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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 - ., ,...........? - _ 'l , Fr' ..-----,--x-r I.\ -, 210 FGRET.GN DIS37Y 50X1 oz Technioaillkanuals :)n thr. S,wiet SRD-1M Radio Range Finder (Sc1%.N FIX) a ACQ REPORT DATE DISTR. 27 February 19614. NO. PAGES 2 REFERENCES 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. English-language, technical manuals on the Soviet ZRD-1M radio range finder (SCAN FIX). installed in the KEG-17F aircraft, 50X1-HUM 1. Attach:lent-I: Technical Description of the SRD-1M Radio Range Pinder, 252 pages, published in 195.. A comparison of the text with the Table of Contents indicates that pages 1 through 4 of the original haver been removed and replaced by a general view of the radio zorge finder and al diagram of the cab_Le connections. 2. -,tachment II: Collection of Diagrams for Radio Range Finder Tyre SD-]J, 50 :pages, published in 195g7--t0he diagrams in the original were folded 11.ito the manual in such a manner that complete overlapping coverage was nOt obtained on the following: r_ go Functional Diagram of Radio Range Fider SRD-221 ID. Circuit Diagram of Distance Unit. Dimensions and Wiring Diagrams of ORD-1Z.T Units (from ASP-4N) d. Circuit Diagram of 17!ransmit-Receive e .:'.44r:ransmitter-Receiver ?Unit Mikng Diagram f. Preli 7,- wPcz.? /c7ig.#ing, \ ;ram. --. ? _ , -._ 4- - 1 T 1-; .4.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SRD-1M RADIO RANGE FINDER (English Language) 50X1 -HUM _ 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ' ? Illairmr"1".` "_ ? IA "if Asti 1 ' II i 1 ( I , 50X1 -HUM l. 1,4 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SRI) 111 RADIO RANGE FINDER S-E-C-R-E-T INO FOREIGN DISSEM ) ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 _1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? I S -E-C -R E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 50X1 -HUM control hoard, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 I NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? ? 50X1 -HUM ('72 9. 4 . 001 Sz RG"4 p 16Eu2 Sa48PKV6ESs2 0.??081.00 (70. 2 Cable COrsnectiotts chevron) 14 Koo 0 Kab I kab Kob kab Rb tab 3 kab 4 kab roe So *ab 4/j Kob Kerb% kab V4 Kob 7 toe Kato Is ? kae 45P. Kob AsSti iNIIMINIMIN?rir??????? en') ' S -E-C -R-E-T I . NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 I my run.D.Luo ILLoor..m f ? ? ? .sz kr, doaiv6e,sz2 02. 2 003 00 i-44, 0 SeR48 k 26E.S22 0- 0- I mti-Aoom 03-2 067007 _st v.:AE.4404kt CI 63, 2761.001 t32 390001 tab 0 117.5 men tab. I 10 mot iene 2 110 mrn kab. 2c 300mm Ketb 26 34o mm Mob. 3. f4Omn, /cab 4 t 300 rim K00 $ 1300mm too Sa 600 men Ka b. 4/3 600 mm Katt /3 600 men Kab % 400 mm K06 7/4 500 mm Ko6 1 4400 mm tab :16 650 men tab. 4 800 mm Kat* ASP., 600 mm K00. AsI12 300 mm toNti,a47? ...4? 50X1 -HUM ever/asst. . ? . gszireft?its?t LI, ? ? .1% NO FOREIGN DISSEM _Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 UJODLAM, 50X1 -HUM G. P. 003 00 G7,2067007 G3. 2761. 001 ? Kab 0 1173 mm La : 21 kob. 2c 170 mint rob 2b flO 'Ivo. rob 3. 300 tom k ri (o?a 011a 554 a. 3474?Ommehm. ti33"00M" 1,1 1 600 otrb rob 53 600 rnm 600 nr, rkaaabbblyi 400 mm k 500 mm ? rob 7 - 4400 hill '*3irtbl.k Kk at AArp : if . sees 0000?5gmernmmminrn o? " k,.. ? 7'4f-4?*""43,`:. ..- . 04. . S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? Fig. 2 %.;able connlctions 1 - aerial 2 - cable No.4 , 3 - range unit. 4 supply urit r - test board 5.- control board .7 - target .searching i*ltch 8 - 27 Volts D.C. aircraft network S - converter ' 10 - cable nominal length /between the unit'and connector/. 11 - transmitting-receiving'ullit 12% automatic frequency control /ARCti mixer. 13 - WPCs mixer /11/1PCx intermeftate frequency_pre-amplifier 14 - scmket ? 15 pin . 15 - angular connectors 17 - cables Aistribubor ? ?? 50X1 -HUM a '(NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 -.?3/ The aerial operates at a power inside an angular zone : ? o -28 6 ? 0 in the 'horizontal plane and 20? + 40, in the ? virtical ? one. ?? . , -4/ Pulse ,power is enual to 7 kW at least. 5/:11odulating pulse time /c!uration./.reachea 0,7 4. 0,05 Aesec.1 6/, Pu/ae fienUency is equal to 530 4100 c/s . 7/Alecetiring channel -sensitivity reaches 65 decit..1.6 at . ?2000 in... 14 is eeual to 48 decibels at 450 t 550 in rel a- to. 10 if w. ? *. . ? , 73/ Operational frequency.of the *maInetron generator: is emual: 2800 30 pi.c/s.... . ' ?? : ? ? . ? r? ,44/..0*.d..areal-7of the range. fi'fider *does not exceed' 300 Tn. ??? ? frementary 'Identl-fied /measured/ 'distance value. er..:Of!0?1 ? ? . ????11( The 115 .Volts, A .C. 400 C/s circuit needs a 380 VA ...Power. ? ??12/4.2'he range finder 7take1?140 Wpow?from -the 27 Volt ? ? (.? .? . , . 1,?triLirp..-finde'r!s' total weight /with cables': hat without th ,??? ;..- NA.-500,11'..c,onverter/ reache.s 2 kg.? . ???.. -fies-orr..:4iniiius,,Operation of the range finder can 'Ant'. . 4 -in ? normal c on lit ions ? The range ?finder' uninter- , ..?rupteirOperation 'lasts 2* hours .at +.!*0 and - -60 deg. C. guarinteeNserVice time of the radio ? range finder, aa ? Ali*tal.led.''On the aircraft, is equal to 400 flying hours ?'lit'.2":years perl'od? und-.1r the ?zon?Iition of performing ,....:0.114Oheclu1ed maintenance work according to Servii:e and ?:" Ilkiiittonance Manual.. 7 The.guaranteed Operation period is 'not. the ranee :finder tetai. service life', -The, range finder service life. is Much teaier ?thort-the guaranteia service period. . . 1 r-1 50X1 -HUM . ONRATION PRIVIPL2 AND COOPTRATION 1 of slItr-ir. ..... ...... ittinz '17/ND:31 UNITS. ? o. 1 1. Principle of operation. The radio range, finder operation ii.based on radiation in S-E-C-R..-E-T ? -1\ NO FOREIGN DISSE14..1" ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1114444141. . . ? 50X1-HUM a givtn zone by means of short periodical electro-magnetic A pulses as well is oh reception of pukes which are reflected ; . from a target found in tht.rad*ated .? The distance to the target is determined due to an auto- . . matic measurement of time between the'moment of high fr.flUerv- ? cy pulse radiation and the moment of pulse return after the. reflection from the target'. ? H?.' ' ? A transmitted iradiatedrpules iihd.;a:reflected one are shoen in Fig. plotted,against'tisiet4? Fig. 3. Pulses.plottedagainst time. 1 - probe -pulse ???, 2 - reflected pulte: , ? Following equation determines ivlationehip between the distance to a targets speed ofelectro-magnitic waves: propagation in, !I've space, lapse*.otAime,between the moment of high.trecUencY pulse -rahation and, the Moment of ieflected pule . ?? ? where t - time for and back D.- distance C speed of t ? 'high fre.r.luency pulae'transmission to the. target to range finder, in Se dOnde to the target; /meters, eloCtromagnetic eaves propagation, M ,C ? 3 . 108 missec.. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified I ? in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 , NO FOREIGN DISSEM , ?. r. ?-. .4... , . . : ? - 50X1 -HUM AePrliltr:110 :Vie*: Of hp 'airciait. - proviOed'. with a range fin-- ? . , . . ?., . ear and tiW.:(1, target...siicraft is sdhon ;in Fig.- 4. . ? , , -,?, , 4 . , ? ? ? . ? ? 4,.,!letermination of t.J.Wie''.* in the range finder ie per. ...,.,..?. , .. .. ? ? ? ? ? - A: iiiihrirding? to ? voltage. value.; Thiel voltage varies with - C*00 ititi::AO. a ',linear Twist i onship i . . .. ? ' . '...;;,..''iiti,?:?4.!: 6::-.... .??? ? initial voltage Ar.voltag, h:t:*the:;.giyenslaome.nt S P eueaentruf time atrt at the moment' of high' ? ra,iuenCy:. pulse ,radiationsViansaiie s on/ ? '" . ?? ? ? ?, ? ? . .;enable the targe searching .according to. distance in the 'range fin6er, geib pulaeb:ake transmitted /two positive .?. ' pu1ees,..047, c long, :displaced .reciprocallY by 0,5 pee c ./.. 'the gate% pulses are ? given. Oa syrrchrv circuits ,..??? A .iarget pulse is tranwaitterf: ? also from the receiver. output .??,..... " . ? .. ? , synChr.'. ?cirouite? ? ? ??-?????' ? ?..- . ? in'tiO reflected signal', the ?gate Pulses arise- . 'with, a 'variable delay .relatively to the .station probe pulse, which. :Varies from 2 ;useo to .13..3.,usiee'. with a 0,5 v .1,5 cis IreqUenCY. It,' corresponds .to 300,. 2000 a. gate pulses flier- or the: range graduated -dial.. . If there?ie?a. pulse reflected from the target, a viariahl 'delay '..cirCiAit. of gate pal sell' disconnects automatically at the ? aobantof gate pulses-intertererwe With the reflected .pulse. tiatarget, interception e'ccorling to distance begins, as well as the ,AUtOmatic target tracing. Simultanously the range . finder .:creates ? a voltage, which is proportional to distance to the farget...This voltage is fed' Go the computing- circuit of the ASP-4N aight Pig. 6 illUstrates.a.relationshiP between the range fin- . . der output voltage and the distance to a ?target. ? ? . , , Of the radio range. finder. .. .. . ; ? ? , ? ? The $R.*411 radio range finder coneists of 6 Units /see ? . ? ?,,.. ? SE-C-R-E-T I\,NO FOREIGN DISSEM npriaccified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM lig.. ? . . ? -? The aerial - .r order totbI - acreefi.,, ? The.; aerial o+29 20, ? -6a ? in .tht! " T?he aerial . 50X1-HUM 1 . I . ? ? .is formed by a .dielectric rod /stick,/ cut in i erOss ? seCtion?? llhe rod is fastene? c o -a metal i .operatesiat i ?porter/ in.side an arif:ular zone 1 . . . . horisontal . plane and 200 T. 40 in the vertical , operates. An both reception and transmission .. "poriditinna:?? ? .."; ? ? :.:?? ?:.V,:mPlitied view of an attacising aircraft and a fying target ?target...aircraft/ ?,.: tig? 5. Searching tiMAte :of gate pulses . ?? 1 -? eignni Tafia,cted ?from.. a target . ? NO FORtIGN DISSEN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? I. 50X1 -HUM voity. ? 115 ? . 300 6. Outpui.veltage plotted:againe*-Aistance to target ?? ? The receiver-transmitter .unit.servea fors ? creating high frequency papa.' ! ? uui.omatic 'tuning uf heterodyne frequency. - reception and pre-amPlification'ef reflected signals ? switzhing:the aerial from reception to-t'railemlealon ? sinchronieing of operation of all AeWice. ' . The tranemitter-receiver'unit'Consists ofs - high frequency magnetron generator with ventlator Motor - roftlator ? rubMolulator ? limicing diode of starting and blocking pulees ^ klystron oscillator - antenna twitching chamber'with heater. - receiver mixer chamber - ARCz.mixer chamber /Ana u automatic frequency control/ - intermediate freeuency.pre-amplifier ? ^ at:Loatic frecuency control circuit of the, ligh voltage rCct 'fier - ignition rectifier /firing rectifier/ The range unit nerves or further amplification Of the intermediate freeuency; for registering the time of reflected pute return as well as for generating a'voitage proportional CEZNILI:simps' ? ? ? - (NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 . NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? to the :Ustance to the target. The range unit consists Of following subansemblies: - receivinc ampli%cating channel - automatic gain control'/AW clreuit .'or noises and pulse, - high speed saltooth generator. - comparator diode ? . ? - gate pulses generator ? - synchronising *circuits' - loading and discharging diodes Of differential capacity ? integrator and.elcw eawtooth limiter according to maximum and minimum!. elow speed sawtooth generator Jiviling circuits memory circuit. The supply unit serves for supply following Circuits: - anode,. grid and filament circuits of range unit valves. ? m V; . of the AROm circuits valve '-/ARC2? automatic frenuency cbntrol/ -:submodulator anode . oscillator's control electrode - anodes and third grids of the intermediate frequency pre.* ? -amplifier /7;;PC4/ in the tranamitter-retelver. unit, - ASP-4N sight /supplied with regulated voltage/ - the supply unit serves also for switching on the range fin- der high voltage. ? The supply unit consiste of : a 4 400 Volts voltage rectifier a -d30 " ? voltage regulators relay for switching on the high voltage 1 50X1-HUM Thu test hoard si-Tves for Checking the electric paraMe.- ters of the radio range finder, for setting the ARCe amplifi- cation /Ana w automatic frequency control,', the dividing cir;uits an the "ze*ldistance voltage. The test board is provV,1,!, with potentiometers /for ARC2 amplification:settitT, for settinc the dividing circuits sen- sitivity and the "zero" distance voltage/ as well as with S-E-C-R-E-T (\NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 . i; NO FOREIGN DISSEM - 1 ? 50X1-HUM ? ., ? ? ? . . . two fusee ??: To check the electrical parameters it is hecesdary. ?. to connect the test board to a. 1C1.3110.! check instrument . .The central boar tt eery. es for switchiog:.on the radio rAn ,.ge . finder. f or, high voltage .switching on is well for writ..- . . ? ? . ? chtng the . different guns 1, ? ". , A' neon lamp is installed in the control board ? . ? It checks' the high voltage for switching :on.. Moreover the ? control' beard. 1a.'0ovided? with A "ballistic" wjtob, with. a ? "wlqce., eisokie" eiiicii-:/high 'voltage On/t With .a button. /target abandoning' as well as with a?n kg. c genie radio . . . - ? ." daleder Zak ? switch ./range, finder -master. aeitchof. - 'radio'raega;;finder ,,ia supplied .frOng ,enchndarit supply. , ? . .,,.z., CC/A:meting' cables ;join all"!discribed .usien la owt ? . frOje. '11A:460 M CanVirlkkr1..:.1. ? , The 21 Volts 10 airprittinetcerir :in:a primary ? ? .? -Ciicniffdi.- ? ? -Fig. 8 4114strat tog the general ' .141 ain'Oft) ? !".. ? the prin?iple of oaopeation ot;ihe:-.SR.P-it;.r4ahie. 7.? ? :?unite. ?::' ? 'If- ?.? ? , . " The.; range: :t4ricier 'operation - pcinditiCna*,are not the same% '..,'.during:. the..;.terget:"?,ilearching,Infini?there. in' ni.:iiiiie 'iliri(ifiltid. ,7 ? ,t, , from and during The target tracing /when. th_e' reflec- ted signal : Ailiches- the receiver input/ . pus' .t to this fiCt4the . dezieription. of the circuit diagram ha '.?ifilii divided into t, . ? . .. parts:, ? .. .. , - ' . .- 3 . .. ? : . -..,- .?.: i .? ? . .1, ..: ..., ? a/ target -searching .'.'''...'?:..: '?:',?.:"..; '? ? .3.. ' .'... ?*, ? ? ...? ..t :-..?,,,. ; .? . b/ 'target tracing: ..?::.'....f?.....,... ::. .? .,. .. , . ... . ? . ' ??? -.:-..i;" . Target* etiarahink;: ??? ? ' ..... . ....? ' A 2V4 AN3P/, aubmedulator blOcking-veneritor his: heeh' appi. I ed for the range; tinder,. as .a control* generator . The bloc- king *. generator ?CoOperatiog*:11th' the left section of 21!:4-1 ./043P/ Actable' triocie, genertitee iponitive pizleee with a 220 Volts- ' ampl tude 'anr!, 1'63 r 1../..fenPolose time AiurationiCO t irP4 ' ? , . c/s frequency These pampa control the operatibn::ot -thw ? , - ? ir - S-E-C-R-E-T I ' ....._ ? ' \NO FOREIGN DISSEM i ' . . . . . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 _ NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 4 ? 612.094. 004 532.850.010 ? . : ? 02,:80042411.:?:. ?? A.72403.001 ? . 8 snoszoOi .soldomoron4r. ? 1. ? 50X1 -HUM - 4 A 22.16(004. ? 'HA - .50019 . ? . ? ? ? ? ? 6 .63eijgaoin ? .; 7ig. 7 . Block.-diagrail of the SRD411 range finder 1 - aerial with cable ? . ? ,t - transehtter?receiver unit' 3 - range unit ? I tent .board ? ? c to the ASP-4N - ..ontrol board . ? supply from the MA; 500. 11 converter nutply unit ? . tar* sear,:hing switch. ? ? - 12' - S-E-C-R-E-T (NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S -E-C -R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 50X1 -HUM grOm of the SRD.111 retdi.0 ran , G-E-C NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 I _ I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 DIU r vn.r..auri Luoorei 50X1 -HUM ssoor ywo se! ????????11 ???? 15 22 let 18 23 11.1144O1 11880 1.2939frlis 1,0t1c.i 00tis'a 1? ' 24 9 .1.28C611e; 31 .52 33 34 33, ?I'?? ;l: f 3? 4. k. ? .???t?l? I ? ? 38 : ' 3 ' I 81U-1. jams' !' 41 I Al Nor ? . ? tlateioi. ? ? ? ?? ;.! ? .? ,t the SRCHIN rock? range Ander for target trpcing caw 14 ) ? / , S-E-C-R-E-T ?? (NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 'I NO FOREIGN DISSEM , ?? ?.?, . ? '.????;F?t.7.77.*..2;',...:.2V.1 /6/13P/ submorluistOr. ' ? - ? . ?2 2V-16b /Cire/ starting' pulse 'limiting ie'. , . . . Altai jaut o.mat ic freciOeticy control,/ , 21/1?116..2P+12 2V-15 /612P/. -?V-14,./614 ;2V /6r44/. ;valves WPCs /,smplifieill 3V-14 ,3V /7 ? . ? . 50X1 -HUM . .-: 5.:*-: Aim (automatic. gale: control/ cokhOde? fo11-owere 3P42b ? ..., Alt/IV`.t*:?. ....'" ...i. : ? ? . ? .' - ?? .? : , .44.. .1.....-40tii ./siiit ?Mat ic 'gsifii:;tioni*ol:k for ,. notate 'Sp.,:40 /6-12 / i: ...,.., f .-:'? "i ' .? ',,..7i.::??-.:. . . , ??'... 3V-7 /6N1P/. ?..., . , '..f.-: VIP:, 4.:? ,;."1.-? '.., 1:. -1", ? - ''.,;.; ., fomjialses '3P-6 ./6N1P/ 14._?:.: 2V.-21 :p1145/3 Modulitor ? ': '..' ::. - -?_ . ? 9:-..,";..1;100-Ma. io/se; limiting, diodp. 2V.16b, /6111P/ ??0'...?: a*t timatIO': fiteiienoy ..control mixirk 2D-. ery3!s2 ,. n=. ?., 3-1O ../.42p/ second detectOr ... ',- "" '''? . - 3V41-./15214'/ coincidence valve ? ---74 , ? '7..1V-5'16 a?Pt - .*:::;7. " ? .? .. .91 . .. :.: . '-' '0'. ? ? '.'-' ? ? ' ? 1. ' '.' , . .. e ., . NN. : i4 slow sl?Oi_ sawtooth ginerytar,.3y4 A01,Pf; 3t4 /625P/ ',i-c..4.? -...: - ? ? f:*...7ri...15..-...bigh,...voltege rectifier 2?-?, **1;4;03/13. ' ? . 4.1,1:t?;.16?,..'14.teiniit Or''. /60": 'de riii) el s/ .7.:?.:4:".7411;'..4;::;2V4 /ft-12/ klyetron heterodyne la; video-amplifier ;and cathods. follower 'Pt -li BV-l9 J6w5P/ -1.9.1--,iirteefittin3 -cipicity., baling .tiiirde 3V-12b /6N2P/ ? A,t ? :??20 ; 7. 3.V -12b:16i2P/' integrating capacitY.dlicharging diode , 21 3V-3b ? /6111P/ comparator diode ? :. ,., ?.. ? , ? .??? ? ? 22.?. 2PI-3 ./mr.:129/ magnetron *generator ? ? 2y...-5 /11114/ aerial switching device (44.-4ieeeiver* miser 2D-1 /DC-S2/ .' ? - .. 25 ''' slow sastoatb generkt or 311.1 AN-7/ 26 :',!? aiplifier 31-8 76i-5P/ ... ? ? ,? il. ai't. ales sawtooth .limiting diode according to minimum .. ,?,.,';,3,'?Ii... i." ? 3V41b /6114/ ? .. - . ? 4, ? 1 starting amplifier 3V-4b ? /61i1P/ .... ??-,?? ? -$..,. ? 2.9 ...f? serial! ? ? , . ? ., .70.7 algoy...61:ti. .;..on ., rectifier /firing rectifier/ OG 10,012 1281 , S -E-C -R-E-T (k NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSIN ? t* : ? 4 31 intermediate frequent/ ..pre -ainplif .2V,4) I. 2V - 10 /6 Z3W. ? 32 '-. 3V-10a /6N1Pi pre-amplifier ? ? ? ;.?'55 3V-22b /6111P/. sloe. $eetooth.41:etiting iode ? ,;? .4.54 3V -3b. /6111P/ ceiihade ? tell Oyer ..? ? ? ?? 7 35 - 51/.-4b /6211P/ ,b1 *chin "iit!erst.cir: ?.? ? ..'?? ? . . 56 ?;.-;to the lami target . . ?-). ? ..? ;rola, . .??? ?? ? ' ' ? " ? ? ? 38 '..-:.1y.-13.i../.6inP/.re?3ay. Valve ? 59 ? )V40b' /6S1P/ ?peak deetztor ? ? ? , ? 40' 3..Q relay -7 ? ? ?-? ? ? '? 7: ? *Orr 417.14- tAraf t ? s 42 , voltage .diP,6?41.77...., ? ? 45 ? O,,usec 61.14' :. ? Voltage ? divider Li.; the .50X1 -HUM C 16 ?, (NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM . ,??.' I? 50X1 -HUM . . . . A part of the high.frenuency pulse from the magnetron generate:- goee through theattenuatorici the ARCZ mixer-thaw., ber /ARCII ? automatic frequency control/. ? . - In place of'a mixer a.A4S.2 /2D-2/.detector le ueetl.. At the same tire continuous high frequency osdillationsef the 2V-4 /K-12/ klystron.oscillator.are.fed'intti the. ARCe,mixer' chamber /ARC% a automatic frequency 'oentrol/.,Ae a.ru1t .of two high freeuency.oscillations.beating in.the.inntircuit input, a nee impulse is generatid.-Its frequoneyequal-06 fference between She frequency.* mignetrongeteratornsaila- tioni and the klystron oscillator. frequency. .If th6:frequincy difference between the klystron. and;magnetion'generator:nsci- nations exceeds 30 10, the.automatiefrequenoy control circuit generates a contro1401.tirgalehfch'intrenemittedin the klystron/ keeping therefore :the klystron frequency 30,11 t/ higher.than.the.maTnetron gencrASOr one.: The shape of the APCs.sterting Pulee'le.shown in.711,9 ? . automatic frequency. control!. The starting pulse is tranenitted to the riege'mnit'birMeans starting p/lse....2V-lb /Ull!,:limtiing diode 1n'order.t0!itart . the high aimed sawtooth generator 3V-1 /61/17/ and..*42:/6t3t/, ? The ehape of etarting pulse is illustratid ? . . .?The high speed sawtooth generetor`tranamits saittnot?h.pav sea to the 3V-3b /6111.1!foonparatordiode.% ? . These pules frequency is equal to 100 c/st.their awn" their amplitude equals to I4 .Volts ..2 ? A sawtooth pulsegenerated by theitigh,epeed saitooth generator is illustrated in Fie.' 9.... . , . . ?? .,?? Loreover a sawtootheatage is taken tic* the sloe speed ? sawtooth 3V-S AN-7/ generatar ard transtittett to the compare- .tQr 'Jule ti.lough 41-,5 contact pointellof5R104 14,10, 3V-8 . /62.Wasp1ifier? 3Y-111) Nag/ sloaaawtooti limiting diode According 4o minimum, as well ai throu8h.the3i-730. /681P/ cathole .r011over. . - ? ? ? ? . . rhis sawtooth voltage varies fron:30 to 4O Volts luring 0.67 r 2,4sec. ? Luiing the increase of tie aim, eawtooth.generator ampli-. tude, .aith 90C cts franuency.-in a continuous 'manner a gradual ? - , S7-E-CR-E-T NO FOREIGN.DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FUEEIGN DISSNA . ? ? 4..,?,?" ? 1::,-,.., the ner;litutiq. IMO : . . ?? :. 1?:'Intensifiing? voltiage .1;imiting *risti; conperntng .,, -., .,.. ? ... .. . *a ',..'llti-liti. .10giarni?T*, dels#8. ... ' trinpreltted to t)50X1 -HUM ; 'ie time '??? .Therefore a Beet pulseoottf. ...11 . .. . ' 314,4a /*it:starting amplifier. ,,,... ? ? 'more and morerelatively to the trittimitter! starting pule. ? ' ' with the eearching gener.Ster..:Voi...tae'...;''' '' -*'' -. ? e'Putse.,becomee. ampill Leif and ' Starts. jthe :11r7,1// /6*IP/ ? bl ocki ??generatOriy, .-.the. 1'4_4 . ????.-:419..c.-? ,i.i.-41::,.-4.Pianr? :::Leit.:::.:6"g.gerolt.. s.. -11.'!'.--:..a.:,T9-e -;:r- ? ' ? The bloOkine.:011..11'#.11..r''.-:?777.-.....,....:i ..., v?-?:4.:.iiiiio,,;'...lbe ' ... ....Rt41.4%wii?g!."9ifl al11134!ee''S;4',/iiiiid6iAI-.O#dfli9e!.:4.147! ? and 04.timeso?p44s, . . . 5.... -... et fi;iiiin6R1.?01**441 ..".."?? ''' ,. ? ' ?-';'''''il."''' ' 5- eec dela .4,s-,.,,ty, ? - ?-? ? ? 7 -Aiiit ;viii,.e ilii..-i.ti#'ani?:!0!.!-...N.., ..? ?-...:', .......-.....,-.,..:?,,.......-4.,.-..?,,.....,?,.:...,. ? , .:-..... ...... ,,.Lpiiii,-,.;.;...!.,,............ ...........- ..,: OPl t:::.,;;:x;te i ?'lioe'ihi ::.5) t .:)? ' iii%;.00..,5 illustrate. ..?,..; ,,; , : 1 a/ ,11'; : 1_ 4. 'ii'...'ofien.-1.- th,e' ..einir ;iet 'Qoci io. eeirching ?*-sinef?,.?11.:!".???"7.'''..--.'' -7.-."( ....3. -.4, iv..?1,0.(4.11....g'. e'n'e,rator.....'s?Ol.t..? iii.cre....d.iiSe.....*:........f:t.-_,........:11,.... . .. ... 1;11'e:relay kewtOOth -ilmIting.. soft.. r, tting ttp. assaf.ipuit is _ohti4 m ,, med7 by . the help a ',V;424.'"?'.6k1P/ ?Wakie?;?....".?:';?1 ? . .?;,.'??. , ? .: '. . - - . s. ? 4,,, .:!.. ? 4 N oile,Ef from the rode leer cklboOes" filta`oner'::putput; /right ?., z1,.,, ..: _ ? . ., .? .: ;.- ? ...? ? :? , .. ??? ? ,:....... :::.:??'/'?=?-.-.... ' : ???%?. ?- ;.? . ? . F:4.116.0'fion? of the 3v..1:9 /6N3?/ . gain control :ci.tpuil Or 7.3i.ei;eii. ? whicn'. ilhCfulOelei:'0???:ital.ves . ?:34;26 ;/622 PA. '51i4 164-Piti:.........-s....?:. ? ,... ': .: ..,./..,,it;...; .:-. 111316 automatic gain, control ./ARIV.,OircuitL:ror ,noleee"crea- ..?..??? r.? ? ? ' ' .. ' tes..a negative Volt ege..eceord-ing to ..noineS. Voitme level'. , Thin 'negitive, voltage comers . into the ? Ws liqtertnediate fro-. .. . -.1?.tqueney iamplifier/ throogn..thO.3T-2?b?:/01Pt cathode follower ? Ot. the automatic gain coe'tr61' circuit, 'iceeping. thus the cons '.:..,t,t;:s:-..!.' ?,..,.. tent 1101fieS . vane in the :receiver :output.. 4 '.2,5pee c negative t','...putee .cemen Intii:?the 3..1,/-?20. lit.O.P/ Valve fro.n..'the. nigh. ...speed '..... ,'. s'aetootn:". ee ne?rat or 'Circuit ? Thin ,pulses block he ' automatic ' 4.?:..i..;:i gain control circuit for. noises :during the reception Use, ? . :. siimis*tring'*e..ibe%;influenca. of 'iiirget pulaei.?.; on ,tnit .ARC .: for noises oirtOtt OPeratien;./Akil it automatic gain control/. . There is no voltage , op ? the '51.7,!??l 'soil., PQ relaie;Windings. When the 4,1 contact : points Of the ? 312-1 relay are Closed the . y , / output of ? 3y-'9,, alvii. ape.ect eawtOoth generator la 'thus connected to the 3V8 eMpllfie'r lopul,..,..,. ..; ? : ? . ? .? . . . . .. If the. l- points. of 'the 1134 ...relay. are closedt, the .414?Ct: +. 2.0 10ite V oi:tages: is, tremor: itted . i'reen the . divi - der' to the couoting circuit 4;f:the ' AS1:0411. 'sight . ? ' Le , S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 7 : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ' ? ? , . - . 44 . . ? 111 4 ? ' ?.? ? ? . ?? . .. - ,: ... : .- ? .11 --...---........?................. ' ' . t? . . . I". .' ''...."- t? . , . . . . i . . ,:. 5 . 5' ? . :',..:'.4'.. ''' .1. ? . .; ,.. . .. . ? .. , ? . . . . . . ? ? . . ? . . ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..? ...:1 . . , . . . . . . . . . 25m set . . , . ? IIN . Ar Illi _??? _ . ? . . ? Olaa sot 41 . 0 , IS"Ps...."???????-????-' . . ' . . . . 50X1 -HUM 4'4.: ? ,;:4, . , ? PlAre Cri.:,rt of the SED71.1i range .tinder, - t- illamminmemoolnimmar- ? ? . . ? , k NO FOREIGN DISSEM 44 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM '...1rig 9..' -voltage Chart * of the Sii73-11 range tinder, ? . ? . 6-?..:14easuremeitt,spoint /Place/ ? ? , ..:So'brnodulator pulse the? x. NA. ? " ??:s. 3 17. InodylatIng. pulse ,.on the magnetron cathode ? ;i? blocking poise on the cathode . of. VIO :2y41,15. ).eft ' :Section,: ??? ? ? . ? eteirting!pulne on the cathode of 'the ?t,r4.3..6.valve:','rigifi'?';1?".?:' actLofl,? ' . ? ? . ? -. autOmatjo..freqnency contrei !ititrt.iiii:Pul'aer.:. On Ihir'uiR??? f?high. speed aaetooth pulse on:the -3V-2 'valve targat..pulse valve ? co?,wt.t.o1..,40.4.:?:;',.-:.?. ??? gate pu).e on th, ? ifii" 'EV 11 Oil :5141.'t,*t.::Eiri.5)illi Of. the I( t.he jaiscAet5 -. of the NV-h valve ? , " ? ?.V..-1.0a;; 1.1?? ahipe,.4 i n6mp1itude':.0.4.4eet;;?4% . . ....._ / , S-E-C-R-E-T I NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) I\ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? . . . a' . , Operation' in tarp t tracing ?aond.iftTons 50X1 -HUM' - ? ? ? . . ; ? ? , ? ?4. The pulses reflected from the target coma into the .".nada . wanie o0bibi"4.i.,:nic.;?isgionnrecePtion./....:hatnber of the aerial . ?.? switch.' This switch is forined. by a:?oevity.,reso#anie? cixtuit, ? :.tilned ',for gene rater ?fi:eeuency. /for-.the :reflected ? frequency!. The reflected signal energy comes.intci the recei- ver mixind chamber from the ."tranamiiiiii.lin-reCeptior; chanber..:. A 1)6-:S2 /21)-3/CrYkial detOotor ha ,bien...difAle.d2f0T-iililf,tr'... in the receiver mixing ? chamber; ;; ? In the. reseiver?nilxing chartil?er. the .fre4140...07:''othe:'VO. fleeted ?oi44.1%beCOmesi Mixed.-.witk.hettiodyn4::Ospill4ions.? The heterodyne. operates.. 4Pith::Or 41.7214-1/. It/Yetron: The 111; ring process results in several .froeueniCies,,frsoci which 30 14, cafe intermediate frequency is ? issii4red.',*.the'.dixer los .:*.The receiver mixer load is .formed by en.input'eir.tailt Of thb intermediate freauency. pre-amplifier /10.PCil? ? ? ? ? ?? The tieznal:r,:fleCted by the:target *come* into the inter'r ,.me'iate frequency m.iin amplifier oPsrating with valves type:. ? :60P%/3V-14, 3V-l6, 3V-17/ after having passed- he? . raCz circuit operating with Valves 623P /2V-3. 2V-10,/. ? , ? ? ? . After the 'amplification in the WP:z and detection:' in the second 3V-18 /1l2P/ detector; the. target ,Signal"paseas to 3V-!.; 3Y-d1 /snr/ coincidence valves through.: the.. videola ? - amplifier /3V-1S- /6N3.13/ valve left section/ and a .cathoge -?'folloser /right section of the 3V-1.0 valve/. ?? ??? ? ? ? ' The coincidence valves start their operation: at the moden of interference of the reflected target puled and the gate .? ? puleee /see Fig. 10/ ? . ? ? . ?- ? A negative pulse is obtained from .the :coincidence. valved. , This pulse is amplified' by the 3V-i0a1.6,10/ .prad4oplifier.? then, it passed through the ..3V-71.0b-q6r1Pt?peak,."detelilf eni ? ? ? ? . Manz ? intermediate frequency pampiif tar. rPcz ? intermediate frequency ifuSplifiep.,. NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM .50X1 -HUM. unblocks. the 51,6-lla /6.ili.)krelay' valve! . ? . ? ' The 11,4:reieY'atarts its Operation when the 4-5 contact .'points open! The 5-,2 contact points close. with the slow . sawtooth generator ? off.24.and *a 'voltage proportional to the tance is taken from a 5-5i. AgliV cathode foil ?war and fed ? ?ipto the .3v43*Mery circuit The?ll-12 contact points close and the 3P-2 relay , 'starts its operation. ? . ? :: ? . The ,576. cantict Pointe cloee, the green_ lamp on the W.., ? ' elghtt., 11 iipme indicating thus the .target :interception. .tb50, the 2-3 ContactOlote and a' voltage proportional ' to the distance to the target: Passes to the AS12;417. sight ' - counting /computing/ oirCUtte! : 2 . ,. ? The radii; /nage. finder ' begins: the ..Operation :in ? target tracing conditions and generates 'a voltage which is proportion- nal LO distance to the :target!. ? . ? it ' the iontent . of :target interception, with slow speed sawtooth generator off1;...this ?Voltage remains on the Ci irate- grating capacity being:proportional_to the distanCe to the target at; tba moiviit:Of:04. operation start ? . . : . -? ? The? CI...integrating. capacity. :itt'? Connected .witfi the 5V-8 asplifier input. '113.3...v.Oltage becomes thus amplified by this amplifier, then, 5V...1lb limiting valve and...fed . . , ? ? ,: ? ? ? :through the ,-:??-'.15a? cathode follower to the comparator :diode , ` ? . ? ? instead.: of -slow sawticioth. generator voltage in .order to con-, ? ? . Ire; the. gate pulses diSplacement;.. 'Owing to ceiticidetice valves operation the 'negative pulses taken from. these Valves are fed to loading and die-. ??? ? ?. .?? . ? charging ndiodes tyPe...5V42a, .5V....-12h /2ti2P/ ? The..,c3. integrating capacity i charged .and .discharged by the help of 5V-12 .a. and ?3V:1.2b diodes. It 'eepenls on the more unblocked . ? ? 7 The ctuirging and :discharging current. oft, the C1 integre.- ? ? tins capacity is proportional to pulse amplitude and length ? . in circuits of coincidence _valves anOdes. "...? The .difference- in Charging and discharging currents of' ? the G.1 integrating. Capacity causes voltage variation till ? ' the same currents are ted. through both coincidence valves i.e. till the 'reflected pUlse is stabilized ? bettveen gate _pulses.. 22 - MOM& , S-E-C-1-E7T ik NO FO;tIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM _ f :.50X1-HUM ? , ' iis!..10. Interference of a arignal:vrith:gekte ae5 1 . ? ? . SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 No FOREIGN DISSEM 1. - gate pulses 2 ?=?-',Elistnal reflected by the. target ? ,, ??? 3 r interference. of a target signal with the. It gate lkilke ? 4 - pulses on anodes of 131/75 and 3V-21.c6incide,ncellie . - signal reflected by the target . ' - ? . . :....% . . .:. .,? ..? ,, .,. - interference of n target reflected sitTnal withe:II-nti ? . . , . ???? .? ? gate 'Pulse. pulse on 'anodes ' of 31r,;' IV -21 'co inoi den* iisilieo - ftoinent Of target' signal stabilising between IWO , gaice.P4se. - , /between gate Pulies torks/ . '...:' ' ' .:',;:' ' ??,'''' ? . -, _ ? P . . 9 r. pultee:on anOdes of '3Y-5 and1V-21'.coirWidenoe 'vniye it : . it 50k1-HUM S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM ' ;n Sitch a case the CI integrating capacity voltage does ' vary. ,prac ti,cally ? ? If the target signal eisappears the 3R-1. 'relay opens its .contact points and thug the target searching ,is recommenced. the .3P-2 relay opens its contact points with a .3-4 sec delay.. .Through its contact points a range /distance/ voltage ia fed . ?to the A3P.-41i sight. . ,? . ? The . output range .voltage continUes to vary. at this time, accor' the, same curve as' at the Moment . of target signal disappearance. ? ? ? . ' rhis fact is enabled Owing to memory cirJuit which ?opera- tes with a 3V:41 /6N1P/ valve. ? i The pulse of 3V.-1Ca rt iv id ing cirUite: pre -13.mpl ifier .is ope ? . '.rating as .an output signal in the ARW circuit for pulses automatic gain control/ ? Thin pulse is umpliried in the left section of the 3114 /6111P/ viave*.. Now, the amplil'idd and" stretched out" .pulse ii.detected by .a iode ./3V-6 /6Nuy left section/ and fed to the. ? ? . . Witz "a negative pre-voltage ,through a 3V-22b cathode : follower in Order. to vary the receiver amplification.- ? ? ?Th 'variation in receiver amplification is ? necessary to the. overloading.- of receiver circui ts as 'well 'as to * ??????' radUce 'errors in .determination ?cif distance to targets which: .?'..corre3pond to different' intensity mt. reflected 'signal. The fcr .noises circuit operation it .ths same during the Itarzet sear.chini as well?aa during the target tracing. '?. ,Both ARV "I circuits /for?ipulnes' and for. hoi.seef:?hav'e .a' common'. output in the F.'nz W circuits .th:tougn.a 3V-22b' ? . cathode follower. ? /./tr::z intermeliate freluency amplifier. , ARW. Ault omattc mtin control, . , ( S-E.C?R-E-T ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 , I NO FOREIGN DISSEM ., ?? ? 1..,_ -III. 'ANT.1:MNA CIRCUIT ' fl. pistinatleni ? .. 1:-. ? ? t.. .,,.!'. ' The aerial circuit is: designed* .. . : .* fer', high...'f*Me.0***11#2iqlt. ..- .to the antenna; .-. ;-':.'. ? :...'::?.i....: .;,,;' ' -v -,4,0', '?,.,..,,.. , ..... 50X1 -HUM ?:? ......,t4t poleax.' radiation iieut side .the'a#,C . .....,, tor reflected /by itirgetpu):1*t. .riteptOtr -, Y -, tot: pul se s ? trip smis q i or i t o the, retaiv4ir- 7'..... t..0 create a determined. antenna 'radiation . ion'e; :, . ? . ' . t . . .?. ? .. - .. ' - ? ' ' . : The ' SR-1M ' range finder antenna as seMbly: ConelSte: We, ' . dielectric antenna and of a coaxiat cable .:.,.!.s.: '. * ? ::" ' ? - 2, Operation principle of the dieleati-10-.anteani'l ? ? ' ? The eieiciCtric 'aerial of tha ? WM4;1 rtidia range finder . . . ? . is 'a special kind of . surface w:Ive antenna It ?is eell. known ? that electromagnetic waves propagate along the limit of me- ? ? ? ? , require when the dielectric 'rod' is .eicited'hy. a Vibrator.. pla-; :cid inside the rod. ? : . ? : ? ? The speed of the wait;es propagation 4ifietit from the ? . . speed ' of. wives propar;ation in,tt;e:air Or. in. an illimitable ' :dielectric medium... 111,4 prepagation. epead? is .determined,by 'the dieletric rod cress se.-rtion surface as weli:10:14' the frie.i;'%., lectric :cenkirt.'cif tha rod materiel . . If the cross' section surface and the od mi0erisOu4 ? . ? ? ? . Chosen in ,order to near the Aurface wave .propagation to the speed of electromagnetic? waves propagaiien.,in,tho, , . . . , .the maximum . radiation direction of such a red will be "along'? - its longitudinal axia. ? . ' ? ? ? The optimum valim of: dielectric :rir/d length* le 2,5 ? . ? ? ? ? ? . ? - ?.1. Main technical data of the Spvim range Linder antenna circuit w ? . 1. The antenna operate /at pewer/ 'within 29 .5-0 in the horizontal plane and within 260 4 40 in the vertical one ;he Aide lobes of radiation .pattern do not exceed 5 1 of ? - ? S-E-C-R:EJT ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN ;I;SEM ? ? the max. power in the hoiizontal plane. 50X1-HUM In the vertical plan2. this value shoull?be equal to 4! 1 3. standinr wave coefficient of the antenna circuit does ? not exceed l, within 2.900 4 30 M.c./a. 4.'"erial amplification factor is not less than 23. ? 2he .same aerial circuit of the'redie rang..1 finder opera- tee during transmission as' well as 'during reception. ' Directional antenna are broally applied for the radioloca tion tecbnieue. They-radiate.end receive oscillation from a ?defined direction. Directional antenna. show many advantages as compared with ? omni-direction antennae. ? The energy fed to a 4irectional antenna is used in a more rational way. At the given transmitter power a greater ope- ration range in a?deaired direction can be obtained. ?..'he reception in case of.a directional antenna is submi- tted to small disturbances since the reception is possible exelUsively from the direction which ie. idenLiC with the . antenna direction. ? :The 1irectional property of the antenna ie its ability Ae creating different field etrength in different directions. The aerial directi'onal property is deterMined by antenna gain :ratio /directional fal:tor/ ? ; ? The gain ratio " is a relationlhip of power radiated. in the maximum radiation direction and the mean power 'radiated in all directions. ? ? where: ? -=TM- Y4reo. ? ? max r max. power radiated by the directional antenna. ' P'red. 8 mean power 0 ? 0 . . 0 0. , 'in all .directions. The 1ireCtional prOp-rty of an aerial it defined by radiation pattern. Antenna radiation pattern is a gmphical.representation ? .? C SECR-ET Si.110 FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7...... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM _ .-HUM of relative 'power v 50X1 alans created in different directions , the, same distance/f the values being dependent on these dire- ctions. The radiation pattern of the SRD-114 range finder antenna, in rectangulee axis is represented in'Fig. 11.? ? . . ? Expansion ansle or radiation pattern width is an angle formed by to straililt lines, corresponding to radiated power. The electromasnetic energy radiated by the antenna is concentrated .within the main lobe of'tho radiation patters, however a part of this nnergy is concentrated also within side /parasite/ lobes!' ' ? The energy accumulation within side lobes cautee an .useless dissipation of a raqiated energy part and, therefore, &reduction of station Yolistance against disturbances. ? Fig'. 1,1a. Antenna ra!iation pattern in horizontal .71A-no Yig. 11b.. Antnnna radiation .pattern in voftical plane. 'fig. 11. Itadiation patteLn Of the CRD-1M aerial. ariribr??????nat.... NO FOREIGN.bISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREION DlbSEM ? ' Then, the intensity of side lobes radiation Should hm 50X1 -HUM as possible. ] The side lobes Intensity. is a relationehip of max. value 1 of power density in the greatest side lobe to the max.. Power' ddnsity value in the main lobo. This. _intonsity-is given '? uSually in percents. ? ' , . rho radiation pattern .of an antenna circuit depends. on the length of the dielectric xod as well aeon iti-eroes ? section surface. . ? The greater the conical rod, the sharper the 'radiation. pattern, the smaller a side lobe's intensity.. .The croesieet,lon of the,dielictric rod should be chosen according to 4;4ongtb of electromagnetic wave in the air and to dielectrie otori stant 'Of the rod's material. ' he best cities section of the rod Can be evaluated :ht.:. means .of a following formula; " , where: IR length the air ? wdieleetrictonetant of the rod's materlai'.. The coefficient 0,25 should be employed :when determining the: ..greatelsidiameter of the conical rod according to:Ahe.torMule ? ?, ..rrA2 t aai , . The coefficient 0,1 should be used for dvaluatiOn of miniMum. diameter.. : A metal, cap employed as a reflector is install.ed On the .. dieleetrie rod's end in order to obtain a eigle .-..direCtaOn 'raliatioo/transmission/ and reception. :- HA vibrator series for excitation of oscIllationain,the_ ? antenna.. . ? he. wave matching of acoai4 vihrator ? radiation'impedanca can be ?bta4ted by lePth.variation:of . vibrator plunging into tho'ielectric S-E-C-R-E-T INC FOREIGN PISSEM A ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 _ 71f, n:l. . ? 50X1-HUM ? . . ? ? rwfing the excitation by c vibrato; /pin/ placed perpon4- diCularly .t.o :the rod's axis an unsymmetriCal 1,1 wuve aria, a eel first ?Of ail... An .14;lwaVa is a wave which has a .3.ungitu-linal comptinent OT,Inagifetig...fieldr? while the electric field lines- are acting in Rerpo. ndi4Ular plane z.o the propa,.?rati,an lirectic#1. ? ' :Diameter of metal cap .which forms a 'dielectric ?-? filled .? . wavegido tiOuld; !Chosen EO..that an uneYremetsicul E-7.'ave ;,..:14...4ses.' in the &sp..This wuve 'type gives. always the Max.. ra4ia- tiozi along ? . . the antenna ?axis.. ? ? pi' the dielectric tad Is noel esary. to ? Diateb the od wave ir6pedatice ,With the'.. wave iyperfanoe in the,': space ;OUt side the.,.eircreft ? This.. causes the antenna 'ampiffir ? inereSie-:..and the reduction of quantity of ??? ? .? dieUon pq.4tern side lobes . , ? ? . , ? . ? ? - ? ? ? :,?,?.13e's?ittes 'the: radiation?pattern, 'there are ? .other ivivortant,' which chiiiretteri ze. the aerial..t . Ay iter4i.1,)ffic ahoy ? fact or ? ? . amplification factor ? . .Tb. ajitbnne.lficiency factOr ' 'defines, the energy' bee ? *IV kntenna. ?n an be evaluated due t.. the fulboing ? tsirstii ? N. -.f.t , c?.% ? 11, 4.; -?x? Ps-. power transmitte0 to the antenna - PA ? poler radiated .by the antenna The amplification factor '"G" in 4 telationnhip between two values: ? 6'1 deniity 'of power . radia ted in the max , I Lie i Li on :1 i re c t un ? poeer density of an omnidirectional ant:..,nnu ?opclutinc; in ? the. same Airection without 1 :AiTt?n n'IL1 il in. the same Power. ? . , . , The amplification fa.:tor?.giveo u !"ull OlUract.?rirtic of. ?...-'411 antenna .senco, this factor t'al...en into uncount he tzolatIon , peulte4 from directional i:lc4:9rtien of ns ,well so- ? ? ? ?Psi.; ? S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) ? ,, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 t NO FOREIGN DISSEM '50A1-HUM ..t4ia radiation 'power drop due to antenna losses: % ' . .. ? .-....The amplification factor can be evaluated as a product , .- - ? 2.of,gain MatiO.Multiplibited by efficiency factor ? , 'where: .7A P antenna amplification factor. 4 gain ratio ? :.- 1/4 _ , 4.: efficiency factor:. .: . ? . , : 'The-electromagnetit energy is fed.fromIhe-generater to the antenna or fromHilie antenna to the.receiver by moans of . waveguides /feedeis/,-::-. ., '. . . . A great importance, from the point of view of fun power transmission to'the%load; has a suitable matching of lead and -.. ? wave impedance of the feeder. In this case, of suitable matching, all energy from the' generator is fed to the load without reflections. ? .Suoh operation conditions are called /pure/ travelling wave conditions* ' .4he.feeder load impedance, at which /pore/ travelling wave. conditions are stabilizedis equal to the fooder iipidanc Die Simi() ittedance of,a'feederaveguide/ dePendS On feeder d 9Wwave impedance, for a high frequency coaxial feeder, , Calculated according to formulas where:? : D u inner diareter of an out fowler part . - ? d le diameter of .the'inner feeeer lOad /core/ . dielectric constant of the. dielectric miter's' , employed in. the feeder. If the Matching is not a full one i.e.-the feeder is :loaded with a load.-mhiCh is not equal to Wave irpedance, part. of energy reflects and partially standing wives of current ana voltaga arise in'the feeder. ? _110? VT . lg D. - 31 S-E-C-R-E-T :010 FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FUtiElUN 1Jib6LM ? ? . ? , ? ? 59X1 -HUM A partially.stan,q wuve,is. noticaab1e:lue .to,its ' . . ? :: . * . :uneven. current and voltace amp1itudcs l po istru?tion/pitVIAL:: .. ? ....... . ' ? ' 404 the. feeder ., ? .. . 1, 'Fig. 12: re pre tents a Ai '...!,,ram mf v31.t.a4* 40441V041a .J4pla- ?ng alitog the feeder in.1).artlally titanclini Offiree coatiitions. ., ' ? .!..*!, :patching . Walitj 1,..6 expres.s0 in ioii Of A atia4ing ;JiaieCOT, iravelling' wave cOeffip.i.ent, :A :a?an4ing **ave. poen.. ? , ,., . ? .? . ;."::t,114vis':a. re tatiOnehip f.- max. vol.taga Or .Ctiiiiint..valrUgir- , :to tileir minimum Values ; ... , - . -,-'. .'; . . . ? . -...... .. ?? ? I II IIIilhIILPI II 111111 Fig. 12.pit;tribtit.ion of voltage' ampliiudga along the.. - ' . - ' fee4er. ? ;tax 'min he.treVelling wave coefficient: ) i- - :!YEB . .1 ? . ? ? max ? 4 . . 1 . . ' )? .?.?,?,,,'? ..???.11.. ,?0.??.?.?.??.?.?;.??.??.???.?.?? .? .,.....,.,. -- ? S-E-C-R-Ejr 1 JiN0 FOREIGN DISSER ?????????11.4, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-IRDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ?????????????.1.114.? . .1, ? ' P- . ? ? ?50X1 -HUM TheIS'et!..e'.! i:',: the mat c:h ing , the ?sma.11er ? a , d ifference . , .. . . - ?. : ? .3ietiRefil 2rIngut and', Indn' ? therefore thc. 'sriallet the standi ng .., .?,.. coefficient and the greater the travelling save one. ? ?'' ?:In in .ideal case?? 'in pure travel]. ier wave .conlitsiono;'., ? .; .,:the' n'TS iii: One to 1. 'and TB = 1,, toks: ? . . i .. .... _ ?? ?; ? In he antenna circuit of the SRD-110. range 'finder the .:,-.1uitabl'&.eta-thhilik':ef feeder and antenna can be obtained by: ? " trans ,of: depth variation of diving the 'antenna exciting. .".". . . . ? - ., , . ? ? - . . ., , . ? 'Vibrator'. ?:?????? ??? ?? ??? .. ? ? , The;matching..,of .antenna, wave impedance .v.ith an ambient. Se?;,..)spe..cii...Waire,:imiiedance is ? obtained, owing :to the conical ? shape of the dielectric rod, ? ? : ? - ? - The !rod',a.via4e %impedance is less ? than the .ambient , Space ??one The onicl shape c?fog.Ftei lh.! rod's. wave . rPedanCe ' crease.. , , . . 4. Antenna circuit construction ? ? ? The.antenna is formed ' by a .coniCal pvliathlone, lie- lectric rod .? . ? " ? ? ? ? ? This rod is cut.? along ?the. cross secti On ? Ciameter? and tante- ned to a Metalli?C. streen....Under thS innuence ? of? this arrinn- ::..-plate the max .? /Optirriuin/ antenna" radiation direction deflep?t upwards from, the rod ails by 12 deg + 1 rie3. ? ?-?A general view scit?the aerial and antenna cable is hown in fig.. 13. and 14;,..? . ? The thick 'pak of the j?od is covered by a .instailie' cap ' ?'?.1 anir,has. ati ..airerture ;or ;the, exciting vibrator . ? " . . . ? . The ? vibrator is Formed by prolongation of tis coaxial table .innei?'..cores';by. means. of which the energy from the. ieitt?SM4SCei-ieM. unit to the ..antenna is fed ? . : ;. -1.The:.00tar; liatt.? Of the coaxial cable. is Connected with . . ,eapo, ,Which: holds the dielectric rod at the. base'. orsiing?thua'a' WiVieUide :?`:? : ..?` " , The dielectric antenna is fastened rilidly to the,?.',? , ? aeMaei.i)late.',,i4iined;'with Otor which ;orals; a coaxial .1 .?.,linc.'4ith 50, oilms wave irpidance ? .A :high frionency, 'feeder is conli4tad with.thia coaxial line ? ? _ 33 -, tr , ????? ? ? ??? .?????....;e4PROO .41 M ..464*.eyS.M.M.? ??????????????????? ? SE-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) . . -.7741.1?"-- -?'.:;:Mr.EIrf..4,.. . . ? ...M...., ...............?,.. ,.... " .....r.IM?dllm....?.. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? 50X1 -HUM ? t. . , 6 - 1 Fig. 14' general vie' of the antenna with cable 1 - pia, coOnecting.platei 3 - Aielectric rad, 4 - cap - pine. 6 - conn-cislr, 7 - coaxial.cahle, 9 - Icreen Plate. w -34 - Wewatea 3-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISGEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 s-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? .1- - ...? .* .? ? . . .? . ? .. ,? ? -. ' , . - ? .? 110 screen *pieta' in fastened. to the fueelage front r!oon ! .. error by ?nesne of?four threaded bolts. , . ? . ? . .1 , Oben 'the aircibaft? remains' on ground the antehna shdo.14 . ?, i 010epted ?bye ietalric oover.?'The cover can be .resavad , ? . T : I .;.. .' A , . ? ?,.? s 0 Vat,1117 trent thi rOceiger-transcigter unit ii?fed t , . 011491111.41. seems of.. flexible 50 Ohne feeder with high ? .' ? .... . 4`reqiient7 connector on O. *nes,- -' . .? _,, ?.? The2hielit-eirioCency feeder consists of outer .pait.ind ,???....?.-? P tors lognindatimially and 'operated by' a 1-.ard dielieVri. ., ? ? . ?? ?? ? 6 ? The Iiier . .411" ot.the pith .frequency cable has a small ?-5-::::?!''.iiiinineterr to bile* Zthe cable .nerible. ? . ? -':,;:tA"` , . , ? ..,1 MI inner C0346 has been "made of several thintires in or ' lieg to .reigfe. the 41P4tdanco fax high fre-lseney lks well.* to .10fAlii. onas'elegible:,? ? ? . iire'neltat Ilex" "if theAhigh frer?uency cable is iced? in r. Oifil:SLibapper iirO;braiding. In order to .psoteci the 0- .1.1,,....., ,.._....-1., brej.4Ing of 'Chi. coaxial 'cable against corrosion and --6 , -:$114.41.6111411 lanallas . thok Itriaid is covered external1j. bY a epoti .1. ... --rvalsitik boos.' ? ' ?50X1 -HUM' .".t?t Dt. OANSPITTER-12ZEIVEN UNIT A. .1. DeirtInai1on... ? ...--........---- ? The transaitter-receiver unit balancing to the SR.D-111 , range tinier set is designed for: - generation of powerfull high frequency pulses ?winttonatic tuning of heterodyne frequency , - switching the antenna from transmission -a reception rsoeptloe tnd pre -amplification' of t.ignuls teficcted frogs ter;et. Pulse, which synchronise all.station operation' ? krs generated in this.unit too. ? The tiansTitter-receiver unit consists of foll.)win- aceeeecries: ????????....... 1.01111M11?10.1.1.... .????? ^. ? ?P. ? -R-E-T FUT= DISMM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ..? .? ? ..:,?Subrodulat or ?, ,??,??" ? ...- ? 0: Modulator ' ? , ._ ? ,, , 41..,Maliletron generator. .tenna -seitch i ?.' ". . ": .1 50X1 -HUM .1 ?;;.? ?? . ,.... ,.. ,5',.?1?41-ceivtr -mixer ? 7: .:.:: 6... mixer:1) 4 ... , au i oita't 0 . frot;Cen'oy ' cOntro . . t,.."..;,;??,??,..)., s .. ?._ .E.L4vg-pr cn ? heterodyne. ...,?.? ?, ..?: .. .., .i' ? ?;::. - : .!"... -a ?.. ? 0. A. "8.:..4..ritiime'liate fr.e.t.fueile'y ?IlestfUnblif,ie.r ? . , ? , ?? , , ? ?? ?. ,. . ' 1 .1:::.lidteL:-,V,oltit6";:. i.vci.f.ini.. .: ,?. ,'- ; ..0.4::.;.iiiiitt:ion /firing/ rectifier ::::".....,....... ? '-11.1.?.:149;4C Ii..?x7,A,tit ./ARCii:F . awfioroatte iktfeuency .:caistiillit: ' ..? ........,.::: ..,.?::-..-.?,. ... ?-.. ..' ???::-..;;..i.:?'?;f.......'J .. :: ? ?'........!,...., ...::',..? .,..--...-..;.:' ???.. ,3.4.7*,11eirt:tii?Ciin4.4;$.1.!.ilei.*. iit..till,F,ti44191,*iiire ll.**/?,,?i? 'lif**.??? cA.-44.-.6 w 1.4 , . . . . .......1.. . ' -""*)",r`rt4.7t.ta-Ite. ? ,-.Y.. .-.....--,..,;-,.... ?T-,. i irEmsisitte i'.';r;o'b e Lir! ? lit4 -1141i..-..folf;:iislOit,'.45;tille,)44;t:4 ? . . . , ... ? 7: k * "*: : ? , :*4*,:t.:.'itioquitncy. ' O0 30 ; $imodulating : pulse' length .r. TAkt ? ? ? . :/bi?..ft.;srsquency:lkstod.,-,sidth, ? ? t. :5... i)u,lioc...h4quelcy ? :; .. starting pules amplitissle. ??? at 1eat 85,110,tts ? . . . , . ? " .? " ? " ? ?: ; .??? of ? tlie ARZ isoitonisati.C:friqiitOpy,?. control/ ehov3. be equa/;1b0..Pgie ? . . . . ? . r ? ? ? ? , 9 b1ocln ll :iitip1 ?-, 9,??.. high' freeuene,y channel ? ...:itens it Cy ity /sith shouli be at '.1 eert 6. ecibelo.. at. ,116d0Mg4e.'re ? Is'ehuui :1,e at least .48 fieCilitie ?'at,? 5.!.0 at 1Q W ???? 10. mean- magnetroi! .current. ?-? !"7 %ath.? ....:?.(r..: 11.. crYstal current of the rain *channel - 0,2 v 0,8 mA. . 1.2. .7 of the? fre.quenci .ontrol/-0, 4 15 vA. 13. ignition -current .of. the ..elischaiting *val:ve?- 60 r 120ALA.. 14. mean frequency of the int ex:rned ia ts frequency , ifier band .is equal to "0 i t?? :? 15. The Unit operate, flats:lank ' Lions s? ? SECRET ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for -Rele-aie-26-13/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 i DIU rurizioa vibobm ",...raieassi,eafloftwomeregogt" ',????????;???? .. it.the,?.iibieflt;air temperature variation from C -HUMirj'd50X1 60 deg spent in a relative hthrirlity r- ?ftl. ? at 40 deg:. C +5 deg .0 . ? ? at :.altitudes up' to 20000 .:meters. that is, 03 the . ?atsips?diPerie. Pi!eisStir.a:.V.S:riatiOn from 766 to 41 Mr- fig. vieti i on of the .Unit's operation jit,?block-diagram of the transmitter- ..4-tieeeiver unit? ? ? .? ...pleTbLOckini?..generator .9* the submi;idulat cir p operating iith left :t.SeetiOii.'or.214-.:163P/. .double triode; generates ? pOditiVe ? Voltage: pUleae ith 220 Volts . arplLtuce .1,3 t?-? 4.5Y;USeC- ' tha modUlator':disChaioneWalVe...opertation:'by mane of a :oath? de followix operating 'iiith?rhi section of the 2V 4. /6Ii3P/ ? ? pubes -.Vita ...5,5, kV amplitude,. 0,7?)wsec . pulse ti /I:orsirt0/ .,40...9.39 c/a. frequency are formed in the modula- tor operating :With an artificial formin'g line and -.a 21, -1: , ? ? trG).?!..1",35/3/ hydrogen thyratron tas-a discharging valve/. The, . these Pursie are fed to :the .2V-3. Au.-.120/ magnetron . . The 'magnetron' geherOor generates: Pulsis;With .0,.6 Asec .puleli..length /time!, 21,309.14;c./s frequency and leart . 1kW. P.igb frequency 'Pulses: of the magnetron generator are fed, t? the antenra which :radiates them outside the .aircraft.:. ?,,.? ? ,rtt'et receiving device Is discOnnet.stedsfor..the probe pulse time ''.,./duration/ owing to the antenna switch in ?which a RR-5 /21f7/ ?valve has been employed .as a ?discharging valve.. ? ' ? Simultaneously with.. the MO4ulating pulee,folboeing l ? pal se.if are .taken. flog, the modulators a negative bioeking'pUlSe with.- 45 Volts amplitude ? . 4 starting:'pulee 'xith - Volts ?amplitude W a positive . starting piaida' for the. ATICa /aUtomatic' frer,uon- ??. cry.rcontr61/ with + 100 Volts aMplitude: ? ? S-E-C7R-E-T kNO FOREIGN DISSEZ4 Deciassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? 5 -E -E-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? r ; ? S-E-C-R-E-T ? I NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 50X1 -HUM r ri ? ?1-oolo.1 N;gr;? ?, ? ? ,-??? ? ? . . 4. ? . . S-E-C-R-E-T _ ( NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 " NO FOREIGN DISSIN 50X1 -HUM ? ? 4- ? ? .t . ; (4\ t ? .? 4, ???e ??? ?? ? :1. ? ? r -- i:"? t. , ? -,4,1 ? 11., r 4t S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM rrr.711, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM , ? .1" 2V.-1 /6N3'.i/ submoAulator '2 - 2V-15b /6N1P,/ Frtarting pulse limiting Aiode. ? 3 ? high speed sawtooth venerator startinr 4. -'0Ca eincrimin.tor type 2V-13 '6x2P,/ ? "Rci 'automatic freetuency control/ 5 - 2V-14 /6N1P/ ARCz /automatic freeuency control! starting ? 7. 2V-2 /TGI 1-3f./3/ molulator 2V-16b /5N1P,/ bla:king pulre limiting diode ? ? $ 2V-12 /611.12/ tI-nd tage of the ? automatic frelUenc.!? contra]. pre --ampl ie r ? 110, - /532P/ blocking generator and regulating-valve ?? 11 - 4V32II-L0/ magnetron generator . yr., ? 12 - -7/1-c,0/l3/ high. voit,Ae rectifier ? ????? 2V41 /6ZIP/ first t?tage of the automatic frenu'ency -.? control pro-amplifier . 14 65 65 decibelr attenuator 15 - ARC: /automatic frequency control/.m.ixer type 2D-2 /D3-12/ .? 16 f 30 to..c./s ? v: 17 - 2V-6 /G0i: O,012/2/ippition rectifier?? 60X1-HUM ' 18 f ? 283:: M.c./s ? ..1$ -.2V-4 AC-12/ klystron, heterodyne f a 2800 i.c./s. " '?21 to the antenna . ? '. 22.- 2V-3 antenna watch i3 2D-1 /DG-S2/ receiver mixer 24 f 30 W.c./s. intermediate freouency pre-amplifier type 2V.-8, 2V-9. 4 ? ? ? 2V..10' /6 rip/ .26, the WPCs /intermediate frequency amplifier/. S-E-C71-E-T ? k NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? e? . . frequen6150X1 -H UM amplifier ? thrOu.oh the AlstrIpt b1oking pu1e 1tsit&ng, .,.;4 ? ,? ? , .? .?11,,Cde ,in order to block;:the?ireceilier torpr.cibe'pulstr?dt.443?..!, .4.? ? tioti -/duz ing probe pUl ea 't Itie artarting .161 se .18. ? fed ,:??? ? ? r?-'1. ?? to: the range unit. through'. the '2V -15i? /61(11)1 ntarting pitiee:1 ? l'? ? ? ???? ? ?'? Lad t ing . diode in ? order tia..4tat.44he'...hig4.:"epeed' :tam:tooth, 4t ?,??. ?? ? ?-,? generator The starting..piiliat o atitailatic :frequency , '''....,?Oentrol .1 e fed to. the ...into rme d1:at ? frs qUeneY ? amp/ if ;er'?,:'*f. ;Vic...ADCs lata. tomatic frequettc;r.,Coni.roV. /6tre then. Start; the?:".00a. ? ;ircuit ? ? A pert of iigh: frequeentY ' Magnetron': putipli ? feb.4., through. an attertuater,':.ta the ARCz.lautotati.C..frequency..con.!. miXing chamber.. Iti?this.-Chamiek.'n't064 p4S, ,62-$4110. '..detector has been ? ' ? SiondtaneouttlyiltOntinuotie.,Aigh: freAttency " of the. 2 V -4 /I< -12/ kly*.irori..ii:it o ? au t ?mai c I '4 . .. ? ?, freqUency.,centrol mixitig'?onamber: 'ttninteyruptat.t manner. . , . . . As a .re of totr; frequency .?01 C11.1..nt ti:t1e a 'pave ? is formed on ARC; /the .automatic - frequency:. oontr011,cirCnit 'input. ? . . ? This pulse frequency is enual ta,? the differenceAettieen frequencies of magnetron ? and, klystron generators ? This pulite is amplified by two .atages . of '.'interme1Eits. frequency amplifier of the ARC; /nutottat?i?c;?freqUencY 'control circuit, operating eiii.,2V.-11.; vt4.1,140, then, passes to the. diacriMinator..eircuit which;_,Op-erates with a 2V-.13 /5E2P/ 'double liode? The...detected ...pu1e le fed from the limiter oUtput ,to?a two-stage 'pa/ se sem,01ther,. which operates with a 21/-14,631P/ 'double- triode. the ampli- fication the pulse is -fed into the reguiating valve /right section ef, the 2V-1 /6UP/. valve/. From. this relating valve a negative voltage .is taken and fed ? into the klystrot reflector. If the internediate,?frequeney :Variation exceeds ? ? the klystron ttetting range, the bloating 'generator ?left se- ction of 2V-l5 valve/. plaorre fed ,to the right secti?an? ng voltage /control valtagel, eh ich, imps klystron of the 2V-14 valtie;ArePle'cilli,thUS 111.attit. from 'the limit Th er. e ARCz /automatic frequency control! circuit ?genates drivi .? 40'.. S -E-C -R-E-T ( NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified 7777-77 in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 0... .higher tiJin the 5?X1 -HUM . ? s, is :u::d: ? - tOPP. ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? . ? -? ?? ? wen).e? ? ; .k /reception esJ4JtQ' dbamber of the ; ? ; . ? .? ? kJrin ?? otoy , ; ? ? ??-.. .chaz?76.? , '? I ?- the"tntennft tothe 7 ? ':?? i ? ,ieitcb ? ? ' ? e ate 3 ? .Charn ?., ? ? .? ? 1/ 6iits b`r. ? ? bot ? balti,2 ,?12D- jiete etier?,, ? ? ? ?-? . ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? :Abe .14.-ear!k. ? ? ? ? 14yetrct V. 'Or!: pt 6d' r-i*"Ther ? dqtector h93 ??,;-?: ? 7 ???Ai ? A4eitu!!"---10??ioht.P1;!!!..?,11.1t4),r,i11:a1.3:".?iii'mrts! 'et; ????:;?:.'14s ate comingitiiraVA ? ? ;.? ikequepc re ceiv ; into,:7?..,. ? ? 'an- ? the , ? ? ?,' ????? ? ii?enilinc?Y? ? "?"??j,-.: *47/I.!: ? ,ditirto..' ?,? ?????? k?.7i.71. ?-inteoett14.:(1,.. . ? i-...ttie? inter Thea mi$.;-?.;?leintt.t. ? 'the.. ? ?t - o .1"..11.t?71.-1.414.ia riled th. e (3, p. with ..2 y-8; lifter] , After9t17-',!, . .7. vic p ..,e7.;. ft .: ? -13 ? h ore' 'theit:n :ip*. insit rine : _fre . ue e y ; -244.1;': .-v4.6:j6.t5.P.71:04?*131.1- the ?? ti .pials ? ? unit iifl - ? ? ?-? C3/13/ " wowist ??? ? ? ?valve with .d, or is o ? . igiiition rectifier -Operating eltn tkii012t ? . e*iYing? he 2V-5,11E3-V ng?val4r.ein. ..trolitage ? ; . ? ?-? the:14h v er eratink eith :II -0 ; '4,7??? ???? ?,..,;????????,?????,:fa4ortngL-,'??? ? ? ? . ? s: ?;.to .04.!e.??1)1 oak .7 d.iuer*/ ? o ins 9,;01.a.4 1bl oak ? d lavas) of 'the tilknetnitteis -re ce.i. ? ? 1. t . ? . - i;;;;Antitoc ? . ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? , . ? , ;?,!15:... suti' ? ..ino is 're pr nted iii , - .. ??? ? ~ . , , , ? ? ?. ?'' 4.1-?-?.4.,;.F.-????-?-? ' ? ?:._ ''` - ' 1 ? ? 1.14 :the co- : ??= ?,,,..1. ? A -eubleolulater .itOree. ("al. control ; m ',plat or ape ? , 1.:. tempi:14; Sex,. ke.ted in she subrotiulartor? ;.,..4,.....z.1_,re,Slopt...t.1.1:4. pt.?e...wit.,:a suitable?'*.a. Tnpli?tudet :frelpency' and ? . The, eisinied.q.3.wkor ;Operates with W: 6)13P.; /2 V.71.i ? . . ? '-? iricisil..,.4t :6 ons'i etz. .0 two iiigon ?ii self -ewe tit ng ' IA cck Inc- , , :::,..? . genitat4i4; ' ii %yirt.h. y41 wit ' s '? left sect. 3 on and a eft. th o? 1 e ' 4.....-.. ? :',:-1 . . . .4 .. . : ? S -E-C -R-E-T (NO FOREIGN pissEm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 5. '7.5.17;:t ? ? ? ?? ??;$1,15- -7-- ;????? ? ? ? ? ?- 4 !like? ? ..`,50X1 -HUM, ? ,?4-4% ??;: v wr: , .4 ? ) .? " eithNi V.'. 4 " ' ? . Tr. 4 ? ' -17C C4 ' ? ? '4. TeeCtl ? ??? ? 1.? 4 . ? . '4.1 1: 3 ? ? 2R-t 4" 5 delott ? . ? . . c?.`4 -* ? ". ' ? 41., ? * ? ? ? f!' Asti; ? ? ? ? ????? '47.r.."?$??: ' ? NV.;"'? ; ? itt42V-9,442 ? ? . . : ? ' ? . ?+: ? ? 1? . A ? 0?4?:L ? ? # " ';"11?.-7_ ? ? ? ' i'sse ? ??X????? '... ? ? ,?-? :? .441. ..., . ?. ? , *?,4?;" f- ?st.. ?. V.3 t.-??-?-?71i. , ??-?-.? * ' ? 'V' t. ? ? -.-..5'.--4.. - '''? ? - ? '',.... 57,'? -,-:?15 ? ? ; . 5 ? ?..,,..s. I.,. (wt..; ..14.1 ).. ? ' ???." -444:4rt44.;.3; . - .4-, ;.?-',.._ ' ? ' -.:-- .., .....--,;; .,....4.1,-,??. Jig. ? 16??:.11110:1, . -? --.% /11...,4.-..-.....4-10,:. _ ? ' ' - - #adf 10..olt initpge ?sw- l'. . n. ? .r.-- , ? - ... .;........ ,._ .. * ? -4..............OM 04.41.11D. . .. * ' ." ' ' 1.' 4.2}`.q,*1 .? I -The ? bloilting ?;314:.;t3 sttll ? . `feff'it' --7?L"" ? ,1?7...);;)**.r, ? `-?*, ,?'? t? ? `!" ? ? ' a . . ? ? dr-Ai: inbi 0 61i lit Siki ? t,;. .7 .1.1.7Z 1:.:;4' ? A:1 ? ???': ? ? ? ? j? , . ? ??? L? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ?C ? ? , _ ' ? ? 4 ? . . ..? ? ? orator or pule* generator with transfor ner couplingi:fortys ? aiiiinitie .valve Ae if -exciting relaxation - ..- circuit sith .e. stronAt .p osit five read?back . r ? ? ? t ? ,?,. i .. ? 6 ' . ? 14) J.? .:Pogitir? met ? ? )4?,Ir . enable s .to generate short puifrefs. similar: to in.poirei?ones in given ' aondit ions ? To esplajla;ths lOrsiatiel: principle of the blocking ge nerator it i ?ary to"consititer, physical phenomena occuring in the -el t4t 40,40:1.7./ iron the norent which corresponds :to a bjcked vitive iith . negative voltage bias taken' from *IC-1::. 5ondenier ? . ' . . . ? ... . 4. , , ? . .f . . .. - I. t . '. ? 1??? ? N ?-0. ???4 ? S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FONEION DiSSEM . .,At thin time the voltage on ? the !anOde-?:: te.;?etiel ? to ct. . Then -the ?? blocking.gene c!cke ft? ,eolutonsai; ?..,. ?iriti? .2.?4 ciond'eneeti.- secondary.' winr.iing 11-/-? and 2R-2 resietere? ' ? ??????'' ? ' . . ? .. ? The capacity dischargii* prOcee.da'acabrAlpii7lo the . ? ? ? .; ? .? . ? ???? ? tantial Contant44 ot 061.=;t:OlvioeacA 2C-1. capacity 'IntiltiPlicated by: num .ot'both:;20.7.F2 -and 21-3 recietahcei. ?????? ? ? ? ' Ac:Orctineto.'2C-4. condeneer. disohargine`,4-1Ye..ealve tid reaches the valve Airiblooking Potential at The ? 'moment t /Fig. 18a/,' then an anode*.tdrrent ia. driven. throug ? thi?:falve . ? ? ?.. , ? ? current padeing' the tranaformer primary winnng induce3 ' 'an olectro-motive. force in the 8eCon8ary.:1!indingt which. 1.e connected: so,. that a 'positive voltage?la.led?tta'the ,??? ?.... . ?grid??to..,thie 'fact the Control -grid Voltige'.'increases ? ?? , a 4: S--C-1-E-T ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM involving thus further increase of the anode current, shich50X1-HUM causes a voltac7e Irop on the anode. Anode .current increase ' involves furtheraugmentation of the valve control grid vor- 'tore, which cause:3 a new increase of the anode current and GO on.' This ".1valanchs" anode current, increasing is callbd'a simple blocking-process. The increase or grid voltage allows that the grid voftage ! . becomes positive, at the moment ti./Fig. 18b/. and a gid current appear, which begins to load the 2C-1 condensOr 1 enablimr thus a self-inductance electro-motive force to sppetr: in the transformetrsecondsry Winling. This self-inductance ? electro-motive force hinders from further "avalanche" proses .increase but the grid voltage increase and the Voltage Arop on the valve anode not stop immediately erter grid current .;.appearance i they stop after a period trual to t2 f. t,. The , anodecurrent cannot ;. increase in:initily. It reaches valve eaturation current value at the moment t3 'his. 18c/. At this moment, the operation point displaces on the'charaote-. ?? ? rietic curve into the small inclination zone, while the anod voltage reaches its minimum.. , . ? . . During the t3 + t4 \period the grid voltage decreases'? relatively . slowleince a'small amnia current.variation ? ? )rponde to the mall grid voltage chane at this time, as a t result of operation point .displacement towards small inalina . tions zone. At this %ima the grid current dropsdue to the 'slow grid voltage .drop" whila the dC-1 continues to charge through the following circuit: ? . . dC-1 condenser, grid-valve cathode zone and TeCondary ? winding of the pulse transformer. At.the t4 moment the *opera , :tail points reaches inclinations.-4OneS where the coniitions foF a now bloAring precese are fulfilled again,, ' ? The grid voltage drop begins now to inveve.a greater anode current lecresee, 4thich causes the decrease of.fall of voltage on the primary and secondary vinding .of the pule . transformer7 The.volta;!e drop On the.secondury winding of the pulse transformer causes a further more intense voltage decrease ? ? .it ...? ? %.4 , ? ? S-E-C-R-E-T ' (NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 . NO FOREIGN DISSFY 0 Uz9rn UC ? ? ? ?? 1777-. 7P??? ...-'"?????' ?S. e ; e. 1), '? - ? 4 y-4? '? ???1 50X1 -H U M ' ? . ? Uzorn " ? U9 ., , . ??? ? ? ? 6 .49 . ? ' ? Flee 144; . Curves ii uetrating the "cnirent: and :voltage Varlatiftri ;a the' blocking generator. circuit . ? ? ? ? 4 ? S-E-C-R-E-T ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 . NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 dr5_ ? on the valVe grid, which involves further anode current 9,X1-HUM ? ? So, a bl.C.;king; process occurs.` It is similar .to the descritel above but it. is acting revercely i.e. a reverse blocking process occurs causing a sudden fall of voltage on the Valve grid, a arid current riisappearance as well us a ? rapid valve blo4ing.1ue to negative voltage inereaSe. on, ? the 2C-1 Capac.ity. ?' ? .. . Owing to the .described ph en orno not the; blocking. genera.- ? tOr circuit comes back to its initial operation conditlions ? :and the 'whole process begins once more. The generated Pinson length is determined? by parameters ,of the, valve grid.. cir...-uit And by pulse. transformer parameter The pulse frequency ? is risually determined by a. 2c4.- ? ? . ,uotidense,2; diAcharging circuit time. constant. The pulse freeriencY 'controllql? by means of 2R-2 , ? reeistance value variation. ? . ??? , ' , . ? ...A '2R-3. constant resistance is ,employed? in the circuit . ..? , . . ?7 in order to ,set the freeuency upper lint . . ? ???. The output Voltage of the ? blocking generator- is. tiiiken from the. additional winding of the pulite tranof.ornerp? then,, it is fed to the cathode' ?follower grid /right ? neatiqn:. of ..ine ? : 21/4 :This is? a" positive'-pulpe. with; .220 Vol 141 u.tley w,1,5 ,treeC pulse time.: freAueney Pig. l owe the pulse shape On the blocking goneintOt ?? !, ? , ? ? 0 ? '..:kwyt?put ..-?.????? u .?... , is+Lemeek Fig..156 Pule* shape on the il.ocking generator Output. ? . ? 46? 74. -R-E-T 1. NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7...... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 4110 - ' a ?????? , ;?? : ? ? cath ? ? .*. ?50X1-HUM ??? ? ? I r ? r ? ? ; ? ? ? .1 ? ? ? ??? ?PosiItre of the blo?eking'penerator are taken from-the. additional min:itng of the. pulfe transrorrer ?anA ?? fed to the cathOie follower grid ./Fig. 20/. Th-..cathoie fel- ,. ? ? liMlier fe .necesey to?.remove the inflionce ? of the roslulator - ? in, the. auhmodut,atot blociqng. generator *as nell .48 to mat .h :- ? ? . ? . ? . ? .111t..4:-#c*d nput reeisIJcewith-.a ?bl.o...:kinegoiheratyr output? ? ?".0"-.1.-eriii. slimes ? ?;..1:' ? t ? ? ? ;?. ? . ? ? ? ???? ? ?, 4. ? ? ???? ?? ? ? ? ? re ' ????ti? .0/ ? ? * . ' ? $50400'...? : . ? or' .. ? : ' 0.111 ? Mae ? ? Amor ? tains 2 Y- 2rie1 ? . ? 7144 20. Mock Aiagram of the cathode folLmer. S-E-C-R1E-T ' k NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 _NU YUKMAGN,DibbEM ? - . The 21i- loud resistance shoald be set.sp. that the ? received pul 50X1-HUNtse amplitude exceeds 180 Volta.... ? , . . Ti 21shawfi the pulee shape on the :cathode folloaer Output To tho output pulse trannforrne wiflinga 21i4 reSiato is connected in parallel. Ihis resiiianCej,tortefi an ailditip ':7114.1015adOf ' he my., a ek ? Fig. 21. Shape or pulse on the cathode foll.7er output. . Modulator ? . The transmitter modulator forms a common circuit with. a 21.F-.1 artificial forming line nhfch is discharged by means ? of:TII-1-3!:/) thyratrom. The blo(* .2iagram br the molulstcm ifi represented in Fig. 2.* The Wurator operation can be..Aivideri in .too staces: a stage of pulse Alarging /1oalint.7.1 of. thefforming lin - the tage of the forming lire resomince dis:harinf!. . Paring the line pules chi.treAngu ne7otive new.46.pulte is generated on the se:onlary pulse tr,An;Iformer:windih7. This pulse hue a ?!700 Volts amplitide;. red. to the magnetron /which forme .the ,.11ator.1.)ad?. ? S-E-C-R-E-T ' t NO FOREIGN DISSEM 74.00.??????????monnommirarommir????????=0?4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM " 2D-f. L 21P/ ? 60X1 -HUM 1 ? I to.1170 mtapleircet b==I ciAccee LI J4 .18 27,-$ , ? ? I 2+1,- diviP ? I :4 ? A'. : ' :?:???` 1 to .41 101:0-7-4- dsale lagneny 447,04perii 'Dt8 44:/m teki 4 .2C-5 10000p fall 0000pf .ralC0b pas 90 unsi ARC1 /au forna la ? Siarti0.9 fregoeney conlralf siaris'ny Fig. 2. Bleck liagram o.e.' the modulator. ? S-E-C-R-E-T 1 ? 140 FOREIGN DISSEM f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part ' ? . . ' - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSF24 .? Ct??! .? ? "V , ? '?? ? ,ac? ?,? ?^ - 'Jet us tfans tiovq ..; ??' ? e at ajlUrat Or:.,c,Irtu iqt et.1..s1iv. a 1 ..? ?? ? ? tent `...cir.0$11'Aidt"; ????.: ? 1. . ? 50X1 -HUM .". ' 6 .? ??':' 41 ..?; ? ? .6 ? .? ? ?? .6/44 ??'??? ? ?? ? ? ? * ? .; '`'`'?:?'t.,??':4' 2. ? ?'. ? 't ? ".? .;\ ".' ??? ? ? 2' ? . ? , ?.t ? ?...,og ?I V. ..? -? ???!?,4"? .?..e; .w-'. ? * ? =. .?? " ?? ?? I .! .?" ??4 '.,v: , .?: ? ? ?? ? k.?:???? *65., ? . ? A, ? `? ? %::? ?? ? .! ? ? ..; ??',? .41 ? ? ? ? ? 1, ? . ? ..? " . ? . ? - ? ? .; ? ? 41....6 ? ? ?. .; ? . ??. ? ; ? ? , ? ?? ? t %O. :?? . ',.74.;;;'7.i???:.? 14-.. ? ? '?? ? .?? . ? ? ? te?? ? ? ? ? } ? ?? ??? ? . ?? . . ,; ? !q? ? `?? ?? ? ?17,1:1k? ?" ? ? b?'? ? .. ??????? ........4??????????? ?????? ? , ? 1,0 #. ? : ? . ? load ? ? ? ? .? ? Eior? 223:- Modulator's equivalent circuit. A negative. 14,50 Volts volttige is taken from ;the high .'?? Voltage recti;i4r and fed to the thyratron C...thode /the t' rectifier Operates with 2V-7 /71-1-0,03/13/ ? When the 'positive starting pulse modulltor . appeares t4e. thyratron ignition dccurs, the th-ratron resis- tance becomes practically equal to ?z.2ro the fbrMing ? line is Charged from the 1450 V. r ce so, that, at the charp? ging action ind? its voltage is .ual to the thyratrcn 'cathEw- ??. de'Voltage i.e. to the rupplifing source voltage 140. Volts ? .After.%the Charging,'. .thYratron stops to glimM, its restate, ce increases rapidly* the forminr, line 'beF!ins. slowly, to die- charge through the,, Corming line, putse' transformei pritaaty ?wining, ZD1-1 choke. rig. 24 'illu..,traL?es the?wiring liarram of line Aischarging circuit. ? Ihe'RieceArging oil-mit is an oscillating circuit. lie cpit ii enual to the Purtury oif, capacity of the r or ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM fr? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 - :LI NO FOREIGN DISSEM , 1 ming line, its inductance Ia f.,,??-the.'inductance of .n .2".LIT4::. ? I ?,choke o'./the 'forming line In(itictence, and the transformer. pr .50X,1 -H UM itary..eintqng inductance cannot be taken 'into accout they are very small in. coMpaii8on to?the 2ba?-1 choye, ? iuc- taflce/. . .,?? . ?? The?dsaltating circuit. parameters are. chose0: irrordei ? ? that the ? own frequency cycle meets the following,:kenniremeni : . , T op -4????7. ; .where .79 -..?.SubModulnfor....pulse ..:freiLueney-- ' ? ? , , ? . A foliage- variations on the..,forming1ine are' represented . . . . . . . in 71.g. 25 in form of .a. diagram-..., ? ? ?? ?',..?? ? ? H.. ? At the own' frequency dYcle ? T. /as ig !./ '? the etibMoeulat or: starting ;pulse . comea.ttYthe', very moment, .? when the ? form ng line yoltiiice ? Pecomes elts1 to #145C Volt!, ,:? due to the . tine ...20:sonanoe discharging. L t)tile. .'ding.,01i:i..."the. thYrat:ion?.ignitio ? ?,?iff,t log/ begins,. as ,4011: Aso!*. pUlse idpht94ingcycle ? ? i? ???? ? The ? starting pulse Ia fed to;the .thyittOn ? grid :.,he '23.i.0-6.$.41.4.::aotil,lieriseitf:-.1Rw1..',#::?,4-6.4?4*kpl#r:i.::??whicki. serve`e . Tbec.21li;? :re eistanee4,is i;',iireti,4;e4z4iiirvt. ?-?*:?? (S-E-C-R-E-T NO \ ' FOREIGN DISSEM ; Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? ? ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? : ? -; ? ? 2,1) ?...' ? , ? ?? . '566 -HJM ; ? f430v . ? - ? ; Fig 7oing line Aioltar:e vari3;tions. ? S -E-C -R-E-T (NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? Declassified - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 -/N 1 NO POREIGN DISSEM ? _ An essuivalet circuit Of pu1p? discharcing of the .170r- 50X1-HUM sing line is .shown in 6. I ? .0?1?1?1?.? ammo 4.100. ?????? 2114 26. Equivalent circuit of the foiming line pultle discharging. ? # Ai represented in Fig. 26, at the Tvornent of. thyratron ignition -there are :two ele.ctro-motive roxoeo connectRl'in aerie*. in the fotming line. discharging. circuit: *? an electro-motive force, of battery t .? ? ^ " " " ' of the fozming line ch4rged up to nupplying source voltage. Thewe two electro-motive !ores, have two loadreSistonces:. ? 11ne.wave impedance load resistnnOe e,,oal to the line wa%:t. reeintance. ? It in known from the'lohg line theory,that u line loatled with a reeiettince.equal. to *Ivo impedance:generates Airing charging/on this'resiatantle/a sqUare.pulwe; Thie cults length is definel.hy.parimeters.oean ahiiiai lonR line.' ? ? ? ...r t- ? S-E-C-R-E-T f? ? ? ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A07090034000177 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 , u................ NO FOREIGN DISSEM , _ ; . The optimum pulse -shape and the greatest. efficien4y coeffi cient can be obtained .vith full: matching of both wave iepe-I-50X1-HUM. ' dance and load resistance.. A donble element artificial fine chain type has been ugte in. 'the unit modulator.. It? paraMe ere are given beneath: :total .capacity C? 5100 pF -. ? ... ? . wave impedance: r ..4 ohs ? .. -length or . generated pulse: T' 0,7 ,o se c /at O,/ men tionei above the - magnetron -J.'s . the modulator load. ?.HowbimLk., il-.cantiot DS ;,ConnectSd 'directly to. the 'modulator* since its .resistance in given Conditions differs much from .,the line. wive ...impedance ? 750- ohms/ which would cause s mistuning4, a .considerable decrease' of the efficien 'cy coefficient; and.ia grae- defornation of -starting pulse ' -.:abape.% TO ,aVoid 'thin difficulty the magnetron should be . connected . With the modulator bY means. of. a .2' Tr-5 pas.: transformers ',ditch. enables, the matching. of both . forming tine 'ewe impedance and magnetron. resistance, ' ? The pulse .traneforlor ratio is. chosen Wo, that' its pri- mary winding input reSiatance is equal to. 50 ohms. If an in- ternal resistflCe Of operating thyratron 18 taken into accoun Y/4 Ohms appi oz../ the: forning line total load .can be ol i;ained am deual to its wave impedance i.e.. to 54 ohm-. : Moreover* besides matchinuprocess, the pulse transfor- mer enables to obtain. on .the. secondary ...inding. a pulse .741th an amplitude several times greater than the pulse amplitude c . the Primary winding* It mikes possible to. ose a. supply 'source a ith loser voltage and simplifies the high 'voltahre -protection /squelch/ of. the unit circuit.' The 'pulse transformer is provided 'rith a ,%luble seconda- ?ry winding* This winiing serves. tor feeding the .heuting ? /filament/ .voltage: to the magnetron. such. a magnetron heatinl PilaMent/ supply circuit enables to use the filament trans- . former Which. is .not operating with 'high voltage . The '4, A and. 40 terminals Of pulse transformer Secondary winding are .blocked with 2C5; 2C-5 Capacities in ordWr to forr a closed .circeit. for the magnetron current alternate ? ? ? ' . , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 1 ...C....1. ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? ? tomponent.. This forn-. rt h?tating /filament.' nup? ifey 7rounde1 Aondid/ centre point 43 nhoan in T7io:. ..7. ' The sutrro-fulator pulscp cannot syn.ronile :,`?ition ? operation 'since thy' thyra t on 15!ni i an mom,. n t ? a- ? i 11 atnn from *pulse to pulF1. r C,04/a.nel 1-1vo1y to submodulotor tlo1n 'penorutor I'lereful'.; puler!: !'or synchronising the station operation must be tn from plilie transformer poritive b4ridee the momulatint,. In this case a permanent operation. syn.Thronizi nr: in obtairod ? concerning' following units: receiver, .ran?;e unit, tartontatic frequency control circuit, station generator? ? In order: to !,ti4t th rne unitte synchronlning pulne taken from 1 t 3 terminals of the 2 2r-4; pule transform,...r , and .fed to the range unit ihrough the 2Y4 ior1e /rif?Li ction ?tithe 6N1,14. valVg/. ? A negative pulse is taken. froni the Sr 6 terminate ??.:' , pul ,t1 ansforater. sindine. ThiaptL1e serves for btu4,1.4.; t!., ?, receiver.. (luring the ,pr obe pulse radiation time. The !I:. P I ng juice is ied to theYivider ,thich consicte of 2R-1.(':; ? 2R-60 resistors. ? . ' Simultaneously, thee* renittoro shunt the +ininr 1' prier to prevent the gIngiAtion of parasite oncillatiOns in ?the circuit. The "pities with decreased amplitude ars taken ? 4'z om the. 2R-1C and 2R.-3S recqst.:r's of the deecribed above thin pulses Lyre fed to the. diode cathOde /left se:ttian of a'2V46 valve/. ? This diode its shunted'by ?a k1i-8 potentiometer by mi!;kns of which a blocking pulse amplitude can he set /-45 'A positive pulse in 'taken ?rum the .2 ? 3 termina.13 pulne? transformer trin,Itng for ,gtart the AriCa circuit ? automatic' frequency cont.: 01/. This pulse is lifed? to the ? third? grid of the 2.V-12 valve, .by Means of a 27:-51 re- sistor: 50X1 -HUM S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ' 2Tr - .9 ? ov,74,0 ? 50X1 -HUM ii.5 Volta AZ ? t;1?06.-a gri-A MOM.' ? ? Fig. 27. Macnetron ..The 2R-1. unl 2P-6r resiAances, hiTh inilcolv,,pjs- sing pOse transfurver jnjn ;ervt'or 1.,:roving parasit'e oscillations forme(' lurinc otlee :!unoration? ' The 211-1.6 Asir/ 4iodes sf;rve !'02 cut er the positive parts of starting and. blaekim: ?UiflI. Voreoversithe node endhlesto rt4ot the rungo unit by in extprnsl pule :generator eine? it'eliminates the pul:e source rhuntinf, by means of yule transformer %-in'!in,7. , ? To avoid dietUrbln,:e...! th-1 una. .i.t::rting pulses ? AI are fed by mens of screened 0 ? ? The applied modulatui shoots msny :Ovuntaree ue compared to other Vil alitr provitled an arti%,:tal rar- ming line. AhiO Sdvuntat:e'cunrists in the fuct tFut in the high voltage modul.c,J; point..; thz voltue ,oes not (sy,teei the voltage value opf the supply luitIc /10-C yoltvi &line the pulse amplitude on tL, 1oa1 ift c,,aal to. sur;ly ,ource 'voltage.. Other circuits have u vuItwe on the ltrN on the ? 0yrstron anode eoual to doohb) voltsfTe of the .1:1),ly vour,le. MIIMOIMIOMP?wo? ? ? S-E-C-R-E-T (NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM , , I, . . ? ? ? : ?-? . . . ? ''. ? . . ' ? ? .. ' :,...... ? . ? ? , ? . ? ? ?' . ? 'ir'elative."tO.9earth'Il; while ttie .p.ulne'.Orti.ptliude. On *the 10450X1-HUM.. ? ? :, . ? ?is uaI. to the -eilptly:rOaroe..1(01tagef:' ? ?? ? ? ? ? -Eigh: v oltage.. re c tifleD ?????? ? -4- . The' hi0h voitge rectifiereccrneists of'a '2 Tr-1 by-pas ? ? ? transformer,' si "04-0,03/I -/Z.V.!77.?valve rectifier, ? anl, ? .of q 20-4 filtering .cOndenSer:?Or...pul..Sui..i4;e;sroothing. The rect.j..4ier.sekrVbs .for nilpply. the.. moduldiOr'with a 1.4!.*0 'Volt ?.? ?? ?.'::rectified Voltage . ? ? ? ?, ? ' .1" ???. .? ?' ??.; . ? ?? ? ?; The -high .vol,tage.rect4fiei...operatee pi.the halfl?wsve ? . ? . - . . rectification :441-?, ? ?Its wiring diagriaei. is ' shown in Fig .28.. After the stchifl of the.-11F?Volta A.G.:* 400 c/a supply .voltage on the .pri'xii'y 1.&04 Volts /Spprox ./. voita ? ? ? ? .?? ?. ? r? is tWen from, the Secondary iinding' and fed to4. the rectifying . valve anode. ?? ? ? ? ..? ? ? ?. . ? ? ' The re. ctifyirig v.ply.e. allo4 the 'current to pass in one ' direction: Ohl'y /from. anode to Cat4Ode/,' therefore, a current can be driven through .the rOctifying valve with a positive v?Itairle. onthe yalVe.'?3 anode.., ch.te. to filtering:condenser s'?-itching on, the. time of current Passing through ?the rectifying vale i8 less than -the tine of a half- Oycle.?? This current is charged by a 20-4 through the:following Circuit: transformer . , secondary winding, rectifier valve. inner resistance., 20-4 ? condenser. As poun? as the current' driven through. the rectifYing. ? ? ? ? valve Aisappears,th2C-4. 'cOndenser. ,gins to di4?ge 'by means of a load rietEuice ? Rob, while the discharging time conetant exceeds considerably the condenser. charging time conetant. ????? The. conrienner plates voltage Will almost not vary till ? the Toment of a new' current ?driving thr!..)ugh the 'teCtit.isr ehich rill CutiMet the filtering condenser .chsreing. According to he described above. pr000ss, the 2C-4 filtering condeneer emciothee the rectified v.Olita?ze pulsation . . The Z Tr-1 transformer Primary winding' consist e three sections, . ? ? ?. The relUction of number of ,aeitions? switched to the limm011.11?01????? ??? S-E-C-R-E-T t NO FOREIGN DISSEM neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7...... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM - .. . ? '-'.... . . ? ", ? ' :" ?,??;.-f i: -. ? ?? \ 1.., 115 Yalta AC. 400 c/a network by the. ;2 _.. rr"----?.i't:501: .1.-.?.h1-.1:JCf'401.;"8::.:50X1-HUM ' . the yOltage increase in the trannf.ormer eel:4,1(441 -lys.fds.lig,`?,-. inc.iiasATI0 ,thus the rActi.lietvoltage.of the.,1t7:.. ? , .. . . , ? . ,?: -?, ,p,., ,, .. : ? rectifier'?: : -... ? . , '. . ? ? ....... "?'...'?,-;:;.t;::......; ,._ - . ? II . . ? The 211.4.; 2R-1.3; 2V-14 from a rectifierlOid4ndentable .,. . . _ ? . ? ,the ,2P?et ,goneenser to A.1"ba.rge afar the univ erciOpty ?rivriti? . ,, . , ...... I ? - e. 97 .. ? t$14.114W/3 ? ??? ? ?- ? -(11,101,4 r. ? - ..... . : ..? ? . ,? ? 4... 11.fibas !le. ' AW041,1 Q . ? ? ? Yig. ne Oiring diagram of the .high !?Itage rectifier. ; I ? S -E-C -R-E-T ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM 4.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part -'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Rectifier. or discharging* vaive. ignition '50X1 -HUM , ' The igniaon:riCtifier ponsiitt of a 2. Tr-3 transformer, a ga3-P:111er! va.lVa .type G01-0i1o12/2i8/2V-6/. and a smoothing- . , . ? 'filter. ' . 2hie !Mier' conaletof.e. 2R44 re:sister an4 2C-7; 2C-8 condenlers. ? ? . . ? The reCtiCier operates in 'the' half wave recti!ication Itiringiiaramis reiresented in Vie. 29. A'ter switching- the 115:V.i.C.: 460 c/a voltage on th0 . 'trrIrm ,r pi imr.ry V'inling!. the 1000. .rolta volta4e for, . the trans%rmer cecondary ln.iig ia fed to the gas-filled . valve /to the valve's ca th ode/ . The negatiVe alfcycle the voltage starts the gua-fillet valve glimming. The .2.0-7;.:2C-:S condensers:are charted by means ,of a followine. ? .ci.pcuit::2C-7; 2C-8 condensers 2R-16 resistor. gas fjlled... valve internal reiatance, -and rienSformer secondary win 1in7. -45 soon as. th as:filled valves *Stops :is' operation ,the 2d-7 and 2C-8 condensers discharge:through the Avad m'istance Rtso..The .conlensera' dischargingstime .Inetant is much ;Treater than .fholi: charging time constant:. Therefore, ? .at the moment of a new ignition of the..eas-filled Valve, .the condensera voltage will- be lower. : - . - ? . ? - go,- the 2R-16 repiator and 20-7; '2C-8 condailters smooth the pulsat:ingvoltage on the' reetifar OUtpati,. 0-16 resietor .6erves situltansOusly for limiting the anode current of the gas filled valve. . he 2A-17 and 2R-18 resistors are lirltin.e.6 ignition ? ? ? current of the gas' filled valve. ? The 2R-19 resistor serVei for limitingtha .dischareinr *lave current:: ? The 2R45 the rectifiees4oad.:It 'protects the 20-7 and 2C-8' condensers against :breaking. in case of RR-5 re.monance. discharging valve damage.. . . The. igni'.ion rectifier generates a negative -.7r.0 Volts voltage which ? is fed ta the iring electrode fleniion elm- ctz ell/ of the RR...5 resonance dlseharging*Valve, in orde!' to ' S-E-C-R-E-T , NO FOREIGN DISSEM j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for *Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ' ammovionwiErlow NO FOREIGN DISSEM i, I Accelerate its igniLiun ut the moment 4)." high frollincy rU5OX1HUM feeding from the, transmitter. 2C ? 40 800 p f .Tig. 45. Witinl ,siacillim of tt-, It% 60. ?? ? S-E-C -R-E-T (NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 ? H.F. circUlterof transmitter-receiver set. 50X1 -HUM 1 Destination and cmositl2s1. circuits of transmitter receiver net are lActinated fortletrong H.F. pulsea generation, trunsfering these pulAes ? to aerial etageowitchang aerial stage from trancmition to ? reception and changingireeeived HP signals to LT,: eignAle.? The transmitter-receiver set consiets?of following IO? iircuit6. 1. HT magnetron generator 2.. Lain 'concentric line. . 3. Aerial Switch 4. Receiver mixer ? . 5. A.T.C. mixer ? 6. Klyetron heterodyne.. ? ? ? Circuit...Stew:113.1 The HF. Circuits are fitted in'the.ttiff metal case consis- ?ting of eboVe mentioned stages, connected together :ith con.? 4 centric line piecep.of 50 Ohm wave impedance.? ' ? The .diagram of Er circuit, in shown on Fig? 30. The magnetron /1../ is connected pith main.conCeritric ? ehich on the other end has the connection for aeriil staze? Iain concentric line is divided to three linea /3/, and /1.8/' No 3.line serve as a discriminator :or A.r.C. mixer and it is a circular piec of wave guide, which inner diameter 18 less than critidal. to this piece of circular wave guide acts as.0 t?erder tdp ? discriminator in which, weakened to certain?leavel. Patt ? of HY. energy loss to.A.F.C. mixer. The ditmping.depends on the lenght of liscrimin'tto: ani it unchangeable during the 'use of net. A.P.C. mixer /4/ is a piece of cono7ntrid line in o %111:11 . . clietal detector /5/ it connected, The ottoilations df klystione heterodyne ate blw,-ht the mixer by help of coupling dine, ft.kinp c.Apacity central cable .Of the line. In effect of two IX otili:ti,an? ? S-E-C-R-E-T (NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM #250v 2V-4 ro AFC OLIEpat efrebit ? 50X1 -H /AirALci.4? ro .1FpLeam_ptlfiet . ? -7501 From .frwe .2V-6 Tie. 30. H.F. circuit diagram-. kagnetron type MI-120. .2 -.Main concentric lino 3 A.F.C. mixer discriminator 4 - ! - Mixer czistal detector /,/ 6 wave mixer.filters . . 7 - coupling mixer limks 8 shortened piece of Line : S 2hree way connection 10 - Receiver mixer ? 11 a? rise resistor 12 - Cavity klyetrone'resunetor 13 - Mlystrone X-12 ? 14 - tislhaIgin valve cavity reson;.4tor lr Diezharging valve.RR-5 16 - TAscharging valve %ling electtcde 17 - wive ccncentric line pece 18 - !4.1,tehinit op IS --InrulsAing?sleeve. - NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release '2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM . mixing /generator and' heterodyne,/ th tn ough the istal ? dete,ctor ?consisting .of different harrow. I nic .freluencies.. due JO. nojlinear resistance Of crPrt al ? 50X1-HUM,1- . detector . ,Yr oft .these frecUesdiee.:the diOeroh'aial? ,freaPfli is chosen,:and :it.; is tin ? intariediate. frequency, which eua1.p? , : the difference of generator tpd .45.1:t,a40yritei*aivanciaa.' ? ? ' ?????/:.???? filet where ?. . f ? Intermediats:.frecu0AY- P fhet w..Klystrope.heteredYne'fr*Auenqt fgen 6 magnet r on ge ne rat or fren?ety , . The I is obtained in the.. input Ot. A7C diCeuit. Zhe rept current harmonies Of ortlati ighar frelUenCy are, ditec-?? tad to, earth by the . filter /6/. :This kilter is rade of a .short.-tn.,4 tc.) earth concentric lin? piece, hith length'enusia 'wavelength .? ? " ? ' .? ?? ? ? '? ? ? ' As it is well tnilwn from r long lineethe,Ory, the. rezTistance of !Anti. a piece of line euitls .zetc? .and that is why all, harmo- ? nie?: of high fieiueley *are. ihoriened to. iarth.? while -the - ? oUrrent pa.sses easi,4 through ? Ae we can , see On the diagram,,:the 'receiving end of. the H An. mixer central ?cable has no 'electric* connection to the outside pipe /body/ of-,the : *:. :.- ? . . at is why the 'circuit 14 open for the direct' part of the current. . Shbrtened piace cf bencontric line, /line /8/ serves for elating tge:Cirauit f or the .direct, pat of cuSeent lent!th ,this part. of be changed by means. Of ruvjn the special, piston? . ? ?' Tho mixer. input res'istlyity; candbe matched'by. thie piton for obtaining maxirrum APC:-.signal, in t4ft mixer output. ' e ? U.:one! branch /17/ of main concisnti..ic line determines a 1 wave ? piecc . of line. which has a .coUpting loop. on .its *end, getting . , . . to cavitY resonater.. 44./, Branch 48/ 4taimines* matching . ? . , , ?? , pasr4vs loop which 4.6. deetinaxe,0for ,Pasdive:resisitivity ir. et , b2 ought" ii:ou.7.0 i`ratlab ch7/2..-idata.hing loop tunniat . ?7 ? ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP86T0024. 6A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? should be "done according to minimum pan ng s-va. ac or, of rain concentric line by :transfering. HT energy? ? 50X1 -HUM . , Cavity resonator /14/ with .discharging valve /15/ and wave line. /17/ create aerial switch'. , . . -Cavity resonater ,with diechr-rging:valite 'Create oseila- ting circuit, tuned to Magri:iron generator freeuenay. Aithe. time of .pulse' .radiation by:/the magnetron, .part of 'its energy. ranificatea:thvOUgh a .1 -wave .. piece of concentri line to, cavity resonator Ofdischarging'ial4e .? The HI voltage causes the discharge-in .gas.:intide.the discharging Valve ? . Than the resistance 'Of *--the ,diacharging'.Aece in very small. ? The load .of. I wave Piece of.2ineeq?als .very. near zero, and So the input reeistance. of this? piece at, 'the point. of ramification fr om 'main line . ie very. near to* infinity. gagne- . ti on pulse. energy?tides not ramifidate to the aerial seitch *and does not get to receiver. mixer' Am .whi9h ie also coupled tu cavity resonator by coupling loop.- ? ? ? In such a manne'r the receiver cr.istar.deteetor P.1 is 7 ? secured before the .datage by the strong magnetron ptilses at the time of radiation.. ? . In any case, the small part of power? can get through to receiver. mixer, because the firing in the discharging valve is caused. with gone delay to :the beginning of magnetron pulse. For hastening the discharging valve firing and so for decrea- aim: the penetration of poWer to the mixer up to the safe - value of clip-to." detector, the discharging valve has the firing electrode fitted in. To this electrode the constant negatiVe Voltage of - 7O V is fad from firing rectifier through? resistor 2R-1!4 .when the magnetron Pulse is tinishedt diecharging in th,, vulva 'irtop e and after sometime, which is heccessary `..'or shrink: of gun ionization in -valve /practically after 2 psec . the cavity resonator of.. discharging valve obtains its renowit leg propert tee. ,* ? . Reflected from the target and received signal Elms ..o main concentric line .and throtigh. the i..itave piece to the cavity resonator Of .discharging valvI.1 Because the received - . S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM signal is Very weak, the discharging s in the ? eischarging v.41ve bavity: resonator discharging 50X1-HUM . ? .. ? valve the oscillations of 'received freqUency ?will be excited. These oscillations are going to: the receiver .rnixer through coupling loop ? ' ? ' The work of receiver mixer is the name tin the work of ' AFC mixer. I .F obtained.- in. the...receiver:mixer la applied to input Circuit" of. ?. preamplifier :Pt:WPC*/ ? ? Klystrone. heterodyne .COnsiate o 1c1,Y.Atione /13/ and ' ? cavity resonator f12/. which 'generates .,continuous HF oscilia- ;Janis.. Energy' of .01kne oscillations ?to threw way ? ? . ? . ? ? re .?? connection by `1 coupling 1oop.I That energy ..gets . through the three way connection to itbth''irjzoili; ? ? :Both mixers'`give klystronn heter. ?dy- ne; .23s.si4ei, that, thie load hati'itx:OnglsylpOinte4 Out ..:character' , . In ;inlet of caPecitance coupling With.. mixers by'.coupling ? disks. ? ? ....In. effect of that/ the kiYetreke would .ebrk. ver:/...unnatisfo ? terily and oscillations cern(' :St'oi:',..;ForatisfactOry. 1.ork 'of klystrbne and for mat chine izt;'...tto .1*ift .way connection /before the remifi cat ion/ the dieli.,re!e4...e4r. ? in ? Placed,. which ' value is equals to thecoOn.&nitt*Iin"i*4?114P?44nce 11"ffer *DTINATiON AND 6(.1NSTSUCTION trit ns sae ob. ????? .1.?;q? 41. owls waft. 1 ? t'aimetron generator. ? ? ? Type L',/-120:trulticayiti'maznoticiii',"ii. used as al It''onci-7 ?lioitor in the SR.D-14? set. ??? ? ? ??. , ? No?Nlaya the rnulticavity magrulteon getl3ratars are emplcYee us a 2,asic tYpes generators for tadin locationisoiking on centimoter Wave lenpth G.4.nq rat i?ovantage of .trulticavity? mainett on .gi.ner.:.tor ;ft a ponnil.ility uf ctainine big?ValUes ,o4.7 pulse. power At 1.1. !,1;.;m cwsr arvl with hilh.abilitY factor, 'which e???.?.n ;net: on generator raliates.? SOO pult.,c1 S-E-C-R-E-T NO ,FOREIGN DISSEM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 - NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? a second/ at freqUency 4.acto Ce/S and 4 'kW , pulPe. 7.h.s.:yfoiiqisg:,ides_of:.00gnStion is a follows. ? ' .- ? . kagnetroni.ii'is.:*.W.diodatinehiph on.the.,aleotrOn stream has the:inhueliOti:inet,onli..theOleCtricjield betseen the anode snrichthodeabut. also the magnetic .fieitirca4sed by?permanent , . . . magnets direCted vertica113 to electric field.. 'In'offe-Ci'of Magnetic end electric field's influence on the als?Ctroni'strile:te path of electrons is CUrved ' ? j 'the lectron bathe are t.roilri ? ? , . . .: pig. 31.:tleCtrOnvaths'in multicavity-magnetron. .;..1014:twieied iwithAf?celectrons the .clefts ??? ? ; . .. ? . ? :-. ? ? .,?? ??? . ? . ? ? . ? . toupling,cavity*tonators,,with the area between anode an4 cathede,i;.givet.,0 its energy. and?WW.CitesiliT.osCilations in cavitic4eSOneterS;whicharaonnected.t0the main concentric line by:*.cohiling...lopp..,.:::, ';', i .. : .: : ? . ? 0 ? ? ..,,v7ig.:14.ahows,,theo*phat'egraph'WherOhe conitruction of. . : ' . esivie,tyon Ase :4111, se.t*O." pt:otilt Cac4y1,..reibiiatorS'and"Oiefti.Stake:ibe.osdillati`on Cir--. .,.._... .._ . . 1 S -E-C -R-E-T ) k.NO FOREIGN DISSEM . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7--- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 i * ?4 NO FOREIGN DISSEM i .s. .4 ;. !- - ! . ? ;.?? . ,?,.., - ?? - :* , . ,? ?.. ? - titer multibavity paanAione The?shapeo PfAine reeonatet I . ,-,.. . ' - ???? ? ? . 50X1 HUM- . . - 411 tfi`: *" .ai?tto la ihown;',an .ng. 1?-. . .. ? ? . ? - ? ??? " '.? ' . .. . . : ". ??.,..r? 9I 4.. < . . .. ? ' -- ? :-. !. -..-.. % ?c,:.. .. - -,, .. A ? ,? , 1437:t4* ?4!. ?t? 4.7?.?,?.1W? ,,, ? ? ?1,11.7 4t:',1774,*tri .z.11 so * 4-* . ? ? rt ionat.tir ? '? ? ? ? . ?. ',CylimdriCalpart:Of Cavity.resonator can be*oonsidered,a8 Odatteieitig40 and flat part as capacitance C. of ?sonatina ' .cliCUit?;4.ts-own frequency to. oan be Ciiculated accor4ing to . , pa?toirm: ?:; ? ? N... ? ? ? ? ?' . ' .1 A. th ,, :a ? {. .? . : 2 1 ' F. ...I ? %.,! ? . , .4-Beeliilis'IQVare several. resonators in the%magnetron'its -,,? oscillating cirutts is very complicated. ? . . ,? , . -,,A* At:ie.knoen..fiol) coupled circuits thaori it has not one 1but.jeviral:reionance frequencies. For making this c.irciiit- .:,;.4.;.,,tn neCilate 'one,treqUendy and.fixed, the s9Palled resonatJr ? ,. ? ?, ? condectioni;Ofavityreeonatdre are?used. ' - . . . . .. In MI420'magnetron the connections are equere Ahaped? They i 4.connectthe'respnatorS every one Segment? Such cavity resons- ; ... -tbr,tognsotion 4e.,..flamed. single Circular coupling. - ? Cavity reitiliators ire ..slisplaced on the Cirule circum- r' tersitOS:.!ia*Masdive-copper,piece*4. Xhereis coupling loop : r?-?J S-E-C-R-t-T- ?NO FOREIGN'DISSEM ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? :1- 50X1-HUM ' Fig. 33. Gefleral view of Magnetron generator. 7 lalagetrOn MI-120 Concentric magnetron o4t1et. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-O-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM a 10 50X1 -HUM Fig. 34. Cross-section view of magnetron KI-120., 4 connections. 1 Cathode and heater 2 - Security -liFkS. 3 - Cathode Joints aefts 6 - Zuvity rer.onators 7 - Anode 8 - Concentric oUtlet S. - ..;oupling 1:dop - rixing in 11 - ribs. 1 ...''''.."'''''''.....".="... , -.....enorewl.r.:Are.....m.,=???????""."'. ?,,TIMM?-...F?M?????????1?M?04m....1 ..:: . m104byb ? ? S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM place,! in one or too resvnatore, which serves .for truneering the 0' oecilations to main concentric line an then UP aeti This loop is eoldered at one end o resonator wall and at , the other to inner wire of concentriC lino. Inner wire of :oncentric line 14 welded in zo the:glase making.the. ' ? I's 50X1 -HUM m:ignetion proff. .rhe cylindiical anode surroundn the heated cehode ahich is od elate bic ;:ismeter to Attain large Active sUrface,', nececsezy fez big emission current. . ;it both tides of cat) ode, the secuting linka are placed; to. make the field etructure?bettOr in the self.influenco..irea: , and prevents electrons Oiseipation in to the front rt o: magnetron. rho cathode 13 fixed ineide the magnetron on etands,, k%hich area's() as cathode and heater connections. cathode : and heater connections Are welded in the glase pipestfiXed to the !!ixing collar. Thicker part of:ntand acts as'a choke/ihich prevents the RP energy co got.aut theouXb,heatei. eonnectiOns. I'ormanent magnetic field is caused by the ,magnetic circuit. .< which consi3ts of two poles fixed to steel -plate. Chisierated magnetic field ei.uuls 1350'erste4s?. Then the cathode gets aaegative nolulating puie of,. 5500 V amplitude, magnetron etarts generating the 0 oseilae: Lions in form of square pulses.' . . Thone pi.alo are transfered to the mum concentric iin .by coupling loop. Doling the magnetron work the anode gett very hot In. effect of 'electron bost.irdment. To prevent the ovelheatinglit has the ribS to increase. the coolinc narfeee. Donide thatitbere in a ventilator pt :a inside the setctich.blowe the air round the ma:notion Ani eocles it. For eafety puiPoee And for Montage simpliJity the anode in grounded'negkAive pule, voltage of ..150C'V i3 applied to the cethotle. 2. ! eoneintric line. ? OOO ? . O.... 7 0 P?71,114. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) ' ?f 1. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 =1.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? .4 ? ? ? ?, l'emignatian, ? ritc..main.eorcentricline le'lesignate.d.fOr tranfering: .".the 'zap magnotron.generator tcraeyial'cir?quit, - for tr.n1,rering,part IfF on.lra to.,Ud.chamber and ???: . . Iransfering reflected...frum,target eignalt to theychambek . . '? t'ransmitter-receiver Switch. .? ' b.:Peculiaritice of Icing line Cute. . . '50X1-HUM ? 4+ r ? 0 sucha.linewich?lorigti'iude can2be - .-.camparabIe to .hP:waveleagth.wiliening'iteelf.alone thin line If lunq line is loaded by.theAmpedance idifferent-to'aave :impedance, then the impedanoe.uf this line has an atterna- .tingvulue. ? ? . ?? ? .? ror.each?point of line, its impodance:equals?tovaltage. ? and current proportion at i?gitien point. ? Input impedance ?tiltse depend cn.loadliv4dance?-alrid.': -un rine length. ? , ? in generall.apart of load Olaracter and.iti Value ..ptio,":_ Aine input impedance'is aa a joint value and Can be priese. ted as a dapandatIco.. ? ? 4here: .Z,N rw. ? input line impedance , - active part A passive Ort Let us consider the end.:In given Case 1;ad i.',pedancu Z"a4 rs-mam. Cvn litt%) chanrs input i-pedance character is shown on Fig.3,5 asf:: flum the 1.1gurefthat at a certain tenth of tine, its input i!Ipsdance becomes equal to zero . It is utiii.:,us frum the pi;ture, that input impedance cf on line, WhiCh 12n7th-enuo.s 4. wave length !I, we can obtain the eate.result with any length of line, which Cluals cddy.number o cave lenmth.? . or upin end line, which lemIth is l?wavo length.or, ,P/an nUmtr Of 1 wAyes, input impedance esUale infioity; NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/18 CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 SU f0/1151UN 1/100r.01 . _ ? ;flange charcter pf line input impedance. .ror 1ntermer,1te values of open line its input inpedance in ,puroly paoAve, but at lengths lino vidues intermediate to zlhvve 4unt:lit:0 input irpedance Tii:h rill ch .n,111 every each -,.tiatCri of waVe . ? Line input itpeeanee beino between vIdy numbers of wave lnthGjuter R han cdpaeitance character, that it Shown on ? fi:nare in ',7orm of con4anners Line input in?pedance bin z between even numbers of WaVO lenrfth nthirtort has influctance Aaracter. .tt the bJr14r Of lnrirtth cuts n . line input im- . pnoance oluuls znIO'Or inrinity. ow ?Jr. it is !thown us parallel or aeries'resonuncz rirdUits. . ,%t? pvintlj, inNt.i.vOtinee eluals infinit:I phut 18 e-:IliVulent to r,-)nince of iAeal renvnunce e paints i. 4 11?13t impedance w/uals zero *hut ia vvlent r-unun(x.icrY?nce of ideal sezi.en resonance ,qrzuit. / i-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM npriassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? A. . . ' 1.,47u. consider a line closed at its end ii6h4s case, loadimpedance.. 210 d w" 0.' 4OlbanWOhara4et of closed . end ale. input impedance is Shown f.'!2'..,17.4 062... ....-;?. .? :,... . . " ? . .,. . ,,,.,11!iii4'ing 'input. inpSdanCe change of-ol osed..line to input . . thiOilanOe., Of '4:fiettline ,,z we Can stAte that input . impedance . - ii*oipliOitieht!'tivei . Of closed: line is I wave length eh Med . . ? ? . , - . . sto *linalOUrlie 50X1 -HUM, ft ;qui imiedance * change character' of :closed line ? ? input live dance equals ;e.t.a! that . that-Aumid line input impedance of. oddy number wave *. length quit:leo- length. equal e zero r?-?At points ai 4 input impedance of . line elual s in Cinity *Itat .tatan*Ii , that closed line. input impedance of length which ji of even save7 length ouarteisif number Saimaa infinity Induclive ohaiicter of dl owed line inpUt imledance lay - ,.? ? 73 (.? NO FOREIGN 'DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 .."1i tettv C,ane40110.-1441.4nitOlit0-1.0,-ieq441:t't,4'odi ' , . , ? . . : ? number ii of ciatf:e.?'.1initth'.. au =ie.*, .? : itXnput .. #;iliariatiet??? 1 a iinal. ?? ? , J *3 '.: rieletivity?end 40 ', the. ' Yfakift"..., - ?isA;;?- ? " . .. . , . ., , . ... ,? :', ',..!:.. j)? '2 .: ': ? . '%-.** ? ? ? :;;?,. ,, :. ? ,; --;?-.s., , ??;,.. ..,..-,..:-:?:? , .)--?.: = ? - : rl clad .,S". ? !r - - .. . ? , . ? . . . - . ? ? .? ??r: With ? 1.xn1engtt that;'in taa.1. ul+ la I de tun " - .?- ? ? ? .. ? . ? OA.. 9. 9 . ? ? ? ? "' " ' . ongth ? hat rNo. rtc-u, c,-1;r42*.dan ce ad iipe Ian Ce. ? haila j *in t . Cheraiit,1)1 ?,. c ? ? - ? I.; ? ri ? ? ?A?fead?-'?'';'? ? .< : .?. , ? Waj.4*.i ?it input,,i nip e d Ce. - itteilance ,Ciianstal it self' ? or : ? . . )1iwi6tire 'Inir;t tot :Insfitt, .11oped ands', i? ? n'ae ? .Ciiiiatr)3 J,*e ctuu;tkiAttd.r2t. :odd nuba Of *aye lerth guar te `?-.7 and .4 oven InOtter? .0...4vertefn " twin ct ivo"-?,eitaiact e. i-E-C ,k140 FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7-71 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? ''".%rNit1.7, ? 1.1,47,;rt At I-1114 . ? -:-.? - ? ? The housing and the-?basi.ure screwed by means uf 4 to1 t...s. ? ? ? . . ?,..' 1.:egaile is protruding from the base side plate.. The cdtie ,iii i ?".'-'"?lOinild with. the *test board - by means ',of a connector?. .. ?? . ,' Following acceseotiee- are placed. on. the control ,to'srd ? ,? . - upper plate: ' ., . 4 . ,, . . . . , . . . .4 ? - 5P-1 switch - "whics 'a, .wyktose..?on :* ? ?. . ? ? . .. 4- 5P-2 - .". . . 7 ,i. 144.cA oi .*.rrif.y..c. i /es" .e" : 7.0. 1t az .4. ....flit/. ? . : . , . . . ?.ballistic saiteh? ?,. ? ? . ? ..? . ?? , 50X1 -HUM "... Pje-1 eviiich' .4'. zriuttr?ltarget .abhidC:Unent/.. :?,'? ??- lamp, eign?al1ing.ih4t .,thir-high'. Voltage .ifi . ..... ..., ?ii..... ..? 'tle 'IA gotoitiuction an N aoceatiOriett ):oCati,on,are.? hown , ? .. ;.? ? - ? . ? ? 4 ? , ? ??:,.4.*: , ? in ?Flg. ?226 an4?1.26s..., 1. - ? ? l? ", ? ? ' ? 46. '.? :! "41-..' ,? 4. ? .? ..,*;t: .. '.? ?? , .. , ?:. , ., . ???:.., ... ;.A!'?' 4. ??-.. ?????? . ? ??, ? ? ? ? ? ....?. ?,t , ? '.. ? ? 4.:, 4 .. 4,? ' ?. e ? ';4;???:;;? ?: 4416 A.74.',A%-..cciitig/5 rA ?A'...; ;`..c'. .. . 7,;::s.,:. ,..;::', ? -; 65:0,*i ? , . .. : 4 65t. R412 . . :? . . 2 - 4' 6Sa P413 ? 3 63z R414 ''' 4 " 6524'4/5:- : ? ' 5 65zR4/6 ' ? ' 6 0 652R417 SI 7 65zR4J2 . _. . 8 " 652R419 ? . 9 6SaR4lf0 ? ., 40 6SeRsio II 63: R4112 e , SR-I.. ? .5f K Ohms ' ? ? ?4 ? . ? ? 1 . ? ? 5PA''4 Spa 1201 ?ig. 125 a .Block diagram of the !:ontrol b ? AO- - NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ?? ? reolulected ?? to: - ? ? . 6 SaR-1- ? e h : 1 I . ? ? ? ? ? I . ? ? OD ????????????=40.0.? 0.4%.1.?? dm au, a. an orals 6.??????? r.................., .. . 6 SLR 4/2 . 1.A..C..11f Volia? ' 2 ? k or ?????? al. a.. R 4/...Mawr Ow:ma.. a* a. ..1.1M, O. 0.4.140 .... ?Ii. . l? . My* ??? r.. ?? J .;. 4 Sz3' i Start ? : ? ? . ? . 3 ? ? t ? ?: ? -ii + ? ? t. I 'Order ? . ? 1 No r. . .411??? 6 sa 4/4 high voltage on 4 1 .6 SIR 4/5 I Start . 5 ? ri?????? OP. ???? 41?11? 41; ow dm. Iles.......10 ???;bi or ??? .....i.m... . ???????;*?1.1..... . . . . 4m4e? .40 o... ow 4. .. 'moo= e.16.??? . .? 6 ?S?bli 4/6 targ 1 et abandonment ? 6 ? .???? .4?4::?:???=. ????? Om 40. ???????? 1.4?? .? ;ow a.= Am aw. es ??????? o.p ? ? .1 6 SzR 4/7 L. v. ? ?? 7 ' r .? ?? 6?Szli 4/8 I ballitic 37: ?? ?S h.? .Sc ?''. . t. ?e?????4???? .0. ???4???? ????? ONO ....;??? ???? ???? 0.r. ???? 0:?? . 41.41, .. : . ? ' ? . ? ? t 6. Sssit .4/9. I switch!' ? ? .' ? '. - ? i . y......-..... . ? ...:-.1 ;, . . I I .......... ..."...:-.: ? 0........ . . . I 6 ?aifv-4AO ! l'a12tet/c.'.213 - i ? ., `'.? 2,0* ' - ? -^ ? "...- - . . ? . ? ...v..i....?!??,..........t..g4.?..::.......,..f...:....,.....o Awn' . ;low ' i. e .. 16. 8:8 444 ri5 -if:o?ts A .13'.. . .... . i' 11' a . ? . ...................b......p.....r. ... *v.. lp...6.064.0. ,...., 4. ? ? .: f.,s.21t.4.Ag, A ^ ? 1 / ".I. . ' .40 . 1 ' . 4:111 neve 41.41:lielatrl., 0, MIONt110.11114 OAD MM.,. or . I.: . ? .... , ..e t? . ..; ? .. . ....* ? 4?4?? . .. r; . ? i ? ? 50X1-HUM . . S-E-C-R-E-T *1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 4.Mitealir;?*),Aromoul nRciassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? . .; ?:." ? ;I. 1.? Now ' _ HE r. 849 , ? Fig 126a! Location of .control board access ories . ? . . . . . 1 - switch for 4w/tailing .on. 2 - lei') signalling .ihe high 'voltage on *, 3 - _tumbiei for..hikh -voltage switching on 4 -baUi8ticefltCh ? 5 - press-butt. on 'mar' ked n'zrzut" /target 'abandonment/ t 50X1-HUM 4 I S -E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DLSSEM mY r tirml.(7P4 .01SSE4 I, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ' NO FOREIGN DISSEM f ? ? I . TEtT. SOAP D: 1. Eqstination. ? e0X1-HUM .1 , rhe test board serves for: ? . - - checking the electrical parameters of ,the radio :range fli, ? .4er. t,Controlling the amplification of the autoMalic-freqUency control :circuit. ? ? - . ? ? . . setting the sensitivity of eividing cir?t ....setting the voltage!;2bro" '-: range ' The. electric parameters.of the range finder can be checked by means of the KPM/M.instrumeni.".connected to the test board. ? .2. Block diaeram?Of-the test'board. The bluck diagram of the test board is represented in Fig.12 . The 5A ruse type 6PR-1 is employed in the A.C. 115 Y. 400 c/s mains circuit. If the SRD-1V radii) range finder Or the ASP-4N gun sight takes'more current/more than 511/ from the A.C. 11F V. 400 c/a mains, the 6PR-1 fuse blow occurs. Due to this fuse blow the 115 V.A.C. 400 c/S. mains circuit is broken. ? ? The 10 A .1:Use type 6PR-2 is employed in the 427 Volts network If the. S.RD-lid range finder or the?ASP4N gun sight take more current /more than 10A/, the 6PR-2 fuse blow occur Due Co this fuse blow the OV notibrk circuit is broken., The potentiometer "Itzmocnienie ABCs" /automatic frequen cy control amplification! type 6N-3'g.rves for setting the Jontrol grid bias of the 2V-12 valve of the intermediate ' freaueney aMplifier of the ARCs circuit ARCss ? automatic frequency control/.' he 6C-1 condenser block i the .05R-3'resietance for the high freouency.curront. ?? Fie potentiometer "Cod" toensitivity/ type 60-1' and the 5E- resistor serve,for.creating the condition of operation staxt and further operation of the ?range unit di viAinn Circuits /see the description Of eiVi4ing circuits/. , ? , NO FOREIGN prss* npelassifiPd in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? ? ? 11. .50X1 -HUM 11! _ 40- 1 ???CM. 4=11141 .0 ? .6 CO ? I. .11 2 itt. 1. T;l14101t!OPIIIIii 11,414! It Fig. tit 127. Block liagram of the teat board. S-E-C-R-E-T )-1111111111111111 NO FOREIGN DLSSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM karking/ ? 1 connec- specification ted to: 01?????? 44.414 6144?? 410 11 Volts A.C. , . 1. ? 'V, . 0 115 i.A . . .3.E start ? 4'' 1.15 Volts 1 46??.??? ?????? 0 c 5 i + 27. y. .0 ? I a.. ? &O. Ols?m? ??? e? Ord, ???? OE.. dm oleo lb ??????.4 ? ? S. 4 .0.2 ? . 6 1 'oath' start - ' I ..... wow????? 411.1. opo ????? ??? .......... . ? , ..3/ 41. ? ?: .... P Ps.* ;N.... 11????? Ow Im ON., 4111.? .m. a. go. J. dCle-zi , connec- : 10. I. -: 150 Vette .T. ? ' 1 Marking ? i i ted to: I-.---f ..... ---...1.----.........." No 1 ? ? A. .......1" "?.........--1 I 11 ? . +400 Volts ' ? 11 1 : earth I 5:141.1.1 V....". ..................".. ????? ?-?!...e......e..1 ? . --4 4 I 12.. ' . -230 volts '' . - 0 i 1,.. .....i ? -. i - 2 1 115 Volta A.C. i .41 1/2 50X1-HUM .. tP?p,........4. 'pp,Pppa?pe..40ppoP41.4wmpti4.? I_ . Or -: . Marking/. ? . ? i connec? der: apecification : ted to: ?No : ? ...--+....-.......-..--------......-............ .1 1 earth ? i ? .. , --.1.- . .- . . 0????????/ .... . . 2 i 119 Volta A.C,', . p",? -_--4....---------.......--.1.....---4-: ... ? . 3 1 . . r :1 .7,;.??-?,-.....1 . i .. ,? .? ? I 4. OAP4s .cryita7 cirrept'. l? !..'.', .. poNi.p.00.pft ' ? 5 ? I magnetroli:curistit ?:..? I.' . 1 i 5 1 starting pulse. ? .: , ..-...-T.--------------------...1 1 7 range voltage ' -- --5 . ? ..' .i. :. .. a 8 : klystron refledting . a ? , m .......4 ?electrode voltage ?'. .r. ?E ---..., .. ,------,-- - ? 4,4 s 14. 1-250 vorta'..." . ? 1 ? . 3 i start ' 1 4, 143 : ....JI ......... a...........o.1. ON 0.4.10???? ... am ilme? ??? ?NA, 1 4 1 commutation 0 N 1/4 0 p.4. .. ..4.......____4 5 I start ! 4 .. 4???? 4 6 i tarest abandoning i ? s 1/6 : ......-..-...n--...---_, i t ...sp... .......... .. 4 8 I ballistic 37 1 . 1/8 1. ? ? J 1 1 balli 1 . etic switch a 1/9 I ...- --.. .., 10'1 ballistic e 3 1 1 , 1/.1.0?; ' --.4..... --------------I 11 1 115 Volta A.C.. .1 t 1111 1 12 1 ? ..r . . ? 1 10. 1/U ' / ' ' ? ... p ????? a ?? ?..... " pp ?? ? 41.1a ? .440 1 I ? 1 1 ..... 0 ' I ? automatic frequency a 1 L 7 I control voltage I ? I 3--1 -... ...?......-.... . ' 1 14 1 main Crystal current 1 c......1....1.......:.....i., 4 i 19 : +1.90.-Volts .-.4 . . . ........10..............., 100...... ? ? ? 44e S-E-C-R-E-T ? 1 N 0 FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 No FOREIGN DISSEM ? marking ? .? I ? ?Gym. ?? 4.5 ? . ? Or-i? 61.c"on.74c---1-71-17;;;;;- .. ? ..... ? 1.: der a ? i? 0?r:5:-:71: -HUM " 5./. ? .. .. F: tod to: a ? ? . I ? ? No ?.? . " k.:???1.1????4????? ?. .a_"+ earth .& 1..2.4 1?0?04?? aro golm,?? ????? ? 6 ?. . ..... +250 'Oita ? 2- 1%1.y 1 / range yoltage a I target .e:tenal,,' 's ? '? 4 ? .3, 1,, ? w ? - 115.Volts .. .1 ... .. ? ? ?? '4$ . ? ? ? fi .? : ? soli..11.41___ss ' e . ? II . 0?2i, Volts ...1????? ??????? .1 ? ? ." 7 'Il '..4. .1 ? .., -. ,I, ? . 4?10 0.1..11.1?Or Owl/ . 1,...,..4.... 'a: .. , ? . ,, , .. ? ?-?? a -4 61 - ?? ? ? ? . '....4 . ..., ? ......*.:44.....:..., ............ '?-??.:-.????''.- ?a .onnic";.,i.? liaticing::. ? i - 1 , .ted4o4,.? ? ? ? i'der I . ':??-..,,..???.-' .. ? . ? ..; ..' ''... I NO -1, ...:?. ?5- . . ........,? 41 2 000a ': '..! . ..) ' I I . ? . . Igo On.. mo...omo lib .? so ???d*/ r ?? ....,. : a:Arching "rahge .2 I . ? 'a :4 ... u fr. .....6.........?????..............1. 1200' m . ? ? ? :?.'? ..' a- w ? 6.. .......................... ??? i ? - ' a.-' i , ? --a... v ? 4 ? Sc 1 :41...111., gibe... ,!:?...?? 4. ???? ??????? 4. i ? ? re-fr.,'? ? ? ? ? 6646o. ,??????6? /6/ 1 ?41???? /12/ , otorib??? ;am. ??? .. ds: .. 41.1?7??????.. ? I /17/ ?I ? 3 ? /le/ ? ? ? ? ; ? 4 1 ????????????.?41.......9.. ? sl . ? 4111.1. 1?101 01,?r? ? ?? ? ??16 ? ????A16/? ? ? 6. I ? /22/ ? . 6 . 7 1 ft*. 0..0; enboo......molo.. ???/?.., s. . lb I. ???.? sty. O. emm. 4. ???? oki. ??????? ????? ...lal. M. ? ........ .6.? - . - 0 ' . 1 /26/ ? ? : ? $ ? ? a., ............... ? 0.0 ??? = M. ???? ? *L.. ????? v.. +1.'.. , I ? : a. ? r ? i a 10 Ld.....mi,?;lo. .... or 01????????? ....v. ????? an. a.. ????? imam ......4...a...... ? ? ?.1 ? ? ? 7/ Marking r;?????????? a.. Or et . a.m.. .. '.? nr.????? ron el.) . ' ted to: 8 I ' der i. I, ? No . a . L.. ? awe.; m.o. 40 4164111 OD. ?? gm. =dB ...... ???? ?01, OAP ?111? ? ? W. ? 2000a 'LI 6 ??? ? ?, ? searching range ? 2? ? o 4.4. do ? a ?14 a 1 , ?? ? ? 1200:. a ? ,0 ? 4 ?????? sow. 11.??? ?.? aassasoo., dos .. .. ?.???? ? ? ? ? Mote: ?a' marked potentiometer are located on ihe front panel. ? S-E-C-RE-T r k NO FOREIGN DISSEM neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 :* NO FOREIGN DISSEM / V. ... ? ............ .... . 1 i0X1-HUM 17,arking ' No 1 I :4 SzH 2/1- 1 nArth i ..-...1 ' ' 1.. ' 1 , + 1 ? t ? . ? . I " 2/2 I.1 1 .Volt r; A.,::? i ? 12 ? I 4. ? 1 --__4 1 . ., , i .1 ,/3 1 :-"- .. ? 1 3 .? I f ' rl" . + - 4...e. ea 0mm 40 ????? 1 ' a +r, V i ??-2/4 . 7' . i ., I 4 I i -. ?- ..... .--------.-4 . 4 4. I? . . I "2/5 ? 1 4 4b0 V .1 .. -.1 ? . _ .....,......."1 1 . . ? ri ---- 1'-' 2/6 .V;-cumrutatioe l ?. ...I1i .. 5 - 1 " 2/7. min crystal currnt ? ? I , . I . .. 7....? - ..?.........."...... .. ..: ... s 1 ..? i ' " 2/,8.' .1.. X stating pu16e ........6--.4.---,:-..t..-...-87.... ....I ..' ..--- ? ? r- : " 29 I ? AP 4 ?criPstal current ? , ? .. 1- 9 . ---.--- ^ 4 ? ------ ........ ....-...4-...- 4.0..... ........ 2/10 1 11r.? Volts A.C. ? I 10 ? I I. 4. .-.....-....,-..?........,...r-,---..., I " .2/11 1 +20 V ? : il ' ?1 I- f... .r.? .. a. 0. .N. ? amilk 0. .4: . ?-4. 1 " 2/12.; - 1!?0 V 11 -.:11!3.:7.....::41 .? r I- . . , ? -. 2/13., t4rget abanA.oninT . 1 . n 2/14I tarret sign ??al 1 '14 I- 1. . . 41.. 41.1. ow ow ...... as.. i.e. .m, Im 0., . .11.? ? 4.0 41?MA . I 1 1 " 2/1r 1 "AP4" amplification . I 15' I ..... ...--,....-........, . 1 1 2/16 i 3L-13a cathode ? . 1 16 1 i 1..-......... ..... _f_. , ,-...,...____...1 I . 1 " 2/17 : ..sen it nitivy ? i . ? .4. 17 ? ' ? ' # L " 2/1a ii--- . 1. AnCz /automatic freluency i 18 . r-,. 1' .4.99DIIPILY91I4CD . ? 1 I ? r ,41 " ? 2/19 i magnetron current . ? . i 1S?,. ?? 4-, I. . . ,1.--- ...... ..---.7 ...... - ....... ---t...-7....6 ? i . /20 : searching range 1 ',. - 2u I ? 1..................4 I n '2/21 r , .. .... ...... 40 OM. ........... d .. M... ??? 111* ../.. 4...:......... 1,..L.11 ? .. 41.. . ? 1 21 ."2.? ....r...............1 1 2/22 I zero-range Setting ? '? 1.22 i? . t?????.....7.? , r . i? - 2/23 t rung.? voltage I 4... - ......... -----.-----.7.----..--r.---.....? ? . 0 23 I ? 1 , ?1 ' 1. ( ." 2/24 1 ' ? 230 Volts - ???. I 24 i . klystron reflecting e1ectro.....1. 3de , ? ,... I ? . ? ' voltage . ----.....7 .: : F" --,...?.1............' 1 ? +150 Volts ? ' .'1 '26- ??,..1 '.........................s '... ......... ...., - .. ....16......:.......? .? smE.Q4-11*E=T.. ? jNO FOREIGN DISSEM - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-14DP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ! 50X1 -HUM, The potentiometer "zero"' type 6R-4, and a 5R-S resistor,. form the load of the cathode follower of the memory circuit, from which a voltage is taken for "zero" range setting. The 6R-6 and 6R-7 resistors form the 150 V. voltage divider!. from which a - 30. V voltage is taken and fed to the control grid'of?the 3V-11a relay valve; in c53e of depressing the button "Fart ce16"./target abandonment/. ? , Xhia voltage switches the range finder for the target . searching conditions. rhe 60r2i condenser blocks the 7. 1!0 V . . - supply source. ? ? The 6R-2 potentiometlr and the.6R-5,resistoi form the di vider connected. into the +1!0 V network. et.voltage.bias is taken from the divider and fed to the, cathode of the 3V-22a :valve of the maximum.searching range relay... . The 6C-2a condenser blocks the 1 150 I supplySource.? . ? The switch "1200 * 2000 m" type 6PK-1 serves for exit- -I ching the maximum .searching ranges according to flight alti-. Htude. When the 6PK-1 switch is 'shifted. in 2000.m position, -a 4. l0 Volts voltage is fed to the cathode of search limit in diode type 3V-22a. " ? . When the-'6PK-1 switch is shifted. in its 1200 in a voltagel is ted fromthe 6R-2 potentiometer to the 2V,22a limiting . . diode cathode: This voltage is sat during the 0-22 valve - -replacement.. Construction of the test board. - The tut board is installed on a ririd'base...It is pro- tected by a-bOusing, which is fastened to .the base by means ef-4 belts. Following acceesories'are placed owthe upper plate of:the test board base:. . 1- potentiometer ".Czukold" /sensitivity/ ".2ero"' 3- .., 7 "wzmocnienie ARCS' AutoMatic frequendy. control amplification/ ? 4- "115 V SA" fuse 5- "27 V4 1.0A" fuse 2 ? . 6,- "1200 p.2000 m",switchY .7- l5contadt points test connector with a cap. ,, S-E-D-EE-T -kNO TOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM tpo, ? ' rollarsini tour . Cables t:re lead out troll' :the basil', 4.. Cable /ASP-l/ for connecting tHe..teit hoard .ita the AnP-41 gun sight. ' ? ? ? . .? ? , Q. ? le. Cable /a5P-4/ for connecting the test board ? with: tge::. ASP-4N sighi ' ? .? ??????? ' 3 Cable 7/6 for 'connecting the 'test board ?iii0he,itiii)47. . . ,? . ? 50X1 -HUM` ; unit:* 4'. ' Cable 5/6 for:Conne the: teat ..b.oard-)Pith 'the gArc6 ? converter. The 'cable .is:-provided with :a'..terti4iiii't.fer 'connecting thi tar'get searching "switeh.. ? . - The construction of the 'Unit ae :the, tiecesebries location in reptenente'd in '..Fig..1;e8?and 1? 9. ? ' ? Location of range finder units-on the aircraft . ? ? . The SRD-1M range finder, eat is located' pros:31.0 zed cockpit ahd. partially in. the 'aircraft. ftwlage. The range : unit arid 'the supply unit. are inetalled in the ' .cockpit behind the inatrunont-ionel ?nettir the fiaate.: . . 'The control board is mounted on the port ?ids of the; ? pilot'a cockpit between' the framee. No r and 6.. The teat. ?? board is placed in the 'cockpit four pert 'close to tne.:pisit track /Fruie. rail/ of the pilot's seat between the frames No. 8 and' .S. ? ? The transmitter-receiver .unit is installed in.-the .fiatit: room of the fu'a?lage in the' airplane, axis* between 'the frames . No 1 find 31 , ? The antenna is rigiflly mounted on the fuselatre frolat.,,i141 . cover 'between the frames No '1 and 4'. The conVorter, tp MA-NO is located, belos. the piiWs cockpit at the starbo441 side of the fuselage between the framee No 5 -.and' 6. .". ? The 'location of range finder unite is represented in Pigs 130.. ?? . . "'All units axe interconnected by means of ? Cables'. . he transmitter-receiVer. unit, -the range unit anti the power 'supply unit ate .mountod on shock abetrrber. type "L'ord"! witich . ? ? .? \N? FOREIGN DISSEI4' neciassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T 4 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? s7,2 la 50x1 -HUM 1 f ? i ______..? _ ............ i t .? ?:.. . . .1 ? ? fig. 128. General view of the test board. . 1 - ? - ? ? . 1 - th ' Cable for conhecting the test board with 'the supply unit ' 2 - " " i . .1 .I. ." ? 7 " the kA-500 ?'converter. ? .5 5. _ ? : - .. 3 ' target,?searching seitch 1200 : 2000 ' 4 -.11 V. A fuse ' . m ' 5 - front plate - % :. 5.- potentiometer "ceu2-666" /sensitivity/ 1 - housing . 8 potentiometer "ARC?' /ARbz tf automatic frequency control/ .9 - 27 V. 10. A fuse .. 10 - potentiometer "zero"-' -1 11 .. test c.,onector ' . 12t13- Cables for connecting the test board with the ASP-4N sighl - 14 - cable or connection rith the control board 15 - Socket "otwody iozdzielajkce" /dividing cirzuits/. ,1 ....1m1=1?1011,111020m-.1. NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T 4 NO FOREIGN DISSEM I Fig. 129. Test board /bottom/ 1 - 27.V. 10A. fuse holier 2 - ARCz potentiometer /ARCz automatic frequency control/ 3 - base ' 4 -.fine resistor type 611-S' V. A fuse holier : 6 - potentiometer' zero" 7 - potentiometer for sensitivity setting 8 - potentiometer for controlling the.searching range - switch for seer;hino raraNs 12CC t 2000 r ?231- 50X1 -HUM 12CC .7!) S-E-C-R-E-T. NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 ? 50Xi -HUM ? are perewed to the ;rare. ?he aerial, the control board .mild. the .test board .are moustsd.without shock absorbers, by means of special bolts.' . The units provided cith shock .absorbing frames are moun- ted to thee frames by means of special clipst? nuts and pis fasteners, which enable the quick release, reMoval and insta- llation. ? ? S-E-C-R-E-T (NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 t( NO FOREIGN DISSFM ? S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? 50X1-HUM fincafer 4II21/3 oi1.the.A119- 17 al rc-,,219 ? ? .="'Vlo? ? ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7".7.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM X. RADIO RANGE FINDER SRD4M_OPERATION DESCRIPTZU AO21_22_BLOCK DIAGRAM_ .,... ? ? The block diagram of the radio rengellniOi,is shown On the figure 131. . . a/Operation in "the target aearching" mode' ? 50X1-HUN/1 The blocking generator submodulator2V1(0110) fs ne ea the contrili generatOr'oftheiet.The.bledking generai 'tor is formed by Ah0Oft /Outten,? Of. the double triode '2V-.1 (613P),which is:generating the positive voltage ia- pulses of 220 V. amplitudiof 1,3 to 1,5pseo duration . and of 9O0 6/e repeating irequency,theyail transferred. from the impulse ttansformer 2TRm4 third coil to the oo trol grid of the cathode follower (right band side Of the valve 2V-1). .? ?The submodulator impulses axe transferred from the ea hode loadtng 2R-5 to, the condenser 20,3 *IA the resist ?,.. ' ce2R-6 and then to the modulator discharge 'pave grid and control its operation.The modulated impulseo are to :tied in the modulator with the artificial.fOrming line: .. ? 2LF-1 and the hydrogen thyratron 2V-2 (TOI?1?45/1),whieh is acting as a ewitch.As a result of forming in 'condary coil of the impulse transformer 2TR4 there are produced the impuliee of the repeatigg fte4nenci 900c/s, ' Of 0,7/usec duration and of 5,5 kV amplitudetaige.whieh are .transmitted to the MagnetrOn cathode 2V-3 (NI-12U). The :!Agnetron, generator is producing impulses,their fretinene;; is 2 8r.,0 LICA and theimpulse'power is not los ? t him . mtlnetrcn enurator impulses of substantial power: ( S-E-C-R-E-T 7.,c _ k No FOREIGN DI8SE4 Declassified in Part - 'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7.....7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? and high frequency are comin!; to the antenna by the co axial cable and th .are radiated into e epace.Cwing to the 50X1-HUM presence of the antenneswitch 'consisting of the half- wave and quarter wave concentric line segment and th4t. " ceiving-transmitting" chnmber,where the valve of the ty- pe1111-5 (2V-7) is used as a resonance switoh, the receivi ving set is switched out when. the search itpulse is ope- rating. ? The negative starting impulesand the positive start impulaeof the ARCs.(automatic frequency control) are ta- ken.rith the modulated impulse froth the impulse trunsfo ther 21165,the divikear formed by the resistances 21046' 2R-35, 211-60 gives the negative blockingltmpules. The left hand side of the diode 27-16(6N1P) cuts off the positive hump of the closing impalse.The closing im- pulse of 43 V amplitude is coming from he potentiometer 2:14 to. the control grids of the last two valves WPCs 3 16 and .3V.07 (623P) and closes the receiver when the eeft arch impulse is operating. The atarting iMpulee of the 100..V amplitude is trans- ferred thru the rosietanos theacreen grid of th valve 2f=t2 (6210. and switches on the automatic frequen ortuntiagolioest'.(ARCs). The partaf,the high power energy and of high freque- . ny is coming from the magnetron thru the attenuator to the mixer chamber AliDa'where as a mixer a crystal deteo- ter of DOS-2 (2D-2) type is used.At the same time to the mixer chaMber ABCs are coming the contigUe.h.igh freque-1 npy vibrations of the klystrone heterodyne 2V.4 (X-12), As a result of the two high frequency vibrati;ne in the. input circuit of e generated an impOse,the S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 4), ? frequency of it is equal to the k14tron frequency an the masnetrone generator frequency difference. That Ampulse'is amplified in the two otages of the me? dium frequency.amplifier of the ABCs set,consisting of the valves 2V-11 and 2V-12 (0,11). The amplified impuloe'is coming to the ftscriminator aircuit,formed bi the double triode of 2v-13 (6112P) type The demodulated impulse leaveS the discriminstor.and en? ters the two staged impulse amplifieraermed by the doub le triode of 2V-14 tip? (681P), it is amplified and 'then enters the'regulating grid (right hand side of the valve 2V-15 /6N1P/ ),from Its cathode is taken the negative ? voltage to the Mistron reflecting eleotrodear the change of the middle frequency exceedea the kltstron re? gulating range then the blocking generator impuises(lef hand side of the 2V-15 vatte)are entering the:control grid of the right hand aide of the 2V-14 valve instead of the impuloes coming of the discriminator. , _ The ARCz pot is generating the control voltage,which is supporting the klptron frequency 300' Uc/s higher t the magnetron generator frequency. . The starting impulse' of 85 V amplitude is entering the range block thru thc right hand side of the startin impulse limiter diode 2V-16 (6810 in order to start th "hi? speed"savtooth generatar 31N1/011 8/01..2/60P/, , The "h.speedsestedgf generator gives the sawtooth oh 'ped impulses of the repeating frequency ?GI() o/a,ef 25 "sec duration and of 145 V amplitude totthe anode of the comparator diode 3V-3b (61,71P).10 the bathed* of the 1 50X1 -HUM. f s I comparator diode is given the voltage of the "10101 apeadi ? sawtooth" geniaater 3V+9 (WN-7) thim ths?oontiete.4 and' S-E-C-RIE-T ' .\...,..... t NO FOREIGN DISSEM r ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 -11-ra- 1 c NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? 5 of the relais 3111-1,t1ie amplifier. 3V,8.(6Z5P),the de-limiter of ."low speed sawtooth" miniMuml3V-11b (6N1P) and the cathode follower 3V-38 (611P),the voltage is es- . .cilating between 'a and 140 V during 0,67 to 2 80(26 ' ' Then the am?.itude of the low speed sawtooth genera,- tor is increasing at evirf portent of the resting. re- guonoY 900 o/Likertaess the limiting of the olh.evnirrtort* ? c . oth"voltagelamplitudn Am4 tine 24twOrtan that .way on the otarting amplifier. grid (left hand seation of the valve 3v-4 /6N11'/ )ie coming the shwtooth shaped impulee,its begining is comiag late behind the transmitter starting impulse in time of the searoiing.seheintor voltage in- creasing. ? That impulse is amplified,theu comes to the blocking generator of the gate impulse,Trem the secondary winding ? of. the impulse transformer and causes its operation by the positive front shunt.The blocking generator is exci- ted and a gate impulse of 140 V amplitAtide,0,71geee dura- tion is generated,it is coming direOili to the screen grid of the coincideace vulve,and thru delay line of 145 ?sec to. the screen grid of the coinoidence valve 3V-21 / Men the low speed stetooth geueretor voltage inorea, see,as shOwa in the figure 65, the gate impulse are pe- .cing the search range of 300 to 2.000 m at frequency 0,5 :to 1,5 o/s. . ? . .The maximum limiting of the low speed sawtooth is *a- the 3V-22 (6N11) valve,the voltage efthe cathOde iu Appropriataposition of the.6Pp-lsear ewiT. When the switch is in "2 000 m" potation ihn maAimum r geaf 2 000 m is aosured.Vhen the st:itah is in " 1 200 1114 search potation then the maximum ranse id limited to .1 .11 ,30 ? 50X1 -HUM ? P., 4, , _ - ' I NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM .The neisee,of the cathode /enower output (right hand 50X1 -HUM section of the: V-19 /6113P/ valve) are coming to. the. ARV 1. HnOise Set,which is*Crtied.hy the valves 3V.....20 (622P) and .? ? .. (6r7111...An., tut tic fix4 control. ? The nOices are amplified on the 3V-20 valvetaemodulated by the grid dete0tOr (left. hand (motion of?the 3V4 valve) . . and aMpllfied by the direot nurrent'amplifier (right band oection'of the V7 va1ve)44 ARW nOlse set generates the ? ?negatie voltage divending on: the nolip magnitudeowhich is . transferred to the'cantrOl grids of the first: valves VPCs 3V'...14,7V-15.(623P) thru,the cathode follower of the ARV 3V22b (6Nlp) tiet:In that may woonstant noise level in the receiver is maintained.. ? .. . The. negative impulse of' 25.n.seo duration is .coming fro ;. the high epeed:sawtooth generator set to the?grid.of the ? -31,440 valve .(penthocie).Tbat- impulse blocks ? the ARW noloe set dud.. rAg-.regaiving end the eame?time elimines tea the target 'Ampules influence on :the tqfil noise set. operation. .?? The windingi of the relay ?1 and 3R11-21 counsels* te of the eLiVider :oirou.ite relais valVes and of ? ?. ? ? . . . .the .inemory":- circuit; emitiltboat ? the ourrehl :besaana at :the- ' negatitelittay0..!.1:!. :I ,on 'the cOntrol grids of theae.valwes. ? . .? . ' ? then the cOntacts 4 and 5 of 'the 51i1-1-anWala are .clo?. aed.then..the low. _speed sawtooth generator output (3V-9) is diaeonnented off -the control grid of the amplifier valve ? ? '" ' ? , %%an ,the? cOutaota S and 6 of. the 3R1.2 are open then the green' bulb .of the :?Target teroeitpn" at ?the sight A5is....42 is not ;.. ' . ..: ? . :. when thd;-'?,o0ntect 174 of the rel.141 ,R1??2 are conneote to the caloiiie erating Oircuils Viso, to.',,Oe eight , ? i-E-C-R-E-T ? 'NO FOREIGN DISSFM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? 11-4N is supplied a 003111t811t .11,Teet yoltago $10X1-HUM - the contacts ii end 12 of the tielsijkcIR10,1, eiQ-4en.the contacts 1 end; 2 of the 3E1-1 r?1434:...ez. 'biese4it4e coal toots /4-5 and .7-8 /* of the 1,1"71,, 44)4 "heil.:tha,- memorycemsiitis not operatifec. ? ???? --?,./111" -** ? , . . , b/ Operation in the 'target ' - , The impulses reflected by ..he %Argot's/ire -, ? the antenna to the 41recaiyinekransciittins% ' the antenna switchothich is 'forked ete ? . ; ? . 4-1-.0 'tuned to. the '?Oleillitor-fie4puisioy.,- (re quency),.he Iefied impulkip.apiergy . ? ? ? ..freeeivini-;imanamittingr of?amber UP the,* nipaMber,as . the mixer 4.s`m5ell*.ine arystsi= (21?..1) type. t " ? ? ' In .the receiverizir ehanier are4eintatiat,ad, frequences, frog whicii the idaais*iitiiiqie4ofz, At separated 434 `g -med 14- the Leput-alre:ititi? quenex -pre.?implifier) 55t.Af'ter'liln ,!ray ti* ' ??::1?N2. termed by the wilv,:aa'Aff.!OSP ,type the 114)480 terlacte&bi thei#144;7&41?.401111bilpio'ot ? , ,r - ? the WPCs (14.4411204661iliVeni"41"ilirli* -? ? valves of 'MP tyie.(3V.44"intrIt317-=iiig'7Y.1 get impulse Amplified in the WPCsidwmo cond detector of the 3V-18 (0214) type;ie the vid**1-OnI44:,,- amplifier (left hand welt valve 3V-19)(6110 and the cathode follower (ript-band seCtion of the 3V-19 valve) to the control grit of the coinctdence valves 3V-9,3V-21 (620). 7/1%en the target reflected impulse aad,tWente , a.,39 ???????? S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S ?E?C ?R?E?T NO FOREIGN DISSEN ? '1"??? ft* .6 t. .t? ' :?????r.3:". r? 1,?_,..*?? .1:1 " , \? 11;;?#., 4? ..1,7:1..y., '''. :. ,?li, . ..1..." ,I.: LO,Vr."&?? It" %.k .i...?',4 '''' . X ....'?'-,?''..' 4":1??^t/..q..,:;;Ir4L? sii.aainaisit la'''tiliiv? lbsii...... ???, ?r.h ' 1.;-..: .2 ' ?;"????:.'11; ,:. s. .3 -,?? ',?;??1;`:t...i,c, ?-?.:;r::;:' ?L. -.1; .... :2. . .Tho , aositiro ttto. As', toibea, - .,,? 74?).? - z-;? - - ? ? A FA ? .j' .? . , ? i . , A ,. IZAAV4 ? , ???? rr, ioA?.:1-.-?? ? ! i ,t .? '.....:, I ?"..44.5..f- '..>:?,?t'''....).? demo, ? ?calve tutodtok.tciaddeg 0 lief 14,,lasw litialls,in v e..4 ? _ "-E, ? ..- .,? ..e - ?,s;;,.,?.: ??.?,y,:_s, ?????? - ? l I ? l.,": . . .., -,...7 ? - . ?P'i =f1,-; f' . .,' ? ? ? ' ... ? - .". 03.1fier 31A-10*- (6u1P)?and ?:thrit'tbor teab,", dots* !????.! ??? ??. - . --I t..__?????.?.-..:.t. . ....,....,..,0*. bik - .? ... ? -- ? ? - . ? . . ? ? -.--.. ,, ''...r,?71..1 .,. ,i,...-r....) ? 2.?:, ? -...t.,1--. -,..", .. ? .: (6S1 P ) ? in: umblockekt,Ithe'-relopt%val'oe:V..1iM 2.(.. . ? .., ? . ? . --,.. ? -??? ?-? ? ??-? ?'.- -'f.?,:Vz : a...... 1?14i'..? . . ?? .4? ? The Tele, i" 5Rtiwt ,openteet?then ?thi..'coataCtC.4,:404:. 5, ? ?_. . ? .., .... ???, ? .1 ? ? - --i. 'a ? ? - .- . !:. , '''..,,,',... .1"-...': .T.: I 74.. ' ... ?? * _,. _ ?_? .t4 # A- ?,... the ?7' ''... 7: opened, the- be .apeed eawboot1,440*.era't?r?Se igto,samosesoig, ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? .`???? z??? .. 6 ?.-.-::?..., ? ; " k 6. .7.,.1-;64.4t,-.4-1,"::::".1.1tV.i..-,:=,...: ? the 'cOntaitii.;542??'ake r'.e1eovidmie4 ,,lbo skid of ? ? . ? .; ? , .? ..- --..-: ? ;;??;,-,-;.-?-;??T: Ti.t...?:'..\''. -?F??'.:::- -,.:::: - _....;:if-`,4:?:.;.?,-? . ,- ? cathode ? fttllowii7.,(lattzbilild:sootiee?:;:it: 02011,1fi?tyival.roi? ? ?`?: e4" . ??1?. '!50X1-HUM, ? on, ?-a ???. 4: al ?1":',. ' 4: ??? _ , 7: - ????-?:'N. t. ? ' r??? , ?I? ? ' , ? .,, Nto....... - ??.? -, e ? t? ? ?? 4.... ? ? ? ri engeginiCa ..12..s...itie.tba7`10:j!,.010*:itlithi3N -',..'%?.tat , IS!: " ? ;4k;? .;;?;?9, ..1 t?N..ek,A l'-'? 44iik;.i.ts'' -;? 1.10?1 'LW:. ..... ? ? ' ' Vtlife I OW.- iitatatil? 4oX... ,t?-? ' .: .? - ' ? ' , -4,?'-- ??"??? ? - --.., -,A, ? ...q ry. 'Sit ?..i. .. -1;..,;,,..........,...;,.. . . right booid, seetion ?at Oa; 'I'p7,Vol*Irog.aizie etstreil pt . ? . _ r?,. .? ..-.,..__.... ?? ; ? ??? , ? ':????,!.- 11?? ' :.7?4?'.-:;,;?-?ti.- ii.?? " . 7,14 "ide7 "?":W.,0 ? ?a' . ?` 4! --, ? ?? ,-? "'''!...?4??. ?-;"," _ .97.- ..' Va .? ,......e.4 ,....-...1 1* .- . . ?.? it ? the relayle..512."44itglet, ? Ps 6-6-: 1.1,-%?? itt;'"I'' 4 1410.????,... , ?. . '.. ?.... .y . . ;." . ':,-;;?-4A-',0,!,n,,,??,?,?44.',?'-fv''",--:.',*:.t.::;-?,4. ? , ?.. ,eli ?. . .? .., ,,? ....,? ::".;--,,:t4k,.-----,-',..; .-i ? -. . The right :: hieiel ??iseetItoti,or. tba3V-i15.. Salvo ? a ? . ;.1.' It ....= '.? , ?? . - .? ,i.... .47f, s...!. ? .": ..r., ? ,' .... ,;?'?!-",,' .f.:: ? ?j41,,,. p_ ia,. , ? ? ... .... ... ......?. - ... . 4-.....-!..%, ,.?? - ? - ? -44 ..? the relarAERV-2 Operatipotat;_thtie151,1":1?134.ta,?!#!::. ., , . . -;*;,,, ? , . ? ? -0-:;?t:?-?-?,.?.??_ , .,,???1,!:??-4.'?! -k-?:11Afreq.:-`c--* ???t. , - - ?-? ?? . . 5 and 6 ? 'ctiosoirjoie. the ?icieser OlaltZ :Or: tb414.1 .. :. -?:. : ? ? ? :...'.......?.:::'' :.1;!7 ?.*:-- -1;3 ;4:_5.rt;i'',i ...-..:,;-: ! :" : '' . Xe shining:1a the eight ASPII4N ;that Ocaltiksta. i 7: : : .V:4..!''';k rf.4.4;(,.;...i . %opined ?and the !real lq.atneo:.Witt. -,10 switahoty, - cult-. 5 ? ? : '????s ??:' :44' ;?':--.7.-?..."717.4, k?-=,.:4 't?`??'-`f .:.' i . ? 041; the - wentiate. atiliittl'iorelAoldft4.tha -il 7, '"!7?F?". : ..? .,.: *.,??ti; '':-t??7 .t-r-??,-frt-,,k=4 :-,-.4,',--? r .tianar, to .tb.e? target ..roasof,1?45tvek.b,. ? ? ? . ,? ,...- %?4 A. :-t,?;??? -.....r.'.; ? ee.i,;?;......!?--,;-?'.-.1.:4;%?-???tit'.41.???t:flk . otam oightiog ? ery `mi? ilia . . . . :. .. -. * , !'.. t.,. ,. ? ??????-? ,. ?r?????.? ' - -.' - ' .16.5,43740:70tilduk-iradt, 4 . ..,....,,,.,,.....,..,.......,7,4. - ,:.: : : : ..',.' f...i:'*-14'..';?:.;.r....*'71');...tY:'%-',' .111.11Wat'ab.4?V.???? ?.- .". "-;iiiiii:ii illt . !dotal:- $1120240.4*'06a11:411' a det?-?sy .,.4 . , - :.:: '3 ..,-.;:,..-t:,?,...#:'..::,,7, ;':???:.*:_:- ...??.-;*-",???Vrel;'::::..,Li.",:i- tii???? t*.c".2.rtitt 47.r.:,:r!".4.*:-1.4{.?.1 ' ,ting theoffoltagei:preportional:ttp cAlte? ireigmtv . ...!....-.? '..;,????%?-._??.;.; ?;%. ?????'''-''''..fip?irl'?;1. 41,4,,,?-h1?47.1.4...i,??.;.,:Tg..i.;;?, target ' is 'intercepted :a:ad ..theilefif. !tp Oa , ?_: ? ? , ?T. ? %.::' '. 1..1' ' *-1....,-0?1'?'.4.' ..? ..? .: ?..C* .--? itVY1?.'!..1": tor is ? dissalgag?6'.hy ? the -voltage proportio So iA1,41.? ,t,a2*.-. - ? ,,..1:?64,r i 3,1 ____, ? - r ,?'' ri..1 ? ., .:?/stli.o, get range* t)+411t it-WOO t',4t0 , i:;;- .ve - 4 -.-ifaisila-; ? ? ? ? . : . 47.'.I.''?'?,?. ' L; fling which wee at the rtAoknerit?cf? the 'relay ,. ?? *pers.,- , . . ? ? - ? i:ttit?-? ? ?64,?.? ???? -I, .. tion. * ? " ..;, 4.?? t??? . ? , . ? ? ...1.4-..K., ? ? . EXAmPle - C1.,?.5 C,?-i...t:CX X ?!.. ? - - ?? r t's :44.,k- ' ? '. . . . ? , where IC? is the 5V.7 amplifier amplifloationflotei trithm _.'?. . . . ??.? ' A ? , ?.'-?.A t 4? "1'2*, ? ? out the feed- ? the feed-' ,eoadonaer:,14. lbo integre:. , of?, . ???.. ? ??04 ? *1r A d . s7t?*, 441'1. ???.7 ? ? ? ??? S. ? ." ?"4- ".???.?444,_..? .411.04 ?'? ? 4.741 g? ? ?-? S ?E?C ?R?E?T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 - - NO FOREIGN DISSEM . .tor system.. ', .r . : ?? . . The. integi41 c'apacii.inioe Oi' at. Out .iirs-. 0.$24 100..clet 41:411?. lar. ? as also in the target aearohing. mode is conneoted to .. . ? . ,? the, control .grid or the amplifier 311-43.The Voltage, on it Is 'amplif,led by thc emplifier, is limited by the. .miniaMmilhwal Xiter..3V-1.1b , is tren;.ierrea. by the cathode felliiiier ,IV.43a . , ? ?.? .. :?? ,- .,?. :. to the cathode of the equalizints diode insteads'of the. ler . . .. . . .... .. ., - 1..: speed stritooth generator Voltage and it ?Contriiiar the, tot .. . . . ',' ? . . . . , 50X1-HUM: ...? ? ? impulse range ? shifting. The negative itupul.sea?oii' the ano... ... ? ? .des .are results of .the colucidenoe valves operation, they - are coining. to the charging and discharging ditides of the integral gapaoitmce 31,ri-12a,31.1-12b (6112/i);,'? . . ,:. ? ? ? .. .? . .24 ? charging ?and discharging of th*. cepaoitancer done by means ? of the cto,dile?3V7.12a eh4:y...!;12il. depending on tist. which o the'60.1444.0ifa21_evaiit*Oliilehoiteduablooked.. . ? ; The charging ? and 'dischergina?stalrrent:Of is proportional to 'the amplitude. and the ? .? on 'ihe anode of',tile Afitiee: 3to-5.?and7.4\64;1:11124.1?*flereaoll ? ? of tho.4.-:',./..,$;.".::.lierifing' and.,disCharging:-.'Onrrenf.-;411, '?"the pacitamca"Ci oisisint the voltelt.:. ? MomeaVat. ec,unliaing?.the?-inirrent floingthzU. %h both ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ?-? ? ? .!.- valires ,talce5 laoe.a, till- the .refle.ated.; ese,ste Oval *e.;gate iipuiooa.In.that...ciee'the.:14141:On. ? , . ? . -4.. ? ? .1 ? integre." o spec:it/aloe sie? p raetias/lyi?; the ?7he? the: arget 3.idptaae. aitt:iijot :?4144.412ii.," 4 , of the stiiirtititig oiirinrite s? set the, range searching. . The rela,ahi0h causae. ikup ...range 4 ? ? ? ? . , ? its Oontapts to the sight. **elute to Operate 3 to 4sic. 1.t.r.At the same . Um*. the outi;t1,91. .*100,-4u4ng the deIs period can ?henget to slioh"St? stag. and w$th Snob p 6 .:wics1,,t,c, -N.V.::141111 ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? - r? NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ed as in the case of the interccp e target drop.Mat is secured by the Memory circuit formed by the valve .3,-.13 As a input 1::pulse on tho ARW circuit auto, dais omm. trol) is used the impulse from the anode of the pre-am- plifier,of the separating circuits 3V-10a.That impulse is fed to the control grid .of the left hand section of the 3V-6 (GOP) valve and is amplified. Further the amplified and elongated impulse is dcmodu iated on the Oxide (right hand section of the 3V-6 valve and in the form.o: negative bitts-1.,..rAcl: io transferred' thru the cathode follower 3V-22b (6N1P) to the control grid of the two first valves ':IPCz.In that way the. re.sci- Ver amplification is changed,it is necessary se not to overlood'the redeiver stages and in oraer to mint:J.12e the errors when determining the target ranges of various ? reflecting intensity. The Anw noises operation in the search and ? lowing mode is the same. . The ARW impulse and Anw noisee'have the general cut- , put in the 'PC s stage thru the cathode follower 3V-2,2b. ? The radio range Ander SRD1-1.1.1 alternating. voltage -115 V 400 c/s isrsipPitedoby the inverter of the rAp.590 type,whiChas fad by the aircraft V. .The radio. range. finder stabilised.voltage'supplied ? P, ;by the supAy Uhl* W.1.087.007.. ?? The rocciving-transmitting Uhl:: is enpplied by the rectified voltage taken from the 7npriy Iidalk and from Separate!: rectitieretcontained in the iii the 50*1-HUM Thai If ..S.-E-C-R-E-T (NO FOREIGN DISSEM / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ( NO FOREIGN DISSF24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM _J 0 01,34.. lh tIbitine IllI 111111 ii S -E-C -R-E-T. I ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? S-E-C-R-E-T. ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM - e. . z a ? 50X1 -HUM . " ' ?E , ? .tgrt ? -- - rt : il ' Ik t - ?'.1 : --,1- ? , ??,?'..,..t---,-.;,:c _ ? ... . -. ? ? .." 4..........4 ."7:7."...- , A.-.--..-? 'to ? ?.1?1 ?.? ? 4 ? ? 4 - 14 ???? ?-(141 ? El 11 r as, I A' ? Ii ? of ? 4 II _ .??????.' ? ??????." 9.4 I ? I p.? I I 1 4h ? gm ;raw_ 4 I IpiFjiT ?:????-_:1" * h A11.4 01 _ ? Is IC t`z S-E-C-R-E-T. NO FOREIGN DISSE24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? .. ? 1.c f; ? ; 14 Cidld 11*( _ - W./ "1 II C; r ? 3 i 1 : 1.1 121.1.1L3 v% ???????!-- rst. ZHU ^ 50X1-HUM lir 41II ermiie trzrzto u_u 4.1e"11"S111 uui toll:01111 will gum ti 1$71191 -- i 11 !! -1 ri !t- i I r 1 I . - = 4!4 '44 f I. -?41.10.MACAVIray74:1:4. ,...4k.opetr4ort L. , S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSF24 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM ? ? ? 1 -.ground 2 - connected to ? 3 genepail ? .ca7atal current starting ' ? aband ? 7, *target pulp? 8 amplification 9 - cathode ? 10 sensitivity . , 11 ...volta?- 12 magne:to.urrent 13 ....81114.!?SOotr.. ? 1 .raage ouqut?;volt ? ...? kl,tctr.on.; ret.eatirtotos tric.46 ? ' avits44': ? ?-?????? ? 50X1 -HUM ? .t ? ? ? ar ? ? ?... ? ? 17h?i.coThrtu*Stion? . , ? ? 3.8 starting. inipnlse? , ? ? ? -19 gilv.contifi* ' ? 20... galv.outint volt'sge 21 ..-start. 22 magnetx.ourrent. 23 ' setbing ? ? klystron reflecting voltage ? ballistic . ? .28 ssito3k. 27 sight . notice.", Potentiometers, marked ? are lead out on the con- trol panel. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSIN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 '! NO FOREIGN DISSEM io.. r: ? ? APPe:adix , . - . XI. . LIST. OF .'r./o1yRs's . . . . ? . , , 4, ? : ? . . ( which.are contrUned in the tec.bnio'ai.deso'ripti911) Name . , ? - ..* ...----- 1 Oeneral view of.thS'radio range ..finder 2 Cable connections dia6ram -, 3 Pulse.; plotted againe time . ... 4..14 Umplified view of an attacking aircraft, and a fl.,iing iagret . 5 *Searching 'limits Of gate pulses 6. Output Voltage plotted against distance to target 71 .",i BloCk-diagram of the SRD-11 range finder. C. . Operation-diagram of the sRD-1/i imuse finder.': Pulse voltage Chart of ths'SRDOU.range:.% - .1 finder ? ? ..;.. :.1., , '1Q Interference of etarget signal with gate...! Y.i.4.. pulses-:' ? .. ?. . ' 11 Radiation pattern of the.SRD41M aerial.p., ' .12 pistribution of veltage.amplitudeveldne..' the feeder , ? . . 13 Simplified drawing of the antenna 14 :: General:view.ofthe.antenna with cable 15 ". Operation-diagram of the receiving-trana.:' mitting unit ? . ? , ? 16,. .:.Block diagrwa of the aubmodulator...:., .. . 17. 'Block diagram of the blocking generator, - .18' , .Curves illustiating the current and the. . voltage vniation in the blocking generator , eireuit - 19 Pulse shape on the blocking generator 01.r.tpUt. , 20 . Block diagram of the cathode follower .2t Shape of pulse on the cathode follower output. . Block dtagram of the modulator .22 . 23 Modulators equivalent circuit . ? ,.24 ? Diagram of rosonancadischarging circuit of the forming line.' , ? 50X1 -HUM ?245 S...-E-C-R-E-T I NO FOREIGN DISSEM ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 =11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved forRe"lemaS12613/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 I"' S 11"-""" "J"j".C" no., Name. ? ? ...... ? ? 1110.14.4101?0411 25 Forming line 'voltage variations' 26 ? ErtuivalenrcUit lit the forming. line .- pules diseharging ? ? 27 ? Magnetron heating supply 'circuit ilia- 28 iring diagram of the high voltage rectifier- 29 Wiring diagram Of the iimition rectifier 30 11.F. circuit diagram ' ?31.? ', Electron path* in multicavity magnetron 52 ????, Cavity :resonator ? ? *33 General view Of ?magnetron:.generator , ? ? .34 Crass-seetion..view of magnetron UJ-120 ? 35 C4ii.nottaritetei of.the? line iiput . pedanoo ? ?? ? . . . Imput lerpldanoe ot?..sus."'ult,arsistitt? %It is.1. ? ? ?Sid, r'?;:?-.:. 1 ? sietAfrO..view. f mitin' ConCentf$1,lin?'I- ? 40- - ?? ? V,14'. ? to.. With- ??? 1,8_7 er 43964.. "3.?141 ? 50X1 -HUM ? .%ubeitutecLrouit.,,of. ',?.,1,???:?D'isalseteb).ed?.oqity.?zeooniqo..r"14:th ?.? . ? dischiTging v4ve? ? ? ' - ? : ? ?."."?":"..;?..e.'?-?? ?? ? ? ? ,? ? ? ? ?., -.I ? ? 4 41 General view Of receiver ,.mixer ? ? .? , ??:; ? ? : 42' Disassembled-m*1(er- of receiver' - ? . . 43' General:view 'of ?AFC mixer. Diaaeliembled An mixer 45 ? ? ? *General' :vipew. of 1.1ystren :heterodyne ? -t -2 46 Kaystroh;diagran with reflecting electrode 'f? 4?;;- ' 1 .? 47? Working ' ahiritiatexistic?of.klystron with , . , . . .. . reflecting?electrede 48 Dependance. of output power and frequency . osolistions of ilystron on reflecting. electrode. . . . voltage . : .'. . . . ? - .? 49 ? Disassembled klygstron heterodyne . ? 50 General view of three ?way randficater ? ? ? 51 .. . General view. of li.F. stage of transmitter receiver unit in complete state 52 .AFC Circuit diagram.:. *: -53 DisoriminatorwiTlitgdiagrsa NO FOREIGN DISSEM )*. \ ? . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 7mm= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Fig, no, elreems......????????? rame Page 1 ....... 54 Convertion Of basio discriminator input cittuit to the substitute circuit 55 Pull substitute diagram Or diocriminato? r 56 Discriminator frequency characteristic 57 arid detector diagram 58 Voltage change on the grid of grid detector 59 Circuit diagram of transmitter-receiver unit 60 General view of AFC unit 61 The bottom.vicw.of AFC unit '62 General view of transmitter-receiver unit 63 Top view of transmitter-receiver Unit ? 64 Bottom view of transmitter-receiver unit .65 Back view of transmitter-receiver unit with cover ? 66 Operation diagram of the range block in search mode ? 67 Osoylogram of th4forming and pacing of the. gate pulses 68 .Diagram of speed sawtooth generator 69 Sawtooth voltage curves. ? , : 70 Slow sawtooth generator circuit diagram 71 Comparator diode circuit "diagram 72 Limiting character of speed sawtooh pulae 73 Substitute diagram of differential circuit 74 Voltage change character in differential circuit output ? 75 Circuit diagram of gate Pulse generator .76 Wiring diagram of coincidence stages 77 Dividing circuite.diagram . .78. Contacts of relay 3R1-1 and 3R1-2 V. 79 V Integrator circuit 80 Circuit diagram of integrating capacity charging and discharging diodes ? ? 81 laltage alAnge on Ci at unchanged distance from target 82 Ci voltage change at target dismissing .. 83 ci voltage change during tardet approach 84 V Circuit diagram of integrator and slow saw- tooth limiters , ?S-E-C-R-E-T ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? 7..".. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM . ?:? ? ?? nesse ? ' 4 . % ? e ? ' .-. sc..... 2. Pulse dburac..4r.2:efleeted from target raid trove z.. k.?: ..,..? - . . ? . , ? , . . . ? ? . - ' c.hange charieter - ??v ; ' . ? ? ?,?. '4 I . . ? ground feature - ? ??, 86"? ? Slow' snwtooth walt.sge '1,;emory" circuit ,/inpedanee eirouist *143 pad 3C-50b The eirouit of .automatio 'gain einstrot ? (AGC) for n.Cise . ?Voise. automatic gain control .wOrk,epread in time. . ? ? ? 91 Distance dete11ninatiorhrror- 87 ? SS ? 89 * ? ? to. \ A 14 y ? ? ? ? target signal of warily* amplitude , 92, Pulse automatic in CIOntr01, (ART) 9.3 ? ' Cathode foli.lower of AOC circuit .94' Cirouit diagram of range unit' 95 , ? ' onneral?view. of range unit . ,50X1-HUM ? .?; %. ;:???1:***t s? - ???? 96 , . *Bottom vieW. of unit ? ? - . . ? ??? ? .? '',???????':,;??.'.''','?'?- ? , ???. .: ..k.;:,r, .?????..i.` .1:2. . ? ????? :., ,.4??K!'?- ...? 97 ? ......tyiew of range unit with osier removed, e.? ,..,.?,-,:lz????..:- ? 98f1.?-?':::neceiver block diagram ' ? ? - ?? ? . ' ' ,.:.."4..t?t?-??? , . ? ,..... ., .........,...??;,*:, . .,.. .. ? %. 97. ''.?'?? Circuit diagram of ?JF?preemplifies .1e: ' ?;e:,,:??.?r?- ? ?..).? "S'. ??.- ' l ' C. " 100'1.... ?,. Simplified circuit. of JF preamplifiei.?? ;iN:.: ? .101': - ....-:Frevency characteristic of first oirenti??:.;?-?'.' , ? ? ..??? ? ?.: . ,:?with triple osistunad stages .., ,..,.....c., 10 Circuit diagram of ..1F amplifier. , 0::?,:?,,,. ' . :. irequency? characteristic: of **crud. ?01r,44'..,:i'i :;;?,,ft--;`;:i:1-irr'. `103.' With triple stagee'mistuning ? ?"'"??'???? '." :F.amplifier requenay iharaoterietitic???1:' Diode. detector oirouiet diagram " VideoomplifiOr and cathode follower ? General view of JF.preomplifier sad itr? anplifier units The bottom view of JF.preamplifier. ? . Bottom view of JF.amplifier Block diagram of the pow'r supply unit Block diagram of the 4- 400 V reatifier, Currents and voltages in the # 400 V 1,0!.. 004 ' 105 '.106 107 100 109 110 111 112 tifier cirouite ? ? vo Circuit of the ? 230 V rectular ' ,???? ?' ? 114 rm r,, e volt?empersge charaoteriatio of t' ha . non?lanearr resistanee t S-E-C-R-E-T b' A NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 S-E-1:-II-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM nO? .. Name ? .1?101????????????????111wrom.a.................1.41???1?1004?18.01.11,0 0/04111?????...011....; .411:01111?? . 115 Wiring diagram illustrating the conneettOitl:,g1,0 . ? of the non-linear resistanoe ? . 116 , The t 150 V. ionic voltage regulator. . ? 117 The + 150 V Joni() voltage :regulator .118 ' .The +.105 V ionic voltage regu1at0.4 ^',!... % .,,. -?,'i 119 ? ? The ?-150 y. ionic veltags'.regulaitri-,-;:f.'?::':1,-;',4,-,.-:'...*:???:.7,...,...oz....' - ** ?? 120 * The + 250 V, ionic Voltige;:"regU.14atar - . ' ..-.;;;,.-#4.;,:::-.73:1?-;.;?1>7...'' ?, ...-v.v.; . 121- ?Time relay . ' , ?-;'. .'.; . ,, :' .. , ': - ?',-,,V-'7,-',',-";;','". .'. - . 1220 General view of. tho'power. wuppl,yilhitt..t,, ...4.1.:, ....(*k; ? 123 123 Power *supply unit With'e;ativ.t4 heniSh.g .-..? .- ?,.., ':,..',':,,iti!!:1. ? .. ? -. ? .. . .... 1,.. .?., '4. 124 Supply unit wit,h helpling .'...,..,...70:... . ? ? ..., . .125 . Dloak diagram Of the lower: eptpj,1,1thit:f? ' ? ?? 126- Control board ? ? ' : ??' ?:. ' ? ? ..-:,..'" 127 Block dtagratii. of.thav.:.tecit..?sird ? .? ?? 128 General view of...t..1,10-*IfOtt '14,. 129 Net board, (bottoat) ; ? . "' '. -*,, ? Location of the .S11D-1/1 rangi.fliadei utaV.. ? on the ItiO.17 ; The ra1i0 raage.ttnder ,1111,121 book digr r? ? ? ' ? ? ' ? ? ? 249 - 1??'.? .'.50X1-HUM . . S-?E-C-R-E-T ?1? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001.-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM XII . LIST OP COVTENTS. . . I General , ? 1.Destination and use 2.Runge finder net .,data IX Operation principle and 000peration.Of. TAD-1f:. range finder units '1 .Principle of opetation 2.3lock diagram of the radio range finder ',Circuit diagram ! III 4itenna circuit ' 1.De3tination. 2.0peration principle of the dielectrie antenna 3Xain technical data of the S1W61d_rango' finder antenna circuit 4.Antenna circuit construption XV Tranumitberreceiver unit ? 1.Destination ? 2.Unit set .. 3.Lain technical data of the transmitter.- . receiver unit 4.Leqcription of the units operation 5.Description of the units .operation (Wm. to rain block diagram) 1. Submodulator a/ Dlooking generator b/ Cathode follower 2. tlodulator ? 3. nigh voltage rectifier ? 4. Rectifier for.discharging.valve ignition HP circuits of transmitter?receiver set 1.Destination and composition ' 2.Circuit aiagram Description and construction lir circuit 'elemefiti 1.Mignotron generator 2Xedil ooncentrio line n/ Designation' . 250 . ?????11??????..j 50X1 -HUM S-E-C-R-E4 .1NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM b/ Peau1tairitio4.of .long,?line cuts . . o/ Con'stkootion;',on4 wo`ricing idea- ...- .3?Aorial switch ''s?? .,:,-.'. ' '. ???: - ..' ' 4.Receiver nixsr . 5.AFC .mixex? .., .,{' .' ?..? . ,? ? 0'.1.1y u t rot" ha t Oro' dyne... Y.,:.' .' ? .. . --.?;,... , . ,..:,7.Thriei way rand. ficiater..,.. _. ,?,,: ? :-..':`? , . ? '8 .Antomatio ? fraquanoy ,00ntra1. of. itlystion{A,M. . .Construction Of writ ' ' . '? ? -, . ?.', ..., ', .? '. - V ...? Range intik .: . -,- ? Deitination of in4t.'''....:', ?.? ?' ? .? , ?Dasic technical Oharacteriptios of -unit .. Description of,;nnit?Work.:sieckrdliig to ,geigrall- ' . .47ork descrip tion '. le f. unit.' ncoording!-Ao? oircnie? :. "??34 '..diagra*.:1,:-:.? .? ? ,,.. .????:?.,-...-,..???.:':-.., .".(:,'. ,."...1,..-T/Fpfzed: sair,tootti scieFiAlpli?:, ? :-.-, A.': ? -2/Slow. 'imartoot)i genie:40;4i.: 50X1 -HUM 1.?/?,.14??!lek., .?041414T44t,f.)r..'":?: ..'iaticiate,,pultia gienerato? r'.... :5/90incidence stags* ... '... ...p/tIviain4 iirpuita: . ?? VI.n.tagrating .oaPapity .charging end ta.s.-?,.i, :.5r4i7tra1.iii ittod#s -. " -: ... : ? .? :. ? ? ,. ?-? . 4/Integrator end slow sawtooth lialtar ?? ? ' ' -,. Y ; .? ' ''' ? . /11.11edsory" .circuit ? "'. ? ? ?-, ''.' ,'?;'.., , . . , . . . . .., ? . .....,. 10/Receiver auto iSatise gain . control for ? ..:,,, ,i;oitlii. (Aqc).. (Aia for na18.)....? ":,-..,.? :.' ' ? , :..411/Reosiirer autoinatio gain control foi..Z. . '.. ?' 3).111E4 (170-se Agii) - ....1/AQ?C cathade follower ,COnatruotion Of nnit?'''' VI 5, Receiver. ? ' .? ? ? . ? ., 1 .Deotination and ', oorapo Sition , .. . . ? ., 2.11soolvar -work deiseription :a000rdizs ,te ? . block 44.agraza . : - . ? ': ,. 3. Intermediate frequency a:splinter. ,.'. a/Destinstien?an4 ape:woo/ties.. ... ,??? .? I.. : ,. . b/jAain' tbohnidal -data `wf #:efegilfior..? (trio* dascript4i3,.af.:.irplirva, r,, ? ? to oironit ?'diagram* ',':? ..,''. ',:'? . . . diDstwotOr and yids? ? :01-411--,,-er . 41a1:111310 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/10/18 : CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM f 70M= Receiver construction - VII. Tower supply unit 1.Lestinktion and moin'technical data 2.The block 41o6ran of the power suprly unit 3.Component parts of the power supply \wit circuit 04400 V rectifier ? b/-230 V rectifier 'Joni?, stabilization c/The +150. Volts ionic voltace regulada tot: for.supplyin6 the valves of the WWPCz and ARCz d/4. 150 ionic voltage regulator for supplying the WPCz valves 0/4..165 V iOnio voltage regulator ??' 150 Volts ionio voltage regulator. _Electronic wtabilizator-of 4. 250 voltage ? " 4.The. high voltage. switching on ? -? ? . 5.Construciion of power ?supply unit .. ? VIIX.Coivtrol board ? ? . ? . . 1.Destination,.snd main technical. data ? 2.33lock diagram of the 'control board., t . 3.ConStwasttion of the'conirolj,beard,. ? IL.Test board ,. ?: ? 1.Destination . . .2.3look diagram of the test board - ?. Construction of the test board. Location of range finder:uniis on the aircraft , X. Radio range finder S>-1M operation description ace, to block diagram XI Appendix List of figures ? XII List ot.pontents.: '52 . 50X1 -HUM S-E-C-R-E-T 'k? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 SECRE I NO FOREIGN DISSEM ... , it II to CSLT-3/714,415 50X1 -HUM COLLECTION OF DIAGRAMS FOR RADIO RANGE FINDER TYPE SRD-1M (English Language) RIC SE Ori OD II% IOW SECRET IfiRemirm MGM g, aid. .96.4.64 _*jf? ea= ?7/1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 4 NO FOREIGN DISSEN ? ?1,...t ; ? 11.9?. r'W;7"1"er. ;.? ei ? ? 4 - ? ??,. ? ? , ' ` ? ? -I I ) yr ? ? , ? 4-?-? ? ? ? . , '? ? ? .4 ' ?? . ? ?? . ? 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No FOREIGN DISSEM , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSENT 50X1 -HUM S -E-C -R-E-T ? NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 I NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM pg:?,31 100Q 1009 9 6 4.0 3R ?1 1 : ? -E-C -R-E-T .k NO FOREIGN DISSEM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 d? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A070900340001-7 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1 -HUM Cy'vdP :.:017.":or ?3 100.52 7y37- 1-35/3 ? 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