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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 ? ? CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM R-250M RECEIVER Part I: TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Part II: OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS GROUP 1 Excluded from owtornatic downgrading and elaelosaaigsvgawas Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 :.CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL 10 ? U.S.S?E? 50X1-HUM "P-25 CU" RE CP, I'VE rt Parta I ?Ind II ? ? OriCTINICAL Dr,f3C:ZI"TIC?ii Part I CoNFIIMITIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL ? h. Is MSTINATION 50X1 -HUM .The "P-250:4" receiver is destined for receiving signals of transmitting radio stations working both on the telegraph and to- ? lephone (with the amplitude modulation) regimess Possibility is provided for double and triplex reception du- ring diversity reception -using spaced antennas and translating operation on lines With the accessory terminations the receiver can be tined for reception of teletyping (with frequency and amplitude manipulation) ondulator recording and for phototelegraphy, and also for reception . of'multighannel and multiple telegraphy. ? P:igh accuracy of receiver calibration, high stability of its frequency and high sensitivity and selectivity make it possible to establish commaniOntion without search. ? Possibility iaprovided.20r.receiver operation with automatic frequency control (if.thero is a special notor and an accessory device - and APC adapter). ' Variable selectivity in the channels of intermediate and low frequencies makes the operation in conditions of different kinds Of interference easier. The receiver completely keeps its capacity for work: , a) when changing the ambient air temperature from ?10?C to +50?C (from +14?11 to +122?4; b) at the air relative humidity up to 98%; e) while varying the supplYing ascsmains voltage to +15% 'and the current frequency to+ 2r/J. L CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL 2 1 ;? d) when varying the accumulator battery voltage (if the r3- 1 , operation, ?!- Ks .? ? * MINICAL PAPA The overall continual frogthency range is within 1.5-25.5 me ? (200-11.75. m). ? The overall frequency range is divided into a2 bands with ? ? ; overlapping tor each band: ? I b 1.5 -.9.5 mc/s. VII b 13,5 - 15.5 mas ?II b 3*5 - 5.5 7 . " 15;5 - 17.5 * 50X1-HUM colvors is supplied by accumulatoro) to Jr 10. .The receiver 13 designed for continuous twonty-feur-hour ? J In b .5.5 ?? .7.5 " to '17.5 19.5 " 7.5 9.5 " a ?9.5 - 21.5 ? ,., ? : * L ? i ? -VI " 11.5 13.5 " XII a 23.5- 25.5 a Switching from one band to another is carried cat by means * of a dram-typeavitch. The overlapping margin on the ends at each ; 1 ? band is not loss than 50 M/s; except the second -bands the over- , 1 , lapping margin of which is provided by the adjacent bands. The reolver Innuto. The,rocoiViag device has the following ? inputaC ? - I) the antenna, input of the receiver; :(7* 2) the. second intermediate frequency input;? 3) the input. for driving the A.11,0, motor. The input automat: circuit of the receiver s.designed for. ? ?Operating fro. one Of four '.antenna. types: ' 1 ? ? F CaNFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co y Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL - 4 - 50X1 -HUM a) symmetrical antennas ending with feeder line the charac- terstic impedance of which is within 60- 400 ohm; b) asymmetrical antennas ending with feeder the characte- ristic impedance of which is within 60- 400 ohm; c) type "inclined beam".entennao with such parameters: the capacitance being within 100 300 pi' and the native resistance about 100 ohm and whip- antennas with such parameter: the capaci- tance ie 50 pf and more. Per operation with antennas the 1:npedance of which differs from those pointed mit in "a" and "b" the trimming of the roceiver input circuit is provided. ' Then operating with symmetrical antennas the degree of asym- metry of input etage does not ezceed 10/0. Receiver Outnuts The receiver has: a) output for operation on two pairs of low-resistance head- phones of TA-56U type. Berme' voltage on one pair of headphones is 145 V; . b) output for operation on line with characteristic 4 pedan- ce about GOO ohm; receiver line output power is not less than 0.5 w (the output is made on terminal-sockets on the receiver front panel and an output plug on the casing lett wall); c) automatic gain control (AGO) output intended Lor combined. work of receivers during operation with spaced antennas (the out- put is on the single-vire .plug on the receiver front panel and on the outputs plug on the casing left wall); CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 ? CONFIDENTIAL as 5 ad. 50X1-HUM d) high-resistance output of the second intermediate fro-. . quoncy (on the single-wire plug on the front panel), is carried out from the AGO amplification stage.HRigh-resistance output vol.', _ tage of the intermediate frequency is not less than 0,2 It when capacitive load is 100 pf (with the nominal sensitivity of the, receiver); ? e) low-resistance_ output 02 the second intermdiate frequency (on the eingle-ouire plus aa the front panel) is carried out - from the second amplification stage .of the second intermediate .freqUency. Low-resistance output voltage of the intermediate:ire- quency is not loss than 25 mV when the capacitive load is 1000 fl _(with the receiver nominal sensitivity); ? 2) detector load output intended for connection of different ? .s terminationsazd for combination -during operation of receivers _ with ePaCed antennas (the -output there is on the casing 'left wall), Receiver JonaltWays The receiver sensitivity at telegraphy reception is not . worse than 00G IN when the signaIsto-noise ratio is 5:1, pass-band at the intermediate frequenc:Ric 3 *c/s and at the low frequency is 2.5 70/.5,. with the antenna equivalent being 100 ohm. The re- ceiver sensitivity at telephony 'reception on the came conditions with the modulation frequency 1000 c/eec and modulation depth ? 3070 is not worse than 3 UV, CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL ? 6 ? 50X1-HUM Receiver ss,leativILL__ At the second intermediate frequency the receiver has.a . tinUOUaly variable pass?band from 2. to 14 ggis.With the pass?band control position 12 32. 6 and 12 Keis the frequency characteristice?, -have'got'the following data: ; bandwidth I Y.cis ? while rejected two times is 0.7 ? 1.5KCis; when rejected 1000 times is not more. than 6.5 Ks/S; bandwidth 31(cis while rejected two times. is not less than 2.5 RC/si when rejected 1000 times is not more than 12 eis; bandwidth 6. Kcis ? while rejected two times is not less than. 5 Kc/s; when rejected 1000 times is not more tfl 20 7;"cis; bandwidth 127cis ? while rejected two times is not less than 11Kcis;when rejected 1000 times than 30Zols; At lov. frequency the receiver has four 3witched pasd ands' with nominal values 82 5 '2.5 and 0.3 Weis. .At operetion an line with resistance GOO ohm: bandwidth SICcis'? while rejected two times :is limited with frequencies not more than SO cis= and not less than 7000 cisec; ? bandwidth 57.cis ?while rejected two times is limited with , frequencies not more than SO ciao() and not ? less than 4000 cisec and rejected 10 times? ? ?not more than 6500 c/seci La not more CONFIDENTIAL ? ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL L. bandwidth 2e5n/s while rejected two times 50M-HUM limited witht, te, ?-frequencies not more than 80.c/see and not less than 2000 e/sec and when re- jected 10 times not more than 4000 c/sec;? bandwidth 0?37c/a.- tone. filter with the mean frequency 900 1100 cisec, and the pass-band re- jected two times is 200 400 asee; - when rejected 10 times - not more than 800 0/soc, The frequency characteristic of the complete receiver at ope- ration on line with resistance 600 ohm, the modulation depth boins 30 per cent over the :cense 100 - 4;00 asec is flat within 2 times with pass-band on the intermediate fror:aency 12-Tto/s and on the low frequency 5. '70/s. For aural operation on headphonee, frequency characteristic is made with procreoeive rise of high frequencies an is charac- terized with the 2011ov:ins data while operating, on one pair of headphones: bandwidth 5 Kau - maximum Eain is within 2000 - 5000 esec, lower\frequeney of the pass-band (at re- dueinc 2 times) is within 600 - 1200 asec ? and upper frequency of the pass-hand is within 4000 - 7000 c/se0; bandwidth 2,5Kas -maximum Cain is within 1500-3300 e/sec, the lower frequency of the pass-band is with. in 300-1000 c/oec and the upper frequency - of the 'pass-band is within 2000-4000e/see5 . CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTThL 50X1-HUM bandwidth 0,3 Xas maXimum gain at froquency 300-1200c/s4, while rejected two time the pew/a?band Is within 200-400 else?, when rejected tea times 13 not more that 800o/sec Rejection of sensitivity at the Image frequencies of the first and second conversions is not loss, titan 4000 times, Rejec? tion of sensitivity of the first and second intermediate frequen? cies Is not less than 10000 times, .?1 'Automatic Gnin Control ?? When ACC is acting', the output voltage is increased not more than 2.4 tines, input voltar,e being increased 10000 times (with respect to its nominal value equal to 3 ,r7). Amnlitu-e Olirnctorlotie Receiver amplitude characteristic at operation on line with ? characteristid impedance about 600 ohm ib practically linear 'up ? 'to 17 Volts and up to 4 Volts at operation on one pair of head? phones,. nsar nintortions ?. The receiver nonlinear distortions coefficient does not exce? ed 4 per cent at operation on line with characteristic impedance 600 ohm when maximum power 0,5 W in telephone regime, with nodu? lation frequency logo eine and modulation depth 30 per Cent, or ? dolIFIDENT/AL k4. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 ? CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM under the Some Conditions at the work on one pair of headphones :(voltc44 on phone? is 1,5 V) Zoos not exceed 4 por cont. .1112,4knev Tomerature Ceofficiont 'PreciuencY tethporatzra. coefficient Of the recoiver it the tem-e porature:dttervalfrem1+500 to 90?C (+41?P to +:122?2) does not 4740004:15107 on the root oned. , ? Prom, env 3tabi1l,ty PrequonO:drift of the first, second and third osoillators of the receiver Goes not . 500 c/sec while'tho malts voltage " ? ?? ? is Chaneed'by:t 10%, Total frequency .drift of the roceiver.osoillatorn because of .self-hesting :deed not exceed 1000 c/sec for 2-4 hours (beginnits , - ? Hwith:30 minutes from switching on). Durint:! tho following time the frequency 'is chatzod.not more than by 2CC c's-o for any hour?of one- . _ L. ? rationzYcon condition of censtant ambient tomperature, moisture and. . _ Atains voltages). LeSkurro of Onc51Irt,ei Vo)t-ros Ji Circuit LeakatieYof-the firet, second and third receiver oscillators voltages 'and tilt:ir harnlOnioai moasurad at the r3ceivor inputoload? .ed on the contenAS?oqUiValent to 200 ohm, does not exceed 10 W. - CONFIDENTIAL 4 ? 1; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 .4 CONFIDENTIAL -10 _ 50X1-HUM NOTE: Tho ex:a-3'4;011CD Of 5 ..fixoa points_ with the level up to ona one point vath the loyal up ? to 50 MI lei allowed. Inner Crrbinaticin_Trkterforence ? Boats of.the first and seconf o cille.ters harnonics -result in: Inner combinatin interference I:7111th is hea2.-8. Alt 0070 points of the .re co iver frequencies range As a .rulet .the :level of this ?interference is mush lower thsn the nominal sensitivity of the roc,?.:iver the telegraphic regime. . ? ? I . ? a . ? Calf!F!ration Accur:c7 Under the nercal operation consUtiens at the 2u C- ?,9?I7 (63?0 + the total orrorc2the calibration =a frequency ? ? sot-up of the 1..ceiver .does net excced I7as after scale_ correc- tion uoinr, the inner crystal cztlibrater; at other tor:peratures .1.7?02 -10? to -:5000 (-144?11/ to ,r122?0) the error does not =coed 1.57e/s, 'Mire _correcting the scale at the point situated near the ro? co?vci fro1uency2 the error of calibratiOn can be cons:Li:let-ably ? created comparing with. the ,inflicated values (approximately to . .? I I ;CO asec). ..? b. C NFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 cr CONFIDENTIAL -.1.1 - lcale Dev:Ico ? 50X1-HUM The receiver calibration is performed directly on -the read- ing scales, The scale device consists of a 'coarse tuning scale and of a fine tuning scale. 1arl.cs are plotted on the coarse tuning scale on 0.1 mc/0 and figures in 0-5 mc/s. The fine tuning scale is.optical, each part of 0.1 mc/s of the coarse scale is divided into 100 divisions, 14e3 the divisions are plotted in I Kase 1:igures On the fine calib ration scale are. plotted. in 10 70/31. Bands Indicator is matched with the coarse tuning scale. Correction of C,041:.rnt4, To diminish possible calibration error:: -nder the influence of different .destabilising factors on the reccHwr (charp chanros of temperature and moisture, tubes replacement others) the re- ceiver is provided with the correcting system and a special crystal .calibrator, the fundamental frequency of which is 100 Kas (vacuum crystal is placed in thermostat). 'Correction of calibration is carried out by means of:. . a).trimminG capacitor in the second oscillator circuit wicimputlecimil voppolmon" ("electrical corrector"); b) displacement of optical scale sight frame - " EoppeitTop =am ". ("scale coreectorl) .c) the first. oscillator trimaing capacitor (correction of the first oscillator crystals frequency), i CONFIDENTIAL {. L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL ta--au-c-osr- 50X1 -Fium The Recoivag_contvls .The following details bolong to the receiver controls: 1) the main tuning knob with two stages of deceleration 1:5 and 1)45; 2) band selector;? 3) the first and second intermediate frequencies gain,control. knob; 4) low frequency gain control knob; .5) .control knob of intermediate. frequency pass-band; .6) knob with a vernier control to the third oscillator fre- quency; 7) low frequency. pass-baad switch; 8) switch for checking the main tubes currents, supply volteze output voltage.levelef audio frequency, and for tuning indicator and thermostat operation indicator; 9) knob for the input circuit alignment; 10) antennas switch; 11) switch 'of.AGC time contact; 12) mains tUtbler switch; ? 13) switch of kind of operation; 14) tumbler switch of crystal calibrator for the first oscilla-: tor frequency correction; 15)tumbler switch of crystal calibrator for the second ' lator frequency correction; 16) the second oscillator froquency.electrical corrector (with the slot); 17) mechanical corrector of the scale (with the slot); CONFIDENTIAL Id 1, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL .4- ?13- 50X1THUNA,., 18) the third oscillator frequency electrical collector (with, the slot); 19) slain morals control (with tho slot); .20) tho. first oscillator frequency electrical corrector; ? 21) the crystal calibrator frequency electrical corrector; .:22) half?duplex operation switch tumbler; 23)the 'second Intermediate frequency input switch tumbler; .24) .the A.F.O. motor switchinc?in knob; The Receiver Tubes ? ..The total number 0i :receiver elettronio tubes is 19) from which: 10. tubes? 63, 3 tubes ? 6a4 3.tuhes GA?, . 2 tubes -!? ?64C1.1 tube tr, 6116c. H?To stabilize plate voltace of the second oscillator tubes . . gas stabilizer. cr-30 is applied), The Receiver. Voltee7e . ; i HIPorHsuPply. froM,the. ains'the set of the receiver contains a rectifier.: HA vibropack of Bil-I4-I2M:' type as included into the supply devices set by means of which the entire :supply of the receiver 31,110D1Y 'System The fundamental. receiver'supply source is the altornatinc current mains)-the'voltagPbeinc either 127 or 220 Tend frequency' ..50 c/sece CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL -.14 50X1-HUM from the emergency sources (the 12 V battery) io carried QUI:. It io added by. a special order. ..Power Data of,the Receiver Normal plate voltage /3 160 V. Normal heat voltage is 12.6 V. /17ith the normal supply voltages the current consamption by the receiver does not exceed 120 ma for anode and 6 A for heater. .Tho consumed mains power does not exceed 130 VA. Overall Dimeneione.of the Receiver and its .0verall. dimeAsioneef the raCeiver,with the closed cover without dampers but including the projecting parte are: width - .? 67p mm. (26.3/8 inches); height 450 mm (17 23/32 inches); depth- '480 mm (18 57/64 .incheo); its dimensions with aympers are 670 mm x520mM x 540m (26. 3/8 a. x 20 15/92" x 21,17/64"). The receiver weight in,the working set (with tubes and dam- , pars) does nOt'exceed (2C9,25 1bs).0 Vibronack ? .BIT-1.4-1.2M H ?? ? The BR-I4-I2M vibropack (Eig.55) serves to convert direct' .voltage :12V into direct voltage 145 V. Supply cource of the vibro- pack may be storage battery with voltage 12 V, capacity not loss thaa 100 a.111.. or direct current main 12 V., ' . CONFIDENTIAL , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201'3/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL a. ?15? 50X1-HUM The vibropack data: Supply voltage is 12+1.5 V, Output voltage is '145+10 V Load current is 100 ma ,is not lower than 65% .Ckatput power is 15 W ? Overall dimensions of the vibropadk Width is '15 mm (4.17/52") Length is 210 mm (8 17/64") ? Eeight is 160 mm (6 19/64 ") Weight ? STI-14?I2M with spare vibrator is 4.7 kg (10,35 lbe) The type of the Vibrator is BC-12 (hermetic). .minimum life- -time is not less than 500 hours.' ITT, SZT CO1PCNENn The following components are Included into the receiver de? vice cot:', a) receiver with the working sot of tubes; b) rectifier with the working pet of tubes; c) vibropack of Bil?I4-12M type (delivered at special agreement .with thecustomer)3 d) spare and accessory equipment; e) documentations,? CONFIDENTIAL t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013102120: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL .tiNCIPLE OF OPMATION ) 50X1-HUM ? Receiver is a superheterodyne with deable.froquency cancer-, . ? slon on all bands, besides the first one, On the first band the receiver has one frequency convex-elan as in this case the first ? Intermediate frequency range is the range of the.raceiyed frequency The peculiarity of this receiver circuit consists in usi4g crystal control ofthefirst oscillator at operation on the con- tinual range of received frequencies, This makes it possible to ensure in the receiver rather high frequency stability and calib- ration accaracy because in this case the highest frequency reed- ( '-'ver oscillators are crystal controlled, ?The essence of the superheterodyne method of radio reception with the crystal control of the first oscillator 13 as follows: the whole range, of the superheterodyne received frequencies is. 'divided- in such a way that on all bands -ah'equal number of kilo- cycles is overlapped (j$ the Case in question it is 2000 1Ccia).4. Por each band one invariable frequency of the first oscillator (which is switched'simultaneously rith the band change) is established, and it. iz crystal-controlled, In consequence of it the intermediate frequency after the first conversion (the difference between the rqcoived frequencies and the first Oscillator fixed frequency) is not constant, as usual, but variable according to tho.Chaage of the received fre-. rTh \re. quency (in the case in question the first intermediate frequency change is by 2000 74/0).. 323-- See basic diagram , CoNFIDENr2IA.; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL 1 an- 50X1-H UM Since the equal .number of kilocycles la overlapped on all bands- (according, to the .condition of their division)* the change of the firet intermediate freqUency will be equal on all bc1.21az.?. Choosing the firet crystal controlled oecillator frequencies Co that the .frequency on one band r :!iffers from the frequency 02 anotherband by the value o2 overlapping an frequency (in our case it. Sc 2000 Kc/s)a. we shall get change limits of the first intermediate frequency for all bands which will be equal not only in overlapping bUt also in their absolute value. So the amp- lifier or thd first intermediate frequency is a range one (in this case-it is with frequency.change lieits from /500 to 3500 re/s)4 The second receiver oacillator La made as a range one in A 'order the intermediate frequencY (which is the difference be? ? twoen the second oetillator frequency ana the firct intermediate ? frequency) after the second conversion should be constant (in ' the case in question It is 215 gc/s)4 The next pert of the superheterodyne receiver circuit is made as,usual. irrnut otatze The inputeircuit of the receiver is a singletUned?circuit preselector connected before the zria of the first tube. The re? , ceiver input is deeigned for operation from four antenna typos. / 1 simplified 'diagram of the receiver input circuit at opera- tion from asygmetrical antennas is shown in Pig.10 the one during operation :rem symmetricaLantennas is shown in Pigall, and the ?t CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 ' ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL 18- 50X1-HUM One during Operation from Open or rod antannas is shown on Pig.121 Switching from one antenna possible?by?means of the switch (it,5)..When operating with symmetrical'andtcym- metrical antenna types an inductive coupling of. antenna network with circuit is used for creation"of input balance a balance-to- -Unbalancejbalun) transformer is sot, when operating with rod: Qr-4)Pen:.en44s:it is'a capacitive one, ::POr-14takage.of static changeS. Which are formed on symmetrical ' antennas and cause ixterforencel.the resistors (it.3 end 4) are provided at the receiverinpute. ? By means of (?t018) the prose:lector circuithasget an alignment in small limits, The aligntent ensures matehingthe operation with different antennas, If the antenna has purely active. parozater3 CR within 60-400 ohm), input ' alignment at' operation it usually not zaceded, -^.00, protect input Circuits from overvoltarfe by high frequency 'signals (in the ease of operating hear a powerful transtitter) a neon discharger is connected parallel to the precolecter circuit (it019)* With voltage increase on the circuit up to ignition threshold of the discharger, that is approximately up to 50 Vo a ' glow discharge appears In the neon lamp; the dischater conduct- ance shants the circuit, removing the possibility of further ? voltage increase ,on the input circuit and in the subsequent cir- _cults. UtIn circuit elements of the preselector are; inductance coil, coil, variable capacitor and padding 'capacitor (besides the first band where the necessary overlapping is carried out with the .main variable capticitor)40 ' OC NFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2613/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM Por For oxamPlei for the third band the main circuit elements .are:.circuitcoa and.antennecoupl Coil (it42), variable ? capacitor (it.17a)4 padding 'capacitors (it.14)* Circuits-fcircuit coils, coupling coils, paddins capacitors ? and so. on) are chanted in bands' .(cee basic diagram). The receiver cot Contains a 'special radar-proof gilt-mr sup- pressing the frequencies VaP and unto reaps. In the case Of radar interference the filter it to be connected to the receiver.input ' ?"- P12,14 chows' the eircuit'of the filter. Pig'', shows the connec- j-? 7:tion of the radar-proof tilt:gr./co the receiver* 'a? set,224.6r:SIer ? After the preeeloctor the =calved c:!snals of high frequen- cY'are amplified with two radio frequency stages. The first eta- to operates on jp114...7 tube, the second ono is on the. 6R3 tube. .Sheistagee aredesisned with the transformer circuit An inductive-capacitive coupling, which improves the stage gain con- !, ? . stancy Within the band, is applied te come bands (from the first to the fifth inelaciaa)t.' A simplified circuit ?tithe first otage of the radio fro- . ? quoncy amplifier is shown in 218.19. The main elements of amplifier statea circuits are: cir- cult coils, plate cells, variable capacitor and padding tors. .Por instance, the main elements of the first amplification stag() 'circuit_fOr.the.thira 14ksad are; plate.ar4 circuit coils (it,79)>.variable capacitor (itfr17 c ), coupling capacitor (it. 80), padding capacitor (it.a2).. CoNFIDENTIAL e t? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM The First 7.2,ixer ? ?H-fl..Aftor:.the two-stage amplifier the received hien frequency - signals are the grid of.thelirot mize.m.dosicned on the GA? thbe The basic diegram?of the first pixer Is shown in Pic,16, . The miter Plate eirOuit is loaded on the first intermediate fre- quency circuit (transformer connection) which operates in the Continually-changinsfrequency range within 1,5 - 3.5 me/s.. At operation on'the.first band the first mixer becomes an. amplifier(the first oscillator is switched off), and only one -frequency conversion is used on.this band, The main elenents of the first mixer plate circuit are: coil (it .286). and variable. ? capaditor (it.171r) The First Oscillator The receiver first oscillator (type c7Atabc) operates , Hwith crystal without tuned Circuit as Is shown in 2iss, 17, 18 and 19.:Thefirst oscillator does not operate on the first band -? .and ,with that the control .i24.7id.iemoarthed". Two crystals are used on the second band: on frequency 2,02 mc/s (it,240) and on fre- quency (it.239). Crystals operate in tura; on one part of the scale operates the crystal 2,02 me's, on the second one operates 1,98 mas, ? Thc. using crew?. crystals'makeS possible to exclude the af- fectod?zons:ef the band in the receiver, which could appear while using ono crystal on frequency 2 mc/s, In this case crystal CONFIDENTIAL 1 r1/4. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 ? 4r CONFIDENTIAL r?N . ????? 50X1-HUM queney would colncide with the frequency of the first intermediate 'frequency which changes continuously from 145 (and, consequently passes through tuning. on 2 mc/e).. ? The crystal commutation system on the second band coupled ' ? with tuning capacitor is designed ia such a way that at operation an one crystal the scale ends with the received frequency 4 moist and:at operation on the other, one it begins with four mc/s (tho frequency margin near each point 4 mac ia not less than 20 r:cis*? . Coarse tuning scale and optical scale have a marked non-ope- rating area in whieh crystal switching takes place. The switching (=Cue by means at two contacts set in a free section of the lower unit of the variable capacitors. The crystals of the second band are installed in. the came?placee ' The first oscillator basic diagram on the 11 bend is chown Pig. 18? 4 On the third .band the first oscillatorfrequoncy is 4 mc/e, on the. 17 band - 6 mc/s, on the V - 8 tic/s, on the VI - 10 mc/s, on the VII .12 mc/Suon the VIII 14 Mc/c (cristal 7 mc/e , the second harmonic is used), on the IX - 16 mas (crystal /8 mas v the second harmonic is used), on the X - 18 me/s (crysta1.5 mc/s - the oecondharmonic lanced)' LIU -'20'mc/s (crystal 10 mcis the second harmonic is used), and on the XII band the first oscil- lator frequency (crystal II rWs - the second harmonic 12 used). The basic diagram of the first oscillator at operation on ? -the In band is shown in Fig4174 At operation on the X band it is shown. in Lugar . CONFIDENTIAL ? e t; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL -22- 50X1-HUM Time, the difference between the frequency of tho received signalat.any point of any band.and-tho firstoscillater frequen- cy .rosults-in frequency within:116.- 3'45'me/3y'that is the first intermediate froquencyS. . Altegether.12'erystals are 'used in the first oscill.tor, of the receivers For the. first oscillator equenc correction (when the tube changoo'consIderable.fluCtuations.of t! ambient te-riperaturet, crystal."ageine andso.on) the circuit is provided 7tith special triming camIcitors_hy means le' which the oscillator frequency can be changed within certainlimits (200 1000 c/scos)s ?or each band a .seperate.trimmer is ucad, besides theII band where there's's. Only one trimrcer for 2 cry:;tals, The Pirrit 7nte-modiate Prormoncy Alfier The receiver first intermediate frequency &naes within 115 - 345 me/a, ? The firdt intermediate frequoncy amplifier has one? sta e on 6X3 tuhe.(its300). The basic diagram.of the first intermediate?frequency ampli- Tier is.,hovn In ei6si,20..' Plate load of the stage is a double-circuit tuned filter ths main elements of which are two inductance coils (it .307 and 317)i and two variable cap.:!citers (1)417 ana lye). Coupling between filter eireuits as Intel-nal and exto?nal ? ? capacitive; it is correspondingly carried out with capacitors . CONFIDENTIAL 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL ?23 50X1-HUM (it.312,313 and 314). Coupling system between the circuits on this stage is adjusted In ouch a way that stage amplification de- creases with Intermediate frequency increase, and thus .compenea- tier. of gain increase in other receiverotages is achieved. . Together with the first converter circuit three tuned cir- cuits operate in the. intermediate frequency channel. .As it-was already pointed .cut, amplifier stage of the first intermediate frequency operates on the first.bdnd as an amplifier ? of the received:frequency,,:Thus r circuits,-tuned.te the received at this band the total number of frequency, ,equals to six. The :7,econd 119.x07, The.second mixer operates on the 6::7 tube. A simplified basic diegram.of the second mixer is shown In. Pigo21, The plate load o2 the mixer is the selective multisection filter tuned to the se- send intermediate. frequency, that combination frequencies which are due to the harmonic beats of the first and second oscillators, the mixer plate circuit includes filter consisting' of choke (it0322)3 and capacitor (it.323). la' to 21,5 Xe/s. To diminish the On the first band the second mixer -is the: first mixer, and on this band the receiver operates with one frequency conversion. Secona Oocillator The receiver second oscillator operates in a ocmtinual fre- quency range within 1?.715 - 37l5 mcis (two tubes of 0;c3 typo). The casic diagram of the second oscillator is given in Pic,22.: i CONFIDENTIAL, 4, 1/4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2.-01-370-2/26 blA-RDP8OTO0246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL 24 ? 50X1-HUM . Thus. the second intermedioto.frequency which is .the difforen?\. ec of the second oscillator frequcacy :ma t110 $irst Illtermcdiate frequency is constant and equals to 215 Wo/s, The oscillator is assembled according to the oircuit.with back- coupling throuf,h an additional atolifying stage,. .recause of rather Slight coupling of the tubes with oscillation circuit this circuit is notable for good frequency.stebility (while the change of supply voltages and oelf?heating of oscillator tubes), La order to increase frequency stability a .type cm Gas sta? bilizer. of oscillator tubes plate voltage is employed,. Second oscillator voltage delivered to the second mixer is taken off from the grid circuit of the oscillator arnlifying tube from re3istor.(it.540) throuGh the capacitor (it0320). The main elements of the second oscillator circuit ara: tir? , cult coil (it,349), variable capacitor (1t,:17. and Paddin& pacitor (it0515), For. calibration correction a special trimMing caoaciter 3-51) 13 included (7 anefuNgoczlin Itoppel=m ca- ? ? "clect--;cal corm.: rector" the axle of.which ip brought cut to the frentHanci (With the slot)* 4 Variable the preselecter, amplifier ofthe.fir,' -intermodiate frequency and the second oscillator aro united into one common capacitor unit (seven capacitors of-variable cap:city), the rotor plates-of which ara ; r ? rotated by double. 1.!nob tunings When the secend intermediate frequency input of rocc.?vor, is ewitcheca pia, pfate_ve/tSge of second oscillator is 37:itched off. (see , CONFIDENTIAL ). r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL - 25 - 50X1-HUM ? Crystal Calibrator The receiver calibration correction is carried out by the se- cond oscillator circuit trimminc, scale eight ?line displacement, and the first oscillator frequency chance by means of the trimminc capacitor.- For calibration correction. a special crystal calibrator is installed in the receiver which operates on the type ?Z4 tube in the circuit without tank. The calibrator basic diacram is shown in riZ*23. Crystal used is vacuum one with basic frequency 1007c/a (reference points follow,ig 100 Rc/s)a th th For calibration correction harmonics from 15-- to 255 ? are used. Harmonics voltaco is fed to the tube plate of the second stace of radio frequency amplification. In order to increase calibrator froquetcy stability the eryetal reeonator is placed into the thermostat, the temperature it which is maintained within -1-100 utd the operatitc temperature 4 600c (4140011)4 ? The thermostat operatiot proceeds as followo. then the re- . ?clever is switched on thermostat, heat windinc (see basic clic:cram, .its357), Cots its supply froz. heat'voltaco of the receiver tubes.. With that mercury thermecontecter (it.358) is broken and 40 ,current is fed to the relay of heating (it.363)* When some tire which is necessary for temperature rise in the thermostat up to. 6000 has passed, mercury thermocontactor will close. supply relay. ? circuit (relay is supplied from the rectifier on crystal diodes), CONFIDENTIAL , ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL Relay will switch off the thermostat heating-winding 4- .L0X1-H ti switch on ballast resistor (114394), na/last rSolJtor is nocoasa1 ry to keep heat voltage constancy in the receiver when the loud is changed (in case of switching 0.22 the thermostat heating wind- 2,213)* Thermbstat is getting Cold, .Whon the thermostat is coolisrt dews the temperature lower then 60?C, the mercury thermocontactor will be 'broken which Causes the relay switching off. At that the thermostat Leafing winding gets the feed.: If the mercury thorme- contactor; rectifier or relay is incorrect, the process of thermo- stat heating is not stopped at tire ter1De-ature +60?C. To avoid inadmissible .Overheating the thermostat circuit contains a fuse . therthoprotoctor (it,35e)breaking supply circuit of heating wind- ing if the temperature In the thermostat rises up to 80 - fee (176 - 185?P), 'Nigh Stability and accuracy of frequency Is secured by usi-c, in the calibrator a thermostat' and 'crystal with small frequency temperature coefficient, Calibrator frequency deviation after 30 minutes from the =- mint Of the receiver switching on does not exceed 60c/seo on the XII band (on other bands the 'error is proportionally less), ? Whet the calibrator tube is replaced the frequency error does net exceed 100 asee on the XII band (without frequency correction To correct the frequency of the crystal calibrator (in case of crystal ?ageing" $ tube replacement arid se on) in the circuit is y provided with a special trimmer (1t03G7)$ the control of which is carried out from the teeing roar wall, _? CONFIDENTIAL t; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20.: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL 1 -27? ? 50X1-HUM Tho Second InSoryeeClisteyronaenev AiTnliner The receiver second intermediate frequency is 215 Xasece The.aMplifier of the second intermediate frequency is a throe- stage ends .:The basic diagram of the first, the second and third stages of the cocond Intermediate freqnency amplifier are flown in rigs, .24, 25, and 260 Tho:firet stage (typo 6X3 tube) is loaded on the selective. multisection filter. , The socend and third stages (6X3 tuba) are realised as the - rosOnant amplifiere with transformer connection of tank in the 'plate circuit. The coupling of the plate coil end the tank i0 1nductivotcapacitive one VariablescelectiVity in the receiver is achieved by means of .continual change of pass-band in two selective multicection filters cc acted In the plats circuits of the second mixer and tho first amplification stage of the second intermediate frequency. .2ach selective multisootion filter iacludes four circuits 'coupled one with another by means of. external capacitive coupling; filters outputs are loaded with resistors. Thbn the pass-band changes, coupling capacitors valueS aaa filter lead isolators change. acCordinglyo As the filter with external capacitive couplinc rives banZ expansion to one side of the mesn.frequoacy of pass?bend (ryhon c. pacitive coupling 13 increased), the circuit capacitances chazIce, in. the receiver simUltancously with coupling capacitances values CONFIDEZITIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL -28 54 -HUM ? ? change; the-results in constancy of pass-band mean frequency, ? Filter coils with fundamental capacitances are placed into special hermetic screens* ?? ' The elements of the second stage circuit of the Second Inter ?"mediate frequency amplifier are:. coupling coil and oscillatory Cir cult coil (1t.465). 'circuit capacitors (it.474 and 475)s and coapl Hing capacitor (it.459)* t'-. Circuit capacitoram(it.474 and 475) for a capacitive divider - from which low-resistance output of the 'second intermediate fro- --:quency is realized.. - - The third stage amplieler'Circuit has coupling coil and ? ? . . 'Circuit coil (it.492)0 circuit capacitor (it.705)sand coupling capacitor (it:478). :An%additionel can control "gain twarvia"-n ?3anac yeti= is, carried Out by means of voltage chance on the acreoninc.grids of the three tubes of-the second Intermediate frequency amplifier. The secondaad the third amplificatioa ?Auger; of the second 'intermediate freqUency preCtically have no influence Upon the re-' 'suiting receiver selectivity and fulfil only the necessary ampli- ticatioa of the second intermediate' freqUency.- 7 : ? ; C.:: ? . , r .After the second intermediate frequency amplifier the second .intermediate frequency voltage is fed to the diode detector (ono .cliodenf.the typo &Ilia tube is used). CONFIDENTIAL ? e 1/4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 0 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL -29- 50X1-HUM The basic diagram of the detector i3 shown in Vig.27. The second half of the-diode is used for teat voltage vneelurtt ? cent (see aection "Current and'Voltacca Control"). The load of detector ia the resistor (it.483 ). Prom this resister audio frequency voltage is taken of: end it is fed to the grid of the low frequency amplifier first stage. This is carried out through the'intez:lediate frequency filter consisting of two high frequency chokea?(it.434 and 435) and capacitors (it.48G and 437). Voltnge rectified with detector which can be used for addition a operation. of several receivers is fed to the output plug situated on the belt wall of the receiver casing (detector output)4 Audio Pi'cluenc-A Am11,f:ser .Audio frequency amplifier is the three-ste one and has the. following pass-bands: 8, 5, 2,5 and 0.5 Ii.c/sec. In order to get pass-bands 5, 2.5 and 0.5 Kcisee aifferent low frequency filters are switched on the plate circoat of ? the tube of the amplifier first stage. :7be fundamental. filter elements are four chores (it.54235S3, 564 and -56'5) and fixed capacitors. Or. bands 5 and 2.5 Fasec the filter consists of thme sections of n -type. Capacitance values egla V arc chanzed with overswitching from the be:nd 5 Ic/s3.,0 to the had 2.5 Fc/sec. - CONFIDENTIAL A.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL - 30 - -HUMS. '. A simplified diagram of the audio frequency amplifier first stage for bands 5 and 2.5 Kas is shown in fig.20. "!ith the over- C switching to the band 0.3 Xas the filter Cireuit'acquires the view shown in pis.29, With the setting of the pass-band $ "rfc the _37/frequency' filter is switched .off, the amplifier first stage has the view shown in Pig050. ? . . The second state of the audio frequency 13 a resistive ampli- fier on the This stage secures getting of the necessary voltage of audio .frequency for the receiver outpat stage operation. Frequency characteristic of. this stare does .influence the resulting frequency charscteristic of the Whole QM,- plifier. Tube operating regime is chosen from the condition'of getting minknum distortions. . Negative back Coupling voltage te.i;cen off from an output trans- former special wind1n57 is fed to the second to.ocie tube cathode. A basic diagram of the second stage is shown in Pig .31, , The third stage (the output one) of the audio frequency amplifier is designed for operation: ' ? aYoa one pair of low-resistance headphones of TA-56r type. with normal Voltage 1.5 V on them;. ' b) on line with characteristic impedance 600 ohm with out power 005 Wo ' . Tube operating regime is chosen se that the output stage amplitude characteristic at operation on one pair of headphones :is practically limear.up to 4 V, and at operation on lino - up to 17V. CONFIDENTIAL ? . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL ? 50X1-HUM The audio frequency output* stage is made on MG tube with.. transformer in the plate circuits A special winding (see Vig42) on the'outputliransformer is utilized for the negative coupling. To diminish the supply mains'alternatinc?current hum level (which' is due'to.the voltage leakage from the tube cathode heater ? into cathode circuit)in the first. P.A. stage a,Fipecial bias. is realized between the cathode and heater for hum loc'r!ing. Locking %Lae is a certain :direct currant voltage between the tube heater and the cathOded? In the circuit of the Aolv, first stage bias voltage develops on the resistor (it.708)*. The Third Oscillator - 6k? tube which performs the functions of oscillator and de? ' toctor'is employed for continuous vfavea, telegraphy reception by the beat method. The basic diagram of the third oscillator at operation with the resonant circuit is shown in Pi3.33; and at operation with crystal ? in Pig.34. The third oscillator resonant circuit includes the variable capacieor (it0517) which gives possibility?to chanye oscillator frequency by 5 Kc/soc. Seat:tone frequency. can be determined by the sonic natchc-d with the knob of the third oscillator variable caonciter which is situated on the receiver front panel.. cONFioziniat ? , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 CONFIDENTIAL -32- 50X1-HUM Vor oscillator scale correction trimmins circuit (it.G16) used, Control of this circuit is carried out Zr= the receiver front panel with the set*: Circuit correction is used alSo? for getting ,beat tone up to 10 Reis* Per this purpose zero heat? are adjusted by means of the circuit corrector, when the beat tone ?scale ..1.2 in. +5 or -57c/s position. . To avoid the third. oscillator frequency leakage. an, the re- ceiver audio frequency input, a filter is placed on the converter plate circuit* In order to diminish the e...c* hum caused by the third-oscilla tor, 6117 tube cathode possesses certain positive potential in relation to the filament due to voltage drop on resistors (it.' 693 and (55), when tube Cathode currant passes throush them,which isenalogous to the effect of resistor (it.703) in the audio fre- quency amplifier* , . The possibility 6.11. the third oscillator a-perstion on crystal (t = 215 Kcis),in the receiver practically excludes the third osci later frequency error ,at the calibration' correction of the whole receiver (freouency correction!: the second and first oscillators ? and gives possibility to 'carry out the third e-eciilater scale cot'- rection when it operates without crystal stabilization. ? The switching on of the third oscillator is carried out by means of switch. of kind of operation- (it.507). , CONFIDENTIAL r. r ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2.013/02/20: CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 Tm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/20 : CIA-RDP80T00246A069100410001-9 coNFEErna 33 - AuSnm7tio OcIr; Cnntrol 50X1-HUM The receiver automatic gait control system (AGO is delayed and amplified. Pig, 35 show's the AGC basic diagram, regulated tubes are eive The control voltage is applied to the control grids of five tubes of the following otages:.tho.second'stsge of radio frequency amplification (6K3 tube) s the first mixer (GA?), the first inter? mediate frequency amPlificaticn stage, the first and the second , amplification stages of the second intermediate frequency (61(3 ? tubes), The amplification .stage is realized on the 61