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'INFORMATIO'N REPORT 'INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionagt Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 50X1 50X1 NO NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 S-E-C-R-E-T COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Technical Manuals on the RD-3M Engine, Hydraulic System, and Landing Gear of the TU-104A Aircraft DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. REPOR1 DATE DISTR, NO. PAGES REFERENCES 7 Apr O) 1964 50X1 -HUM THIS IS IIMVAI IIATrr'i INRIRMATICIN SnhiprF mzenihittc ADP riPPIOJITIVP ADDDAICAI ric (rikrrakrr le TCAIT AYR= English translations concerning the TU-104A LCAMEL A7 transport aircraft a. Provozni prirucka, motor RD-3M, TU-10.4 A-D1-120/3 (Operating Manual, RD- M Engine, TU- 04A -D1-120/3), published by the Technical Documentation /Bepartment7 of the Czechoslovak 50X1 -HUM Airlines, February 1961. The document bears the Czech notation, "For Official Use Only". Because of a pagination error in the English translation, pages 206-211 are misSing. 4 However, page 212 is a continuation of page 205 and the document is complete. b. TU-104 A-F-250,330/1, Hydraulicky system a podvozsk letadla TU-104A TU I AF - 9 0 ,HydraulicSysten and Landing Gear of the TU-104A), published by the Department of Enter- prise Technical Documentation, May 1961, based on Tekhnicheskoye opisaniye passazhirskogo samolet TU-104A, kniga III, Shassi7-ifTFaMEEFgkaya gistema I upravieTirke samoletom 7echnica ies.cription o Passenger Aircra t TU=MAT-Book III, Landing Gear, Hydraulic System, and Aircraft Controls). The original Czech document consisted of 75 pages plus diagrams. S=E=C=R-ET NO FOREIGN DISSEM COMP I Excluded from automatic dovongmding and dedosaication STATE I DM I ARMY I NAVY I AM IMM XIK NIC I ou ISAC (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) JCS. 50X1-HUM 5 4 3 2 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 A Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM - 2_7 2. Copies of the attachments are being made available by this Agency to the British and Canadian intelligence communities. The documents may, therefore, be discussed with appropriate representatives of these two countries. 3. The information in the manuals may also be used in finished intelligence studies without the control NO FOREIGN DISSEM. Distribution of Attachments: OCR ORR: 2 copies OSI: 2 copies 00/FDD: 1'.. copy Army: ?1-copy Army/FSTC: 1 copy - direct Navy: 3 copies Navy/STIC: 1 copy - direct Air: 2 copies Air/FTD: 6 copies - direct (I previously forwarded) SAC: 1 copy DIA: 1 copy NSA: I copy CIA Library: 1 copy and I roll of microfilm containing original Czech-language documents. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN pIsum 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 8151111211601116111 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ? SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM Operating Manual RD-3M ENGINE ) SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 CROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 NO Foreign Dissem Operating Manual RD - 3 M ENQINE or Official Use ,Qnly 50X1 p 3.203 Published by the Technical Documentation [Department] of the Czechoslovak Airlines February 1961 150 copies S-E-C7R-E-T No Foreign Dissem. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem Czechoslovak Airlines OPERATING MANUAL Chapter I GENERAL DATA ON THE ENGINE 1. BASIC DATA ON THE ENGTNE RD - 3M Engine Tu 104 A Aircraft 50X1 The RD-3M jet engine (Figs. 11 21 31 and 4) is the most efficient modern engine of Soviet manufacture. In comparison with the AM-3 engine, certain changes have been made in the RD-3M engine, which increased engine thrust and reduced specific fuel consumption. In designing the RD-3M engine, use was made of experience acquired in the designing and refinement of anumber of jet engines, particularly those in the AM-3 series. In addition, use was made of operating exper- ience with Soviet-prodUced, jet-engine aircraft. The, engine's design is based on the normal scheme for a turbo- compressor engine with a eight-stage compressor and a two-stage turbine'. The engine consists of: -- an eight-stage axial compressor annular. combustion chamber with 14 burners a two-stage\turbine -- exhaust tube\with nozzle extension -- an engine accessory drive system and aircraft accessories ? a gas turbo starter ". auxiliary systems Compressor -- is axial, delivers compressed air to the combustion chamber. The compressor consists of rotor and stator [assemblies]. The compressor rotor, which consists of discs, is dram-shaped. This arrangement permits substantial reduction in its weight as compared with rotors of other types. The internal cavities between the individ- ual discs are _interconnected by openings in the walls of the discs. Thus the pressure within the rotor cavities is equalized and the axial force against the walls of the discs is eliminated. Air enters the rotor cavities through r the openings in the discs of stage V, and pro- ceeds back to the forward relief cavity 'through the openings in the wall of the forward journal,[conel. Thus, the axial force of the rotor which is held by the center bearing is reduced. In addition, pressures transmitted to the center bearing are equalized by passage of air behind 1. ' No Foreignpissem r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 -EC-II-t-T No Foreigh Dissem stage VIIIof the compressOrthrough nozzles which have adjustable 'orifice plates, by means .of Which the rTeste in the relief cavity is , adjusted to 0.3-0.5 atmospheres. In this':Waythe force on the center.' bearing'Isrelieved. The front roller bearing of the compressor rotor and the turbo- starter with an aerodynamic cover are located. in the forward part of the compressor case. The inlet diffuser is fastened to the forward pert of the case; this diffuser together with the starter shield forms the inlet duct through which air enters the compressor. The accessory drive [mechanisms] and the inlet guide vanes of the compressor are located in the forward part of the housing. The center portion of the compressor case is divided into eight interconnected sections. The case with the stator vanes is divided lengthwise which permits easier assembly and disassembly of the com- pressor. The stators and the compressor rotor blades are designed so that they may be easily disassembled and replaced in the course of engine dissassembly and assembly. , Oombusion chamber -- contains 14 individuslly installed straight; is located between the compressor and the turbine;-and is designed forb#rning fuel and heating air. Approximately one third of the total quantity of air is mixed in , the combustion 'chamber with the atomized fuel, which enters the burners through the main fuel injectors, and participates in the combustion process. The remaining air is mixed with the products rof. combustion and reduces their temperature to a level which is permissible for the turbine buckets. Ignition of the mixturewhen_.starting takes place in four burners (Nos 3, 5, 10, and 12) by thei:.soCalled:_igniters which are made of a starting nozzle and a spark igniter4lug. The flames flash-through the' 'telescoping tubes of these burners tonallthe other burners. 50X1 In the combustion chamber the resulting gases act on the turbine buckets. The turbine uses part of the energy of the escaping gases -oCSor driving the compressor rotor and the accessories. Turbine -- is of a two-stage design mad4up of two-discs. The turbine discs are rigidly connected to ai shaft) thus ensuring good dynamic balance of the turbine rotor. The buckets of the disc of stage II of the turbine may be removed from the disc for inspection purposes with the engine in place. The compressor rotor is connected to the turbine rotor by a special splined coupling with a ball-joint, mounted on the rear end of the corn- pressor rotor shaft and on the turbine shaft. The compressor rotor and the turbine rotor are seated on three bearings: front, center, and rear, which are located in the front and rear sections of the compressor case and in rear bearing support. 2 S-E-C-R-E-T NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 b ???.6 ? ?U -11-IS^T NO Foreign Dissem The front and rear bearings are roller bearings, and in the 50X1 center there are double ball bearings with four-point bearing contact. All bearings are lubricated and cooled by oil injected by nozzles. To reduce losses of oil, the center and rear bearings are set in a common cavity. Engine frame -- consists of the forward) center, and rear portions of the compressor, the combustion chamber shield, the rear bearing support, and the turbine shaft housing; these are assembled to form a single unit. The engine is mounted to the aircraft in One of two ways (for details see Chapter VIII, "Mounting the Engine on the Airframe."). Th ejal The engine [kj tube has a fixed opening, is removable, and utilizes the energy of the gases remaining behind the turbine, which escape at high velocity into the atmosphere. At the same time the resulting reaction forces of the gas jet is Utilized as the motive com- ponent of the engine -- the thrust. The diameter of the nozzle extension ranges from 847.5 to 860 milli- meters. The thrust of the engine may be varied by changing the diameter of the rozzle extension. By reducing md:the diameter of the Plozzle extension, the thrust is increased simultaneously with the temperature, and vice versa. Starter system -- the engine is equipped for independent automatic starting with the S-300 M turbostarter. Starting is fully auomatized and is divided into two phases: (l). Preparation for starting -- switching on the electrical system and setting the throttle of the engine in the ida position. (2). Starting -- pushing the starter button. On starting, engine revolutions in the idae mode are set automatically. The turbostarter, located in the inlet duct, is attached to the forward part of the compressor case and is covered with an easily removable aerodynamic shield. A valve, which opens automatically only during starting, is mounted in the exhaust gas pipeof the turbostarter. At revolutions higher than idle, this valve closes to prevent autorotation of the turbostarter rotor. For automatic control of the valve, a PK membrane-type pneumatic contactor is located on the forward portion of the center compressor case. The pneumatic contactor controls the electrical circuit for closing the valve of the turbostarter exhaust. 3 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 NO Foreign Dissem The starting system, in addition to the S-300M turbostarter and its accessories includes: .-- a TD-1 tachogenerator which supplies current to the relay box during starting, with the voltage varying in relation to the rrm , of the engine.. FT-4V relay box, automatically providing "On" and "off" switching of starter system accessories. The P2-4V box contains all relays of the starter system and is the central. [starting] control unit. . Ignition system -- the vibrator-tyre ignition system is powered .by a 18 to 28.6-volt storage battery. It consists. of a block of EPNC-2R1 starter coils designed to supply current and four SFN-4 spaA igniter plugs. System for the control of bleerling air from the compressor -- this system includes: -- RV-40 air reducer, reducing air pressure brought in from the [air]' bottle of the aircraft; -- Electromagnetic air valve, permitting comrressed air to reach the pneumatic piston mechanism, for closing off the air bleed valve. -- CD-3 centrifugal switch for control of the circuit for the electromagnetic air valve at 3,800+50 rpm. Control of bleeding air from the compressor is fully automatized and ensures surge-free opera- tion of the engine within the full range of operational rains. Engine drive system -- there are three main accessory drives on the engine: -- right, left, and lower, set in the front section of the com- pressor, providing the drive for the engine and aircraft accessories. Above, at a 300 angle from the perpendicular to the axis of the engine. The right and left main drives are located. The lower drive below, at a 300 angle from the perpendicular to the axis of the engine. The air compressor (assembly AK-50N) is driven by the right lower drive. The drive for the engine accessory group, which is located on the right side of the center portion of the compressor case, connected to the right main drive. Mbunted on the engine accessory housing are: PN-28B and PN-15B fuel pumps which provide automatic supply of fuel for all engine regimes; 11. S-E-C-R-E-t No Foreign Diadem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 -- CD-3 Centrifugal switch, cOntr011ing.141r bleeding; -- Engine oil filter; TWO drives lead from the left main drive for the tachometer pick-up units and the centrifugal oil de-aerator which extracts air frmm the oil and de-aerates the oil system. From the left main drive it [the oil de-aerator? makes a turn to the aircraft accessory housing [and] it carries over [appears to be a word missing] located on the left above on the center section of the compressor ease. Located on the aircraft accessory housing are -- two GSR-18000D gen- erators, and two drives, one of which is connected to a 435VF hydraulic pump. The other "free" drive is capped unused ontransport airplane? On the lower drive is an oil pump which has three suction stages and one pressure stage, and a CH-ID-type fuel pump with a pressure regulator. A PT-4V relay box is mounted on the forward portion of the com- pressor case (above) between:; the main drives and between the generators and fuel pumps. Mounted in the front case of the center compressor case are: -- left, above -- electromagnetic air [bleed?] valve, and an ?RV-40 air reducer; -- right, aboye -- PK pneumatic contactor and SD-24A oil . pressure indicator, connected to the starter oil line and to the india- cator light circuit. A drain tank is located in the center sections of the compressor case, under the engine accessory housing. Located underneath the center section of the case are; ^ 6.M. .40 MOON PNR 10-3M starting fuel pump; Second block of KPNC-2R1 starter coils; Electromagnetic valve; Drain valve; Drain tank. The fuel manifold and the manifold for the main fuel reystems] are located on the rear section of the compressor case. : ? Tubing for venting air from the cavity of the rear portion of the case is mounted on the combustion chamber shield. 5 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 The engine has two firefighting manifo14kwhich are interconnected, and which supply liquids for firefighting to the enginenacelle. There are four openings at stage VII of the compressor, which deliver air for pressurizing the cabins of the aircraft, and, four open- ings of the rear section of the compressor case for providing air for the aircraft's anti-icing system. 2. JASIC ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 General Specifications Engine designation Tyre of engine Compressor: Tyre No of stages RD-3M Jet ..Axial 8 Air compression factor, maximum regime ' 6 11. Design feature Combustion chamber: .Automatically controlled, mechanism for bleeding air behind stage III. Type Direct-flaw annular tyre with individual burners No of burners 14 Location Numbering ** Uniformly about the periphery equidistant from the axis of the engine Counterclockwise, lookirg from the engine exhaust nozzle and numbering the upper left burner as No 1 [i.e., clockwise facing the exhaust nozzle? j. 6 S-E-C-RA-JT No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-RLE-T No Foreign Dissem Turbine: Type Axial No of stages *** *** ........o......2 Engine exhaust: Type [exhaust tube] Diameter of Nozzle extension, in mm Fixed opening * 847 to 860.0 50X1 Direction of rotation of the engine rotor ****** *** 64 Left, looking toward the exhaustnozzle. [i.e., clockwise, facing, exhaust nozzle?] Attachment of engine to the engine cradle On seven braces Engine is equipped with: (a). Anti-icing system which delivers heated air from the compressor: from the cavity of stage VII for heating the aerodynamic cover of the turbostarter and the support struts; from therelief cavity of the forward section of the compressor case for heating the leading edges of the vanes of the in- let guide assembly. (b). Openings in the compressor case, designed for bleeding air for the aircraft's anti-icing system. No of openings 4 Location for bleeding air * From the space of stage VIII of the compressor Quantity of air withdrawn at a specific regime, kg/hr 6,000? 50 (c). Openings in the compressor case, designed. for bleeding air for pressurization of the cabin of the aircraft: No of openings 4 *** 6 * * 60444444 4 .7 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem Quantity of air With?4, drawn, hr 620:t 20 Note: The indicated quantity ? of air withdrawn is con- verted to standard con- ditions. 2.2 ;Basic Regimes. Maximum regime: No of rotor revolutions, rpm ????? 4,700:t 25 No of rotor revolutions in flight, rpm 4,7001:50 Temperatureoof gases behind .the turbine (measured and converted) under a Steady regime:. (degrees Centigrade): -- on the ground 'maximum of 66o in flight maximum of 720 Period. of uninterrutted operation of engine [on the ground?]: maximum of 8 minutes Engine rpm with the ambient air lower than -15? Centigrade, at full throttle up to an altitude of 2,000 meters 4,700 -40 rpm Note; 1. In the course of continuous trans- ition of the engine from idle to a maximum regime. a brief increase in the temperature of gases behind the turbine up to 6900 is permitted, being followed by a decrease (in 1-1.5 minutes) to the temperature level prescribed by technical specifications. 2. The mean temperature of gases behind the turbine is measUred according to the data of four thermoelectric cells distributed along the periphery of the exhaust tube. 3. In flight,. 4;770 rpm is permitted. 8 50X1 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 NO Foreign Dissem ? Nominal regime: No of rotor revolutions, rpm 4,425 Temperature of gases behind the turbine: For a steady regime (measured and converted), degrees Centigrade For operation of engine in flight, degrees Centigrade When bleeding air for de-icing aircraft and engine, degrees Centigrade Period of uninterrupted operation of of engine, on the ground, in hours Oe? ? 0.8 norminal thrust regime! ?No of rotor revolutions, rpm maximum of 590 maximum of 610 maximum of 620 maximum of 2 4,175 ? 25 Temperature of gases behind the turbine, for a steady regime .(measured and converted), degrees Centigrade ?.. maximum of 500 No 4 rotor revolutinps rpm 1,750 ? 50 Temperature of gazes behind the turbine (meassured) in degrees Centigrade maximum of 500 Period of uninterrupted operation unlimited Run-up of the engine: (1).' From idle (1750.1*50 rpm) to maximum rpm (4,70025 rpm) at speed of when advancing the throttle at a ? rate of 11-2,W[T3 in seconds... maximum of 17 , (2). Rpm of 1,750 to 31000, in seconds 4.4?44'? minimum of 7 9' No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem In testing acceleration from 1,650150 rpm, the run-up must still be reasonable. Note: In making a o4Ack of acceleration (from 1,6504rpm), the run-up is not: sp.ecif led. (3). From the beginning of automatic control (3,500 rpm) to 4,700 25 rpm, in seconds 12 to 15 Maximum permissible rpm in a test of acceleration (for a brief period) 4,800 Maxim= permissible temperature of gases in the tail pipe in acceleration tests, (measured) in degrees Centigrade * * *** ?64 720 Note: 1. Basic parameters -- thrust and specific.' ? fuel consumption are indicated for 6 ? warmed-up engine and apply to standard ? atmospheric conditions. 2.. Permissible fluctuation in the tempera- ture of gases behind the turbine for a ? maximum regime, .i00 Centigrade. Time of first general overhaul of. engine As prescribed. 2.3 Fuel System Type of fuel: 50X1 Main 44 .41?414, sii Fuel LRX-55 TS-1, GOST 7149-54, or T-1, according to GOST. 4138-49 Starting * ***** 4064146.444, Aviation gasoline B-70, GOST 1012-54,4r one percent' ..(by weight) of oil LT 160=1 ? MK-8, GOST 6457-53, or trans- former oil. GOST 982-56, of any grade (with VTI-1 additive or without additive). Starting fuel pump: Type .446 ****** iboit**164.? ****** 00004 PNR10-3M gear pump with an MU-102A electric motor provid- ing independent supply of tuel to the starting nozzles of the engine during starting. ' 10 No Foreign Dias= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Discern ? ? Number 1 50X1 Pressure of starting fuel, kg/cm?... 1.4 to 1.75 Starting nozzles: Type 4040440 Centrifugal Purpose Supply atomized fuel for starting of engine. Number Four, located in burners Nos 3, 5, 10, and 12. Engine fuel pump: Type Purpose CM 1D, centrifugal To supply main fuel to the fuel pumps. Transmission ratio 1.765 Direction of rotation To the right (from the yids of the drive). . Number 1 Fuel pumps: Type PN-28B and. PN-15B Purpose oiribi.iii.o4o4i4.4.4444444.4.4 To supply fuel for starting ' and operating the engine, ( control of engine, and main- tenance of set rpm at all altitudes levels and at all f1ig1ev6 speeds, beginning with automatic regulation of rpp (with position of throttle unchanged), and at the same time controls supply of fuel to the engine during acceleration and maintains ? the minimal bet fuel pressure at all Altitudes of flight. 13. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Discern Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem ? 50X1 Note: Maximum output of the fuel pumps is limited, to the delivery of 13,500t5?? kg/hr, which is regulated by closing the slanted.. panel of the pumps. As a result of this, at temperatures lower than -150 Centigrade, the engine revolttions are reduced in relation to the elevation and. speed. of flight to a level not lower than 4,300 rpm. Transmission 0.95 Direction of rotation To the left (from the side of the drive) Range of automatic regulation, rpm 3,500 to 4,700-1.25 Fuel pressure before entry into PN-15B and PN-28B pumps, kg/cm2 1.8 to 2.4 Fuel 'measure in front of main nozzles, kg/cm2 Maximum of 90 Point of pressuritmeasurement. On idle manifold. Main nozzles: TY-Pe Duplex, two-stage centrifugal Purpose Supply atomized main fuel to the engine's combustion chamber. Number 2.14. Oil system Type of oil 3.4 LT1600, GOST 6457-53 or transformer [oil] GOST 982-56 of any grade-(;1th or with- out VTI-1 additive.) Oil. consumption, . kg/hi Maximum of 1.5 For flight operation...... The Normal [level] will be I determined from experience 1 ' in the operation of 20-30' -! engines. 12 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-111-E-T No Foreign Dis 50X1 Flow of oil through engine for a nominal regime with maximum per- missible and recommended oil temperature at entry into engine, liters/minute 28:!k3 L Minimum permissple quantity of oil in the tank ' ,, ? *** s. This to depends on the oil system of the aircraft and is indicated in the operat- ing instructions for the - aircraft. Oil pressure in the manifold: Under maximumz nominal, and 0.8 nominal ? regime, kg/cm2 400 400 to 5.0 At idle, kg/cm? Minimum of two Location of the oil pressure Sensing mechaism Extension of oil filter cap Temperature of oil at entry into engine: Degrees Centigrade: Maximum permissible 86 Minimum permissible 40 Recommended 40 to 60 Maximum permissible oil temperature at exit ftpm the engine: Degrees Centigrade 105 Transfer of heat to oil for a nominal regime and. maximum per- permissible temperature (kilocalories/minute),? Maximud80 Oil pump: Type Gear Purpose ????? ??? ? ??? To supply and remove oil from the engine. 13, S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 8-E? No Foreign Dissem No of stages Pressure stage of Imp: Four, in one rsing; one pressure stag d. three suction stages. ' Transmission ratio . 0.827 Flow for a nominal regime with a counter-pressure of 5 kg/cm2, liters/ minute Minimum of 60 Suction stages of pump: Transmission ratio 0.827 Flow for a nominal regime with a counterpressure 0.8 kg/cm2, liters/minute: let stage 60 2nd stage 60 3rd stage 60 Centrifugal oil separator: Type Centrifugal ? Purpose ? Separation of oil from the air which enters from the engine. Transmission [ratio] ? *** ? 2.96 2.5 Starting System Type of starting system ....0.4.****4.* Independent, automatic; con- sists of a S-300M turbo- starter with tachogeuerator and relay box. Starter: Type Gas turbine Purpose 4.???*?*. 4 Provides automatic, independf ent starting of the engine. 14 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Diss ? ? Range of operational r/m 31,000 to 32,500 50X1 Output with temperatures of gases at exhaust pipe at a maximum of 6800 Centigrade, in hp 90 to 100 Fuel consumption frig an operational regime, kg/hr ? ' 85+100 Maximum temperature of gases at the exhaust pipe at operational rpm, degrees Centigrade: At an adbAent temperature of up to 415v Centigrade Maximum 680 At an ambient temperature of above 4-15 degreees Centigrade ......Maximum of 700 At initial turning of starter Maximum of 800 Maximum premissible number of revolutions of starterl*rpm 4 :Maximum of 35,000 Period of operation of starter from the instant of depression of starter button, in seconds Maximum 80 Period to general overhaul of turbostarter (NO. of starts), maximum 400 No of starts from a 12-SA-55 Atorage battery (without recharging) '15 NO of starts with a SAo189B electrical starter of five with 3-minute interval between starts; it is then necessary to allow . the electrical starter to cool for 15 minutes. Tachogenerator: Type Generator with independent TD-1 exciter .purpose 841,4444?41404 ***** ** 06644114441 During starting it provides current for control elements of the relay box (signalling ? relay), provides voltage ? relative to engine revolu- tions. (?) 15 S-E-C-R-E-T ,No Foreign Dis lem Declassified in Part -? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E?441-E-T . No Foreign Dissaa Relay box: Type .6 PT-4V Purpose Provides automatic "on!' and "off" switching of starting equipment Number 3. Total consumption of fuel per engine start, kg Maximum of three Permissible temperature of gases in exhaust pipe at starting,. degrees Centigrade Maximum of 690 Time from starting of engine to idle rpm (1,7504-50 rpm) from the moment of depression of starter button, seconds ..Maximum of 120 266 Ignition System, system of electrical dquipment and Control Type_ot-ignition ..... Vibrator ? 50X1 Starter coil unit (vibrator type): Type INC-2R]. Purpose ? To supply current to engine sptk. Igniter Ieugs ? Dumber . 2 Current voltage 666* 18 to 2866 volts Starting plugs: Type SPN-4 Purpose Ignite starting fuel when starting engine Number 4 TValve-,-? mechanism for bleeding air from the;epace of stage III of the compressor: Tne.:104?64666 .. 6 .. 6 16 Air, piston . No Foreign tdssem L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Die ? Air pressure in the valve control system) kg/cm2 40:? 5 Air reducer RV-40 Number 1 Electromagnetic air Valve: Purpose Controls supply of air into the air bleed valve mechanism 50X1 Number ? 1 Centrifugal regulator for control of valve mechanism for bleeding air from compressor: Type CD-3 single-system centrifugal Purpose At given revolutions of the engine it automatically actuates the electromagnetic air valve In the air bleed valve system. Transmission ratio 1.33 Number 1 Mechanism for control of starter exhaust pipe (does not belong in the engine assembly): Type Number .........?.?.. 1 Air contactor: TYIle ** FK, diaphragm-type MZK-2, electromechanical Purpose Automatically provides link- ing of mechanism for control of starter exhaustibipe Number*... *** .11414. Is 1 17 S-E-C-R-E-T ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem ? 2.7 Aircraft assemblies Generators: soss41,4141416?41411,04,410?4141.111444141414641 GSR-18,000D with differ- entia]. excitation Purpose ? To supply power to the air- craft cabin [electrical] system Direction of rotation To the left Transmission ratio ? ? ?? 1.875 Number 2 Air compressor: Type AK-150N Purpose To supply compressed air to aircraft's air system Direction of rotation mop. To the right Transmission ratio ******** 410,1100000 0.428 Number 1 Hydraulic pump: Type 435 VF, piston-type Purpose TO develop pressure in the aircraft's hydraulic system', Direction of rotation .? ******** To the right Number 1 3. ENGINE ACCESSORY DRIVES Tbrque is tranatitted from the shaft of the compressor rotor to. the engine accessories in this manner (Fig. 7). .The compressor rotor drives bevel gear (1) of the main drive through the spline shaft Which is fitted into this gear. 18 , No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign ME ? Bevel drive gear (1) supported on ball bearings rotates at th450X1 same rpm as the compressor rotor. The other end of the shaft Of this gear is centered in a blind. flange (2) (Fig. 2)i.), which is pressed into the forward. journal [cone] of the compressor rotor. The bevel drive gear turns three bevel gears (2, 3, and 4), which rotate the right and left intermediate (vlozeny) drives, as well as the lover drive. Drive gear (4) supported in two ball bearings, imparts rotation with the aid of a splined4lexible shaft to bevel gear (5) of the lower drive. Bevel gear (5) supported in two ball bearings, imparts rotation to gear i6), which in turn transmits the torque with the aid of the grooved Shaft] to the CN-ID pressure fuel pump, and through grooved [shaft] coupled. with gear (7) to gear (8) of the oil pump. Bevel gears (20, and (3) of the main drive, which are driven by bevel gear (1) of the main drive, truns bevel gears (9) and 10) of the left and right intermediate drives through splined shafts. Bevel gear (9) of the intermediate drive, supported in two ball bearings, turns bevel gear (11) which is set in ball and roller bear- ings; bevel gear (11) transmits the torque to gears (12) and 13) of the aircraft assembly housing and to the two gears (11 and (15) Which are attached on the end of the shaft of bevel gear (11 of the intermediate drive. Gear (15) transmits power through intermediate gears (16) and (17) supported in two ball bearings, to gear (18) attached on the end of the impeller wheel shaft of the centrifugal de-aerator. Gear (14) transmits the torque through intermediate gears (19) and (20) set in two ball bearings, to the [two] tachometer drive gears (21). Drive gear (12) for the generators and drive gear (13) for the the hydrualic pump are attached to the drive shaft leading to the air- craft housing; they are supported in two ball bearings, transmit torque simultaneously through two gears (22) of the drive for the generators and to drive gear (2) for the hydraulW pump. Bevel gear (10) of the intermediate drive is supported in two ball bearings and meshes with bevel gear (32), supported ter in a roller ? and. bevel tearing. Gear (32), through drive gear (24) thin is built as an integral part of its shaft, drives gear (26) for the air compressor. Gear(32) drives engine accessory drive gear (27) which is mounted on the grooved shaft coupled to drive shaft gear 02). Drive gear (27) splined to the drive shaft? tratiSmits power to gears (4 and. 29) for the fuel pumps. Gear (27) is suported in two ball bearings. 19 S-E-0-11-EJT No Foreign rdssem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-d-1144 NO Foreign Dissem 50X1 Through gear (30), an integral part of the fuel pump shaft, gear (28) engages gear (31) of the centrifugal transmitter. In starting the engine, the torque is transmitted. from the.turbo- starter to the engine rotor though the splined main drive shaft of bevel gear (1), which is coupled. with the farwari journal of the compressor rotor. The drive assemblies, with their position in relation to the direc- tion of rotation and. transmission rato are indicated in the following table: 20 ? S-E-C-R-E-T . No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ? (1) CD CD 0 CD CD CDW W CD o - 0 R-5 0 -0 Co 0 0 0 0) > \ 0 CD e 0 thi g t ea 02 1-1 No 3 k 6 T 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name. of Assembly and Drive Trans- mission Ratio Direction of Rotation of the Assembly Position of Assembly AK-150N Air 'compressor EN-28B Fuel pump lPN-15B Fuel pump CD-3 Centrifugal trans- mitter Tachometer transmitter. drive Tachometer transmitter drive Centrifugal de-aerator asR-180001) Generator GsR-1800D Generator 435VF Hydraulic pump Reserve drive CN-aD Centrifugal fuel pump - _Oil pump (4428 0.95 0.95 1.33 0.5 0.5 2.94 1.88 1.88 o.468 0.82 0.82 Right Left left Left Right Left Right Left Left Right Left Right Right Right main drive Left engine accessory housing Engine accessory housing Engine accessory housing Left main drive Left main drive Left main drive Aircraft accessory housing . . Aircraft accessory housing Aircraft accessory housing Aircraft accessory housing Lower drive Lower drive Note: The rotational direction of the accessory shaft is understood to mean viewing the assembly from the end. [which end?] of the shaft (which shaft? . The rota- tion direction of the accessory drives is determined [text grammatically garbled for several words] from the side flangs of the assemblies.' .egomemmatrma 'Jed u! pa!pssepaa Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ? No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Chapter II DESIGN OF ENGINE PARTS . FRONT COMPRESSOR HOUSING The front compressor housing (Fig 8) consists of the following main components: Main case (1) (Fig. 9), case 9, oil filter 17, reinforcing ring 13, support struts 14, thirty-six guide vanes 4, which constitute the inlet guide assembly, main drive (16), and three drive assemblies 11, .18, and 27 (Fig 10). The front housing is a casting mode of magnesium alloy ML5, which consists of an inner case, outer case and six hollow struts, cast as a single unit. In the upper part of the outer case, to the left and to the right at a 300 angle from the vertical axis of the engine) are located two . flanges for mounting the housings of the intermediate drives: On each flange there is a. centering pin, six stud belts for fastening the intermediate drive, and dual recesses for draining oil from the ,intermediate drives. The left flange has two additional openings for the main drive oil line 12. ' In the space between the flanges for fastening the right and left intermediate drives are located four threaded projections 26 (see Fig 10) for mounting housing PT-4V. In the lower part of the case, to the right at an angle of 300 from the vertical axis of the engine, there is a flange with stud bolts for fastening lower drive 18. On the upper left side surface of the caseis a.flange with two threaded holes for fastening fittings 25 (see Fig 10). Along the horizontal axis on the case are two flanges with stud bolts for mounting angle members 21 and 22. 22 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Die ? 50X1 On the front flange are 36 bolts for attaching reinforcing ring 13 (see Fig 9), and on the front flange of the inner case there are 18 bolts for attaching main drive 16, twelve threaded holes for fastening the cross brace of the shield and two pins for. locking it. On the cast struts of the front housing are 24 bolts for fastening the reinforcing struts 14 and 12 bolts for fastening the turbostarter ducting. On the front of the flange of the rear wall of the inner case are five bolts for fastening case 9 and oil collector 17; on the rear are ten bolts for fastening the front bearing and nine for draining of oil and for cooling the front bearing. The rear flange of the front housing has 36 openings for bolts (of which 12 cannot be removed), for attaching this housing to the center compressor case. In the center opening. of the rear wall of the inner case of the front compressor housing is the' front bearing of the compressor rotor shaft. Roller bearing 7 (see Fig 9), mounted in housing 8 of.the frOnt bearing, is axially secured by cap '6 which is centered on the housing of the front bearing and is fastened to the rear wall of. the inner case of the front compressor housing by 10? bolts. In the inner cavity of the front compressor housing is mounted the main drive 16 -- this is the main drive to the accessories. On the leading portion of the cast struts of the front housing are bolted six reinforcing struts. The inner cavities of the cast and reinforcing struts are designed to serve as covers for the shafts, for draining oil from the intermediate drives, aircraft accessory housing, engine accessories and centrifugal separator, for supplying oil to the lower drive, for venting of the drives in the front compressor housing and the oil tank, and also. for passage of oil, fuel, electrical, and air lines to the S-300M starter. Shaft 28 (Fig 10) of the right intermediate drive is located in the upper right cast strut. Located in the upper left cast strut is shaft 15 of the left intermediate drive, line 12 (See Fig 9) for supplying oil from the left intermediate drive to the main drive, and tube 41 for connecting (venting?) the front compressor housing to the atmosphere through the centrifugal de-aerator. On the left end of the left horizontal strut are mounted: elbow fitting 22 (see Fig 10) for draining oil from the aircraft accessory housing,: centrifugal de-aerator, and de-aeration of the oil tank; on the right side is mounted elbow fitting 21 with a tube for draining oil from the engine accessory housing? 23 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dieserd 50X1 Inside the lower right cast strut is located shaft 24 of the lower drive. Oil from the liner and the inner housing is supplied along it into the lower drive. Under:the upper right reinforcing strut are' fastened by means Of clips and pins, the bundle of electrical wires 39 (Fig 11), leading to the starter, oil line 4o to the SD-24A pressure indicator, and Conductors of the thermoelements for measuring the temperature of the gas in the . turbostarter exhaust pipe. The upper left support strut 37 has in its upper cover an opening for the inlet of hot air through fitting 38 into the strut, and in the lower cover there is an opening to provide hot fuel into the cross brace of the aerodynamic shield. Air line 30 to the starter and air line 31 to the Beal of the turbo- starter (sic] are clatped'under the-rightThorizontal reinforcing strut. Starter lines 33, 34, and line 32 for returning oil to the oil tank from the turbostarter while it is in operation are clamped under the right reinforcing strut. Under the lower left reinforcing strut are clamped line 36 for withdrawing oil from the lower drive of the engine to the turbostarter while it is in operation and line 35 for supply of oil to the turbo- starter from the oil tank. On the front compressor housing are mounted 36 guide vanes it (see Fig 9) which direct the stream of air as it enters the first stage of the compressor. Guide vanes 4 are set at an angle of 8004- 30 relative to the plane perpendicular to the axis of the engine. The vanes of the guide system are secured at the given angle by hollow round pins 5 (see Fig 9). Along the periphery of the front compressor housing are 36 radially' distributed openings into which are placed sleeves 3 for the upper bolts of the guide vanes., The bushings are held in place by guide ring 2. Bearing cover 10 is fastened to the rear wall of the inner case by means of 36 bolts. After fastening cover 10, the lower bolts of the guide vanes may be placed into the 36 openings. On the inner surface of the bearing cover is a built-up layer of talc which together with the gasket of the forward rotor journal provides a seal. 211. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Diseem Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Di ? ? 50X1 Housing 9 is cast from magnesium alloy 4L51 is bowl-shaped and serves as an oil collector. It separates the cavity with a large oil content from the cavity of the front compressor housing. In the cover are: -- three openings for the lines 23 and 29.(see Fig 10), which are secured by rings. These lines connect the liner cavity with the cavity of the cast struts of the housing. -- an opening for the line of elbow fitting 21 for return of oil from the engine accessory housing. -- a lower opening for drainage of oil. -- five openings for bolts for fastening the liner to the housing -- fourteen openings for drainage of oil and venting the cavity of the forward bearing and the cavity of the housing. 1.1 Oil collector The oil collector consists of two parts: the oil collector proper and the cover, which are spot-welded along the outer edge. This weld forms the passage way for the oil. The oil collector forms a pan in the front bearing of the compressor rotor and prevents the oil from leaking into the inner cavity of the for- ward compressor case. The oil collector has five openings for bolts for mounting the front compressor housing, three openings for oil drainage, and one opening for the lubrication nozzle of the front roller bearing. In the upper part of the oil collector cap are five openings for connecting the cavity of the liner with the forward compressor case and five openings for oil drainage. 1.2 Inlet Guide Vanes 1 (Fig 12) The inlet guide vanes 1 are made of AVTI aluminum alloy. The vanes are secured in the front compressor housing by two pins. Along the entire length of the vane is a milled groove which after welding the leading edges of the vane, forms a channel, by means of which hot air for heating the leading edge of the vane passes through opening 2 in the lower [mount] pin. Air from the vane exists thrpugh opening 3 which is located in the upper part of the vane. Steel sleeves.4 and 6 of material 4CH14N114V2M [14Cr114.Ni 2W1Mo] are Pressed on the lower End upper attach pins of the vanes and are secured against turning by [locli, pins 5 and 7. 25 NO Fovign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 84-04144 No Foreign Dissem 1.3 Main Drive 50X1 The main drive (Figs 13 and 14) consists of the housing, bevel gears, roller insert, ball bearings, nozzles, and attachment components. The housing of main drive 1 (Fig 13) is cast of magnesium alloy 4L5 and on the flange has three threaded holes 18 for disassembly, 18 holes for bolts for fastening to the front compressor housing, and channel 29 for supply of oil to the sleeves. On the front, the housing has flanges with 10 bolts for attaching the turbostarter. Coupling 26, to which is attached an oil return line from the turbo- starter, is under the flange. On left, above, is return valve 24 for the oil supply to the turbo- starter during (fl automatic rotation, and opening 27 for turbostarter venting. The housing has four openings: -- central, into which is pressed aluminum sleeve 15 for a-ball bearing and which holds the bevel gear of the main drive.' -- openings, located at a 300 angle from the vertical axis of the engine which are used to support the gears of the right and left main drives. Cylindrical sleeve 20, fastened by four pins, is placed in the right opening and aluminum sleeve 6 is pressed into the left opening. One opening, is located below, to the right, at a 300 angle from the vertical axis of the engine, and retainer ring 7 for ball bearing 9 is pressed in it. It Is a seat for the bevel gear of the lower drive. In the space between the upper openings on the right side of the upper right opening, the housing has two threaded holes for oil nozzles 25 for lubrication of the bevel gears which turn the right and left center drive. ? On the front side, the housing has a flange (with an opening and two bolts) to which is attached oil nozzle 16 for the roller bearing of the front compressor rotor bearing. The threaded holes for nozzles 25 and the hole for nozzle 16 are connected with hole 29 by channels and circular grooves in the upper portions of the ball bearing housings. The. main drive, driven by the compressor rotor via bevel gear 14 turns the bevel gear of the lower drive and two bevel gears of the intermediate drives. 26 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013./10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign DIE ? 50X1 Bevel gear 14 is pressed on the front end of the shaft, and locked by six pins and a screw. The 30-tooth gear and the shaft are made of 18 CHNVA [Soviet designation: 18 KhNVA] steel. The shaft of bevel gear 14 is hollow; on the front end it has internal involute grooving for connection with the turbostarter shaft and a retainer ring prevents the gear from falling off. On the rear end, there is in- volute grooving for connection with the drive shaft of the compressor rotor and the inner centering surface. Bevel gear 14 and ball bearing 13 are mounted in the center opening and, to prevent shifting forward in the axial direction, it is. secured by retainer ring 11. Bevel gear ,5 of the main drive, which turns the left intermediate drive, is made of 18CHNUL?steel and has internal involute grooving for connection with the shaft of the left intermediate drive. The gear rotates on the two radial ball bearings 4 and has a ring with 20 teeth. The sleeve has 16 relief openings. Bevel gear 5 and ball bearing 4 are mounted in an aluminum sleeve 6 of the left opening and is prevented from shifting on the axle by retainer ring 2. Bevel gear 19 of the main drive, which turns the right intermediate drive, is made of 18CHNVA steel and has involute grooving for connection to the shaft of the right intermediate drive. The gear rotates in ball bearings 21 and 30, one of which is radially supported and has a ring with 20 teeth. Bevel gear 19 and bearings 21 and 30 are mounted in cylindrical sleeve roller insert 20 and prevented from shifting [on the axle] by retainer ring 23. Cylindrical sleeve 20 is in the recess of the right opening of the main drive sleeve and is secured by four pins. Cylindrical sleeve roller insert 20 of the right transmission is made of 40CHNINA steel and is basically a roller with a tetragonal flange, which has four openings for bolts for attaching insert to the housing. On the side of the insert are two openings, at a 900 angle to one another, for the rings of the drive and gear 5. Bevel gear 10, which turns the lower drive, is made of 12CH2N4A [Soviet designation: 12Kh2N4A] steel and has internal involute grooving for connection to the shaft of the lower drive. It rotates in two radial ball bearings 9 and has a ring with 20 teeth. 27 NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 s-E?b41-t-ix No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Bevel gear 10 with ball bearing 9 which is mounted in aluminum sleeve 31 of the main drive housing, is prevented from shifting on the axle by retainer ring 7. The space between bevel gear 14 and bevel gears 5, 10, and 19 of the main drive is 0.1 - 0.3 millimeters and is set by calibrated washers 12, 3, 8, and 22 mounted between the retainer rings and the ball bearings. A nozzle is installed in the housing for lubrication of the front bearing of the compressor rotor. The nozzle consists of the case of the nozzle 16, nozzle 17, and connecting bolt 32. The case of nozzle 16 is made of 38CHA 138KhA) steel, has flanges with two openings for fastening the nozzle case to the main drive housing, and an opening for supply of oil and a recess for nozzle 17. The recess and the opening are inter- connected by a channel. Nozzle 17 is made of 38CHA steel, and has four openings on its surface, which are covered by a copper screen, a one- millimeter-diameter calibrated opening, a place for mounting tile housing of the nozzle and a threaded opening for fastening bolt 32. The main drive is lubricated as follows: oil under pressure passes through a line from the left intermediate drive to opening 29 ,of the main drive. From here, the oil goes through the channels to two nozzles 25 for lubrication of bevel gear 14 and to the two bevel gears 5 and 19, and to nozzle 16 for lubrication of the roller bearing of the front compressor rotor bearing. .Through return valve 24, the oil passes on to lubricate the turbostarter during autorotation. At its inlet, nozzle 25 and its one-millimeter diameter supply opening has a filter opening a 0.5 millimeter diameter opening. Lubrication of bevel gear 9 and all ball bearings is of the splash type. The used oil goes through the openings of case 9 (See Sig 9) and the lower right strut of the front compressor housing to the cavity of the lower drive housing. 1.4 Right Intermediate Drive The right intermediate drive (Figs 15 and 16) powers the AK-50N air compressor and the engine accessories located in the accessory housing'. It is located on the right side of the compressor case and is fastened with six bolts to its flange. The drive has two housings: the housing of the right intermediate drive 4 and compressor drive housing 7 (Fig 15) The housing of the right intermediate 'drive 4 is cast from magnesium alloy MI5 and has two flanges. The lower flange with a recess for cylindrical insert 21 has six openings for bolts for fastening the Intermediate drive housing to the front compressor housing, an opening for a lock pin and milled channel F (Fig 16) for oil return. 28 NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 64-0-R-t-T No FOteign Dif 50X1 The rear flange has a recess for centering compressor drive 7, four openings for bolts; the flange with a recess for cylindrical insert 21 has 6 Openings for fastening the intermediate drive housing to the front compressor housing, an opening for the lock pin, and milling F (Fig 16) for oil return. The rear flange has a;recess for the center compressor drive housing 7, four openings for bolts connecting the drive with the compressor drive housing, two bolts 23 and opening 26 for supplying oil to the compressor drive housing (FiCI6) . The housing of the right intermediate drive has the line connection 25 for supplying oil to the teeth of the bevel gears.. On the inside of the forward wall of the housing there is a threaded hole for nozzle Z (Fig 15) for supply of oil to the grooved connection of the shaft, which transmits power to the drive in the engine accessory housing. The threaded opening for line connection 25 and nozzles 29 (Fig 16) and Z (Fig 15) are connected by channels in front of annular groove in the recess of the intermediate drive housing. The right intermediate drive is powered by the main drive shaft through ' gear 18 of the drive. Gear 18 made of 12CH2N4A steel, has 24 internal involute grooves for coupling to the shaft. On its exterior surface are located two bearings 20 and 22 and bevel gear with 20 teeth. . Bevel gear 18 with ball bearings 20 and 22 is mounted in cylindrical insert 21. Bearing 20 is radial. Cylindrical insert 21 is in the recess of the intermediate drive housing. Bevel gear 18 is secured in the axial position by retainer ring 17, mounted in the circular groove of the insert. The insert is made of 380A [38KhA] steel, and it is a cylinder with,. a six-sided flange, on which there are 11 openings: six openings, for. bolts for attaching the intermediate drive housing to the front compressor housing; two openings for lock pins; two openings for drainage of oil; and one technical [access?] opening. On the side surface, opposite the elipsoid openings on the case are located two openings for oil drainage and a cut-out for the ring of the bevel gear 5 of the drive. Bevel gear 5 is made of 12CH2N4A [12Kh2N4A] steel. The forward end of this gear makes contact with roller bearing 3, mounted in aluminum sleeve 2 of drive 4. The bearing rear face of the make contact with the radial ball bbaring mounted in aluminum sleeve 6 29 No Foreign DiSsem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 , go Foreign Dissem 50X1 of the compressor drive housing 7. This bevel gear has 30 teeth and two mounting openings for disassembling the ball bearing. The shaft of the bevel gear has an internal recess which'has a blind flange, and in the rear section -- 24 involute internal grooves, a drive gear with 18 teeth and cavity for the ball bearing. The clearance between the teeth of bevel gear 18 and bevel gear 5 of the intermediate drive is 0.1 - 0.3 millimeters and is set by calibrated washers 19, mounted between the retainer ring and the ball bearing, and also between the ball bearing and the housing 7. The compressor drive housing 7 (Fig 16) is cast from magnesium alloy ML5 and has four flanges. On the front end of the housing there are: a flange with lug, two openings through which bolts 23 pass, four bolts 28 for fastening the compressor housing to the intermediate drive housing$ and further, opening 27 for the oil supply to the AK-150N ,air compressor. On the rear of the housing are: a'flange with an opening and three bolts for mounting the adapter unit of shaft 32 (see Fig 15), a.flhnge with two bolts for fastening cover 33 and also a flange with a recess and four bolts 1 and two holes for bolts for mounting the adapter unit of the compressor 12. The AK-150N air compressor is driven by gear 15 and intermediate gear 9, which are driven by gear 8 made as a single unit with the drive gear 5. The intermediate gear 9 is made of 12CH2N4A steel and has 30 teeth, and in the inner surface of the sleeve there is a circular groove for retainer ring 10. This gear rotates on the two ball bearings 11. There is a washer between housing 7 and ball bearing 11. Gear 15 of the compressor drive is made of 12CH2N4A steel and has 42 teeth. The gear is pressed on shaft 16 and three pins and a screw secure it against turning on the shaft. Shaft 16 is made of 38CHA steel. It is hollow and on the outer surface. it has a centering face with a lug for a balLbearing'and external grooving with grooves for the splined coupling 13 which drives the AK-150N air compressor. Coupling 13 is made of 38CHA steel and has four internal splines and grooving with an annular groove for the retainer ring. Calibrated washers 30 and 31 are used to prevent overlapping of the face of the teeth of gear 15 with regard to intermediate wheel 9.- (There is] a washer between the housing of the compressor drive 7 and the ball bearing, and another [washer] between the adapter unit of the compressor 12 and the ball bearing. 30 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S,B-04-11-t4 No Foi"eign Dis 50X1 Adapter unit 12 of the compressor is cast from AL5 alloy in the form of a sleeve with a flange. On the flange are six holes, four of which are for bolts 1 and two for screwing in sleeves 24. These openings are for fastening the adapter unit of compressor 12 to the compressor drive housing 7. On the same flange there are six bolts 14 for mounting the AK-150N air compressor. In addition to this, the adapter unit has four openings for oil return from the air compressor and for connection of the inner cavity of the air compressor to the right immediate drive, and two openings for lubrication of the air compressor, around which are circular grooves for rubber seal rings. The adapter unit has two recesses inside: for ball bearings and for the projection of the air compressor flange, and also a seating projection for centering the adapter unit of the compressor in compressor drive housing 7. The intermediate drive joint is sealed by paronite washers. Lubrica- tion of the right intermediate drive and the AK-150N compressor is per- formed as follows: oil under pressure goes through a line from fitting T of the main line to nozzle 25 of the intermediate drive housing 4. From the housing the oil flows to the milled ring K and by means of channels It is guided to nozzles Z (See Fig 15) and 29 (see Fig 16. For lubrication of the splined coupling of the shaft and the bevel gears, and through openings in the compressor drive housing - it is channed for lubrication of the AK-150N air compressor. Nozzle Z with a 0.7 millimeter-diameter opening and nozzle 29 with an 0.8 millimeter-opening have 0.5 millimeter openings at the filter inlet. From the compressor and the bevel gear the oil proceeds through the grooves to the compressor drive housing, connected by an opening with the cavity of the intermediate drive housing. From this housing the oil is released into the forward compressor housing by means of openings in the liner and the milled channels F (Fig 16) and partially also by means of the ball bearing. Lubrication of the gears and all ball bearings is by injection. 1.5 Left Intermediate Drive The left intermediate drive (Fig 17 and 18) transmits power from the main drive to the centrifugal de-aerator 27 (see Fig 17), to the two tachometers and aircraft accessories located in the aircraft accessory housing. The drive is located on the left side at an angle of 300 from the vertical axis of the engine and is fastened to it by six bolts. The drive consists of two housings: thd left intermediate drive housing 4 and the tachometer drive housing 6. 31 S-E-C-R-EJT No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 , . NO Foreign Dissem 50X1 The housing of the left intermediate drive 4 is cast from magnesium alloy ML5 and has two flanges. Lower flange 34 (Fig 18) has 6-hOles for bolta for fastening the drive housing to the.fiont housing of the compressor; an opening for supply of oil to the main drive; an opening for the retainer pin and two openings 33 for the outflow of oil. The gear flange has a recess to Center the housings of the tachometer drives 6 four holes for bolts; and two pins 32 for fastening the tacho- meter drive housing to the left intermediate drive housing. In the front wall of the housing, on the inside, is a threaded hole for nozzle Z (see Fig 17) for supply of oil to the splined coupling of the drive shaft to the aircraft accessory housing. The housing of the left center drive has nozzle 30 (see Fig 17) for supply of oil to the drive, and nozzle 31 (see Fig 18) for supply of'oil to the teeth of the bevel gears. The threaded holes for nozzle 30 and nozzle 31 and Z are connected by channels through annular grooves K (see Fig 17) milled in the intermediate drive housing. The left intermediate drive is driven by bevel gear 3 of the drive. .This gear rotates on the two ball bearings 42 and 16 which are mounted into cylinder insert 14.. Ball bearing 16 is radial. Bevel gear 3 of the intermediate drive is made of 12CH2N4A'steell has 24 internal involute grooves for coupling with the shaft and, on the external surface, two faces with projections (chanfers?) for seating ball bearings, and a ring with 20 teeth. Gear 3 of intermediate drive is _secured in the axial direction by retainer ring 15. The cylindrical insert is made of 38C11A steel and is a cylinder with a hexagonal flange, on which are located 11 openings: six openings for bolts for fastening the housing of the left intermediate drive to the front compressor housing; one opening for the oil line to the main drive; two openings for drainage oil return and two for lock pins. On the side, opposite the openings are two openings for draining Oil, and a cut-out for drive gear 5 of the intermediate drive. Gear 5 of the intermediate drive is made of 12C112N4A steel and its front end is in roller bearing 2, mounted in aluminium sleeve 1 of housing . 4 of the drive. The rear end of the gear is in radial ball bearing 7, mounted in aluminum sleeve 13 of the tachometer drive housing 6. The gear has 30 teeth and two access openings for disassembly of the ball bearing. The hollow shaft of gear 5 has an inner bore with a builtin blind flange, and in its rear part, 24 internal involute grooves:. On its external surface, the gear shaft has a space with two faces for seating the drive gears of the main de-aerator and tachometer,- threads for the nut fastening the drive gears, and two lateral slots for fastening the washer. 32 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIALRDP80T00246A071200010001-9_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dig ? 50X1 The clearance between bevel gear 3 and bevelgear 5 which is [illegible, but probably] 0.1 - 0.3 millimeters, is set by calibrated washers 17, mounted between the retainer ring and the ball bearing, and between the ball bearing and the projection of the tachometer drive housing 6. Tachometer drive housing 6 is cast of magnesium alloy MI5 and has seven flanges. For the front end, there is d flange with a projection and two openings 39 for bolts for fastening the tachometer drive in the intermediate drive housing, then a tetragonal flange with four bolts 35 (see Fig 18) for fastening adapter unit 29 (see Pig 17) of the tines for venting the forward compressor housing. On the side wall of the housing is a tetragonal flange with four bolts 36 (see Fig 18) for fastening line 26 (see Fig 17) which vents the transmission cavity. On the rear part of the houding are located four flanges, two tetragonal flanges with recesses and four bolts 41 (see fig 18) for mounting the tachometer transmitters; one flange with an opening and three bolts 4o for mounting adapter unit 10 (see Fig 17) of the shaft; and a flange with a recessed area and six bolts 38 (see Fig 18) for fastening the main de-aerator 24 (see Fig 17). The tachometer drive housing has a recess and collars for seating the ball bearings and rubber packing, lugs with openings for shafts 8 and 28 of the intermediate drives, and a threaded hole for the blind flange. The connection of the drive gears consists of two rings -- drive gear 11 of the tachometer drive and gear 12 of the centrifugal de-aerator, which are made of 12CH2N4A steel. Gear 11 of the tachometer drive is pressed on the end of the gear 12 of the centrifugal de-aerator drive, and is secured to the shaft by two pins and a screw. On the front side of the case of the gear 12 of the drive of the centrifugal de-aerator are two projections which fit into the faces of the shaft of the bevel gear 5 of the intermediate drive. Gear 12 of the centrifugal de-aerator has 27 teeth and the gear 11 of the tachometer drive has 22 teeth. The connection of the intermediate gear wheels of the centrifugal de- aerator drive, which is set in two ball bearings and pin 28, consists of two cylindriacl [7] rings made of 12CH2N4A steel; the rotations are trans- mitted from gear 12 and then by gear 23 to gear 25 of the centrifugal de- aerator, which is set on the de-aerator rotor. Intermediate gear 27 with its 23 teeth is pressed into gear 23 with its 34 teeth and is secured on the shaft by three pins and a screw. 33 S-E-C-11-E-IT ? NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-d-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 The intermediate gear of the tachometer drive rotate on the two ball bearings 9 and shaft 8. Through gear 21 the rotation is transmitted from the gear 11 and is then transmitted throughintermediate gear 22 to gears 18 of the tachometer drive. Gear 22 has a groove on its inner surface for the retainer ring'. Gear 18 of the tachometer drive is set on shaft 19, which rotates on two ball bearings, mounted in the tachometer drive housing. It is made of 12 CH2N4A steel and has 44 teeth, and on one side of the sleeve are two lobes, which lock it on shaft 19. Shaft 19 is made of 38CHA steel. The shaft is hollow, on one end it has a blind flange, preventing leakage of oil into the tachometer pick-up mechanism, and on the other end it has a tetragonal opening for the end of the tachometer transmitter. On the outer surface, the shaft has a round projection with two faces for the lobes of gear 18. ' To prevent seepage of oil from the housing cavity into the tachometer pick-up mechanism, a special packing 20 with a spring is mounted from the side of flange fastening. Lubrication of the left intermediate drive is as follows: oil under pressure passes from the line through nozzle 30 into the drive housing. In the drive housing, oil flows into circular groove K and is run through channels to nozzles 31 (eee Fig 18) and Z (see Fig 17) for lubrication of the bevel gears and of the oil groove [sic] of the shaft of the aircraft accessory housing. Nozzle Z with an opening of 0.7 millimeters and nozzle 31 with an opening of 0.8 millimeters have 0.5 millimeters filter recesses at the inlet. The gears and all bearings are spray-lubricated. From the shaft of the bevel gear the oil passes through the grooves into the cavity of the tachometer drive housing, and then through an opening in the housing it proceeds into the cavity of the left intermediate drive housing. From here, the oil passes through the openings in the liner and opening 33 (see Fig 18) in drive housing 4 and partially also through the ball bearing, then through the hollow strut into the front compressor housing. 1.6 Lower Drive The lower drive (see Figs 19 and 20) powers the CN-ID 16 fuel pumps,' and oil pump 1 (see Fig 19). The drive is located on the right side of the forward portion of the compressor cases, down and to the right at .a 300 angle from the vertical axis of-the engine and is fastened to the flange of the front compressor housing by six bolts. 11. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissent Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Poreigi Dit 50X1 The drive consists of the hovsing, the bevel gears, the shaft, ball bearings, and the fastening components. The housing of lower drive 14 is cast of magnesium alloy ML5 and has . three flanges. The upper flange has a recess and six openings for bolts for mounting the drive housing to the flange of the front compressor housing. A groove is machined in the flange for retainer ring 13 which holds screen 12. The rear flange with its recess and four bolts 24 (see Fig 20) is adapted for mounting fuel pump 16 (see Fig 19). The forward flange with its recess and eight bolts 23 (see Fig 20) serves for fastening the oil pump I (see Fig 19) and has two openings for retaining pins. The housing has an opening for the inlet of oil for lubricating the fuel pump drive; an opening for the intake of oil from the cavity of the lower drive housing to the cavity of the suction component of the oil pumps; line connection 22 (see Fig 20) for fastening the tube for pumping out oil during engine starting and an engine oil drain oil. Pressed in the housing are three aluminum sleeve 5, 18, and 3 (see Fig 19) which are bolted in place. Bevel gear 3 is mounted on the two ball bearings 10, between which there is spacer 7. The ball bearings are in aluminum sleeve 5. Bevel gear 8 is secured axially by retainer ring 6. Gear 8 is made of 12CH2N4A steel and has 19 teeth, and inside [it has?] 24 involute grooves and a groove for retainer ring 9. ? Bevel gear 21 is mounted on the two ball bearings 20, between which is located a spacer. The ball bearings are mounted in aluminum sleeve 18. Gear 21 is secured axially by retainer ring 15 which is inserted in an annular groove in the housing. Gear 21 is made of 12CH2N4A steel and has 13 teeth, and inside each end [of its Met?' are square grooves [splines?] of coupling it on one end with fuel pump 16, and on the other end with oil pump 1. The clearance between the gears is set by calibrated spacers 11 and 17, mounted between the ball bearings, and by retainer rings 6 and 15. Drive shaft 2 has one end supported by the ball bearing mounted in the housing, and the other end is connected by means of the grooves to bevel gear 21. Gear 2 is secured axially by retaining ring 4 and by a special nut. Gear 2 is made of 12CH2N4A steel, has 15 teeth, is splined on one end and on the other has a housing for seating the ball bearing and threading for the special pilt for fastening the ball bearing,, 35 . NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 The gears and ball bearings of the lower drive are sprayed with oil supplied from the front compressor housing. The lover drive housing is ? divided into two cavities. Oil is brought into one of these from the liner of the front compressor housing, and the other cavity is enclosed by the same housing and screen. The cavities are interconnected by an opening. 21 COMPRESSOR The compressor supplies air to the engine's combustion chambers. Heating of the air during compression assists in the rapid combustion of a large quantity of fuel in the small volume of the combustion chembers. The efficiency coefficient is high. At a rate of flow, along the outer diameter of the compressor disc, of u = 300 meters second, the adiabatic coefficient yad = 0.87 The compressor (see Figs 22 and 22) is axial, eight-stage, with a drum-disc rotor. It is distinguished by its high efficiency, low weight, and small dimensions. The low weight of the compressor is attained as a result of the drum-disc design of the rotor, and the small dimensions are the result of increased axial air speed. . The air duct of the compressor is in essence a narrowing, annular channel, which has a greatetintake than discharge area. The entering stream of air imperceptibly rotates in the direction of the rotation of the compressor rotor, for the purpose of lowering the Mach number. In order that at operations of up to 3,800 rpm the engine will not pulsate, air is bled from the compressor. The compressor consists of the rotor, the front housing with the inlet guide vane system, the center and rear case with the stator vane system, the turbine shaft housing; and the shaft shields. The compressor also includes three bearings; front, rear, and rear [rear bearing is actually in combustion chamber-see Fig 4]. 2.1 Compressor Rotor The compressor rotor (Fig 23 and 24) is of drum-disc design and consists of the following components: the front journal assembly [cone] 9, the front journal seal 13, eight compressor discs 29 with blades 19, the rear journal [cone] 23 the rear journal seal 24, the splined drive coupling 25, which is fastened on the rear [sic, center bearing] bearing with nut 26, and spherical bearing cover 28, fastened to the splined drive coupling by 16 bolts 27. 36 S-]-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 8-E-0,41-B4 No Foreign DIE 50X1 Torque from the turbine is transmitted by the splined drive coupling 25, connected with the rear [center] bearing in the splines and secured by nut 26. From the rearIcenter] bearing, the torque is transmitted by 71 radial pins 22. The torque is also transmitted from disc to disc by radial bolts 18 and 31, located in the grooves of the discs under the blades. Torque is transmitted to the accessory drives from the first disc by radial bolts 14 and eight pins 10 [sic] of the front journal assembly 9 and front journal 4 which has splines 3 on the inner surface into which the shaft of the bevel gear of the main [accessory] drive is coupled. Internal cavities between the discs are connected with one another by openings 30 in the disc walls, which permit constant pressure to be maintained in the entire cavity of the rotor and thus the axial load on the walls of the discs is eliminated. [Some] air proceeds from the air duct of the compressor to the rotor cavity through openings 32 (see Fig 23), which are built into the cylindrical surface of the fifth-stage disc, and then through openings 30 in the walls of the discs of the compressor, and, through openings 11 in the cone of the forward journal it proceeds into the front relief cavity, [follows the] shape of the axle equipment, directed aft. Thus the axial load, created by the rotor of the compressor and directed aft is reduced, and thus the load on the center bearing also is reduced. The portion of the air which proceeds into the front relief cavity Is used for heating the leading edges of the inlet guide vanes. 2.1.1 Front Journal Assembly This serves as the front support of the compressor rotor and takes on the radial load of the rotor and the torque, transmitted to the shaft of the bevel gear of the main [accessory] drive. It consists of the forward journal cone 10, front journal 4, pins 7 and 8, and blind flange 2. 2.1.2 Front Journal Cone The Front journal cone is cast of aluminum alloy ANA-1. On the upper flange of the cone, screws 12 fasten seal 13 of the front journal, which is made of aliminum alloy AK4-1 [and] which together with the talc strip of the cover of the front compressor housing constitutes the seal, reducing the escape of air from the front relief cavity into the compressor. 37 NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Front journal it. is pressed into the center part of cone 10 at the front bearing; the journal, made of 40CHNMA 140KINMA) steel, is secured by radial pins 8. Pins 8 are prevented from falling out by pins 7. Journal 4 has a small projection on its front part on which roller bearing 5 is mounted. Seal 6 of the front bearing is mounted on the center part of the journal. This seal is made of aluMinum alloy AK4, and together with the - talc strip of the front bearing forms a seal, which prevents leakage of oil into the compressor. Blind flange 2, pressed inside the journal and secured by retainers 1, prevents oil from leaking out of the forward compressor housing into the inner cavity of the compressor rotor. This flange is made of 38CHNJUA [3810INNYuA) steel and has a key on which the inside diameter of the shaft of the bevel gear of the main drive Is centered. 2.1.3 Compressor Discs The compressor discs from stage I to stage VI are made of AK4-1 aluminum alloy castings. Discs of stage VII and VIII which operate at a much higher air temperature are made of OCHN3M (OKhN3M) steel. On the cylindrical portion of the drum of each disc (except the disc of stage VI) there are five Z ridges. The ridges and the talc linings of the semi-circular shapes of the stator assembly make up the seal, which reduces the interflow of air between the compressor stages, and thus increases its efficiency Coefficient. Coupling of the discs of all stages is achieved by the overlapping cylindrical bands and also by radial bolts 18 and 31. The overlapping is determined according to computations of heat expan- sion of the connected discs. Expansion of the discs as a result of the effects of the centrifugal force resulting from the blades is also taken into consideration. The overlappings ensure the centering of one disc on another and on the entire compressor rotor during engine operation. In the discs of the Compressor are grooves for attaching the blades; in the discs of stages through VI the grooves are of "dovetail" design, and in discs of stages VII and-VIII, of "fir tree" design., 38 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foi.eign Dig 50X1 To reduce the load on the blade from the pressure of the air, the axes of the grooves on all discs are parallel to the axis of the disc. The deflection of the grooves axis is caused by the torque, resulting from the centrifugal force of the blades, which is guided in the direction opposite that of the [sic]. Each disc is statically balanced after machining. 2.1.4 Working Blades The working blades of the first six stages are made of 7 aluminum alloy VB-17 [VT-177] as a stampled piece which is further ground and polished; blades of stages VII and VIII, which operate at a higher air temperature, are made of 30CHGSA [30 KhGSA] steel. Number of blades in the compressor stages: stage I - 27; stage II - 35; stage III - 53; stage IV - 63; stage V and VI - 67 each; and stages VII and VIII - 71 each. Each blade consists of the blade proper and root. The roots of blades of the first six stages have a "dovetail" shape and those of stages VII and viii, a "fir tree" shape. ? The blades of the first five stages are secured in the axial direction by wedge type retainer 16 at the front, and at the rear by concial pin 17. Blades of stage VI are secured at the front by a metal retainer, and at the rear by projections on the drum of the disc of stage VII. Blades of stages VII and VIII are secured from both directions by lock pins 20. The metal retainers of the blades for stages I - VI are bent on one end toward the wall of the blades, and their other [end] is fastened in the groove of bolt 15 which is screwed in the cylindrical pins which connect the compressor discs. 2.1.5 Rear [Compressor] Journal 23 Rear journal 23 [cones] supports the radial load of the compressor rotor, the torque, and the axial load of the compressor. It is made of OCHN3M [0101N3M] steel and is cone chaped with a cylindrical end. There are three openings and seven rdiges G on the conical portion of the journal. The openings are for the purpose of discharging oil which may have leaked into the compressor rotor cavity.and also to bleed air (behind, stage VIII) into the rotor cavity4 The journal ridges together with the ridges of the seal of the rear -housing constitute a barrier which reduces leakage of air from the com- pressor into the rear relief cavity. I) 39 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-R-E4 ? NO POi'eign Dissem 50X1 The seal of rear journal 24 is pressed on the end of the front bearing which with the talc lining of the center bearing forms a seal pre- venting leakage of oil from the center bearing into the rear relief cavity. To improve this seal, air is brought from the compressor rotor cavity through openinds N to the center of the seal. The cylindrical part of the rear journal cone serves as the journal of the rear compressor rotor bearing. Located on it are bearings and other components of the center bearing. Components of the compressor rotor made of aluminum alloys AK4-1 and VD-17 (discs) blades, seals forward journal cone), are anodized. Components made of OCHN3M and 30CHGSA steel (discs of stages VII and VIII, and rear journal and rotor blades of stages VII and VIII) are plated to prevent corrosion. After assembly, the compressor rotor is dynamically balanced to an accuracy of 40 gcm at each bearing. The balancing is done by relocating the blades of individual discs on stages I, II, VII, and VIII, deepening the openings on'the edge of the disc of stage I, screwing in and adjustment of balance weights 21 in the pins of stages VII and VIII, and trimming of screws 15 on stage I. The front journal 4 and the rear journal 23 serve as supports in balancing the rotor. 2.1.6 Spined Drive Coupling Splined drive coupling 25 is made of steel and transmits the turbine shaft torque to the compressor. Cover 28 of the ball bearing is fastened to the splined drive coupling by bolts 27. On the flange of the sleeve there are splines which couple with the splined drive coupling on the turbine. 2.2 Center Compressor Case Joined to the center compressor case (Figs 25 and 26) are the front and rear cases in which the engine bearings are located. This group of cases serves for mounting the stator vane system. The center housing consists of two circular sections: front 7 (Fig 27) and rear 15. The front and rear sections each have two dividing planes: horizontal -- mounting, and vertical -- technological. In this manner each case consists of four parts which, joined by bolts, constitute the entire housing. The front section is made of magnesium alloy ML5. The rear section, which operates in much warmer air, is made of aluminum alloy AL5. The individual sections are joined by means of bolts 11 and gudgeons 21, which are secured by the mutual centering of the parts. 14.0 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Die ? ? 50X1 To ensure that the center case is rigid throughout its entire length, the housing walls are progressively strengthened toward the rear housing. In addition, on the exterior there are circular reinforcing ribs, The center case is joined to the front housing by means of circular flange 23 with bolts of which 12 are tap bolts. Circular flange 23 has a recess hole for the centering projection on the flange of the forward housing. The front housing of the compressor is connected to the rear case by 48 bolts on rear circular flange 19. 24 of these bolts are tapped in . The center housing has a round recess 16 on the flange which receives a projection on the rear housing flange [for centering?]. In the center housing there are the seven rows of stator vanes 5, they are made of forged aluminum alloy VD17 which have been ground and polished. Te stators distribute (equalize) the flow of air and together with the rotor blades of the compressor they convert the motional energy of the air into pressure. On the inner surface of the center case are seven cir- cular recesses. Stator vanes 5 fit into the recesses of the corresponding stages and thus are secured at the required angle, in relation to the center housing. Number of stator vanes according to stage: stage I, 40 stators; stage II, 48; stages III-VII, 80. Rings 24 stamped from AMcAM aluminum sheet are mounted into groove recesses of the housing between the stator., vanes of stages I and II. The cover plates are fastened in the center housing, each with one bolt 25 with a countersunk head. Number of rings according to stage: stage I, 38 stage II, 46. In the horizontal plane are mounted angle members 1 (see Fig 26), made of DlT material, instead of the rings. The stator vanes are fastened to the case by bolts 9 and nuts 8 from the outer surface of the center case. To make the center case even more rigid, the bottom fittings 10 of the stator vanes are interlocked by strong, partitioned, semi-circular [elements] 4. Stator vanes of stages I, II, and III are provided with .a drop-shaped terminal A at the point of transition from the foot to the pin, thus differing from blades of the other stages. Terminal A is extended in the direction of the intake edge. Fittings 10 of the stator vanes of stages I, II, and III are mounted in the openings of the semi-circular [elements] with an overlap. The semi- circular elements 4 are designed to impart a smooth contour to the air passage of the compressor and for connection of all guide vanes into one element, The purpose of this connection is to reduce vibration of'the vanes. Along with the ridges of the compressor discs, the semi-circular elements form the seal, reducing the flow of air within the compressor stages. The inner surfaces of the semi-circular elements are talcum coated to reducing the clearance in the seals. 43. S-E-C-R-E-T NO Foreign rdssem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S -EC-'R-E-T NO Pbteign Dissem The semi-circular elements in stages I-III are made of magnesium alloy ML5. Those in stages IV-VII are made of heat resistant aluminum alloy VD17. Each semi-circular element consists of'a front and a rear semi-circle, which are joined by bolts 14, sleeves 13, and nuts 12. The front and rear semi-circles of stages I, II, and III are joined by three hollow cylindrical pins 26, through which are lassed bolts 27 in stages IV, V, VI, and VII [they are joined] by three round pins 28 with retainer rings 29. Connecting bolts 14 and 27 on the semi-circle elements of stages I, II, and III are extended beyond one blade and on stages IV, V, VI, and VII, beyond two blades. The semi-circular elements are secured by retainer rings 30, placed in recesses on the lower fittings of the blades and in the appropriate openings of the semi-circular elements. The retainer rings are mounted in the peripheral -- viewed from the partition planes -- openings of the semi-circular elements. In the center part of the case and in contact with a part of the case are located bleed air openings 22 with an over-all area of 930 square centimeters. On each side of the contact are mounted bolts 20 for fastening the stop [and] for withdrawal of the bleed [belt] valve which closes the openings fOr bleeding air. To attain better contact of the valve and increase its pressure, it is positioned on projections on the center case at the point of flange contact. At the point of transition of the valve from the center case to the [air] bleed mechanism there are mounted two rails on the same level with projections to prevent escape of air in case the belt is in contact. Mounted in the rear space are heat-resistant, rubber seal rings 31, to prevent escape of air through the gaps between the stator vane bolts and the openings in the center case. The round recesses of the six forward stages of the compressor case are talcum coated to reduce the clearance between the compressor rotor blades and the center case, and thus increase the compressor's efficiency. On the surfaces of the front and rear sections of the case are: 1. Four lugs 2 with blind [2] openings (at mounting connection), for assembly and disassembly of the compressor. 2. On the front case, above and to the left facing forward there are two lugs with collars for fastening the anti-icing tube assembly. 42 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001:9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foi?eign Die 50X1 3, On the upper half of stage IV of the compressor, there are two flanges 3, provided with special blind flanges (sic) 14. In the rear case, above and to the right, there are seven lugs with long pins for attaching the aircraft accessory housing. 5.. In the rear space of the case, above and to the left, there are eight lugs with long pins for attaching the aircraft accessory housing. 6. Above stage VII of the compressor there are five flanges. On flange 17 there is an elbow with a valve for bleeding air (see aircraft's anti-icing system). Air for pressuring the cabins of the aircraft is bled through flange fitting 18. Special blind flanges are mounted on the other three flanges. Components of the center compressor case, made of magnesium alloy ML5 are provided with eloxal coating (segments of stages I, II, and II/ and the front part of the center case). Components made of aluminum alloy VD17, D1T, AMcAM (blades, cover .rings, angle members) are spray coated. The rear section of the center case and segments of stages IV, V, VI, and VII have no coating. The exterior surface of the center case has a coat of aluminum paint. 2,3 Rear Compressor Housing The rear compressor housing (Fig 28 and 29) is one of the main new sections of the engine and has the following functions: (a) ConpectsAhe compressor with the hot section part of the engine, bears the radial and axial load of the center bearing and partially also the radial load of the rear engine bearing. (b) Takes on the thrust and weight of the engine and transfers this through the engine mount struts. (c) Is used for fastening the burners of the engine's combustion chamber. The rear compressor housing is of a strong and light-weight welded construction and consists of the following assemblies and components: thd combustion chamber 13) stator vanes 11 of stage VIII, the rear housing seal 4, and the inner liner 20 of the diffuser. The combustion chamber 13 consists of flange 9 of the rear housing, flange 15 for fastening the combustion chamber case, and outer liner 12. 43 S-E-C-R-Ear NO Foreign Discern Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Poreign Dissem. Flange 9 of the rear housing is made of ICH18N9T (11Ch18N9T] steel rolled in the shape of a ring with two ridges'. Shoulder "a" of the flange fits into the recess on the rear wall of the center case. Centering is based on the internal diameter,of'the shoulder. This connection serves not only to seal, but also to center the rear housing assembly. . On the front ridge of flange 9 are openings for bolts for attaching the rear housing to the center case of the compressor and the engine Mount assemblies. 50X1 On the rear ridge of flange 9 are 24 openings for bolts, for fastening the engine mount assemblies. The rear and front ridges of flange 9 are made in the form of a crown. On the flat surface of flange 9 are 80 drilled openings for bolts for attaching the vanes. Flange 15 is made of 1CH18N9T [110118N9T] steel; it Is a rolled ring with lugs and is used for fastening the combustion chamber outer liner. Outer liner 12 is made of 1CH18N9T sheet, 3 millimeters thick. Its inner surface constitutes the outer edge of the flow channel behind the 'compressor. This liner is welded at the front to flange 9, and at the rear, to flange 15. The following are welded to outer lines 12 on the exterior: -- 14 flanges 25 (see Fig 29) for fastening the fuel nozzles.; -- 14 flanges 20, of which four are for attaching the igniters. The other 10 flanges are closed off with retainer blind flanges which secure the burners in an axial direction; -- four tetragonal section flanges 14 (see Fig 28) for mounting equipment for bleeding air for the aircraft's anti-icing equipment; . -- a large triangular section flange for mounting lines for exhausting air from tubes; the transmission (drive shaft assembly); -- two triangular section flanges for fastening oil return lines from the center and rear engine bearings; -- one triangular section flange for fastening oil inlet lines to the center and rear engine bearing; -- four threaded couplings for attachment of lines for bleeding air from behind stages VIII into the automatic starter system, the turbostarter, oil tank, and acceleration equipment; S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A07120001000179 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E:.0-R-E-T No Foreign Dies ? ? 50X1 -- a small elongated flanged fitting for bleeding air for the aircraft cabin from behind stage VIII of the compressor; -- two lugs with threads for fastening contactor bands j?). Stator vanes 11, of stage VIII of the compressor, with outer and "b" and shaped section [vane proper] "s", has the pin "e" with a threaded end, by means of which the vanes are fastened to the inner ring with nuts 5. The nuts are secured in pairs by. lock-washers 6 made of 1CH18N9T steel, which also secure pins 7 for attaching seal 4. Forty of these vanes are made of IICH14N14V2M (4Khli1.N14V2M] steel and serve to reinforce the connection between the inner ring and the flange. The remainder, which are not of the reinforcing tupe, are made of aluminum alloy VD17. These two types of vanes are installed in alternate sequence, . The ends of the reinforcing stator vanes fit into the flange with a 0.05+-0.3 millimeter overlap and the others with a clearance. Each blade is attached to the flange with a radial pin 10. The rear housing seal 4 is made of OCHN3M steel and, together [meshed] with the ridges of the seal of the rear journal of the compressor rotor, forms a barrier, restricting the passage of air from the compressor into the relief cavity. The seal assembly is attached by 40 pins 7 on the inner ring of the rear housing with a radial clearance of 1.2 4- 0.2 millimeters. The inner liner 16 of the diffuser consists of inner ring 8 of the rear housing, inner liner of the diffuser 20, flanges 17, 10 struts 1, and 10 brackets 3. The inner ring of the rear housing, the inner liner of the diffuser, the center bearing cone, and the flanges are made of steel 1CH18N9T. These form the air channel behind the compressor and also serves to transmit forces from the center bearing to the reinforcing vanes of stage VIII. Stator vanes of stage VIII of the compressor are mounted and secured in the 80 openings in the inner ring of the rear housing. In addition there are 40 openings for pins for attaching the seal. On the flange of the inner ring of the rear housing are 20 openings for bolting brackets 3. Liner 20 of the diffuser forms by its outer surface, the inner edge of the flow channel of the engine, and, together with flanges 17 it' serves to reinforce the support of the 'enter bearing of the engine. Struts (1) welded from 1C1118N9T steel connect the center bearing cone and the inner ring of the rear housing. This forms a power triangle, 115 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 B-B-C.11-E-11 NO POreign Dissent transmitting to the reinforcing blades the radial stresses and the difference in axial stresses caused by the compressor rotor and the turbines. The center bearing cone 19 consists of flange 21, for securing the center bearing; flange 22 for securing the turbine shaft housing and case wall 23. On flange 21 there are 10 eyes fen- bolts for attaching the struts. Case 23 of the center bearing cone has eight openings 18, which provide for bleeding air which penetrates the rear housing seal. For increased strength, the wall has eight corrugations. Struts 1 hre hollow tubes with eyes 24 welded Onto it. Brackets 3 are made of E1481 steel and are fastened to the inner tiner of the diffuser by two bolts 2. 2.4. Turbine Shaft Housing Turbine shaft housing 19 (Fig 30) contains the power train between the rear bearing of the engine and the rear section of the compressor housing. The outer surface of the turbine shaft housing forms the inner boundary of the flow channel of the engine's combustion chamber. The turbine shaft housing is circular in cross section, is made of ICH18N9T (110118N9T ] steel sheet, and has flanges welded on its ends. By means of front flange 16 the housing is attached to the rear flange of the inner liner the diffuser, and by means of rear flange 22, to the case of the rear bearing through the flange of frame 23 of the guide assembly of stage I of the turbine. To make the assembly stronger, reinforcing ring 21 made of steel sheet are welded to the inner surface of the housing. On the outer surface of the turbine shaft housing there are the following flanges and openings: -- three accesses covered. by plates 17 for assembly and disassembly of the compressor and turbine shaft coupling; -- five flanges 32 (Fig 31) for fastening air bleeder tubes 33 for bleeding air from the relief cavity into the atmosphere; 7- one opening with sleeve 34 (Fig 32), for a telescoping tube fitting for venting the cavities of the shaft housing; -- two openings with sleeves 35 (Fig 32), for the telescoping tube fitting 3 (see Fig 30) for removal of oil from the cavity of the center bearing and tube 1 for removal of oil from the cavity of the rear bearing of the engine; -- one opening with sleeve 24 (see Fig 30) for the telescoping fitting of oil line 25 to the center and rear engine bearings. 46 NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 84-0-11-E-T No oreign Di ? ? 50X1 2.5 Shaft Case - The cavity of the turbine shaft is divided by into two large cavities; ;the relief cavity between the body of the turbine shaft and the inner housing, and the oil cavity. The relief cavity is connected by means of openings 18 (See Fig 28) in the center bearing cone to the space behind the stage VIII seal and serves for venting into the atmosphere air which has penetrated the seal. On the turbine shaft housing are fastened five tubes 33 (see Fig 31 which pass between the combustion chambers and bleed air from the relief cavity into the atmosphere. In the relief cavity a pressure of 1.3 1.5 kg/cMd is maintained. This is accomplished at the plant by adjusting the diameter of the openings for the passage of air from the relief cavity into the atmosphere. The oil space connects the oil spaces of the center and rear bearings of the engine so as to simplify the system of sealing the bearings, and lowering the oil temperature. The inner cavity of the case is connected with the atmosphere by means of a tube and with the centrifugal separator, mounted on the left intermediate drive. The inner [shaft] case consists of three assemblies: the front 13, center 6, and rear 2 (see Fig 30). The case are made of welded of 1CH1089T [1K1ilON9T) steel sheet. Front case 13 (see Fig 30) is fastened by its front flange to the housing of the center bearing and by its rear flange it is connected to the center case at the point of coupling with the engine. On the front case is oil collector 7 with trap 8 to which oil flows from line 3. Inside the front case, case 12 is positioned, with flanged sections 15 which reduce spraying and prevent formation of a large quantity of foam. In the lower part of this case are five openings 11 and fiften openings 9, for return of oil from the cavity of the front and center cases. On the oil collector inlet is mounted screen -- the foam filter [literally defoamer). On center shaft case 6 is support 140 fasteting the oil inlet line to the center bearing of the engine. Fastened to the housing of the rear bearing of the engine is rear case 2 which has oil collector 30 near the rear bearing. Within the rear case is case 26 which has cross-sections with bent elements 18. In the lower portion of the case are openings 27 for oil drainage and a spacer 20 is fastened here; this spacer improves oil 47 No Foreign Die sem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem drainage. In addition, the ring flange of the case has openings 28 for oil drainage from the front cavity of the rear case. At the point where the oil feeds into the oil tank there is the screen type foam filter 29. On the lower part of the oil tank is mounted trap 31, from which oil is pumped through line 1. Cases 10 and 29 are made of sheet metal and have a number of openings for drainage of oil. These openings are distributed in checkerboard fashion. .There are three flanges on the rear case for fastening the oil line to the rear bearing, the oil return line from the cavity of the rear bearing; and the de-aerator tube. Center shaft case 6 and rear shaft case 2 are connected telescopically. so that during assembly the center case may be shifted to the'side'of the rear engine bearing. Graphite asbestos.packing.5 and tightened nut 4 seal the telescoping joint. 2.6 Combustion Chamber Case The combustion chamber case connects the turbine and the compressor, and transmitc stresses from the turbine to the compressor housing. Simultaneously, from the outer side it [the case] forms a space in which the burners are located. The combustion chamber case (Fig 33 and 34) consists of the case proper 2 butt welded from four sections into the shape of a cylinders, and of two flanges 1 and 4, wbich are alsO butt welded to this wall. Flange 1 joins with the rear compressor housing flange by means of 56 bolts, 14 of which are tap bolts. The case is fastened by flange 4 to the front flange of the extension of stage I. On this flange are two left or two right engine mounts. To reduce the weight of the flanges, both are machined milled along the edges between the attachment openings. On the sides of the case proper are welded five flanges 3 for couplings, connecting the relief cavity of the turbine shaft housing to the atmosphere, and one lug 6 for fastening the drain line.. 48 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C41-t-T No Foreign Dia 50X1 In addition there are four fittings 5 with threads for fastening the oil lines. To prevent leakage of fuel a half asbestos gasket and a screw cap is mounted to the lower fitting, where they are fastened to eye 81 welded to the Water surface of the fitting. Two flanges 7, to which tubes are attached, are welded to the lower case of the combustion chamber for draining Off fuel (in the starting process]. All components of the combustion chamber case are made of type 1CH18N9T [Inau9r] stainless steel. The construction of the combustion chamber case and the attached fixtures is such that an inspection may be carried out and burners may be replaced without disassembling the engine. The casing can be disconnected at both flanges and pushed to the rear. This makes the .burners accessable. 2.7 Engine bearings The compressor rotor rests in the front and center bearing, the turbine rotor in the rear bearing and the ball joint, attached where the splined case of the compressor rotor and turbine are connected. The roller bearing of the front bearing (Fig. 35 and 36) is located in the central opening of the back wall of the inner front compressor housing, which makes up the bearing support. The forward bearing receives the radial load of the compressor rotor and it con- sists of the following components: Housing 10 of front bearing, thrust roller bearing, cover 11 of front bearing, oil nozzles 7 (Fig. 36), and oil seal packing. The housing of front bearing 10 is made of type 12CH2N4A [121Qi2N4A] steel and consists of a ring with a flange which has 10 openings for fastening the front bearing to the front chamber of the compressor with the help of pins.. On the other wall of the ring is a boss which serves as a support surface for the outer ring of roller bearing 9. On flange "a" between the openings for the pins there are three equally spaced openings "b" which serve to release the oil from the area of the cover 11 of the front bearing into the cavity of the front compressor housing. The roller bearing with separator 8 and rollers 6 is inserted into the housing 10 of the front bearing. Outer ring 9 of the roller bearing is equipped with two bosses "2" which secure the rollers 6 and 8. 'Inner ring 2 of the roller bearing (without bosses) is set on the. front journal 3' and tightened by nut 4. The inner sleeve of the roller bearing enables the compressor rotor to rotate around a fixed bushing during operation of the engine as well as during its assembly. ? 49 No Foreign Dissem: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 The roller bearing packing consists of rotary (labyrinth] seal 1 and the load surface of the fixed cover of the front bearing, with a minimum clearance between them. The teeth of the seal dig into the talc layer "e" of the cover, which prevents it from moving and assures the dependable performance of the engine. Cover 11 of the front bearing is made of aluminum alloy type AL5 and it is held in place by 10 bolt, screwed into the front housing of the compressor. The cover is centered by a boss "7" in housing 10 of the front bearing. Annular cavity "1" and three pockets "IV serve to collect the oil and to discharge it into the area of the front housing through 9 openings in the housing of the roller bearing and on the flange of the front compressor housing. Oil for the lubrication and cooling the front roller beaming is piped under pressure is sprayed by nozzle 7 with a diameter of 1 millimeter, which is mounted on the housing of the main drive. The center bearing (Fig. 37 and 38) is fastened to the flange of the cone and it rests against the radial ball bearings, which secures the compressor rotor and the turbine rotor in an axial direction. It receives the radial load component of the compressor rotor and the difference in the axial weight of the compressor rotor and the turbine rotor. The central bearing consists of the following main joints and components: housing 11 of the central bearing, front oil collector ring 5, two radial support ball bearings 4, two spacer rings 12, two spacer rings 3, oil nozzle 13, cover 9 of the center bearing. The assembly of the central bearing (Fig. 39) consists of housing 8 of the center bearing and adapter 10, which are joined together by 16 radial pins 3. Radial pins 3 are locked by pins 2 to prevent them from droppitng out of the housing of the center bearing. Radial pins 3 enable the adapter to move in relation to the housing of the bearing when the engine is in operation and they compensate for the difference in the coefficient of the linear expension of the rear component which is made of type 12CH2N4A (12Kh2N4AJ,steel. Housing 8 of the center bearing is as a hallow tube Of type 12CH2N4A steel one face surface of which terminates in a flange with threaded openings 12, to which the front housing is fastened. Threaded openings 6 are used for fastening cover 9 of the center bearing with bolts (see Fig. 38). ,r50 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dim 50X1 Two ring grooves 7, 90 longitudinal channels 5 and longitudinal openings 9 permit intensive circulation of the oil and the removal of heat from the center bearing by means of the oil. Opening 11 is used for the attachment of the oil nozzle. Openings 14, covered from the face side by blind flange 13, carry oil to the oil nozzle. Adapter 10 of the center bearing is made as a bushing with a flange of type 1CH18N9T [IKH18N9T] steel. The flange contains threaded openings 4 for fastening the center bearing to the flange of the cone of the center bearing. The radial support of the ball bearing 4 (see Fig. 38) is assembled in a special way to assure the simultaneous contact of the balls and ball races at four points and so that the axle pressure is distributed equally as both ball bearings rotate. This condition is secured by using adjustment rings 3 and two grooved rings 2 and 1 of varying dimensions. The four point contact of the balls offers the possibility for increasing the load being carried by the ball bearings. Cover 9 of the center bearing (see Fig. 38) is made of type 12CHN3A [12KhN3A] steel and has a "15" recess on its outer circultference and a support flange "16" with 16 holes for the bolts with which to secure the cover. The cover has 45 openings, 6 for carrying off the oil from the ball bearing housing to the case. The inner surface of the cover' is built up with a layer of talc 8, which together with the ridges of [labyrinth] seal 7 of the rear journal comprises the seal, preventing oil from the central bearing from entering the relief cavity. Oil is supplied to the.ball bearings under pressure through nozzle 13 with two calibrated openings, which regulate the flow of oil to the ball bearings. The necessary oil passes through openings in the cover and the bearing housing and passes into the front housing and its oil collector from where it is pumped through the outlet lines.. Copper gasket seal 10 is placed in the joint between cover 9 and bushing 11 of the center bearing, assuring a tight assembly. To achieve the same objective, a "peronite" packing is placed in the joint between the bushing 11 of the center bearing and the flange of the front housing. The rear bearing (Fig. 40) consists of the following components: bush 11 of the rear bearing, roller bearing, two oil nozzles 2 and 8, outer cover of rear bearing .15, inner cover 13. The assembly of the rear bearing (Fig. 41) consists of case 4 of the rear bearing and housing 3, which are joined together by 16 radial pins 2. To prevent the radial pins from dropping out, threaded stops are located here which', when adjusted, will assure (centering) at three points. The joint between the housing of the rear bearing and the case of the rear bearing is packed with a silk packing cord impregnated with? siloxane to make the joint tight. 51 S-E-C-R-E-T NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Case 4 of the rear bearing made of type OCHN3M [OKhN3M] steel in the form of a cone, the front face of which terminates in flange "a", which serves to fasten the rear bearing to the shaft of the ru4bine and the stator assembly. The tapered surfaces of the case contain "15" [opening?) for attaching air bleed lines. In the center of the case is a round opening into which is mounted the housing 3 of the rear bearing. 30 passage openings "d" and a line coupling serve to center and hold the rear cover. A "peronite" packing - is placed in the joint between the rear cover and the case of the rear bearing. The housing of the rear bearing (Fig. 42) is made of type 12CH2N4A [12Kh2N4A) steel. The front case contains the support of the rear bearing and a rolled flange 5 which serves as a supporting surface for the outer ring of the ball bearing. In the rear part of the component is centering band 6 and supporting flange 2 for centering and fastening. the inside and outside covers. The annualar channel 1 of the component has recess 4,100 axial channels 10 and side openings 3, used for cooling the outer ring of the roller bearing and for carrying off the oil to the rear inner area of the housing. One opening 9 and two openings 8 with threads are used for mounting and securing the oil nozzle. Outer sleeve 10 (see Fig. 4o) of the roller bearing together with separater 3 and rollers 4 are installed in the housing of theiear bearing. Outer ring 10 of the roller bearing is made with two lugs "a", which hold rollers 4 in a longitudinal position. Inner ring 5 of the roller bearing is placed on shaft flange 6 of the turbine and fastened by special nut 7. Inner ring 5 of the roller bearing does not have a setting which makes possible the shifting of the turbine rotors in an axial direction during the operation of the engine. For better removal of heat, the roller bearing is bathed from both sides with oil, supplied by nozzles 2 and 8. On the turbine side is located a two stage [labyrinth] seal. The ridges of the seal of the turbine shaft revolve around the talc layer 1 of the outer 15 and inner 13 covers. Between the tops of the ridges and the talc layer there is a minimum clearance. This prevents oil from passing from the rear bearing into the turbine and also prevents hot air from getting into the roller bearing cavity of the rear bearing. Outer cover 15 of the rear bearing is made of type 38CHA [38KhA] steel. It is mounted on housing 11 of the rear bearing with 16 screws. Rear lid cover 13 is also made of type 38CHA steel. It is fastened to the housing of the rear bearing with screws together with the outer lid. The outer roller ring contains 16 milled openings 12 for releasing oil from the roller bearing into the circular track of the rear bearing 52 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Di ? ? component. Copper gaskets are placed between the joints of the lidr50xi Oil passes under pressure to the roller tearing from the oil system by means of a line. Screen oil filter 16 is mounted on the line. behind the nozzle. The oil flows through an opening in the inner cover into the rear inner case, from where it is sucked out by a gear pump". 2.8. Compressor air bleed. Air is bled from the compressor into the atmosphere to prevent [compressor] surging during a low RPM and to reduce the necessary power for starting the engine. With engines which have high pressure compressors the stages of which are designed for maximum effectiveness at rated RPM, all stages operate, during the starting RPMs, in an unsuitable regime. Also, for intermediate RPMs, they operate in an unstable manner and the power needed to turn the rotor increases sharply. The first stages of the compressors are designed for an air flow of 164 kilograms per second at rated RPM. At starting RPM they use a significantly smaller amount of air, as a result of which the axial speed of the air drops. At the same time the axial speed in relation to the circumferential speed of the air is such, that the air reaches the first stage under a more favorable angle of entry. In the final stages of the compressors, which are set for a steady flow of air, heated and compressed in the preceeding stages, the relation between the axial speed and the circumferential speed of the air at low RPM increases in comparison with the uniform relation of speed of the systems under consideration [2]. The stages thus work with a great negative angle of entry, which leads to an increase of power needed to turn the rotor of the compressor. When the air is released from the intermediate stages of the compressors (at low RPM) the air pressure falls as a result of the release of a part of the air into the atmosphere and the first stages begin to move a greater amount of air. The increased flow of air in the first stages results in an increased axial speed and the relation of this pseed to the circumferential speed approaches that which is expected. As a result of this, the angle of entry also approaches that which is expected and the stages of the compressors require a smaller amount of power. During the last stages, in this case, there is a drop in the relation of the axle and circumferential speed of the air as a result of the reduced flow of air passing through these stages and released into . the atmosphere. This leads to the approach of the angle of entry to that which is anticipated and to the fact that these stages require leespower. 53 S-E-C-R-EJX No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Discern 50X1 Bleeding of air is acOomplished by means of a row of openings located on the circumferential surface where the front and rear, components of the center case are located, i.e., behine stage III. From the Outer side of the center case these openings are covered by a steel band 1 (Fig. 43), on the ends of which are eyes 2 for fastening to levers 11 of the automatic bleed mechanism. One lever (right) is lengthened to bring the band bleed valve closer to the center of the housing. The [compressor) bleed mechanism (Fig. 43) is fastened to the center case of the compressor by two supporting frames, 8 and consists of two cylinders 4, two pistons 6 with piston rods 3, springs 7 and levers 11. Springs 7 shift the piston rods outward, increasing the distance between them. In this way the band bleed valve moves over the center case and openings are uncevered through Which the air passes. The escape openings are closed by the band valve which is. actuated by air pressure on piston 6, in cylinder 4 of the mechanism. As pistons 6 move together, they compress the spring 7 and band bleed valve 1 is drawn tightly against the seal collar of the center case, thus preventing escape of air from the compressor into the atmosphere. The pistons of the mechanism are equipped with rubber gaskets 5, which prevent the escape of high pressure air which is entered from the tank to cylinder 4. In order that the circular opening between the band bleed valve and those in the center case be distant when the valve is man open position, and in order to prevent the vibration of the belt on the seal flange of the center compressor case, retainers 10 and 12 are affixed here which prevent movement of the belt in the axial as well as radial directions. 2.9. System for controling the air release belt on the compressors. The air bleed valve on the compressors is controlled automatically, i.e., depending on the automatic control setting according to engine RPM. A diagram of the automatic control system of the value is shown in Fig. 44. The system consists of the following components: compressor piston 1 (AK-150N), compressed air tank 2, which is mounted on the aircraft, centrifugalltransducer 5 (CD-3), electromegnetic air valve 4, air pressure reducing valve 3 (RV-40) compressor bleed mechanism 17, band bleed valve 12. Automatic control of the system for bleeding air from the compressor . during starting of the engine is carried out by centrifugal transducer CD-3. -54 S-E-C-R-B-T No Foreign Discern Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dis ? 50X1 At 3800 7u RPM, the centrifugal transducer automatically closes the air bleed openings in the Compressor by means of the band bleed valve. At these RAs of shaft 11 (Fig. 45), the centrifugal weights are displaced overcoming the tension of spring 17. Slide valve 24 is shifted upward, connecting the diaphram cavity of the mechanism with the oil inlet from the engine lines through its circular recess. Under the pressure of the oil, diaphram 5 overcomes the tension of spring 6. It moves, and, together with the slide valve, it cuts in terminal switch 2, which cuts in the circuit of electromagnetic air valve 4 (see Fig. 44). Electrical current from the aircraft cabin circuit passes through circuit breaker 10 (AZS-5) and the terminal switch of centrifugal transducer CD-3 into the electromagnetic air valve. This valve opens and air from tank 2 under a pressure of up to 150 kilograms per square centimeter passes into pressure reduction valve 3 where the pressure is reduced to 40 kilograms per square centimeter. Under this pressure the air passes into the housing of the [compressor] bleed mechanism and acts on pistons 15. The pistons shift, compress spring 14, and as they move together, pull in the band bleed valve encompassing compressor case 11, thus covering openings 16 in the compressor case. From the instant of starting to 3800 5? RPM the bleed openings are uncovered and at higher RPM, increased RPMs, closed. The openings are closed automatically by the band bleed valve as soon as the rotor achieves the afore mentioned RPM. With a decrease in the RPM the band automatically uncovers the openings. At reduced RPM the slide valve of the centrifugal transducer closes off the intake of oil into the amplifier and the contacts of the microswitch are broken in this case as a result of the spring action. Contact between the terminal switch of the centrifugal transducer and the electromagnetic valve of the transducer is broken and electromagnetic valve 4 prevents passage of air into compressor bleed mechanism 17. The action of spring 14 on the pistons 15 forces the air through the exhaust valve and it returns to the outlet area. Air bleed band 12 moves away and uncovers bleed openings 16. This position assures normal operation of the engine up to 3800 RPM with an increased consumption of fuel. The band bleed valve may be found in an open position, that is with the bleed openings uncovered, if the electric or air system is not working. The special push button 6, for closing the air bleed band at idle engine RPM, is connected in parallel with the terminal switch of centrifugal transducer CD-3. The push button is located on the motor at compressor bleed mechanism 17. If it is necessary to close band bleed valve push button 6 is depressed and then the wing nut on compressor bleed mechanism 17 and the band remains closed. To open, the push button 6 is again depressed, the wing nut is again unscrewed and the bleed valve opens. At an engine RPM of less than 3800, the valve of the cOmpressor mechanism is open and the outer surface of the motor is intensively bathed In the event of fire this led greatly contribute to its NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E00-11-t-T No Foreign Dissem intensification. To reduce the danger of fire, the compressor bleed system has a built-in electrically-controlled closing system with a fire indicator. In addition, the engine has terminal witch VK2-140B-1 (p. 7), which is mechanically connected with the engine throttle and electrically connected in series with the aircraft fire indicator 8, found in the engine area. The electrical circuit of the transducer remains broken until such a time as the fire indicator (fire alarm) begins to operate. In a normal situation the terminal switch is not connected electrically with the electromagnetic valve and the band bleed valve on the engine is open at RPMs below 3800. As soon as the temperature of the air flow reaches 155 170? C (which is possible in the event of a fire), it sets off one or a number of fire indicators, the circuit of the aircraft's fire sensing system cuts in, and current is carried to terminal switch 7. At the same time the warning light goes on. Moving the engine throttle to the "STOP" position closes off entry of fuel to the fuel manifold and simultaneously closes the contacts of the terminal switch. Current from fire indicators 8 passes through ter- minal switch 7 on to the armature of relay 9 of the aircraft. Relay RP-2 closes the contacts through which the current from the cabin circuit passes to the armature of electromagnetic air valve 4. The valve opens and the band bleed valve of the compressor closes and at the sane time assures air tightness of engine areas. Relay RP-2 is connected to the aircraft's electrical system in such a way that during normal operation it is cut off from the engine circuit.? The centrifugal transducer (see Fig. 45) controls the band bleed valve for release of air from the compressor. Centrifugal transducer CD-3 is rigidly connected through a drive with the shaft of the engine and controls the system according to engine RPM. The transducer cuts in and breaks the electric current of the electromagnetic valve. The assembly consists of the following elements: Housing 23; rotor 11 with centrifugal weights 19, which rotate in bronze bushing 8; spring 17; adjustment nut 14; and an amplifying diaphragm with terminal switch 2. Bushing 8, pressed into the housing 23, serves as a bearing for rotor 11 and the oil distribution equipment. The shaft is secured in its axial position by a retainer ring 27, which is connected to housing 23, through the seat 28, stamped spacer 25) and lock ring 26. Pressed into the bottom part of the shaft is a square opening for the drive of the assembly. Mounted on ball bearing 21, at the upper part of the shaft are the centrifugal weights. The centrifugal weights react on disc 12 which is located on the outer ring of ball bearing 20 and is attached together with cupped disc 18, on the terminal end of slide valve 24. Spring 17, whose tension is set by nut 14 screwed into cap 13 of the transducer housing thrusts against cupped disc 18. The tension of the spring may be changed by screwing in adjustment bolt 16 S--C-1-E-T 50 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-;11-E-T No Foreign Dis 50X1 and locking with nut 15. The diaphragm amplifier consists of housing 1, diaphragm 5 with slide shaft 7, spring 6, terminal switch 2, enclosed in the housing and by cover 3, and the slide connection 9. The diaphragm amplifier is fastened to the transmitter housing by stud bolts. Oil from coupling 29 is carried to the central recess of bushing 8 and openings of rotor 11 and proceeds into the recess of the slide valve under its barrel. The illustration shows the position of the slide valve at which its barrel prevents the passage of oil into cavity 4 of the diaphragm amplifier. Spring 6 of the diaphragm amplifier forces out diaphragm 5 and oil from cavity 4 is released into the lid of the chamber of the transmitter through opening 10. From the lid of the transducer housing the oil is carried by channel 22 into the channel of the transducer drive. In a forced-off position of the diaphragm, slide shaft 7 cuts out the micro-switch, which corresponds engine operation with the band bleed valve open. At increased engine RPM, the action increased centrifugal, force on the weights overcomes the tension of the spring and the slide valve lifts and begins to uncover the opening for the intake of oil into the cavity of the diaphragm amplifier. The pressure( of the oil in cavity 4 increases and at speeds of 3800 RPM it achieves a force sufficient to lift the diaphragm. From the instant that the contact between the disc of the diaphragm and the seat is broken, the effective surface of the diaphragm increases, spring 6 is compressed and the microswitch cuts in. From this instant the electromagnet of the air valve is activated and the band bleed valve is closed. At lower RPM the centrifugal force acting on the weights is reduced and the slide valve barrel begins to cover the oil intake opening to cavity Is.. Oil pressure in the cavity drops and pressure on the diaphragm decreases. However, as a result of the fact that the effective surface of the diaphragm is greater in this case than during an increase of RPM, the micro-switch cuts out a lower pressure in cavity 4 (than before), evet with a reduced opening of the oil intakes, reduced centrifugal force on the weights and a reduced number pf RPMs. The micro-switch cuts out during reduced speeds at about 3800 i? RPM. This method of changing,the effective surface of the diaphragm and the number of RPMs neCessary for the opening and closing the compressor bleed valve prevents irregular operation during the transition to over 3800 RaL The electromagnetic air valve (Fig. 46) consists of two main components: the valve and electromagnet, which are joined together by screws 6. The valve consists of housing 9, two 'valves 7, lifter 8, springs 10, and line coupling 12. 5 7- No Foreign,Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 The housing of the valve, which is made of brass, has a glange for fastening it to the electromagnet, threads for a fitting, compressed air inlet coupling, a coupling nut for connecting the valve with the compressor bleed mechanism and an air outlet coupling. Inside the housing, on both sides of the openings, which connect the valve with the compressor bleed mechanism, are two milled seats. The valves are located inside of the housing against the seats and are held down by a copper lifter 8. When the electromagnet is cut out the valve located on the side with fitting 11, is pressed into the seat by spring 10 and it prevents the entry of compressed air into the compressor bleed mechanism. At this time the other valve is raised off from its seat by the lifter so that the compressor bleed mechanism is connected with the atmosphere. Simultaneously compressed air is released from the compressor bleed mechanism into the atmosphere. Through the action of the spring of the compressor bleed mechanism the band bleed valve begins to open. When the electromagnet is cut in, its movable core 2 draws in and contact 5 presses the upper valve into its, seat while the lower one is raised from its seat, the compressor bleed mechanism is connected with the compressed air lines and the band bleed valve is closed. Adjustment screw is used to obtain the desired setting between the . movable and the stationary core of the electromagnet. The valve is equipped with connector 1 for hooking up the assembly to the electrical system of the engine. The electromagnet is designed for long term operation. 2.10 Air pressure reduction valve RV?..0 This valve reduces the pressure of air from the tank (pressure 150 kilograms per square centimeter), to a pressure of 4o kilograms per square' centimeter. . This valve is of a spring type, is leverless, and has a safety valve. It has two areas: high pressure 'area A (Fig. 47) and low pressure. area B. The high pressure area is connected directly with the tank and receives constant pressure from it. The high pressure is measured by a manometer. The low pressure area is connected through the automatic electromagnetic air valve with the compressor bleed mechanism. Safety valve 2, 'held in a fixed position by a lock nut, protects the low pressure area from a possible excessive increase of pressure. Area B has a slide valve 3 which, with the help of the spring 4, tightly closes the opening at the seat which hoins both areas of the reducer, if the air in the law pressure. area has not been expended. The low pressure area is tightly closed by' a metal diaphragm 5. Inside, between diaphragm 5 and slide valve 3. is piston 6 with pushrod 7. On 58 S-E-C-R-B-T NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Disc 50X1 the outer side of diaphragm .5 is Outer washer 8, spring 9 and adjustment screw 10. When the reducer is in a monoperating position the low pressure area has a constant pressure of 40 kilograms per square centimeter, which is created by the mechanism of the reducer which is set for this pressure. In an operating position the presssure in the law pressure area drops, and as a result of this spring 9 presses against washer 8, and moves diaphragm 5; this shifts piston 6 against push rod 7 and pushes slide 'valve 3 from its seat. This permits the passage of air to diaphragm 5. If the consumption of air corresponds to that passing into the reducer, the pressure in the low pressure area remains constant and diaphragm 5 is moved. Thus through piston 6 and push rod 7 it holds slide valve 3 in an open position. As soon as the release of air is cut off, the pressure in the law pressure area increases, diaphragm 5 . recovers and the slide valve closes the opening. When diaphragm 5 operates in this way, piston 6 together with push rod 7 and slide valve 3 are in equalibrium, i.e. the total force which' acts to open the slide valve is equal to the total force which acts to close it. 3 COMBUSTION CHAMBER The combustion chamber operates at the highest temperatures and is the most important part of a gas turbine. Dependable and accurate functioning of the combustion chamber is dependent,on the reliability and economy of engine operation. The basic purpose of the combustion chamber is to produce the greatest amount of heat energy through continuous combustion of the fuel in heated air. Therefore, the combustion chamber should experience only a minimum loss of fuel when in operation. It should have the greatest possible heat per volume in which the combustion takes place; the combustion system should have law hydraulic resistance, because loss of pressure in the combustion chamber reduces the economical operation of the engine; the length of the flame should be as short as possible, and there should be an equal field of heat in the gas stream coming from the combustion chamber. In addition, the combustion chamber must meet the following specifications; good sensitivity and dependable combustion (there must be no failures, flame-outs, pulsations, or flaring of the flame under all engine operating conditions, at any set speed and altitude of flight, and during changes from one mode of operation to another); dependable combustion of fuel during start of the engine on the ground and in flight adequate life under various atmospheric conditions. S-E-C-R-E-JT 59 No Foreign Dissem ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 NO Foreign Dissem 50X1 The physic-o-chemical processes which occur in the combustion chamber can be divided into the following stages: injection of fuel; mixing of fuel and fuel vapor with air; heating the fuel-vapor mixture and vaporizing the fuel; ignition and combustion of the fuel mixing of the combustion gasses with air and creation of a homogeneous gas-air mixture. Fuel injection is a pre-calculated process and the quality of atomization of the fuel and its mixture with the air depends, to a great extent on the rate and completeness of combustion. The gas turbine differs from piston engines in that the combustion process in the combustion chamber proceeds simultaneously with the mixing and vaporization of the fuel. Combustion of fuel requires an excess of air, which is used to mix with the heated gases passing into the turbine. With such a great excess of air the combustion process in the gas stream may be unstable without special precautions, since an excess of air leads to a reduction in the rate of propagation of the flame. If the spreading of the flame is slower than the speed of the air stream, trouble occurs in the burners and the flame goes out. In view of this fact, the burner is divided: into the following two sections (from.the'standpoint of construction): the primary mixing section and the secondary dilution section. The primary mixing section receives primary air and a small amount of secondary air. The quantity of air in theprimary mixing section amounts to 30 percent of the total flow. This amount of air assures great rapidity ,in spreading the flame. Air is forced into the ignition center of the flame in the primary mixing section in an amount sufficient for complete combustion. The surplus of air coefficient in the primary mixing section is 1:1. In this area combustion achieves maximum temperatures. In the secondary dilution section the combustion gases mix with the secondary air, which comes in through special openings. In the secondary dilution section of the burners the_secondary air reduces the temperature of the gases to a temperature permissible for the turbine buckets and equalizes the temperature field of the gas stream. The combustion chamber of the engine is an annualar type with 14 burners parallel to the axis of the engine in the annular area between outer case 5 (which is common for all the burners), and turbine shaft housing 10 (Fig. 48) constitutes the burner clusters. Air coming from the compressor, passes through diffuser 1 where its . speed is reduced. The front part of every burner has a fuel nozzle 7 ioassing through the lining of vortexgnerator 8 and at the opposite S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign DiE ? end fits telescopically into the hollow opening in the frame of the 50X1 stator vane assembly of turbine stage 1. The burners are numbered counterclockwise from the top as viewed from the exhaust nozzle, i.e,, the upper left burner is No 1. Igniters 2, for igniting the mixture when the engine is started) are located in burners 3, 5, 10, and 12. A flame tube (Fig. 49) consists of the following primary components: vortex generator injector 1, flame tube dome 2; cylinder 4, rear section 5, terminal section 6. The flame tube is argon-arc welded to cylinder 4. The vortex generators are spot welded to the dome. Vortex generator 1 has 10 vanes each of which is spot welded to the outer surface of the [nozzle] sleeve insert and on to the inner edge to dome. The exit angle of the blades varies from the axis of the burner: where they come against the [nozzle] sleeve they form an angle of 8o degrees and at their outer ends an angle of 73 degrees. Component 4 is shaped like a cylinder which terminates in dome 2. Cylinder 4 is located in the area of the highest temperatures. In order to give it sufficient strength and so that it may dissipate heat, 114 ridges have been milled longitudinally on it to a depth of 3.5 millimeters into an overall wall thickness of 6 millimeters. On the surface are six rows of openings of various diameters. Agron-arc welded to the surface of four flame tubes are igniter sleeves 4 (Fig. 48) for mounting the igniter itself. In burners which have no igniters, sleeve 1 of s smaller diameter is welded on for a fastener. The lining of the fastener has two openings used for blowing air through the fastener. Both sleeves are made of type E1437A material. Crossover tube 3 (Fig. 49), spot welded to the surface of the flame tube is used in the engine starting process for conducting the flame to the burners which do not have igniters. Each flame tube has two crossover tubes, one of a smaller and the other of a larger diameter. The crossover tube With the smaller diameter fits telescopically into the crossover tube with the larger diameter on the adjacent burner. The rear section 5 is a cylinder, which passes from a circular configuration to an irregular shape corresponding to the shape of the opening in the intake of the turbine stator vane equipment [burner nozzle guide vanes]. On the surface of the burners are four rows of openings with a diameter of 32 millimeters and two rows of openings with diameters of 3 and 4 millimeters for the passage jof secondary air. The openings with 01 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 a diameter of 3 millimeters are clustered in four groups in checker board pattern on the bottom and side of the burners and the openings with a diameter of 4 millimeters are located under the irregular section of the flame tube. Component 6 is hydrogen-arc welded to the flame tube to help strengthen it and also to facilitate telescopic coupling with the stator vane assembly. The cross section of component 6 fits the irregular shape of the opening of the stator vane assembly. The terminal component is coated with copper so that it will not wear excessively or burn off. The rear section of the flame tube is electric arc welded to the cylindrical section. All components of the flame tube are made of type E1602 sheet; only the domes and terminal section is made of type CH2ON8OT [Khz0N80T] material. The flame tube is secured in an axial position by attach member 3, fitting with its round surface of 38 millimeters in diameter into sleeve I. (see Fig. 48), which is welded to the surface of the cylinder sect ion. Those burners which do not have igniters are fastened by locking component 12. The tapered locking component has a flange on one end with two holes for attachment and on the other end a round surface 14 millimeters in diameter. The ball sphere of the locking component is nitrided to prevent wear. Upon heating the flame tube can expand freely in the direction of the stator vane assembly of the turbine. At the same time the flame tube nozzle can move into the opening of the stator. vane assembly to a distance of up to 11 millimeters. Fuel accumulated in the combustion chamber during a starting failure, is removed by two drain lines which are fastened to the lower part of the case of the combustion chamber. . TURBINE The gas turbine is axial and serves to power the compressor and the engine and aircraft accessories. The gas expansion factor (5) of the turbine is 3.4. For more efficient utilization of the energy of the gases, distribution of the gases is divided [equally] between two stages of the turbine. Each stage has a stator vane unit and turbine wheel. Both discs .of the turbine wheels are on the same shaft. The hot gases pass from the combustion chamber into the stator vane assembly of turbine state I. On entering this assembly the gases have a maximum pressure P of 6.16 kilograms per square centimeter temperature 62 S-E-C-R-EJX NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Di T2 of 810? C and speed C of 155 meters per second (Fig. 50). 50X1 In the shaped channels between the stator vanes the pressure of the gases is reduced to P = 4.31 kilograms per square centimeter and as a result of this drop in pressure the absolute speed of the gases increases to C1 = 473 meters per second. The gases leave the stator vane assembly at an angle of 26 degrees to the face of the revolving rotor of the turbine. The temperature of the gases drops, in the meantime, to t1 = 722? C. The gases strike the revolving buckets of turbine wheel I at.a speed of wi = 255.6 meters per second; the magnitude and direction of this speed is determined by the magnitude and direction of the absolute speed ci and the perripheral speed, i.e., the radial speed of the buckets 111. A further reduction in the temperature of the gases, e. e., is when the pressure drops from p to p 3.4 kilograms per square centimeters at stage I of the turbine, occurs in the channels between the buckets of the turbine, as a result of which the mean speed of the gases between them increases from wl to w2 = 422.6 meters per second, and the temperature drops to t2 = 675? C. Simultaneously the absolute speed of the gases drops to C2 = 247 meters per second, because apart of the kinetic energy gained by the gas in the channels of the stator vane assembly is transferred to the buckets of the turbine. The turning buckets are subjected to forces resulting from changes in the direction and speed of the gases as they pass over the passing buckets, (active work of the flow). In addition to this, as a result of the increase in the speed of the gas flow during its movement through the channels between the revolving buckets (due to the spedial shape of the revolving buckets), the jet force increases, acting on the revolving buckets (the reactive action of the flow). The peripheral components of these forces creates a iotating movement on the wheel of the turbine. The temperature of the gases drops further in the stator vane assembly and the revolving buckets of the stage II. At the same time the gas parameters change in a manner analogous to the process described for stage I of the turbine. Diagrams of the flow section of both stages of the turbine,- a graph of the changes of gas parameters, and the velocity triangels [vectors] at the inlet sections are presented in Fig. 50. From the turbine the gases proceed into the exhaust nozzle of the engine at an absolute speed of C2 = 317 meters per second, which time the gas stream is insignificantly twisted (angle d2.= 83? 9). All components of the turvine, operating at high temperatures made of heat-resistant steel. These include the vanes of the stator assembly, 63 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem buckets of the turbine wheels, rims, the discs of the turbine and other components. The turbine consists of shaft 2 (Fig. 51) and stator vane assemblies 3 and 4 of turbine stages I and II, respectively, which make up the fixed portion of the turbine. The rear bearing of the rotor is a roller bearing which supports the radial load Of the shaft. Axial forces of the turbine rotors are carried by the ball bearings of the compressor rotors and this helps to relieve the load on the ball bearings of the center bearing of the engine. The ball bearing compensates for a possible misalignment of the shafts of the compressor and turbine. The rotating motion of the turbine rotor is transmitted to the rotors of the compressor by means of splined coupling.. 4.1 Turbine rotor The turbine rotor (Fig. 52 and 53) consists of disc 7 of stage I disc 12 of stage II, buckets ,t3 and 10, cross braces 9 which connect the discs, flanges 11, turbine shaft 3, ball coupling 1 of the shaft, labyrinth 6, inner ring 4 of the rolle bearing, splined drive sleeve 2 and other small components. Discs 7 and 12 of the turbine are made of forged E1481 type steel. There are 86 broached grooves of fir-tree design in stage I for attaching the buckets, in stage II there are 68. The grooves are cut at an angle of 10? to the axis in both disks. The following rings are attached to the disc of stage I; a smaller front collar which serves to connect it to the shaft of the turbine; the rear one, of a larger diameter for joining the discs with the the spacer ring. The disc of the stage II also has two ring collars: a front one for connecting with the cross brace and the rear technological oollarl used for fastening the rotors of the turbine when the turbine is assembled and disassembled. Both discs have openings for bringing in cooling air.connections of the disc between the cross brace and shaft have close tolerances. 50X1 In order to prevent the pins from falling out as a result of . centrifugal force, the blind flanges are screwed in and secured against falling out by metal screw locks. 64- S-E-C-R-E-T NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign D3 ? 50X1 The buckets of stages I and II of the turbine are forged of stainless E1437A steel and subjected to additional machining. The bucket has a root. The profile of the bucket is varied along its length, it is characterized by painted flanging, changing into a straight line on its trailing edge. The root of each blade has a fir tree shape corresponding to the fir tree track in the disc of the turbine. The fir tree locks on both stages are the same. The geometric pattern of the fir tree locks . takes into account equal distribution of stresses on the root of the bucket. In order to reduce vibration stresses in the locks where the blade joins the disc, the fir tree locks are designed to have a tolerance when the engine is cold, which enables the buckets to adjust under the influence of the centrifugal and aerodynamic forces when the engine is in operation. The buckets in the I stage.1 (see Fig. 54) have two projections which together with the projections on the disc of the rotor make up the [labyrinth] seal. An analogous seal is in the front part of the roots of the buckets in stage II, while the [labyrinth) seal of the wheel of the III [sic) stage consists simply of projections from the buckets. The buckets of the stage I are projected from a displacement in an axial direction by a metal lock pin, which fits into a track of the bucket, and the ends are bent toward the face sides of the discs. The buckets of the stage II are protected from displacement by metal safety lock pins, the round parts of which fit in the tracks of the discs, and the ends are bent toward the face side of the buckets from both sides. The construction of the locks prevents the possibility of the buckets from touching the flange and this also prevents any damage to it by the vanes. The outer edge of an unmounted turbine wheel is ground to an average tolerance as indicated in the sketch. The difference in the weights of diametrically opposed vanes must not exceed 2 grams. The assembled rotor of the turbine with its spitted coupling (Fig. 55) is balanced dynamically to a precision of 40 gcm, Balancing is accomplished by reworking the buckets, by drilling openings in the blind flanges of the pins joining the discs with the separator and the disc of stage I with the shaft of the turbine and by shaving material off the border of the splined lining in the places marked with the letter "D" (see Fig. '55). Separator 9 (see Fig. 53) serves to strengthen the connection of ' the discs of stages I and II of the turbine rotor. It has the shape of a truncated cone with two rounded ends. The forward smaller rounded end serves to fasten the disc of stage I, and the rear rounded component, for the di5ic of stage IX. To assure S-E-C-11-;E-T 65 ' NO Foreign Dissem. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissea the necessary seating depth for the separator on the discs, the support seats are machined to a fixed depts.' In order to guarantee the centering of the discs and the transfer of the turning motion (in a heated state) each end 30 has Openings for pins. The openings for the pins are made when the unit is assembled. - To make the separator lighter, the face sides and the internal surfaces of the rounded' edges are machined. It is made as a forging . out of stainless E1481 type steel. The flange [II] has the shape of a truncated cone with a flared. base for the purpose of joining it with the disc of stage II. The flange is fastened by long pins, which also serve for fastening the disc of turbine stage II to the separator. The flange serves to: a) direct the cooling air into the locks, holding the buckets of the stage II. b) _protect the periphery of the discs and the locks holding the buckets against the effect of hot gases. The flange base is milled in order to reduce the weight. The flange is drop forged of stainless El4O1 type steel. The flange of shaft 3 serves to transfer the turning motion from the rotor of the turbine to the compressor. The shaft is hollow and at the rear it has a flange, facing the disc, are circular grooves whose task is to reduce the transfer of heat frorri the disc to the ? shaft. The shaft is fastened to the disc by radial pins. In order to reduce the weight, the flange of the shaft is machined down. In order to increase the strength of the rotor the disc of stage I is Shrink fitted on the shaft on a specially prepared seating on the shaft flange. This flange contains openings, and it fills the space between the shaft and the disc Pd. Along the outer periphery of the front end of the shaft [assembly] are involute gooves for, transmitting the torque of the compressor rotor by means of this coupling. The grooves have two planes which serve to center the couplings. [sic] The rear plane has a recess for securing the collplings in an axial direction by means of a locking collar. ,One of the teeth of the grooves is adapted along its entire length for locating the locking coupling, which aligns the couplings with regard to the shaft in a uniform position for all movements of the motor; This safeguard permits the maintenance of rotor balance. Also located here is a threaded countersunk opening for securing the rotor shaft. Inside of the shaft is a thread and two precision cylindrical surfaces for centering and securing the shaft. 66 ? " NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-O-R-E-T No Foreign Di ? 50X1. On the rear of the shaft, on its outer surface, are two precision cylindrical surfaces for centering the collar of the turbine shaft. The shaft of the turbine is made of type 40CHNMA [40KhNMA] steel. Ball coupling 1 of the turbine shaft serves to transfer the axial forces of the turbine rotor on to the rotor of the compressor, and also ,for compensating misalignment of the rotors of the compressor and turbine. The axial force of the turbine rotor is received by the surface of the large ball of the coupling through the cover of the bearing, which is fastened by bolts to the splined collar of the compressor rotor. The rear part of the ball coupling has a small ball for transferring the axial forces acting to the rear. The ball coupling is screwed into the shaft of the turbine with a precisely determined torque, and then it is secured on the shaft by a special stop dog for which an opening has been milled on the ball coupling. The stop prevents the ball coupling from unscrewing during engine operation,.and provides for proper setting under the engine is reassembled, i.e., it assures the maintenance of turbine rotor balance and the proper functioning of the grooves. The ball coupling is centered on the shaft of the turbine on two cylindrical surfaces, whioh together with the grooves are aopper coated. Between the small centering area and the grooves are found cutouts to reduce the weight of the coupling. On the outer [7] surface of the ball coupling are involute grooves, used for screwing into the shaft of the turbine. This coupling is made of type I2CH2N4A [12Kh2N4A] alloy steel and, in addition the surfaces of both the small and large ball, is carburized. Seal sleeve 5 of the turbine shaft serves to accommodate components, fastening the inner ring of the roller bearing and for sealing the oil area of the bearing. The sleeve is set on the shaft beside a centering pin and it is secured to it by four cylindrical pins. In order to reduce the transfer of heat from the shaft to the [bearing inner] ring, the inner surface of the sleeve has 60 splines. On the outer surface is a precision rolled area for the placement of the bearing ring, and also the [labyrinth] seal grooves. The inner ring of the bearing rests with its rear face against space ring 13, and on the other side it is fastened to the nut 16 of the rear bearing. The nut is screwed on the threaded end of the sleeve on its three equally spaced grooves and in one groove is a metal lock pin 15' bent into the opening of the nut The lock pin is secured in an axle direction in'a recess of the ring 14, which is set in place between the ring of the bearing and the nut. In order to prevent the ring 14 from. turning while screwing on the nut, it has two bits [7], fitting into the 67 S-E-C-R-E-T NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S7E-C-11-E-T NO Pfteign Dissem proper grooves of the sleeve of the turbine shaft. The sleeve of the shaft is made of type 30CHGSA [30KhGSA].. The [labyrinth] seal of turbine shaft 6 serves to seal the oil area of the rolle bearing, it is a cylindrical, ring on whose outer surface ridges have been machined. Through a precision cylindrical surface the, labyrinth is pressed . on the corresponding surface of the sleeve of the turbine shaft and is secured by four set screws. It is made of type 30CHGSA [30KhGSA]. steel. The splined coupling sleeve (see Fig. 55) consists of splined drive sleeve 1, centering ring 2, and spring locks 3. Splined sleeve 1 is made of type ACCHNMA [40KhNMA] alloy steel. It has internal splines for joining with the shaft of the turbine. On! the outer surface are annular recesses and short splines for seating the retaining collar. .The front part of the collar has short internal splines with which it connects with the [front] splined coupling (see Fig. 51). On the outer perimeter of the front part of the collar are annular recesses making up the distribution level up to.which it is possible disassemble, the components of the collar during its balancing [?]: The centering surfaces of the collar, with .regard to the shaft of the turbine, consists of the internal surface which specially pressed into the sleeve of ring center 2. and the cylindrical surface under the .oblong grooves C (B) [sic]. The center ring is secured, with regard to. the collar, by a threaded stop B (z), whose projecting end is seated in the groove of . the truncated tooth of the turbine shaft. This assures the precise mutual spacing of both components when assembling the engine. ? On the tapered surface of the collar are 3 openings A, serving to ' bring the oil to the engine. In one tooth of the oblong grooves of the . collar is an inset ring, which contains a spring fastener 3. This ' safety component consists of bolts 4, springs 5, and a safety sleeves 6. The splined drive sleeve is secured in an axial position by a locking collar. Locking collar 5 (see Fig. 51) is a ring with grooves on its inner surfacer' the front side has oblong grooves, the back side .-. involute grooves. Among the grooves, are ring recesses. Through these grooves the collar is centered the oblong grooves of the outer surface of the splined drive sleeve. In the center of the annular recess is an opening into which falls a locking pin for securing the collar. The opening is spaced in such a way so that the teeth of the grooves of all three connected components :(splined drive sleeve, locking collar and r. shaft of the turbine) are placed in mutual oupsition to each other.' ' S-E-C-R-E-T 6d No Foreign Discern 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Xo Foreign Di 50X1? In this position the locking collar is tightened by the spring lock nut 3 (see Fig. 55). 2. Stator assembly of stage I ? The stator assembly of stage I (Figs. 56, 57, and 58) Consists of outer casing 4, inner casing 1, stator assembly frame 2, cover 3, upper and lower supports 6, stator vanes 5, flanges 7 and fastening components. The outer case is made of type 1CH18N9T [1Qh18N9r] steel. The front. flange is connected with the frame and the case of the combustion chamber by 56 bolt, .a number of which are screwed in, and 16 are [for engine - mounts] extended to accomodate the aircraft mounts. Aside from this, . the frame and flange are joined by 11 "technological" bolts 8. Labyrinth [seal] ring grooves are machined into the outer periphery of the front flange to reduce escape Of air from the combustion chamber. Machined diagonally into the front side of the flange are grooves for bringing cooling air into cavities obstructed by the outer case and the upper supports. The rear flange is connected to the case of the stator vane assembly of turbine stage II. It has been machined along the periphery between the openings in order to reduce Weight. This recess also serves' to facilitate assembly and disassembly of the casing of the combustion chamber. On the wall of the lower part of the case is a level surface with an opening for draining fuel in the event of a cold or an unsuccessful start. The inner case is made of type 1CH18N9T [IKhlbN9T] steel. .It has two flanges. The front flange is joined to the frame by bolts, a number of which are stud type. The front side of the flange has a semicircular recess with diagonal openings, serving to bring cooling air to the area . between the case and the lower support. Flange 7 of the stator vane assembly is fastened with bolts to the , rear flange of case 14 [sic]. In order to reduce the: weight, both flanges are machined down ' between the fastening openings. Frame 2 of the stator vane assembly serves to achieve a strong . connection between the inner case of the assembly and its outer_case, and also for transferring the torque and forces acting on the case of the combustion chamber and the housings of the rear bearing. The frame of the stator vane assembly unit is centered on theujivots of the turbine shaft and the Center housing of the rear bearing by an inner flange. 69 S-E-C-RE-T NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem The frame consists of an outer ring, an inner ring and 14 equally 50X1 spaced strute along the periphery, as well as fastening components. The outer and inner rings are made up of 14 segments into which the flame tubes fit. The outer ring of the frame is made of type 1CH18N9T [lKh18N9t] steel. Recesses to reduce the weight are found between the fastening open- ings and they also serve to bring cooling air to the diagonal grooves on the front flange of the outer sleeve of the stator vane of assembly. On the rear side of the rings is a rolled recess for centering the ring of the outer frame with regard to the outer case. The recess is milled in places. This recess together with the lightening holes assure the entry of air into the areas between the outer case and the upper supports. Support strut 2 (Fig. 59) firmly joins the inner with the outer rings of the stator vane assemblies. The strut is connected to the outer ring with bolts, at the other end the strut has threaded pin. This pin fits into an opening of the inner ring and is fastened to it by a nut, which is prevented from unscrewing by a lock pin. The strut is installed in special grooves in the inner rings of the frame. The outer side of the strut is round P] and with its projection is set into the outer ring. The strut has a T-shape and it is forged of type 4CH14N14V2M [4Khl4N14Vam].steel. The side surfaces of the strut bordering the openings of the flame tubes are nitrided. Along the axis of the strut are two openings for screws which are used to fasten the streamlined covering, while the upper opening is milled in such a way that the covering may freely expand when heated during opera- tion. The strut has 5 openings of a smaller diameter serving to bring air into the streamlined covering. The inner ring of the frame is made of type CH23N18 [Kh23N18] steel. It has 112 openings located in pairs in 56 places -- for bringing cooling air into the areas between the inner ring of the stator vane assembly and the supports, and also 14 openings for bringing in air for cooling the turbine rotor in the area obstructed by the flange of the stator vane assembly. Streamlined coverings 1 (see Fig. 59) are used for smooth passage of gases from the flame tubes to the stator vane assembly. The covering is made of a sheet metal material of welded construction. The covering consists of two walls: side and front. Welded to the front wall are two pins with threads so that the covering can be screwed fastened to the strut of the frame. The covering 70 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign D is forged of heat-resistant CH2ON8OT [Kh2ON80T] type steel. 50X1 The lower mounts 1 and upper mounts 2 (Fig. 60) for the outer and inner rings of the stator vane assembly are fastened at 56 locations, forming, when assembled with the vanes, passage section of the turbine. In an assembled state, the vanes are located in the areas between the areas. The areas formed between the mounts are precision cast from heat- resistant type CH23N18 [Kh23N18] type steel and some of the surfaces are machined. Every mount has three threaded lugs used for fastening the mounts to the frame of the stator vane assembly. One of the bolts is of a stud type. The mounts are of a casing type. Cooling air passes into the space created between the mount and the frame which considerably reduces the temperature of the frame of the stator vane assembly so that even with the considerable dimensions of the engine, minimum radial clearances of the turbine are maintained at all operating regimes. In addition, such con- struction makes possible the easier changing of the vanes. Vanes of the stator assembly of turbine stage I (Fig. 61) ?are pre- cision cast of heat-resistant type ZS6 [ZhS6] steel and also undergo machining. The profile of the vanes is constant. In order to achieve the necessary exhaust angle for the gases, the vanes are bent. Along its passage portion the vane decreases in thickness giving the leading edge a greater thickness, thus strengthening it and [helping to] preventing cracking. The vanes can be moved in a radial direction, permitting them to expand when the engine is in operation. 74. NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 They are set between the mounts with a clearance for the vanes to prevent them [the vanes] from wedging during operation. To reduce the transfer of heat from the blades to the casing, the face surfaces have a rest projection. After being assembled, the minimal passage area between the vanes of the stator assembly is 'checked. F 2225 to 2245 square centimeters,, the prescribed area, is achieved by proper vane selection. Flangs 7 (see Fig. 58) together with the inner frame of the stator vane assembly and the ring of the frame makes up the annualar area through which air passes, through special openings, for cooling the disc turbine state I and the housing of the rear bearing. The flange is made up of the flange wall and two additional flanges welded to it. One of the flanges is fastened to the inner frame of the stator vane assembly, and the other is set over the outer section of the flange on the housing of the rear bearing. Both flanges and the wall of flange 7 are made of type 1CHi8N9T [iKh18N9T] steel. 4.3. Stator Vane Assembly of Stage II The stator vane assembly of Stage II (Figs. 62 and 63) consists of housing, stator vanes 2 (56 pieces), outer and inner rings of the stator vane assembly 4 (56 pieces), supports 5 (56 pieces), serving to reduce the transfer of heat from the rings to the housing, mounts 3 (28 pieces) and fastening components. On the front flange of the housing is a cylindrical projection, which is used to align the stator assembly with the outer case of the stator vane assembly of stage I, and is fastened to it by 56 bolts of which 7 are stud bolts. Fastened to the rear flange of the housing with 56 bolts is the engine nozzle. After assembly the passage area between the blades of the distribu- tion unit is checked. This area must equal 3390 to 3460 square centi- meters. The housing 1 of the stator vane assembly consists of a case, weleded of sheet steel, two flanges, electric welded to the case and used for fastening the stator assembly to the engine. The flanges are machined out between the fastening openings to reduce the weight. The flanges are also used for attachment to the combustion chamber case [i.e. through stator assembly of stage I]. The case has four lines of openings for fastening the blades and also the outer and inner rings of the stator vane assembly. On the lower part of the wall is a small surface with an opening through which fuel. 72 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Di ? ? 50X1 which had gathered in the passage part during a cold or an unsuccessrul start is drained. All components of the housing are made of type 1CH18N9T [1KhNi8N9] stainless steel. Vanes of the stator assembly of turbine stage II (Fig. 61) are forged of Ei437A type heat-resistant steel. The vane is of an equal height and is curved to create the necessary exhaust angle for the gas, leaving the stator assembly. The upper part of the vane evolves into an area with two openings for receiving the counter sunk screws for fastening the vane to stator assembly of turbine stage II. For reducing transmission of heat from the vane to the housing of the stator assembly, the outer end [of the vane is machined to reduce the area of contact with the housing and to permit passage of cooling air. The bottom part of the blade terminates in a pin with threads to which is fastened a mount (one mount for two blades). The mount is fastened to the blade by a nut locked by a metal pin. The outer and inner ring elements [mounts] of the stator vane assembly (Fig. 65) are made of forged 1CH18N9T [KhNi8N9T] type steel. On the outer surface of the ring is a machined area to which cooling air passes through two special grooves in the face of the front wall from the stator vane assembly stage I. The back face of the wall has two similar grooves for bringing in air. In the center of the ring 'mount element] is a hole into which fits the outer end of stator vane unit. On the inner surface of the mount element are two countersunk openings for bolts which hold the moun t to the housing of the stator assembly. The openings [for the vane] are oval and expand with temperature. The sides of the mount elements have longitudinal ribs serving to reduce the passage of air from the cooling area to the passage part, and for assuring the necessary strength of the elements. The assembled mount elements make up the outer passage wall of the turbine channels. The mounts (Fib. 66), when assembled, make up the inner wall of the passage part of the stator vane assembly. The mounts have two counter- sunk openings for seating the threaded pins of the blades [two]. On both face surfaces of the mounts are found two concentric projections [when assembled] which, when assembled, make up the [labyrinth] seal into which fall the appropriate projections of the buckets of the turbine. This seal between the mounts and the buckets of the turbine, prevents the 73 S-E-C-11-:EJT No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem passage of gases from the flow channel to the area between the rotor and the mounts. In a cold state there is a certain amount of clearance between the mounts, which is needed for thermal expansion and when the engine is operating. The mounts are made of type CH23N18 [Kh23N18] steel. 4. Radial and Axial Clearances in the Turbine The amount of clearance between the moving and fixed parts of the turbine is determined, to a great extent, by engine operating modes. Large clearances lead to a lower economy of operation because a part of the power of the gases is lost to the turning buckets. Small clearances could lead to abraison of components against stationary parts due to distortions caused by high temperatures. Therefore, during the assembly of the engine, special attention is given to setting and checking the radial and axial clearances (see Fig. 51). Radial Clearances S - Between the rim and the rotating buckets of the wheel of stage I Between the rim and the rotating buckets of the wheel of stage II G - Between the labyrinth seals on the disc of stage I and the mounts of the stator vane assembly of stage II D- Between the labyrinth seals on the rotating buckets of stage II and the mounts of the stator vane assembly of stage II - Between the rear areas on the ? disc of stage I and the mounts of the stator vane assembly of stage II - Between the rear surfaces on the rotating buckets of stage II and on the mounts of stator vane assembly of stage II Cold 4.5-5.9 / .4.5-5.9 Operating (approx. data) 0.6-2.0 0.8-2.2 4.62-5.55 ? 0.9-1.8 4.57-3.9 ? 0.8-2.1 clearance 3.96-6.5 increases clearance 4.04-7.06 decreases 50X1 71. S-E-C-R-E-T No ForeiGn Dissem: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign DD Axial Clearance K - Between the face surfaces of the inner mounts of the stator vane assembly of stage I and the face surfaces of the shoes of the rotating buckets of stage I (support 6 is set up) - Between the face surfaces of the mounts of the rotating buckets of stage I and the face walls of the mounts of the stator vane assembly of stage II V - Between the face surfaces of the mounts of the stator vane assembly of stage II Between the face surfaces of the mounts of the rotating buckets and the face surface of the exhaust nozzle [housing) 4.5 Cooling of the Turbine 50X1 Operating Cold (approx. data) 14-15 10-11 5.4-744 8.7-10.7 10.5-14.17 .7.2-10.9 8.63-12.65 11-15 The components of the turbine which work under high temperatures, are cooled by flowing air which is withdrawn from the areas between the burners. Thus the possibility arises for significant reduction of the temperature of the components and the use of inferior types of special steel on some components. 75 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissera Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Components of the turbine which are cooled are the discs of stages I and II, roots of the working blades of both stages, the outer case of the stator vane assemblies, coverings of the struts, mounts of the stator vane assemblies, inner case of the stator vane assembly stage I, and other components. The air cooling the outer case of the stator vane assembly pro- gresses from cavity "a" (Fig. 67) between the flame tubes, by special channels in the outer case of the stator vane assembly of stage I and also by the flanges of the frame to area "b", bounded by the mounts and cases. A part of the air passes through the clearances of mounts and also through the mounts and the stator.vane assembly, passing into the work- ing channel of the turbine. A large part of the air passes via the milled grooves into the vent holes "c-b" [?] between the segments of the rings and casings of the stator vane assembly of stage II, thus cooling them. It further passes on into the working channel behind stage II of the turbine. The air cooling the coverings of the struts progresses through open- ings in the struts, it bathes the coverings from the outer side and cools them. A portion of this air passes through a special flange in the front wall of the covering into the inner cavity "d-2" [?] passing out through two openings on the face sides of the case and mixing with the gases. The inner case of the stator vane assembly of stage I with the lower mount is cooled by air brought in through special openings in the frame and the diagonal openings of the inner case into area "d," bounded by the mounts and cases. A part of the air passes through the clearances between the mounts and the blades and passes on into the working channel, the other part of the air is directed for cooling the face sides of the discs of stage II via special grooves on the rear wall face of the inner mount [ring]. Air is taken from the cavity between the flame tubes through 14 openings of the inner ring of the frame for cooling the discs of the turbine rotors and it progresses into the ring area "f-e". This area is created by the flange, the inner case of the stator vane assembly of stage I and the casing of the frame. From there the air passes via an opening in the flange toward the disc of stage I and the housing of the roller bearing, and it fills up area "g-?" ahead of the first rotating wheel; it also cools the locks of the rotating blades of stage I through special openings, and cools the periphery of the discs. 76 No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-R-E No Foreign . ? ? Through the openings in the discs of stage I the air passePP.S.1to: a) the "h-3" areas, bounded by the discs of stages I and II, and the separation; all of these components are cooled by it; b) into the cavity "i", bounded by the mounts of the stator vane assembly stage II, the rotor disc and the separator: From the "h-3" areas between the discs of the rotors and the separator the air passes through openings in the disc of stage II into area "k" bounded by the disc and flange, and it cools the locks of the rotating buckets of stage II. A part of the air from the area between the discs of the rotor passes through a drilled opening in the disc of stage II and into area 1 between the disc and flange of the exhaust nozzle. All of the air brought in to cool the rotors of the turbine is further mixed with the gas stream. The amount of air used for cooling the turbine equals about 2.5 percent of the total amount of air taken in to cool the engine. 77 S-E-C-R-E-T NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 NO Foreign Dissam 5. MIAUST NOZZLE The working gases deliver a large part of the energy which they possess to the turbine, however on progressing into the exhaust noz- zle they still have significant pressure. Here in the exhaust nozzle the potential energy of: the gas stream is converted into kinetic energy as pressure is reduced, the temperature falls, and the speed increases significantly. The speed of exit of the gases from the exhaust nozzle of the engine determines the thrust of the engine. The exhaust nozzle of the engine (Fig. 68) is made in the form of a tapering channel, but is not of an adjustable type. The exhaust area of the nozzle extension is determined according to individual engine performance. 50X1 Exhaust nozzle (Fig. 69) consists of the inner case 18, nozzle cone case 36, turbine exhaust stouts 5, front closure 1, nozzle ex- tension 28, heat insulation 19, and outer case 20 serves to protect components of the engine from overheating. Cleat insulation is modified). The exhaust nozzle extension (see Fig. 74) serves to further pro- tect components of the aircraft from overheating, as does the protec- tive case of the stator vane or assembly of stage II and the exhaust nozzle (up to the extension) and the opening [scoup] for the passage of the cooling air. The exhaust nozzle is fastened by front flange.7 to the rear flange of the stator vane case or of stage II. The exhaust nozzle has 4 lugs with supports 16 for case welded to the outer location of the TVG-11 thermocouples which serve to measure the temperature of the gases behind the turbine. The lugs for the thermocouples 15 are used also for fastening the outer case 20 by means of the cupped inserts and anchor nut 14. The inner case of the nozzle and'the-ekhaust-cone are connected to each other by six turbine exhaust struts, to form the exhaust Channel of the nozzle. Each strut is rigidly joined to the exhaust cone by electric welding and also by four bolts 32.. The bolts are tightened down by castellated nuts 33, under each of which two mouting.plates 34 are - placed. Each strut is connected to the inner case of the nozzle, by radial screws 11, the threaded part is screwed into the bosses 10; these screws are welded to support 9 and the cylindrical pert fits tele- scopically into projection 8, welded to the casing. Such a connection permits the inner case of. the nozzle to freely expand in a radial direction with regard to the cute78r case when it is heated.' S-E-C-R-E-T NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Di ? ? To eliminate possible distorticn of the exhaust struts and t50X1o -LaKe the pressure off screws 11, caused by the radial pressure of the gas flow, the outer case is further connected to each strut by screws 23. Screw 23 is screwed into cover plate 25, welded to retainer plate 12, and the part falls into the opening of insert 26, which moves freely in an axial direction along a groove of the centering bushing 24. The insert is secured from falling out by ring 22 welded to cantering bushing 24. The centering bushing is welded to the upper wall of the exhaust strut 21. This connection permits the outer case to expand in an axial direction with regard to the blades when heated, and it is secured by radial screws 11. The outer case of the nozzle is made of steel sheet 1.5 milli- meters thick and butt welded, at most, from six parts. In order to strengthen the weld joints, four reinforcing plates 3 millimeters thick are welded to each of them on the outer case. Two flanges 7 and 27, milled about the periphery fastening openings in order to reduce the weight, are surfaces of the inner case. On flange 7 this milling for carrying out the assembly and dismanteling of the case. between the welded to the face is also necessary combustion chamber The flanges have 56 openings; on front flange 7 the openings are in the form of radial sections in order to permit the flange when heated, to expand in a radial direction (with regard to the case of ;le stator or vane unit of stage II). Three rows of rings 17 are electrically welded to the outer surface of the inner case for the support of the outer case. In each row there are 27 ring segments. The rings_have eyes for fasten- ing"the heat insulation springs. In the front part of the inner case between the first and second row of rings are welded supports 9 and case cover plates in [groups?] sixes in a single row. All components of the nozzle inner case are made of type 1CH18N9T [11Qh18NGT] steel. Nozzle cone case 36 is located inside the nozzle. It is argon-arc welded of two truncated cones 4 and 13, made of steel sheet 2 millimeters and 1.5 millimeters in thickness. Cone tip element 29 is welded to the apex of the cane and flange 3 to the base of the cone. To the inner flange 3, which has 24 thread- ed openings, is front closure 1 with screws 2. 79 S-E-O-REJ1 NO Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ' NO Foreign Dissem Five circular rings 30 are spot welded inside the cone for re- inforcement. ? All ccapcnents of the cone are made of type 1CH18i9T E1KL18N911 steel. Turbine exhaust strut 5 serve to connect the outer case and cone. The strut consists of the strut proper 5, the upper faces 21 of the strut, reinforcement 6, aft edge 35, lugs [7] and centering bushing 24. It is made of steel sheet 2 millimeters thick and is streamlined in design. The face sides have flanges. To the upper flanges are welded the top of strut 21, and the bottom, is welded to the cone case. In order to increase the support surface, aft edge 35, with its four openings for screws to secure the strut to the inner wall, is argon-arc welded to the cone and the lower terMinal pert of the strut. Reinforcement 6 is welded inside the strut to give it greater , strength. Projection 8 and the centering bushing are argon-arc welded to the top of the strut. Components of the casing are made of type 1CH18N9T [11- g -p-I-) C) F4 c) , m ? 0 ?-... _, 0 r .... 3 4., F-4 c) c.) C rl 0 0 ' C 0 :=. e ' c.1 P r. (4 ..-- ?,-- 0 ? r- ' r -; ,_ r) k- 1 )r '. '& . , 0 4-, F-1 0 L'. .. c..r.-17 actjt) rf.- 01-1 ,-.1 00 0 a) ? LI a +) C\., 0 CO 0 0 0 4- 1 C.) P C: ? 0 0 i..,, 81. -9tr. i t'.(?::)- :::11. '......'..-CO: ,.,4-': 4.-1 $-i Cr. 0 0 ; 4) f-i c :) r '') ...:) ....,j r i ci 0 rc! 4.) c' 4-4 4) C 0 0 C') r0 r-I tl' 11. 0 0 ci or? I ? ?rt :::: 6' r8 c? ..-1 0 0 1..9, "') Z.. ) CI r--). ?..-. . ? r . C. ) C-- ? E ' .. ? f ) r r. . . 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E?0-11-E-T No Foreign Dis ":7*C111 ??-; 43., ? ? ? ? Figure .; I ? ? 7f! Of r Jr. ? !ri?4 S? ? ? t7,iest?, -6t .e.?ii"14-???-?t!..0;"A '',..:.?,:r?A'F,;,:,?? .:A;'-'?: ? . -t ? ./ ? ??:' ? :5),J Vic; Figure 240. Hydraulic Switch 1. Socket; 2. cover; 3. microswitch roller; 4. housing; 5. support; 6. piston pin; 7. connection; 8. seal; 9. spring. S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Fore i.,. Dissem ? ? ? ? Figure 2q52. 1.1-228 Reversing Valve 1. Housing; 2. input connection; 3. 4. springs; 5. floating valve. output connection; Figure 2;53. Air Relief Valve 1. Arm; 2. fork; 3. pin; 4. insert; 5. 7, 10. nut; 8. bolt; 9. housing; 11. valve; 13. seal; 14. plug; 15. shuttle valve. 92 S-E-C-R-ET NO Foreign Disse axle; 6. spring; 12. bushing; 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dis ? ? 50X1 Figure 28. Landing Gear Valve 1. Pressure connection; 4. return line fitting; 5, 6. spring; 7. retract shuttle; 8. housing; 9. bushing; 10. nut; 11. retract button; 12. extend button; 13. guide; 14. seal; 15. extend shuttle; 16. valve seat; 17. check valve; 18. valve spring. ?93? ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 :o ? ? Relief Valve This valve protects the tubes of the cooler. I. is ccnn r. betueen the cooler ,Ind the auction tubing of the pw. 3.11 opens at n pressure o2 120 to 125 kilolvms per sAuure It is installed in the "26-27" stiffener secUen cn the ri7i1. of the body. The valve is found only in the neu drullc s [Translator's note: The sketch has severa_L numbers out different parts of the valve, but no =comp:Irving key.] 94 Foreix. D.ssc. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 b -11; ? -0 -1.i?-?11;-?". No Foreign D ? ,.-"O.n.?;;AVA, ct ,-7"."??tv,. ", ? -- SCZNIZISECIStx ? ? - --.._---1 - , ??-.1: P ,: - i 4 -t. , .. _001211e4 . 'flitP. ? , Vttos.,- 4:-,,- Ir V.::::. fi -,i tti . P- . ? 11111 2i!.1.1q!: rfaMielg '0 MWRigrict glei45'qer: 14111,?? 111 - ,S. ir 1.-'' . ii' to,. .7.- q ".Z. .:X.".:*;??? .!? ", . ;;....-'? .... t.1 IVISCARON--.?;-?,.,,..;:,...:, IrgoogligtVWDEITV -..,, ,,,......,, . t :%?::,:::-.., ,? tW ?4; !A *. .1 ? 4WD .d27:451..knr. .:, 44.4-.. : - , A-. . t ''', r'i - "", - - ': , 1.,,......v. ----'?-,-.-- . 1.? i, . r ,....r.. - ' -. ' ' '''' ? -, ' . ,?..., ' i"'. , ''''''j .1',.''' ....4 ... ..kl'' I T .-; 4 ? .:.1.?it:541.4.i.Mr.;,.?",' ENVIAI5,33 . ?1111,4, ? ? ,Rtit . 'kilt. .? (.. , 410k ..,..,,,, .,. . tr31165 4 . IX MEM - ,, r? s ':7...-; .. , :. 50X1 Graph Showing Relationship of Nose Gear Shock Absorber Compression to Pressure No ? No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 b -T. ? I.; -E-.11; -11 No Foreign DiE ? ? ? 50X1 Fig 1.14 Min Landing Gear Strut 1. Shock absorber; 2. Suspension frame; 3. Angle struts; 4. Stabil- izer shock absorber; 5. Bogie frame; 6. Actuating cylinder; 7. Wheels 8. Arm; 9. Crescent-shaped tie rod; 10. Bogie adjuster fitting; 11. Two- arm lever; 12. Axle arm; 13. Suspension.pit;14:-Boie Connection pin; 15. Lower brake tie rod; 16. Upper tie rod; 17. Wheel Axle; 18. Adjuster fitting; 19. Shock suspension frame holder - -96 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem ? ? 50X1 Fig 1.16 Suspension Frame 1. Holder; 2. Arm; 3. Adjustment screw; 4,10,11, Pin; 5. Axle; 6. Arm; 7. Holder; 8. Washer; 9. Pulley; 12. Tapered insert; 13. Nut; 14. Pin - 97 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign DiSE 50X1 Fig 1.18 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut 1. Fork; 2. Lock screw; 3. Lower section; 4. Bearing; 5. Pin; 6. Center section; 7. Cylinder; 8. Support member; 9. Bolt; 10. Nut; 11. Filler valve; 12. Plunger head; 13. Cotter pin; 14. Nut; 15. Bearing cover; 16. Upper half of bearing; 17. Plug; 18. Lower half of bearing; 19. Holder; 20. Limit switch; 21. Rubber cuff; 22. Plunger tube; . 23. Plunger flange; 24. Seal; 25. Upper guide sleeve; 26. Shuttle valve ring; 27. Pin locking the sleeve; 28. Needle; 29. Pin; 30. Support nut; 31. Support ring; 32. Upper support; 33. Tightening cuffs; 34. Lower spacer ring; 35. Bushing; 36. Seal; 37. Partition; 38. Support ring; 39. Piston; 40. Pin; 41. Insert; 42. Piston insert; 43. Piston head -98- S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Forcign Diss:1 ? ? ? ? Operation of the Nain Landing Gear Shock Strut (Key to numbers not given] 99 S-E-C-2-E-T No Foreign Ihssem 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 -i.: C - -T No Fori..1 Figure 1.26 Stabilizer Shock Absorber 50X1 1. Washer; 2. Lower removable head; 3. Seal; 4. Gast; Da.;:c'Aa 6. Plunger head; 7. Piston sleeve; 8. Screw; 9. Nut; 10. 7iller 11. Piston; 12. Plunger tube; 13. Plunger flange; 14. Cy1ind2r; head; 16. Seal; 17. Spacer ring; 18. Leather cuff; 19. RubbJr 20. Spacer ring; 21. Bushing; 22. Seal; 23. Ear; 24. Bearing jcln.; 25. Openings in piston; 26. Circular chamber; 27. Fistcn chamber; 28. Cylinder chamber; 29. Plunger piston chamber; A. Comprus&.:d absorber B. Disengaged (free) shock absorber C. ExtendJd * * * 100 .; No Yorei_n asse_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ? No Foreign Dissem V 2 rf 211111.11=r- < 44:444 Imat INV immimmi A411, A-- risim_11 ? 1 ? ? e, - 4 50X1 S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 No Foreign Dissem Key to Fig. 2.1 -- The New Hydraulic System of the Tu-104 1?Hydratlic switch UG-34 2--Control valve for the windshield wipers GA-171 3?Brake valves 4?Hydraulic motors for windshield wipers GA-211 5-,Air flap valve ? 6--Pressure gage of emergency brake system, MG-250 7--Pressure gage of normal brake system MG-250 8--Pressure gage of main hydraulic system ND-250 9--Actuator cylinder of spacer mechanism 10-,Actuator cylinder of the nose gear 11?Cooler 12?Hydraulic reservoir of main system 13--Pressure gage for air pressure system NV-4 14?Hydraulic reservoir of brake system 15--Shock strut 16?Hand pump NR-01 17--Hydraulic accumulator for emergency brake system 18-,Air pressure reservoir relief valve 20-,Accumulator for brake system 21?Panel for the ground connections 22--Electric pump 23--Pump air-vent 24?Pressure reducer UG-53 25--Shuttle valve U2-25 ? 26--Reversing valve 27--Brake grill ? 28-,Electromagnetic valve UE-21i. 29- pump 435 VF 30?Check valve 31--Grill with filter ? 32--Hydraulic accumulator (pulsation damper) 33-,Air check valve 34.?Operating cylinder of main landing gear. 35--Disconnect valve 36--Throttle valve 37--Pressure reversing switch PDME-150 38--Shut-off valve 39--Relief valve ? 40?Fine filter FG-11 41?Main landing gear truck 42--Throttle valve 43--Relief valve 44-,Disconnect valve 45?Filter 46?Filter valve for emergency brake system 47--Signal switch SPM-130 with damper 48--Relief valve 49?Pressure relief valve for air reffivoir No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 - S-E-C-VA-T NO Foreign DIGO= 50--Valve for emergency braking U0.39 51?Nose gear control valve 52?Landing gear emergency control valve 53?Landing gear main valve 54?Grill (2-way throttle valve) 55?Uplack:: of nose gear 56?Throttle valves 57?Distributor shuttle valve 58?Uplbck of main landing gear 59--N,y1rau1tc lock 60?Inertial transmitter UG-24 61?Disconnect valve 62--Disconnect valve 63--Check valve The changes between the new and old system are evident from the individual diagrams. The old type system includes a flaw limiter, which is replaced by grills in the new. type, mentioned miler. number 27. 50X1 103 S-E-C-R-EJ2 No Foreign Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ? ? ? ? 7...moss moarti S -E ? C -R-E-T No Foreign Disse:-.1 50X1 Ia. ta0.3??? eih,11111?? tIelta? .:=Seni? 43, LAME., NM.. ? ? ftntimwom; CiPMat.10 l?dokak. M?11..??? tet,11.14? 4/9' ""' V.74;:g ???Mo am. ,NVe>46x. C6 0111.101120 VCA011nell 011.1m4ses intwildn? ??????. ????? ? v" .?" 4AI jiat4.1, Ofeattstio,..? tripP.I.btr. CAIHIP4 (1111?1*91 ROAM.. ? Xlainflon Marro,' 104 S-DC -R-E-T No Foreign Dissem ?A0, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ? No Foreign Dissem. BRIEF TECHNICAL AND OPERATING DATA ON THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Gos GVF State Scientific-Research Institute of the Civil Air Fleet 50X1 NII TU - 104 Hydraulic System Brake System Working Fluid AMG-10 oil (GOST-6704-53) Working Pressure. 110 kg/cmd Pump 465E: w1th D-4500 electric motor Pump Delivery: at delivery pressure of 150 kg/cm2 and working-fluid temperature of plus 25 deg C 8 liters /min Amount of fluid in system 74 liters Amount of fluid in reservoir corresponding to the working level (put into reservoir) 22 liters Reservoir Capacity 40 liters Fluid pressure regulated by valve UG-50 proportional to an applied force of 0-110 kg/cmd Fluid pressure regulated by brake valve 1JG-39 proportional to an applied force of 0-130 kg/cmd Main System' Working Fluid AMG-10 oil (GOST-6704(-53) Working pressure of fluid at normal speed of 2,050 rpm 150 t 7.5 kg/cm? Pumps two units [42690? - illegible] Delivery of the two pumps at 2050 rpm and a back pressure of 142 kg/cm2 maximum 56 liters /min minimum 6 liters /min Amount of fluid in system 96 liters Amount of fluid in reservoir corresponding to the working level (put into reservoir ) 24 liters Reservoir Capacity 40 liters. (See diagram for numbered parts identification:) 1. air flap valve 2. drainage tank 3. drainage system manometer ? 4. cooler 5. brake system reservoir 6. main system reservoir ? 7. drainage system connecting pipe 8. overflow pipe 9. manometer 10. hydraulic pump 11. overflow pipe. 12. overflow pipe 13. disconnect valve pressure relief valve EL057? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissent Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22: CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 - No Foreign Dissea 15. emergency system manometer 16. check valve 17. hydraulic pump 18. accumulator (surge damper) 19. hydraulic pump 20. air intake connecting pipes 21. grill'with.filter 22. grill with filter 23. accumulator (surge damper) 24. brake system manometer 25. choke (throttle valve) 26. check valve 27. check valve 28. disconnect valve 29. main system manometer 30. aircraft power supply panel 31. disconnect valve 32. relief valve 33. filter 34. check valve 35. pressure switch 36. filter 37. shut-off valve 38. signal switch (alarm) 39. choke (throttle valve) 40. brake system reservoir 41. pressure release valve 42. disconnect valve 43. check valve 44. main system reservoir 45. check valve 46. hand pump 47. relief valve 48. filter 49. fluid flow limiter 50. check valve 51. brake valves 52. emergency brake valve 53. brake system landing gear valve 54. main system landing gear valve 55. nose wheel steering valve 56. pressure release valve 57. automatic braking valve (anti-skid valve) 58. hydraulic switches 59. grill 60. relief yalve 61. shut-off valve 62. nose gear actuator cylinder 63. throttle valve 64. hydraulically operated lock ? 65. distributor shuttle valve 66. reversing valve 50X1 ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 ? S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Disseza ? 67. shuttle valves 68. shuttle valves 69. hydraulically operated lock 70. hydratlically.operatdd-loak ? 71. pressure reducing valves 72. nose wheel steering valve 73. windshield vipers 74. left bogie 75. right bogie 76. anti-skid sensors(inertial transmitter 77. anti-skid sensors inertial transmitter 78. hydraulically operated locks 79. hydraulically operated locks 80 main gear actuating cylinders author: D. I. Rydlikov responsible editor: Ya. N. Peiko draftsman: A. P. Azbigirov Key: [bottom right corner of diagram] suction line pressure line overflow line drainage line gear retract line of main hydraulic system gear retract line of brake hydraulic system gear extend line of main hydraulic system gear extend line of brake hydraulic system nose gear steering line ? [illegible] emergency brake line S-E-C-R-E-T No Foreign Dissem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9 r SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071200010001-9