of which the target relative bearing is obtained in the middle part of the differential. Ap?lied.from the Middle ?art of the di:ferential t relative bearing data start the coarse transmitting selsyn 202 with a turn valve of 6,000 mils ana the transmitting selsyn 204 with a turn value of 200 or; both solsyns are synchronously couled with the target designation receiving selsyn. The coarse and fine scn1Qs c) reMtive 1:ear.L,1,:; rotate in ste-i with the _rotor axles of 'A trasmittian selsyn, :31,ilt in the bearing handwheel is a light signal push- button contactor indicating that target designation data are tratimittA. Receiving selsyn 195, with a turn value of 300 mils, rotates the tube scaaning coil in synchronism with the .transmiiting eeleyn situated in the main display unit of the radar station. The rotor of the transmitting selsyn rotr.too in oto? :3,th the aerial 0-2 the radar station. 50X1 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No Foreign Dissem ? -21- 50X1 For more accurate transmission of tho tracking angle to the F.P.R. the turn v.-lue of tho above-mentioned transmitting selsyn and of the corresponding receivi_1;: selsyn is 20 times lower than that of the scanning coil. Due to this P.P.R. tube scenning coil rotates in phase with the scanning coil of P.P.I. and, hence, with the aerial of the radar otation. The key diagram showing the cophasal rotation of the P.P.R. scanning coil and of tho scanning coil of the main set is given in Fig.). Disc ..has a turn value of 6,000 mils. Through a step"-up gear the trap.smitting seloyn of tha main set is rotated with a turn value of 300 mils and it causes tho P.P.R. receiving selsyll to rotate with the same turn value. This rotation is imparted to the F.2.R. scanning coil. Since the scanning coil of the P.P.R. 2=34 tube should rotate synchronously with the P.P,X. scaaning coil the rotation transmitted from.the receiving selsyn is stopped. down 20..fold by a reduction gear. Therofore, 'disc B coupled to tho scanning coil uf the P.P.R. tube rotates syAchronously with disc A of tho P.2.I. For the purpose of co-dkanal o.)eration discs and B: have cams which servo 'for closing the contacts. The cam of disc B closes the cirquit of relay R. When the scanning coils of the. main display unit and of the P.P.R. rotate in phase, tho cam of disc B closes the contacts at the same time an the disc A cam opens the contacts. Thus relay R remains do-energized and the selsyns - electrically connected with each other. . Let. us adsume that the display unit scanning coils andi hence, discs A.and B do not rotate in phase. In this case when tho rotor of the transmAting solsyn turns, the - No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S -R-C -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 - rotor of the receiving selsyn will turn too until the 50X1 cam of disc B closes the relay circuit. Relay R will operate and throw its contacts. in a position which will cause the rotor of the receiving selsyn to stop. Tho rot -a, of the transmitting selsyn, still turning, will rotate disc A. When the cam of disc A opens the contacts, srelay will be de-energized, and release its contacts and conaect the phase windings of the receiving solsyn to those, of the transmitting.solsyn. Further rotation of the scanning coils will be cophasal. Chapter Ili DESCRIPTION OF P.P.R. ciacun The following voltages are supplied through .the con feeder to the plan position repeater from device No.13: - trigger pulses of negative polarity of lamicroseco:d duration with an amplitude of about 1 Y and repetition frequency of 427 pulses per sec.; - target signals of )ositive polarity of 1-amicrosec%nt, duration with an amplitude of 1 V and- rei)otition freest:eAcy of 427 pulses per 30C? (from each reflectia,j object). In addition to this, whenever the microcontaet located in tho radar .station device I:o.1 is cloSed, voltage of the "shipis head" marker is applied from the .evice .i0.7 to tho P.P.R. In detection operation i.e. during continuous automatic rotation of the station aerial tho true picture of the reflecting objects in the area surrounding the station should be -2re5eted on the tube screen on a corresponding scale.. . This is achieved by: - No Foreign Dissem 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: -CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 1 Flo roreign vissem -23- 50X1 - continuous rotation of the .1canning coil in the plan positionropeater in step and in phase with the rotation of the station!s aerial; - application to the P.P.R. of trigger.pulsos which determine the beginning of radial sweep for ever' pulse emission; - application to the grid of the cathode-ray tuba of the amplified target and identification signals and of the ships head signal. As a result a real map of the reflecting .objects is shown on the P.P.R. tube screen. Coarse measureuent of the rano to any of the objects visible on the screen of the plan position repeater is ensured by: - five fixed calibration rings on the tube screen, placed concentrically with resect to the centre of the screen and corresponding to the distaaces of 114 or 15 miles for the ranges of 5, 20 or 75 milesorespectively; - two movable strobe rings whose distance from the screen centre is varied by the signal-selector range potentiometer. . The range measureuent is achieved by bringing the . strobe rings in liae with the target echo and ading data Of: the scales, connected with the slider of the range potentiometer. In the ranges of 5 and 20 miles both.stro'oe rings are situated at such a distance that the target eche can be sot between them. In the 75-mile range both strobe rings practically merge into one which is atched with the target echo. Coarse measureaoat of target bearing is carried out. with the aid of the bearing cursor which is turned by means of the MATING (11E31EIIII handwhool till it is matched with the centre of the.targot echo. No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20q11/-1('1V7.11CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 _ ? -24- 50X1 The results of those measurements can be read off - the bearing and range scales and also automatically . transmitted to the target designation system. A detailed description of the operation of all I.:ill. circuits is siven,below. Signal .Separation Circuit .1?1100.001???????? sob ??????????.././.01n ?????????1?I1 The signal separation circuit employs two valves 161 and 149 of the en tY)0 (Fig.4) culd serves for soparat ins the trigger pulse from target signals. The positive pulses of stnrget siL;nals and the trigger pulses of negative polarity coming from the device throusli a long feeder (up to 250 m.) are applied to the control grid of valve 161. This valve olJorates am a class A amplifier and oorves as a buffer that prevento connection between the electron relay and the signal amplifier Input. At the anode load of valve 151 amillified trigger puloes of positive polarity and negative -oulses of target signals are formed. The second Valve (149) of the separation circuit is blanked by the control grid with the voltago.formed on resistor 153 in the cathode eire.lit of this valve. A3 a result the negativapulsos.of target signals aro cut off, whereas :the trigger pulses produce across the anode load of this valve voltage pulses of negative polarity with a large amplitude (co - 100 V), From the anode of valve 149 the trigger pulses via capacitor 2 are fed to the grid of valve 10 in the electronic relay circuit. ,Blectron Relay The electron- relay haS two valves 10 and 14 of the 6C50 type and servo for ..)rodueing pulses S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Diseem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 _ , - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 au rule1611 .u.Lbocm ? 50X1 for the plan position repeater circuits. Tien no trig:;er pulse is applied the first valve (3n) of the electroa relay is conductive. To second v lye (14) is blanized because:of the negative bias voltale applied between its cathode and the control E..rid. This bias is controlled wtth the aid Of potentiometer 45. Men the trigger pulse is applied to the grid of the first valve of the electron relay, the valve becomes non-conducting and its aaodu voltage increases. Since the grid of the second valve of the electron relay is connected 7ia resistor 12 with the anode of the first valve, the voltage on the grid of the second valve also sharply increases. The second !alve opens, and its anode velta;;e dro?s. since by the moment the trigger pulse 13 Applied to the grid of valve 10 capacitor 7 is charged to the full value of anode. voltage, it begins to discharL;e through the second valve of the electron relay and through one of the arid resistors of the first valve (depending on -position of range switch 6a). For the flrst range (5 miles) it discharges through valve 14 and resistor 3. Thud, the discharge current of capacitor 7 creates on the grid of the first valve of the electron relay a negative voltage which decreases according to the exponential law. This voltage keeps valve 10 cut off. is the ta,)acitor discharges, the first valve of the ? electron relay begins to open, its anode voltage' decreases, thereby lowering the voltage on the grid of the second valve. the second valve begins to get blanked, its , anode voltage increases, and capacitor 7-begins to charge . through.resistors 13,and 3. The charging current .of ca)Aci.tors 7 develops a positive bias on the grid of the first valve, thus facilitat, No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 50X1 e ing the return of the electron relay circuit to its initial position. When capacitor 7 is charged, th relay will return to the initial position and.will again be ready to operate from the next trigger pulse. The opera. tion period of tho electron relay is determined, by the repetition frequency of trigger pulses which is equal to 427 poleee per sec., while the duration of pulse? produced by the electron relay is determined by the time constant of the discharge circuit consisting of capacitor 7, resistor of valve 14, resistors 43 -? 49 and one of resistors 3,4 or 5 de,lending on the position of the range switch. Depending on the range - 5,20 or 75 miles, sot with the aid of range switch 6a, the duration of the pulses produced by the electron relay equal to 115, 350 or 1,100 microsecondstrespectively. Besides the control grid of the electron relay second valve, the positive pulse formed on the anode of valve 10 is also fed to the second grid of the cathode ray tube, thus providing the intensification for the forward travel of the beam. The negative pulses formed on the anode of tho . second valve of the electron, relay are used for t11.- Inc the sweep generator of the P.P.R. tube, the circpit for producing calibration pulses, and tho sawtooth voltage . goaerator. By reducing the bias voltage on the grid of valve 14 self...triggering 0,1erat1on of tho electron relay can be Obtained, i.e. its operation without a trier pulse. This ? proceeds as follows: when the bias voltnze on the grid of valve .14 is diminished with potentiometer 45, valve 14 bogins to open and, hence, capacitor 7 bez;ins to dischnvi;e, No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/01 NCIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No Foreign Dissem. ? ? ?-27- 56(1 which increases the negative voltage on the grid or valve 10 and the voltage on its anodel,which, in its turn, increases the current in valve 14. This increase of the current is of avalanche type and valve 10 is cut off. From this moment on the operation of the electron relay will be the same as described above with the trigger pulse applied, but the operation pe!'iod of the electron relay will now be determined by the Sum of time constants of charging and dischargiag circuits of capacitor 74. The self?triggering operation of the electron relay is sometimes used whencheekingy.P.R. display unit circuit in the absence of a trigger pulse, but the electron . relay self?triggering operation is not permissible when determining the target range under real conditions. Sweep Circuit 41*M.1641000.0MOMINIIN.M. The sweep circuit is formed by the sweep generator employing valve 21 of the SCC typo And the sweep voltage amplifier employing valve 37 of the on type; it serves for producing sawtooth voltnge to scan the beam of the indicator tube. Sweep generator 21 is triggered by the negative square pulse coming from the electron relay via ca?acit+ or. 16 to the valve grid. In the absence of this pulse the valve of sweep generator is completely open.' .1.hen the negative pulse is applied to the grid of valve 21, the latter is instantly cut off and from this moment on the charging of one Oi Capacitors 29, 31 or 33 begins, depending on the Sition of the range swtch,' In the course of charging, the voltage on the capacitor varies according to the exponential law. Ilhen the negative pulse S-E-C4R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 " m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 '"6? "S. 28 50X1 from the electron relay is no longer appliedothe valve of the sweep generator becomes conducting and capacitor 29, 31 or 3) previously charged instantly discharges through valve 21. The time constant of the capacitor charging circuit is selected in such a way as to 1130 for operation only. the initial, the most linear section of the ex?onontial curve that characterizes the law et voltage increase on the capacitor. ? Valve 37 of the sweep voltage amplifier is noroally cut off by the voltage on resistor -36. Its anode circuit Is connected to scanning coil 112. Tho control grid of valve 37 receives from the sweep generator -a positive . pulse of sawtooth voltage and from the anode of valve 65 - a positive square pulse producing the pedestal for the sawtooth voltage pulse. In the anode circuit of this ? valve and, hence, in the scanning coil sawtooth curreat flows. The magnetic field of coil 112 causes radial deflection of the electronic beam from the centre to no edge of the display tube screen. ? \ The scanning velocity of the tube beam is varied in accordance with the variation of the range with the aid of switch 6b and is determined by the capacity of anc ov the capacitors 29, 31 or 33. ? The sweep length on the tube screen to varied with potentiometer 39 situated on the control panel and . switched into the cathode circuit of valve 37 to vary the value of bias voltage and, hone.), the value of sawtooth currant in the scanning cull. ? .Dotweea chos:e'35 and the slider of switch 6b potentiometer 34. is included which is situated on the control panel and designed for varying the potential on the anode of valve 37 and, consequently, the Volta50 No Foreign Diesem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 29 ?? 50X1 on resistor 41 by which it is possible to exactly match the beginning of the sweep trace with the centre of the tube screen. To ensure necessary shift Of the beginning of the sweep trace with respect to the centre of the screen, resistor 23 or 24, depending on the range sot, is connected in series with choke 35 by moans of switch 6b. Choke 35 is necessary to preclude the effect of the alternating load, due to potentiometer 34, on the operation of the tube's scanning coil circuit. Calibration Circuit 0114111.*4=4,01.10mMONIft The calibration circuit consists of the generator of calibration pulses (valve 65 of the 6C5C typo), the amplifier employing a 6C5C type valve 78, the limiter and the amplifier (6C,C type valve 8)), the pulse forming stage (6C5C type valve 87), the mixer (6119 type valves 95 and 99). The calibration circuit serves for producing calibration pulses wiich are .fed to the cathode of the display tube and produce range marks on the sweep trace. The spaces between the range marks correspond to the ranges of 1,4 or 15 miles depending on the position of the range switch for 5, 20 or 75 milesorespectively. When the scanning coil and consequontly,the sweep trace rotate, the range marks merge Into Concentrie circles, called calibration rinas which maL:o it :)ossible to determine the approximate target range on the scree of the display tube. Valve 65 of the calibration pulse generator. normally 'operates with a low anode current, whose value determines the energr accumulated in the electromagnetie S-E-C-R1E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2613/1-1/01-:1A-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 .4 xvIcaz,L1 4./.1.occm - )0 - 50X1 field of the coil in the impact excitation circuit placed in the cathode circuit of the valve. The negative square pulse coming from valve 14 of no electron relay cuts off valve .65 thus stopping its anode current. This gives riss to damped oscillations In the impact excitation circuit which are sent to the grid of valve 78. Simultaneously, a positive pulde is supplied from the anode of valve 65 to the cathode of valve 37 via capacitor 27 or 28. Its duration is the same as that of the electron. . relay pulse which together with the sawtooth voltage affects the current of valve 37. Depending on the range selected, the first, second or third impact excitation circuit is switched on in the cathode circuit of valve 65. The oscillation frequency of each circuit is determined by its parameters. Fine tuning of the circuit is achieved by varying the self-induction' value of the coil with the aid of carbonyl cores. Valve 78 serves for amplifying the oscillations of the generator of calibration pulses. The oscillations produced in the iluact excitation circuit are fod via series resistor 76 to the grid.of valve 78. Due to the grid current flowing in the grid circuit of this valve the tops of the positive half-cycles of the nscillations are clipped. As a result, in 'the .-ode circuit of amplifier valve 78 there appears c numbu: of flat negative pulses a:td positive voltage half-waves. The' calibration rings are removed from the tube screen with switch 101, which is arranged on the control panel and shorts the grid of valve 78 to the housing of the unit (earth). -Valve 83 servos as a limiter and an amplifier of the calibration pulses. Normally this valve is blanked. The oscillations coming. from the anode of valve 78 open by their positive half-eyeles valve 8) and, as 4t result, a S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? number of negative Square pulses of the same amp1itudFX1 appear in its anode circuit. These pulses are fed to the grid of the forming circuit valve 87.. A .positive bias voltage is applied to the grid of valve 87; the anode load of this valve consists of low inductance coil 86 and resistor 85 connected in parallel.. . The negative pulses coming to the grid of this valve cause variations in the anode current, thus setting up the counter?electromotive force in oelf?inductance coil 86. Positive and negative pulses of sizall amplitude ahd dura ion are formed in the ano0o load of valve 87. These . pulses coincide in time respectivelr with the _leading and trailing edges of the square pulses and are fed to the grid of mixer valve 95. The mixer employs two valves 95 and 99 operating with a common anode load. Both valves have the samq operating conditions and serve to mix two negative ;pulse voltages: the voltage of calibration pulses and that of sl.gnal?selector pulses. Valve 95 is normally blanked; therefore, the negative pulses coming to its grid do not affect the current of the valve. The positive pulses open the valve, and large?amplitude acute negative pulses are obtained in its anode circuit. The anode load of valve 95 is made up ? by.potentiometer 93 which is located on the control panel aad Serves for controlling the amplitude of the calibra". tion pulses, From this potentiometer the calibration pulses of required amplitude are Zed to the cathode. of display tube 110. Depending on the range set, one of the resistors 91 or 92 is switched. into the anode circuit of .valve 95 with switch 6e. The calibration pulses lower the tube cathode potential, thus brightening the section of No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013711/61-:1161A-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 32 - 50X1 the sweep trace corresponding in time to the moment 01 applying the calibration pulse to the cathode. As a re:wit, a number of bright spots appear along the sweep trace on the tube screen. When the scanning coil is rotating, these spots form concentric circles: calibration. rings. Valve 99 is also normally blanked. Its control grid receives positive pulses from the signal-selector circuit. In the anode load (common with valve 95) neative pulses are formed which coming to the cathode of tube 110, produce on the sweep trace two additional bright spots, the distance between them corresponding to 2.3 cables. The cathode circuit of valve 99 includes potentio- meter 25 which is used to control the amplitude of the strobe pulses. Potentiometer 93 situated on the control panel controls the amplitudes of both the calibration and strobe pulses. The range of control ensured by potentio- meters 25 and 93 is such that it permits to control maximum and minimum brightness of the calibration and strobe rings on the tube screen. Amplifier of Target Signals The amplifier of target signals contains two valves 124 of 6414 type and 133 6119 type and is ?designed for amplifying target signals coming to the amplifier input.. In additio:1 to this, valve 133 is used for producing the ship Is head. marker voltage. Valve 124 of the amplifier is normally blanked by the bias voltage an,.)lied to the grid of the valve from the potential . divider consisting of resistors 138 and 1)9. The grid of. valve 124 receives by the common ? cable from the relaying unit of the radar station, to which the ?.ft. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 _ ri T1 T7, m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 33 is connected, the target signals of positive polarity and the trigger pulse of negative polarity. Since valve 124 is blanked the trigger pulse does not affect the anode current of the valve. The target signals of positive polarity are amplified and then applied from the amplifier input (in the form of positive pulses) to the tube z;rid of the plan position repeater, causing a bright spot to appear on its screen. The target signals follow each other with an interval which can be controlled within L. ? 5 micro? eeconda in tho trigger circuit of the radar station transmitter. The target signal has a duration, of 1 micvosecond. The ship's head signal is formed as a .result of a momentary application of negative bias voltage to the :,;rid of valve 133 when the microcontact connected to the aerial of the radar station is closed. If switch 269 on . the P.P.R. control board is in the OA position the. blanking voltage is applied to resistor 137 and then to the grid of valve 133. When the negative bias is applied, a positive puloe is formed in the anode load of valve 133 and a?bright line showing the direction of the ship's head appears ell the tube screen. The shipis head marker voltage together with the amplified target signals is impressed on the ::;rid of the plan position repeater tube. Self?inductance coil 135 servos for correcting the shape of the pulp') in the amplifier output.. ? 3igna1?SolectoL The signal-selector circuit consists of a sawtooth . 50X1 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 34 - voltago generator, a rango potentiometer aid a cathodo5?X1 follower of the potentiomotor voltage, a signal- soloctor stage, a cathode 'follower of signal-aeleCtor pulses, a circuit for producinr; nulnos of 4.6-microaetond 'duration and a circuit for producing to strobe pulses, :The eignal:rsolector circuit is divided into three parts arranged in different units. Valves 171,179,190 are in the MI' Unit. The signal-selector range poteatio- motor is installed in the upper part of the equipment. Valves 217, 232, 240 and 254 are placed in the 20!; unit. The signal-selector serves for producing strobe pulmoo which, coming to the cathode of the 'tubo,. produce two bright npote on the sweep trace at a distance corresponding to the actual range of 2.5 ca)les. In the. 75-mile range the two spots practically merge into one. These marks can travel along the whole length of tho owoop trace. When the acanalng coil is rotating, those marks form strob0 rine which provide coarso range neasum3ont on the 'plan position ropoator in all three raogon. Tho sawtooth voltage, gone- ra tor sorvos for croating sawtooth voltago supplied to the input of the signal-seloctor stage. .The generator omploye a portion (171 b) of 6N0C typo valvo 171. :Tho ,;rid of the sawtooth voltage generator valve recolves from t4o anode of the electron- rcilay valve 14 the nerative pulse which cuts off the normally openvo . 171b, At the same timo ono of the ca)acitors 1L2, 104. or. 1.:6 starts charging. through resistor 170 and throur.:,h resistOr 331, 330 or 329 de?ending on the rosyntivo rang? set. with switCh 6f. ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 _ ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2613/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 4. 35 - 50X1 When the electron relay pulse ceases to be effective, the valve of the sweep generator becomes conducting and capacitor 182, 184 or 186 previously charged instantly discharges through the valve. The voltage on the capacitor,depending on time,. varies exponentially. The time constant of each charg- ing circuit is selected so as to use for operation only the initial, the most linear portion of the exponential curve that characterizes the law of capacitor voltage rise. From the slider of switch 61 the voltage is supplied via resistor 180 to the signal-selector stage.. The range potentiometer* is designed for delivering to the signal-solector stage a D.C. voltage, whose value is regulated by the position of the potentiometer slider. Due to the mechanical coupling between the potentiometer slider, the range handwheel and range scales, the value of this voltage always corresponds to a definite range indicated by. the scales.. . When measuring the range with the signal-selector the voltage on the potentiometer slider sot at a value corresponding to the value of t.lo sawtooth voltage . at the moment when the target sign.' arrivon. When the two voltages level with each other at the name moment as the target nignal mark appeara on the . , display screen, the/actual iange is rad off the scale. This is how it works. rAnce the momont'Wnon the ca?acitor of the sawtooth voltage generator ntart n charging is. - synchronized with the trigger :wise of the electron relay and, consequently, with thu mcment when a high-i. frequency pulse is radiated by the main sot's aerial, the Foreign Dissem ? -. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No Foreign Dissem ? ? 50X1 - ? time interval between the moment when the capacitor .begins to charge, and the moment, when tho target signal mark appears on the display screen, corresponds to the target range. When turning the range potentisZtele:lorill::r4:1 to, voltage fed to the signal-selector ' the voltage accumulated in the capacitor by the moment the target echo appears on the screen, the mark will be betveen the strobe kings and, therefore, the target range. 'reading can be taken off the scales connected to the . potentiometer slider. ? . To make the unit more reliable in operation. and simpler in manufacture the plan position repeate has a contact (decade) potentiometer with exponential winding which pr vides sufficiently smooth adjustment Of resistance and, hences of voltage. The range potentiometer has 25 "coarse" Coils connected in series and consisting of 50 sections of equal resistance, and 25 series?connected "fine" coils which also consist of 50 sections of equal resistance. ? Aen the range handwheel is turned, the commutation deuce 'permits all the 25 fine coils to be parallel?connecteJ . ? with one of the coarse coil sections in succession without breaking the circuit. These connections take place at ? intervals reql;ired by the poteAtiometer slider, from which the potential (in relation to the beginning of the coarse, coil circuit) is talcen, to run over all the. fine coil - sections in succession. followinc the .3otontial increase. .Klnematitally each successive connection of the fine ? coils 'to a coarse coil section takes place at c;yer7.130?,, ? turn of the ?otentiometer slider. Thus,. not continuous, but "atop?like' potential W4UO3) up to 2,500 values in all, aro.taJzen from the No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 37 - 50X1 potentiometer during one run over all the coarse coils. Due to this the voltage. taken from the potentiometer varies smoothly depending on the position of the range handwheel. The potentiometer operates as follows. At the beginning of the ope:ation slider I (Fig.5) ip on the input lamella, slider II ? on the first lamella And slider III ? on the ero la:4ella.' The simplified )otentiometer diagram which corros2onds to ouch position of the sliders is shown in Fig.6 (a), and the equivalent diagram ? in Fig.6 (b). For the pur)ose of simplifica? tion the figures show 5 coarse and 5 fiao coils.. .The potentiometer output voltage (slider III) in this case is equal to zero. At the same time the voltage at the ends of the sories?connectod fine coil circuit is equal to the voltage in the middle of tho first coarse Men the range handwIleel is turned, slider III makes half a turn moving from the 1st to the 48th lamella, thus contacting in turn 24 fine coils. ?After slider III reaches the 48th lamella, the mIchaniem moving sliders I and II is sot in motion. Slider I first moves to the idle lamella, thus disconnecting the beginning of the fine coil circuit from the potentiometer iaput, and slider III moves to the 4.9th lamella, leaving only one half of the fine coil switched on. ? The simplified and equivalent potentiometer diagrams, which correspond to this position of the sliders, are .-hown in Figs 6 (c) and 6 (d). Moving further, Slider III will reach the 50th lamollat.thus switching off the remaining half of the fine. coil,. while slider .1 will contact the socond lamella, thus connecting the beginning of the fine col./ circuit to the .1 S-E-C-R:E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 ? CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? No roreign uissem .38- 50X1 beginning of the second coarse coil. All this time slider II slides along the first lamella, without breaking the circuit. The simplified and equivalent potentiometer diagrams, which correspond to this t)osition of the.sliders, aro shown. in Figs 6 (e) and 6 (f). Thus, the potentiometer output voltaae grows in steps from zero to a value equal to that in the middle of the first coarse coil. Since each fine coil is connected to three lamellas, i.e. divided into two sections, the output veltaf;e, after one half?turn of slider III will have 50 stops. When Glider I passes from one lamella to another, slider II does net break the contact; the resistance of the series?connected fine coils up to the point where slider III is switched on is such greater than the resistance of one half of the coarse coil added to the resistance first of one fine coil and then of its half,. Due to all this the voltage tal:en from slider III will .rise continuously (stop?like) without brea'iinz. Further circuit operation is aaalor;Ous to that deecribed. During the next half?tura slider III moves from the 51st to the 98th lamella. .tt to moment t?Acin slider III reaches the 90th lamella, the mechanism movin3 sliders I and /I operates again. The simplified and equivalent dialorams for this position of the sliders Are shown in :is 6 (z) and 6 (h). '1ton:slider III passes to the 99th lamella, slider will disconnect the end of the fine coil circuit from the coarse coil circuit /Pi. 5(1) and 6 (j)/,.and when slider III roaches the zero lamella,- slider II will contact the third lamella and connect tho And of the fine coil No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 :11A-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 39 50X1 circuit to the middle of the second eoarse coil /Pigs 6 00 and 6 (1)/. During the second half?turn of slider III the potentiometer output voltage grows continuously (in steps) from the value of the voltage in the middle of the first coarse coil,. to a value equal to the voltage In the entire coarse Coil. Due to appropriate selection of the resistance values in the coarse toils, t.e potentiometer output voltage varies exponentially. . As was already Mentioned above, When the potentio? meter axle and, hence, the axle of slider III turn by 1800, sliders I and II jointly move to. the net lamella. .They are driven by a inethaniam whose kinematic diagram is shown in Fig. 7. Tho sten?by?step mechanism consists of two discs with projections coupled together, and two Naltese crosnes fixed on the same axle. At every half?turn the discs with the aid of the projections alternately turn the iialtese crosses they are connected with. At th'e same time. the :;eartplaced on the same axle with the cressespturns and no does another gaar connected with it caviling sliders I and I/ to rotnto. Potentiometers 197 and 193 (Fig.4) servo for select ins the initial voltapo on tho t;rid of valve 190 vi:vIn the. range potentiometer i!!; in the zero position, while potentiometer 210 series. for selecting the Tr.ximum voltar:e ? tcOton from the range 'potentiometer. The voltage from the slider of the :maga potontio? lieter is aT)lied via resistor 214 to the control grid of cathode follower 6744 .va1ve'190. Resistor 214 serves for reducing the influence of sharp vaviations in the IT.IL:1) ?otentiometer resistance on the valve 190 grid circuit during commutation of the fine coils.' p-E-C-R-E-T. No Foreign Dissem 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ?40- 50X1 From the cathode follower output the voltage is fed to the cathode of valve 179 belonging to the signal? selector stage. .The aignal ?aelector stage is designed for producing the si:/ial?selector.pulse. The stage employs 61A valve 172. The operation of the signal-selector stage is based on contrasting two voltages:. D.C. voltage, which comes from tho range potentiometer via the cathode follower and A.C. voltaf:e which is supplied 1 from the sawtooth voltage generator output. When both voltages are equal, the signal selector pulse is formed at the stage out.:)ut. The stage includes G74 valve 179 which is blanked by a positive potential fed to its cathode.. When the electron relay operates,. the potential of the controlgrid of valve 179 begins to grow because of an increased charge in one of zal)aeitors IC2, 184 .or 18' belonging to the sawtooth voltage goaorator. '!hen the value of this voltage ap7roximatos tho value of the positive voltage taken from the maga potentiometer to the ? cathode of valve 179, :the latter opens nad n aeg4tiVO voltage pulse is created across its mlodo load 173. The time of tho beginning of this pulse will de.dond on the value of tho positive 7otoatial on tho cathode of valve 179. The signal..aelector pulno formed in the anode circuit of valve 179.1s fed to the control ;;rid of the cathode follower valve. The resistors and Capacitors 9.91 and 181,. 930 And 183, 329 and 187 serve, depending on the range selected, for more precise matching of tho initial sawtooth section with the voltage coming from the range potentio? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20-1371-1/01 :-CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 no roreign Lubbem meter. Potentiometer 347 serves for the initial adjustment %of the signal-selector pulse Who . valves 179 and 190 are replaced. The cathode follower of eignal Selector pulses is designed for delivering the signal-selector 2u1se to the ICS circuit which produces the pulse of 4.6-micro3econd duration. Zhe 'orosence of the cathode follower precludes any influence of the dietributed cafacitances of the feeders which carries the signal-selector pulse from RU to the ? ESS units on the Steepness of the pulse leading edge. The cathode follower employs one portion (171a) of 61I0C valve 171. The signal-selector pulse formed across the cathode load of the cathode follower .valve consisting of ronisora 147 and 128 is passed via capacitor 144 and the feeder to the Ass . circuit where the 4.6-microsocond pulse is produced. The circuit for producing the pulse of 4.6-microsecond duration is desivaed for galerating rnd forming the pulse of 4.6-microsecond duratio- which appears simultaneously with the begimling .of thc: pule() coming from the cathode follower of the signal-selector stage. This circuit employs valves 2171 2.40 of the tIn type and valve 232 of the 6X6C typw. . The anode circuit of the normally open valve 217 includes an impact excitation oscillatory circuit which consists of eelf*inductance coil 223 50X1 and capacitors 224 and 225. The negative pulse of tho aitpaselcictor the grid of valve 217 cute the latter off.. Due to the eleetromaipotie energy accumulated in the. No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ? ? ? 50X1 42 magnetic field of coil 223 oscillations with a frequency of 107. Ws arise in the impact excitation circuit. First positive halb-cytle of the 4,6..eicresecond oscillations opens valve 240 which in the absence of this 2u1se is cut off by the control grid due to the voltage k3rep across resistor 244. At the Same MVO a 4.6-olcrosssoad negative voltage pulso is created on the anode of valve 240, This pulse is impressed on the grid of valve 234. The negative half-cycle of oscillations in the iml,act excitation circuit is damped due to the shunting effect of diode 232. Thus, each time valve 217 is blanked only on pulse with the duration equal to the half-cycle of the circ'Ut oscillations is taken froo the impact excitation c..rcl.t, The circuit for prcducinf; the strobe pulses is designed t: r two positive pulses each time it operates and to fe...-A them to the grid of valve 99 in the mixer of and strobe julses. 3ince appear is timed with the 2u1se is produced, these system is in operation, screen two strobe riks, the cetrn the screen tIle moment when the vtrcle 1.;. moment 1Len the signal-se] .c*-: 7.1u1ses, en the eltire . nroJuce o.1 the elis:qa:i whose position with res. act can be varied by turuinr; tho signal-selector T,otei.tiometor knob. Yhe circuit 37,,,',.)ys 5W1C valve 254. The neratIve uulne coming from tho anode of valve 240 blanks Lie ha portion portion of valve Z. The oscillations al-1st-. in this case in tho tact orc:tation circuit fisod 7 self-inductance coil Z52 and capacitor 253 are t3 the grii of the r'r.h.t-i ..untioa of Y4tilf! 254 ;:cr)1.::. a cat.l.ole rollowor. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for 'Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 43 Tho frequency of free oacillationa in this circuit is throe timos greater than in the anode circuit of ? valve 217. Therofore, while the left half of.the valve 254 is blanked (4.6 microseconds),throo half-cyclos of oscillation's occur in the circuit, two .00sitivo and one .0t;atiV3* When the effect of.tho 4.5-microsecond pulse coasos further oscillations in the Circuit ceaso too, due to the shunting effect of the open left-hand portion.of valve 254. The positive half-cycles of voltage oscillations are improosod on the (;rid of t.o blan!ced right-hand )ortion of valve 24, o?en it and ,)roduce strobe pulses in the cathode rosiutor 250. The time interval botwoon tho amplitude values of these pulsos corrosoonda to the 6intanco of 2.5 cablos. The controlled feedbaok between the cathode circuit of the output triode and the impact excitation circuit achieved with potontiomotor 259 and cayteitor 255 keops the amplitudos of both strobe ?irises equal. Plan Position Re)eator Tuba m*am. Plan position repeater tube 110 is a cathode-ry. tube of the 23XM34 'typo with mantic control of the cathode beam. The tube has a screoa wJ,th afterglow, q11 in iameter. The brilliance of the'dis?lay of the tube ;croon in controlled by means of varying the bias voltage on the rid and the accelerating olectr?do. adjust-' -s3ent is effoctod with CP potoutiomrttor l by moans of varying.tho value of rositive voltago.fed to the tube cathode. No Foreign Dissem - 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-1-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? 44 ? 50X1 The strobe and calibration pulses ars also fed to the tube cathode. The cathode beam is focussed by the magnkltic field produced by the focussing coil when energized,. The value of the current in fozunsing coil ill i3 controlled with CP variable resistor 107. The radial sweep of the tubo. cathode beam i3 also effected by the mai;:le tic field of n c an n in f: coil 112 deflecting the beam when the .sawtooth curreAt of ..rIve 37 passes through it. The coil in rot:Ited of the tube with the aid of a waversal joint n!.aft coupled with a synchronous motor. The amPliried target si:,nals are applied to thr; increasihg the brilliance of Cie tuba beam lt Le moment of their application. The voltage of the slap's :;(-12 marker is also fed to the tube grid. . The forward travel of the beam in sweepinr is intensified by the positive pulse delivered from the vhddl - of electron relay valve 10 to the aecelorating locfrVe, The 'voltage id 5,000 V is rod to the tube anode from . the high?Voltage rectifier. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 0 ? PART II OPERATING rc.1TRUCTION3 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Diesem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 01.0410.. 50X1 Chapter IV SWITCHING THit UNIT ON MID OFF ?rearing the Unit for Use After the station is Switched on, tho followinc 9ust be done to prepare the plan position repeater for u3e: . ,(a) turn BRIG1TIMS3 ( RPHOCTL ) knob fully counter? c1ockl4ise; (b) switch on the unit supply voltage with the lain on/off switchx) BIE0-131C1.-BLIK.11.)) (c) select the required brightness of the tube scales with the SC 't1,-; ( OCBEZEIME) knob; (d) set normal brilliance of the sweep trace with the 3RIGHTIV3SS ( RPM= knob; (e) scet the best :)esaible fecussi.1;; Cr: the rivilal %/le,-) trace with the FOCI.T.; (()OKYC ) kitob; (r) set the necessary rano: 51 20 or 75 miles with ( TIEPEliji}311ATEM 1jlifil1A3OH0B); (g) set the sweep length with the 31.T1P PABBEPTIM) knob 30 as to t;ive enough (mace for 5 illibration rings; x) The valve for blocking high voltage in the dioplal. tube starts operating 30 ..- 40 soca after the curroat was P,91ied to the unit. No Foreign,Diesem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 _ C __r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? .1 43 - 50X1 (h) use the CENTRING ( 4EHTP ) knob to match the starting point of the sweep trace with the cursor . 'centre of rotation, (i) select with.the CALIBRATION RINGS AND SS KOMA KAMP H CO) knob such brightness of the calibration rings and raage mark as not to "blur" the target signal marks; (j) turn on the S::IPIS ( HOC KOPAPIR ) switch to obtain a ship's head signal on the Woo screen and by turning the MATCRLIG ( COMACOBAHRE) knob line up the s.aipos head mark engraved on tho movable scale of the tube rith this signal; after thin switch off the ship's head signal; (k) for coarse measurement of tie beariug the calibration rings and the fixed Use range and scale; (1) with the CALIBRATION RINGS ON/OFF ( KAROEP. KOMIA BK1.-EUXA.) switch turn off the mlibrntion rings if they are not necessary for operation; (m) for fine range measurements use RANO; ( 71AIM0CM knob to bring tho range mark in line with the target echo so that its .external ring would touch the leading (nearest) edge of the target mark without "blurring" it; in this case it is possible to road the range of the range computers in navigation Cables or in hectometers; at the same time as the range mark is travelling, the range transmitting selsyns in the motor unit turn through a cerreaponding ialgle and introduce the distance tn.terms of artillery cables:into.the target designation system; . (n) for determination of the target bearing set the cursor of the display tube to run. through the centre of the target mark; the bearing is road off the fixed scale againit,the cursor line, tho curaor being driven with the' 3 ) knob. - S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 C.) ? -49- 50X1 When the cursor is moving, the relative bearing transmitting selsyns in the motor unit turn through a corres9onding angle, thus introducing the'relative bearing into the ship's target designation system. The transmission of target position data is Signalled by pressing the button in the BEARIUG handwheel. Por transmitting the data concerning the range and the relative bearing of the selected target, the foot-pedal switch (device 12) should be presned, thus sending a signal to the target designation system that the target position data have been determined accurately. When the reply signal from tho ship's target designation systel is received, the pilot lamps on the control panel light up; the data transmitted by P.P.R. are considered to have been received. Note: In the course of operation it is necessary to check up periodically the course matching by ? momentary applications of ship's hoed signals Also Check up periodically if the range readings are correct by taking the readings offthecomputers at the moments when the range mark is precisely matched with the correspond.- ing calibration rings.' Caution: The RSS and TU circuits use voltage of kilovolts. Do not touch the high- voltage curroAt-tarryinz parts of those units. Swit.clilm_citL_I/102 Plan Position, ft eater To switch off the plan position. repeater, it is necessary to do the following: -,(a) turn the BRIGIMT=S knob fully counter.- clockwise; , (b) switch off the voltage supply of the unit. No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 -1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20-13/1-1/o1-: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 RO roreign vlbsem ? 50X1 ChapterV MAXNTEVANCB OP TO UNIT Tube Replacement To replace, the display tube of the unit, it is necessary to do the following: .(1) Put on protective glasses (in case the tube' bursts). (2) Take off the bearing cursor. () Loosen the four screws so that the bosses prossint the ring to the tube permit to easily take off the ring a:113 the tube. (4) Ta!:o of the cap of the high...voltage load from the anode of the tube. (,) Carefully support with the lo:t hand the upper part of the tube, take the tuba with the right nand below the focussing coil, and gradually pull it up till the pins leave panel. Aftar that, holding th.'? tube by its u:))er part with both hands, pull it out, taLing care that t:ta tube does not touch the metallic parts. (6) Then setting in a new tube, carerully lower its neck through the opening in the scanning and locus3ing coils, taking into account the direetion of the tube key with regard to the panel. If the key and the Iminel do not align with each other, take with the lea hand the 17er part of the tube and support it, using the right hand for taking the tube below the focussing coil and lifting it till it leaves the panel. After that turn the upper part of the .tuba a little to the left or to the 11.64 and ,lower it again. Repeat this operation till the tubo key and the panel align, after which careZilly press the tube on thj top till it sots in its place. S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissem --? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 261/1-1/01-:-blA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 NU roll.11611 ViWcpCM 50X1 . (7) When setting the fastening ring and the cursor take care not to strike the tube screen glass and not to press it unevenly with screws. (8) After replacement of the display tube it is necessary to centre the tube beam. Coarse centring is done by shifting the focussing coil. For this purpose it is necesSary to switch on the unit and to mark the direcs, tion in which the starting point of the sweep trace is Aisplaced with respect to the rotation centre of the bears. ing cursor and thon to switch off the unit and nhift the focussing coil in the necessary direction with the aid of the focussing coil fastening, 1)ins. Fine focussing is done with the CEN.2RING knob. The shiftins of the focussing coil should be done only with the unit switched off:. Its beam is considered to be centered if the starts. ing point of the sweep trace is not more than 2 mm off the rotation ceatre of the bearing cursor. Valve Replacement asmOmnrowors????? The valves in the plan position re?eater are replaced. when they are found defective. Note: After replacement of one or all valves at once (Rof.Vos 171, 179 and 19C) chock up the unit's range indication, accurately matching. the rave mark with the ctlibration rings in all three ranges and taking the readings off the range computer. If tho range indication is not any longer withinthe permissible limits it is -necessary to 6o appropriate trimming with the aid Of potentiometers 197, 198, 210 and 347 And capacitors 1831 195 and 187, depending on the'oeloCted. No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11101: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 J.611 111.0 0 G111 50X1 Chapter VX PRZUNTATIVE MAINTENANCE OP P.P.R. UNITS Daily Inspection and Maintenance of the Vats 01.4000.db~..........1.111?0?00?1041???????????????????????????? ??? Daily inspection and maintenance of the 1,41).11.. Units, include external inspection of all units and inter-unit cable joints. For this puraose proceed as follows: mos.......???????o??????smbe =1.1?????????????????????????? (a) chock up if all bolts and ncrews on the unit. covers are tight; (b) check up the oiieration of all unit knobs and switches; (c) check up if the lass of the trait ins?ection N3orts is dry; if dloietvre is found, open the units awl ar; them, switching on the heating devices; (d) check up if the shafts of the XnaING, RANG?3 and COURSE EATCHING haadwheels are proper17 lubricated; (e) after ,the inspection in overvswitc4 on tho unit , for a 20-minute trial :run. Weekly Inspection and ainteliaace of the Units /oekly inspection of the P.P.R. units includes everything pertain1n3 to daily inspection; in addition to this it is necessary to do the fallowing:. (a) putty and paint All the n)ote On the units w'acre the paint is off; (b) check up if the nuts in the gland inlets are tight; (c) wipe up with a dry rag all the units of device 110.4; S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign DiRsem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20-13/1-1101 :-CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 NO roreign vissem unitd; (e) Check 4 if the valve:: are set tight in the unit panels; (f) check 4 the surfaeex) on the power unit commutators, and on the rings of the electric motors in the motor unit). . (g) remove with N0,00 glass-paper the carbon deposit from the knife contacts of the port-starboard switch and rub them with alcohol (device No.11); (h) switch on the unit for a )O-minute trial run; (1) check up if the unit is timed with the station, and verify range and course data transmisaion). (j) check up by the P.i.X, calibration rings if the range mark is accurately set. For this purpose by turning the RANGE knob match the range mark with each calibration-ring it succession. Take the readings off the computers as to the range values at the Moments of matching* The distance between the rings as indicated by the CAB= ( KABEMOBUE.) computer ahould be: (a) in the 5-mile range-9.871 cables) (b) in the 20.mile range-39.514 Cables; (e) In the 75-mile ranges.148.110 cables. Note; The P.P.R. should be chocked, adjusted and operated at normal power supply with variations not exceeding 13 per cent* MonttlitInspec,ti2n and Maintenance of the Unit:2 Monthly inspection of the P.:P.R. .units includes every- thing pertaining to weekly inspections; in addition to this, . it is necessary to do the following: 53 (d) imp:PA and cloan the interlocking contact in the50X1 ?????????????11?=???????????????11111?01111?11M11.1111110?10?????1?114111110 x) A normally operating commutator should be of 4 reddish colour with a violet tint. If the inspection reveals carbon deposits on the commutator, it'should be rubbed with a clean rag soaked in gasoline. If the dirt cannot be removed with a clean rag, the commutator should be ground with No.00 glass-paper fitted on a wooden block with a cut of the same . diameter as the commutator (grinding without a block is not permiosible). The paper should bo'of the same width as the conm mutator.Grinding'of the commutator should be done when the motor operates at the rated number of revolutions. The Boleyr&. rings should bs,wiped up with clean cotton cloth soaked in alcohol* S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No Foreign Dissem ?54- 50X1 (l4 Check up and clean, the contacts in all the relays of the P.P.R. If there is a thin carbon deposit on the contacts, it should bo removed with a thin :)late wrapped in apiece of cloth soahed in alcohol. This . should be done carefully in order not to disturb the . adjusted relay contacts. Than tho carbon-dpile Voltage regulator should be inspected. Opecial care should be taken lest the regulator core should touch the coil. (2) Check up the lubrication of the ball bearirvo - and add lubricantlif necessary. Lubricants are applied at tom)ore.tures 7anging from 60? to 600C. A thin Layer of roo-5.1 lubricant should be applied to all the friction parts of the unit (Shafts, change?over knobs of the switches) aad to the toothings. Lubrication is done with a brush., Far the selsyn bearingstas well .as for all other ball bearings of the unit the MBH lubricant is used. The lubricant is fed to tho unit with the aid of 1 lubricator. Lubricant in the boarino is replenished at each monthly incoection of tho unit. To replenish tho lubricant in the batwings, it in necessary to do the following: unscrew the external CW13 covering tho bearings; ? remove with a cleaa rag the romaindera of the old lubricant and feed fresh lubricant to thaboarinEs. When adding the lubricant, one should never ovorbrin the socket. The quantity of lubricant will bo sufficient enough for a month's operation, if the ball cage is fillod flush with b ims. '4hon feading the lobrleant to the bearings, care . S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 - ? I Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2611-1/017CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 au ruic.Lbil VLDOCM .. 55.. should be taken that no threads, filings, shavings, etc.. get into the bearing, Atter the bearings are filled with lubricant, their protective cups ahould be returned to tier places. " 4111 No Foreign Dissem ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 9-1-000800081-LOV917Z00108dC1I-V10 1-0/1- 1-/? eseeiej Jo j panaiddv Ado pazWueS - 4-led u! PeWsseloeCI e- ; ? T.0 M ii ti C) I M I. r d W P's 1-3 I 2 t_ 203 204 A.112 3ND107; S Com'Donent Schedule ??????????? +11????????11.111?=??????????????????????????????=111.???????????????????????????????????-T. Appendix I Ref. Name and type 2lectric and other Quan? Uo. data tit7 !rote 3 ? 195 196 202 I 339 340 Racal:ring selsya CC-301 _Receiving selsya CC-501 Transmitting aeluyn 4114-511 Transmitting selsyn AA-511 Trclsmitting selsyn 4g-511 Terminal panel Ter4ina1 ?el Ligjat Turn value 300 mils Tvrn value 10 of the Course Turn valug 6,000 mils Turn value 600 cables Tura value 200 oils for 12 terminals for 12 terrAmala 1 2nd ?recision . CI4S3 1 ditto 1 ditto 1 1 ditto ditto ? 1-led u! Peq!sseloeCI (I) CD CD 0 0 -0 -0 -0 m ? (D CD! U) I CD ? 0 0 0 O.) ?CD M 0 ti g'13 -0 co 0 0 0 0 -????1 OD 0 0 0 OD 0 0 0 (S) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20-1371-1/-01-: -CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 NO rorelgn ? 0,1 ?-1 '1 ' f 1,-???-? 7"."".." " 50X1 map., 1.???????=m?Mooftoomillf?O??????????????????? r4 e4 r4 "4 "4 torlinals terminals 443 0-4 :1 $.4 44, C) e.4 rr-i $4 f4 O 00 4-t14 4-1 for 10 terminals I t ?????,.. I I I r1 r-4 0-4 r?I .0 0 0 0 d0d0b3 t3 0 r. r-I ?-4 ? ;If 1:\ 111 it% CO in ." ir, IA el Ca "0 r-I 0-4 .--4 el r4 rs I 0 C., 0 r: t ) 0 0 ti L.?: I ? 1 d ft. c4 (r) .9 ko co %II vo v-, ,4 to .4)0? 0 a t lu P.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i-i E El E ,..3 '0 'V ;? > i'a Y >. 0. * O. H F4 H /4 0 0 0 4.,..1 r or e .-4 r-4 r?Il 4-4 O a; to 0 41) (9 e) t; d d d ed 0 71 1 r-4 r--4 744 41 d EA E-4 E-t vt 04 44 fro ?. tA. ii. V? N N N .t. ,.... ...?????????????? .-4t4 1'1 "fi C". CO 0 nt tr? r-4 f-1 CV n I% co ca C c.N tn (1 C?1 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissein Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? ? wassTa uilTaaoa Om ????????? -.--- 0 CD 0 CD CD -0 CD CD CD 1 2 3 ? 4 5 . . .1 0 > -o o 7:1 CD CD CD C.1) CD 0 (.7,1) 0 133 149 151 171 179 190 1 2 7 15 16 .19 27 28. 29 31 33 Valve 09 ! Valve 6E4 , Valve 61:4 i Valve 6J8C ! Valve .6174 i Valve 6E4 1 Capacitor KCO-1-250-73-51-1 ? Capacitor ZCO-2-500-8-270-1 Capacitor =0-4-500-3-2,00-1 : Calmcitor 77"3-500-0.5 Capacitor =0-8-50a-3-20,003-I: 1 Capacitor irC3-5C0-0.5 Capacitor =0d-2-500-E-24-1 Capacitor =0-2-500-E-24-1 Capacitor 1:C0-2-500-r-270-a Capacitor XCO-4-500-r-1,2C0-1 Capacitor nC0-4-500-r-1,100-1 . Capacitor :X0-8-./.)':)377-1C?000-!: 51 ,,P15,73 270 015r0 2,000 0.5 pF 20,000 pg100.; 0.5 pF 24 pFi57, 24 pg,;!, 270 pFIZ 100 pFIZ 1,100 pFt, I40 10,000 prtioc, 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 4 1 245 270 pp 1,200 - 1,300 ye Selected vithin 4,400 - 5,000 ?Fr in parallel oi 0 -0 co n.) co co CD (I) CD (D 0 8 CD 70 CD CD CD (D n.) . . )7> 0 -0 co n.) co co ? 0 xj Q ? m tj lCD a tjr 0. %. co oi 1 2 3 4- 4 ! 5 42 51 54 55 63 68 69 71 74 75 79 ' C2 88 ? 94 97 - 135 113 120 ? 122 12$ .131 144 Capacitor KKB-500-2 Caoacitor. NKB-500-4 Capacitor UKB-500-4 Capacitor :M-500-4 Caoacitor C.T.p.acitor Czi/acitor KTK-1-M.-39-1 Capacitor 7C0-5-500-r-2,000-1 Ctpacitor XCO-5-500-2-3,300-1 Caacitor ECO-10,000-II 2 pF . 4 pF 4 g 4 ;IF' 20,000 pFt10,:y 200. 39. Pg5i!, 2,000 pg-55.; 3,300 pg5r) 10,000 0121.0?;; 20,000 pg105 20,000 pg105, 20,000 pF110 1 pIP 1 pr 10,000 pg100 O. pF 0.25 JIF 10,000 pg1K 0.5 r 20,000 prIloi!, 1 1 1 1 1 1 2. 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In parallel -8-1,000-3 Capacitor Capacitor =0-8-500-3-20,000-11 Capacitor =0-8-500-3-20,000-II Capacitor ZUCB..500-1 Capacitor Caoacitor it203-500-0?5 Capacitor Capacitor M1CB-.260-0.5 Canacitor Ht116-500-0.25 Ca2acitor Capacitor Capacitor =0-3-500-3-20,030-II ? 'Jed pau.issepac Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 wassm u21Taaoa og ???????11Mn. .????????1????.????????? 2 151 f ?Capacitor Mi-300-0.1 /52 Capacitor !M1;--260-0.5 157 1 Capacitor =0-3-500-B-10,000-II 158 1 Capacitor ?I:M-500-0.1 159 . Capacitor ! NEr-E1-1-2H-200- i -11 17) Ca:yacitor 175 Ca-lacitor .17C0-4-500- 1,500-36..1-500-11 176 I Canacitor i=-500-0.1 182 Capacitor =0-5-500-F-1,600-1 183' Capacitor KflK-2-25/150 184 Capacitor =0-4-500-r-1, 50C-11 1 185 186 187 189 101 192 Capacitor KO-2-25/150 Capacitor KCO-4 -500 -r -1,500-II Capacitor MK-2.-25/150' Capacitor nn-500-0.5 Ca7acitor KCO-1-250-3-51-1 Cr4p?tritor 0.1 pP 0.5 yP 10,000 pF2:101S 0.1 oF 4YF 0.1y17 1,300 pFIZ: 0.1 pi.' 1,600 pg55'4 25 -150 plr 1,506 pFtICK, 25 - 130 pF 1,500 01:10'n 23 - 150 pF 0.5 uF 51 pg5c; ? 0.1 ..tiF a 3. 1 1 3 Selected within tolerance Selected within tolerance- ? selected within tolerance ? 0 CD 0 CD (/) (/) CD -0 CD (I) CD ? CD 0 < CD 6, I CT) CD CDw CD cr 0 0 Li 0'13 (5) I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 u2Ta.zoj ON. tri 1. 2 4????????WV????? 212 I 321. 322 348 -Tr Capacitor =0-8-1,000-3-10,000-II Capacitor =0-8-500-3-20,000-II Capacitor i.10-500-0.1 Capacitor MC0-2-500-E-100-II 3 ; Resistor 4 i Resistor 5 Resistor 8 Resistor ; 9 ! Resistor 11 i Rosistor 12 1 Resistor 13 i Resistor 17 I Resistor 18 'Resistor I 20 Resistor 22 Resistor 23 Resistor A 24 t Aesistor 3) 'Resintor i 1 i t I 1 BC-1-20 BC.-1-100 BC-1-470 :A1ohms?5- BC-1-5.1 Ic11ohns-5-"; BC-2-20 It'i1ohms-5: BC-1-5') ki1ohms-103 BC-1-51 kilohms-5 JC-1-30 3C..1-5:>0 !U1chms-10:", BC-1-47 ki1ohms-10', BC-1-550 ki1oL,7,5-10- 3C-1-100 ohm-5; BC-1-150 BC-1-1.5 kllohos 3C-1-15 k11ohms-5 3 10,000 pF?10 20,000 pFt100 0.1.1a 100 pF-110* 20 Ll.1ohms4:; 100 ki1ehms?5::, 470 ki1ohms47, 5.1 kilohmsI, 20 kilohmsIZ 56 ki1ohms1:10'::. 51 ki1ohmst5:; 30 k1.1ohms15:; 0.55 megohmI113.1 1 47 ::i1ohms-1105') 1 0.56. megollmI10132. 100 k11ohms=5.!, 1 150.ohms?1C 1 + 1.5 ki1ohms-10 1 15 kilohmst57., 1 4 ; ? 1 1 1. 1 5 Seloc tea 7rithim the limits of 70 -.100 pr It parallel .ditto aitto Selectec3 the limits of .10 - 30 !:ilohms ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ?CA massTa uBTa.zo,E oN ol??Innraaanpaoim?g????????... 1 2 3 . 4 5 ? 1 32 Resistor 2C-1-1.5 kilohms-% 1.5 %ilohms1.5.., I I Selected within the limits of 1.5 - 3.3 'Al- ohms I36 Resistor BC-2-200 ohms-10c, 200 ohmstMS 1 41 Resistor BC-1-15 Iz11oams-10:. 15 ::11ohmst106 1 43 Resistors tubule.r, 1V-500 500 oilms 1. 44 Resistor DC-1-33 Ic11oams-10.: 33 Ict1ohms2:10:3 4 In Dc.:::..1101 46 Resistor SC-2-10 ki1olzs-10:. 10 kllahmsZIU.; 1 47 Resistor 30-1-4.7 4.7 ki1ohmst10 2 In parallel 48 Resi3tor BC-1-4.7 kj1s-10? 4.7 kllohmslIT: 2 ditto 49 Resistor 3C-1-5.6 1:11ohms-10:: 5.6 ki1ohms=10'n 2 ; ditto 50 alsistor, tubular, 1V-5,000 5,000 ohms it 52 itsaistor BC-2-22 ki1ohms-1 22 1ilohmst105': 1. 53 Resistor, tubular, 11-200 200 ohms 1 62 Resistor DC-1-1 ter,ohm-10 1 megohmIlM 1 64 Resistor 3C-2-39 1:i1ohms-10': 39 ki1ohmst1O'- 2 In parallel 76 Resistor BC-1-.56 ki1ohm3-10':. 56 ki1ohmst101:. 1 77 1 Resistor BC4-240 ki1ohm3-5"J 0.24 megohm=5". 1 BO Resistor 3C-1-100 ki1o41s-10;, ! Rosi:Ar 100 kilohmsI10i, 15 ki1ohmst5.A 1 1. :cnintor 1 01 35 I Ao-tntur '),C-2-4 .7 r;:,7-n-4,. ? 4.7 ? (5) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 wassTa aTaaoa om I ; 2 89 Resistor 3C-0.5-560 ki1ohms-10 1 90 . Res1st:5r 13C-2-100 ki1ohms-105 91 Resistor BC-2-1.2 .t11ohms-105 92 Resistor 3C-2-1 kil.)hm -55.4 96 Resistor BC-1-62 k11ohms-5'...= 100 Resistor BC-0.5-100 Iti1ohms-105:: 1 104 i Resistor DC-1-1 I:11311z -10,../ 106 I Resistor BC.-2-10 1:11ohms-105 1 I 113 1 Resistor BC-1-52 ki1ohms-5:, 116 ,lasistor 3C-I-30 k11ohms-51 121 Resistor 3C-0.3-100 ki1oh:As-105 '..Zosistor DC-1-33 1.:i1ohms-10::, ? 1 3 t 4 550 111ohmst105 ! 1 ms-10c, 100 kiloh+ 1 1.2 Ift1ohmst10140 1 1 hilohm 1 62 ki1olgis?5c: 1 100 1.310110si:10071 1 I kilohm -1011.7 1 10 ki1oh1!s1100 3 52 ki1ohms4.; 1 33 ki1ohms?551 1 100 1ci1ohm32:10:'., 1 33 ki1ohma:10;",1. 1 5 caw*. In paral/ol selected withinthe , limits I10 - 15 !al- ' ohms I? Selected within. the limits oZ 22 - 30 :cil- ohms Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 massTa taTeaod ? ped UI pewssepeo (I) $2,) CD 0 11 2 : 4 ....p.m ? ? im.4 ??????????? 5.6 1.1.1olimsZ10e,; 1 ???????????????????? 5 123 ?????? Resistor DC71-5.6 kilohms-10%:, 125 Resistor BC-1-8.2 82 ohm s10 ? 127 Resistor 0C-0.5-100 ki1ohms-105: 100 kilohms=10 1 128 Resistor 3C-1-2 kilo uas-5c 2 kilohmstV', 1 1 129 Resistor BC-0.5-22 kilohms-105 22 ki1ohms2:100 1 CD 130 Resistor BC-1-330 ohms-10::- 330 ohnst10',; 1 132 Resistor 3C-1-1.5 1:110h03-5 1.5 kilolimpl% 1 136 Resistor BC-0.5-20 kilohms?% 20 kilohmsI5 1 1 (1) CD 137 Resistor BC-0.5-10 ki1e'ams-57:. 10 kilohost% 1 CD 133 139 Resistor BC-0.5-120 ki1ohms-1001) Resistor 3C-0.5-22 ki1ohms-10T, 120 kllohmslICW, 22 ki1ohms?101) 1 1 1\.) o :11 41. 140 Resistor BC-0.5-100 ki1chms-10c:, 100 kllohmsti% 1 ,11 c I 141 Resistor BC-0.5-10 ki1ohms-105S 10 iz11ohmst105 1 . ' oI 142 Resistor BD-0.5-10 ki1ohms-105:, 10 ki1ohmst10% 1 -3 $ 0 143 .Rosistor BD-0.5-6.8 hi1ohms-106 6.8 ki1ohms110., -11015 1 145 Resistor 3C-0.5-22 k11ohms-10'7, 22 kilohms 1 0 146 Resistor BC-1-68 Ici1ohms-10(,s, S8 kilohms=10'S 1 co 147 Resistor 3C-1-2 ki1ohms-5 2 1:ilohms!5(:) 1 148 Resistor BC-1-22 111ohms-10'7, 22 ki1ohms?10, 1 150 Resistor BC-1-100 1:i1ohms-10'$ 100 kilohms?10!, 1 153 Resistor 3C-275.6 5.6 !A1ohms?106 1 154 ac1ntr 10-1-10() 100 kilshmo:?10. 1 co 1,5 aealntor 73C-1-2.2 L.1.1o=xm3-13 2.2 LA1oanst10 1 oi 155 11,1n1tclr r4-1-18 %.11ohran.7.1C.% 18 ::11ohmcI10-X. ? 1 co UULAIUUUU 1-LOV917Z00108dC1I-V10 was sTa taTaaoa C-) 1 2 ?????????????MW?M?111, 160 1 R esistor BC-0,5-100 Ic11ohms-10:'; I -162 Resistor BC-2-10 k11ohms-10: 163 Resistor BC-1-8.2 k11ohms-105 ' 164 1 Resistor BC-1-5.5 %ilohms-105:- 165 ! Resistor BC-0.5-330 ohms-10i-, I 165 Resistor. BC-0.5-100 1:11shms-10 157 Resistor 3C-1-550 ohms-10r,:, , 168 172 174 177 178 180 189 199 214 263 323 Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor BC-1-3 megohms?M BC-1-1 megohm-1 3C-2-5.1 k11ohats-5 8C-1-51 kilohms?% Resistor. B-2-5i0 kilohms?% Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor .Resistor 3C-0.5-330 ohms-105..7 BC-1-510 ki1ohms-5:: BC-0.5-330 ohms-10::: BC-1-100 ki1ohms-10:". BC-1-200 kilohms-10:: DC-0.5-22; :A1ohms-10',:, .:?.????????? 3 4 5 ? ??????oavem1 11.41M1 100 ki1ehms1.1073 10 ki1ohms210f) 8.2 1c11ohms?105'- 5.6 ki1ohmst105.7 330 ohms?10c, 100 kilohmstlit, 560 ohms?10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 elected within tie limits of 330 ? 2,000 ohms 1 3 megohms210 fIn series ? tr 1 megohm?10 1 5.1 ki1ohms2:55:, 3 In series 51 1ci1ohms=5,:t 0.51 megohm?5;!, 1 330 ohms1W 1. 0.51 mea.shm 330 ohms1:10 1 100 kilohmsIlOr', 200 kilohmstlOi!, 220 tilohmstlOc: ? ???????????????????????????Yalmemlmolftetwa........,..40.11........... mIbralmaimovalleorlyme..? f 2 3241?Resistor BC-0.5-33 kilohms-10 325 326 327 329 329 330 331 334 335 346 6 ? 35 25 .36 Resistor BC-0.5-56 ki1ohms-105.; Resistor B0-1-10 ki1ohms-10';; Resistor.3C-0.5-330 o1ims-105S Resistor BC-0.5-330 obms-10r, Resistor BC-0.5-5.1 kilohms-55J Resistor BC--0.5-5.1 1:ilohms?% Resistor BC-0.5-560-ohms-10 Resistor 3C-0.5-330 ohms-107; Resistor BC-1-120 ohs-1Oi"J Resistor BC-1-220 kilohms-105!, Rfnge switch Low?frequency choke Vnriable wire?wound rzsietor. 'lire?wound resistor 33 k11ohms2:105; 56 ki1ohmst105 10 lalohmst10 330 ollstl% 330 ohms-110 5.1 3d1ohms2:55, 5.1 ki1o1mst5 560 ohmt41% 330 ohm410 120 ohms=10 220 kilohms1-10'7: 3.5 600 ohms 50 ohms=5 4 5 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;Selected ivithia the. ;limits of 1550 ohms ? 15.8 kilehms 1 1 1 ; 1 ;198 ? 242 kil? ohms 1 1. 1 'Jed u! pawssepaa Cr. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? wasem uTa.loa og I 2 3 45 ; 117 : 134 169 170 181 197 198 210 211 347 67 70 73 86 135 297 298 299 Variable wire-wound Wire-,wound resistor 7ire-wound resistor Iire-wound resistor .Wire-wound resistor resistor : Resistor C11-1-2a-10A-13 Variable wire-wound resistor Variable wire-wound roststor 1 Variable wire-wound resistor Wire-wound resistor Variable wire-wound resistor Self-inductance-coil Self-inductance coil Self-inductance coil Self-inductance coil Self-inductance coil Terminal panel Terminal panel Terminal panel 20,000 ohnst% 150 ahmst% 50 ohms:L.5% 20,000 ohms?1% 0.375 megohm?10 10 kilohms 1,000 ohms?5% 1,000 ohmst% 5,000 ohmst55 16,700 ohms1.155 20,000 ohmst% 11 16.5 aa 25 - 36 ma 110 - 160 dU 300mH?5% for 8 terminals for 6 terminals for 8 terminals 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4111=?????..............m......??????????????????????????? ? Common self-induct- ance with carbonyl core Common self-induct- ance with carbonyl core Common self-induct- ance with 2 carbonyl cores Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? V. ?????? ? r. 4-1 4.4 4-1 el 4.4 r-1 ts. 68 ? ????????????????" 50X1 ???????????????? ??????rom???????????? et et et r4 4,4 r4 r4 r4 r4 el ri ,.4 r4 ..4 ? .........??????????????????..? ???,...????????-?.?-? ? .1. ...W.,. woo. ?????????????????????????????????? g +7 ;,-; 0 - 4., 4-4 f 1 4-' oltfils.11 i E 4'S1 I I 1 I t 1 $:0 C. e.1 tA hi hi 44 rag 0 ?-.. (4 0 In.+, ca. ? ..4tr% 0 A ,i co I k ,:) hi 0 ri I Chi 0 I " 0 ?? N IN . ? 40????????.. Imme???1111601/111?11?1.1., Sdi r 7irsl $j $ )4'J ri7!, C :-? - . ) i .^ o 1 0 0 1 1 i Ai 1,11 If \ V \ .--I N .:? r-I el at A A C) co 00 b0 00 00 00 40 cli O 00000040 C.) C...) :r ,ei OLp .y) 144 il 11 11 /1 , c " 1 ? 4 1...., 6- ? P.1 P.4 el et el el r4 ill S .c.4 A 134 04 04 04 as P. r. vi -:' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' $4 $4 1+ 14 $4 o /4 LA U, CD CD $4$4 l=r = ;.,4 I O 0 0 0 0 0 0 4J 4W 00 elr-4 1-4 m mmm0 r-I id ,0 .11 fo ,o iv v orl Ir Pi' 0.? (of r sr). ro ? j , 4.: ? . : lc . e Am m m 0 C)el 0 0 at 0 al al ? 44 44 44 44 rr-t 44 ? ? 0 UN UN c4 0 00 0 el el el en N en en en r% ln cn aso.110.???????????=0, 0% 0 CV0 leN 4:1 444 qit r. co ie. tf. 1.4 N Ir? C`: c4 CV CV CV CV csiNNN S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No roreign Dissem I. if\ -r-r?-?7???-?-?1` r4 4-4 4-1 P4 $:$ - 69 *lb eM111.111.11???????????????? ri r4 r4 404 0-4 4.4 r4 50X1 Part of circuit e-44/**444/??? r4 r4 r1 r4 0.4 rl r4 e-i r.4 r4 r4 r4 ?????? ? ??????? ?.? ? A11.1.1.10?1111?411.??? g 8 8 r4 04 t. +1 141 r4 +I +I ? 0,4 +I +I 04P t VI 04 A fs, r4 04 P. 4 P4 0 If% 44 rI4 + I P4 04 0V14 0 04 C144 IN 44 =..? z., 0m.,0 0 c, z.... m., ? Cti 0 0 0 0 r4 P? re? 0 1 06 V\ 0 0 ? a s? 0 tr% ... r4 4.4 UN =..,. tr, 4. ..P., a-,0-!, ?1 +A IC'? ? A r4 ? ? 0 r-1 0 tiN UN 0 r4 0 r4 0 r4 c?l r4 CO ?th 42. 0 0 e-1 (NJ .... 1-4 1-1 1-41-4 ? I eiN 4.? C, c..) ?-4 00 r-I I 1-4 0 0 1-1 a ,-1 1-1 UN 11\ I 4,-1 P.1 A 1 "14_ CI tt \ .-I A Pt) tr \ ICN 0 IC\ M gri 0 tr) 1. 0 ?-4 ?-4 tn. ? . I I ? ? 0 'ii .. 0 ..... r, 0 i I 0 I-4 0 r.:., 0 0 r-I 0 I i cit fu.,-) tiNc?j ck ? 4...,t A . 03 ?41' ..1. 0 . 2 0 0 H 0 If \ 1C't ri 8 8 u , 0 0 0 I I 0 ...0 0 t 0 I ft 0 o .1.. t c\ it1 irt 41 til r4 tt1 N UN 11 ligN 4?1 t i (.11 A. ,tt 6 6 6 ct A, 6 0 Ct tj 0 octe 61C% 1,41 16 1-4 IM?1 0 0 0 e ud g 4 , 0 fi t_i 0 ? 44 4II 41 $4 $4 f? $4 $4 $4 $4 14 $4 ?-4 /4 14 14 14 4' 14 14 1,4 14 14 $4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I, 0 0 c:to 0-) Z :: 44 4-, 43 4.1 4441 .1.1 40 43 4, 4, 4., 4.2 41 (73 4)4) 4) 4-b 43 I .1 ?-: "4 , , 4-1 r4 14 ?4 ?4 ?4 '.4?-I ?-?I ?.4 v' .1.4 ?-I ?4 rf el 1 e) u u to to 1 u t? Li 0 0 0 0 4.0 V V V V V V 0 CI CS a; c3 cd r3 cd c3 C. c.) 41 41 t.; cd 0 r.; 0 c: c3 Al C ? 1..; 04 r, r.1 r, r. c., 0 r. P. P c%. s r's t. 1 r. 01 C. , - t1 4".e.3rN 3 es es? as 44 r, ..".? r 0 0 .; 4 cl cd cd a os ts il ?Li 6 6 C.3 c..) C.) r..., V c.3 c..) o c-v C.) t3 C.3 0 t3 V ?. ? a......1.??? ???? ?????? On. ? ../...??? ..iro 0.4 roma, ..???????????,1110100 ON 0 r-4 IC% IA `0 N tn en en r1 ", "it c?l cs.1 cN1 0,1 CV ,.4 IC N e4 No Foreign Dissem vt CO ?-4 t?I N 0'1 r. co 0 (NI t't ('44.1 C.4 (V (NJ cq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 u-i-uous00081-LOV917Z00108dCll-V10 7 1 . 2 3 252 Self?inductance coil 253 i Capacitor REK-2-25/150 215 Resistor. kilohms-105; 218 Resistor BC-0.5-55 ki1ohms-105t, 24. Resistor BC-0.5-5I kilolims-5 221 1 Resistor 3C-1-3 megohms-1M 222 1 Resistor BC-1-3.3 kilohms-10% 226 fResistor BC-2-120 ki1ohms-10% 227 f Resistor BC-0.5-33 ki1ohms-10 233 Resistor 13C-0.5-56 ki1ohms-1055 23 I Resistor Ba-0.5-5S-1:11ohms-10 3.0,?0.2dR 25 ? 150 pH. 3.6 kilobnal.10, 55 ki1ohmst105 51 ki1ohms255 3 megohmst10% . 3.3 kiloh1I23!10% 120 kilohmst.10% 33 ki1ohms=100 56 ki1ohmst10:7. 55 kilohms?10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? wassTa u2Taaoa og ara-u-o-a-s 237 238 239 242 243 244 248 249 250 257 238 274 275 278 280 295 296 304 312 56 270 287 23 ????????????????... Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor .BC-0.5-33 k11ohms-10% BC-0.5-56 ki1ohms-10% BC-0.5-4k1lohm -10% BC-2-100 ki1ohms-10% 13C-1-30 1:11oIlms-55 BC-0.5-2 kilohms-5% 2C-0.5-100 ki1ohms-10% BC-0,5-1 ::ilohm -105 BC-2-20 iA1ohms-55, BC-0.5-1 megohmI10% BC-0.5-3.3 !:ilohms-105 BC-1-560 ki1ohm1-105, ki1ohms-105 1ci1ohms-10% ki1ohms-105', fl?is kilohms-105S 1:110=3-105, BC-1-550 BC-1-270 BC-1-270 tubular BC-1-220 BC-le-270 Insulator Choke Choke Transformer iTan3formor 3 4 33 ki1ohms.?10$5 1 56 1ci1ohms?10? 1 1 kilohn 110 1 100 ki1ohmst105 2 30 kilohms?5% 1 2 k1lohm3t5 1 100 lalohnsI10 1 1 !:ilohn =105 ? 1 20 kilohmst55 ? 2 1 megohmIlDiS 1 3.3 kl1ohnsI105 1 560 ki1ohms:-.10 1 560 kilohmstlOn 1 270 ki1ohns-1e% 10 270 kilohms2:10;!, 12 15 ohms 1 220 k1lohmst10 3 270 ki1ohms?1015 2 1 1.3 HI20K., 1 1.3 HI20i; 1 1 OD 1 5 In. parallel In series In series In series In series In series . ? 0 CO 0 0 0 CO 0 0 0 (5) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 wassui uSTaaod ON i!a amemalwomr1.1111?1?? 11 2 ..,mr?????????????????..........w.? ? a 4 5 ?????????????? 259 389 308 309 310 311 317 Variable wire?wound resistor Terminal panel Terminal p:nel Feeder plug Feeder plug lionitoring jack. 3,000 ohms for 6 zon tttigial O s for 6 terminals for 6 terminals ?In? ?11111 1 1 1 2 Tube Unit ? 110 Tube 2=4. Oa 103 Capacitor 10,000 pF1105; 302 Thermosviteh 411110 108 .Terninal plate fore terminals 109 Terminal plate for 10 terminals 111 Focussing coil 112 Scanning coil 113 Brightening lamp, type 17 26 V; 0.15 4 318 Brightening lamp, type 17 26 V; 0.15 A . 319 Hatching meelanism \*:colas/ 0a UP-1 hoad al.Itch CP L.p.n. Coiror 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 6 2 1 1. In parallel /n parallel ? ?111 1-led LI! PeWsseloeCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 tuassTa u-ca-toaOM .1 2 1 289 Scale illumination switch I .205 Heater switch 290, Switch 65 Station change-over switch 101 Calibration rings switch 34 Centring poteatiometer .39 Sweep length potentiometer 93 Calibration rias aad SS 1 - .wire-wound Dotentiometer 102 107 207 207a Brightness wire-wound potentiometer Focussing wire-ound potentiometer a holder 'Nee in a holder 261 Brightening lamp, type 17 I 26Ia Brightening lamp, type 17 194 ? 3 1 for 3 positions for I position for 3 positions 10 kilohms I 1:11ohm- 10 kilohms 20 kilohms 10,000 ohms for 2 A ? for 2 A 25.V; 0.15 A 25 V; 0.15 A Elements not included in TU, RT.To ass ..1111110.101....??????=?=0.0?111.0.11111.111111?1111. :apacitor KB-260-2 ! 4 ! 5 1. I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I. or :J.1 Units "4.8* Ca3e 1 l? 2v 9 In parallel 0 -0 co n.) 0 CO 0 0 0 CO 0 0 0 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? -47.1- ".1{ %'? 74 ?? V il n .-I 0 FS ai k o ? k P. r4 fcl 0 0 1 0 P: 0 4' ru Pi 0 0 4.1 ctl 0 fa Ps 4, 0 0 19 vi 0)4) V 4.1.-.............mordoommood. ???11;101.1?11????????????? cfN r4-1,4 r4 ......1.11???????????? . . , O? ? IIIIIIII1 i PL1.c, . 0 0 N tete ef's it% P4 P4 N 0 0 4-1 ;4 0.1 4-P 0 ILI 4.1 ?0 cs M ? 453 0 M 4) N r-i r4 r-I 0 41 d IV I 0 0 0 ?r4 eg 4) (Jo V) or H 4, 4.? , 4-? ? $4 I-4 tf 4.0 ,-10 .? 0 O 44 ? SI CAN" , 0 4) 4)$-) 41) vi 'Di 14: : "-I O 0 0 0 0 0 O I $ 4,' 8:4 E E ' ? = "??,,' :4"" M S-1 r14 4-P bM,, 4-I +1 4-; 4.) 44 44 44 0 0 Ori wi .r9 . 0 0 0 Cl) 11) RS *4 v-i MA IN 0 0 Cl) 0 e.7 al ?r4 CS ..Y. y-1 " if a 4.1 4.4) 0 j Cd q 0 0 0 0 6. VI I) g CA-C3 4, 0 C-44) t3 61 In c-1 0 50X1 N c> c> o0c> c> NNNNIN/No4NN S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? Potent p08.45 Table of Valve D.C. Characteristics Hos of valve co ? ????????.?????? vhen there is 75 ? Potent4pos.39 there are on the screen 50X1 ??????????wm.m.? ?????.1??? ??????????.? is' N N + I +1 1 I 4 I I 1 I c0 0 N N 111 ? 1r1 ? ? 0 1?1 r4 +ctl ? r-4 0 H ?????????? 4-uk eN +X 11 ? 0 e +I N 4 NI 1 ri 0 4-1 I I r4 i +1 0 ? ? 00 cp I 1 1 V\ IA ? ? tA 40% H N H tik +1 +I 11 N (1 0 r-4 CNI 0 N 111 r--1 +1 +1 +1 NI' Q'0 f-4 ??????ewirea????????? cv 11 11 I I 1 ????????..././111.0 . 1 1 I t 1 ?-4 ON 0 at 4:1 nt H ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ^ IA co r?N 03 ?????? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? 76 50X1 S-E-C-N-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C -R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 50X1 Ref, No.110. Second anode (anode cap) 5,000 V1500 V. Accelerating electric terminal 3 of terminal panel 1, Ref. No.109, 133 Vt35 V. ? Modulator grid, terminal 4 of terminal panel 1, Ref. NO.109, 80 1415 V, Cathode, terminal 5 of terminal panel 1, Ref. No.109. From 340 14 35 V to 125 V I 40 V. The focussing coil, terminals 1 and 2 of terminal panel 1 Ref. No. 109 - not loss than 75 V and not uore than 190.V; terminals 5 and 6 of terminca panel Ref. No. 309 - 315 V 2.: 35 V; terminals 2 and 10 of terminal panel' Ref. No. 307 - 400 Y 25 V; terminals 3 and 5 of terminal panel Ref.No. 303 - 340 V 35 I/ (at the beginning of heating Ref.No. 276); terminals 3 and 5 of the terminal Ref. NO. 303 - 125 V 40 V (at the end of heating Re f *No ,276). Note: 1. The voltage values are given with respect to the unit bod/.. 2. Neasurements should bc. ta!:en with an avometer 3. Measurement:1 should be tal:en in thu 50-mile range unleas 75-mile r:..ftge is s.iocified in the table. 4. The A.C. characteristics tables of device Ho.4 are given in toresllonillag Specifications for the device units. _ No Foreign Dissem ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Appendix 3 BASE CHART OF RADIO VALVES 61/N 544C 6173C 61/8C 5g3C 6X6C 81002/20 6/79 23J7M34 6C5C No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? 50X1 ? 1), ! t g ! g r t f:3 zizi at al It;41 Diti rixt .4 . n , q v3 q t., th? 0'4 AMINIEINEIRIO tAilb11111W 111L. g?11t- : tak ? I , Vi.k.g4 41". 74,,,,$km?bio,?\ itt,w,iroIlig 1 -taw i, 0 \ra, , 41iLa ' i '113 '?Vt?- 11,- ..,., '0* # 1;. 14 1011:34 kat Z .1'111173 I )1 141 IS V) VI 40 VI tWAVI ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem -t a fig 2 PPR KINEMATIC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 1, *S. Transmitting ?se/synof rao'or station main diSpiay unit PPR. receiving seisyn R?50.2 Rg.4 KEY DIAGRAM OF PHASE-ALIGNMENT S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No Foreign DiSE ? 50X1 .57 rs, ?.1" a,.,. 0? - SOX Si .413,-,14R,f AS i 70:e :My! fAJAVe =1:Cfct 14. L i 0140.i..4.1 immatL:1::."4.....i. irci C ii , .... 111111 ......s.iraisa i:iiii I . ........iefIgik? . .M5M11 III ...... ?----- No Foreign Dissem ? F ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ? ? ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 S -E-C -R-E-T No Foreign Dissern ? 50X1 flg. 4. KfY DIAGRAM (PIAN P0511 11W REPLATE No Foeign 1)is5ern Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No Foreign Dissem ? ? ? 50X1 -NEY OlaCRAM (P/AN POSITION REPEATER) No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem r,7.5`it,/ at a 75s4.A. . RICANS. *if 1 Win Wan tVak LI 50X1 ,t1r, $1,1,?.6 of coarolion Pulse r_70.210) t 160 68e !Der/POI, M12160.Ref ari ?---1-7-48 0)15(CP Refmo 65-e 722rmino/ nel Na.3 poop 7 112 ? :cm ?Terrnina/ ei V et?SZ CP er P NO ? ? N -1. -per R ra zfag 4 ? maw ,I AiroC.41.r.-'- .4- ' ? -,01' . , ?Aha:4 . ? ...IF, 0,_ ri I r I.,-, TO Ortent 4 "4131 ? 73. 4: .._.......6.-ges_s.,.-sto, crre er ? . ...:1,......r Tp_d4zu,,,, 7i : 4- tI '-C4"..W.J?42..W. 37,-- - ? -, .?*1 76.5 c," r ? TerinInoi lerminol ,00nel Ato.6 P f N 1-43- ;r-zo .Pro TERI S -E-C -frN O???rp No Foreign Dissem A7W40-11:, rii? ram , _ .c4 NPJ? "&" z- _ ?,&;-":?FrTageskt ? -_-?r - re563, 0 -?.{..?*:;, 4-4 flei ? ? _ 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem No Foreign Disgem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2615/11101:CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 No Foreign.Dissem. FT 6 SIMPLIFIED 0/4 CRAMS OF RANCE 56(1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2615/1.110.1 7CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dispem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 _r_P 211 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 ? ? Oft Nadu vacrorr t No Foreign Dissem 141 4 -------, 50X1 PPR. DISMAY 41. 1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/01: CIA-RDP80T00246A071800080001-6