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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ;4 INFORM'AtIO'N REPORT INFORMATIQN REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS UNEVALUATED Soviet Technical Manuals on the Donets-2 Navigation Radar REPORT DATE DISTR. I g February 1964 NO. PAGES 2 50X1 -HUM INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 4 3 2 1 Russian-language, Soviet rnanual50Xl -HUM the Donets-2 navigation radar Publication dates for some of the manuals are given below; the others contained no publication data: Attachment 1: RLS "Donets-2:" tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya p ekspluatatsii Radar Donets-2: Technical Description Operating Instructions); 235 pages plus six diagrams. Pa ,e is missing. Attachment 2: Agregaty tipa ALP: tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii (Units of the ALP Type: Technical Description and Operating Instructions); 64 pages plus one diagram; published in 1960. The ALP units convert direA current of 110 or 220 volts into one-phase, 115- or 230- Volt current, with a frequency of 427 cycles. Attachment ? Agregaty ser-ii ALP: _tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii; dopolneniye k instruktsii ALP dlya agregatov ALP 1.5 (UEits of the ALP Series: Technical Description and Operating Instructions; Supplement to the ALP Instructions for ALP 1.5 Units); 18 pages plus six diagrams. Page 16 is missing. Attachment Elektronnyy malogabaritnyy'otsillograf tipa SI-6 (EMO-2): opisaniye I instruktsiya pa ekspluatatsii The Electronic Portable Oscillograph, Type SI:7730:277 Description and Operating Instructions); 24 pages plus ninediagrams and tables. S-E-C-R,E-'T - NO FOREIGN DISSEM -GROUP I declassification Excluded horn automatic dpwagroding and STATE 1 MA 1 ARMY I NAVY I AM . NSA NAVY/STIC, AIR/FTP 1 OCR NIC (Note: Field distribution indicated by '.'#".) ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 4. ? i ; , set , Z-E=C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN'DISSEM -2- ` t Attachment : RLS "Donets-2:" perechen elementov k skheme printsipalnoy elektricheskoy LA 1.100.003 SKIii4 (Radar "Donets-2:" List of Units for Principal Electrical Line Drawing LA 1.1000. 003 SE); 40 pages; published in 1961. Attachment 61 RLS "Donets-2:" tablitsa zhil kabelev k skheme soyedineniy LA 1.100.003 SKhs2 -(Radar "Donets-2:". Table of Cable Conductors for Circuit Diagram LA 1.000.003 S1QhS2); zix pages; published in 1961. Diagram LA 1.100.003 SKhS2 is Diagram No. 6 found in Attachment No. 1. above. Attachment 7: RLS "Donets-2:" vedomost ZIP ekspluatatsionnaya (Radar Donets-2:" List of Operational SP6re Parts and Equipment); 11 pages plus one diagram, and ,4 two-page list of equipment associated with the waveguide track. Attachment 13: RLS "Donetz-2:" komplekt ekspluatatsionnykh dokumentov (Tgaar "Donetsr2" Set of Operational Documents), pontaining four lists of documentation and equipment which accompanied the radar. Distribution of Attachments for Retention: Navy : 6 copies Navy/SIC : 2 copies Air/FTD : 1 copy? NSA : 6 copies OSI : 2 copies ORR : 2 copies NO FOREIGN DISSEM ;.; 50X1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A0710003000 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Soviet Technical Manuals on the Donets-2 Navigation Radar REPORT DATE DISTR. I g February 1964- NO. PAGES 2 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS I INIFVAI I !ATM') INFORMATION SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. .5 4 3 2 1 Russian-14nguage, Soviet manuals on the Donets-2 navigation radar Publication dates for some of the manuals are given below; the others contained no publication data: 50X1 -HUM Attachment 1: RLS "Donets-2:" tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya Po ekspluatatsii (Radar "Donets-2:ff Technical Description and Operating Instructions); 235 pages plus six diagrams. Page 2..1. is missing. ,Attachment 2: Agregaty tipa ALP: tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii Units of the ALP Type: Technical Description and Operating Instructions); 64 pages plus one diagram; published in 1960. The ALP units convert direct-. current of 110 or 220 volts into one-phase, 115- or 230- ?Volt current, with a frequency of 427 cycles. %we Attachment 3: Agregaty serii ALP1 tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii; dopolneniye k instruktsii ALP dlya agregaEov ALP 1.5 Units of the ALP Series: Technical Description and Operating Instructions; Supplement to the ALP Instructions for ALP 1.5 Units); 18 pages plus six diagrams. Page 16 is ? missing. Attachment 4: Elektronnyy malogabaritnyy otsillograf tipa SI-6 (EMO.-2): opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii The Electronic Portable Osc=7;7177757217=6-507gT Description and Operating Instructions); 24 pages plus nine diagrams and tables. STATE I DIA I ARMY . -S-E-C-R-ET NO FOREIGN DISSEM' I NAVY I AIR NSA GROUP Excluded from automatic 74,== I OCR NIC NAVY/STIC AIR/FTD (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) FORMATION REP 5 4 2 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 1 te B-E-C-R-E-T ' NO. FOREIGNDISSEM -2- Attachment 5: RLS "Donets-2:" perechen elementov k skheme prints ipalnoy elektricheskoy LA 1.100.003 SKIIR (Radar "Donets-2:" List of Units for Principal Electrical Line Drawing LA 1.1000. 003 SKhE); 40 pages; published in 1961. Attachment-6: RLS "Donets-2:" tablitsa zhil kabelev k skheme soyedineniy LA 1.100.003 SKhs2 (Radar "Donets-2:" Table of Cable Conductors for Circuit Diagram LA 1.000.003 SKhS2).; six pages; published in 1961. Diagram Lk1.100.003 SKhS2 is Diagram No. 6 found in Attachment No. 1 above. Attachment 7: RLS "Donets-2:" vedomost ZIP ekspluatatsionnaya (Radar Donets-2:" List of Operational SPare Parts and Equipment); 11 pages plus one diagram, and a two-page list of equipment 7 associated with the waveguide track. Attachment 8: RLS "Donets-2:" kotplekt eksp1uatatsionnykh dokumentov -(R7T4r Donets,..2:"$et'of Oper4tional Documents),-;cOntaining four lists of documentation and. equipment which accompanied theradar. Distribution of Attachments. for Retention: Navyn NavYISTIC Air/FTD - NSA OSI ORR : 6 copies : 2 COW:es 1 copyi : 6 copies : 2 copies 2 copies S-E-C-R-E-T ' NO FOREIGN.DISSEM 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Soviet Technical Manuals on the Donets-2 Navigation Radar REPORT 50X1 DATE DISTR. I g February 19614 NO. PAGES 2 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS is UNEVALUATED 50X1 -HUM INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. Russian-language Soviet manuals on the Donets-2 navigation radar Publication dates for some of the manuals are given below; contained no publication data: Attachment 1: RLS "Donets-2:" tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i ekspluatatsii Radar Donets-2: Technical Operating Instructions); 235 pages plus six 2n- is missing. Attachment 2: Agregaty tipa ALP: the others 50X1 -HUM instruktsiya DO Description and diagrams. Page tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii Units of the ALP Type: Technical Description and Operating Instructions); 64 pages plus one diagram; published in 1960. The ALP units convert direct current of 110 or 220 volts into one-phase, 115- or 230- Volt current, with a frequency of 427 cycles. S - Attachment : Agregaty serii ALP: tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya pa ekspluatatsii; dopolneniye k instruktsii ALP diya agregatov ALP 1.5 Units of the ALP Series: Technical Description and Operating Instructions; Supplement to the ALP Instructions for ALP 1.5 Units); 18 pages plus six diagrams. Page 16 is missing. Attachment 4: Elektronnyy malogabaritnyy oisillograf tiPa 3I-6 (EMO-2): opisaniye i instruktsiya pa ekspluatatsii The Electronic Portable Oscillograph, Type SI-6 LEM0-2./: Description and Operating Instructions); 24 pages plus nine diagrams and tables. 5 4 3 GROUP I 2 Excluded from automatic downgrading end 1 NO FOREIGN DIEM declassification STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AM I NSA NAVY/STIC AIR/FTD I SW OCR 1 NIC (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 j j ?U ? ? ;?( ? -2- ? ,?,;) 4 fl ; ,??1 i ??.: ? ( No. 6 found in Attachment No. 1 above. A, ? ? ? ?, 14 1.? -4,1t , . ; NO FOREIGN. DISSEM 50X1 AttachMent 5: RLS "Donets-2:" perechen elementov k pkheme printsipalnoy elektricheskoy LA 1.100.003 SKIIR (Radar "Donets-2:" List of Units for Principal Electrical Line Drawing LA 1.1000. 003 SKhE); 40 pages; published in 1961. Attachment 6: ELS "Donets-2:" tablitsa zhil kabelev k skheme soyedineniy LA 1.100.003 SKhs2 (Radar "Donets-2:" Table of Cable Conductors for Circuit Diagram LA 1.000.003 SKhS2); six pages; published in 1961. Diagram LA 1.100.003 SKhS2 is Diagram Attachment 7: RLS "Donets-2:" vedomost ZIP ekspluatatsionnaya (Radar Donets-2:" List of Operational Stare Parts and Equipment); 11 pages plus one diagram, and eiwo-page list of equipment associated with the waveguide track.. Attachment 8: ELS "Donets-2:" komplekt eksplustatsionnykh dokuMentov TRZEar "Donets.,2" Set of Operational Documents), containing four lists of documentation and equipment which acCOmpanied the radar. 'Distribution of Attachments for Retention: Navy : Navy/STIC : Air/FTD : NSA : OSI? ORB 6 copies 2 copies 1 copy , 6 copies 2 copies 2 copies NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 frk, r INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Soviet Technical Manuals on the Donets-2 Navigation Radar REPOR1 DATE DISTR. le February 1964 50X1 NO. PAGES 2 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS is UNEVALUATED 50X1 -HUM INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 4 3 2 1 Russian-Language, Soviet manuals on. the Donets-2 navigation radar Publication dates for some of the manuals are given below; the others contained no publication data: 50X1 -HUM Attachment 1: RLS "Donets-2:" tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii Radar Donets-2: Technical Description and Operating Instructions); 235 pages plus six diagrams. Page 2.ik.4 is missing. Attachment 2: Agregaty tipa ALP: tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii Units of the ALP Type: Technical Description and Operating Instructions); 64 pages plus one diagram; published in 1960. The ALP units convert dirt current of 110 or 220 volts into one-phase, 115- or 230- Volt current, with a frequency of 427 cycles. ell Attachment 3: Agregaty serii ALP: tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii; dopolneniye k instruktsii ALP dlya agregatov ALP 1.5 (Units of the ALP Series: Technical Description and Operating Instructions; Supplement to the ALP Instructions for ALP 1.5 Units); 18 pages plus six diagrams. Page 16 is missing. Attachment : Elektronnyy malogabaritnyy otsillograf tipa SI-6 (EMO-2): opisaniye i instruktsiya pa ekspluatatsii The Electronic Portable Oscillograph, Type SI-670;7 _Description and Operating Instructions); 24 pages plus nine diagrams and tables. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE I DIA I ARMY I NAVY I AIR I NSA NAVY/STIC AIR/FT])- G1tOUP 1 Excluded from automatic ? downgrading and declassification I OCR I NIC (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ./ iv- 1 NO FOREIGN- DISSEM- -2- Attachment 5: RLS l!Donets-2:" perechen elementov k skheme printsipalnoy elektricheskoy LA 1.100.003 SKIAt'(Radar "Donets-2f List of Units for Principal Electrical_ Line Drawing LA 1.1000. 003 SKhE); 40 pages; published in 1961. .Attachment 6: RLS "Donets-2:" tablitsa zhil_kabelev k skheme soyedineniy LA 1.100.003 SKhs2 -(Radar "Donets-2:" Table of Cable Conductors for Circuit Diagram LA 1.000.003 SKhS2); six pages; published in 1961. Diagram LA 1.100.003 SKhS2 is Diagram No. 6 found in Attachment No. 1 above. Attachment 7: RLS "Donets-2:" vedomost ZIP eks'pluatatsionnaya (Radar Donets-2:" List of Operational Stare Parts and Equipment); 11 pages plus one diagram, and a two-page list of equipment associated with the waveguide track. Attachment 8: RLS "Donets-2:" komplekt ekspluatatsionnykh dokumentov (Radar 17Donetsm2" Set of Operational Documents), containing four lists of documentation and equipment which accompanied the radar. Distribution of Attachments for Retention: Navy : 6 copies Navy/SIC : 2 copies Air/FD : 1 copy NSA : 6 copies OSI : 2 copies ORE ' : 2 copies NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? , ? C 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 INrURMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Soviet Technical Manuals on the Donets-2 Navigation Radar REPORT DATE DISTR. / 6, February 1964 NO. PAGES 2 REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS is UNEVALUATED 50X1 50X1 -HUM INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. _.5 4 3 2 1 Russian-Language, Soviet manuals on. the Donets-2 navigation radar Publication dates for some of the manuals are given below; the others 50X1 -HUM contained no publication data: Attachment 1: RLS "Donets-2:" tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii (Radar "Donets-2:" Technical Description ad Operating Instructions); 235 pages plus six diagrams. Page 2kk is missing. Attachment 2: Agregaty tiDa ALP: tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii Units of the ALP Type: Technical Description and Operating Instructions); 64 pages plus one diagram; published in 1960. The ALP units convert dict current of 110 or 220 volts into one-phase, 115- or 23t- volt current, with a frequency of 427 cycles. .41 Attachment 3: Agregaty serii ALP:,-tekhnicheskoye opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii; dopolneniye k instruktsii ALP dlya agregatov ALP 1.5 (Units of the ALP Series: Technical Description and Operating Instructions; Supplement to the ALP Instructions for ALP 1.5 Units); 18 pages plus six diagrams. Page .16 is missing. Attachment Elektronnyy malogabaritnyy otsillograi.tipa SI-6 (EM0-2): opisaniye i instruktsiya po ekspluatatsii The Electronic Portable Oscillograph, ,Description and Operating Instructions); 4 pages plus nine diagrams and tables. NO FOREIGN DISEM GROUP 1 Excluded horn automatic downgrading and declassification STATE t DIA 1 ARMY I NAVY 1 AM 1 NSA NANY/STIC AIR/FTD 1 OCR NIC (Note: Field distribution indicated by "#".) INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part- 'Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 , 1. ? .4'7-7:4 ? NO FOREIGN'DISSEM -2- Attachment : RLS "Donets-2:" perechen elementov k skheme printsipalnoy elektricheskoy LA 1.100.003 S1 (Radar "Donets-2:" List of Units for Principal Electrical Line Drawing LA 1.1000? . 003 SKhE); 4o pages; published in 1961.''',. Attachment 6: RLS "Donets-2:" tablitsa zhil,kabe1ey.,k skheme soyedineniy LA 1.100.003 SKhs2 -(Radar "Donets-2:'" Table of Cable Conductors for Circuit Diagram LA 1.000.003 SKhS2); ?six? pages; published in 1961. Diagram LA 1400.003 SKhS2 is4 Diagram No. 6 found in Attachment No. 1 above. Attachment 7: RL$ "Doets-2:" vedomost ZIP ekepluatatsionnaya (Radar 'Ws-2:n List of Operational-SPare Parts and Equipment); 11 pages plus one diagram, and a,two-page list of equipment associated with the waveguide track. Attachment 8: RLS "Donets-2:" komplekt ekspluatatsionnykh dokumentov (Radar "Donetsm2:" Set of Operational Documents), containing four lists of documentation and equipment which accompanied the radar. Distri:bUtion?of Attachments for Retention:. Navy : 6 copies Navy/SIC : 2 copies Air/FPD : 1 copy_ , NSA : 6 copies OSI : 2 copies ORE : 2 copies S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM. 7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1 -HUM 41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 SECRET No FOREIGN DISSEM ?RLS DONETS-2" TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (Russian Language) SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 GROUP I Waded horn erawmatis downgrading and dedanifwarion Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50x1 . _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 tk :. . '\... ........?___. _04. . .. ! . lii 1 ! i ..... '''..". I ? ? I airorwairror; ? 0,11E1(ip DISSENI ? PPC a0HEU-2)1 TexHuyeave onavahve u uHempyk-,i4u.9 no 31ccrn.sicirry!'ill. ? HQ, R.35 ??? ... ? ' . "rw SECRET ;NO FOREIGN DISSEM' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 6-1-0000?0001-LOV917Z00-Weda-V10 17Z/60/?1,0z eSeeiei -104 panaidd /Woo pazWueS u! PeWsseloeCI ui Iwo/iv -r,,,Alweill,:tAilfOg A ogi iseapayi oxfaeracy richotavl r ? opt- CNA.' rrt,"ibxmc1,,,-)t^au,,, xo.,lcuNR 14144Youvwaii $, .inuaxavviNicew dninrondrov40 pktiHakiA-Yoe', t ? ..74,ixkoeag, 14'??ISicaaerw:6rtflauz; akvaxo?, ,:paitpc?, vmpK )04.1,1T01: t'evaislh.4.yo))' -a,41 ' ow,....agre ' ! 44?4, Zi^ ZA:g :or fa20.:%7 .t,111 i !,?10 7 ?szo7,s11 iretio.00riK;I: trEZT/Oorgey, ? roa 4&*:rc;Y:),.'7, ittimg1.006 Coo : - rai , ;W71:10Ttr iffITISZAAT fliT 6-1-0000?0001-LOV917Z00?08dal-V10 17Z/60/?.1,0z eSeeiei -104 panaicid Ado pazq!ueS u! 10.6!4!selbeCI kAum. ? ' A 50X1 ?.71' ? , ? ? ? . ? . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ; . .1W vru vloou'l ? ? ? ' . , ? . ? ' ? 4 ??? ???1 ? ? .- ? e.A.?14L,,,,r.e,:7k-0r(.1.,?tio ' ? . -t.i.0 ' :,.. , . . , ?, . . , . ...?kr...D...3,,,r.o.44'4./z.,,,, '. ' ' , 'if:1'4T ???? ... ?,.7.e....,-,:i../4e;,,t,I,,,i; .9n.c.prii?pplo.;,1. .. f? . ? . .. : . . 24 7, ? L. "r4.?-.! ..?????-1.'?.' '? 4:3 47 a _ .761s c. ? ? ,7.;:f.fele,.'?'4,1i ? .4eme ::tpL,..-rqtJti.-o.??;or;Ov,? ? '? ? 4d4e,/.4A4pntechwi.ioye01010 4/4.1./.a5/,02,,mo./7p? wuueizio8247o. twah.,i./0.64 ? . , .? .? . . ...? ? , ?7.7,7i7". ,S ? 43'744 7'7 7:1* ?11,ft.,/04 003 7'o' ? ? .31tk ? , 't? - . ? , ? ..!SECRET ;? 'NO FORUGig. DiSSEM , ? ?? . ? .? . ? ?? ??? , . ? Declassified in Part: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 r?TC:(1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 rva.mitya LIOD.C.M - - - - .???????????????? ?e???? 4N.icerig..fre."644.7:rril ???,,x,v7,444,0 4,:t7,7A1c.,7?4fcif 1 tt;&a.,,47.4;607 /eV IA/ : 46Vo?ccer. Cm0frqsziA ,aaccvarnova ova riel..te.7,50t; '44.7 AQ..5.0.n/ g mewebve ev wcicoe. ? 8,4-7,0 ANN/es/a cmoft44,../ v.I na'Afecin. Eofg ifetekveggozo cocmoRiew we nice6?6/Wcterri S "NA/sm. ? ..? . a? I *. ? . "! ? Sfil/00.003 1 f , . SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? $ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? . M-!TW.171 ? . ' ? 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 . 6 rctairuc.c' eoicipolt'41 fecoijleaeo:64F6.,'PeAlJc.1/ 3 ilovriekeahiui! opLi5opd. .1 A/10ra) Affrehwoe yempockm :0 ? . Jwmpc eam,./ux no c.,:,76.6..coy ? ? 17p. 4/6017,/,74,movaR Oolloc.e.mekS ? nyo,carnejle O&iocernIa nyc,camevo:., 7.: 5170k, l'OtWeA/CCI 4410 .4/ 8?.?&the yloci'beA' .47i,cezcem iwcfra Rhwozo moed. /0 . 1.14be &in, plemwatO mar(' 4446/6 ? h/omeo vepinelk-ps Sec S. - elm' I et 7 . ? ' ,t ? Wei apaSolo.,9 820CE. npcigoi?/7 ?It!' /7fla5op AR Ot/9 006; t3 Zo87.?01.3 ei72-100., v2R1S70. oe.15. ono ./X3.i.7OOOZ 493.ee2n.o...? \/1/q.Z.2Z001 AN?-4Sn/a ./;: 4/711;45r* ./1.;67,4?008 f: 174'9 Aeti2Z.07.42'.. S70i.110N.9e /jzo?ie.TS0./.4./50 t31, /4:5 v5.1,4,376*,,?306' 0 v5P.c/oox 60$- 4/0 ? 7.e0), v.30 .4 f/8,e..e/Sfri ties '7 265r.6.541m4/0$ 182,47900335 ? on. 1.6`.? I/0 0,ft/ ? ? Ve.: .A47110000370 ?. ? SECRiT? ? **: *No. FO41GIT. DISSFM . ? . ? . ? Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 . . 7.50X1! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? - .14yAlytiLIUN VibbEM ii- ? PTA,//770Pf&Isio..-?.' 0/1/7/7e.cert . . . . ? ? /7epe.riviiamen's /8 iTeice.rifreVCifne.46 R41.4t4C :land SOCCC C tfC/C104 ze oov oe,evx x/oio JO .441,/./o.o,ocs? sewia 4/so t rar z? so ibc.t oem ,/717 v /67 Cll., 4/7.v Ieg, CC,/ /??le./VSA;2t4/ 020/4'O.. vio /4,1 ? ? 218 sii02;( Z.10 . ? - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300601-9 - .??,! pvrr, 750X1f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? ? fa.mmt`T ?^?^"*", ??????-? 1 - . ? ? ? . . . . S. .? / C 1- ' ?4/ : . . ., .? ,.. A .; .1 ? ? ,'.' 'i., ? 1 :70.',./b id 1:47.7 des coi-entd . ?._ t..........:?.---......._.....,...?........._i 1 , :tec ,ii2 I- fi,-7,241.,. etce,or,vicui. I . CM Crh.ft.cUS? - . ? ' 1 ;;.? . ql C cf4,:e2f,9- 4,5' ,,,vo., i : .41- c call' c?z?tri.7-m?-).:/7.1 iS.,,,X2 ' .? . , 688 ', 838.' i .171Zeta?liAlic.4 sr ...1*.ile ii .0...i/C:e0i0e4'..741e$14%46.e!, 1 i t ? ?? i .. 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Pfa?(r C c.!,;ceO Vac cf9 friq4ie-r2 ?C4) C t7.c41/1 '.71.4% _ 1 ? iv8g.77$ c:?514-4',4 . ? SECRET -.NO FOREIGN DISSE'M ' /00003 ro 47DT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? ..1 50X1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 . NO FOREIGN DISSEW, . ? , . * , . - ? ?????-????,:orr, rro.i?rr'rwo, -?? ? -;.........-. ............?? ? gr.ore;f w.xit../". [ ,. go-eiga?--. 1 ?1 . '1 t ? .? ..- 1 ' ?' ' ? .' ? ? ?? : i fl:;,;?42/?CM*Cii .1....e.2.71:Vill in7?1. ? . ' .. ?. ? ? . . . . n.- .........,........7.,..???,?????? ......4..:....?.............A....................., . .. . 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80-100246A071600300001-9 . eGv,tiv ? / 50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 . c ? ?? . A ' ? ? ; . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/69/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? v,r,pprp :50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? ? _ ''.1"*'???;,, . :Z? , 7 If,* 4-7.i, 4%.7,.i.c.c.....;?,0.::?? _um t s:* ' ;71,.- R".0 P0' .9 ,0?47.0,2, isqr;?`.k"'?:;:"'"?' ?"` . . .to.:"..?4?4er. ? ? a ? ' ? .? ? . wr. ek-r, c ? 7i v . ." C 4. A',77.1,4?0 '-,3 Of 4i r g Cct'e , ? irC46.74 en *ay,. 4.-/ eNlYe.,?;. A.? 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SPAIIAT moz.istrtoi".hwo:42 4.1f.,y;41t4ii , . .. . . , . e.TolPerr-WI a irarie/751.47: folge$A.rt.:41/j/r?:?1:0 7 "4:21.'41tre27-*".410,003 eal,AeCtf0-4AtiS ;'. . ., . . / . _ . eltr, lie.'.:1r,,?1?.?.70 i 5 e4k.6";? 2 Ao:?(,':- -1 .fr:111/COLIfrci,15.C.. 17,?;/"...47,0 if, .. ?? 'It .; ' ; ? Umil:11.4C6/ AtiCie.f."4/0e,r;;Vrt41?:41 :.9,./0,.-.T.e.A.,,i./.3.civer,ome, ez..;Ire,...A.,:ei Airliu.,,A., A ? 0 k:?-c:;44.CMOC/P....*: .1::????:e.'"pLIN*114?0 id Ci.?17,5,1/01?0...ri oiae?QA./r?. ? ' 4 ? ??:. .? ti:?.? ? ? '? 1 , ? . .. ? ?. ? - . , . ? ? . . - ? ? . 11.1.11}. A "V ;???? ??? ..(747.11,40(2003 ?70 , 7 S ? i10..F041q1s1 D I S8* , ?. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24:' CIA-RDP80T06246A071000300001-9 ? . Declassified in .?? e,r 50X1? Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? - 71 ? ? ? , . . ."yoarb, 0.-ni:0,,c, eri14.7.4. ,....r.,,-. cor.10.4,7r,c' ,p.^2410.-774.41aerr'. C? IV' . . ._. in ,., i, Injely w?rp.ra eralmcoa.vef.wfa ,77.^..7.?,17 (i.?1,?,17610,141,;,14;,,,fe.....";92718"?????%7?341`r; , . , , ? 1 ? ? .. . . ? ? I. ? g ;???,;:4147"04" frAM.V,C.9?4? -1.C.1;:"..7.1.7..4.7=S?1?6,41 ? ? ? 1- o o ????."4.,?%???:?/. 4 , r . , , te,(0.1,ICZO?4-12C,c0.90/7/1",;:e44.4.4ca "e ? i? " ? 1- ? c., , ? i 1 I ? ? L as 42 i/x! Vet": CVIv ,c,7?;?,s /704,..%,,noo*C.'n p?C1 r ? /1. 14-1 ei flpyrcpa 14, ., _, -?. '? . - . ? . :. .. a epe ej.. . .V.N260?74,14,-4,7i011 cefrowityit/ me,Tc..9 ,,4.147,,cristr /cpytot.'!aor6- . ? " i . ? ' ? " t ` ;44-crnw / F Mfg I u umrtzi.trac.itt ommeir,,,ew ic.:ypcor. Ho' apr:f,yg .4474.41,;20#4,..0, '-', ? . I 1 . , . . . -..ty,reft:d .-npyerw ii..751..,,C3-2tetr,>cfit? Chrf7Rt.figJftcp ommem44,1 :amu.k. . ,. I., 9Cp,01,..kit47 M.,17,0fiC4itfe ,,,,.214.*.e..1,..4:$6,7A keit' ttictarop01 CMdbt.14.41 . ? , . - ivi....c5-or7tv.fai..liniP if 5#6.' 4.- rp' OHS,'.ipo:eo, .; f ./7,0.4apti 43 ycePeloOtte,vel ? ,,, t . \ ? ? ? . ?P.Zall." Y f7P71410/14111 n.:-.30,.t,,f0y sked cmowtp.A./.. ,. ? ... ... .. . . . ? ..." . ? A ? ? 5 ; rT I '4 ? ? ? . "4 1r ? ' ? ?r ? 1. ?% 6 7 ? d v;. 4. ?T.1- r? ? - f "11:44.44 . ? ? t: I .4 - Ai7.1.100 e'ra 1.1'4' ? , - - '????-?; ? r ? ? ??f .44 . ???? ? ?^. SECREt ? ? :"' ? :NO FOREIGN 151.6E1M?r1... , . ? : ? .. . ... . . ., .. ,..... . _:. . ' ? ? . . ? ? . ? ? - ._ . ... . . . . . ? ... . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 . . ? ? ' 5 OX 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 SECRET , NO FOREIGN DISSEW ? ? - 1!ftairmJ'c .7?i t7-S c ..f _. ; .5ro,r :*--8 ' 5,-zr t7-a ' .v- r... r 5vorc, ' - --- - - 17P4b4P77.."P_Oar'7?0.1-44- -7 7.0,-,.r.s_cla , 6-Aor 0-8, It I leular if4" i---0.-5.rox H-7 _cm ic-.97o.rawfx,ces". 17 00114111/// alaaA-cirrIcp-1,7a4DA0 1714770eua 17p. /7,11 '6700A--c-xetma PAC .4ottez.J4 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM reifioam-ro - 265 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 :? ? ? I ' If' . ^ , ' ? ClitHrfOri ? ??+??."': . ? '2*....40.,4"ilit7. ? . ? ; '...t 41' ? .? ? ? '. ? . ? , a ? ??? ? ? ? .. Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 :_CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? . ; ? ?iimon.4.4...or ? . ? or?-44r, cicry ?Iti4r,-,E.44wiee d Aeca,a;44,0 AtiA?041? 4:A4 4/ --erfrtviluqz,' 74, ? Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-IRDP80:166246A071000300001-9 . ? ? SECRET 750X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? -,???? - r.. ???????????'r-- ????? ?-???? ?4???? s.... - ? 7 -? . ? , cytyO?iU.. J.00.'003 CK10) ? . cidg.iFcm-ouit?yemo.u.4.- itaym:07,04., 10- 4-aintal.rf.10.1.44; 'mu C.SfrY4.; 04,vc.i.?1-.4),,,,-;4-0.pc,, - ,A14..,oivaitirithscp.a glake c-tr-,to tOK4444-???eme,al'-'4' 0800e4,,,64.; :,,,,,v iyi? ..lorffityl 17. l' giv,.C?4?6`cirb/g7t?.7r71,47/7.y4toNa. ,.. ; . . ? 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If ? ? 4t; A., le ' ??? ?A????^ 4? I, _A ?,..1?A ? ? ? n ? 1A. AAA. ??A A7. 4 4 A, A 1.0..4. ?6..? t t 14..114.64i4. 4. lg. 6 ? ? :6 4' ? 4 4 ?? ." ? 4????7.-1....1.? ......_ t?... ? A 12 A .14,...011. s'e A-sit ,,7 kt200... ? ? Alc.2l,40PA4/..Y 84,47bry). ' `,..f,15 ? . SECRET NO FOREIGN D I SSEM: SRI .00.003-70 235 .1 ? ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? :'1 750X14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 . . ? NU leUttEIUN DISSEMi. . . , . ? 4.- ".? ? ?"'" ? PA1. Co. ^33 ,Cyt3,..".:r713.) 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A ? . e..?ia1:s? 11-.B cy,r-qt, aer.:-Z, . ? ? . 14,v4,6,;,74i 6',f2:17t1.), r;1?7 ? 4. ? , 9 5r 9, ir 171 CY,,Z I et #741/77a,C.M 05,4,0/Thya dg -?,tefrencyj ? ea(ta 06:30,0 a. . , ? . ? ? . 6"Ac.c7a ;7oCcrincre,Ara 4?4fit vieauiromopc,34fize; tver710,7y0 .e0c.Rrr,te,? eCeai.utv.oirenbH6'atno.:56.'fici, cir.cniciar/ 46Wel qa?171:1,407r7 30444,i/271,. A4'0Mopy 0.4'meloir47; iJ .WOI7J , C7077 7 c*ezamo ed. triLmf5(3/1://-4.0,,,17.7.'zi/m2A-04,1;ocd, ? . . r' 5noH- it -.008o;carrrypio mexairtijiwty,d,nch,foczona troToiveno 4*.yu.ler..vrtfogerncis, iiaoporn 4/01aara1ocy. e0,4,3?,.1ryi.?6?1;od 00 45,ogrif:egprhairpwat.ioi.:.17./10C.roenni a0.40! ? , -..gel.:ty:c4.ilrurrieitstycviycw,ecr..04.4ezo 1./zey,:v7t,5 nio?). ryptdee7tHi4cr,loceiwiioalceperaxio, ,Sacfrfihaa(0,A7- 40ti c Melnittleni ,?:,..;?? ? . , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 . SF.e REP OX 1 " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 cfL z`xE,n 04/5L;019 5170x H-/ ? 517/c A936EP7ift1 Do Lft,',,wm;;e,..9/rf &7I ,owffeAm/ru COI777,1a97 4J mpr Liazyno.,; CXFHel ct",:71/YeiO67NUA .3,74ye,r0k24.1.1" Um179/./711C0g, CXeWb/ ...70/Y:11:7C2YURAZVOz.4;047.1ziaA ,a7.314T/771-{ C,A(ey ,277,4ein4w KyAre7. ci.) CA*10' cr,o/o/yaltv.41(444. 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" ????? 5./Vec .-y-*6- ? (1443 rfnc,4-tiri ceVc..1,44.7*.^04.Aerf (1,10Arcr ?100''''4"4"4"4".1 cripeecPmr ex.r700vtd.l, (xvuiet-ireSiverwoc VICe?enent.e)i (C01 ' ?8 4e 4/-6. drt.A.V,14Nie:mee 4-e orfreoilft1t,e'epe:.74,1044:4:4,,v.;, crxwcov.. Iripeer,0 dim? 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".N. igetoet., "ICY I ',worn", .4:416a4P c Accarwet: 447c-m, acror0;1- tiq.ace?e"...- ANCP61,-,06: pol.P.Aweygrameer....-4 ,irs?-??4 -e?z?-?,.....c. 27 "se :rt 1,b1r.req....:to r c aorinn.-4, 4_1=2 AZ' :1?0,::?;-.?:5) Of rikaewee.e?t^, C' - e.f err. -..-.c."-CtZ,C-.47.7 *eve./ -; 8.5 - wq...t, e ca .."'e &Cs -tare"- ev 7 cf mot.) -!5:7ep A,4 ? SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM dig/ 100 003 ro Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 750X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 NO FOREIGN DISSEMI br ? v e. 'Ywt ,4'175 -Se" - , 1^ -4, CM-PiCSCe ? 'h.' 47:C4 3 rc../e. x %a SC,? ?^47 C?!1' "Z-1. 5 f" .., si , / /fa,Fe .6.4.3,57.,?,-eit?r.7":"4:7 I 5../70A-Zi i7-?2, IS 7:5,,,-5.,-.? 8.1 - 7'-v:, ...2-e4.a ",:y V*4147,1/ 07:6"Cfri:CUCil vaC -r,a ,rfai ,C.iniCyr.:.,;?..*cy 77eCe.C.VvV.. , .? - : e4q agfriom.amo.CC/cy,40 /74?)0?:.$?),.:,01.1Cy. 1 . 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To . ?T? - TIO FORE ION DT SSE 441a ? - a fi IJ, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM (110tf ? ft 4100104:404402004.; ?????? ex40014.0 tivropor; et?mit? At4le-No0-0:4C-.N. ? AsetatartoiAP .winttott..4.0 5./ low #1,:f .r?e ? ..?;'?at 46 taatixtrte eirlPtte ia:VOIOWs.0 4100,010.te?~4` 431/141. 429 P0'0104111100,41111100, Apar wiliwilt.E1 Answeelowide II6.4401Nottioitoortrotitisi4. (C- 14, 090414?: ? - 4414?0011 arturfolIT.inwiivir Jr01114;r0asip.irs4i airmge'dr?"0".00.4.4100,i, ah 6".""1161101 kt$4?04.44- '402;14a414001.A ? ? ? - e '.. '' T ? 7 . . ? is , -...? ( " ''' c #:4-es3t.i.:, 4-4:4..-.? .,... ....-.?4.j ... .--;t, ? ' , f- 4 < , ofit. S. ' ").... "44."-: .. ,. 1, ',7:1????' :oor ? yle 41 4 ?.11 ?. r 114i kV 003. 7r) ? 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: 6IA-RDP80T00246A071000306001'-9 750X14 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ?111./.1,L1.111 J.C.1.10167.0P1 ' ? ? :?,:;;;:',OJ ;:oci?PP'a8 e'Sx.rvren!C 104,c;c77,0 CI,Cmcv.d/i7 L4) t/ 5.,.-0,-(q /7- r ,o4,044?;;:,.; . , 0./e--,e/-?!vogv .".4?"tV.7,:'''??;r.4o' ? tpecxrp.9.064,icyrici.17 wy??c,8Cg cienptStwe'Ar4v-r:ive.' ,; . ? cct,dora.,?6, +vacyncte,"6.< 6.40;fa e - 4.iene.;7,9 d:earAPT. 04,c,x0c9,..,/r) ev;vi, enQcc4,4S,rt".710:,74?14,E;C);1g; o, ,cc6.ry . , r t j) 6/74,/tc. /7-3 -,?...--49,-,cwa,rud4o4-4,rx; ziod?.',7;?,v?',f'wed 4A7rmisur.4.i??? , .0?,' , .., . ? . a' 7,17.4.4, p,,,ociA,,7-vcs.,,,n,74,ftec?4, vorenetwev,' . . . Lt,/ ,17-'41???:'3V,yc); 4,c?,4116:Ayiviceo chf ctr.o4Nco-:'efr.t//a Ivey.1.1 #fempara,7 ,-47.0/4//7.s/4e/ve..(.7.44,c/ /74-,4./7b/. Sit 4.1, /7.5- 1. PitiPyA04-6%.*., OC'"4"alre.citici,t? 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'SECRET 750X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? ? .04".? f - ? ,? ? -t1r..":*?*,..,%.7/?,10?41 C't * ? ? 7 9 cr,".--,:"-1"."-ts.1-' 30, 3.3. R 5,4?747,(.1-c)CF C- 3:3- .A???;.- "4.711. co8ari,e6 tiA"..7 /4"C.1d4e c0.17.7;2,',"Ligele/14iC41 iSOC.v(.6 1./) wn4stri lacydrave,:zfn 0.77CC-, ,t CC.; er)711.1,../:,,,Y*; ? /,o90164,9/04/(-"e.). CE**1/27,116! 81Qi. cx Ca.:5.7.%):Aio? .0110: cf-,..4cti.s?Coe. ?"P-4''4- 8 /mina 1 -Ce'4-'47 t,a--15:",.(?:7 - "7 ev PPO4*'07 6 ireLleC/P60 w4.-Ylnrt.einet.7.P ! c*:?, 4',fry,/..4C?:;* if,A,'50V e,'4412-4.aescr e7V.4`04'4.W. etict6e,4 e.., 861.41,,,,priA:1--, ,,...7?- . , , H6u .4...:rA476/ 0,4,1 from.5e,wc7yrc,ad6 e- re tie-iz: ..5o..:vc,vo?AcLiuz.; 657aTa /7-6 Hadre7A-0 azoa z',45c1-% Cow. 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SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM! %V: ??C ? f:e'W 40C tr,-.? p't",,e tz", 4-14, ( 6-t1 -""n-itC?m.le, ''',7-7-4-.;-%74'01?: rp-e1 4,7:n.9 ft.: 5-:- .--rct, P02. 1-, 4...A..''V e7:4:2U4Cre2`AL77.7 4,-,.., ^n:,'~. I- " _ u 44.7*.Aien'tr 217-ecir- Ai, ieec j,; c..,:./... , , , , . ,,,, c -...-4.7. . ,--- imi itt-", EE-rx..y.7-:T.,,..--". t-L.?.. 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P.:P ew-id.-4, re'def.-0 41.0aZO7,'?"' 43 L cgre .P.7leril 05 - i5 ii .5Z..../P., rZ,OPPIX., ? SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSO41 vacm ft, ( - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? ? SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 5-* -; - -z3c ., ,.. k' 0"0:20 C=',.7w,-Z:j.21, E-:. ?..".".--?*.z.:?.& - ? -....-.....? n; y &.- - 1-- i fg. a 'a.. i- ?I.,./-..? 5: 4?ri.... 1-0 r.r....-.74?t he Ze' -P A # - --..:1?"r -c. - 4, g,.-:, -a Li', slerec AC', ..afel?qs...0?,....9 c ?.1..1.2 ?c.-1-0 ? I.:5=44=-7-44 - `''. 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PegIsseloeCI LI.X09.j . ?. ? ? ? . 7-50X17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 .41:11010:4064:51 it?ye.c./WW?414!/7$7 .PA4*Org-iVir17; fli;/,70A410.4.1P.,13dWrel7 .? ? . . 4-vtil,to&ifyib?P,..?23 MN/ P41,eniV ntitne c,,,emvriCarti of:cod'xi4vfotr,f170 ro.-cske,R,66Qp. ,70.,7-04a304:40c)7,4trittvic)es .1 ? .. ? ? . . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ?`' ? SECRET . 50X17771 .1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 71 ???? ? ? 1/4????? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "?? . ???? rr-4,44c, ????? ???? ????,?.. L6^ A ,s7,t.':ik.,,t.V ctom,otokt, eiettz4? - --,tti.5 , mrhicuiti "1,1 4:1 s:41.:, 4vevly 4q:-.1 si,,e4,17,mvertilza rrerv , . iPr ?!? ? ? ? ; %Jin 1X../Vi,e4VC4/ 00141ii",A1"1 . . . wre,r0/0 470,,547 C prtl?c 0-ki4rie ?41-1' ? 4/. 44/CY?' 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 , ? ; ". ? , Ifogaaal..747:,:?? - , 4 ? ? , ? ?-? ? ' ' ? Qrr PM ? 50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 7 4;.; I ^C. ???P'. ? ; qj? 1,, C?f c7-6, ?res ???? : inr 7 3 C.; Cret:(???? 40.'..??".!),2 .:????Ct.-R,r?t? I "-??? c), joz-,o& f":?.N4./HC.14:/.iFP30...500?A;met?okbiel or.176:611c; 81.%crici-f-74a-'-?416 3,4C177b iipOet.'17?Cr" CKt73.7.44,57. rerrOqv 3/1PA?in? ANEV4-4,720 ir70F. IrcIve.C44),. ? ' I ' 0 A-C30,:67/7'6 ?9, 6 cpy. no,VN?1),v4IR ..917rr/77,APiPect/il inCr0e41friyArNO "IC.7",:a?,441041 c.irOviiMenvinelia Cm,7,4/0.4./ rz7:411?2%; 170Aeeini lovio,001 ? v nymeri ne?prPoeo ftyve< arpeclkch'ayntwec;? 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 NO FOREIGN DI5SEM . 50X1 ?J1 , 7 17,4,4.44.444.1 . . . ? . . , Ce< ZOteC*../7611 . . Afi.vud, 1 1?Z.4,q 23 Aor rev v, ? . SECRET ?Nb'FOIGNDSSEM . . . . . . . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 6".4oA- ,"AelySo N:4(77,0,2 , 0-6 /7-6 I:2 ? ? ? ' St* eV" :rlc .,..,-.-.:, ..,,,,-- ,^,,, .... ,:r, Le..4;-,:ig-.-.?,-.-.,t I , .. . -1$ ? - i ? ? ? ? ' ,-- - . ? . ? - t ? ?-17iPt:e,44:t ''' 'i t:147,..yvi,?,,, .c.r/...1 rd ? ? i . c.. '41 cf yyy?yey- e,e2?"70).-. 0'.1000e6?.4C O. .11.,:, re,A.- C.I.y..%%?..'",;:-.i;? ? 0 . . . . / ... ..I . flor.06ure nepZ4.012.4'..07e./,.6 e ../70..ea::,?,,,,.,-e -.A-10;..S/2,./". ? (i,7:; ./:,1?..c7c.1. . 1 . . ? A ? 1 . I.10S .4.1y ko.r0geirc.t cre-.1000 "7.*:.1 ? 0' rpecfstercst. ? g,, yarotura. 17epec,7.41 r044.1..7u 8. ra,too riau ko7o,lc.s! arve7i,* oici iQcfz-; 5fiz,c;;;:. " arpeplo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 .. Declassified in !D'art - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 , ? LIN.", ...WILL:I-I-tall // J. L.01../..el ..?? . ? . ? ? - ? ? . . ' n,".77,..,_,...1/ . .? 4 1/4/ - .4 . ? . 'Ar . ? . ..--...,_ .1_, 4 ? ...,. ., ? -I. '''' . ? ..,t, : ' , --- ??-????-??? 1 ?? --- ?t?? 4 ??? ???? ?????? tt?-.............a...4,-,.......... .41. ... ....- t-,- . . . ''s .4 ' 7 ,.,----A , .. ? - ? : .-f--- -"ttr- - ' ? 1 , ????? l' 0704.' ' Lcrow.cie-ge .P0 Y, q rc,0 cl.-4. dc.i ? :e. g,pace a - fce' ..10.1.:41e,4i.4. . . .... iI I .1 , ? t' 1 ? . ; , .. , ? 50X1 ? ? .1: 4 ? L. ? 1. '4i i ? 17/:%3 f;C.;0.1 ." tlipe."1-;%::Caro- ic.,p,?..r* ,,pe tirt,CA, 4-1. CI ..1?I?r0. 1,1 ? ? ? ? .17 ? ', . ? ? t I C7;7 s, si 0,(-) r4 -....- -0 a) ,r- P Jr E - ? , -t co 1 0_ . _ a) ?a) a SautikarT cbOti 143. 0:rom-4amTarru (29-47) u maser manpaatemme Holayautessra remeparopa notacaosareskom c yroataimat croubou yaeraors3lOUI)10 rurryunry. kopk pene ocrarrca npwrutryrwor B seporemy cepseummsy. Tax kia, te=a? _ rrr rP otlecriveramer peryamposamme aanpamermer ma remepa- Ha Varpaialaaielitea MaTylinie nortaHo Hatmmaretnre, acHTarrid t pa3044414yTti4414, araullooaa Heo6a0aalatOCTI. yHepacarsaa Iwo Har acTOns B paacoalowrou coc-rommea. Csema npeaycuarpHsaer s03140mmocrk rkjImqeHHaHricTaHuirotota, snoncomoro nocra. /Dm aroro Ha KAel8llii0fi naare nycsaream npea% ,ope a nptaexas .-.t. 5% or irOxitasailiOro arfaaelttlit rtpil Narpfssaa, renvicumxca a opemeaas or 50 ao 100% OT itosicHaStiata. ' IlaKeralla nerea:NarraTeal, nn CayagarT .1.1* flepeatoaa remalaToPH ",beromarakecsoro peryartposawra liarlOaaalail Ha prom ea parse, Ilpm prams/ peryamposaumr c noat0rnka3 sumasomareas nn toys- cmuipelibi 38mormia 18. 12, !3.? 46, 26 H 38"M 30 Mg "A1C)gelia2 l L- ;a 1,apyrra e epekryamropa N a3pmaaerts ne ere noThnutH0 armaAblaHaath MC ormosptetuo senoupyerca peoctar prmoro peryipo- aCxem nyckareza upesyckorpeHa CeeTGbal clrla.113aLla. marpp.Jiamnovxa, noueurenHan s nycsareat cHrtaatompye o TOM, ? e?wernuenni scnco nanparkensu rpn e0poce tarpran aHraieJt par,oraer. aforaTenb 3anycsaercs 0944 HalfaTt alOarimetua emkOcnialk 440140e44C3H11111. ocymecrassemaa sottaencato- nycsa OT .1110604 Celli H neperanoqaercs asToktars.mace. pm XI. BKapOgetilibili gapes TpalictOpiairrep TX notaeausareasmo Ilycsartn. Hpif yrom oLeeneqmsael alaToidaTirgecKHA sanycs near: ; Harpy3soll. BKJ1104eHite KottHeucaTopa 24epe3 TralIC,OpMarap Haase- MIR aBWe npm OTCyrCTBHH Hanpammumm ma ocimerroA errs N Hammer ineT nostactill, Hanpuserime Ha Hem N Tell Calitaba yorestammau Tpaye- manpmmceums Ha sanacmoa. ' . I 4apo eusocra. S. rEHEPATOPHAJI RACTb ? 1 bucrpoe ro gerome 8o36yaratenue remeparopa npm nycse o6ecneum- poaer pe se (popcmpornsH ar,..:ymuelorm PcPB, KOTOROe OanOapealeHHO remerarop arperara THna A.1717 nBaaeTca FIRAyETOpH6114 CONGO!, rpaluvouraer 140111HOCTI C ,:-.03 peryamropa 31Pti npm AAHTV3/61134 Hum reHeparopou c c04408036pHaeHmem. Ca H08030p44aenHe ocyuzecrki /a6ore arperara. 06ircrrk; :,e.le poB (A-5) asamena HOCHe/101111. nuercm vepe3 TpaHcrpopmarop so30pr /Urns TB il et:memos:4 skinpai -enkHo c o6mcrr44oll a036y)Kae1114la reHeparopa, a $1.5. KorsTarrai IBC. . I 170-44) pure PB ncuounogamrat rt Hamm/4y macay limos vatic-, borreab ABTOH3TuvecKHA perynsiTop HanpsoKeilloi YPH o6ecne.orsaer nor, . opkraropa so36yaraernta TB. zepmaHme nocrosurcrsa HanpmaceNHa Ha rrarpysse e Tommocrkpo ? 2',..,- , 8 nycka npa ampestneHnom 314124e14e14 'foal a036ystaem4i npil HaueHeHHH Harpy3KH rearepaTopil a npeat/ax 50-100% or HOW 6eHepaTops cperSamisaer pease NM, ancpanmerea 14.3. 1rOHTIKT P08, HaakHoh seamgmmu, npH HanpamseHrim H3 ablX0AHLIX saeumax ar pera (70-44), 38spmearre3 H.o. samara PIPB (71-45) H ceaeHosult au- ra. He npeauwarautem HObakoolaba4y10 aummury manpmaterms 6o.m ipmmirreas IBC nenessionmeres Ha nommarertHoe Oa= rums warm- meal Ha 5%. opmaropa TB. H3krepHrtakmua opraH peryarropa VPH (saryinsa saesrpo)l .ar 1 flpH ao30y ..etorm remeparopa saropaerca emniammas .71114Ha C. HuTa) riarraeTCR or peryarmyemoro Hanpopmemma gapes TpaHcrpopma-,..5 -4KAHMInlaa Ha ca,-.1. nePHINHOA othicrnin 'PaHetoPHaMe TB Wu Top TPli H ceneHosuh skonpamwreak 2BC. B menm ceaerrosorn ribinpa' ,iepes aodasocHoe conporHaaeHme 5C. CarHasunas aroma mar iTpa mined's' 28C co cropoHu nepeuermoro TOKil ilautioHCH peOCTa- a6ore remeparova. ycTaaxs PY. noasonammHA makeemark yerasmy Harmsaccmot 113 Emma arperara B npeaesas ? 5% Or tiCalritiabiloil Beilliniorit. CotipOTKaaeume 7C, 136n7671HeHHOC ir3 KOHC11111TaH01504 npoeo.1csxv m okalcHieHrme (10Gle 3asurTa reireparepa or neperpy3os N soperrsmx $aumsamill Ocy- Teaktiocrk peryarropa B mamener000 reuneparypm ospymaromea gm ecranuercm rennoamm Tuna TPT. KOHTBXTId?rtnaloioro pem anaaTrAktro c II', 06ecnemmaaer army* vymcraa . AU H Harpers), saryinsm. . 2.1,Hytrrirprar-coripormaaeHse 9C. smalagetsmoe noc. xr.areakuo e elf- l'ro.ibiluA crime, peryarropa exammuH s Hem. ao36ystaeNnt retie T?cfnbroNniePerpy3se reHeparopa Ham sopa/1mm 3111.1aaa111111 pe-He TPF para us Ls ymembrueHan neperpesa yr0.1bH0r0 C103161 poryanTop yo-,-; lcHe 9C ThernyHrHpyercm. reneParoP Paamsrung"ortc?- EcAli IcVm" p e nepeuerthoro Toka ceneNotkoro aunpammream 113C pabarbisaer. Pa3m1"1"13TcR cry H*3* K04( 1 1 44 1- A (54-56) ii c?nP"Nline- Hasausaercm noa ?Gaya Ha marumHe. 05ays nparacomicr lc CHH)KeHil t IH3e Saliblocalthe 6yarr amsemarmosano la momeirry 14038p0r1 pear. Toole a p ? peryamropa N. Tamild o5paxme, Kau H CCTV Trilanerore 7C cno.:o6creyer yueHkweuma gyttoAaD Narpmemuout a aa 51400. A. &Hamra reaeparopa arptraTa All 11-1.5/4 HepaTOp a035yalITCH aHOlfb a 06ectlealIT Napo:H.64m parlory arpe? all. 10c:aor reuneparypkt. se:HWY npeaycucrrpeHo prome peryamposanue manoem- A IlpH Ha/mum croasoro sopa-tsar? SliStalCalloot refreparop He 5yrier 44o36ymaarkar, warms, 3a CHeT OCTSTORHOro 11:11114.1$1.7.1131 110310pHill C n?mCHLU43 PeWina PerYAHP?81111448 PP, ali.luoyeaH a vela. 06.0 ros Horn-icor? samtalcatima (npm wide e eusocrilua ..ownesiesumei) ili ? If ? ?? 1_, a, *.? ,? ks ; . t t 4? '44044'414 h4 s? ? , 4p. 44' ? - ? lar4k,s9 - ? rA c=.1 , CO.. CO ' N:. 0.. o , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 NO FOREIGN DISSEMr.-- 2 8Z5 1 2ViAi RI; ZCI 4&g 1,=?141,q:C13,90 gEt,ft..bo7?'4,1 .pg.17.4-g'4,gig.gig -,AA.,-pE410. -8-1F-g.a .-2,143gE.:,11.; ti 5E: gilxmtf:Eial3u..? a,c0,11.?8 Vi 4r5dC41:galEP-12t;.T1011 31:4 " 4P;PPoi'4EAD="74V2 31; % g q.42gai F?4;17,r,E ogg'44 x 28CCCxgz:14;12 glgEU21D5;14 gZr) .? .1v0Wis 133 ?1-&-gilOsill02g5 0'87!ehg. 11,1 :'::130igil 'igIN01;g1 g A tiwr.g...3,40.4121r=,,,pwL tit' Pef-1,27117,110,Fi.7iii;1 ..1 C n v'ta A g iiN 1,11:.10''.1-3t Re' 'Pr: iPgli51.A. 3 ...110143 A.1117t:4.el x5x--L,a p5111:vo,; :gil;13 A A... r, T . 2E1WIR Z417. g V22401 P41t2! 'grs! 5?1144 111 gipai .4.m ? ...t i-; 1:2;..xii..71..aDlgit 51g 1g2411/ 1/034:41t1 tttttt I I0 Goon apes. Ina?. Mae Mammalians snorer' I Tee arperati 1 Tit eeeee eta Ilaatinailana Manse nenerma, snapara a Ocnoemme etpilitcpm KJ - goetairroo norrommoro roes ? A' 21 MA I mn.1.5 MA/Cl A.e(1.1.5 MG I Ann.1.6 mato! KM-244 KH?252 . ITh-220--320., 50 ? 1/5-110-170 0, 00* ICY To int Ann-i 5 MA 1 Ann-Li MAIO 1 A.nn.i.s MS 1 A.1111-1,5 M6/0 1 KHY?254 KHY?244 . 175-220-320 0, 110 0 - 95-110-170 0, 60 a Nil Reoenta inpaseteme AA/ 4 Joao* 1141?11' 17 fIpesecpalerma To 24 lirie rum I rtAsniA ercessi I I (250 0) ' Aeons /Inns Nina 6-1174-1 ? (110 *1 ow rand Aro. nornafirma _ p. pit '?in5Y---- Karrurcop AeHoprociaisold Ass 4 mom P41 404X1 ? Pe* somers worratcos Mn-1.5 MA Ann-1.5 MS TPI-I32 TPI-135 Tco maw, MO. To. yruseit 332 a ALM Perynrop o6opomm ? Act 4 novo AUP-I TX Tmelowpormes seoweicamws Ann-1.5 Ali Aim-I.5 M2 1-42921 1.49?22 4....-- rolie.oplump Tft Ann-1.5 MI A11114.5 M2 141142 i T44-70 . ? oto67manare SIM Pemnimmftwomme An 4,.'..' TPT43I To. maim 10 ? woe arm "mew wpsfeefoolnerrop gm se. AlltIKSI .i.,. 4........_,..4........,..___ . ; , , , - "'" ,-. ," ?,-4:-.,, 4. .-:-;.-4e, -; -- A i .1, q4..,:?..rL,...4-:,-, -., -,..1;,;?,.." . ....-.. .4 .:.$-..,. ,.... 4 ,,.,.4......'- ',,?-....;...,..,:,;;.-.., ik-.;-1-- 4 "I' "' ?? f."-. -. -....- ''''' ..'4. -'.11.''' 4 14'4 ?'-':1 '';-?4' "I, -1' li'L .a P; ;, 1 ''',. '''' 4. ,..*. -i-1-r?-?-?' .41' -. .4,.., ,,,... - ; ?- 7- ' i ::-, .? i 4' ' ' '. - l' '. '..'.? ':?, * -- ' ? .4;ri ..1 M ? 7,:i .. -:,. .0 414 .?':, ? .., , ? ., -', ' "."' ...........-44.4-4.,....44.,0,.......... ele.... lkei..... ? ....i.,104. ... . .4,0.,.4 .?;.., . ... ..,,_,.: _ ?,,...,.., ,..:?. 4,77;11,ri,- 4_,(.: --1?...... 4: .,,.4.------ ' - -- ---- - t,. '1 -"4. . 1: . ? , -''''''''' ";,. '...-1:.."-,. Ai .1,t-.4....'.. .. , ? - SECRET 1NO FOREIGN DISSEM- I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 750X1m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ott4' tt ? -1 - flposoaxeime tabs. 06oamseeeme co nponnene- eAbeo3 coeve liaestenosanoe 5Xeme4t* Toe erpersea Ten imitate ?MEM* repsioreps rpll TweSopstatop peryAwrope is. riposte** A/10-1.5211 Alln?I.5142 1-04-2112 T?04-21/1 YPN Yromand4 perportop eartposce- NMI Lt. 4 Nino* YP11?423/1 ? BR f1uevold4 ntpsonoosion, To se ng4-i0 nercp..tropmum i.e strre.y PY . PVCCIAT rem* To se PY.12 Conparmamewe 10.8 as *10% PP Nome opowoll peryoepoen To at PP..? C????1111/1?11?? Ite o* 10% 18C lisoperireee teeesonei To se ADC-43 -- ? SAC Bentoemwern eeoewoosi ? To we ABC?4040 ? Ki eoxitemstop To se CM.0.664 680 e..12 se. 320% Ne, K3 K4. K.5 ? Ke. K9 Koneeveatoe To se KRA 0,25 AtO. 400 I ? Ke. K? Koneeeeerop To me KUM 1 - x 025 *O. 400 ? PON Porn topeoposen ealeysteelom Te se P-12 Toe CP?OITICISICK? 101?0,0 ? irC 117C10?00 tortpotionewe Min-1.5MA ATI1-1.5MAP A/111.1.6ME A/1111.1.5M60 Mopes 61A 2731/94 To se 2.2 a* 0,50*? '. ri Tpaeoeoowroo worm RAO 4 ?woo* .. 1.04,22 ...................4................mmow " ? ? . t ? .. " oe.-I5e eo 'pontoon eaelolk ......------ . .. . lieereeoeseve Meuse& Too erperen ? Tem elemeeee Ocoee's* sepesttpm --??????????? IC CospostaisoPe A/10.1.5MA Af1n-t.514 A/0 A.11n.1.5mfip Coopotoseesse tpy6eaToe polio. ear III 400 OA 2000 as moos PC Coepoteseeser ? ANI-1.5M3/3 knn-1.6m3/0 A.011.1.6M6 Cavorts/sem ery134aeor mesexpaaessoe. eue III 175 0AI COO as 400 OA X SA11.1.8 MGM A./111.1.5 MAP mm1.3 MA Min-1,5 MB Coopoteseenee mentor esaimpoesasoe. ewe III 1003 OM 4000 tka 400 OA 175 as -..... 1 4C To me A.7111.1.5 MA Ann.t.5 MO To xe To sul 2000 or 800 am $C Cnownseareee s stilt MM.- T5. Mr1-1..1431 ann.' .6t462 To ea To *a , We 0111 11X10 0.11 C??????101?1?1* Ann- IA MA A1111.1.6 MS To se To at 800 as 400 di TO we AA11-11.SMA Anri-I.6t4B To me To sr 3000 as 1500 ox To so Alin-IAMB Ann-1451A Caeressomeee epy6utot --..........--... 2000g IMILAKIV?hallOt COROUtialar A/111.1,SMA Afill-1.15M6 CoepeTesseest spyt. owto? mut oposonsoe. Tye III 4C00 ae 1020 as ? OM IWO- TOM ? %?-? 44, :4 p? ? ;41 4 t * I 4 77, 77-7. 4774-Ct Z , ? 4.4.4 -4? 7". 4 - m's 1,?'? ? 144P?t"''.95"' 4. ? 2 t ?,** i ? A iStCRET ,FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? r ? ? ' t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 750X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 I ' T VA 0.KL.R.114 ILLOOLPIL:. 1 11 ? t ts *ter t ? ' , ?4 ,4``. c`4 4 . , , r t ? ? t . k to. ? 4's f4" s " . Noses 'A 40-,,k41 er. gnet `10,-. ?? ??119 -*let,: roe ???4te orre; ? io ? or - ?,????., - ? i Ii0.111.41 PM TIM. 3 No apenanne? ?11,1101 tittle Henmenosenne CileueNTO Ten arpereta Ten excretive IC ConnoTnevane AM! 4 timoo geptew 4C-39 PC C.onporianenne ? nets morph. TOM. Ilan 4 oon mi Conpoennaenne n00110 Armor PI nee 4 refine 4313 DC.3 %mamma% ceoevoaull ;len 4 'linos FIC-134 KY Octionnwe aspeweepo 92 oat 10% eoneteittanottee I IMO OM NAN 2 toynest no 2000ow Nosiowscoot FtlOowt tatoeirron, eateniam e arperet A/111 &sin Konearrop noteosenoto tone A/111-3.5 MA K11-753 175--220-320 et. 00 a A1111.3.5 MA/0 ? 101-243 05- 110-170 c Co a Ann-3.s MB A.1111.3.5 M6/0 .4.311.3.3 MA A/1114.5 MA/0 Ann-3.5 MB AJ1fl-3.5 M6/0 KI1Y-254 KI1Y.244 npe?Olp?turretlh Jlan 4 twee* RAC llsons carivaism To we CU-21 Pi. PA ? AIIP Kowteseop an+041ww05310" Pe.* Marro ?extetois II** 4 tone* P?30Y Per/estop onopoToe M114.5 MA A.311-3.5 MB 11.** 4 tone* TPT.138 TPI. 136 AllP-4 TK TrelicOnpmatot, Rowneme MI. A4? 1.3.5. MI 1-02?12 %,Zati=EZE".E.,ZF ? ? ? it1.3.5 M2 t?,,D , -6603???en?e . BO Opoitiliviii?- al.soi mere t ? 175-220-320 a, CO 95-110-170 ? 80 errosta 6 a (230 4) . 'leans nentannanne 5-13 at, 110 o. Cals no** asylum. 'ennui 20. Ton manna 33 Tot yetenen 67.5 ? TB . tPli YPH nn PY PP IBC 2/3C KS KI. KJ. K4 KS. Ki. KS Mt. K? PO& thowegovarne 04,11811T11 Ton srperati too mama Cocioonlo? nominal* Tpentionwelop wroSyweenin Tpow+opneeoo peryseeops el. fl MI WHIN* Yromou* pery?inop eantOme. Ilinteeson1 nepeemaerreas Peeeent resets Peoerat prima peryaiposals BwernerreAo oraenoserk To we K0000sairoo To we Koeirwatop NAP 4opropmao moseysiatot. A0113.5 MI Ant14.5 M2 AJ1fl4.SMI Ass 4 *moo To we To we To no 1-04?52 T.04-6I 1-04?21,2 1-04?21/I YPH-423/1 nx.3-10 PY-I2 Ilmorpooen swo owe*, Conponrennow 61.5 ea *10% PP-7 To we To we To we To we ABC-4060 Coeporomesos 14.6 OA *10% ABC-43 CM?03.6.34 ^ WO 0,8 i2PS K61-1141 0.25 silk 400 ? Tow. 12E1141 to we 0.23 a?., 400 ? 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S. put% 6 npt?Aclawieffa ra68pHTHI, a 1111 pHc. 7 C.T.elial klauouthux arperaros .kan-1.5/4 N Ann-3.5K raTenb uaunomoro arperaTa aidnomHeu Herupexrtomocute ayiitolum r016y3KAHHHeid. wipomna rtHeparop HHAyKTOpHOTO roma !vette-resumer co6o C 06110T104111 nepeuemsoro TOKa '11 06MOT1LOGI 110.145y1KACHINS ONiCIIHIAMN B C1/1TOpe 1111141HHIN. 110.111CHHC?reffepaTopa ? uuyunauenwe. Weueso craTopa apo labpauo H aaa naurra. pacnououieumie cummerpuquo oruocu obuOTtal 00315)1K,2e11H11. Pomp CHWOHH010 reneraTopa N 11K0pb ABUT/Teal 11OCTOalik101-01, TOKB C06118HU Ha C0111C11 Hazy. Ha mu Hie sadly co croponu rettepa Tope yCTaHOBACH 11cHrpo6cumAA seHtunwrop, a CO CTOpOHla Allatirte ? ucHrpo6c*Hta peryTHrop 064)poroa fcla.uHuHuA arperaT imaHrareas; H retteparrop) croirruposau o6 :item TTBAbH011 Hopnyce. 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 4 ? ? v-. .?, ? - 9;2 gr, #4.4111:i7 :gir.r`g71 g:.Eggo Wg5g113 115 *Exml 037.3:02 t'; CI 101.g.= l'esPV1 11o2 42rdS " P-EE PA1 Ngp 53 . r ? 5? al" 0 ? Q.."210wissiwow leVro7 a 4'4 - : ??? ? ? 4 ? - I 5 4. ? ?"4.- 4. ? ? - ? ? ' 4 - -Y tO? ? 4., w L.... ? '444 -.1.4 4-.t. '14 .Laf, ,T r SECRET .NO FOREIGN DISSEM, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ,50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 V:14+44.1.g4H:. 1.1 U;t1=1.. I t : zt,I.Fizrifico:applP 2,1"FV:,,,Fg5e,TrqxF ilgs;5 k;gxtE2M xa-axiz't ?:161: -0.- ? c i0; 0 1? "Ck70:0?R E 0 .1.. ig al :Pha a ?El'? ..gExf 1 I. hglir! !Vgli i .... z t... ; V 5, M in 1 1 3i ?-? i 174'03 % A ? cc, . .i- II ; 1 2 1 .0 t z ? ? A I ill' .1 . ....., i ... J., ... 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Arelk co6ofi utapHapturth napalureaorparou, ypastrosetuetrault Hap assoulto-nepnormaxyasipnw Hanpasnemix. HaNOTalia senocpeacreenHo Ha sisonwposamill ctpavalta- Ceplem NK C 061443TKOA xpenHrca x starsorronposoay 60.311331 17. 110AENOICHaK CHCIelda KoltTaKT0p011 COCTONT 143 xxopa 2. Tpasep- bi 11 H pwara 15. Hecymero Ha ce6e ynop 14. anacrodaccoass rya- CpCit 11MeeT 014148, 8 KOTOrade aCTHIVICHN KoliTaKTHIHC 140CTla. K un? 1311 CilaaNtia KoNTaKTOB 24 nprnraperru moliTHETY 113 cepe6pa (amt. ,crop KH-100) Ham breraz.nohepabitirrH OK-IS (xourarrop KH-200). ,utrrab-rtibre MOCTIN 6.aox-xornar.-ros 18 113rOTOBaCilid H3 cepe6pa. MO 114 JilecOICHBalOTCR i oturax rparrepcia npyarrthabor 10. HCHOARHIKHble 6/10KMOHTS14114 yxperraetnt Ha rathrra Oporraosba atreArtx 20, solopue npH ABliare14104 MOCTOB Ha alICTif 1100111011 CAe- por Si IM3111. OHM npHeaperru K A3TyNNUN coorSabs /9. 1110114101111114CH ?AHOlipebitHHO 311AC141481411 640K-KOHTHKTOIL. Crto6br rumor no Asa yr:opt'. Bo 11KalOACHHOM it HWIC:43014HINI0N no. 0214e1414242 attmena HenoAsHrsHux 6a0K-KONTaKTOB aersar Hs ynupaa. lottaHras ynopu, aroacno perynopoctarb Hamartre. npooa.ou Upacroopir :Aorc-xonrsorroa. He110ABHAMble raailifble KOHTSKTbi 23 H GAOKMOHTIMTki 19 Kperari? A Ha MMHG= 3 1122. triroroanenwux 143 nyrocTOPKOP 1U1SCIblaCC14. namenw xpenorca K wanuironposony aNNT/11411 21. KisosH nameab weer ABS rAHENtAX MONTaKTH w Ala 6now-Kowtak1a. K rAantruro HON? aKTalir rrpHcoeAHHerni cepHecoble AyroracHreabHue KeTyll1KH, HOMO. flPHM0YC01bHO IItU4M CO CTitablibiN CepittaHNKOil WO/13C :aTywha 11 cepnevwww onpeccoaauu wanpowom. ON wowett torryunrn dlyIKKT aini02031 omen/Hero nuAcoeauttenHA. K APY1-0142 ItpHbOpCHI .OHTHICTHell HAACT10111C ICONTSKTOM. K cepAegHHoorr nprocaer.and cTaAblible mean. noAsuanruire e 30H) OHTHicivis ararrorrHbrA TIOTOk. 1303HKKHKA1HA npH npoxoaraeroth oepe3 yroracHreabrtyro waryway TOKa H Crt0C00CTil7101NHA rallieN100 nyrw. ilaMeAN satcpusaroica xpurusaur 25 N 27. 11peCCOBHHHU3111 ri3 Ay ? 'ocTOAKOA NnaCtidliCCIA. Ana yaeAmwetima apeweim ornycKs ace xonTaicropta. wpome KONTils? ropos ycHopeHHo, turearr oteanue ula50to 30, wacaacewfwe Iii IINAMHOio .aeTb CepAeXHIIKIL Kpowe Toro. pent. KOpOT14031114KHyTOr0 airrica sbirlOANKIGT yrrobrany, .bre sbnue areAtru5 aoroyr 28 (wowrawrop KH?200) H tuaA5a 25 raliop KH-100). AAA ymeimineHHA EN/5110CH nJlaMcIluAyrw 33 npenenw wameptA KOH 38rcropa narreAH, HanpOTHB pacroopa 17181311143 $?014THRTCm. 3a? roacerru AyroracHrembHue peturnor. eOCTOALUile 143 ClaabHUI ?Keane* 1613 tiaaCTMH 33, saxpenoerunax 14 4)m6poataz o6o6wax 32. 2. . ? ' Pac. IS. Kwrarrop MellTpONENNTNIal 'mu KH-100; Kii-290 s-sorrrrorpoo22: .7 - ??2222: 1..-. r . 4 - or.: 1- Dan 2- Opp.... 44 - spyamrs. li -? rp?rrpre. /2 - on, 11 - ma(u. 17 - C?17(..., IS- ...211., 22- 222,22 ? 2rnuarrarztat. 27 - 6.-ar r; It - 2?212-21.02 21.2....???? ...... ft - onr.13a: 222- ??? ror.2:12 Oiroa so . 21 SOP, 17 rater?r, 27 ?-? .4,12. ernotsrarral r?21.2.11: l? - 22127. r2122 raarrora Ifft.i.14. ZS.... %p.n., 0, 21- ors, 222.222?22?. swarms' 2:- 2722.2222, t Si - .2222: 21- 2.72????1 at -20?121a, 11- 1?0.-rwas, 22 - 06711.122: 22- saarrass ) KOUCTPYIUNA DI UPISKUHU AtACTOUS ptAt T11138 TPT-100 MarliwronP080.2 I npeacraivreer co5oA c1406y H3 14rrcroso5 cram' B 3asucHuocru or Henonmerour peso noureAsHe Abe tuntrpbr a aro- Hecynlyro Ha ce6o ace IteTaaH Karim:-Topa. ,r11214e111111 ere Tuna aressuaror. Kamm+ uarturronporloaa orormyrbt N indoor oerupe crrseprran Airs Tomorrow pure rHna TPT-100 npen.waAwawewu Ana aaiwrm or ne? spenacHaa KOHTUKTON1 x 0C1H3H4INHIO. Karyunca 29 He IliieeT KapHIC, crpy30K 1.JieKTP03111420TCJIC4 worrowthoro 54 nepeNcHlioro TOKS../Lea? 36 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ? 750X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 4. NU UNE.I.U14 llibb.LM .14 ? `? :c.? ? . ? *i , ,1:1 1?....1.i--,:.. 'i:.?.. ; ???????? . --?? ,1!- !.. : . -:. .....- .1:-. 1 ..e.. 'a ': .,.. .:" ... i 4' i 4 '," -'-?1.4?14.--;t4 ', '='. t-rit *- t--Pi t.- ."-..!: ?,- -z- -:4- ? ,, ? ? ? ? . ? ,?, ? ? . P.: ? '" ::: .. E:14:e112Ill "17 .b100:IL3:441 .... 'R Tz7, i211 Wag :5 1 : :::::!:11 R. ' 2'1 F1E1.114 -004.a ; t,,I; r - 17304 g/.111E..142 1 .;4"11 4ii!j111111 i ''' ?EN 1Wil;44.1 P ... If: - Ti-j" ?ilawpop r ; Nil 1011:111 ms .1 . 2.. 1. 1 WO t 4011 1 f 3 1 1 1 3 !!: "I: i_311, ! t !0 7 i , 1). 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Ilio!il nviraii !I it liqpiiIIIPAilli ipiegli ill Ivi4iiii li i II in .2. 4, .. i, ic lat. Fie i lp i !I 11101111111 Ili ? ilm'iil 0 li I:6 1; 400 1; 14 4 *ii Ua dilli Ph); i2! 1. i,711:101.01 . f; ---- SECRET ? NO FOREIGN DISSEMr cow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 ' I ' ? :: ,. ?..: . 4 ?41 1 i FORT.G,N.DISSEM/4' ,.,,,-1,4.... . ....4. ? , A: 4t '1,-. .,!- '. 'A: t- : f., "1 i'' '. 1 r., 1 .4 ft..-.....- ? ) 1 ,. . .. - 4. A ? , . i t 1 '.. ? t!.7: t .?..i0::.i.r:, 1. ','' ''' ' 4 - - .'-- - .,,i ...? ? .. ? _ -. .._?,,., ? ??1,...? ...? ? "c . ? ? o ., .. ? ?r.? . K .4 ; '`.1 1 . 1' . ??'? 1 A . ?ti, ' , ? ik ? .4' t ' i.; ir t ... f"' ? ? . .,,. _ ,. . ,.., ? 1. Vt. .- 4: ? -r -* .A.. ........ .t. %..., P' i I , .1. ' ? .: tt;":t? 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JCVICC NO FOREIGN DISSEM IL SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 N I VMONANOI N 0/1.7?01?1111 WS.. i/714,485 ent III to UNITS OF THE ALP SERIES TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLEMENT TO THE ALP INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALP 1.5 UNITS (Russian Language) SECRET No FOREIGN DISSEM .1.advded from eakomadel downgrading aad dedemirwation GROUP 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 50X1- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A071000300001-9 r 1./.1.00WP - ? ? (1#. ;TPA. 4.; 14 71 . ,texl-tuLlEckor cpuumut uheCTpytrqUil 170 31a7ltlyfi7fl41.11.1 170/Th'EKUE Ic uHcrpyk4luu fr 4/:57 firpEn9ros mr? ? 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